How mantras work on a person. Influence and rules for the use of mantras

Mantra- This is an analogue of a short prayer in the ancient Sanskrit language (translated from Sanskrit - "reasoning, saying"). These are sounds and words that have a significant impact on the mind, emotions, and even on external objects. This is pure energy of consciousness. Repeated many times, the mantra reveals its power and, connecting with the energy of your intention, is able to change your life for the better.

Each individual sound, syllable and word of the mantra has deep meaning and accurate reproduction of sounds is important. Usually the number of repetitions is 3-9-18-27 times and so on. The best number of repetitions of a mantra is 108 times. A prerequisite is consistency. Mantras can be chanted, read silently, or better in full voice and combined with meditation. And soon you will definitely see the fruits of this practice in your life and notice amazing changes in yourself. Your emotional condition will surprise you and your loved ones. You will become a light that attracts good people and the circumstances you need. Mantra recitation improves human health and purifies it aura.

There are a huge number of mantras, but the most famous and original is mantra "Om", which is also considered a combination of three sounds (A, U and M), each of which, in turn, has a variety of meanings and interpretations. The sound "Om" is a sacred sound in Hinduism. It is interpreted as a symbol of the Hindu divine trinity Brahmas, Vishnu and Shiva and in itself, is the highest mantra, symbolizing the universe as such.

The sacred sound "Om" or "Aum" means absolute, tao, contains the meaning of all the scriptures and is the original vibration of the universe.

Veda it is said that sound, being the basis of material creation, can have a strong influence on our spiritual and material life. In the Vedas, the sound "Om" is the sound of the Sun and Light and symbolizes the movement of the soul upward to the higher spheres.

The choice of mantra depends on the intention of the person. When working with a certain mantra, it is important to be clear about what you want to achieve and to feel and act as if you have already achieved it. Feel and Act! The universe hears you!

Each mantra has its own characteristics, rhythm and impact. The combination of sounds, the frequency with which the body resonates and the rhythm of the mantra leads to an altered state of consciousness. Chanting mantras- it good practice mind settings. The mind becomes silent, an inner silence and perfect harmony with its inner and infinite "I" comes. By practicing chanting mantras, a person can extract any state from it: joy, compassion, healing... Mantras help to purify consciousness, gain strength, clarity of mind, and peace.

The words and the sounds- it great power that each of us can use. They can make you happy or unhappy, create or destroy. Sounds create vibration, which overcomes any obstacles to our consciousness.

Result practices chanting mantras will exceed your expectations! You will be filled with positive energy, and illnesses and negativity will no longer enter your life. Defeat the chaos of everyday life!

What we think about, so we become. Everyone knows this. But have you thought that you can focus your attention not just on everyday things, but on mantras, and thus turn idle dreams into real mental work, which will bring the result in the form of wealth, health, mutual love or any other goal that you would like to achieve. So simple? Yes, because mantras always work. No, because japa (chanting of mantras) has to be practiced regularly.

Why mantras work

Translated from Sanskrit, "man" is translated as "to think", "tra" - to protect. Most mantras are sequential combinations of syllables, have a certain energy and are capable of not only protecting a person from various kinds of visible and invisible dangers, but also to cleanse of negative energy and fill with positive. Thus, the energy of a person literally "blooms" and he, first on energy level, and then, in reality, new opportunities open up - suddenly a new source of income appears, a missing thing is found, a suitable life partner is found on the way, health unexpectedly improves after a crisis.

In a word, the use of mantras significantly expands human capabilities, and even more precisely, a person repeating a certain mantra begins to favor a certain deity. For example, for health, beauty, harmony and prosperity, it is better to turn to the goddess Lakshmi, if an urgent one is needed, it makes sense to ask her from Ganesha. Saraswati is asked for wisdom. You need protection from negative energy in any form, whether it be evil eye, damage or other types of negative impact, or danger in physical world? The great god Shiva and his female form, the goddess Kali, will perfectly cope with this task.

How to chant mantras correctly

Each mantra has its own prophet - he first heard it during in-depth spiritual practice and then passed it on to his followers. Mantras have their size, like poems, and the essence is the key syllable that contains power. By chanting a mantra, you are using the creative energy of the deity. The qualities that the deity embodies by himself gradually fill your mind. We know that at first any event is formed on thin plan, and after - on the physical, in visible world... So the mantra allows you to take the first steps - in the invisible world. Being filled with the energy of the mantra, you get the opportunity to realize this event in reality.

Most often, mantras are repeated 108 times according to the number of beads in the rosary. By the way, it is best to buy a rosary on the days of the waxing moon on the day that is auspicious according to your date of birth. A rosary is an individual thing, as it is a conductor of energy. You are not pleased if someone, even if it is a relative, will take and use your toothbrush? Also, the rosary when it touches your fingers will carry your energy imprint. There is one more rule - you need to touch the rosary with your thumbs and middle fingers, but never touching them with your index fingers. At the end of japa, put the rosary in a specially designed bag and put it away in a secluded place.

Mantras for cleansing energy

Where to begin? Of course, with a clear statement of desire. After that, choose the deity to whom the mantra will be addressed, and draw up a japa schedule for yourself. It is best to recite the mantra in the morning after waking up. Perform all your usual morning routines, retire in a quiet place, take a comfortable sitting or even lying position, but always with a straight and relaxed back, fingering the rosary, start mentally, in a whisper, or if conditions permit, then out loud, repeat the mantra. You can recite mantras before bed.

Usually, in the description of the mantra, instructions are given on how to mentally and in what colors one must accompany the recitation of the mantra. For example, when using the dedicated to the goddess Kali - Aum sri ParaMahaKali namah jayam, mentally you need to imagine how the space around you fills a deep purple, which, like ink, fills your vessel - the body and absorbs all the negative. Another powerful cleansing mantra dedicated to the goddess Durga is Aum sri Para Maha Durgaya namah jayam. It should be read at least three circles at a time, representing warm red, yellow and orange colors. The third powerful cleansing mantra is an appeal to the god Shiva - Aum namah Shivaya. Recite this mantra 108 times imagining yourself filled with dark blue.

Cleansing mantras should be started on the days of the waning moon. The duration of the cleansing course is 21 days. After each japa practice, wash your face and hands well. running water by imagining how negative energy leaves with the water. We started talking about mantras with purification, because they will prepare the way for everyone else. The vessel - the body, is first cleansed, and then filled with new contents. Which one is up to you.

You need to pronounce them in the ancient Sanskrit language. That is why many people prefer to compare the mantra with a prayer or a conspiracy, and some see in it mystical combinations of words. But, perhaps, the most correct definition means sacred ancient formula, which has a strong energy charge. Its main concentration is in the vibration of sound, which is a powerful carrier of the strength of the spirit and the code that hides the highest knowledge.

The effect of the mantra on consciousness

Before practicing mantras, one should try to understand how they work. Only after a person realizes this, the mantra will be read to him consciously and correctly. Her work can be compared to music that sounds without any voice accompaniment. It is in this way that contact can be established between a person's mind and his soul. A mantra is a kind of tuning fork. With the help of the sound that appeared in the soul and in the human brain, a vibration arises, contributing to spiritual healing and the acquisition of inner peace.

The mantra Om, like other mantras, is the result meditation practice ancient Indian sages. While in nirvana, they comprehended the truth given by the Universe, and having understood the essence, they immediately wrote it down in the Rig Veda, the book of wisdom, so that descendants would use this knowledge. Many of the truths that were learned by practitioners in nirvana were enclosed in powerful mantras, the reading of which inspires, gives a perfect look to the world around, helps to come true cherished desires person, gives success, and also heals from various ailments.

Mantra of love

With the help of mantras, you can return love loved one or find a new feeling. There are a very large number of them, from which each person can choose for himself exactly the one that, in his opinion, can help in solving his problems.

The texts of the mantras can be listened to in the recording, and pronounced aloud on your own - the result should be good in any case. You should not use different texts at the same time - magic mantras do not like when attention is diffused. It is enough to choose one mantra and, adhering to the established rules, constantly meditate with its help. For beginners, experts advise listening to mantras.

There are many ways you can attract love and happiness into your life. In our Center, under the guidance of an experienced psychic, you can learn how to independently correct your fate. You can also get qualified help in the treatment of many serious illnesses, as evidenced by numerous reviews of people who managed to cope with diseases.

Mantra of health

According to Eastern philosophers, man is the personification of his own thoughts. That is why you can understand the cause of each disease by "digging" in his mind. The mantra of healing directs its impact on the human subconscious. Vibrations of sound and phrases, which were selected by sages many centuries ago, constitute the principle of the treatment of diseases in Indian foundations.

It is believed that the reading of mantras, in addition to the human subconscious, also affects the energy surrounding it, changing it according to the meaning of the text. But unlike drug treatment, they act not on any one organ, but on the body as a whole, healing it at the same time.

Experts engaged in oriental teachings are sure that the development of any disease occurs due to the occurrence of an internal energy imbalance. Any physical pain is the result of fears, doubts and other negative emotions. With help similar texts can you do a cleaning energy field... After all, the acquisition of inner harmony helps a person to put an end to negative emotions, and thereby get rid of the disease.

You can learn about ways to combat diseases caused by negative energy at the School of Psychics and Healers. In difficult cases associated with damage, evil eyes, etc., it is necessary to contact an experienced healer, who, having previously established the correct diagnosis, will help get rid of the disease.

Mantra of Wish Fulfillment

Read a mantra that is considered important species spiritual practice, it is possible everywhere and without being attached to any specific time. Some recommend meditating at sunset, others, on the contrary, at dawn. There are also recommendations for reciting mantras depending on the phase of the moon, in solitude or in company, lying on a sofa or sitting in an armchair. As practice shows, there is no rigid framework in this matter.

But it is better to do it in sunlight or moonlight. Also, the sound of water flowing from a tap can enhance the effect of the mantra. Meditation before bed, on the other hand, can interfere with restful relaxation. A few hours before meditation, you do not need to eat or drink alcohol. So that the mantra of fulfillment of desire brings desired result, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. When reading, the posture should be comfortable and the body relaxed.
  2. Before uttering a mantra, you should focus on your desires and confidently pronounce them aloud.
  3. It should be pronounced in a chant, and if the text is heard in the recording, then it is necessary to sing along, despite the incomprehensibility of the language.
  4. The mantra of desires must be recited 108 times. This number is considered sacred by many. It is a symbol of infinity and perfection. In order not to get lost when counting, it is best to use a rosary with the required amount beads. In this case, the rosary is charged with the power of mantras and subsequently they can be used as an energy talisman.

Mantra for attracting money

The sounds of individual syllables when reciting mantras are not a guarantee for getting a certain amount of money. The purpose of these special sounds is to create a special energy of success, which will not immediately, but after some time, bring harmony into a person's life, which will make the process of making money easier, and will also create favorable situations in life. In order for the result to please, the Ganesha mantra must be recited 108 times and at least half an hour in time.

Some esotericists recommend increasing the duration of the session to two hours, but for beginners, such mantras to attract finances overload the subconscious mind too much. Therefore, only trained people can afford such a time period. It is best to practice meditation alone, in complete peace and quiet. To concentrate well while reciting the mantra of money, you can use a figurine of the god Ganesha, a rosary or incense with the content essential oils jasmine, mint, orange.

In order for improvements in life to begin after meditation using mantras, it is important to believe in their effectiveness, keep love in your heart and strive to do good to other people. Only then will spiritual practice be complete, and reading mantras will bring long-awaited happiness.

Mantras are sacred words, one might say "hymns" in Buddhism and Hinduism. mantras translated from Sanskrit mean - an instrument of thought, a means of transmitting thought. mantras, when recited, require an accurate reproduction of the sounds of which they are composed. Every sound, word, syllable in mantras has a deep sacred meaning... Therefore, the correct pronunciation is so important. mantras - appeal to the gods of Hinduism, praise of natural phenomena (such as mantras for the rising sun).

But mostly mantras are used to appeal to the gods. But mantras differ from prayers in that, while pronouncing them, a person tries, as it were, to identify with that god, with that hypostasis of him, which is indicated in the mantra. And after identification, a person receives the necessary qualities or changes in life that he wanted to get by reading mantras.

Mantras tune a person to a certain state, and as a result, his life begins to change. There are healing mantras, mantras of wealth, prosperity, luck, success, mantras of love, mantras of knowledge, enlightenment, etc.

Also, mantras differ from ordinary prayers in that they consist almost exclusively of the names of deities. Therefore, when pronouncing them, a person tunes in to the energy of a particular deity, merging with him.
Most often, mantras are recited during meditation. The most significant number of repetitions of mantras will be the number 108. The most active "mantrists" recite mantras a thousand times or more. But in principle, it will be enough to read the mantras in any number divisible by 9. To make the process of reading mantras more clear, disciplined, they use a rosary from sandalwood or rudraksha, as well as from other tree species. These beads are called mala. The rosary contains 108 beads, and one large bead - "Meru". You need to read the beads, starting from "measure", and move on - one matra per bead. When you reach the "measure", turn the rosary, and start again, going "back". It is impossible to pass through the "measure", because it is believed that the rotation of the rosary will be the rotation of the "wheel of samsara", and this is avoided in Buddhism and Hinduism - to get rid of samsara.
When pronouncing, mantras should cause a vibration effect in the human body - each sound of a mantra enters into resonance with internal organs, cells, causing beneficial effect... Mantras are usually not chanted but chanted. at the same time, the state should be joyful, pleasant, sublime.
Below are examples of mantras for different occasions.
1) mantras are universal.
a) OM - TRIYAMBAKAM - YAJAMAH - SUGANDHIM - PUSHTI - VARDHANAM - URVARUKAMIVA - BANDHANAN - MRITIYOR - MUKSHIYA - MAMRITAT (mantra for health, protection from accidents, meeting with love. love)
b) OM GAM GANAPATAYE NAMAHA (mantra to the god Ganesha. Gives good luck in business, prosperity in everything, purity of thoughts and intentions)
c) OM MAHADEVAYA NAMAH (mantra for union with God. Cleans from all negatives on your life path. Calls in protection of guardian angels, protects from enemies)
d) OM GAM GANAPATAYE SARVE VIGHNA RAYE SARVAYE SARVE GURAVE LAMBA DARAYA HRIM GAM NAMAH (mantra for gaining great wealth, and also brings joy, love and happiness)
2) mantras for wealth:
a) AUM MAHALAKSHMYAY VIDMAHE VISHNUPRIYAI DHIMAHI TANNO LAKSHMI PRACHODAYAT (Mantra to the goddess Lakshmi. Gives luxury, good position in society, promotion, wealth).
b) OM DRAM DRIM DRUM SAH SHUKRAYE NAMAH (a mantra that helps to increase material wealth, as well as the acquisition of spiritual wealth)
c) OM - HRIM - KSHIM - SRIM - SRI - LAKSHMI - NRISINHAYE - NAMAH (a mantra that brings success, prosperity and prosperity)
d) OM - RINJAYA - CHAMUNDE - DHUBHIRAMA - RAMBHA - TARUVARA - CHADI - JADI - JAYA - YAHA - DEKHATA - AMUKA - KE - SABA - ROGA - PARAYA - OM - SHLIM - HUMU - HUMU - PSHA this mantra includes the names of all the gods of wealth. Therefore, the mantra will help you get rich, bestow prosperity and well-being)
3) mantras that help in love affairs:
a) AUM JALAVIMVAYA VIDMAHE NILA-PURUSAYA DHIMAHI TANNO VARUNAH PRACHODAYAT (this mantra will help strengthen feelings between a man and a woman, strengthen relationships)
b) OM SRI KRISHNAYA GOVINDAYA GOPIJANA VALABHAYA NAMAH (a mantra for those who want to find their soul mate, to find love)
c) OM-SRI - KRISHNAYA - NAMAH (manta, dedicated to Krishna. Gives love to everything, allows you to feel the universal all-pervading love)
d) OM KLIM KAMA DEHI SVAHA OM MITRAYA OM MITRAYA AHAM PRAYMA AHAM PRAYMA (mantra that enhances love and passion in a relationship)
4) mantras for health:
a) AUM SRI GAYA ADI SHIVA GAYA ADI KALI GAYA ADI KALA BHAIRAVA NAMAH FORAM (a mantra that helps to get rid of any form of addiction - alcoholic, narcotic, tobacco, etc. Read better on the waning moon)
b) OM BRAM BRIM BRAUM SAH BUDHAYE NAMA (a mantra that helps to gain excellent health)
c) OM BHAIKANADZE BHAIKANADZE MAHA BHAIKANADZE RATNA SAMU GATE SVAHA (a mantra with a very strong healing effect. When you read it, imagine how the disease disappears, dissolves and goes away)
5) protective and cleansing mantras:
a) AUM APAVITRO PAVITRO VA SARVAVASTHAN GATOPIVA YA ISMARED PUNDARIKAKSHO SA WAHIYA ABYANTAR SUCHIH AUM (this mantra very well cleans the field of your life. All negative becomes positive, purified)
b) GATE - GATE - PORO - GATE - PORO - SOM - GATE - BODHI - SVAHA (very strong protective mantra)


Maha mantra - Great Mantra

Mach - Great.

Mantra - Liberation of the mind.

Transcendental vibration resulting from repetition mantras:

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare

Word Hara- this is a form of appeal to the energy of the Lord,

a Krishna and Frame- forms of appeal to the Lord Himself.

AND Krishna and Frame, both names mean "supreme pleasure",

a Hara- this is the highest pleasure energy of the Lord, which in the vocative case takes the form Hare. The supreme pleasure potency of the Lord helps us to attain Him.

This is the sublime method of reviving our transcendental consciousness. As living eternal souls, we are all primordially conscious Krishna beings, but now our consciousness is polluted by the material atmosphere, because from time immemorial we have been in contact with matter. The material atmosphere in which we now live is called maya, that is, an illusion. Word Mayan means "that which is not".

If you're on your way spiritual development, or are simply interested in oriental, Vedic culture or in love with India, I think you often thought about what a mantra is and how it works.

The word "mantra" consists of parts of the two words "manas" - mind and "traati" - to purify, to elevate.

In the era of Kali Yuga was left to us universal tool bring your soul closer to the Almighty, and these are mantras. In ancient times, and more specifically, in the age of righteousness, the Satya Yuga, by the power of a mantra, it was possible to revive, heal a person, receive tremendous power or kill ... In our time, due to many circumstances, such a tremendous power of influence of mantras has been lost. And we can use them as a tool for harmonizing our souls, concentrating our minds and spiritual practices.

In order to use mantras in meditation, you do not need to learn Sanskrit or change your faith.

Mantra is a sound, a universal sound given by the Almighty, it affects our consciousness regardless of anything. Only your intentions are important, open heart, constancy and concentration.

There are several types of mantras: monosyllabic (bija) mantras, for example, for each chakra, mantras praising certain Gods, which help to strengthen certain areas of life, character traits, praising the deities of the planets.

Mantras do not have to be chanted, they are rather concentrated to be recited. There are now many popular mantra recordings performed by various musicians and many are listening to them.

I want to note that the effect of listening to mantras will be the same as if you were listening to any other music. The essence of the mantra is not in listening, but in its repetition, in the sound that you utter. This is your fellowship with God!

For mantra meditation (japa yoga), you must use a rosary. There are several types of rosary: ​​large, 108 beads, small, 54 beads. The minimum for meditation is 108 times, that is, one circle of large rosary or 2 on small ones. If you have made the decision to meditate regularly, the number of circles can be increased over time, but it is important not to decrease it back afterwards. Therefore, assess realistically your capabilities and the availability of free time.

The best time for mantra meditation is morning during sunrise or sunset.

Several mantras and their meanings:

Gayatri Mantra is the main mantra, which is taken from the hymn of the Rig Veda. This mantra clears the mind of anxiety, delusion and illusion:


One of the translations of the gayatri mantra:

“Oh, the Almighty, the Creator of the Universe, Giving life, Eliminating pain and suffering and Giving happiness! You are the Supreme Light that destroys sins. We meditate on You so that You inspire, enlighten and guide our minds in the right direction! "

Maha Mantra. The most important mantra praising the Supreme Personality of Godhead. According to scriptures The sage Narada received this mantra from the great Brahma:

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare

From a religious point of view, this mantra is translated as follows:

“O All-attractive, O All-pleasing Lord, oh, the spiritual energy of the Lord! Please let me serve You faithfully. "

The Tibetan health mantra praising the deity of Green Tara (Skt. Savior). It protects from fears, dangers, relieves pain, there is also a belief that reverence for Tara contributes to the fulfillment of desires:


Translation of the mantra:

“Ohm. I prostrate before the beautiful transcendental Redeemer! "

Ganesha's mantra for attracting money, overcoming obstacles, bestows prosperity and success in business and in all endeavors, glorifies Ganesha:


This mantra literally translates as: “ Oh Ganesha, Ganesha! I worship you! "

Mantra for all kinds of prosperity. This mantra praises the great Goddess Lakshmi, she is also the mother of Ganesha and the patroness of women, beauty, prosperity.


Translation of this mantra:

“Om! Hail Great Lakshmi, who gives all kinds of prosperity. ".

Good luck in your practice!