Which cities do eco. The best eco-clinics in Russia, rating of clinics, reviews, prices

help_outline What you need to know if we decide to undergo IVF?

  1. First of all, you need to know about legal nuances of IVF in the selected country. For example, in the Republic of Northern Cyprus, doctors perform the procedure on both coupled and single women, and artificial insemination is available. only those who are married.
  2. Restrictions in different countries concern gender selection child, age women, donation sperm, eggs and embryos. When choosing a clinic, it is also important to know which methods are available and what are IVF success rates for your age.
  3. Check out information about doctor who will perform the in vitro fertilization procedure - the result depends on his experience and qualifications.
  4. A sudden change in climate and stress affect ovulation. So choose country with the same season, which is now in your area, or give the body time to acclimatize. On the other hand, vcountries with a maritime or mountain climate the procedure can be combined with a good rest.


many factors 20-30 years old

help_outline Is there a maximum age for IVF?

Reproductologists do not have a clear answer to this question. The main limitation is the ovarian reserve, i.e. the supply of eggs in a woman's body. It is determined during the examination. If the supply of oocytes runs out, experts offer a protocol IVF with donor eggs.

help_outline What is the best age for IVF?

In vitro fertilization is carried out, first of all, according to medical indications. At the same time, physicians consider many factors among which are the causes of infertility or unsuccessful pregnancies, the resources of the patient's body, and the general condition. If we talk about statistics, the highest chances of getting pregnant after IVF are in women. 20-30 years old, but there are cases of successful pregnancies even at 53-55 years.

Many clinics do not set age limits, some do not accept patients older than 45-50 years.

help_outline What is the probability that you will be able to get pregnant after the first IVF procedure?

The effectiveness of in vitro fertilization depends on male, female factors and the quality of the procedure. TO female factors include a woman's health status, her age and hormone levels, male- presence, quality and motility of spermatozoa. If there are disturbances in female and male factors, it may be necessary auxiliary IVF methods(ICSI / IMSI, PIKSI, etc.).

For quality procedure it is important that the doctor selects the optimal drugs for stimulation, correctly performs the fertilization of eggs and embryo transfer. Therefore, to increase the chance of getting pregnant, choose an IVF clinic with strong embryology and experienced specialists.

help_outline Is there a maximum number of attempts?

The procedure can be carried out repeatedly. Some foreign experts claim that each subsequent attempt increases the chances of a successful conception. This is possible through analysis - determining why pregnancy did not occur after IVF, and more thorough preparation.

help_outline I've already had several unsuccessful IVFs. What is the probability that I will be able to get pregnant and bear a child?

If, after several attempts to get pregnant, it did not work out, the couple should undergo advanced diagnostics to find the causes and eliminate them. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor will determine whether additional treatment is necessary to stabilize the hormonal background, or it is better to try other methods, such as fertilization with a donor egg.


  1. Survey
  2. You are undergoing an examination, after which the doctor selects a protocol for artificial insemination.

  3. Stimulation (induction) of hyperovulation
  4. You are prescribed special hormonal drugs that stimulate the ovaries to more actively produce eggs. Doctors determine the medications and their dose individually, depending on your age, egg reserve and your general health.

  5. Follicle puncture and egg aspiration
  6. With the help of ultrasound, the doctor determines whether the oocytes are ripe, then, under ultrasound control, performs a puncture of the ovaries. The procedure is painless and takes a few minutes.

  7. Fertilization in vitro
  8. The pre-collected sperm is processed to select the most motile spermatozoa. After processing, they are placed in a container to the egg, where fertilization takes place. If there are not enough high-quality germ cells in the sperm, doctors use the ICSI or PICSI method - the most mobile sperm is injected directly into the egg using a thin needle.

  9. Embryo cultivation
  10. The fertilized egg is transferred to an incubator for 3-5 days, where it develops. At this stage, doctors perform PGD to rule out genetic abnormalities and select embryos of a certain gender (if allowed by the laws of the country).

  11. Transfer of embryos to the uterus
  12. The embryologist selects the healthiest embryos to implant in the uterus. The transfer is performed using a thin catheter under ultrasound guidance. The remaining embryos are frozen - they can be used for repeated IVF. If embryos that have been frozen are transferred into the uterus, the procedure is called cryotransfer.

  13. Pregnancy support and tests
  14. 14 days after the transfer, you will have a blood test for hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin, “pregnancy hormone”). If pregnancy is confirmed, you will undergo an ultrasound. To support the body, doctors will prescribe hormonal drugs.

help_outline How long does it take to prepare for IVF?

The duration of the entire in vitro fertilization cycle depends on the specific protocol and ranges from 3 to 6 weeks. The necessary examinations and preparation of the body often take up to 1 month.

help_outline How long do you need to stay in the clinic?

Each reproduction center has its own requirements. Examination and selection of drugs for stimulation take 7-14 days. After the doctor has prescribed medication, the woman can go home if she is limited in time. But in most cases, doctors recommend staying in the country and undergoing regular examinations to measure hormone levels. In addition, for the procedure to be successful, a calm and comfortable environment is necessary, therefore additional transfers and flights are undesirable.

help_outline Is it possible to plan the gender of the child?

Gender selection in IVF real, while not all countries and medical centers provide such an opportunity. Most often, the transfer of an embryo of a certain sex is necessary according to indications- if the family has hereditary diseases that are transmitted through the male / female line.

However, there are clinics where you can choose the gender optional(for example, in the Republic of Northern Cyprus). To do this, pre-implantation genetic diagnosis is carried out and embryos are selected. Another technique - microsort, allows even before the fertilization of the egg to isolate spermatozoa with a Y-chromosome and an X-chromosome.

According to the statistics of various medical institutions, the planned sex of the child during IVF coincides in 90% of cases at the birth of a girl and in 70% at the birth of a boy.

help_outline Is it true that children who are born after IVF have poorer health than their peers?

No. Children who are born after IVF protocols are no weaker than their peers. Their health is no worse than that of naturally conceived children. If there are hereditary diseases in the family, clinics perform PGD (pre-implantation genetic diagnosis). With the help of the method, you can make sure that the child is healthy.

Modern reproductive technologies allow you to regulate and participate in such a delicate natural process as conception. Biotechnology has advanced so much that now in countries where it is legally allowed, it is possible to choose the sex of the unborn child. Pre-implantation diagnostics for genetic defects, the possibility of choosing the most successful embryos for development, cryopreservation of embryos and many other possibilities have become available in recent decades.

IVF in the USA

American medicine has the highest rating. This applies both to the service and technical equipment of clinics, and to the principles of the activities of medical personnel. One of the main advantages of American medicine is its innovative nature, which involves the use of the latest advances in technology in its activities.

All this is true for reproductive techniques. One of the indicators of the high development of reproductive medicine in the United States is the fact that the internship of doctors in American clinics is considered the highest quality and privileged in the medical environment of all countries.

If we talk about the benefits of the IVF procedure itself in the USA, we can note the following:

  • The technique of in vitro fertilization was first used in the United States. Since then, more than 25 years have passed - during this time, about a million couples have used the IVF method in American clinics, and the method itself has been worked out and tested to the nuances.
  • In American clinics, a system of multi-cycles is practiced, consisting, if necessary, of several IVF attempts. The cost of services includes not one attempt, as in many countries, but a series of three.
  • In the United States, at the legislative level, work with embryonic material is allowed to choose the sex of the child.
  • American clinics show the highest percentage of successful pregnancies after IVF (70%).
  • The state financial risk protection program provides for a refund of half the cost in the event of an unsuccessful IVF outcome.
  • IVF procedures in the USA are carried out in special reproductive centers that specialize only in reproductive technologies.

The cost of an IVF procedure in American clinics fluctuates on average around 15 thousand dollars and is calculated in each case individually, based on:

  • Required research.
  • Medical procedures.
  • fertilization method.
  • Additional services.

The price will increase, for example, if any pathology is found that requires treatment before the IVF procedure.

The average cost does not include services such as choosing the sex of the child, cryopreservation of fertilized eggs, and many others.

IVF in Israel

Israel holds a place of honor with regard to the development of medical reproductive technologies. Israeli doctors are almost as professional as American doctors, while the cost of IVF will be slightly lower.

Israeli clinics offer standard services, including:

  • preliminary diagnosis.
  • Collection of eggs and sperm.
  • Introplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).
  • Post-procedural follow-up.

Among other things, the advantages of Israeli clinics are:

  • Possibility to choose the sex of the child.
  • The ability to test the embryo for the presence of genetic abnormalities.
  • High percentage of successful IVF procedures (70%).
  • The technological equipment of Israeli clinics is not inferior to American ones.

IVF procedures are carried out in Israel, as a rule, on the basis of general medical centers.

Assuta Medical Center, MVI Medical Center, Herzliya Medical Center and many other private clinics can be noted.

The average cost of the procedure will fluctuate around 8-10 thousand dollars, including tests and intraplasmic injection of spermatozoa (about 2 thousand dollars).

IVF in Europe

Europe is not homogeneous in terms of legal restrictions on reproductive technologies, flexibility in approaches to patients and the cost of services. Traditionally, services in Western Europe will be the most expensive.

German clinics provide IVF services for foreigners from 7 thousand dollars. At the same time, the German legislation on the protection of embryos limits the possibilities of doctors so much that a successful pregnancy after IVF procedures is achieved in only 27%, and childbirth - only in 13%. Not surprisingly, many German women seek reproductive medicine in other countries.

The Belgian reproductive legislation is quite liberal, which significantly increases the positive result of the IVF procedure. The average cost of IVF services here often crosses the mark of 10 thousand. According to reviews, Belgian clinics are among the best in Europe..

In Eastern Europe, for example in the Czech Republic, the cultivation of embryos, sex selection, as well as pre-implantation diagnostics for genetic defects are allowed. The cost of an IVF procedure in Czech clinics starts from 3 thousand dollars. The average cost, including the most common procedures and medications, will be about $6,000.

Greece is a great option for IVF. Legislative restrictions are not strict, reproductive technologies are at a high level. There are more than 50 private and more than 10 state reproductive centers in the country. The average price of services will be 6-7 thousand dollars. The efficiency of IVF in Greece is about 50%.

IVF in South Korea

It is known that South Korean doctors are trained in clinics in the United States, Israel and Germany. On the one hand, this speaks of their high qualifications, on the other hand, of the natural lag of Korean medicine from the most progressive methods of America and Europe.

In turn, this is reflected in the cost: the most budget options, for example, in the Miz Medi clinic, can be found for 4 thousand dollars.

The well-known South Korean hospital "Cheil" offers an IVF procedure for 7-8 thousand dollars. Cheil Hospital IVF Center is a well-known medical institution that has been leading its history since 1985. The clinic has modern equipment and guarantees the success of IVF procedures in 50-60% of cases.

Read more about IVF in South Korea.

IVF in Russia (Moscow)

Moscow clinics began to provide IVF services since the late 1980s. To date, they have proven themselves with a good percentage of efficiency and relatively inexpensive cost.

It should be noted that Russian legislation prohibits sex selection, limits the time of embryo cultivation, but allows preimplantation diagnosis.

Of the most famous Moscow clinics discussed below, only two disclose information on the percentage of successful use of IVF procedures by them. The Center for Reproduction and IVF of the clinic "Medicina" indicates 48% of the effectiveness of treatment within its walls. The statistics of the "Center for Family Planning and Reproduction" indicates a pregnancy rate of 30-35%.


In the clinic "Ma-Ma" for 16 years of work with the help of the IVF method, more than 5 thousand children have appeared. The clinic has passed European certification and standardization. It provides a full range of services, including diagnostics, a full IVF cycle, preimplantation diagnostics, cryopreservation and many other services.

The cost with the most common services and diagnostics, excluding drugs, will be about 100 thousand rubles. For example, such an additional procedure as obtaining spermatozoa during microsurgical testicular biopsy will cost about 90 thousand rubles. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis - from 52 thousand rubles.

"Mother and Child"

"Mother and Child" is a group of clinics specializing in obstetrics, gynecology and pediatrics.

The company does not advertise the official price list, offering everyone interested to make an appointment.

According to patients, the IVF procedure in these clinics costs from 150 thousand rubles.

Reproduction and IVF Center of the clinic "Medicina"

A distinctive feature of the center of reproduction and IVF of the clinic "Medicina" is that on its basis IVF programs are carried out within the framework of the compulsory medical insurance system, i.e. is free.

This service is quota-based and requires compliance with the procedures established by law.

The center is located near the Mayakovskaya metro station and is equipped with all the necessary modern equipment. The center provides a full range of assisted reproductive procedures and techniques.

The cost of the IVF procedure is from 87 thousand rubles.

Center for Family Planning and Reproduction

The "Family Planning and Reproduction Center" is a budgetary healthcare institution that implements IVF programs, mainly according to quotas in the CHI system. There is a paid appointment in the same building by the same doctors. The cost of paid admission is slightly lower than the average for Moscow.

Read more about treatment in foreign clinics.

IVF is becoming the only solution for many infertile couples around the globe. Unfortunately, the development of this direction in medicine is rather slow. However, Moscow can boast of an annual quantitative increase IVF clinics Therefore, future parents face a difficult question of choice. So which clinic is better to go to? What to follow and what to pay attention to?

IVF centers in Moscow

According to statistics, every 5-8 couples are diagnosed with infertility for one reason or another. Most cases will be resolved safely by conventional medicine, but some cases will require something more drastic. We are talking about artificial insemination.

Now in Moscow they accept patients and conduct IVF in about 70 clinics of this profile. Some of them were formed on the basis of well-known state. Institutions, for example, the Kulakov Center for Obstetrics and Gynecology. Other clinics - and most of them - are completely private ("Embryo", "Mother and Child", etc.). The good news is that in many medical institutions, childless couples are given the opportunity to undergo IVF procedure free of charge, under the MHI policy. This function appeared on 01/01/2015, and since then its popularity and demand has increased many times over.

Approximately 30 thousand IVF protocols are implemented annually, and after that more than 8 thousand healthy babies are born. Through the efforts of specialists, this figure is only growing from year to year.

Services of the most famous and popular IVF clinics in the capital there are many infertile couples with various, even the most difficult cases, so the medical practice of specialists here is great and varied. Thus, in addition to rich experience, the capital's clinics have the following advantages:

  • modern equipment;
  • access to the latest developments;
  • the possibility of instant freezing of embryos;
  • implementation of an individual approach to each patient.


IVF centers in Moscow provide a wide range of medical services in their field:

  • artificial insemination;
  • infertility treatment;
  • pregnancy management;
  • embryoscopy;
  • cryopreservation of eggs, etc.

This is not a complete list of services that you can apply to IVF clinics in the capital, because each case is unique, and for all clients there is an individual approach that will help to get a positive result.

Qualified geneticists, embryologists, reproductive specialists, obstetricians and gynecologists will use all their strength, experience and knowledge so that every woman can become pregnant, and then bear and give birth to a healthy baby without any pathologies.

The largest Moscow IVF clinics

Nova Clinic

A network of specialized centers for human reproduction and genetics in Moscow, where a full range of diagnostic and therapeutic measures are carried out aimed at overcoming infertility. Our clinics also carry out diagnostics and treatment of gynecological and urological diseases. Clinic services: counseling of infertile couples; examination to identify all possible causes of infertility; overcoming any forms of infertility (including using all methods of assisted reproduction); Ultrasound of an expert level; preimplantation diagnostics; pregnancy management; operative gynecology; operational urology; physiotherapy.

Clinic "Embryo"

This clinic appeared in Moscow first. Here they treat infertility and carry out the IVF procedure. The popularity and fame of the clinic is due not only to great experience, but also to an excellent staff, highly professional doctors. The chief physician is a laureate of the Russian government award. He is one of the few specialists who are independently involved in IVF. Thanks to the work of the center, more than 7.5 thousand children were born.

The clinic conducts IVF, treats couples for infertility, and carries out a complete diagnosis of the body. Another indisputable and very significant plus is the pricing policy of the clinic. Unlike competitors, the price of the procedure is from 69 thousand rubles. However, low cost does not affect the quality of service. Patients note the attentive and respectful attitude of the staff. You can get advice and assistance from your doctor at any stage of treatment, at any time of the day. The credo of the clinic is an individual approach to each patient.

Everyone has long known that the age of a potential mother is one of the main criteria affecting the success of the completed IVF cycle. According to statistics, the chances of getting pregnant as a result of IVF before the age of 30 are approximately 40%, and after 40 this figure decreases significantly, amounting to only 5-10%. In this regard, the specialists of this clinic advise not to delay the solution of the problem and consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Clinic "Mama"

This center has been in existence since 1999. In recent years, the clinic has been actively cooperating with European sperm banks. Here you can undergo genetic diagnostics and IVF procedure. The clinic has quite a few awards. Customer reviews are overwhelmingly positive. It is generally accepted that this center has the highest success rate. The cost of procedures depends on many different factors, but on average it is 100 thousand rubles.

Clinic of Professor Zdanovsky

Two centers are currently operating in this institution - IVF and Lera. The work of the IVF department began in 1983, and Lera entered it as a new department 10 years later. Both IVF and Lera are engaged in infertility treatment and in vitro fertilization. With successful implantation of the embryo, doctors conduct the patient's pregnancy for all 9 months, and then take birth here. The cost of the procedure on average starts from 85 thousand rubles.

Clinic "Mother and Child"

"Mother and Child" is a whole network of clinics. There are 6 branches in the capital. The clinic leads in terms of the number of fertilizations per year among competitors. Here, a complete diagnosis of both partners is carried out, infertility treatment, any type of IVF and much more. Doctors not only conduct pregnancy and deliver children, but also monitor the health of the child until he reaches 16 years of age. The clinic employs qualified specialists, the service here is at its best, respectively, and customer reviews are quite good. The cost of the procedures is approximately 200 thousand rubles.

There is also a clinical hospital "Mother and Child" in Lapino near Moscow. This center is an excellent alternative to foreign clinics: it is located in an ecologically clean place, in the bosom of nature, and if you do not have a partner, you can be offered donor materials from your own database.

Center "Children from a test tube"

The center appeared in 2001; the city hospital No. 20 served as the base for it. Today, this medical institution already has its own premises. In the clinic, you can undergo an examination, cure infertility (if possible) or undergo an in vitro fertilization procedure. More recently, the clinic has also begun providing surrogate mother services. IVF price starts from 100 thousand rubles. It is possible to undergo IVF for free, using the CHI policy.

Clinic "FertiMed"

It has been operating for a long time, has a lot of positive feedback from patients. The clinic treats not only female but also male infertility, conducts ICSI, IVF and full genetic diagnostics, and also offers a service such as surrogate motherhood. When pregnancy occurs, the doctors of the clinic are engaged in its management and provide assistance if necessary.

Clients note the cozy, almost homely atmosphere in the clinic, as well as the friendliness and responsiveness of absolutely all the staff, including nurses and nurses.

NCR "ECO-Assistance"

The clinic was opened in 2011. Over the years, 83% of patients, thanks to the treatment, have the desired babies. The clinic, according to visitors, has a comfortable atmosphere, the medical staff is pleasant in communication and active in work. Due to the high cost of IVF, management offers various programs that can simplify the financial issue. Patients are provided with full support from the clinic staff.

Clinic "Medkvadrat"

In this reproductive medicine clinic, you will be helped to forget about the problem of infertility once and for all, as the specialists of this medical institution have an impressive list of medical technologies. Highly qualified specialists are engaged in the treatment of infertility, pregnancy management, and also monitor the child after its development (there is a children's clinic specifically for this purpose).

Clinic "IVF Center"

Speaking of clinics in Moscow, one cannot fail to mention the IVF Center. ICSI, IVF, surrogate motherhood, as well as egg and sperm donation are practiced here. Perhaps free treatment under the compulsory medical insurance policy or treatment on credit.

Clinic "VitroClinic"

The clinic calls its main task the achievement of pregnancy by any means, as well as the management of pregnancy in full and ensuring the birth of a healthy child. The indisputable advantage of this clinic is the work according to the European model of embryology, that is, the minimum level of stimulation is used for IVF, which reduces the risk of multiple pregnancy. In addition to the treatment of female infertility, the clinic has achieved outstanding success in the treatment of infertility in men.

Prices in IVF clinics in Moscow

IVF is not a cheap pleasure, especially when it comes to several cycles. As already mentioned, Moscow today is full of IVF clinics, and when choosing one of them, the price of the issue will play an important role. So how much is the joy of motherhood worth now?

In general, the final price is individual, consists of many elements and depends on many factors: the final figure depends on the institution, the procedures you need specifically in your case, etc. Prices are high, but in spite of everything, in vitro fertilization is becoming more affordable, and hitherto infertile couples are getting the opportunity to have a much-desired child. The average cost among clinics is approximately 200 - 250 thousand rubles per procedure.

Of course, you can find a more budget option of 100-180 thousand rubles. For example, the SM-clinic center (Belorusskaya station) is very popular in this matter. The clinic specializes in the restoration and correction of reproductive health with the help of assistive technologies. The staff is highly qualified, is a member of RAHR and the European Society of Reproduction and Embryology. Thanks to modern equipment, any type of surgery and medical research is possible. In addition, this institution has multi-gas incubators, which simultaneously create a favorable natural temperature and disinfect the space. Prices differ from the average prices of competing clinics: IVF will cost about 150,000 rubles here.

Rating of IVF clinics in Moscow

According to this rating, the first place belongs to the NCR "ECO-Assistance". It is followed by "Medkvadrat", "IVF Center" and the perinatal medical center "Mother and Child". Users also speak flatteringly about VitroKlinik and the Mother and Child Clinical Hospital. The Embryo Center completes the list of the best clinics in Moscow.

Choosing an IVF clinic: what to look for

First of all, you need to check if the clinic has a license. It will be a guarantee that such activities are allowed here and, moreover, are practiced.

Then you should pay attention to the composition of the staff. A nurse, a nurse, a reproductive specialist, an embryologist, an andrologist and an anesthesiologist must work in the clinic (!)

It is not necessary to have a psychologist and/or a lawyer, but if the need arises, you can ask the clinic to advise you on someone.

Objectively and correctly evaluate the equipment, of course, much more difficult. However, please note: the clinic must have gynecological chairs and a modern ultrasound machine. The rest of the devices are somewhat specific, and hardly anyone will explain something to you in this regard.

Information obtained from the Internet should not be a decisive factor in your choice. You should rely mostly on your feelings, because each person, as you know, has his own needs and his own opinion. Any patient will leave a laudatory review about the clinic where he was well served, especially if IVF ended in pregnancy. Be objective, go to the appointment and focus on your experience of interacting with the clinic.

How to choose a clinic and not make a mistake:

  • Pay attention to the quality of service. To do this, go to the reception and see how punctual and polite the staff is.
  • Do not forget that now you will have to visit this medical facility very often, so a convenient location will save you time and nerves.
  • Find out if there is an opportunity to conduct additional research in the selected clinic. It is much more convenient (not only for you, but also for the doctor, by the way) when all examinations are carried out within the same building. In addition, the doctor must draw up a treatment plan for you (individual), you can ask the doctor to show it to you.
  • Specify whether it is possible to check your spouse for infertility at the clinic: whether it has a laboratory where ejaculate could be donated.
  • Ask your doctor about his experience with cases like yours; Find out statistics on the number of successful pregnancies among women in your age group. Also ask if there is a donor base in the clinic, how many embryos will be transferred to you, how much the treatment will cost, whether it will be possible to get a sick leave if something happens, and whether the doctors will manage your pregnancy.

Do not forget that you should not rely too much on statistics either. After all, the onset, but interrupted pregnancy will also be considered a successful attempt. And many clinics refuse difficult patients in order not to spoil their rating.

Search the Internet on the forums for information about clinics, taking into account cases similar to yours.

And if you still decide on IVF, understand: no doctor, no matter how experienced he may be and no matter how sophisticated the equipment he uses, will not be able to give you a 100% guarantee for pregnancy from the very first cycle. It is good that many clinics understand the condition of infertile couples and give them discounts on subsequent procedures. All you can do after an embryo transfer is to wait for the result and tune in to the best.

IVF preparatory stage

So, you have chosen a clinic, now what? To begin with, you will be required to undergo an examination together with your partner, because it may well turn out that not a woman, but a man (or both) is infertile. A comprehensive examination will provide the doctor with a complete picture of what is happening and will help prescribe the most appropriate and effective treatment for the couple. For a successful pregnancy at this stage, it is imperative to follow the recommendations of the attending physician and treat them with due attention.

Some diseases can be cured with modern technology, while others require surgery. If the doctor understands that none of these remedies will help, the couple is offered to use the donation and / or services of a surrogate mother.

Obtaining and fertilizing cells

The next step is to obtain cells. This is one of the most technically difficult moments. For example, if a man suffers from a severe form of infertility, then doctors use the microsurgical method to obtain spermatozoa, from which the best are then selected. For the most difficult cases, it is always possible to use donor eggs and sperm.

In the laboratory, the eggs are fertilized, the embryos develop in a special nutrient medium, and then the experts select the most healthy and full-fledged embryos, which will then be transferred to the woman. Prior to transfer, PGD is performed on the embryos to rule out the possibility of genetic diseases.

Embryo transfer and pregnancy

The transfer procedure is quick and painless. Most often, to increase the chance of pregnancy, a woman is transferred two embryos at once. After 14 days, a blood test is done, which shows whether the embryo has implanted or not.

When pregnancy occurs, the doctor conducts the pregnancy for the entire period, carefully monitors the patient's condition, trying to predict and eliminate potential risks.

If pregnancy does not occur, do not immediately get upset: this means that you just need to try again.

IVF clinics in Moscow is a chance to become happy parents when all other options are impossible. In order for the pregnancy to come and everything goes well, carefully follow the doctor's instructions. In the most extreme and difficult cases, consider the possibility of surrogate motherhood and donation of germ cells.

Updated: 01/15/2019 14:52:08

Expert: Sergey Vorontsov

*Overview of the best in the opinion of the editors of the site. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Couples who are faced with the problem of conceiving a baby are increasingly turning to clinics that perform the in vitro fertilization procedure. It promotes the penetration of sperm to the egg. The choice of a reproductive center is a serious life-changing decision. Therefore, we decided to rank the best IVF clinics in Moscow.

How to choose an IVF clinic

First you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

  1. Range of services. It is better if all the necessary examinations are carried out in one place. Having your own laboratory will allow you to provide all the results of the analyzes at once. The presence of narrow specialists is welcome - a therapist, surgeon, mammologist, etc.
  2. Type of IVF. There are different types of artificial insemination: GIFT, ISD, ISM, ICSI. His choice depends on the indications, age and health of the patient. Usually, all these IVF options are practiced in reproduction clinics.
  3. Statistics. It is worth knowing how many positive results were revealed during the period of the clinic. This will help in the lives of patients.
  4. The professionalism of doctors. Only experienced specialists should work in the team, because the outcome of IVF depends on their work.
  5. Service. During preparation for pregnancy and childbirth, you want to have comfortable conditions around. Particular attention should be paid to the cleanliness of the institution.

You can not bypass other characteristics:

  1. price policy;
  2. convenience of location;
  3. promotions and discounts;
  4. availability of parking;
  5. staff attitude.

The review of Moscow medical centers includes the most popular clinics that have made hundreds and even thousands of people who have finally become parents happy.

Rating of the best IVF clinics in Moscow

Nomination place clinic name rating
Rating of the best IVF clinics in Moscow 1 4.9
2 4.9
3 4.8
4 4.8
5 4.8
6 4.8
7 4.7
8 4.7
9 4.7
10 4.6
11 4.5
12 4.5
13 4.4

The first place in the ranking is occupied by a clinic operating since 2001. The Center "Mother and Child" offers medical services in the field of pediatrics, gynecology and obstetrics. Here they treat infertility, perform in vitro fertilization, and provide emergency care to children. The clinic employs doctors of more than twenty specialties, highly qualified doctors with extensive experience. One of the most complex and expensive procedures is the IVF program “anonymous oocyte donation”. It will cost about 293 thousand rubles.

Among the advantages, patients highlight pleasant staff, cleanliness and a cozy atmosphere, no queues. I am glad that the initial consultation with a reproductologist is free. Clinic specialists are called professionals in their field. The only thing missing in the center is feeding rooms. There are several clinics "Mother and Child" in the capital, which are located in different parts of the city. Employees of the company, who can be contacted by phone +7-495-127-42-46, will help you choose the nearest branch and find out the exact opening hours.

Clinic "Center Eco" helps to cure infertility, severe pathologies of the reproductive organs. The institution's services include pregnancy management, sperm and oocyte donation, IVF program and accommodation for residents of other cities, ICSI. Some patients cannot afford the prices of the clinic. However, you have to pay a lot for the high quality of service and your health. So, a full course of infertility treatment using donor sperm will cost about 150 thousand rubles, and the IVF program in the natural cycle costs 95 thousand rubles.

On the Internet, you can find many grateful reviews from patients who praise the professionalism of doctors, a friendly attitude and a pleasant atmosphere. On the basis of the clinic, there is a school for expectant mothers, where pregnant women are taught the rules of behavior with a baby. Girls receive invaluable knowledge from psychologists, pediatricians and obstetricians, who will help not only to give birth easily, but also to raise a child correctly. "Eco Center" is located at the address: Argunovskaya 3, building 1. The institution is open daily from 9-00 to 21-00. Phone: +7-495-215-5533.

The next place in the ranking belongs to the AltraVita clinic, which has been operating for more than fifteen years. It is famous for the best conditions for patients diagnosed with infertility. Being in the center is a real pleasure. Women are delighted with the comfort they experienced before and during the reception. Experienced specialists are ready to quickly and efficiently conduct a complete examination of the reproductive system in order to establish an accurate diagnosis and find a way to solve the problem.

Judging by the calculations, during the entire period of work of Altravit, there were approximately 13 thousand pregnancies. All this is the result of experienced doctors of the clinic. The minimum price for IVF is 113 thousand rubles. The center has the latest equipment and a personal laboratory. A few years ago, the institution was awarded a CAP gold certificate. Sometimes there are promotions in the form of a free reception of a reproductologist. The main advantages of the center are high quality of services and comfort, a variety of procedures offered and excellent results. Address: Nagornaya, 5A. Phone: 8-800-222-83-94. Working hours: from 8-00 to 20-00 daily.

The Nova Clinic Center is a network of specialized departments that carry out a full range of measures for the treatment and detection of infertility, gynecological and urological diseases. During the procedures, the latest equipment and effective methods of therapy are used. Specialists practice an individual approach to each specific patient. The institution accepts doctors with more than 10 years of experience, doctors of sciences, endowed with extensive experience in this field. IVF with replanting an embryo of a genetic mother will cost about 150 thousand rubles, and fertilization in a natural cycle without stimulation costs 76 thousand rubles.

Feedback about Nova Clinic is mostly positive. There are practically no complaints about the doctors and the quality of service. Many couples have already become happy parents thanks to the work of the center's specialists. The only drawback is the lack of parking in some departments. Address: Lobachevsky street, 20. On weekdays, the institution is open from 8 am to 8 pm, on weekends - until 6 pm. Contact phone: +7-495-432-32-94.

EMC is a leader in the provision of high-tech medical care in the Russian Federation. This is a premium class institution that provides services for any type of IVF. First, partners are fully examined to establish an accurate diagnosis. Further, treatment is prescribed according to modern methods. The laboratory conducts all the necessary research, using only high-quality consumables.

The experience of the clinic is 29 years. It employs a team of professionals from different countries who have experience in treating patients in leading world centers. The main advantages of EMC include innovative technical equipment, the presence of American specialists, and positive reviews. The center is open 24/7 and there is free parking on site. It is located on Shchepkina Street, 35. Phone: +7495-933-66-55. There are other branches of the medical center in Moscow, which are located on Trifonovskaya Street and Orlovsky Lane.

The next participant in the rating is the Kulakov Research Center. The clinic uses high medical technologies. It provides high-quality services to patients with endocrine, gynecological and obstetric pathologies. It has its own laboratories, training center, experimental base. Service prices are quite reasonable. Thus, the transfer of embryos into the uterine cavity costs approximately 8,500 rubles, and ICSI in the EC costs 9,500 rubles.

Patients choose this clinic for the opportunity to undergo all examinations in one place. They note that the results of the diagnostics are ready promptly, and the interior is always clean and comfortable. There are reviews about the incompetence of children's sisters and the rudeness of junior staff. The Center has a large flow of patients, so you need to be prepared for queues. Address: academician Oparin, house 4. Phone number: +7-495-531-44444. Opening hours: Mon-Fri from 8 to 19, Sat from 10 to 14.

The infertility treatment clinic led by Professor Zdanovsky is famous for its doctors who are members of the Society for Reproduction and Embryology in Europe. She has earned the right to be in our rating. Specialists regularly improve their experience, participate in congresses related to the problem of infertility. Not only urologists, gynecologists and andrologists work here, but also embryologists, mammologists, psychologists, surgeons. The head of the center is an obstetrician-gynecologist of the category above the first, doctor of medical sciences, holder of the Russian government Prize. The hospital is committed to respecting patient confidentiality and always acting in their best interests. The advantages of the clinic include up-to-date technologies, high competence of doctors, a clear website with a user-friendly interface.

Prices for services are quite adequate compared to some other institutions from the rating. Checking the patency of the uterine tubes will cost 4,000 rubles, a second consultation with a gynecologist and urologist costs 2,000 rubles. Working hours: weekdays from 8 am to 10 pm, weekends from 9 am to 3 pm. Phone: +7495-952-2280. Address: Kholodilny lane, 2, building 2.

The National Reproductive Center "ECO-Assistance" has earned many accolades. Patients note the well-coordinated and friendly team of the clinic, which work for an effective result. Among the advantages are affordable prices and literacy of specialists. Here they do not impose their services, analysis or medicines, they treat real pathologies of the reproductive system.

Happy patients who have become parents express their gratitude to many doctors of the center. Most women get pregnant the first time. Children of patients are no different from babies born naturally. In addition to IVF, the institution offers services for the study of hormones, PCR diagnostics, and pregnancy management. The All Inclusive fertilization program costs from 240 to 300 thousand rubles. Address: Prospekt Mira, 184, building 1. Tel: 8-499-187-87-81. Working hours: from 9-00 to 21-00. Sunday from 9:00 to 19:00.

The next participant in the rating is a full cycle infertility treatment center. Here, the causes of the pathology are identified, help to achieve pregnancy and lead it for several weeks. The clinic offers personalized support from doctors until childbirth and has already made several thousand families happy who have had children as a result of the treatment. Most of the doctors are members of the community of reproduction and embryology in Europe, the association of gynecologists-endocrinologists. Five years ago, the center successfully passed the IVF medical care quality control inspection. All services comply with the requirements of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The clinic offers more than 16 F in vitro fertilization programs. She has her own donor sperm bank and genetic center.

Patients note reasonable prices for services, the competence and high professionalism of doctors, the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment. There are very few negative reviews about the institution. Address: Raskova street, 32. Phone: +7495-921-34-26. Schedule:

Mon-Fri 09:00-18:00;

Sat 09:00-15:00;

Sun day off.

Bio-Optima has been treating infertility for more than ten years. During this time, specialists have achieved high results in the treatment of various pathologies of the reproductive system in men and women. The clinic carries out diagnostics and therapy measures that are aimed at restoring the ability to naturally conceive a child, achieve pregnancy thanks to the latest technologies. "Bio-Optima" practices all methods of artificial insemination and in most cases allows you to achieve a long-awaited pregnancy. IVF surrogacy will cost about 125 thousand rubles, and one insemination with the husband's sperm, along with ultrasound and consultation, costs 24 thousand rubles.

Among the advantages of the center are the convenient location of the building, beautiful design of the rooms, polite staff and the effectiveness of treatment results. Some patients faced long queues and neglect. Despite the inconsistency of reviews, the clinic deserves to be in the ranking of the best. Address: Pereyaslavskaya house 7, building 1. Phone: 8-495-980-40-28. Working hours: Mon-Fri from 8:00 to 20:00, Sat from 9:00 to 14:00. Sun is a day off.

The MirA Innovation Center offers services for the elimination of female and male infertility using methods that meet all international standards. High-level experts work here. The clinic is equipped with modern technology for artificial insemination, operations, pregnancy management and even body shaping after childbirth.

The institution has more than ten years of experience. All types of analyzes can be obtained in three hours. There are individual discounts in the clinic, the possibility of installment plans, state quotas for compulsory medical insurance. The initial appointment with a reproductive specialist costs 3,500 rubles, ICSI for 1 egg will cost 22,000 rubles. Phone number: 8-800-555-0059. Address: Academician Zelinsky 38, building 8. Working hours: from 8-00 to 20-00.

"Center for Family Planning and Reproduction", which operates under the program of compulsory health insurance and VHI. It provides services for infertility, treatment of gynecological and urological diseases, protection of women's reproductive health. Patients note the pleasant and attentive attitude of the staff, the competent approach of specialists. The center has become one of the largest complexes in the field of obstetrics and gynecology in the Russian Federation. In total, the building has six buildings connected to each other.

The percentage of efficiency and IVF is 30.4%. This indicator corresponds to the average European standards. Initial consultation and examination and a gynecologist will cost 2,500 rubles, repeated - 2,000 rubles. Help Desk: +7-495-718-20-88. Location: Stavropolsky prospect 24A. Working hours: from 8:00 to 20:00 on weekdays, from 9:00 to 14:00 on Saturday.

The rating is completed by the IVF Embryon center, which operates on the basis of the fourth maternity hospital on Novatorov Street 3. Among the services of the clinic are IUI, ICSI, ultrasound examinations, vitrification of embryos, and assisted hatching. Here, intrauterine insemination is actively used, which is an alternative to the complex and expensive IVF procedure. The institution freezes and stores embryos for a long time using liquid nitrogen. Embryon specialists take care of pregnancy support up to the birth itself.

The center is famous for high-level doctors with extensive experience in practical work in the direction of the institution. The advantages of the center include more than twenty years of successful work, high quality of service, narrow specialization, which makes it possible to concentrate on the provision of reproductive services. The cost of IVF starts from 80 thousand rubles. Phone: 8909-630-5050, 8495-120-1508. Opening hours: from 9 am to 2 pm. Sunday from 9 to 12 noon.

People suffering from infertility and dreaming of a child will need an objective rating of IVF clinics in Moscow. According to statistics, out of 30 thousand operations of this type, only a third ends with the birth of healthy children. And the rest of the couples have to either try again, or give up on their dreams. Therefore, it is very important to competently approach the choice of a clinic, because success largely depends on its level and professionalism of specialists. Listed below are the five most reputable medical institutions in the capital that provide services for artificial insemination.

The best IVF clinics in Moscow: rating 2016

1. NCR "ECO-Assistance". The clinic opened in 2011, and over the 5 years of its existence has managed to gain great prestige. And all thanks to the results: 83% of the women who applied to the NCR eventually became mothers. The clinic has a competent, polite, friendly staff. Comprehensive customer support is provided from the moment of contact until the birth of the baby. For people who cannot pay the entire cost of the procedure at once, various programs are offered that can make the task easier.

2. "Medkvadrat". Provides treatment of infertility of all types using the latest technology. The medical staff is highly qualified. The list of services includes not only artificial insemination, but also pregnancy management, as well as assistance from pediatricians after the birth of a child.

3. "IVF Center". The range of services of this clinic is very wide. Here you can carry out artificial insemination, select a sperm and egg donor, and even get the services of a surrogate mother. On the basis of the center, free IVF is provided for persons registered in the compulsory health insurance system. You can also get a service on credit.

4. "Mother and child." It is a network of specialized clinics. There are six departments. The list of services includes: diagnosis of infertility and its treatment, artificial insemination of various types, management of pregnancy and children under the age of sixteen. The clinics are well equipped technically. The professionalism of the staff is also top notch.

5. VitroClinic. Carries out the IVF procedure according to the European type model, which is characterized by minimal stimulation. This significantly reduces the risk of multiple pregnancy. The clinic is famous for its great achievements in the treatment of infertility in the male half of the population. The list of basic services includes not only the restoration of reproductive functions, but also the management of pregnancy throughout the entire period.

The rating of the best IVF clinics in Moscow, given above, is based on patient reviews and is objective. Each of the five leaders can be trusted with their health. Most of the clients of these medical institutions have become happy parents and are satisfied with the quality of services provided by the medical staff.