All the secrets of advertising in the social network classmates.

Many users promote their companies and brands on social media. Does advertising in Odnoklassniki bring results? To answer this question, you need to turn to statistics.

The site ranks 5th in terms of attendance in Russia. The daily activity of users is quite high. Tens of millions of users come here (up to 50 million per day). Who is a typical "classmate"? Based on the system data, we can add the following “portrait”: this is a female user aged 35 to 45 years. This information should be paid attention to those who are aimed at a similar target audience. If this is “your client”, try not to procrastinate!

If you are interested in more detailed statistics, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the type of user activity social network. Against this background, it is easier to understand whether it is worth promoting your business on Odnoklassniki.

Let's get to work!

Human psychology is designed in such a way that he is always afraid of the unknown. This can be applied to the promotion of private business in social networks. Often, beginners have no idea how advertising on Odnoklassniki works. Only the most daring users dare to go through this "minefield". Again, this is scary just in words. In fact, everything is completely different! But there are still people who remain skeptical about this issue. They try to stay as far away from it as possible, and at the same time lose a lot of tempting opportunities. In order to somehow change this trend, the Internet appears various versions"guides" to work. The user needs to know these nuances.

Advertising in Odnoklassniki. Kinds:

  • Free;
  • Paid (standard);
  • Paid (media/targeted).

PR is necessary to attract users to various resources. For example, there is advertising in classmates in groups. Other users increase interest in personal sites with the help of Odnoklassniki. Let's take a closer look at all types of promotion.

Free advertising in Odnoklassniki

It's far from the best effective method PR, however, in the absence of a budget, you can use this scheme. How it works:

  1. The user registers a new account (fake profile), creates a group in the social network. Then fills the community with content (contact information, photos, videos, etc.);
  2. The second stage is the search for the target audience, as well as adding friends to all suitable “classmates”.
  3. What happens next? The user sends an invitation to new friends to the group (manually or using special software).

Unfortunately, free advertising is not capable of giving great opportunities. This is its main disadvantage. In other words, all you can do is promote a group on Odnoklassniki using mass following. However, there are secrets on how to quickly achieve the desired result:

  • It's great if you start interacting with the added users right away. Send new friends free gifts. It's much nicer than getting an "empty invitation";
  • Like + repost in Odnoklassniki is called "Class". This is a really important indicator. If desired, it can be wound up using special services (for example, CashBox);
  • When creating and active use several fake accounts increase the chances of fruitful work. It is much easier to increase membership in the group, and at the same time avoid limits and punishments.

If we briefly analyze this method of PR, not the most favorable conclusions arise. To promote a group for free, you will have to:

  • Buy/register fake profiles;
  • Use a lot of special software;
  • To resort to work on additional services;
  • Dedicate time to this regularly.

In addition, advertising in Odnoklassniki is called "free" not in the literal sense of the word. You, one way or another, will have to invest in promotion. A lot of money! And most of the time it's not worth it. More effective is targeted advertising in classmates. Or a fallback option - display advertising on a social network.

As a last resort, you have the opportunity to acquire a promoted community with subscribers. It is relatively cheap (only from 15 kopecks for each member of the group). The main catch is that these users react passively to everything that happens in the group. Especially if the topic of the community changes dramatically.

At the "steering wheel" there is a new administrator. The content is very different from the usual. Subscribers may take this in different ways. You will either have to involve the audience in activity from scratch, or not consider this option at all.

Paid advertising in Odnoklassniki (standard)

As you already understood, free advertising is called such purely conditionally. In practice, everything happens quite differently. Therefore, it is more expedient to turn to paid advertising - its effectiveness is much higher than in the previously given example. The essence of standard advertising: the user orders a commercial post in other groups (in places where potential customers rally). And if these people join your group, they are no longer random passers-by. So they are interested in what you offer.

  1. On one's own. Finding suitable groups will rest on your shoulders. The matter remains small - to find a group, agree with its administrator on cooperation (price, date, type of publication, etc.);
  2. Advertising exchange. Allows you to find the desired community after selecting search criteria. If the group "given the go-ahead", a fixed amount for payment will be frozen on your account. The money will be transferred to the account of the "performer" after the publication of the commercial post.

Which search options to use is up to you. However, the advertising exchange has a number of advantages. Here you can learn more about the statistics of each group. In addition, the exchange guarantees fair fulfillment of the conditions from both parties.

So you protect yourself from dealing with scammers who intend to simply throw you. For such a "reinsurance" you will have to pay a little extra (it will come out more expensive by about 15%). Before you start working on the exchange, it is recommended that you carefully read the proposed terms and conditions of the resource.

Paid advertising in OK (display/targeted)

As you have already seen, there are various ways paid PR. There are not so many of them, but this is quite enough for various segments of the population.

banner advertising

Even an inexperienced user can handle the creation of a banner. Here it is rather necessary to speak about the expediency of such a method. Is it reasonable?

However, not everything is so smooth. Advertising banners are so boring to modern users that most of them simply do not pay attention. But the cost of the banner is still high. We just have to hope for a miracle. Otherwise, you will be wasting a lot of money.

This type of advertising has an advantage: everyone can use a special calculator to calculate the cost of a banner. Use the convenient assistant at the link - After selecting all the necessary criteria for future advertising, click on the "Calculate" button. You will be shown data about "Impressions". Multiply this figure by the cost -

Most likely, the final amount will simply shock you. And this despite the fact that the audience can easily ignore the posted ads. And the last nuance: 20,000 rubles - this is exactly the minimum budget for an advertising campaign. That is, ordinary users are unlikely to be able to afford such a luxurious PR.

Promo posts in Odnoklassniki

Advertising promo in the news feed:

An ad post can contain text, a photo, or a video. It doesn’t matter where exactly you want to attract potential customers (to a group or to a third-party resource). It works under any conditions.

Pre-roll on Odnoklassniki social network

This short video is part of another video. That is, the user comes to watch the video he is interested in, and before watching it he sees a small advertising insert. About efficiency this method you can argue for a long time. But one thing can be said: it is much more profitable in terms of investment.

To create a short insert, you do not need special skills. It's easy to do. Moreover, instead of a video, you can use a catchy image (it all depends on your tastes).

Branding in Odnoklassniki

This is one of the subspecies of image advertising. It should be resorted to only large trademarks and companies. An ordinary user will not pull such a budget. Branding - the best option for those who love "expensive-rich". Of course, the effectiveness of this method does not hold.

How to set up advertising in Odnoklassniki?

  • Registration on the site;
  • Login;
  • Replenishment of the internal account;
  • Audience search;
  • Specify the price and number of impressions.

Before placing an ad, read the instructions of the social network again. And also with information about how much advertising in classmates costs. The instructions are posted at the link -


Business promotion in Odnoklassniki has a number of advantages. The social network goes towards its users, I simplify the work in the system to the point of impossibility. If you are looking for clients of the middle age category, then this platform will work perfectly. And the most important thing! Competition in Odnoklassniki is just beginning to gain momentum. And while other people are afraid to contact this social network, far-sighted entrepreneurs are already “squeezing” the maximum out of it.

I like 0

User loyalty to the offer from the monitor screen has reached a high level. As a result, promotion on virtual resources has an increasing return. In addition, there are ways to advertise your product for free, for example, on the Odnoklassniki social network.

How to advertise on Odnoklassniki

You can develop your advertising campaign on the social network in different ways. There are ways that require time, but paid promotion methods are also free. To make a choice from these options clearly imagine the portrait of your consumer. After all, there are segments of users who do not click on banners located on the pages of classmates, while others read advertising stories and posts with enthusiasm. To see the bottom menu, go to any static account page, such as "Settings".

That depends on how you advertise.

  • Having chosen the paid option, you need to enter your page in classmates and follow the link “create an ad”. It is located in the lower left corner under . By clicking on it, you will be redirected to the myTarget service page. This is where paid advertising in classmates is created.
  • To get started, register with personal account, from which all settings will be carried out, specifying your data and the type of client account.
  • Your personal account has all the tools for successful promotion. The main thing is to make the settings correctly so that the funds debited from the account work, and do not disappear. After editing all the data, you can launch advertising your product to the masses.

Targeted advertising in Odnoklassniki

Setting up targeting in the Odnoklassniki network

There are many options for promotion on social media. One of the effective tools for promoting a brand, increasing awareness, alerting about promotions and great offers is a banner. You can place it on the classmates page on the left or right side, as well as in the header.

Do not forget that the success and cost of an advertising campaign directly depends on the settings that you create when publishing an ad. Segment your consumers. Of key importance is age, hobbies, employment and other parameters that can be set in your personal account.

By setting user filtering, you reduce the cost of impressions for non-targeted audiences, and you can also reduce costs if you set payment only for clicks.

Funds will be debited from the account only when the user goes to your resource. We recommend that you use attractive banners that give you the most bang for your buck.

In your personal account, you can always see the effectiveness of an advertising campaign and, if necessary, change the settings to minimize costs and increase profits. For example, by reducing the age category and adding another category of users segmented by hobbies. Next, we will tell you in more detail about the options for setting up a personal account in myTarget.

Advertising exchange in Odnoklassniki

The service makes it possible to advertise various resources, which allows you to earn on advertising not only own enterprise but also affiliate programs. The first step is to choose what you are going to advertise. Let's say a website. To understand how to make an effective PR resource, let's go through the service interface. The header contains eight sections:

  • Campaigns – all advertising projects are stored in the tab. Yes, you can run several at once and manage them. Disable and restart, change settings and perform other actions. The number of projects is limited only by the budget.
  • Banners - advertising materials are stored in the section.
  • Audiences - This is the tab you'll need to go to when you're setting up your ads.
  • Balance - after moderating the company in the section, you can replenish your account.
  • Statistics - displays debits and the number of clicks in graphical form.
  • News - the ad exchange is constantly evolving and releasing a lot of tutorials on how to use them, they are published here.
  • Profile - here you can set up notifications, enter contact details and connect to platforms that help you get statistics from a large number of companies.
  • Help - all questions can be solved on this tab.

How to advertise on Odnoklassniki for free

You don't have to spend a lot to make good money. After all, there are ways to budget advertising. If you still do not know how to create such a project, then follow our recommendations. As such, there is no way to place advertising materials on social network pages for free, but you can submit your ad in groups. This method allows you to influence the target audience. Place your ads only on thematic sites. Join a group with the target audience and create an attractive advertisement for your project.

How much does advertising in Odnoklassniki cost?

Today, the minimum amount to replenish the balance on classmates is 3 thousand rubles. Funds are spent depending on how you set up your advertising campaign. For example, you can create a wide range of your audience, as a result, the reach is larger and the cost of clicks will increase. By narrowing down the settings in your account, you will reduce the cost per click. When the ad is already running, you will see the statistics and adjust the settings, achieving the optimal price-quality ratio. You do not need advertising, the cost of which exceeds income - use filters.

approximate cost advertising in the Odnoklassniki network.

Advertising in Odnoklassniki network groups

The social network is a large "bundle" of opportunities for the implementation of advertising projects. Advertising in groups is an effective tool for promoting your product in the consumer market. How to make money on a group in classmates?

In accordance with the theme of the product, you must register in the appropriate group. To do this, enter a thematic key query in the search bar. For example, if you sell bicycles, write “bike”. From all the groups that will appear as a result of the search, select the most suitable ones.

The main problem for the advertiser is the selection of a group with a minimum number of bots, since they are of no use to him. Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine how many "fake" participants in the group, but it is possible to select a site with a minimum amount of unnecessary contingent. Pay attention to when the group was created. If it exists for a couple of months and it has over a million members, then you should not place ads here.

An indicator of a million or more participants is typical for sites that have existed for more than five years. It is possible that bots were used at the initial stages of the promotion of the group, but real users with such a large number of participants definitely dominate. Feel free to advertise here.

But still, the search for a productive group is worth continuing, even when the advertisement has already been launched, because it is not a fact that it will bear fruit and if the result is negative, you will already be ready next option for PR.

This method of advertising and many others are effective, but a beginner can fail at first. Over time, experience comes, and the work and investments pay off, so if the brainchild you created does not want to bear fruit, experiment, do not give up and everything will work out!

We have released a new book, "Social Media Content Marketing: How to get into the head of subscribers and make them fall in love with your brand."


Trying to get your potential customers away from their farms and trying to sell them something through advertising. By the way, I decided this article illustrate with the most masterpiece photos from Odnoklassniki.

Who is advertising on Odnoklassniki suitable for?

Goji berries, green coffee and other dubious goods of the TV store :) Joke.

I recently attended an SMM seminar (don't ask me why). And there in the presentation there were statistics on communities. They say that those who are from 40 to 60 are sitting in classmates. And children from 8 to 12 years old, but “You won’t sell them” (quote).

And I don't agree.

Firstly, young people are also sitting in OK. But only a certain type. They don't need fancy photo editing apps, they don't need marketing books, they don't need delivery of concept designer tofu dumplings, and so on. But why not promote simple consumer goods / services?

They need shares plastic windows, sushi delivery, loans, your advertisement for discount fur coats, mortgage advertising for new housing, pet food and manicure courses.

In other words: if your services are clear and simple, if you want to talk about discounts and promotions, then why not? Beautiful, and in some cases even more grateful than in VK.

As they said at the same seminar: the whole point is that the residents of Odnoklassniki are not paid enough attention. Therefore, they perceive any advertising simply with a bang. They put a "class" and share it with lightning speed. And in VK, try someone, make them.

As for the statement “You won’t sell to children” - it’s not true. I am all for using children for my marketing purposes. Joke. Or not.

Advertising formats in the Odnoklassniki feed

Widescreen block 1080×607 in the Odnoklassniki event feed

Rules of the game:

  • title - 25 characters (hereinafter including spaces);
  • text - 90 characters;
  • image 256×256, format - static GIF, JPG, PNG;
  • large image 1080×607, weight - no more than 60 Kb, format - static GIF, JPG, PNG;
  • link format - an external resource or group, event, video channel in Odnoklassniki.

Mobile widescreen block 1080×607 in the Odnoklassniki event feed

They are shown in the mobile version of Odnoklassniki in the user's event feed.

Rules of the game: everything is the same as in the format described above, but the file size is no more than 150 Kb.

Group notes in Odnoklassniki

A promotional post of this format can be seen in the user's event feed.When creating an advertising post, select "Note" and use links of this type: 277 437 190 469

Tracking an advertising campaign in Odnoklassniki

You have the following metrics at your disposal:

  • Basic statistics: impressions, clicks on ads, CTR, reach, and so on.
  • Feedback: sharing, comments, ratings.
  • Interaction with the publication: a person opened a post, went to a group or via an external link specified in an external link, voted, and so on.
  • Interaction with video post: muted sound, watched 3 seconds, watched all videos, resumed watching after pause, turned video on Full Screen and a wagon of other conditions.

How to add ads to Odnoklassniki

I myself searched for a long time (I even had to register on the social network itself). Then she freaked out and, having cheated, went to ask in the advertising department. As it turned out, advertising in Odnoklassniki is set up not on the site itself (as in VK), but with the help of a special service. We use in the studio my target.

Let's go!

The first step is very simple (as well as the subsequent ones) - you need to select the object that we will advertise. I chose the site. Then you need to choose the format that you like best.

Then you need to compose a cool headline, write a clear inviting text and fill in a juicy image within the requirements.

Now name your campaign somehow (the name will be visible only to you) and click on the blue button.

Just like that, we went through all the stages placement of advertisements in Odnoklassniki. I hope the article was useful to you. Good luck!

icon by Artem Kovyazin

Last year we set out to transform our site into a real marketing encyclopedia for small businesses and private projects. What we haven't talked about yet! And then we realized that we do not have materials about Odnoklassniki. Fixing it right away! Today our expert is Svetlana Balakhnina, entrepreneur, practitioner, specialist in targeted advertising. Svetlana prepared detailed instructions launching advertising in Odnoklassniki for beginners.

If you have a website, then there is a need to find traffic sources for your project. I want to talk about the interface of the MyTarget service, through which advertising is placed on the Odnoklassniki social network.

According to statistics from 2016, the monthly audience of Odnoklassniki is 73 million people, of which 60.6% are women, 39.4% are men. The audience of users of mobile devices - 64%. Moreover, the active audience is not only in Russia, but also in the countries of the former CIS, in Europe and the USA. Income level: 10% - below average, 40% - average, 50% - above average.

Odnoklassniki is a great source of traffic for the sale of physical goods, information products and services.

MyTarget makes it possible to place mobile advertising on VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. That is, except for this system, you will not be able to set up ads for users of mobile versions of these social networks.

Getting started in MyTarget


In the interface of the account, we see sections, go to them to get the necessary information as we work with the advertising campaign.

MuTarget cabinet interface

Before you start setting up an advertising campaign, I recommend that you think about collecting data about your site visitors, which you will need to run retargeting campaigns. After all, we need to “catch up” with visitors with a reminder of our product or service.

Installing the MyTarget counter

We register mail, a counter on using the link: and install its data on the site.

Installing counter data on the site

The counter is added in the "Audiences" section. It will collect data about your site visitors, and then you can set up a retargeting campaign for them. VKontakte and Facebook use social network pixels for these purposes.

This is how we add a new counter

Basic MyTarget settings

Information collection settings

Analytics is everything! You need to collect it through UTM tags, in MyTarget I recommend using the automatic option, this will save you time, and the received data will be enough for effective optimization.

Choosing automatic labeling for analytics

We put down the criteria for the target audience

The “age restriction” item must be filled out, provided that your draft law has any.

In the "Audiences" section, you can target the segments you created using the counter [email protected] , data from games, apps, and groups.

You can also set up audiences based on existing data about your customers: social media user IDs: Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, My World, as well as phone numbers and their emails.

If you have any other audience data, use it

This data is loaded in *txt format as a list, which can contain from 5,000 to 5,000,000 lines and be no larger than 128 MB. If you don't have the right amount representatives of your target audience, you can set up ads to be shown directly to the group you are interested in.

Also analyze other existing settings, if they are applicable to your target audience, then use them.

Consider additional settings

The collection of information about the interests of users occurs through the thematic portals, which, like, are part of the Mail.Ru Group.

Display geography

Here we set the display geography

MyTarget has the ability to set up local advertising, this feature is recommended for stores, beauty salons, fitness centers, that is, for those who need to reach an audience in the surrounding area.

Time settings

In the "When" block, set the time intervals and days of the campaign, as well as the start and end of the broadcast.

Set the display time

Price settings

In the next block, we need to choose what we will pay for - for clicks or impressions?

In my practice, for multi-format placement, the pay-per-impression strategy is the most effective, but this cannot be said with a 100% guarantee. Recommend when running test advertising campaigns try both options, and then choose the one in which the cost of a lead is cheaper and the sales results are better.

When it comes to social networks, then the topic of their advertising functions will definitely pop up sometime. This is how life works, and this is how the Internet works: it’s impossible to do without advertising. After all, users of social networks are potential customers who are ready to buy what interests them. You just need to tell them about yourself. And today we will answer the question of how advertising in Odnoklassniki is implemented for you, the advertiser.

Options for advertising posts in OK is a product of the company. And offers users its own internal system target ads. It seems that they tried to simplify everything as much as possible, but in fact it turned out that they only confused. Let's try to put everything on the shelves and start from the first moment - advertising options on Odnoklassniki. You have three options:

  • Banners;
  • promo posts;
  • pre-roll.

With banners, everything is more or less clear, because. this is one of the most popular and familiar options for promotional tools. They are placed on the side of the pages or at the top, as well as in the News Feed. And with all the apparent usefulness of banners, there are two significant disadvantages. First, such posts are blocked by AdBlock and other ad blockers. The second is frankly expensive. So for a newly launched brand, this option will simply cost a pretty penny.

Promotional posts are already a slightly different type of advertising. They are a slightly more advanced and specific type of targeting. Linking to a group is not required. And a promo post can look like text, graphic image or even a video. The latter option is especially effective, but only in the case of a competent approach to its creation. As practice shows, it is necessary to state the essence of the proposed product or service as concisely as possible. This will help to attract the attention of users and, as a result, promote your brand faster.

Finally, pre-roll. This targeted ad on Odnoklassniki is a small video that runs before users watch the video on the site. Effective? Yes. But despite the fact that it will definitely require an investment Money. And this, alas, not every advertiser can afford.

How to run ads in OK?

The theory is at least basic understood. Next, we move on to practice. The natural question is how to advertise on Odnoklassniki? And really, how? Indeed, in the social network itself, there are no settings as such, as we are used to seeing on other services.

And this is not accidental. It's just that Group decided to create a separate product to control the placement of advertising on all of its available services. It received the symbolic name "myTarget", that is, "my goal". Already from the name it is clear that its scope is targeted advertising, which interests us. As planned by the developers, work on the myTarget service should be as simple and clear as possible. A point sample of the target audience is promised, but in fact everything turns out to be much more prosaic.

Nevertheless, such paid advertising really removes the problem of finding potential customers. All you need to do is create an account on myTarget, top up your balance and edit the display settings in the way you think your ads will be most effective. What settings are available to us:

  • geography;
  • groups;
  • games and applications;
  • timing;
  • demography;
  • interests;
  • birthdays;
  • search history;
  • remarketing.

It is also important to determine the subject of advertising. Basically, they advertise a site or a group in Odnoklassniki, and the cost groups are half or even three times cheaper. Sometimes you need to promote a post - for example, if you are running a contest. The Store and Dealership categories are a completely different story. Moreover, the "Shop" is switching to dynamic remarketing, which only adds to the complexity of its use, and the "Autosalon" is automatically integrated into the "" service.

Another point is the choice of advertising format. A 90x75 teaser is the very little pictures on the sides of the pages that are most often ignored. Banner 240x400 - the same format, but larger. In addition to pre-rolls, you can integrate 1000x200 banners into videos. The carousel allows you to attach multiple photos to a post. Mobile advertising is limited to publication in the official application and the mobile version of the site. And multi-format placement allows you to make ads in several formats at once.

Finally, it is important to competently approach the creation of the post itself. And here everything is chosen through experiments and trials. Fonts, texts, pictures - it is important to show your advantages in an accessible and concise manner.

Alternative to myTarget

Of course, do not be afraid of all these price tags and complex settings. Do you think it is possible to set up advertising in Odnoklassniki without the help of fancy myTarget or even on your own? Yes.

Firstly, you can distribute information about Odnoklassniki groups among social network users for free. You'll have to sweat. Create multiple accounts, add to Friends and invite to your community, colorfully painting your strengths and your uniqueness.

Fourthly, there are simply SMM specialists who only need a budget and set goals from you. Everything else they are ready to do for you. And quite professional and efficient if you're lucky.

Creating an ad on Odnoklassniki is not very difficult. But some marketing knowledge can still come in handy. Well, if you read this article, but did not receive answers to your questions, ask them in the comments. We will answer!