How to write a farewell letter to colleagues. Farewell letter to colleagues


In the West, it has recently become fashionable to write farewell letters to colleagues upon dismissal. They can be sent as a mass mailing to the entire team, or write individual letters to the employees who have become the closest to you. It is best to start such a letter with an appeal (friends, dear colleagues, etc.), thank them for their cooperation, remember joint projects (this will allow you to associate colleagues with their work done in the future, and their successes will subconsciously be reflected in your thoughts as yours). too). It is advisable to wish success and prosperity to colleagues and the employer and be sure to leave your new contacts - anything happens in life and old connections can be useful to you. Also, if you work in a large company, and not everyone knows you, in a letter you can announce from what date you will no longer be at work and indicate the employee who will perform your duties after your departure.

After a farewell letter, you can have a party, but whether it will be a modest gathering with tea and cake at lunchtime or a large-scale party in a cafe is up to you, it all depends on your relationship with colleagues and on your financial situation. An alternative option is to arrange a small tea party after work, invite all colleagues and, of course, the leader. At the same time, you can thank all those present for the experience that you got while working with them, and give a small souvenir as a keepsake (a magnet / calendar with a general photo of all employees from some corporate party). And on weekends, invite your closest colleagues to a restaurant or a bar where you can have fun, remember working together, you can discuss the first working day in this organization - this will definitely make you smile with nostalgia.

There are options for parting with colleagues for more original personalities. True, they will incur rather big costs, but your departure will definitely be remembered by former colleagues. You can invite employees to wine or whiskey tasting - with elite varieties of alcohol, toasts will definitely be more refined and memorable. Invite colleagues to play paintball - fun, active and rewarding. You can invite a large number of people there and not worry about farewell speech- balls with paint will replace all the words. Other options for a farewell evening with colleagues: jazz dinner (refined, bright and elegant); bowling (banal, but always relevant and fun); a farewell photo session with colleagues (that will certainly remain a memory for a lifetime).

We are in the process of layoffs at work. And many write farewell letters. I wonder if it is necessary to write them at all, or is it better to leave silently in English? Although the letters received are positive:

1 Good afternoon, dear colleagues!

Today is my last working day in the Delta...
During the time spent in this friendly team, I learned a lot, found new friends, acquired invaluable professional skills.
I think that in the future I will hardly find such close-knit and sympathetic people. That's what made working at Delta enjoyable for me. Come to work and finish it with a smile.
I wish the company and all employees well-being and prosperity. I will be proud to work with you.

With best wishes.
2 Dear friends, beloved colleagues!

Today is my last working day at Delta Telecom CJSC… Literally 20 minutes ago I signed my last connection contract and served my last client…

Somehow this "last moment" reminded me of October 2007, when I prepared and read my last newscast on the radio station "Love Radio". Then it seemed to me that something broke inside me, abruptly ceased to exist ...

But as time and recent events in my life have shown, everything and everything returns: your colleagues, who have become best friends, old contacts and connections that have turned during their absence into new exciting prospects in your life, good deeds that have returned to you and become a real gift of Life for you.

Friends, I am grateful to you for the experience and the lessons that I learned from communicating with each of you, for the time we were together, for the work that we did together, for the holidays that we arranged together! I am convinced that no economic crisis can be compared with an intangible, spiritual crisis - after all, the inner emptiness of a person is much more tragic than a slightly empty wallet ...

I wish you to love and be loved, sincerely do good deeds and receive only good in return, believe in your dream and not give up. In a word, to be and to remain happy people! And about the economy, one thing can be said: "It will not always be like this"!

I am glad that I worked next to you and, honestly, I will miss you! See you soon!

With sincere goodbyes

3Dear Colleagues…

So my last day of work in the Delta came to an end.

Thank you for the warm welcome when I first arrived.
Thanks for the friendly and warm atmosphere while working, understanding and respect.

I was very pleased to work in our company and in your company.

I believe, regardless of the ups and downs of life, good luck will always accompany you. Let it be.


4 Dear friends!
Very little time is left before the completion of my work at Delta Telecom. I spent these happy years surrounded by professionals in their field, with a sense of family warmth and with gratitude in my heart.
Working in the Delta Telecom team was a great honor for me.
Separately, I want to thank: Svetlana Kashtanova for her trust and the opportunity to work in a company that is a leader in the telecommunications market; Ekaterina Komkova for understanding and participation in solving problems of employees; Mikhail Gulyaev for creating a trusting climate in the team; Svetlana Zholobova for polls, statistics and grapes; Tatyana Vashchenkova for favorite contracts; Larisa Marutkina for her contribution to the development of my professional personality. I also want to mention everyone and everyone with whom fate brought me together in Delta Telecom.
Thank you very much for your understanding, support, and excellent collaboration!
Delta Telecom will forever remain in my heart as an important part of my life. I'm leaving the company, but I remain in the team. Now as a reliable client.
I wish the company prosperity, and all of you - professional, career growth, new successes, family well-being, personal happiness and harmony!

5 Goodbye, Delta!

Dear colleagues, dear friends!

My last day of work at Skylink is over. I want to say a huge thank you to all of you for your support, understanding and cooperation! It was a pleasure for me to work together with a team of real professionals in their field, people with a capital letter and, as it turned out, with real friends!

So sometimes it happens that the paths of life diverge, with someone for a while, with someone forever. But I am sure that friends always go with you through life, every minute, regardless of whether they are next to you now or not.

I want to wish you all good luck, health, prosperity and true friends! Let all desires turn into goals, and correctly set goals, as you know, are always achieved!

I say to each of you: "Goodbye!".

6. Dear colleagues!

My last working day, or rather night, has come to an end.

I want to say goodbye and express my sincere gratitude to everyone with whom I had to work and communicate, for their invariably friendly attitude, constant willingness to help, patience and delicacy.

I wish our (now your) company prosperity, and health to all of you and each individually,
always good mood and "fulfillment of all dreams"!

Good luck to you!

Soon I will write the same letter.

The number of economic associations in Russia is increasing every day. The concept of corporate ethics is becoming familiar to us, the purpose of which is to create a favorable atmosphere in the team.

Psychologically difficult moments (reorganization, change of leadership, acceptance and departure of employees) are accompanied by certain rituals, one of which is writing a farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal.

Why a farewell letter?

Large corporations, offices have hundreds and even thousands of employees. There is no way to approach everyone for a personal farewell. Gather a team in the meeting room, too, if the person leaving is not the head of the enterprise.

It is also worth remembering that dismissal is stressful, not conducive to personal communication. And if you consider that in the conditions of a large team, not all employees are closely acquainted, you can also get into an awkward situation.

The best way to avoid trouble is to send out internal email.

Psychologists give another reason for writing a farewell letter to colleagues. When a person understands that he should quit, but cannot decide in any way, the process of composing farewell lines will help him objectively answer the questions: why does he want to leave, how does he work in the same place, what has he achieved, what is he striving for, what are the relationships with colleagues and bosses. Together with the last point, a reasonable, balanced decision will come.

When is it customary to write corporate farewell letters?

  • when moving to another place of work;
  • when transferred to another branch or department;
  • when changing positions and steps in the corporate hierarchy;
  • upon retirement;
  • when going on maternity leave.


The main objective - observance of the rules of good manners. Leaving in English is incompatible with corporatism. The person leaving the letter shows respect for colleagues and the company and helps to ensure that his departure does not affect the atmosphere in the team.

The second goal is personal and slightly selfish. This the desire to maintain a reputation in professional circles and business ties. A person rarely leaves bankers for musicians. He usually receives a lucrative offer from competing organizations. And business relationships with former colleagues can greatly help in career growth in a new place.

How to write a farewell letter when leaving

The formality of the style of writing is manifested in objectivity and unobtrusiveness. But it is desirable to abandon the dryness of the presentation, making the message warmer and more benevolent.

So it will be perceived as an act of respect for a caring person, and not a burdensome duty. In a farewell letter, correct, delicate humor is allowed.

Such a letter is not a document, but has a clear and binding structure.

Name, position

To save the time of colleagues, to avoid misunderstanding and sending the letter to spam, you first need to introduce yourself and remind colleagues who and in what department the sender worked. In the subject box of the e-mail, you should also indicate "Farewell letter, full name, position in the genitive case."

Leaving notice and reason

A corporate letter does not need bright emotions. It should leave the impression of the writer as a balanced person, able to accept both failures and victories with dignity. The reason is formulated clearly and clearly, without hints that give rise to rumors and gossip.

When the reason for dismissal is unpleasant, you can not indicate it.

If a person still decides to do this, you need to suppress resentment, anger and the desire to express everything that is sore about former colleagues and the place of work.

A pleasant reason is also reservedly indicated. In a farewell letter to colleagues, there is no place for boasting, gloating, expressing superiority.

If desired, they explain what influenced the decision to quit, but remember that negative statements are unacceptable. When it is impossible to do without criticism, it is presented as a series of proposals for improving the work of the enterprise, indicating specific facts. This once again underlines the competence and decency.

Name of the successor, his contact details

The debugged mechanism of the corporation should work without failures and delays. If the departing employee informs colleagues about the changes in a timely manner, they will be grateful to him.

Description of the achievements of the retired person during work

The starting point for describing achievements is the team. Professional successes should not be presented as personal victories.

You should start with what the writer has learned while working at the enterprise. It is advisable to indicate the names of those who contributed to his development as a professional, to express special gratitude to them.

At the end of this part of the letter, it is imperative to show that the professional improvement of the resigned is the result of the work of the team that supported his undertakings, helped, showed patience and mutual understanding.

After expressing gratitude, it would also be appropriate to apologize to the team if the person leaving feels discomfort after a misconduct.

Wishes to colleagues

This part is drawn up in different ways depending on the size of the team and the nature of the relationship between employees. Wishes can be specific if a small team has friendly relations.

If the team is large and unfamiliar, a few general points will suffice. You can wish success in work, career growth, creative success, professional discoveries, decent wages, personal and family well-being.

At the end, they express a desire to maintain business and friendly relations in the future.

New contacts

So that the previous phrase is not an empty formality, former colleagues must leave their contacts. It could be personal email address, cell number or home phone, residence address.

If data from a new place of work (address, phone number) is provided, the position must be indicated so that it is easier to find a new employee.

Should I send a farewell letter to my boss?

A farewell letter to the boss must be written.

  • This is again a manifestation of tact and good breeding.
  • This is an opportunity to leave with dignity and leave a good impression about yourself, especially if letters of recommendation and calls to your previous place of work are accepted in your field of activity.
  • This is a good opportunity to highlight your professionalism. If the leaving employee did not have free access to the boss's office, he can unobtrusively express the accumulated ideas and proposals in a letter, which will also have a beneficial effect on future recommendations.
  • This is the last chance to resolve a conflict or correct a mistake. By talking frankly with the boss, describing your vision of the situation, you can even avoid dismissal or demotion.

How and what to write to the boss? Unobtrusively, respectfully, observing subordination, without unnecessary emotions and flattery, express gratitude for the support, assistance in self-realization, advanced training.

Emphasize that the experience gained is the result of the high professionalism of the authorities. If the dismissal is related to a promotion, the role of the governing bodies in this achievement should be emphasized.

Examples of a farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal

There are no strict rules in the form of farewell letters. They can be in prose and poetry, humorous and serious, official and friendly.

The only limitation is volume. If the letter is addressed to a large number of employees, do not distract them from work with hundreds of farewell lines. Long letter permissible only in a narrow circle of colleagues who will definitely read it to the end.

A person should be able to thank beautifully for kindness, for love, for services rendered. After all, it helps to make our life positive.

The leader in the workplace plays a big role in the lives of his subordinates. It helps to achieve goals, enjoy success and learn great interaction between colleagues.

Before expressing gratitude to the leader, you need to think carefully. You must pick correct speech and intonation to express gratitude for the help and creation of a friendly atmosphere in the team. We must speak from the heart, we must speak from the heart.

Tip: Get a creative person to make a thank you book. It is possible to single out the merits of the director in a beautiful poetic form.

Kind words of gratitude to the leader in verse and prose are an expression of gratitude that can be timed to coincide with any holiday, for example, a professional or birthday.

Words of gratitude do not have to be spoken in verse. This can be done in prose or in your own words:

“You know how to properly treat your subordinates – we appreciate it. We always know that your wise advice help us in our work. You listen carefully to everyone, and we respect you for it. We consider you the best director. On your holiday, we want to say many words of gratitude. May luck always accompany you through life, and fortune smiles.

“I would like to express my gratitude for your excellent attitude towards subordinates. May only meet on your way good people and let only the good news surprise you.”

“We are in a hurry to work, as if to a holiday. You always greet us with a smile. With deep respect, we express our gratitude and wish you a happy birthday. Bring a lot of benefits to our company, and we will always help you with this. We wish you good patience, professional endurance and great willpower in leadership.”

“There are few good leaders in the world, like in our company. We are ready to dedicate songs and poems to our boss. You will always listen and help solve any problem. A person spends most of his time at work, so you want to feel comfortable here. You help us in this, and we want to thank you for it. We wish you that your cherished dream come true and good luck always accompanies you through life.

The headmaster can be thanked by the teachers who work with him. This can be done with such beautiful words:

Everyone spends a lot of time with colleagues. All people who work together try to help and support each other. For this I want to say “Thank you” to my colleague, especially if he has a birthday or a professional holiday.

Beautiful words of gratitude to colleagues help set a person up for positive and add a good mood to the holiday atmosphere. Psychologists say that in a team in which colleagues are grateful to each other for communication and work, there are fewer conflicts. So feel free to speak good words.

Expressing gratitude to colleagues at work, it can be noted that it is comfortable to work with these people, and each of them is a special and amazing personality. You can also say something like this:

“Thanks to you, we were able to create a friendly team, people in which are hardworking, kind and cheerful. Thank you for being even in the most difficult stressful situations, you do not lose heart and maintain optimism and self-confidence. All this is necessary for effective work. Thank you for the fact that everyday life is not a routine and routine, and every new morning is a bright and original working time.»

“Dear colleagues, I am happy that you work with me in the same company. For each of you I have words of gratitude, to someone for kind words, smiles, to others for comments, help and support. All this helps me to work hard and improve. We are one team and one whole. Thank you for making me feel comfortable around you.”

There are times when you need to say beautiful words of gratitude to a colleague who is leaving for own will or for health reasons:

“You helped run our business. We trusted you with professional secrets and personal secrets. It is safe to call you a life partner. Therefore, let you be respected everywhere as well as in our company, and be happy also in any other team. Thank you!"

“I would like to say “thank you” to you, dear colleague, on behalf of the entire team. You always found kind words for us, you could always listen and understand. May life love you, and fate be beautiful, so that you never feel sad and always smile. May the good that you do to people multiply and return to you like a boomerang.”

“It’s not enough to just say“ thank you ”, I want to know what you are good man. Thank you for the kindness that has always flowed from you. May the sun shine on you and illuminate your path, and may people give you their smiles billions of times.”

Help can be different: charitable, help in matters at work, at home, in treatment, study, and so on. I always want to express gratitude for the help in a special way, so that the person would be pleased and he would remember these words for a long time.

Words of gratitude for the help can be expressed in your own words from the bottom of your heart. But it will be more effective to write them and creatively arrange them in the form of a letter.

Tip: Order from creative person a nice image related to the case you got help with. You can put the photo in a frame and write words of gratitude, for example, for the fact that this person helped the child to recover and become the same as everyone else.

V thank you letter, in addition to your words from the heart, you can write the following words:

Often educators do not know how to express gratitude to active parents who participate in life. kindergarten or schools. This can be done with these words:

Sometimes people are thanked simply for their kindness, because it is also considered to be a help in Hard time when problems arise.

Words of gratitude for the help, expressed from the heart, will cause a reaction that is touching to tears. Grace and inspiration, the desire to be better and kinder to the world - all this will be felt by the surrounding people who will hear the words of gratitude for the help.

“Thank you, dear man, for your help. Thank you for being you, because you can make many people happy who need your help. Responsive, sensitive, understanding and kind - all the words of our Russian language are not enough to tell about your good qualities. Thank you for helping me through difficult times. May you be lucky in life."

Tip: If you express gratitude certain person don't just say "thank you". Say “Thank you”, because this word carries a certain energy and delivers completely different sensations.

Tip: Do not thank out of a sense of duty - it will be immediately noticeable. Speak grateful words from the heart, and the heart itself will tell you what and how to say.

In the life of every person, there may be times when you need to say “thank you” to a person who did a certain job. Gratitude for work can be expressed in poetry or prose.

“Thank you for your efforts and hard work. I want to wish inspiration - you deserve gratitude! May your life be happy. I wish you new victories and not give up before a new difficult task.”

“I wish you to love your work from the bottom of your heart, so that you always help people. You perform it flawlessly, which makes you want to shout "Bravo". Let work be only a joy, and let the path of life lead you to success.

“Everything turned out great, you know how to do your job perfectly. You did your best, for which you are praised. May fate be favorable to you, and bring only joy and success.

“I would like to bow low to you for being such a professional in your field. You as a worker are invaluable, not lazy and skillful. We will tell the whole world about you so that orders flow like a river. Simple Russian thanks per high quality work and for a wonderful result.”

We also need to thank the teachers for their invaluable work in raising children. Words are better written in capital beautiful postcard so that it can be handed to the teacher as a keepsake.

Thanks in SMS

Thanks in SMS

Words of gratitude can be expressed not only orally or in the form of a letter, but also in SMS. Thanks in SMS should be expressed in the form of a quatrain or a few words:

I say "thank you" to you

And in a dream I will repeat it.

Let everyone know about it

You are the best person in the world!

For a kind gesture, I want to say "thank you"

You spared no expense to help hurried

You are kind - people told me about it,

I want to wish you happiness, joy and many smiles.

Thank people for good deeds, for any help. After all, gratitude is great value in our life. Let's learn to say "thank you" correctly, because this is a step towards goodness and peace.

Video: Perhaps the most touching gratitude to parents

Thank you for the cozy and cheerful atmosphere that brightened up everyday life, helped to cope with problems and blues, inspired to work and grow! Dear colleagues, I have an exciting day today, I am leaving you. And I'm a little sad about parting with you. Your friendly team has given me a lot. Your patience and partner support helped me to stand firmly on my feet. I express my deep gratitude to everyone and take with me the most pleasant memories. I wish your team further prosperity and well-being to each of you! Words of gratitude to colleagues upon dismissal - cool poems I lived in a team for a long time - I'm leaving on a positive note! If I have arms and legs - So there will be something to eat! ! Hello to you all! I'm leaving you guys, Farewell, beloved team, We have experienced more than one test And more than one corporate party.

Congratulations on leaving work in prose

Congratulations on leaving your job. May a streak of luck and good luck await you ahead, may new opportunities and prospects appear on the horizon, may all your ideas and aspirations be certainly justified, may not a single day of yours pass in vain, may there be happiness and pleasure in every moment of your life. Congratulations on leaving your job. May neither sadness nor saltiness arise in your soul, may life be calm and happy. I wish you to engage in only a truly interesting business, I wish you to find your pluses in everything, I wish you great luck in life and successfully implemented plans.

Congratulations on leaving work, we wish you new ideas and the achievement of plans, may the goals set become achievable, and the changes be extremely positive.

Dismissal wishes

We wish you success in all your endeavors and longevity in the Caucasus! Colleague! Today you are leaving our team. So, you are waiting for unexplored horizons and, possibly, meeting new bosses and new colleagues. May these changes be positive! parting words colleague upon dismissal It is difficult to part with you.
After all, today a mentor and a friend, an experienced worker and just a good person are leaving the team. But, your desire is the law, and go forward a better life no one can forbid. Know that we are always happy to see you. And the fact that you are leaving the team does not mean that you are leaving the life of each of us. Good luck in your endeavors, success ahead. That's it, and not otherwise - Happy journey! In life, sometimes you have to make difficult life-changing decisions, and changing jobs is one of them.

Wishes to a colleague when moving to another job in prose and poetry

Gratitude to colleagues from a resigning employee - comic prose Glorious representatives of my now former team! I'm leaving tomorrow! Do you think I'm worried? Not at all ... Happy as a new penny! Can you imagine - freedom awaits your colleague! And also laziness, sleep and TV! Hooray! Today I say goodbye to you, my dear colleagues. I want to thank you for good jokes, hundreds of jointly drunk cups of coffee, funny "smoke breaks", helpful tips and "compromising evidence" in the form of photos and videos from our joint holidays. I wish you to stay happily, remember me only with a smile, do not hold grudges and resentments.
I love you all, respect you and will miss you very much. Colleagues, it was easy and pleasant to work with you - I am 100% satisfied! But, as you know, the fish is looking for where they feed, and the man - where they pay more, and as a human being you can understand my departure.

Wishes to a colleague

I always want to express gratitude for the help in a special way, so that the person would be pleased and he would remember these words for a long time. Words of gratitude for the help can be expressed in your own words from the bottom of your heart. But it will be more effective to write them and creatively arrange them in the form of a letter.


Tip: Ask a creative person for a beautiful picture related to the cause you got help with. You can put the photo in a frame and write words of gratitude, for example, for the fact that this person helped the child to recover and become the same as everyone else. In a letter of gratitude, in addition to your words from the bottom of your heart, you can write the following words: Words of gratitude for help and kindness Words of gratitude for the help provided Beautiful words of gratitude for help Often teachers do not know how to express gratitude to active parents who participate in the life of a kindergarten or school .

Words of gratitude to the leader, colleagues in verse, prose, SMS

Where does a person spend most of their time? No, not at home! Of course, he is forced to spend a third of the day at work. Basically, the working shift lasts 8 hours, but sometimes it reaches up to 12 and even up to 20 hours. Naturally, work colleagues automatically become best friends and loyal associates.

Unfortunately, often, the team breaks up. What, then, to wish a colleague at work? How to please a person with whom you have been in the same office for many years, with whom you shared experience and discussed problems? Wishes to a colleague when moving to another job should be sincere and positive. If a colleague was able to stand out and moved up the career ladder, then you should come up with congratulations for him on the promotion. It can be expressed both in verse and in prose.

Parting words to the boss upon dismissal in prose

Today we will see you off, we are on a good journey, We are the only ones to plow now, But do not forget us! Come to visit more often - For tea and just like that! We wish you to find more new benefits! A wish to a colleague upon dismissal in prose It is always a pity to part, and especially with good people. You leave and we stay. You leave not because it is bad here, but because there, ahead, it will be even better. Let in life you meet only good people who will help, appreciate, teach.
Let your ambitions help you move forward, and let your bold dreams turn into reality, giving way to new desires. Good luck in all your endeavors. Well, it's time to raise the sails and embark on a new voyage! It may not be easy to leave everything you are used to and those with whom you worked side by side, but change is always for the better, you have to believe in it. Fate will surely respond and present a surprise that I could not even dream of.

Now your leisure is interesting, It is devoted to the composition of songs, Or maybe new dacha. You undoubtedly became richer, When you left work boldly, Now you open your own business, You yourself will become a master Among the bosses, one. I congratulate you, friend, With the fact that he regained his leisure After leaving the wrong job.

Alive and king, do not know worries! Congratulations on leaving your job. May neither sadness nor saltiness arise in your soul, may life be calm and happy. I wish you to do only really interesting things, I wish you to find your pluses in everything, I wish you great luck in life and successfully implemented plans. There is no longer such a concern. Get up early in the morning And rush quickly from work, To indulge in rest.

Kind words to a resigning colleague in prose

We know that a new door in life is opening for you, now you will have new job new responsibilities, new team. But we sincerely believe that, despite this, you will not forget us! During this time, you have become a part of us all!” Wishes in verse Wishes to a colleague when moving to another job can also be presented in the form of a small verse. Let there be many clear days in life, A time of long-term success begins, And vigorous health, which is more important, Than the search for meaningless tasks, So that you can boast of constancy, And let life always give what you cheerfully call happiness, And from what your heart is so Okay! Wishes to a colleague when moving to another job can also be presented in the form of short wishes: Huge salary, Pleasant work, More clients, Understanding bosses, Cheerful team, Successful projects, Interesting business trips.


Congratulations on your dismissal, I mean, on an indefinite vacation! In favor there will be changes For health, that's for sure! From colleagues and superiors And neither bonuses nor benefits Could keep you - You quit your job, You preferred to be free. We understand that the house and family were chosen as a valuable frame, What is more important, of course, For those who live in love! Poems with leaving work So you left work, Congratulations! You are a hero! Both problems and worries, All were left behind. Away from everyday routine, Running and bustle, Gray labor picture, You are free again.

Thank you my colleagues for everything you do. After all, if it had not been covered aptly, Then I would not be blown off my head. For kindness, openness, honesty, I thank you at this hour. You are all pros, let them know, I love and appreciate all of you.

We went through a lot of checks, You were always with me. For the impulse of light, kindness. For the fact that they are ready to help out, Cover, correct, replace.

Kind words to a retiring colleague in sincere prose

I wish you new victories and not give up before a new difficult task.” “I wish you to love your work from the bottom of your heart, so that you always help people. You perform it flawlessly, which makes you want to shout "Bravo". Let work be only a joy, and let the path of life lead you to success. “Everything turned out great, you know how to do your job perfectly.

You did your best, for which you are praised. May fate be favorable to you, and bring only joy and success. “I would like to bow low to you for being such a professional in your field. You as a worker are invaluable, not lazy and skillful. We will tell the whole world about you so that orders flow like a river. A simple Russian thank you for the high quality of work and for a wonderful result.” We also need to thank the teachers for their invaluable work in raising children.

It is better to write the words on a large beautiful postcard so that it can be handed to the teacher as a keepsake.

Words of gratitude to a retiring colleague in prose

But the most important thing that happened was your tact, respect for my mistakes, which we corrected by uniting in a friendly team of allies. Your lessons will not be in vain! This is what I promise you! Dear colleagues, it's time to leave. I am happy and sad. Ahead of a new job, impressions and experience.

Here I leave a piece of my soul. Thank you for everything: for being there in difficult moments, helping, supporting in word and deed. I wish you to remain the same friendly team, close-knit team and good friends. I will always remember our joint work with warmth.

Colleagues, we spent a lot of time together, and our relationship became almost related. And although changing jobs is so natural, for some reason a bitter sense of loss appeared in my soul. Of course, we will continue to communicate, but everything will be different.