How to get rid of thrips on indoor plants. How to deal with thrips on indoor plants: methods and photos

Thrips are common pests that severely affect houseplants. Flowers wither, get sick, become weak, and may die. To get rid of thrips, you need to take urgent measures. How to deal with thrips on indoor plants will be discussed in this article.

Thrips are easy to recognize; they are insects with an elongated body, 0.5-1.5 mm in length. On the back there are long, narrow wings with fringe. Thanks to them, pests move from one flower to another in search of food.

The legs of thrips are short and have small claws that allow them to cling to plants. Adult insects have a gray, black, dark brown color (see photo). The larvae differ from them in the absence of wings and in their color (from light green to grayish).

How to detect

Thrips are able to camouflage themselves, so it is not possible to quickly recognize them. Inspection of plants allows you to detect the consequences of pest activity. You can suspect the appearance of thrips based on the following signs:

  • the presence of holes on leaves, flowers;
  • the formation of black or greenish excrement in dry areas;
  • curvature of stems;
  • slow kidney development;
  • darkening of the edges of the petals;
  • pollen loss;
  • deformation, falling of flowers;
  • non-ripening of seeds.

Brownish-brownish spots are found on the reverse side of the leaves. Many small dark dots form along the edges, this is what clusters of thrips look like. Grayish-silver spots, yellow stripes, and sticky secretion from the pest appear on the outside of the leaves.

Thrips drink plant juice, leaves become discolored, lose shape, and die. Buds and flowers become ugly and fall off. Other consequences of defeat:

  1. Pests become carriers of fungal and viral diseases, which cause plants to die.
  2. The vital activity of thrips disrupts photosynthesis, as a result, the development of the plant slows down and it withers.
  3. Insects cause deterioration in the decorative appearance of indoor flowers.

The danger of thrips is their rapid reproduction. They lay eggs on leaves and flowers. The larvae appear after 10 days. After a month, they turn into adults and can fly to neighboring plants.

Reasons for appearance

Thrips enter the room through the windows. Insects can be carried by the wind, but they themselves move quite well. As a rule, thrips fly into rooms located on the first three floors.

Another reason is the appearance of new plants in the house that are infected with pests. It can be a potted flower, a bouquet. Infection with thrips is also caused by too high air humidity and improper care.

How to get rid of a pest

The next step is to remove the top layer of soil, but it is better to replant the flower in fresh soil and throw out the old one. Before replanting, thoroughly wash the parts of the plant where pests are found. In places where indoor flowers are located, you need to place sticky traps.

Treat all existing plants with insecticide. There are a large number of chemicals available to kill pests. To get rid of thrips, you can use more gentle and safe folk remedies.


If there are a lot of thrips, it is better to fight them using an insecticide. The drugs must be alternated, otherwise the insects will get used to the substance and will not die. When choosing a product, look at what toxicity class it belongs to:

  • 4 – low danger to the human body;
  • 3 – moderate danger;
  • 2 – high degree of danger;
  • 1 – extreme degree of toxicity.

Popular drugs indicating their hazard class:

  • "Akarin" (4);
  • "Fitoverm" (4);
  • "Aktara" (3);
  • "Bankol" (3);
  • "Inta-Vir" (3);
  • “Karbofos”, other names - “Fufanon”, “Malathion” (3);
  • "Confidor Extra" (3);
  • "Tanrek" (3);
  • "Aktellik" (2);
  • "Vertimek" (2).

Experts recommend starting to fight thrips using the safest means possible. It is better to alternate such drugs. If they don't help, buy more toxic insecticides. Use them according to the directions on the package. Products with hazard class 2 are used exclusively outdoors.


To combat thrips, they use Fitoverm, which has good reviews. Dilute 2 ml with a glass of water and spray. Treatment is required every 5-8 days, but usually 3-4 times are enough.


"Aktara" is an effective remedy for getting rid of insects. To make a solution, 1 g of the product is diluted with 1.25 liters of water. There is no need to rinse off the substance after treatment.

At the same time, spill the soil; for this, prepare a solution of 1 g of product, 10 liters of water. Carry out 2-4 treatments every 10-12 days. Usually thrips die after 2-3 procedures.


First dilute the product in water at the rate of 1 g/500 ml. Spray the flower and soil. Spill the soil with a less saturated solution, which is prepared from 1 g of the substance, 1 liter of water. Thrips die after 3-4 hours.


Use for significant numbers of thrips. Use it exclusively outdoors. Dilute the contents of the ampoule (2 ml) in 1 liter of water and spray the plants. Carry out up to 2-3 procedures (every 3 days). Actellik is contraindicated for use by people with asthma, allergies, and pregnant women.


Many people use an insecticide called “Spintor” at home, which contains natural ingredients. The product is effective even in small doses. It is non-toxic and safe for people and animals.

"Spintor" has a rapid effect (from several minutes to several hours). It is able to create protection for another 21 days after treatment. The drug is heat stable and effective even in hot weather.

To get rid of thrips, spray your home flowers with a 0.05% Spintor solution. 4 treatments will be required every week. The drug is compatible with other insecticides.

Features of the use of chemicals

The duration of the intervals between spraying depends on the air temperature and is for various indicators:

  • up to +15 ºС - 8-10 days;
  • +15…+20 ºС - 10-12 days;
  • +22…+24 ºС - 7-8 days;
  • +25…+28 ºС - 5-6 days.

Please note that at temperatures up to 18 ºС, the effectiveness of the insecticide is significantly reduced. Optimal indicators are +20…+26 ºС.

After treatment with a chemical, there is no need to put a plastic bag on the plants. Remember that a single spraying gives a short-term effect; the fight against thrips should include several procedures. If pests are found on only one flower, everything must be sprayed, otherwise there is a risk of re-infection.

The treated plants must be dry. It is better to carry out procedures before 12.00, and if it is cloudy outside, then until 14.00. Make sure that the leaves and flowers are not exposed to direct sunlight, either during or after processing. To maintain plants, spray them with Epin or another biostimulant; the procedure is carried out after 7 days. after completion of the procedures.

Before using insecticides of classes 3-4, take the flower pots to the bathroom or to the balcony. Products with toxicity class 2 can only be used outdoors. After using the insecticide, ventilate the room thoroughly.

Working with chemicals requires respiratory protection using special means. Do not allow the solution to come into contact with the skin or mucous membranes. After treatment, wash your face and hands with soap, rinse your nose and mouth with water.

Folk remedies

If the number of thrips is small, use safe means:

  1. Dandelion (leaves, roots). Pour 60 g of raw material into 1 liter of hot water and leave for 5 hours.
  2. Tomatoes (dry leaves). Prepare an infusion of 40 g of raw materials, 1 liter of water, leave for 3 hours.
  3. Celandine (greens). Pour 400 g of raw material into 1 liter of water and leave for 1.5 days.
  4. Garlic (cloves). Chop the garlic, add water, leave for a day. For 1 tbsp. liquid will require 1 teaspoon. l. raw materials.
  5. Onion. Peel a medium-sized onion, chop, pour 1 tbsp. water. After 2-3 hours, strain.
  6. Onion peel. You will need 20 g of raw materials and 1 liter of warm water. Leave the product to infuse for 3-16 hours.
  7. Dry tobacco. Place 80 g of raw materials in a container, add 1 liter of water. After a day, strain, pour in another 1 liter of water. Use the prepared infusion for spraying and rinsing.

To kill insects, use an infusion of the following components:

  • garlic - 70-80 g;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • laundry soap (or flea shampoo) – 20 g;
  • water - 1 l.

Chop the garlic, add oil, leave in a dark place for 1 day. Add water and soap. Before use, dilute the liquid with water in a ratio of 1:17 and use for spraying. Store the remaining product in a dark place. Treat flowers in the morning; 4 procedures are needed every 3 days. When the thrips die, wash and replant the plant.

The roots are washed with a decoction of the following components:

  • red pepper - 10 g;
  • orange peel - 150 g;
  • yarrow - 80 g;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • water - 1 l.

Instead of garlic, you can take a small amount of wood ash. Grind the raw materials, pour boiling water over them. Boil the broth for 15 minutes, cool, strain.

A remedy made from hot red pepper will help against thrips. Grind 20-30 g of raw materials, add 200 ml of boiling water, keep on low heat for 1 hour. Leave for 1 day, strain. Then dilute 10 ml with 1 liter of water. Spray 1 r. at 2 weeks The finished tincture is stored for quite a long time.

To combat thrips, solutions are also prepared with the following components:

  1. Liquid soap. For 1 liter of water you will need 15 ml. Spray the flower, cover with a plastic bag for 3-4 hours. Then rinse the leaves.
  2. Mustard. Stir 1 tsp. l. powder in 1 liter of water, pour over the soil.
  3. Dishwashing liquid. Add 1⁄2 teaspoon to 1 liter of water. l. funds, 2 table. l. vodka, treat the plants.

Recipe with soap and ammonia:

  • soap shavings - 1 table. l.;
  • ammonia - 1 teaspoon. l.
  • warm water - 300 ml;

Ammonia can be replaced with technical, medical alcohol, vodka (but only as a last resort). Prepare the solution, apply to the plant, after 10-15 minutes. wash it off. The recipe is not suitable for flowers with delicate thin leaves.

For the next recipe you will need:

  • soap (shavings) - 1/2 table. l.;
  • oil (vegetable or machine) - 15-20 ml;
  • warm water - 1 tbsp.

Prepare an emulsion, rinse the entire plant, leave for 6-10 hours, rinse with warm water. First cover the soil with polyethylene. To kill thrips, you need to carry out 2-3 procedures every 7-10 days. The product is not suitable for flowers with thin, delicate or pubescent leaves.

There is a gentle way to kill thrips. Make a solution of a few drops of machine oil or kerosene and a small amount of water. Treat the plant and cover with a plastic bag. After a few days, remove the product with warm water. 3 procedures are required, which are carried out every 5 days. The recipe is suitable for indoor flowers that do not have very delicate leaves.

Apply multiple treatments to plants. One-time spraying will not help, it will only reduce the number of pests.

Other methods

If a small number of pests are identified in a timely manner, try to get rid of them in a gentle way. Wash your indoor flower under a warm shower using a solution of laundry soap and a sponge. Apply soap to the entire plant and cover with a plastic bag. After 2 days, wash off and replant the flower. Wash the old pot and tray with soap and water and boil them.

Also treat window frames and window sills with soapy water. Apply the product for 2-4 hours, rinse. You can take not only laundry soap, but also potassium and tar soap.

If the flower cannot be sprayed, steam baths will help. Chop the garlic and add a small amount of turpentine. Place the container near the plant, cover everything together with plastic, leave for 3-4 hours.


The following preventive measures help prevent the appearance of thrips:

  1. Carefully inspect a new plant before purchasing. At home, it should be placed in a separate room, monitoring its condition for 2-3 weeks.
  2. Keep flower bouquets away from houseplants.
  3. Inspect your houseplants regularly to identify early signs of thrips.
  4. Maintain optimal humidity, ventilate the room or humidify the air as needed.
  5. Place traps to quickly identify thrips and reduce their numbers.
  6. Place mothballs in flower pots.
  7. Do not use fertilizers containing large amounts of nitrogen for fertilizing.

Handle mixture ingredients thoroughly before replanting. As a preventative measure, you can spray your home flowers with yarrow infusion or insecticide preparations.

Lovers of indoor plants who breed them are often faced with the need to protect them from pests. Thrips are very dangerous; they are a common insect, along with aphids and spider mites. If measures are not taken in time, they can completely destroy the potted crop. This means that you need to respond at the first sign of detection.

Thrips on houseplants are quite common because they are not particularly particular about what they eat (polyphages). Any type of domestic flora can be their victim.

Description of thrips

Feeding on juices, thrips quickly multiply and just as quickly lead to significant damage to the green part of the plants.

Thrips on a houseplant

If you regularly examine flowers, it will not be difficult to detect insects, although they are very small.

Need to say! The pest is widespread throughout the planet, present on every continent. An amateur florist usually first of all sees the result of his activities in the form of damage caused to indoor crops: this is a sluggish appearance, light spots on the leaves.

The greatest danger comes from the varieties that carry the infection:

  • greenhouse;
  • Californian;
  • tobacco thrips.

The extent of damage depends on the duration of exposure to insects. Flowers become deformed and black and white spots appear on them. The leaf plates begin to resemble fabric. It is especially annoying to find thrips on orchids and other valuable flowers.

California thrips

Their description includes the following features:

  • the body is thin and long;
  • the size reaches 14 mm, although in common types it is up to 2 mm;
  • piercing-sucking type of mouth;
  • runs with the help of legs equipped with a tooth and a suction cup;
  • nondescript, often black or gray in color.

Individuals are also equipped with small wings.

Main types

Due to the fact that the size of the insect is very small, it is difficult to immediately determine the type of thrips. Scientists distinguish up to 2000 varieties. 300 of them are found in the Russian Federation and neighboring countries. The list of the most common is as follows:

  • heterogeneous;
  • decorative;
  • dracaena;
  • bulbous
  • tobacco;
  • rose;
  • California thrips.

By their name you can determine which plants they like to attack. Decorative can live both in the middle zone and in more northern regions. It can harm the Phalaenopsis orchid and other species of this plant, as well as the monstera palm and dieffenbachia. Less than 2 mm in size, brown in color.

Tobacco thrips

Not all thrips are equally dangerous to plants, but there are hundreds of them that should be destroyed immediately. The pest consumes the juices of leaves and fruits, and also transmits diseases and leaves toxic secretions on the flora. Thrips lives secretly, hiding in secluded places. Therefore, it is not always possible to detect it in a timely manner at the very beginning.

Reasons for appearance on indoor plants

There are several sources of thrips infection in plants. Their list:

  1. They migrate using their wings, flying into indoor windows. The likelihood of entry into the house increases in the summer when there is wind.
  2. They penetrate with soil taken from the street.
  3. The risk when buying flowers is also significant; in a store or at work, they can be infected with thrips.
  4. They ended up with a cutting taken from friends.

Important! The most favorable conditions for distribution are summer, dry air, and heat. With increasing humidity and decreasing ambient temperature, this intensity noticeably decreases.

Methods for controlling thrips at home

Some people who like to grow flowers at home have a lot of them, while others prefer to care for only one pet. One way or another, I don’t want to allow living greenery to die. When considering thrips on houseplants and how to deal with them at home, it is important to know about the measures to take them in time. Having noticed just one pest, the gardener will be able to protect flowers from an entire invasion.

How to detect insects if they like to hide in order to apply one or another remedy in time:

  • Firstly, the discoloration of the foliage catches the eye.
  • Inspection of the bottom of the plates is necessary. If brown spots are present, the likelihood of thrips infection increases.
  • A late sign is the death of leaves and their deformation.

The process of exterminating insects is simpler the earlier it is started. Otherwise it will take a lot of time. The more time passes before action is taken, the more likely it is that the flower will die and the pest will spread to neighboring greenery. The following procedure for exterminating insects is recommended:

  1. Isolate the affected plant from others by moving it to another room. At the same time, care is taken not to shake off the larvae.
  2. Pests visible to the eye can be partially removed with a shower.
  3. Use chemicals and special preparations.

Thrips hit the flower

Experts recommend treating the top layer of soil of the affected plant. It is best to change the entire land. The roots and the pot are washed and planted in new soil. The nutrient medium is processed by calcination at high temperatures. The following drugs are used:

  • Fitoverm, 2 ml ampoule dissolves in a glass of water. This will significantly neutralize the plant. All areas are sprayed: sick and healthy, after which they put a plastic bag on the plant and keep it in it for a day.
  • Vertimex, 2.5 ml is dissolved in 10 liters of water. They are processed in the same way, using settling in a bag.
  • Agrovertin, 5 ml per 1/2 liter of water. It is used only at air temperatures above + 18 degrees C, otherwise there will be little effect. The processing is the same.
  • Aktelik is very poisonous, has a pungent odor, and is sold in ampoules (1 piece per liter of water). It's processed in much the same way.

After a week or 10 days, the procedure is repeated. During this period the larvae will hatch.

Let's take an example of thrips on orchids and what to do if they are affected. The appearance of pests is indicated by the silvery color of the leaves. Dots and streaks are found on the bottom of the plate. Insects may hide in the substrate. Sequence of actions: shower, cutting out the affected areas and sprinkling with crushed coal. Next, spray with Fitoverm. You can use Actellik. Repeat the procedure twice after 10 days. The plant must be kept in quarantine.

Examples of folk remedies

Natural and traditional methods help at an early stage. In case of extensive infection, only chemistry is applicable. Methods of struggle, the first of which has the greatest effect:

  • Garlic cooked in vegetable oil. Crush, pour, leave for up to 3 days. Then a solution is made from the resulting composition and sprayed.
  • Soap solution.
  • Kerosene solution.

Important! Destroying insect colonies is a very difficult process. The home botanist needs to prevent possible infestations by being aware of the dangers.

Disease Prevention

Prevention of insect infestations is done regularly. Plants must be properly maintained. That is, water it properly, fertilize it if necessary, and inspect all its parts. If changes are detected, you must act decisively. A few tips will help:

  • It is better to place the new pet separately from the old specimens.
  • Thrips may end up on bouquets, which should also be kept away.

Having learned the details about a pest that can destroy both a home plantation and a single plant, you can take timely measures, as well as make them more effective by using drugs, natural and folk methods. When you manage to completely get rid of the insects, all that remains is to admire the flowers. Even if all the requirements are followed, there is no insurance against infection. Therefore, careful monitoring and timely action will solve the problem.

Reasons for the appearance of thrips on indoor plants

Naturally, the appearance of pests is associated with a number of conditions, which include the routes of entry of pests.

In this regard, it is worth paying attention to the following:

Considering the fact that insects can get into an apartment with a flower purchased in a store, it is better to carefully inspect the plant before purchasing.

How to detect a pest

Basic ways to combat thrips

The advantage of chemicals is that they have maximum effectiveness, although they require the use of special personal protective equipment.

  • Aktellik. Before use, the product is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 ampoule per 1 liter of water. The affected plant is treated with this solution, after which it is placed in a plastic bag and left there for a day.
  • Aktara. This substance not only treats the green mass, but also the roots of the plant by watering it. To treat the aboveground part, 4 grams of the substance are dissolved in 5 liters of water, and 1 gram of the substance is dissolved in 10 liters of water to treat the underground part. After a week, the treatment procedure is repeated.
  • Mospilan. This drug is available in powder form. To create a working solution, you need to take 2.5 grams of the substance and dissolve it in 1 liter of water. The plant is treated with the working solution and also watered.
  • Fitoverm. 2 ml of solution is dissolved in 200 ml of water. The plant is treated with this solution and placed in a plastic bag. If necessary, the flower can be processed again.

Safety precautions when processing plants

If you do everything correctly and show persistence, you will be able to get rid of any pests and thrips are no exception.

Folk remedies for thrips on indoor plants

If there are not many insects yet, then you can use folk recipes. At the early stage of thrips reproduction, these methods make it possible to stop this process. In addition, folk remedies are absolutely safe for both humans and animals.

Effective recipes include:

Sucking insects always pose a serious threat to home flowers, as they literally “eat” them before our eyes. If nothing is done in time, the plant will completely dry out.

Video “Description”

From the video you will learn even more facts about plant pests.

Signs of flower infection

Certain marks left by thrips are also noticeable on the outer part of the leaf. These are silvery spots and sometimes yellow stripes. All these signs are serious signals for gardeners.

What are the dangers for indoor plants?

Thrips are also carriers of various infections and fungi. It is not for nothing that these insects are considered a real scourge for plants. First of all, they spoil their decorative appearance, but this is only the beginning. Thrips actively suck out the juices of flowers, leaving cuts on their stems, as well as the remains of their vital activity. But most importantly, when such insects invade, the photosynthesis process of domestic plants is significantly disrupted. Thus, gradually, and in some cases quite quickly, the indoor flower dies.

Control measures

Preparations for destruction

All these products must be diluted with water in certain proportions specified in the instructions. How should these types of drugs be used? It is recommended to spray them on the infected plant, and then cover it with a bag and leave for a day so that the solution is fully effective. Upon completion of the procedure, it is better to rinse off the remaining drug with warm water. It is quite possible that you will need to carry out the treatment again, but this should be done no earlier than in a week. Sometimes gardeners use insecticides 3 or even 4 times: it all depends on the degree of damage to the indoor flower by thrips.

Prevention of plant infection

Even a novice gardener will agree with the fact that you will have to spend much less effort and money on preventive measures. What exactly is recommended to be done to prevent thrips and other dangerous insects from getting on indoor flowers in your home:

If you follow the basic rules, you will ensure full development of your plants.

Video “How to fight”

For an amateur gardener, thrips on indoor plants are a real disaster. These insects reproduce at high speed. Adults move quickly, fly and can easily move from one plant to another, laying eggs and carrying viral and bacterial infections.

Insects are difficult to see with the naked eye, they are so small. The photo allows you to get an idea of ​​the appearance of thrips. The size of the elongated body is gray, brown or black, does not exceed 1.5 mm. The head resembles a cone with the apex pointing downwards.

The short antennae consist of several segments. The mouth has three bristles, with which the insect pierces the plant tissue and sucks in the juice. Having a pair of long, narrow wings allows thrips to flit between plants.

Insects move quickly on the ground and leaves and can jump, pushing off with their abdomen. They move with the help of three pairs of legs, consisting of segments, claws and bubble-shaped suckers, which help fix the body on the surface. Thrips on a plant (photo):

Females are usually larger than males and may differ in color. Reproduction occurs by eggs. They have a thin transparent shell.

The larvae that hatch from them are smaller than adults, do not have wings, can be white, yellow or red, and also feed on sap.

The larva goes through the stages: pronymph, nymph, after which it turns into an adult. The development cycle is short. The eggs last no more than 2 weeks. The larval phase lasts from 1 to 4 weeks. The insect remains in the form of a pronymph for several days. The nymph period is the longest - up to 8 weeks. Several generations appear each year.

Symptoms of infection

Small insects cause significant harm to the plant. By feeding on the ovaries of indoor flowers, they inhibit their development. Some species suck juice from stems and leaf blades. In bulbous plants, in addition to the leaves, the bulbs may suffer.

You can recognize the infection in the early stages, but to do this you need to regularly inspect the flowers. The first unpleasant warning sign about the appearance of thrips on a plant may be pollen that has spilled onto the flower petals. You need to lay a sheet of dark-colored paper and shake the plucked flower over it, hitting it with your finger. If the flower is infected, the pests will fall out and can be examined with a magnifying glass.

The degree of damage depends on the type of insect. When buying a new flower, you can bring it to your apartment

  • Californian thrips (greenhouse)
  • tobacco
  • decorative

These species feed on the sap of flowers and leaves, leaving behind colorless or yellow trails of sucked cells.

The waste product of the insect is a sticky secretion. It is clearly visible on the underside of the leaf. You can use it to find out about the appearance of pests. If control is not carried out in a timely manner, the plant loses its attractiveness: the flowers wither and lose their shape, their surface and the underside of the leaves become covered with black and white dots. The damage caused by thrips is clearly visible in the photo.

Ways to fight

Most often, palm trees, ficus, violets, roses, dracaenas, and lemons suffer from thrips, but other plants can also become victims of these small insects and their larvae. With a large number of indoor plants, it is quite difficult to fight them.

We use chemicals

Chemical preparations are effective against this type of insect. Plant treatment should be carried out in the morning during the period of greatest pest activity. It is necessary not only to spray the plant, but also to water the soil with the product. It can be infected by larvae and eggs that have entered it. Thrips on indoor plants, photo before chemical treatment.

We use folk recipes

Folk remedies should be used in the initial stages of infection, when pest colonies have not yet grown to enormous proportions. One treatment is not enough. The effect is obtained by processing four times. The interval between them is 3 days.


Preventing disease is easier than treating diseased plants. You need to know how thrips can get into your apartment. It is easy to bring an exotic species of insect into your home along with a bouquet of purchased flowers or a purchased potted plant.

The soil may also be contaminated with pest larvae or eggs. This also applies to soil brought from your own garden and store-bought flower soils. Before use, treat the soil with phytoverm. The instructions describe the method of use.

Quarantine a new indoor plant in a room where there are no other flowers. If after a week no insects appear on it, you can move it to a permanent place.

Also watch the video