High pitta. Style, colors and gems

Dosha Pitta Is a paired interaction of primary elements Of fire and Water, and this is not a mechanical connection, but a complex substance. Doshas include the qualities of the primary elements themselves, and create new properties.

Doshas must be balanced, otherwise various diseases arise. It is the imbalance of doshas that Ayurveda calls the cause of various diseases.

Read about other doshas:
Five types of Pitta

Want to know why Pitta affects our health so much? It turns out that there is a certain type of Pita for each part of the body. There are five types of them in total. And the imbalance of each of these pittas, leads to specific disturbances in the body.

  1. Alochaka Pitt(at the level of the head) causes: redness of the eyes, poor vision.
  2. Sadhaka Pitta(chest): being too demanding, perfectionism, workaholism, lack of understanding.
  3. Panchaka Pitta(belly): acidity, indigestion.
  4. Ranjaka Pitt (Bottom part abdomen, legs): disorders of the liver and hematopoietic organs.
  5. Bhrajaka Pitta(located in the skin): skin rashes, yellowish complexion.

The time of the most active dosha 11.00-15.00

Pitta rules warmth and transformation. Responsible for metabolism, body temperature, digestion, skin color, understanding, courage, intelligence.
Season, when Pitta dosha prevails: summer.
Distinctive features: hot, pungent, light, moist, flowing, spreading. Sour, bitter, pungent, odorous, red, yellow.

Pitta Disorders: Skin rashes, acne, heartburn, thirst, aggressiveness, irritability, blurred vision, fever, baldness.

Settlement of the Pitta dosha gives:

Good digestion, sharp mind, bright and healthy appearance, thirst quenching, normal body temperature.

  • Alochaka Pitt(at head level): good vision.
  • Sadhaka Pitta(chest): desire, drive, determination, spirituality, good understanding.
  • Panchaka Pitta(belly): excellent digestion, strong metabolism.
  • Ranjaka Pitt(lower abdomen, legs): strong immunity, elimination of toxins.
  • Bhrajaka Pitta(located in the skin): healthy glowing skin, bright complexion.

Locations doshas of Pitta: small intestine (main site), stomach, sweat and sebaceous glands, blood, lymph, organ of vision.

  1. Times of Day the highest activity of the Pitta dosha : 10.00-14.00, 22.00-2.00

Perhaps this is your problem?
  1. Do you tend to be demanding or critical?
  2. Are you often frustrated, angry or aggressive?
  3. Is your skin rosy and prone to acne breakouts?
  4. Are you often irritable or impatient?
  5. Is your hair turning gray, thinning and falling out prematurely?
  6. Do you wake up in the middle of the night and then have trouble falling asleep?
  7. Do you feel uncomfortable in hot weather?
  8. Are you a perfectionist?
  9. Do you have outbursts of anger?
  10. Are you acidic?

If you answered yes to most of these questions, your type Pitta dosha and you need to balance Pitta.

Excess Pitta causes:
  • Burning, redness of the skin, fever, increased digestive activity, ulcers, pus.
  • Perspiration, exudation, suppuration, weakness, fainting, toxicosis, bitter and sour taste in the mouth.

Diet for Pitta

  1. Milk products... Milk, butter and ghee are good for pacifying Pitta. Reduce yoghurt, cheese, sour cream and cultivated buttermilk (their sour taste aggravate pitta).
  2. Sweets... All sweets are good except honey and molasses.
  3. Oils... Olive, sunflower and coconut oils. Reduce sesame, almond and corn oils that increase Pitta.
  4. Fruit... Sweet fruits such as grapes, cherries, melons, avocados, coconuts, pomegranates, mangoes, and sweet, ripe oranges, pineapples, and plums. Reduce acidic fruits like grapefruits, olives, papaya, and unripe pineapples and plums.
  5. Vegetables... Asparagus, cucumbers, potatoes, sweet potatoes, green leafy vegetables, pumpkin, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, lettuce, green beans, and zucchini. Reduce hot peppers, tomatoes, carrots, beets, onions, garlic, radishes, and spinach.
  6. Spices... Cinnamon, coriander, cardamom and fennel. But the following spices greatly increase Pitta and are only consumed in small amounts: ginger, cumin, black pepper, fenugreek, cloves, celery seeds, salt and mustard seeds. Chili and cayenne should be avoided.

Psychological picture

The fierce glint of the eyes of a fire-breathing dragon in the city of sparkling gems is the true nature of Pitta.

Pitta, the dynamic force of the universe, is influenced by the fiery element. Pitta washes the mental body. The symbol of fire is a ram, or a ram, which throws its horns forward with a wild pressure. The fire energy of Pitta is concentrated in the solar plexus chakra manipura, or energy chakra. Manipura translates from Sanskrit as "sparkling abode of precious stones" and this term perfectly describes the energy of Pitta.

Pitta has an enormous supply of solar energy and this is reflected in his highly intellectual and noble appearance. Like representatives of other Ayurvedic types, the highly developed mature Pitta follows the path of self-knowledge and realizes his true purpose.

Pitta always asks for the lion's share and usually gets it. Pitts are fierce fire-breathing dragons. Leaving the scorched deserts behind them, they frantically rush forward, demonstrating fierce pressure and inexhaustible ram energy. The uniqueness of Pitta lies in the fact that its physiological and psychological centers are located in the same central region of the body - the solar plexus region.

The main qualities of Pitta are energy, ambition and aggressiveness; by these qualities he is easily recognizable. Born from the energy of the universe, Pitta turns ideas into reality and makes a fairy tale come true. After all, cosmic love (anahata heart chakra) and creative imagination (throat chakra Vishudha) Vat grow out of the energy of the universal fire. When the Pitta dosha is balanced as a result of conscious life, its fiery energy rises to the higher chakras.

Pitta plays the role of a catalyst, the very force of acceleration that mobilizes the other two types of activity - Vata and Kapha. The Pitts enjoy absolute power, controlling whatever situation arises. They are always focused on success, and the power of lamb gives them brightness and originality. They know how to concentrate on one task and throw all their strength into its implementation. Powered by the power of the sun, the Pitts are theatrical and showy as actors in a breathtaking performance.

The degree of individual excellence of each of the representatives of this type can vary widely. This means that for every harmonious and perfect ram there is always a lamb lurking in the bushes. Pitts live in mental balance with themselves and the world.

Pitts lose their temper instantly and unpredictably. Their irritability and anger will strike the stranger's imagination. Pitts need to work a lot with consciousness in order to someday understand that besides them, there are many people on earth. different types... Trying to pacify Pitta is tantamount to trying to block a forest fire. Is it often possible to extinguish forest fires that broke out during the dry season on vast territories?

At the same time, their indomitable will is responsible for the giant breakthroughs of humanity in the field of science and technology. (And also for the flourishing of ecologically dangerous species industry.) Pitta is easily recognizable by personality traits such as determination, ambition, integrity, and domineering.

If the Watas should borrow the strengths of the egocentric Pittas, then the Pittas should learn not to stick out their “I”, stop considering themselves the hubs of the earth and not overestimate their own significance. Pitts do not need to constantly declare themselves and prove that they are the central and guiding force in the interaction of people of different types. This role has blessed them with nature, because it is not for nothing that Pitt has developed the manipura chakra - the center of self-expression. All people have a karmic debt, so do not frustrate the plans of the architect of the universe. This is the most main lesson that the Pitts must extract.

Manipura governs not only the Pitta dosha, but also the stage of youth in the life of every person. Therefore, it is quite normal when Pitta is called "hot head" and when he is irritable. Pitta is always unstoppable at the start line. But on a marathon distance, he must slow down and look around to see what the other runners are doing. After all, a center can be called a center when there is a periphery around it, it cannot exist by itself. The vanguard is Vata, and the rear is Kapha. Only when there is a team around Pitta will he be able to complete the task.

Pitts should always remember people! From time to time, a fire-breathing dragon must slow down to look closely at its surroundings, to see individual faces and look inside itself.

The pittas are endowed with the highest energy potential. If they can cope with their arrogance towards people, then they will be able to learn the secrets of the human "I". They are endowed with the greatest gift of sattvic thinking, which leads to harmony with themselves and the world.

There is a widespread misconception about Dynamic Pitts. People of this type mistakenly believe that material victories and conquests are the measure of success. But in the center of the blazing flame is a gem, cooled by its own bright, cold light. When Pitta learns to overcome the obstacles erected by his own ego, he will be surprised to discover that life is not limited to the material plane, that in addition to material values ​​in life there are goals and values ​​of a different order, which can and should be pursued in real life.

What attracts you to Pittas?

TO positive qualities Pitta include good nature and gaiety, energy and activity, high intellectual level, excellent diction, wit, courage and ardor. At the first acquaintance with the Pitts, their discipline, an inner need for "harmony and order" is striking. They are welcoming and reliable. Look for the mad brave men who come to grips with fate among the Pitt. They do not give in to circumstances and always make them work for themselves. As a rule, Pitts are punctual, picky, meticulous in small things and very perceptive. They are good at remembering information and picking up other people's ideas. When a person is said to be “able to concentrate,” do not doubt that he is of the Pitta dosha type. Pittas are loving and affectionate spouses and parents. They are very determined and ambitious. Pitta are the most collected and punctual type of people. They are very responsible and able to soberly assess the situation.

What's annoying about Pittas?

When the Pitta dosha is out of balance, this type of person becomes irritable and aggressive. In any stressful situation, they lose their temper, blame others for the failures (and never themselves!), Fall into a rage, shout and wave their fists. During such periods, they become rude, impolite and harsh in their statements. When Pitts are angry, their timbre and tonality of voice change, they are able to shower others with curses and open curses (bites of fire-breathing dragons!).

The Pitts fanatically follow their chosen path. Moreover, they certainly want to arrange so that all other people also follow this path. Sometimes the imbalance of the Pitta dosha is manifested in the fact that people of this type get offended, withdrawn (again, irritated), violently polemicize and criticize acrimoniously.

The Manipura chakra conducts the energy of active control, this is the chakra of warriors and rulers, therefore Pitts can be extremely belligerent, unyielding and merciless. When manipura is blocked, Pitts become intolerant, angry, jealous and envious. They are capable of even strong emissions. negative energy in the form of hostility and hatred, but they themselves suffer from this, since this energy affects them with stomach, intestinal and skin diseases.

What is detrimental to Pitta?

By nature, Pitts are touchy. If they try to suppress their grievances, do not demonstrate hurt pride and to show external calmness, they will begin to gnaw themselves from the inside, which will not add to their health. They need to learn to abstract from the situation and look at it through the eyes of an outside observer. Perhaps the offense will not seem so terrible to them.

These "pepper and vinegar" people love to compete. They have a certain physical strength, but do not like to lose. They are possessed by a fighting spirit, it pulls them to feats and achievements, but they do not have sufficient endurance. They experience losses so hard that they are ready to join a fight, believing that their honor has been violated.

When the Pitts begin to abuse their excellent digestion, by eating sour, spicy, fried, salty and canned foods, richly flavored with hot spices, the Pitta dosha easily gets out of balance. Due to overeating, persistent addiction to alcohol and food before going to bed, Pitts have dreams in which they participate in fights and wars with bloodshed, violence and murder.

Dosha Pitt, out of control, signals this by excessive criticism and self-criticism, pedantry, as well as the tyranny of relatives and subordinates. A person begins to rush at others for no apparent reason, he is offended by any word said inappropriately.

Pitts are vain. The desire to show their "I", to exhibit in front of others and to show their remarkable abilities so that everyone will notice them, lures them into a trap: they overestimate their strength and demand from others respect and recognition. Not receiving high recognition from others, they can turn sour and from Mars clanking with knightly armor, turn into a staff clerk, gallantly bowing to the ladies.

Energy and appearance

The pittas are beautifully proportioned. These are normostenics with "medium bone" (they are not bony like Vats). They have a normal balanced gait and hands of medium thickness. Usually, Pitt has moderately developed muscles, and this gives their figure a sporty look. They blush easily. There are often many moles on Pitt's body. They always have hot hands and feet, and they sweat profusely and frequently. Pitta gains weight easily and sheds it just as easily.

If you see in front of you a nice girl with a fairly developed chest, smooth beautiful hips, a narrow waist and slender, but not long legs, do not doubt that Pitta dosha is strongly expressed in her constitution. Pitt has a determined gait, when walking they never slouch.

Pittas often experience ups and downs in energy. This is reflected in their appearance, health, sleep and ability to remember new information. Many gourmets are born among Pitt who are able to enjoy the quality and beauty of food.

Sexual nature

Since Pitta is ruled by the sun, sunshine comes from all the activities that people of this type do. The brightness and splendor of the Sun cannot but influence the fate, intentions, aspirations and personality of Pitta. Like the Sun, Pitts are in the thick of things, they are always in the central arena of battles. Inside Pitta, primal, elemental energies are raging, prompting him to ram the target with ram's horns. Pitta strives to be the first always and everywhere. Without false modesty, he tirelessly breaks through to the forefront of life and love.

Difficulties can arise when Pitta's intellectual fire interacts with the deceiving, bottomless waters of Kapha, as Pitta's overwhelming passion for winning and being the first leaves little room for beneficial interaction.

Here is a typical situation for this type of people: burning with passion, Pitta breaks off the start, races furiously at full steam ... and burns to ashes before reaching the finish line. The Pitts consider themselves to be brilliant lovers, but in fact they often lack patience and humility. The inability to compromise prevents them from getting along harmoniously with love partners.

In short, they can only manifest miracles of passion and be the most violent and ardent lovers when they feel their own independence. Pitts often sacrifice their gentle nature for intellectual ability. Potentially, Pitts can experience great happiness in intimate relationships, if this relationship does not prevent them from moving towards their goal.

For Pitta, sex is not just a sequence of certain actions, the meaning of which is to satisfy the instinct of procreation. But Pitts should not treat sex as an act of lust, dictated by sexual desire, because they will quickly fizzle out and lose energy. Since Pitts are naturally endowed with high intelligence, they should ennoble sexual contacts, bringing in them tenderness, affection and care for a partner. So that Pitta does not burn out to the ground, but retains his ebullient energy, he must pass his emotions through the heart, and not through the genitals. When Pitts act contrary to their nature and treat sex as a sport, they reverse their natural upward flow of energy and experience sexual frustration.

Pitts often become impotent and infertile. The reasons can be different: frustration, weak semen, or premature ejaculation. Pittas need to learn to direct the flow of natural male power back on track. The paradox of the situation lies in the fact that the most powerful male type must learn humility and patience. Only in this way will he be able to get the most out of his natural prowess. Lack of knowledge about our true potential breeds bad habits and leads to degradation.

In Pitt, this manifests itself in the need to demonstrate his sexual superiority, which always ends in failure.

If the energy of Pitta is passed through the heart, the center of compassion, patience and tenderness, then people of this type are distinguished by inexhaustible masculine energy. But if the fire blazes violently, it will certainly burn its master. Pitt, who have learned how to properly direct their energy, have an excellent relationship with a partner, and they are capable of numerous ejaculations.

The most suitable partners for Pitt are Kapha, Kapha-Pitta and Pitta-Kapha. It is a healing balm for wounds and burns of Pitta. To live in harmony with Pitta, his partner must also enjoy physical activities and passionately love the beauty of nature.


Pitts feel great in the area of ​​material success. There are no obstacles in the universe that a ram would not be able to overcome or ram with his horn-rays. When all is lost, when failures follow one after another, Pitta is charged with a new portion of energy and again makes his way to the goal.

Fiery people are a miracle. They deserve our applause and our appreciation for innovation that other types of people are not capable of. They are born to play leading roles in the performances of life, so they need to be given leading roles, not to interfere, and to express respect. If Pitta feels that he is grateful and appreciated for his work, he with a dear soul and wide open heart will rush forward, faster, higher and further towards the goal. Like a fire-breathing dragon, he will pose and solve ever more grandiose and large-scale tasks. But if Pitt does not notice, does not support words of gratitude, does not say how wonderful and amazing he is, then, like a ram, he will stubbornly stand in one place, forcing others to recognize his merits. They desperately need our respect.

Pitta's solar energy illuminates the business world and advanced activities on the material plane. If Kapha perfectly copes with everyday, earthly and maternal tasks, and Vata excels in the sciences and the spiritual sphere, then the Pitts are successfully engaged in those activities that contribute to progress. They make excellent administrators, directors, and innovators. If you get in the way of Pitt, then burn in their fire.

Pitta's fire shines brightly, it is visible from afar and dazzles up close. But what supports it? A world of peace, silence, Kapha earth and water. The world of the sky, cosmic jets, soaring clouds and the movement of Vata cyclones. But it turns out that the fire that connects heaven and earth can hardly cope with everyday affairs. Every day, Pitta prepares for battle. He is armed with a sharp sword, as if going to the Hundred Years War.

When Pitta ignores his own nature, he becomes arrogant and arrogant. When Pitta becomes patient, knows how to wait and remain calm, learns to respect people and respond to other people's needs, his real strength increases many times over. Until Pitta learns to respect those around him, he will senselessly race at breakneck speeds until he burns down. Pitta must learn to be compassionate and stop criticizing others.

All people need to understand that the life of any creature in the world is priceless, that all living beings have an equal right to well-being and prosperity. The universe does not divide the living into "us" and "aliens", necessary and unnecessary. Each creature is at its stage of evolution and strives to achieve its life goals. Fiery people inherit karma of a rajasic nature, that is, karma in which the nature of universal activity is embodied. When Pitta stubbornly stomps on the ground with his heels, his true nature regresses, turning into a tamasic kingdom of stagnation, decline, inertia. Pitta has to move forward into the sattvic world. Sattva is a state of balance and harmony. In sattva, a fierce, blazing fire turns into a cool glow. To achieve sattva, Pitta must tirelessly work on his fiery ego.

Pitta are born leaders; these are presidents and prime ministers, directors and chiefs, heads of government agencies and organizations. Pitts often become designers, architects, engineers, and scientists. Their discernment and intuition are useful in innovative endeavors when laying new way and the very first steps are being taken. Pitts excel in areas of high and advanced technologies... They can be excellent programmers in space flight control centers or in the military-industrial complex. The Pitts have excellent artistic vision and are successful in the visual arts and design.

Pitts are born leaders, and their courage, perseverance and energy can be compared to ball lightning.

Style, colors and gems

As a rule, Pitt are dressed exquisitely, rightly believing that "they are greeted by their clothes." Their criterion in choosing clothes is sophistication. With the help of clothing, they gain success in society. They do not understand and do not tolerate negligence in dress. Pitta will never wear unfashionable things, but at the same time she will try not to be too conspicuous. If someone puts on a similar dress, Pitta will definitely change clothes, just to present herself in a winning light.

Fiery people attract the attention of others and stop their gazes. They love to wear expensive outfits that perfectly highlight their athletic energetic figure.

Pitts must wear natural fabrics of white, green, blue, purple and purple flowers, shades of mallow, lilac and lavender, pastel colors and their combinations.

Pitta is always ahead of the mainstream trends and styles in fashion. Pitta is always neat and well dressed, his clothes always have some kind of "zest" by which you can easily recognize him in the crowd.

With an excess of Pitta, people of this constitution should not wear precious stones and metals of fire. On the contrary, healing stones for them will be those that increase the energy of all chakras, except for manipura. For example, lilac-lilac carries the power of ether and water, helping fire to control emotions. When worn around the neck and framed in gold, it balances fire and infuses the wearer with compassion. Also, healing stones for Pitta are pearls (primary elements - water, air and earth), turquoise, sapphire, emerald, and metals - copper and platinum.


Seasonal and everyday types activities

Summer is rightfully considered the Pitta season, therefore, in the summer, people whose constitutions are dominated by this dosha, there are many problems. The natural glow of Pitta under the sultry scorching sun only intensifies. This is why the Pitts need to prepare in advance for this season and prudently reduce their level of activity.

An ideal summertime activity for Pitt is relaxing with family and friends near cool streams, springs and mountain lakes where you can swim. It is not recommended to relax in the summer on the hot beaches of the ocean and sea coasts of Pittam, since the skin of fiery people easily burns and becomes inflamed in the sun. If the Pitts still prefer to relax on the coast, then they can only appear on the beach at sunset. Then it is useful for them to swim and jog on the beach sand.

When rage ignites the Pitt's fiery fuel, the health effects are devastating. When unstoppable, hot-tempered and impetuous rams rush under their own anger and are guided by fiery passions, they drain their energy resources and lose their vitality.

If Pitts are under stress, they must find the strength not to explode, as usual, but to calm down and cool down. Pitts can achieve a state of calm and serenity when they paint landscapes, admire the beauties of nature, green meadows, fields dotted with flowers, or the sparkling smooth surface of the river. Coolness, calmness, contemplation and serenity, bathing in the moonlight - all this perfectly harmonizes Pitta.

Since Pitta time comes from ten in the morning to two in the afternoon and from ten in the evening to two in the morning, people of a fiery constitution should try to avoid situations that provoke irritability and stress in them. At this time, it is advisable not to get angry, not shout and not get into heated arguments and conflicts. The behavior of the textbook Pitt is even described in books: it is the Pitt who tend to arrange wild antics and explode emotionally in the middle of the day at lunch and in the evening before bed.

With Pitt's exuberant, irrepressible appetite, they are nevertheless recommended light food and weak drinks. They should not abuse spices, hot, pungent and bitter condiments, as well as spices that stimulate the appetite and disperse the blood. They should not drink alcohol. If the Pitts follow these tips, they will no longer be angry, violent and explosive.

Digestive fire Pitt is most active at midnight and noon. Pittas can be well-fed throughout the day because they have high level metabolic processes. Proper nutrition able to regulate the fiery nature of Pitta. It is a kind of medicine that smooths out and soothes their explosive nature and helps them remember their cognitive self. Therefore, Pitts must purposefully form their own taste and eating habits and eat consciously.

To tame the raging fire and relax after intense mental work It is useful for Pittam to meditate before going to bed. After 6 p.m. they should slow down and relax. They find it helpful to visualize beautiful landscapes in subdued or pastel colors, in which the cool waters of the river roll, the sands and snows turn white, the forests turn green, the animals move gracefully and the birds sing.

In the middle of the night, the Pitt have a burst of creative energy, but they would be wise to resist the temptation to spend the night awake and fall asleep at dawn. Typically, Pitt's sleep lasts six to eight hours, and they sleep mostly on their backs. Pittas need to sleep longer than Vatas and Kaphas to replenish the energy they waste during the day.

When evening comes, Pitta must forget about victories and exploits. Trusting the inner wisdom of Vata and the ability to feed and warm Kapha, Pitta will be able to completely restore the lost energy and prepare for the battles of the coming day.

Pitts must learn from their air and water partners tact and courtesy, mercy and the ability to forgive, graceful grace of feelings, as well as many other humanly attractive character traits.

The time free from the routine struggle for self-affirmation and power becomes for Pitta a time for strengthening and healing. vital energy... Pitta's free time should be devoted to charity work. Through her humanitarian work, Pitta learns to have compassion and empathy for people. When Pitta becomes human, he loses the need to protrude and draw attention to his "outstanding" person, because he begins to understand that narcissism and vanity are ridiculous, and the spiritual qualities, subtlety and liveliness of his fiery nature are important.

Pitts are useful for these types physical activity that are uniform, not intermittent. Swimming, acrobatics, skiing, figure skating, speed skating, jogging, cross-country running and marathon running, tennis, chess, hiking and mountain climbing are very beneficial for their physical and mental health.

Fiery people love sports by nature. But they should always remember that sports that require a lot of energy - be it swimming, running, aerobics, rowing, tennis or football, can only be practiced during cooler times of the day.

During sports activities, Pitts burn excess energy. But they must be sensitive to themselves and prevent the acceleration of metabolism in the body.

It is useful for Pittas to perform a complex of yoga asanas twice a day. Pittas should pay particular attention to bringing their minds to a calm, peaceful state. From yoga asanas, they are shown postures aimed at overcoming mental fatigue and relaxation.

Remember, if you want to stretch your body or target specific systems and organs with yoga, do these exercises before you start any other sporting activity!

Aromatherapy and body care

Pitta types benefit from dry, cool, sweet aromas that are slightly spicy but not tart. To balance the Pitta dosha, it is beneficial to inhale the aromas of rose, leaves and young roots of bitter orange, cinnamon, vanilla, sandalwood, calamus, borneol, myrtle, narcissus, lotus, peppermint, nutmeg, artabotris, jasmine, licorice, violets.

What attracts you to Pittas?

To the positive qualities of Pitta include good nature and gaiety, energy and activity, a high intellectual level, excellent diction, wit, courage and ardor. At the first acquaintance with the Pitts, their discipline, an inner need for harmony and order is striking. "

They are welcoming and reliable. Look for the mad brave men who come to grips with fate among the Pitt. They do not give in to circumstances and always make them work for themselves. As a rule, Pitts are punctual, picky, meticulous in small things and very perceptive. They are good at remembering information and picking up other people's ideas. When a person is said to be “able to concentrate,” do not doubt that he is of the Pitta dosha type. Pittas are loving and affectionate spouses and parents. They are very determined and ambitious. Pitts- this is the most collected and punctual type of people. They are very responsible and able to soberly assess the situation.

What's annoying about Pittas?

When dosha pitta out of balance, people of this type become irritable and aggressive. In any stressful situation, they lose their temper, blame others for the failures (and never themselves!), Fall into a rage, shout and wave their fists. During such periods, they become rude, impolite and harsh in their statements. When Pitts are angry, their timbre and tonality of voice change, they are able to shower others with curses and open curses (bites of fire-breathing dragons!).

The Pitts fanatically follow their chosen path. Moreover, they certainly want to arrange so that all other people also follow this path. Sometimes imbalance doshas of pitta manifests itself in the fact that people of this type are irritatedly offended, withdrawn (again irritated), violently polemicize and criticize acrimoniously.

The Manipura chakra conducts the energy of active control, this is the chakra of warriors and rulers, therefore Pitts can be extremely belligerent, unyielding and merciless. When manipura is blocked, Pitts become intolerant, angry, jealous and envious. They are capable of even strong emissions of negative energy in the form of hostility and hatred, but they themselves suffer from this, since this energy affects their stomach, intestinal and skin diseases.

What is detrimental to Pitta?

By nature, Pitts are touchy. If they try to suppress their grievances, do not show offended pride and show external calmness, they will begin to gnaw themselves from the inside, which will not add to their health. They need to learn to abstract from the situation and look at it through the eyes of an outside observer. Perhaps the offense will not seem so terrible to them.

These "pepper and vinegar" people love to compete. They have a certain physical strength, but do not like to lose. They are possessed by a fighting spirit, it pulls them to feats and achievements, but they do not have sufficient endurance. They experience losses so hard that they are ready to join a fight, believing that their honor has been violated.

When the Pitts begin to abuse their excellent digestion, by eating sour, spicy, fried, salty and canned foods, richly flavored with hot spices, the Pitta dosha easily gets out of balance. Due to overeating, persistent addiction to alcohol and food before bedtime, Pitts have dreams in which they participate in fights and wars with bloodshed, violence and murder.

Dosha Pitta,out of control, signals this with excessive criticism and self-criticism, pedantry, as well as the tyranny of relatives and subordinates. A person begins to rush at others for no apparent reason, he is offended by any word said inappropriately.

Pitts are vain. The desire to show their "I", to exhibit in front of others and to show their remarkable abilities so that everyone will notice them, lures them into a trap: they overestimate their strength and demand from others respect and recognition. Not receiving high recognition from others, they can turn sour and from Mars clanking with knightly armor, turn into a staff clerk, gallantly bowing to the ladies.

Energy and appearance

The pittas are beautifully proportioned. These are normostenics with "medium bone" (they are not bony like Vats). They have a normal balanced gait and hands of medium thickness. Usually, Pitt has moderately developed muscles, and this gives their figure a sporty look. They blush easily. There are often many moles on Pitt's body. They always have hot hands and feet, and they sweat profusely and frequently. Pitta gains weight easily and sheds it just as easily.

If you see in front of you a nice girl with a fairly developed chest, smooth beautiful hips, a narrow waist and slender, but not long legs, do not doubt that Pitta dosha is strongly expressed in her constitution. Pitt has a determined gait, when walking they never slouch.

Pittas often experience ups and downs in energy. This is reflected in their appearance, health, sleep and ability to remember new information. Many gourmets are born among Pitt who are able to enjoy the quality and beauty of food.

Sexual nature

Since Pitta is ruled by the sun, sunshine comes from all the activities that people of this type do. The brightness and splendor of the Sun cannot but influence the fate, intentions, aspirations and personality of Pitta. Like the Sun, Pitts are in the thick of things, they are always in the central arena of battles. Inside Pitta, primal, elemental energies are raging, prompting him to ram the target with ram's horns. Pitta strives to be the first always and everywhere. Without false modesty, he tirelessly breaks through to the forefront of life and love.

Difficulties can arise when Pitta's intellectual fire interacts with the deceiving, bottomless waters of Kapha, as Pitta's overwhelming passion for winning and being the first leaves little room for beneficial interaction.

Here is a typical situation for this type of people: burning with passion, Pitta breaks off the start, races furiously at full steam ... and burns to ashes before reaching the finish line. The Pitts consider themselves to be brilliant lovers, but in fact they often lack patience and humility. The inability to compromise prevents them from getting along harmoniously with love partners.

In short, they can only manifest miracles of passion and be the most violent and ardent lovers when they feel their own independence. Pitts often sacrifice their gentle nature for intellectual ability. Potentially, Pitts can experience great happiness in intimate relationships, if this relationship does not prevent them from moving towards their goal.

For Pitta, sex is not just a sequence of certain actions, the meaning of which is to satisfy the instinct of procreation. But Pitts should not treat sex as an act of lust, dictated by sexual desire, because this way they quickly fizzle out and lose energy. Since Pitts are naturally endowed with high intelligence, they should ennoble sexual contacts, bringing in them tenderness, affection and care for a partner. So that Pitta does not burn out to the ground, but retains his ebullient energy, he must pass his emotions through the heart, and not through the genitals. When Pitts act contrary to their nature and treat sex as a sport, they reverse their natural upward flow of energy and experience sexual frustration.

Pitts often become impotent and infertile. The reasons can be different: frustration, weak semen, or premature ejaculation. Pittas need to learn how to direct the flow of natural male power in the right direction. The paradox of the situation lies in the fact that the most powerful male type must learn humility and patience. Only in this way will he be able to get the most out of his natural prowess. Lack of knowledge about our true potential breeds bad habits and leads to degradation.

In Pitt, this manifests itself in the need to demonstrate his sexual superiority, which always ends in failure. If the energy of Pitta is passed through the heart, the center of compassion, patience and tenderness, then people of this type are distinguished by inexhaustible masculine energy. But if the fire blazes violently, it will certainly burn its master. Pitt, who have learned how to properly direct their energy, have an excellent relationship with a partner, and they are capable of numerous ejaculations.

The most suitable partners for Pitt are Kapha, Kapha-Pitta and Pitta-Kapha. It is a healing balm for wounds and burns of Pitta. To live in harmony with Pitta, his partner must also enjoy physical activities and passionately love the beauty of nature.


Pitts feel great in the area of ​​material success. There are no obstacles in the universe that a ram would not be able to overcome or ram with his horn-rays. When all is lost, when failures follow one after another, Pitta is charged with a new portion of energy and again makes his way to the goal.

Fiery people are a miracle. They deserve our applause and our appreciation for innovation that other types of people are not capable of. They are born to play leading roles in the performances of life, so they need to be given leading roles, not to interfere, and to express respect. If Pitta feels that he is grateful and appreciated for his work, he with a dear soul and wide open heart will rush forward, faster, higher and further towards the goal. Like a fire-breathing dragon, he will pose and solve ever more grandiose and large-scale tasks. But if Pitt does not notice, does not support words of gratitude, does not say how wonderful and amazing he is, then, like a ram, he will stubbornly stand in one place, forcing others to recognize his merits. They desperately need our respect.

Pitta's solar energy illuminates the business world and advanced activities on the material plane. If Kapha perfectly copes with everyday, earthly and maternal tasks, and Vata excels in the sciences and the spiritual sphere, then the Pitts are successfully engaged in those activities that contribute to progress. They make excellent administrators, directors, and innovators. If you get in the way of Pitt, then burn in their fire.

Pitta's fire shines brightly, it is visible from afar and dazzles up close. But what supports it? A world of peace, silence, Kapha earth and water. The world of the sky, cosmic jets, soaring clouds and the movement of Vata cyclones. But it turns out that the fire that connects heaven and earth can hardly cope with everyday affairs. Every day, Pitta prepares for battle. He is armed with a sharp sword, as if going to the Hundred Years War.

When Pitta ignores his own nature, he becomes arrogant and arrogant. When Pitta becomes patient, knows how to wait and remain calm, learns to respect people and respond to other people's needs, his real strength increases many times over. Until Pitta learns to respect those around him, he will senselessly race at breakneck speeds until he burns down. Pitta must learn to be compassionate and stop criticizing others.

All people need to understand that the life of any creature in the world is priceless, that all living beings have an equal right to well-being and prosperity. The universe does not divide the living into "us" and "aliens", necessary and unnecessary. Every living creature is at its own stage of evolution and strives to achieve its life goals. Fiery people inherit karma of a rajasic nature, that is, karma in which the nature of universal activity is embodied. When Pitta stubbornly stomps on the ground with his heels, his true nature regresses, turning into a tamasic kingdom of stagnation, decline, inertia. Pitta has to move forward into the sattvic world. Sattva is a state of balance and harmony. In sattva, a fierce, blazing fire turns into a cool glow. To achieve sattva, Pitta must tirelessly work on his fiery ego.

Pitta are born leaders; these are presidents and prime ministers, directors and chiefs, heads of government agencies and organizations. Pitts often become designers, architects, engineers, and scientists. Their discernment and intuition are useful in innovative endeavors, when a new path is blazed and the very first steps are taken. Pitts excel in high-tech and advanced technology. They can be excellent programmers in space flight control centers or in the military-industrial complex. The Pitts have excellent artistic vision and are successful in the visual arts and design.

Pitts are born leaders, and their courage, perseverance and energy can be compared to ball lightning.

Style, colors and gems

As a rule, Pitt are dressed exquisitely, rightly believing that "they are greeted by their clothes." Their criterion in choosing clothes is sophistication. With the help of clothing, they gain success in society. They do not understand and do not tolerate negligence in dress. Pitta will never wear unfashionable things, but at the same time she will try not to be too conspicuous. If someone puts on a similar dress, Pitta will definitely change clothes, just to present herself in a winning light.

Fiery people attract the attention of others and stop their gazes. They love to wear expensive outfits that perfectly highlight their athletic energetic figure.

Pitts should wear clothes made from natural fabrics of white, green, blue, lilac and violet colors, shades of mallow, lilac and lavender, pastel colors and their combinations.

Pitta is always ahead of the mainstream trends and styles in fashion. Pitta is always neat and well dressed, his clothes always have some kind of "zest" by which you can easily recognize him in the crowd.

With an excess of Pitta, people of this constitution should not wear precious stones and metals of fire. On the contrary, healing stones for them will be those that increase the energy of all chakras, except for manipura. For example, lilac-lilac carries the power of ether and water, helping fire to control emotions. When worn around the neck and framed in gold, it balances fire and infuses the wearer with compassion. Also, healing stones for Pitta are pearls (primary elements - water, air and earth), turquoise, sapphire, emerald, and metals - copper and platinum.

Hello dear readers, I continue the block of articles " Ayurveda and style"=)
Let me remind you of the previous articles on the topic:

And today let's talk about Pitt... As mentioned earlier, I do not pretend to be the ultimate truth, purely a research project =)

Since the idea is very important, I'll say it again - much depends on whether you want to increase or decrease the dosha =)

And to begin with, again the description from the book "Absolute Beauty".

Imagine a blazing fire. The heat penetrates him, excites and dries, and sometimes scorches. Imagine flames - sharp, violent and unbridled. In anger, fire scatters sparks and devours everything in its path; only a few are able to pacify his rage.

By nature, he is purposeful, fearless and indomitable. Like the sun itself, it generates powerful energy. And while it burns, an incinerating heat emanates from it. In an enticing dance, he weaves magical patterns of light; the game bewitches and enchants him.

Once you look into her fiery eyes, you will not forget the beauty of Pitta until the end of your days. You will forever remember the piercing gaze of those green, gray or brown eyes, framed by flawless eyelashes and eyebrows.

Her straight hair can be sandy brown, golden, copper or fiery red. Her skin is warm, pink and soft, and her cheeks and nose are most likely covered with freckles or moles and constantly moisturized with natural skin lubricant. She has perfectly shaped scarlet lips, sharply defined facial contours and a proportional figure.

Cool shades of green and blue soften the tension of her natural beauty, while silver jewelry set with pearls or moonstone accentuates the mysterious sparkle of her eyes.

In love, as in everything else, Pitta is naturally hot. Her desires are strong and her passions are violent. She knows perfectly well what she wants, and, as a rule, knows how to humble her impatience, if it is necessary to achieve the goal. When she is happy, she shines with warmth and irresistible charm.

But be careful, otherwise you will burn in its rays! If you try to push her, Pitta can become impatient, impetuous, irritable, hot-tempered and even aggressive. Most likely, she will turn the sharp blade of her intellect against you, and remember that her criticisms hurt aptly and deeply.

In addition, Pitta is prone to outbursts of jealousy, and her desire for perfect perfection is at times simply unbearable. Even without being unbalanced by Pitt, he can commit such actions that more shy and cautious people seem reckless.

Pitta's fireworks light up easily under the influence of hot weather, spicy food, and all kinds of stimulants. But she can go without a sweater on cool days and eat ice cream at any time of the year.

When energy boils in her, Pitta feels invulnerable. However, everything has its limits. It is good if Pitta is guided in life by the motto "everything is good in moderation" and reminds himself: "Chill out, otherwise you will burn out."

At its most extreme, Pitta is a classic A-type personality. She turns into an angry argumentative, intolerant and obsessive, and falls prey to diseases typical of this dosha: ulcers, hypertension and heart disease.

At the same time, the acidity of the gastric juice increases; the breath also becomes "sour". The pretty pink skin is covered with a rash or rosacea. True eczema or other inflammatory skin disease may occur. In this condition, you should especially beware of sunburn and contact with allergens. To cool down, Pitta should allow herself to take a break from hectic activities, change surroundings, savor the scent of sandalwood, meditate, or take a walk in the moonlight.

Well, let's see what to do in practice for those who have pitta as the leading dosha. By analogy with Vata, I propose to divide the dosha into its two elements - fire + water.

Fire - punching power, dedication, sweeping away obstacles, energy, a leader who knows what he wants , some dominance. The main message of style is a persona - a person who "achieved everything", a drama or a classic with the addition of drama. The images are quite tough, the message shows strength. moreover, it can be both the power of the ruler and the power of the rebel.

Water ... The element of water is usually associated with emotions. As you remember, Kapha also has the element of water. I see the difference in the manifestation of the water element in pitta and in kapha as just the difference between emotions and feelings. The concepts are close, but not identical. The senses - deep water, slow current, changes slowly. Emotions - the surface of the water, it changes quite quickly, the flow is fast. To make it clear what I mean - "I love him (feeling), but how does he infuriate me with his behavior (emotion)." Here is the water of Pitta - this is the brightness of emotions, the Queen of Drama in all its glory, Diva ... The main message is brightness, emotional storm, Italian passions.

And about that how to manifest dosha and how to reduce

1) Colors and combinations

Let me remind you about the difference between the color-type concepts of heat-cold and heat-cold of the color wheel, this will come in handy - following any color recommendations is possible within the framework of the native palette -

To show:

Fire pitta - bright warm colors(red, purple, gold) is often combined with black for European culture (one of the associations of black is status, the other is protest. Both are suitable for fire =)). They are usually combined in contrast in two, for a clearer and louder statement.

Pitta water - also saturated warm colors, maybe a little less bright. Red, burgundy, gold, purple, terracotta, peach. Sensuality. Combinations of these colors with each other in two or three.

To reduce pitta, you need to "cool" and "slow down" it - for this, the colors of the cold part of the color wheel in related or monochrome combinations are suitable.

2) Textures and lines

To show pitta Smooth fabrics with crisp edges are fine. For fire pitta, they are stiffer, giving a sharper cut, for water pitta, they are more fluid and form-fitting. As for the prints, the fire pitta will have repetitive, rhythmic, sharp sharp prints, while the water pitta will have sweeping, sharp, but with some smoothness, such as tropical leaves and lilies.

To pitta smooth out, as well as for Vata, you can use soft loose textures, moreover, softer, as well as prints with a fuzzy edge or "ethereal" - such as feathers.

3) Stones and metals

To emphasize- gold, copper, brass, bronze. From stones - corals, amber, carnelian, tiger's and bull's eyes, jasper of warm colors, pomegranates, rubies and other stones of the warm part of the color wheel. Pitta jewelry is always statement jewelry. They are catchy and rather large.

To smooth out cold metals are used for pitta - silver. platinum, and from stones - airy stones of cotton wool and green stones of kapha fertility - pearls, turquoise, emerald, malachite, jadeite, moonstone, chrysocolla, amethyst.

4) Aroma

To strengthen fiery pitta , sharp warm smells are suitable - geranium, ginger, cloves, black pepper.

To strengthen aquatic pitta - warm enveloping aromas - black musk, lily, sage, nutmeg

To smooth out the hotness of the pitta uses meditative and cool floral scents: jasmine, rose, sandalwood, incense, lavender

Dear readers of the site! Welcome back to Tatiana, a specialist in Ayurveda, with another portion of this ancient medical knowledge for beginners. In the last issue, we talked about the signs ... Surely many who have read have already seen some of them at home, their relatives and friends. This activity is exciting and interesting. It will help on the path of self-awareness and knowledge of other people.

Today we will talk about the permanent signs of Pitt - the constitution of Fire.

Let us recall the main outstanding properties of this dosha: hot, oily, spicy. Immediately you can imagine a kind of Caucasian man who is ready to flare up from the slightest irritant. Of course, this is a primitive image, and nevertheless, it clearly reflects the personality of a person with a dominant Pitta.

Signs of predominance of Pitta dosha

  • BODY: Pitta people have an average build, average shoulder and hip width, and normal joints. Their fingers and toes middle length... Their physique is generally proportional and balanced.
  • WEIGHT: usually maintains normal weight with slight deviations. As a rule, they pick it up quite easily and easily drop it, since Pitta is the principle of balance inherent in the body. Their fat is deposited evenly throughout the body.
  • SKIN COLOR: Pitta people have fair skin, often pinkish or coppery. Because Pitta is hot, the skin of these people is usually warm to the touch. Their blood circulation is good. Before tanning, their skin becomes covered with freckles, and tanning is rarely lasting. They burn easily and may even suffer from hypersensitivity to sunlight.
  • SKIN FEATURES: The skin is usually delicate, prone to irritation, acne, rashes and inflammation. They usually have many moles. Body hair is light and fine. The lips have a deep red color, which reflects the developed capillary network under the skin. For the same reason, Pitt-type people blush easily.
  • Sweat: Sweat profusely, even in cool weather. The palms can also often feel sweaty.
  • HAIR ON THE HEAD: Natural red hair indicates strong Pitta in Prakriti. The rest of the Pitt-type people have blond hair and early graying. Early baldness is also a sign of Pitta, as it reflects high levels of testosterone, a hot, aggressive Pitt-type hormone. The hair is usually sparse, fine, delicate and perfectly straight. Sometimes their shine is not visible due to the grease.
  • NAILS: Pitta people's nails are soft, strong, elastic, beautifully shaped. Color - pink with a copper tint.
  • EYES: The eyes are generally of medium size and light. Brown, light green, light brown, blue. The look is usually expressive, and literally radiates energy. The whites of the eyes are reddish and turn red when irritated.
  • ORAL CAVITY: Pitt's teeth are straight and medium in size. They tend to be prone to tooth decay and bleeding gums. The tongue is coated with a bloom, usually yellowish or red in color. This type is prone to painful sores in the mouth and tongue. They may taste sour or metallic tastes in their mouths early in the morning.
  • APPETITE: These people have an excellent appetite, and the food gives them real pleasure! They are always ready to eat - morning, afternoon and evening, and even at night. And they really, really don't like skipping meals! They can be rude and irritable if they cannot eat on time. They also do not like fasting, as their body is always in search of new energy.
  • BREAKFAST: Pitta people can skip breakfast if necessary, but in this case they get hot and hot-tempered by lunch and really calm down after eating well. Sometimes, if they haven't eaten for too long, they get heartburn. Pitta are stimulant lovers and can overuse coffee and tea throughout the day to keep energy expenditure high.
  • DIGESTION AND CHAIR: seldom constipated. Their stool is usually yellowish and well-formed, but is sometimes runny and may feel hot and scalding, especially after hot, spicy food. Many Pitta types note that foods such as milk, figs, raisins, and dates act as a laxative on them.
  • MENSTRUATIONS: Pitta women usually have regular cycles, but their bleeding is longer and more profuse than other types due to their natural heat. The blood feels hot and is usually bright red in color, but if the Pitta is unbalanced, a bluish, yellowish and black tint may appear. Stool during or immediately before menstruation is sometimes runny; there may be spasms of moderate intensity. PMS can manifest as irritability, acute food cravings, flare-ups of acne, and headaches.
  • CLIMATE PREFERENCES: Prefers colder latitudes and finds hot climates unbearable. Since they themselves generate so much internal warmth then they like to sleep with their windows open even in winter.
  • PHYSICAL STRENGTH AND ENDURANCE: They can and like to do vigorous exercise. Usually, after good exertion, they feel hungry and thirsty. They are very fond of competitive sports. Their muscle tone and coordination are average.
  • SLEEP: Pitt-type people fall asleep easily, sleep lightly and wake up alert. Even when they wake up at night, they can quickly fall asleep again. Their sleep is usually restful, but can be disturbed by overworking during the day. Usually their dreams are colored and associated with heat or light.
  • VOICE AND SPEECH: Usually they speak concisely and specifically. They clearly know that they want to communicate, what kind of response they want to receive. They are impatient with the interlocutor and like to argue. They are usually accused of having a sharp tongue.
  • CHARACTERISTIC EMOTIONS: As a rule, representatives of this type react with anger and irritability in stressful situations... And this anger can splash out or stay inside.
  • PERSONAL FEATURES: people of Pitta type are passionate, strong and energetic in their actions. If allowed, they can be arbitrary. They are characterized by courage, they believe in fair play and give generously in a good mood, but in anger they can be cruel and touchy. They make friends easily, especially if they feel that these friends can be useful to them. They are usually very quick-witted and, as a rule, intolerant of those who do not have the same sharp mind. Representatives of the Pitta type are carried away by their own development, which for them often turns into a kind of expansion of the ego. They firmly adhere to their views and are able to fall into fanaticism. They tend to persist in their fanaticism if they believe that such behavior will benefit them. Famous cult leaders are usually of the Pitt type.
  • METHOD OF PERCEPTION: Pitta-type representatives are focused on vision and mentally imagine almost everything they think about. They can easily create images using fantasy. A Pitt-type person who has been by the sea will probably remember the white scallops of waves near the coast or the bright shine of sunlight on the sand.
  • WAREHOUSE OF MIND: Pitta representatives act methodically and effectively in planning and applying new ideas put forward by others who are more theorizing. They love to develop ways of practical application of ideas, but they are not very interested in scrupulously working on a project or business every day.
  • MEMORY: usually easy to remember but difficult to forget. If they are disrespected, they explode, and even when the flame of their anger is completely burned out, the indignation will smolder for a very long time.
  • LIFESTYLE: This type of person is good at planning and organizing, calculating their expenses wisely and spending wisely. They are not afraid to spend money, but rarely fall prey to impulsive spending. These people spend with specific goals in mind and tend to feel superior to those who cannot exercise such self-control. They stick with habits or give them up, depending on how much they think the habits are good for them.

These are the “hot” heads of these Pitt representatives!

Ayurveda recommendations for people of the constitution Fire

  1. Avoid spicy, salty, sour tastes in food. Limit fermented foods such as blue cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, yeast bread. And also avoid red meat, alcohol and salt. Eat less hot spices, preferring milder ones: turmeric, cardamom, fennel, coriander.
  2. Sweet, bitter and astringent tastes are good. Grains, fruits and vegetables should form the main diet of Pitta. Raw food with plenty of greenery is also fine.
  3. Pitta - You can use milk, cream, or ghee to soften the effects of caffeine.
  4. Representatives of this fiery constitution are often envious, so they need to learn to rejoice when other people feel good.
  5. Passivity is sometimes necessary. Due to their Pitta activity, representatives cannot be in a calm state. Everything should “burn” around them. Therefore, they need to be able to rest, relax.
  6. Pitta people love to criticize others, so they need to learn to accept people as they are. That is, to work more on yourself and not on others. Be tolerant.
  7. Try to avoid extreme in life. Pitta - amateurs thrill, which is not always favorable for them.
  8. Due to the dominance of pungency and heat, they often have bad smell from the body. Therefore, they need to be more careful about hygiene than representatives of other constitutions.

Real life example 1: how Tanya pacified her Pitta

I will write my experience, since I have a pronounced pitta in Prakriti. All of the above listed signs that we have analyzed are inherent in my irascible nature.

When I was not yet familiar with Ayurveda, the imbalance of fire often manifested itself in my life. These were also rashes on the skin, especially before menstruation, irascibility, anger, attempts to control other people, especially close ones. Having started to study myself, my true nature, I came to understand and accept my peculiarities. I started with food: I learned how to find suitable food combinations that brought my weight into balance. Acquaintance with an amazing bookAbsolute Beauty by Pratim Raichurgave knowledge of how to care for the skin of the face and body.

And the experience of using Ayurvedic herbal medicine as a whole keeps my Fiery constitution in balance. Here are just some simple wisdom that I follow:

  • I try to avoid foods that are spicy or too hot.
  • I don’t roll around as long as I used to in direct sunlight
  • The practice of Hatha Yoga helps to calm my hot head and put my thoughts in order.
  • Supplements such as: turmeric, aloe, fennel, coriander help my digestion and at the same time do not build up excess heat in the body.

Real life example 2: how Martha worked with Pitta

Let me remind you, in my body, and Pitt is in second place. In an unbalanced form, the fire element brings me the following troubles.

  1. Anger, irritability.
  2. Diseases of the skin: severe allergies, a tendency to acne and, as the apogee, demodicosis.
  3. Frequent infections and inflammations.

Today, all three parameters can be kept in a very balanced state. I will briefly explain how.

  • The tendency to quickly get angry, angry and irritated for any reason in me is now minimal. Native Hatha Yoga helps to pacify the mind,Vipassana meditationand japa meditation.
    In addition, the study of the holy scriptures, Vedic knowledge, Buddhist culture and (most importantly!) The application of this knowledge in practice, in life - have borne fruit. After all, if I deeply understand the reason why this particular person is behaving now, to put it mildly, not in accordance with my expectations or ideas about cultural behavior, the anger goes away. Because in principle, anger is caused largely by ignorance, it is the emotion of NOT-KNOWING.
    I am doing the best with this item today.
  • The sensitive skin of Pitt's type brought a lot of suffering and worries about his appearance - read medical history.
    The change in the type of diet, adherence to the daily regimen and the transition to a more natural and appropriate care for my skin type have paid off. Today I sometimes even have to prove that even five years ago the face was covered with extremely unpleasant festering red wounds of Demodectic mange, which were extremely difficult to heal.
  • Finally, inflammatory diseases also began to visit me much less thanks to all the same measures - yoga, meditation, diet and day, refusal of food with "overdoses" of meat, etc.

Many items step by step work over yourself and improvement own health I describe here on my MartaThai blog. 🙂

The next issue, our wishing to be healthy friends, will be devoted to the beautiful and unhurried Kapha constitution.

With wishes of good health and well-being, sincerely your guides to the world of Ayurveda - Tatiana and her assistant Martha.
Cambodia - Russia, January 2018