All the secrets of advertising in the social network classmates. Banner and targeted advertising on classmates

Social networks today play an important role in the socio-political life of society. Leading world politicians and celebrities directly communicate with people who are far from the international arena, and businessmen through the distribution of advertising on the Internet increase their profits by several times. The World Wide Web makes it possible to earn money remotely, and useful tools for webmasters allow you to almost completely automate the work process.

The history of the creation of a social network

One of the most popular Russian social networks is Odnoklassniki. The site was created in March 2006. The social network was developed by Popkov Albert Mikhailovich, who lives in London and works in the field of communications, and the owner of the site is Mail.RuGroup. The direct author of Odnoklassniki, by the way, participated in several European projects to create social networks.

Features of the social network, audience

Odnoklassniki is one of the top five most popular Russian web resources. A year after the start of the project, the social network doubled the number of registered users. But in 2008, it became impossible to join the number of users on a free basis, so the growth rate of popularity social network have been significantly reduced. In 2010 it was again free to register.

The audience of Odnoklassniki has 51 million users from all regions of the Russian Federation and CIS countries. About 64% of people monthly use the functionality of the resource through the mobile version.

Average age of the user of the social network is much higher than on other sites. The main return audience is people from 18 to 54 years old. The segment of solvent potential customers is widely represented on the site, which has a positive effect on business in Odnoklassniki.

The only inconvenience in using the network is the blocking of links leading to other sites. To solve the problem, you need to contact technical support.

The functionality of Odnoklassniki also determines positive features. So, a big plus for those who are wondering how to advertise on Odnoklassniki is that the user who put the “Class” not only “likes”, but also reposts the entry or photo.

Free advertising campaign in Odnoklassniki

Numerous solvent audience and user activity, various ways publication of ads and several types of promotion could not be ignored by advertisers. So the information on how to advertise on Odnoklassniki is very relevant. But, like any other online business, using a social network has its own peculiarities.

  • a profile on a social network should be filled with interesting content;
  • you need to welcome and encourage users, put "Class" to share information with your friends;
  • you can motivate people with gifts and discounts for a subscription or other action, contests;
  • there is no need to discount a simple visit to other people's pages, the user will be interested in a new guest and go to an advertising profile;
  • active participation in the comments will allow the brand to “flicker” in the news more often, which will attract the attention of users.

But for successful promotion without investment, it takes time.

Targeted advertising in a social network

Targeted advertising is unobtrusive, but at the same time aimed at a specific target audience. The ad is located on the screen under the photo or active keys, does not interfere with web surfing and does not irritate the user. The customer independently adjusts the audience parameters - place of residence, age, gender, so only those people who will be interested in the ad see the ad. In addition, the seller can specify the time and days of advertising on the social network.

How to create targeted advertising in Odnoklassniki? An ad can be submitted through the Target website - the official advertising platform on the sites. First (for unregistered users) you need to create an application with general data about the advertising company. After confirming the application, the webmaster will need to select keywords, upload high-quality product photos and select audience parameters (age, gender, region).

Advertising banners in Odnoklassniki

Banners are presented in the form big pictures or video to attract the attention of buyers. Such an announcement can be seen not only by users who are registered directly in Odnoklassniki, but also by visitors to Vkontakte and other sites.

Contextual advertising in a social network

When creating contextual advertising, as in the case of targeted advertising, you can set the “your users” parameter, that is, determine the target audience. An advertising campaign is paid for by the number of ad views, so it is important to specify the exact parameters of the target audience. If the filter is set incorrectly, ads will be shown to users who are not interested in this offer, so you should not expect an increase in profits. The contextual advertising block is located in the right corner of the page.

How to advertise on the Odnoklassniki website correctly if contextual ads are considered? Contextual advertising, like other types of promotion (except, perhaps, placing paid posts in other people's groups and ads in your own community) is configured through the Target website on

Advertising in other people's groups

In the social network, there is also the opportunity to place paid advertising in "promoted" groups, where there are already a large number of active subscribers. You need to create an interesting post so that when viewing the news feed, the user wants to put “Class” and by this action attracts the attention of friends.

Today, January 23, there was a mini-revolution in the world social media advertising . Community advertising service sociate now allows you to advertise in groups of the social network Odnoklassniki(you can try convenient interface, more flexible settings). Many users who advertised in Vkontakte groups asked if it would be possible to do the same in Odnoklassniki, the answer is “there is a possibility”.

From this article you will learn:

  • Features of advertising in Odnoklassniki groups;
  • How to select platforms for advertising;
  • How to safely and effectively place advertising posts;
  • How and why groups are wound up in OK.

Odnoklassniki, features of advertising in groups

Odnoklassniki has its own peculiarities. Eg button “Class!” has a built-in virus It is both a like and a repost at the same time. This means that any good ad can get free additional coverage. (I already wrote how to do it, but a lot is true for Odnoklassniki as well. I recommend reading it.

A switch appeared in the search for sites (in this moment not very informative, you may not even notice it) — on which network you want to place the entry (also in

Key points when working with advertising in Odnoklassniki groups

  • For advertising in Odnoklassniki, sites from 1000 participants are accepted.
  • Choose . If you have a very narrow topic, then look wider and choose groups where your target audience may also be.
  • Images, video, audio. Definitely a must use. This is more than 80% of the attention and information in the news feed. It is advisable to choose one that they want to share with friends. This may have turned out to be a “viral effect” (advertising in Odnoklassniki groups is great for this). And as you know the environment of people most often with similar interests. This means that your target audience may be among them.
  • For each group maximum customize ad post. Look at the band's feed, study the writing style. For example, you advertise services foreign languages . With a good approach and adaptation of content, you can advertise in a local school group or other educational institution.
  • Experiment. Different titles, graphics, groups. See that there is activity on the site where you advertise (comments, “Class!”)

You can not miss such a moment as cheating subscribers. And understand what its types are and what they are used for.

How to wind up subscribers in Odnoklassniki and why it is

People sometimes ask me how to wind up subscribers in Odnoklassniki. Personally, I did not do this in OK. First of all, you need to understand what it is for.

Why do they usually choose wrapping? This is justified only in cases where if you think for example, that an account with more than 1000 members is easier to promote than with 50 ( and only then publish ads and attract customers). More groups with more members on average show up higher in search queries OK.

According to the reviews and experience of friends, I can advise an automatic service for online cheating

If you use the basic tariff, users will not be targeted (only for quantity). If you need more interested in your service, product, group, it is better to use the Vip tariff.

More about advertising

When placing on Odnoklassniki, users immediately see the number of participants and the full cost of placement. Probably other indicators will be available soon. Stay tuned here for updates. By the way, about working with the sociate service here.

As far as I know, at the moment (January 23, 2014) service sociate one of the first to provide their users with the opportunity to advertise in Odnoklassniki groups( still works more stable and the commission is less). According to official information, the sociate service is now actively working on obtaining detailed statistics for each placement. What is a very necessary opportunity to analyze the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

After registering with the service, you can simultaneously watch video and study the interface (although it is mainly about VK, it will also be useful for OK). You can start from the 1st minute.

Group admin OK

If you group administrator in Odnoklassniki- you can add your group to this service and calmly. No worries that you won't get paid. Most importantly, make sure that advertising does not violate the rules.

It is convenient when in one service it is possible to conduct advertising campaigns in different social networks. I will write in more detail how to advertise in Odnoklassniki later. Now, obviously, work on improving and expanding the functionality will be in full swing. But still waiting in line for Facebook)



Many users promote their companies and brands on social media. Does advertising in Odnoklassniki bring results? To answer this question, you need to turn to statistics.

The site ranks 5th in terms of attendance in Russia. The daily activity of users is quite high. Tens of millions of users come here (up to 50 million per day). Who is a typical "classmate"? Based on the system data, we can add the following “portrait”: this is a female user aged 35 to 45 years. This information should be paid attention to those who are aimed at a similar target audience. If this is “your client”, try not to procrastinate!

If you are interested in more detailed statistics, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the type of activity of users of the social network. Against this background, it is easier to understand whether it is worth promoting your business on Odnoklassniki.

Let's get to work!

Human psychology is designed in such a way that he is always afraid of the unknown. This can be applied to the promotion of private business in social networks. Often, beginners have no idea how advertising on Odnoklassniki works. Only the most daring users dare to go through this "minefield". Again, this is scary just in words. In fact, everything is completely different! But there are still people who remain skeptical about this issue. They try to stay as far away from it as possible, and at the same time lose a lot of tempting opportunities. In order to somehow change this trend, the Internet appears various versions"guides" to work. The user needs to know these nuances.

Advertising in Odnoklassniki. Kinds:

  • Free;
  • Paid (standard);
  • Paid (media/targeted).

PR is necessary to attract users to various resources. For example, there is advertising in classmates in groups. Other users increase interest in personal sites with the help of Odnoklassniki. Let's take a closer look at all types of promotion.

Free advertising in Odnoklassniki

This is far from the most effective way of PR, however, in the absence of a budget, you can use this scheme. How it works:

  1. The user registers a new account (fake profile), creates a group on a social network. Then fills the community with content (contact information, photos, videos, etc.);
  2. The second stage is the search for the target audience, as well as adding friends to all suitable “classmates”.
  3. What happens next? The user sends an invitation to new friends to the group (manually or using special software).

Unfortunately, free advertising is not capable of giving great opportunities. This is its main disadvantage. In other words, all you can do is promote a group on Odnoklassniki using mass following. However, there are secrets on how to quickly achieve the desired result:

  • It's great if you start interacting with the added users right away. Send new friends free gifts. It's much nicer than getting an "empty invitation";
  • Like + repost in Odnoklassniki is called "Class". This is a really important indicator. If desired, it can be wound up using special services (for example, CashBox);
  • When creating and active use several fake accounts increase the chances of fruitful work. It is much easier to increase membership in the group, and at the same time avoid limits and punishments.

If we briefly analyze this method of PR, not the most favorable conclusions arise. To promote a group for free, you will have to:

  • Buy/register fake profiles;
  • Use a lot of special software;
  • To resort to work on additional services;
  • Dedicate time to this regularly.

In addition, advertising in Odnoklassniki is called "free" not in the literal sense of the word. You, one way or another, will have to invest in promotion. A lot of money! And most of the time it's not worth it. More effective is targeted advertising in classmates. Or a fallback option - display advertising on a social network.

As a last resort, you have the opportunity to acquire a promoted community with subscribers. It is relatively cheap (only from 15 kopecks for each member of the group). The main catch is that these users react passively to everything that happens in the group. Especially if the topic of the community changes dramatically.

At the "steering wheel" there is a new administrator. The content is very different from the usual. Subscribers may take this in different ways. You will either have to involve the audience in activity from scratch, or not consider this option at all.

Paid advertising in Odnoklassniki (standard)

As you already understood, free advertising is called such purely conditionally. In practice, everything happens quite differently. Therefore, it is more expedient to turn to paid advertising - its effectiveness is much higher than in the previously given example. The essence of standard advertising: the user orders a commercial post in other groups (in places where potential customers rally). And if these people join your group, they are no longer random passers-by. So they are interested in what you offer.

  1. On one's own. Finding suitable groups will rest on your shoulders. The matter remains small - to find a group, agree with its administrator on cooperation (price, date, type of publication, etc.);
  2. Advertising exchange. Allows you to find the desired community after selecting search criteria. If the group "given the go-ahead", a fixed amount for payment will be frozen on your account. The money will be transferred to the account of the "performer" after the publication of the commercial post.

Which search options to use is up to you. However, the advertising exchange has a number of advantages. Here you can learn more about the statistics of each group. In addition, the exchange guarantees fair fulfillment of the conditions from both parties.

So you protect yourself from dealing with scammers who intend to simply throw you. For such a "reinsurance" you will have to pay a little extra (it will come out more expensive by about 15%). Before you start working on the exchange, it is recommended that you carefully read the proposed terms and conditions of the resource.

Paid advertising in OK (display/targeted)

As you have already seen, there are various ways of paid PR. There are not so many of them, but this is quite enough for various segments of the population.

banner advertising

Even an inexperienced user can handle the creation of a banner. Here it is rather necessary to speak about the expediency of such a method. Is it reasonable?

However, not everything is so smooth. Advertising banners are so boring to modern users that most of them simply do not pay attention. But the cost of the banner is still high. We just have to hope for a miracle. Otherwise, you will be wasting a lot of money.

This type of advertising has an advantage: everyone can use a special calculator to calculate the cost of a banner. Use the convenient assistant at the link - After selecting all the necessary criteria for future advertising, click on the "Calculate" button. You will be shown data about "Impressions". Multiply this figure by the cost -

Most likely, the final amount will simply shock you. And this despite the fact that the audience can easily ignore the posted ads. And the last nuance: 20,000 rubles - this is exactly the minimum budget advertising campaign. That is, ordinary users are unlikely to be able to afford such a luxurious PR.

Promo posts in Odnoklassniki

Advertising promo in the news feed:

An ad post can contain text, a photo, or a video. It doesn’t matter where exactly you want to attract potential customers (to a group or to a third-party resource). It works under any conditions.

Pre-roll on Odnoklassniki social network

This short video is part of another video. That is, the user comes to watch the video he is interested in, and before watching it he sees a small advertising insert. About efficiency this method you can argue for a long time. But one thing can be said: it is much more profitable in terms of investment.

To create a short insert, you do not need special skills. It's easy to do. Moreover, instead of a video, you can use a catchy image (it all depends on your tastes).

Branding in Odnoklassniki

This is one of the subspecies of image advertising. It should be resorted to only large trademarks and companies. An ordinary user will not pull such a budget. Branding - the best option for those who love "expensive-rich". Of course, the effectiveness of this method does not hold.

How to set up advertising in Odnoklassniki?

  • Registration on the site;
  • Login;
  • Replenishment of the internal account;
  • Audience search;
  • Specify the price and number of impressions.

Before placing an ad, read the instructions of the social network again. And also with information about how much advertising in classmates costs. The instructions are posted at the link -


Business promotion in Odnoklassniki has a number of advantages. The social network goes towards its users, I simplify the work in the system to the point of impossibility. If you are looking for clients of the middle age category, then this platform will work perfectly. And the most important thing! Competition in Odnoklassniki is just beginning to gain momentum. And while other people are afraid to contact this social network, far-sighted entrepreneurs are already “squeezing” the maximum out of it.

I like 0

In order to get information, in the "basement" of the site, find the "Advertising" submenu. There you will see the price list for services, and you will also be able to create and set up your advertising campaign if you decide to place targeted advertising. This is done through the service. [email protected], the ad can be shown simultaneously on projects, which you can opt out of if you wish. You can also get directly to the service for submitting advertising by clicking on the link located under the ad block.

Banner advertising on the Odnoklassniki website

  • The banner on the site is located in the upper right corner and has dimensions of 200x300 mm, which allows you to place a large picture in addition to the text. This banner catches the eye immediately upon entering the site and can capture the attention of the largest number of people, so this is the best place.
  • Banners change when the page is refreshed. It is possible to select the target audience according to certain criteria, but you will have to pay an extra charge for this. The cost is determined for 1000 impressions and varies in the amount of 50-70 rubles without VAT, depending on the display region and pages on which the banner will be present. There are two placement options: on all pages or only on message and discussion pages. There are also seasonal rates. For example, advertising in January will be cheaper than in December.

Alas, such advertising is unlikely to be affordable for entrepreneurs with small business or those who plan on social networks without having a serious budget, since the minimum order quantity is 100 thousand impressions per day. That is, for advertising for a month you will need to pay from 150 thousand rubles without VAT.

Targeted advertising in the social network Odnoklassniki

Before you start setting up your advertising campaign, make sure you have enough funds because there is a minimum order here too - the daily budget should be at least 500 rubles. There are two payment options: for impressions and for clicks. Theoretically, the cost per click can be less than 10 rubles, but in practice, for such a price, you most likely will not receive a single click, since the number of impressions will tend to zero. The minimum cost per click, which makes sense to set, is 15-20 rubles.

Many scold the Odnoklassniki network for the excessive, in their opinion, high cost of advertising, and someone argues that it is ineffective. Whether it makes sense to order advertising on this site depends on your goals, budget and what you are advertising, the subject matter in this case is very important. There is an opinion that women's goods are successfully advertised in Odnoklassniki, and advertising of transport services or projects on IT topics is unprofitable.

The second most visited social network in Russia is Odnoklassniki. Many trading platforms do not take into account this network, considering it the main audience of housewives and the elderly. We hasten to assure you that this is not so: the main part of the audience is made up of men and women aged 25-35 years.

Promoting a product on Odnoklassniki is not only possible, but necessary. There are both free and paid methods for this. by the most effective way will launch a targeted campaign aimed at a specific group of users. You can promote a separate site, group or publication using this method.


The commercial campaign in this network has a good performance, despite the conventional wisdom of many experts. This web resource takes the 5th place in terms of attendance on the territory of the Russian Federation. In figures, this can be expressed as 40-50 million visitors per day. The audience of the social network is quite diverse: men and women aged 25-35, then mostly only women aged 35-45 and pensioners of both sexes. If your target audience matches such data, then these advantages allow you to boldly take on the presentation of your product or services.

You can finally verify the advisability of promotion by looking at the report on the occupation of visitors to this site:

Another positive factor is the almost equal popularity in all regions of Russia.

Types of advertising in Odnoklassniki

Let us consider in more detail each of the types, what they are, what are good and what are their disadvantages.

  • free;
  • paid in groups (through administrators or special exchanges);
  • paid targeted advertising.

It doesn't matter where you attract visitors: to the site, to a group, inform about a promotion, etc. The differences are only in the methods. Let's go through each of the three types.


A method that allows you to promote a product or site for free, but has already lost its effectiveness and popularity. It consists in self-adding to friends with the aim of inviting to a certain group. For such purposes, specialized programs can be used that put the process in automatic mode.

Paid in groups

This method involves the acquisition of publications in groups. Its efficiency is quite high, users will be really interested in your publications, and you will be able to earn on the sale of goods. If they join the group, then these will be live visitors who make a lot of reposts, put likes and add comments.

Paid targeting

This view offers a wide range of formats, with a precise selection of the audience to which they will be shown. It is like contextual advertising on information resources, where the selection is in accordance with the topic, only here you select the users themselves. You set targeting on the age of customers, their hobbies, education, employment, Family status, income and more. We will describe all these settings below, and now we will consider the formats themselves in more detail.


They are located in the right column on the site, and look like this:

There are two allowed sizes: 240x400 and 90x75. The negative aspects include their rather long use and the high cost of the display. The pluses include the possibility of self-calculation of the cost. To calculate, do the following:

The cost comes out very decent, given the age of this format and the emergence of the concept of "banner blindness".

promotional posts

Ads that are published in groups, but placed in special places, not tied to a specific community. Odnoklassniki will promote the post in 4 ways:


Represents a video that is shown to the user before the main video starts. It is important that such inserts do not have time to annoy the user, otherwise no one will watch them. The constant change of materials will allow at least a little to keep interest. The efficiency is low, but the price of such a method is not too high.


Creating a brand, a memorable name. It is carried out through games, contests and surveys. It can be characterized by the following words: expensive, beautiful, sinks into memory. This type PR is suitable for very large companies that can spend more than one million rubles.

Advertising in Odnoklassniki: how to place

We have considered the main types of advertising, now it's the turn to talk about its placement. Consider the methods for all three types, Special attention Let's focus on targeting, as it is of the greatest interest and raises many questions.

Placement of free advertising

You can try to get subscribers without attachments using the following instructions:

  • Register a fake page
  • Open a group, fill with content
  • Add the target audience as friends, then invite to the group

There is nothing more to add, this is the whole essence of the method. It is similar to mass following on Twitter or Instagram. For greater returns, you can give a gift along with an invitation to friends. Try to get as many Likes as possible, as they not only tag the post, but also publish it in the feed.

It is worth noting that free promotion is not 100% free, you won’t be able to do a huge amount of work yourself. You will need to purchase a page, special programs, pay for likes, and more. In any case, there are costs, but the effectiveness remains in question, along with the risk of getting banned.

Advertising in groups

There are two ways to promote pages or products in communities:

  • Directly. Find suitable groups and contact leaders to learn about publication and cost.
  • Through the stock market. Register on the service, choose a group and time of placement. After the post is moderated, the money in the account is reserved, and after publication in the group, it goes to the account of the community administrators.

The Odnoklassniki advertising exchange protects against dishonest administrators who can take money and not post. You can also see the statistics of the group here, which allows you to see the effect of the publication. Many exchanges work with classmates, but the official ones are optimal - and unofficial -

Placement of targeted advertising

You can set up and launch this type of promotion on the MyTarget platform.

Register using OK or another social network. Go to Personal Area directly from classmates in several ways.

  • First: on the left side of the page, find a commercial ad and click the "Create ad" link.
  • Second: at the very bottom of the page there is a link "Advertising".

Before creating a campaign, make sure that your ad will not violate the rules of the system:

  • it is forbidden to use obscene, rude expressions, slang;
  • the picture may contain text, but not more than 50% of the total area;
  • There can be only one exclamation mark in the ad text.

If you are not sure about compliance with the rules, or you have questions, please contact support. The guys are fast and always happy to help.

Having understood in accordance with the rules, we proceed to create a campaign. Click the "Create Campaign" button and choose what we want to promote: a website, a group, a game, a store, etc.

For example, choose a site. We enter its address, after which it is necessary to decide on the format: teaser, banner, mobile, multiformat.

Having chosen the format, we get to the page for creating an ad. We enter an interesting title, the main text, put a link to the page, upload an image.

Next comes the most important thing, what makes this method attractive is the choice of the target audience. To set the parameters correctly, you need to have a good understanding of your customers. Correct parameters will help bring a ready-made buyer to the site and save significant money.

Let's take a closer look at each option:

  • First of all, choose the gender of the client. It is doubtful that men will want to click on an ad for a sale of women's handbags. If the product is suitable for men and women, it is better to create several ads, with different headlines and appeals.
  • Age. You can show ads to everyone, or only to users in a certain range.
  • Age limit. If the link is intended for adults, do not skip this parameter.
  • Birthdays. You can start showing ads a month before a person's birthday and end 2 weeks after it ends. The audience size is significantly reduced when this option is selected, but you will be able to reach the birthday people by offering relevant promotions.
  • Audience. Suitable for advanced users. Adjusts the setting according to the behavior of the person on the site.
  • Interests. We choose people according to their hobbies.
  • TV viewers. The setting greatly reduces coverage, often does not require inclusion.
  • Education. Choice of people with higher education and without it.
  • Employment. We select working and non-working citizens. You can conduct an experiment by alternately choosing one of the parameters, then keep the one that has the most efficiency.
  • Family status. We choose those who are married or single.
  • Income. A useful parameter that allows you to select users by their earnings. Especially useful when working with premium products.
  • Geography. Set up for which cities the ad will be displayed. If this is not an online store, and it is located in a certain city, then this setting should be set.
  • Local advertising. Restricts the display of ads to people who are in the city area - sometimes or often.
  • Show time. Set the display time frame.
  • This completes the choice of parameters. It remains to set the cost per click and the campaign budget (general and daily).

How much does advertising in Odnoklassniki cost?

The cost depends on many factors and methods of promotion. The shareware still receives costs in the form of payment for likes, purchases of programs, etc. Advertising in communities is more expensive. The cost of one publication in a group with about 1 million members can be 10,000 rubles or more. It all depends on the popularity of the community and the position of the administrators.

Targeted advertising starts with a minimum budget of 100 rubles per day. At the same time, the recommended cost per click is 30 rubles. Again, it all depends on your goals and capabilities. Promotion of a small store with a narrow target audience will cost much less than promotions of a hardware store. positive side of this method is its flexibility and the ability to adjust to any budget. Right choice parameters will significantly reduce costs and attract a large number of ready-made buyers.


Advertising in classmates undoubtedly deserves attention. The social network is developing, its audience has gradually changed to younger people with broad interests. The correct definition of your audience will allow you to get the maximum result. The absence of fierce competition gives financial benefits to fresh visitors who are not tortured by an abundance of advertising. Test various options placement and soon you will be able to achieve the desired results.