Caring for garden yuccas. How to care for a yucca palm at home Caring for your home yucca in winter

Yucca is an evergreen plant that is often confused with a palm tree. To grow yucca at home you do not need any special knowledge or special requirements. An adult plant always causes delight and admiration among guests at home.

  • In these regions, it does not require shelter for the winter, but with shelter it can withstand the climate conditions of central Russia.
  • Yucca filamentosa is a shrub whose leaves have characteristic white or yellow stripes.
  • The flowers emit a pleasant aroma, the peduncle is very large, rising a meter from the rosette of leaves.
  • This species can also be grown at home.

Also, in the presence of warm conditions, you can grow glorious and glaucous yucca:

  • They are similar in appearance, have creamy white flowers and similar care and growing requirements.

Two types of yucca are grown indoors: ivory and aloelia:

  • Elephant yucca is called false palm. It is a low shrub with long leaves and a sharp edge. The name comes from the trunk, which as it matures becomes strong and thick, like an elephant's leg. The plant came to us from arid regions where there are few pests, so growing it yourself does not cause problems.
  • Yucca aloe vera is also grown at home; its leaves are leathery and hard. It is more difficult to care for; as it grows, this yucca grows into a spherical bush. The trunk is identical to the previous species, but the aloel representative is slightly lower.

Indoor yucca has one of several rosettes of leaves. The length of each is from 30 to 80 cm, the width is within 6 cm. Usually it grows no more than 2 meters. The upper part of the plant develops too quickly, so the root system does not always have time to fully provide the plant with moisture and nutrients.

The houseplant yucca loves fresh air, so in summer it can be taken to the balcony or outside, but not in the open sun.

The cost of a plant ranges from 10 to 400 USD. per copy, the plant is very valuable, so you can safely give it to dear people.

Indoor yucca is an unpretentious plant; caring for the plant will not take much time. The plant is evergreen, although it has external similarities with palm trees, dracaenas and cordinillas, they are still completely different plants.

Since we are most often talking about elephant yucca or aloelia, it came to us from arid regions where there is little rainfall, but a large amount of sunlight. Therefore, yucca will develop in similar conditions at home, that is, with low watering and hot air.

Yucca will respond well if it is placed near southern windows, but if it receives direct sunlight, it is better to move the pot from this place.

If there is not enough light, the leaves of the “palm” will begin to stretch towards the sun and gradually become depleted.

Watering the plant:

  • The main condition for the successful growth of yucca is proper watering.
  • It is important that the soil has time to dry out and does not remain wet; the soil should not be flooded.
  • If the tree is left for a long time without watering, it will be able to tolerate this normally, but if the plant is overwatered, this is fraught with problems.
  • There is no single system for watering yucca. Much depends on the time of year, the microclimate of the region, the current weather, the humidity of the surrounding air, as well as the size of the plant and pot.
  • In summer, yucca requires abundant watering; each subsequent watering is carried out when the top layer of soil has dried 7 cm. If the room temperature is kept at 17 to 20 degrees, then one watering per week is enough. A 5 liter pot requires 1 liter of water.
  • In spring, autumn and winter, the amount and volume of watering is reduced. Otherwise, you may end up with rotting of the root system. You can tell by the brown spots on the leaves and their curling.
  • A large plant with a large number of leaves quickly evaporates moisture, this also needs to be taken into account when watering. There is no need to spray the plant, even if the air is very dry. It is strictly forbidden to spray leaves if they are exposed to open sunlight, otherwise you may get burns.
  • If in summer the plant does not need additional moisture, then in winter it is better to spray them periodically, especially if the room temperature is high.

Yucca responds well to fertilizers; fertilizing is applied two to three times a month during the period of active growth. Yucca is not fertilized until it has had time to adapt to new conditions or after transplantation, as well as during illness.

Yucca is planted in light soil with good drainage.

To prepare the mixture yourself, you will need deciduous soil, turf soil, peat, sand and humus, all in equal proportions. The main conditions for the active growth of yucca are proper watering and plenty of sunlight.

If the plant has grown too tall, then the top part can be safely cut off and divided into cuttings. On the part that remains, new leaves will soon appear from the lateral buds.

Reproduction is carried out by three methods:

  1. Cuttings.
  2. Part of the trunk.
  3. Seeds.

Flower cuttings:

  • The length of each cutting for further propagation must be at least 20 cm.
  • To make the cut on the plant quickly tighten, it is lubricated with garden varnish or sprinkled with activated carbon.
  • Rooting of the cuttings can be expected no earlier than after 1.5 months. For the process to occur successfully, you need to maintain the air temperature at 20 degrees and humidity within 80%.
  • Before placing the cutting in the ground, its cut is dried; to do this, just wait 20 minutes.
  • At this time, the greenhouse is prepared and a mixture of sand and turf soil is made. You can simply dip the cutting into a glass of boiled water. A tablet of activated carbon is placed in the water, which will kill harmful microorganisms.
  • To prepare the soil, it is first sprayed to create the necessary moisture for the cuttings.
  • As soon as the first roots appear, . If you delay, the cutting may rot.

You can also propagate yucca using part of the trunk if it has dormant buds.

Part of the trunk is cut off and placed horizontally in the substrate. Wet sand is used as soil. The trunk is pressed tightly to the ground and covered with glass or film.

Dormant buds will soon wake up and new shoots will form from them. After this, the trunk can be taken out of the sand and cut into the number of shoots. The sections are treated with activated carbon and dried for 20 minutes. Now each shoot is placed in separate pots.

Gardeners rarely use plant propagation by seeds, especially when it comes to houseplants.

Yucca gives good seed germination, so if you have seeds, you can take a chance. To begin with, a greenhouse is made, the container is filled with turf soil mixed with sand. and covered with film or glass. Every day you need to remove the film for ventilation. From time to time the soil is sprayed to maintain moisture. The first shoots will appear in a month.

What does this mean:

  • If the tips of the yucca leaves turn brown, but otherwise the plant behaves as before, then most likely the plant is not receiving enough moisture (either through watering or through the air). The problem can be solved simply: you need to increase the amount or volume of watering, or increase the air humidity, and start using spraying.
  • If brown spots appear on the leaves, which feel dry and brittle to the touch, then we are talking about low frequency of watering. This means that the plant needs to be watered more often so that the earthen ball is constantly moist. But do not forget that the top layer of soil of 5-7 cm should have time to dry out.
  • If the spots on the leaves are, on the contrary, light in color, then this is due to a large amount of sunlight. In this case, you need to move the plant to partial shade or create a barrier from the sun.
  • If the leaves are not as elastic as before, and the ends begin to curl, then this may be due to the low air temperature in the room. You need to find a warmer place in the room: change the side to the south, move the pot closer to the radiator and further from the cold glass.
  • If only the lower leaves are affected, and the upper ones continue to develop normally, then there is no need to worry at all. This process constantly accompanies yucca.

The shape of the tree is formed by the falling of the lower leaves.

Yucca also has pests, this can be determined by the following signs: the leaves have acquired a gray tint, the appearance of specks on the leaves, which unite over time, cobwebs have appeared under the leaves, the leaves have become weak, thin, and turned pale.

The most common pests of indoor yucca:

  • Gray rot.
  • Spider mite.
  • Mealybug.

Yucca is an expensive self-sufficient plant; it can be used to decorate a room or hall alone, without adding other plants.

More information can be found in the video.

Among the palm trees there are those whose names are familiar to everyone. This can be said with complete confidence about the yucca palm. It is related to a palm tree by its tree-like trunk. The yucca palm is quite unpretentious. Growing it at home is not difficult, care does not take much time and effort, if you follow the recommendations and advice in the field of floriculture. Palm tree creates comfort in the home, introducing notes of exoticism into the home. It must be borne in mind that the process of turning a yucca from a small flower into an adult tree takes a lot of time.

Indoor yucca palm

Description of the Yucca palm

Yucca is of American origin; now it is found not only in the USA, Mexico, but also in Europe. It belongs to the agave family, in the natural environment there are several dozen species, at home no more than 10. A palm tree in the wild can grow extremely tall, indoors it can stretch up to 3-4 meters, in which case it will be more convenient in halls, foyers, winter garden. A typical plant in a room does not exceed 2 meters in height and can even be considered a shrub.

Yucca in nature

Yucca has a dense, even trunk, which is crowned by a cluster of lanceolate leaves; they are hard to the touch due to the hairs on their surface. For this reason, the flower is even called “Adam’s needle.” The length of the sheets can reach up to half a meter, they can have a variety of colors. Palm flowers look extremely attractive: multi-colored buds that resemble bells.

At home, yucca flowering is a rare occurrence. Sometimes the plant even bears fruit.

In America, juice is extracted from the yucca palm, paper and denim are made.

Elephant Yucca

Yucca indoor elephant

The most popular variety of yucca, so named for the thickness of its trunk. In natural conditions it can grow up to 10 meters, indoors it is a shrub. The leaves stretch 70-80 cm in length, their width reaches 8 cm, they form into a voluminous crown. Caring for elephant yucca will not cause any difficulties; it easily adapts to the conditions of a confined space, and pests practically do not touch it.

Yucca aloe vera

On a straight trunk there are thin lanceolate leaves with sharp tips and thorns; they form a spiral or a ball, their length can reach half a meter, and they are hard to the touch. Its growth does not occur quickly, aloel yucca can stretch up to 8 meters, bear fruit in the form of a seed capsule, and at home it is characterized by small growth. This yucca has three methods of reproduction: seed, stem and crown.

Where is the best place to place a palm tree?

The home palm tree adapts to any surrounding space: a small room, a spacious hall, a wide balcony. By caring for your yucca, you can slow down its growth to keep it at an appropriate size for the room. It is recommended to place the tree near ventilation; it is preferable to place the pot next to windows facing south, west or east. Palm trees practically do not emit toxic substances into the atmosphere and do not cause allergies.

Palm Yucca rostata

At first, a purchased or grown flower can be placed on a windowsill, and as it grows, it can be moved to a stand on the floor.

Yucca flower: lighting, humidity, temperature and soil

The plant takes root in any conditions without problems, but gardeners’ knowledge of the basic rules for maintaining a flower will benefit the yucca. Caring for a yucca palm requires a certain amount of patience.


Direct sunlight does not pose a threat to yucca, but moderation is needed; it is better to create partial shade with the help of curtains and blinds. In summer, you need to protect the leaves from direct rays; in winter, place the pot where the rare sun penetrates. During the day, the palm tree must be illuminated for at least 15 hours. If there is a lack of natural light, you can use special lamps.


Suitable humidity for palm trees is 40%. In the hot season, yucca needs regular spraying and wiping with a rag or sponge soaked in water. You can put it under a stream of warm water from the shower. In winter, dry air is not dangerous for the tree, but it is better to avoid the proximity of a pot with hot radiators.

Yucca with edged leaves


In summer, the thermometer in rooms with yucca should show a temperature of no lower than 20 and no higher than 25 ° C. At high temperatures, the pot can be placed on the balcony. In winter, the palm tree will withstand +10°C indoors, the average value is +15°C. It must be protected from drafts, which have a detrimental effect on all parts of the plant.

The soil

  • purchase special soil for yucca in the store, to which you can add compost and gravel to the bottom;
  • make the mixture yourself by combining equal parts of sand, leaf soil, and you can include humus.

The soil must certainly be loose, and there must be a good drainage layer at the bottom.

Soil for yucca palm

How to water correctly

Watering is carried out only when the soil is completely dry and 5 cm deep. An indicator of the need for water is the folded leaves of the flower. Do not flood the palm tree with water, this will lead to darkening of the leaves and subsequently to their rotting. In spring and summer, palm trees need more water than in autumn and winter. The optimal intervals between waterings are 7-8 days. It is necessary to ensure that water does not linger in the pan; excess water must be drained. The size of the container with yucca also influences the watering regime: a five-liter pot is ready to take up to 1.5 liters of liquid. You need to water with settled water or rainwater.

Top dressing

Spring is a period of active palm growth, when it needs feeding 2 times a month; in summer you can increase it up to three times. The fertilizer chosen is:

  • peat;
  • manure;
  • mullein;
  • humus;
  • special substrate purchased in the store.

In winter, the tree needs to be given a complex liquid fertilizer or in the form of granules. In autumn, it is better not to disturb the flower, as it enters a dormant phase. You should not apply fertilizer to a palm tree for a month after transplanting or to a sick plant.

Leaves turn yellow due to lack of nutrition

Diseases and pests

The appearance of a palm tree may indicate that something is wrong with it:

  • drying leaves are a signal that the air in the room is too dry, the plant receives little moisture or is exposed to a draft;
  • if the leaves begin to turn yellow, this may be normal during the growth of the yucca, or may indicate insufficient watering or spraying, the lower yellow leaves should be cut off;
  • gray and brown circles on the leaf blades are a sign of the so-called gray spot or fungus, which can be combated by reducing the flow of moisture to the flower, trimming diseased leaves and adding an antifungal substance;
  • if the palm leaves curl, it means the room is too cold, the tree will be saved by a moderate thermal regime;
  • light spots on the palm tree are signs of sunburn; the pot should be removed away from the sun;
  • the stem begins to rot if watered too much, trimming the rotten roots will help, charcoal should be applied to the cuts, after a few days the flower should be transplanted into another pot with fresh soil.

Some insects pose a danger to yucca:

  • The spider mite is usually located on the inside of the leaf, it can be detected upon careful examination, external signs: the whole flower is covered with a web, the leaves quickly wither because their juice is absorbed by the mite; you need to wet treat each leaf with soap and treat the entire plant with an insecticide;
  • the presence of scale insects can be judged by brown plaques on the leaves that dry out and fall off; Wiping with a soapy solution and spraying with Actellik will help;
  • Another headache for gardeners is the mealyworm, which can also be overcome by wet processing of sheets and the application of insecticides.

Garden yucca overwinters in the ground

Palm tree transplant

The most suitable time of year for transplantation is spring. It is difficult for the palm to change its location, so this should be done no more than once every two years. You can replant yucca when the roots do not fit into the pot or begin to rot.

The transplant proceeds as follows:

  1. It is necessary to select a deep pot, 4 cm larger than the diameter of the root system; it must support the palm tree and not change its shape with the subsequent growth of the flower.
  2. Before transplanting, the yucca should be watered with a large volume of water.
  3. All dry leaves must be removed. It is necessary to trim the roots and treat the cut areas with charcoal.
  4. The mixture for yucca should consist of turf, humus, leaf soil, sand, perlite, have an alkaline content and allow moisture to pass through without problems.
  5. The bottom of the pot must be filled with expanded clay or gravel.
  6. The plant must be placed in a new container by transshipment so that the earthen lump is preserved. The roots should not reach the bottom; the empty space must be covered with fresh earthen mixture and everything compacted.
  7. Watering the transplanted palm tree should be done only after the soil has completely dried, and then care for it as before transplantation.

Color of indoor yucca

Peculiarities of propagation of indoor yucca flower

There are three options for propagating yucca: seed, cuttings and parts of the trunk. At home, you can effectively propagate a palm tree using cuttings and parts of the trunk. Reproduction not only produces a new flower, but also rejuvenates the palm tree.

Propagation by cuttings

This procedure is best carried out in the warm season, preferably in the spring. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Cut a cutting of an average length of 7 cm at an acute angle; before this, the palm tree needs to be watered properly.
  2. For several hours, the cutting, on which a couple of leaves may remain, should dry in the air; it is advisable to treat the cut area with charcoal.
  3. The cutting must be inserted at a right angle into a container with perlite, deepening it by 3-4 cm.
  4. The pot with the shoot should be in the shade, from now on the yucca needs constant watering at room temperature of 25 ° C, spraying will not hurt.
  5. After rooting, the sprout needs to be transplanted into a separate pot after 1.5 months.

Cuttings for propagation

Reproduction by parts of the trunk

This popular method is done as follows:

  1. Separate the top shoot with dormant buds from the adult tree; its length should be approximately 10 cm.
  2. The shoot must be dried in air by treating the cut with charcoal.
  3. Place the shoot with wet ends in a pot with sand and turf; empty spaces can be treated with charcoal.
  4. A germinating flower needs good watering.
  5. After 2-3 weeks, shoots will hatch from the dormant buds, which must be planted in separate containers.

Rooting a Yucca trunk

This plant only looks like a palm tree in appearance, but has nothing to do with it. Those who have just started gardening may even mistake yucca for dracaena or cordyline. Obvious differences between them are visible only after a close acquaintance.

This plant firmly holds its position as a leader among indoor flowers. There is nothing surprising about this - this beautiful palm-shaped plant is very unpretentious in care, which allows novice gardeners to successfully do what they love, and those who already have one do not have to spend a lot of time on it. Yucca is hardy and can easily tolerate lack of care, as long as it gets watered. She also does not require frequent transplants.

But this unpretentious plant also requires some attention, especially if you want to show it off to other lovers. You need to find out how to care for yucca before purchasing it and follow the recommendations. Stores, as a rule, offer glorious yucca, and exactly how to care for it will be discussed below.

An adult plant can reach a height of 2 m, and even higher, so the windowsill is only suitable for “baby” yucca. But even for them, the window sill must be wide enough so that their leaves do not touch the window glass. Yucca placed on a windowsill can easily get burns - cold in winter and sunny in summer. That is why it is recommended to place the yucca pot on the floor near the window. But there should be enough lighting there, so it’s better not to place the yucca in the shade. The best thing is if the sun shines through this window for most of the day. Yucca is especially sensitive to sunlight in winter.

In warm weather, the best thing for yucca is to “live” in the fresh air. Try to provide this opportunity for the plant. Yucca loves fresh air, but really does not like drafts. Remember this and don't ruin your plant.

Temperature regime for yucca
This plant does not like high temperatures, but it is not worth freezing. The most optimal thing is to maintain a temperature range from 16 degrees to 18 degrees in winter and keep the yucca at room temperature the rest of the year. But it’s better not to overheat it, so when it’s hot, the yucca needs to be provided with more comfortable living conditions. If the plant is located in a room without heating, it cannot be kept there at a temperature below eight degrees Celsius.

When the yucca spends time outside, the rains provide it with a sufficient amount of moisture, unless there is a drought in the summer. At home, the plant requires abundant watering, but the top layer of soil in the pot must first dry out a little. At the same time, there should be no water in the pan, since excess moisture can lead to rotting of the roots. In winter, watering becomes rare, and the soil in the pot should be half dry before the next one.

Air humidity is not particularly important for yucca. However, when the pot is near a heating radiator, the leaves of the plant dry out, and it should be sprayed daily. Outside the heating season, yucca is sprayed and washed as needed.

Yucca requires feeding. The period of its active growth begins in April and lasts until August, when additional “food” is needed. This may be a regular fertilizer used for ornamental plants. Frequency – once every two or three weeks.

Transplanting a plant
Young yucca does not cause problems with transplantation, and its “place of residence” should be changed every two years. But yucca grows well, and in the future it will be problematic to transplant it to a new “home”. Once the yucca reaches a respectable size, it is not necessary to replant it; you can simply change the top layer of soil in the pot. This must be done annually.

The soil must be nutritious and loose enough so that moisture and air are available to the root system. Stores sell ready-made earthen mixtures, but it is preferable to make it yourself. Take two parts of turf, sand and leaf soil and one part of humus and mix thoroughly. And do not forget that the plant requires drainage.

Large yucca is not very stable and is often planted in a larger pot than required. Sometimes this leads to acidification of the soil. To prevent this from happening, a fifth of the soil should consist of a cultivator - expanded clay chips, vermiculite or perlite.

Yucca propagation
For propagation, seeds, pieces of the trunk or apical cuttings are used, which is the most common method. This is reminiscent of propagating dracaena, but it requires an earth mixture, and yucca requires sand, vermiculite or perlite. Cuttings can also be placed in water. The breeding procedure is carried out from spring and early summer. The rest of the time is unfavorable for reproduction, and the mother plant may get sick.

In nature, yucca acts as a large shrub, native to South America and Mexico. Hobbyists often purchase them for their home to decorate the interior. Yucca, which must be cared for at home according to its requirements, is an unpretentious plant.

There are more than 50 varieties in nature.

The most common among indoor cultivation are:

  1. Yucca elephant. This species is native to South America. The name of the species comes from the peculiar trunk in the shape of an elephant’s leg. During flowering, the plant develops a paniculate inflorescence with many white flowers. They can reach up to 7 cm in length.
  2. Yucca filamentosa. A plant that does not have a main stem can grow through root shoots and suckers. The leaves of this species are pointed at the ends, reaching more than 50 cm in length. During the growing season it produces a panicle with large inflorescences up to 10 cm. They are white in color with a yellow tint.
  3. Yucca Elefantis. In natural conditions it can reach more than 7 meters in height. In room conditions it grows slowly, capable of reaching a height of up to 2 meters. It has a thick trunk, at the top there are green leaves, lowered to the bottom.

Important! All varieties of indoor palm trees have distinctive features in appearance and color. But they require the same care at home.

Yucca - nuances of growing

Yucca belongs to the Agave family. More often it is called a palm tree and can be found as a decoration for offices and large houses.

When cultivating it at home, there are certain nuances and requirements:

  1. Creation of favorable conditions close to the usual environment.
  2. Timely replanting, soil preparation.
  3. Fertilizing, pest control.
  4. Reproduction.

To achieve a beautiful palm tree appearance, you need to trim the trunk. After time, shoots form on it. Over time, they will get stronger, and you will get several trunks.

Important! The yucca palm requires free space, as it is large. It is an unpretentious evergreen plant. With sufficient and proper care, it will please the owner for a long time.

Home care

Like many indoor plants, yucca should be cared for in full.

It consists of the following actions:

  • optimal temperature and lighting;
  • moderate humidity and excessive watering;
  • composition of fertile soil, drainage;
  • feeding with fertilizers;
  • transplantation and methods of reproduction;
  • timely control of diseases and pests.

To get a healthy indoor plant and achieve flowering, it is necessary to create conditions similar to natural ones.

Optimal conditions of detention

Indoor yucca loves bright lighting. Due to a deficiency, the leaves of the palm tree may become stretched and the color becomes dull. It is better to place a pot with a plant near a window on the south side so that most of the light falls on it. To do this, avoid direct sunlight to avoid burns on the leaves.

The optimal temperature in the hot season is 20-25 degrees. Every day you can take the plant out into the fresh air for ventilation, avoiding strong winds and drafts. You should not allow the temperature to drop below 8 degrees, this can be detrimental to the flower. In winter, it is better to organize additional lighting for the palm tree. The temperature during winter dormancy should not exceed 10-15 degrees.

Substrate requirements

An important point for planting or replanting an indoor palm tree is the choice of substrate. You can buy a substrate ready-made in the store, intended for the agave family.

You can prepare it yourself by mixing equal parts:

  • turf land;
  • leaf soil;
  • humus;
  • sand;
  • peat.

Before the planting procedure, it is necessary to organize good drainage. It is allowed to lay a layer of expanded clay or coarse crushed stone on the bottom of the pot. Organizing drainage is a necessary condition for the full growth of a flower.

Irrigation system

Watering and irrigation directly depend on environmental conditions. In high temperatures and low humidity, indoor trees need to be watered every 2-3 days. Spraying should be carried out daily, especially in the summer. The top layer of soil will serve as a signal for watering. If it is dry, you need to water the plant with settled water at room temperature.

In autumn and winter, watering should be reduced to once a week. When there is an excess of moisture, the palm leaves appear curled and spots form on them. When watering, it is important that the water does not fall on the rosette of leaves, and also stagnate in the pot to prevent rotting of the roots.

Feeding and fertilizer

Feeding should begin in early spring. Special mineral fertilizers are suitable for this. They are added along with water during irrigation. It is necessary to carry out the procedure every 10 days in spring and summer. With the onset of autumn, fertilizing should be reduced to once a month. In winter, indoor yucca does not need fertilizer; it begins its winter dormancy period.

Important! You cannot fertilize indoor flowers for the first two weeks after transplantation. It is necessary to wait until the plant gets stronger and begins its intensive growth.

How to care for leaves, clean dust

An unpretentious indoor flower that can survive arid climates. To maintain humidity, it is important to spray daily in the summer. In autumn, irrigation is carried out every other day. For the procedure, it is better to use clean, settled water at room temperature. Regularly wipe the leaves with a damp cloth to remove dirt and dust.

In the evening, you can have a shower. To do this, place the pots on a tray and water them with a hose. Once a week, it is recommended to treat the leaves with a soap solution and then rinse with clean water.

Reproduction and transplantation of Yucca flowers

Yucca is replanted as the root system of the pot fills. Either due to root rotting or other diseases.

The transplant consists of the following steps:

  1. Choose a pot that is 2 cm larger than the previous one.
  2. Prepare fertile substrate and organize drainage.
  3. The plant is carefully removed from the pot using the transfer method.
  4. Remove all rotten and damaged roots and old soil.
  5. Place the flower in the prepared container.
  6. Add soil on top, compacting it a little.
  7. Lightly moisten the soil, then water after 2 weeks.

The procedure is necessary every 2-3 years. It is better to do it in the spring. It is not allowed to replant Yucca during winter dormancy.

Like many plants, palm trees can reproduce in several ways:

  • seeds;
  • trunk sections;
  • shoots;
  • apical stem.

It is better to start the seed method in February. To do this, the seeds are sown in boxes prepared with soil, with a layer of soil no more than 5 mm sprinkled on top. The boxes are placed in a warm and well-lit place, covered with film or glass on top. Moisten with a spray bottle so as not to wash out the seed material. Open the film daily for ventilation. After a month, you can observe the emergence of seedlings; the film must be removed.

In the spring, the top of the plant with leaves is cut off, and the cut site is treated with garden varnish. After a certain time, new side shoots appear on the trunk. Place the top in a glass of water for 2 days. Then they are placed in wet sand, covered with film on top. After rooting, the top of the plant is planted in a separate pot prepared with soil.

To propagate a flower, the trunk is cut into several parts, and the cut is treated with varnish. Parts of the trunk are planted in a prepared moist substrate of sand and peat, covered with film on top, forming a mini greenhouse. After a month, remove the film. It is allowed to lay parts of the trunk horizontally, pressing them slightly to the soil. After a certain time, buds will begin to appear on them. This method is best done in the summer, when the Yucca flower grows intensively. The fungal disease forms as brown spots on the leaves. If it occurs, it is necessary to reduce watering, irrigation, and reduce air humidity. All affected parts are removed from the plant.

  • Rotting of the stem or roots. When identifying the first signs of the disease, it is important to remove all affected parts of the plant from the main bush. Organize moderate watering and reduce indoor humidity.
  • In addition to diseases, pests may appear on the flower. The most common and well-known are: false scale insects and spider mites. Spider mites appear on the undersides of leaves. After which the leaves become dull in color and die. As a preventative measure, it is necessary to treat the leaves with a soap solution and spray the plant with insecticides. The false scale insect affects not only the leaves, but also the stems. If pest control measures are not taken, the flower may die.

    Possible problems during cultivation

    If a houseplant is not properly and poorly cared for, various problems may arise.

    The most basic mistakes when growing yucca indoors are:

    1. Due to waterlogging of the soil, dark spots appear on the leaves, and the trunk also becomes soft. It is necessary to reduce watering and reduce indoor humidity.
    2. White dry spots on the leaves appear in a dry and strongly lit room. It is necessary to change the location of the pot in partial shade.
    3. Foliage curls and brown spots appear due to lack of temperature and poor light during winter dormancy. It is necessary to provide the plant with additional lighting and increase the temperature.
    4. Fungal diseases appear due to excess moisture. You should stop watering and apply fertilizers in a timely manner.
    5. Root rot occurs when moisture accumulates in the tray. If detected, you need to replant the flower, removing all affected parts of the root system.

    Yucca is an unpretentious plant; if you devote a minimum of time to it, it will perfectly decorate your interior.

    The houseplant Yucca looks very much like a palm tree, although in reality it is not one. This plant belongs to the Agave family, which is a tree-like plant. Very similar to cordyline or dracaena, clear differences can only be seen when several plants are closely compared.

    Yucca is an indoor plant that resembles a palm tree.

    Description of the species

    Yucca is ideal as a houseplant. This is one of the most unpretentious plants, requiring minimal attention and simple care.

    The plant looks beautiful and interesting in any interior and adds exotic notes to it. The homeland of the so-called palm tree is Central and South America.

    This plant is divided into the following types:

    • tree-like;
    • stemless.

    The plant practically does not bloom in captivity. But if you create conditions as close as possible to those where Yucca was born, you can see how it blooms. And it blooms amazingly beautifully - it throws out powerful vertical peduncles strewn with a mass of buds. The flowers resemble white, yellowish or pinkish bells.

    Yucca varieties

    This plant, which is sometimes called false palm, can be divided into 4 main types, which are the most popular: filamentous, aloel, glaucous and ivory. Each type has its own characteristics.

    1. Indoor Yucca aloe vera is ideal for growing at home. The sword-shaped leaves grow at the top of the flower, the remaining leaves are belt-shaped or lanceolate. The leaves themselves are arranged in a spiral on the trunk. The length of the leaves is about 60 cm, the color of the plant is green with an olive tint. Can reach 1.5 m in height.
    2. The main difference that filamentous Yucca has is its large leaves with threads and the almost complete absence of a trunk. This plant is difficult to grow at home because of its volume, but it will do well on the lawn near the house. 70–75 cm in length and 4–5 cm in width are the parameters of the leaves of filamentous Yucca. The leaves themselves have pointed tips and curly white threads on the sides that beautifully descend to the ground. It has an interesting green color with a yellow tint or white specks.
    3. The Yucca Elephant Palm is also suitable for home cultivation, but it is worth considering that it can grow up to 1.5 m in height. In nature it grows up to 8–10 m. The leaves reach 85 cm in length and 7 cm in width. This tree can be remembered by its thick trunk, reminiscent of an elephant's leg, and its rich green color. Elephant Yucca grows for a long time and over time takes the form of an upright shrub or low-growing tree, and is rarely affected by pests.
    4. A feature of the blue palm tree can be considered the almost complete absence of a stem. The leaves of this Yucca, about 60 cm long, have a bluish-green color with a bluish tint and are collected in dense rosettes. Exotics add hanging threads that curl beautifully.

    Gray Yucca is a palm tree that has virtually no stem.

    Features of caring for Yucca at home

    The Yucca tree plant can grow up to 2 m tall at home, and in the wild its height reaches 12 m. However, no matter how easy the plant is to maintain, it still needs to be cared for.

    As mentioned above, the flower does not require special gardening skills or a lot of time, but there are still certain care features that must be observed.

    1. The main requirement for growing this species is good lighting. At home, the flower receives a huge amount of sunlight, because it grows in hot countries. The ideal location would be a well-lit window on the south side of the house.
    2. The second feature is the lack of flowering, although in nature Yucca blooms in a paniculate inflorescence up to 1 m long with many flowers. The only opportunity to see a palm tree blooming at home is an insulated balcony or loggia, where the flower will be sent in the winter.
    3. The plant is very popular, and an adult specimen will not be cheap and will take a long time to grow yourself, so this is not an option for impatient gardeners.
    4. Another feature is the need for a long daylight hours, at least 15 hours. Therefore, in winter the flower will need additional lighting. And also we must not forget that the plant does not tolerate drafts, so in the fall it is better to make a secluded and well-lit shelter.

    Yucca does not need intense heat - it is better to maintain the temperature around 20–30 C in spring and summer, and -15–20 C in winter.

    During the warm season, you need to water the plant often, but you need to make sure that the soil dries out between waterings. Special recommendation: when the top layer of soil dries, you need to wait 2-3 days and only then water. Any water that has drained onto the pan must be drained.

    In winter, you need to care for the flower a little differently: water infrequently, provided that the room temperature is 23–28 C. If the temperature is below 23 C, then it is recommended to water even less often. There is no need to water the leaves of the plant, but you need to wipe off the dust from them periodically.

    If in the winter season the air humidity is below 40–45%, then it is necessary to spray twice a day. At humidity levels above these values, it is not necessary.

    Top dressing

    Caring for a young plant involves mandatory feeding, which is carried out in spring and summer. Feeding should begin in April and end in August. The interval between feedings is 2–3 weeks. Fertilizers for decorative deciduous plants are ideal. It is best applied to the underside of the leaves. You cannot feed a tree when it is sick or after transplanting.

    It is forbidden to feed Yucca immediately after transplantation.

    First of all, plants planted in purchased soil need additional fertilizers, since nutrients leave it after 1–2 months. If the soil was prepared independently at home, then the flower may not need feeding for about a year.

    Palm tree transplant

    With normal care, Yucca needs to change its place of residence every two years, and it is recommended to do this in the spring. The larger the plant, the more difficult it is to replant, so the top layer of soil is changed for adult trees every year.

    The roots need moisture and air, so the soil must be very loose and nutritious. It is better to compose the soil yourself from three components:

    1. Compost or sod, for young plants add a little humus. This will provide nutrition.
    2. Large granular peat or leaf soil will ensure nutrient retention, root fixation and substrate structuring.
    3. Coarse river sand, pumice or coarse perlite - up to 30% of the total volume will provide drainage and water permeability.

    You can make additional drainage from broken brick, expanded clay or gravel, which is laid on the bottom, but not more than 1/4 of the height of the pot.

    The soil should not be alkaline. If, when watering, water lingers and passes through the soil for a long time, then the soil needs to be changed. Replanting is also necessary if the plant begins to rot due to inept care.

    The question arises of how to transplant Yucca at home. After suitable soil has been compiled or purchased, it is necessary to replant the plant. The pot should be larger than the previous one and stand steadily on the surface. You should not buy a pot that is too large, as the soil may turn sour. To prevent this from happening, the soil should consist of one-fifth cultivator.

    You need to pour expanded clay or fine gravel into the bottom of the pot, and then add soil. A healthy flower is moved into a new pot along with a lump of earth, soil is added and compacted well. If the plant's roots have begun to rot, replanting will be a little more difficult.

    The first step is to remove the rotten roots. To do this, the plant and soil are allowed to dry completely, and then all the soil is removed and rotten roots are cut off. The wounds should be covered with crushed coal and the plant should also be moved to a new pot with fresh soil.

    Yucca propagation

    Yucca propagation usually occurs in three ways: seeds, cuttings or shoots. Spring time is best for breeding.

    Propagation by seeds

    Yucca can be propagated very well and easily by seeds. Before planting, it is necessary to break the hard shell of the seed for rapid germination. Damaged seeds are placed in soil, which consists of sand, turf and leaf soil, and covered with film or glass on top. Seeds need regular ventilation, bright light and a temperature of at least 25 C. After a month, the first shoots should appear.

    Small plants are transplanted into small plastic cups filled with the same soil. The first feeding of young plants is carried out a week after transplantation. To do this, mix a liter of water and 1 gram of nitrophoska. After two weeks, another feeding is carried out.

    After the formation of 5 leaves, a young Yucca can be cared for like an adult plant.

    Propagation by cuttings

    The flower grows very slowly, and impatient gardeners use propagation by cuttings. The ideal time for cuttings is in the spring before active growth, but the time from March to August is also acceptable.

    The cuttings are cut and dried for 12 hours in a dark and cool place. You need to leave a few leaves on the cutting and fix it vertically at a depth of 4–5 centimeters in perlite, which should be constantly moist.

    should be in the range of 20–30 C. Light is required as much as an adult plant. Do not forget to periodically spray the leaves, thereby increasing the humidity. In a month the cutting will take root.

    Reproduction by shoots

    Over time, the tree will grow and become too large for the room or home. In this case, you can make two or more from one flower, but smaller in size. The daughter side shoot is carefully separated from the adult plant.

    For rooting, it is placed in a container of water or wet sand. When roots appear on the shoot, you can transplant it into a pot with prepared soil.

    Yucca Pests

    Yucca can be affected by pests such as:

    • mites;
    • caterpillars;
    • scale insects;
    • thrips.

    This houseplant is rarely attacked by pests. When a plant is damaged, small spots appear on the leaves, and cobwebs can be seen on the back side.

    You need to fight pests by treating the tree with one of the insecticides (Aktara, Karbofos). Iskra BIO will help against spider mites. But first, before treating with insecticides, you need to wipe the affected areas with a solution of laundry soap.

    Palm diseases

    Yucca growing at home is susceptible to some diseases if not properly cared for.

    1. Brown spots. They are formed as a result of dry air, improper soil acidity, poor watering, waterlogging or hypothermia of roots, and insufficient drying of the soil. In this case, it is necessary to remove the damaged leaves, change the watering regime, and be sure to treat the plant with a fungicide.
    2. Light spots. Yucca suffers from excess light. It is recommended to place the plant in the shade or slightly cover it from the sun.
    3. Rotten trunk. This is the effect of a fungus on the palm tree, which spreads very quickly. Also, the leaves may be pale and soft, and the trunk quickly softens. To prevent stem rotting during replanting, various raising agents should be added to the soil.
    4. Yellow leaves. If the leaves turn yellow and fall off at the bottom of the trunk, this is a natural process and no measures are needed. Rolled leaves. This is due to hot air or very dry soil. It is advisable to remove the flower away from the battery.
    5. Yellow leaves at the base. The reason is lack of light. In this case, the plant may stretch upward, this happens in winter or autumn. An additional light source is required.

    Flower renewal

    If a palm tree grows in unhealthy conditions, it may lose its decorative properties. The trunk is noticeably elongated or the leaves are damaged. In this case, it is possible to renew the flower, but you should not do this in the year when the plant was propagated.

    In February, all shoots of the required length are cut off. To properly prune Yucca, you need to know several nuances. Provided that the plant has one trunk, it can be cut to any height.

    If the flower has several trunks, then the difference in their height should be at least 15 centimeters. The cut trunks are treated with crushed charcoal. With sufficient light, new shoots begin to grow within a week. The lowest stem should be closest to the light.

    During pruning, you should not feed the plant and reduce watering. It is necessary to water the plant when the soil is thoroughly dry. When trimming an old flower, caring for it will be different.

    After the crown of the tree has been trimmed and new young leaves have appeared, it is advisable to replant the plant and remove some of the roots that have grown greatly. In this case, the transplant occurs in a smaller pot.

    Root pruning

    When removing a palm tree from a pot, you need to clear the root system of the soil. Carefully trim the largest and thickest roots and form a new root system of the desired size. Do not reduce it by more than half. Most of the roots in the middle should be completely untouched, so only the lateral roots are pruned.

    A smaller pot is selected, thick drainage is placed on the bottom, and fresh soil is placed on top. The transplanted palm tree is placed in the shade and not watered for 5–7 days. In dry air, spraying the leaves twice a day is allowed. You cannot propagate a pruned tree for several months after replanting.

    Caring for yucca at home should be based on the habits and preferences of the plant, established in its homeland. The main thing is to follow the basic rules of caring for the plant, and then it will reciprocate your feelings: it will delight you with its healthy appearance and exotic beauty for a long time.