Strong shamanic practices (detailed description of all the magical techniques of K. Castaneda)

The development of abilities can be stopped, slowed down or accelerated by our own subconscious. Usually, a person's consciousness, subconscious and Higher Self are completely separated. In order to become a Perfect person, controlling such abilities, which are not intentionally written here yet, you need to combine these three elements of yourself into one Whole. We can influence the conscious mind on the subconscious, it is good to do this both in the waking state and in a dream. All the dream practices that K. Castaneda described in his great epic are aimed at uniting oneself.

Through lucid dreams or going out, the union of consciousness with the subconscious is achieved, which is of great benefit for any magical operation and a great start on the path to knowing the true destiny of a person. Any of us can become such a "superman" already in this incarnation, if we make certain efforts for this. Karma can be changed and accelerated, this work is already being done at many levels. We are on the crest of a wave of emanation of knowledge and the disclosure of psychic forces, now almost any soul is able to accelerate its development in a matter of years. A person who refuses such a rare opportunity will not act in the most effective way. The path is always easier if the wind drives us in the back, and not when it blows right in the face.

All we need to get started is to set our subconscious to work, let it not hold you back (manifested in laziness, fears), but on the contrary, assist in revealing your abilities. This is a very delicate work, here you need to know yourself well, learn to be conscious (not act like an automaton, but follow your emotions, trying to understand why you react the way you do and not otherwise). Unite your mind with your emotions so that nothing distracts you from your practice. This is not as difficult as it may seem, but it takes effort, stimulate yourself, do not give up these techniques and you will definitely achieve a positive result.
Create an emanation of force directed towards a particular work, and you will receive a powerful stimulus to discover any ability. We exist in a living Universe, knowing the correct access code opens the door to higher states for us. Consistency with the Higher Self can be achieved through meditation, concentration on this idea, focus more on yourself (not on your egoism, but in the third eye), as well as with regular experiences of entering.

Attention: all practices aimed at strengthening superpowers cannot be performed by people suffering from mental illness. Practices are not recommended to be performed while in a state of drug or alcohol intoxication. A prerequisite for classes is the ability to somehow operate with intention.

Meditation that enhances superpowers:
1. Enter a relaxed state.
2. Make a finger: big and ring fingers join in a ring. Palms up. fingering on collected work all centers in the human system.
3. We pronounce the mantra "FURAMINASU" quickly in syllables (12 times).
4. Then, holding your finger, visualize yourself as huge, at the same time setting yourself up for full Awareness of yourself.
5. Repeat the formula: "My abilities are ALWAYS in me. At any moment I can activate my superpowers." You can enter a code for yourself, upon access to which the ability will open, or you can set the subconscious mind to open the superpower at will. Connect the intent. You can perform to open one specific ability, or you can open all at once. A very effective practice.

Saturation with prana. Raising the energy level:
1. Performed standing or lying down. You can do it while sitting, but without crossing the energy channels, that is, without crossing your arms and legs.
2. Breathe in pure prana (qi) through the soles of your feet. Continue breathing with your feet. Inhalation - prana enters the soles of the feet and rises up both legs, enters the pelvic bones, strengthening them. Exhale - the spent energy of the old blocks goes away, everything is not needed.
3. We breathe alternately, then through the left foot, then through the right. Inhale through the left foot, the energy rises up, enters the pelvic bone, turns and exits through the right foot exhale.
4. Breathing through the right foot.
5. Breathe through the chakras on the palms. Inhalation prana rises up the arms, enters the shoulder girdle.
6. We inhale through the left palm, prana enters the hand, passes the shoulder girdle and exits through the right palm - exhale.
7. We inhale through the right palm, and exhale through the left.
8. Breathing with the entire front surface of the body. On inhalation, we draw in pure prana with the front side of the body. We saturate the body with fresh healing energy. Exhale the energy of the spent blocks, the unnecessary energy of diseases comes out through the back half of the body.
9. We draw in prana through the spine. For greater effect, or if you have back problems, you can breathe through each vertebra. Where there are weaknesses in the field, you will immediately feel them, more attention is paid to that area. Inhalation fills the spinal column with strength, prana is drawn in. Exhalation leaves waste energy, the energy of blocks.

Breathing through the pranic tube.
It is good to perform immediately after the prana saturation technique. The pranic tube passes through the entire human body. One of its vertices is located in the area above the head at a distance of an outstretched palm. The other part is located at a distance of an outstretched palm down from the feet. The human energy system consumes the energy of the Cosmos and the Earth at the same time.
1. Be aware of the top of the pranic tube above the head. Let's focus on it. Let's try to feel it. We inhale through it. For ease of inhalation control, you can visualize a purple or white energy flow that you inhale through the top of the tube. Inhalation - violet energy has entered the pranic tube and is moving along it (normal inhalation speed). Run 10 breaths or more.
2. Be aware of the top of the pranic tube under the feet. Let's focus on it. The tube passes through the energy body. Feel its top. We inhale with the lower top of the tube. We continue to breathe it, feeling how the power enters you with each breath. Energy moves up the pranic tube. Run 10 breaths or more.
3. Consciously breathe simultaneously with the two peaks of the pranic tube. Inhalation energy flows into the tube from above and below simultaneously. Do at least 10 times.

Meditation on Divine Attributes.
1. Sit in meditation posture. Relax your body completely.
2. Consciousness must be pure.
3. Mentally repeat and try to feel the following formulas at all levels as much as possible.
4. I am eternal and infinite always, in all worlds, in all times. Repeat 12 times.
5. I am infinitely expanded in all directions. Repeat 12 times.
6. I am darkness and light, positive and negative. (12 times).
7. My thought creates the Universes. (12 times).
8. I am everywhere, in the chirping of a bird, in the murmur of a stream. (12 times).
9. I am in ebb and flow, in man and in woman. (12).
10. I am the whole creation. (12 times).
11. My vibrations set in motion millions of unfolding worlds. (12 times).
12. I was. I am. I will. (12 times). It is good to repeat the formulas aloud if possible, it is very effective to be aware of these formulas.

Meditation to open the third eye.
1. Enter a relaxed state. The eyes are closed.
2. Concentrate between the eyebrows without effort, gently, just concentrating at a point just above the bridge of the nose.
3. Visualize how curtains open in this place (windows open). Feel the effort at the moment of pushing the "curtains".
4. Repeat the formula: my celestial eye opens.
5. Fix the result with the formula: I am aware of other worlds, I respect the rights of all beings in all worlds. I accept the guidance of my Higher Self, I accept the Responsibility for using the celestial eye. I swear not to break the Law.

Meditation "Blossom in the radiance of truth." (Simplified version).
1. Close your eyes.
2. Transfer the center of consciousness to the chest area.
3. In the fourth center (anahata) visualize a golden lotus.
4. Visualize (better to see if you can) the lotus opening. Radiance spreads in all directions proportionally.
5. Concentration on the blossoming golden lotus.
If you feel infinite absolute love, that is a very good result. If it's warm and the expansion of consciousness, that's not bad either. Maintain a positive result from meditation throughout the day.

Practices for opening the Sahasrar Chakra.
1. It is good to do lying down, just before going to bed.
2. Enter a relaxed state.
3. Visualize a crystal in the area of ​​the third eye. The crystal illuminates the head from the inside with a soft golden streaming light. Concentrate on it.
4. Imagine how a line of light goes up from the third eye to the Sahasrara chakra, and connects these two chakras together.
5. Concentrate in the Sahasrar Chakra. Try to feel the vibration or buzz in this area.
6. Visualize a stream of violet light pouring into this chakra from above.
7. Concentrate on the chakra and on the flow.
8. If consciousness will spiral upward, do not resist it. Perform seven days in a row, then as desired.

Activation of DNA from the point of view of Magic.

Changing the Code of Life (DNA) of a human cell by the method of the Inner DESIRE of the person himself, expressed in the conscious INTENTION to do this.
(Based on the materials of one famous book "On the steps of secret knowledge")

Activation of ten of the twelve existing threads of control of the Code of Life of a human cell is a conscious, strong-willed ORDER, Intention, aimed at merging the Consciousness, Mind of a person with his Higher Self - EGO. As a result of such an internal order, the Higher Self of a person creates an energy pattern (encoded impulse), which, coming into the ethereal environment, causes the ethereal entities that are responsible for the physiological state of the cells of the human body to modify their functional interaction. Such a coded impulse, a pattern of Will, causes the ethereal elementals to produce a deviation in the development of a given person, in comparison with the general program for the development of the entire mass of humanity. They produce a functional inclusion of previously non-working connections in the cell, which leads to the activation of the mutual connections of the cell membrane, its crystal lattice and the threads of the control system.
The process of DNA activation begins in the realization by the person himself of the possibility of such a creation of himself and the creation of a certain Volitional Attitude - Intention (energetically - the Intention Beam). In this state of a person, there is an excitation and active generation of a torsion field by the brain, an increase in the field strength compared to the usual mode of constant thinking. The field takes on higher parameters than in the normal state of the brain. However, this is possible only with synchronization, alignment of the heart and mind. This is the state of the Mind led by the Heart (“Activation of the heart center” - work with energy centers).
Types of the state of generation of waves by the brain.
1. BETA: wave generation range (15-38) hertz per second. This is a cheerful, active state, breathing is active and the heart is also beating actively.
2. ALPHA: range (8-12) hertz per second. Relaxed state of wakefulness, the body is felt, lack of stress, calm rhythmic breathing and heartbeat. This state is “waking dreams”.
3. THETA: range (4-7) hertz per second. Earth rhythm frequency. This is the state of deep meditation, light sleep, the state of CREATIVITY. The physical body is not felt, the SOUL can leave the body. Spiritual awakening. Breathing is slow, as is the rhythm of the heartbeat.
4. Delta: range (0.5-3) hertz per second. Consciousness turned off, a state of deep sleep without dreams. There is no sensation of the body, quiet breathing and heartbeat, working on an automatic mode of functioning from the subconscious.
Technique for entering the state of TETA.
1. Breathe actively and mentally think about something while in a state of BETA activity.
2. Sit on a chair, calm down and begin rhythmic breathing with your stomach: 6 s inhale-6 s exhale. You are entering the ALPHA state.
3. Try to completely calm the Mind by flooding the Tonal. Gradually stopping this thought expression, just breathe without a single thought. This is the state of THETA.
4. After the flooding of the Tonal, you are probably already in the THETA state, a state of readiness for meditation.
5. If you fell asleep, you went into the state of DELTA. Slowing down the activity of your brain to the state of THETA will allow you to transfer consciousness from the physical body to the outside.
The first Activation of the CODE OF LIFE of the cells of the body.
The time of meditation for activating the Code of Life is 35 minutes, another 30 minutes are needed for the body to calmly process the Order received from the Consciousness.
1. Create an INTENTION to do what you want to do. Refer to your Deity (Father-Mother, One God, ...) to declare the purpose, space and time of this event - sacred. Possible variant The call of the Higher Beings to help you: “Oh Great Power, I create the INTENTION to serve my Higher Self and perform the First DNA Activation (healing). I declare this space sacred and environment around him - clean. SO IT IS! (MAY IT BE SO!)
2. Begin rhythmic belly breathing for a few (2-3) minutes.
3. Transfer your consciousness to the heart. Raise your Consciousness, that is, the ethereal correspondence of the activity of the brain - MIND) from the heart above the head. Your Consciousness is now in your ethereal body, hovering above the physical. Enclose your consciousness in a luminous ball and raise it 2.4m above your head.
4. The derivative of your brain activity is Consciousness, and the feeling of your personal “I”, enclosed in a ball, hangs over the physical body and you look at your body from above. Now you are ready to unite the Consciousness of your Personality (body) with your Higher Spirit, its mental component - the Thinker.
SETTING - an appeal to GOD (or the executors of HIS will on Earth)
The call of the Higher Essences - their Determinant, beloved Teacher, ONE GOD, the Force suggests that they help in building a communication channel between the Human Consciousness (Personality) and its Highest component - the Spirit, the Thinker, which will activate the ethereal correspondence of the cells first, and then and the biological cell of the human body.

5. Call the image beloved by the heart: your Teacher, your Determinant (Guardian Angel), Strength and say the CALL to him. This must be done with the purest Intention and OBSERVATION from the Sacred Space of the Heart:
Strength! In your image and likeness, I am who I am ... or My Guardian Angel! I feel your presence and warmth surrounding me… Or something personal….
BASIC First Activation technique:

6. Say an INVOICE that will invoke the Universal Energy of the Love-Life Force:
“Strength, surround me with yourself in your image and likeness. I AM WHO I AM and I am ready to receive the sacred ceremony of the first DNA activation...

7. Name yours full name, date, time and place of the Activation: “I command the Universal forces of life to activate my chromosomes of youth and vitality in me on this beautiful day (date in full) at ( exact time) in the place where I am (place-location).
The place, date and time need only be specified for the First and Second Activations.

8. Code (mantra, phrase) of the Activation Launch: “Let the golden and white universal energies of Light descend from above and enter, through the crown of the head (crown chakra of the etheric body) into my pineal gland (an organ of the physical body).

9. Invocation to the central, symbolic cell of "CONCEPTION": "Show me my great central conception cell" It is necessary to imagine your first conception cell.

10. You need to mentally enter the cell and command: “Show me my chromosomes of youth and vitality.” Expect that your inner vision will be shown the chromosomes, or the form that symbolizes them.

11. Give the command (Volitional Command): "Show me their archetypal (fundamental, first, original) DNA" Expect that your inner vision will be shown a biological double-stranded DNA helix that will begin to unwind in your etheric consciousness.

12. Repeat the command (Volitional Order) to start initiating the process of the first ten ethereal threads of control of the Cell Life Code: “I command to activate my ethereal DNA threads now!” Visualize the picture in your mind: ten strands of DNA come together in twos and begin to build in pairs.

13. You begin to tune and integrate (average) each new pair of ethereal DNA strands:

“I command the strands of DNA - the threads of Communication to build on and integrate over the existing
(physical, material) DNA. And so that every cell of my body communicates freely and openly with my SPIRIT.

“I command the strands of DNA - the strands of Perfection and Health to build on and integrate over the existing (physical, material) DNA. And so that the structure of every cell and biological system is restored to its pure state, as it was originally intended by my SPIRIT.

“I command the strands of DNA - the strands of Energy in Motion to build on and integrate over the existing (physical, material) DNA. And so that in every cell the energy that serves more for the highest good, be returned to the light.

“I command the threads of DNA - the threads of Creativity to build on and integrate over the existing
(physical, material) DNA. And that my body be receptive to Strength, Intuition and Wisdom.

“I command the strands of DNA - the strands of Immortality to build on and integrate over all existing strands of (physical, material) DNA. And that the purpose of my life be revealed to me, and that my relationship with the Higher Spirit would forever remain in unity.

14. Give the Order: "I command the golden (silver) threads of eternal life (threads of Immortality) to wrap around the entire bundle of my DNA, connecting the physical and ethereal multiple threads of my DNA."

15. Give the Order to seal the DNA: "I command that both ends of the activated chromosomes be sealed with a telomere protein"

16. Give the Command to repeat the process in the new cell to all other cells (reproduction of the DNA cell activation process): “I command that new strands of archetypal DNA be reproduced in every cell of my body. I am bringing these ethereal threads into existence, into life-now.”

17. Sitting still, listen to your body. Feel how the process of cell renewal takes place throughout your body. Upon completion of the process of distribution of cell activation and their rejuvenation, listen to your Higher Self, which will tell you - THE PROCESS IS COMPLETED!

18. Give thanks to the Force! “Power, thank YOU for this sacred ceremony, for your healing Knowledge and Wisdom…”

19. Speak words of confirmation and confidence in the perfect: “I proclaim: THIS is done ... THIS is done .. THIS is done .. (out loud and loudly possible)”

20. Sit for 30 minutes in a feeling of peace and tranquility. Then imagine how the Force cleanses you. Everything happened as you planned!

The second Activation of the CODE OF LIFE of the cell of the body.
The technique of spreading rejuvenation throughout the body

In this part of the technique, new, renewed cells of the human etheric body are affected by their counterparts in the real world - the cells of the physical body. When the cells of the physical body change, they begin to vibrate at a higher frequency, that is, the entire human body has moved to a new quantum level of vibrations. His Force body can perceive energy waves of higher frequencies. The transition time from the end of the First to the beginning of the Second Activation is on average 14 days.
Similar to the First Activation.

SETTING - an appeal to the Force (or the Spirits-executors of its incarnation on Earth in you) Similar to the First Activation.
BASIC Second Activation Technique:
Say the COMMAND (ORDER): “Oh Power, in your image I AM WHO I AM, (your name), and I command the improvement and activation of all other chromosomes with multi-stranded DNA in every cell of my body on this beautiful day (date in full) at (exact time) at (location).
1. Begin rhythmic belly breathing for a few (2-3) minutes.
2. Visualize the Golden and White Life Energies entering your crown, the pineal gland.
3. Now the energies have entered the Great Central Cell. You see 10 ethereal control threads built over your old, but already healed, two chemical threads.
4. Begin rhythmic breathing with your belly, mentally counting from 1 to 46 and listening to yourself. The SPIRIT that activates your cells will tell you your number. And the activation process, at this very time, extends to all cells. With inner vision you can see this process.

5. Open your eyes, the process is complete, say aloud: "I command that all new DNA connections be activated in every cell of my body." There may be tingling effects in the head, face, and a feeling of deep rest.
6. Completion of the connection between you and the Force. Say the INVOICE: - "Mother Earth, send your ruby ​​red and golden life energies up through my feet, through my body and into every cell of my body."

- "Father HEAVEN, Creator of Heaven, send your pure white and golden life energies through the top of my head, through my body and into every cell of my body"

“And let this new integration of life force energies be the sign that the spirit child, I am, has been born in service to my brothers and sisters and the planet.”

7. Stop and take a deep breath in and out. By doing this action, you have charged your body with pure electrical current. The healing process has become so intensified that the body is constantly reviving itself at an accelerated pace.
8. After the rejuvenation is completed, your Higher Self will let you know that you have completed the task through a feeling of peace or silence, or you will receive a message that it is time to disconnect. You can repeat the second activation as many times as you are told from above, or until you feel that you have become more energetically filled and calm.

Human Light Body and Methods of Its Activation

The etheric, energy body of a person, which is also called the Human Light Body, is a Universal Adjustable Structure (UCL), which can resonate with the Worldwide Space Network (VKS). When the resonance effect occurs, the crystal lattice of the VKS at the place of application of the perturbation (force F) begins to release energy, which is sucked in by the energy centers of the human etheric body (chakras), like electric pumps, from outside into the body, saturating it with additional energy. Tuning to the resonant frequency of the cosmic lattice of the VKS is carried out by the human biological organism itself, its main sensitive, coding element, the Code of Life (DNA) of the body cells. DNA is a tuning element - an antenna, which is tuned to resonance with the VKS. When the human energy body is tuned to the natural vibrations of the VKS, a resonance is created that allows additional feeding of the etheric body, as well as information exchange between the Human Consciousness and other objects of the VKS.

Tuning to the natural frequency of the VKS can be done by the person himself, standing on the path of perfecting his Consciousness (by the Aspirant) with the help of a certain Volitional Attitude and the creation of Intention. With regular meditation on connecting to the energy of the Worldwide Cosmic Network and saturating it with the energy of your Light Body, there is an opening energy centers(chakras). Chakras, like electric pumps that worked in a run-in mode, not at full capacity, with its limitation, with each new meditation begin to increase their productivity, “sucking” more and more energy from the outside into the etheric body. At the same time, the electromagnetic and light field around the center operating at full power has a correct, saturated configuration and glow. The energy body, saturated with the Force, causes the healing of its manifested double - physical body becomes inaccessible to any pathogenic microbes and cold. Diseases and colds recede from a person who has a Body of Light filled with energy. In the ideal case, during the spiritual development of the Aspirant, the energy centers (chakras) absorb so much energy into the etheric body that its quantity becomes sufficient to maintain the viability of the entire physical organism.
Today, such a path of self-development and self-disclosure of human energy centers is available to a very small part of humanity. This requires high self-awareness, discipline and a certain lifestyle called Magic.
Most people can feed their vital, energy body by bringing energy into their Light Body (Patient) from the outside by a Healer, an outsider. This technology is called the balancing method of the Universal Calibrated Network (UCL) Technique EMF Balansing Technique.
This technique was developed by Peggy Phoenix Dubrow, David P. Lapierre and presented in the book "Getting Power Elegantly". Here are some drawings and partial excerpts from the text of the book, supplemented by reflections.
The Healer, who has the practical experience of tuning his etheric body to resonance with the Worldwide Cosmic Network, produces a forced, external nourishment through His Body of Light, the energy centers (chakras) of the Patient. The Patient's chakras, during a healing session, open slightly, increasing their productivity for a certain time, during which energy is brought in from the outside by the Healer. The Patient's Light Body is fed with additional energy, and at the end of the session, the Patient's chakras are covered, moving into their normal mode of functioning. At the end of the session or a little later, the Patient feels a surge of strength in the body. With regular healing sessions and a certain attitude of the Patient himself, he can teach his etheric body and its energy centers to enter the “familiar regime when opening the centers” himself. The patient must memorize and recreate in his memory the sensations of his body in the mode of energizing. This is a state of a person's Consciousness, similar to the state during healing, with the memory of the feeling of a healthy body, when the DNA of the body cell is given a command for healing, with the help of the Volitional Order of the person himself.
In the technique of balancing the Human Light Body, the Healer's hand, which resonates with the Patient's energy body, with his chakras, brings them energy from an external source and makes them forcibly open additionally.

The etheric body of man is the Body of Light.

The ethereal, energy body is an energy frame, consisting of vertical, long informational fibers (threads) of energy, light. These threads are of the same nature as the electromagnetic field around a rotating electric motor or generator. It is invisible to the simple, physical eye, but can be measured and seen by special devices. These vertical energy flows, fibers, are intersected by horizontal loop energy flows that pass through the energy centers of the etheric body - the chakras. Chakras are located along the central channel, the main conductor of energy. This channel is called the "core" in the EMF Balansing Technique literature.
It is the horizontal loop currents that are formed due to rotation, absorption of life energy by the chakras.

The top of the energy channel - the column of energy is located 0.6m above the crown of the head - this is the upper center. The lower center is located on the channel 0.6 m below the feet. Between vertical and horizontal fibers there is mutual coupling of magnetic fluxes - magnetic induction. When the energy center is opened more fully, the energy flows along the horizontal fibers increase due to mutual induction, the flows in the vertical fibers increase and, as a result, the entire etheric Body of Light of a person is saturated with energy. All types of energy that the energy body receives or radiates modern man pass through the central channel. All beneficial processes that improve energy and human health take place in this channel. With the help of your Intention and focusing on the heart center, you can create a communication channel of your Consciousness with your Higher Essence - Spirit.
The vertical fibers of the Body of Light, located behind, carry information about a person's past. The front fibers contain information about the potential of the future.
The lateral left and right fibers process the radiation and reception information from the outside. Through the horizontal fibers of the loops, there is a recharge, an addition of energy from the outside, by the Healer. He imposes his additional energy flow on the functioning, albeit weakly, of his Patient flow through the chakra, forcing it to open slightly.

Torsion fields of the brain and magnetism of the palms of the hands.

Human hands are capable of generating spin - torsion - axion fields. These fields are in the form of a rotating funnel emanating from the area of ​​the center of the palm.

The hand, as a source of field generation, is energetically connected with the human Heart, Intention and the ability of the brain to generate torsion fields. The human body is a living receiver and transmitter (emitter) of all possible frequencies.

The toroidal shape of the electromagnetic field is the main characteristic of the fields that are generated by the human heart and palm. This shape of the field is the main factor influencing the nature of the helical rotating vortex, which captures or emits various energies and light. Probably there is a relationship with the spiral field of the hand and the spiral energy of the crystal lattice (memory shell) of the Code of Life (DNA) of the human body cell.
The human brain is a source of magnetic fields, which also have the shape of a torus with a vortex funnel. Thor is an interdimensional vortex (funnel). The cross section of a torus is a loop in the form of a figure eight - this is a universal characteristic of magnetism. Symbolically, DNA also looks like a loop.

Chinese masters of tai chi techniques can generate magnetic fields from the brain that are very large and full length. vertical pipe vortices inside the torus (Einstein-Rosen bridge). The powerful field generated by the brain, as well as the power of the Will, expressed in a certain Intention, allows them to enter into resonance with the VKS and with the help of a radiation source - the palms of the hands, to heal the patient and, if necessary, even defeat the enemy with a powerful release of an energy pulse.
The brain can be imagined as a crystalline resonant organic structure controlled by the mind of Consciousness as an ethereal component of the Soul. The magnitude of the brain generation field depends on the joint work of all individual parts of the brain: the thalamus, hypolumus, hypocampus, tonsils, as well as the joint functioning of the pituitary gland of the pineal gland and carotid gland. Ideally, the brain field should tend to be extended to the full length of the torus's cylindrical tube.
Naturally, the maximum activity of the brain and the ability to generate a field of ideal configuration is determined by the degree of its spiritual development and the training of the activity of its brain activity.
Information that is stored in space in the form of folded holographic patterns (micro information fields) is received by the brain as a receiver and transmitted to the electrical signals of the brain, where it is further decoded and translated by the Consciousness in the form of images. Most likely, it is the microtubular structure of the brain cells and the water contained inside the microtubules that can become highly structured and organized, capable of remembering the information received. This process is called mental activity of the brain. The process of storing and issuing information by the brain is similar to the hard disk memory of a modern computer, made on hard crystals. Modern scientists have created today HDD memory based on a biological cell. This device copies the activity of the human brain.
The process of structuring water in the microtubes of brain cells can be carried out by the person himself with the help of his Willpower and a certain Intention, as well as by the source of the external field of the Healer and the energy pattern created by him. The energy capacity of the Patient's brain in this case is enhanced by the technique introduced by the Healer (EMF Balansing Technique).
The general activity of the brain plays the role of a setting for its further activation and modulation, the transmission of an energy pattern. Consciousness raises the question to be solved, creates a certain Intention and Volitional attitude, which increases the intensity of the generation of the electromagnetic field created by the activated (excited) activity of the brain. The brain begins to radiate, like a transmitter, an energy pattern of encoded information. The energy value, the parameters of this pattern are determined by the joint activity of the body and Spirit, brain and Consciousness, as an ethereal correspondence of the Human Soul. The more human brain cells are activated, the greater the magnitude of the energy message - the pattern. In modern man, the brain is poorly developed: no more than 15% of the total volume of cells are involved in real activity. Thus, with the growth of mental activity, the energy power of the brain increases, the possibility of receiving and sending a larger amount of information pattern.
GOD, the Unified Information Field is the Universal Consciousness, which saturates the Space under its jurisdiction with its pattern!
Brain activity, for a short time, can be increased by the use of chemicals(brain doping, stimulants), but not more than for the duration of their action. It can be said that the brain, together with the human cranium, is a magnetic and acoustic resonant chamber, which has the function of receiving, amplifying, transmitting signals from external information fields, thanks to biological composition brain cells and the crystal structure of the cranium.

The energy created by the entire human body has an electromagnetic nature, similar to the field of the Earth. The human field is oriented along the lines of force of the Earth's magnetic field. When a person's hands are clasped together in a prayer posture, the magnetism of the person causes the energies to flow through closed circuit from the right hand to the left. The hands send information to the subtle bodies of the ethereal space with the help of torsion fields.
In China, the energy emitted by the hands, Qi, is used by all healers. Working with this energy is at the heart of qigong practice. Qi energy, through the center of the solar plexus, enters the etheric, energy body of a person during meditation on the accumulation of vital energy. With a certain strong-willed infusion, this energy can be impulsively directed from the center of the palm (laogong point) and from the fingertips. Chi energy can change:
- molecular composition of liquids;
- movement of chronometers based on crystals;
- chemical composition of liquids and gases;
- structure and characteristics of DNA;
- structure of water.
The energy spectrum of waves emitted by the palms lies in the range of 8-12 hertz per second. This is the alpha range of frequencies of brain radiation, which corresponds to the resonant frequency of the Earth (Schumann frequency).
The main types of radiation from the palms of the hands:
- electrostatic;
- magnetic;
- infrasonic 8-12 Hz/sec;
- impulse magnetic;
- infrared;
- ultraviolet;
- microwave;
- biophotons (light emitted by a living organism);
- light (scalar waves of Qi energy);
- vortex, spiral fields;
The human brain, its nervous system, tunes in to the Earth's scalar-wave radiation of 8-12 Hz. This is the carrier frequency on which the modulation (superposition) of other frequencies that carry information is performed. The main carrier frequency is the frequency of the Earth in the fields that the human brain generates. The brain also superimposes other, higher frequencies, which carry certain information created by the brain (modulated by it). It radiates, transmits and transmits the main and superimposed (modulated) frequencies - the palm of a person's hand. Therefore, the main task of the techniques for healing the energy emitted by the palm of the hands (QI and others) is to tune in to the frequency of the Earth, which is achieved by introducing the brain into the state of its activity up to the state of alpha activity of 8-12 Hz.
The helix of the DNA molecule serves as an antenna for receiving and emitting biophotons of light, and the crystal lattice of the DNA Life Code memory is not only the carrier of the entire genetic code, but also an excellent conductor of light and electricity, and also a superconductor that does not cause loss of energy and light during passing them through.
Chromosomes transmit information between themselves by emitting biophotons of light. Light is the carrier of information. Emotions and Intention of a person regulate vibrations in the etheric body, and the palm receives and transmits the internal modulated energy into the outer space. The starting button for starting the active activity of the brain, as a generator of torsion fields, is an emotion emanating from the heart. Intention is that necessary state of the body's nervous system, which prepares, introduces the body into a state of the possibility of receiving or transmitting an energy pattern (one's own or external). But a sufficient principle, that is, a condition under which it is possible to receive a large amount of energy and information from outside, is to exceed the minimum threshold for opening the centers of the Human Light Body and the centers to work with nominal power.

The human light body and threshold.

The energy centers (chakras) of the human etheric body are like an electric pump, in thin plan. In an ordinary person, the centers are poorly opened, which can be imagined as the work of an electric pump with low power. The body of Light (etheric, energetic) of a person is saturated with low energy and practically does not glow. With the spiritual development of a person and his movement along the path of self-improvement, his energy centers are revealed, which can be imagined as the output of an electric pump to work with a nominal, full power. At the same time, the centers absorb and transfer to the human Light Body a large amount of life energy. The Body of Light, saturated with energy, begins to radiate energy and glow, that is, it emits photons of light. This phenomenon can be seen only by the seer in the ethereal space.

1. By meditating on the accumulation of as much vital energy as possible through the Solar Plexus Center, the Aspirant (a person on the Path of spiritual development) prepares his energy centers for possible opening, that is, for going to work with a nominal load, full power.
2. Upon reaching a set of energy more than a certain level - the triggering threshold, the centers open and they work at full power of energy absorption into the energy Body of Light.

3. When this operating threshold is exceeded, a powerful energy wave enters the Light Body of a person and the higher head centers open - the thousand-petalled lotus and the center between the eyebrows (third eye). Aspiring to the Highest Knowledge, in this state he is capable of much. He can create a certain Volitional attitude and Intention and:
- enter into resonance with the Worldwide Space Network and make a local selection of energy from this reservoir of infinite power, and even more feed, recharge your energy body;
- to build a communication channel, the ethereal correspondence of your Mind with the astral correspondence of your Soul, thereby connecting to the infinite data bank of GOD, the Single Information Space;
- and of course much more that is known only to the Initiates!
The EMF Balansing Technique allows the energy centers of the Human Light Body to be nourished from an external source of energy - the Healer's palm. The healer, similarly to the Tai-Ci technique, performs a discrete (impulse, portioned) dosed, gradual addition of energy to the Patient's centers. This is done in several sessions, gradually approaching the threshold of activation, opening of the centers, and if the centers have a certain training, then they can open at full capacity. The body of Light of a person receives a powerful charge of energy. This can have different effects in different people. In some, various illnesses may pass, in others there will be a flash of insight into some dormant ability - painting, poetry, singing, analytical, mathematical ability, healing, etc.

Meditation on the radiation of the energy of the central channel (core).

1. Focus on the bottom center. Imagine a golden ball, a reservoir of energy under your feet at a distance of 0.6m below. Send the energy from this ball down to the Earth, expressing your inner Intention to connect with Mother Earth.
2. Focus on the top center. Imagine a golden ball, a reservoir of energy above your head at a distance of 0.6m above. Direct the energy from this ball upwards, expressing the inner Intention to establish a connection with the Single Information Space.
3. Focus on the High Head Center, feel it as an energized, ripe, golden orange. Move your attention to the center between the eyebrows - it is also a golden ball, go down into throat center, then to the heart, the center of the solar plexus. All centers are within the golden pillar, through which flowing golden energy flows up and down.
4. Express the Intention to radiate this energy through the entire central pillar-channel.
5. Energy is radiated evenly in all directions, like from the sun on a clear warm day.

Connection with the Article of the Earth - the Support of a person in this World, and in the Spiritual sense - the Basis of Ascension, a starting point,. A person is arranged in such a way that the Earthly in him is closely interconnected with the Heavenly, therefore you can talk about the Higher Worlds as much as you like, but the loss of connection with the Support is fraught with many consequences - from everyday absent-mindedness to serious Spiritual discord. Simply put, the one who loses the Support begins to hang out between the Worlds, becoming alien to both this World (due to the loss of the feeling of the Support) and the Other (because the Deadline has not yet come). Here are several ways of Rooting - establishing a Spiritual connection with the Earth. It is better to create them in Nature, where the Currents of the Earth Force are felt most clearly.

1. Get yourself in the right state by clearing your mind and Spirit.
Stand straight with your feet about shoulder-width apart and slightly bent at the knees.
Closing your eyes gradually, barely noticeably crouching up and down, start, as it were, yourself into the Earth.
Feel how the Currents of the Force of your feet begin to merge with the Currents of the Earth's Force (as an option: two streams come out of your feet, flowing into the Flesh of the Earth - the roots).

Feel your intimate connection with the Earth.

A more ordinary way of doing this: stand in the same position and imagine that someone wants to push you out of place, you need to resist but you can’t push back (we add that the so-called Veles struggle is associated with Rooting, when the combatants , firmly standing on the ground, trying to overwhelm each other).

2. Standing upright, imagine the Stream of Force entering you from above through the crown and passing through all the Centers of Force - pouring through the Spring (crown), it passes the Forehead (forehead), then the Throat, flows into the Ost (spine), captures the Heart, Yarlo (solar plexus), along the Osta Current descends to the Belly, and from there to the Zarod (the base of the spine), here the Stream of Force branches into two equal parts and descends to the Knees, then to the Feet.
Here is the main point: each of the two parts of the Stream of Force branches into six small Streams, the two most tangible ones pass through two heels, five through each of the toes.
These are the Roots coming from the Ost.
Twelve Roots, your inextricable link to the Earth.
They rush down and grow into the Earth.
Concentrate on the feeling of growing in.
This is how the intimate connection with the Earth is created.

Nourishing with the Power of the Earth

You can create in two positions - standing barefoot and sitting.
While standing, nourishment is created through the Feet, while sitting - through the Generation. The rest of the practices are similar.

1. Standing: having brought yourself into the proper state, realize how your Feet penetrate the thickness of the Earth with the Twelve Roots (as an option: imagine the feet as two balls, the lower half of which is buried in the Earth).
Breathe: inhale - hold - exhale.
On inhalation, we are aware of the Stream of Force rising up the legs and spine.
Delay is the accumulation of Force.
Exhalation - the distribution of the Force throughout your body and a partial return.

2. Sitting: Be aware of your spine growing into the ground. Follow the same steps as in exercise 1.


The Spiritual Practice of Meeting the Sun is done as follows:
Choose a location where you can clearly see the horizon.
Before sunrise, during the morning twilight, stand facing east with your arms slightly apart (open palms also facing east) and tune in properly.
When the Sun rises, be aware of a powerful stream of Force rising from your feet along your legs, along your spine to your head (as an option, you can gradually raise your hands up and also be aware of the Force filling them).
Be aware of the Sun rising within you, not outside.
At a certain stage, you can close your eyes.
Concentrate fully on the feeling of the Ascending Force.
When properly performed, this is the most powerful practice of absorbing energy - you will be visited by a feeling of unprecedented uplift and delight, accompanied by a kind of "bursting" in the solar plexus.

Charging Energy

1. Before going to bed, you should imagine as if you are lying on the water of a large lake and looking at the stars and the full moon (imagine the forest, mountains, etc. around). Here it is VERY IMPORTANT to feel EVERYTHING to the smallest detail (How the wind blows, the temperature and how your body feels it all). Then you imagine how slowly you sink (you also need to feel EVERYTHING), your eyes are open, you see stars through the water, they gradually become cloudy, there is less light, colder ... Then you find yourself at the bottom - darkness, cold. You don't have to stay there long. Then, also slowly, you rise. Predsavlyaesh all also just the opposite. When you are again above the surface of the water, without stopping you continue to rise higher - to the stars, when you reach them - just dissolve in them ...
In theory, after you dissolve, you fall asleep.
The method really works! The next day, the energy will be over the edge. And, here's what else - you have to imagine that you're naked. The main thing is fantasy, you need to feel EVERYTHING to the maximum, as if it were in reality.

2. Imagine that you are an arrow shot through a tunnel that shimmers with all colors. You fly at great speed, you meet turns, but you must fly all the time to the left, then when you fly for a long time, then at the last turn you must turn right and fly into the void and dissolve there.
Also, in theory, you should fall asleep at the end and also imagine everything to the smallest detail. The effect is the same.

Daily Energy Boosting Practices

1. Every morning take 5 minutes to prepare for the next exercise. Focus your thoughts on the great work of healing and what a great work you are doing with this treatment. The best time is just before or after each meal (breakfast, lunch). During the first month, you do not need to exercise late in the evening. They first have an exciting effect, so a person will not be able to immediately cope with the influx of energy.
For 5 minutes, focus your thoughts on developing your energy abilities. Then lie down on the couch or in bed and relax all the muscles of the body to such an extent that you do not feel the slightest physical tension. It is absolutely not necessary to pay attention to any of the members of the body.
Having brought yourself into this state, unfasten the suit so as not to restrict breathing, and make it full and deep: your abdominal cavity will expand, and air will freely go under the ribs and into the chest. This inhalation lasts 8 seconds. Then hold your breath while inhaling for 8 seconds, then slowly, for 8 seconds, release air from yourself.
The duration of each breath will be equal to 24 seconds (inhale hold on inhale exhale for 8 seconds).
As you practice the exercise, you will see that this first step in developing the breath is difficult. You will feel tired, even dizzy, you will have a tendency to quicken your breathing, do not interrupt your exercises. After several sessions all discomfort disappear and be replaced by an ever-increasing sense of power.
The first exercise is necessary in order to learn how to control the breath, develop the will and affirm the decision to master the energy.
We remind you that the exercise should not exceed more than 15 minutes in time: the first 5 minutes for preparation, the remaining time for its implementation.

2. After 5 minutes of preparation, close your right nostril with your finger and take a deep breath in the left "nostril, for 10 seconds, expanding, as before, the abdominal cavity, ribs and chest cavity. Then hold your breath for 10 seconds and finally do exhalation through the right nostril for 10 seconds 18
When you are sure that you are able to exhale for the specified time without fatigue, you can be quite sure that you will learn to control the breath. Each of these exercises will require 30 seconds to fully inhale, hold the breath and exhale, that is, in 10 minutes of exercise, the number of such breaths will be 20.
If the 10x10x10 count is too difficult for you, you can reduce the duration of inhalations and exhalations. Do not stop practicing this exercise until you have perfected it. After the first ten breaths, you must change the nostrils for inhalation and exhalation.
Classes in the second week are limited to only these exercises. When you improve in them, you can begin to treat people, but no more than three people a day.
At the end of the second week, so much vital energy (force) accumulates that, giving an excess of your strength for treatment, you will not feel tired.

3. Feet shoulder-width apart, right leg slightly forward. Both arms are bent in front of you, at chest level, one in front of the other. The left palm is turned to the chest, the right palm is also turned to the body and looks at back side left palm, both hands are on the same line. The elbows are raised and are parallel to the shoulders. The distance between the palm of the left hand and the chest is about 15 cm. The distance between the hands is also about 15 cm. into the left hand, goes along the left hand to the shoulder, passes into the right shoulder, along the right hand returns to the right palm and from it goes back to the ground. Achieve that between the palms will flow a constant visible flow of energy.
At first it will be difficult, but then the corresponding sensations will appear.
Breathing: on inhalation - the energy passes from the left to the right hand, on a smooth exhalation - goes into the ground. Breathe through your nose and mouth at the same time.
15 minutes on the right leg, 15 minutes on the left. When changing legs, the palms change. On the right leg left palm closest to the body, on the left leg, the right palm closest to the body.

4. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms raised up and slightly to the sides. Imagine that two pillars of energy appear on the sides. the first one descends from above (the stream should be bright, even a little blinding.) the second one comes out of the earth (here the energy is heavy, viscous) connect to these streams, with your left hand you should touch the stream coming from below, and with your right hand to the "upper" stream. (for practitioners other types of magic, swap the flows) After touching, direct the flows to the area of ​​the solar plexus, where they should merge to form the energy you so desire. there should be a feeling of filling with energy, then you get a little high and start packing.
For packing, simply direct the energy first to the limbs, and then to each organ until you feel full (I recommend that you first master the technique of the inner look). after all the organs are saturated, direct the flow to a point located approximately a palm's width below the navel, after a couple of minutes a sensation of a ball will appear - warm and hard.
This is your storehouse of energy. There are no restrictions on the duration of this stage; it all depends on your feelings (the first time it can shake a lot, this is normal) and desire.

5. Fold your hands in front of your eyes - as if you are looking through binoculars. Slowly rotate the hands in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temples.
We are aware of the movement of the Currents of Force, which you actually hold with your hands and which pass through your eyes.
We are trying to feel the effect of the movement of the hands not only in front of our eyes, but also inside the skull - on its back wall.
Slowly take your hands away from your eyes, without opening them. At the same time, we are aware of the effect of flows from the eyes following the hands.
Having felt the effect of this action as much as possible, we unclench our hands and fix them with open palms opposite the eyes.
We slowly bring our palms closer to the eyes, being aware of the energy flow into the eyes, and its passage through the eyeballs into the skull.
We are aware of all the sensations arising from this.

6. Rub your palms until you feel hot, as in the practice of developing hand sensitivity
We make movements with open palms.
We are aware of the concentration of energy in the hands.
We put open palms to the eyes.
We draw in the flow of Force with our eyes.
Simplified version: rub your palms and apply to your eyes. We are aware of the heat from the palms as a Force. We take it in with our eyes.

The accumulation of forces from the sources of nature and elemental techniques:


Reception "Root" carries out a vertical sweep, due to the energy of the earth. Sometimes this method is confused with the "Tree" technique, but this is a mistake, because "Wood" refers to other traditional techniques and covers only the final part of "Root".
The reception is built on a rather complex (to begin with) thought-form with identification. Hands are lowered along the body, the body itself is relaxed. Here is the formula itself:
"I'm a little root that's been stuck in the ground. I'm taking moisture from the cool soil. I'm starting to branch out to get more moisture. Here, I'm looking out of the ground, now I have a green body. I'm growing the first branches. Buds swell on them and the first leaves appear A force comes from the ground pushing my growth up, nourishing my branches and leaves This force comes from my powerful roots that break down to the aquifer My body hardens and becomes covered with bark Branches turn into branches, from which new branches appear. I have a lot of leaves. I am covered in leaves. The more power coming from the ground, the more leaves. My roots are so powerful that I am one with the earth."
This exercise can be completed.

"Talk to the Wind"

This technique carries out a vortex sweep along the horizontal encircling channels. Reception is performed without a formula.
Stand in an open place (in a field, in a clearing) and relax. Listen to the movement of the wind around you. Inhale slowly and deeply several times, feel the purity and elasticity of the air. Slowly, slowly begin to raise your arms to the sides and up. Feel how a whirlwind of air begins to move around you, how this wind sweeps all the dirt out of you, filling your whole body with it. At first, the whirlwind is weak, but the higher the hands are raised, the stronger it becomes. Raising your hands, begin to make circular movements with them, as if spinning a whirlwind of air around you and above you even faster. When you feel that the wind has weakened, or slight fatigue comes, stop the exercise by slowly lowering your hands.

"A drop in the sea"

Reception performs a smooth sweep in all directions. It is performed without a formula.
Choose a body of water with clear, still water. It can be a lake, backwater, sea, etc. Lie down on the water so that you remain lying on the surface with your arms and legs spread out to the sides. Look to the sky or close your eyes. Adjust your breathing so that it is not interrupted and convulsive. Relax.
Feel the elasticity of the water that surrounds you. This elasticity is reduced, as if water is gradually penetrating into your body. You begin to slowly dissolve into it. You feel how your body is mixed with water and, behold, you are the consciousness, the soul of this reservoir. You are everywhere in it at the same time. You have access to depths and shores, algae and all living creatures that live on the bottom and in the water column.
Slowly collect your "I" in the body and smoothly dive under the water. As you exhale, slowly rise to the surface. The exercise is over.


Look at a candle, or kindle a fire, but only from wooden firewood or tree branches.
"You are a flame, a roaring raging flame. You evoke this sensation in yourself as brightly as possible. You are as "cocked up", impetuous, impetuous as fire. flame. You feel your body as a flame and dissolve into it."

Mana Gain

No. 1. The easiest way is to concentrate the mana generated by your own body. Since man is a living being, he also produces mana. To concentrate one's own mana, the same method is used as in the case of an external source, but with an appeal only to one's own organism, which is always available. Just sit down and relax, it is necessary that no one can interfere with you. Take a few deep breaths. Renounce the outside world, as if it does not exist at all. When you manage to ignore external noises, etc., you can proceed to the next step. As if looking inside yourself, imagine ("see") the threads of energy piercing your body. For those who are familiar with Eastern philosophy, it is enough just to see your chakras. Now create a backup energy store. To do this, imagine a certain cavity in your body (it is best to imagine a cavity in your hand, right or left, it doesn’t matter) and now mentally imagine how energy from other parts of the body (from the chakras) enters this accumulator and fills it.
Attention! It is very important what magical action you want to perform in the future. If you want to heal yourself or someone else, then the color of the accumulated energy in your imagination should be green! If you are going to create something. Either yellow or white. The color for attack is red. To destroy black, and so on. When you have mentally filled the reservoir, you should feel a heaviness or burning sensation (in some cases, with the light polarity of your energy, you can also feel lightness) in this part of your body (arm). If this does not happen, then the mana has not accumulated. Try again, and again, until you succeed. If you succeed, then your inner mana is ready for use in magic. And if you already know how to do any of the magical actions, calmly apply this energy. If this is the first experience for you, then you need to get rid of this mana, since if it is worn for a long time in the reserve drive, it can damage it. To get rid of it, imagine that this energy slowly spreads from the store back through your body (into the chakras or just evenly).
Attention! If you have accumulated negative energy (and also if you just want to get rid of mana quickly), you need to throw it into the outside world, otherwise it will harm you. To do this, imagine that the energy from the reservoir (hand) instantly flies out in the form of a bunch and dissipates into
surrounding space. If you succeed, you should feel that the reservoir (hand) is empty, and the sensations experienced before have disappeared. This also applies when you disperse mana back throughout the body. If it doesn't work, repeat until it works.
When using the mana of your body, it is also important to know the following:
If you use this energy (for a magical effect or just throw it into space), you will weaken. Drowsiness, general weakness, even malaise may appear. So don't concentrate a lot of that kind of mana (especially if you're a beginner) all at once! And secondly, the amount of such mana is very limited. It all depends on the internal energy forces of your body.
One more thing. Of course, if you have no (or just a very weak) imagination, then you will not be able to concentrate the mana of your body, as well as any other. But without imagination, it is practically IMPOSSIBLE TO DO MAGIC! So this first lesson is also one of the tests
on your ability to magic in general.

No. 2. Elemental Mana. Unlimited source, which of course has a number of features and conditions for use. I hope everyone knows what the Elements are and what they are? Fire, Water, Earth, Air (as well as Nature and Death, and many others). So first about the concentration of the four main primary elements:

Fire. Light any fire. Relax and look at it carefully. Feel the power and heat of the fire (not physically, of course). And now start absorbing fire mana into the same pre-created reservoir. Imagine that the power and heat of the fire flow into your tank from its source, and accumulate there. The first sign that you succeed should be an effect visible to the naked eye: the flame of the source should lean towards you. The final effect is achieved when you feel the fullness as well as the heat in your hand. The use and disposal of this mana is the same as in the first case.

Water. Everything is the same as with fire, only you need to feel, in addition to strength, the coolness and tenderness of water, and the reservoir should become colder.

Earth. Here mere contemplation is no longer enough. You need to take a piece of earth in the palm of your hand, rub it, feeling its strength and coolness (and sometimes heat). Take new pieces and rub them until the mana of the earth pumped by you (of course with the help of imagination, and then "magic vision") fills the tank to the brim, that is, until you feel its heaviness and fullness. Distribute in the body also only for experienced magicians!

Air. The most difficult of the basic elements. The easiest way to concentrate air mana is somewhere in the mountains, where it is clean and fresh. You can also in the forest. In the city, you will surely receive the negative energy of poisoned air, which you will not need at this moment. To concentrate, simply inhale the air deeply, imagining how the tiny particles of mana filling it (color, as always, depends on the purpose of use) flow through your body and collect in the drive. If you succeed, then you should feel freshness and lightness in your reservoir (hand). This energy is almost harmless, but it is still better for beginners to throw it out, even if they gave it a green (healing) color.

#3 You can get mana from the gods. The main condition for this method is the patronage of gods and spirits. Just pray to this god with his standard prayer. But at the same time, imagine (“see”) how some energy (ba-khion) pours out of your body, and then mana comes to you in return from God. The color of this energy depends on the god you choose. The main proof that you have
it turned out, as always, is the heaviness and fullness of your backup drive, while depending on the chosen god, the feeling of fullness will be pleasant or unpleasant. Beginners are also advised not to distribute such mana throughout their body!

Energy collection methods

Influencing other people with the help of energy, the psychic discharges himself, so he needs to periodically replenish the expended bioenergy resources, otherwise he can cause an energy imbalance in his body and damage his own health.
Psychics are "charged" in various ways: from the sun, space, earth, water, trees and other energy systems, depending on individual abilities and personal preferences.
Without mastering the skills of restoring bioenergy, in no case proceed to treatment. REMEMBER:
- The accumulation of energy is best in a person whose nervous system is completely calm and balanced.
- An irritated person loses a lot of energy. Strong emotions of fear, envy weaken the energy. Cultivate kindness in yourself.
- When gaining energy, one of the most important components of any way of accumulating energy by the body is a FIGURATIVE REPRESENTATION OF THE PROCESS OF ENERGY ACCUMULATION.
- When gathering energy, you need to be able to feel how it flows into the body, into every organ, into every cell. The more figurative and brighter the presentation, the more effective the collection of energy.
Getting energy from the sun
This is the easiest way to "recharge". Raise your hands up, palms to the Sun, disconnect from all extraneous thoughts, tune in to receive energy and mentally? ask the sun for energy. Feel the whole process of receiving energy, filling the body with it to a feeling of fullness. Thank the Sun seven times orally or mentally, lower your hands.

Getting energy from the Earth

This is one of the ancient methods used by yogis.
You need to sit with your legs crossed. Put your hands on your knees, connecting the big and index fingers together on both hands, and extend the remaining fingers so that they touch the Earth. Set deep breathing and focus on the idea that when you inhale, the energy of the Earth enters the body through your fingertips, and when you exhale, it is converted into human bioenergy.

Receiving combined energy from the Sun and the Earth

It is advisable to do this in the early morning at sunrise in a secluded place.
Rub the palms, imagining that the inlet openings of the channels for the passage of energy are opening on the palms. After rubbing and warming up the palms, you now need to massage the inlets with "mental hands", imagining how they increase in size to the size of the palm - with "mental hands" you need to stroke and massage the walls of the imaginary channels of both hands. Feel how the channels expand in diameter and begin to respond to the influence of "mental hands". Mentally create a small luminous ball, crush it with "mental hands". It should "swell" to the diameter of the channel, after which this ball "mental hands" "like a piston moves up and down the channels, cleaning them.
Then feel how the inlets of the channels open on the soles, massage them with "mental hands" until an opening the size of the entire foot is obtained. Then cleaning with a ball by analogy with what was said above for the hands. Face the sunrise, concentrate in the channels of the hands and at some point there will be a feeling that the hands have become light, as if weightless. Then concentrate in the channels of the legs and feel how they "wake up" to receive the energy of the Earth.
The sun comes out and its energy begins to flow in powerful streams into the channels of the hands. The right feeling is the feeling of being filled with light and warmth, the feeling of the pulsation of the inlets of the arms and legs, and the feeling of the soft and dark energy of the Earth, the feeling of harmony and purity. After a few minutes, fatigue disappears, there is a feeling of cheerfulness, a surge of strength.

Charging with the energy of the Cosmos

Raise your hands, imagine channels with holes on the palms for an energy ball. Begin to slowly inhale through the channels of the hands and inflate these energy balls. Feel how the balls stretch out into a long narrow beam and rush upwards, towards the sky, towards the boundaries of the atmosphere, and then further into space and open there like flowers. And instantly, through the energy rays, the energy of the cosmos is drawn in through the channels of the hands, filling the body with the energy of the world space. This method is especially good for situations where you need to instantly replenish energy reserves.

Replenishing Energy with Rhythmic Breathing

Put your feet together, close your fingers. Begin yogic rhythmic breathing. To do this, set the rhythm of breathing with the rhythm of the beating of your heart. Depending on fitness, inhalation can be stretched from 6 to 15 pulse beats, exhalation is made equal in duration to inhalation, holding the breath after inhalation in duration should be equal to half the duration of inhalation or exhalation, a pause after exhalation is also equal to holding the breath. That is, if inhalation is 6 beats, then exhalation is b, a pause after inhalation is 3, a pause after exhalation-ha-3.
In the cosmic case, one should not overwork oneself with this breathing, everything should happen freely with a figurative representation of the incoming energy during inhalation from the surrounding air, merging with the entire Cosmos.
During inhalation, energy is drawn into the chest area; during exhalation, energy is exhaled into the solar plexus.

Getting energy from water.

While in the water, they establish rhythmic breathing and imagine that with inhalation, the energy of water enters the body through the pores, and when exhaled, it turns into bioenergy.

Recharging from trees.

Choose the most powerful tree with healthy shiny leaves. Go around the tree, arouse in yourself a feeling of sympathy and goodwill towards the tree, listen carefully to your feelings, catch the benevolent attitude of the tree towards yourself. If such sensations do not arise, then this tree is not suitable.
Having found a tree that "harmonizes" with you, approach it at a distance at which the effect of the tree is "felt" most strongly,
Standing near a tree, feel the roots of the tree, the movement of the energy of the Earth from the roots along the trunk up to the crown of the tree. Then feel how the cosmic energy enters through the leaves and moves down the trunk, reaching the roots. Identify yourself with the tree, mentally merge with it, feel the movement of energy from the bottom up and vice versa. Figuratively imagine how this energy washes you. Rinse yourself in this way until you feel inner cleanliness. After that, mentally ask the tree for energy. Absorb the energy accumulated by the tree through your palms in sync with your breath.

golden wind

(a technique for increasing the tone of the "dense bodies" of a person's energy structure and activating his life force)

The useful essence of this technique is that it almost instantly activates the energy flows of human dense bodies, accumulating them at the so-called middle point of life (at the level of the Manipura chakra) and, as it were, pumps dense bodies, saturating them with the natural power of the Earth. At the same time, there is an intense impact on the Ajna points. Thus, at the level of the Body, at the level of Blood1, mechanisms are activated that develop the so-called "animal magnetism" (a skill useful in hypnotic work with an object at the lower levels of energy interactions).
This technique combines meditation and certain passes, so you need to perform it on an empty stomach (if you have eaten heavily before, at least two to three hours should pass). It is also recommended to clear the nasal cavity to facilitate the respiratory process during exercise.

1. Perform a preliminary psychophysical warm-up of the body.
To do this, you need to stand straight, legs in a free position, that is, at a distance convenient for you from each other (approximately shoulder width apart). Hands are freely lowered along the body. Exhale slowly while letting your median vertical flow down. If you have ever practiced auto-training or meditation before, then you will understand what is meant. If you have not practiced, just try to visualize or vividly feel how the force inside you rushes down the body in a warm stream, passing through all parts of the body and internal organs. Let your body give freedom to this flow. Don't cling to passing thoughts, let them flow as freely as your downward force goes. The flow passes down, through the feet - into the Earth, as if "attaching" you to it. Try not to inhale as much as possible, but without straining your abs too much.
2. Fold your hands in front of you in the castle. As you inhale, begin to lift them, turning the "lock" outward (that is, so that the clasped palms look up).
3. Holding them above your head, pull your clasped hands away from you up and slightly back. At the same time, try to "pull" the chest and stomach back. Do this with effort, feeling a pleasant muscle tension.
4. When it's time to exhale - slowly open your hands, lowering them down to the sides.
5. While inhaling, fold your hands into the lock again, only now they are located below, behind your back and palms up.
6. While exhaling - pull your hands down, straining the diaphragm as well.
7. Now relax a little and begin vigorous inhalation-exhalations, while using exclusively diaphragmatic breathing (dynamically and firmly contracting the press). Breathe through your nose, keeping the rhythm of your breath constant. When you exhale (this is very important to observe exactly), your middle point receives (as if draws in) the energies of the Earth ("fiery", "golden"), which are expressively "pushed out" through Ajna. On inspiration, on the contrary, Ajna receives the flow, being saturated with the warm flow of the Earth, Manipura gives it away (when the diaphragm straightens). This process is felt as a swing of the internal vertical pendulum (back and forth).
In conclusion, thank the ancient forces hidden in the womb of the Earth for the energy bestowed on you and fix it with an appropriate gesture at the level of the middle point:

During this technique, you may feel warmth inside, even heat. This is one of her actions. Simultaneously with this (through the shin and feet) there is a discharge along the “bottom” of the spent energies, slagging the subtle bodies. A powerful fiery (burning through the "problem" at a subtle level) flow (the so-called "Golden Wind") very well contributes to the restoration of the vitality of a person weakened by a long illness, in cases of progressive depression, with losses due to an astral attack, and simply with prolonged fine energy work magician, when there may be a danger of an imbalance of "dense" and "thin" of his energy structures.

“... I swear by the name of Tetraktis, sent down to our souls. In it is the source and roots of the ever-blooming Nature ... ”- these are the words from the Oath of the Pythagoreans.
These words allude to the fact that the ancients attached exceptional importance to the Tetratix.
Suffice it to recall Egypt with its pyramids. There he was considered a symbol of processes and universal forces.
Its content is simple: there is a transformation of a neutral unit for its manifestation into a dyad - a potential difference. The dyad manifests itself externally as a triad, that is, the biner gives birth to androgyne, and the background for the manifestation of which is the tetrad. Together, this forms the sacred unit of Western thought - the Decade.

Under the active principle and form of all things, a unit was meant, as a universal activity and essence.
The unit was understood as activity and the universal essence, which was the active principle and form of all things. Any thing became equal to itself - "One", by participation in the Unit, by imitation. The duality was considered the second characteristic of the essence - it was an uncertainty and pure inequality, the opposite. When the One goes out of itself, it gives rise to a driving force. This is obtained by adding the One to itself, that is, it is the Two - the passive category. It turns out that the main criteria of essence are One and Two - they are considered from the side of universal ways of existence of things. The triad is the third characteristic of the essence. In it, the Unit reaches its completion, reality - from the integrity of the one and the many. When the One connects with the Two, the result is a neutral, balanced Triad. The above is considered the first equilibrium of unities. Everything in the whole world and the universe is determined only through the Triad. There is also a fourth characteristic of the essence - the Quaternary. It turns out by doubling the difference of the Two - passive passivity. Passive, even, in relation to the neutrality of the Triad. The Trinity finds its bodily embodiment in the subject of "sensual sensation" - the Four. Tetratics is formed by the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 - the expression of the entire universe.

Designation according to the Tetratics scheme: one - point, two - length, three / triangle - plane, four - space / volume.
There is nothing named that would not be based on the Tetratics - Plutarch. This is God Himself, the Cause and Creator of everything heavenly and sensual.
Tetraktys personifies the universal completeness with its ten points of intersection and nine equilateral triangles. A decade is the sky, the world, for the first includes the second. Pythagoras himself said that the Decad is the nature of the number, since everyone returns to it, returning to it - everyone returns to the Monad. The decimal embodies the absolute unity as the potency and predestination of being, which, passing through certain stages of evolution, acquires essence and being in itself.

This idea of ​​Tetractys became the foundation of the Tetragrammaton and the Tree of Life - Kabbalistic teachings, spells, the Tarot system and many other ideas. It can be safely considered the basis of European mysticism - Tetractys.

Tetractys is a very common symbol, in many manuscripts you can see its inscriptions on the walls of buildings, cathedrals, which were historically associated with the Templars and Freemasons. Its meaning is a symbol of space, measure, order and perfection. The followers of Pythagoras personified him with the most harmony. Created by a number, the universe, as well as opposite principles, behaves logically, within the framework of the necessary measure. This symbol was rebuilt - a certain number of points were added or removed, vertices were truncated, all this carried certain meanings, and, accordingly, had some implementation consequences.

All these manipulations did not pass without a trace. After all, all the symbols and components that exist inside the Tetratix carry a certain semantic load, have a meaning. And a change in any part of it has various consequences: an increase in activity occurs from the bottom up, the right side is active, unlike the bottom and left side - they are passive. The truncated top of the Tetratix means "domesticated" - a controlled force, and if you deprive one point - it will lose its balance and turn into a weight that will mix the Stream of Force.

The "Sacred Pyramid" - Tetratics, is the embodiment of the integrity of the Universe, which moves from unity to plurality of the material world.

Vladimir Guzhov. Basic magical practices.
All magical practices can be divided into two groups with some degree of conventionality:

1. Practices of saving energy (obtaining personal power) necessary to move the assemblage point. The need for such techniques arose due to the fact that the assemblage point of a modern person is tightly fixed in some area peculiar only to a person, corresponding to the perception of an ordinary familiar world (the “poor kid’s” point), and in order to stir it up, you need a supply of free personal strength.

2. Techniques for controlled shifting of the assemblage point and holding it in a new position.

1. Discipline of Attention

Literally all magical practices are based on the discipline of attention, since only what falls into the sphere of his work becomes accessible to awareness. Everything that escaped attention is actually absent for a person ... this is simply NOT in the world he collects. Therefore, the ability to consciously direct, "revoke", focus, defocus one's attention is the key to all other magical practices. There are many specific techniques for mastering one's attention, although other practices (especially stalking, dreaming), being successfully performed, in themselves contribute to the ability to control one's attention.

As a rule, a normal human being is able to control his attention to a very small extent, and to a much greater extent controlled by any external and internal processes capturing his personal attention. That is, it can be stated with all certainty that it is not the person himself who owns his attention, but the attention owns the person ... therefore, the one who is able to manipulate other people's attention acquires power over him.

This property is mercilessly exploited both in the process of simple social programming and in the actual formation of a human being in the form it looks like from the standpoint of occult anthropology.

Something always captures attention, attracts (or distracts) attention, draws attention to itself - this is something that happens independently of the will, regardless of the individual intention of the being (obeying someone else's intention) - it actually turns out to be the master of the situation. However, in order to have a more stable support for perception, it is required to be able to direct one's attention at one's own discretion, not to be led by "circumstances" that strive to draw people into the activities imposed on them. The ability to control one's attention makes the same stalking possible, and this is the only way to achieve dreaming (lucid dreaming).

To achieve power over one’s own attention, there are a considerable number of different practices, such as all kinds of meditations, concentration, “concentration of attention”, although the main task of such an activity is not always proclaimed in such practices ... Sometimes completely different goals are even proclaimed, for example, “achieving something or Important. Sometimes this is just a cunning ploy so that the client can move towards the true goal without being tied to the result, focusing on some more attractive goal. this moment goal. So, students are often puzzled by some practices for the possession of attention, motivating them with something completely different.

However, now that the cards have been revealed, there are a few techniques that can be suggested without calling them Meditation or anything else—let them be called the practices of the Discipline of Attention.

Concentration of attention

This is the most well-known group of techniques that does not require special explanation. They come down to what is put, and most importantly, the task is to completely focus one's attention on one thing. Moreover, the concentration must be really complete, so that what is happening around remains outside the scope of attention, so that nothing from the outside can distract. True, usually in such cases it is advised to artificially protect yourself from external influences“so that nothing distracts” ... at first you can do this, but where is the possession of attention, if something is capable of “distracting”? This is perhaps the main difference from the widely known techniques on this topic.

Another explanation. In principle, you can do a very clear concentration without achieving your goal at all, for example, reading an Interesting Book so that "everything around ceases to exist." In this case, there is just that very phenomenon of capturing your attention by this book (film, music, whatever), and not a conscious concentration on the chosen object.

Dispersion of attention

Dispersion of attention is usually referred to in a negative sense, they say, “a scattered person from Basseynaya Street” ... it is understandable - an ordinary human being does not have the necessary reserve of personal strength to effectively keep sufficiently wide “spaces”, a lot of objects in his “field of attention” . But this is not only possible, but also gives certain advantages in life, for example, at the sessions of magicians, you see not what he shows, manipulating the attention of the audience, but what is actually happening ...

You can start the training of dispersed attention from fairly small “area”, and for a start you can limit yourself, for example, to only visual information.

In general, attention management implies all "input channels" - audio, video, tactile, taste, olfactory sensations and ... ATTENTION! Feelings and emotions! These are also “input channels”, only they are exploited by people for other purposes.

However, the visual channel in terms of the amount of “flow” passing through it is in the first place for people, therefore it is easier to start with it.

So, let's get down to not-doing watching TV... In this case, let's distribute our attention to the ENTIRE surface of the screen, and not to those details where attention tends to focus. And it tends to get carried away where the director intended, composing this or that frame. This is where the work begins - it is required not only to fix the moments that caused the focus on the elements of the picture, but to capture the reasons that caused the disruption of dispersal. In the process of this kind of non-doing, among other things, a lot of interesting things are discovered, for example, “blunders” often found in films like television antennas on the huts of “pre-revolutionary” peasants, or traces of wheels on the sand in front of a vizier of ancient times solitarily racing on a camel. Such findings will be the result of the fact that attention was kept from "leading", and was dispersed enough to notice problems at the edges of the frame, outside of it " main area". Actually, these inconsistencies attracted attention, but this was only possible due to the fact that attention was dispersed.

Distribution of attention

Having mastered relatively small areas, covered with dispersed attention, should be moved to the entire field of view. The fact is that usually the direction of attention coincides with the central field of vision, from which one should gradually move away ... Peripheral vision carries no less information, but for the most part it passes attention. Therefore, it is required to learn how to direct attention to the peripheral areas of what “eyes show” in the same way as the entire TV screen was covered by the field of attention, and not just its “acting” part. To do this, walking, for example, along the street, one should somewhat defocus the gaze, directing it forward to infinity, and walk, avoiding "casting a direct look" at individual elements of the landscape. You can also do it at home, sitting at the dinner table, because all the objects on the table come into view, so that in general there is no need to look directly at the fork before picking it up. This urge is primarily due to the fact that a habit has been developed to combine the direction of attention with the direction of gaze, in fact, one can direct attention to any part of the visual field without directing the gaze there.

Similarly, you can watch the public in public transport - without looking at anything in particular - to see everyone at once ... and here the second stage of the distribution of attention begins! It is required to select two or more objects in the field of view and distribute attention between them in such a way that, without looking from place to place, continue to perceive their movements. At this stage, interesting observations will be revealed - it turns out that if something happens in one corner of the picture, and something similar in the other, then these events occur simultaneously. For example, one scratched his turnip, and the other at the same time picked his nose with his finger. It is rather amusing to observe such phenomena with distributed attention in a concert hall, in sports stands and in other crowded places.

The training of the distribution of attention already includes the ability to direct it in the desired direction, as well as to take it away from the direction in which it is spontaneously captured in one way or another. This ability can be improved using the techniques of divided attention, for example, watching TV with the sound turned on, listening to the radio immediately turned on. That is, a more extended version of the technique just described is obtained, already with the involvement of the rest of the senses. By and large, it requires the ability to simultaneously monitor several points outside and in oneself, through several channels of perception at the same time.

Attention monitoring

The meaning of this event is to be able to track the moments when something draws your attention to yourself in everyday life, and not just track, but manage to “pause” between the moment the distracting “signal” arrives and the moment of the now conscious direction or not directing your attention towards the source of this signal. For example BABAH! - something banged ... if attention managed to go in the direction of this “bang” before this “call” was realized, then some kind of “instinctive reaction” occurs - shuddered, jumped, ran, fell, hid. If the monitoring worked, then the reaction will not be instinctive, but already more meaningful, because in a short moment of “pause”, the signal already has time to be recognized, and instead of the panic that has come up, something more constructive will turn on.

Roughly speaking, in modern life there is always a set of specific stimuli that captures attention before the mind has time to work. These include things like time signals, phone beeps, ringing, alarm sounds. In principle, they are designed to capture attention, but if you own your own attention, such signals should not brutally capture all the attention at your disposal. In short, you should learn not to “jump” from these sounds, and not to twitch to the phone if the familiar sound of a phone call came not from your home phone, but, for example, from a TV or radio. All these phenomena are quite suitable for honing your control of your own attention.

2. Stopping the internal dialogue

In this context, internal dialogue does not mean that “internal muttering” - a kind of spontaneous stream of thoughts that can be noticed without much difficulty in oneself (although not so easy to stop), having reached the state of “internal silence”, but the very way of keeping the assemblage point in position corresponding to the perception of the ordinary human world. In the process of internal dialogue, figuratively speaking, you constantly ask yourself (non-verbally) - "what is this?" they sit on it." That is, this is a fairly low-level process that is not clothed in words and works at the level of concepts. Such activity diverts a fair amount of free energy (personal power) of a person and rigidly fixes the perception of the world. Having stopped the internal dialogue, a person, firstly, releases his assemblage point from rigid fixation, and secondly, he releases a certain amount of energy. Since internal dialogue is a habit from a very early age, it cannot be stopped by mere desire; there are many tricks for doing this, mostly reduced to not doing it in various ways. You can describe spontaneous "failures" in the work of the internal dialogue that can cause its short-term suspension - this happens when you encounter something extremely unusual, and you cannot find a "name" for what you suddenly saw in a timely manner. The internal dialogue freezes for a moment, accompanied by very specific sensations, but then the interpretive apparatus throws up at least some kind of “explanation”. For example, when you see some plastic bag moving in the wind in the dark, you can first interpret it as some kind of living creature, and only a little later, “getting rid of the obsession”, figure out what's wrong.

A special way of walking

Curling your fingers, paying attention to your hands - go, directing your gaze forward at the horizon, not specifically focusing on anything, so as to see all the space ahead at the same time. This method "overwhelms" the attention of the tonal with information, he is unable to maintain the connection of the elements of the world with their individual descriptions in the usual "piece by piece" manner, when one element corresponds to one description. This slows down the internal dialogue, and the tonal becomes silent.


Focusing attention on the objects of the world, which are usually outside the scope of normal attention, and, accordingly, perception and awareness. On those, NOT of which the picture of the world is formed. For example, consider not objects, but shadows from them, not leaves, but gaps between them, until a new picture is formed, made up of HE elements.

Generally speaking, not-doing can be practiced by performing any action or inaction that is not included in the standard inventory list - for example, by focusing attention on those details of the world that usually elude him - on the shadows of objects; doing ordinary things in an unusual way. For example, this is how one of the ways of not walking looks like: “Tales of Strength”, the words of don Juan: “Bending the fingers in a special way, the warrior draws attention to the hands; then, directing his unfocused gaze to a point directly in front of him above the horizon, he literally floods his tonal with information. The tonal, without one-on-one interaction with the elements of the description, is incapable of talking to itself and therefore falls silent.

There are many variations on the theme of non-doing: not doing music is listening to it in such a way that in the attention it “crumbles” from a harmonious stream of melody, notes, rhythm into a simple set of sounds ... to hear, as it were, the “inside out”; not doing habits - creating "fake habits" in the process of stalking. There is another “childish”, very funny version of not doing - to repeat aloud, many times in a row, a word until it completely loses all the meaning put into it. As a result, children break out into laughter, since the Important and Weighty Word is presented as a funny set of sounds, cunning movement of lips and tongue.


A special technique, a "way of looking" without focusing on any part of what is seen. At the same time, you see everything ... and nothing in particular.

In modifications, it can be used in the practice of “non-doing”, for example, looking at a tree, a person “makes” this tree - finds its trunk, branches, leaves, i.e. fixes those list elements of which, in his opinion, the TREE should consist. In the practice of “inactive contemplation”, the goal is NOT to build a tree, and as a cunning trick to build an “image” not from familiar concepts. For example, look not at the leaves, but at the gaps between them, not at the branches - but at the space limited by these branches. Thus, a kind of “ghost tree”, “anti-tree”, “donut hole” is obtained. Such things are not assigned special conceptual constructions in the human inventory list, therefore, the usual course of internal dialogue is violated.

3. Dreaming

The practice of using the natural drift of the AP (assembly point) that occurs during falling asleep and dreaming. The most "natural" method of moving the assemblage point, and of understanding the very process of this movement. Requires unyielding intention, discipline of attention and patience. This technique already requires a certain reserve of personal power, which can be replenished through reexperiencing and other techniques aimed at releasing personal power.

Dreaming is a kind of training ground where you can hone the control of intention, since in dreams nothing (except the beings present there) has its own power, will, and so on. For example, when shooting a pistol in a dream, one cannot be sure that the bullet will fly out of the muzzle at all, since there it is driven solely by the intention of the shooter, and not by the "power of powder gases."

Dreaming, on the other hand, is a way to visit various dream worlds, and, simply speaking, a way to add to your active, conscious life that third of it that people usually “uselessly” spend under the covers. Isn't it sad - to live a piece of life in a dream, and then wake up, completely forget all your impressions, lose all the experience gained there?

In witchcraft, mastering the art of dreaming has its own practical significance - through it, both the impact on a person and the receipt of the necessary information about something in the so-called real world are carried out.

In short, in magic, a dream is not perceived as "some unrelated to reality chemical reactions brain”, it has been established by practical means that this is a more than significant part of life.

dream gate

The Gates of Dreaming are "energy levels" of personal power, upon reaching which qualitatively new possibilities of perception and awareness are acquired. This is reflected in the "quality" of the dream, in the worlds visited in the dream, and can be tracked by the specific actions that become available in the dream.

The first Gates of Dreaming are achieved when it is possible to control the process of falling asleep so much that the transition into a dream becomes conscious, or “surprisingly realistic” dreams occur (the so-called Lucid Dreams - Lucid Dreams), provided that there is an understanding in them that at the moment you are in a dream.

They pass when it is possible to keep in mind a sufficient part of the environment in the dream, switch attention from object to object without violating the integrity of the picture and without falling into a state of ordinary, uncontrolled (unconscious) sleep. At this stage, thanks to the setting of the dream, the "dreaming place" no longer spontaneously transforms, and allows itself to be explored in the same way as it is done "in reality", when you find yourself in an unfamiliar place and begin to study the surrounding space.

The Second Gate of Dreaming is achieved when one acquires the ability to switch from one dream to another without losing the continuity of consciousness - one “wakes up” from an old dream to a new one, or passes into it by focusing attention on some object of the first dream. You can “switch” from one dream to another spontaneously - just by going through some “portals”, you find that when you go out the door, when you return, you find yourself in a completely different “world” - not the one from which you left when you left.

They pass when the ability is acquired consciously, and in accordance with one’s intention to receive a “dream within a dream” - falling asleep in the 1st, seeing a dream inside it, and becoming aware of oneself in it, just as awareness was dragged into a dream at stage 1st gate.

The third Gate of Dreaming is reached at the moment when in your dream you find yourself sleeping in your bed (that is, you dream of the very place in which you lay down to sleep at the very time when you sleep). In other words, the time in a dream is synchronized with the time in the waking world.

They pass when, having found your sleeping body in a dream, you can continue your journey inside this dream (that is, the one in which your sleeping body lies).

At this stage, the process of connecting the "dream reality" with the "everyday reality" begins.

Fourth Gate of Dreaming - at this stage, the dream body can move to specific places in the everyday (so-called "real") world, the dream world, or the world that exists only in the intention of someone else (or in the intention of the dreamer). A special case is to get into the dream of another dreamer up to the actions coordinated with him within such a “common” dream.

4. Erasing personal history

Through the erasure of personal history, the "traces" left in the world are removed, making oneself inaccessible in the sense of freeing oneself from the traps of someone else's attention. This event contributes to the elimination of self-importance, self-pity from your world.

Man is connected with the world and society by thousands of threads. As a rule, a person has many attachments - to people, memories, some kind of social connection. The destruction of attachments to the outside world, the achievement of inaccessibility frees from the trap of someone else's attention. It is also a good remedy for self-pity, which manifests itself in the form of the "poor baby" syndrome.

It is usually practiced using the following methods:

Reexperience and recapitulation (Recaritulation)

In the process of interaction with the outside world, a person constantly exchanges his power with it - releasing his own into it, and replacing it with an external one. Gradually, he is filled with a "foreign" force, and thanks to this, he becomes attached to the world around him, becomes his debtor. Thus, he loses his freedom of choice, gets involved in various social and other activities not of his own free will, but as a result of his binding, “duty”. In this phenomenon, among other things, the energy cause of the so-called karma is rooted ...

However, this entire aggregate interchange of power consists of quite specific, discrete episodes - the whole life can be represented by a sequence of episodes, in each of which there was an exchange of power not with the "world in general", but with its individual representatives. This phenomenon was noted, and on the basis of this observation, many techniques were developed to return one's own strength to oneself, and that taken from the world to the world. The essence of these techniques is that in one way or another it is required to remember an episode that happened in life (which can be completely ousted from memory by that time) that significantly changed the further course of life, which caused the formation of mental complexes, phobias and other things. Remembering, "pulling out of memory" the cause of the complex - you can try to do something with it, rethink, change your attitude to what happened and "free yourself" from the influence of this disgrace.

In general, such "remembering" techniques can be called "reexperiencing techniques", and they, in various variations, are used not only in magical, but also in various religious, scientific and other areas, for example, in psychotherapy, Dianetics and NLP.

The specificity of re-experiencing as a magical practice is that the main attention is paid not to the situational features of the recalled episodes, not to the emotional mood during past events, but to the energy component of all contacts with the outside world. That is, re-experiencing is aimed not just at “liberation from complexes”, and that “what prevents you from being a happy person”, but at:

Restoration, return of that personal power that was thrown into the world in the process of life and captured by it;

Liberation of oneself from the alien force captured from the world.

The first, cumulative role of this technique is important because without the accumulation of a certain amount of free personal power, most other magical practices will not bring results: dreams will not be available, and re-experiencing in more advanced forms will be difficult. Free personal power is necessary both for controlling attention and for the whole complex of magical practices. So the “accumulative” role of re-experiencing is of course important, but the practice of re-experiencing is not limited to accumulation.

The second role - "liberating" is of no less importance - extracting from your being a "foreign" force - you also endure the elements of binding, a kind of "agents" that have infiltrated inside. At a primitive level, this can be illustrated by a purely material example - if you borrowed money from someone, then you already lose part of the objectivity of the perception of the creditor, you already limit yourself in freedom of action in relation to the "benefactor". It is precisely in the question of “debts and attachments” that the phenomenon of “karmic retribution” lurks, or rather, energy interchange serves as the active principle of the so-called. karma... and in this sense, reexperiencing can give the effect of "working off karmic debts." Roughly speaking, "karmic debt" is the result of borrowing someone else's strength at interest, with the need to repay debts. It seems to be free - but no, it really sucks you into a debt hole. So, figuratively speaking, re-living makes it possible to repay debts without waiting until too high interest has grown on them.

Another specific detail of re-experiencing is that special attention is paid not to a single episode, an event in life, but to the persons with whom he contacted. It is noted that most of the personal power, wasted and “interchangeable” in life, is involved in interpersonal interactions, and not contacts such as person-collective, or person-situation. Therefore, the technique of reexperiencing is based primarily on recapitulation of one's contacts with people and other persons. Moreover, this “personal-oriented” approach allows not only to expel an alien force “into the atmosphere” from oneself, but to return it directly to the creature from which it was absorbed into oneself. It is important! The idea of ​​returning to the world of power is not new - all kinds of creativity work in this vein ... they say to pour something out of oneself into the world (sometimes perceived as one's own), "to give without demanding anything in return." But such a technique works ambiguously - firstly, if “not one’s own” was really released during the ejection, then it does not return to its place at all, but replenishes the “soup” from which resources are replenished, including the “ejector” itself, in secondly, personal strength is often thrown away. As a result, the “man of creativity”, having made a generous outburst, provokes a similar outburst of strength from the crowd of admirers of his talent, and is overwhelmed by someone else’s strength to such an extent that he literally becomes a slave to the public. The difference between the practice of reexperiencing and many techniques similar in execution or motivation lies in the fact that if the force returns to the world, then it is addressed, and if the force is extracted from the world, then it is its own ... that was previously released into it.

In addition to the main tasks, through re-experiencing, side ones are also solved - by re-watching some episodes, or even just at the preparatory stages of re-experiencing - you activate stalking, you learn to see in your past behavior all sorts of self-indulgence, manifestations of the "poor kid" syndrome, illustrations of the theme of CSF, indulgence , building a personal history, that is, the practice of reexperiencing contributes to the success of all magical practices without exception.

However, all of the above are tactical tasks of reexperiencing, but there is also one strategic one! Here the topic is touched upon, which in various "Eastern" teachings is formulated as the idea of ​​liberation, and there appears as a "maximum task, the goal of many incarnations."

While variations on the theme of reliving are quite common, reliving as a magical practice has a number of significant features.

Technically, re-experiencing can be reduced to a return to the past, and, as it were, re-experiencing one or another life episode. This does not mean either a “speculative” recollection, a listing of some moments, or a “reminiscence” about something long gone with nostalgic moods, or a “retrospective analysis” in the style of “but now, if I were in my place, I would do this , and not like that ... or if I didn’t then, then now I wouldn’t run into something, ”here we are talking about returning to that moment, and to that state of my own, which was inherent in the reproduced age , place and time. In terms of the assemblage point, this is analogous to shifting the TS to the position in which it was at the moment of living the episode being restored, which allows you to return your own power released in that episode and return someone else's to its place with the help of additional tricks. Without synchronization of the vehicle with the moment being processed, the exchange of power will be very difficult.

In this sense, re-experiencing differs from re-reviewing - one of the possible preparatory stages of this technique - being in the re-experiencing episode, you remember what was in your memory at the moment being studied ... that is, you do not try to “remember the details of that day”, but you are under the impression of the events around pulled episode. This effect is also useful for recapitulation, since it allows you to catch other energy-important episodes that are not remembered from the current, today's memory.

Further, additional emotional involvement in re-experiencing moments is not required, the one that was involved in those times will suffice. Here the task is to trace, "calculate" the very mechanism of giving away one's strength and replenishing it at the expense of others, and immediately carry out the reverse process. How exactly to take and give power depends on the specific technique chosen, but in the matter of choice, one should be guided neither by someone's authority, nor by someone's favorable reviews, but by one's own intuition, experience and skill.

Another distinguishing feature of this practice is that, unlike recapitulation mixed with re-experiencing, it can lead to those episodes of life that were generally forced out of consciousness, "erased from life", not included in personal history. Recapitulation is thus used not only as a preparation, but as a parallel course. Having caught some moment repressed from memory, you should include it in the recapitulation list.

Ultimately, this technique involves “pulling out” from the back streets of the subconscious not only moments that are given some special importance for the current course of events, such as the roots of “complexes” and everything that you just wanted to forget as soon as possible in the course of life, but and in general a complete log of all the events of life, all meetings and acquaintances, all their relationships with other persons, in the course of which an exchange of power inevitably took place. In other words, it is proposed not just to reconsider your life in order to get rid of the complexes that took place at one time, which gave rise to the specifics of the current selective perception of the world (which is useful in itself, and is used in psychoanalysis, Dianetics and NLP), but how to live it again, more consciously , without the evaluative perception typical of past moments.

The termination of "schematic" behavior

The cessation of "schematic" behavior is the elimination of habits. Habits are what allow death to hunt us down. Like a hunter, knowing the habits of his game, he knows where to lie in wait for prey.

Behavior patterns are determined, as a rule, by social programming, the presence of a personal history and are a means of maintaining it. Thus, the destruction of ordinary habits is a non-making of personal history and a way to remain inaccessible in the world.

Taking responsibility

It involves taking responsibility for all one's own actions instead of wasting energy on searching for supposedly objective reasons that allegedly forced one or another action (that is, indulgence) to take (or not to take) certain actions.

Acceptance of responsibility for each of your actions committed in this world, the rejection of all regrets about its commission and the detached acceptance of any of its consequences; refusal of any excuses and self-justifications for any reason.

This technique is put in opposition to the inherent policy of not taking responsibility for oneself, who prefers to pretend to take on someone else's responsibility.

5. Stalking

1. Fixing the TS in the current position, providing a stable perception of the world, specific to this particular position of the TS.

2. The practice of "tracking yourself" in all states of consciousness, whether in "daily life", in a dream, or anywhere else.

By and large, a person consists of his habits, and his daily activities are made up of a sequence of unconsciously scrolling habit programs. For example, in the morning I got up from my bed, put on slippers, went to the toilet ... then the day continues, consisting of pieces, as of parts children's constructor. During all this violent activity, the awareness of actions is practically absent - everything goes “mechanically”, and it turns out that a person does not so much live as “lives”. Periodic falling out of the sequence, when “something is happening” awakens awareness, and the need to realize what is happening is perceived as hard work, tiresome, frightening, spoils the mood. Since there is no “experience of conscious living” inherent in those types who turn their lives into continuous stalking, then all kinds of “overloads” happen, and moreover, there are much more “dangerous surprises” in life than in the case of a more Mindful Existence. Therefore, in the initial stages of stalking, in order to understand what kind of practice it is, it is recommended to start with “pushing habits”. For example, set yourself the task of understanding such “insignificant issues”, such as which foot you get out of bed with, in what sequence you usually wash, put on shoes, tie shoelaces and other purely everyday phenomena. Such an exercise disciplines attention, which will allow in the future to “push apart” much more complex and sophisticated patterns of behavior.

Another "exercise" from the practice of stalking is the formation of "fake habits", or not doing patterns of behavior. To do this, you should come up with some obligatory, but completely useless and impractical ritual, for example, when entering a certain room, turn over a vase standing in a certain place, or move the key from one carnation to another, or utter a spell specially created for this case, accompanied by some special gesture. Then you should strictly perform this ritual, without dedicating anyone to the meaning of your action, without making the performance of this ritual dependent on any circumstances or the reaction of others. One should consciously attach Great Importance to this ritual! - this is another aspect of stalking, called controlled stupidity.

Of course, at first all this will not work out - either “I forgot”, then something distracted (TOVED your attention), indulgence will work, giving an excuse for your “forgetfulness”, weakness, or something else that allegedly did not allow you to do the job .. However, stalking is stalking, and you should carefully record all these distracting moments, catch yourself in the same indulgence, fix WHAT and HOW managed to capture attention at this crucial moment.

However, any, even the most artificial habit, is a double-edged sword, and the created ritual tends to turn from a ritual into a vulgar habit ... in fact, many quite meaningful rituals have turned into all sorts of "omens", superstitions and so on. Therefore, this transition should be clearly noted, and as soon as your Ritual begins to acquire signs of an action performed automatically, you can safely stop it and do something else.

After the successful completion of such an event, having traced in oneself a lot of mechanisms that control human behavior, it will become quite easy to discover in one’s life such “details of a behavioral constructor”, one’s own “autoresponders” - when, in response to a household spell heard, a predictable answer follows, and you can start picking in itself the "body" of these programs, making them inoperable.

Here you can apply another entertaining stalking technique - to subject the habit (program, scheme) to Ritual Analysis. Namely, the already formed habit to give the status of a Ritual, always and everywhere performed consciously, with full awareness of the Importance of this matter. Next - to do everything that is part of the now Important Ritual in the same way as it was in the case of not doing the habit ... as a result, you become not a slave, but the master of your habits, and you have the opportunity to create habits for yourself with equal ease, and remove them from your life.

So, in practice, there appears a certain universal, albeit purely individual technique for detecting habits, “bindings”, studying their mechanism of work and painlessly turning them off. How is it usually? In a human way, habits from the list of "bad" are supposed to Fight! That is, whatever one may say, but to invest new forces in them, which only exacerbates the state of affairs. Of course, you can successfully Quit Smoking, putting a lot of effort, time, nerves, health into this struggle ... or you can eliminate the LINK to smoking, then it will be completely unimportant - to smoke or not to smoke, it will not be unpleasant to be in a smoky room (this will not inspire you to the idea to immediately smoke because this "urge" has already been calculated and has no power). Here, by the way, is the requested “practical benefit” - the answer to the human question “why is this needed?”.

However, stalking is impossible without the Discipline of Attention, just as this discipline itself is developed in the process of stalking. Without owning your ATTENTION, there is no way to break out of the ordinary .... Attention is such a tricky thing that if you don’t own it yourself, then someone else will surely take possession of it, and now attention itself owns its nominal owner. This is what happens in ordinary human life - people, in principle, do not choose what to pay attention to, and what not. Their attention is captured by the same TV that dictates all sorts of "news" and sensations, transferring people's attention to quite specific topics. Due to the inability of people to consciously manage their attention, such things as social programming and other zombies become possible. Moreover, many witchcraft methods of influencing people are based on the conscious manipulation of their attention, forcing them to see what is needed, to believe in what is needed, and as a result, to act in the direction necessary for the manipulating.

Controlled (managed) stupidity

Since a man of knowledge sees and knows that there is nothing that would be more important than something else, he does not motivate his selectivity in actions by the importance of this or that action. It's a matter of controlled stupidity - acting like it matters.

The man of knowledge "sees" and knows that there is not one thing that is more important than any other thing; he only has his controlled stupidity and acts without expectation of the result by practicing controlled stupidity. In other words, controlled stupidity is not doing everyday routine behavior in a social environment; it does not matter at all whether the practitioner sees it or not.

Using "Petty Tyrants"

Using "enemies and tormentors" to your advantage. In other words, use marginal situations not as a reason to cry and indulge, but as an opportunity for the practice of stalking. The so-called "petty tyrants" have an extremely useful ability to quickly find your weakest points, where, consciously or not, they quickly strike. Moreover, the real, classic "petty tyrants" pose a real threat to the life of the practitioner, which puts him in very harsh conditions in which it is impossible to "open the mitten". Such harsh conditions already discipline the client by themselves, giving him little chance to indulge with impunity, indulge in pity for his own person. This property of them allows in a relatively short period of time to detect those of their “holes” through which the bulk of personal power is leaking, and if found, to quickly eliminate such leaks. First of all, the use of "petty tyrants" is valuable for recognizing manifestations of a sense of self-importance, which is very good at hiding from its master. So "petty tyrants" is a very useful thing.

Using Death as an "Observer"

Treat every action as if it were your last battle. It doesn't matter if you win or lose this battle, you don't give up. This replaces the usual "adviser", which is self-pity. In the face of Death, it is clear that there is no thing that would be more important than another thing.

The greatest hunter in this world is Death. She can pat anyone on the shoulder at any moment. Therefore, the most reasonable course of action is to approach each act as the last battle. It doesn't matter if you win or lose - you will never lose yourself, even in the face of Death. Death should be your advisor instead of self-pity. Actions prompted by Death as an adviser are full of power.