How to quickly calm yourself in a stressful situation. How to relieve stress and calm your nerves? - Actionable tips and tricks

36 012 1 Hello dear readers of our site. Today we will share with you the secrets of how to calm your nerves and relieve stress, how to do it quickly, when there is no time, or at home, when you need to calm down before a new work day.

The expressions “restless nerves”, “shattered nerves”, “nerves are naughty”, “faint of heart”, “nerves to hell” have long since entered our everyday life and have become customary. And they all describe a state of excessive excitability, when it is difficult for a person to cope with his emotions, to react with restraint and adequately to the stimuli of the surrounding world.

Often an overexcited nervous state in everyday consciousness is already considered the norm, because stresses evolve along with progress, and today's person encounters them more often, and eliminates this problem less often. Thus, this state becomes chronic, negative behavioral habits are formed: anger is taken out on relatives and colleagues, and emotional balance is compensated for by caffeine, energy drinks, cigarettes and alcohol.

About the reasons: how are the nerves loose?

When the thought of the need to intervene in the work of their nervous system comes, then the most responsible are looking for an experienced psychotherapist, the most practical resort to drug treatment, and the majority try to overcome the problem on their own and look for answers to the question "how to calm the nerves?" Where do you start? To begin with, find the reason for losing emotional balance.

There are two unshakable conditions that underlie the coordinated work of the entire nervous system - sleep and food:

  • Healthy sleep is the key to strong nerves

A deep 8-hour sleep has a regenerating effect on all organs and systems that have worked hard during the day. Sleep deficiency affects the functioning of the entire body and the normal functioning of the nervous system.

  • Nutrition: menu for strong nerves

The foundation on which the correct functioning of nerve cells is built is essential trace elements and vitamins. All of them have a direct or indirect effect on its work: they reduce muscle tone, regulate hormonal balance in the body, receive and transmit impulses along the nerves, improve the interaction of muscles and nerves, maintain stress resistance and performance, normalize sleep, produce anti-stress hormones, etc. ... Therefore, the diet should be literate, including a variety of healthy products: cereals, dairy, meat, seafood, fish, a variety of fruits, vegetables, berries, nuts, eggs. Then the body will be saturated with nutrients necessary for the nervous system: magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, potassium, vitamins of groups A, B, C, E.

Causes of Restless Nerves

  1. Having a persistent stressor (a specific reason or person that negatively affects the emotional state). Find and "neutralize"!
  2. Negative thinking;
  3. Weak nervous system.It is possessed by people who are more prone to nervous breakdowns due to their suspicious and anxious nature. They are more vulnerable, more sensitive and vulnerable;
  4. Big city:an abundance of noise, movement, an accelerated pace of life. This rhythm of life is not suitable for everyone;
  5. Work and media overload- round the clock broadcasting news from all over the world, plus the Internet, and now we are already overloaded;

The return of internal balance is a gradual and lengthy process. How to calm your nerves so that the result is permanent and long-lasting?

Remedies to combat restless nerves,first of all, they imply advice on changing the nature of interaction with the world:

  1. There is no pedantry and ideals.To lower the bar of ideality and correctness, because in life everything cannot be laid out according to the shelves, according to colors and shapes, strictly according to the rules and principles.
  2. "Time management" in my head.Learn to manage time, keep up with everything and not rush anywhere! Plan the day, highlight the most important things and events, not waste your time on vanity and trifles.
  3. Think positively- Don't let negative thoughts dominate your mood after watching the news.
  4. Increase stress resistance- the first three tips will help with this.

There are home remedies for calming the nerves that are readily available and do not require special training.

How to calm your nerves at home?

Bodily methods:

The body responds instantly to stress by releasing adrenaline, cortisol (a stress hormone) that raises heart rate and increases muscle tone. This is how the body communicates that it is ready to actively deal with stress. That is why, getting nervous, a person feels tension and heavy breathing throughout the body. The most common mistake is to deal with stress by lying and inactive. You need to give the body the opportunity to throw out the heat or help it relax.

Basic tips to calm your nerves:

  • Physical exercise (sports, dancing, cleaning)

It is only important to choose an activity according to your liking and according to your possibilities: running, cycling, dancing, walking in the park or cleaning the house, etc.

  • Water procedures (warm shower, sea salt bath)

Water acts simultaneously on all external receptors of the body, thereby providing maximum results. You can enhance the effect by adding sea salt to the bath, soothing herbal decoctions, essential oils: lavender, pine, mint, or your favorite scent.

  • Aromatherapy

For this, aroma sticks, aroma lamps with warm "home" scents are suitable. Girls can, combining business with pleasure, add essential oils to cosmetics for body care.

  • Relaxation

Relaxation with pleasant music with the concentration of your feelings on different parts of the body will help to calm the nerves and relieve stress. The purpose of such relaxation is to feel your body, consciously strain and relax its muscles one by one, ultimately relieving them of increased tone.

  • Self-massage

The skin has many receptors and nerve endings, due to which it will gladly respond with relaxation to massage. In the absence of such an opportunity, you can independently walk on the scalp with massage movements from the forehead to the back of the head, stretch your palms and feet.

  • Walking bare feet

Nerve endings are concentrated on human feet, with the correct impact on which, it is possible to positively regulate the work of organs and systems.

Psychological techniques:

  • Ways from the "personal piggy bank" (music, books, films, favorite hobbies, viewing photo albums, postcards, activities that bring pleasure).

Music does not have to be classical, it is enough for it to be light, pleasant (instrumental, or sounds of nature) and to please the listener. Books, or films - from the category of kind and loved ones.

There is a great choice here: baking a cake helps some, while writing a poem helps others.

  • Account to yourself

Monotonous repetition of numbers, concentration on counting not only distracts from the problem, but, like a lullaby, lulls irritation. It is worth counting to a hundred, and with strong anger - longer.

  • Art therapy

Now in the public domain, drawings for adults in the direction of art therapy, where there are many abstract works, many small elements, lines. This variety will be enough for long-term distraction and "drawing" of their emotions.

  • Shopping

Favorite eliminator of the consequences of stress among girls, who works effectively. But even for men, buying a set of the necessary tools (which has long dreamed of) can please, like a child, candy.

How to calm the nerves in 1 minute, or an ambulance for excited nerves?

Each person wondered how to quickly calm their nerves? There are a lot of situations in which it is very important not to lose sobriety, balance and fortitude. Therefore, the methods of "first aid" sometimes save situations and even lives (when a state of nervous overstrain can reach the affect, in which a person has absolutely no control over his actions):

  1. Visualization

Replacing the real world picture as desired. Perhaps someone likes an imaginary spring on the street, and someone likes a house by the sea. The main thing is to present everything vividly, in detail, with sounds, smells, so that the imagination temporarily moves the body itself there and distracts from negative experiences.

  1. Hand massage

Moderately and slowly press in turn on the nail phalanges of one hand, then the other. The method is great when circumstances do not want to attract attention (for example, while waiting in the audience for their turn to give their talk).

If time and space permits, 10-20 times any power load: push-ups, squats, pull-ups.

  1. Wash off irritation

It is effective to wash your face with cool water, refresh your shoulders and neck with it, as if washing away the negative charge of nervousness from yourself. You can calm yourself down by slowly drinking a glass of water lightly sweetened with sugar or honey.

  1. Unleash anger

Book advice on smashing dishes is quite costly and time consuming to clean. Alternatively, you can rip paper (newspapers, for example) or shout into cardboard rolled into a tube (this will make the sound more isolated and not as loud).

With a variety of techniques, how to quickly calm the nerves, perhaps breathing exercises remain classic and fast-acting.

Breathing exercises to calm the nerves

Respiratory rate is directly related to the work of our heart, which, in turn, responds with acceleration in situations of stress. Below are some indicative psychological exercises for the regulation of breathing:

  1. Calming geometry

Taking a deep breath, slowly exhale into a circle drawn by your imagination. Repeat three times. Then repeat, only changing the shape (for example, to a rectangle). Repeat three times too. Change figures until relaxation is felt.

  1. Displacement of irritation

Presenting a powerful press inside the chest, take a short, rhythmic breath. Exhale slowly, with an onslaught, as if the press drives out all negative emotions lower and lower until they are pushed into the ground.

  1. It's time to yawn

Closing your eyes, open your mouth wide and inhale. Stretching as much as possible with the whole body, while yawning, exhale slowly, uttering a lingering sound "oo-oo-oo" By adding a smile, you can achieve high efficiency, as this relaxes your facial muscles as much as possible, and a positive emotional response arises. Exercise helps oxygenate your blood quickly.

Herbal teas and tinctures to calm nerves and relieve stress

Not many people decide on cardinal approaches: specialist help and drug support. Easier, faster and cheaper - these are folk remedies. This is a simple way to calm your nerves without medication. Herbs will help with this. For a lasting and effective result, you need to drink courses and first consult a doctor.

The name of the herbal decoction /
Cooking method Mode of application
Mint decoction For 200 ml of boiling water:
- 15 gr. mint;
- leave for 40 minutes;
100 ml each: morning and evening
Calendula decoction For 200 ml of boiling water:
- 15 gr. calendula;
- leave for 1 hour;
200 ml before bed
Motherwort decoction For 200 ml of boiling water:
- 15 gr. motherwort;
- leave for 20 minutes;
15 ml each
3-5 times a day
St. John's wort decoction 1 liter. boiling water:
- 60 gr. St. John's wort;
- boil for 1-2 minutes;
- leave under the lid for 10 minutes
100 ml each: morning, afternoon, evening
Hypericum tincture For 500 ml of alcohol:
- 150 gr. St. John's wort;
- in a place inaccessible to the sun, leave for 2 weeks, shake the contents from time to time.
5 ml per day (per 100 ml of milk)
Lemon balm tincture For 500 ml of alcohol:
- 30 gr. lemon balm
- ½ teaspoon elecampane root (chopped);
- lemon zest;
- 2 carnations;
- a pinch of nutmeg, coriander;
- the method of insisting is identical to the previous one.
5 ml each: morning, afternoon, evening

If you are especially busy and do not have enough time, you can simply go to the nearest pharmacy and purchase a ready-made herbal preparation or herbal tincture.

How to calm your nerves during pregnancy

The body of a pregnant woman undergoes such hormonal changes, which in intensity were similar to a teenage hormonal surge. It is these changes that make the expectant mother very irritated and emotionally unstable. For all future dads, this is problem number one!

There are several safe methods for calming the nerves that pregnant women can safely use:

  1. Replenishment of magnesium in the body, which helps to relax muscles, reduce excitability and calm the nervous system (according to the recommendations of an obstetrician-gynecologist);
  2. Soothing herbal teas: at the rate of 15 grams. mixture of herbs per 200 ml of boiling water. Accepted 100 ml twice a day:
  • Mix 15 gr. hawthorn fruits, sage herbs, 30 gr. motherwort herbs, oregano, marsh creeper;
  • mix in equal proportions valerian root, mint, hop cones.

Apply only if there are no contraindications from a doctor!

  1. The most pleasant and affordable way to calm down a pregnant woman is to massage her tired and swollen legs.

The problem of restless nerves cannot be solved once and for all. Just as colds aggravate in the cold, so the nerves are overstrained in stressful situations or under the burden of unfavorable circumstances. Human wisdom lies in timely and well-chosen measures to restore the nervous system.

How to calm your nerves and get rid of stress tips from your personal life. Tips that are not in the article!

Almost 50% of our health depends on lifestyle. What kind of lifestyle do you think the vast majority of modern women lead? Constant tension, hassle, rush work at work ... The feeling of anxiety practically does not leave us, and prolonged stress suppresses the immune system.

You can and should fight stress! Take advantage of our advice - they will surely help you relieve nervous tension.

123RF / Cebotari Nicolai

So, down with stress!

1. Try to laugh! Laughter lowers the level of cortisol (stress hormone) in the body by 26%. Laughter therapy helps to recover by 40% after a heart attack, in addition, laughter is an excellent physical activity.

2. After stress, it helps to relax perfectly - it relieves muscle tension. You can also do self-massage: Rub your arms, shoulders and neck to do this.

3. You can also try any of the methods that usually help you relax in your daily life. For instance:

  • Warm bath - water relieves muscle tension and relaxes well.
  • Aromatherapy with soothing essential oils that you can add to your bath, massage or aroma lamp. Oils such as lemon balm, rose, jasmine, bergamot, anise, geranium, cloves, ylang-ylang, patchouli, chamomile, sandalwood, etc. have a soothing effect.
  • Music- your favorite musical composition will help you to escape from sad thoughts and recover from stress.
  • Meditation- play meditative relaxing music, nature sounds, or master some meditation techniques.
  • - classics, memoirs, travelers' notes will do. Just don't go for drama or horror stories!

123RF / Alena Ozerova

4. Do you have pet? Then you know exactly who to turn to for help in a stressful situation!

Researchers from the United States have found that dog owners have much lower blood cholesterol levels, and cat owners are 30% less likely to suffer from heart attacks.

5. Since the body is directly connected with our brain, we advise you to relax it thoroughly. To do this, take a relaxed open position and concentrate on your feelings. On a physical level, you should feel how the body gradually relaxes... So the brain switches from negative emotions to physical sensations, and stress recedes.

6. A good sleep - this is just what you need after nervous tension. As Scarlett O'Hara said: "I will not think about it today, I will think about it tomorrow!" So drink some valerian or a cup of mint tea, then follow the heroine's advice and get a good night's sleep. You will see, in the morning the world will seem much more pleasant and brighter!

123RF / Dean Drobot

7. By the way, oh drinks: Do not consume alcohol or caffeinated beverages in stressful situations. They do not have a calming, but a stimulating effect, and after them it will be even more difficult for you to recover.

Surely the scale of your tragedy in the eyes of another person will be much smaller, and he will be able to give you sensible advice.

9. If your stress is related to working overload, then you need to clearly distinguish between personal and work time. Indeed, in life there should be time not only for work, but also for yourself, loved ones, hobbies, hobbies and just doing nothing... So try to leave during from work, leave all your labor problems there and not bring them home.

10. Don't be self-criticizing and collect all your problems in one big pile. Often it is stress that makes people generalize all their troubles, draw the wrong conclusions and slowly destroy themselves from the inside with negative thoughts. So try to take control of your thoughts and think not "Here, again the day has not worked out ...", and "Well, it happens, but it will definitely pass!"

11. The following method follows from the previous one - positive thinking... Learn to enjoy the little things and look at life positively: this is the key to psychological health and stress resistance. This way, you will not get upset over little things, strengthen your vitality and learn to easily cope with stressful situations.

123RF / Igor Daniel

12. House cleaning also helps calm the nerves. After all, those who have a mess in their heads often make a mess around them. Therefore, urgently do decluttering space, and the cleaning process itself is distracting and soothing.

13. Try to plan your time and take your time. And this is not trivial advice! When a person is in a regular rush, nervous tension becomes his constant companion. We are afraid to miss something, to be late somewhere or to lose something ... Stop, take time to correctly plan your day, and do not create yourself firefighters situations.

14. Realize, finally, that you may be wrong too! Everyone has the right to make mistakes, so learn to analyze problem situations and draw conclusions. This will help in the future not to step on the same rake and not spoil your nerves once again.

15. And the last tip: do not try to be perfect in everything and control absolutely everything. Remember that you are just a woman who can sometimes afford to be weak and helpless. And when you find yourself in a stressful situation, try not to "raise everything to a degree" - it is better to use one of our tips as soon as possible!

We can only dream of a calm and measured life. People are constantly faced with various problems that have to be solved to the best of their ability and ability.

Some calmly perceive all the hardships of life, others react with a surge of emotions, get irritated, angry, in general, test the nervous system for strength. The human psyche affects the work of the whole organism when the nerves are out of order, headaches arise, sleep problems appear, and chronic diseases are activated.

Self-hypnosis can help calm your nerves.

To get rid of a nervous state, you need to understand the reason for its appearance. People are often nervous out of habit. It happens that the feeling of unpleasantness sits in the subconscious. This is due to the past tense and events, but it is difficult for a person to get rid of the oppressed state. He worries about what has already happened and cannot be corrected, what's the point?

It is worth noting that stress on the nervous system can cause depression.

By controlling self-hypnosis, you can get rid of many psychological problems. The main thing is to learn how to take all the hardships of life more or less calmly. Self-hypnosis will help to cope with a nervous state without pills.

Calm, only calm

If the ailment found you at home, do not worry, you can cope with the shattered nerves at home.

Stress Relief Bath

This is one of the most effective and simple ways to calm down and relax. It especially helps after a hard day's work in combination with aromatic oils or foam. Purchase coniferous extract to add to your hot bath. Take water treatments for about 20 minutes before bedtime.

When the heart jumps out of the chest, and thoughts are confused, drink a glass of cold water, this calms the nervous system.

Down with the negative

It can be difficult to cope with negative emotions. When everything inside is boiling with indignation, it is necessary to throw out the negative, but so that no one is hurt. You can cry, break a couple of old plates, shout, but you need to do this away from settlements, for example, in the forest. Don't keep emotions inside, do whatever it takes to feel relief.

Classical music has a healing effect. If you want to calm down, then turn on Bach, make yourself more comfortable in your favorite armchair or on the couch, close your eyes, abstract from thoughts and enjoy listening. This will not only help to quickly calm the nerves, but also tune in to the positive.

If you have already appreciated all the benefits of music therapy, buy audio recordings with the sound of the sea, the sounds of rain, and birdsong. This method helps you relax after a long day at work.

If you don't want to share your own experiences with strangers, start a diary and write down everything that you think that bothers you. Problems written on paper no longer seem as insoluble as they used to be.

Nerves ok - thanks charging

Physical activity and breathing exercises help to cope with psychological problems. One of the sources of stress is lack of movement. Sport strengthens willpower, improves shape and relieves stress.

There is an opportunity to choose an activity to your liking: running, aerobics, yoga, any physical exercise. It's great if you find like-minded people. In a company, it is much easier to test the body for strength. During conversations, workouts are easy and relaxed, and all problems are forgotten, albeit for a while.

Balanced diet

There are periods in the life of every person when the nervous system is at its limit. It's not about external circumstances, but about the lack of certain elements for the full functioning of the body. Some foods cause uncontrolled irritation, while others, on the contrary, soothe.

Nerves are naughty, reconsider the usual diet, add foods rich in fatty acids and vitamin B. The diet should contain sea fish, eggs, honey, legumes, dairy products, oils.

It has been proven that chocolate promotes the production of the hormone of joy, which restores the nervous system. Remember, everything is fine when in moderation. Fruits and vegetables rich in fiber should be included in your daily diet.

Folk remedies to calm the nervous system

You can calm nerves stretched like strings using folk methods.

  1. Crushed viburnum bark, a tablespoon and a glass of boiling water are enough. Boil the bark over low heat for 5 minutes. Close the container with a lid, let it infuse. After half an hour, the agent should be filtered. You need to take 4 times a day, a tablespoon before meals.
  2. Ten grams of viburnum berries, mint leaves and St. John's wort and lemon balm - only 5 grams and 1 glass of boiling water. Pour boiling water over all the ingredients and leave in a thermos for one hour. It should be taken twice a day, 100 ml.
  3. , valerian and, one teaspoon at a time, pour and boil in a liter of boiling water. You need to cook over low heat for about 10 minutes. Cover the container with a lid. After one hour, strain the broth and pour it into a bath of water at a comfortable bathing temperature. You need to take such a herbal bath no more than 30 minutes.
  4. You can use honey to relieve stress and calm your nerves at home. Three times a day you need to eat one teaspoon of bee honey, washed down with warm water. The first two spoons, it is better to eat before lunch, so that later you do not have to lose weight.

Irritability will help relieve lime tea with lemon balm and honey.

Before treating nerves with folk remedies, you should consult your doctor, especially for pregnant women. This will allow avoiding allergic reactions to one or another component, confirming the diagnosis, eliminating the negative consequences of recipes based on the individual characteristics of the organism.

A good sleep

When the body is depleted, the person becomes irritable. For a strong nervous system, a person should sleep 7-8 hours. Before going to bed, you need to take a relaxing bath, it is useful to drink a glass of warm milk with honey, herbal tea, but coffee and alcoholic beverages should be discarded.

Make a pillow to hang at the head of your bed for a restful sleep. Herbs that have a relaxing effect are put in it, these are lavender, hops, lemon balm.

A leisurely evening stroll is an excellent way to calm your nerves and relax. People are constantly in a hurry, such a rhythm of life is reflected primarily on the human psyche. Walk slowly, think of something good. Walk alone or with unobtrusive friends.

All of the above actions will be ineffective if you do not know the cause of increased nervousness. Ignoring the problem means deliberately triggering your own mental health.

Do not listen to friends advising drugs and supposedly effective treatments. Trust a doctor with many years of practice, who will prescribe treatment only after examination. Anxiety pills and medications work on the psyche, but they have side effects and are addictive.

It is worth adding that some people tend to dramatize and escalate the situation. Such personalities make others and themselves nervous. Communication with depressed people leaves an unpleasant aftertaste. Take a simpler approach to life, forget about the past, it will never be returned, think about the present and make plans.

In the hectic pace of life in the modern world, situations very often arise that can take away peace of mind and shake your nerves well. Some people give in to stress weakly and move away from them very quickly. Others, on the contrary, recover for a very long time after the stress they have received. It happens that one unpleasant unexpected little thing can leave a mark for the whole day (or even longer).

However, breakdowns usually do not appear on their own. As a rule, they indicate a shattered nervous system. There are several signs that tell you ahead of time that your nerves are out of order.

Symptoms indicating increased nervous tension:

  • Bad dream
  • Sense of anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Irascibility
  • Indifference to everything
  • Lack of self-esteem

Having a constant source of stress

Our nervous system is designed in such a way that it needs to be shaken from time to time. There is nothing wrong with short-term experiences, and, as a rule, they do not have a negative impact on health. It is quite another matter - external factors that constantly put pressure on us. They lead to neuroses and a state of nervous tension. These can be conflicts with others, problems in personal life, at work, in the family, dissatisfaction with the social and material situation, etc.

Wrong daily routine

If you go to bed too late or sleep less than 7 hours a day, then sooner or later this will lead to the accumulation of fatigue, and, as a result, to nervous breakdowns. Remember, your brain must be fully resting to function properly. Lack of sleep leads to chronic oxidative stress, which negatively affects the functioning of all organs and, above all, the nervous system. You should also make time for proper rest and food during the day.

Improper nutrition

If your body does not get enough protein, trace elements and vitamins, then this can also negatively affect the state of the nervous system. The most important element for the nervous system is magnesium. Therefore, you should regularly eat those foods in which it is contained in high concentrations. It is also very important to eat foods containing antioxidants, such as vitamin C, to strengthen the nervous system.

What do you need to do to strengthen your resistance to stress?

Of course, we are all individuals. For some, one method will be effective, for others - another. Try the methods below and choose the ones that work best for you

Normal sleep

Try to get at least 7 hours of sleep a night. The optimal sleep duration is 8-9 hours. Of course, in our time, filled with worries and running around, it is sometimes difficult to find time for proper sleep. But if you can't get enough sleep every day, be sure to do it at least once a week.

Proper nutrition

Eat foods rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C and trace elements magnesium and potassium. They are found in fruits and vegetables, nuts, legumes, citrus fruits, and bran. Dairy products and yoghurts rich in amino acids are also helpful. Eat more often, but little by little, do not overeat. Do not overuse coffee and other stimulants of the nervous system.


This method is best used only in extreme cases, so as not to form drug dependence. However, some remedies, such as those based on herbs - valerian, motherwort, chamomile, mint, are time-tested and have a minimum of side effects. In severe cases, most likely, they will not help, and then you cannot do without antidepressants. But, of course, before you start taking this or that drug, you need to consult your doctor.

Avoid stressful situations whenever possible

It's not often that there are situations in which you really need to be nervous. As a rule, we are annoyed over trifles - traffic jams, a late bus, a queue at a store, bad weather, someone accidentally dropped a rude word. Remember: what matters is how we feel about a situation, not what actually happens.

Physical exercises

Physical activity helps to keep the body in optimal condition all the time, not to gain excess weight, which is especially important for people with sedentary office work. Exercising and exercising also burns hormones that are produced by the body during stress and nervous tension. At the same time, endorphins are produced - the so-called "hormones of happiness".


It is preferable to walk somewhere in quiet places, away from the hustle and bustle - in parks, squares. Walking in the fresh air not only enriches the body with oxygen and provides useful physical activity, but also allows you to switch attention from a disturbing problem to the beauty and diversity of the surrounding world.

Communication with pets

Our four-legged friends, cats and dogs, have outstanding stress-relieving abilities. Regular care and communication with animals can distract us from other life problems. Petting the cat is sometimes sufficient to reduce irritation. And even a simple observation of aquarium fish significantly relieves stress.

What is the best way to calm the nerves of men and women?

Research has shown that men and women react slightly differently to stressful situations, and the methods for relieving stress are slightly different for both sexes.

It's good for women to cry, letting go of their emotions and letting off steam. Many women are helped by shopping and buying a long-liked thing. It is also useful to chat with a friend, eat something sweet - candy or fruit.

These tips are not always helpful for men. After all, the same tears are not accepted in the male world. It is best for men to exercise or shower. Sex is also an excellent release for the stronger sex.

Quick Stress Relief Techniques

Of course, you need to gradually strengthen the nervous system. However, even the most cold-blooded people are not immune from stress, which can find us at the most inopportune moment and in the most inappropriate environment. Many people know how to cope with nervous tension, and for them such situations do not pose a problem. But if you do not know how to calm your nerves and relieve stress, then you should heed the advice of psychologists. They offer several proven ways to calm yourself down, each of which can help you get rid of negative emotions in a matter of minutes.

Method 1

Wherever you are at the moment when you had to lose your calmness and get nervous, this method will help. Ideally, sit comfortably and relax. If there is nothing to sit on, then you can apply the technique while standing. But in this case, it will be more difficult to relax physically. The essence of the method is to visually change the picture. Since people visually perceive the bulk of all information.

According to scientists and psychologists, pictures in which water and white are combined are the best to calm the nervous system. Therefore, after you have taken a comfortable sitting position, close your eyes and relax. Try to normalize your breathing so that it becomes even and calm. Imagine the sight of white water flowing over you from above. It flows down from the head and flows throughout the body, washing it, and then flows down from the feet to the floor. On the floor, imagine a funnel for water to drain. It is into it that water leaves the floor. And together with the water, all the dirt of problems and negative thoughts is washed away.

You feel cheerful and fresh. All worry was washed away by the pleasant white water. At the end, still with your eyes closed, take in as deep a breath as possible. Open your eyes and go about your business further.

Method 2

In this case, water also comes to the rescue. But this time she is not imaginary, but real. Whether you are at home or at work, you need to retire to the bathroom. Well, or where you can stay alone and where there is at least a crane. Unbutton the top buttons of your shirt or blouse, remove your tie, or loose your hair (depending on gender). Open the water and normalize your breathing.

Then wet your hands under cool, flowing water. And slowly start massaging your neck with your fingers. Do this by barely touching your damp fingertips to your body. But add the effort little by little. And when you reach the maximum pressure, decrease the force again. When you have finished this simple massage, wash your hands. And then just rinse your neck with cool water. And feel how the water took away the negative and gave you vitality. Now breathe in to the fullest and tidy yourself up.

Method 3

Stay alone with yourself. Breathe in deeply and exhale sharply. Take a towel, a rough piece of cloth, or even a woolen blanket. The rougher the fabric, the better you are. The main thing is that the fabric is dry. Grasp the towel firmly with both hands and start twisting it with all your might. This should be done as if you washed it and twisted it.

Twist, tensing all your muscles to the maximum. When you feel that you have reached the peak of tension, relax sharply. Hands should also be relaxed instantly so that they drop and hang. At the same time, the towel should fall out of your hands and fall to the floor. Feel in this moment absolute calmness and relaxation in all muscles, in every cell of the body. Feel that the tension has also passed in the thoughts, and they become pure.

How to relieve stress at home

Often, some experiences haunt us when we are at home. If this happened to you, then you can use very simple ways to relieve nervous tension. Below are tips on how to calm your nerves and relieve stress at home.

Water procedures

It can be either a shower or a warm bath. The positive effect of water treatments is explained by the effect of water on the sensory receptors of the body. To enhance the effect, you can add sea salt solution, lavender, pine or mint essential oils to the bath.


The pleasant aromas affect our sense of smell and have a powerful soothing effect. Sprays, sticks and burners can be used to create an atmosphere of beneficial scents.

Physical exercise

Even simple house cleaning can help relieve stress and fatigue, and switch to something that will help you forget about troubles. You can also do gymnastics, dancing, jogging.

Listening to music, nature sounds, watching movies

After a hard day, listening to relaxing music can be helpful. Surely everyone has their own favorite soundtrack that calms them down the best. Relaxation music is recommended - classical, oriental or ethnic melodies, new age. The sounds of nature, birdsong, the sound of the forest or the sea help many people to relax. You can also watch your favorite comedy.

The modern pace of life requires a large expenditure of personal resources from a person, which leads to psychological exhaustion and destabilization. More and more people are asking how to calm their nerves and relieve stress. Psychologist's advice will help you find the reasons, and also teach you how to cope with this condition.

Nervousness is a complex of symptoms that signal the malfunctioning of the nervous system.

Increased nervousness manifests itself in different ways:

  • migraine;
  • irascibility;
  • irritability;
  • mood swings;
  • insomnia;
  • loss of appetite;
  • suspiciousness;
  • anxiety;
  • apathy.

In the human body, nothing happens without a reason. A person will not be nervous if he is doing well.

Therefore, nervousness always has reasons (physiological, psychological):

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • deficiency of vitamins, minerals;
  • lack of sleep;
  • overwork;
  • stressful situations;
  • difficult events.

This is not a complete list. Anything can be a prerequisite for nervousness. It all depends on the individual characteristics, as well as the life circumstances of the person.

Psychological advice to stabilize the nervous system

The return of psychological balance is a long and difficult business. There are many ways to calm your nerves and relieve stress.

How to relieve stress and calm the nerves: what psychologists advise against irritability

Psychologist's advice suggests a set of methods to increase stress resistance:

  1. Score. One of the most popular calming techniques. Monotonous counting relieves excitement, diverts attention from the source of irritation. It is worth counting until the emotional state is stabilized.
  2. Hobby, favorite pastime. A job that brings pleasure will undoubtedly improve the situation. This can be listening to music, reading books, watching movies, cooking, shopping.
  3. Art therapy. Drawing, modeling are effective means of expressing emotions.
  4. Water procedures. Water has a calming effect on all receptors in our body. A warm shower and a hot bath with salt and oils will help you get your thoughts in order.
  5. Wash your hands, wash your face. A small act that symbolizes getting rid of obsessive experiences.
  6. Massage. Relaxing the body calms the nervous system. Here self-massage of the head, palms, and feet is possible (you can walk barefoot on different surfaces).
  7. Emotional release. Screaming, tearing paper, hitting a pillow.
  8. Privacy. Sometimes people are a source of irritation. Being alone with your thoughts, giving yourself time and attention is a great way to relax and unwind.
  9. Sleep and nutrition. Deep sleep restores the entire body, and balanced nutrition will ensure the proper functioning of nerve cells.
  10. Positive thinking. Pay less attention (preferably to avoid) negative events and information.
  11. Lower the bar. Excessive demands on oneself and others depress, frustrate, and lower self-esteem. It is necessary to focus more attention on achievements and successes. Do not forget to praise yourself.
  12. In some cases it will help change in the usual environment.

Breathing exercises to relieve stress

To relieve stress and calm the nerves, psychologists also advise breathing exercises. Breathing is directly related to heart rate. By changing its pace, we can control the heartbeat, which reacts to stimuli. In addition, breathing exercises enrich the body with oxygen.

A set of breathing exercises can help you cope with stress.

There are many breathing techniques:

  • Slowly inhale air through the nose, hold your breath for a few seconds, exhale through your mouth. In the process, you can visualize how negative emotions go away with each exhalation.
  • Inhale air with a short jerk, exhale slowly with an onslaught. Repeat several times.
  • Yawning can help combat nervousness. In order to provoke it, you must close your eyes, raise your hands up, open your mouth wide and inhale.
  • Breathing in a square. It is necessary to find an object of the appropriate shape (TV, window, picture). Each element of the exercise is done in 4 counts. First you need to look at the upper left corner, take a breath. On the upper right, hold your breath. Then descend to the lower right corner and exhale. On the bottom left - relax, smile.
  • Diaphragmatic breathing (belly breathing). Relax as much as possible while sitting or lying down. Put one hand on your stomach, the other on your chest. When inhaling, the chest should remain motionless, and the abdomen should rise. Breathe for a minute and then take a break. Take several approaches.

Beginners may feel dizzy when exercising. With practice, this will pass.

The prerequisites are a comfortable environment, a comfortable position (preferably sitting with a straight back), slowness, awareness. It is very important to listen to your own bodily sensations while performing breathing techniques.

Physical activity to normalize the condition without drugs

Exercise promotes the production of endorphins, the hormones of happiness. It can be classes in the gym, running, walking, yoga, dancing, even cleaning the house. The main thing is that the loads are to your liking.

It is very useful to walk in the fresh air, to contemplate nature. Lack of oxygen leads to poor mood. If it is not possible to go outside, then it is necessary to ventilate the room more often.

Aromatherapy for nervous tension

Aromatherapy is one of the most effective ways to relieve stress. There are many scientific studies that have proven the direct effect of odors on the mental and physiological state of a person.

Fragrances can improve your mood. Table

Aromas can improve the emotional state, strengthen the immune system, and increase the efficiency of the brain. Essential oils can be added to cosmetics, bath, aroma lamp.

With nervous tension help:

  • Citrus oils (bergamot, orange, tangerine, lemon, grapefruit). They strengthen the immune system, cheer up.
  • Flower oils (chamomile, jasmine, lavender, rose, geranium, lemon balm, juniper, lotus). They have a sedative effect.
  • Wood oils (cedar, sandalwood, patchouli, incense, camphor). Relieve fatigue, help to relax.
  • Herbal oils (tea tree, mint, eucalyptus). Helps improve physical condition.

Meditation as a way to get rid of nerves

Psychologists advise another way to calm the nerves and relieve stress - this is meditation. The method, known for a long time, has a beneficial effect on a person: the work of the cardiovascular system is normalized; concentration of attention improves; stabilizes the emotional background.

Before starting meditation, you need to choose a quiet, comfortable place, as well as musical accompaniment.

The process itself takes about 15 minutes and consists of the following steps (basic meditation):

  • taking a comfortable position (back straight, hands on knees);
  • establishment of calm deep breathing, concentration on it (breaths can be considered);
  • visualization of a comfortable, peaceful place (it may be fictional);
  • alternating tension, as well as relaxation of all muscle groups (it is better to start with the lower extremities).

There is also such a technique as auto-training. This is a deliberate release of tension by the method of self-hypnosis.

Includes 6 basic exercises:

  1. "Severity". Concentrating on the real heaviness of the body. First you need to feel the weight of your right hand, then your left.
  2. "Warmly". It is necessary to focus on the sensation of warmth in the limbs.
  3. "Pulse". It consists in the sensation of blood pulsation.
  4. "Breath". It is built on the basis of previous exercises, combines them, complements them with calm inhalation and exhalation.
  5. "Solar plexus". You need to feel the warmth between the navel and the edge of the sternum.
  6. "Cool forehead." Focusing on the coolness in the specified area.

There is also the concept of affirmation, which is often confused with auto-training. Affirmation is a verbal technique for repeating positive statements over and over. It helps to develop self-confidence, tune in for success, and improve mood.

Affirmations can be said aloud, mentally, chanted, read, listened to in audio format, and repeatedly recorded. They are repeated at least 2 times daily.

Ways to reduce nervousness during pregnancy

Nervousness during pregnancy is a common condition. Emotional outbursts, mood swings, anxiety - this is not a complete list of the consequences of hormonal changes. However, when the stress becomes protracted, the consequences can be dire for both the mother and the child.

How to calm your nerves and relieve stress: advice from a psychologist for pregnant women:

  • Full rest. During such a period, it is important not to overexert yourself, to have a full healthy sleep.
  • Food. It should be healthy, rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • It is possible to use classical methods to stabilize the body (aromatherapy, art therapy, meditation).
  • Communicate more with people, do not isolate yourself from society.
  • Reading books, watching positive films.
  • Frequent walks in the fresh air.
  • Uncomplicated exercise.

Sedatives for stress

Today pharmacies offer a wide range of sedatives. Among them, medications based on medicinal plants are considered the safest. They act gently on the body, providing a long lasting effect. You can buy them without a doctor's prescription.

Popular sedatives include:

  • Valerian extract (tablets, tincture, herbs for brewing). The active ingredient is valerian root. Has a calming, analgesic effect. 1-2 tablets (20-30 drops) are taken three times a day.
  • Persen. Capsules and tablets with valerian, mint, lemon balm. The remedy quickly relieves anxiety, irritability, chronic fatigue. Take 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.
  • Dormiplant. The tablets contain valerian root, lemon balm leaves. In addition to the sedative effect, it improves falling asleep, the quality of sleep.
  • Sedavit. It is produced in the form of a solution, as well as tablets based on valerian, hawthorn, St. John's wort, mint, hops. Improves heart function, reduces anxiety, tension. It is taken 3 times a day, 2 tablets (1 teaspoon).
  • Novo-passite (tablets, syrup). It has a calming effect due to St. John's wort, passionflower, valerian, hops, elderberry, lemon balm, hawthorn. It is taken 3 times a day, 1 tablet or 1 scoop.

Vitamins to support the state of the nervous system

Normal activity of the nervous system is impossible for the bases of vitamins and trace elements:

  • Vitamin C. Ascorbic acid increases immunity, relieves fatigue.
  • Vitamin E. Necessary for the functioning of the brain, nervous and immune systems.
  • Vitamin D. It is he who is responsible for a good mood, reduces the susceptibility to stressful situations.
  • Vitamin A. Responsible for the regulation of sleep.
  • Group B vitamins. Normalize the activity of the nervous system.
  • Magnesium. Reduces anxiety.
  • Iron. Responsible for brain activity, including the speed of reactions.
  • Iodine. Has an effect on hormones.
  • Potassium, calcium. They are responsible for the connection between muscles and nerves.
  • Phosphorus. Supports the functioning of the nervous system.

Replenishment of vitamins and minerals is possible with the help of ready-made complexes: Supradin, Vitrum, Neovitam, Magvit, Volvit.

Folk remedies for sedation

To reduce nervousness, you can turn to proven folk recipes.

All of them are based on medicinal herbs (roots, leaves, flowers), while they do not contain artificial substances:

  • Meadowsweet tea reduces the excitability of the nervous system. A few pinches of a dry plant must be poured with 1 glass of boiling water. Drink like tea.
  • Lovage helps with insomnia, heart pains. Chopped roots (1 tablespoon) are poured into a glass of cold water. Insist 4 hours. Take 2 times a day for half a glass.
  • An infusion of mint and lemon balm will relieve nervousness and tension. Melissa (1 tablespoon) and mint (2 tablespoons) are poured with boiling water (1 l), insisted for an hour. Drink half a glass 3 times a day.
  • Tincture of birch leaves. Crushed leaves (100 g) are poured with warm water (2 glasses). Insist 6 hours. Take half a glass before meals.
  • Motherwort relieves severe irritability. Freshly squeezed juice is taken in 30 drops (per tablespoon of water) 2-3 times a day.

Correctly selected phytotherapeutic agents restore the body, helping it to independently cope with emotional disorders without side effects.

Foods to help improve mood and quickly relieve stress

By listing recommendations on how to calm the nerves and relieve stress, the psychologist's advice emphasized the importance of proper organization of the diet. Our physical and psychological health depends on what kind of food we eat. Food should be varied, rich in nutrients.

Foods to help manage stress and maintain emotional stability:

  • dark chocolate (30-40 g is enough);
  • citrus fruits (lemon, orange, grapefruit, tangerine);
  • seafood - a source of healthy fatty acids;
  • cereals (cereals, cereals, bread);
  • green vegetables (cabbage, sorrel, broccoli);
  • orange vegetables (carrots, pumpkin);
  • nuts (almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, peanuts, pistachios, walnuts);
  • eggs, milk, liver (contain the greatest amount of vitamins).

Preventing nervousness is an important prerequisite for psychological health.

Help prevent stress:

  • regular rest (not only with the body, but also with the soul);
  • full sleep as protection of the body from traumatic situations;
  • change of activity;
  • proper nutrition is a source of body endurance;
  • rejection of bad habits (alcohol, tobacco)
  • physical activity (sports, walks, dancing);
  • presence of interests, hobbies, hobbies;
  • developing a sense of humor (laughter saves in any situations);
  • increasing self-esteem, self-importance;
  • communication with people is a great resource for getting positive emotions;
  • new impressions (attending events, making new acquaintances, traveling);
  • development of positive thinking, concentration on positive thoughts, finding the pluses even in the most unpleasant situations;
  • dreams, fantasies as a stimulation for personal development.

Emotional instability affects the quality of life of many people every day. The question of how to calm the nerves and relieve stress is becoming more and more urgent every day. Adhering to the advice of a psychologist, you can easily move away from an unpleasant problem.

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