How and what to process the lining in the steam room - advice from practice. How best to process the walls of the lining in the bath Processing linden in the steam room

Building a bath is a complex process that includes many different tasks. The basis of the bath is a log house, which is additionally sheathed inside. As a cladding, lining is most often used from alder, aspen or spruce, which have high strength and resistance to steam and moisture.

Briefly about the covering of the lining

Thinking about how to process wood in a bath, you first need to prepare the necessary tools and buy additional materials:

  1. Solvent;
  2. Stirring brush;
  3. Roller;
  4. It is recommended to purchase a spray gun, but you can apply varnish in other ways;
  5. Sponge;
  6. Paint tray;
  7. Protective equipment (respirator, goggles, gloves and overalls).

It is important to remember that the impregnation of the cladding is carried out strictly before its installation. It is also necessary to process the lathing on which the lining will be attached. After the impregnation has dried, you can sheathe the room.

After completing the installation work, it is necessary to process the wood again. It is important to note that it is important to carry out such processing approximately once every 2 years, because the coating on the wood takes a "blow" on itself and wears out, keeping the wood in the bath.

How to process the lining

Having prepared the necessary tools, it's time to choose what to cover the walls inside the bath.

You can process the inner surface of the bath from the lining with the following materials:

  • First of all it is worth mentioning acrylic varnish... They often cover the lining, but for a bath this is not the best option. Its protective properties are good enough, however, when heated to high temperatures, it begins to emit a pungent odor and toxins, which will negatively affect human health and the comfort of the room. In the store you can find a special varnish for hot rooms that can be used in the steam room (read: "").
  • Oil may also suit you for wood impregnation in the bath - drying oil. Drying oil is often treated with wood, but it cannot be used in the steam room due to its low resistance to heat. The ideal room for her is a dressing room, because usually there is a low level of humidity and a low temperature.
  • A mixture of varnish and solvent is also an excellent antiseptic., however, this mixture will negatively affect your health, because when heated, the varnish and solvent will release a huge amount of toxins into the air, which, together with the lack of ventilation, can lead to serious consequences.
  • The answer to the question about how to process the lining in the steam room, there will be a special mixture, of which there are a huge number in the construction market. Special impregnations for baths and saunas inside do not create unpleasant odors and do not emit toxins, while they perfectly protect the lining from various influences.

Correct processing of lining

Having decided how to cover the lining in the steam room of the bath, you can proceed to the processing itself. To perform high-quality impregnation that will last a long time, we recommend that you read the following instructions:

  1. The processing of the lining in the steam room begins with the preparation of the wood itself. Clean it from various contaminants with sandpaper or another suitable method. It is also recommended to wash the boards with an aqueous solution of soda (300 g of soda per 10 liters of water);
  2. Next, you need to degrease the surface. Remember that not only the lining itself is impregnated, but also the frame to which it is attached;
  3. Sand the surfaces with a pumice stone to get a smooth finish;
  4. Next, you need to apply an antiseptic, which will protect the wood from fungus and mold, so that later you do not think about how to get rid of the fungus in the bath;
  5. You can now saturate the lining. When choosing an impregnation for a dressing room, pay attention to the air humidity in it, as well as the steam temperature. If the indicators are approximately equal to those inside the steam room, then the same impregnation must be used.

Having completed all the work correctly, you can achieve an excellent result, as in the photo.

To paint the lining with high quality, you must follow certain rules:

  1. The lining is painted in warm and dry weather.
  2. You can paint with a roller or a brush, leading them parallel to the grain of the wood, so as not to leave streaks on the surface.
  3. Stir the paint thoroughly before applying to obtain a uniform color.
  4. Apply the paint in a thin layer - this will achieve the best staining result. Read also: "".

Bath cover care

Now you know how to process the lining in a steam bath, however, such processing will not be able to fully protect your bath, so you will have to monitor the room, following some rules:

  1. Always ventilate the area to minimize the chance of mold or mildew formation;
  2. The room must be washed frequently with a wet cloth, without using chemical detergents;

If serious dirt appears on the surface of the wood, or it darkens, then use sandpaper. You can also use special bleaches for wood, but in no case use bleach solutions, because when heated, they release a huge amount of toxins, and they can even leave a burn on the skin.

If you decide to use lining in the bath as a finishing material, than to process this material, you need to know even before the start of work. Any wood is exposed to the destructive effects of insects and moisture, it undergoes temperature changes, and therefore needs protection. Some experts believe that it is necessary to address this issue in a differentiated manner, which involves processing the material not in all rooms, but only in certain areas where conditions are not so extreme. The main means for protecting wood are:

  • varnishes;
  • impregnation;
  • antiseptics;
  • fire retardants.

In practice, drying oil and linseed oils are most often used today, the latter of which prevent putrefactive formations. You can additionally resort to surface treatment with antiseptic agents, which, after drying, are covered

Steam room protection

Many owners of country houses use clapboard in the bath as wall decoration. How to process its surface after completion of work, you have to think in any case. If you carry out these works, then you can extend the service life of the wood and make its structure resistant to destructive influences. You should abandon the option of using ordinary varnish, as it is afraid of exposure to high temperatures and exudes an unpleasant odor during application, as well as when the conditions inside the room change. But you can use imported products, among which, for example, Supi Saunasoja.

This protective acrylic varnish is used for treating the surface of wood in a steam room, as well as lining, which is installed in rooms with high humidity. If you wish, you can choose a tinted or colorless composition. The main advantages of this product are the formation of a water-repellent and dirt-repellent surface after the layer has dried, which will retain its qualities even when exposed to a temperature of 120 ° C. Among other things, among its ingredients there are components that prevent the occurrence of mold on the treated surface. This varnish is versatile as it can be used on wood and concrete surfaces. However, there is one drawback, which is expressed in the inability to use "Supi Saunusoyu" as a coating for

Features of the preparation of the lining before application

Having installed the lining in the bath, than to process it, you must certainly decide, as this will protect the material and extend its useful life. Before applying the above-described composition, the surface is dried, the humidity should not be more than 75%. It is important to create suitable conditions - the temperature in the room should not be lower than 5 ° C. The walls should be cleaned of dust and dirt, and then moistened a little, waiting until they dry. If loose fibers appear in some areas, they should be sanded.

Professional tips for applying a protective acrylic varnish

If you are thinking about the question of how you can process the lining inside the bath, then you can pay attention to Supi Saunasoja, which is applied in two layers. It is advisable to ventilate the room. The first layer is diluted with water up to 20% in the case of a tinted composition. If you purchased a colorless mixture, then there is no need for dilution. The second layer is applied without interruption, several boards should be processed at once, this will eliminate the difference in color. In order to find out what color the lining will have after drying, you need to make a test painting of a separate board. You can start caring for the lining after a month, when the wood is completely saturated with a protective agent.

Using the Interier Sauna antiseptic

If you are faced with the question of how to process the lining, then you can purchase Interier Sauna, which is manufactured by Belinka. has no color and is made on the basis of water, and it is also intended for the treatment of wooden elements of the room, the conditions of which are characterized by high humidity. It is unacceptable to apply this composition to the ceilings. Do not start work if the room temperature drops below 10 °, otherwise the surface may turn yellow.

Before starting work, the surface is cleaned of dirt and wood chips, after which the composition is mixed and applied in two layers using a roller or brush. The minimum humidity indicator is 65%, while the optimum temperature is 20 ° C. The second layer is applied after the previous one has dried, which will happen after about 3 hours.

If, thinking about how to treat the lining inside the bath, you chose the antiseptic described above, then its use should not be accompanied by the use of rust-prone tools, otherwise rust may appear on the surface over time. After applying the first layer, after about an hour, sand the surface using a fine-grained sandpaper. This should have a positive effect on the final result. The described antiseptic is also excellent for treating the lining in the dressing room.

Russian means for lining in the bath

If you want to preserve the original structure and color of the wood, you can use Aqualak Eurotex Sauna. This is a colorless varnish made on the basis of water and wax. It is suitable for all types of ceilings, floors and walls. After the completion of the work process and the mixture is completely dry, you can apply wood paint, the color of which will remain unchanged. The treated surface will not absorb moisture, which will have a positive effect on the service life. Among other things, the composition contains an antiseptic that excludes the occurrence of mold and mildew, as well as other microorganisms. You can be sure that the product is safe and environmentally friendly, it is not flammable and will not emit toxic fumes over time.

Features of scuba application

If you still cannot decide how to treat the lining in the bath, then perhaps you should prefer an aqualak, which is applied to a dried and cleaned surface. If there is a protective varnish on the base, then the wood is sanded in order to exclude contact of the products with each other. After preparation with a roller or brush, the first coat can be applied, while the next coat is applied after 40 minutes. With an increase in the time between layers, the surface after an hour assumes the use of a different technology for applying the composition, which must be rubbed into the wood. You can start operating the premises after three days, having previously heated the bath. Reprocessing may only be necessary after 4 years.

Alternative protection options

Using clapboard in the bath as a cladding, than to process it, you must definitely decide. As a comprehensive protection, you can use the tools that have the names "Terma" and Prime. They will provide fire protection, give the walls antiseptic characteristics, resist corrosion processes, as well as the accumulation of moisture in the structure. Sometimes it also happens that the owners of country houses think about how to process the lining in the bathhouse in the steam room when the wood is already infected. In this case, you can use the products under the Nortex brand. They are marketed as Bleach and Wood Doctor. The convenient screw-top container can be stored for several years until re-processing is required.

You should not paint the lining in the bath, since in a damp room the paint will exclude the ability of the wood to breathe, this will negatively affect the life of the material. If you decide to use an aqualac, then applying it to a wet surface is excluded. The walls are pre-dried, only after that work can begin. You should follow the manufacturer's recommendations, where you can find information on the permissible temperature and humidity range during work.

When the question arises of how best to treat the lining in the bath, some try to apply an antiseptic to the varnish or paint coating. This cannot be done, initially, processing is carried out to remove old coatings.


If you are thinking about the question of whether it is necessary to process the lining in the bath, you should listen to the opinion of experts, some of them adhere to the rule that it is not worth processing the lining in the bath. However, this will make it more difficult to maintain the surface. After each procedure, the room will need to be ventilated and dried, as well as the dirt that has appeared to be cleaned. If you notice that a fungus has appeared on the lining, the affected area must be treated using traditional methods. Suitable for this, for example, copper sulfate.

The bathhouse is a place where a person is as relaxed as possible. Nothing should distract him from bliss: neither the setting, nor foreign smells. Since ancient times, baths were built of wood, it is still relevant now. It is useless to argue about the environmental friendliness of this material, everyone will unanimously agree with this.

Wood is also used for interior decoration. But what about the high humidity? After all, it can cause rotting, isn't it? The secret to the durability of the material lies in its correct processing.

Requirements for materials for interior decoration of the bath

To, you need more skill.

To enjoy the bath from the aesthetic point of view, it is necessary to arrange the interior decoration. Clapboard is used as a cladding material. Does not violate the unity of style.

The main principle is the slogan: "Do no harm"... In the bath we are not protected from external influences as much as possible.

We want to relax and take a break from the bustle of the city. On the street or in an apartment, we cannot isolate ourselves from unpleasant influences.

But the steam room is a completely different matter. Let it at least be an oasis in the stuffy urban wilds. Therefore, materials must meet safety and environmental friendliness.

An important factor is the high temperatures in this room. This puts a lot of stress on the material. Under these conditions, many of them become toxic. It is worth forgetting about fiberboard, chipboard, plywood and plastic panels.

Long service life is another point to which I would like to draw your attention. Do not look at the seeming cheapness of the product. If you are stingy, you will regret it.

Video - what an already processed bath looks like:

Due to the harsh operating conditions, interior decoration will have to be done at least once every 4 years. Do you need it? If your answer is no, then go for quality materials. Price in this case plays an important role.

Tools for work

Here's how to finish the surface.

In order for the work to proceed quickly and smoothly, the necessary tools must be prepared in advance. we don't need so many of them:

  • Brush;
  • Paint tray;
  • Roller;
  • Spray gun (desirable but not required).

Working with paints and varnishes requires extreme caution. We will also need additional funds, such as:

  • Protective glasses;
  • Rubber gloves;
  • Respirator;
  • Protective clothing.

Do not forget to prepare paints and varnishes and solvent immediately.

Selection and application of special solutions

You can also process it with paint, but odors will be emitted when heated.

The choice of a suitable composition for use in a bath must be carried out especially carefully. Inside such a room, "extreme conditions" are created.

If you take a synthetic substance, then note that many of them can release toxic compounds.

You can of course leave the surface and pristine clean, but in conditions of high humidity rapid decay of the material may begin.

Most of us want not to disturb the pleasant atmosphere of the natural cleanliness of the steam room. There are special paints on sale that are used just for these purposes.

You will get a nice shade, but the texture of the wood will not be preserved. They are aimed rather at the decorative component of the interior. Usually paints are acrylic based. If you are aimed at protecting and preserving woody "patterns", you should pay attention to varnishes. The choice must be made based on the ultimate goal and composition. By substance, the bases are divided into:

  • Acrylic;
  • Polyurethane;
  • Acrylic-polyurethane;
  • Alkyd;
  • Water-based.

Video - Neomid Sauna (about treatment mixes):

Acrylic- a universal option. It will be an excellent choice for a sauna room. There are many shades on sale, so even the most picky buyer will find a suitable option.

Acrylic will prevent dirt from accumulating on the surface. Therefore, cleaning is not difficult. Another advantage is fast drying. But when exposed to extremely high temperatures, it emits an unpleasant odor. The price for it is about 700 rubles. per liter.

It is better to process and not think about problems than not to do it and suffer with them.

Polyurethane also suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. You can use either a more saturated overwhelming shade or a light translucent one.

If you are aiming at keeping it natural, the latter option is preferable. Its excellent property is to protect the surface from yellowing. The price starts from 700 rubles per liter of varnish.

Acrylic-polyurethane varnish combines the best qualities of the above representatives. Thanks to him, you can forget about such problems that often occur in steam rooms, such as mold and fungal infections. Using this varnish, you can recreate a wax finish. It has acquired a noble, unobtrusive shine.

Alkyd varnishes designed to protect the surface from moisture. They form a barrier that prevents water from entering the lining. The disadvantages of such a base are considered to be an excessively pungent odor and a long drying time.

If you decide to choose this option, then you will have to thoroughly ventilate the room and wait about two days. Only after complete drying can you move on to other work. The price of a liter is about 340 rubles.

Water-based it is environmentally friendly and almost completely odorless. What is important - it dries quickly. The price of such varnish varies from manufacturer: Russian from 200 rubles / liter, imported - from 350 rubles. per liter.

In addition to varnishes, wax compositions can also be used. They can be prepared either independently or purchased in a ready-made version.

When choosing a protective composition for the interior decoration of a bath, first of all, pay attention to its safety.

Stages of lining processing

You don't need to be a specialist.

With what to process the lining in the bath, we have decided. Let's go directly to the procedure itself.

In order for the finish to please you for a long time, the lining must be well prepared for painting. As a rule, it is processed from two sides.

Preparatory procedures begin with cleaning from dust and dirt... For these purposes, you can use a solution of soda in a ratio of 150 grams per 5 liters of water. After the surface has dried, proceed to degreasing. This is necessary for better adhesion of the composition to the surface.

Grinding the lining, then you need to process it.

The next step is surface grinding. This will make it smoother and more even.

This can be done with fine sandpaper or pumice stone.

The use of a primer is a mandatory step for surface preparation. When choosing, you must focus on the type of tree. If you do not take this factor into account, then there will be no benefit from this procedure. Consider also what kind of paint will be used: transparent or dense.

Wood is a material that is highly susceptible not only to mold, but also to insects. In this case, impregnation is indispensable. It also prevents wood from rotting.

The fungus is afraid of high and low temperatures. If you heat and then cool, then it will not.

At the time of buying pay attention to water-based formulations... You can also purchase ready-made impregnated lining. Of course, the prices will be different. But this option is much more reliable than self-processing.

The preparatory work has been completed. How to process the lining in the steam room, we also decided.

Let's start applying the varnish. The first coat is applied in the same way as the primer coat. You can play with the second one. It sets the basic tone for interior decoration. It can be tinted to the desired shade. When choosing a composition, pay attention to its safety for your health.

Video - how to treat with an antiseptic for ages:

Clapboard care

The lining, despite its strength and durability, requires special care. First of all, it should be regular.

The first thing to look out for, it is that the room should be regularly dried and ventilated.

This will have a beneficial effect on the cladding, and on the climate of the entire room as a whole.

If, in spite of your efforts, dirt has formed on the surface, then do not rush to use chemicals. Try to go through with a soft cloth slightly dampened with water.

In case this method did not solve the problem, we turn to heavy artillery. Usually, stores sell special solutions for the treatment of baths and saunas.

The prices, of course, bite them, but you shouldn't have allowed such an outrage. As a rule, Finnish production. Such formulations do not emit toxic substances, as they are intended for this purpose.

Now you also know how to process the lining inside the bath. When buying, first of all, look at the composition. And let the bath please you with a healthy steam!

No one doubts that wood is the best finishing material for a bathhouse. And almost all are used for interior decoration. But whether or not it is necessary to process the lining in the bath, everyone decides for himself. Opinions are divided here: some say that without treatment with special means, the wood darkens, loses its attractiveness, rots and is affected by diseases. This is all true. But their opponents are also unambiguously right: the combination of high temperature and humidity in the steam room, to which the fumes from the treated boards are added, can in no way be called a health effect. But they come to the bathhouse just for health.

For the most part, lovers of baths and saunas make a compromise: the lining is left untreated in the steam room, and special means are used for the rest room, washing room. Lining without processing, of course, eventually becomes unusable, but it will have to be changed no more than once every 2-5 years (depending on the type of wood and the intensity of use of the steam room). This is not such a big cost, especially since rarely anyone has a large steam room. For those who have decided to process wood in the steam room, there are several folk recipes or special (necessarily !!) compositions for the bath / sauna.

How to process the lining in the washing and dressing room

The most popular ready-to-use products are special impregnations and oils. Finnish favorites in this segment: Sauna (by Belinka),

Domestic manufacturers are also trying to lag far behind global manufacturers.

The product of the domestic company “- impregnation for baths, saunas, wet and residential premises. All these formulations are made on the basis of natural ingredients. They create a thin film on the surface, which makes the removal of dirt easier.

Also, the impregnation contains fungicidal and insecticidal additives that prevent the formation and reproduction.

"Eurotex-sauna" - antiseptic with wax for saunas and baths. It is a colorless coating that creates a protective film on the wood surface. The composition is ideal for benches and shelves (for those who decide to process them).

Important! What you definitely can't do is use ordinary varnishes or paints for a bath or sauna. The tree must "breathe", first absorbing excess moisture, and then giving it away. When using conventional formulations, wood is completely deprived of this property, in addition, fumes from the constituent chemicals are added, which are very dangerous to health at high temperatures and humidity. It's like covering a steam room with linoleum or siding: the materials are good, but not for these purposes.

If you use the steam room correctly, ventilate and dry it on time, then fungi and bark beetles will not start in it. They die at high and low temperatures:

  • At a temperature of 70-80 ° C, spores of all fungi and protozoa die within 10 minutes.
  • At -15 o C, young roe larvae die, and if the temperature remains below -15 o C for a week, then adult larvae die too.
  • Temperature +60 o C is the upper limit at which bark beetles survive.

If you either heat the bath to high temperatures, then freeze it, then no misfortunes are terrible for it, and you can cope with the remaining problems quite simply: more often clean or cover the most used surfaces with natural compounds.

A wooden bath made of a log or a bar is a great place for a country house. Wood is distinguished by high thermal insulation properties, environmental friendliness and naturalness, safety. It does not heat up and does not burn the skin even at the most extreme temperatures.

At the same time, the tree looks aesthetically pleasing and harmonious, fits into the surrounding environment. That is why wooden materials are chosen for the construction of a bath or sauna. However, natural raw materials are susceptible to the negative effects of moisture and insects. In addition, the wood burns very quickly.

To protect wooden materials and extend the operational life of the building, the bath is being processed. Today, there are many options and tools that prevent the spread of fire over the surface in the event of a fire, rotting and destruction of wood, the appearance of mold, fading and loss of physical properties. Let's look at how and with what to process the bath from the inside.

How to choose the right product

Natural wax, hemp and linseed oil are traditional materials for processing, which have not lost their relevance even now. These are safe and effective remedies. Today, manufacturers offer a lot of modern tools that cover the walls in the bathhouse and houses made of logs or beams. Experts advise choosing Finnish and Russian brands.

Choose funds so as to preserve the environmental friendliness of the structure and emphasize the aesthetic interior of a log or log bath. For a bath, especially for a steam room, you cannot use standard varnish or wood paint, as they do not tolerate high temperatures. When heated, such products will emit an unpleasant odor and harmful toxic substances. In addition, with such processing, the tree will not "breathe", but will only absorb moisture and deteriorate.

Varnishes based on water and wax, as well as acrylic varnishes are considered safe products for bath treatment. These can be colorless and colored products, with a matte or glossy sheen. For a steam room, it is better to choose a colorless varnish, and for a shower or rest room, you can take a product with a shine or shade.

The vapor permeability of the varnish must be at least 50%. This indicator reflects the ability of water vapor to pass through the surface of the lacquer film. The smell of wood passes along with the steam. At the same time, the coating protects against moisture, which is not absorbed into the wood, but rolls down the wall to the floor. As a result, the atmosphere of the bath does not suffer, and the tree does not collect dirt and does not darken.

For the steam room, choose specialized odorless products. They are made up of durable components that do not deteriorate when exposed to high temperatures. Classic antiseptics and varnishes do not adhere to wood fibers, soften and become sticky at temperatures above 100 degrees Celsius. In addition, this process is accompanied by the release of harmful compounds and odors into the air. Steam room formulations are designed with these factors in mind, they are safe and environmentally friendly.

How to cover the walls and floor in the bath

Wooden walls in the steam room and washing room are covered with acrylic varnish or oil. The steam room is painted in one layer, the washing or shower room is covered with two or three layers. Suitable agents in this case are impregnations such as "Supi Saunasuoja" (Tikkurila) and "Pinotex Lacker Sauna" (Akzo Nobel).

Walls in dry rooms, for example, in a recreation room, are recommended to be varnished or treated with interior impregnation. These waterborne coatings are odorless. In the catalog "MariSrub" you will find a wide selection of bath projects, including with lounges, with a second or attic floor, as well as compact one-story buildings.

The floor inside the bath is exposed to the least high temperatures, as the hot air rises. However, the tree is most affected by the water as it flows down. In this case, the emphasis is on protection against rotting in a humid environment.

Floor logs are impregnated with a primer containing a powerful antiseptic, or varnished, which completely excludes the penetration of water into the tree. An anti-mold agent, antiseptic "Pinotex Impra" (Akzo Nobel) is suitable for this. It gives a wood preservation effect. The green color of this treatment will not be visible under the finished floor, but the coating will provide long-term protection. To maintain natural appearance, floorboards should be treated with shelf oil without using a primer.

In the recreation room, dressing room and other dry rooms, the floor is covered with parquet varnish. In the steam room and sink, the varnish is diluted in a 1: 1 ratio with a suitable thinner and the floor boards are impregnated. Apply two layers. After that, the bath is heated to a high temperature and the prompt polymerization of the coating is achieved. After airing and reheating, the bath is ready for use as intended.

How to cover other elements

It is very important to handle benches, shelves and other pieces of furniture in the bath. This will extend the life of the products and prevent burns to the human body from hot surfaces. Water should not be absorbed into the wood, and at the same time, a varnish film is not needed on the surface of objects, which, when heated, leads to scalding of the skin. Such a coating is provided by special oils for sauna benches, including Supi Laudesuoja (Tikkurila) or Sauna Oil (Eskaro).

Varnish, oil or other product is applied in several layers using a roller. Difficult areas in the corners and between the crowns are treated with a brush. Each new layer is applied only after the previous one has completely dried! When using oil, remove excess funds before drying. Such processing should be carried out every 4-10 years, depending on the type of materials and the quality of work. To get a long-term and reliable result, turn to the professionals!

Masters of "MariSrub" will select high-quality and reliable impregnations, promptly and reliably process the bath. We provide a full range of services. It includes the design and construction of a bathhouse or a house with a foundation and a roof, production of lumber for a project, implementation and connection of engineering networks, complex finishing. We offer bath insulation and waterproofing, protective material processing in several stages! We guarantee high quality of work and strict adherence to deadlines.