Halogens: physical properties, chemical properties. The use of halogens and their compounds

On store shelves, we usually see fluoridated toothpastes or mouth rinses. However, many people in recent times try to avoid such hygiene products. Buyers are questioning the health benefits of sodium fluoride due to some information being revealed about this supplement. And this despite the assurances of a number of dentists about the importance of fluoride for tooth enamel. Why is this happening?
Have you ever wondered why fluoride pastes have warning labels on the label such as: “Children under 6 years of age are advised to use a pea-sized toothpaste under adult supervision,” “Do not swallow,” “Seek medical attention if fluoride is ingested. help ", etc.
The reason toothpastes carry warning labels is to protect their manufacturers from fluoride poisoning lawsuits. Fluoride-free toothpastes usually do not have these warning labels because they do not have ingredients that can cause serious harm to the body.
Today dental pastes, tap water, and even milk are fluoridated. Fluoride can be contained in phosphate fertilizers, therefore, black and green tea (which is grown using phosphorus fertilizers) may contain fluoride.
And one more fact that is important to pay attention to. In a number of countries there is a ban on fluoridation of drinking water: Austria, Belgium, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Israel, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Norway, Scotland, Sweden, Switzerland.
And this is not at all accidental. When these countries learned about the "benefits" of fluorine, they immediately made the necessary decision at the legislative level - they banned its use. Since you now have a greater understanding of what the reason for the cautions on the labels of fluoridated toothpastes is, let's look at the differences between natural and synthetic fluoride so you know which fluoride to avoid.

Differences between natural and synthetic fluoride

A natural sample of fluoride is not the same as a synthetic industrial version (sodium fluoride). The fluoride found in nature is known as calcium fluoride. This natural mineral occurs naturally in the form of fluorite, mainly in the earth's crust and groundwater at small levels.

The synthetic version of fluoride is called sodium fluoride, which is a byproduct of the phosphate industry. When it comes About this synthetic industrial variation, the term "fluoride" is used to refer to the many different chemicals that make up fluoride, including but not limited to: lead, aluminum, cadmium, arsenic, hydrofluorosilicic acid, and even radioactive materials.
During Nazi Germany, sodium fluoride was transferred to prisoners in concentration camps because Nazi doctors discovered that its components lobotomize the prisoners, making them submissive and easier to control.
Have you ever heard that many experts associate sodium fluoride with lower IQs and increased cancer? Could this toxin actually be one of the main causes of these problems?

Why it is important to reduce your sodium fluoride intake

If you use fluoridated toothpaste, it is imperative that you exercise caution in controlling the amount you use when brushing your teeth, as calcium fluoride can bioaccumulate in your body.
Fluoride can build up gradually in the body, leading to health problems over time. The accumulation of fluorides accelerates with age, which sooner or later makes itself felt in the form of the development of degenerative diseases. Many experts advise avoiding fluorides as much as possible.
A synthetic version of fluoride was also found in Russia in drinking water and milk !!! Water is fluoridated in Russia!

Fluoridation is one of the operations used in the preparation of drinking water. It is carried out at water treatment plants. Sodium fluorosilicon, sodium fluoride, ammonium fluorosilicate, hydrofluorosilicic acid are used as reagents for water fluoridation.
New research published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives confirms that fluoridated water causes brain damage in children.
“This is the 24th study to be done by this association,” explained Pavel Connett, Ph.D., director of the Fluoride Action Network (FAN). "This study has strengths over previous studies because the authors controlled key variables along with additional correlations, and found that children's IQ declines are directly related to children's water and blood fluoride levels ..."
"In this study, we found a significant dose-response relationship between serum fluoride levels and the IQ of children," the study authors said.
Although there has already been numerous studies over the years to identify fluoride as a neurotoxin, most mainstream healthcare professionals in the United States ignored these studies continue to support the idea of ​​water fluoridation. But the evidence keeps mounting and sooner or later the medical community will have to heed the truth about fluoride.

Organ Damage Caused by Fluoride

If sodium fluoride is consumed daily, the body becomes contaminated with this synthetic toxin, which can lead to different types health problems including, but not limited to, heart disease and pineal calcification.
The brain is very sensitive to sodium fluoride, especially the pineal gland, located in the region of the quadruple of the midbrain. She is responsible for the production of melatonin, serotonin, adrenoglomerulotropin, dimethyltryptamine.

When the brain and pineal gland are too saturated big amount sodium fluoride, they cannot function properly.
Typical symptoms of fluoride toxicity are dental fluorosis, chronic fatigue, low IQ, headaches, memory loss, blurred vision, hearing loss, sleep disturbance, pineal calcification, and neurological problems. These health problems lead to a lack of holistic thinking, creativity and skills critical thinking.
Fluoride leads to premature aging, wrinkles, poor hair and nails. Articular cartilage wears out faster, which increases the risk of arthritis.
Fluoride promotes calcium retention in bone tissue, resulting in an increase in bone density. But from high degree calcification, bones become more fragile, and when hit or falling, they are more prone to fracture. Despite the increase in bone mass, the risk of destruction is high.
Fluoride causes significant damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach, intestines, as well as the walls of arteries, veins, and the blood-brain barrier. As a result of this, calcification of the vessel walls can occur, which further leads to atherosclerosis, etc.

What can be done?

Many researchers believe that fluoride does not have a safe dose. Even small regular doses cause stress on the body, accelerate aging, reduce health, and lead to the development of chronic diseases.
Once a person stops consuming sodium fluoride, it becomes easier for the body to eliminate it from the body. The faster it leaves the body, the faster health will begin to improve.
Who would agree to increase the risk of a child's and his own intelligence decline in order to reduce a small amount of dental caries? Although on this issue - the issue of caries - there is also not enough evidence.


1 Do not use fluoride-containing toothpaste. Such pastes include "Paradontax with fluoride", "Colgate" Maximum protection against caries "," Blend-a-Med with active fluoride ". The names here speak for themselves, but if you want to be 100% sure that the paste does not contain fluorine, make sure that the composition does not contain the following compounds:
- Monofluorophosphate;
- Aluminum fluoride;
- sodium fluoride;
- Aminofluoride (can also occur under the name olaflur);
- Tin fluoride.
Fluoride-free toothpastes:"President", "Splat", "Rocks", "Asepta", "New Pearls with Calcium" and a number of other toothpastes, the composition of which you can study on your own.

2 When buying milk, study the composition of the product. Do not purchase milk containing sodium fluoride.

3 If possible, purchase a multi-stage water purification system that uses technology reverse osmosis and install it in your home. This water treatment will reduce the risk of fluoride toxicity.

Be vigilant about your safety and the safety of your family and friends, and stay healthy!

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  • Slide 3

    Slide 4

    VELES - the god of wildlife and animals PERUN - the creator of earthly crops, the giver of food, the installer and patron of agriculture.

    Slide 5

    Water Goblin

    Slide 6

    The limited number of people living on the planet made it possible to satisfy their needs without resorting to significant changes in nature.

    Slide 7

    Slide 8

    In the 20th century, relations with nature have deteriorated significantly.

  • Slide 9

    Thanks to the huge number of drugs, fewer and fewer diseases are classified as incurable. At the same time, new diseases appeared, associated with the consequences of the use of drugs, for example, allergies.

    Slide 10


    Genetically modified foods bring enormous economic benefits BUT cause environmental harm, affecting variety development and possibly human health. ten

    Slide 11

    Peaceful atom?

    Usage nuclear power plants brings economic benefits and environmental harm.

    Slide 12

    Now guys, try to formulate the problem that we will deal with in the lesson.


    Slide 13

    So, the topic of our lesson is “FLUORINE COMPOUNDS. USEFUL AND HARMFUL ".

  • Slide 14

    I propose to discuss the problem of using fluorine compounds in the form of a trial.

    JUDGE Secretary to the Jury You can address the judge with the words: "Your Honor." During the process, the referee can give the floor to the team or deprive it. All questions that arise can be answered by the Registrar of the Court. The jury is required to choose a Sergeant-Major, closely monitor the progress of the process and, at the end of the meeting, render their verdict. attorneys prosecutors

    Slide 15

    To get acquainted with the case, the Court provides materials on numbered sheets and instructions. The sheet number corresponds to the token number that you pulled out when entering the classroom. Time to familiarize yourself with the case and prepare for the presentation 10 minutes. Instructions are attached to each case.

    Slide 16

    Court session rules

    The court will only consider scientifically proven facts. Every performance is needed. start with the words: My position ... Rationale ... Example ... Therefore ... During the trial, the judge can give you your word or take it away. The jury is obliged to closely follow the course of the process and give its opinion on the matter.

    Slide 17


    Disassemble the sheets with the proposed material on the properties of Fluorine in accordance with the token number. Select a group leader. Discuss the assignment together. Define a topic. From the proposed facts, select the most significant ones to use them as arguments to defend your point of view. Distribute responsibilities (make a poster, write a slogan). Note facts that will not be included in the presentation, but that are of interest. Determine the order of speeches Each speech should start with the words: My Position…. Justification- (argument) ... Example - (facts illustrating the argument); Therefore (conclusion) You can turn to the Referee with the words: “Your Honor” The Referee can give the floor to the team or deprive it.

    Slide 18

    For example:

    Your Honor, (Position) I advocate the use of Fluoride compounds (Rationale) because Fluorine is a vital element for the body. (Example) with insufficient (less than 0.5 mg / l of drinking water) intake of fluoride in the body, various diseases of the teeth can develop. (Hence) I believe Fluorine compounds are beneficial. OR: (Position) Your Honor, I am in favor of prohibiting the use of Fluorine, (Justification) because Fluorine is a neurotropic poison (Example) Excessive amounts of Fluorine disrupt metabolic processes in the body, inhibit tissue respiration (Therefore) Fluorine compounds should not be used in industry.

    Slide 19

    Positions are defended in the form of a "Live Line"

    Lines are drawn along the diagonals of the class, on which marks are drawn at the same distance. Each of the students, speaking with their point of view, in case of the approval of the Judge, moves forward one mark. There is a circle on the floor in the center of the classroom, to which a representative of each group must reach.

    Slide 20

    Live line

  • Slide 21

    Poster creation

    Drawings corresponding to the facts in question are attached to the materials of each case.

    Slide 22


    Next comes the discussion. Secretary: Your Honor, it turned out that the number of arguments for the use of Fluorine is equal to the number of arguments against its use, and the posters produced by the groups perfectly reflect the point of view of the team. Judge: I invite you to hear the opinion of the jury. The Chief of the Jury is speaking ... Judge: Group leaders, do you agree with the decision of the Jury? The Group Leaders' Response ... Judge: Now let's hear our distinguished Jury: ...

    Slide 23

    Analysis of the work of groups:

    Teacher: Guys, today we had an unusual lesson. What was unusual about him? Answers ... Teacher: Do you have any position regarding the use of the achievements of science, in particular, the use of fluorine compounds? Answers ... Teacher: then let's evaluate our work using the "Assessment Rulers" that are on your desks. Now show what you did. Well done! Thanks to all! It was a pleasure working with you.

    View all slides

    For modern man Toothpaste is an essential attribute of personal hygiene. Each of us uses it at least one or two times a day, without wondering what substances are in it and how they affect our body.

    Most toothpastes contain sodium fluoride. Mass media vying with each other assert that it is simply necessary for dental health. Is this really so and can sodium fluoride toothpaste be harmful?

    Fluorine is an ionized substance that is part of the earth's crust. In nature, it rarely acts as an independent element, most often it can be found in compounds.

    The most famous of these are calcium fluoride (CaF) and sodium fluoride (NaF). They are found in small quantities in water, plants and animal tissues. Having studied the properties of these compounds, man learned to synthesize them by various chemical reactions and use in various fields of their life.

    Sodium fluoride is a substance that is produced during the breakdown of hydrofluoric (hydrofluoric) acid. It has antibacterial properties, so it is widely used not only in toothpastes. It is an integral part of glass production, detergents and various poisons - pesticides, insecticides and acaricides.

    In addition to antiseptic and antibacterial properties, fluorine compounds are integral structural elements of many living things, including humans. They are involved in a number of biological processes that occur daily in our body, but their main task is to maintain the correct mineral metabolism in the body.

    The main functions of fluoride in the body:

    • protects the skeleton from fractures and osteoporosis, actively strengthens bone tissue, makes it harder and stronger;
    • responsible for the internal and external health of hair and nails;
    • contributes to the preservation of the integrity of the dentition, is a structural element of tooth enamel, protects it from the adhesion of microorganisms, thereby preventing the formation of plaque and calculus;
    • supports immunity by participating in the process of hematopoiesis, including the formation of leukocytes;
    • prevents the occurrence iron deficiency anemia helping the body to assimilate this element qualitatively;
    • participates in the processes of removing radioactive substances and salts of heavy metals from the body, inhibits the viability of acid-forming bacteria.

    For the production of toothpastes, fluoride is not used in its pure form or its aggressive compounds.

    To strengthen the tooth enamel from the outside and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria on the teeth and gums, the composition of this hygiene product includes safe fluorides - hydrogen fluoride (HF) salts, modified sodium fluoride (NaF), aminofluorides, aluminum and tin fluoride.

    In the mouth, under the influence of heat and saliva, they begin to break down into active fluoride ions, which are able to penetrate the tooth enamel and seal the microcracks that have appeared in it.

    For long-term preservation of health, it is very important to maintain a balance of intake of vitamins and microelements. With water, food or food additives, they must enter the body in exactly the amount that is needed - no more and no less.

    This also applies to fluorides. Their daily rate depends on the age and place of residence of the person.

    Daily fluoride intake:

    • for children under one year old - 0.01-0.5 mg;
    • for preschoolers - 0.7-1mg;
    • for kids school age- 2 mg;
    • children over 14 years old and adults - from 3 to 4 mg.

    Fluorides enter the body with food and water. Their content in drinking water is not great - only 0.7-1 mg / l. The only exceptions are some arid areas on our planet. The concentration of fluorine in them can reach 4 mg / l.

    Excessive accumulation of this substance in tissues and bones can lead to serious disruption of the functioning of organs and systems. Metabolism slows down, the formation of new bone tissue is significantly inhibited, the structure of already existing bones becomes porous and fragile, work is disrupted nervous system, brain activity decreases.

    Teeth decay and painlessly crumble right before our eyes - this is a consequence of chronic fluorosis of the enamel. In most cases, fluorosis develops after 10-20 years of regular drinking water, in which the concentration of fluoride significantly exceeded the permissible norm. Reversing this process is almost impossible.

    The main risk group for oversaturation with fluorine is children and adolescents. During this period, the bone tissue is in the process of formation, so any violation of it can lead to serious, sometimes irreversible, consequences.

    Fluoride in hygiene products

    Daily use of oral hygiene products containing fluoride compounds - the most affordable way for the prevention of caries. It reduces the likelihood of this disease by 30-40%. The concentration of fluoride components in the toothpaste is in the range of 0.05-0.15%.

    This is enough to protect the health and appearance of teeth, making enamel stronger and more resistant to acids and bacteria.

    When brushing teeth, fluoride acts exclusively on their surface and is not able to penetrate into the blood. This is possible only in cases of accidental and regular ingestion of toothpaste. This happens most often in children under 6 years of age. Therefore, it is not recommended for them to use this product.

    People living in areas where the content of fluorine compounds in drinking water exceeds 1.0 mg / liter should also refrain from using toothpastes containing this component.

    The opinion about the likelihood of fluorosis with regular rinsing and cleaning the dentition with fluoride means is erroneous. This pathology of enamel occurs during the inception of a tooth, and by the time of its eruption it already exists. Visible change appearance enamel is not a consequence of exposure to fluoride. Its level in the surface affected by fluorosis does not change after the appearance of the tooth.

    Sources of fluoride

    Water underground sources, oceans and seas contains biological sodium fluoride. Therefore, most seafood already contains fluoride. Little kids get them through breast milk mothers or specialized baby food. Adults replenish this element by including the following foods in their daily diet:

    • black and green tea;
    • nuts;
    • cereals;
    • dairy products;
    • meat and offal;
    • eggs;
    • green onions;
    • baked potato;
    • green leafy vegetables;
    • grapefruit;
    • apples.

    But the products do not contain enough fluoride to fully cover the daily dose the body needs. This is only possible with ordinary drinking water. Up to 70% of fluoride in the body comes from it.

    Many experts recommend fluoridation of drinking water. The option of artificial saturation of tap water with fluorine is considered only when the natural content of this element in it is below 50% of the optimal level.

    This procedure will be advisable and effective in regions where the average incidence of caries in primary teeth in children living in preschool institutions, high or excessively exceeding all allowable norms... Only a leading dentist should initiate and justify fluoridation.

    Excessive accumulation of fluoride in the body can occur in the following circumstances:

    • increased content of fluorine in the environment (arid regions, work or residence near chemical plants that use fluorine in the production process);
    • additional use of sodium fluoride in the form of tablets and any other procedures for the prophylaxis of caries, including the use of fluoride oral hygiene products, with sufficient artificial saturation of this element of drinking water.

    When medically prescribing a diet based on food products, as well as preparations containing fluoride, urinalysis should be performed annually. This will help keep the level of this element within the norm.

    Sodium fluoride, along with substances such as arsenic, mercury and lead, are classified as heavy metals. These hazardous compounds enter the human body with food, water, by inhalation of contaminated air or vapors emanating from various chemicals and cleaning agents.

    The human body absorbs about 2 kg of toxins annually. Some of them are successfully neutralized and excreted by the body, but some have the ability to accumulate in internal organs. This can lead to the development of a number of diseases, persistent pain and allergies.

    Fluoride poisoning is not a common medical condition. However, given the consequences, they should not be written off.

    In this case, a malfunction of the central nervous system occurs. It manifests itself: unreasonable anxiety, convulsions, paralysis of muscles and vasomotor center, respiratory disorders (shortness of breath), increased intestinal peristalsis.

    Symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract: excruciating, spasmodic pains, profuse salivation, bouts of nausea, slight vomiting and loose stools.

    Inhalation of air with a high concentration of fluoride compounds can cause toxic pulmonary edema. But not only the upper respiratory tract is damaged, but also the eyes. They quickly turn red, profuse lacrimation begins. A persistent cough, frequent bronchitis and pneumonia can also be signals of regular and unnoticeable fluoride poisoning.

    Treatment of poisoning with heavy metals, including fluoride compounds, should be carried out exclusively in a specialized medical facility.

    Such conditions are manifested with the regular intake of fluoride and its compounds into the human body. And also during a single unprotected contact with substances that contain this element.

    To prevent the accumulation of sodium fluoride and heavy metals in the body, it is necessary:

    1. Maintain adequate iodine levels. He plays important role in cell metabolism, is an element necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, which, among other things, produces a hormone that contributes to the proper formation and renewal of bone tissue.
    2. Eat foods high in boron. It helps in the elimination of excess fluoride from the body. This element is found in nuts, plums, broccoli, bananas, avocados, and honey.
    3. Calcium and magnesium inhibit the absorption of fluoride by cells. They can be taken in the form of pharmaceutical preparations or in their natural form. They are found in nuts, dark green vegetables, fish, beans, avocados, dairy products, dried fruits, and dark chocolate.
    4. Check once a year tap water for the content of fluorine compounds in it.
    5. Visit your dentist regularly. This is especially true for preschool children. At the slightest sign of fluorosis, change oral hygiene products to those that do not contain fluoride.

    Considering all the nuances, sodium fluoride hygiene products can be great helpers in the fight for the beauty and health of your teeth. If you are afraid of the consequences, then choose alternative products.

    Fluorine as chemical element, - a widespread in nature non-metal, which ranks 16th among the elements that make up the earth's crust. Most often in nature it is in the form of sparingly soluble salts of apatite, topaz, feldspar, krealite, etc. (Morishna G.I., Gaponyuk E.I., 1993).

    The type of agricultural land has a great influence on the degree of soil pollution with fluorine. So, according to the results of large-scale mapping in the area of ​​the Krasnoyarsk aluminum plant (suburban area of ​​Krasnoyarsk), the area of ​​soils with extremely and highly hazardous pollution in hayfields and pastures is 8.1 thousand hectares, or 25.7% of the surveyed, and on arable land only 5, 5% (5.4 thousand ha). This fact is due to the fact that in non-arable soils, fluoride is mainly concentrated on the very surface of the soil. In arable soils, as a result of systematic cultivation, the soils are easily mixed and, as a result of interaction with the soil, fluorine quickly passes into inactive forms due to the processes of adsorption and mineral formation (Tandelov Yu.P., 1996; Kremlenkov N.P., Gaponok E.I. , 1983).

    Application of high doses phosphate fertilizers can lead to soil contamination with fluorine (Potatueva, Kapaev, 1979; Kreydman J.E., 1998; Antonov I.S., 1996). From the use of ballast and concentrated fertilizers on sod-podzolic heavy loamy soils, an increased content of water-soluble fluorine in the upper horizon was noted. Regular application of ammophos increased the content of mobile fluorine by 50% only in the arable horizon, almost without changing it in layers of 20–50 cm and 50–80 cm (Antonov IS, 1996).

    According to Yu.A. Potatueva. the introduction of manure at the rate of 10 t / ha annually led to an increase in the content of water-soluble fluorine in the soil (sod-podzolic heavy loamy) by 2 times, the amount of which reached the same values ​​as with the systematic introduction of ammophos.

    According to Yu.P. Tandelov on the powerful chernozem of the Mironovsky Research Institute of Breeding and Seed Production of Wheat in an experiment with permanent corn crop, where during the experiment (1929-1974) P2O5 2320 kg / ha were introduced, the total content of fluorine in the soil increased by 22-28%.

    Long-term use of superphosphate in the experiment at the All-Russian Research Institute of Sugar Beet and Sugar, increased the fluorine content in the soil by 90% compared to the control.

    In France, where high doses of mineral fertilizers have been used for a long time, the fluoride content in food is 10 mg / kg dry matter; in the United States, intensively fertilized corn contains fluorine in concentrations of 8 mg / kg dry matter. Whereas under normal conditions, fluorine is contained in mg / kg: in grain - 0.2–0.7; straw - 2–7; potatoes - 0.2-0.9; in beets - 0.2-0.6; in hay - 0.2–2.3.

    One of the sources of pollution of agricultural systems are chemical plant protection products. So N.N. Melnikov and Yu.A. Baskakov (1962) found that for a long time the pollution of agroecosystems with fluorine occurred from the use of pesticides.

    There is evidence of a decrease in the enzymatic activity of some soils when NaF is added to the soil (Russel and Swiecicki, 1978). In the experiment conducted by G.V. Tsaplin (1994), on sod-podzolic, poorly cultivated soil, alkalization of the soil was observed as a result of NaF. At high level pollution (1000 mg of fluorine per kg of soil), the soil swam, its structure was disturbed, signs of alkalinization appeared. The high level of pollution caused the destruction of humic substances. Fluoride compounds can have a noticeable effect on soil microorganisms (Gaponyuk E.I. et al, 1981). When the content of fluorine in soils is above 1000 mg / kg, there is a decrease in the activity of soil microorganisms (urease, phosphatase, dehydrogenase) compared to the control. Fluoride compounds slow down the growth of systematic groups of soil microorganisms (Ogloblina R.I., 1977).

    Maximum concentration limit for gross fluorine has not been determined. The degree of soil contamination with fluorine is assessed by water-soluble forms, the content of which should not exceed 10 mg / kg of soil ( Sanitary standards, 1987).

    The flow of fluoride into plants, the change in its migration properties in the soil depends on its total content in soils, the forms of its compounds, soil properties: acidity, mechanical composition, mineralogical composition, the presence of carbonates, oxidation of iron and aluminum.

    Among domestic and foreign scientists, the opinion has long been established that alkaline and slightly alkaline, calcium-rich chernozems, chestnut soils (in our republic they account for more than 90%) chemically firmly bind fluorine falling to the surface with air emissions, bringing it into insoluble fluorite, fluoroappatite and other compounds (Antonov I.S., 1996).

    Fluoride affects plant metabolism and can cause a decrease in the rate of oxygen absorption, respiratory disorders, a decrease in assimilation nutrients, decrease in chlorophyll content, suppression of starch synthesis, destruction of DNA and RNA and inhibit a number of other processes.

    It was found that fluorides inhibit enzymes: enolase, phosphoroglucomutase, phosphatase (Vlasyuk P.A., Mishchenko V.N., 1967).

    Potatueva Yu.A. and Kopaeva M.N. (1978) point to the uneven distribution of fluorine in plant organs: most of it accumulates in the roots, slightly less in the vegetative mass (straw, leaves, stems), and the least amount of fluorine is contained in the grain. According to T.M. Belyakova. (1997) in cultivated plants fluoride mainly accumulates in leaves and stems, less in fruits.

    In her work, Bezikova O.A. (1997) traces a direct relationship between the level of fluoride in soil and its accumulation in straw. When the content of fluorine in the soil is 60.6 mg / kg in the straw, it accumulated 43.7 mg / kg, with 17.6 mg / kg - 35.8, with 1.8 mg / kg - only 28.6 mg / kg. At the same time, this did not have any effect on the grain yield.

    A. Henning (1976, Germany) believes that the sensitivity of plants to fluoride occurs at a very high concentration of it in the soil, for buckwheat, for example, 900 mg / kg.

    Cereals have a number of symptoms when exposed to high concentrations of fluoride. The tips of the leaves can become pale brown or even white, chlorotic dots and stripes along the leaf veins along the edge and towards the tip of the leaf. Often a chloratic narrow band separates necrotic (dead) tissue from healthy tissue (Antonov I.S., 1996; Holbvash G., 1998).

    Perederiy O.G. and Mishlevich N.V. (1991) give data that the content of fluoride in meadow grass of 60–71 mg / kg does not give any visible signs of damage to plants, while the maximum permissible concentration of fluorine in grass is 1.5 mg / kg. There are reports of authors Orlov D.S., Vorobieva L.A., Motuzova G.S. et al. (1988), Moroshina G.I., Gaponyuk E.I. (1993), Michael Treshoy (1998) that even in the presence of very high concentrations of fluoride in the leaves, it does not mean that these leaves will necessarily become damaged. Dessler H.G. (1981), however, argues that local plants react negatively to the presence of toxic substances in the air even in small doses, depending on the duration of exposure, this leads to numerous violations of physiological functions, inhibition and death of certain groups of cells, tissue sections, which often leads to death of plants.

    Some plants are so susceptible to air and soil pollution that they are affected when the concentration of fluoride is slightly higher than the background. This property of plants is used in monitoring air pollution, soil and other means, as a method of bioindication and symptomology (Antonov I.S., 1996).

    The detection of symptoms on plants, the distribution of affected plants in the area, the effect on the plant species are described in the work of M. Treschow (1998).

    However, in what concentrations of fluorides in air, water, soil, in what phases of plant growth these negative effects are manifested, there are too few official publications.

    The response of plants to fluoride pollution, even before the appearance of any symptoms of toxicity, is manifested in a weakening of growth rates, a decrease in yield. However, most dangerous consequence fluoride pollution is its accumulation in fodder plants (Miller, 1973). According to I.V. Petrukhin. (1989) the maximum permissible concentration of fluoride in feed, adopted in some foreign countries are:

    Herb 1.5 (mg / kg);
    - root vegetables 2.3;
    - hay 30.0;
    - straw 15.0;
    - grain feed 3.0.

    With an increase in these values, there is a possibility of fluorosis in animals. Clinical signs develop after 6 - 12 months when fluoride is supplied with water containing the element in concentrations of 5 mg / kg and above, or with feed in which the fluorine level exceeds 100 mg / kg (Talanova G.A., Khmelevsky B.N. ., 1991). The permissible concentration of fluorine in the annual diet is: for sheep - 50, cows - 30, pigs - 70 mg / kg (Tandelov Yu.P., 1997).

    In the Republic of Khakassia, the employees of the station of the agrochemical service "Khakasskaya" Antonov IS, Gradoboeva NA, Sachkova GV are involved in environmental fluoride pollution. and others, however, the study of this problem requires further research, and we have made only an insignificant attempt to touch upon the issues of the influence of fluorine-containing compounds on the soil and natural herbage.


    Toothpaste is considered good when it not only gently cleanses the teeth, but also protects them from caries. To prevent caries, toothpastes usually contain fluoride compounds - fluorides. At the same time, they are considered by many to be the purest poison - on the Russian market you can find pastes marked "without fluoride", and on European samples, for example, we see "fluoride-free". What to do with tooth decay? LookBio and ekokosmetika.ru checked the facts.

    Let's talk by concepts

    Fluorine (engl: Fluorine) is a chemical element, reactive and poisonous gas. Fluoride salts are called fluorides and are found everywhere in nature, in foods such as fish, black tea, mineral water... There is also fluoride in the human body - in bones and teeth.

    Fluorides are known for their ability to prevent tooth decay, which is why they can be found in most toothpastes. The following fluorine compounds are most often used in pastes:

    sodium fluoride (Sodium fluoride)
    potassium fluoride
    stannous fluoride
    aminofluoride / olaflur (Aminofluorid / Olaflur)
    Sodium monofluorophosphate
    calcium fluoride (Calcium fluoride)

    Decades of fluoride use in the production of toothpastes and the corresponding reduction in caries in the population prove the effectiveness of fluoride in the fight against caries. In some countries, such as the United States and Canada, fluoride is added to drinking water and you can find edible salt with fluorides on sale.

    It is worth saying here why we insist on the correct use of terms and we ourselves will not speak incorrectly. The fact is that the combination of "toothpaste without fluoride" or "fluoride in toothpaste" - these are the formulations found on dental hygiene products on the Russian market or in exposing articles on the Internet, it is incorrect both from a chemical and linguistic point of view. Why fluorides "went to the people" in the form of fluorine is reliably known, probably, only to the tooth fairy. Fluorine is a reactive and poisonous gas, there is no pure form in the paste, but there are just its compounds, fluorine ions - fluorides.

    Effects of fluorides in toothpaste

    Oral bacteria break down sugars from food into acids. These acids wash the minerals out of the tooth enamel. Saliva in the oral cavity is responsible for replenishing the required level of minerals, however, with excessive consumption of sugar, saliva can no longer cope with its task. And this is where fluoride toothpaste comes to the rescue, which form protective film on the teeth, reducing the formation of acid in the oral cavity and thus stabilizing the minerals in the tooth enamel. Fluorides also help calcium phosphates in saliva to penetrate tooth enamel faster. All this only works when we brush our teeth. Therefore, regular brushing with fluoride paste should keep your teeth healthy and fight tooth decay. This is how the recommendations of most dentists around the world sound.

    From good to bad

    Fluorides are classified as toxic substances- their excessive amount entering the body, especially over a long period, can cause significant harm. That is why there are restrictions on the percentage of fluoride compounds introduced into children's and adult toothpastes. For example, in the European Union and the United States, the amount of fluoride in toothpaste must be labeled “ppm F” (parts per million) on the packaging. Fluorides can be listed in the active ingredient list or in the general list of paste ingredients. According to the EU Directive 76/768 / EEC, a cosmetic product (including toothpaste) cannot be marketed if the amount of fluoride in it exceeds 1500 ppm F. Modern toothpastes for adults sold in the EU, contain from 1000-1500 ppm F. In this case, the packaging must contain the mark "for adults only." Children's fluoride toothpastes should say "For children under 6: use a small amount of toothpaste." Because children often swallow toothpaste partially, baby toothpastes are either fluoride-free or limited to 250-500 ppm. Also, children's pastes with fluoride are recommended to be made without a sweet taste, which provokes the swallowing of the paste.

    In Russia, there are also restrictions on the amount of fluoride in toothpaste. They are regulated by the Technical Regulations Customs Union TR CU 009/2011 "On the safety of perfumery and cosmetic products" and amount to 0.15% in terms of fluorine. Therefore, if 10000ppm = 1%, then the European 1500 ppm is "our" 0.15%.

    Excessive concentration of fluoride in dental care or frequent ingestion of fluoride, fluoride, food or medicine can cause dental fluorosis, which is characterized by changes in the enamel, leading to the loss of its natural color and the appearance of chalky, yellow and dark streaks on the teeth. Long-term fluoride overdose can lead to bone fluorosis, kidney problems, etc.

    However, adults who brush their teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste have nothing to worry about, even if they eat fluoride-infused table salt. The overwhelming majority of experts today believe that fluoride in toothpaste is best prevention caries, and acceptable standards in dental hygiene products do not pose a health hazard.

    Yes, in theory, if a child swallows a tube full of adult fluoride toothpaste, they will be poisoned. In any case, if parents have doubts about an overdose, they need to consult a pediatric pediatrician.

    Fluorides in Certified Natural Cosmetics

    Natural certifications such as COSMOS (BDIH, Soil Association, ICEA, Cosmebio, Ecocert) and NaTrue allow the use of fluoride in toothpaste. Nevertheless, most manufacturers and consumers of natural and organic cosmetics are against fluorides: they believe in the prevention of dental caries with healthy saliva and correct dental cleaning, believing that potentially toxic fluorides have no place in the mouth (and the body) even in minimal quantities. Because of this belief, eco-certified toothpastes for adults and children contain other ingredients to prevent tooth decay. These can be various herbal extracts or xylitol. However, to date, there is no reliable scientific research that xylitol (fluoride-free) in toothpaste is effective in preventing tooth decay.

    German natural cosmetics manufacturers are now expanding their dental product lines with fluoride pastes. The fact is that in product tests (for example, in the popular German magazine Oekotest), which are trusted by consumers, fluoride-free pastes often fall into the last lines of the ratings.

    Carefully! Quackery in runet

    Serious research that could prove the harm of fluorides on this moment are embarrassing. At the same time, on the Internet you can find sites exposing fluorides from all sides and greatly exaggerating their danger and level of toxicity. As a rule, such information is intimidated by sites created in the commercial interests of manufacturers of some "healthy alternative" to fluoride pastes. When looking for information on the dangers of fluorides, please pay attention to the reliability of the source and the presence of links to Scientific research and initial data.


    • Fluorides in toothpastes are found to be effective modern means for the prevention of caries.
    • Caries can also be attributed to poor oral hygiene, nutritional deficiencies, and health problems.
    • Yes, fluorides are toxic, but not to the extent that they are found in toothpaste.
    • If you can eliminate sugar altogether, you can also eliminate fluoride pasta.
    • For oral hygiene in children, only pastes without fluorides or with a reduced fluoride content are acceptable.
    • With or without fluoride, your paste will be a matter of personal choice.
    • It is correct to say "fluoride-free toothpaste" and not "fluoride-free toothpaste".