A16. Vowels in personal verb endings and participle suffixes

Remember: choosing a suffix real participles-usch- (-yushch-) or -ashch- (-yashch-), as well as the suffix passive participles-om- (-em-) or -im- depends on the conjugation of the verb from which this participle is formed.

Ex. 127. Fill in the missing letters. Explain the spelling of suffixes: a) present participles; b) present passive participles.

a) Breathing heavily ... a person struggling ... with laziness, a sound ... heard from afar, a creeping ... fog, circumstances depending ... circumstances that grind ... a flour aggregate, a building ... a building under construction, a boy ... gluing a box, cutting ... banners, a forbidding ... directive, fighting ... warriors, a hostess ... clapping at the stove, treating ... a doctor, expensive goods, a student preparing for classes, a number of books in the funds, a logically thinking student; b) looking for ... my rarity, difficult to educate ... my teenager, proving ... my accusation, drawing up ... my document, holding ... my position, independent ... commission, accused ... of car theft, hear...my neighbor, view...my eclipse, all respect...my man, recommend...my literature, sending...my letters, tax-free services.

Ex. 128. Rewrite, inserting missing letters in participle suffixes.

1) Listen to the distant roaring noise. (L. Tolstoy) 2) In some places, in the hollows, the remains of dragging snow are still visible. (L. Tolstoy) 3) You are looking at the striped bulks of ships located close and far along the bay, and at the black small dots of boats moving along the brilliant azure, and at the beautiful buildings of the city, painted with pink rays of the morning sun, you can see ... on the other side, and on the distant enemy fleet, looming ... on the crystal horizon of the sea, and on ... foaming jets in which salt bubbles jump, lifted ... by oars. (L. Tolstoy) 4) Suddenly a strange, barely audible ... sound attracted our attention. (L. Tolstoy) 5) I noticed a special kind of juniper, creeping along the ground with long lashes. (V. Arseniev)

More on the topic § 89. Vowels in the suffixes of real and passive participles of the present tense:

  4. Double n and one n in the suffixes of passive past participles and adjectives correlative with them

Russian language lesson in 7th grade.

Vowels in the suffixes of the real participles of the present tense

The purpose of the lesson: Find out which vowels are written in the suffixes of the real participles of the present tense. Learn the spelling in the suffixes of the real participles of the present tense. Formulate the rule for writing vowels in suffixes of real participles of the present tense.

Planned educational results: subject : know conditions for choosing vowels y (u) and a (i) in suffixes of real participles of the present tense, be able to correctly choose and write vowels y (u) and a (i) in real participles of the present tense, graphically indicate the conditions for choosing the correct spellings. Metasubject: the ability to consciously use speech means in accordance with the task of communication to express one's feelings, thoughts, needs, proficiency in oral and written speech, the ability to evaluate one's own possibilities for solving a learning problem. Personal: respect for the native language, the desire for speech, self-improvement.

Methods and forms of education: problematic method, activity-practical method; individual, group, frontal.

Equipment: interactive whiteboard (screen), computer, multimedia projector.

Textbook: Russian language grade 7. M. T. Baranov, T. A. Ladyzhenskaya, L.A. Trostentsova and others. "Enlightenment" 2015.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Hello guys! I am very glad to see you all. Today we have guests at the lesson. Let's welcome them! Guys, today in the lesson we will be not just students, but researchers. And we will explore the part of speech that we began to study in previous lessons. This is ... (participle). Let's open a notebook and write down the date we have our study. Any research is impossible without theoretical knowledge.

2. Updating knowledge

1) What is a sacrament?

2) Signs of what parts of speech does the participle combine?

3) What verb signs does the sacrament have?

4) What signs of an adjective does the participle have?

5) What participles are called valid?

6) What participles are called passive?

7) From what part of speech are participles formed?

3. Syntactic five minutes.

The sentence is written on the board: Ribbon river..ki visible..shchayasya in the distance pr..bizarrely bent..fought and killed..gala for g..rison.

Write off, insert the missing letters, highlight grammatical basis, arrange and explain punctuation marks, draw a diagram (1 student at the blackboard).

Name the means artistic expressiveness? (« river ribbon», « bizarrely curved”, “ran away beyond the horizon”)

Guys, why are we having difficulty spelling the sacrament? (We do not know which vowel to write in the suffix). Determine the type and time of communion?

Let's formulate the topic of the lesson: “Vowels in the suffixes of real participles of the present tense” (Slide 1).

- Now let's try to formulate the objectives of the lesson. ( slide 2).

Find out which vowels are written in the suffixes of the real participles of the present tense.

Learn the spelling in suffixes of real participles of the present tense

Formulate the rule for writing vowels in suffixes of real participles of the present tense.

4. Preparatory stage.

Write down the words (the words are written on the board in a column), insert vowels into the endings of the 3rd person plural. , define the type.

Write (1 sp. incoherent view)

Draw (1 question inconsistent view)

Glue (2 sp. incompatible look)

Treat (2 sp. incompat. type)

What part of speech is the participle formed from? How? Let's verbally try to form participles from these verbs using the suffixes yush, yush, ash, yash.

Formed participles with missing letters appear on the screen ( slide 3).

What participles were formed? Real or passive? Determine their type.

What suffixes will we write in these participles?

5. Statement of a problem question

What letter should be written in the suffixes of the real participles of the present tense?

What determines the choice of a vowel in a suffix? What are the assumptions? (The suffix of the participle depends on the conjugation of the verb from which it is formed: 1st conjugation -UShch-/-YuSch-, 2nd conjugation -AShch-/-YaSch-).

Formulate a rule ( In the real participles of the present tense, formed from the verbs of the 1st conjugation, the suffixes -UShch- / -YuShch- are written, from the verbs of the 2nd conjugation -ASCH- / -YaSch-).

Now let's write our observations in the form of an algorithm: (Slide 4)

-yushch, -yusch -ashch, -yashch

Determine which conjugation of the verb from which the participle is formed

If the verb is 1 conjugation, then we write If the verb is 2 conjugations, then we write

Usch, -yushch -ashch, -yashch

Let's check the accuracy of our observations and compare the conclusion with the textbook page 48 (That's right).

6. Fixing the material.

1. “Relay race” (Each of the students, having completed his part of the task at the blackboard, passes the “relay race” to one of his classmates, calling his name and surname):

Write down the phrases, highlight the suffix from the participle, explain the choice of a vowel in the suffix: Kol..shaya ice; sp.. berry; flapping wings; fighting .. for the championship; stadium under construction; writing a letter; dozing in silence; adhesive wallpaper; visible .. far away.

2. Exercise 108 (on your own, check)

8. Creative task.

Let's consider the picture of the remarkable Russian artist Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov " Golden autumn» (Slide 5, musical accompaniment).

Looking at this picture, one involuntarily recalls lines from a poem by Ivan Bunin"Leaf fall":

Forest, like a painted tower,

Purple, gold, crimson,

Cheerful, colorful wall

Standing over a bright meadow...

1. Come up with 3-4 sentences about the painting “Golden Autumn” or write a descriptive text using real participles of the present tense or whole participial phrases. For those who find it difficult, use participles : sparkling, yellowing, fluttering, floating.

2. Check (2-3 works).

10. Homework: page 48 learn the rule, exercise 107

9. Summing up the lesson. Reflection

Let's see if we managed to achieve the goals we set during our study.

What did we do today? What did you learn new?

Step 1. Choice of vowels in unstressed verb endings.

Personal verb endings

In the personal endings of present and future tense verbs

  • in the endings of the verbs of the 1st conjugation write vowels e, y (u): name eat , name no , name eat , name ee , name ut
  • in the endings of verbs of the 2nd conjugation - and, a (i): review ish, see it, see them, see ite, see yat

So, for the correct spelling of vowels in unstressed endings, you need to be able to accurately determine the conjugation of the verb!


  1. The 2nd conjugation includes verbs:

      with suffix -and based on indefinite form: love and t
      An exception:
      Br and t, stele and t- verbs of the 1st conjugation: bre no, bre ut, stele no, stele ut and their derivatives: by laying , for laying , re-lay other.

      7 exception verbs with suffix -e based on an indefinite form.
      Remember them: terp e t, vert e t, grievances e t, stuck e t, hate e t, and view e t, and review e t and their derivatives
      For example: by look
      , inspect
      , you watch
      , up to watch
      , to look
      , for looking

    • 4 verbs with suffix - a.

      Remember them: Mr and t, hold and t, hear and t, breathe and t and their derivatives: about to drive , up to drive , you drive , out to drive other.

  2. The 1st conjugation includes the remaining verbs c unstressed endings : play , draw , pull , throw and others.


Verbs want to run and honor special. Them and all derivatives of them, for example: run, run, run, run, run etc., refer to dissonant verbs. The peculiarity of the verbs of this group is that in some forms these verbs have endings of the 1st conjugation, and in others - of the 2nd. Let's conjugate these verbs:

want - want u, want, want, want, want, want(in singular the end of the 1st question, in the plural - the 2nd).

run - run u, run, run, run, run, run(in all forms, except for 3 l. pl., the end of the 1st ref., in the 3rd l. pl. - the end of the 2nd ref.)

Honor - Thurs u, honor, honor, honor, honor, honor(in all forms, except for 3 l. pl., the end of the 1st ref., in the 3rd l. pl. - the end of the 2nd ref.)

Only on the verb to want in the form of a unit endings in an unstressed position.


Verbs there is and give and derivatives from them do not belong to any conjugation. They have special sets of endings. For more on this, see: Russian Grammar. Section 11. Verb. They do not present problems for task A15, since their endings are under stress.

Step 2. Choice of vowels in present participle suffixes.

Present participle suffixes

Participles can be different: active and passive, present and past tense.
The realization that the present participles are formed from the stem of the present tense verb, and the past participles from the stem of the indefinite form of the verb, will help to avoid mistakes in their spelling. Therefore, when choosing suffixes for present participles, determine the conjugation of the verb. This will help you choose the right suffix. And for the unmistakable writing of past participles, it is important to know the suffix at the base of the indefinite form of the verb.

1. Suffixes -yushch (-yushch), - ashch (-yashch) in the real participles of the present tense: knowing, loving

Determine the conjugation of the verb!

In participles formed

  • from verbs of the 1st conjugation, write the suffix -usch (-yusch): know southern , chita southern .
  • from verbs of the 2nd conjugation - -ash (-ash) : love drawer, view drawer

Pay attention:
The real participles of the present tense are formed from the stems of the present tense verbs:

zna no, zna ut- 1st conjugation, stem zna + suffix -yusch →znaing,
love it, love yat - 2nd conjugation, base love+ suffix -box loving.

2. Suffixes - eat (-om), -im in the present passive participles: lifting eat oh, view them th

Determine the conjugation of the verb!

In participles formed from verbs

  • 1st conjugation, write the suffix -em -om: lifting eatable, Vedas ohm th,
  • 2nd conjugation - -themlove im th, view im th

Pay attention:
Passive present participles are formed from the stems of present transitive verbs:

lifting no, lifting ut- 1st conjugation, stem lifting + suffix -eat lifted,
love it, love yat - 2nd conjugation, base love + suffix - -themfavourite.

Step 3. Choice of vowels in past participle suffixes.

Past participle suffixes

1. Vowels before suffixes - wsh, -sh in the real participles of the past tense: seen, heard, walked

In real past participles before suffixes -vsh, -sh write the same vowel that is written at the base of the indefinite form of the verb: view e ur, hear and yours ← to hear.

2. Distinguishing the vowels of the suffix verb stem -and I) before the suffix nn and suffix - enn in the passive past participles: lost, seen

Identify the final vowel in the base of the indefinite form of the verb.

If passive participles are formed from the stem of the indefinite form of verbs

  • with suffix -and I-, before participle suffix -nn- write letters and I): rubbed i nn th ← rubbed I be ,
  • with suffixes -and- or -e-, in suffix -enn- write a letter e: filled th ← fill

Step 4: Use reasoning


In which row in both words is the letter E written in place of the gap?
1) write down ... sew, twist ... my
2) pull out ... sew, fill ...
3) study ... sew, seal ...
4) put on ... sh, torment ... my

The most complete edition standard options USE assignments: 2011. Russian language.
Aut.-stat. I.P. Tsybulko, A.Yu. Biserov, I.P. Vasiliev and others - M .: AST; Astrel. FIPI. S. 30.


1. Put the verbs in personal form in indefinite form: write down, pull out, study, throw on.

2. Determine the conjugation: write down - 1st ref., pull out - 2nd ref., study - 1st ref., throw - 1st ref.

3. Knowing the conjugation, determine unstressed vowels in personal form: write down eat, pull out ish, studying eat, nakin eat

4. Identify the vowels in participle suffixes. Confident in the correct execution of paragraphs. 1-3 can further analyze only rows 1), 2) and 3). The rest should deal with all four examples of participles.

1) twist ... my - suffer. incl. present vr., therefore, it is necessary: ​​to know the conjugation of the verb from which it is formed: twist ... my - from twist (1st sp.), we write the vowel e: twist eatable.

The required answer has been found.

To check the correctness of our conclusion, we carry out the analysis further.

2) filled ... ny - suffer. incl. past vr., therefore, it is necessary to know the indefinite form of the verb from which it is formed, and the suffix of this form: filled ... full - from filled and t. Since in the passive past participles formed from the indefinite form of the verb with the suffix -and-, spelled suffix -enn-, then we write a vowel e: full enn th.

3) sealed ... vyshy - valid. incl. past vr., therefore, it is necessary to know the indefinite form of the verb from which it is formed, and the suffix of this form: zakle ... who - from zakle and t. Since the suffix of the verb stem of the indefinite form of the verb is preserved in the real participles of the past tense, we write the vowel and: close and your.

4) tormented - suffer. incl. present vr., therefore, it is necessary to know the conjugation of the verb from which it is formed, and the suffix of this form: tormented by tormented and t(2nd ref.), suffix -them-: much im th.

5. Compare all the data received and draw a conclusion: the correct answer is line 1).

In contact with

Lesson topic: Passive participles of the present tense.

Vowels in present passive participle suffixes.

I. Organizational moment. movement and my

II. Check D/Z Ex.99 §17

III. The purpose of the lesson: to acquaint students with the ways of forming passive participles of the present tense; teach to choose a vowel in the suffixes of these participles; develop punctuation skills.

ІY. New material.

Where do we start?

From Dirty Dictation

On the desk:

1. driving (2) 2. view and former (e) (2)

breathe at current (a) (2) dependent (2)

adhesive (2) suffering (1)

zase e former (I) (1) creeping (u) (1)

la I am loving (yu) (1) loving (1)

hating (2) hesitant (1)

endured e shaking (2) shaking (1)


- In a secret corner (for the side doors of the board) will go

for the first corner - 1 student

for the second corner - 2 students

On the desk:

(II) - view ... my - (visible)

(I) - respect ... my - (respected)

(II) - moving ... my - (moving)

(І) - cooking ... my - (cooking)

(II) - gon ... my - (persecuted)

(I) - encouraging ... my - (encouraged)

(І) - led ... my - (slave)

(І) - invitation ... my - (invited)

(II) - imported ... my - (imported)

(Students do tasks)

The rest work with Dirty Dictation

You can already take on the "broom".

Who will go to the first column with a "broom"?

Who will go to the second column with a "broom"?

They go to the board "brooms" - they work with words.

Look, does the neighbor have "garbage"?

What part of speech are we working with?


What rule are we working with?

(vowel choice in participle suffixes)

What determines the choice of a vowel in a suffix?

(from what conjugation of the verb the participle is formed)

Checking the work of two "brooms"

(children made mistakes)

Who will sweep up the remaining "garbage?"

What problem were they solving?

(selection of suffixes for real participles of the present and past tenses)

- We check the work of two students (they worked behind the doors)

What problem were they solving?

(choice of suffixes of passive participles of the present tense)

So, you have formulated the problem of today's lesson.

We write down the topic: "Vowels in the suffixes of the passive participles of the present tense."

What is our goal?

Find out what determines the choice of spelling.

Let's put forward a hypothesis.

1. The choice of a vowel in the suffixes of passive participles of the present tense depends on the verb from which this participle is formed.

What should we do first?

Put the verb in the initial form and determine the conjugation. Let's determine the conjugation of the verbs from which the participle is formed.

On the desk:

II - dependent - depend - stuck yat

I - oscillating - oscillate- fluctuated ut

ІІ- hated - to hate- hate yat

I - cherished - cherish - lele ut

II - audible - hear- hear at

I- filmed - shoot - remove ut

II - tormented - torturing - much at

II - unthinkable - not to think - not thought yat

- When we read about the sacrament (previous lessons), what did we focus on?

(3rd person plural)

What do we already know?

- What were the conclusions?

Verbs 1 sp-ut, yut

Verbs 2 sp. - at, yat.

How can this diagram help us?

- What are the hypotheses?

Hypothesis 1.

If the verb from which the passive participle of the present tense is formed has an ending:

1 sp suffix em

2 ref. suffix im

What you need to know in order to write the suffix of the present tense of the passive participle correctly.

Let's write the execution algorithm:

1. Take a verb.

2. Put in the infinitive.

3. Put the verb in the 3rd person. pl. numbers

1 sp.- em (ohm)

3rd person plural 2 question - them

4. Insert a letter.

Verbs are written on the board. Let's try to form a passive present participle from them.

Breathe? does not form (non-transition)

to smile - ? (return) we cannot form

lay out - ? (owls in)

depend - dependent - 2 sp.

win - ? (sov.c) cannot be formed

store - stored - 2 ref.

- Now we have to identify another problem. What?

Why suffer from some verbs. incl. present time, but not from others. From what verbs are passive participles formed? time.

What determines the formation of passive participles of the present tense.

your hypotheses.

Hypothesis 1.

If the verb is reflexive, then form the passive participle of the present

time is impossible, because the action cannot return to itself.

Removing the verb to smile.

breathe - ?

to smile- ? we can't form

lay out- ?

to line - lined - 1 ref.

depend - dependent - 2 sp.

win- ? cannot be formed

win - defeated - 1 sp.

store - stored - 2 ref.

Hypothesis 2.

It is impossible to form a passive participle of the present tense from perfective verbs, because. the action has already been taken.

Removing the verb throw out, conquer.

Hypothesis 3.

All reflexive verbs are intransitive, because the action returns to itself.

(Real participles are associated with the subject, it is active, and passive participles are the object to which the action is directed. The object is passive.)


Verbs that are intransitive cannot form the passive participle of the present tense, because we need the action to pass to it.

- So, let's formulate cases when we can form passive participles of the present tense.

1. If the verb is irrevocable

2. If the verb is imperfect.

3. If the verb is transitive.

From other verbs, the present perfect participle is not formed.

- What did we decide in the lesson?

What determines the choice of a vowel in the suffix of the passive participles of the present tense.

So if the verb

1 conjugation, then the suffix - em-(om)

2 conjugations, then the suffix - im-

Look at the table and answer the questions.

  1. Do real participles form from transitive or intransitive verbs?
  2. What kind of verbs form the real participles of the present tense?
  3. What suffixes are used to form the real participles of the present tense?
  4. Does the choice of suffix depend on the conjugation of the verb from which the participle is formed?

The real participles of the present tense are formed from the stems of the present tense of transitive and intransitive imperfective verbs with the help of suffixes -usch- (-yusch-)(from verbs of I conjugation) and -ash- (-ash-)(from verbs of II conjugation).

106. Analyze verbs. Form real participles of the present tense from them and write them down. Highlight the suffixes in the participles, indicate the conjugation of the verbs. What words have consonant alternations?

From which verb did you form participles? Why?

Melt, twitter, watch, fight, bark, sway, depend, fuss, rumble, breathe, build, build, endure, chatter, drive, serve, twirl, heal, rumble, hold, whisper, spread, spread, shave, hear.

Applying this rule, reason like this: pigeon.. space - communion pigeon.. derived from the verb dove I conjugations, which means that in the participle suffix you need to write the letter Yu: v pigeon Yusch eat space; beautiful substance - participle beautiful derived from the verb paint II conjugation, which means that in the suffix you need to write the letter I am: beautiful crate her substance.

107. Write off, indicating the conditions for choosing vowels in suffixes of real participles (see the sample in the box). Make up two complex sentences with phrases that can be used to describe a person's appearance.

In low .. creeping .. fog .., with a swaying .. flame .. not a candle, a little .. limping .. with a similar .. swaying .. swaying movements, with an openly smiling .. faces ..m, dressing .. fashionably fashionable girl, a (k, kk) bratty breezing .. young man, loving .. with a look, constantly frowning .. eyebrows boy, clasping .. box girl.

108. Make up and write down the phrases "participle + noun". Designate and explain the conditions for choosing the studied spelling. What type of communion did you form?

1. One who competes; trains; is exercising. 2. Those who are in a hurry; driven; depend. 3. The one who smiles; loves.

109. Write it down, replacing the verbs in brackets with the real participles of the present tense. Match the participles with the underlined nouns. Identify suffixes and participle endings.

1. Beautifully ale..t z..rya, spilling over the wavy ..y, still (foam) the expanse of the ocean (blush) with colors. 2. Against the background .. (fading) of the sky, two s..louets appeared - two woodcocks. 3. Through the meadows the first voices (cooing) of black grouse were heard. 4. (Pale) the heights rang .. nela with songs. 5. For sleep, there was only one hope left - it was your own (to go) behind to ... slaves. 6. And without hesitation, no m..chickpeas, he climbed into the (burn) cellar. 7. There, in the sun, Tolbukhin dreamed of m..yak, (show) the course of m..ryaks.

(A. Novikov-Priboy)

110. Read and title the text. What style is he? What participles help the writer portray the hero's "astonishingly sharp eyesight"? Write off, placing the missing punctuation marks and denoting participial phrases. What nouns can the adjectives placed in the box refer to?


Vasya's eyesight, as Yegorushka later convinced himself, was amazingly sharp. He only had to look (?) into the distance to see a fox, a hare, a bustard, or some other (some) animal keeping itself away from people. It’s no wonder to see .. a running away .. a running hare or a flying bustard, but not everyone can see .. wild animals in their home life .. when they (do not) run (do not) hide .. and (do not) look at .. wary on the sides. And Vasya saw ... playing foxes, hares washing themselves with their paws, spreading their wings, little bustards, knocking out ... their "points". Thanks to such sharpness of vision, in addition to the world that everyone saw .. whether everyone, Vasya also had another world, his own (n, nn) ​​th, (none) accessible to anyone and, probably, very good, because when he ..deed and .. admired, it was difficult (not) to envy .. to him.

(A. Chekhov)