Sleep baby girl for a girl. Versions from various sources

People often appear in a dream, because communication with a variety of people is part of real life. Interpreters of night dreams single out children separately, and often take into account gender and age. When deciphering what a girl is dreaming of, it is important to remember that sometimes a baby appears as a memory of daytime events. If the day before they fiddled a lot with a child of the fair sex, it is hardly necessary to look for an answer about the meaning of a dream in dream books. Otherwise, it is desirable to remember all the details.

Dream Interpretation: to see a girl in a dream

According to the famous dream book of Gustav Miller beautiful girl portends good luck in ongoing projects. Will happen in reality important events. A unkempt, grimy baby means trouble. They will not have fatal consequences, and overcoming will not require significant efforts. A crying girl portends the danger of malaise. Dreaming about yourself in the image of a child is a reflection of an inner desire to hide from problems. If an adult daughter dreams of a little girl, the dreamer worries a lot about her. However, the worries are completely unfounded. You can be sincerely happy for your daughter, in reality she has an extremely successful period.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation interprets the girl prophetic dream for married ladies who dream of replenishment. In reality, pregnancy and the birth of a healthy daughter will follow. Also, a dream portends a new relationship or a newly flared passion in experienced couples.

According to the children's dream book a girl means the need to be alone. This will help you understand yourself.

According to the dream book of the 21st century if a girl is dreaming, you will have to spend time in a pleasant company at an exciting event. Seeing yourself at a very young age is interpreted by the source as favorable life changes. When unfamiliar crumbs dreamed of entering the dreamer's apartment or house, uninvited guests would visit in reality.

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov suggests that if a girl dreamed, an unexpected material surprise would follow in reality. It could be a one-time bonus or a pay raise. If the baby laughs, this is a symbol of tears, and crying, on the contrary, portends a joyful surprise.

Losses are ahead. This is what the girl dreams about according to the ancient Slavic dream book of Veles. A similar interpretation contains a modern version.

What is the dream of a little girl

newborn the little girl symbolizes surprise. A fateful meeting may take place in the near future.

Also chest the girl is a sign of pleasant and amazing events. They may well be classified as miracles.

Baby a girl in a dream means that even troubles that seemed inevitable will pass by. You will be able to overcome all problems.

In the same time child the girl calls for increased care. Documents must be carefully checked.

Alien child a cheerful and happy girl is a good sign. Circumstances will eventually develop in favor of the sleeper.

To a new acquaintance who will become true friend, appear in a dream Twins girls. Projects will develop successfully.

Twins girls portend success. in personal and business area everything is excellent.

When a little girl dreams in a wheelchair, there is a road ahead. The results of the trip will be important. It is also the appearance of news from relatives. A young dreamer may expect an offer to marry.

Alien little girl on hands- Help will be required from the sleeper. If the baby is native, this is how chores are reflected.

Lots of girls - an abundance of amazing news. Pleasant incidents ahead if the little ones were joyful.

What did the girl dream about in a dream

Beautiful the girl portends wonderful surprises. Receiving unexpected news that will please. A cheerful baby is a symbol of the fact that all the experiences of the sleeper are absolutely in vain. Sick girl - a warning. Suddenly, obstacles will begin to arise in the planned project.

dead a girl is an even more unfavorable sign. Even those cases that seemed absolutely reliable will unexpectedly bring losses.

To new possibilities in a dream appears crying girl. After such a plot, it is desirable to reconsider all ideas, and it is likely that there will be more profitable options.

Bad news portends dirty dream girl. A naked baby is also an unfavorable symbol. Ahead of unplanned expenses, loss of funds.

Warning sign - dreaming hungry girl. Due to their own rash actions, the sleeper risks being in an extremely difficult situation.

Business improvements, promotion wages and even a new position, that's what the girl dreams of teenager. These pleasant change will come as a surprise to the sleeper.

When interpreting a dream, it is important to take into account the hair color of the dreaming baby. A blond girl means that loved ones will provide support. Redhead babe k amazing events in personal life.

If you dream of a little girl a gypsy with very dark hair, you should be on your guard. A vile blow will follow from an unexpected quarter.

A little girl in position means profit. However, this will bring dual emotions: joy and embarrassment.

Who dreamed of a girl in a dream

Girl in a dream women promises pleasant pleasures. At the same time, the plot warns of the need to follow the rules of decency so as not to spoil your reputation.

When a little girl dreams man, in reality he has all the possibilities for implementing a new idea. Profit from the project can be received not only in cash, but also in the form of fame and honor.

To sudden, but pleasant accidents, a girl dreams unmarried girl. In reality, she will feel a strong surprise. Warning sign if baby is infancy. The dreamer's stormy pastime causes anxiety in her parents.

A clue about the gender of the unborn child is a girl for pregnant in a dream. In general, the plot for a woman is very favorable.

Why dream of pregnancy and childbirth of a girl

There is a lot of work to do, if you dreamed to be pregnant girl. However, do not try to do everything at the same time: haste can lead to embarrassing mistakes and mistakes.

give birth girl - good news in the near future. There will be a pleasant meeting soon. The birth of a girl portends a well-deserved period of joy and fun. Life will be filled with romance and tenderness.

If in a dream girlfriend gave birth girl, the plot warns against feelings of envy. Waking up is not the most favorable time for the implementation of new projects.

To the long-desired changes, a dream plot appears in which mom gave birth girl. The update will bring unprecedented success.

Actions with a girl in a dream

adopt girl - a symbolic display of real loneliness. It is also the desire to patronize someone.

TO hard work - breastfeed girl. There is no need to give up troublesome business, the result will be excellent.

Good sign - wash girl. It will turn out to turn any event to your advantage, and take control of the changes.

Dreaming of an update change clothes girl. People will appear in life, unforeseen circumstances will arise, and you will have to act very quickly.

Selfless help to others is reflected in a dream as a plot in which it happened babysit girl. Additional worries are not a burden to the sleeper, although they take a lot of time and financial costs.

play with a girl - to have a bright and kind heart. People enjoy the dreamer's generosity and gentle disposition.

Rock the girl in the cradle- a warning that a troublesome period is coming. There are many life issues to be dealt with.

If a girl dreamed on hands, in reality you will have to participate in complex projects. They seem almost impossible, but they can be done. The health of sick family members will improve significantly, this is what a girl dreams about with a fever in the dreamer's hands.

Kissing the baby is to the joy of hearing the news. Braiding pigtails - unexpectedly fail due to your own rash actions.

The interpretation of dreams with the appearance of a girl in them is complicated by the need to take into account many nuances, and therefore you should not be upset if you find an unfavorable meaning. Recall all the circumstances of the dream. Perhaps they will change the interpretation to a positive one. Sweets dreams!

The question of dreams has troubled people's minds for thousands of years. Some believe that the images that have come have no effect on life. Others advise paying attention to them, considering them subconscious clues, answers to questions. There are many dream books that interpret the events that happened. Why a baby is dreaming is interesting to find out.

What is the dream of a baby boy

Seeing a newborn in your dreams is a great sign. He talks about opening up new possibilities, the right way, the birth of plans, interesting things. A huge number of dream books explain events in their own way, but there are similarities in many. If Nostradamus interprets them from the point of view of world problems, Freud interprets them from the sexual point of view. There is an esoteric gypsy dream book, Islamic And Mayan Peoples. At the everyday, life level, the events are explained:

  • Hasse;
  • Miller;
  • Vanga;
  • Tsvetkov.

Dreams where they see a baby portend positive life changes, a decision difficult problems. Many comments are given for women who have or are expecting children. When interpreting what the baby is dreaming of, a large number of small details are taken into account:

  • who dreamed;
  • in what form was it;
  • what he did;
  • where was;
  • what was done to him;
  • what he looked like;
  • how many babies were

Interpretation has the meaning of joy, a family holiday, amazement, ifdream baby boy. When a man is present at childbirth in a dream, even the most unimaginable ideas are realized in life. Often such visions of boys have an interpretation for business. They suggest:

  • successful transactions;
  • if the baby is crap one's pants - to receive huge profits without effort, the more soiled, the better the result;
  • pissing - you have to wait for disturbing events, but they will be useful;
  • you need to rely only on yourself to achieve success;
  • the right decision is to trust fate, not to go against it.


The explanation strongly depends on the type, nature of the occupation, whendream baby girl. Often this means the expectation of a pleasant surprise, happiness with a successful marriage. Interpret dreams with girls like this:

  • sick - waiting for sadness, sadness, possible disease;
  • sad - someone has a grudge against you;
  • crying - it is not excluded a disease that can be cured with an early visit to the doctor.

Seeing a baby in a dream when it is a girl means that your baby will be healthy. If in a dream she:

  • plays with water - expect joyful events;
  • sits on his hands - the implementation of the plan is hampered by problems;
  • while smiling - everything will be resolved safely;
  • dirty - anxiety and trouble are expected, the destruction of plans;
  • satisfied - intrigues, disputes are not excluded.

On hands

Lulling a newborn in a dream, holding it in your arms means family peace, which a person cherishes. When the Mother of God with a child appears in dreams, this is a sign of success and prosperity. Oftendreaming of a baby in her armsto not-so-pleasant events:

  • holding your baby - to an unexpected destruction of plans;
  • to swing a girl in her arms - a loved one will deceive;
  • hold someone else's baby - a friend will become an enemy;
  • babysitting a baby - waiting for an invitation to a gala event.


Plots in which babies die have different interpretations - positive and unpleasant. Some dream books explain death as good news, solving money issues. Others are a threat of financial ruin. When the baby is a stranger, it is a welcome pregnancy for couples who could not conceive for a long time. Ifdreaming of a dead baby, the meaning of sleep depends on its details:

  • to bury a baby - a person has not found his life destiny;
  • to see a corpse - a stagnant business situation is expected;
  • dead baby - shock, destruction of plans, disappointments.


To see a small child in her dreams for a woman more often means a pleasant moment, surprises and surprises. This is connected with the life of her and the children. Whenwoman dreaming of a baby, is interpreted as follows:

  • pregnancy is expected;
  • good news will come;
  • the girl is a symbol of a happy personal life;
  • boy - to success, the implementation of the plan;
  • to lose a baby, to search and not to find - the appearance of vital intractable problems;
  • cheerful, healthy baby - well-being, luck, joy;
  • if she is married, her own children are obedient.

boy and girl

The appearance in a dream of two children of different sexes indicates vulnerability in the event of everyday situations, overcoming them in the presence of positive mood. Perhaps you should listen carefully.Dreaming of babies boy and girlwhen expected:

  • the appearance of a feeling of resentment, fatigue from surging problems;
  • the need to be patient with others' mistakes;
  • for a man - a surprise;
  • a pregnant woman has an easy delivery.


In dream books, this dream is interpreted in different ways. In some, such a plot speaks of troubles, troubles and anxieties that can be avoided if you do not enter into conflict situations. When a girl is in dreams, chores await in the future. In other dream books they explain thatdreaming of a naked baby- appearance:

  • sincerity and purity;
  • the end of a difficult life stage, in which difficult trials have benefited;
  • readiness for new things;
  • payback of an unfavorable, at first glance, project;
  • the need to lower the disturbing situation.

in a stroller

The interpretation of a dream in which a baby is in a stroller in a dream depends on the situation that happens in this case. Pleasant troubles caused by unexpected guests are often predicted.Dreaming of a baby in a stroller, the following are likely:

  • for a girl - a successful marriage, if a boy - attention young man;
  • rock the baby, sing to him - to loneliness, dreary mood;
  • the stroller is in the elevator - amazing changes;
  • the girl in it smiles - to joy;
  • if the child and the stroller are clean, the situation improves.

Why dream of bathing a baby

Such dreams often have a positive interpretation. Washing a child in a dream means that the time has come to fulfill old dreams.dreamingbathe the baby- this is interpreted as:

  • a safe way out of a confusing situation;
  • desired spiritual relief;
  • liberation from remorse;
  • successful way out of problems;
  • men expect business victories.

Why do babies dream

In dream books there are numerous interpretations of situations where newborns are present. Often they depend on the actions taking place in a dream.Dreaming of infants- this is explained as follows:

  • if in a maternity hospital - to good changes;
  • a sleeping child - a premonition of vivid impressions;
  • dropping a baby - to the loss of life goals;
  • swaddle - a responsibility that will help future affairs;
  • newborns with teeth - the family will have something unexpected;
  • dressing a baby is health, joy.

When babies appear in a dream, this is often interpreted as happy love, pleasant surprises. A dream can mean care, new things. There are other explanations:

  • if the patient sees them, - to recovery;
  • the baby is crawling - to minor confusion;
  • to see your own baby is a successful ending to the work you have begun;
  • kissing a child - the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy;
  • seeing yourself small is a sign of feeling helpless, inability to defend yourself.

Feed the baby

Good predictions for dreams in which the baby had a dream at the time of feeding. Often these are symbols of good luck and prosperity. Whendream of feeding a baby, the interpretation depends on the situation:

  • if he suckles at the breast, support from the environment is required;
  • watch how they feed - no need to blindly trust to a stranger- you can be disappointed;
  • mother holds the baby at her chest - luck, happiness will accompany.
  • feed breast milk- Immediate execution of all plans.


To see twins in dreams for a man and a woman - this different interpretation. Many comments are for businessmen. Whentwin babies dream, then it is interpreted like this:

  • for a girl - a state of equilibrium;
  • for a man - loneliness, emptiness in the soul, a warning about overflowing emotions;
  • for patients - difficulties that can be overcome if you make an effort;
  • for business - career development, success, stability, family well-being.

Smiling baby

A positive explanation is given to dreams in which a small child had a dream with a smile on his face. If at the same time he is cheerful, healthy, good luck, prosperity, a happy life await.Dreaming of a smiling baby to the one, that:

  • there comes a time of love and happiness;
  • all dreams will come true;
  • positive changes are coming;
  • desires will come true;
  • inner harmony comes;
  • joyful events are expected;
  • all hopes are justified.


For a young girl to see a small child in a dream can have interpretations. different nature. The dream is interpreted as a future immoral life or accusations of indulging in vicious leisure. There is another interpretation of the dream, wheredreaming of a baby girl:

  • in a stroller happy marriage;
  • girl - good news from loved ones, pregnancy in the foreseeable future;
  • Gemini - harmonious life;
  • triplets - a marriage with an unloved man of convenience.


The appearance in a dream of a married man of a small child may indicate an imminent replenishment in the family. In many ways, such dreams promise positive moments. Whenman dreaming of a baby, it is treated as what it expects:

  • successful business but only after much trouble;
  • unexpected help from a loved one who was previously aloof from your affairs;
  • visiting brilliant ideas;
  • positive life changes;
  • fast resolution problem situation;
  • new impetus in business;
  • when bathing a girl - a financial breakthrough.

alien baby

Promises receipt important work, career growth, if you dream of an unfamiliar newborn who is being nursed. When he rejoices, is in a cheerful mood, one should expect the appearance of a beloved in life.Dreaming of someone else's baby- this is interpreted as follows:

  • new ill-wishers will appear, spreading gossip behind their backs;
  • you can not succumb to the provocation of acquaintances who are trying to take advantage of your good disposition;
  • if the baby is crying, you should expect bad news from business partners or close relatives.

many babies

Seeing several babies for a woman who has recently given birth means great concern for her child. According to Vanga's comments, this is a symbol of the increase in the birth rate in the world. Whenmany babies dream, this is interpreted as:

  • there are many small problems, it will take a lot of effort to solve each of them;
  • for an unmarried girl, a dream with triplets is an upcoming life in wealth with an unloved person;
  • if a woman is married, and in a dream three children are crying at once - to a solution to a way out of a conflict situation with her husband.


A woman waiting for the birth of a baby is constantly thinking about a future event, so the plot, wherepregnant woman dreaming of a baby, during this period is not uncommon. Often this means anxiety about the upcoming motherhood, worries about how the baby is developing, is everything in order with his health. Dreams are interpreted as follows:

  • dream of a boy - childbirth will be easy, the child will appear healthy, in the future he will grow up happy;
  • twins - the birth process will pass quickly;
  • wrapped in a diaper - to premature birth;
  • a boy dreamed - there will be a son, and a girl - a daughter.


Children are an undeniable happiness in the lives of most people, and dreams with them most often give positive emotions. But in order to understand what a girl child is dreaming of, it is worth carefully analyzing the dream and checking all possible interpretations.

What is the dream of a child-girl - interpretation from dream books

Children who give positive emotions in a dream portend well-being in reality. How happier dream, the more good news is waiting for you.

  • The neat and clean appearance of a dreaming child indicates favorable changes in life.
  • girl in dirty clothes dreams of serious problems at work, which will arise through your fault.

A conversation with an unfamiliar girl in a dream portends a new acquaintance in reality. If the girl is aggressive and angry, it will turn out to be unpleasant, despite the first positive impression.

  • Seeing several unfamiliar girls in a dream - to pleasant chores, the arrival of a relative with whom you have not seen for a long time, to move.
  • According to another dream book, girls who make noise and annoy you in a dream dream of being in a noisy company or meeting people you don’t like.
  • Did you dream of two twin girls at once? Most likely, unexpected troubles will attack you from several sides. If twins - a boy and a girl - surprises in life will be joyful.

To see a girl floating in the water is an urgent need to do important steps and perhaps the beginning of decisive action that will affect your life.

If you kick a girl out of the house in a dream, life will happen something that will turn someone close to you away from you. If an unfamiliar girl appeared at your house and you didn’t kick her out, in reality you will have to get acquainted with unpleasant people with whom you can’t spoil relations - perhaps they will take revenge on you, or, on the contrary, they will be very useful in the future.

  • A dreaming girl suffering from some kind of illness predicts future troubles caused by gossip.
  • If you treat a girl in a dream, then you will be able to defeat the envious and take revenge on them.
  • The death of a girl in a dream predicts great difficulties.

What can dreams tell? What people see in a dream can say a lot, and this is confirmed not only by numerous dream books, but also by centuries of observations. In order to decipher as accurately as possible what the baby girl is dreaming of, it is recommended to remember all the details of the dream in great detail, and only then look for its interpretation.

Almost all popular dream books refer to dreams about children as positive, portending some pleasant surprises, joy, and other positive moments. But, we are talking only about healthy and beautiful children, plus, all your actions are very important, on which the semantics of the interpretation of each picture and event that visited you at night will also depend. Therefore, remember all the details.

Dream Interpretations about dreams about baby girls

According to esoteric dream book, to see a baby girl in a dream, portends some kind of joyful event. It can concern both the dreamer himself and his loved ones. Whether this will be connected with material wealth - the collection of interpretations does not speak about this.

Tsvetkov's dream book associates such a vision with the well-being awaiting the person who saw him, but if the baby is dirty or naked, then this portends anxieties, and even troubles that will appear in the near future.

In the same interpreter, one can also find an explanation for the dream in which the mother takes care of the newborn baby, it is deciphered as a dream that portends health to both her and the child.

Baby girl having fun playing clean water- a promise of imminent joys, but if she is sad or crying, and you saw this, and you don’t know why this is a dream, then the collection warns that you have a grudge against you. Take a look at your own surroundings.

Those who hold the baby girl in their arms should prepare for problems, they will interfere with the achievement of their goals, but if the child laughs or smiles, the dream book assures that the dreamer will cope with them.

But a sick child in your arms is a slightly more negative dream, indicating that experiences, sadness or sadness will await you. Eastern dream book even warns of the possibility of disease.

But the Mayan dream book interprets visions of a baby girl in two ways, considering them both bad and good, and their details are quite important. One interpretation of a dream about a baby girl suggests that the dreamer may expect some new perspectives and events, but one should not rush and turn the page, because one must be prepared for the betrayal of the people who surround the dreamer, especially if the child was sad.

The French dream book warns that if a crying baby is seen, you should be examined by doctors, it is likely that the disease has “settled” in the body, and the sooner you start fighting it, the more successful the result is guaranteed.

Why is the baby dreaming, whose face expresses complete pleasure? This promises an anticipation of some disputes and intrigues, but the “unkempt” and disheveled little creature in your dream is a bad sign, portending trouble and the collapse of plans.

If you were visited by a vision in which a baby girl was crying, Miller's dream book deciphers this as disappointment, or future health problems. But a cheerful baby is a reward for your love for your neighbors, and a promise a large number friends. A sick child who came to you in a dream is a bad omen.

What a dream "promises" to different people

If a baby girl dreamed of a young woman, then this promises her concern for her own children, or good news from loved ones. The same dream, but for a guy, can be a harbinger of a meeting with long-forgotten relatives or friends.

Why is this a man dreaming? If a male dreamer saw a baby girl in a dream, then this, according to the dream book, promises him some kind of loss, however, insignificant, especially if he brought the baby into the house.

A baby girl who is taken care of promises an assistant in real life, unkempt, on the contrary, portends that the dreamer will be alone, abandoned even by loved ones. Think about it, and reconsider your relationship with them.

If you clearly remember two babies, a boy and a girl, then, according to the dream book, such a vision may mean some kind of surprise for a man, and for an expectant mother, an easy and quick birth. A pregnant woman can even see the gender of her baby!

Sometimes, a dream about a little girl, a baby, can mean an early pregnancy for the girl who saw him. If a young lady was breastfeeding a baby girl, or rocking her in a dream, then she should prepare for some news and meetings, they will become joyful.

But, it also happens that the baby girl you are rocking in your arms can portend a deception of a person very close to you, or trouble.

Why is someone else's baby dreaming? If a child rejoices and has fun, this means the appearance in the life of a lover or beloved. Crying - bad news from a business partner or from relatives.

comment 21

  • Hello, I dreamed of a little girl about 8 months old, she was very cheerful, I held her in my arms, and I knew for sure that this was my daughter. I woke up all happy full of joyful emotions. I am 15 years old, in a dream I felt that I was older, but not much, about 17 years old.

  • I dreamed that I was holding a little girl of four months in my arms, she smiles, she wrapped her hand around my finger and smiles in the same way, pleased. I carried her home, show my husband and say that she will now live with us, since I can’t get pregnant yet. I recently lost a child. And the dream was like reality! Why is this dreaming?

  • I dreamed that I was crossing some shallow body of water with a baby in my arms. While completely naked (and a girl too). She slept in my arms and for some reason I felt completely calm, even though it was night and I did not know where to go. But we got to a house. I am only 16 years old, this is not the first time I have dreamed about this, what could it mean?

  • Anastasia:

    Please tell me what the dream means. I dreamed of a baby girl of 5 months, I held her in my arms and knew for sure that this was my daughter, although I have no children, I am 20 and I never wanted a girl. In a dream, my baby was taken away by a woman in her arms, the child began to cry, and when she again let me hold the baby, she became a kitten and jumped out of my arms.

  • I dreamed that I gave birth to a girl, I saw her face well, she was a beautiful baby, expressive eyes, in a white envelope, and even in a dream I saw that my son was also holding her in his arms, he was 7 years old and was trying to hide her in some kind of locker, but with all this, the child was calm and even smiled at times. What does this mean?

  • I dreamed that I have a boyfriend and I love him very much, but I cheated on him with another boy and gave birth to this boy. This girl was so beautiful, she smiled at me so much, but I had an abortion a year ago and the fetus froze a month ago. Please tell me why this dream?

  • Anastasia:

    Today I dreamed from Thursday to Friday that I was feeding a little baby on a high chair, it was definitely a girl and I knew in a dream that this was my daughter, I took her in my arms and she burped. But she was so pretty, I lisped with her, and she laughed and smiled. But we don’t have children with my husband yet, but he really wants to, why is this? For an early pregnancy?

A small child often appears in the dreams of married and unmarried girls. The gender of the newborn matters. A joyful and calm newborn girl, according to the dream book, indicates good news soon; an untidy, sad child warns of impending trouble. Before you begin the interpretation, you should focus on the dream, remember and analyze the details, writing them down if possible.

Newborn in children's dreams

Children and adolescents dream of a newborn to joy. For a girl, she promises quick pleasant female joys: shopping, a walk with her girlfriends, choosing a dress.
The boy can expect a pleasant event.

Sometimes, in the dreams of young people, a girl shows them herself in childhood. It is worth paying attention to the behavior of the child, his condition and mood, and later analyze his own feelings.

The meaning of dreams for girls and young women

An interesting and vivid event portends girls a dream with a little girl: new acquaintances or unexpected meetings are possible. If the baby is wrapped in a blanket, this means an upcoming strong feeling. A little girl in the house of close relatives dreams of a surprise.

An amazingly beautiful child promises a woman a quick fulfillment cherished desire, and a restless, not causing pleasant emotions, neglected baby warns of trouble.

A newborn in a strange, unfamiliar house speaks of completion milestone life and the beginning of a new one. Perhaps the appearance of a child significant for the dreamer - a grandson, sister or niece. If the dreamer looked at the newborn point-blank, and the girl answered her with a look, the woman is surrounded good people in which you can be sure.

The girl that the dreamer is breastfeeding speaks of her worries about her career. There may be problems at work. Changing diapers, fussing and playing with a child dream of building relationships between relatives.

If the baby whimpers, but does not sob uncontrollably, a pleasant and dizzying change awaits the person.
An unexpected acquaintance, a bright journey, a new long-awaited job - it is important not to miss this good sign!

The appearance of a little girl in a bride's dream is a good and bright messenger. He promises the birth of femininity and tenderness in a girl, promises a happy family life. Young women see the baby before pregnancy. If a girl was seen in a dream, then the dreamer will have a daughter.

If a pregnant woman dreams of a newborn girl, her baby will be born strong and healthy, and the mother’s condition will be stable. But a child who is dreaming at a later date often shows the excitement of the expectant mother, but the dream does not carry much meaning.

If the baby dreamed of a man

If in a dream a man dreamed of the birth of his daughter, he will have a quick career growth or success in all work matters. The dreamer will meet old, lost acquaintances and renew relationships.

If he bathed a girl in a dream, there will be a breakthrough in the financial sector, a successful deal or contract in life. Unexpectedly, help will arrive in time, for which there was no hope.

For a bachelor, a dream reminds of problems in reality - difficulties in choosing a companion.

A walk with a baby girl portends success in a business or right time to implement ideas. They are sure to lead to success.

Elderly people see a newborn before recovery.

An adopted baby dreaming of a man or woman portends global changes in life, and an abandoned baby is in trouble.

Mood and condition of the newborn

An upset child does not bode well, while a joyful child predicts a brighter future.

In dreams, the state of the girl is easy to determine: she smiles or cries, worries, sleeps or is awake.

  • A crying female child portends a long and serious illness. The sooner treatment is started, the more likely a favorable outcome is.
  • A sad newborn warns - the dreamer can greatly disappoint or let down his surroundings.
    Possible undeserved offense close relative. You need to be more attentive to people, and then this can be avoided.
  • A baby who has a fever dreams during depression or heralds its onset. An event will occur that will cause a lot of trouble and difficult moments. A sick child carries sadness and resentment, a possible long-term treatment.
  • Smiling, contented baby - the problems will end soon, things will get better.
  • A dirty, emaciated child is seen to anxiety;
  • A capricious baby dreams of trifling quarrels, stupid insults.

Other interpretations of such dreams

Every little thing in a dream is important for correct interpretation. A large number of meanings of sleep with a girl complement each other and together show a detailed picture of the future.

  • hold a newborn in your arms - to obstacles, problems on the way to desired result, to rock her - to deceit from a dear person;
  • newborn twins warn of the possibility of ruining relationships with loved ones;
  • a talking baby warns of gossip at work;
  • a naked child - to deferred chores, imminent changes on the personal front;
  • a crap girl promises profit, strengthening financial status;
  • a happy baby lying in a stroller - to joyful changes;
  • to see yourself as a baby girl - to surprise or minor damage;
  • the deceased baby predicts the collapse of hopes and the usual attitude to life;
  • wrapped in a pile of diapers predicts a fuss with papers;
  • to see a sleeping baby in dreams speaks of the imminent raking up of affairs for other people.

In most cases, seeing a little girl in a dream is a good outcome, but sometimes such visions warn of illness and grief. An attentive attitude to dreams will help in making plans and tell you if the dreamer is on the right track.