Go to college after graduating from college. Where to study after college

Why go to university after college?

College graduates have a good chance of finding a job in their specialty, but they will only be able to work in entry-level positions. The presence of a diploma of higher education greatly facilitates career growth and makes it possible to occupy higher and better paid positions.

To see this, just look at the popular resource HeadHunter (hh.ru). All five first vacancies "personnel manager" contain the requirement "higher education is mandatory". The situation is the same with translators, lawyers, psychologists… That is, you can be a paralegal with a college degree, but not a lawyer, the law does not allow.

A university diploma is valued by employers more than diplomas from colleges and technical schools, also because higher education allows you to get deeper knowledge in the chosen direction.

If a college graduate is already working in his specialty, he can choose a correspondence course or study according to an individual plan, which will allow him to combine work and study at a university.

Can a college graduate only apply for a bachelor's degree?

For undergraduate and graduate degrees. For admission to other levels higher education(master's, postgraduate studies) you must already be a bachelor or a specialist.

Bachelor's and specialist's programs for which RosNOU conducts admission in 2018 >>>

Do college graduates need to take the exam?

Not necessary. College graduates can apply based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by the university itself. And they can pass the exam and act according to its results. And they can even mix entrance universities and the exam.

But this can be done only at the stage of application, indicating in which subjects you will provide the results of the USE, and in which you will take the entrance exams at the university.

Entrance tests and programs>>>

How many years do college graduates study at the university?

The same as school graduates - 4 years for a bachelor's degree, 5 years for a specialist (for full-time education) - if they do not take the opportunity to switch to accelerated education according to an individual curriculum. When drawing up an individual plan, it will take into account what disciplines you have already mastered in college.

If there are more than seven such students, a group is organized. If there are less than seven students, an individual schedule is developed for them: the student studies the list of disciplines indicated in the individual plan, with different groups.

Can a college graduate get on the budget?

Yes. There are no restrictions on admission to the budget for college graduates.

How much does tuition cost?

Tuition for college graduates is the same as for high school graduates. However, with accelerated learning, the cost of training per year will be higher.

Tuition fees for applicants entering the 2018/19 academic year>>>

Daria Rozhkova

The abbreviation "suz" stands for Secondary Special Educational Institution and implies two levels at once - NGO and SPO, that is, primary professional education and secondary vocational education. The first group is schools and lyceums, the second is colleges and technical schools.

NGO and SVE, despite the fact that they refer to the same term, have significant differences related to the time of study and the level of training. But after any college, it makes sense to think about getting a university education. What are the benefits for admission and study in higher education for graduates of colleges and lyceums - read below.

A little self-indulgence

Before you start reading the article further, a little information for auto-training: according to statistics, 70 percent of college graduates do not receive higher education due to the fact that they constantly postpone admission, "for next year." Therefore, there is no time to waste: as soon as you get a diploma, run to the university of your dreams right away, otherwise you risk staying with a secondary education. There's nothing wrong with that, of course, but still...

NOT a waste of time

Secondary specialized education, unfortunately, is not considered prestigious in our time. And the decline in the popularity of this class of educational institutions is completely undeserved. Suzes have many advantages. Of course, if you do not oppose them to universities, but perceive them as a qualitative step ahead of them.

At the end of the school nine-year period, students (mostly their parents) are considering whether to continue in the 10th grade or pick up a certificate and go to college. What to choose, what will help build a career better? Most believe that it is more reasonable to get a full secondary and then go to a university. These, according to statistics, 90 percent. And only a few decide on a different life scenario.

It is impossible to say unequivocally who is right and who is to blame in this situation, you just need to consider in detail the pros and cons of educational institutions, and choose the most convenient option.

Almost all mothers and fathers are sure that their daughters and sons are the smartest, and therefore after school they will enter universities without any problems. And here the clinging flare plays an unkind role for the colleges - only those who do not have time at school go there, and study there for "slave" low-paid specialties: a driver, a locksmith, a builder, a seamstress. This is true not only for parents, but also for students.

But in no case should a modern college or technical school be compared with that very terrible vocational school, with which strict teachers frightened for poor study. Today, many colleges provide high-quality vocational secondary education, which is very useful in life.

Some myths about secondary specialized educational institutions:

They take everyone. Now in many colleges the competition is no less strict than in universities.

Waste of time. Absolutely not. Firstly, the program of 10th and 11th grades is mastered in 1 year. And this is a real saving of the most valuable human resource. Second, there will be ready specialist in a certain area. And, thirdly, if you don’t like the profession, then it’s better to understand this while studying at a college than at a university - there will be fewer tears and resentments for wasted time and money - it’s less and cheaper to study, or even free.

Only working professions. And here is the confusion. Most modern colleges are polyspecialized, you can learn not only to be mechanics and plasterers, but also veterinarians, accountants, lawyers, and in some places even jewelers! However, despite the consonance, graduates of colleges or technical schools will never be equal in qualifications with university graduates.

After college, the path to the university is booked. In fact, everything is exactly the opposite. An existing education will be an excellent help to a student of a higher educational institution. We will talk about this in more detail below. The only obstacle to studying at a university after a technical school can only be laziness. Or young people will have to wait a year before entering the "tower" if they are called into the army.

Why is further education needed?

The main snag in getting a higher education after college is your own reluctance. Here everything depends on the character and purposefulness of a person, how he imagines his future. It happens that having a college diploma, young specialists do not see any point in improving their qualifications.

But the modern labor market still dictates its own conditions. It must be understood that without higher education it is difficult to find prestigious job. Even a small company needs employees with higher education. Of course, already having a profession, thanks to the college, it is possible to find a job, but it is unlikely that you will be able to apply for leadership positions. The bosses believe that without a certain crust, the applicant cannot be qualified enough even with experience and excellent personal qualities.

The need to study higher is thought not only by representatives of the "white-collar professions", but also by workers or craftsmen. For example, seamstresses or builders who love their work and do an excellent job, are tired of “plowing for their uncle”, they want to start their own business, but they lack knowledge in economics.

There are many reasons. And college graduates, whenever they enter a higher educational institution, have a number of advantages over ordinary applicants.

Persona grata

When you, after graduating from a secondary vocational school, decide to go on to study further, then many pleasant surprises await you ...

It turns out to be much easier to enter than if you came right after school. And not just easier - but you can be taken to the 2nd, 3rd or even 4th year with open arms. You may need to pass exams - but the passing score is usually minimal.

Especially often this rule applies to the so-called friendly educational institutions (for example, when a college is attached to a university) - those universities that have entered into agreements with colleges or lyceums on the succession of students. But if in a partnership educational institution there is no specialty you need, then you should look for another.

There are no strict conditions from which course you can enter a university after college, this is established directly by the university administration. One institute, for example, taking into account past studies, enrolls in more senior courses, in another - no concessions are given, and you have to study all five years. Therefore, you need to choose in advance a university with the most convenient system.

How to shorten student years?

We continue to list all the benefits of getting a higher education after college. As mentioned above, post-college studies can be less than regular students. The Ministry of Education took care of this when, on May 13, 2002, it issued an order “On approval of the conditions for the development of basic educational programs higher professional education in a shortened time frame.

In fact, there is no student "freebie" here, because getting higher education in a shortened time is, first of all, thanks to the re-credits and re-certification of many disciplines studied and passed back in college. How to do it? - easy. All data will already be recorded in the appendix to the diploma.

In general, it all depends on how many hours and subjects coincided in educational institutions (that's why it is advised to choose a specialized specialty), and then getting a higher education can take only 2.5 years!

Previously, when entering a university after a technical school, they immediately enrolled a course for the third. Now, nominally, only the first. The key difference is that earlier college graduates were attached to the formed groups of those 3-year students who entered after the 11th grade. But quite recently, universities have created special courses, consisting precisely of children who already have a secondary vocational education.

But here is the “fly in the ointment”. A convenient, practical reduced program does not apply to graduates of initial vocational education. However, they should not be upset, because they study less in the NPO than in the SPO.

Very often, out of ignorance, an abbreviated form of training is called accelerated. This is a big mistake. In these two cases, persons who have already received education in colleges are accepted. But unlike the shortened one, the accelerated program does not involve re-credits of disciplines, but the development of the main program in a shorter period.

In order to take advantage of such training, the student must write an application. Only this can be done not earlier than after the successful completion of the first session. The application is considered by the educational council, and if the decision on this issue is positive, then an order is issued and an individual schedule for training is developed. Usually, more than a year, it is not possible to reduce.

Remember that the student can always return to the full program. Both the reduced and the accelerated system are practiced in almost all state and commercial universities, institutes and academies, which make sure that young professionals have a continuous learning cycle.

Get to work soon

It is no secret that children from poor families often enter colleges in order to learn as quickly as possible and earn their own bread as soon as possible. In such a situation, there can be no question of further education in the daytime department.

Therefore, most of these applicants enter the evening or correspondence form. This makes it possible to effectively combine career activities with obtaining a “tower”. By the way, the reduced program is real in any form: full-time, evening, correspondence.

Is it bad to do without the exam?

As soon as our schoolchildren faced such a terrible phenomenon as the unified state exam, colleges have another category of students - those boys and girls who are not confident in their abilities that after graduation they will be able to easily pass the exam and score enough points for admission to universities. And any secondary vocational education exempts from passing a unified state exam before entering universities.

But graduates of NGOs, most likely, will still have to pass the exam. But even with this shortcoming, the knowledge gained in the lyceum will be enough to simplify the learning process a little.

A small note on the subject of delay

One of the reasons why young people fail to get a higher education is the conscription into the army immediately after graduation. And here it is worth mentioning the category of lucky ones who will be able to achieve a deferral and calmly enter a university. A lot of guys finish the nine-year school at the age of 15. They immediately go to study, for example, they successfully study at an NGO for the prescribed program for three years, and then, at the age of 18, they enter a university. And according to the law, a deferment from the army is granted only 1 time, and since it was not taken during training at the school, it can be applied to higher education.

But if such a scheme is not possible, then another one can be used. And here, without any sarcasm, we need to thank the Ministry of Defense, which offered to allow students to take academic leave while serving in the armed forces. Then all birds with one stone will be killed with one silver bullet: the army will receive recruits, and young people will leave to serve with a clear conscience - the knowledge gained in college will not be forgotten in 12 months and the guys will have somewhere to return, because they will have time to go to institutes.

P.S. To enter a university after a college or even a lyceum, an applicant needs only one thing - a sincere desire. And then neither conscription into the army, nor financial difficulties, nor a single state exam will be a hindrance. Believe in yourself and everything will work out. And if another “but” arises, then read the paragraph “a little for self-hypnosis”!

Image: © Depositphotos / Hemeroskopion

For someone who wants to devote more time to studying than is allotted for it by secondary vocational education, it is quite realistic to transfer to a university student's bench after entering a university. Your own desire to learn is in itself a serious reason to keep doing it! Moreover, the complexity technological processes around us is constantly increasing, and it is required to comprehend them at an ever higher level.

If we generally compare the disadvantages of secondary and higher professional education in relation to work, then a “simple hard worker” runs the risk of getting very tired at work, and a “white collar” - very nervous. So, a person with both formations is more likely to be less tired and less nervous. For an ideal career, it would be nice to study perfectly. At first, a graduate of a technical school often outstrips a graduate of a university in work, but then they still change places on the career ladder when the second one gains the necessary work experience. Therefore, the college is perceived in society not only as an educational institution in itself, but also as a well-organized preparation for entering a university.

Choosing a university after college (technical school, college)

A senior student of a college (technical school, college) can choose a university absolutely freely. However, he also has the right to familiarize himself with the recommendations of his educational institution in this regard. Your teachers, as a rule, are aware of which universities they usually enter with specialties that are taught in an institution of secondary vocational education, and moreover, with which universities, probably, cooperation agreements have already been signed. Under such agreements, your school can, for example, send a whole group of students for a day open doors universities, if only to give them a better picture of the professions and education in their industry.

Whether to pass the exam

A set of documents submitted to the admission committee of a higher educational institution by a graduate of a college (technical school, college) contains, among other things, a diploma of graduation from an educational institution of secondary vocational education. But do you need a certificate of the results of the exam?

To think that only for high school graduates is wrong. This test will also not be avoided by those who enter a university after graduating from college if they change the profile of their professional training. You can find out about the location of the exam in the admissions office of the university.
Those who choose a direction at the university that has direct continuity in relation to the specialty of a technical school, college or college, may not pass a single exam. It is replaced by an entrance test in the form that the university itself establishes (for example, a traditional ticket exam, testing, or even an interview; interviews are often arranged for those who graduate from colleges with honors, but an exam in a profile subject for a specific area of ​​​​training is basically everything still gives up). You can find out what specific test you will have on the website of the university. One way or another, it makes sense to master the examination subjects while studying at the secondary school so that there are no white spots for you in the school curriculum.
Now the practice of submitting copies to the selection committees, rather than original documents, is becoming more and more widespread. However, the higher the chance that you will act according to the results of the interview, the more likely that you will still be required to provide original documents with previous grades: the absence of harsh exams must be compensated by documented results of excellent study.

Abbreviated Post-College Programs

Studying in a secondary school sometimes lasts quite a long time, and therefore the desire to reduce further study is completely natural. Fueled by the ideology of the popular model continuing education"school - college - university", it leads many to believe that everyone who goes to continue their professional education at a university has the right to study under a reduced program. What a surprise it is when, having already completed several courses at the university, a student discovers that the reduced program was not supposed to be for him at all!

In fact, abbreviated programs exist, but in order to be able to study from them, a number of conditions must be met. It is best to compare the specialties of secondary and subsequent higher education that you choose even before entering the college. They must match each other in profile (of course, you have the right to continue your education by changing the direction of training, but then you lose the right to reduce the curriculum at the university). Whether you have received a profile education is determined by the university, and not by you.
Next, make sure that the university you are interested in offers exactly an abbreviated program in your chosen specialty for college graduates (technical schools, colleges). This information should be on the website of the university. If not, call the admissions office and ask again if such a program is really open at the university (the opportunity to shorten the period of study is not provided by every university) and that this offer also applies to your specialty too.
But that's not all. When applying to such a university, you must indicate in writing that you are applying for an abbreviated program - otherwise you will get into a regular one! At the same time, it may well happen that you will act according to the general competition, and having already entered, you will be enrolled in the coveted program. The term of study for it often varies depending on whether you received a basic or advanced level of secondary vocational education. In the second case, study lasts less. This is also important because such student places can be both budgetary and paid.
The situation is simplified if you initially enter a college at a university. The very name of such a college contains the name of the university, and all the necessary information about continuing education will be available to you already in the college.

Differences from yesterday's schoolchildren

Graduates of schools, colleges and technical schools feel confident in the institute and university walls. These students mature earlier - and earlier they can feel like accomplished people. Each or almost each lecture calls up the corresponding section in their memory. educational practice. They regularly ask teachers how the theoretical position under consideration can be applied in the work, and really take into account the answers received. And in practical classes, they do not fantasize about real working conditions, but calmly rely on the information that they have long had about this.

But for those who entered the university immediately after school, much of what university students are taught, alas, will remain unfounded statements for a long time to come.

Over the past few years, the conditions for entering a university after a college or technical school have changed a lot. Applicants with a secondary vocational education (SVE) can no longer apply for admission on only one test or interview. But some special conditions still remain. In the article we will tell you more about them and everything that applicants need to know.

The university independently determines the form of entrance examinations

What needs to be submitted?

Here you have a choice. You can submit the results of the Unified State Examination or pass entrance examinations at the university. The number of internal tests corresponds to the number of exams that school graduates take. Most often it is 3-4 exams in general subjects.

If you enroll in the same field that was in college, the university has the right to replace one general education subject with a profile exam. For example, in economic specialties, he replaced social science with comprehensive testing, which includes questions on accounting, taxation, finance and banking.

In some specialties, creative tests are provided. This type of exam can be expected in a number of areas, such as design, architecture, music and theater arts, television, etc.

All exams are graded on a 100-point system. Based on the test results, you will participate in the general competition on an equal footing with school graduates. You also have the right to use the results of the Unified State Examination simultaneously with the passing of internal exams. You need to decide when applying. You have the right to choose only during the first year after graduating from college.

Information about entrance examinations can be found on the website of the university. Some institutions also publish sample assignments for their internal exams in the Entrance Test Program section.

On the website of the university you can find examples of tasks for internal exams

Is it possible to study in an accelerated program?

After college, you have the right to enroll in an abbreviated form of study at a university. At the same time, you will be enrolled in the 1st year, and not in the 2nd or 3rd, according to the Order of the Ministry of Education of October 14, 2015 No. 1147. The transition to an accelerated program in most universities is possible only in the learning process. To do this, you need to write a transfer application. The decision is up to educational institution. In case of a positive answer, an individual training plan will be drawn up for you, which is designed for 2.5-3 years instead of 4-5.

The accelerated program is not provided in all universities. Please clarify this question before submitting documents. Some colleges cooperate with certain higher education institutions. With such an agreement, it is much easier to enter a university for an abbreviated form of education. Check with your college about this possibility.

What form of study to apply?

You have the right to enroll in any form of study available at the university. Since you already have a profession, you can combine study and work. To do this, choose the correspondence, evening or remote form.

If you have settled on a correspondence form, look for an organization that is ready to let you go several times a year at the session. Otherwise, you will have to spend your vacation on it.

How to proceed: step by step instructions

We will give you a complete algorithm of actions

Step 1. Find the right university

At this stage, you need to decide on the educational institution. Find out if your college has partner universities. Think carefully about whether you want to continue your studies in your chosen specialty or want to change direction. On the website of the institution, find out the dates of submission of documents and the list of exams.

Step 2. Prepare for exams

Step 3. Submit your documents

You have the right to apply to 5 universities, 3 directions in each. A special right to admission can only be used in one of them. You need to provide:

  • identity document;
  • a copy or original of the college diploma;
  • 2 photos 3 x 4;
  • documents confirming special rights and individual achievements;
  • medical certificate (if required);
  • military ID, if you are liable for military service.

For a complete list, check the website of a particular university. Please note that if you pass internal exams, the documents are accepted earlier (July 7-10).

Step 4. Pass the entrance tests

Check the exam schedule on the website of the university or in the admissions office. If the dates are the same in different universities, find out if it is possible to pass on reserve days. Some institutions allow for delivery on reserve days only if there is a good reason (illness, for example). Find out these points in advance.

Step 5: Feed the originals

If you have submitted documents to several universities, do not miss the deadline for accepting originals. Follow the competitive lists (a single competition for all applicants), originals can be brought in the first or second wave of enrollment. You will participate in the general competition together with school graduates.

Going to university after college is much easier

When entering a university, you have the same rights as graduates of the school. If you are enrolled on the budget, you can count on a scholarship and a hostel (although the payments will be lower than those of school graduates). And after graduation you will have 2 professions and 2 diplomas, which will increase your demand in the labor market.

Everything today large quantity of applicants consider college as the main option for obtaining a vocational education, while expecting to subsequently unlearn a bachelor's program. Starting your professional path from college is an extremely profitable strategy that allows you to enter under special conditions with the prospect of studying at a university and master the desired specialty in the shortest possible time, while taking advantage of such advantages of a college, including:

Departure from the army
- benefits for certain categories of applicants
- provision of a hostel
- assistance with employment.

For the majority of 11th-graders, graduating from school is associated with the need to pass both mandatory and specialized USE, the result of which will affect the likelihood of further admission. However, for those who are not confident in their abilities, there is a way to get a legitimate diploma through admission to secondary specialized vocational education programs. In this case, the selection committee will only need to provide school certificate, on the basis of which a decision will be made on the enrollment of a potential student. The main condition for successful admission in this case is a sufficiently high GPA certificate.

Apply for training

Go to university after college

The high cost of modern higher education is another reason that encourages students to enter colleges after school is over and they have to choose their future direction in life. It is the college that makes it possible to subsequently enter the university at the budgetary department - excellent students and beneficiaries, subject to the choice of a similar direction of study and if free places. In addition, holders of secondary vocational education diplomas who received documents on education no later than 2009 can also get into a university without USE results.

However, the final decision on whether to accept a candidate for study at a university for a state-funded place after completing the SVE program depends not only on the performance of a potential student. In some cases, you will need to pass a special entrance exam, while the test can take place both in the form of a profile interview and testing.

Benefits of going to college after college

College education allows not only to get a professional education in the absence of outstanding USE results, but also to save several years on further admission to a university: some of them accept college graduates for an abbreviated program of study, that is, immediately to the second or third year. In addition, continuing education at a university contributes to the improvement of qualifications, and, consequently, the demand for a specialist in the labor market. A bachelor's degree is more highly valued among employers than a VET degree, and also provides the basis for the subsequent development of an educational career - up to an MBA, or research and teaching - through postgraduate studies. Thus, college education is only the starting stage of obtaining professional knowledge and becoming a specialist: a significant part of those who will graduate from college intend to improve their knowledge and skills in their specialty in higher educational institutions.

What documents are needed for admission to the university

A college graduate who realizes the need to plan for his future can both start his professional life by immersing himself in labor activity, and continue education - already at the university. The prospective student provides:

Document on completed secondary special education
- passport or other identity document, copies thereof
- a certificate from a medical institution
- photos standard size(3x4)
- statement.

As well as accepting documents for enrollment, passing internal specialized exams, if required for admission, takes place within the time limits established by the university, which can be clarified at the admissions committee of the selected educational institution.

Apply for training