Sacred grass of Druids 5 letters. Mystical plants Druidov

Mystical plants Druidov

Mystical plants Druidov
Magic played an important role in the culture of ancient Celts. Celtic priests, druids, created a powerful and authoritative organization in politically, which did not have analogues in religious systems, nor ancient or new time. Druids among the first ordered knowledge about healing plants - training in their schools took 20 years.
Druid-mighty Mages of the West. According to the researchers, they appeared in Britain together with Celtic tribes and soon became the most influential priesthood in the country. Their power over people was infinite and did not challenge anyone.
There were even cases when two opposing armies were told weapons by will dressed in a white druid. No important event began without the help or assistance of these priests, who were considered to be intermediaries between the gods and people. For several centuries, they were powerful power. And even after Christianity penetrates into the country in the third century, they still remain priests, judges, doctors and mentors, and in particular, they teach the royal sons and grandchildren.
The origin of the word Druid is still not known. Some believe that it comes from Irish Druie, which means people of oak trees, the oak was particularly revered by a tree in Druids, Divine Tree, so the priests were made contact with the gods. Others take this word to Galli Druidh, which means a sage or a wizard.
There was a lot of guessing about whether Druids had secret wisdom. Their doctrine was transmitted orally and never recorded. And although in the ancient literature many references about the druids, information about them is quite scarce. The most complete description gives Julius Caesar in the notes about the Gallic War: + Druids are most trying to strengthen the belief in the immortality of the souls: the soul, according to their teaching, passes by the death of one body to another + in addition, they tell their disciples about the luminaires and their movement , about the greatness of peace and land, about nature and the power of the immortal gods +.
According to those who came to us, a few sources are known that the druids constituted a well-organized corporation, the center of which was a carnutum.
One of the main rites of the cult was the bloody sacrifices. The priests predicted the future on the observation of natural phenomena, but mainly by human victims, based on the blood flowed from a variety of infused wounds. Druids also predicted future events on the flight of birds, white horses, water movement. They believed that they could influence the fate of a person, determining the days of the start of the enterprise.
Probably, with time, Druids softened their customs. Later the authors emphasize their wisdom, the ability to learn and heal. Their magical power is no longer so bloodthirsty of human sacrifices: they impose a spell, predict the future and lead the ritual side of the life of the entire people, without requiring blood. To establish that the pagan priests did in reality, it is extremely difficult, since Christian concepts and ideas were layered on information about them.
Druids worshiped them surrounding them: stones, water sources, trees. Special venerations used oak and mistletoe, which from time immemorial was in Europe an object of superstitious worship. Pliny wrote:
In the eyes of Druidov, so halles call their cockpit - there is nothing sacter than the mistletoe and the tree, on which it grows, if, of course, is oak. In addition, their sacred groves are invariably considered to be a dubble, and no sacred rite passes without oak leaves + according to their beliefs, everything growing on the oak is a gift from heaven, a sign that such a tree is elected by God himself.
Meets here, the mistletoe is extremely rare, and tear it in such cases in compliance with complex rituals. At the end of preparations for sacrifice and feast under the tree, they turn to the oak, as a universal healer, with a greeting, and bring two white bulls to him, which they never tied up for the horns. The priest in a white robe climbs on a tree and cutting off the mistletter with a sickle, puts it on a piece of white cloth. Then the bulls bring sacrificing and pray God not to deprive the mercy of those whom he has already sent his blessed gifts. They believe that the drug from the mistletoe of Dotol is fruitless animals bring the range, and that mistletoe is a faithful tool against any poison.
Many druid rites were associated with astronomical phenomena. So, the great periods of dedication occurred every quarter of the year and were determined by the movement of the Sun, when it reached the point of equinox (autumn and spring) and solstice (winter and summer).
Another sacred plant of Druidov-Verbena, especially the worship for the similarity with the oak, it is like its reduced copy. It is best to collect her blessing nights when Sirius is boiled in the constellation of a large dog. Verbena in the house brought happiness and wealth. Drugs from this grass can reconcile enemies, drive away spirits, cause a dark flame of love. Druids collected her before sunrise, standing on the field covered with dew. And if Verbena was collected in full moon, she acquired a property to quarre people. If you put such verben to spouses, they will certainly disperse.
The clover was also revered by Druidians, found four-leaf clover promotes good luck and now. The clover had a symbolic sense-pets of him three, they personify the triads of the gods. Druids considered the number 3 magic, they have 3 triads of the gods.
According to Celtic mythology, the gods created people from trees. As trees differ and demand for the growth of special living conditions and people differ in character and habits. Druids worshiped almost all trees, they drew their magical forces from the forest, there were sacred groves, where mysterious rites were held, and an ordinary person, not a priest, could not enter such a grove, otherwise he would defile it with his presence.
Now the horoscope of Druids is popular, it resembles a zodiacal, but instead of signs there are trees. For example, if you were born on July 11, the fir, quotation from the site: "It applies to work seriously and reaches certain heights in good faith and scrupulsiness. The choice among various solutions is usually elected the most difficult. Creating difficult situations for yourself and others - that's, Actually, her vocation. Noble, whatever happens - you can rely on it entirely. In any situation, it is able to lose the presence of the spirit, hope and faith. Fir is above the little things. She picks up and small pleasures prefers satisfaction in the big one. Damage born under the fir sign : Intellectual mindset, tendency to analysis, reflection, logic, asceticism. "
Separate trees are appropriate for solstice and equinoxes: oak, birch, olives and beech.
Cypress, linden, ash, poplar, alder, birch, rowan, oak, euzin, walnut, nut, apple tree, elm, tees, figs- all these are magical trees of druids, they symbolize something. Take, for example, Olhu. It is f (fearn), the letter of the Celtic alphabet. It is dedicated to God to Branch, the keeper of the rebirth boiler. If you have a whistle made from alder, you can cause the wind.
Druids many years ago knew all the features of herbs, some of whom seem to be strange to us, the healing was closely connected with the cult.

Sacred Grass Verbena is sometimes called pigeon herbs. Galls used it, mainly to predict the future. A lot of legends were made about this plant - magicians say that if a person is shot by Verbena, then all his intimate. With the help of herb, Verbena can make new friends, get rid of fever and generally heal from many diseases.

To verbena gets a magical force, it is required to collect at twilight in such a way that no one has seen. Earth instead you need to offer a certain deposit - usually honeycombs with honey. Collect such a plant, like herd Verben, should be left hand. For this grass was as sacred as my mistletoe. Verbena can be knocked out and worn in Laneank as a guard from the effects of dark forces.

The plant of ninexil can be used as a guide. He was followed on the eve of Ivanov of the day before the sun would go. Torn grass needed for nine days to wear with the heart, wrapped it into a thin canvas. Then the plant of ninexil is needed to be confused into powder together with amber, gray and rising incense and sprinkle on a bouquet, which will be presented with his beloved.

Nettle can give a man bravery - for this you need to wear a plant with you. Nettle helps to determine, recovers the patient or die. It should be put on a day in a fresh urine of the patient - if the plant remains as long as green, then the patient will take an amendment.

A resin from the Mirra tree is used in medicinal purposes. It helps to clean the blood strengthens the heart, stops bleeding. In addition, Mirra helps strengthen the stomach. The resin is usually used in combination with gods such as saffron or aloe.

Oak's mistletoe - widespread druids for all sorts of rites. Druids collected a mistletal with large christmas ceremonies at a special hour, which was determined by astronomical calculations. It was believed that then Oak's mistletoe berries received the power to heal all sorts of diseases. Even the most hopeless patient, tasted such berries, quickly recovered.

Aspen (tree) - first means. It is also used in the folk healing of diseases such as paralysis and fever. According to legend, Judas I Isquariot, betrayed Christ for 11 silver coins, was helpful. Since then, the plant has become strength against the discontinuities of the vampires and island, as well as against the cases of sorcerers.

Black fern in magical ceremonies

Collect this plant should be directly under The day of Ivan. For popular beliefs, the fern black has power over the unclean power, and gives his owner with the ability to find treasures. To find gold, hidden in the ground, should drop the plant up - if the treasure is buried in this place, the fern will turn over the ground like a star, and where it falls there and should dig.

If you bring a fern black to the house, then lightning will never hit the housing. It is also considered that this plant drives out, and the stalk of the fern, torn at noon on the eve of Ivan Kupala, will make his owner happy in the game. If wearing a plant on the body, then you can get protected from evil spirits, damage and cases of sorcerers.

Before digging the fern black, it is necessary to put on the ground from four sides silver items, as well as pronounce a conspiracy: "Lord, have a lot and bless your slave (the name of the rivers) and this kind of good grass ... How doesn't have the heart of grass so that and I will not get enemies to my heart. Ukripi my spirit, God, and the heart is cleanly created in me. " Minimal fern can be used as.

KYPREJ VRBICE (Lythrum Salicaria) If you place it in the corners of each room will bring you peace and harmony. Oshness (Corylus Srr.) Sacred Druid Tree. Wands of this tree symbolize white magic and healing. Thinks shape branches are used to search for water or treasure. If you are on the street and need a quick magic assistance, make the diploma of branches throughout the circle. To get the help of supernatural creatures from Roslin, fix the ticket naika to the string and hang them at home or indoors where you train rituals.

more Lopha (Arctium Lappa) Throw a handful of plant in a bucket with water, you must wash the floor. Wards from negative impacts cleans and protects. Majorant Garden (Majarana souls) Decoration, mint and rosemary are ROZT? IKUJE throughout the house to protect. It works in the same way for each subject.

Woodraff (Asperula Odorata) Sacred Grass of Druids, which was obtained by drying the smell. Wear a Woodraff twig, if you want your life to change, and you won. Add it to Beltene to wine as a symbol for eliminating obstacles. Mint Pepper (Mentha Piperita), Mint (Mentha Ribbed) Druids Sacred Grass. Dried mint is Vycp? Vaj? Parts are designed for magical operations regarding healing and love. When the disinfection chamber is added to the mixture cleans the house or ritual space. Moss Irish (Chornus Cryp), also known as Karrageenan or Icelandic Moss. This grass helps to achieve and maintain a stable income. If you make figures for happiness or money, it is moss. Fire on moss with fragrant ingredients in magic for good luck and money. Sprinkle a little in his wallet or shirt pocket to keep your money. Marigold (Calandula Medicinal) Sacred Roslin Druids. Marigold water makes flowers. When you are tereter her eyelids, it will help you to see supernatural creatures. Flowers, which are added to the pillow or pad, calling for a clairvoyant dream. Solar fish (Botrychium Lunaria), also known as sparkles or mirrors. Bubbles in love with a young sickle and use V? J ?? Kovit? Leaves. If you give a piece to m? Si? Nice medallion with the image of your loved one, your love will confirm. Natrestyanki (Digitalis purple) is toxic. This is a sacred plant of druids, which was associated with supernatural beings and elves. Alder (alder adhesive) Posav? TN? Druids tree. Alder bark is easily peeling. Fresh branches of alder how whistles to do. Several cortex pipes carefully download with young shoots that are connected to each other at one end and closed tree wax blocks, clay or seals can be used to cause air elemental. Whistle to reduce No, you can make the necessary tones. According to the old superstitions whistle winds are manit. Nuts and cones. Were sacred for druids. Magic is very used. Small cones or acorns often forms the upper poles of priests. All nuts are used in fertility magic. Chernobyl wormwood (ordinary artemisia) sacred trees of grass. Sutter the fresh crystal ball of grass and magic mirrors to increase their power. Grass is the most successful if she is collected under the full moon. Let the 80 grams of Chernobyl wines in a bottle of wine for 7 days, start a new moon. Then strain and drink drinks in small doses to get the ability to predict and be able to read a crystal ball. If collected on the day of the summer solstice, it is suitable as grass for good luck.

Druids were used: incense and elderberry oils with a protective action, and the pagans, and in Christians were used to bless children. They were also put in the funeral fire to protect the deceased.

Buzin was used in ancient British burial rites; It is connected with the mother's goddess. Inside the plant live perfumes, fairies, so it is when breaking bleeding.

Magical use: elderberry - a very friendly plant with a big spiritual and protective force. If you once try the berries of elderber, it will become a close friend for you. Even just take a walk under eases, it will take you under your defense.
The plant is sometimes referred to as Mother Buzin: the garden in which the elder is growing, blessed. Buzina will protect from the impact of lightning, disease, will help in predictions. Since the elder radiates very strong spiritual energy, it will increase even the weakest desire: be careful by passing by her. Next to the blooming tree is very good to do magic.

When collecting berries, try not to hurt the elder, so as not to bring the misfortune. Egoists do not need to collect berries at all: the elder of such people does not like and will certainly punish. The leaves are collected in the middle of summer, in the morning, when the dew dries. Taking wood, be sure to say: "Mrs. Buzina, give me your tree, and I will give you my own when it grows up in the forest." If the heart is purely from evil thoughts, and all posts and necessary preparations are met, you can see the spirits of trees - drig, spending the night in the grove of elderly.

A buzzal cane protects and protects the traveler from hazardous beasts and evil spirits. When wearing eases, protects against any attacks. Hang her above the door - and evil will not enter the house. Buzin also has a force to neutralize the spells of black magicians. To sanctify a person, a thing or place - throw the leaves or berries of elders directly above the object.

Place the berries under the pillow if you have sleeping problems. Wear a plant to protect against temptations for any interest. The elder is not recommended to dig up, tortured, as this can lead to the death of man, misfortunes and diseases, as well as to the pelvic of livestock.

Plants in magic

During cash rituals, put the bunch of grapes on a writing desk.
- The soul symbol is used in monetary affirmations and put in bags.
- The pea image brings good luck and success in business, and the pea are used in monetary wishes.
- The image of mint leaves should be bright green. Put it in the wallet, wallet or to the place where you once lay money.
- Figure tea leaves need to burn on a white candle to gain future wealth. With the same purpose it is useful to put it in a casual bag. You can not bother with drawing plants, and cut the image of a sheet from a tea pack of your favorite tea variety.
- Drawing sorrel twist into the tube and make this metaphorical magic wand of the rite of cleaning office.

Magical properties of wormwood-Chernobyl

Bath, which is added to wormwood, will clean up from any evil. Burning wormwood rings evil forces, protects the house, friends, will help magical concentration. The plant is used in predictions, useful in healing.

To gain strength during a long walk or jog, impose a leaf of wormwood into shoes. The pillow, packed by wormwood, will cause a sleeping dreaming on it. The wormworm is burned together with sandalwood or with a wormwood bitter during the ritual of the awakening of the mental strength. The infusion of wormwood with honey drink in front of predictions. But what is important to us directly for us: the wormwood has a strong connection with a crystal ball and a magic mirror: the infusion of the plant is used for their ablution. For successful work, the leaves are barely put around the magic mirror or under it. In accordance with an ancient tradition, the Chernomist is useful to carry with me: In this case, you will not squeeze poison, do not attack wild animals, do not get a sunnd.

Wormwood does not allow evil spirits and elves. In China, for this purpose, the plant is suspended above the door. In Japan, the sorcerers use a beam of wormwood for disease spell of the disease; It is believed that these spirits are afraid of the smell of the Chernobyl. Wormwood wear with them to protect against back pain and other diseases, from madness. They also wear it in order to cause passion, strengthen the potency. Amulets from wormwood will protect lovers during trips from all troubles and will contribute to a safe return. Wormwood, laid next to the bed, will help with astral projection. Oil oil is used to consecrate crystal balls, prisms, magic mirrors and other predictive tools, especially made of silver. Burning or thrown into the cauldron will protect the house from the storms and lightning, protects the children being in the house.

When should the plant be collected? Collect wormwoods need after mid-summer. Prepare not very strong infusion. Carefully wipe the mirror with a clean rag, making circular rotational movements. Adepts of various denominations - Christians, Buddhists, Hindus - can be signed with the daily mantra or prayer. Chernobor attracts the power of the moon to the magic glass and helps it fully realize.

Air Bolotnaya

Ritual use: used in rituals associated with an increase in its strength. On the holiday of the Trinity, Fraily leaves of Aira cast floors in the houses, yards.

Magical use: Inchorated in Powder, rhizome is used in healing incense: it is worn in a handbag for healing diseases. Small pieces of rhizomes, unfolded in the corners of the kitchen, will get rid of poverty and hunger. Airior root, grown in the garden, brings good luck to the gardener.

Ritual use: IIVA was used in worships dedicated to different gods, especially Venus. Quince quince is a symbol of fertility and marriage. In Greece, Quince symbolizes fertility, as well as the food of newlyweds: the apple of Dionysus dedicated to Venus is known.

Magical use: Carry a quince with me - it will protect against accidents, injuries, evil. In ancient Rome, married couples divided the fruit of quince for happiness. Suggest quince by your beloved to strengthen loyalty. Pregnant women are recommended to eat quince to the future child to be smart.

Aloe tree

Ritual use: The plant was used for embalming purposes, as it was protected from rotting. Aloe means, on the one hand, bitterness, and on the other, - honesty and wisdom.

Magical use: Aloe, including room, protects against bad effects, protects the home focus from unpleasant incidents, brings good luck to the house. To gain love, scatter the ashes of the plant in front of the house.

Ritual use: in ancient Egypt, Greece, in Crete prepared a cleansing liquor. Anise harness to strengthen Voodoo forces.

Magical use: Anise seeds can be filled with a small pillowcase and sleep on such a pillow - it will get rid of nightmares. Together with the leaves of laurels, seeds are used in cleansing baths. You can use anise in protective and meditational formation. Anis takes a bad eye; It is used to cause spiritual spirit that help in magical operations. Fresh Anis leaves, put in the room, expel evil spirits. Sometimes they are put near the magic circle to protect against unclean. Anise branches overwhelmed over the loss of youth.
If you have family problems or you are aiming to keep love, which threatens, put in the pocket of casual clothes Flannel pussy with Anis seeds. With those who in his hand will be clamped Anis, the seizure will never happen.


Ritual use: White flowers of wood, as well as artificial flowers of this species called Flördrange are the affiliation of the bride's wedding dress. He symbolizes innocence.
In China, the orange is considered a fruit that brings happiness, which, according to custom, is eaten on the second day of the New Year holiday. The image of two oranges, two fish in the basket means the wish of happiness every year. Orange symbolizes fertility, take an orange in hand - it means to get the fruit of love, sunny and perfect.
In Christianity, orange - a symbol of purity, chastity and generosity.

Magical use: dried skin and grains are worn in ladies to attract love, and flowers - to gain happiness in marriage. Dried or live flowers are put in Van, if they want to become more attractive. When we eat orange, make a question and count the grains: the odd number of them is the answer "yes", even - "no". Peeling is used by powder and potions designed to improve well-being. Juice juice replaces wine in rituals, added to love potions and baths. Orange lovers are considered aristocrats in the shower.

Basil scented (garden)

Ritual use: Basil is used in exorcizm and clean baths. The plant is also used in the spells of the goddess Ertsulis, which helps in love affairs.

Magical use: The smell of fresh basil causes sympathy between two people, so the plant is used to create a certain mood when communicating lovers. Basil add to love potions, wear in the lands, rub the skin with leaves to attract love. The young man loves the girl, from whose hands he will receive a branch of the basil. If you doubt the sincerity of the words about love, make a powder made of dry leaves of the Basilica and scream it over the body (especially above the heart area), when your friend or friend sleeps - and your relationship will be sincere.
Basil is used in love fortune telling. Put two fresh basil leaf on glowing coal. If both of them quickly turn into ashes - your relationship with your loved one, your marriage will be harmonious. If the leaves have shuffled, the lush life will be full of quarrels. And if the sheet, heavily crackling, flies - the alleged relationship is undesirable.
Do you want to know about someone's chastity or breakfast? Just put a branch of fresh basil on his hand. On the hand of the liberter, the branch immediately bursts.
Basil will bring health to someone who wears him in their pockets. Basil, presented as a gift for a housewarming, will bring good luck to a new home. If a dry basil sprinkle the floor, there will be no evil in the house. To protect the house in each room, you can put a little basil. Basil is used to protect and sellers in stores: they put it next to the cash register or on the threshold.


Ritual use: Berries were used in death rituals; They have a strong connection with the funeral.

Magical use: Put a few berries for the threshold - and no one will encroacitate your wealth, and the uninvited guest will not enter the house.
in a mental attack it is useful to make a lifting cake and eat it; This will protect you from the inside.

Ritual use: in ancient Rome Verbeno called all altar herbs. The ministers used Verbenus to purify the Jupiter's altar. Borrowings were made from Verbena, which were swept away altari.
In accordance with the tradition, the daughters of Druidov, when initiating, the crowns were put on, in which Verbena was present - it was a sign of the title.
Verben was carried by ambassadors sent for negotiations with the enemy. Galla used Verbien to predict the future.

Magical use: traditionally Verben is collected in the middle of summer - but this condition is not necessary. Verbena is part of love potions. The crown of Verbena protects the magician during the cause of spirits. Any part of the plant can be worn as a personal amulet. Verbena, located in the house, will protect against lightning and storms.

Sprinkled in the house infusion will be angry with evil spirits and hostile forces. Verbena is added to the wands of exorcism, used in cleansing baths and handbags.

The dried grass is scattered around the house as a peacemaker: it can also be worn to calm down.
Verbena is used in cash rites and prosperity rituals. If the plant is lit in the garden or just keep at home, wealth will come to the house.

Wearing a plant can extend the youth. To get rid of bad dreams, place the Verbane in the bed, hang around the neck or drink an infusion at night.
If Verbena put in a children's cradle, the child will grow happy and curious.

The juice of the plant, grated into the body, will learn to know the future, will help you to fulfill the desires, turn your enemies to friends, protects from all the spell. The combined plant will save from annoying harassment.

Ritual use: Heather is used to spell ghosts.

Magical use: if you wear a heather with you (best white), he will bring you good luck, protects against rape and other crimes. Gained together with a fern, heather causes rain.

Heather - the grass of immortality. If you drink his decoction daily or wear as an amulet, it will provide a long life, it will help to understand the secrets of the true immortal soul and comprehend the eternal elements of the universe. This is a valuable plant for neophytes working on the inner Ya.

Bath with heather will give you beauty. Such a bath should be covered with candles and take each new moon. Do not forget about the support of the karmic balance when your appearance improves!

European grapes

Ritual use: Vine grape is one of the brightest biblical symbols, reflecting the relationship between God and people. God as Vinogradar takes care of their children - about blooming grapes. Grape vine is a generally accepted symbol of Christ and Christian faith.

Magical use: Images of grapes are placed on the walls to ensure fertility, as it was done in ancient Rome. The consumption of grapes also contributes to the increase in fertility, increases mental strength. During cash rites, put grapes on the altar.

Field Bindle

Magical use: Put the binding seeds under the pillow to prevent nightmares. Garden-growing blue basins will bring peace and happiness.

Elm Field

Ritual use: Elm in Slavs treated the protected trees. It was forbidden to chop it or apply any damage. The violation of these prohibitions led to death, Irau of cattle, crumbling. Old Elm was considered the patron saint of the village, at home, well, lakes; He guarded from hail and fire.

Magical use: Popular among elves. It is now used to protect against lightning strikes and to attract love. Meditation under Vyaz will help communicate with the spirits of herbs and other little creatures.
Elm leaves are used in various predictions - they are usually pierced with a needle.

South European, Garden or Dutch

Ritual use: Plant can be used in all protective rituals. Dried cloves (the best red) is useful to put on the altar during the rituals of recovery.

Magical use: In the time of the queen, Elizabeth, the carnation on the body warned a missing demise on the scaffold. Place the carnation into the room where the patient is located - she will give him strength and energy. Add a dried plant into your handbag and incense for the purpose of rehabilitation.


Ritual use: dried flower placed in an exorcist's mouth, increases its strength. They are also helpful to relieve conception.

Magical use: Grilled wand attracts wealth, accelerates evil hostile forces, creates spiritual vibrations and cleans the surrounding space. Such sticks will stop all sorts of gossip. Wearing a plant attracts the opposite sex and paints the fate of the disadvantaged. Use mainly mature dried buds that can be purchased in the store.

Hyacinth East

Ritual use: In Christianity, Hyacinth is a symbol of Christian prudence, peace of mind and the desire to be in heaven.

Magical use: The plant is used in the lands to reduce pain during childbirth. It should be grown hyacinth in the bedroom to protect against nightmares. Flowers sniff to overclock sadness and depression, evil spells. Dry flowers are used in lovely potions.

Highlander snake

Magical use: Wear a hustle, if you have conceived something and want it to be.
Light incense to increase physical strength, or during predictions. Sprinkled infusion will drive Poltergeist. Highlanders are worn in her handbags during the ritual of enrichment, and it is added to the corresponding incense.

Highlander bird

Magical use: to drive the mountain, misfortune, take the plant in your hand. Ascertain her problems on it, notice how it will take them, and then burn the plant. Highlander strengthens and protects his eyes if you wear it with you.

Peas sowing

Magical use: Purified peas brings good luck and success in business, and dried peas are used in cash potions. If a woman finds a pod with 9 peas, she should hang it over the door. The first man entered into the door will be her future husband (if it is not married).

Poddaath peas

Magical use: if your beloved did not give himself a long time to know, let the root of the plant, then wrap the root into the matter and put under the pillow. It will remind him (her) that you are thank you.

Mustard Black, White, Russian, Siza

Magical use: Grains mustard worn in a red handbag to protect against cold and enhance mentality.
Italian peasants scatter the grains of the plant on the threshold to protect. The seeds will guard the house from all supernatural creatures under the threshold of the seeds. When eating mustard food in women increases the likelihood of conception of a child.
The plant is useful to hang over the door for gaining energy.

Ritual use: in the east, the flowers and fruits of the pomegranate are a symbol of friendship, therefore, going to visit, often take a grenade with me as a gift.

In the Bible, the grenade is referred to as a symbol of unity of the universe. Granat is also a symbol of fertility. In the Christian art, the grenade became a symbol of hope for resurrection and immortality.

Magical use: the grains of the plant eat, and the skin of the fetus is worn to enhance fertility. In the Caucasus, women believe that if they have a grenade during pregnancy, they will have a beautiful daughter.

Pomegranate - Magical Plant Good luck. Always before using it in food, make a desire - and it can be done. Pomegranate branch opens unexpected wealth, can attract money.
The branches of the plant hang over the door to exile evil, and the juice replaces blood or magical ink.


Magical use: Walnut worn with me strengthens the heart and heals rheumatism. Nuts attract lightning - so do not wear them during a thunderstorm.
If someone gives you a bag with walnuts, you will see how all your desires will be fulfilled.
If a woman getting married, wants to protect himself from "unexpected surprises," she must put on her body exactly so many nuts, how many years she wants to wait with the birth of children. She should do it on the wedding day.

Magical use: Grooved flour scatter around the house in the form of a circle to protect it from evil spell. During the class of magic from buckwheat, it is useful to do magic circles on the floor. Add a bit of buckwheat grains in the incense used in rituals of enrichment, and bring them to the kitchen to avoid poverty.

Pear tree

Ritual use: In ancient China, the pear was a symbol of durability, as pears live for a very long time. White pear flowers are, on the one hand, a symbol of sadness and impermanence, on the other - beauty.
Under the pear tree love to dance witch.

Magical use: Fruits are used in love rites; When eating in food enhance sexual excitement. Magic Magic Bulaws are obtained from pear.

Natherish High

Ritual use: Nather - Sacred Grass of Ancient Druids, Grass of Concentration; Fine ritual drinks are prepared from nine. The plant is used in incense associated with the ritual of initiation. At the same time, the dedicated to the ritual to get used to the smell.

Magical use: Sewing leaves or nineteal flowers in a pink cloth or put in a handbag and wear with you - the plant attracts love. To draw up an ancient love potion, mix dried nine with verbena and mistletoe.
Ninexil is associated with Elven Love Mague; But be careful: Elf Magic is very capricious.

Nine cropped

Ritual use: Nather - the herb of apprenticeship, as she clarifies the mentality, improves the work of thought.

Magical use: Wear ninth on the neck as a necklace - it will bring you good luck and protects from diseases. Plant is also used to strengthen loyalty. To preserve the love of groove nine in the ground. The plant should be updated twice a month.

Ritual use: many nations of Europe and the East considered Oak the sacred tree. In order to drive a drought, the priest Zeus threw an oak twig into the water and caused it to rain.
In Egypt, Oaks, Oheshnik and Iva were burned in the funeral fires, which symbolized the power, wisdom and charm of the deceased.

The Slavs under the sacred oaks took place the most important events: meetings, wedding rituals, courts.

Magical use: oak - mighty, long-lived tree; It has a big magic force. Two oak sprigs, knitted cross-closer red thread - a strong protective remedy for evil. The same action has a piece of bark if we have it with you. Acorns hung on the window will protect the house from lightning.

If autumn succeeds in catching a falling oak sheet - next week you do not catch up. If in the house of the patient, set fire to the bark of oak and heat this warm room to drive the disease. Carry with me to prevent diseases and pain, keep youth and longevity, strengthen potency. Acorn, planted during the lunar eclipse, will help in the near future to gain money.

Ritual use: In European cities, the Seeds of Durana threw on hot coals, breathed over them and fell into the state of bliss.

Magical use: to protect against curses, evil spirits should splash the infusion of the plant around the house. If you suffers from insomnia, put the leaves of the dope into shoes and put it under the bed to the socks towards the nearest wall. The leaves of the dope, laid in the hat, will protect against solar and apoplexic shocks.

The poisoning of dope releases the volitional forces, but separates them from the governing, purposeful of the sphere, from cognitive opportunities. The leaves of the dope allow you to release a convulsively retained astral body of asthmatics when exhaled.

Plant is poisonous, contact him carefully, in no case eat it.

Oilsman ordinary

Ritual use: The dried flowers and the grass of the souls are put around the grain - in this way she drives the ants. The trails caught in the field or the forest, in order to avoid the danger to be a bustted snake, it is useful to put a soul bouquet with them. Slawed with tea before bedtime, the soul was introduced into a dreamy consciousness a powerful wellness element, and laid in the pillowcase, will contribute to the proper dreams. In order to give a conversation a trusting tint and arrange the interlocutor to himself, you need to put several bouquets of souls in the room where an important conversation will take place from the evening.

Magical use: the soul is added to food to strengthen love. To protect the house, the plant must be put in different places, in each room and change every month. The soul growing in the garden frightens evil spirits. The souls should be planted near the graves; During flowering, she brings spiritual bliss to the souls of the deceased. Dried souls in half with violet useful to wear in winter to protect from the cold as an amulet. Ookarta will help a person to leave the state of depression.

It is also used in cash potions and put in magic bags.
If you cook the potion from soul men, calendula, vibration and drinking it, meditate, the vision of the beloved (beloved) can appear.

Ritual use: Blackberry was considered a sacred plant and was used in religious rites dedicated to European pagan gods. So far, in the tradition of Vikka, on August 2 (Lunanasad's Day), pies from blackberry for the benefit of the crop, which are associated with the death of God.

Blackberry became a symbol of the purity of the Virgin Mary, which gave rise to the flame of Divine Love, not burned down from lust.

Magical use: Blackberry bush is a strong tool in magical healing. Blackberry leaves and flowers are used in improving rites. Very useful wine from blackberry.

Spruce ordinary

Ritual use: in ancient Greece spruce was considered a symbol of hope; Greeks used spruce branches during predictions. In the Celtic druid calendar, ate is dedicated to the day on December 23, when a divine child is born, embodying the spirit of fertility. Christmas fir symbolizes the beginning of the annual cycle and life in general.

Magical use: fir bump - symbol of fire fire, start; It restores health; In a number of traditions are associated with phallus.

Ritual use: In Christianity, the white and sweet fragrance of jasmine made it a symbol of the Virgin Mary. This plant has both secondary importance - nobility, grace and benevolence.

Magical use: Jasmine dried flowers are added to the handbags and malignational potions; They attract spiritual love. If the flowers are worn or burn, they will cause money and will contribute to health. If jasmine burn in the bedroom, you will see prophetic dreams. Flowers plants sniff to cure from insomnia.

Jasmine Candle enhances mental protection and improves the aura. Jasmine is associated with a number 9 in numerology, symbolizing femininity and associated with the manifestation of the mother aspect of the Universe.


Ritual use: Ginseng can replace in rituals Mandragor.

Magical use: root is worn to attract love, health promotion, welfare, sexual potency. Ginseng brings a man wearing his beauty. Graze ginseng for the expulsion of evil spirits and breaking curses. Hold the ginseng root in your hand, visualize your desire on it, and then throw it into the water or cut your desire on it and then throw it into the water.


Magical use: the bellyness drives ghosts. If you look through a bunch of bustling on fire in the middle of summer, your eyes are protected for a whole year. The plant also scares annoying.

Honeysuckle shuffling

Magical use: Decorate green candles with honeysuckle to attract money or place flowers in a vase. Slightly suppress dried flowers; And then spend your forehead to increase mental strength. If the honeysuckle grows next to your house, it will bring good luck. Honey - grass of immortality. Oil from it, applied to the body, will help to understand the subtle world.

Joster laxative

Magical use: Spray the decoction around the house before going to the government house: it will help you win the case. Joster is also used in rites associated with money and worn as an amulet against evil forces and curses.

St. John's wort

Ritual use: the stem laid in the boot protected from evil spirits; St. John's wort is added to the packing of children's mattresses to protect the child from negative astral forces during sleep.

As a Fimiam is useful against damage and infertility. Scattered by the field when cropping, Zver wigs him from hail. From the plant prepared fima against the guardian spirits and demons of the enslavers.

Magical use: Wear a hunter with you: it prevents fever, cold, attracts love, makes soldiers invisible, protects against wild people attacks. Assembled in the middle of the summer on Friday, St. John's wort will cure mental disorders.
If you put a plant in a pot that hang on the window, it will protect the house from lightning, fire and evil spirits. You can hang the pot next to the window to drive the ghosts, necromancers and evil wizards.

Strawberry forestry

Ritual use: In Christianity, strawberries - a symbol of perfect righteousness or a symbol of a righteous man whose fruits are good acts.

Magical use: strawberries are used as a search for love, and its leaves are worn on happiness.
Pregnant women can wear a small package with strawberries to relieve childbirth.

Willow Belaya

Ritual use: grave hilly in Britain, often located near the swamps and lakes, sometimes decorated with letives because of her symbolic connection with death.
In China, Iva is a delicacy tree (even from a small piece of willow can grow a whole tree).
In Japan, Willow is a tree of sadness, weakness, tenderness, a virgin grace.

Magical use: Willow leaves are carried with them or add to infusions to attract love, and the tree itself is used as a material for magical mags in lunar magic.
All parts of the tree are protected from evil forces; They can be worn with them or keep at home. For disgusting evil, just knock on the tree.
Leaves, bark and wood will also be used in healing rituals. Magic brooms, especially witchcraft, binds to the branch of willow.
Healing means, the consecrated willow was considered in all Slavs. She was filled, drove into powder drank together with juniper, applied in a row. Diseases transferred to the willow.