Indoor yucca: rules of care and reproduction, possible problems during cultivation. Yucca domestica

Yucca is an evergreen plant that is often confused with a palm tree. To grow yucca at home you do not need any special knowledge or special requirements. An adult plant always causes delight and admiration among guests at home.

  • In these regions, it does not require shelter for the winter, but with shelter it can withstand the climate conditions of central Russia.
  • Yucca filamentosa is a shrub whose leaves have characteristic white or yellow stripes.
  • The flowers emit a pleasant aroma, the peduncle is very large, rising a meter from the rosette of leaves.
  • This species can also be grown at home.

Also, in the presence of warm conditions, you can grow glorious and glaucous yucca:

  • They are similar in appearance, have creamy white flowers and similar care and growing requirements.

Two types of yucca are grown indoors: ivory and aloelia:

  • Elephant yucca is called false palm. It is a low shrub with long leaves and a sharp edge. The name comes from the trunk, which as it matures becomes strong and thick, like an elephant's leg. The plant came to us from arid regions where there are few pests, so growing it yourself does not cause problems.
  • Yucca aloe vera is also grown at home; its leaves are leathery and hard. It is more difficult to care for; as it grows, this yucca grows into a spherical bush. The trunk is identical to the previous species, but the aloel representative is slightly lower.

Indoor yucca has one of several rosettes of leaves. The length of each is from 30 to 80 cm, the width is within 6 cm. Usually it grows no more than 2 meters. The upper part of the plant develops too quickly, so the root system does not always have time to fully provide the plant with moisture and nutrients.

The houseplant yucca loves fresh air, so in summer it can be taken to the balcony or outside, but not in the open sun.

The cost of a plant ranges from 10 to 400 USD. per copy, the plant is very valuable, so you can safely give it to dear people.

Indoor yucca is an unpretentious plant; caring for the plant will not take much time. The plant is evergreen, although it has external similarities with palm trees, dracaenas and cordinillas, they are still completely different plants.

Since we are most often talking about elephant yucca or aloelia, it came to us from arid regions where there is little rainfall, but a large amount of sunlight. Therefore, yucca will develop in similar conditions at home, that is, with low watering and hot air.

Yucca will respond well if it is placed near southern windows, but if it receives direct sunlight, it is better to move the pot from this place.

If there is not enough light, the leaves of the “palm” will begin to stretch towards the sun and gradually become depleted.

Watering the plant:

  • The main condition for the successful growth of yucca is proper watering.
  • It is important that the soil has time to dry out and does not remain wet; the soil should not be flooded.
  • If the tree is left for a long time without watering, it will be able to tolerate this normally, but if the plant is overwatered, this is fraught with problems.
  • There is no single system for watering yucca. Much depends on the time of year, the microclimate of the region, the current weather, the humidity of the surrounding air, as well as the size of the plant and pot.
  • In summer, yucca requires abundant watering; each subsequent watering is carried out when the top layer of soil has dried 7 cm. If the room temperature is kept at 17 to 20 degrees, then one watering per week is enough. A 5 liter pot requires 1 liter of water.
  • In spring, autumn and winter, the amount and volume of watering is reduced. Otherwise, you may end up with rotting of the root system. You can tell by the brown spots on the leaves and their curling.
  • A large plant with a large number of leaves quickly evaporates moisture, this also needs to be taken into account when watering. There is no need to spray the plant, even if the air is very dry. It is strictly forbidden to spray leaves if they are exposed to open sunlight, otherwise you may get burns.
  • If in summer the plant does not need additional moisture, then in winter it is better to spray them periodically, especially if the room temperature is high.

Yucca responds well to fertilizers; fertilizing is applied two to three times a month during the period of active growth. Yucca is not fertilized until it has had time to adapt to new conditions or after transplantation, as well as during illness.

Yucca is planted in light soil with good drainage.

To prepare the mixture yourself, you will need deciduous soil, turf soil, peat, sand and humus, all in equal proportions. The main conditions for the active growth of yucca are proper watering and plenty of sunlight.

If the plant has grown too tall, then the top part can be safely cut off and divided into cuttings. On the part that remains, new leaves will soon appear from the lateral buds.

Reproduction is carried out by three methods:

  1. Cuttings.
  2. Part of the trunk.
  3. Seeds.

Flower cuttings:

  • The length of each cutting for further propagation must be at least 20 cm.
  • To make the cut on the plant quickly tighten, it is lubricated with garden varnish or sprinkled with activated carbon.
  • Rooting of the cuttings can be expected no earlier than after 1.5 months. For the process to occur successfully, you need to maintain the air temperature at 20 degrees and humidity within 80%.
  • Before placing the cutting in the ground, its cut is dried; to do this, just wait 20 minutes.
  • At this time, the greenhouse is prepared and a mixture of sand and turf soil is made. You can simply dip the cutting into a glass of boiled water. A tablet of activated carbon is placed in the water, which will kill harmful microorganisms.
  • To prepare the soil, it is first sprayed to create the necessary moisture for the cuttings.
  • As soon as the first roots appear, . If you delay, the cutting may rot.

You can also propagate yucca using part of the trunk if it has dormant buds.

Part of the trunk is cut off and placed horizontally in the substrate. Wet sand is used as soil. The trunk is pressed tightly to the ground and covered with glass or film.

Dormant buds will soon wake up and new shoots will form from them. After this, the trunk can be taken out of the sand and cut into the number of shoots. The sections are treated with activated carbon and dried for 20 minutes. Now each shoot is placed in separate pots.

Gardeners rarely use plant propagation by seeds, especially when it comes to houseplants.

Yucca gives good seed germination, so if you have seeds, you can take a chance. To begin with, a greenhouse is made, the container is filled with turf soil mixed with sand. and covered with film or glass. Every day you need to remove the film for ventilation. From time to time the soil is sprayed to maintain moisture. The first shoots will appear in a month.

What does this mean:

  • If the tips of the yucca leaves turn brown, but otherwise the plant behaves as before, then most likely the plant is not receiving enough moisture (either through watering or through the air). The problem can be solved simply: you need to increase the amount or volume of watering, or increase the air humidity, and start using spraying.
  • If brown spots appear on the leaves, which feel dry and brittle to the touch, then we are talking about low frequency of watering. This means that the plant needs to be watered more often so that the earthen ball is constantly moist. But do not forget that the top layer of soil of 5-7 cm should have time to dry out.
  • If the spots on the leaves are, on the contrary, light in color, then this is due to a large amount of sunlight. In this case, you need to move the plant to partial shade or create a barrier from the sun.
  • If the leaves are not as elastic as before, and the ends begin to curl, then this may be due to the low air temperature in the room. You need to find a warmer place in the room: change the side to the south, move the pot closer to the radiator and further from the cold glass.
  • If only the lower leaves are affected, and the upper ones continue to develop normally, then there is no need to worry at all. This process constantly accompanies yucca.

The shape of the tree is formed by the falling of the lower leaves.

Yucca also has pests, this can be determined by the following signs: the leaves have acquired a gray tint, the appearance of specks on the leaves, which unite over time, cobwebs have appeared under the leaves, the leaves have become weak, thin, and turned pale.

The most common pests of indoor yucca:

  • Gray rot.
  • Spider mite.
  • Mealybug.

Yucca is an expensive self-sufficient plant; it can be used to decorate a room or hall alone, without adding other plants.

More information can be found in the video.

Yucca is a beautiful plant with lush, long leaves. Scientists have proven that the tree belongs to plants of the Agave family. However, recently some flower gardeners believed that yucca was a lily plant. Amateurs still call yucca a palm tree, even though it has nothing to do with it.

Yucca is native to areas of Central America and Mexico where it is not rainy. There are approximately thirty plant species in total. In the wild, the tree can grow up to twelve meters tall. In a house or apartment, yucca grows no higher than two meters.

This noble tree will serve as an excellent decoration for a spacious office or apartment. An interesting fact is that the plant does not bloom in captivity. In the wild, yucca produces large white flowers. By setting up a flower garden in a warm place in winter, it is possible that small flowers will appear on the tree, but this rarely happens.

Interestingly, the first denim material was made from yucca flowers, which is why the plant is often called the denim tree.

Features of caring for homemade yucca palm

At home, flower growers grow varieties of trees that are accustomed in nature to dry climatic conditions and the scorching sun. Such varieties tolerate temperature changes well, are not picky about the composition of the soil, and are not afraid of dry air. And yet, the seemingly hardy plant has weaknesses.

Lighting, temperature and humidity

In nature, yucca loves the sun. In an isolated room, the flower does not tolerate extreme heat. The best temperature is 24-26C above zero. In winter, the tree needs coolness, so the thermometer should not rise above +20C.

Do not place a yucca plant that is too large on the floor if it does not fit on the windowsill. Arrange a small table for it right next to the window so that the tree can receive light all day long. Since it is difficult to find the right place for yucca in winter, it is important to protect it from the hot air of the radiator and add lighting using LED or fluorescent lamps.

The plant loves humidity. Make sure that it is not below 40%, otherwise the yucca will have to be sprayed twice a day.

Watering and spraying

The frequency of watering when caring for yucca at home depends on a number of factors. This includes the volume and material of the flowerpot, plant size, humidity, air temperature.

In summer the flower is watered a lot. A large tree is watered once a week at a temperature of +17-19C. It is preferable to use distilled or settled water. From late autumn to early spring, watering is reduced to prevent the roots from rotting. Improper watering will affect the leaves of the plant in the future.

If we talk about spraying, then yucca does not need it. Sometimes the leaves are washed in the shower to remove dust. In this case, you must ensure that water does not get inside the outlet. After the shower, the plant is dried before being placed in the sun. This is done to avoid burns.

Soil and fertilizing

Fertilize your home palm tree once every 3 weeks in spring and summer during intensive growth. You can buy fertilizer at any store.

Remember, you cannot fertilize the plant after replanting until it gets used to its new home. It is also better to refrain from feeding if the tree is sick. In winter, yucca is not fertilized.

How to replant yucca at home: step-by-step instructions

In order for the tree to be large and developed, it is necessary to replant on time. There are no special requirements in this matter, but it is still recommended to adhere to certain rules. The plant can be replanted all year round, but the optimal season for such manipulations is in the spring.

Roots play an important role in flower development. Therefore, they must be treated with care. If you disturb one of the root processes, the risk of yucca disease will increase or it will take a long time to get used to the new place.

Before transplanting the plant, you need to study the step-by-step instructions:

  • The new pot for the tree should be slightly larger in diameter than the diameter of the roots.
  • must be made of durable material (ceramics, plastic).
  • The depth of the yucca pot should be 2 times the size of the internal diameter.
  • The bottom of the pot must be lined with drainage. Sometimes it is replaced with river stones, crushed bricks, expanded clay, and gravel. After this, the pot is filled with soil. If the old soil is not depleted, it can be reused.
  • There should be no air bubbles inside the flowerpot.
  • After transplantation, the yucca is not watered for 2 days.

When choosing soil, give preference to a mixture of peat with a neutral water balance. If you prepare the soil yourself, then you need to mix coarse sand with peat turf or leaf soil. If the yucca is young, add a little humus to the mixture.

Difficulties of growing a domestic palm tree

As with all houseplants, caring for and growing yucca at home can be difficult. What do flower gardens face, and what are the ways to solve problems with palm trees?

Yucca leaves curl up

If the house is cold, the leaves of the plant will begin to curl. Remember, perhaps you ventilated the room or forgot to close the window? Solving the issue of drafts and lighting will help cope with the disease. You can also feed the plant.

If the edges of the leaves begin to dry out, check the humidity of the room and read again about the rules of watering.

The leaves began to lighten greatly, turn yellow, or turn almost white at the base, and the palm tree was driven uphill? Pay attention to the lighting in the room; perhaps the flower feels a lack of light.

Yucca leaves are actively falling

If a tree's leaves are falling off, then the problem lies in the tree's moisture. Learn all the rules of watering. If the roots have not yet died, the plant will eventually return to its previous appearance.

The trunk becomes soft and bends, the leaves wither

If the yucca leaves have not yet completely drooped, turned yellow or blackened, you should try to revive the plant by removing the affected tissue. If one trunk has rotted, cut it off. If the trunk of the plant has become soft and the leaves have turned black, becoming a gray-dirty color, the tree can be thrown out along with the soil.

To restore the plant from wilting, remove it from the pot and soak it in a fungicide, after removing the rotten roots. After the procedure, it is recommended to replant the tree in fresh soil and not water it for several days.

Yucca pests

The most famous plant pests are:
  1. . Settles under leaves. Because of the insect, the leaves turn yellow and white spots appear on their surface. Damaged yucca leaves wither and fall off. The insect starts in rooms where the air is dry.

To combat the plant, spray and wipe the leaves with Actellik.

Popular types of yucca for home cultivation, photos and descriptions

As we already mentioned, there are 30 species of this extraordinary plant. Numerous photographs on the Internet speak for themselves. Below we will look at some types of yucca for growing and caring for at home, captivating with their beauty.

Elephant yucca is the most popular among flower growers. In wild places, the plant is characterized by a powerful stem, respectable height, leaves up to 75 cm long and 5-8 cm wide. In a room, a palm tree of this species grows up to 1.5 m tall.

Blue yucca is a plant without stems. The length of its leaves, colorfully colored in a bluish-green hue with a dark frame and curly threads along the edge, reaches 70 cm.

Aloe yucca is a perennial tree with a straight trunk. The leaves are elliptic-lanceolate, up to 55 cm long, arranged in a spiral. Olive color.

Filamentous yucca is a plant with almost no stem. It grows horizontally due to the special structure of the root ridges. The roots of the flower are deep, which is why they make this type of yucca the most resistant to wintering. Can withstand severe frosts down to -20C. The leaves reach a length of 70 cm and are green.

Yucca is a hardy perennial plant. Caring for yucca at home is not a troublesome task. Thanks to its leaves and bright colors, the tree will become an irresistible object in the home interior. With a little effort, you can have the same miracle of nature in your home.

Yucca is an indoor plant, a noble and extremely popular plant. It is one of those indoor plants “that you are not ashamed to give,” only slightly inferior in this regard to and. And the point is not only in its considerable cost, which (alas...) often serves as a measure of nobility, but in the fact that yucca is a truly noble plant without any reservations or quotation marks. Indoor yucca is often called a palm tree, which is absolutely wrong!

There is some confusion with its classification. At first it belonged to the lily family (tulip, etc.), then to the agave family (, etc.), and now it is already beginning to be classified as a plant of the asparagus family (, etc.). At the same time, yucca is simultaneously on the list of representatives of both agave and asparagus. In general, there is complete confusion, which is not surprising in academic botany. Along with the fact that it is mistakenly called, yucca is even more often confused with other palm-like indoor plants - and. For an experienced gardener, the difference is obvious, but for a beginner, this similarity is slightly confusing. As for caring for yucca, it is not at all difficult. Despite its noble origin, yucca is unpretentious to living conditions and does not require special care. At the same time, you must pay attention to it and strictly follow the rules of maintenance.

"" is successfully grown in open ground

How to care for indoor yucca

Lighting and location

Under natural conditions, the plant grows mainly in conditions of low humidity and good light. Therefore, it is necessary to provide her with similar conditions at home. Indoor yucca will feel good and have a luxurious appearance only in a well-lit place. While it is still small, you can put it on the windowsill, protecting it from direct sunlight. When the yucca grows up, it can be placed near a window that provides the maximum amount of light. The plant reacts quite painfully to insufficient light - the leaves stretch out and become frail. Be sure to provide the yucca with a flow of fresh air. But at the same time, protect from drafts. In summer, it is advisable to take it out into the fresh air (balcony, garden plot, etc.).


In the warm season, temperature is not particularly important for yucca. Room temperature is quite acceptable for her. She will also tolerate the heat easily. In winter, although yucca does not have, a moderate temperature (+15 - 18 degrees) is desirable. During this period, it is able to tolerate lower temperatures. The lower limit for indoor yucca in winter is +8 degrees.

Watering, air humidity, fertilizer

You need to water the yucca very carefully, especially in winter! It will easily tolerate a lack of moisture and short-term dryness of the soil, and it can even die from waterlogging. mainly depends on the time of year and air temperature. In summer and in conditions of high air temperature, water the yucca generously, but only after the top layer of soil in the pot has dried. With the beginning of autumn, watering is gradually reduced. When kept in cool conditions, it is recommended to water indoor yucca only after at least half of the soil has dried out.

Dry air does not cause any particular inconvenience to yucca. Therefore, there is no need for spraying. The only exception can be in winter if the plant is located in close proximity to a heating device. In this case, you can moisten the leaves with warm water once a day.

During the period of active growth (from April to August), it is advisable to feed yucca. It is often enough to apply a complex or specialized fertilizer for decorative deciduous indoor plants once a month.

Transplanting indoor yucca

An adult domestic yucca plant is large, monumental, comparable to, or. Consequently, this too presents considerable difficulty. In this case, you can simply replace the top layer of soil with fresh one every year. But while it is still young and replanting it is not difficult, it is advisable to replant the yucca every two years. As it grows, the size and volume of the pot gradually increases. The earthen mixture for yucca should allow water and air to pass through well, but at the same time be sufficiently nutritious. It is made up of (two parts each) with the addition of humus and sand (one part each). Definitely required.

Propagation of indoor yucca

The easiest way to propagate this plant is from the top. This method of propagating yucca is practically no different from and is most effective in comparison with other methods of propagation. The cut top can be rooted in, or coarse sand. The cutting produces roots quite well in a container with water ().

A propagation method is also used - by stem fragments, if they have dormant buds.

If you don’t have a mother plant, you can try growing indoor yucca from seeds. If they are of sufficient quality and fresh, then you can expect good germination. The technology for germinating seeds is quite simple:

  • a mixture of turf soil and sand is prepared in equal proportions;
  • Yucca seeds are slightly buried in the ground (about two seed diameters);
  • the container with the planted seeds is covered with a cap or simply a piece of glass or PE film;
  • the container is placed in a warm (about +25 - 30 degrees) and bright place (not in the sun!);
  • further as in - moistening the earth, ventilating;
  • Shoots should appear in about a month.
Video about care and transplantation of yucca

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  • Transplantation and feeding
  • Reproduction
  • Diseases and problems of yucca.

What kind of wonderful plant is yucca? This type of plant has a tree-like stem, usually monolithic, in some cases branched. Yucca leaves are collected at the end of the stem or branches and are long and straight. Yucca flowers are large white bell-shaped buds, the buds grow luxuriantly, forming a cluster of flowers. In appearance, yucca resembles a palm tree, because it is indeed very easy to confuse. Yucca has many varieties, certain types grow up to 2 meters in height, and then you can safely call yucca a “house palm”. Different types of yucca came to us from different parts of the world, but most of these plants are found in Mexico, Central and South America.

Yucca, home care.

It cannot be said that yucca is extremely demanding in terms of care, but it has its own nuances that are worth taking into account. The yucca palm requires constant attention; its care must be correct and timely.

In summer, the optimal temperature is 20-25 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, yucca feels quite comfortable, one might say “at home.” In winter, temperatures around 10+ degrees Celsius are fine. However, in winter you should be careful not to allow the yucca to become overcooled; during the winter, the yucca should be removed away from drafts; overcooling of the yucca is very dangerous and often leads to the death of the plant. At high temperatures in winter, yucca begins to grow actively, the leaves stretch, lose color and color, become less dense - as a result, they hang. Are your yucca leaves turning yellow? One of the reasons is high air temperatures in winter.

Yucca comes from countries where there is a lot of sunny color. For this reason, the plant is very light-loving. It is not advisable to keep the yucca in direct sunlight in the summer; in other seasons, such light will only do good, but if the day turns out to be very hot, it is better to remove the yucca from direct sunlight. In the scorching sun, yucca leaves begin to dry out.

Yucca loves abundant, but not frequent watering; in summer, yucca should be watered after the top layer of soil has dried; in winter, a day or two after the top layer of soil has dried, water with settled water; you should also make sure that the water is not cold; it is better that the water for irrigation is room temperature temperature. Most types of yucca require frequent spraying, this maintains high air humidity, which is also beneficial for the leaves, but you should not spray yucca leaves if the flower is in direct sun, this will lead to burns. However, palm yucca (Yucca elephantipes and Yucca aloifolia) do not need spraying.

Transplantation and feeding

Replanting should be done in the spring; when replanting, check the roots for rotting; rotten roots should be removed. Replanting should be carried out every 2 goals, the yucca should be provided with good drainage, and it is recommended to add 20% coarse sand to the substrate. Feeding should be carried out in the spring and summer, feeding should be done every 2-3 weeks. Complex fertilizers are quite suitable. Yucca is not fed after transplantation or if the plant is sick.

How should yucca reproduce? Yucca is propagated both by seeds and vegetatively. Yucca seeds are poured into a light substrate; turf, deciduous soil and sand in equal parts are suitable for it. Crops should be covered with glass, watered and ventilated. A month after sowing, sprouts should appear.

When propagated by suckers, rooting should take place in sand, at a temperature of at least +20 degrees Celsius; suckers take root 2 months after planting.

If you decide to propagate yucca from cuttings. Then you must cut off the apical stalk (it is better to cut it with a sharp knife or blade), powder the cut with crushed coal (you can use an activated carbon tablet). The cuttings should be exposed to air for several hours. The cuttings are planted in sand or placed in boiled water. During the rooting period, the lower leaves of the cuttings may rot; such leaves should be removed; the trunk should not rot.

Diseases and problems of yucca.

  • If you notice brown, soft spots on the leaves, the matter is due to waterlogging of the substrate or high humidity.
  • Limp, pale leaves indicate a lack of light or nutrition.
  • The reason for dry and withered leaves is a small amount of moisture, both in the substrate and in the air.

Yucca is often susceptible to the disease “white rot”. This rot affects the lower leaves, they become withered, soft, a white coating forms on their surface, and black accumulations are visible in the section of the leaf. White rot is very dangerous and can infect neighboring flowers. The first measure to combat rot is to isolate the diseased plant, then remove the diseased leaves. After this, treatment should be carried out with special preparations, for example: Rovral.

A healthy plant is replanted using the transshipment method. This makes it possible to preserve the roots; the yucca will more easily withstand the stress caused by transplantation and adapt more quickly to new conditions.
The soil used should be easily watered, without stagnation. It is good to use a mixture of bark, peat, perlite, sand, with the addition of charcoal and humus. Universal soil with the addition of perlite is also good for the normal development of yucca. The main requirement for the contents of the pot is the presence of sufficient drainage so that the water does not stagnate and spoil the root system. After transplantation, for adaptation, the yucca plant requires a month of rest, without fertilizing, pruning or cuttings.

During the period of intensive growth, yucca loves feeding. It is recommended to use foliar fertilization methods with mineral solutions diluted with more water than indicated in the instructions. The plant responds best when sprayed with fertilizer from the underside of the leaves. In winter, caring for yucca does not require fertilizer; during this period it is in a dormant state.


If you follow the basic rules of care at home, yucca easily reproduces. To do this, you can use one of the methods: sowing seeds, cuttings and rooting lateral shoots.
For propagation by seeds, they are sown in light soil consisting of a mixture of turf and leaf soil with the addition of sand. A mini-greenhouse is created using glass or transparent film. It must be ventilated daily and monitor humidity. After a month, the seeds will sprout; each of the young plants must be transplanted into a separate pot.