Making a plow with your own hands from a rotary skimmer. We make a magnificent plow with our own hands How to make a hand plow

Making a homemade plow is not as simple a task as it might seem at first glance. Despite the appearance simple design, For proper operation it is necessary to maintain the geometry of the plow correctly, otherwise all efforts will be in vain.

Preparing tools and materials for work

Designing a plow with your own hands requires a clear plan of action and selection the right tools and materials. It is advisable to familiarize yourself with the finished product drawings in advance. Besides, homemade product for cultivating land should be simple in design and efficient in use.

To make a standard version of a hand-made plow you will need the following:

  • ploughshare or steel billet;
  • perforator;
  • steel material for the manufacture of blades and field boards;
  • welding inverter;
  • angle grinder;
  • fasteners, in the form of a set of bolts and nuts;
  • metal stand for making a plow base.

When gripping a layer of soil over 25 cm, the surface and material of the plow are subjected to heavy loads, which can result in rapid wear of the product. It is best to choose carbon steel 9ХС or hardened steel 45 with a thickness of 4-5 mm as the workpiece material.

The plow (shown in the photo below) is one of the main parts of the plow. For ease of use, it is better to make it removable; it will be easier to sharpen.

Next, we begin manufacturing the working part of the plow body, which is responsible for lifting the soil and turning it into the furrow. There are several ways to make the dump part. The contact surface of the dump side has the shape of a cylinder. Using bending equipment, producing such a workpiece will not be very difficult.

If you don’t have the equipment, metal shears or electric gas welding devices will do. On bending machine The workpiece is fed onto the shafts at an angle of 20-23 degrees, and a selected punch is used to give the desired radius.

Another option involves the availability of a finished pipe with a diameter of 0.55-0.6 m and a wall thickness of 3-5 mm. A template is made from ordinary cardboard to cover the required area of ​​the pipe, along the contour of which the required shape is cut out using electric gas welding equipment.

To eliminate bulges and burrs, use a hammer and file. The most in a complicated way the manufacture of a plow is considered to be the manufacture of a workpiece in a metallurgical furnace with subsequent straightening ready-made matrix(sometimes a tractor plow blade is used).

The blank for the product body is a sheet of steel with a carbon content of 0.03 to 0.1%, with a thickness of at least 3 mm. To maintain the dimensions, it is recommended to first assemble the model from cardboard, and then take on the metal base.

Assembling a homemade product

After all the elements of the future plow are ready, to complete the work you will need a 0.5 x 0.5 m metal sheet and a welding inverter. The plow parts are welded to the workpiece with certain angular dimensions: the plow and the side shield. The moldboard part is applied to the surface of the ploughshare.

If the angles are calculated incorrectly, the plow blade is brought to correct form using a hammer, then by welding it is attached to the back of the ploughshare and to the side shield. Afterwards, an expansion bar and a base in the form of a plate are installed on the shield, on which the corners for the ploughshare are attached.

The assembled home-made product for tillage is carefully inspected for all welded joints and, if there are no defects, all seams are finally welded.

Upon completion of assembly and welding work The auxiliary sheet is removed using an angle grinder or available metalworking tools. Places of welded joints require mandatory cleaning, and the blade and ploughshare are treated with sandpaper for standard roughness.

To set the product in motion, it must be attached to a walk-behind tractor. A similar design can be used when constructing a plow for mini tractors. The difference will only be in overall and geometric dimensions, depending on what type of mini tractor the product is designed for.

Plow construction with my own hands in addition to acquiring certain skills, it will significantly help reduce the labor intensity when working on your site.

DIY plow photo

Cultivation of land is the most labor-intensive task for rural residents and summer residents. Preparing the soil for sowing and cultivating the land after harvesting - the most difficult types handmade. A plow can greatly facilitate the performance of these works.

A plow is an agricultural tool with a wide metal blade that is used to plow the ground. In addition to tillage, plows are used for underwater work, for laying cables, and when searching for oil.

In the first stages of using the plow as an agricultural implement, it people dragged along, a little later they began to use livestock (oxen, horses) for this; today this hard physical work has been transferred to agricultural machinery - the tractor.

The main task of this tool is to turn over the top layer of soil. This procedure (ploughing) largely frees the soil from weeds. Damaged during plowing process root system weeds that have already begun to grow, but are not yet strong enough. In addition, along with the overturned layer of earth, the seeds of weeds that have not yet germinated are moved deep into the soil, which, of course, complicates their further germination. Many weed seeds are completely destroyed during the plowing process. During the plowing process the earth is loosened, becomes softer and more pliable, which subsequently makes sowing more effective and has a good effect on the germination of cultivated plants.

Types of plows, their advantages and disadvantages

Modern agriculture uses different types of soil for soil cultivation. types plows. These agricultural implements differ according to two characteristics:

  • by aggregation method;
  • according to the method of plowing.

By method aggregation plows are trailed, mounted and semi-mounted. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Trailed plow can only be moved using transport wheels. It is rarely used in modern agriculture, because the majority of tractors are equipped with a mounted system with a built-in hydraulic cylinder. The advantages include the fact that, according to agronomists, after cultivating the soil with a trailed plow, the arable land is smoother and more uniform. The disadvantage of such a tool is the rather large rotation angle, which prevents the use of this plow along with mounted and semi-mounted ones in the same paddock.

Mounted plow can only be lifted using a tractor hitch. The number of bodies varies depending on the traction class of the tractor. The advantages of this model include the low weight of the entire structure, a small turning radius, and there are fewer structural parts. The disadvantages include the fact that a minitractor will not be able to lift and transport a plow with many bodies.

Semi-mounted the plow is brought into transport position using a tractor linkage and transport wheels of the plow itself. The number of bodies is no more than 6 for a tractor with a traction class of 3 tons, and no more than 12 for a tractor with a traction class of 5 tons. The advantages include quite a large number of buildings. Disadvantages: large turning radius and a fairly large number of structural parts and elements.

According to the method of plowing, they distinguish non-negotiable plows (corral method of movement) and negotiable(for smooth plowing).

Plow design, principle of operation

Plow constructively consists of a frame, working parts, transport support wheels and a mounted or trailed device necessary for connection to the tractor.

The working parts of the plow include bodies, plowshare-moldboard mechanism, skimmers (angle skimmers), knives, and subsoilers.

Geometric form housing is crucial when assessing the quality of plowing. Structurally, the housings are of the following types:

  • dump(for plowing with rotation and loosening of the formation);
  • dumpless(designed for loosening soil in arid and wind-eroded areas);
  • cut-out(for moldboard plowing of soil with a thin fertile layer and simultaneous deepening of the plowing level to 5 cm);
  • with subsoilers(for dump plowing of thin, chestnut and podzolic chernozems and soils with simultaneous deepening of the plowing level by 6−15 cm);
  • with overlay chisel(for plowing hard soils clogged with stones);
  • disk(for plowing heavy and hard lands clogged with tree roots, as well as for cultivating soils oversaturated with water (rice is usually cultivated on such soils));
  • combined(for plowing heavy soils with simultaneous intensive loosening).

General purpose plows are usually equipped with bodies with a working width ranging from 25 to 40 cm. Plows special purpose usually equipped with housings having a working width ranging from 45 to 100 cm.

Basics purpose of the ploughshare- trim the soil layer and direct it to the dump. The ploughshare is subject to rapid wear, which results in loss of shape and dullness. This may result in deviation from technological process, an increase in traction resistance and an increase in fuel consumption of the tractor. You can restore the structure of the ploughshare using a forge hammer, after preheating the ploughshare in the forge.

Blade cuts off a layer of soil from the wall of the furrow, deforms it, slightly moves it to the side and lays it top layer down.

The plowshare and the blade must fit tightly to each other along the joint line (the permissible gap is no more than 1 mm).

Purpose skimmer- cut off the top sod layer of soil and throw it to the bottom of the furrow. Excessive deepening of this element will increase the traction resistance of the plow itself, and the layer of turfy soil will be worse to seal.

The knife cuts the soil in a vertical direction along the line of separation of the formation from the general earth mass and qualitatively improves the process of formation turnover, sealing plant residues. In addition, a stable plow run and a level bottom and wall of the furrow are ensured. In most cases, the knives in the plow are hung in front of its last body.

Principle of operation This agricultural implement consists in the fact that, moving in the ground, the plow cuts off a layer of soil, lifts it up, subject it to deformation, crumbles it, wraps it and places it on a previously laid layer.

DIY plow

In order to on one's own To make a plow, you need to know a few nuances.

Raising a layer of soil up to 25 cm high, the plow body experiences serious loads, and its surface is subject to abrasive wear. In view of this, it is better to choose steel with a thickness of 3-5 mm for the working parts of a homemade plow.

ploughshare It is best to make it removable (it will be easier to sharpen before use). The preferred material is 9ХС steel (disks for circular saws) or hardened steel 45.

Having taken into account all of the above, you can begin to manufacture the blade. It can be done in 3 ways.

  1. The working surface of the blade has cylindrical form. If you have any sheet-bending equipment (for example, rollers), then to obtain the workpiece the desired shape it won't take much work. The steel blank of the dump (can be cut with metal shears or gas-electric welding) is fed at an angle of 20-23° to a sheet bending machine or rollers, bent and adjusted according to the template.
  2. Suitable for making a dump pipe(wall thickness 4-5 mm) with a diameter of 55 to 60 cm. A template is cut out of cardboard, placed on a pipe, outlined with chalk and cut out using gas welding. If necessary, finish it with a hammer and sand it down.
  3. The most labor-intensive method is the one in which the blade is first prepared heat up in a forge or in any other way and bend it along a matrix (you can use a blade from a plow designed for a tractor).

The plow body is made of steel sheet(Article 3-Article 10) at least 3 mm in thickness.

Specialists It is recommended to first cut out all the parts of the plow from cardboard and glue them together, maintaining the required angles. If the resulting cardboard model satisfies the “newly minted Kulibin,” you can begin working on metal.

Plow assembly

When all the elements of the plow are made in metal, For final assembly you will need a metal sheet measuring 50x50 cm and welding machine. To sheet sequentially the plow elements are grabbed (maintaining the required angles) by welding: the ploughshare, the side shield (both to the ploughshare and to the sheet). The blade is fitted to the ploughshare. If a discrepancy between the angles (and/or surfaces) is detected, the blade is adjusted to normal with a hammer and then lightly welded to the back of the share and to the side shield. Then a spacer bar and a base plate are welded onto the shield (the thrust corners for the ploughshare are welded to it). Received design carefully inspect and, if there are no visible errors, the plow is finally welded. The metal sheet on which the assembly and welding was carried out is disconnected from the finished plow with a chisel or using a grinder. Weld seams must be cleaned, the blade and plowshare are sanded with sandpaper.

To make a homemade plow self-propelled, a two-wheeled walk-behind tractor is attached to it.

By building a plow on your own, you can, for relatively little money, purchase a reliable and powerful assistant for cultivating the soil in the garden, orchard, and field.

A plow is an agricultural tool for plowing land with a metal share. The evolution of the movement of this installation has gone from the traction force in the form of a person, an ox and a horse to a tractor. The main purpose of this tool is to turn over and loosen the top layers of soil to facilitate the sowing process. In addition, the ploughshare easily cuts weeds, plowing them into the ground.

A walk-behind tractor with a plow can perform several functions at once: plowing, mowing, hilling. At the same time, questions increasingly arise about which unit is better. Install an industrially assembled plow or try to assemble a plow for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands.

1 Varieties of plow

Traditionally, depending on the specifics, the models of these devices can be divided according to the following principles:

Installed type of working bodies:

  • disc plow;
  • ploughshare;
  • rotary;
  • dumpless;
  • combined.

There are three types of shares: cylindrical, semi-cylindrical and screw. For homemade version It is better to choose a cylindrical shape. Dumpless units received wide use on dry soils prone to erosion.

According to the type of traction force used, units are divided into:

  • horse-drawn;
  • cable cars;
  • tractor

Tractors, in turn, are:

  • mounted;
  • trailed;
  • semi-trailer structures.

Depending on the number of working parts, the devices can be:

  • single-hull;
  • double-hulled;
  • multi-hull

In addition, plows can be designed for smooth or furrow plowing for general or special purposes. And according to the operations available when working with a layer of earth and variations in mounting the plow on the walk-behind tractor, they are divided into reverse and conventional.

2 Preparing parts and assembling a homemade plow for a walk-behind tractor

This model has many modifications, drawings and adherents. A walk-behind tractor plow for dummies usually describes the design of a single-furrow plow. To make it you don't need special tools or skills. Even a beginner in mechanical engineering can handle this model.

2.1 Single-hull

First of all, you need to remember that homemade design must be collapsible. Before each plowing, you can remove the disc or share and sharpen it. Secondly, it is best to take your own disc for your own unit for walk-behind tractors from a circular saw (alloy steel saw).

To make dumps you will need rollers and steel up to 4 mm thick. We cut out the shape using welding or ordinary scissors, and simply bend it into a cylinder shape on rollers. There is an option when dumps can be made from a piece of pipe or cylinder, with a diameter of 500 to 600 mm, with a thickness of no more than 5 mm.

To do this, the shape must be cut out by welding, sanded, and if necessary, as in that long-forgotten joke, carefully finished with a hammer. Then it will be necessary to manufacture other parts of the future unit.

Thus, according to the drawings you need to make 6 parts:

  • steel ploughshare or disk;
  • spacer plate;
  • side shield for stand;
  • a plate for the base of the plow itself;
  • field board with an angle of 30X30 millimeters;
  • pipe for rack 42 mm in diameter.

Then, using wedges, we install the finished ploughshare (on the auxiliary sheet), fasten it with two-point welding, and join the stand with the side shield so that the shield is 7-9 mm higher than the ploughshare, and the edges of the shield extend beyond the edges of the blade by 6-7 mm. All parts are welded to each other again.

Then you need to weld the blade so that it and the plowshare become one whole surface. If the angle between the blade and the plowshare is more than 7 degrees, it needs to be modified with a hammer. So, the blade is welded to the ploughshare, the ploughshare to the side shield. Now we attach the side shield first to the base plate and then to the spacer bar.

Lastly, the corners of the share are welded to the base plate. Then we separate the auxiliary sheet, clean up the weld marks, and sand the ploughshare with sandpaper.

2.2 Double-hull

A double-furrow plow for a walk-behind tractor is needed for processing large areas. In addition, made with your own hands, it can perform several functions at once - plowing and. Coupling several frames with different instruments allows you to create various modifications of models based on ready-made drawings.

2.3 Rotary

A rotary or rotary plow for a walk-behind tractor is a completely separate topic. The newest and most unexpected version of the unit that is possible. Swivel mechanism rotary device provides light work on difficult lands, overgrown with deep roots.

The design of several plowshares attached to one axis allows you to cultivate even hard-to-reach areas of vegetable gardens to a depth of up to 30 cm. At the same time, there is no question of how to properly plow with a rotary device - it is easier to use than a conventional unit.

2.4 How to set up a plow on a walk-behind tractor: installation, fastening, adjustment

You need to install the finished implement on the motor cultivator using nuts. But, at first, for convenient adjustment, they should not be completely tightened. Then, using two steel pins, we fix the unit onto the mounting earring. Now the installed unit can be adjusted.

It is important to adjust the finished unit to ensure that the quality of plowing is as good as possible. To do this, first, you need to balance the height of the walk-behind tractor, and use bolts to set and secure the angle of inclination of the device parallel to the ground.

The adjusted unit reaches the waist with handles. The walk-behind tractor ends with control plowing, in which the distance between the soil dumps is no more than 8-10 cm.

2.5 Testing a homemade plow for a walk-behind tractor (video)

2.6 How to plow with a walk-behind tractor and plow?

When the plow adjustment is completed and it’s time, you need to take into account the difference between the operation of a conventional plow and a reversible one. The two shares that a reversible plow for a walk-behind tractor has work simultaneously, unlike a conventional one, in which the mirror-mounted upper share simply rests while the first one plows.

It is more convenient to plow a plow in a stall or waddle conventional design. The layer of earth plowed by the smooth plowing method is the merit of the revolving mechanism of the apparatus. The coupling of the reversible unit to the tractor is a three-point hitch.

For example, they have proven themselves very well various options and models of Zykov reversible plows for. This universal unit can be installed on almost any walk-behind tractor or cultivator. But about how to do homemade unit We will tell about Zykov in another article.

A do-it-yourself plow is a universal invention that is suitable for both plowing the land and planting potatoes. You can make a plow yourself from available materials. The proposed plow model consists of a control unit and a device designed for plowing (plow). The control unit is a stand, which consists of the main control elements and accessories. Namely:
1 – rectifier bridge (power supply).
2 – electric motor.
3 – gearbox combined with a gear.
4 – cable - 5 mm, acting as a winch.
5 – anchor (working part of the shovel).

A plow, which is designed for plowing land, consists of the following elements:
1 – steering wheel (plow control lever).
2 – ploughshare.
3 – base with fastenings.

Installation and connection of the plow.
1. The anchor must be installed at an angle for better support.

2. After which the anchor should be deepened into the ground up to the connecting strip.

3. Then the anchor is connected to the control device using a piece of reinforcement.

4. In front of the barrier bar, near the cable, reinforcement is also driven in. It will additionally hold the control unit in place during operation.

5. In the working position, the gearbox is in the engaged position.

6. The control unit is ready for operation.

7. After installing and securing the control device, attach the plow to it. To do this, the free end of the cable is attached to the base of the plow.

Operating principle and operation.
1. The plow is carried to the required distance.
2. The ploughshare is driven into the ground to the required depth.

3. The left foot is placed on the ploughshare, and the right foot rests on the ground.

4. Thus, while moving the plow along the ground, the tiller pushes off with his right foot and controls the plow using his weight.

5. During operation, the plow steering wheel should not exceed the level of the plowman’s belt.

6. When the plow reaches the end of plowing, the control unit is turned off and the plow is again taken to the opposite side of the site. A plow made according to this principle is capable of plowing land that has been left without care for a long time.

When buying a walk-behind tractor, there is not always money left over for additional gadgets for it. For example, the price of a plow can fluctuate between 500-5000 rubles. The cost will depend on the quality of the products purchased, the specific manufacturer, as well as the complexity of the design itself. Therefore, many landowners began to realize that making a plow for a walk-behind tractor with their own hands is easier and cheaper than buying a factory one.

Types of mounted plows

You can find many manufacturers and types of similar gadgets on the market. All of them, to one degree or another, differ from each other in certain characteristics. But for use on small personal plot it's enough to have one of three main types:

Single body plow is rightfully considered the most popular among landowners because it is very easy to use. Such a tool can be operated by a person even without experience in mechanized plowing. For production you will need a drawing of a homemade plow. It can be found on the Internet.

Distinguishing property of a reversible plow is its use for processing hard surfaces. Its design is curved to one side, causing the earth to turn over. Making such a plow with your own hands is a little more difficult than a single-body plow, but in certain cases it is simply irreplaceable. You need at least basic skills in producing such structures for independent production.

Rotary apparatus making it yourself is even more difficult than reversible and single-case. It includes two or more shares that are located on the same axis. Using rotary plow You can effectively cultivate the ground to a depth of up to 35 centimeters. But this is not all the advantages of such a plow device for a walk-behind tractor. You can cultivate the land in any direction, but only in a straight line. It is also possible to select the plowing width in more advanced models.