Day of creation of units for combating organized crime in Russia. Fundamentals of Combating Organized Crime

The criminal activity of a simple criminal differs from the whole group by the organization and thoughtfulness of actions. The scale of harm to the country from it is enormous. The leader of the criminal group is difficult to track down and detain, since he is not officially involved in these actions. Financial fraud, extremism, smuggling, kidnapping, terrorism - and this is only part of the misconduct they commit. This professional holiday is dedicated to the employees who have dedicated their activities to identifying the leaders of criminal gangs, separating them, arresting and bringing them to court.

When celebrated

The day of the creation of units to combat organized crime is celebrated annually on November 15.

Who is celebrating

The day of the creation of units for combating organized crime in 2019 is traditionally celebrated by the current employees of the Main Directorate for Combating Extremism of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, as well as veterans of the service.

history of the holiday

November 15, 1988 by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Soviet Union№ 0014 "On the creation of a department for combating organized crime" was organized by the 6th department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR in the number of 32 people. This date became the starting point in the formation of these units.

In February 1991, it was renamed into the Main Directorate for Combating the Most Dangerous Crimes, Organized Crime, Corruption and Drug Trafficking, and a year later it was transformed into the Main Directorate of Organized Crime (GUOP) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The next round of reforms began in 1999. With him came a new name - the State Administration for Combating Organized Crime. In 2004, it became the Department for Combating Organized Crime and Terrorism of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The reform of 2008 led to the creation of a new abbreviation - GUPE of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Now it is the main unit in the fight against terrorism and extremism. To support the actions and operations carried out by its employees, rapid response units have been created.

About the profession

The duties of the employees of the State Unitary Enterprise of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation include not only carrying out activities aimed at identifying extremism, but also the fight against terrorism, drug business, illegal sale of weapons, corruption, disclosing especially grave and grave crimes at the regional and international level, and much more. In addition, they are engaged in carrying out preventive measures, the purpose of which is to prevent and suppress these types of activities.

Until 1985, the existence of organized crime was not recognized in the USSR, although its formation began to occur in the 1960s.

The largest Sicilian mafia has 50,000 members - 150 families, while in Russia this figure reaches 160,000 members - 12,000 groups.

A 2004 Council of Europe report states that Russian international criminal organizations operating in Europe are among the most dangerous in the area of ​​extortion, illegal migration and economic crime.

Organized crime by the model of government is a state with an oligarchic form of government. In a criminal society there is also power, organs of the security system, education (for the upbringing of young criminals), courts, opposition, and even published regulations(prescriptions). They have their own code of conduct, music, speech, customs and traditions that cannot be violated.

The "Russian mafia" is not only Russian criminal organizations. These also include groupings of the CIS countries and migration manifestations of the far abroad.

In terms of territoriality, organizational crime is concentrated in the southern regions of Russia, excluding large cities and industrial centers. On the world stage, it operates in 44 countries.

The thieves' jargon was created on the basis of the Russian, Ukrainian languages ​​and Yiddish and was initially adopted with the aim of distinguishing “our own people from the crowd”. Many scientists, poets and writers during the years of repression were imprisoned and described life, borrowed criminal terms and concepts. They soon became firmly established in the spoken and literary languages.

The progenitors of the thieves' language were Ofeni - wandering village merchants. Their conventional language was called Feney. From here it went to everyone famous name criminal jargon.

On the eve of the holidays, President Vladimir Putin signed Decree No. 300, according to which seven Main Directorates of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for federal districts will be liquidated. The long-term confrontation between the ubopists (Directorate for Combating Organized Crime) and people from Lubyanka has ended

On the eve of the holidays, President Vladimir Putin signed Decree No. 300, according to which seven Main Directorates of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for federal districts will be liquidated. An exception was made, due to the particular complexity of the region, only for the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the North Caucasus federal district... Moreover, the "mopping-up" took place in a classic manner: the day before the decree was issued, the head of the MIA General Administration for the Far Eastern Federal District, General Yevgeny Kuzhel, was noisily fired. Thus, the long-term confrontation between the ubopists (the Department for Combating Organized Crime) and the people from Lubyanka ended.

According to the decree, the following chapters are abolished: Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Central Federal District (Head Sergey Derevianko), Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Far Eastern Federal District (Evgeny Kuzhel), Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Siberian Federal District (Yuri Proshchalykin), Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Ural Federal district (Nikolay Mardasov), the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Volga Federal District (Andrey Taranov), the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the North-West Federal District (Vitaly Bykov) and the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Southern Federal District (Nikolai Simakov). Each head office had about 500 employees. Consequently, about 3.5 thousand people fell under the reduction, and it is not known how many of them will be able to transfer to other divisions.

Help from "Novaya": Shabolovskiy

On November 15, 1988, by order of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, the 6th Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs (staff: 32 people) was created, which was engaged in the prevention of serious crimes and neutralization of the activities of criminal leaders. On February 4, 1991, the 6th department was reorganized into the Main Directorate for Combating the Most Dangerous Crimes, Organized Crime, Corruption and Drug Trafficking. Corresponding units were created in 10 republics of the USSR with a total number of 3 thousand people.

In February 1992, the Main Directorate for Organized Crime (GUOP) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was created. In 1998 it was transformed into the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime (GUBOP) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In 2000, the then head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Vladimir Rushailo, removed the Organized Crime Control Department from the subordination of the republican Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Central Internal Affairs Directorate and the Internal Affairs Directorate and united them into a single chain of subordination: the Organized Crime Control Department - RUBOP - GUBOP - minister.

At first, the ubopists were really engaged in an important matter and were a threat to criminal gangs. As many remember, in the 90s the whole business was not under the security forces, as it is now, but under the bandits, while the mayors of the majority Russian cities and directors of enterprises were henchmen of local organized crime groups. I'll tell you one story: in 1996 I worked at Vremechko, and we went to interview the head of a small town in Yaroslavl region... We were interested in what kind of people with "crusts", posing as employees of the city administration, collect "environmental" fines from truck drivers. The communist mayor talked for a long time about how he cares about ecology with all his heart. When we were getting ready to leave, he unexpectedly announced: "And now we will go to the master ..." The real master of the city turned out to be an Armenian thief in law.

The Organized Crime Control Department, in contrast to the criminal investigation department, which worked on an already committed crime, on the contrary, was included in the development when the first operational information was received and was distinguished by great mobility. The work with agents was well organized, a unified database of thieves in law and crime bosses finally appeared, and the bandits were afraid of Sobrovtsy from the GUBOP like fire. In order to avoid leaks, the new units received complete independence from the local police authorities, all information flowed to the head of the GUBOP, who is the first deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In 1994, specifically under the Organized Crime Control Department, Presidential Decree No. 1226 "On urgent measures to protect the population from banditry and other manifestations of organized crime" was lobbied, which allowed suspects to be detained for up to 30 days.


The Organized Crime Control Department began to "deteriorate" in the second half of the 90s: operatives had expensive foreign cars, kilogram gold chains hung around their necks, and "under the roof" businessmen lined up to them. And they still remember the story when one of the department heads forgot a purse with 70 thousand dollars in the toilet on Shabolovka.

Thanks to the clever heads of the press services, the fighters against organized crime were well promoted: in the media they were compared with the last heroes who got in the way of the crime. Meanwhile, the methods operational work They did not differ much: they received information - planted drugs / weapons - “closed”. The same drug addicted "witnesses" wandered from one criminal case to another. True, in the courts most cases fell apart. And, apparently, it was no coincidence that the GUBOP leadership became one of the initiators of the information campaign about the uselessness of jury trials.

A whole generation of stick-maker operatives has grown up on juggling and tossing, who can no longer do anything. But they did have a pretty grip when it came to money. For example, the father of one of the hostages told me how he came to write a statement to the anti-kidnapping department in Shabolovka: “First of all, the boss asked me what the ransom amount was. I answered: 40 million. Then this guy hinted that his "bonus" should be 10% of the ransom. " Fortunately, the hostage freed himself, and the operatives were left without a "bonus".

In order to somehow curb the process of decomposition of the service, the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs constantly "reshuffled" employees and recruited personnel from the provinces. However, this did not help much: after six months, the "limiters" began to take bribes even more and often committed crimes themselves. The operatives who visited Chechnya were especially distinguished. Even before business trips to "hot spots" they did not particularly respect the law, and only after that they did not.

So, for example, on 08/07/1999, on the 40th km of the Moscow-Kazan highway, two employees of the RUBOP SEAD of Moscow Solokhin, Snegirev and an operative of the Department of Internal Affairs “Horoshevsky” Suslov, who joined them, stopped a bus in which Vietnamese shuttles were traveling. Threatening with knives, fighters against organized crime took tens of thousands of dollars, and three Vietnamese who resisted were taken to the Noginsk hospital with numerous wounds.

Meanwhile, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs itself, inter-clan wars were in full swing, the victim of which was one of the founding fathers of the Organized Crime Control Department, Vladimir Rushailo. In October 1996, he convened a press conference and made high-profile revelations about corruption in the central office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The next day, the "truth-lover" was dismissed, and he joined the then speaker of the Federation Council Yegor Stroyev as an adviser. True, Rushailo spent only two years as a civilian and returned to the post of head of the GUBOP - in the rank of deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. There were quite a few rumors about this wonderful return of the disgraced general.

On May 21, 1999, Vladimir Rushailo was appointed head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a little later, by a closed presidential decree, he was awarded the Hero's Star. For the revived ubopites, a golden age has begun.

Unhappy end

With the arrival of Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin, the situation in the country has changed: instead of the police, people from the Lubyanka have come to the fore. New fierce wars between the security forces began. Especially zealous were the ubopists and the Chekists, who divided the "under-roof" businessmen among themselves. At the same time, both key services did not hesitate to set up and wrote denunciations against each other.

In March 2001, Rushailo was relieved of his post as head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The new minister from St. Petersburg, Boris Gryzlov, first of all deprived the GUBOP of independence and subordinated it to the service of the criminal police. Three years later, the service received new tasks and an abbreviation: the Department for Combating Organized Crime and Terrorism (DBOPiT).

In 2008, by decree of President Dmitry Medvedev No. 1316, the departments for combating organized crime were disbanded, and their functions were transferred to other divisions. After the release of this decree, the situation was more reminiscent of the saying "After us, even a deluge": employees of the press services sold video archives for a song, and on the radio markets there were secret bases of ubopovtsy with addresses and reports of agents.

Later, on the basis of the Organized Crime Control Department, 8 Main Directorates of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for federal districts with very vague functions were created. At the same time, "feds" and local police officers often duplicated each other:

- It got to the point of insanity: let's say we have been developing a gang for six months, and suddenly it is detained by "tsefeoshniki" (Directorate for the Central Federal District. - SK), - said one of the heads of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department. - Of course, all the work is down the drain. I called Shabolovka, and they sent me to hell.

With the help of the same “cefeoshniks” business solved its strategic tasks, closing competitors and carrying out raider seizures - it is difficult to find in Moscow any odious criminal case tied to big money, to which they would not attach their skillful hands Shabolovsky.

And that is why, probably, the current presidential decree No. 300 was prepared in an atmosphere of increased secrecy and for many leaders it came as a complete surprise. For example, in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Southern Federal District until last day high spirits reigned, and the generals arranged a shooting tournament for themselves.

But if the "stripemen" were placed somewhere, then operatives with a lower rank were now running around the offices of other divisions. However, “on the ground” they are not particularly expected: they got it, and the majority will have to look for work in civilian life.

True, there are even more serious problems: what will happen to the hundreds of criminal cases brought up by the investigative departments of the federal central administrations? And into whose hands will the intelligence files and secret databases fall?

... Every year on November 15, the veterans of the Organized Crime Control Department gather in the park. Gorky and remember the years of joint service. However, the results are completely dismal: the country has transcendental corruption, high crime rates, and thieves in law who survived the criminal wars live in chocolate.

It remains to add that 322 employees of the Organized Crime Control Department died in the line of duty. 35 people received the title "Hero of Russia", of which 27 - posthumously. This also needs to be remembered.

Organized crime is the illegal activity of three or more persons united in a criminal organization with a stable internal structure, which in a community with corrupt officials, government officials, using methods of violence and intimidation, public demand for services, in agreement with other criminal groups, establish control in various areas of activity, including illegal, and constantly exercise it in order to generate significant income.

The fight against organized crime involves the development and implementation of a set of special organizational, preventive and law enforcement measures. Among them, an important place is called upon to occupy criminal law, criminal procedure, criminal executive, fiscal and financial, operational-search and some other measures that should be based on general analysis a criminal situation, its forecast. It is about special measures, because here the main object of the struggle is the organized criminal formations themselves and no longer individual crimes, but their complex and ramified criminal activity. At the same time, the task of suppressing the movement and legalization of criminal capital is being solved.

    Tasks and foundations of the fight against organized crime

The strategic objectives of the fight against organized crime are:

1) Elimination of the main organized criminal groups and compensation for damage from their activities.

2) Elimination of the causes and conditions conducive to the formation of a criminal society, 3) Difficulty involving new persons in criminal activities and the spread of the sphere of influence of criminals.

In the fight against the existing organized criminal formations, law enforcement agencies strive, first of all, to separate them.

In addition to responding to crimes committed and identifying their direct perpetrators, the main task is to identify the leaders of criminal groups and bring them to justice; for this, the assistance of less dangerous members of criminal gangs can be used, for whom, in exchange for cooperation with law enforcement agencies, the terms of punishment are significantly reduced (up to a complete refusal to prosecute).

Important components of measures to combat organized crime are financial control aimed at hindering the production of money laundering operations, the use of criminal capital, and anti-corruption measures aimed at clearing law enforcement agencies and other state structures of persons assisting organized criminal groups.

Organized crime prevention carried out on the basis of a set of measures for general social and special-criminological prevention. It is important to undermine the economic roots of organized crime, develop and consistently implement a complex of organizational, managerial, financial, tax and other measures that create difficult conditions for criminal business and are aimed at ousting criminal methods of regulating economic relations from production, and suppressing the legalization of criminal capital.

Along with the criminal-legal prohibitions in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, in order to combat organized crime, it is necessary to adopt special laws, as in many foreign countries regulating the fight against organized crime. Particular importance in this fight is attached to specialized units for the fight against organized crime. The fight should be focused on undermining authority, creating conflict situations leading to the disintegration of a group or community, i.e. destruction of integrity, stability - a qualitative sign of the criminal system.

    The legal framework and the system of actors in the fight against organized crime

The main link state system the body that opposes organized crime is the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. In the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a specialized subdivision was formed - the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime. Its administrations operate locally. Given the extreme danger of organized crime, which undermines the foundations of state power and directly threatens the public safety of the country, the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Bodies of the Federal Security Service” establishes the powers of the federal security service of the Russian Federation to combat organized crime. Article 8, clause 2 of the Law establishes the following - “Combating crime”. And Art. 10 of the Law specifies this power by listing the actions that these bodies are obliged to carry out. Legal support of the fight against organized crime is, first of all, in the development and adoption of appropriate laws aimed at solving this problem and having a comprehensive cross-sectoral nature.

As for the bill "On the fight against organized crime", moreover, the key bill, which was prepared by an interdepartmental commission, created on the basis of the decision of the coordination meeting of heads of law enforcement agencies in November 1993 and adopted by the State Duma in 1994, this bill has an original concept and comprehensive character. The whole essence of the concept of this bill is as follows. Depending on the level of organization of criminal groups, the appropriate bodies are determined to counteract them. All operational divisions of the Internal Affairs Directorate, the FSB, the prosecutor's office, the customs, and the tax police should fight against ordinary organized criminal groups (the so-called first level).

    International cooperation in the field of combating organized crime (main directions)

International agreements, conventions and exchanges of information. The latest example in this regard is the Convention against International Corruption, concluded and signed at the initiative and under the auspices of the Organization for European Cooperation and Development. The convention was signed by representatives of 34 countries of the world and in 1999 entered into force. At present, the question is to what extent international obligations will correspond to the current tasks of economic development.

International cooperation between national police authorities.

Organized crime has become international, which obliges national governments to join their efforts in a targeted fight against this phenomenon.

International cooperation in this area is hampered by the rivalry of various international organizations, the lack of earmarked funds, the lack of trained personnel who could effectively work with such structures as Interpol, as well as the special position of individual dwarf sovereign states.

The collapse of the colonial system, as is known, led to the emergence of a large number of small and very poor states. Some of these countries are forced to resort to extraordinary ways to attract foreign exchange. Examples of such methods are: issuing postage stamps, registering foreign ships (granting the right to sail under a flag of convenience), opening offshore banks (tax havens), etc.

In some cases, these mini-states come under the partial or complete control of drug syndicates, thereby causing significant harm to international economic development and international efforts to combat organized crime.

Economic aid as an incentive to reduce criminal activity. To reduce incentives for peasants in Colombia and other economically weak countries to grow drug crops, it is proposed that targeted economic assistance be provided to enable people in these poor countries to earn a living honestly. This kind of assistance is one of the possible ways that the rich countries - the main drug users - can fight against their production and distribution.

Terms of assistance. Donor countries providing financial assistance developing countries(especially to third world countries), make their humanitarian operations dependent on recipient countries to fight corruption and organized crime in the most serious way.

    The concept of organized crime (criminological and criminal-legal aspects).

Organized crime is social phenomenon, covering the totality of grave and especially grave crimes committed by stable, hierarchical, systematically operating criminal structures (groups, communities), the activities of which are directly or indirectly mutually reinforced and coordinated by the organizers and leaders of a certain territory or in a certain managerial, entrepreneurial or other sphere of economic, political activities.

Organized crime is one of the most complex and dangerous types of criminal offenses and has a number of essential features. It is characterized by the presence of groups, organizations and individuals for the systematic engagement of crimes, stability, a well-functioning system of connections between their participants, the distribution of roles between them, a hierarchical system of relationships. In the lower organized criminal formations, the relations of the participants are built according to the scheme: the ringleader - ordinary performers (as a rule, only from 3 to 10 people), and the role of each of them is predetermined. Typical types of criminal acts for such groups are theft, robbery, robbery, fraud, banditry.

The fight against organized crime involves the development and implementation of a set of special organizational, preventive and law enforcement measures. The criminal law understanding of organized crime is characterized by

highlighting the following features:

Organizational and managerial structure, complex hierarchical

gradation of the community with differentiation of functions.

Sustainable, planned, conspiratorial nature of the activity,


The spread of its influence in a certain territory, or in

a certain economic area (monopolization);

Pre-planned criminal behavior (taking actions to find

object of encroachment);

Extraction of maximum profit as the main goal of criminal activity;

Active propaganda of criminal ideology.

OBJECTS OP. There are thousands of them: strategic resources (oil, metal), drugs, weapons, but the main object is people, owners, from whom you can "pump" money. Their business, property is as diverse as the entire economy (industry, agriculture, services, etc.). A significant role is played by the form of ownership - state, private, joint-stock, foreign, joint ownership. OP SUBJECTS. Usually in the practice of UOP-s, RUOP-s they are divided:

In terms of size (group, formation, organization, community), and the media add the mafia (a nationwide organization) and "supermafia" (international organizations that already resemble transnational corporations, where the line between legal and criminal business is often blurred).

Based on the location (for example, in Kiev - Troeshchinskaya, Borschagovskaya; in Moscow - Solntsevskaya, Dolgoprudnenskaya),

By ethnicity(predominantly ethnic composition): Slavic, Georgian, Chechen, Dagestan, Ingush, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Vietnamese, Chinese ...).

1. Criminalization of economic relations. Merger of economic and general criminal activities. Thus, at present more than 40 thousand enterprises, state and commercial organizations are included in the criminal business; 70 - 80% of privatized enterprises and commercial banks, the majority of trade organizations are levied. The amount of "tribute" (a kind of tax in favor of criminals) is 10 - 20% of the turnover, which often exceeds half of the company's balance sheet profit. 2. Active involvement of corrupt officials in organized crime. Corruption (abuse of power or official position by officials as a result of their bribery) receives wide use in conditions of economic and political instability, being, on the one hand, a prerequisite, and on the other, one of the manifestations of organized crime, a means of covering it up. Bribed officials provide assistance to every seventh to eighth criminal group, and they spend from 30 to 50% of criminal proceeds to pay for their services. Attempts have been made to influence the investigation of crimes committed by organized criminal groups. 3. Activation of criminal groups in the commission of traditional serious criminal offenses

4. "Exploitation" of the vices of society (drug addiction, prostitution, gambling, etc.). 5. Formation of a kind of reserve of organized criminal structures from number of persons serving a criminal sentence in places of deprivation of liberty. According to experts, more than 2.5 thousand organized criminal groups are currently operating in correctional institutions, due to which the criminal environment in places of deprivation of liberty is becoming more and more criminogenic.

6. Growth of criminal professionalism, qualification of committing crimes

7. High latency. Foreign experts believe that the latent part of organized crime is 6-10 times higher than that registered by law enforcement agencies. As a result, about 70% of crimes committed by organized structures were not registered.

    The concept and characteristics of an organized criminal group.

An organized criminal group is a stable group of persons who have united in advance to commit one or more crimes. An organized criminal group acts as one of the forms of complicity. In it, roles are assigned in advance, the plan for committing a crime is clearly worked out. These groups include the groups of pickpockets and burglars, fraudsters, drug dealers.

Thus, the law essentially defines only two characteristics of an organized group:

1) Stability

This means, first of all, stability, constancy of the composition of the criminal group. The entry of new members into it is difficult because of the danger of the failure of the entire group. At the same time, the criminal group has a sharply negative attitude to the withdrawal of any of the members from the group, seeing in this apostasy and betrayal of its interests.

2) The purpose of grouping is to commit one or more crimes.

Constant crime is the goal of group unification. This is the second sign of an organized criminal group specified in the criminal law. The purpose of creating a group is the constant commission of crimes, constant criminal activity for profit. This leads the organized group to increase

both the geography of the crimes committed, and their number and intensity.

Some of these signs of an organized group, which can also be attributed to the signs of an organized criminal group:

Distribution of roles in the commission of crimes.

Preparing to commit a crime.

Usage difficult ways committing crimes.

Strict discipline (an organized criminal group is characterized by strict discipline of its members, unconditional obedience to the leader).

A single value orientation is being developed.

Distribution of proceeds from crime.

Creation of a special monetary fund (noun special monetary fund - "common fund", which is controlled by the leader).

Criminologists, as signs of an organized group, are called the development of norms of behavior, value orientations in the group, the fulfillment of the role of a leader by an individual participant, the presence of a hierarchy and distribution of social roles, etc. ...

    The concept and characteristics of a criminal organization.

A criminal community (criminal organization) is an organized criminal group created to commit the most serious crimes, or an association of organized criminal groups. The criminal organization is the most dangerous type of complicity; the creation of a criminal community or a criminal organization acts as an independent punishable type of criminal activity, even if such an organization has not yet managed to commit a single criminal act. For example, in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, liability for such an act is provided for in Art. 210. The criminal community is a form of manifestation of organized crime. The following main features are inherent in criminal organizations, which distinguish them from organized communities:

- availability of material resources (funds);

- collegiality of management, i.e. the organization is led by a group of people who, as a rule, have an equal position in it;

- normal norms of behavior, traditions and “thieves'” laws, a measure of punishment for their violation;

- a hierarchical system with the division of the organization into groups, interregional ties, the presence of a governing nucleus, bodyguards. couriers, custodians of financial funds (cash desks), intelligence officers, executors of sentences, etc .;

- creation of an information base, which is composed of information from various sources (including those obtained as a result of the use of intelligence data) about the object of interest.

    Specificity of the causality of organized crime.

In accordance with the genesis and nature of organized crime, the following causes and conditions play a decisive role in the mechanism of its determination:

1. Vices (cultural, political, socio-economic) foundations of the organization of the life of society.

2. Ineffectiveness of measures to combat criminal manifestations: the discrepancy between the underlying factors of crime and the superficial measures by which the state is trying to get rid of it.

3. Criminal self-development (the ability of crime to self-organize and the ability to tighten the means of combating it to respond by strengthening the means of ensuring criminal security and the effectiveness of criminal activity).

4. Vices of the political system of society:

a) the passivity of public authorities due to defects in the political system; political, ideological, social crises, corruption, weakness of political leaders, their inability to act effectively in difficult conditions;

b) insecurity (material, cultural, organizational) of the rational functioning of democratic institutions of the social order.

5. Interstate contradictions that impede the concentration of society's efforts in the fight against crime.

    Corruption crime concept. Specificity of the causality of corruption crime.

Corruption (from the Latin coiruptio - to break, spoil, damage) as a social and legal phenomenon is usually understood as the bribe and venality of government officials, officials, as well as public and political figures in general.

Corruption crimes are socially dangerous acts stipulated by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation that directly encroach on the authority of the public service, expressed in the illegal receipt by state or municipal employees of any advantages (property, rights to it, services or benefits) or in the provision of such advantages to the latter.

Five types of criminally punishable acts can be classified as corruption-related crimes: 1) abuse of office (Article 285 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); 2) illegal participation in entrepreneurial activity (Art. 289 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); 3) taking a bribe (Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); 4) giving a bribe (Article 291 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); 5) official forgery (Article 292 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Social and legal control cannot be viewed as a repressive activity. This control is criminological, preventive, although it includes a criminal-legal component when the warning did not work. Social and legal control presupposes the organization of life and activity on the basis of clearly developed laws, adopted in a democratic way. Intensification of activities to establish strict social and legal control over decision-making by civil servants is an important direction in the prevention of corruption.

Another no less significant reason for corruption is the fact that hundreds of officials (from ministers to chief specialists of various ministries and departments) enter the boards of directors of joint-stock companies and companies for appropriate remuneration, in connection with which there is a kind of merging of civil servants with entrepreneurship, which is a legitimized corruption. Such a vicious practice normatively puts high officials of ministries and departments in a situation of constant conflict of personal and state interests, which serves as an objective basis for their interested lobbying activities and corruption. Power merges with property and money, discovering new deeply conspiratorial corruption technologies.

    General characteristics of the legal framework governing anti-corruption issues.


RUBOP(originally RUOP) - Regional Office for Combating Organized Crime. A division of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, and later Russia, created in the late 80s, but received its official name in 1993. By decree of the President Russian Federation dated September 6, 2008 No. 1316 "On some issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation", the Organized Crime Control Department was disbanded, "not having lived" just two months before its official twentieth anniversary (November 15, 2008), and on their basis the Department was soon created for countering extremism of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Department for ensuring the security of persons subject to state protection, as well as their territorial divisions. According to unofficial information, the Service for Combating Organized Crime may be recreated in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in 2012.

Prehistory of creation

At the end of the 80s, the criminal situation in the USSR began to deteriorate, the facts became clear for a long time silenced by the country's leadership. Many knew that crime in the Soviet Union was organized, but no one dared to talk about it openly. 17 June 1985, an order of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs appeared "On strengthening the fight against organized groups" and "On strengthening the fight against the activities of leaders of criminal criminal environment ". But this did not bring the expected effect. Many police officers simply did not have the experience of such actions. Nobody knew what really needed to be done. The leadership of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs itself did not particularly strive to implement their own decree. Ukraine is called the "homeland" of the Organized Crime Control Department - back in 1986, the 6th department appeared in the threat department of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Dnepropetrovsk region. Later, the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR No. 0014 of November 15, 1988 "On the creation of a department for combating organized crime" was issued. On the basis of the 6th Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, a unit for combating crime was created, in which there were only 32 people for the entire Union. The department was headed by Alexander Gurov, lieutenant general of militia, now a deputy of the State Duma. Messages that came to the table of the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the KGB, which had the names of criminal groups in their content, were classified as "secret" and were not made public. People in the country were told that organized crime exists only in capitalist countries. The development of the cooperative movement refuted this claim. The word “racketeering” has entered into the everyday life of the inhabitants. The word "mafia" did not take root among Soviet citizens: everyone thought that there was a "mafia" only on the island of Sicily, and the tireless Commissioner Catani performed by Michele Placido was fighting it, although the film "Octopus" made many believe that there is a mafia in THE USSR. Gurov himself in his book "The Red Mafia" describes in detail the situation with the inaction of the police leadership, and only after the publication of the article "The Lion Jumped" Gurov summoned the Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR Vadim Bakatin and agreed to increase the number of operational personnel. They began to supply the militiamen with everything they needed, equipment and transport appeared, and gradually the officers themselves began to learn how to expose criminal groups. But then again the employees were faced with the heartlessness of the authorities. The then Criminal Code of the RSFSR and the codes of the Union republics did not have such crimes as "extortion" in a special part, the acts of bandits covered formally fit only one article - "banditry", but no one dared to give consent to initiate a criminal case with such a wording. Gurov himself in an interview with the Kommersant newspaper will say:

If then, immediately, amendments were made to the Criminal Code, then many could be imprisoned for a long time. Instead, we were told that we did not have "banditry" and that they would not initiate such cases.

Later, Gurov said in one of his TV interviews that in the late 1980s, the 6th Directorate had an almost complete database of all the "thieves in law", "criminal leaders", but due to the betrayal of the leadership, part of the base was stolen and people were simply notified. Many residents of Moscow knew about the existence of groups in the area of ​​the "Riga Market", one of the first places of origin of the market economy and crime in the USSR. It was in the local police department that citizens began to receive statements about the facts of extortion, but even here the leadership was in no hurry to take measures, citing the lack of legal aspects... The names "Solntsevskaya", "Orekhovskaya" began to appear. Young people, gathered on a territorial basis, were engaged in extortion from cooperators. Moscow detectives also did not sit idle. Back in 1986, a division was created in MUR, which became the prototype of the Moscow RUBOP. The struggle was hard: the detectives, having learned to work competently, began to expose the criminal leaders, although many did not admire such fruits of their work. Gradually, the 6th Directorate was reorganized. Gurov himself went to the KGB, but later left there as well. According to him, no one needs the fight against crime, it is a lot of money, and no one wants to part with it.

RUBOP in modern Russia

After another reorganization, RUBOP was formed from the operational-search bureaus (ORB) in 1993. Moscow RUBOP received a residence permit at 6 Shabolovka Street. A little later, this address became more threatening than Petrovka, 38. The Moscow RUBOP was headed by Vladimir Rushailo. A proverb also appeared: “only the“ Shabolovskie ”ones are cooler than the Solntsevs. more than 60 thieves were brought to criminal responsibility, and this is only in Moscow alone, more than 300 leaders of the criminal world were also convicted.Many citizens began to look at RUBOP as the only force ready to help. citizens with a request for help. RUBOP officers solved crimes in the sphere of illegal drug trafficking, weapons, kidnapping, corruption. The RUBOP departments were not subordinate to local departments of internal affairs, such measures were aimed at the fact that part of the leadership of local policemen had corruption ties, and therefore RUBOPs were directly subordinate to the central administrations, which only made them more enemies in the person of local militiamen. Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation to the abbreviation "RUBOP" should have been added "IK", that is, "Regional Directorate for Combating Organized Crime and Corruption", it turned out "RUBOPiK", but the letters "IK" were not added. Many veterans of the RUBOP recall the famous "Yeltsin" decree No. 1226 "On urgent measures to protect the population from banditry and other manifestations of organized crime" of June 14, 1994, according to which it was possible to detain persons involved in crimes and members of organized crime groups for up to 30 days. later it was canceled, obviously with the filing of a crime. Alexander Gurov says in an interview:

I was amazed that our laws were passed at the suggestion of bandits, the authorities never listened to the police themselves. Whom did the decree interfere with? When the crime rate began to decline, it was canceled. Only once, in the 89th, Bakatin listened to me and allowed me to expand the department, and so all our requests passed on deaf ears.

Another reorganization

As far back as I can remember, I rarely fought with criminals, more and more with colleagues from neighboring departments. We all tried to get ahead of each other, to overtake, to insert more "sticks" into the ZITs, but in reality everything stood. They took only those who were given the go-ahead by the leadership, who could not stand up for themselves and, in operational terms, did not represent anything of themselves. They wanted to take only one "authority": they collected all the material, reported it, and the chief put the folder in the safe and ordered us to "go down to earth" - who needs such initiators? Once they entered the address, there the huckster was selling drugs, and a second later OBNON burst in there, well I saw Vova S. out of the corner of my eye with whom I studied at the police school, and shouted "Vova, our own!", Otherwise they would have shot each other - this also happened

Another former employee of the Organized Crime Control Department in the newspaper "Top Secret" describes his work as follows:

When we just started, it was fun, it was not clear, of course, a lot, but because of this it was interesting. We studied on the go, everyone's eyes were on fire. Then the system began to rot, they laid over us with papers from head to toe, you plan something - write a report, they will consider it, do something - write a certificate, red tape has begun, special, so that we can be kept in offices more. Particularly zealous were transferred to other places, one of the opera was handed over from the minister and sent for promotion - if only it did not interfere. Conflicts began with other departments, someone was detained - there and then a call: "Let go, he is working with this or that." They let them go, although they knew that money ruled everything. I sat, waited for my pension and left

In art, the fact of confrontation between the Organized Crime Control Department and the UR is most clearly shown in the film "Cop Wars".

Notes (edit)

Almost the entire history of RUBOP is described in the novel by Andrey Molchanov "Main Directorate".

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See what "RUBOP" is in other dictionaries:

    RUBOP- regional administration for combating organized crime; regional administration for combating organized crime Dictionary: Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations of the army and special services. Compiled by A. A. Shchelokov. M .: OOO "AST Publishing House", CJSC ... ... Dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms

    M. Regional Office for Combating Organized Crime. Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary. T.F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

Already in the fall in Russia, the Organized Crime Directorate (UBOP) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs may reappear, which were disbanded in 2008 and since then, in a truncated form, have worked as part of the Criminal Investigation units. A special commission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is already discussing in what form and how fighters against organized crime will work. Experts believe that the need to recreate the Organized Crime Control Department is long overdue - in some regions the level of organized crime and crime remains consistently high.

Several sources in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia confirmed to Izvestia information about the impending revival of the Organized Crime Control Department.

A special group is already working on this issue in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which clarifies the parameters of the new structure, - a source in the Ministry of Internal Affairs told Izvestia. - I can say that the staffing of the unit is almost ready.

State Duma Deputy Aleksandr Khinshtein also confirmed to Izvestia that the restoration of RUBOP is an almost settled issue.

The unit for combating organized crime will be revived in the very near future, ”Aleksandr Khinshtein told Izvestia. - In the top leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, there are no opponents of the reconstruction of RUBOP. Kolokoltsev himself also once headed the regional Organized Crime Control Department.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs says that the question of reviving the Organized Crime Control Department has long ripened.

Organized crime in Russia has not gone anywhere, the situation is still difficult in the North Caucasus, in the Far East, thieves in law, raiders have become more active, and therefore it became necessary to revive special units, - one of the employees of the central office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs explains to Izvestia.

According to him, after the disbanding of the Organized Crime Control Department in 2008, most of the specialists in the fight against organized crime joined the Criminal Investigation units, however, these structures are working on absolutely different principles and this negatively affected the overall effectiveness of the fight against crime.

If the Criminal Investigation Department works according to the scheme "from the committed crime to the person who committed it," then the Organized Crime Control Department - exactly the opposite: from the person who can commit a crime, - one of the former employees of the Organized Crime Control Department explained to Izvestia.

According to the interlocutor of the publication, the specialization of the work of fighters against organized crime should imply complete independence from the local authorities, but in its current form it was impossible to count on this.

Izvestia's sources in the Interior Ministry claim that a separate department will be in charge of combating organized crime in the Interior Ministry. Now the key issue is being resolved, to whom the operatives will be subordinate: local police headquarters or directly the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Opinions in the department were divided, but most experts are inclined to believe that the Organized Crime Control Department should be subordinate only to the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and their central office, - a source in the Ministry of Internal Affairs tells Izvestia. - In fact, the RUBOP, which operated in the mid-1990s, is being recreated.

For the first time, they started talking about a possible revival of anti-organized crime units in 2010 after the brutal murder of 12 people in the village of Kushchevskaya, where, as it turned out, a well-organized criminal community had been operating for many years. It was assumed that the unit will appear during the transformation of the militia into the police. However, the matter then did not go further than conversations.

The new head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Vladimir Kolokoltsev returned to the idea of ​​the Organized Crime Control Department. In his first interview with Izvestia, he stated that it is necessary to create units to combat organized crime "in accordance with the local situation."

In the conditions of our huge state, each region has its own specifics - geographic, social, economic features, which leave a certain imprint on the whole crime situation. For one region, one or another unit is simply necessary - as, for example, units for combating bandit formations and organized crime in the North Caucasus, and we send our specially trained employees from all regions there. And there are regions that are calm in terms of the manifestation of organized crime. Accordingly, the creation of such structures there is simply impractical, - said Kolokoltsev.

The unofficial birthday of RUBOP is considered November 15, 1989, when by order of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, a unit for combating organized crime was created on the basis of the 6th Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. However, the structure received its official name later - in 1993, after the unit was withdrawn from the subordination of the operational-search bureaus. The task of RUBOP was to fight organized crime, corruption and illegal arms and drug trafficking. The employees of the divisions also led the development of thieves in law and leaders of the underworld. At the same time, the regional divisions were not subordinate to the local ATC, but only to the leadership of the central administration.

In 2008, the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev, by his decree "On some issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation", ceased the existence of the unit. The functions of combating organized crime of a general criminal orientation were assigned to the Criminal Investigation Department (SD), and the functions of combating corruption and organized crime of an economic orientation were assigned to the units for combating economic crimes (BEP).