Bumblebee bite - what to do if he has bitten and the consequences of this. Why bumblebee bites are dangerous, first aid What to do if a bumblebee bit your hand

And it belongs to the family of real bees. Its body structure and lifestyle are almost the same as those of ordinary honey bees. "Do bumblebees bite?" - such question for certain interested many people. The bumblebee has a bright color and a relatively large size for an insect. Dense short hairs cover its dense body, which is usually black with bright yellow stripes. In the lower part of the body of the insect, which has a white color, there is a small sting, usually imperceptible. The body of a bumblebee can reach a length of three centimeters. Let's find out more about the life of this amazing insect and, finally, determine whether bumblebees bite or not.

Aggressive and dangerous - such not entirely true signs in the minds of most people have a bumblebee. What is he really like? The bumblebee is a valuable pollinator. These amazing insects there is a longer proboscis (its length can reach 9.5 millimeters) than that of bees. Therefore, they have the ability to pollinate, for example, plants that bees cannot pollinate. Bumblebees have a thick coat of hair that allows them to pollinate flowers in fairly cold weather, collecting nectar and pollen. The collected nectar serves as a source of nutrition for offspring, while bumblebees, unlike bees, do not make honey reserves for the winter. But do bumblebees, hardworking and seemingly peaceful insects, bite?

The bumblebee (photo on the right) has the same sting as wasps and bees. However, he uses it quite rarely, since bumblebees are fairly peaceful insects. The stinging apparatus, which is designed for protection, is possessed only by working bumblebees and the uterus. In time, a small amount of bumblebee venom enters the human body. After a short pain is felt, sometimes allergic reactions may appear. So to the question of whether bumblebees bite or not, the answer will be yes, but these insects sting very rarely. The sting of a bumblebee and a wasp has no notches, that is, its extraction is characteristic of the uterus and working bumblebees. The stung area swells significantly, itching and redness appear, which can last for several hours.

To prevent bumblebee stings, there are certain preventive measures which should be taken by both adults and children in particular. When in contact with these insects, do not try to pick them up. Keep calm, do not forcefully brush off a bumblebee flying around, thereby bringing it into an excited state. Do not touch bumblebee nests. Remember that strong foreign odors (perfumes, alcohol, perfumed soaps, and others) can cause an insect. When wearing tight clothing, the likelihood of a bumblebee bite is significantly reduced, since it cannot sting through it. For safety reasons, care must be taken not to allow children to catch or pick up a bright, but still dangerous insect.

Bumblebees are considered very peaceful representatives of the Hymenoptera family. Unlike bees or hornets, they only bite humans in self-defense. At the same time, their sting, as a rule, does not remain in the skin, since there are no notches on it. But it is not the sting itself that causes pain and itching. When bitten, a bumblebee injects a small dose of poison from a mixture of proteins, which can subsequently provoke an acute allergic reaction of the body.

Bite danger and possible consequences

Bumblebees are social insects similar in description to honey bees. Their classification is very extensive, with a considerable number of subspecies that differ external characteristics. The most common in our country are:

  1. The Purple Carpenter Bumblebee is a black-bodied insect with a blue-black head and dark purple wings. This species is not considered aggressive, however, female individuals can sting quite painfully if provoking factors were present.
  2. Stone bumblebee - also has a dark color, but the lower segment of the abdomen is scarlet.

    Stone bumblebees got their name due to the fact that they nest between the stones, where they live in a large community.

  3. Earthen - nests in the ground, has a black color with yellow hairs on the front of the chest, the extreme side of the abdomen is covered with white fluff. Females are much longer than males and have a sting that they can use in battle.
  4. Garden - front and back of the abdomen yellow color with a wide bandage between the wings of black hairs. They nest in soil voids, in hollows.

As a rule, female individuals can bite a person. However, they sting only as a last resort (in self-defense).

Varieties of bumblebees - gallery

garden bumblebee stone bumblebee
Purple Carpenter Bumblebee

For most adults, a bite will not pose any danger, however, in rare cases an acute allergic or toxic reaction to bumblebee venom, which contains serotonin, may develop.

All female Hymenoptera have a stinger that they can use in self-defense.

A bumblebee sting is most dangerous for women during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for babies, since the children's body is more susceptible to allergic reactions due to a weak immune system.

Complications also arise when poison is injected into the mouth, into the eye or nose, into the neck, ear and head - a bite can provoke severe swelling of the mucous membranes, disrupting their proper functioning.

If the bite fell on the arm or leg, while the sting did not enter the blood vessel, severe edema is possible only with an individual allergic reaction of the body.

Numerous bumblebee stings are also especially dangerous. A large concentration of poison in the body causes a toxic reaction with disruption of the heart and nervous system.

An extremely serious consequence is a fatal outcome as a result of anaphylactic shock, followed by a stoppage of the respiratory center.


When bitten by a bumblebee, as a rule, it does not leave a stinger in human skin. However, the local reaction does not depend on the presence of a “tool” in it. Non-allergic manifestations include:

  • pain at the site of the bite;
  • continuous itching and burning;
  • compaction in the form of bumps and swelling of the tissues.

Symptoms after a bite appear immediately and persist for several days. At the same time, on the second day, a local reaction can spread to a larger area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, and scratching will only aggravate the situation.

The sting is accompanied by pain, itching, burning, in some cases, an acute allergic reaction may develop, as a result of which the bite site may swell

An allergic reaction rarely develops with primary bumblebee stings, since the human body still lacks antibodies to their venom. But with individual intolerance, a nonspecific response may appear immediately. In this case, there are:

  • redness and swelling of the whole body, itching;
  • blisters and rash all over the skin;
  • toxic poisoning in the form of nausea, vomiting and loose stools;
  • difficulty breathing, suffocation;
  • chills with fever;
  • rapid pulse.

In some cases, anaphylactic shock is possible, accompanied by dizziness, fainting and convulsions, which require urgent help doctors.

With bumblebee venom, the reaction manifests itself rapidly, during the first minutes, and disappears after a few hours.

Toxic damage (with multiple bites) manifests itself:

  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • disturbances in the heart rhythm.

How to treat

First aid at home

When the reaction to the bite is not aggravated by allergic manifestations, symptoms can be alleviated at home. The algorithm of actions in this case will be as follows:

  1. Pull out the sting if the bumblebee left it on when biting. This should be done very carefully. It is better to use tweezers disinfected with any antiseptic, the damaged area should also be pre-treated.

    Do not try to squeeze out the poison, otherwise an infection can be introduced into the wound.

  2. Hold a cotton swab with an antiseptic over the affected area. Suitable for disinfection: alcohol, potassium permanganate solution, hydrogen peroxide, Miramistin.
  3. Apply a cold compress. It will relieve pain and prevent severe swelling.
  4. Take any antihistamine. To prevent an allergic reaction, even in the absence of a predisposition to it, after a bumblebee bite, it is better to take Erius, Suprastin or Zodak.
  5. Drink plenty of fluids. Drinking plenty of water or tea with sugar will help alleviate bumblebee poisoning.
  6. If the condition worsens, call a doctor.

In order to avoid the spread of poison in neighboring tissues and infection, do not comb and rub the bumblebee stings strongly. You also need to stop drinking alcohol and taking a hot bath, as they provoke vasodilation and the spread of poison.

How to anesthetize the bite site, relieve swelling and itching

You can treat the bite site with the help of medications and homeopathy, as well as folk remedies using medicinal herbs.


Medicines that can help with a bite include:

  • disinfectants (hydrogen peroxide, iodine, alcohol, Miramistin) - to treat the damaged area and prevent infection of the wound;
  • antihistamines of general action (Tavegil, Suprastin, Erius, Kestin) - to prevent the development of an allergic reaction;
  • anti-inflammatory gels for external use (Advantan, Fenistil) - to eliminate itching, burning and swelling.

How to anoint, treat the damaged area - gallery


Homeopathy will also help treat a bumblebee sting. The main remedy for preventing the effects of insect stings is Ledum, which is suitable for the prevention of an acute reaction to poison. Additionally, drugs are taken:

  • Apis mellifica (Apis mellifica);
  • Urtica urens (Urtica urens).

Folk remedies

Will not be superfluous in the treatment of bumblebee bites and folk recipes. Compresses that must be applied to the bite area will help get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

  • chopped fresh plantain greens;
  • baking soda diluted with water to a mushy state;
  • parsley leaves, raw potatoes, cucumber, apple and tomato;
  • finely chopped onion;
  • milk frozen in ice cube trays.

When to See a Doctor

It is necessary to seek the help of a doctor in the following cases:

  • there are multiple bites of bumblebees;
  • a child, a pregnant woman or a person prone to acute allergic reactions has suffered;
  • the bite site is the mouth or eye area;
  • symptoms of an acute allergic or toxic reaction are detected;
  • there are signs of infection of the wound (pus, etc.)

What to do if bitten by a bumblebee - video

Prevention measures

If bumblebees are not provoked into self-defense, it makes no sense for them to sting a person. They collect nectar peacefully, oblivious to the presence of humans. The main motives for insect aggression are nest protection and self-defense.

Therefore, precautions include the following:

  • provoking factors in relation to the bumblebee should be avoided - do not catch it with your hands, do not brush it off with sudden movements, do not try to touch it;
  • do not visit apiaries without special clothing;
  • move away from places where insects accumulate (in markets, fruit stalls);
  • avoid eating sweet-smelling food outdoors;
  • enjoy mosquito nets during the summer season;
  • do not walk barefoot;
  • give up bright clothes and perfumes with a sharp aroma on country trips;
  • carefully cover the body when working in summer cottages and garden plots.

The human body can react to a bumblebee sting in different ways. If the first symptoms of an acute reaction were noticed, such as increased swelling of the affected area, nausea, suffocation, then it is necessary to seek qualified medical help as soon as possible.

Bumblebee is one of the brightest representatives Order Hymenoptera. Despite their impressive size and formidable appearance, these insects are the least aggressive, so the risk of being bitten is very low.

We will tell you what to do with a bumblebee bite, what the consequences can be, and the photos and videos in our article will help you figure it out better.

Bumblebees never harm on purpose, it is done solely for the purpose of self-defense. Like all Hymenoptera, bumblebees do not bite, but sting. The stinger is not barbed and never stays in the victim's skin.

All discomfort that occur during the bite are associated with poison injected under the skin. By chemical composition bumblebee venom - protein compounds. This is dangerous for the development of allergic reactions in some groups of people, since protein molecules are the most powerful allergens.

Manifestations of a bite can be both local (local) and generalized (common).

To local manifestations bite include pain, burning, redness, itching and swelling in the area of ​​injury. Sometimes a local increase in temperature may join.

Very often the question arises, how long does a bumblebee bite last? Pain sensations usually regress within half an hour after contact, other symptoms may persist for 2-3 days, and usually do not require specific treatment.

An allergic reaction occurs in 1-2% of individuals at the first contact, with each subsequent bite the risk of its development increases by 2-3 times. Manifestations of allergies can also vary - a slight deterioration in the general condition to anaphylactic shock.

If an allergic reaction develops, the symptoms will be as follows:

  • itching and rash all over the body;
  • swelling of the subcutaneous fat in the places of its best blood supply (near the eyes, face, neck, possibly an increase in the tongue);
  • dizziness, nausea, vomiting;
  • temperature rise.

With the development of anaphylactic shock, the above symptoms are joined by:

  • Decreased blood pressure;
  • Increased heart rate;
  • Deterioration of breathing, the occurrence of attacks of suffocation;
  • Convulsions are possible;
  • Loss of consciousness.

Anaphylactic shock is a very formidable condition. It is dangerous because it develops at lightning speed and requires immediate medical attention. But you should not panic in advance. Not all people go into anaphylactic shock.

The risk group for severe complications from a bumblebee bite includes:

  • Children under 6 years of age and pregnant women, as such people have weak immunity;
  • Persons with a burdened allergic history, cardiovascular diseases.

Of particular danger are multiple attacks of bumblebees. More than 5 simultaneous bites in children are considered such, and more than 10 in adults. In this case, the risk of developing allergic reactions and shock increases significantly, as the amount of poison that enters the human body increases.

Bites to the face, neck, and tongue are also dangerous, since these areas of the body are very well supplied with blood. This provokes the rapid absorption of poison into the blood and the development of edema at the site of injury, which is dangerous for suffocation.

Bumblebee bite treatment

First aid for a bumblebee bite is quite simple. If it is uncomplicated, you should wash the wound with any antiseptic solution (peroxide, chlorhexidine, alcohol) and apply a cold compress.

If a bumblebee bite is very itchy, you can lubricate it with an anti-allergic ointment containing antihistamines (fenistil, psilo-balm), or hormones. The most popular bumblebee sting remedy is hydrocortisone ointment. It is very effective, it is also available without a prescription and has a low price.

To the local treatment of itching, you can add the systemic use of antihistamines - diazolin, suprastin, claritin. The dosage of drugs should be according to the instructions.

Helping children and adults is no different. In children under 6 years of age, it is better to use antihistamines in the form of suspensions and syrups.

If, after all of the above measures, the condition of the victim worsens, symptoms of allergy or anaphylactic shock join, you should immediately call ambulance! Before the arrival of doctors, a person should be provided with an influx fresh air, unfasten all tight clothing, lay with a raised leg end and turn your head to the side, in order to avoid suffocation with your tongue or vomit.

In the event of a cardiac arrest, start cardiopulmonary resuscitation immediately! Pressing on the chest alternates with the inhalation of air into the lungs of the victim (30 presses - 2 breaths).

It is advisable to involve another person in helping, then resuscitation measures will be more effective.

If an allergic person has already experienced anaphylactic shock, his medicine cabinet may contain injectable drugs for its relief - dexamethasone, adrenaline. Epinephrine (adrenaline) can be both in an ampoule and in an autoinjector - a special device like a syringe pen, with the required dosage.

If there are any, and the person providing first aid has the skill of intramuscular injection, these drugs should be administered immediately.

The medicine can be injected into the buttock, the front of the thigh, or the back of the shoulder. The recommended dosage is half an ampoule of adrenaline and one ampoule of dexamethasone. A solution of adrenaline can also be used to puncture the bite site. This will cause vasospasm and slow down the absorption of toxins into the blood.

When do you need to call an ambulance?

There are situations when it is impossible to do without qualified medical care that a doctor or paramedic can provide, since it is very difficult to predict the development of complications.

An ambulance should be called in such situations:

  • bite of a pregnant woman or a child under 6 years old;
  • multiple bites (more than 5 in children and 10 in adults);
  • bites in the face and neck;
  • worsening condition after local treatment;
  • the development of a clinical picture of anaphylactic shock or the occurrence of Quincke's edema (swelling of the subcutaneous fat of the face and neck).


In order to avoid unpleasant encounters with bumblebees, you should know some rules. The following instructions will help you prevent the bites of these insects.

  1. The best way to avoid being bitten by bumblebees is to stay away from their habitats. In no case should you destroy the nests of these insects, as there is a chance of falling under the wrath of a whole swarm.
  2. You do not need to walk barefoot on the grass, as you can be imprudent to step on an insect lurking in the grass.
  3. If a bumblebee is flying near you, do not try to scare it away with sweeping movements. It is also not necessary to run away from the insect, this will attract his attention even more.
  4. Stay away from bright clothes and harsh perfumes during out-of-town trips.
  5. AT summer-spring period use mosquito nets.
  6. Prevention also includes the presence of a first aid kit, equipped with everything necessary for first aid and knowledge of how bumblebee bites are dangerous and what to do if you are still bitten.

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As we can see, the consequences of a bumblebee bite can be different - from minor pain and itching at the point of contact, to the development of anaphylactic shock and lethal outcome. Everyone should know how to treat bumblebee stings, as this can occur at any moment, and first aid should be provided immediately. Be healthy!

Bumblebees belong to the genus Hymenoptera. They are widespread in the wild nature of many countries of the northern hemisphere. In addition, bumblebees serve as pollinators in horticulture and crop production. Science knows a large number of varieties of bumblebees, which differ from each other in external signs, for example, in color.

In many ways, the bumblebee is close to the honey bee. Bumblebees, like bees, are social insects. Together they get food, water, defend themselves from enemies, using their stings and poison. The stinging apparatus is possessed exclusively by females. However, the stingers of bumblebees are even and smooth, so they do not leave them in the skin of their prey, unlike bees.

How to prevent a bumblebee sting

Bumblebees are considered more "peaceful" insects than bees and wasps. They sting relatively rarely. Collecting nectar, bumblebees practically do not pay attention to people. Even the intentional stirring of a flower does not scare them away. Bumblebees attack only when protecting themselves or their nest, or feeling aggression. Therefore, to prevent a bumblebee bite, it is enough:

  • do not touch or pick up this beautiful insect;
  • do not approach apiaries and other places where insects accumulate (markets, garbage containers);
  • do not eat or cook food on the street;
  • during the departure season of bumblebees, drape the windows in the house using a special mesh;
  • do not provoke the bumblebee to attack with sharp, waving movements of the hands or head;
  • remain vigilant during summer walks barefoot, as many colonies of bumblebees are located underground;
  • do not wear bright colors when traveling out of town, avoid all shades of blue;
  • with gardening and garden work leave a minimum number of exposed parts of the body, wear long-sleeved pants and blouses with thick fabrics, shoes with hard soles and be sure to wear a hat;
  • to prevent the appearance of odors of alcohol, sweat,
  • do not use perfume, perfumed soap, aftershave lotion and others cosmetics with a pronounced aroma before country trips;
  • prevent the smell of oxidizing metal, which appears as a result of skin contact with metal products: rings, bracelets, watches, chains, etc.

Consequences of a bumblebee sting

There are several types of reactions to a bumblebee sting:

  • non-allergic, topical
  • allergic
  • toxic
  • hyperventilation

local or non-allergic reaction implies swelling of the bite site, the appearance of redness and itching. A reaction of this type can occur immediately after a bite, and a few hours after it. Swelling and itching may disappear after a few hours, or may last for several days. It happens that the reaction extends to a larger area of ​​​​the body. In such cases, it lasts longer.

An allergic reaction, or, as it is also called, a general or anaphylactic reaction, never occurs after the first bite, since at this time there are still no antibodies in the human body. This reaction occurs in about 1% of cases after repeated bumblebee stings. As a rule, it manifests itself for a short time after the bite, ranging from a few seconds to half an hour.

Depending on the intensity of the reaction, 4 levels are distinguished:

  1. At level 1, there is itching, redness, and swelling all over the body.
  2. At level 2, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are added to level 1 symptoms.
  3. At level 3, level 1 and/or level 2 symptoms are accompanied by labored breathing and/or a feeling of suffocation.
  4. Finally, at level 4, palpitations, syncope, anaphylactic shock are added to the symptoms of level 1 and/or level 2 and/or level 3.

Toxic reaction is the result of numerous bites that were received over a short period of time. With this type of reaction, heart rhythm and breathing can be disturbed.

Hyperventilation as a result of fright, combined with severe level 4 allergic reactions, can cause unconsciousness.

What not to do when bitten by a bumblebee

Firstly, in no case should you slap or crush a stinging insect, since the substances it releases can provoke uncontrolled aggression on the part of its relatives.

Secondly, it is forbidden to rub or comb the bitten place, since such movements contribute to the spread of poison to all neighboring tissues. And the risk of infection also needs to be borne in mind.

Thirdly, alcohol should not be consumed, contrary to the popular belief that it neutralizes poison. Alcohol has a dilating effect on the vessels, which, in turn, leads to an acceleration of the spread of the poison.

What to do with a bumblebee bite

With a local, that is, non-allergic reaction, as a rule, there is no need for special medical treatment. However, in this case, it is advisable to minimize the reaction at home, especially if a sensitive area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body, for example, the eyelid, has been stung. With this arrangement, you can:

1. Disinfect the wound with any alcohol solution, potassium permanganate solution, ammonia with water in a ratio of 1:5 or simply rinse it with clean water.

2. Relieve pain and itching by taking an anti-inflammatory or pain reliever, rubbing aspirin powder into the bitten place, applying a cold compress, saline solution or herbal ingredients to it:

  • dandelion juice,
  • cucumber cut,
  • onion juice or onion slices,
  • plantain or rhubarb leaves
  • parsley leaves and its root, chopped.

If your mouth or throat has been stung, you should immediately go to the hospital, as this is fraught with breathing problems.

In the event of a level 1 allergic reaction, you can try to wait at home. However, if vomiting occurs, and especially symptoms of levels 3 and 4, medical attention should be sought immediately.

With a reaction of levels 3 and 4, first of all, adrenaline should be administered intramuscularly, which has a stimulating effect on the work of the heart, promotes vasoconstriction and expansion of the respiratory tract. At home, this can be done independently using a special auto-injector with adrenaline. If you've already had an allergic reaction to a bumblebee sting, your doctor may be able to write you a prescription for a similar auto-injector.

In case of a toxic reaction, you should also immediately go to the hospital.

  • A bumblebee can stick its stinger several times in a row on the same occasion.
  • The Asian giant bumblebee not only stings its victims, but also crushes tissue with its large jaws. Every year about 70 people die from its bites.

It is difficult to insure against an aggressive sudden attack of a stinging insect in summer. Sometimes, an awkward movement is enough to feel the burning sting of a wasp (bee, bumblebee, hornet) on the body. What to do at home to relieve pain and prevent negative consequences? Everyone should know these rules by heart, so that in right moment do not get confused and provide first aid to the victim.

Symptoms and consequences

A wasp or a bee, a hornet or a bumblebee cannot bite, they sting. But the sensations when a sting with insect venom penetrates the skin is comparable to a bite. For some, this turns into only slight redness and short-term discomfort. But don't rely on luck. Regardless of whether the bite is dangerous, help should be given to the stung person. If the victim becomes worse, the participation of doctors is required immediately.

A person instantly after piercing the skin with an insect sting feels characteristic symptoms:

There is a cutting and rapidly spreading pain;
swelling is growing rapidly;
the bite site begins to itch strongly;
there is a numbness of the cover in the stung place;
sweat is sharply released, the limbs become cold;
breathing worsens, heart beat accelerates;
heartburn, vomiting, fainting (rare).

How long the bite lasts is hard to say. For some, pain and itching subside after a few hours, while others will have to endure discomfort for several days.

If a person is prone to allergies, the reaction to a bite is the most unpredictable. Every second is precious, in some cases it is worth a life. Not timely assistance or late intake of an antihistamine can result in respiratory blockage, anaphylactic shock.

Bee stings and first aid

Folk healers and many physicians are convinced that the treatment of certain diseases with bee stings is much more effective than drug therapy. But an unconventional and unprofessional approach to treatment can be harmful. If a person is stung by 10-12 bees, especially in the throat and face, the consequences are deplorable.

The sting of the bee, released from the abdomen, is connected inside with many organs. The insect, at the moment of attack and injecting it into the skin of the victim, quickly breaks off and flies away. But at the moment of separation from the skin with a sting, part of the important organs breaks out of the body, without which the further existence of the insect is impossible. That is why the bee dies after being bitten.

The attack of bees (provided that it has bitten 1-2 individuals) is not dangerous for people who have never had an allergy. At the same moment, first aid for a bite is provided to everyone without exception. It is especially important not to hesitate if the site of penetration of the sting is near the mucosa or throat.

What assistance should be provided to the victim in case of a sting in the leg, arm, back or chest? The following actions must be learned by heart:

1. Pull out the sting with your hands. Grabbing the tip, gently twist and pull out. If it didn’t work out, a needle, tweezers will help (process before use).

2. After removing the wound, wipe it with alcohol, you can use peroxide.

3. Before you remove the swelling and redness, be sure to take an antihistamine pill.

4. It is required to prevent the spread of edema. To do this, attach a towel with ice, lubricate the wound with a bite remedy. If there is nothing at hand, you can remove the swelling with a moistened sugar cube, dandelion or plantain leaf.

If a bee has bitten in the eye, tongue, larynx, you can not hesitate. It is necessary to call a brigade and deliver the insect victim to the hospital, even in cases where there is no serious allergy to a bee sting.

First steps if stung by a wasp

The wasp becomes especially aggressive on hot days. These individuals attack in order to defend themselves or in cases of overt manifestations of aggression in their direction. For example, by driving a wasp away from the face with a hand, destroying its house, located in a tree or under the roof of a house, an attack cannot be avoided. Does a wasp die after being stung? No, her sting is always ready for the next attack.

Due to the bite of one wasp, terrible consequences should not be expected. True, in the place where the wasp sting fell, a person will feel:

Burning growing pain, similar to the sensations of a burn;
rapid spreading of puffiness, thickening of the skin;
redness with fever in the affected area;
intolerable itching.

Don't waste time wondering if a wasp leaves a stinger when it stings. It will not be possible to find it in the wound; after the attack, the insect takes the tool with it. If a wasp has bitten, you should immediately help:

1. Treat the wound with any disinfectant.
2. Immediately take an allergy pill.
3. Get the victim drunk large quantity sweet tea, juice.
4. Apply any cold object, ice, to the wound.
5. Follow the nature of the edema. If it spreads to the throat, heart area, seek medical attention immediately.
6. Ointments will help relieve itching. Means than to smear a wasp sting can be bought at any pharmacy.

It is important not to take alcohol inside after a bite, which will only accelerate the spread of wasp venom throughout the body.

Hornet attack

This insect on the fly at the time of the attack of the horse is capable of knocking down. What to say about a man! For people, a meeting with an attacking hornet can end in failure. It is especially dangerous if the hornet bite fell on the head, neck, heart area. The most dangerous poison spreads rapidly through the vessels, blockage of breathing occurs instantly. That is why it is important to quickly figure out what to do to help a stung person.

1. Try to suck out some of the poison.
2. Find something to treat the bite. You can neutralize the poison by treating the stung place with lemon, vinegar, soda or soapy water (the hornet's alkaline venom is destroyed by acids).
3. Decontaminate the wound.
4. Apply an ice bandage with moistened sugar to the place where the sting was pierced by a hornet. The cold will stop the swelling, and the sugar will help draw toxins out of the wound.
5. Drink a diuretic, antihistamine medicine. Give the victim plenty of sweet drink to drink.

If the swelling subsides, the allergy does not appear, lubricate the wound with any anesthetic cream from bites. In case of increased edema, inadequate heartbeat, suffocation, dizziness or partial loss of consciousness, go to the hospital. Hospitalization is inevitable.

Bumblebee bite and first aid

Know that a bumblebee will never attack unless you touch it. Remember that only the female has a sting. By killing this insect, you can incur the aggression of female bumblebees. They feel that a relative was attacked, and quickly fly to the rescue. It also happens that no one touched him, but a bumblebee bit him. For example, during its next dive, an insect, crashing into a human body, released a sting at the moment of fright. What to do if he stung and injected poison into the skin?

Immediately you need to calm down and remember how to remove the swelling and redness caused by insect venom injected into the skin. Allergics should be quickly transported to the hospital. In addition, you need to provide immediate assistance to the victim.

1. Inspect the site of the bumblebee attack. It may happen that after a bite, the sting remains in the skin. It must be carefully removed, and then disinfected the wound.
2. Apply cotton wool soaked in peroxide, manganese water.
3. Ice, wrapped in a flap, applied to the wound and bandaged.
4. Take suprastin or another antiallergic agent for the victim.

Swelling, pain and unbearable itching will be felt for several days. It is important for the victim to drink plenty of water so that the poison is excreted faster. It is absolutely impossible to scratch the bite, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous. If the condition worsens, heart palpitations are felt, limbs go numb, you constantly want to sleep, you should go to the hospital.

Stinging insect bites are dangerous. It doesn't matter if the victim is prone to allergies or has excellent health, the reaction of the body to the poison let in by the sting can be fatal. Apply folk remedies from a bite to anesthetize the wound, it is allowed only in cases where there is no allergy, and the swelling has begun to subside. It is important to remember that you can apply healing herbal leaves to the bites after thoroughly cleaning them.

Still, it is wiser not to meet with these insects. You can’t brush them off with your hands, so as not to cause aggression, destroy nests, and in summer period look carefully to see if a wasp has landed on sweet fruit to enjoy too. If the sting of the insect stuck, do not panic. Having completed all the steps correctly emergency care, on time to go to the hospital, unpleasant consequences can always be avoided.