New Year's games and competitions with the audience. "New Year's masquerade"

(Scenario of the youth ball).

The hall is festively decorated. There is a Christmas tree in the center of the hall. It stands on a large hemisphere, on the surface of which the contours of continents and oceans are drawn. A fake, brightly painted palace has been installed. It contains the Leader of the disco.
The backing track of cheerful music sounds. Leaders are walking around the hall, dressed in fancy dress. They give out badges with the image of Santa Claus to the guests. On the badge there is a number that is needed to participate in the "Merry Mail"

Description of the game "FUNNY MAIL":
There is a table in the hall on which there are pre-prepared sheets of paper and pencils. Any participant of the ball can write to another participant a "message" and give it to the postman. Postmen take letters only with return numbers.

The guests have gathered. The music fades.

HOST: Good evening!
New Year's Eve,
Like a snowflake, light and short!
They are waiting for a meeting with you in all houses,
Rejoicing, they are greeted on the doorstep.

LEADING: Attention! The time has come
Open the New Year's ball!
Calling the calling sound of the signal
Guests in an elegant bright room
Illuminated with a smile on their faces
The light of happiness streams in the eyes -
Those who came to us to have fun
We are New Year's hello.
The first waltz is already playing -
The lights are shining. The ball is open!

(The floor is taken by the Leader of the disco. There is a dance program of 2 dances.)

HOST: With round dances of sparkling snow, lace frost on the branches of birches, with
blue transparent ice on rivers with piercingly bright short sunsets, Winter has come. And together with the beautiful winter, one of the most wonderful holidays comes to us - New Year, a holiday of hope, a celebration of dreams, fulfillment of desires, a holiday of gifts and surprises.

LEADING: Let's start with gifts. Pay attention to the ceiling. To him
attached a large box with the words "Ball Surprise". Whoever guesses what is in the box will receive it along with a surprise.

(The facilitator helps the participants with leading questions. A prize drawing is taking place.)

HOST: Friends, from your joyful faces, your cheerful mood, I see that you are well prepared for the New Year's ball. Beautiful costumes and mysterious masks can be seen everywhere. Soon Santa Claus will arrive at the ball, and, believe me, he is the best connoisseur of New Year's fashion. Santa Claus will determine the owner of the most elegant, most fabulous costume that makes its owner unrecognizable, and will present the main prize of our masquerade ball.

(The program continues with a small dance block, during which the presenters distribute to the dancers two-color balloons, for example, red for boys, yellow for girls.
Proverbs and sayings are written on small pieces of paper. The beginning of the proverb is on one piece of paper, the end is on the other .. A piece of paper with the first part of the proverb is embedded, say, in a red ball, with the ending in yellow. When the leaves are inserted, the balloons are inflated and tied. At the command of the host: "Salute!" all at the same time pierce their balls and take out the leaflets with the texts from them.
Every young man should find among the girls the one that will have the second part of his proverb. The couple who made their own proverb first are awarded with souvenirs.
One dance song sounds.)

LEADING: Friends! Your dancing skills are beyond doubt. I think that the time has come to invite those without whom there is no New Year's ball.
Let's invite Santa Claus and Snegurochka together in unison.

(Participants call Santa Claus and Snegurochka. They solemnly enter the hall.)

FATHER FROST: We meet joyfully today
Merry New Year's holiday.
And let them make everyone closer
Fun, dancing, games, laughter!

Throws streamers and confetti into the hall.

SNOW MAIDEN: Put on your masks,
Start dancing together.
To call everyone for fun
New Year's carnival!

(Dance block.)

FATHER FROST: Now we will find out which of you
V fun games the most dexterous!

(There are two small artificial spruces on stands in the hall. The distance between them is 1-1.5 m.)

SNOW MAIDEN: Imagine that there are only a few minutes left before the New Year, and these trees are not yet decorated. Perhaps there will be two clever people in the hall who will quickly dress them up. The one whose tree looks more beautiful will receive a prize.

(Those who wish are there. Toys made of cardboard, papier-mâché, cotton wool are laid out on tables 5-6 steps from the trees.)

SNOW MAIDEN: But my assignment is not easy. In the room where your tree stands, it happened short circuit and you will have to decorate it in the dark.

(The Snow Maiden blindfolds the participants in the competition.)

SNOW MAIDEN: Perhaps someone will hang their toys on a nearby tree, but the competition is still won by the one whose tree is more elegant.

(The game "DRESS up a Christmas tree" is played. It is followed by a dance block of 2 compositions.)

FATHER FROST: Come on, come on! Who Wants to Win a Prize?

(In the hall there are scales above them the inscription “happy weight - 96 kg.)

FATHER FROST: Everything is very simple. Step on the scale, if your weight matches the lucky weight - 96 kg., You will become the owner of the prize.

Santa Claus is holding his own competition. The winner is awarded a prize.

SNOW MAIDEN: Now hurry up
Play the lottery
Because in the lottery
You can experience happiness!

(For the lottery, several series of tickets have been prepared in advance (twenty numbers in each, their number can be adjusted depending on the number of those present at the ball.) The disguised Host depicts an organ grinder.
The organ-grinder takes out lottery tickets from a box and hands them over to the guests. The Snow Maiden is playing the lottery. She announces the title of the episode and takes out a card from a spinning drum that reads "The Generosity of Santa Claus." Cards are made of thick paper rolled up into a tube. The holder of the ticket with the named number gets the main prize, and the holders of the remaining numbers get consolation prizes.
For example, the Snow Maiden says:
- "We are playing the series" Hello, Winter! " The ticket holders of this series are approaching the stage.
The Snow Maiden takes out card # 7 from the drum. Anyone with a similar ticket gets the main prize - a Santa Claus doll, the rest - a pine cone.)

Bon Appetit Series.
The main prize is a children's kitchen set, the rest - for drying.

Zoological series.
The main prize is a toy bear cub, the rest - a lollipop.

Series "Love the Theater".
The main prize is two tickets to the theater, the rest - theater posters.

Series "Cleanliness is the guarantee of health".
The main prize is a bath broom, the rest - a toothbrush.

The series "It is necessary for everyone."
Grand Prize - doorhandle, the rest - on a large nail.

"Remember Me" series.
The main prize is a postage set, the rest - a pencil.

Series "Don't be late".
The main prize is an alarm clock, the rest is a toy clock.

Series "New Year at the Gates".
The main prize is a calendar, the rest - a small calendar.

The series “For the body and soul to be young”.
The main prize is a mirror, the rest - a piece of toilet soap.

(After the lottery - dance block.
Beautifully decorated boxes are brought into the hall and placed in a conspicuous place. These are gifts from the Fairies of Joy. Those who wish to receive a gift must answer one of the questions:
What is the name of Santa Claus in Germany (or some other country)?
(Santa Claus).
Since what year is the New Year celebrated in Russia?
(since 1699).
When does the new millennium begin?
(since January 2001.)
Who wrote the wonderful tale about the granddaughter of Santa Claus?
(A.N. Ostrovsky).
The mini-quiz is over and the gift boxes have been handed over.

FATHER FROST: Each box contains different items.
You will see them now. (For example, in one - a toy guitar and a shawl, in the other - an accordion and a Russian shirt, in the third - a spear and a drum, etc.) For each of these sets, a corresponding soundtrack has been selected. Having opened the box, you must perform a dance or musical number using the set of objects you received. Thus, your numbers will compose the program of an impromptu concert.
While you are getting ready, we will dance.

(After the dance block, the participants of the impromptu concert show their numbers. Ded Moroz and Snegurochka present them with prizes.)

SNOW MAIDEN: I think, Santa Claus, it's time to choose the owner of the best costume.

(Santa Claus and Snegurochka come up to the participant in the most beautiful costume and reward him with a memento. The disco host announces a dance in his honor.)

FATHER FROST: Thank you friends! It's time for us to leave. Saying goodbye, I would like to once again wish you a Happy New Year.

SNOW MAIDEN: Congratulations on the New ……. year!

FATHER FROST: We wish you a lot of happiness, joy, smiles and songs!

SNOW MAIDEN: May every month, day and hour of the New Year bring you good and good!

FATHER FROST: Let the spring spring come to you after a severe blizzard. May great success come to you through hard work.

SNOW MAIDEN: Let the fun summer warm the earth with the sun! Let friendship warm you! Let love warm!

FATHER FROST: Let there be a beautiful autumn full of golden leaves! Let your house be full of happiness, smiles and songs!

SNOW MAIDEN: And then the snow merry-go-round will start spinning again, the lights of the Christmas trees will sparkle and you will say to each other: “Happy New Year, friends! With new happiness!"

FATHER FROST: We know that it will be so!

SNOW MAIDEN: We know that everything you dream about will come true. We believe it will be happy - the coming New Year!

(Ded Moroz and Snegurochka leave the hall. The dance block continues.)

HOST: Dear friends! Our meeting has come to an end. We say goodbye to you and wish you all the most beautiful and unique.

LEADING: Let the star of your youth shine brighter, bring with it purity and joy of love, faith and hope in all the best and kind. Happiness to you!

(The final waltz is played.)

The script is suitable for children and adults who love fairy tales. Masquerade costumes and a desire to enter the chosen image are required. Some decorations. The script is designed for 4 hours.

Carrying out plan:
1. Meeting guests at the entrance (girls dressed up as fairies meet them).
2. Introducing the guests, introducing them to the King and Queen of the ball.
3. Ball - a dance marathon with the participation of a dance master, with contests, an auction and small performances.
4. Seeing off the old year and meeting the new one.
5. The arrival of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Contests.

Characters: Host, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, Dancemaster, fairies at the entrance. Actors for performances (you can rehearse in advance, or print the roles and improvise with the guests).

1. Meeting guests

First Fairy:
Welcome, we have been waiting for you,
A little more - and the waltz will play,
And the Christmas tree will flare up, the candles will burn -
A magical New Year's Eve is waiting for you!

Second fairy:
O noblest guests,
Shining like stars in the sky!
Tell me how to introduce you to the palace scroll? (see below)


A) Palace scroll - the names of guests, titles and achievements are entered into it. At the end of the meeting, the list is promptly forwarded to the king, queen and leader.

B) A box with paper smiles - they are handed out to guests, later, when everyone gets to know everyone, you can write a wish to someone present on the smile. This is the mail. At the end of the ball, the Host reads the mail, and the fairies (those who met) deliver it to the addressees.

2. Acquaintance


Valiant knights and beautiful fairies, sages and wanderers gathered in this hall from all over the world. We are glad to welcome you to the New Year's ball. In our world, time does not go the way people of the earth are used to, so do not be surprised at the little miracles of the holiday, but rather rejoice with us. Let us greet those who have arrived at this ball with applause.

The presenter reads out the names of guests, titles from the list. Each of them walks through the hall to the throne of kings and bows. This must be explained to the guests of the fairies at the entrance in advance. The king and queen are smiling and talking to a couple kind words to each guest personally.

3. Ball

The cherished hour has come
We invite everyone to the waltz.
Let the sounds of the violin swirl
Let the smiles shine!
Step to the right, step to the left,
Hello friends,
Our miracle queen
And, of course, the king!

The King and Queen go to the first dance.

Five or six dances - 15-20 minutes.

Between the dances, the Leader announces:

1. This song is dedicated to everyone who has not lost the courage and fervor of youth in the hustle and bustle of running days.
2. This dance is dedicated to true connoisseurs of cherry syrup and strawberry jam (or something like that).


For example, a reenactment about the suffering of Bluebeard (a dummy character) who suddenly starts crying in the middle of the ball. He tells the story of his three wives, who mercilessly mocked him, and therefore had to strangle them - their nerves could not stand it. The story is really funny, especially when shown in roles. (The text is available, but it is long). At the end of the story, Bluebeard is put up for auction by suitors, and unmarried ladies are bidding and showcase their talents.

4. Meeting the new year

(The clock strikes)

Let's fill our glasses, friends,
To make the year and, of course, the family happy,
So that everyone finds a craft in spirit.
So that in the new year we are all just lucky!

So that the kingdom of a dream come true will soon enter your house
And so that it is good and joyful for you in it!

(The first dance of the New Year, at the end of which Santa Claus appears and begins to dance in the hall without warning)

An amazing guest has arrived to us. V different countries he is known by different names- Peer Noel, Babo Natale, Gaspar, Melchior and Valthazar in one guise, Santa Claus - in general, His Majesty is Santa Claus! And his beautiful companion ...

(Monologue of Santa Claus)

5. Contests

Competition 1.
Exam on the history of the new year (quiz) - the text will be given by the Host. The first team to give the correct answer is given a token. The team with the most tokens wins the prize.

Presenter: Would you like to warm up. So, a competition for the most dexterous!

Competition 2.
Two teams stand in a line - half a meter from each other, you can't budge. From the beginning to the end of the line, you need to pass the balloon without dropping it. Whoever is faster is a good fellow.

Dangerous competition 3.
It takes the three most daring (or more depending on the male to female ratio). For example, three masters are blindfolded. All the rest are in a circle. Daredevils should, blindfolded, choose a couple from those standing and dance a dance without going beyond the circle outlined by a ribbon spread on the floor.

(Santa Claus is dancing with the host)

Father Frost: Oh, and you tired me, red maiden, and I still have seven kingdoms to bypass. And my Snow Maiden's eyes are closing. And our deer are not fed are at the gate. We'll go already.

Presenter: Well, Grandpa, work is work.

Father Frost:
Well now it's time to say goodbye
Hug, kiss,
May it be good for you
In the year that he came to the world!

Snow Maiden:
So that you are all healthy
So that the dragon with its wing
Protected you like a cover,
Didn't puff fire on you.
So that laziness does not attend,
And let the world fill the house!
And so that every new day
Warmed hearts with warmth!

Queen: Let the children be obedient.

King: And let your eye be well-aimed!

And so that your hands do not tremble,
And so that there are no partings.
So that boredom does not visit,
There were fewer blizzards in life.

Goodbye friends
And see you in a year,
May the stars shine for us
On a bright holiday New Year!


The script is suitable for children and adults who love fairy tales. No flat jokes and vulgarity. Masquerade costumes and a desire to enter the chosen image are required. Some decorations. The script is designed for 4 hours.

Carrying out plan (calculated for 4 hours):

1. Meeting guests at the entrance (greeted by girls dressed as fairies)

2. Introducing the guests, introducing them to the King and Queen of the ball.

3. Ball - a dance marathon with the participation of a dance master, with contests, an auction and small performances.

4. Seeing off the old year and meeting the new one.

5. The arrival of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Contests.

Characters: Host, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, Dancemaster, fairies at the entrance. Actors for performances (you can rehearse in advance, or print the roles and improvise with the guests).

1. Meeting guests.

First Fairy:

Welcome, we have been waiting for you,

A little more - and the waltz will play,

And the Christmas tree will flare up, the candles will burn -

A magical New Year's Eve is waiting for you!

Second fairy:

O noblest guests,

Shining like stars in the sky!

Tell me how to introduce you to the palace scroll? (see below)

(Writes it down.)

A). Palace scroll - the names of guests, titles and achievements are entered into it. At the end of the meeting, the list is promptly forwarded to the king, queen and leader.

B). A box with paper smiles - they are handed out to guests, later, when everyone gets to know everyone, you can write a wish to someone present on the smile. This is the mail. At the end of the ball, the Host reads the mail, and the fairies (those who met) deliver it to the addressees.

2. Acquaintance


Valiant knights and beautiful fairies, sages and wanderers gathered in this hall from all over the world. We are glad to welcome you to the New Year's ball. In our world, time does not go the way people of the earth are used to, so do not be surprised at the little miracles of the holiday, but rather rejoice with us. Let us greet those who have arrived at this ball with applause.

The presenter reads out the names of guests, titles from the list. Each of them walks through the hall to the throne of kings and bows. This must be explained to the guests of the fairies at the entrance in advance. The King and Queen smile and say a few kind words to each guest personally.


The cherished hour has come

We invite everyone to the waltz.

Let the sounds of the violin swirl

Let the smiles shine!

Step to the right, step to the left,

Hello friends,

Our miracle queen

And of course, the king!

The King and Queen go to the first dance.

Five or six dances - 15-20 minutes.

Between the dances, the Leader announces:

1. This song is dedicated to everyone who has not lost the courage and fervor of youth in the hustle and bustle of running days.

2. This dance is dedicated to true connoisseurs of cherry syrup and strawberry jam. (or something like that).


We had a reenactment about the suffering of Bluebeard (a dummy character) who suddenly starts crying in the middle of the ball. He tells the story of his three wives, who mercilessly mocked him, and therefore had to strangle them - their nerves could not stand it. The story is really funny, especially when shown in roles. (The text is available, but it is long). At the end of the story, Bluebeard is put up for auction by suitors, and unmarried ladies are bidding and showcase their talents.

4. Meeting the new year.

(The clock strikes.)

Let's fill our glasses, friends,

To make the year and, of course, the family happy,

So that everyone finds a craft in spirit.

So that in the new year we are all just lucky!


So that the kingdom of a dream come true will soon enter your house

And so that it is good and joyful for you in it!

(The first dance of the New Year, at the end of which Santa Claus appears and begins to dance in the hall without warning.)

An amazing guest has arrived to us. In different countries he is known under different names - Per Noel, Babo Natale, Gaspar, Melchior and Valthazar in one guise, Santa Claus - in general, His Majesty is Santa Claus! And his beautiful companion ...

(Monologue of Santa Claus.)

5. Contests

Competition 1.

Exam on the history of the new year (quiz) - the text will be given by the Host. The first team to give the correct answer is given a token. The team with the most tokens wins the prize.

Presenter: Would you like to warm up. So, a competition for the most dexterous!

Competition 2.

Two teams stand in a line - half a meter from each other, you can't budge. From the beginning to the end of the line, you need to pass the balloon without dropping it. Whoever is faster is a good fellow.

Dangerous competition 3.

It takes the three most daring (or more depending on the male to female ratio). For example, three masters are blindfolded. All the rest become round. Daredevils should, blindfolded, choose a couple from those standing and dance a dance, without leaving the circle outlined by a ribbon spread on the floor.

(Santa Claus is dancing with the host.)

Santa Claus: Oh, and you tired me, red maiden, and I still have to bypass seven kingdoms. And my Snow Maiden's eyes are closing. And our deer are not fed are at the gate. We'll go already.

Presenter: Well, Grandpa, work is work.

Father Frost:

Well now it's time to say goodbye

Hug, kiss,

May it be good for you

In the year that he came to the world!

Snow Maiden:

So that you are all healthy

So that the dragon with its wing

Protected you as a cover,

Didn't puff fire on you.

So that laziness does not attend,

And let the world fill the house!

And so that every new day

Warmed hearts with warmth!

Queen: May the children be obedient,

King: And let your eye be well-aimed!

And so that your hands do not tremble,

And so that there are no partings.

So that boredom does not visit,

There were fewer blizzards in life.


Goodbye friends

And see you in a year,

May the stars shine for us

On a bright holiday New Year!

The school organizes not only holidays for kids, but also for high school students. However, this category requires a special approach. After all, high school students are no longer children, they are people who consider themselves adults. To get them interested, you need something very special, with a twist. That is why, as new year holiday a masquerade ball is proposed. It will be interesting for high school students for many reasons. First of all - dances that young people love very much at all times.

The very principle of being at the ball is faces are covered with masks, which contributes to relaxation and a free atmosphere... In addition, many good comic contests are also expected to maintain the festive atmosphere. The scenario of this New Year's masquerade ball can be successfully used for children. younger age, and, conversely, for young people - students.

General plan of the event

Some points must be agreed in advance. This applies to both the preparation of the event itself and the notification of guests. Despite the fact that, most likely, the participants will know each other (it is unlikely that the ball involves the presence of students from different schools), all basic rules must be followed. This will help create the atmosphere of mystery of a real masquerade ball.


  • The hostess of the ball.
  • The host is her assistant.
  • Father Frost.
  • Group of Snowflakes-stewards.
  • High school students.

Approximate plan

The whole event is divided into three blocks, the main part of which will, of course, be dances. The first is a greeting and an introductory part, without which not a single holiday can do. The second is the main part. It lasts for about half of the time allotted for the ball. The third is, in fact, the end of the masquerade. However, there will also be games and compulsory dances.

Decorations and accessories

Everyone present at the ball must wear a mask.... Organizers need to ensure that there is a substantial supply of these essential accessories. Mandatory decorated tree in the back of the hall or stage (you can arrange a temporary podium). Also needed chair with high back designed for the royal throne.

The main part of the hall is free, since the main thing in the event is dancing. Along one wall are tables with drinks - lemonade and water. On the other, there are tables with chairs so that the participants have the opportunity to relax.

First block

There is a way to make an event interesting before it even starts. To do this, you just need to prepare invitations and hand them over to each prospective guest. The preparation is undertaken by an initiative group, and even teachers can deal with distribution before lessons. You can also delegate this to the prefects or the student committee.

Meeting with guests

At the entrance to the hall those who come are greeted by snowflakes-stewards... Those guests whose faces are open are given a mask. The girls have a special "palace scroll" - a notebook where the names, titles and achievements of the guests are recorded. Of course, all of this must be fictional. The guys also come up with achievements themselves. It can be anything. For example, someone remembers by heart the fairy tale "About the Snow Queen", and someone has a medal for first place in the New Year's sprint race. It is on this scroll that the guests will be presented to the Hostess of the Ball.

Declaring rules

After all the guests have gathered, the presenter enters the impromptu stage - the chamberlain, who is also the Queen's assistant, or the presenter, who may be the main maid of honor. The presenter asks for silence and reads the “Rules”, which everyone in this room must strictly observe. Then he expresses gratitude for coming to the holiday. The rules boil down to the fact that guests must be in a good mood, participate in all games and be sure to dance. All negative emotions, refusal of fun and participation in the proposed entertainment and removal of masks are prohibited. Those who do not follow the rules can be punished by the Queen herself. The punishment is solo dance, song, any performance.

First dance

The presenter or one of the Snowflakes announces that the Queen is late and invites them to finally perform the first dance. So that boys and girls are not shy, a prepared team can perform first, performing a real waltz first, and then something youthful and incendiary. It is on youth contemporary music that the lighting in the hall is reduced and guests join the dance. The lighting should not be too weak. It is enough to extinguish only a few lamps.

Second block

The main part, which is filled with jokes, fun, music and movement. Only at a few moments will guests be able to sit down.

Arrival of the host of the ball - the Snow Queen

When the music dies down, the presenter enters the stage again and announces that she will now arrive herself The Snow Queen... This is a little eccentric person. She came from a real Andersen fairy tale, and therefore the order in her palace is a little old-fashioned. The Queen cannot be contradicted, and so on. Fanfare sounds and the queen enters the hall, accompanied by her retinue (all the same Snowflakes). She walks through the line of guests, distributes smiles and even nods to some. It is advisable to insert some phrases. For example, "Oh, what a wonderful Mask!" or "Knight, I am still unfamiliar with you." All this time, unobtrusive music sounds.

Acquaintance with the hostess

When the hostess of the ball takes her throne, she tells the assistant to introduce her to the guests with the announcement of all titles and titles, and also expresses a desire to get acquainted with the guests themselves. The Queen's performance should be lush and beautiful. At this time, she herself depicts several steps, and her maid of honor, the snowflakes, perform a prepared dance. When it’s the turn to get to know the participants, the presenter takes out the already familiar “palace scroll” and begins to read out all the information about each guest that was said at the entrance. When the name is announced, its owner stands up and bows to the Queen.

Poppuri dances with contests

After meeting, the hostess says that she is a little tired, because there are so many guests today. Therefore, they must entertain her. As entertainment, several contests are announced in a row.

  • Poppuri dancing... All or only a group of children can participate. The essence of the competition is to adapt movements as naturally as possible to the music that will be offered. To do this, they start "cutting" from very different songs - youth and fast, slow and melodies of classical dances.
  • Classic... Only those who are familiar with the movements of famous dances - cancan, waltz, tango, and so on are called. The winner is the pair with the best performance.

Speech by a visiting magician

A small respite for the guests comes when, after the contests, the presenter asks everyone to sit down and respect the visiting magician from distant countries, who specially came to congratulate the Queen and her guests on the New Year's holiday, honored all over the world. The magician demonstrates his many skills - shows tricks. Receives well-deserved applause, the approval of the Hostess and promises to come exactly one year later on the next holiday with new spells.

Dance time

When the magician leaves, the Queen reminds that the venerable audience was invited not just to a masquerade, but to a real ball, so everyone should dance. The music starts playing, the light becomes less bright and the time for dancing begins. After each melody, the presenter announces what or to whom it is dedicated. In addition, he can declare "white" or some other dance.

Third block

The holiday is gradually moving towards its end. Here everyone remembers that they have gathered on the occasion of the New Year and congratulations are heard.

Arrival of the Snow King - Santa Claus

The music dies down and the presenter says that one more late guest should arrive now, whom everyone has already been tired of waiting for. He talks about the fact that he is called by different names depending on where exactly he comes - Santa Claus, Mikalaus, Papa Noel, Youllu-pukki and so on. In our country, everyone knows him under the name of Santa Claus. The King of Winter enters the hall and greets everyone loudly. He says that he will not stay here for long, because he is expected at many more balls and holidays.

New Years quiz

One of the final contests is the quiz offered by Santa Claus. There should be 13 blocks, each of which has the same number of questions. Accordingly, there will be 12 participants, and the 13th block is intended to determine the winner if someone has the same number of correct answers. Keep the questions simple. For example, which month is the smallest, but not in duration (May) or is it possible to bring water in the sieve (you can carry frozen water - ice), and so on. Ideally, there should be 12 winners who receive small souvenir gifts. It can be a horseshoe for luck, a doll, a typewriter, mittens and so on.

Happy Holidays

After the quiz, the Winter King and the Snow Queen congratulate all guests on the upcoming holidays, wish a lot of interesting and unusual things in the New Year, fulfillment of desires, successful completion of their studies, and so on.

Removing masks and saying goodbye

Before the last dance at the New Year's masquerade ball, all participants will be asked to take off their masks and show their real faces.

The dance is at the choice of the audience. Traditionally it is a waltz, but young people can choose something different, for example, one of the popular New Year songs. After that, the owners of the palace thank the guests for a wonderful evening and express their hope that another such holiday will be held next year.

New Year's Eve script for high school students

Before the beginning of the evening, the soundtrack of modern New Year's songs sounds.

At the appointed time - sound signal - ringing of bells .

1. Music from the film "Carnival Night" sounds and everyone is invited to enter the hall.

Uch. The hour is coming - the doors are wide open! Come in, Friends, come in! Happy new year to you, with new happiness!

New deeds and new discoveries! Let your laughter flow like an immense sea.

Let the songs and jokes never end, and let it be like these open doors

Your hearts will open today. My friends! The joyful hour is approaching

We solemnly invite you to the hall. The New Year's ball will begin now!

1. Leading 1: Good evening, dear friends!

2. Lead 2: We wish you good festive mood, smiles and fun! We are glad to welcome you to our holiday!

3. Vedas 3: Outside the window, winter is the time of the shortest days and longest nights. After all, it is in winter that the New Year comes to us and with it the “coniferous” joyful mood of happiness, change, and hope that this beloved holiday brings with it.

4. Vedas 4: It is on this day that unforgettable meetings take place, our desires come true, the most incredible miracles are possible.

5. Leading 1 : Let it be the evening of our meeting

Warmed by warm friendship.

We give you a hearty

New Year's holiday greetings!

6. Lead 2: Happy New Year! New Year!

The holiday is joyful for everyone.

Let them ring under this arch

Songs, music and laughter!

7. Leading 3: Dear friends, today the program of our evening includes games, contests, quizzes, an incendiary disco. And, of course, a meeting with Ded Moroz and Snegurochka.

8. Lead 4: Yes Yes! Meetings with these New Year characters are eagerly awaited not only by children, but also by quite adult, respectable people.

9. Leading 1: Santa Claus has existed for about 150 years. And not a single New Year's holiday is complete without his participation.

10. Lead 2: In the meantime, while our New Year characters are on their way, let's run a few contests.

11. Leading 3: Great idea! So, to warm up, let's hold a New Year's quiz.

12. Vedas 4: Dear viewers, please listen carefully to the questions and raise your hand when answering. For every correct answer, you get a snowflake.

New Years quiz

1. A natural phenomenon, without sand sprinkling causing New Year's death of people. (Ice.)

2. What kind of beauty dresses up once a year? (Christmas tree.)

3. New Year's two-faced ball. (Masquerade.)

4. Low-growing blizzard. (Snow cover.)

5. Carnival cash. (Mask.)

6. Ice casting. (Rink.)

7. Life time of the Snow Maiden. (Winter.)

8. Winter drummer. (Freezing.)

9. New Year's collection. (Table.)

10. Supporting quarter New Year's table... (Leg.)

11. New Year's drink for risky guests. (Champagne.)

12. Fish, "dressed" in natural leather and an artificial fur coat - a New Year's dish. (Herring.)

13. The peasant's anti-alimentary weapon. (Axe.)

14. Seasonal "sculpture" made of truly natural materials. (Snowman.)

15. The result of festive incendiary. (Fireworks.)

16. Elochkin's homeland. (Forest.)

17. Herringbone snow insulation. (Freezing.)

18. The process ends with the fall of the Christmas tree. (The cabin.)

19. An ancient, but timeless dance by the tree. (Round dance)

20. Christmas decorations, which causes a significant damage to the home budget, not only on the day of purchase. (Electric garland.)

(snowflakes are given for correct answers)

13. Vedas 1: Wonderful! And now gypsies will perform in front of you with a musical number. And we ask you to support their performance with loud applause.

2. Number of the artist. Amateur (8th grade)

14. Vedas 2: We got to know each other better,

In such an acquaintance, friendship is the essence

So, we continue our evening,

As the saying goes: "Good luck!"

3. Music "Hello, guest winter" includes Santa Claus and Snegurochka.

15. D.M .: Happy New Year, friends, congratulations. May our carnival delight you.

16. Snow .: I want to be ringing, happy. The laughter of children was heard everywhere.

For girls to be beautiful, For young men to be wise.

17. D.M .: Let's have some fun, friends, we can't be sad on the tree.

Music, play more fun.

4. Song - the exit of Baba Yaga

Music sounds, Baba Yaga appears.

18. Baba Yaga.

As there are many people in the hall, a glorious holiday will be here. They sent me a telegram that they are waiting for me here

Well, here I come! And you meet more affable Babusya - Yagusya and clap loudly! (Applause).

It's not for nothing that I'm called Baba Yaga, I'm always joking and laughing at everyone. I know the secret, how fun it is to live: Sing, dance, not grieve about anything!

19. Santa Claus. And you, Yagusya, how did you get here, do you want us to spoil the whole holiday ?! Who called you ?!

20. Baba Yaga. Darkness! Is he completely behind the times, old, or do you have sclerosis? Your Snow Maiden and I are old friends, and she asked me to come to the rescue. Or are you against it?! Do you need helpers or can you handle it yourself?

21. Santa Claus. Baba Yaga as an assistant? It's really ... Doesn't fit into any sleigh. Okay, stay, you will help me, but on the condition that you will not be dirty. Deal?

22. Baba Yaga. Deal! (They shake hands.)

23. Santa Claus. I'll show you a trick, I'll put everything in order.

I went to the store, bought gifts for everyone. Here.(Takes a dumbbell from the bag.)

24. Baba Yaga. So this is a dumbbell! Are there such gifts?

25. Santa Claus. There are all sorts of things.

26. Baba Yaga. Oh, you have some gifts ...

27. Santa Claus. Most normal. Look how many people are willing to join it.(Shouts.) New Year's dumbbell! The more you lift ...

28. Baba Yaga. The faster you fall!

29. Santa Claus ... You will become an athlete. You, Yagusya, do not understand anything, but who understands that this is the best new year competition, he will come up and start pressing it. Hey, fly in, don't be shy, lift a dumbbell and get a snowflake!

(A competition is held for the strongest.)

30. Baba Yaga. And now - the prize for the studio!

31. Santa Claus: You, granny, fell from the moon. Have you read the script? There it is written in white on black: "Santa Claus enters, congratulates, conducts a competition", but nothing is said about the fact that he gives gifts. Understood?

32. Baba Yaga. This cannot be! Take a closer look at your script. By the way, where is the script? Let's watch.

(Santa Claus takes a script out of the bag.)

33. Santa Claus (is reading). So, after congratulating Santa Claus, the children lead a round dance around the tree.

34. Baba Yaga. It's the same in children's scripts children lead a round dance, but in our ...

35. Santa Claus ... Where is ours?

36. Baba Yaga. You should have had.

37. Santa Claus. I dropped it somewhere. (Looking for scripts). What to do now, what to do?

38. Baba Yaga. Oh, you lost the document! We'll have to improvise. Our guys are not so small, so they are not supposed to lead round dances! Do you know the songs? Sing along!

5. (The song "Happy New Year" by the group "Avaria" sounds. Everyone is dancing.)

39. Santa Claus.

Oh-ho-ho, how tired I am, I danced well. And now I'll rest, I'll sit by the tree here.

40. Baba Yaga. You, Santa Claus, sit down, and the guys and I will spend a few fun contests!

Competition "Merry Nonsense" (sets of strips of paper with text)

41. Ved. 3 The host has two sets of strips of paper. In the left hand - questions, in the right - answers. The presenter walks around the tables, playing alternately "blindly" pulling out a question, (read aloud) then an answer. It turns out to be hilarious nonsense.

Do you read other people's letters?

Do you sleep well?

Are you listening to other people's conversations?

Do you hit the dishes out of anger?

Can you put a pig on a buddy?

Are you writing anonymously?

Do you spread gossip?

Are you in the habit of promising more of your capabilities?

Would you like to marry for convenience?

Are you intrusive and rude in your actions?

This is my favorite pastime

Occasionally, for a joke

Only on summer nights

When the wallet is empty

Only without witnesses

Only if it is not associated with material costs

Especially in someone else's house

This is my old dream

No, I'm a very shy person

I never give up such an opportunity

The Snow Maiden appears unnoticed by everyone

42. Snow Maiden: How many faces are familiar, How many friends of mine are here!

It's good for me here, at home, Among the gray Christmas trees! All my friends are gathered.

In the New Year's winter hour. We haven't met for a whole year. I miss you.

I brought you snowballs, And now I want to have some snowballs with you.

Competition "Fight of Snowflakes", we invite those who wish (10 people).

43. Snow. All participants stand on one line and, at the command of the presenter, begin to blow from below onto the snowflake so that it flies. The task is not to let the "snowflake" fall.

The winner is the participant who kept the "snowflake" in the air for the longest time.

6. The song is the way out of the robbers.

The robbers run out (whistling, noise, shouting).
44. Robbers.
1. What are you so smart about? 2. What's going on here?
45. Lead 2.
Who are you?
46. ​​Chorus: Robbers.
47. Robbers.

1. Let your kids amuse us. 2. For example, they will dance some kind of dance!
"Dance" (grade 9). Scene.
48. Robbers.

1. Well done! Amused us! 2. But we will not let you spend the holiday anyway.
49. Leading 3.
Robbers, let’s agree this way: I’ll ask you some riddles, and if you cannot solve them, then you won’t interfere with us. Deal? If the robbers do not guess right, we will ask the audience for help.
50. Robbers.
Good. There has never been such a riddle that we have not solved. Let's.
51. Leading 4. make riddles:
1. Cossacks are standing, caps are white on them. (Stump in the snow)
2. Carved, lacy It is spinning in the air. And as it sits in the palm of your hand, So immediately - water. (Snowflake).
3. Not an animal, not a bird, But the nose, like a spoke, Flies - screams, Sits down - is silent. Whoever kills him will shed his blood. (Mosquito).
4. No arms, no legs, and draws patterns on the windows. (Freezing).
The robbers could not guess a single riddle correctly.
52. Robbers.
1. How much we do not know! We'll have to go to school of mind to type! Guys, forgive us!
2. Can we stay for your holiday? We will be good and obedient!
The robbers remain.
7. A song from the cartoon "Cheburashka" sounds, Cheburashka and Gena the Crocodile appear. Against the background of the song "I was once a strange, nameless toy ..." words sound.
53. Crocodile Gena.

Dear friends! Me and my friend Cheburashka came to wish you a Happy New Year!
54. Cheburashka.
New Year comes to us like a moon powder And flickering bright candles.
New Year! May it be good For you and for our friends!

8. Tired of sitting? Let's have an active rest! Dance - the game "Lady Sitting".

Before the game, let's rehearse without music. Together.

Stomp your right foot.
Slam left hand,
Hands to the side and turn.
The people are dancing to the "Lady"!

We will lead the right ear.
Let's wink with our left eye,
Let's smile to the left - to the right.
Let's dance to the "Lady" for glory!

And the game is played to the music of the well-known "Lady".

55. Crocodile Gena. And you managed to cope with the Russian style, You are a talented people, indeed! We will continue our masquerade without delay.
Guys, Cheburashka and I have a surprise for you. We will now hold a New Year's lottery.
Win-win lottery

56. Crocodile Gena pulls out tickets with numbers, and Cheburashka presents


Lead 3 reads out wishes for ticket numbers.

Win-win lottery

1. By chance, you got excellent tea on the ticket. (Tea)

2. So that your face and your hands are clean.

You got a piece of fragrant soap on your ticket. (Soap).

3. Dimensionless vessel for various volumes of liquid. (Ball)

4. So that your teeth do not hurt,

Clean them at least once a week. (Toothbrush)

5. Wanted to win a flashlight,

And just got a ball. (Ball)

6. You should be happy in excess of the lottery now:

You have a wonderful calendar,

Got a souvenir from us. (Calendar)

7. Receive a balloon,

Fly into space to the stars. (Ball)

8. A rather rare surprise for you -

Two paper napkins. (Two paper napkins)

9. Get it - hurry up.

A notebook for you: write poetry. (Notebook)

10. Do not get sick, be strong,

We hand you the pills. (Vitamin tablets)

11. You look great:

Both clothes and hair.

And the reward is not in vain

The prize fell to you - a comb. (Comb)

12. To distinguish the days well,

You need to know the calendar well. (Calendar)

13. About all the news in the world

Read it in the newspaper. (Newspaper with a crossword puzzle)

14. Take the advice:

Fruit is the best diet. (Fruits)

15. You got the candy,

Come visit us. (Candy)

16. To find out the income,

A notepad will come in handy. (Notebook)

17. "Hooray!" - shout at the whole world,

You have a souvenir machine. (Typewriter)

18. So that your hairstyle is beautiful -

Receive a comb as a gift. (Comb)

19. There is no typewriter -

We offer this item. (A pen)

20. In life, one must hope for the best,

Take the glue if something doesn't stick. (Glue)

21. To write beautifully to you,

Hurry up to get your pen. (A pen)

22. This piece will correct the mistake,

This eraser is called an eraser. (Eraser)

23. This is not a cup, this is not a watering can.

This is the ruler everyone needs. (Ruler)

24. A pencil is always sharpened

And get the sharpener. (Sharpener)

25. I got on the car, drove off,

You came to school quickly. (Typewriter)

26. Japanese camera. (Mirror)

27. Preparation for developing jaws. (Gum)

28. Measuring device highest precision... (Ruler)

29. Music center. (Whistle)

30. This item will be useful to you

To study on "five". (A pen)

57. Santa Claus: Dear friends! People say: "The best song that has not yet been sung, best city which has not yet been built, best year who has not yet lived. "So may the new year bring us 365 sunny days, an abundance of good meetings and smiles. May your dreams and plans come true! Happy New Year! Happy new happiness!

58. Snow Maiden - Let the New Year overshadow you, Give you success. And let it sound in your house
Cheerful, ringing laughter. Happiness always comes!

Father Frost And now we say to everyone: "Goodbye" -
It's time to part.
And in this late winter hour -
The disco will begin for you!

59. Ved. 2 How not to dance today?

Dance more, not according to the norm

Today everyone should be

In excellent dance form.

60. Ved. 3 The most timid and not daring

In the whole world the dance is white

But let it be at the ball today

No one is sad in the corner.

Let your eyes shine brighter than the stars and lights

Invite girls to dance guys

White dance

During the dances, games are held :

61 Veda 4 ... Dance with a prize.

A prize is in the girl's hand. She is invited by two young men. With one she goes to dance, the second gives the prize. The young man is invited by two girls. With one he goes to dance, the other gives the prize. Etc. The prize goes to the one who has the prize after the end of the music.

62. Ved. 1. Dance - game: Ribbon chooses a pair. In the hand of D.M. ribbons different colors... He clenches them in his fist. The guys take either end of the tape. D.M. lets go of the ribbons and the guys dance with the pair who has the ribbon of the same color.

Competition program

Lead 1: So the holiday continues. Today, at the very end of 2014, we are going to have a lot of fun, laugh, dance, fall in love, and with all this say “Happy New Year!”, “Happy New Happiness!”

Lead 2:

Happy New Year to you-

It's so nice to congratulate you! -

And we sincerely wish you

Do not forget to learn!

Lead 1

More often, easier to smile

And live in peace with dad and mom.

Cheerfully, cheerfully laugh,

Really make friends!

Lead 2:

Under the tree, make a wish

And know that there is no obstacle to the dream!

Believe in a miracle, expect happiness,

And fate will light up the green light for you!

Lead 1: To continue the New Year holiday, we must create two teams. Let's do this - the girls will be included in the "Snow Maiden" team, and the boys will be in the "Santa Clauses" team.

Lead 2: So, we continue our competition program... The winners of the contests will be given snowflakes. They need to be preserved. The winner is the team that scores large quantity snowflakes.

Lead 1: Let's start with the unusual competition "The most agile".

We invite one participant from each team.

Lead 2: Competition rules: you need right hand take the newspaper, then on command "quickly" gather the entire newspaper into a fist. Whoever did it faster is the winner.

(the winner is given a snowflake)

Lead 1: We are announcing the second "Long Chains" competition.

Two people from the team are invited to participate.

Lead 2: Competition rules: Within the allotted period of time you need to make a chain of paper clips.

The winner in the competition is the one whose chain is longer.(the winner is given a snowflake)

Lead 2: The next competition is "Horoscopes". It is necessary to quickly compose a living chain of zodiac signs in the correct sequence. (Everyone participates)

(Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces).

Lead 1: And now the next contest "Valenki"

We invite one person from the team. At the command "MARCH", the participants need to run around the tree and put on a felt boot. The one who comes running faster and puts on clothes wins.

(the winner is given a snowflake)

Lead 1: The next competition is called “Take the Prize”.

Team members stand around the chair, the leader reads the poem "One, two, three!" Those who tried to grab the prize out of time are eliminated from the competition. The winner is the one who gets the prize.

I'll tell you a story

One and a half dozen times.

As soon as I say the word "three" -

Take the prize immediately!

Once we caught a pike,

Gutted, but inside

We counted small fish -

And not one, but TWO.

Dreams of a hardened boy

Become an Olympic champion

Look, don't be cunning at the start,

And wait for the command one, two, SEVEN.

When you want to memorize poems,

They are not crammed until late at night,

And repeat them to yourself

Once, twice, or better FIVE!

Recently train at the train station

I had to wait THREE hours.

But why didn't you take the prize, friends,

When was the opportunity to take?

(the winner is given a snowflake)

Lead 2:

We are giving you silhouettes of Christmas trees different heights... To the music, Christmas tree children move around the hall. Each "Christmas tree" must find a pair in height and continue the dance.

63. Vedas 2: Time flew by quickly And it's time to leave us.

64. Vedas 3: With all my heart, friends, we wish you great, great success!

65. Snow Maiden: It's time, friends, you need to say goodbye. Congratulations to all from the bottom of our hearts! May both adults and kids celebrate the New Year!

66. Led. 4 1st : Well, friends, it's time to say goodbye With the January wind flew to us.

And again we say "Goodbye" to Our good and great friends.

67.D.M .: And in this hour of farewell To all dear and sweet, you, friends

We say: “Goodbye, Goodbye again. We wish you happiness! "