Kiss with your beloved in a dream. So the values ​​are

Dreams of kissing on the lips can have completely conflicting meanings. It depends on who exactly the dreamer kissed. A kiss with a beloved young man in the dark suggests that the person is promiscuous. If the kiss took place in bright sunlight, then this is a sign of complete harmony and understanding with your other half.

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A kiss with a stranger promises the dreamer to commit an immoral act, for which she will be ashamed. The dream promises a novel that will not continue. If a girl kisses a person with whom she has a strained relationship, then in reality this portends reconciliation.

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    The nature of the kiss

    The interpretation of the dream depends on the nature of the kiss:

    The nature and features of the kiss



    The dream characterizes the dreamer as a person who is used to obeying others. You need to become more courageous, self-confident and start to decide important questions on one's own

    Gentle, trembling

    The dreamer will have great success with representatives of the opposite sex in reality. The girl will receive a sea of ​​complements, flowers, presents and surprises.


    A dream warns that relationships with a loved one will become more strained. There will be quarrels from time to time for no apparent reason. To resolve conflicts, the dreamer should show wisdom, endurance and patience.

    French tongue kiss

    An unfavorable sign that speaks of adultery. Soon the dreamer will have an affair on the side. Her husband will not know anything about it or will pretend that nothing is happening.

    First kiss

    The dreamer lives in her past. You should think about the fact that the present and the future are much more pleasant than past events.


    To a pleasant surprise, the fulfillment of a cherished desire


    The dream characterizes the dreamer as a romantic nature, prone to dreams and daydreams. Carnal pleasures for her are in second place. The girl is not ready yet family life and prefers to keep potential suitors out of the way

    Sleep portends the approach of the disease. The dream suggests that the dreamer lacks attention and care from her loved one. That is why she begins to think about breaking off the relationship and leaving him.

    Kiss with a familiar person

    In order to find out exactly why a dream about a kiss with a man is dreaming, it is important to pay attention to whether the sleeping woman is familiar with this person:

    Who was the kiss



    To unexpected profit on a large scale, improving relationships with a loved one

    For a married woman, a dream promises separation from her husband: leaving on a business trip or a real separation from her husband. Such a dream speaks of adultery on the part of the spouse. You should be prepared for any troubles and pass this difficult test of the strength of relationships with dignity.


    A kiss with a familiar classmate means that in a difficult period of life, the dreamer can count on the support of close friends. It is not excluded the possibility that even now one of the close people needs the help of a sleeping person. It is necessary to try to postpone all affairs and lend a helping hand to your loved ones.

    A kiss with a colleague means that it is this person who spreads false rumors and gossip about the girl. He is to blame for all the difficulties in the workplace. It is necessary not to give reasons for the spread of false information about yourself


    Kissing in a dream with a man on the lips indicates that the dreamer is in real life feels great dislike for his superiors. You should learn to react less painfully to criticism addressed to you. Otherwise you can't avoid trouble.

    • Kissing a friend is a good sign. He promises happiness and joyful events in the dreamer's life. A dream promises cardinal changes in life for the better, pleasure and pleasant events.
    • If an unmarried girl had such a dream, then this suggests that her relationship with this young man will develop into something more.
    • For lovers, the dream has a negative interpretation and promises separation from their other half.

    Kiss the guy you like

    Possible interpretations:

    • Kissing in a dream with a guy you like is a good symbol. He promises to receive joyful news from afar, harmony in relations with a loved one, or a marriage proposal.
    • If dreamed a passionate kiss with a guy you like - to intimacy with this young man.
    • There is another version of the interpretation of such a dream. Soon the dreamer will receive good news from a loved one or relatives.
    • A modern interpreter claims that to dream about a kiss with a young man whom the dreamer sympathizes with is a solution to a long-standing problem.
    • If a girl unexpectedly kissed a guy, although she did not plan to do this, then such a dream promises a pleasant gift or a romantic surprise from a loved one.
    • A kiss in the church suggests that the dreamer will soon receive a marriage proposal.

    Possible trouble

    Sometimes such a dream predicts deceit and disappointment. To accurately interpret a dream, you need to pay attention to the small details of sleep:

    • If the girl has not yet had an intimate relationship with her lover, then a dream in which he passionately hugs and kisses her suggests that the guy will disappoint the girl.
    • If a married woman has a lover, then such dreams indicate that the man is dishonest with her, lies and deceives.
    • If someone unexpectedly interfered with the kiss, then this indicates the presence in the immediate environment of the dreamer of people who want to quarrel the lovers. The insidious plans of envious people will not come true.
    • Kissing a man in the dark is a threat to the dreamer's reputation. You should not give a reason to others to think that a girl kisses every man. The cause of gossip can be the rash actions of a girl.
    • If a woman was the initiator of the kiss, then this suggests that she imposes her will on her beloved young man. He tries to fulfill her whims, but this will not last long. Such behavior will cool the guy's feelings for the dreamer.
    • If a girl was taken by surprise for a kiss with a guy, then this promises a daring act of her friends towards her.

    Kissing with a guy who is much younger than the dreamer portends the same events in reality.

    Changes are coming

    If you dreamed of a kiss with a familiar man, but as it turned out later, he was a stranger, then this promises a fateful meeting with your half or a person who will radically change the life of a sleeping girl.

    Of the same importance is a dream in which the dreamer found someone else doing this activity. Soon the life of the girl will sparkle with new colors. She will meet a loved one.

    Possible quarrels

    A passionate and ardent kiss of a loved one is a symbol of a quarrel and a showdown in reality. In order not to focus on the conflict, the dreamer should show restraint and patience, demonstrate her poise and self-confidence. In the event that the girl feels that she is wrong, you need to go to put up first.

    Another interpretation of such a dream suggests that the girl will soon see a new young man and feel deep sympathy for him. The relationship will not continue, as the lovers will constantly quarrel.

    Kissing a stranger

    A woman has a dream in which she kissed by a stranger, promises acquaintance and courtship of an attractive admirer. The relationship will not end in anything serious.

    Such a dream portends the discovery of a valuable thing.

    If the stranger was a pleasant person, then good news should be expected. Repulsive appearance promises quarrels and resentment.

    Kissing in a dream with several men - soon the dreamer will need male help. Another interpretation of such a dream suggests that the sleeping woman will have a reliable patron who will help her in all matters.

    For an unmarried girl, a dream about a stranger promises an early marriage.

    Don't be tempted!

    According to general dream book such dreams of kissing with a stranger promises a surge of emotions. A married woman should be prepared for the fact that she will soon have a bright but short romance.

    If during the kiss the dreamer experienced unpleasant feelings, then many people will learn about her romance. It is not excluded that some of them will blackmail the dreamer.

    Beware of deceptive feelings!

    An unpleasant kiss with a stranger for a girl who dreams of marriage is a hint that it is worth taking a closer look at potential suitors, among whom there are many hypocrites.

    Take care of your health

    Sigmund Freud's dream book claims that an ardent and passionate kiss with a stranger portends ailments of the genitals. If a young man had such a dream, then he should expect problems with potency.

    The erotic interpreter interprets the dream of a passionate kiss with a stranger as a sign of a sexually transmitted disease that will appear due to love pranks on the side.

    Don't give in to your fears

    If a girl had a dream in which her lover kisses a stranger on the lips, then this speaks of the girl’s usual fear of her lover’s betrayal. It is worth not giving free rein to your fears and emotions, as baseless accusations can lead to a break in relations with your loved one.

    The female interpreter has the opposite interpretation of sleep. According to the dream book, such dreams reflect a greater likelihood of a rival and betrayal by a lover.


    Dreams of kissing ex-boyfriend may have different interpretations. The plot warns of quarrels, conflicts, troubles. The dream promises new romantic acquaintances.

    Understand your feelings

    Most dream books explain the presence of a former young man in a dream as a sign of an incomplete relationship. The girl wants to resume them and continue.

    Sleep gives a signal that feelings and emotions are still alive. Most often, these are not romantic feelings, but resentment and annoyance towards the ex-boyfriend. This prevents the dreamer from moving on and building relationships. You should reevaluate what happened in the past, forgive the guy and forget about it forever.

    Possible trouble

    See ex-man and kissing him on his initiative is a sign that the young man wants to renew the relationship.

    If you dreamed of a passionate kiss in the dark, then this is a warning. The dreamer should control her emotions. Otherwise, the partner with whom the girl broke up may take such hot emotions for a willingness to constantly respond to his harassment.

    To see such a dream on the eve of the wedding is a bad sign. He says that the relationship of the newlyweds can deteriorate. future husband starts to resemble an ex-boyfriend. If in reality the dreamer badly parted with the young man, then the dream promises loneliness, deceit and betrayal.

    good omens

    If you dreamed that a girl unexpectedly kissed her ex-boyfriend, then this is a good sign. He says that soon the dreamer will meet a worthy young man. In terms of the strength of feelings, new relationships will not be inferior to the past and will leave only pleasant memories in the soul.

    If such a dream occurred at that moment in life when the girl needed moral support, then this is a symbol that she will be able to solve a long-standing problem that did not allow her to live in peace.

    Don't make a big deal of it

    Some dream books claim that kissing an ex-boyfriend is a sign of longing for him, while the young man himself has long forgotten the dreamer.

    If in a dream you often see a former man in different places, then such a dream has several interpretations. It is possible that the former lovers will remain friends, forgiving insults. It is not excluded the possibility that young people will part forever. This will happen calmly, without resentment and bitterness.

    Feelings of a dream

    It is important to pay attention to your feelings and sensations in a dream:

    • Depression is a sign that the dreamer wants to make peace.
    • Frustration and grief - a break in relations with the current young man.
    • Regret - to commit a rash act, which the dreamer will greatly regret.
    • Joy - the girl will be able to sum up and forget about past relationships.

    It is important to pay attention to the fact that positive emotions promise cardinal changes for the better, and negative ones - quarrels, conflicts, showdowns, unpleasant changes.

    Alien young man

    In order to correctly interpret the meaning of dreams about kisses with a strange man, it is important to pay attention to his personality:

    • Kissing someone else's husband - to fight temptations.
    • With a sister's boyfriend - to a tense relationship with a relative.
    • Kissing a girlfriend's young man passionately is a sign of a guy's secret sympathy.
    • Covering the lips of a friend's boyfriend with kisses - to new romantic adventures.

    Dream book opinions

    At all times, the topic of dreams about relationships between people was of interest to many seers, magicians, psychologists, and psychics. Each of them has their own point of view on this matter:

    dream interpretation


    • Dreams of kissing on the lips with a man have a sexual connotation. The dreamer feels a lack of attention from the opposite sex. She strives for adoration, therefore she often commits rash spontaneous acts, sometimes simply reckless. This behavior becomes the reason that in male circles the girl is perceived as frivolous and windy.
    • If in a dream the initiator of the kiss was a young man, then this suggests that the dreamer is quite satisfied with her current partner and seeks to lead in relationships
    • A passionate and passionate kiss with a man, especially with a stranger, warns the dreamer that she will commit some kind of immoral or immoral act. You should learn to control your emotions and not be led by imaginary friends who can spur the dreamer to unreasonable actions.
    • If a girl was taken by surprise in a dream, then this suggests that in her close circle there are people who wish her harm.
    • Such dreams are harbingers of fraud, deceit and betrayal.


    • Such dreams have an unfavorable meaning and promise betrayal and betrayal. And it can be not only close, but also a complete stranger.
    • A long kiss suggests that soon the dreamer will have to part with her beloved for a long time. The possibility of a break in relations is not ruled out.
    • To see how others kiss on the lips - to cardinal changes in life for the better
    • A kiss on the lips is a symbol of reconciliation. If a woman saw such a dream, then complete harmony and understanding awaits her in relations with her husband.
    • A passionate kiss portends the dreamer a marriage proposal.
    • When a girl is the initiator, and kisses a person with whom she is not married, then this is a bad sign. He portends quarrels and scandals with loved ones.
    • A dream promises the arrival of long-awaited guests from afar or receiving good news from relatives.
    • If a girl dreams that she is showering kisses on a young man, then this is a sign of an unexpected discovery of a valuable and expensive thing that has been lost for a long time.
    • In the event that a familiar man has dreamed, he will help the dreamer in a responsible and important matter.
    • If during the kiss the girl felt secure and comfortable, then this promises cardinal changes in life.

    When was the dream?

    The time of the dream will provide an opportunity to obtain additional information about what it promises and interpret what you see in more detail:

    Day of the week


    Monday to Tuesday

    A dream reflects the dreamer's secret desires or aspirations

    Tuesday to Wednesday

    If a girl happened to kiss on the lips with a man on Wednesday night, then such a dream is prophetic, so you should expect a pleasant pastime with your boyfriend in the near future

Such a gentle, pleasant, intimate act like a kiss can evoke emotions not only in real life, but also in a dream. Moreover, the interpretation of such a dream largely depends on small parts, from the person you had to kiss. Why dream of a picture with kisses? our dream book will tell about this.

Kissing in a dream: for worse or for good?

All dream books interpret a little perfectly what it means to kiss in a dream. And in some predictions, the interpretation of a dream even depends on the time of year in which the dreamer was born. For those born in autumn months, such a plot in a dream predicts the insult that he will inflict on the kissed person in front of everyone in real life.

What does kissing in a dream mean for a man who was born in the summer? Dream Interpretation gives negative interpretation: he will become a victim of his wife's infidelity. For a woman, this is also a bad sign: serious scandals await her in the family. But unmarried girl who saw such a picture in a dream, can prepare a dowry - soon she will be offered a marriage proposal.

The Small Velesov dream book gives a negative interpretation of the dream, where the guy had to kiss, and the beauty was the subject of this action. This means that the young man will face deceit and deceit from the fair sex, who is very dear to him. And if the dreamer had a homosexual kiss, then this symbolizes enmity, or an acquaintance that was specially rigged.

According to Miller's dream book, kissing in a dream is a bad omen, especially if it is a kiss with a loved one that takes place in pitch darkness. This is a threat of debauchery and an unrighteous life, which will eventually lead to a deterioration in the financial situation.

The dream book also negatively interprets a kiss with a stranger. This is a prediction about immoral acts that the dreamer will be able to commit in the near future. But if you touch your mother with your lips, then this is the opposite - a good sign. You will be honored and respected.

According to Vanga's dream book, to see kissing children in a dream is a symbol of reconciliation in the family, if the person who saw the dream does not have a relationship with his spouse. If everything is fine in the relationship, then you should not worry either. Such a plot promises the maximum satisfaction that you will receive from perfect work, and an increase in financial condition.

According to the same dream book, the meaning of a dream where it was possible to kiss with a wife or husband promises harmony, the absence of conflicts and disagreements in family life. And kissing the cursed is a prediction of an early reconciliation with him. A person will appear in life who can reconcile you, and he will do it easily and naturally.

Why dream of hugging and kissing in a dream with a loved one? According to the interpretation of the dream book, a dream carries a negative - parting and tears. Hugging and covering the parents' faces with kisses, as if saying goodbye to them, is also a bad dream book forecast. Take a closer look at their health in reality, perhaps you can still save them from the oncoming illness and buy time.

Embracing a stranger in a dream, and even more so, touching his lips is a dream book warning that the people you consider friends are actually plotting against you. Be careful and be careful with your choice of friends.

Kiss your loved ones

Why dream of kissing in a dream with a loved one? This is a frequent dream of a girl in love, and there is nothing wrong with it, the dream book predicts only good events in reality. Such a gentle touch is a symbol of harmony and balance in relationships, you will feel unprecedented warmth and tenderness of feelings from your chosen one.

A completely different interpretation is given by the dream book, if when your lover tries to kiss you, you move away, in every possible way resist his touches, then this is a reflection of your insecurity in your feelings. Before giving a person who cares about you hope for a continuation of romance, take a good look at yourself: are you ready for serious actions?

And why dream of kissing an ex in a dream? This picture has a psychoanalytic interpretation. In real life, you can’t let go of this person, and even if you don’t see him, your subconscious mind is firmly attached to the memories of him.

Also, it can be an otherworldly signal that your ex is sorely missing you, he is depressed, and cannot forget you in any way. Call him, meet, reassure him - he needs your care more than ever, because what such a picture is dreaming of indicates his vulnerability.

If a man saw that his wife was kissing another in a dream, then this may well be a warning about real adultery. But you should not immediately accuse your soulmate of treason, first take a closer look at yourself, have you yourself treated her with passion for a long time? Such a dream may be a reflection of your subconscious, which requires you to love your spouse.

For a married woman, the dream book gives bad predictions if she had to kiss her lover in a dream. Soon your betrayal may be revealed, so you should either tell your spouse about everything, or stop the vicious relationship.

Also, it can be a subconscious signal that in family life you lack love, passion, affection, and also, you are very worried that the deceit will be revealed. Is it worth it to torment yourself if what such a picture is dreaming of predicts the discovery of your secret to your spouse.

For family people, kissing in a dream with a brother is a very good sign. At family hearth you will be surrounded by care and attention. Respect for you among relatives will rise sharply. Especially pleasant prophecies are given by the dream book if you kissed your brother on the cheek.

Why dream of kissing your sister? This is also a very good forecast, especially for business people who are not doing well in business. Very soon, all problems will end, and your career will go uphill, as you will earn respect for a good deed, among your work colleagues and the patron of your company.

Sad forecasts are given by a dream book if you had to kiss in a dream with a friend. This is a sign of an imminent separation, which will not happen because of a quarrel or conflict, but because your friend will leave the city, or even go to another country. But do not be very upset, in any case, you will keep in touch and remain friends, but only at a great distance.

For a man, why dream of kissing a girlfriend is a sign that in reality he will achieve his goals, despite moral principles and generally accepted norms of behavior. A girl who sees such a picture in a dream, the dream warns that the friend you treat so well is false. She weaves intrigues behind your back, and soon you will be very disappointed in her.

It’s not sad, but if a loved one kisses another, then what such a plot is about in a dream portends insincerity, callousness, and, possibly, even betrayal of a loved one. Whether you need such a relationship is up to you, but the dream book will not give vain prophecies, so it’s better to take a closer look at your soulmate and act in accordance with the current situation.

Kissing strangers

A strange dream where you had to kiss a stranger is interpreted depending on the general situation of sleep and specific situation. On the one hand, this may mean a surge of strong, all-consuming, violent emotions in reality, but it is a pity that they will be rather short-lived.

And if the kiss happened in dark room, or, even worse - in the stairwell, then this is evidence of a dream book that you are extremely wasteful and careless about your money. This attitude can lead to financial difficulties.

Why dream of kissing the boss in a dream? This is a dream book warning that your carelessness and inattention can lead to dismissal, and subsequent financial difficulties. It is necessary to approach work with full responsibility in the near future, not to skimp, and then, perhaps, everything will work out.

For a man, kissing a woman in a dream is a good dream book prophecy. In family life, or in a relationship with a beloved, complete harmony and peace are expected. But if such an action in a dream happened in front of many people, in public, then this is a signal that your relationship will be surrounded by gossip and unfounded rumors.

Kissing a celebrity in a dream, according to the interpretation of the dream book, is a good sign. You subconsciously associate yourself with this person, and touching him with your lips is a symbol of continuity, that in real life you will act like an idol, and thanks to this you will achieve success in love and career.

Why dream of kissing a classmate in a dream? It all depends on whether your paths now cross or not. If you communicate quite well with him, and consider him a friend, then soon conflicts are possible in your relationship that will lead to parting. If there is no friendship between you, then very soon it may appear - these are the predictions of the dream book.

Why dream of kissing an enemy in a dream? This is a dream book signal for reconciliation. Listen to yourself, remember how your enmity and misunderstanding began. Don't these problems seem stupid to you now? If you can forgive your enemy, then in addition to a simple truce, you will receive in his person a very reliable friend who can even become the best.

The dream interpretation interprets, depending on the emotional coloring of the dream, what dreams of kissing in a dream with the director. If at the same time you feel passion, satisfaction, then in real life you will find unprecedented success and promotion. On the contrary, feeling hostility during a kiss, you can expect in reality a decrease in salary and even a reduction.

A psychoanalytic interpretation is given by the dream book to the plot where you managed to kiss the president in a dream. Why dream of such a plot? Here, a lot depends on the political affiliation of the dreamer, and if he is directly related to politics, then this is a symbol of his excitement about the situation in the country.

According to the interpretation of the dream book, kissing a friend who is not your friend, but someone with whom you just keep in touch from time to time is a sign of meanness from this person. If you have warm feelings for a character from the realm of dreams, then the forecasts of the dream book are sad - soon you will part forever.

In real life, it is almost impossible to imagine that you can kiss the dead, but in the realm of Morpheus everything is possible. And such a plot is interpreted by the dream book depending on the emotional situation of the dream. If you feel disgust during a kiss, then this is a very bad sign: a serious illness can overtake you.

Also, according to the interpretation of the dream book, if you had to kiss a dead person, and at the same time you experienced joy, happiness, reverence, then in reality you can expect many pleasant events that will bring love and happiness into your life.

Kissing a dead person in a dream is also regarded by a dream book as an omen that some celebrity will pay attention to you, and as a result, it is possible that real feelings will flare up between you that can lead to a wedding.

Also, what dreams of kissing the deceased in a dream is a dream book prediction that you will soon reveal someone else's secret that will plunge you into confusion. But if the deceased himself touched you with his lips, then your secret will be revealed - such an outcome, according to the interpretation of the dream book, cannot be avoided.

different kisses

Why dream of kissing passionately in a dream? If the subject of the kiss is your real life lover, then you can be sure of his devotion and honesty. In any case, you will not have to wait for a trick on his part, your chosen one deserves real and unquestioning trust.

Kissing on the lips in a dream is always a prediction of a dream book about changes in life, but whether they will be good or bad depends entirely on the details of the dream. A long and tender kiss with a loved one is a sign of an imminent parting, but the reason for separation will not be a quarrel, but a vacation or a long business trip.

Why dream of kissing in a dream in a hickey? This is a dream book forecast that a serious illness is approaching you, and in order to overcome it, the main thing is to start treatment on time, so don’t delay, and run to the doctor as soon as possible - delay is like death.

Kissing passionately and for a long time with the tongue is a sign of a dream book that you will receive enormous satisfaction in real life from your victories on the love front. But a married woman who saw a kiss with her tongue in a dream, and her partner was not her husband, in reality experiences a lack of attention from her husband, and she simply needs tenderness and affection.

Why dream of seeing kissing people in a dream? This dream is a good omen. The dream interpretation promises that soon your life will change in better side. This is especially true for those who experience this moment material difficulties.

Why dream of kissing an actor? Such a plot can be interpreted as positive if in reality you love this actor and look up to him. Then the dream book promises success in business, and the acquisition of fame and respect.

Had a chance to gently kiss your loved one? This means that you are completely satisfied with the current situation. The dream kiss also symbolizes the exchange of energy and life force in a dream. Why else dream of this action, the omniscient dream book will tell you.

According to Miller

Lucky to kiss your loved one? The plot promises harmony in relationships, spiritual unity that will last for years.


Why dream of kissing with a beloved man? The dream interpretation is sure that your relationship causes great envy among others.

To see how an unfamiliar girl kissed in a dream with a man close to you is bad. In reality, there will be a serious rival.

If you yourself had mercy on your man, then in order to achieve a certain goal, you should show the features characteristic of him.

Marriage or separation?

Lucky to kiss your favorite guy? The interpretation of sleep is twofold. If the process was gentle and pleasant, then you can prepare for the wedding.

Had a dream that unity with a guy caused rejection or too stormy, albeit positive emotions? The dream interpretation suspects that the connection may be interrupted due to mutual cooling.

But most often you can see the indicated action in dreams before a long separation and subsequent reunion.

Don't be stupid!

Why dream if you had a chance to kiss your loved one in complete darkness? In reality, you will lead a wild and dissolute life.

The dream interpretation is convinced: intercourse with a loved one in the light of day in a dream symbolizes an open trusting relationship.

Had a dream about making out with your loved one in the subway? A joint mistake will lead to very dramatic events.

Be careful!

Why dream about kissing an ex? In reality, you get into an unpleasant story. Did you dream of tender intercourse with an already deceased lover? The dream interpretation prophesies the loss of hope, the unfulfillment of a dream.

Sometimes kissing with the former in a dream promises in reality a serious illness, participation in a secret enterprise, or a secret relationship with a celebrity.

specific meaning

Had a dream about kissing your loved one? The dream interpretation suggests considering all the features of a kiss.

  • Air - humility.
  • On the cheek - gratitude, recognition.
  • Hand, palm - respect, perhaps servility.
  • Legs - submission, a plea for forgiveness.
  • Neck - passion, unreasonable behavior.

Concern or Deliverance?

What does kissing on the lips symbolize in dreams? In reality, you will accidentally find something valuable, in addition, in the near future you will be incredibly lucky.

If the hickey on the lips turned out to be quite sensitive in a dream, then you will get sick or wallow in worries.

Did you experience severe pain after kissing on the lips? In fact, get rid of something painful, unpleasant, but the process will be quite painful.

Intrigue, gossip, parting ...

Did you happen to kiss your loved one especially hot and passionately? The intrigues and gossip of others will ruin life in the near future.

The dream interpretation reminds: you can kiss passionately and for a long time before a long parting. Perhaps because of a quarrel. Moreover, the longer such a hickey lasted, the longer the separation will be.

Each person at least once in his life saw a colorful memorable dream, but not everyone attaches importance to this. But how can you not attach importance to when you have to kiss a man in a dream? This article will focus on kissing in people's dreams.

Each person at least once in his life saw a colorful memorable dream, but not everyone attaches importance to this.

Some mistakenly believe that the dream book interprets the image of a kiss in a dream as a portent of love. This is far from always the case.

Here are some meanings of this image:

  1. If the dreamer watches someone kiss, she will be drawn into an adventure. This will entail a number of negative consequences. Dealing with setbacks will not be easy.
  2. kiss with former lover in dreams is a sign that in a real relationship with a chosen one, the girl is not going smoothly.
  3. If a woman sees a dream in which she had to kiss her current chosen one, this means that in the near future she will be deceived by him. Change is not ruled out.
  4. A kiss that was unforgettable is a dream for an imminent wedding. Perhaps a woman will receive a marriage proposal unexpectedly.
  5. Press your lips to the lips of the deceased - to career growth.
  6. To see someone kissing with the words: "You kiss perfectly" means participating in someone's conflict. A girl can be drawn into a conflict situation against her will and she will have to take sides.
  7. A friend kissed in a dream - to a joyful event. But if the kiss with a friend was passionate, then the event will backfire.
  8. If in a dream you had to kiss your enemy, with whom there was a quarrel the day before, in the future there will be reconciliation with him.
  9. A dream in which I really wanted to merge in a kiss with my beloved man, dreams of separation from him.
  10. If in a dream a woman wants to kiss her close friend, this promises her failure in love affairs.

Of all the dreams, this one is perhaps one of the most serious in terms of meaning.

Why dream of a kiss (video)

The meaning of this dream according to Miller's dream book

Psychologist Miller gives a double interpretation of the dream, where the central event is a kiss. The meaning of sleep largely depends on the emotion that the dreamer experienced during this process.

So the values ​​are:

  • The girl feels joy while the guy touches her lips, she thinks something like "I'm kissing a real handsome man!" - good sign. If a man is attractive to her both externally and internally, and during his touch a gentle thrill appears, then in the near future the dreamer will have a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bpleasures and pleasures.
  • The guy is unpleasant to the girl, and there is no desire to be with him - a bad sign. Someone from the dreamer's inner circle will disappoint her.

Should I be afraid of something after such a dream?

In some dream books there are a number of warnings after such a dream.

In some dream books there are a number of warnings after such a dream. It is believed that touching lips with other lips has a negative imprint in real life. What should you protect yourself from? First of all, from recklessness and frivolity. This is especially true for young girls who are in a state of love.

The founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, believed that the image of a romantic man with whom in her dream the girl entered into intimate relationship, reflects her inexperience and excessive curiosity. Therefore, in order to protect herself and her reputation, she must be more serious about the choice of the first sexual partner. Otherwise, the girl can get psychological trauma, firmly “settled” in her subconscious. This will leave an imprint on her entire future life. That is why such a dream must be taken seriously.

Kiss with a familiar man in a dream: what does it mean

There will be a meeting with an interesting guy with a vague past

If in a dream a woman kissed a man she knew, then this could mean the following:

  1. There will be a meeting with an interesting guy with a vague past. He will probably hide his true face from the dreamer. This will lead to the loss of her impeccable reputation.
  2. A meeting with a person who likes to live at the expense of others is not ruled out. He may also have the makings of a narcissist.
  3. If a girl knows the person she kisses in her dream, and at the same time she is in a relationship with him, then they will soon part. If there is reconciliation, it will be short-lived.
  4. The guy whom the dreamer not only kisses, but also regrets, is in danger. This person must be warned about this and advised not to forget about caution.
  5. If someone else kisses a man he knows, in the near future the dreamer will receive some kind of adventurous offer.

It is also believed that if a woman has an insatiable desire to touch her lips in a dream with the guy she knows in life, then she has a lack of emotions. Perhaps you can make up for this shortcoming by going on a trip.

Kissing in a dream with a strange man

This dream promises an early love

This dream promises an early love. You should not take this feeling seriously, because it will fade away as quickly as it appears. As for the relationship with the guy who is the object of love, they will be short-lived. There is also no need to talk about regret on the part of each of the partners, because none of them wants to resume romance.

If a married lady dreamed of this, it is highly likely that she will allow herself to be carried away by someone “on the side”. Such a hobby will not pass without a trace, the deception will be revealed, and the family will fall apart.

Such a dream for a girl may be the result of a lack of attention from men.

Kissing in a dream with another guy with her husband

Such a dream is actually a virtual betrayal

Such a dream is actually a virtual betrayal. Why virtual? Yes, because it takes place in an irrational world human consciousness. Most likely, a woman likes to feel guilty in real life, she seeks adventure. Nevertheless, she cannot get that dose of emotions that she needs, so she has to experience feelings dedicated to other men. These missing feelings find their reflection in dreams.

As for the interpretation itself, it can warn the dreamer of impending danger. It is not forbidden to commit immoral acts in a dream, but this necessarily leaves its mark on a person’s life. It is necessary to remember this and try to get the right dose of emotions in everyday life.

Seeing a passionate kiss in a dream

Any kiss already implies a certain passion, because at this moment people violate each other's intimate space. Unfortunately, in human dreams, passion is by no means a good sign. The more passion was invested in the kiss, the stronger the troubles that the dreamer will have to face.

What can be expected?

  • Betrayal.
  • Grievances.
  • Remorse of conscience.
  • Threats.
  • Deception, etc.

If on the eve of such a dream it was planned to do some important business, you can forget about its successful outcome. The more passion was invested in the process of kissing each other by two people, the harder it will be for the dreamer in reality.

If the moment of the kiss was not only passionate, but also sensual, the dreamer will part with his soulmate, and the separation process will be very painful and difficult.

Kissing in a dream: dream book (video)

Despite the largely negative interpretation this dream, it always carries a warning. And this means that if you give him the correct interpretation in a timely manner, then you can avoid trouble.

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How to reliably and as accurately as possible explain what dreams of kissing mean?

Worth considering whole line nuances - it turns out that everything is not so simple in the dream book.

In general, dream scenarios with kisses are as follows:

  • You saw a kissing couple from the side.
  • They kissed themselves (with a stranger, with a beloved guy, with an enemy, with a girl, and so on).

In addition, it is very important to remember what emotions you experienced in a dream while kissing. This feature must be added to common interpretation sleep that you get from the dream book.

If you felt incredible pleasure, joy and euphoria when kissing someone on the lips in a dream, any interpretation takes on a positive connotation, and a good prediction only intensifies. Conversely, if you have experienced disgust, fear or anxiety, then you should be more careful.

Remember all the details of your actions in a dream, your emotions and feelings - and find out why you dream of kissing in a dream.

Sweet kiss

The most important moment for the interpretation of such dreams is who exactly you kissed: with a stranger or loved one, former or current, enemy or friend.

1. A dream in which you didn’t have to kiss, but you saw from the side how a guy kisses on the lips with a girl, portends that you will soon be drawn into some kind of adventure or risky business.

It may seem fun and interesting, but be careful not to cross the line, save your reputation and conscience, and not risk your safety.

2. A kiss with a stranger in dreams - to surprises and something new. It plays a special role what emotions and experiences you experienced in dreams.

  • If, kissing with a stranger, you felt pleasure, you were pleased - be sure: you are expected pleasant change, joyful surprises.
  • On the contrary, if you did not want to kiss, experienced displeasure, then be careful and get ready for unpleasant surprises or not the most joyful news.

3. Kissing with a loved one portends love and harmony. If in Lately in your love union friction with a partner, conflicts or misunderstandings appeared - they will pass, reconciliation and complete harmony await you.

4. If you saw a strange dream, where you had to kiss your own enemy, competitor, rival, ill-wisher, or just someone who invariably arouses dislike and dislike in you - this is very interesting.

The dream interpretation indicates your inner readiness to give in and reconcile. Probably, you are already spiritually mature in order to internally accept this person, forgive him everything and, if you do not recognize him as a friend, then at least no longer hold any evil on him.

5. As the dream book says, kissing with a familiar person, for example, with a friend, colleague, neighbor - in general, with such a person with whom it would not even occur to you to do this in reality, is a signal of a clear and acute lack of adventures, new emotions and intense feelings.

Come up with something! Take a vacation, do something exciting, go to a new place. Just do not go beyond prudence, do not rush to extremes after reading the instructions of the dream book!

6. I wonder why you dream of kissing a man for whom you secretly feel sympathy. It could be your friend or unknown guy, whom you sometimes meet somewhere and have a hidden feeling for him.

A dream of this kind promises a novel - new and dizzying. But the insidious dream book is silent about whether this romance will begin with the very hero of the dream, or whether you have to meet someone new. But in any case, you will be happy!

7. A kiss in dreams on the lips with a certain girl - to a quarrel and conflicts, to squabbles at work or at home. Such a dream is a reason to be more restrained and tolerant, not to break loose, try to avoid conflicts.

8. If you kissed in a dream with your girlfriend, this is also a symbol of conflict, but already with someone close. Not necessarily with her, with this friend - maybe you will break down at home or “nag” your loved one.

As in the previous case, the advice is this: keep yourself in control, do not be quick-tempered. It is easier to avoid conflict than to make amends later.

9. Kiss in dreams with former lover does not promise, as it may seem, reconciliation and a return to relations with his "former". This dream portends some kind of adventure, new, vivid emotions and unforgettable events. Something truly incredible awaits you!

10. It also happens that in dreams you kissed on the lips, but you don’t remember with whom exactly, and in night dreams it somehow didn’t matter. Such a dream portends a new, very interesting and promising acquaintance, pleasant flirting, and, if you wish, the beginning of an affair. Author: Vasilina Serova