I dreamed of a passionate kiss with a guy. Freud's dream book - you tend to dominate

Every night a person, closing his eyes, plunges into his subconscious thoughts and desires. They appear in dreams that can open the door of the future for him.

Why dream of kissing on the lips is worth figuring out.

Why dream of kissing on the lips - basic interpretations

Every person longs to love and be loved. Sometimes this thirst is transferred by a person subconsciously to dreams. Then, closing your eyes, it is quite possible to see passionate kisses and gentle hugs in a dream.

For many, kisses on the lips are quite important. This is a manifestation of tenderness, love and care. It is these kisses in a dream that I want to see - kisses on the lips. But you should be careful with your desires. Many dream books indicate that such dreams do not carry positive prospects, on the contrary, they indicate that trials and problems can await a person. What kind of problem is worth investigating.

Kisses in a dream should be interpreted based on who you kissed with:

Kissing with an employee, a boss - to conflicts and misunderstandings at the workplace, the loss of a job is possible;

Kissing with a loved one - to strengthen relationships;

Kissing with a relative - a grandiose scandal, a quarrel awaits you, you should be on the lookout;

If in a dream you managed to kiss several people - you will be successful in all your endeavors, you just have to want to.

It is worth considering carefully common interpretation dreams, do not miss small nuances that may seem insignificant, but in the future they will play a huge role in your life.

Why dream of kissing on the lips according to Miller's dream book

Miller is inclined to believe that kisses that appear to a person in a dream indicate more of the immorality of his behavior. And the point here is not that a person initially knows that he will commit a terrible act. The fact is that he is already initially pestered by remorse. Despite them, he can betray a loved one, and betray the secrets of colleagues.

It is worth being attentive to such dreams, they say that one should not count on the forgiveness of negative actions. A kiss with an enemy that appeared in a dream - to a possible truce. It can come both with a loved one, a loved one, and with an unfamiliar person with whom you were in a quarrel.

If a person who is a couple has a dream, as someone kisses his wife, spouse - such a dream suggests that it is worth cherishing the relationship. A huge number of misdemeanors were committed on your part, which should be compensated for by tenderness and affection. If you decide to defend your position in the relationship, you can lose them.

Kissing a child on the lips is to crave replenishment. It is worth satisfying the need for childbirth, otherwise it is possible big problems with reproductive function, so it is worth considering that it is time to take the plunge in the future. Seeing someone else kiss your child on the lips - he is under someone else's bad influence, which you do not want to see, you are too busy with yourself, you do not have enough restraint, ingenuity.

Why dream of kissing on the lips according to Freud's dream book

According to Freud's dream book, a kiss is always an unrealized sexual desire for a partner. For those who do not have a formed relationship, such a dream may indicate that it is worth paying close attention to all the surrounding signs. It is worth giving them special importance.

If in a dream you only dream about kisses, you do not have enough verbal contact with your soul mate. If you dream that kisses are just a prelude to further love - then everything in your life is harmonious and in stages - it is worth turning Special attention on whether you value your partner - now it is really important to do, because a relationship on the verge of breaking up can be quite suddenly. The reason for this will be the lack of attention on your part.

If an adult dreams of a mother kissing his little one on the lips, it means that he still has complexes and fears from the past that hinder his further progress in life. It is worth thinking about the fact that you yourself can interfere with your personal life to develop, you interfere with events from developing smoothly and balanced.

Why dream of kissing on the lips according to different dream books

The wanderer's dream book indicates that kissing on the lips in a dream can be interpreted as a kiss. If the kiss is "French" - such a dream promises a severe sudden illness, which will just as suddenly end.

If the kiss is passionate and long - you shouldn't rely on help from outside - you should rely only on yourself. Also, such a kiss can promise separation and disruption of plans. The situation can be restored, but losses are inevitable. Sometimes visual images of dreams are accompanied by sensations on a physical level.

So, after a dream, you may feel an unpleasant taste in your mouth - they will discuss you a lot and diligently, but gossip will not harm you. If your jaw hurts after a kiss, you should not rush into the pool with your head - you just need to calculate all the steps in advance.

V psychoanalytic dream book such a dream promises discontent and a crisis in a relationship. It means that the girl is unhappy with her soul mate. She wants to have a lot more than she has. Perhaps a man simply makes himself too rude and does not pay enough attention to his other half. A girl in a dream compensates for the lack of affection from a loved one with illusory kisses.

Why dream of kissing a man on the lips - in reality, a series of love failures and love twists and turns awaits him. If a man is in a couple, he will have a cooling off of the relationship, which will soon be able to revive, breathe into them new life.

Medea's dream book states that if in a dream you kiss a dead man on the lips - in the future his fate awaits you - death may be sudden, negative events will overwhelm you.

If in a dream you are kissing a celebrity - such a dream should be interpreted as an unconscious decision to raise your status in society. Such a decision will be made absolutely justified. Soon, indeed, the position of a person in society will improve dramatically.

If in a dream you dream a passionate kiss with the man of your dreams - it is worth trying to improve relations - everything is possible, perhaps you just need to wait. You won't have to wait long, but you should be prepared for drastic changes in your personal life.

Kissing someone else's wife on the lips in a dream means making negative decisions in life, doing mean steps. These actions will be dictated by your subconscious, secret fears and desires. Kiss in a dream ex-lover- to sudden meetings and conversations. If a girl dreams that she is kissing her ex-lover, she will deliberately lie. to a loved one... It will seem to her that this is the only thing correct solution.

According to Felomen's dream book- kisses with an invented partner - changing living conditions, everyday life. It will be difficult to get used to these changes, not only because they are thoughtless, not only because they are destructive - they are the result of negative actions in the past, and the person knows this.

A dead man in a dream who kisses you - to success and career advancement. You will be able to conclude new contracts, establish business contacts. All events will be quite unexpected, but pleasant. Kissing relatives on the lips in a dream - for a quick meeting with a well-known person who will be beneficial in financial matters.

If you dreamed of kissing lips in a crowded place, you may be too talkative with others about your ongoing relationship. This is pretty thoughtless. It is worth keeping them secret, protect them from prying eyes.

Psychologists say that it is worth trusting dreams that carry a bright emotional coloring. So, if a dream is filled with passionate feelings, it means that in reality you also want passion and attention from loved ones.

If during a kiss you have unpleasant, repulsive sensations, you yourself close your happiness in your personal life. It is worth thinking a few times before deciding something drastically on a personal level. You should not condemn the people who come to your life - they are just reflections of yourself. Take a closer look at them, it's time for you to change. Take all the prompts in your dreams calmly and deliberately. Then dreams will only bring pleasure.

Kissing in a dream with a pleasant and desirable person - to sad reflections, unspoken claims.

For a woman to kiss a man - to sadness, anger, irritation.

For a man to kiss a young girl is a sign that unfair profit awaits you.

A temperamental girl - for a wedding, a new connection.

Kissing an old woman is a melancholy.

Kissing your sweetheart is the end of enmity.

Kissing an ugly woman is bad news.

Greeting and kissing is a sign of infidelity.

You kiss your mother - you will be lucky in your business ventures, your faithful friends will appreciate and respect you.

Kissing a brother or sister is a prediction of pleasures and good relationships with friends.

Kiss the hangman - you will receive a gift from a stranger.

Kissing someone's hands is a matchmaking, a new pleasant acquaintance with a future relative.

Hands kiss you in a dream - you will be disappointed.

Seeing children kissing is a prediction of a happy family reunion and success in business.

Birds or animals kiss - happy dream, foreshadowing honor, happiness, wedding.

Kissing the earth means separation.

You kiss many different women, but if you see yourself as young men, you will get yourself a friend.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the XXI century

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Dream Interpretation - Purpose

Seeing a goal in a dream means that you are able to achieve what you want. Getting to the goal in a dream is a sign of great success. For patients, such a dream indicates that they will soon finish their life path.

Looking for a goal in a dream means that you need more determination and perseverance if you want to succeed. Finding a goal in a dream is a sign that you are on the right track.

(See interpretation: shoot)

Interpretation of dreams from

According to Miller's dream book, kissing a beloved boyfriend means a noble and sincere attitude towards him, which will not change even over time. But if the kiss takes place in the dark, then this indicates an impending danger, about debauchery and a loss of respect from others. Kissing an unfamiliar guy in a dream portends immoral and immoral acts in reality. A kiss with the enemy, on the contrary, promises success in reconciliation with good friend... If a young girl dreams of how she was caught kissing a boyfriend, then in reality her friends will turn out to be imaginary and will commit daring acts towards her.

Kissing a guy. Dream interpretation of miss Hasse

According to these interpreters, kissing a guy in a dream promises the dreamer to gain strong relationships with the stronger sex, as well as the appearance of sincere feelings towards one of them. Kissing your own husband in a dream means spiritual harmony that will never leave the house of the spouses. If the guy with whom the girl kisses in a dream turns out to be her brother, then this is a sign of fun, celebration and future pleasures from a kind and strong friendship.

Kisses with a guy from a dream book from A to Z

According to the dream book from A to Z, for girls a dream in which they kiss their lover promises a quick and successful marriage. If a guy dreams of a kiss with a guy, then this portends him a series of problems and failures both in his personal life and at work. If a woman dreams that an ugly and unpleasant guy is kissing her, then in reality she will be able to achieve something she wants only thanks to strong endurance and patience. But if the stranger is pleasant to the dreamer, increased attention from the male sex is guaranteed to her in reality.

Modern dream book. Why kiss a guy?

Interpreters modern dream book predict a young lonely girl who saw a kiss with a boyfriend in a dream, a fresh relationship and, possibly, a new love. If a girl dreams of a kiss with a guy with whom she is already in a relationship, then this means a lack of romance in her life. She should work to improve her relationship with her significant other and try to bring new and vibrant feelings into them.

Kisses with a guy. Freud's interpretation

According to Sigmund Freud, a passionate kiss in a dream with his chosen one means that his intentions towards the dreamer are pure and sincere. He will always be faithful to his beloved. If a girl dreams that her boyfriend is kissing by a stranger, then such a picture promises her an early appearance in real life rival or rival, and even possible treason. If the dreamer herself kisses unfamiliar guy, then this portends her frivolous and rash actions in reality, which can lead to loneliness.

Why dream about kissing

Freud's dream book

Kissing in a dream - for a woman, this dream portends an acquaintance with a certain attractive man, who, upon closer examination, turns out to be a real gigolo.

A man who has such a dream needs to be a little more tender towards his "other half" - she has long been bored without your care.

If you saw in a dream how someone else was kissing, it means that you will be drawn into some kind of unpleasant story.

Why dream about kissing

Dream interpretation Hasse

Kiss the hand - good views for the future; beautiful girl- close marriage; a man - infidelity; to want and not to dare - sadness; earth - anxiety; woman - squabbles, arguments; children - a lot of joys in life; anyone in general - beware of infidelity; being kissed is a disappointment in friends.

Why dream about kissing

The newest dream book by G. Ivanov

To kiss a person of the opposite sex passionately - so it will be in reality; with a person of the same sex - to a chronic disease of the genitourinary system.

Why dream about kissing

Spring dream book

Kissing means separation.

Kissing passionately - get a praise or certificate of honor.

Why dream about kissing

Summer dream book

Kissing for a man - to adultery; for a woman - to a family scandal; for unmarried - to marriage.

Kissing passionately means separation from those who are dear and dear to you.

Why dream about kissing

Autumn dream book

Kissing is an insult in front of everyone.

Seeing in a dream how you kiss passionately with an unfamiliar person is to get into some kind of unpleasant situation for you.

Why dream about kissing

Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit

Kissing - Fake friends - hand - good prospects for the future - beautiful girl - close marriage - man - infidelity - wanting and not daring - sadness - earth - anxiety - woman - squabbles, arguments - children - many joys in life - someone - generally - beware of infidelity - being kissed - disappointing friends

Why dream about kissing

Esoteric dream book

Kissing a child - to the joy of communicating with relatives and friends; if the child is crying or sick, then this joy will be overshadowed.

A person of the opposite sex - to a quarrel with his wife, lover (mistress) over little things. The more kisses, the longer the fight.

Kissing with a non-material being - you are accompanied in reality by some entity, whose influence on your life is positive, if it is ugly or unattractive in a dream; negatively, if in a dream she shines with beauty.

With someone from your acquaintances - this person is in danger.

With animals - to peace and joy.

Why dream about kissing

Dream interpretation of Azar

Being kissed is a disappointment in friends; vampire - loss of life; a girl - a pleasant surprise; kissing a woman - squabbles and arguments; kissing a swallow - consent in the family; kissing a baby - you will preserve freshness until a ripe old age; a man - infidelity; kissing someone - treason, separation, fake friends; kissing a person of the same sex is enmity; kissing pigeons - weasel.

Why dream about kissing

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

Kissing - treason, separation; with a person of the same sex - enmity.

Why dream about kissing

Eastern dream book

Kissing - such a dream always portends parting with the one with whom you are kissing, the more passionate the kiss, the sooner the separation will be.

Why dream about kissing

Dream book of Schiller-Schoolboy

Since ancient times, people have attached great importance to dreams. It was believed that at certain moments in this way, you can predict the future. Such dreams were called prophetic. But even in an ordinary state, a person can see some symbols. You just need to be able to solve them. For this, it is important to remember everything you see. For example, if kissing in a dream, then what does it mean?

Common values

Each dream book sometimes offers different interpretations signs. But in general, if kissing in a dream, then this is a good omen. After all, what does this mean in reality? Warm feelings, a hurricane of emotions, pleasant experiences. It was kisses in ancient times that meant the unity and mutual understanding of two people. If a person is not married or not married, then this may mean an imminent marriage. But if you have already formalized the relationship, then the dream book "kissing with a loved one" means as a sign of quarrels, disappointments, betrayals. If the object of your feelings in real life is your enemy, then this can be a symbol of an early reconciliation.

Different interpretations

If you have a dream, why kiss in a dream? The meaning may differ from one author to another. So the father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, gives the following decoding: for a woman, this means a meeting with an attractive man. But don't be happy - he will turn out to be a gigolo. For a man, this is, on the contrary, a sign that his half has become bored. How to answer the question "why kiss in a dream" if you are an outside observer of the process in it? In this case, it is a symbol of some unpleasant story in which you will play a key role.

David Loff's opinion

David Loffa believes that kissing in a dream can be a manifestation of sexual desire. When you wake up, carefully analyze your feelings. Was it pleasant for you? Have you been forced to kiss? Perhaps you secretly desire someone, perhaps you lack passionate sex in a relationship with your loved one. In their practice, psychotherapists often encounter suppression of sexual desire. This is due to a puritanical upbringing or childhood trauma. Therefore, in a dream, when the control of the mind is weakened, true desires break through.

Other interpretations

There are also indirect interpretations of dreams. So, if you kiss in a dream, then this may mean happy life and loyal friends. For men in such a situation, it is important to pay attention to the girl's appearance. If she is ugly, then this means an unpleasant gift from fate. If, on the contrary, she is beautiful, then this is luck. If you kiss a dead man in a dream, then this is a serious illness.

How to interpret dreams?

The easiest way is to buy a special book. It is important to be able to compare all the elements of a dream and make a whole picture of them. This is what will be the sign. It is useful to write down everything you see immediately after waking up. This will allow you to remember all the smallest details. If you find it difficult to interpret, seek help from a loved one. Perhaps he will look at the dream from the other side and tell you a non-obvious meaning. But don't get too hung up on the global meaning of dreams. Yet even psychotherapists cannot always correctly decipher what they see.