How to restore a school certificate (order). How to restore a certificate of secondary education

The school certificate confirms the presence of an average or complete general education and continuation of further education in a vocational / higher educational institution is impossible without it. When applying for a job, the employer also has the right to demand this certificate. Therefore, its loss is a serious but solvable problem. This article will tell you how to restore a certificate from school.

Regulatory regulation

You can restore a school certificate using an algorithm that is regulated by the Law on the procedure for filling out, recording and issuing certificates of basic general and secondary education and their duplicates. This regulation was approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in 2014. Fifth section normative act establishes that school graduates receive a certificate after completing grades 9 and 11. So, after the ninth grade they give a document on the basic general, and at the end of the 11th - on secondary general education.

For reference! The school certificate is a state paper, therefore its falsification is strictly suppressed by law and is punishable by Art. 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Punishment implies the application of a fine of up to 80 thousand rubles, imprisonment or involvement in public works for a period of 180 to 200 hours. A fake copy is confiscated, and the offender will have a criminal record.

In case of loss / damage / replacement of data in the certificate of education, you should contact the school that issued it. There you can request a duplicate after submitting the appropriate application. It is possible to restore it even decades after graduating from an educational institution.

How to restore a certificate

It should be borne in mind that the procedure for requesting a duplicate is absolutely free and does not require any fees. The rules for obtaining a duplicate document are regulated by paragraph 26 of section 5 of the above law. Before you come to the director of the educational institution with a request to issue a duplicate, it is recommended to file a complaint with the police about the loss of documents. In this case, the citizen will receive a certificate indicating that he has applied to law enforcement agencies regarding the loss / theft of the document. After that, you should proceed to restore the certificate of school education. The lost copy becomes invalid, as the replacement will be assigned a new series and number.

How to get a duplicate

Depending on the circumstances, you must provide evidence confirming the loss of the certificate:

  1. This may be a certificate from the fire department if it burned down or a coupon from the police in case of alleged theft. In case of loss, it is worth reporting it to the local media.
  2. In case of damage or in the presence of false information (for example, errors in the full name, etc.), the document must be submitted to the institution where it was received. There it will be destroyed in accordance with regulatory requirements and they will give you a new one instead.
  3. If the name of the owner of the paper has changed, then to request a duplicate, you must provide confirmation of the change in personal data. If you have the necessary certificates and other papers corresponding to the circumstances of the loss of the certificate, you must come to the school, attaching them to the application for issuing a duplicate.
  4. If the institution that issued the certificate no longer exists, then you should contact the archive of the territorial department of education management. In this case, there must be a document confirming the fact of the reorganization / liquidation of the school.
  5. If the school that issued the document on education was transformed into a lyceum / gymnasium, then the duplicate issues exactly this educational institution resulting from the reorganization.

Important! Adult citizens write an application for the restoration of a certificate on their own. Persons under the age of 18 do not have this right. In this case, the obligation to request a duplicate falls on the parents or legal representatives of the graduate.

Deadline for getting a copy

The term for the restoration of a certificate depends on its type:

  • about the end of 9 classes is issued within three working days;
  • about basic full education after 11 classes draw up no longer than one month.

The duration of making a copy is normalized by clause 26, section 5 of the Law on the procedure for issuing certificates. According to the regulations, the term for the provision of paper recovery services should not exceed 1 month from the date of application. In some situations, documents can be mailed to the school. You need to pick up the restored certificate yourself. It can also be obtained by other persons in the presence of a notarized power of attorney.

The document must be signed by the following persons:

  • school director;
  • deputy director; teachers (at least three).

Important! Otherwise, the document will be considered invalid.

Features of the procedure

The loss of a certificate is associated with a certain red tape. Then you need to come to the school that issued the certificate of education, and write an application addressed to the director with a request to issue a new one. Once the application is submitted, the school will request a graduation form from the local department of education administration.

How to recover a lost certificate? To accomplish this task, a citizen must provide:

  • an application filled out according to the model established by the school;
  • identity card (passport);
  • additional papers: certificates from the police, an extract from the registry office on marriage / divorce, a certificate of change of full name, and so on.

This list depends on specific situation, as a result of which the paper became invalid.

Sample Documents

As mentioned above, before claiming a duplicate in case of its loss / theft, it is necessary to announce through the local media that the document is no longer valid. The ad text looks something like this:

Important! The certificate (indicate the series and number) of general (secondary / complete) education, issued in (year of receipt) to the graduate (name of school, region, district, locality) full name, is considered invalid.

As for the application for a duplicate, in its header it is necessary to indicate the name of the school principal, and in the content of the reasons why the replacement of the document was needed and the request for a new one:

Important! Director of the school / lyceum / gymnasium (name of educational institution, district, region) Full name (name of head) of a graduate of grade 9/11 (year of graduation) Full name (name of the applicant). I ask you to issue me a duplicate certificate of general (secondary / complete) education, since (indicate the reason for replacing the document and its series / number). I enclose a copy of the newspaper (name of the periodical).

All pages must be included in the attached newspaper. Papers are given directly to the director or his deputy. Then, the school receives a certificate form from the MOU and indicates on the form that this is a duplicate issued to replace the lost document. If necessary, information about the graduate and his grades for the insert will be taken from the personal file.


To restore a lost certificate, you must follow the above instructions. It should be remembered that if a copy of this document is lost, then re-issuing a duplicate is impossible. In this case, a certificate will be issued instead. If the school is reorganized, then you need to contact the legal successor educational institution, in the archive of which information about the graduate's progress is stored. Thus, it will not be difficult to restore the certificate, but it is necessary to take into account the nuances of this procedure.

If such an incident happened in your life that you lost your certificate of basic general (9 classes) or secondary general (11 classes) education, then do not be discouraged. The procedure for its restoration is not so complicated and tricky. After completing all the steps written in this article, you will receive duplicate(meaning a legal copy) certificate of education. What we will tell you today.

The school that you graduated from will be restoring, so you need to go there. The law that you will be guided by when solving this problem is called “The procedure for filling out, recording and issuing certificates of basic general and secondary education and their duplicates” (Approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated February 14, 2014 N 115)

In the event of a reorganization of an organization educational activities, a duplicate of the certificate and (or) a duplicate of the appendix to the certificate is issued by the organization carrying out educational activities, which is the assignee.

If the school you attended has become a different institution (for example, comprehensive school turned into a gymnasium or lyceum), then this gymnasium or lyceum will issue you a duplicate certificate.

In case of liquidation of an organization carrying out educational activities, a duplicate of the certificate and (or) a duplicate of the annex to the certificate is issued by an organization carrying out educational activities, determined by the executive authority of the subject of the Russian Federation, carrying out public administration in the field of education, or an authority local government executing management in the field of education, which was in charge of the specified organization, in accordance with this Procedure.

And if the school has completely disappeared from the face of the earth, then you will have to contact the education department of your district / city (it is unlikely to be reorganized).

We found a place where we will apply and take further actions on the topic: "how to restore a certificate."


The certificate is restored free of charge. No fees need to be paid.

Action #1

First, your passport must be invalidated.

As a rule, if you lost your document on education, it is enough to place an ad in a newspaper with a similar text:

  • If you have lost a certificate of basic general education (9 classes)

Certificate of basic general education No.……….from ………..g. , issued by (name of the educational institution that issued the certificate) in the name (full name) shall be considered invalid.

  • If you have lost a certificate of secondary general education (grade 11)

Certificate of secondary general education No.……….from ………..g. , issued by (name of the educational institution that issued the certificate) in the name (full name) shall be considered invalid.

If the document was stolen or burned down during a fire, then it will be possible to ask for a certificate of loss of a certificate and use it instead of an advertisement in a newspaper.

A newspaper with a printed advertisement should be in your hands when you go to school to restore your certificate.

If you do not remember the number, the date of issue of the certificate, then there is nothing wrong with that. Knowing your full name, which was displayed in the form of the document on education and the year in which you graduated, will be enough to make a duplicate of the certificate.

Action #2

Writing an application for a duplicate certificate at school and present an identity card (passport). It is possible that you will be asked to present a certificate of marriage or change of name / surname / patronymic (if you changed your surname / name / patronymic). An example of an application is given below.


For married women : if you changed your surname, and your maiden name is indicated in the certificate, then be sure to indicate it in the application, otherwise the data on your lost certificate will not be found.

It is also important that you include a contact phone number to contact you if you have any questions.

An example (sample) of an application for issuing a duplicate certificate

When specifying the reason for the loss of the certificate, describe in as much detail as possible under what conditions you lost the document. Suddenly, the school considers your arguments unfounded and refuses to issue a duplicate.

Along with the application, we enclose a page from the newspaper with your printed advertisement.

The term for making a duplicate of the certificate is 1 month from the date of application. (P. 26, part 5)

The decision to issue or refuse to issue a duplicate of the certificate and (or) a duplicate of the annex to it is made by the organization carrying out educational activities, within one month from the date of submission of the written application.

If the school you graduated from was reorganized into another educational institution and you were given a duplicate certificate there, then they must also attach a copy of the document, which reflects the fact of renaming or reorganization (clause 28, part 1).

In the event of a change in the name of the organization carrying out educational activities, a duplicate of the certificate and (or) a duplicate of the annex to the certificate is issued educational organization, along with a document confirming the change in the name of the organization carrying out educational activities.

Thus, to apply for the production of a duplicate certificate, prepare the following documents:

  • passport;
  • a newspaper with a printed announcement about the recognition of your certificate as invalid;
  • certificate of marriage or change of name / surname / patronymic (if the data has changed since the receipt of the certificate);
  • an application signed by you for the issuance of a duplicate certificate.

And you should know that you will receive a duplicate of the certificate on the forms that are issued at the time of application. For example, earlier all entries were entered manually directly into the certificate cover. Now they look like diplomas with an insert (in which grades are indicated) and are filled out on a computer. Therefore, do not be surprised that the certificate does not look the way you received it.

Can I get a duplicate while in another city?

Can. We read Art. 25 of the above normative act:

Art. 25. Certificate (duplicate of the certificate) issued to a graduate organizations that carry out educational activities, personally or to another person upon presentation of an identity document and issued in in due course powers of attorney issued to the specified person by the graduate, or at the request of the graduate is sent to his address through public postal operators registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt. The power of attorney and (or) application, according to which the certificate was issued (sent) (duplicate of the certificate), are stored in the personal file of the graduate.

When writing the application, indicate that you want to receive the document by mail (by registered mail, most likely by parcel post) with a return receipt and indicate the postal address. Or issue a power of attorney to loved one or a friend to get the document for you.

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So, the experience of not the most successful times has come. Because the loss of such an important certificate is always a tragedy, because it is a significant state document and its forgery or damage is strictly prohibited. But do not lose heart, in this article we will try to figure out how to restore the loss.

What is a certificate?

This is a document confirming that a person has basic general education or basic complete education. In other words, 9 and, respectively, 11 classes behind. Since graduating from school is an obligatory stage in a person's life, it is impossible to enter any educational institution without a certificate. That is why it is so important and it is very undesirable to lose it. But what actions should be taken if the question of how to restore a certificate of secondary education nevertheless arose with an edge?

How to return the loss?

Whatever happens to your Basic General Education Certificate, don't panic. If you lost the document for the first time, then a duplicate is issued instead. You just need to know how to get it right and where to restore a certificate of secondary education.

Issuance of a duplicate

How long to wait for a duplicate?

It all depends on the type of certificate. If the certificate of basic general education, then you will have to wait no more than three days for a second one. If the certificate of completion of 11 classes (obtaining a basic complete education) is lost, then the time for issuing a copy will be significantly delayed and can be up to a whole month.

What do you need to know?

If you live far from the school you graduated from, then all the necessary papers can be sent to the destination address by registered mail. But it should be remembered that you will need to pick up the repeated certificate itself. It will not be possible to send it by mail or courier.

If it is not possible to come to school, and the question of how to restore the lost certificate of secondary education is acute, then you can ask relatives or friends for a service. But at the same time, it must be remembered that it’s just on hand important papers they won’t give it back: you will have to write a power of attorney for your friends, which will subsequently need to be certified by a notary. When a duplicate of the document is handed out, in the column "Receipt for receipt" it may be indicated that this certificate was received in exchange for the lost original certificate of graduation. It will also include the copy number and the date it was given to you. In addition, the paper must be signed by the principal, his deputy and at least three teachers. Without these formalities, the document will be considered invalid.

What other information is required?

You will need confirmation issued by the police that the certificate was really lost, and was not thrown out in a fit of anger in the trash. It will not be superfluous to have other documents available that can confirm that there really is a loss. If you still need papers indicating the presence of an incomplete higher education, then you will have to contact the school archive and ask about it. However, by law, such documents are stored for a long time, so no emergencies should arise.

Alternative way to get a duplicate

The question of how to restore a certificate of secondary education is also solved in another way. To do this, you need to submit an advertisement in the newspaper, in which you must indicate the series, document number, by whom it was issued and when. Not all people remember such data, in addition, the loss of a certificate of education is an unpredictable phenomenon and can happen at any moment. Of course, there are very prudent individuals who can write out this data on a separate sheet of paper just in case. As soon as the publication appears in the newspaper, you need to contact the police or other law enforcement agencies at the place of residence with the number and, on the basis of the note, obtain a certificate that it was refused to initiate a criminal investigation. Then all actions are repeated, as in the above method. This method obtaining a repeated certificate of education is very time-consuming, but quite effective. If you decide to go this way, then you can only be congratulated: such patience and attentiveness are characteristic of few people.

What if the duplicate certificate is lost?

In this case, obtaining a second copy of the certificate of graduation is impossible, and the question of whether it is possible to restore the certificate of secondary education is removed automatically.

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Lost certificate

How to restore a certificate of secondary education? The whole problem is that the school archive up to 1992 has also been lost.

Good day! First, contact the police department about the loss of your certificate (there you will be given a certificate that you applied), then you can contact the Department of Education at the location of the school. Sincerely, Yartseva I.N.

She graduated from 11 classes of secondary school in 2011 in Sevastopol in Ukraine. The certificate is lost, there is no copy. How can I restore it and where to go.

Hello Anastasia, you can apply to the secondary school where you studied with an application for a Duplicate.

Does anything threaten me if it is found out that I made a duplicate of the certificate, which in fact is not lost, if it threatens, then what? And how can it be revealed? And who can find it. Can the police find it?

If you honestly graduated from an educational institution, then having a duplicate certificate does not threaten you with anything.

I lost my certificate due to moving, I studied at an evening school of grade 10-11 in the Kirov region, I live in Moscow, they told me that I must provide evidence of the loss of the certificate, if I just write a statement, they won’t give it to me, what should I do How can I prove if I just lost it.

Hello Nastya! To prove the loss of a passport, you must write a statement to the police about the loss of the document (write the circumstances in the statement). Under the ATS Law, you are required to hand over a copy of the relevant resolution. I wish you success.

The certificate of secondary education was lost, when contacting the educational institution, the amount of 1000 rubles was called to make a duplicate. Is it legal?

Good afternoon, Valentina! No fee is charged for the issuance of documents on education and (or) qualifications, documents on training and duplicates of these documents. This is evidenced by Article 60 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation".

Lost high school diploma, where can I get a number to post an announcement about its loss?

Good day, Elena! Write an application to the educational institution that issued the certificate, they will give you an answer when they graduated and whether the certificate was issued, if it was issued, they will indicate when and, accordingly, the series and number!

Lost certificate how to get a certificate of secondary education at school.

Good afternoon! You need to make a duplicate of the certificate at the school.

The certificate for the 11th grade was lost, for the 9th grade it remained, but for the 11th - I don’t even remember where, there were a lot of moves. Now I have moved to Ukraine and I need to legalize my diploma, they asked for a certificate, and then it all turned out. I can’t go to Russia, is it possible to get a certificate by proxy. The educational institution said that the certificate (duplicate) will be issued only in person.

Good afternoon, Irina! Write a statement about sending you a document by mail or draw up a notarized power of attorney, notarize the translation. Obliged to issue the document to a person who acts in your interests.

Lost high school diploma. Even so, it's been a long time. Worked. Was not needed. Suggested new job. You have to take courses. Tell. How to get a duplicate in the shortest possible time.

Hello Irina, contact the educational institution and you will be given a duplicate.

How to restore a lost certificate if the school is closed and I live in another city?

Good afternoon! It is necessary to write an application to the school that took the children by succession. Also write an application to the Department of Education of the city of Moscow and attach all documents. Everything should work out. Sincerely.

Can I get the number of the lost certificate of secondary education.

Nikolai, you need to contact the school and ask for a duplicate and also tell the number of the loss, all the best.

In places of deprivation of liberty, 11 classes were completed, the certificate was lost, how can it be restored if this place was moved to another city? Is it possible through the MFC or an institution where this information is available.

Dear Xenia, you need to apply to the organization that issued the lost education document with an application for issuing a duplicate certificate. Moving is not grounds for rejection. The MFC does not do this. But in advance you need to submit an application to the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the loss and an advertisement in the newspaper, pay the state duty.

The passport of the USSR was lost, the birth certificate was received in the UzSSR, the certificate of graduation from the Russian school and college. It was registered until 1996 in Russia. Can I count on a Russian passport? Thank you.

Hello Alena. If you have been living on the territory of the Russian Federation since 1992, then you are a citizen of the Russian Federation. You need to contact the police with a statement about the loss of your passport, and then to the FMS to issue you a new passport.

The problem is not entirely clear. Those who were registered in Russia (RSFSR) on February 6, 1992 are considered citizens of the Russian Federation without any problems, regardless of the loss of their passport and other problems.

There is next question. The certificate of complete general education was lost, there was an appeal to the newspaper to confirm the fact of loss. He came to the school where he received this certificate, wrote an application for a duplicate, provided a newspaper. But the school says that there are no duplicates, they don’t know when it will be, and they refuse to give an answer in writing. What to do? Prepare a statement to the prosecutor's office? Graduation year 2007.

Contact the prosecutor's office with a complaint and indicate the requirement for the Ministry of Education of your region to issue a duplicate of the certificate, in parallel, you can write an application to the Ministry of Education of the region with a request to issue copies of certificates to the educational institution.

Good afternoon. You must issue a duplicate. Write in the application that you ask for a response in writing, within the time period established by applicable law. In the same application, indicate the Ministry of Education as the second addressee, and the Prosecutor's Office as the third. Usually in this case, everything is done faster. The response time to your appeal should not exceed 30 days. The answer of the educational organization that there are no duplicates is their problem.

In 2005 I graduated from the 11th grade, the certificate was lost, can I restore it? Now I live in another city, can I get it at the place of stay?

Certificates and duplicates of certificates are issued by organizations that carry out educational activities for the accredited programs they implement. educational programs basic general and secondary general education, so you need to apply to the educational institution that previously issued you the certificate that you lost in order to obtain a duplicate certificate.

How to find out the passport number for an announcement in a newspaper about its loss, if it is lost.

The school should keep a book of issuing certificates, which could be archived. In the book of issuing certificates, a record is made of the issued certificate, including its series and number. If there is no such book in the school, then try to contact the education department of your region for information on the place of its storage. At the same time, in your appeal, indicate a request for information about the series and number of your certificate, as well as the issuance of its duplicate.

The certificate of secondary general education is lost, in which free newspaper in St. Petersburg is it better to place an ad (cannot be found through a search for free), and what is the correct text for such an ad? Thank you.

Certificates and duplicate certificates are issued by organizations that carry out educational activities on the accredited educational programs of basic general and secondary general education they implement, so you need to contact the educational institution that previously issued you the certificate that you lost to obtain a duplicate certificate.

The certificate is lost, in order to obtain a duplicate, you need to advertise in the newspaper about its loss, indicating the number of the certificate. The data has not been saved in the school archive, what should I do?

Good afternoon! Submit an ad in the form - the certificate is lost, issued in the name ... date of issue, by whom issued. In addition, contact the Ministry of Education of the Irkutsk Region with a request to verify any information based on your data. As a rule, traces remain not only in the official archives ... but also in families, in the documents of classmates. Go to the Odnoklassniki website, chat with former friends. They will have information about who issued the certificate and when. And what numbers were in your class.

Lost a few years ago a certificate of secondary education, and a diploma of secondary specialized education. I am in another city.

Good afternoon, Olga! You should, by registered mail with notification, contact the educational institutions where the documents were issued, with a request to issue duplicates.

Good day to you. In this case, you need to travel independently to the place of issue and receive duplicate diplomas. I wish you good luck in resolving your issue.

The algorithm of actions is as follows: 1) Submit an application addressed to the director of the educational institution where you studied. The application is submitted personally by the graduate or his legal representative on the basis of a power of attorney - clause 26 of Ch. V Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 115. 2) In the application, you need to tell about the circumstances of the loss of the certificate and attach supporting documents: a certificate from the internal affairs bodies, fire brigade, announcement in the newspaper about the loss of the certificate or other document (depending on the reasons for the loss) 3) A duplicate of the certificate is issued free of charge - clause 16 of Art. 60 of the Federal Law No.-273 of December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation”. 4) Get a duplicate of the certificate The graduate picks up the certificate personally or transfers authority by proxy to his representative. You can ask to send a certificate to the postal address. To do this, you need to send an application to the educational institution by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt - clause 25 of Ch. V Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 115.

When moving to another city, I lost my school certificate and a diploma of higher education. There is no way to visit in person. Is it possible to have them restored (issued a duplicate) without my presence?

Without your presence, a duplicate will be issued only to a person who has a power of attorney, notarized and issued on your behalf.

Hello, it is possible with a notarized power of attorney with the appropriate authority. Then your presence is not required. Good luck and all the best.

How to restore the lost certificate of completion of 8 classes in 1980? The school still exists, but has a completely different name.

Good afternoon! In any case, there must be an archive where copies of certificates are stored, despite the fact that the name has changed, or the ball has been reorganized, the data is transferred. You need to apply to the director for a duplicate certificate. You can apply through the reception of the director, the secretary. Respectfully!

She graduated from school more than 10 years ago in the Crimea (under Ukraine). Certificate is now lost. I turned to the school, they do not know how to issue a duplicate, since now Crimea is Russia and, accordingly, new documents. Tell me what to do in such a situation.

Submit a written request for a duplicate of the document in the form in which they currently issue it in accordance with the requirements federal law dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation". Appeal the refusal to the district prosecutor's office in accordance with Article 10 of the Federal Law of January 17, 1992 N 2202-I "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation": information about violations of laws. The decision taken by the prosecutor does not prevent a person from applying to the court for the protection of his rights. A decision on a complaint against a sentence, decision, ruling and ruling of a court may be appealed only to a higher prosecutor. 2. Applications and complaints, other appeals received by the prosecutor's office are considered in the manner and within the time limits established by federal legislation. 3. The response to the application, complaint and other appeal must be motivated. If the application or complaint is denied, the applicant must be explained the procedure for appealing decision, as well as the right to apply to the court, if such is provided by law. 4. The prosecutor, in accordance with the procedure established by law, takes measures to bring to justice those who have committed offenses. 5. It is prohibited to send a complaint to an authority or official whose decisions or actions are being appealed.

--- Hello, dear visitor, in such a situation, you should contact the Ministry of Education of Ukraine and get a duplicate certificate of secondary education from them. You can issue a power of attorney to receive it in Ukraine to relatives or close friends. Article 185 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. General provisions on a power of attorney (current version) Civil Code of the Russian Federation Chapter 10 Article 185 1. A power of attorney is a written authorization issued by one person to another person or other persons for representation before third parties. Good luck and all the best, with respect lawyer Ligostaeva A.V..

Good afternoon Julia! Too bad they don't know - but they should. You need to be guided by the “Procedure for filling out, recording and issuing certificates of basic general and secondary education and their duplicates” (Approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2014 N 115) In the event of reorganization of an organization engaged in educational activities, a duplicate certificate and (or) a duplicate of the supplement to the certificate is issued by the organization carrying out educational activities, which is the assignee. They are the successor to your school. In the event of liquidation of an organization carrying out educational activities, a duplicate of the certificate and (or) a duplicate of the appendix to the certificate is issued by an organization carrying out educational activities, determined by the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, exercising public administration in the field of education, or by the local government, exercising management in the field of education, which was in charge of the specified organization, in accordance with this Procedure. Thus, a duplicate of a new sample must be issued. It will be valid.

I graduated from school in 1988, I needed a certificate, but it was lost, how to restore it?

Dear Dmitry, if you graduated from school in 1988 and you need a certificate that is lost, then you can restore it by contacting the school first for a certificate, then to the state archive for confirmation. The certificate itself will not be issued due to the lack of forms and the state that issued it.

The certificate is lost, whether the duplicate is a document for obtaining a residence permit. Thank you.

Hello Inna. The duplicate has the force of the originally issued certificate (lost). You have the right to present a duplicate of the certificate to those organizations in which you need.

The certificate is lost, the archive burned out, it can be stopped through the court.

You have the right to try to resolve this issue in court, you can order a statement of claim here in a personal to any lawyer of the site or draw it up yourself in accordance with the articles of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation.

In connection with the move, the certificate of secondary education was lost. She studied in Kazakhstan from 1975 to 1983, how to restore it.

Hello Ekaterina! If the person who has lost the document has reached the age of majority, then he writes an application for the restoration of a school leaving certificate on his own. If former student not yet 18 years old, the task is entrusted to his legal representatives. To resolve the issue of how to restore a certificate of secondary education, it is necessary to write an application to the school where the child studied and which issued him a certificate of education. In the appeal, indicate the circumstances under which it was lost, and attach all the necessary papers confirming that the document was lost as evidence. A list of them can be obtained from the administration of the educational institution. If you live far from the school you graduated from, then all the necessary papers can be sent to the destination address by registered mail. But it should be remembered that you will need to pick up the repeated certificate itself. It will not be possible to send it by mail or courier. If it is not possible to come to school, and the question of how to restore the lost certificate of secondary education is acute, then you can ask relatives or friends for a service. But at the same time, it must be remembered that important papers will not be handed over just like that: you will have to write a power of attorney for your friends, which will subsequently need to be certified by a notary. When a duplicate of the document is handed out, in the column "Receipt for receipt" it may be indicated that this certificate was received in exchange for the lost original certificate of graduation. It will also include the copy number and the date it was given to you. In addition, the paper must be signed by the principal, his deputy and at least three teachers. Without these formalities, the document will be considered invalid. In this case, obtaining a second copy of the certificate of graduation is impossible, and the question of whether it is possible to restore the certificate of secondary education is removed automatically. Good luck to you and all the best!

Lost school certificate of completion of 11 classes. She graduated from school in Perm. On the this moment I live in the Perm region. Can I place an advertisement about the loss of my certificate in the newspaper at the place of residence or do I need to place an advertisement in the newspaper in Perm.

Good evening, Natalia! The announcement is logical to submit to the newspaper where you lost it. Together with a certificate of loss issued by an authorized body and an application for issuing a duplicate, you must apply at the place of issue for a duplicate, if the educational institution is liquidated, then the archive of the municipal education department issues a duplicate.

A certificate of secondary education is a fairly important document for applicants entering universities or colleges. After all, its presence is one of the main requirements of any selection committee of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions.

In case of loss or damage of a certificate of secondary education, any applicant will ask himself how to restore the certificate? Since his further education will depend on the availability of this document.

What to do if you lose your certificate

The loss of a certificate of secondary education, of course, is far from the most pleasant event. After all, it can cause certain difficulties. But there is no need to panic in such a situation. After all, a certificate of secondary education can always be restored. And to do this is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance. The restoration of this document occurs with the help of the school in which you previously studied. We will tell you more about what to do in such a situation.

So, after discovering the fact of loss, the first thing to do is to go to the local police station and file an application for the loss of a certificate. After accepting the application, you should be given a certificate stating that the application has been accepted for consideration by the relevant authorities. Along with the certificate, you will also need a copy of the application itself for further actions.

The second step is to apply to any newspaper in your city for an advertisement that will say that your lost certificate is no longer valid. The text of the announcement must contain the series and number of the certificate. This information can be obtained from the school where you studied. After the publication of a newspaper issue with your ad, you must make a copy of the ad. The copy must contain the text of the announcement itself, the name of the printed edition and the date of issue of the issue.

The last step will be to contact the school administration, where you must provide copies of all documents collected earlier. The director of the institution must apply to the relevant bodies of science and education with an official letter stating the need to issue you a duplicate of your certificate of secondary education due to the loss of the original. All copies of your certificates will also be attached to this letter as evidence of the loss of the original document.

On average, it can take you from five to seven days to restore your passport. It will depend on how quickly the issue of the newspaper goes to print. In addition, it must be borne in mind that a letter from the headmaster will be considered for a certain time before a decision is made. But the review period is usually not very long.