The dream was bitten by a small snake. Step on a snake in a dream

This dream has several different meanings... Usually, hands symbolize not only the support of a person, his deeds, but also loved ones. It is not for nothing that the assistants are called the “right hand”, which always does whatever you need to do.

Therefore, if in a dream a snake bit someone by the hand, expect danger not only for yourself, but also for the assistant. It can be your friend, helper, husband, wife, child or parent. However, this symbolic meaning does not always apply to such a dream.

Very often, a snake writes a dream book that can be dangerous in a dream for you too, and also dreams of deception, injection, illness or some kind of disaster. This is what a snakebite in a dream most often predicts and what to expect after such a dream.

What does a snake mean when it bites

In general, it shows any form of evil that may exist in this world. She is often considered the embodiment of Satan on earth, who harms animals and people.

Treason, betrayal, deception and some kind of nuisance, illness and even death - this is a big list of what a snake can do in a dream in real life... Therefore, the modern dream book writes that this animal harms you in various ways.

Therefore, if a snake bites someone in a dream, expect any evil. Modern books write about the need to pay attention to where, when and where she bit.

If a snakebite falls on the wrist, expect danger or a sudden blow. It can most often be related to your health condition, care, and activity.

Sometimes a bite can also be a warning, especially in financial matters.

A dream may indicate that evil and dishonest money may fall into your hands, for which you will have to answer or something will happen that you can give a bribe and pay very cruelly for it.

Therefore, modern books write that you can lose money or get into a bad situation. However, this is not the only meaning of such a dream.

The dream book writes that in some cases, a snake bite on the hand may dream that your child and the main assistant will suffer. Misfortune may happen to him or he may refuse you himself because of some kind of slander, as well as a big trouble that will soon happen, as they will believe, through your fault.

Also, a modern dream book writes that you can get into a very unpleasant situation if you bring moles on your hand, make or remove tattoos.

The dream book writes that this dream can warn that someone will suddenly try to harm you. It is possible that in your activity you will harm yourself in some way. In some situations, modern books indicate that you yourself may be sick or injured.

For girls, such a dream warns of dangerous acquaintances. It is possible that your young man is not at all who he claims to be and can harm you greatly and do a very evil deed. Therefore, you should not trust beautiful promises. It is possible that they just want to use you for their own purpose.

If a snake has bitten your hand, you can get hurt from your acquaintance, girlfriend, or someone you trusted and trusted. Modern books write that you can get a sudden hit or sting from a familiar person.

The dream book also writes that you can hurt yourself a lot if you look for easy money. This path can be dangerous for you.

Well, pay attention to what kind of snake bit you. If it was non-poisonous and the bite turned out to be simply painful and unpleasant, books on the interpretation of dreams write that the trouble or blow that will inflict on your pride will not have painful and painful consequences.

If it turned out that the snake bit you badly and turned out to be poisonous, the bad consequences will be long and will leave a very dangerous and heavy mark on your soul.

Very often, a snake means danger to the dreamer's life and health. Therefore, you may dream of death or surgery that you were bitten by a viper or just a snake.

For a woman, a snake is generally a double symbol. Very often it means seduction, venereal disease, as well as revenge, revenge and danger.

Therefore, a painful snake bite often predicts an unexpected blow for you, both literally and figuratively.

Could such a dream turn out to be prophetic

This dream means that a viper bite will literally await you. If you are going to nature, then the probability prophetic dream increases. Therefore, you need to take with you an antidote or special substances that will help get rid of the consequences. Usually, such dreams come true the very next day.

The world of dreams is sometimes so unpredictable that it may seem to a person that he is in a fairy tale. That a dream is his possible future. But dreams do not always predict joyful prospects. What is the dream of a snake bite?

What is the dream of a snake bite - the main interpretation

A snake in many religious traditions of ancient states was considered sacred. She personified the wisdom and cunning of a person, a ruler, his ability to negotiate with everyone, but on his own terms.

In other religions, the snake was considered a manifestation of cunning and danger. She brought death and evil to people, therefore, the interpretation of dreams about snakes is different. What is the dream of a snake bite? To treachery and betrayal, but in order to fully interpret the dream, you need to carefully look at its other details:

  • Where did the snake appear in your dream;
  • Was there a few snakes;
  • The snake bite was fatal, or it had no venom;
  • Did the snake talk to you;
  • Did you have to hide from her;
  • Who turned into a snake in your dream.

It is worth noting that it is also important to consider your emotional state before and after sleep. If you do not experience discomfort during a dream, and even a snake attacking you does not cause terror and fear in you, such a dream suggests that all the troubles that you may encounter on life path- will be temporary and you will boldly overcome all the vicissitudes.

If you dream that the danger in the form of a snake awaits you everywhere, and even waking up, you feel anxiety - such a dream should alert you. Most likely, you will not be able to assess the real scale of the problems that will befall you in life, and make a mistake that will cost you a lot, which is why you can be so anxious even when you are not sleeping.

If you dream that several snakes are attacking you at once, and bite you - intrigues and intrigues of enemies await you. You stubbornly refuse to see your former friends as potential enemies who really pose a threat to you. You are most likely too kind and accommodating person and you do not want to be disappointed in loved ones, but if you don’t put everything in its place now, you will lose a lot in your life.

If you dream that a snake bites you, but it has no poison- such a dream portends an imaginary danger, which you, most likely, invented for yourself. This is very imprudent on your part, because you are not wasting energy on developing something new in your life, but on constantly returning to the past.

If you dream that a snake is chasing you in a dream- a series of losses will begin in your life, you will not even have time to regain strength, as negative events will roll on your head one after another. If you dream that the snake spoke to you in a dream, you should listen to her every advice and word, since she is very wise and you can hardly get more accurate predictions from someone else.

If you dream that your beloved turned into a snake- you should not trust her so unconditionally, most likely, she will still show her true face and her nature. You should be more careful in choosing business partners if you dream that a snake was waiting for you and stung you at work. Most likely, it is in the professional sphere that a catch awaits you. In order not to take all the events too close to your heart, you should carefully analyze which actions led you to such a financial situation.

Why dream of a snake bite according to Freud's dream book

In Freud's dream book it is said that the snake personifies the temptations to which a person succumbs throughout his life. If we talk about a young girl, then it is important to remember where exactly the snake came from in her dream. If her lover has turned into her, most likely, she should expect betrayal from her, and this will be a sharp blow to her pride.

If a man dreams of a snake bite, his partner is very cunning and he will have to make every effort to figure out her plans. If a girl dreams of a snake twining around her neck, such a dream suggests that she will have overwhelming obligations. She will fall for the bait of a cunning man who will eventually leave her with nothing.

If a pregnant girl dreams of being bitten by a snake, such a dream suggests that it is high time to prioritize both your health and the health of the baby above the desires and needs of other people. Someone from her inner circle wishes her evil, envies her delicate position. When the ill-wisher manifests itself, it will be too late to change something, most likely, she will have to limit her social circle in advance in order to avoid complications.

Also in Freud's dream book it is said that if a beloved turns into a snake in a dream and starts talking to a man in a human voice, such a dream means that he is too trusting and transfers his fate to the wrong people. In this dream, we can talk about both a woman, a lover, and a woman boss, who has a significant influence on making fateful decisions.

Why dream of a snake bite according to an esoteric dream book

V esoteric dream book it is said why a snake bite is dreaming. Such a dream does not bode well. Snakes dream as a symbol of impending betrayal and impending problems. It is worth paying special attention to the coloring of the snake that bit you in your sleep.

If the snake had golden scales, you are likely to face financial losses. If she was green, such a dream means betrayal of loved ones. If the snake was red or orange, you are in for trouble in love.

It is also worth paying special attention to whether you were attacked by a snake, whether you provoked it, or whether your problems started suddenly. So, if the snake attacked you on its own, and you did not provoke it in a dream, you will most likely become a victim of someone else's negativity. At the same time, you will not even suspect what your fault is, most likely, it is not, you just ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time.

If you see a snake peacefully unwilling in the sun in a dream, and at the same time you want to play with it, you will independently provoke it to actions - such a dream will mean that you yourself will cause a negative attitude towards yourself from others. Your behavior will be defiant, you will be trying to prove your case for a long time to the detriment of your reputation.

If a young girl dreams of a snake crawling into her bed, she will become a victim of temptation. But she should not expect a new relationship, the partner will rather become a fleeting hobby for her, the main thing is not to get hung up on this connection, and not to wait for the development of events, because, most likely, this novel will not be the last in the near future.

If at the same time the girl has a permanent partner, it is better for her not to enter into dubious relationships, since it will be very difficult for her to restore trust from her partner. For a pregnant girl to see a dream in which she is bitten by a snake - to problems in childbirth.

Why dream of a snake bite according to other dream books

V modern dream book it is said that a snake bite means betrayal on the part of a loved one. If you are frightened by a dead snake, most likely you are creating problems for yourself, creating imaginary blocks for yourself on the way to success. If you dream that the snake bites others, but does not touch you, you will quarrel with friends and loved ones, while the quarrels will be protracted.

In Vanga's dream book it is said that if you dream of a snake bite, you will be disappointed in a loved one, most likely, you will hope for support and understanding, but will not receive them. If you dream that one of your acquaintances has turned into a snake and is trying to bite you - you should think about whether you should share everything intimate with this person, most likely all his negative qualities will appear soon.

Do not be too afraid of dreams, reality can be more dangerous, therefore, if in a dream you dream of a warning of an impending danger, you should seriously think about the correctness of prioritization in life. A snake bite does not bode well, if such a dream repeats - you have not learned life lesson, you need to consider the reasons for your failure. When you eliminate the cause, your life will improve by itself. The main thing is to aim at the result, and dreams will prompt right direction movement in life, the right mood to get what you want.

The snake in a dream symbolizes betrayal, deceit, hypocrisy and fear, as well as the inner energy of a person - mental and sexual. A snake bite in a dream is a sign of the dreamer's actions, danger and hidden desires.

To understand why a snake bite is dreaming, remember the important details of the dream:

  • the appearance of the snake - size and color;
  • bite site.

Look at the interpretation of sleep in different dream books.

Dream interpretation

Miller's dream book

A snake bite in a dream - to an attempt to harm ill-wishers. If you dream of a poisonous snake bite, you will not be able to resist enemies, and their insidious plans will come true. Be prepared to recuperate after defeat.

Seeing in a dream how a snake has bitten another person - you intend to harm someone. A similar dream shows the situation from the outside. Think before hurting, or rather give up. After sleep, you feel fear, remorse, awkwardness - resentment drives bad intentions. By hurting someone else, you will make yourself worse.

Freud's dream book

A snake bite in a dream symbolizes hidden desires, temptation and warns of possible misunderstandings. Dreams of how a snake bites another person - to hidden desires and attraction to this person. In a dream, she was bitten by a snake - to temptations that may have a catch. Do not rush into the pool with your head and stay sane to assess the situation.

Dream interpretation of Nostradamus

A snake bite in a dream - to a scandal and a quarrel between loved ones. You will be the culprit of the quarrel, even if you had no evil intentions.

In a dream, the snake bit another person - to possible rallies and strikes with the participation of close people or relatives.

Dream interpretation of Wangi

A snake bite in a dream is a betrayal of a loved one. Soon you will find out that a trusted person is jealous and does everything to harm you. If in a dream a snake bites another person, you will witness evil intentions towards a friend or relative. The bite of a black snake is dreaming - in unkind actions the envious person uses black magic.

Read also:

Why do spiders dream: predictions of dream books

Muslim dream book

Snake bite in a dream - it's time for you to get rid of bad habits and think about your lifestyle. Otherwise, health problems may arise. In a dream, she was bitten by a poisonous snake - to a big trouble associated with imprudence and spontaneous decisions.

A dream in which you are bitten by many small snakes - enemies have prepared many traps on the way to your goal. Take a closer look at those around you. You will be able to identify the company of ill-wishers spreading gossip.

Why do different people dream of a dream

Free woman

  • Miller's dream book - envious people are trying to damage their reputation.
  • Freud's dream book - it's time for you to diversify your personal relationships. Talk to your loved one, he will tell you how to act.
  • Dream Interpretation of Wangi - they are trying to catch damage to you. Try not to give personal items to others.
  • Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus - you will accidentally become an accomplice in an evil deed.
  • Muslim dream book - be careful when talking with people and doing business. Pay attention to details, otherwise there is a chance to harm the situation in society.

To a married woman

  • Miller's dream book - envious people are trying to harm the family.
  • Freud's dream book - it's time to overcome shyness and surrender to desires.
  • Dream Interpretation of Wangi - failures in family life and quarrels with a loved one are the result of envy of someone around.
  • Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus - quarrels in the family and misunderstandings are the merit of your behavior. Change your attitude towards loved ones, and you will see changes for the better.
  • Muslim dream book - evaluate your strengths before taking on a serious matter.

To the girl

  • According to Freud's dream book - to restore relations with a loved one.
  • According to Miller's dream book - to envy and slander on the part of friends.
  • According to Vanga's dream book - to betrayal of a loved one and betrayal.
  • According to the dream book of Nostradamus - to a quarrel and a break in relations on your initiative.
  • By Muslim dream book- your behavior is the cause of troubles. Change within yourself, fill the inner world with harmony and love, then happiness will not keep you waiting long.


  • Miller's dream book - try to limit communication with people you don't like.
  • Freud's dream book - try to pacify ardor and passion for your beloved. Talk to your significant other, together you will find a compromise.
  • Dream Interpretation of Wangi - avoid discussions of the future baby with strangers and those whom you trust a little.
  • Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus - try not to enter into conflicts and do not provoke people.
  • Muslim dream book - beware of the urge to return to bad habits... Your health and your baby are above weaknesses that will soon pass.

Did you have a not the most pleasant dream, what does the dream book write if a snake has bitten your hand, leg or face? How does the color of the snake affect the nature of the interpretation? What to watch out for, and what events are coming in your life? According to the dream book, a snake bite does not bode well in life, on the contrary, it can portend misfortune or misfortune. A more accurate interpretation depends on the nature of the bite and color of the amphibian, so remember the dream in detail in order to know for sure what ups and downs await you.

Had a dream that you were bitten by a snake in a dream? Read what this means!

In order to correctly interpret a dream, and to understand what the dream is about, if a snake has bitten in a dream, you need to determine exactly where you were bitten.

The snake bit the hand

What does the dream book say: did the snake bit the hand? This is usually a warning that your friends are not really friends. Gossip behind your back, betrayal, lies, lack of support and help - this is to be expected from "faithful" comrades. And you should not even lend money to your relatives, otherwise in the near future you will not see not only your hard earned money, but also your debtors. Beware of enemies, they weave intrigues, preparing any atrocities against you. Think about how you can protect yourself from any insidiousness of your enemies.

The snake bit the leg

Another common and more realistic dream: while walking, you do not notice the amphibian, and she bites you. What is the interpretation of the dream book: did the snake bite the leg? Your morale is severely undermined, you are on the verge of depression or life drama. Your envious people rejoice at such a defeat, but you simply do not have the strength to fight back. There is no feeling of support from loved ones, there is no desire to go further and I do not want to do anything. You just need to relax, change your environment, maybe your image, go on an exciting trip or travel to unusual places in your city.

The snake bit my finger

What interpretation will the dream book give: did the snake bite your finger? This means that your enemies are already close, they have chosen you as a victim and are preparing to attack. Be careful! If the snake bites your finger on your hand, beware of financial waste, tighten your belts tighter, you do not need to get involved in dubious financial schemes and adventures. A bite on the toe portends troubles on the moral front. Think, maybe there is some compromising evidence against you? Watch your behavior carefully, do not take liberties so that you cannot be accused, be calm and restrained.

Express online interpretation

If you do not have time to understand all the intricacies of your sleep, you can get a free express interpretation of your dream in which you dreamed of a snake on our website by filling in just a few parameters, and the computer will select the interpretation you need in a few seconds.

Don't remember Black White Yellow Green
Did not bite In the arm In the leg In the finger In the neck In the buttock In the face

Snake bites in other parts of the body

Pay attention to the location of the bite: in the leg, arm or neck. The specific interpretation of your dream depends on this. More, read

It happens that you do not remember the details, or, conversely, none of the above cases suited you. What does the dream book think: was bitten by a snake in a dream?

  1. A bite in the neck indicates a protracted nature of depression, you simply do not have the strength to cope with it. Your mental exhaustion scares your friends and family. But hope for a change for the better, and you will become the initiator of such a change. Find a positive activity for yourself, and your mood will noticeably improve.
  2. A snake bite in an intimate place does not often dream. So you are warned that you have missed important details somewhere, forgot to say or convey something. But it can also symbolize imminent sexual problems due to promiscuous relationships and connections.
  3. If the snake bites on the buttock, you will not be able to carry out your goals and plans soon. It is better to postpone new beginnings, changes will soon occur in your life.
  4. A bite on the face or head portends an illness or a strong emotional disorder, you can only cope yourself, without relying on the support of close relatives.
  5. When you do not see the bite itself in a dream, but you can contemplate its trail, be careful when communicating with the management. Beware of getting involved in conflicts and arguments, this will not end well.
  6. A bite on other parts of the body may indicate a health problem. Or in real life, you wind yourself up too much, worrying about possible diseases.

What does a failed bite attempt mean?

How does the dream book interpret a dream where a snake tries to bite but fails? A failed bite attempt is a kind of warning to your body about future health problems. However, you should not despair, keyword here is a "warning", because the snake only wants to bite you!

Drop everything and take care of your health! Quit smoking, go in for sports, stop eating fast food and the situation will improve in a couple of months. If you suffer from chronic diseases - there is a risk of exacerbation, if possible, visit a doctor.

What if the snake is not biting you?

In some dreams, the object of the bite may not be you personally, but someone from your closest relatives: a son, daughter, brother, husband, wife, or even a stranger. Consider how dream books interpret a similar situation:

  • A snake bit a child in a dream - you are probably very worried about your children. You want to completely control their behavior, to exclude the influence of external factors on their psyche. However, a son or daughter is rapidly growing up and every day it becomes more difficult to do this. Do not despair, children grow up - and this is a natural process! Try to trust your child more and everything will work out.
  • Husband or wife bite - your spouse may soon commit some rash act that will negatively affect their career or business. Talk to him, warn and give advice to carefully consider all your actions in the coming week.
  • The snake bites the father, mother, brother, sister - you lose touch with relatives and your subconscious mind actively opposes this process. The treatment is quite simple, call your loved ones, talk, invite them to visit this weekend.
  • A stranger - look around, next to you there is a person who is very ill and needs your help! Pay attention to work colleagues, neighbors, acquaintances.

The nature of sleep by the color of the snake

Try to remember what color the snake that bit you was? Black, red, white or green?

The second interpretation is to recognize the dream by the color of the bitten snake. If you dreamed black and white dream, this method will not work, but with a colorful dream, the interpretation will be as accurate as possible.

Black snake

Let's find out how the dream book interprets a dream in which you were bitten by a black snake. Attention: this is very bad dream promising serious illnesses, experiences and life dramas.

At the most crucial moment, your own health can fail you. If you are sick chronic diseases- visit a specialist immediately! If your heart suddenly aches or simply "stabs" - consult a cardiologist!

And also beware strangers: the world is not as friendly as it seems. Do not trust unfamiliar people, do not rely on their help and support.

White Snake

The dream book promises much less problems: a white snake has bitten. This guarantees you forbidden gifts, dreams come true, pleasant meetings, as well as happiness and wealth. But now you are not ready to accept all this, the fulfillment of desires will be superfluous for you, so events may turn against you, and you will miss your chance.

Yellow snake

We interpret the dream book: a yellow snake bit in a dream. Yellow color will have a positive effect on your life, you can gain more wisdom and knowledge. But in the case of a bite, a double interpretation is also possible: a loved one will betray you, or an insidious and powerful enemy is plotting something against you.

Green snake

What does the dream book say: did the green snake bite? Sleep does not bode well, it makes you wonder if you made the right choice. At the crossroads in life, when choosing spiritual or material values, people are often confused, but it is not too late to change everything.

Small snake of any color

A dream in which you were bitten by a small snake is interpreted by the dream book as a warning for the next month and a half. Now you have a certain small problem which you do not pay attention to at all, brushing it off as a meaningless trifle. However, in the near future, it can develop into a huge problem that promises a lot of trouble!

Advice: Conduct an "audit" of current affairs - pay attention to minor issues that have been postponed for a long time. You need to consider all aspects of your life: business, work, health, family. Don't let the little snake grow!

Interpretation of sleep in popular dream books

A snake bite, which in general does not promise the blessings of life, is interpreted differently in the dream books of famous authors. Let's turn to time-tested sources so as not to be mistaken and learn in time about impending dangers and upcoming events.

Dream interpretation of Wangi

The Bulgarian seer believed that a serious illness awaits you, take care of supporting the body, strengthen the immune system, dress warmly. In addition, you do not need to trust your friends, your friends will easily betray you at any opportunity.

Currently, many dream books are being published: from Vanga, Miller and others. In them, Dreams are interpreted in slightly different ways.

Freud's dream book

Sigmund Freud attributed any dreams to sexual desires and unsatisfied desires. For men, in the event of a snakebite, not the best times are facing, you should be careful with casual partners in order to avoid sexually transmitted diseases. And women may have a rival or a married lover.

Miller's dream book

Psychologist Miller interprets sleep in a traditional way: betrayal, lies, deceiving friends, material losses, as well as deterioration of well-being and health problems are possible.

Modern dream book

A snake bite warns of impending business problems. When signing papers, carefully weigh the pros and cons. You should not enter into potentially dangerous deals with unreliable partners. Do not take anyone's word for it, beware of two-faced persons, competitors and envious people.

Dream interpretation for women

A lady who saw a snakebite in a dream will soon begin to notice a cooling love relationship... Parting with a soul mate is already close, perhaps a man will betray you or change you. Major quarrels are not expected, but former love will slowly slide into the abyss.
For men, the female dream book gives a different interpretation to such a dream: betrayal awaits you best friend... Confronting ill-wishers will be incredibly difficult, family strife or job loss await you.

Dream interpretation of Egyptian pharaohs

You need to arrange correctly life priorities and rethink values. Once you made the wrong choice, giving up something important, but it's not too late to get everything back on track.

Dream interpretation of Nostradamus

If you are bitten by a poisonous snake in a dream, in life you will find yourself in the epicenter of a loud scandal. But the seer believes that such events will only play into your hands. Remember many stars and famous personalities, they achieved their fame and recognition because of the scandals that broke out.

Ancient dream book of beliefs

A snake bite warns against dangers in a relationship with a soul mate, you should not blindly trust your boyfriends, so that one day you will not be left alone. But if you were stung by a snake, but you did not feel pain, rejoice: joyful events are coming in your life, for example, winning the lottery, inheriting an inheritance or other material enrichment.

Sexy dream book

Seeing a snake bite in a dream means that you are worried about the absence of a permanent sexual partner or are unsure of his loyalty. For men, such a dream means fear and insecurity in bed.
As you can see, each dream book gives its own interpretation, and future changes in life depend on the nature and color of the snake. But more often than not, a snake bite does not bode well, you should not despair ahead of time, on the contrary, you need to prepare for life's vicissitudes, morally and financially. You have already been warned of the danger, with the correct and rational approach, all your enemies will be left with nothing, and you will be the winner.

Video: "Why is the Snake dreaming and how is this dream interpreted?"

Site Visitor Comments

    Brrr, I remember I dreamed that there was a whole tangle of snakes in the yard, and I didn't know how to get around them. Of course, after such a dream, you don't think much about the good, you have already begun to prepare yourself for the bad. But, t-t-t, everything worked out, nothing like that, at least to be remembered, there is nothing.

    I dreamed that I was taming a cobra like in a movie, I wonder what it would be? The snake did not bite, nothing bad happened, the dream was interrupted in the middle of the taming process, so to speak, that is, the result was not achieved, who knows what this might mean?

    When I work long and hard without sleep and rest, and do not go on vacation for a long time, I have a dream that a snake is biting my leg. After this dream, I write a vacation application and fly away to rest or just spend time outside of work with my family. A kind of sign that it's time to rest. apparently the body when at the limit gives a signal to the brain. that's all, it's time. I interpreted this dream when it was repeated a second time. I listen to the body now.

    A dream in which a snake bites you a priori cannot mean anything good. Pain is pain, fear is fear - regardless of whether it happens to you in me in a dream or in reality. After one such dream, in which I was bitten by a snake in the forest, I was betrayed by a business partner who decided to take over our mutual clients and the general proceeds. But only, if I knew, I spread straws ...

    I do not like snakes, you can even say that I am afraid of them. And now I have a dream where there are thousands of snakes around me, I try to leave this place and suddenly one of the snakes bites my hand and I wake up. Given my attitude towards snakes, I immediately realized that such a dream does not bode well and decided to look at the dream book. I read that a friend's betrayal is possible, but I didn’t believe it, but in vain ... Now I will always believe dream books.

    Recently I had a dream that a snake bites me in the leg, and I am terribly afraid of snakes. I always stumble upon them in the forest. And then this dream. I even woke up screaming in the morning. I dreamed that they reclined her, and she again. An eerie sensation. And now I read it and I think that there is nothing pleasant about it. Especially when it's so scary that you wake up from your own scream.

    I dreamed how a snake wanted to bite me by the leg, but I abruptly walked away with a swing of my arms, and she failed to bite, but two snakes suddenly appeared from the vineyard (under which I suddenly found myself), and just as unexpectedly two snakes bit my hand , one in the palm of the second with back side hands. However, I noticed them after the bite, they were black. But I didn't feel any pain. Explain, please, what is it all about?

    Hello, I am pregnant, I saw a dream in the morning how a black snake bit my toe, I got scared and found out that my mother was bitten by the same snake, but then I saw that her leg was cut off, my mother died a year ago and I see this horrible dream, this snake touched me only to the toe and saw only a black point, please explain this dream. Thank you in advance.

    I saw in a dream that I was stung by three snakes, there was no pain, but there were points in my leg and they moved, I was very afraid and screamed, and then the snake lay on my neck and someone threw it off. what is it for? the snakes were some kind of colored

    Today I dreamed that actors and actresses from the TV series University persistently and cheerfully pushed me to a restaurant and there a snake slowly crawled up to me and bit me in my left leg, I tore off its tail and she still bit. commentator who will sue me for insulting my honor.

    Something in general I liked the interpretation about the snake bite. Today I saw a snake's nest in a dream, and several snakes bit me on the neck, on the head, and on the hand ... I will not take everything to heart. I hope everything works out. I usually only read good interpretations of sleep. Therefore, I am always doing well. Thank you for such a wonderful site!

    Good morning. I dreamed how I was first bitten by a gray snake by the hair, then by forefinger hands. It was as if at first I was on the river, and then my friend, a man, swims out of the river and throws this snake at nya. She began to bathe Anya by the hair, and then I unhooked her from her hair and bit my finger. To him it may be. The water was clean, and the bottom was very sandy, like a slide.

    After being bitten by a non-poisonous green constrictor in the stomach and hand, I woke up. The horror attacked and the piece deliberately tried to strangle it by wrapping its arm around it. I nodded bites and this feeling was akin to renewal and pleasant, but realizing that it was still a snake that had been chasing me for a long time, I began to strangle her by the head with my hands and she immediately recoiled. The snake was large and lived in the house of a little-known aunt, who fed it and said that it was harmless.
    Something like this…

    Today I had a dream: I am in the forest, picking mushrooms, and then a snake crawls out of the bushes, looks at me and does not move. I was numb with horror, my legs became cottony, and then someone screamed and she bit me, I
    woke up immediately. She was bright yellow. So I came across this article and found for myself the answer to what it was all about. It seems to be good, but I still can't get away from sleep, I'm very afraid of snakes!

    Sometimes this can be dreamed, you are amazed. You get up in the morning, it’s already bad. From my childhood I remember that they thought that if you dreamed of something bad, you should, as soon as you get up, look out the window into the distance. And they say all bad things will go away with dawn. But, if I put it in a dream book, it's nice to read that something terrible that I dreamed about is fortunate. As it is morally easier. But I also play bad news. I am analyzing, since I have already read it.

    I've often dreamed about snakes before. Even without reading the dream books, I knew that there was nothing good in these dreams. Some are scary. They are nasty in life, in dreams so even more so. There it still draws the imagination. And even it was that I was bitten, I intuitively understood that I needed to keep my ear sharp, with those around me. Thank you for the article.

    I don’t know what to do, almost every other day, two days later I dream of snakes. Large and always in abundance. Tired already. I know this is very bad. Already read your confirmation. They bite all the time. I figured out how to turn it off. I can't sleep well. But everything seems to be fine with me. When I go to bed I always think of good things, but I still dream. Who was it like that?

    Hello friends! A week ago in a dream I saw that a snake was lying on the side of my right side, I wanted to remove it from me, but it was half inside me, in my liver. She pulled it out with a cry, threw it on the table, it turned out to be two-headed. I wanted to stab her with a knife and woke up on this. UFFFFFF. I understand that it is not good. But exactly what's what?

    I dreamed that one snake bit me, but there were many huge snakes, they crawled under the grass, and ran away from them and hid, one even managed to kiss me, everything is confused and bite and kiss, what could this mean, please tell me ?

    I dreamed that I was walking along the coast and a snake suddenly crawled out of the sand and bit my leg. after reading the article, I realized that this dream does not bring anything good. We must remember that a snake in a dream is in trouble. I will follow the advice from what I have read - I will scatter, I will rest a little. I really am mired in monotony.

    It's good that I came across this article. I believe in dreams and believe that they signal something to us.
    “If a snake bites on the buttock, it will take a long time for you to realize your goals and plans. Better to postpone new beginnings, changes will soon take place in your life. " I dreamed that I came to the beach, sat on the sand, and there was a snake in the sand and it bit me on the right buttock. Such a clear dream, I decided to look at the meaning and came across this meaning. According to the plans, to really bring new beginnings, changes into life. I will listen to the advice here and will postpone the beginning, I will postpone it a little.

    I am panicky, just scared of snakes to the point of madness. And then I dreamed about this abomination, and even somehow got into the bag that I was carrying home from the store in my sleep ... She climbed out of the bag and grabbed my leg, remembered well that it was white. Here she found the meaning that since the snake is white, dreams will come true, you should expect pleasant meetings. I really hope for this good interpretation.

    I dreamed that a snake attacked me, but I somehow escaped from it, it could not bite me in the end. I read the meaning here, I realized that this is some kind of sign from above, that it's time to quit smoking and start paying attention own health finally, I constantly put it off until later, although age is already making itself felt, while thinking and starting to act.

    I had a dream that a green snake was walking in the yard and a green snake crawled up to me, I got scared and ran into the house, but when I entered, I saw that the snake was crawling after me all this time. My brother came out and tried to destroy the snake, but it did not give in to him, wriggled, hissed, crawled from side to side, and finally bit his brother's leg. I read the meaning from you and shared with my brother, it is indicated here that the green snake does not promise anything bad, but you need to think about the correctness of the choice you made. And we have just on the Kanu selling the parental apartment in half with his brother. They took it as a sign.

    I saw in a dream how a snake bit my director during a meeting at work. Here I found the meaning that this promises a deterioration in love relationships and even parting with a partner. "Perhaps a man will betray you or change you." Tell me, maybe you can try to prevent this somehow? I am very afraid, at the moment everything is fine, but I had a dream from Thursday to Friday, and my grandmother always said that prophetic dreams are dreamed on this night.

    My daughter asked me why snakes were dreaming. In a dream, a snake bit her hand. After reading the article, it became clear that she had enemies at school, and I told her so. She widened her eyes, says how do you know that, it's true. So now I look at the interpretation for each dream. Dreams warn us to use these abilities.

    I was bitten by a snake in my dream, for a very long time I could not understand what it was about, but my uncle was caught by the traffic police and was fined 500 rubles. I borrowed him, but a week later he kicked me out of the house, with my things and children. Now I will know why this snake bit me. It is better to never borrow or trust your relatives, as in the proverb. "Hold the enemy next to my friend farther".

    Once in a dream I climbed trees, and I dreamed that I was little. Mom screams get off, otherwise the snake will bite. I climbed even further and higher, there was a huge nest with snakes, I played they were small and colorful, I was very interested, and no one bit me. Only a large snake threw me off the tree with its tail

    I've been dating a girl for 2 years now, but I still can't decide to sleep with her. I'm very afraid that she will not like it, and she will leave me. I myself am a very insecure person, but she in every possible way pushes me to intimacy. Here is an article about me, very often snakes bite me in my dreams. I do not know how I will decide on intimacy.

    Once I dreamed that snakes attacked me. I was bitten a lot, I woke up terrified. It was unexpected for me that an hour later the police called. We greeted politely, asked my daughter Natalia ... ... I answered yes, then they just shocked me, my daughter had an accident. here is a dream about a snake. Don't expect anything good from these snakes.

    Good afternoon to all readers. I am a businessman, so today I will be in a non-formal setting, discussing a new agreement and possible signing. I don’t really like it, it’s a very good deal. Moreover, the snake bit beckoning in the office, probably knowingly warns, I am very superstitious man and has not failed yet.

    I didn't think snakes dream so often. I, too, were bitten by snakes in my sleep, and there were a lot of them. When I woke up, I thought about the employees of our office, they have such an amusement - they choose a victim for themselves and begin to scoff at her, bring her with their whole gang. That's exactly what they are) Just like snakes sting in a dream. Probably this time I will be chosen)

    I dreamed that I was running through the forest, stumbled and fell. Suddenly a huge snake crawled out from under the foliage, it looks like I stumbled over it. She bit me in the head. According to your article, "A bite on the face or head portends illness or severe emotional distress." I really have in recent times apathetic mood, you need to somehow pull yourself together.

    And I once had a dream that I was lying naked on the sand and cold and slippery snakes were crawling over me ... And now I distinctly remember the sensations of their bodies. Nobody bit, they crawled on me and further and all were colorful, beautiful. Very unusual sensations, nge just a dream, and also some kind of tactile contact

    I dreamed that I fought with a hydra and she had snakes on her head, and I was a knight. Here's how to interpret a dream? Hydra can be attributed to a serpent or monsters to look for? It's nice to be a knight in a dream, such strength in the body, such power. If I knew why such dreams are dreamed, I will probably overcome all difficulties?

    The other day there was a strange dream. I am standing by a tree, holding onto the bark, but I cannot move. Snakes bite my toes. They bite, but there is no pain, only the fingers go numb on the legs and do not move. In any case, I will now be much more careful in words and deeds, especially at work.

Colored dreams are not always good. One of these days I dreamed that I was bitten by a snake in a dream. An unpleasant sediment remained for the whole day. Scrolling through many of the most different dream books, an unequivocal answer to what the snake that bites is dreaming of has never been found.

The snake is a very complex symbol. On the one hand, the image of a snake is almost always associated with deceit and hypocrisy. It is no coincidence that the tempting serpent appears in the Bible. In folklore, the image of the serpent is mentioned in the form of the Serpent Gorynych. Many well-known phrases used in Everyday life characterize the snake not with better side: a green serpent (aka alcoholism or drunkenness), an under-the-ice snake personifies meanness in its most insidious manifestation (warm the snake on the chest, snake tongue, etc.). And such scary words as a stranglehold or a stranglehold also come from a snake, more precisely from a boa constrictor - a symbol of the devil and temptation. The snake is almost always associated with evil, cunning, cunning and enemies. In short, nothing good.

On the other hand, the image of a snake can also symbolize wisdom, calmness and, surprisingly, new life... Sometimes the snake is associated with a woman. Since ancient times, people have been fascinated by the ability of a snake to shed or get rid of old skin. It was believed that the snake is the only creature on earth that knows the secret of longevity and eternal youth. There are people who today are sure that a decoction from the snake skin found will give them and their loved ones a future without diseases and troubles.

I could not find an unambiguous definition or interpretation of the situation when the snake was bitten in a dream. Many dream books say that a dreaming snake warns of impending troubles. Snakes wriggling most often speak of some kind of remorse or struggle, perhaps even for existence. The attack of snakes in a dream may mean that in reality you will have to defend yourself from malicious attacks on you by envious people and enemies. To protect honor and dignity, you will have to make a lot of effort. If you are bitten by a snake in a dream, then this may mean that in the near future you may suffer from evil rumors or gossip. The situation will be favorably resolved if in a dream you kill a snake. This can mean victory in the fight against envious people and gossip. According to Vanga's dream book, a snake bite can symbolize disappointment in a person who is dear to you. And it comes that he turned to the forces of black magic to make your life miserable.

But a completely different interpretation of the situation is possible, when in a dream a snake was bitten. Many psychoanalysts associate the snake with sexuality. Freud and classical psychotherapists, in the iconic form of a snake, considered the phallus, the fear of intimacy. Therefore, a snakebite in a dream can be regarded as sexual intercourse, which causes a woman to feel ashamed. Perhaps such a dream can be a harbinger of an unforgettable sexual contact.

If there are diseases in your life, then a snake biting in a dream can mean healing. For centuries, the Asian and North American peoples have embraced the snake as a symbol of wisdom, calmness and healing. Therefore, according to the dream books of these cultures, a snake biting in a dream gives healing to those in need. This can also be regarded as a solution to existing problems with health and property.

As can be seen from the above, if a snake bites you in a dream, this does not mean an immediate manifestation of deceit by your envious people. It all depends on your own mood. What do you want to see in this very snake: the intrigues of envious people, sexuality or wisdom.

At first, I perceived a snake bite in a dream solely as a harbinger of inevitable trouble, the cunning of friends and the gossip of ill-wishers. I looked for some more information, and I was inspired by the wisdom of the Asian peoples. In the end, on reflection, I realized that the snake in the dream was not so terrible and did not hurt me at all, and therefore, this dream did not bode well for me. Whether I became wiser from a snake bite is a mystery, but I am no longer afraid of snake bites in my sleep.

Dream interpretation snake bite in the hand

Why dream of a snake bite in the hand in a dream

The dream interpretation interprets a snake seen in a dream as the personification of an enemy or enmity. It is like a projection of the real world around the world of dreams. A snake bite in the hand symbolizes the loss of financial leverage, at the will of your ill-wishers. Also, a snake bite in the hand is dreamed of as a warning in relation to a person's lifestyle. For example, this can be seen as motivation to quit drinking and smoking.

Why is the snake biting in a dream?

If a person dreams of a snake that bites him, then this is most likely a warning about the betrayal of a loved one. This can be a significant other, a family member, or a close friend. If the bite is very painful and has consequences, for example, the hand swells greatly from it, then this indicates that betrayal will bring a lot of pain and problems. Perhaps even very unpleasant consequences... If the snake dies after being bitten, then this means that the traitor itself will be much more troubled and unpleasant. You need to pay attention to your mood during sleep and bite, painful sensations, consequences, etc. All this will help to decipher the dream most accurately.

It is even more dangerous if not one snake is seen in a dream, but several or even a whole tangle of living snakes intertwining among themselves. Most likely, this indicates that the sleeping person will soon be tormented by remorse for some serious reason. And if the snakes from the ball are also trying to bite, then, most likely, you will have to wage a serious difficult struggle, in which you can also lose.

And why else is there a dream - a snake bites? If you dream that a snake bites a person, and after that he immediately kills it, then this is a sign that soon you will have to do your best to defend your interests and try to win the trust and respect of the people around you. This dream suggests that you should be confident in your abilities and not be afraid to fight and defend your opinion, in this case you will definitely be able to win. you will have to spend some time in fear for your health. Any diseases or suspicions of them may arise. But will it result in serious problems health can be determined by whether a person was bitten by a snake as a result, how painful the bite was and what consequences it had in a dream.

And, if in a dream you see yourself entwined with a large snake, which at the same time hisses or tries to bite, then this also indicates serious health problems in the near future or that you can fall into the hands of enemies who have been longing for this for a long time. If, at the same time, the snake also bites, this means that it will not be so easy to break out of them.

In general, as mentioned above, the appearance of a snake in a dream under any circumstances is a bad sign. Most often, he talks about problems in relationships with friends and family and health. The snake is a symbol not only of wisdom, but also of cunning, betrayal and deceit. In some cases, it is a dream that helps to look around and indicates those people from the environment who do not want good and are ready to betray a friend or relative for personal gain. By the way, such a person can appear in the same dream with a snake.

But if the sleeping person simply witnesses a scene where a snake bites another person, then perhaps in the near future he will have to do something very painful and unforgivable in relation to his close people (relatives, friends or the other half), thereby causing them severe pain. Therefore, it is better to reconsider your behavior once again and weigh each action and move. Otherwise, it can lead to irreversible consequences. It does not matter what kind of person the snake bites in front of the sleeping person - a friend or a completely stranger. The meaning of such a dream still remains the same.

It is important that snakes can also dream as a result of strong vivid impressions during the day. For example, after a horror movie with the participation of these reptiles or after meeting them in the vastness of the forest. It should be borne in mind that in this case you do not need to look for some special meaning of this dream.

In order to correctly interpret your dream, you need to know the meanings of the main symbols, as well as include imagination and be able to find connections between a variety of phenomena and objects. By the way, special dream books will be able to help with this, which can currently be purchased in every bookstore.

Dream interpretation snakes bite

If in a dream you dreamed of Snakes or a Poisonous Snake, Dream Interpretations warn that in reality you should behave as carefully as possible. Snakes Seen in a Dream Quite a complex sign. So, Part of the Dream Interpretations believes that the Snake is a symbol of wisdom, renewal and healing, and therefore its appearance in a dream promises recovery, growth vitality and energy potential. However, there are Dream Interpretations, which reasonably believe that the Snake is some kind of cunning, deceitful and extremely dangerous man from your real environment.

I dreamed of a non-aggressive snake, A snake is a friend in a dream, I dreamed of a tame snake, A snake in my hands in a dream- healing; update; wisdom.

Eastern sages believe that the Serpent is a symbol of healing and renewal. The patient, after seeing a dream, can count on an improvement in health. A healthy person will have to move to a new stage of life. As the Snake sheds its old skin, So you will free yourself from all that is superfluous and unnecessary in yourself.

I dreamed that snakes were choking or biting, you were being chased or chased by a snake in a dream, the snake was hissing and trying to bite, a snake was attacking in a dream, I dreamed that a snake wants to bite, a snake chokes or bites in a dream - the intrigues of ill-wishers and enemies.

I dreamed that you were stung by a poisonous snake, the snake bit your leg or hand in a dream- trouble due to the fault of a dangerous person.

I dreamed that a snake bit a child- trouble with children; otherwise - the intrigues of competitors.

The Snake (or Snakes) aggressively disposed towards you in a dream are your most dangerous enemies and competitors. The actions of the Snake in a dream will tell you what kind of events await you in reality. Pay special attention to the dream in which the Snake bit your child. For people with children, Sleep can herald serious health problems for the infant. In the symbolic interpretation, "Child" is your idea or project, and the Snake Bite is the intrigues of envious people and competitors.

Dreamed of a snake in bed or in bed, Snake on a blanket in a dream, Snake is in your house- temptation, temptation.

I dreamed that a snake was kissing you and wrapped around your body, A large snake wrapped around your neck or sits on your neck, I dreamed that a snake was on your body, On your head, A snake on your leg - unnatural sexual aspirations; seductive and dangerous partner.

Dreamed of a long or thick snake, Small snake in a dream (for women)- analogies with the penis of a sexual partner; (for men) - fears and phobias about their manhood.

The snake is considered a traditional symbol of sexuality. In psychoanalysis, the snake symbolizes the male penis. In addition, according to the Biblical story, the Serpent is a tempter and can push you to a forbidden temptation. It is natural that the appearance of the Snake in a dream can carry sexual overtones. For men, the dream of the Snake indicates some kind of insidious temptress. And at the same time, the size and diameter of the Snake Seen in a dream, For a man, may indicate his subconscious fears about the penis (for example, a Man dreamed of a very small Snake). For women, dreams of this kind indicate the presence in her life of some temptations or pleasures, which, for some reason, are strictly prohibited. Also, the size and diameter of the Snake, Present in the dream, will tell the woman what associations the penis of the current partner evokes in her subconscious.

To kill a snake in a dream, I dreamed of a killed or dead snake, I dreamed of a snake without a head, A snake crawls away in a dream- victory over the enemy; victory over their own weaknesses and vices; otherwise - to wealth.

In all respects, a favorable dream. You will either cope with forbidden temptations, completely ignoring them, Or you will be able to overcome enemies and competitors. In the old interpretation, such a dream portends unexpected wealth.

Dreamed of a snake in an aquarium, in a river or in water- a deceitful and hypocritical person.

Such dreams suggest that in reality there is a person in your immediate environment who skillfully hides his deceitful and greedy essence under the guise of good nature. Be careful and be sure to determine who exactly this "Snake" is for you.

Dreamed of snake venom- to healing; otherwise, there is a danger of poisoning.

At a certain dosage, Snake Venom is one of the most potent and effective medicines. From this position, sleep promises you a speedy recovery. However, Snake Venom, if used incorrectly, can be very harmful, causing poisoning and death... You can accurately understand the final forecast if you remember and analyze all the details and additional images of this dream.

There is a snake in a dream- surprise; betrayal of a loved one.

Probably, the most unpleasant and dramatic events await you in the coming days.

I dreamed that a snake was crawling out of my mouth- vile words and insults.

Such a dream may appear as a result of verbal altercations or insults that you have inflicted on someone in reality.

Dreamed of a snake and a cat- Mystic; connection of the conscious with the subconscious; powerful influence of enemies.

Both images that were present in the dream are very complex and ambiguous. Both the Cat and the Snake can symbolize your own qualities (wisdom, resourcefulness, ability to adapt and play). However, the Cat and the Snake can represent and extremely dangerous people from your environment. You can make an accurate forecast if you recall in detail the plot of this dream.

Dreamed of an anaconda snake- a symbol of pressure and suffocation.

Dreamed of a snake cobra- to a serious illness.

Dreamed of a python snake- the energy Hidden within you.

Dreamed of a snake boa constrictor- stormy times and continuous failures.

I dreamed about a snake- good news in the near future.

Interpretation of the Snake Seen in a Dream Will help you understand what kind of events are coming to you in real life. However, when decoding such dreams, it is necessary to take into account other details - how the snake that was seen behaved in relation to you, What other images were present in this dream.

Dreamed of a white snake- strange help.

I dreamed of a yellow snake- anger and hypocrisy.

I dreamed of a green snake- a symbol of a new life and getting rid of old habits.

Dreamed of a red snake- danger.

Dreamed of a pink snake- meanness.

Dreamed of a black snake- dark events, Black Soul.

I dreamed of an orange snake- a dangerous temptation.

I dreamed of a colored snake- the hypocrisy of a loved one.

Dreamed of a two-headed snake- great danger; powerful enemy.

The color of the Snake, Seen in a Dream, Can be a clue to you - what kind of events await you in reality. However, you should not look for any deep meaning in what you see, If the plot of the dream is dictated by events last days(for example, a Snake of one Color or another has drawn your attention).

Cobra snake bite in a dream

Snake and dogs in a dream

He seems to be dreaming of an apartment, but the area is new and open, or we (my parents and I) have arrived somewhere. There is a water path under your feet. I go and look down. I see a snake, but it looks like a black hose. I tell my parents: “There is a snake! "They answer:" There are no snakes here. " (In the sense that they are not found here and cannot be.) I move on. I notice the head and already know for sure that it is a snake. I say: “No, look, there’s a snake! "They answer:" There are no snakes here. " Then this snake bites my leg (left calf), it turns pink. I run to my parents and say that the snake has bitten me. And they answer: “There are no snakes here. "Then a bunch of dogs appears, they are pocket-sized, fit on the palm of your hand, but angry. They bark, jump. They try to bite.

Snake bit my hand in a dream

I had a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday. I am driving in a car, it seems even in my own but in the front passenger seat and my young man seems to be driving. And a snake of medium size, dark green with green spots, appears in the window. She bangs her head on the glass, I mimic her, I don't feel danger. I just frankly tease her through the glass. And suddenly she breaks the glass with her head and bites me on the hand (wrist from the inside) and falls into the car on the driver's feet and she has such a thick tail, and together with the young man we take and throw her out the window. We go further and I suck the poison out of my hand, it tastes sour. Why would a Snake dream on the hand in a dream?

Snake in the house in a dream

I dreamed that the snake ended up in my house, I don’t know how. The viper is small enough, but fast. I somehow managed to catch her and hold her by the head. But I didn't know what to do with her. They could not find a suitable box. I threw her back and tried to run away, but she caught up. I wanted to escape to the bedroom. It was night I wanted to sleep. This went on for a long time. I was terribly afraid. But when I slammed the door, I could not be sure that she did not get into the bedroom. She got in all the same. I did not see. She was beside me. I wanted to grab her. But she rushed at me and bit my finger. Almost did not bite. There were no consequences. I grabbed her head and began to squeeze her mouth. She was very strong and felt even stronger now. A suitable box was never found, except for the one in which a large golden lizard was sitting. Where I got it from, I also remember. I threw out the lizard and wanted to throw the snake into the box. It didn't work, they both ran away. Then I saw that the snake grabbed the lizard's throat. I thought she killed her. But suddenly the lizard escaped and began to tr..At (excuse me for the details) snake. I woke up when I was laughing wildly at this action.

Bite and chase snakes in a dream

Hello, I dreamed that a lot of snakes were chasing me. I run from them and they chase me and bite everywhere, and it seems to be in the eye. Please help me explain the dream, thanks.

Snake bite a dog that is dead in a dream

In a dream, I dreamed of my dog, which in reality was sick, and then died. And in the dream itself, at first he was healthy, then he fell sharply ill, and for some reason his hind legs gave up, he lay in the sun, I went up to him and began to stroke him and say that get well, my dear, and he lies and looks at me with kind and sad eyes and does nothing. Then I got up, looked, and a small gray snake climbed under it, I grabbed it sharply, and at that moment she bit the dog, and he whined and jumped on his hind legs. I threw out the snake and then woke up.

Cobra killed a viper in a dream

The first thing I remember was quarreling (arguing about something) with a woman I didn't know. It seemed that we were talking in a raised voice, but at the end of the conversation we reconciled, as we gave in to each other. Then I sat with a friend. She was drinking coffee and I asked her for a mug. When I took it in my hands, the almost black coffee became very milky. A person I like (we are not together, there is a conflict situation) asked who I want to spend the New Year with. He tried to take my hands, but I was different, it was unpleasant. Then (I don't remember where) a small green cobra... At first I was scared, she opened her hood, but then she crawled in the other direction. I followed her. Cobra stumbled upon a large viper. The snakes waited for a long time, then the viper attacked, but not the cobra, but the remnants of the discarded skin (head) that lay nearby. At that moment, the cobra dug into the mouth of the viper and slowly killed it with its poison.

Snake in a dream

I dreamed about Monday. A snake got into the apartment, not very big, standard sizes... He rushes about the apartment. I understand that it is poisonous. I start chasing her. I cut it with some kind of stick, and a small stump with a head begins to rush and bounce even more. V doorway my daughter is standing (3 years old), I shout to her to stand on a stool. The snake is trying to "gallop" out of the room. The daughter is still there. The little head jumping between the legs of the child bites her inner side hips and leaves the room. I grab the child and begin to suck out the poison, realizing the faster this is done, the easier the consequences may be. On this I wake up. The dream was very frightening !!!

Snakes in a dream

Today I had a dream with snakes. In general, I am not afraid of them; I am completely neutral in everyday life. And in my sleep I was not afraid of them either. I had a goal, to pass them so that they would not bite me, I almost passed them, but at the end a rattlesnake appeared and I had to go all over again. This dream was in the early morning and it never ended. There were many of them. They were not just a tangle, but there was something like a booth without doors, and in each booth there was a poisonous snake - a viper, a cobra, and at the end a rattlesnake. I walked past these open booths and everything was OK, but behind these booths, there was no wall and there you could see a rattlesnake crawling and waiting for its turn, hoping that I would not succeed. It appears when the booths run out. And at the end I almost even passed it, but I woke up ... What can this mean?

Snakes - rabbits in a dream

Sunny day, walking with a small company of my friends. Then I noticed that there were deep cracks in the asphalt - two white rabbits with red bows around their necks were sitting in the cracks. The rabbits jumped out, my friend and I began to stroke them, for some reason I turned around and a second later noticed that the rabbit had become a snake. This only made me happy, I began to gently stroke the snake. Then the snake said, "How noisy they are, these people ..." I answered, "Don't talk at all! "And only then I realized that I was talking to a snake! I did not feel any fear or threat at all ... And the snake continued "You know, the dead scream only about one thing" I "About what? "Snake" About that…. "And I woke up! >.

Dreamed of snakes, many snakes, they were in the jungle different colors and slept. At first I was a little afraid of them, then someone gave me a stick and said - "Touch them, bolder." I touched each of them with a stick, some turned out to be alive, and some were completely pieces of dirt that were smeared from the stick. The snakes did not show any aggression towards me. Two of all snakes were domesticated, tame in a dream, that is, these snakes were my pets. They were short and brown. They also slept and I made sure that they did not run away anywhere. The snakes caused surprise and amazement in me. There were also turtles in my dream, one was my pet (by the way, in reality I have a turtle at home), so she was in a dream, and the other was a small turtle that fit in the palm of my hand, in a dream it was like a child of my domestic turtle ... I was so happy that my tortoise finally saw its congeners and had offspring. Then, when I was about to leave the jungle, I decided to take my domestic snakes and grab a couple more, but I managed to take only three snakes, two of my domestic ones, and one kukuyu - that little blue one.

Snakes in daddy's apartment in a dream

I have a dream that I’m in my father’s apartment and see snakes in the kitchen, and at the same time I don’t see them, but I know that these are snakes, at first I was afraid of them, and then I stopped being afraid and I began to command them in my sleep , they crawled through the apartment neatly. They didn't noticeably crawl out under the carpets, but I noticed them, and then my sister appears in the apartment and to her question where there are so many of them I answered her, look how they obey me and I loudly say "Well, eat snakes" and immediately they crawled out and with a sneer, I tell the snakes not to hooligan, but one crawled into the hall and I shout to her where you are not crawling, and I see how the bumps on the carpet rise from behind the snake as it crawls, snakes crawled out of the cracks, but I was no longer afraid of them. Explain my dream, why such a dream, what is it connected with and what to expect.

Snake lizard and owls in a dream

Hello! Today I saw not just one big "story", but bright moments from small stories. First, I see a lizard and a snake appear in front of me. The feeling that I received the package, I unfold it, and there they are. Naturally, I feel fear, especially after I saw the ring on the snake's tail - a rattlesnake! I hid, trying not to move. Both the lizard and the snake look at me, straight into my eyes, and slowly begin to move along my body. What's interesting is that the snake moves on my right hand, and the lizard on my left. And they move slowly at the same time, looking into my eyes! Then, at the level of the elbows, they stop and lie down. Lying in this position, they remind me now of faithful dogs lying near their "foundling". On the other hand, it can be regarded as if they tied my hands ... I can feel their warmth! Their body, their weight! For some reason, both the snake and the lizard are the same in length and weight. It turns out that the lizard is big, and the snake is too short (in relation to the size of its head and body ...) They are the size of the length of an adult's forearm. Then I see myself walking in line (as children go to kindergarten for a walk) along the river bank. The beginning of winter, ice, snow, the sun is shining. And in the trees I see an owl with chicks. She feeds them. Then on another tree again the same picture. It was so amazing for me !!! Firstly, for the first time I saw an owl so close and alive! Secondly, she was not afraid of me and was natural. Her chicks were in such a period that they caused only joy and tenderness - formed little owlets. I noticed them one of all walking! I was filled with indescribable joy.

The snake ate a rat in a dream

I dream that I go into the bath (there is a white snake with yellow spots in the bathroom), but crawls out of the bathroom into the hallway, I run into the room and jump on the sofa with my legs, my children are with me on the sofa, then I see how in the room in a light-beige rat with spots appears, but runs back into the shoes, the snake saw it and caught it, and ate it, then the snake crawls into the sofa, we run away to another room, from the room I see how the eyes of the snake flashed on the sofa and next to them there are others, and I understand that this is my cat and the snake is strangling it, and I woke up. P / S called someone on the phone, at this time, I said that the snake was in the house. The snake was not big!

Snake in a dream

My friend got a snake through his head. I pulled it out by the tail and threw it aside. The orderlies appeared in white coats and with stretchers. I cried and asked to save him, he was taken away on a stretcher. I found myself in a clearing, where my brother was with snakes. I said that you call the snakes, and scattered all the snakes. What could it be. Thanks.

Snakes in a dream

Dreaming that snakes are crawling around me. Past, nearby .. In principle, they don’t react to me in any way, but for some reason I’m afraid of them, even though in my life I treat snakes calmly. Happening keeps me in some tension. At some point, I see that a snake is crawling towards me a little larger than the rest, I seem to be frightened. She crawls on me from bottom to top and crawls over my body without any aggression. At some point, I understand that she is crawling in a special way - leaving a sign on me. The sign in the form of a cook's hat or two sickles connected by the ends, i.e., E. First, it crawls straight up from the belt perpendicular to the floor, then goes to the side to expand in a circle and going down repeats the path. When, she almost completes this path, I understand that she does not emanate any danger or negativity. I lose my fear of snakes, in general. I even feel some disposition towards them, but I don’t come across them in this dream anymore.

Dream snake bite

Bitten by a golden snake

Dream interpretation Bitten by a golden snake dreamed of why in a dream Was bitten by a golden snake? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing a dream (if you want to get online interpretation of dreams with a letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Bitten by a golden snake by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Snake

Dream interpretation - Bite

Dream interpretation - Snake

Dream interpretation - Snake

Dream interpretation - Snake

Dream interpretation - Snake

The snake is a universal symbol of any contradiction - from quarrels and disputes to abstract cosmic dialectics / treason, secret deception, enemy networks, some kind of evil, male organ of love and associated thoughts, desires and worries, fears; your unnatural sexual aspirations. A small snake is evil, a quarrel. A large snake (but not a giant one) is deception / recovery, health promotion. Affectionate snake is harmful flattery. To pet a snake is a dangerous whim. To see a snake on a wife - will give birth to a son. To kill a snake - wealth / victory, getting rid of enemies / some kind of sacrifice on your side. A completely black snake is your spinal cord in your spiritual development and health and what is connected with it. White snake is a strange luck, big money that has fallen from the sky. a snake in your home - an evil that happens or will happen in your home in your absence. Snakes crawling around you, crawling under the covers, crawling over your body - something new in your life will come into conflict with your past and its heritage, also a new source of knowledge, familiarization with the secrets of magic. To hold a snake in his bosom - to enjoy a good reputation, to have good fame. Seeing a snake's nest is a person from whom it will be difficult to get rid of; quarrel and discord in the family. A snake club is a feeling of internal discord, discord within oneself. Looking into a pit with snakes is to see evil, to contemplate the world of darkness. To be bitten by a snake is a disease. To see a small snake on a tree is punishment / slander. Giant snakes on a leafless tree - the highest wisdom; comprehending the secrets of human existence. Snakes in the branches of a green tree are the beginning of a certain path / idea that requires materialization. There are snakes - to join dangerous wisdom. To see snakes raising their heads and pinching at you - you will come in contact with the demonic world. Dancing snakes - restless dreams , lust, contact with the other world. A room, a hall or a cave with snakes is an image of your soul, your spiritual abode. To be chased by snakes - to feel fear of people, anxiety generated by the struggle with your erotic desires, dreams. Fiery snakes are your spiritual impulses. . To see a snake in the water - to plunge into melancholy. Burning snakes is something that you overcome, victory over that which weighed spiritually. A snake on a casket or precious things is a symbol of dedication. To see giant snakes in the mountains, abyss, in caves, on the plain - a dream in which the whole future life path will open to you. To see a giant snake occupying the entire field of vision - to be in a dream on the verge of life and death and, to be on the verge of secrets that can make life unbearable, impossible

Dream interpretation - snakes

If a woman dreams that she is being bitten by a dead snake, it means that the anger of a hypocritical friend will make her suffer. Dreams about snakes are generally a warning about any types and forms of evil. To see snakes wriggling or falling on someone in a dream means a struggle for existence and remorse. To kill snakes in a dream means that you will go to any lengths to achieve your interests or so that other people reckon with them. You will triumph over your enemies. Walking in a dream among snakes means that you will live in constant fear of illness, and egoists will encroach on your place in a friendly circle. If in your dream snakes sting you, you will succumb to evil intrigues, and enemies will damage your work.If you dream that a flat spotted snake is crawling towards you on green grass, you bounce to the side, it crawls past, and you forget about it, when suddenly it approaches you again, increasing in size and, finally, transforming into a huge snake, and at the cost of insane efforts, you successfully avoid its attack and completely get rid of this terrible vision - all this means that in real life you will soon imagine that you are neglected and disrespected, and your business is getting worse and worse. Disease, anxiety, ferocity will be terribly hypertrophied in your mind, but everything will end happily, imaginary troubles will be forgotten, and the obligations taken on will be thrown aside, and you will be satisfied and rewarded. in you with your sting - it means that you will be powerless in the hands of your enemies, and you are threatened with illness. If in a dream you are holding a snake in your hands, it means that you will develop your own strategy to overthrow the forces hostile to you. If in a dream your hair turns into a snake - It means that in life, seemingly insignificant events will give you excruciating anxiety and worries. If the snakes you dreamed take bizarre outlines, this dream is fraught with troubles for you, which, however, will dissipate if you treat them indifferently, while maintaining your presence of mind. or stepping on a snake in a dream, swimming or wading a river, means that you will be anxious in anticipation of pure joy. not, like snakes sting others, means that you offend your friend. Seeing small snakes in a dream means that you will give a warm welcome to people who will secretly slander and shame you, and also try to frustrate your plans. Seeing children in a dream, playing with snakes means that you will find yourself in confusion trying to recognize where your friends are and where your enemies are. If a woman in a dream worries about a child behind her, as she hears a snake hiss, this means that she will be persuaded to give up something dear to her, for her own good; but later she discovers that she was involved in a dishonorable intrigue. Seeing in a dream a friend standing on the path and snakes raising their heads threateningly behind him means that in reality you will uncover a conspiracy organized against you and your friend. If in your dream you understand that a friend is keeping the snake under control, it means that some powerful organization will act in your interests and repel malicious intrigues. If a woman dreams that she is spellbound by a snake, it means that she will be oppressed, but for protection her rights will be made by the law and influential friends.

Dream interpretation - Snake

The snake, like most other reptiles, should be treated like a penis. If the snake is basking in the sun, it symbolizes the good sexual tone of a man. If a woman sees a snake instead of her partner, this indicates possible changes (including pleasant ones) in your relationship. If a man sees the snake, this indicates both his homosexual aspirations, although perhaps hidden, and that he may be subjected to homosexual claims. A snake bite suggests that your sexual relationship may be interfered with by another man. If the snake bites not you, but someone else, then this indicates your sexual desire for this person, or your desire to change your partner, if the object of the bite is unclear. If you are chasing, hunting, and trying to catch a snake, then you are capable of, or are leading, a very active sex life. If you run away from a snake, then you have some problems in your sex life that you are afraid or do not want to solve. A snake curled up in a ring speaks of your desire for self-gratification. The crawling snake symbolizes sexual intercourse. If you look at the snake with pleasure, admire it, then you can easily change the style of your sex life, you love to experiment and enjoy it. If you kiss a snake, then you strive for oral sex, but hesitate to admit it even to yourself (yourself).

Dream interpretation - Snake

The snake is a symbol of the fall of man, evil, cunning. To see a snake crawling on the ground in a dream means that you should be wary of the years under its influence, that is, 2001, 2013, 2025, etc. It is in these years that you will face a real threat of being homeless and without material resources. Most likely, there will not even be a person nearby to help you overcome your disasters. The poisonous snake that coiled around the number of the Antichrist is a sign that at the moment when the Antichrist comes to Earth, all the most terrible human vices are activated. The time will come for murderers, thieves, rapists. To see in a dream a non-poisonous snake approaching a person is a warning that one of the most powerful states of the world is headed by a person who will start a war against a weak state, but at the present time there is still an opportunity to prevent this person. For the dreamer, such a dream warns of an impending danger that can be avoided. If you were bitten by a poisonous snake in a dream, you, unwillingly, will become the cause of a very big scandal, perhaps through your fault or through the fault of one of your loved ones, a political coup will occur. If you dreamed of a huge snake squeezing a person's neck, then this means that this person is in real danger. A dream in which you saw a black, gigantic snake means an incomparable evil. A snake coiled around a rod means evil that hides the truth. If in a dream you saw a snake curled up in a ring, it means that you have a secret ill-wisher. To see a snake attacking you in a dream means in reality to experience disaster and hardship. To kill a snake in a dream is to get rid of the enemy. Seeing a snake with several heads in a dream is a warning. You can fall prey to monstrous lies. The snake, the outline of which is hidden behind the fog, is a symbol of a nuclear threat and can mean a nuclear missile. A dream in which you feel a serpentine gaze on you means the close attention of very influential and cruel people to you. To see a tangle of snakes in a dream - in reality, become a victim of intrigue and gossip.

Bitten by a snake by the brush

Dream interpretation I was bitten by a snake by the brush dreamed of why in a dream Did the snake bite the brush? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Bitten by a snake by the brush by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Bite (bee, wasp, snake, animal)

If you are bitten by an animal or insect in a dream, the dream portends a disease, the danger and severity of which depends on who bit you. If a poisonous snake is a serious illness, it may even end in death. Ambulance", The bite is treated, the sting is taken out, an antidote is given, an antibiotic is injected (according to the situation). The danger is over, you are healthy again.

Dream interpretation - Brush

Seeing a hand in a dream means that fame awaits you in reality, which you will achieve with high professional skill, if these brushes are thin, beautiful and graceful. Ugly, ugly hands with crooked fingers and protruding bumps of veins foreshadow life's troubles, from which you will come out pretty shabby and having lost faith in your capabilities. A bandaged or a brush in a cast suggests that you will have to give up part of what belongs to you entirely. Seeing an amputated hand in a dream foreshadows your defeat in the competition with fate, because if you set yourself the accumulation of wealth as the main goal, you will miss something much more valuable. Hairy or burned hands - you will find strong and reliable sponsors, but at the same time remarkable enemies. Dirty brushes or hidden with gloves is a sign that people who love you unjustly will treat you, thereby inflicting deep mental trauma on you. A dream in which you see bunches of grapes hanging in abundance among green foliage portends that you will soon achieve prominence in society and will be able to impart happiness to others. To buy one bunch of grapes in a dream - in reality you will experience annoyance and shame for the stinginess of your admirer. A bunch of black grapes portends reproaches at home and remarks at work, white - good relations here and there. A rowan brush is to bitter disappointment in a failed attempt to get married. The trampled rowan brush foreshadows the collapse of all hopes and life plans. The dreaming brush of white lilac is the promise of a large, bright feeling that will leave a mark on your soul for a lifetime. Brush lilac- the harbinger of a thunderstorm, which thickens in a family atmosphere and is ready to shed a rain of tears at any moment. Seeing a paint brush in a dream foreshadows troubles that may arise from your rash and careless statements about your colleagues. Holding a paintbrush in your hand or painting something with it - you will be satisfied with the results of your work. Whitening trees with a brush in a dream - speaks of an upcoming celebration to which they will forget you or not want to invite you. An artistic brush portends that you will be successful in fulfilling your personal plans. If in a dream you are holding a brush in your hands while working on a self-portrait painting, in reality you will be deceived in your expectations. happy love because you will be forsaken by your friend who chooses another woman for you. A brushes or kolinsky watercolor brush promises you good luck if you paint with it, and sadness in your soul if you use it for other purposes, for example, for applying glue. cosmetics suggests that you will have to keep yourself within the bounds of decency, being introduced to the parents of your fiancé. A brush for greasing pancakes, pies, etc. with butter or fat - for abundance in the house. Cleaning brush household appliances- an urgent matter lies ahead.

Dream interpretation - Hands

Sages call the hands the servants of the mind and a symbol of human honor. If someone sees in a dream that the hands are more beautiful and stronger than usual, this means that he will undertake some important business that will end happily and bring him profit and respect. will be loved by his servants and they will serve him faithfully and not hypocritically. poverty. For a woman, this dream portends great trouble. Whoever sees in a dream that his hand and fingers have become smaller than they were, this dream notifies that one of his servants is deceiving his master or does not love him. Working in a dream with his right hand means happiness, left - unhappiness. Meanwhile, some explain that in this dream the brush right hand means something good for a son, father, brother or friend of the one who saw this dream. Left means the same for a mother, wife, servant or good luck in business. Seeing in a dream that the fingers on the hand are cut off, portends loss friends or spouse. If someone dreams that he has seven fingers on his hand, it means friendship, a new connection, happiness, inheritance or income. Seeing in a dream that the hand is covered with hair predicts torment and imprisonment. White and gentle hands is a sign friendship. For the poor, the same dream means indolence and need. If a young man feels in a dream that he has gout in his hands, he will be afraid of the danger that awaits him. For old men this dream portends weakness and poverty. If someone sees in a dream, that he has many hands, this means happiness, strength, wealth and abundance. For thieves, this dream has a disastrous omen, portends that they will be caught and punished for their actions. To dream that you take fire with your hands, without causing yourself any harm and pain, oh means that enemies and envious people will not do you any harm in standing, and you will succeed in everything according to your desires. For an idler, this dream predicts that he will soon be courting some woman who will love him greatly, and he will triumph over his enemies, If a woman dreams that she is beating her husband, this predicts her illness, even if she is loved husband. If she dreams that she is beating her lover, then this portends an unpleasant end to her intrigues. If anyone dreams that he is holding a saber in his hand and striking unknown people with it, this means victory, safety and complete success in business. instead of a saber in his hands a stick, then domination and profit await him. To dream of gold rings on his fingers is to honor, happiness and prosperity.

Dream interpretation - Brush

If you dreamed that you were painting with a brush (paint the walls, ceiling, etc.), then in the near future you will come up with something original. If you dreamed that you were doing (buying, stealing) a brush, then in the near future you will have to look for more effective methods of work. So that the process does not drag on for a long time, drink coffee with pieces of fruit in the morning.

Dream interpretation - Brush

To dream of a painter's brushes, to work with them - to experience a feeling of delight from some event; to see or work with paint brushes - to communicate with a completely shameless, soulless person. A dried brush symbolizes stagnation in business.

Dream interpretation - Snake

Seeing snakes in a dream is a bad sign. Snakes in a dream mean our enemies and envious people, rivals (and more often rivals), cunning and deceitful people. Sometimes a snake dream predicts illness. If the snake is calm in its sleep, then avoid conflicts and risky ventures. If she is aggressive or wriggling, then you are in danger from enemies who hate you. Try to take the necessary precautions. A snake that bares its teeth at you in a dream is a sign that someone wants to take revenge on you for the offense inflicted. If you dream that the snake is wrapped around you in a ring and is ready to attack, then your position is irreparable. You are completely at the mercy of your enemies. Try to get rid of the snake in your sleep. In life, this will help you extricate yourself from serious trouble. If a snake has bitten you, beware of an accident. Be extremely careful. A dream in which you saw that a snake has bitten someone else means that your friend will suffer from your actions. Fighting a snake in a dream is a sign of danger. Watch out for enemies and disease. If your conscience is not clear, then you face imprisonment. A dream in which you saw how a small snake turns into a huge snake, ready to attack you, means a great danger that you did not see at the very beginning. If in a dream you manage to avoid meeting him and be saved, then in life you will withstand a difficult test with honor, overcome all the obstacles prepared by your enemies and literally come out dry. Sometimes such a dream is attributed to illness. Holding a snake in your hands in a dream is a harbinger of an early and successful victory over ill-wishers. Sometimes such a dream predicts to you that a loved one may betray you. Especially if the snake changes its behavior or color while you are holding it. A dream in which you saw an acquaintance or friend, from behind whose back you can see snakes, warns: beware of a conspiracy against you. If in a dream the snakes are obedient to this person, then in life you will have a powerful intercessor who will protect you from trouble. If you dream of children playing with a snake, then you should better look after them so that they do not get into bad company. Otherwise, they are in great danger. The same means a dream in which you are trying to protect a child from a snake. But such a dream also warns you that you should take a closer look at your business partners. Some of them may betray you. To kill a snake in a dream is a sign of victory over a formidable enemy, fulfillment of wishes and great honors. A dead snake in a dream is a sign that you blindly trust people and they use your trust. Sometimes such a dream tells you that some danger has passed. If in a dream you are bitten by a dead snake, then hypocrisy will grieve you, and your enemies will triumph. To see and handle a viper in a dream is quite normal portends that you will marry of convenience, but you will not be happy. If you dream that the viper scared you, then beware of the enemy's revenge. The dream in which you saw that the snake relentlessly follows you warns that you will be tormented by remorse. To see that the snake fell on you from above is a warning about the intrigues of a person invested with power. To see a lot of vipers in a dream means that you will have arguments with partners or discord in the family. Seeing yourself surrounded by snakes is a warning that the people around you for the most part do not wish you well. Leaving such a place in a dream means that you will successfully get out of a difficult situation and the slanderers will not damage your reputation. To see anaconda (sea boa constrictor) in a dream is a sign that you will have a hard time in life. Anaconda lives only in water. Such a dream predicts that you should protect yourself and insure yourself from all sides in order to avoid great danger. Such a dream encourages you to fight to achieve your intended goal. Dreams about snakes include rare dream about Medusa the Gorgon. Medusa the Gorgon is a character in Greek mythology. Her image has always meant victory over powerful enemies that no one could cope with. She had many snakes on her head instead of hair. No one could defeat her. Medusa Gorgon was a symbol of the fight against fatal evil. To see her in a dream is a harbinger of victory over an all-powerful enemy or evil, unless in a dream her anger is directed against you. Being a Medusa Gorgon yourself with thousands of snakes on your head is a sign of a glorious victory over enemies. Accidentally stepping on a snake in a dream and not being bitten is a sign that you will make a mistake and miraculously avoid the bad consequences of your frivolity. If the snake managed to bite you, then you will have to pay dearly for your rash actions. Non-venomous snakes or snakes in a dream mean a far-fetched danger or false alarm.

Dream interpretation - Bite

An animal bite in a dream portends a quarrel or resentment. To feel a bite in a dream - to losses and worries. Such a dream often predicts domestic troubles and scandals. If you dream that you were bitten by some person, then do not hope to win in some controversial case. A dream in which you bit someone portends a serious illness or a nervous shock. If you dream that you have been bitten by a cat or dog, then be afraid of betrayal or quarrels with a loved one. If in a dream you are bitten by a person you knew before, then you will be haunted by difficult memories. See interpretation: animals, beasts, teeth. The mark of teeth left after a bite means that the insult inflicted on you will be permanently engraved in your memory. If you see blood at the site of the bite, then you will be very worried about what happened. See interpretation: blood.

Dream interpretation - Snake

You have a powerful enemy. Tries to sting or stings - you will suffer from the intrigues of your enemies. The snake bites and dies - deceit on the part of a person hiding under the guise of a friend. Hisses - enemies are collecting dirt on you that will ruin your career. Crawling - envious people got too close to you. Chasing you - you need to look for the reason for the hostility towards you in your past actions. Multi-headed snake - your enemy gathers like-minded people around him to direct common efforts against you. A ball of snakes - you will find yourself in the center of gossip and intrigue. Snakes wriggle at your feet - in the near future, you will have to live in constant fear. The snake coils around you in a ring - your efforts to cope with the enemies will be in vain. The snake crawls from side to side - confrontations with the enemy will lead you to imprisonment. Step over the snake - you have to fight to maintain your positions in the workplace. Hair has turned into a snake - trouble lies in wait for you. Seeing little snakes - the one who is a welcome guest in your house will do everything possible to disgrace you. Children play with a snake - you will not be able to distinguish enemies from friends. Snake in your house - trouble will overtake you in your house when you are absent. The snake is crawling on the ground - the enemy has decided to engage in open combat with you. The snake is curled up in a ring - the enemy is preparing to attack you, the blow will be delivered in the back. Looking into a pit with snakes - you will be powerless to prevent evil against your loved ones. Imagine that you are protected from a snake by an animal or bird hunting a snake. For example, a mongoose or a stork (see Stork, Mongoose) Victory over a snake is a victory over enemies. Step on the snake, crush it with your feet - you will stop attempts to harm you in time. Snakes crawl away from you - you will not allow interference in your life. Catch a snake - you will have a strong patron. To kill the snake - you will be able to resolve the conflict without loss for yourself. Tame a snake - your enemies will become your friends. Holding a snake in your hands - the strategy you have developed will be successful. The snake is subject to the melody of your pipe - you will uncover a conspiracy against you and your friends. Fight the snake - you will open a huge inner potential in yourself. To see a snake in the hands of another person - get wise advice... Holding the snake in your bosom - you will gain glory and honor. Imagine that you won the victory over the snake together with a famous hero (see Hero).

Dream interpretation - Snake

A dream about snakes is a warning about all kinds and forms of evil. If a woman dreams that she is being bitten by a dead snake, then the hypocrisy of a friend will make her suffer. Snakes wriggling or falling on someone portend a struggle for existence and remorse. They killed a snake in a dream - in reality, you will go to any lengths to achieve your interests and will soon celebrate victory over enemies. If you walked among snakes in a dream, you will live in constant fear. If in your dream a snake stung you, then in real life you will undergo malicious intrigues of enemies, stung someone another, - you will offend your friend. If you dreamed that a snake is twisted around you in rings, you will be powerless in front of your enemies. If you hold a snake in your hands, you will develop your own strategy of fighting hostile forces. If you stepped on a snake, real joy awaits you. saw in the snake a symbol of the fall of man, evil, cunning. He interpreted dreams about snakes in the following way: If you saw a snake crawling on the ground in a dream - beware of the years under its influence, that is, 2013, 2025, etc. It is in these years that you will face a real threat of being homeless and without material resources. Most likely, there will not even be a person nearby who will help you overcome the disasters that have happened to you. If you saw a non-poisonous snake approaching a person in a dream, there is a danger ahead that can be avoided. If you were bitten by a poisonous snake in a dream, then you yourself are not desiring, you will become the cause of a very big scandal, perhaps through your fault or the fault of someone close. If you dreamed of a huge snake squeezing a person's neck, then this person is in real danger. A dream in which you saw a black, gigantic snake , means an incomparable evil. A snake coiled around a rod means evil that hides the truth. If in a dream you saw a snake coiled into a ring, then you have a secret ill-wisher. An attacking snake dreams of disaster and hardship. To kill a snake in a dream - get rid of the enemy. Seeing a snake with several heads in a dream is a warning. You can become a victim of a monstrous lie. A snake, the outlines of which are hidden behind the fog, is a symbol of a nuclear threat and can mean a nuclear missile. A dream in which you feel a snake gaze means close attention of very powerful and cruel people to you. a tangle of snakes - in reality, become a victim of intrigue and gossip. But this is how the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about snakes. A snake crawling on the ground dreams of a fight with the worst enemy who, after secret intrigues, will decide on open war. If a crawling snake is poisonous, then this person is stronger and more cunning than you and you are unlikely to succeed in winning. If a crawling snake is non-venomous, then you can easily cope with your enemy. Or rather, his wiles will turn against him. A snake club is a bad omen. Such a dream suggests that there are a lot of evil, envious people around you. They wish you the ruin of your career, unhappiness in your family life, and even death. You should be more careful in communicating with all your friends. If in a dream you were bitten by a snake, then in real life you will be deeply disappointed in a loved one. For a long time you will look for the reasons for your constant bad luck, but it will never even occur to you that this is the work of a person you trust. It is possible that he has resorted to the powers of black magic in order to make you unhappy. The snake, peacefully curled up in a ring, warns you that your enemies are just waiting for the right moment to strike you with a powerful blow, from which it will be difficult for you to recover. A huge snake squeezing a person's neck is a bad sign. Apparently, you will be the first to learn about the deadly illness of a loved one. You will need to show great willpower to inform the relatives of the patient about it and help a loved one to live the last days. A gigantic snake in a dream prophesies a great tragedy for the whole planet. If you killed a snake in a dream, then the people around you will become more merciful and wiser. And D. Loff wrote: “The snake is a difficult symbol, because in different cultures it is interpreted in different ways. Interpretations range from blood-chilling fear to peace and wisdom. The options are determined by the history of literature and folklore of different cultures, as well as personal experience. In real life, fear of snakes is not uncommon. For some people, this fear is so destructive, almost pathological, that even a photograph of a snake seems threatening. For such people, dreams with snakes do not bode well.If there is someone in a dream who holds a snake in his hands, then he, in all likelihood, symbolizes the source of wisdom and control of order in the dreamer's world and may in some way represent him himself or someone he knows. In Asian and North American cultures, the snake is a symbol of wisdom. The thought of wisdom stems from the ability of a snake to shed its skin and renew itself. If someone dreams of snakes in this light, then this dream symbolizes renewal, problem solving and ordering. In Judeo-Christian cultures, the snake is a symbol of temptation or spiritual opposition to the achievement of a goal. This interpretation follows from the Bible, in which Satan in the guise of a snake seduces Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Sometimes a snake dreamed of in such a context hints at a specific person in your real life, with whom you did not have a very smooth relationship. "

Dream interpretation - Snake

A snake on a wife - to the birth of a son. A snake crawled into your bosom - to the birth of a son. To find a snake in your house - troubles that occur or will occur in the house in your absence. To hold a snake in your bosom - you will soon begin to enjoy a good reputation, you will have A nest of snakes symbolizes a person from whom it will be difficult to get rid of, quarrels and discord in the family. A snake club is a feeling of inner discord, discord within oneself. Snakes sting others - to offend someone undeservedly. Being entwined with a snake is a sign of powerlessness in front of enemies. Snakes in the water that have to cross - success will follow anxiety. The snake turns into a dragon - wait for the support of an influential person. The snake moves under water or enters the water - you will be relocated to a new house or promoted. The snake follows a person - to betrayal wives. Python in a dream - in order to achieve the intended goal you will have to overcome a physical obstacle. Already - matchmakers will come to the house. A bronze-colored snake - may be a portent of envy and or deception. A snake trying to attack you, run away from it - in real life you are surrounded by many ill-wishers, and in order not to lose everything, you need to be vigilant, especially if you are too trusting. To kill a snake - to triumph over cunning enemies and A snake swaying from side to side - you are surrounded by cunning and ungrateful people, envious people, possibly imprisonment and other misfortunes. A snake has wrapped around your neck and you are suffocating - beware of a joyless marriage. Stressed to be a snake - someone's enmity, quarrel, trouble To crush the head of a snake is to give a lesson to a spineless or immoral person. If you are bitten by a snake, it may be a harbinger of gaining great wealth.