Successful post-maternity interviews: tips for a successful interview. How to get out of the decree for a prestigious job

Immediately tune in to the fact that current recruiters (employees of recruiting agencies) and competent leaders will not directly ask you questions such as "Can you stay regularly?", "Who will sit with your child in case of his illness?" or "Have you been interested in what happens in your professional area during the decree?" Basically, they will be interested in how the process of your work was built (before the decree), and draw conclusions from your answers, how deeply you understand your specialty, whether you updated your knowledge during parental leave. For example, a girl who worked in the accounting department of an insurance company for 3 years before the decree, and again gets a job in an insurance company, may be asked to tell: 1) In detail about the area of ​​work that she did. It is important to reflect this in your resume, but you should be able to describe in detail how your workflow was built.

How to successfully pass an interview after maternity leave?

Before submitting your resume, think about your competitive advantages, for example, it can be: higher motivation for work and self-realization, or a guarantee that you will not go on maternity leave in the near future. 3. Initiate the process Inaction is equal to the force of opposition.

A rolling stone gathers no moss. You can still remember a bunch of proverbs to convey an important idea - be proactive in developing yourself and when looking for a job. While on maternity leave, try to compensate for the break from work.

Read professional literature, magazines, communicate in communities, keep in touch with colleagues at work, if possible, take refresher courses. All this will help you quickly integrate into the workflow and keep abreast of events.
After the resume is drawn up, use the services of the Internet, periodicals to search for vacancies.

What you need to know about your post-maternity interview

Relieving stress To begin with, let's turn our attention to the very word "interview". You see, there is no root "interrogation" here, it is about a simple conversation.
You are going to get to know the employer, office space and, possibly, future colleagues. And you, first of all, you decide whether to start a new position.


The interview provides an excellent opportunity for applicants to evaluate the personal qualities of the boss, the atmosphere in the team, the convenience of the workplace, etc. Nobody forbids candidates to ask questions, on the contrary, many of them concerning the specifics of the company, work schedule, remuneration and contract conditions are simply necessary to voice.

Remembering all this, go to your "bride" without fear and look, as they say, "both". Preparing a speech Now about the preparation.

Mom goes to work: how to get an interview?

Try to find out the rules of the dress code of the future place of work. Or stick with neutral options. 3. Conversation.

Personnel officers are sure that poor self-presentation at the interview is the main reason for the applicant's failure. 4. Manners. Disconnect your phone. In 80% of cases, answering a mobile call during a conversation will be regarded as disrespectful.

Irritants also include absent gaze, obsessive movements, chewing gum, and even the timbre of the voice. You should not try to defuse the situation with anecdotes, jokes and examples from life.


Gestures. Do not cross your legs or arms during conversation. This position is considered closed and demonstrates your isolation.

Also, do not lean back in a chair - it is better to keep your back straight, slightly tilting your body towards the interlocutor. 6. Questions. Note that the interviewer will probably ask why you left your previous company.
Answering "It's too personal" will not add to your points.

Top 7 Secrets of a Successful Job Interview After Maternity Leave


If after maternity leave you want to change your occupation or are just starting your career, then life hacks for passing an interview from Mikhail Pritula will help you. 3. Chat with those who have not left the profession If you are returning to your previous place of work, make an appointment with someone from the colleagues who have been working all the time.

Find out about the news in the team and in the field of work in general. This information may not be useful for you in the interview, but the very understanding that you know everything will give you confidence in the interview. 4. Know the exact answers about the safety net A mandatory interview question, the answer to which you need to know thoroughly - who can hedge you and help you, when you urgently need to pick up the child from somewhere, when the child is sick and in any other situations that are difficult to predict, but decide you need to quickly.

Going to work after maternity leave. secrets of success

If the employer is trying to find out your weaknesses, let him do it, but do not overdo it. For example, you should not talk for 30 minutes about how difficult it is for you to sleep with a small child, and therefore you are always late in the morning ... It can be mentioned that occasionally you can be late for 5-10 minutes, but you are always ready to stay after the end of the working day and work being late / finishing work.

  • Smile and be confident. A positive attitude helps a successful conversation. Remember, this is just a conversation, not a rigorous exam! Try to keep your meeting in a relaxed, relaxed atmosphere. Make sure that the interview is not stressful for you or the employer. Of course, this does not mean that you need to laugh heartily and poison all known anecdotes.

What are the changes in legislation related to the work of your department over the past couple of years. It is better to read this not "at night" before the interview, as the depth of your knowledge will become clear after a few clarifying questions.

Remember, it is important for the employer how much you are "in the subject" of your position. 3) About the relationship in the previous team. Do not rush to remember everything and talk about the intolerable chief accountant in colors, it is better to briefly answer in 2-3 phrases that you were comfortable in the previous place, you still maintain relationships and, in general, the team is an important criterion for you in deciding on a new place of work, and you really appreciate the friendly atmosphere. 4) About that, and why, in fact, do you need a new job after maternity leave.

Post-maternity leave interview

It will not be superfluous to send your resume to recruiting agencies. After sending your resume for suitable vacancies, be proactive, find out the fate of your resume by calling the employer.

This can be a good reason to interest the employer over the phone with aspects of their biography. 4. They are greeted according to their clothes, they are shown off according to their mind!

Change your usual jeans and sweaters for a business suit and a pair of dresses. Go to a beauty salon, for a manicure, for sure there was no time for this during maternity leave. When you come for an interview, you should impress not only with your appearance, but also interest the employer as a professional. Speak in a professional and businesslike language.

They worry no less than you and really want to find the most worthy employee. Therefore, try to perceive the interview as a useful and mutually beneficial communication.

Try to focus the interviewer's attention on your professional merit. Tell us about the new professional knowledge and skills that you acquired on maternity leave, what books were you inspired by.

It is important to show that, despite a lot of household chores, you have not lost interest in the profession and are ready to devote time to a potential employer.

  • Tell us how you can be of value to the company. Do you have tons of fresh ideas, enthusiasm, and confidence that you can be a great employee? Interview - it's time to talk about it!
  • Control the situation. Try to answer positively even to questions about your negative qualities.

Interview after maternity leave at the bank

Maternity leave is a fairly long period in the life of a young mother. The first years are the most important for a child. This is a time of active development and establishing an emotional connection with family.

Therefore, all mothers, being on maternity leave, try to spend as much time as possible with their child. In addition, it is quite difficult to combine professional activities and breastfeeding. Alas, often a woman loses her qualifications during this period, and her skills and knowledge cease to meet the requirements of the constantly evolving modern world. Therefore, after the decree, it is difficult for mom to return to her previous job, and even more so - to find a new one. The oversaturation of the personnel market with young specialists makes the task even more difficult. The situation may seem hopeless to you, but mothers also have some advantages over other professionals.

Maternity leave is a fairly long period in the life of a young mother. The first years are the most important for a child. This is a time of active development and establishing an emotional connection with family. Therefore, all mothers, being on maternity leave, try to spend as much time as possible with their child. In addition, it is quite difficult to combine professional activities and breastfeeding. Alas, often a woman loses her qualifications during this period, and her skills and knowledge cease to meet the requirements of the constantly evolving modern world. Therefore, after the decree, it is difficult for mom to return to her previous job, and even more so - to find a new one.

The oversaturation of the personnel market with young specialists makes the task even more difficult.

The situation may seem hopeless to you, but mothers also have some advantages over other professionals.

Often, the bosses are afraid of the imminent departure of young female employees on maternity leave. But, since you have a small child, it is unlikely that you will be going on maternity leave again in the near future. In addition, young mothers who have devoted a year or several years to raising a baby miss work. They are happy to learn, have a sense of purpose, organization, ability to work and readily take on new things.

Always remember - there are exceptions to all rules. An employer is always interested in an effective employee. If you can convince him of your effectiveness, then the dream job will definitely be in your pocket.

Eliminating Competition Honestly

To get a job, you need to convince the employer that he is in front of a really valuable future employee.

  1. Write a good resume and cover letter. If you are applying for a creative position, then it is better to avoid dry and standard phrases in the resume. After all, the employer will see the resume first, and it will depend on the impression made whether you will be invited for an interview. It is not at all necessary to indicate marital status and the presence of children in the resume. Start by engaging a potential employer with your professional background. Tell about the children when you meet. Be sure to write cover letters. An original cover letter will allow you to stand out from the crowd of other applicants and often even obliges the recruiter to contact you (the phrase “I'm looking forward to your call” works in 80% of cases).
  2. Search for information. Try to find out as much as possible about the organization you are considering applying for and the staffing requirements. You must be able to explain why you are interested in working for this particular company.
  3. Prepare answers to the most frequently asked interview questions. You can plan a short, one-minute self-introduction in advance, as employers often ask. Tell us about your education, previous place of work and hobbies.
  4. Emphasize your potential. After all, you were probably an excellent specialist before maternity leave, and now you only need a little practice to brush up on forgotten skills. But after all, if you want to compensate for the gaps in knowledge and again "fill your hand" is not a problem at all! It is important to demonstrate that, despite the chores at home, you have not lost interest in the profession and career advancement. No matter how evil or biased at first glance, the personnel of the HR department would not seem to you, believe me - it is important for them to close the vacancy. They worry no less than you and really want to find the most worthy employee. Therefore, try to perceive the interview as a useful and mutually beneficial communication. Try to focus the interviewer's attention on your professional merit. Tell us about the new professional knowledge and skills that you acquired on maternity leave, what books were you inspired by. It is important to show that, despite a lot of household chores, you have not lost interest in the profession and are ready to devote time to a potential employer.
  5. Tell us how you can be of value to the company. Do you have tons of fresh ideas, enthusiasm, and confidence that you can be a great employee? Interview - it's time to talk about it!
  6. Control the situation. Try to answer positively even to questions about your negative qualities. If the employer is trying to find out your weaknesses, let him do it, but do not overdo it. For example, you should not talk for 30 minutes about how difficult it is for you to sleep with a small child, and therefore you are always late in the morning ... It can be mentioned that occasionally you can be late for 5-10 minutes, but you are always ready to stay after the end of the working day and work being late / finishing work.
  7. Smile and be confident. A positive attitude helps a successful conversation. Remember, this is just a conversation, not a rigorous exam! Try to keep your meeting in a relaxed, relaxed atmosphere. Make sure that the interview is not stressful for you or the employer. Of course, this does not mean that you need to laugh heartily and poison all known anecdotes. But a confident look and smile will definitely help you get the place you want.
  8. Pay attention to your physical appearance before you go for an interview. A formal hairstyle and clothing (for example, a suit or a blouse with a classic skirt), discreet makeup will make you look like a business woman. However, you should not overdo it, so as not to scare off potential bosses with excessive severity.
  9. Speak the truth. Try not to overdo it by showing your best side. In the end, any lie will be revealed. You can slightly embellish reality, but you should not deceive. It is better to firmly decide how much time you are willing to give to work (full or part-time) and provide yourself with the support of your family. If you are confident that your loved ones will always help you with your child, if necessary, then it will not be difficult to convince the employer of this. Grandmothers, nannies, husband, kindergarten - be sure to tell who your child will be with all your working day. Also prepare for the question of who will look after the child during the illness.

At the interview, it is important to be fully armed - rested, healthy and broadcast the desire for speedy social integration. Never get upset or give up. Each unsuccessful interview makes you more experienced, which means that success is just around the corner!

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

One of the mothers on the forum shares her own experience: “I went to work after 3 years of decree. To increase my chances of getting a job, I deliberately wrote the phrase in my resume: "There is no need for frequent sick leave, since a nanny is with the children." Because I got the impression that women with babies are less willing to hire, fearing that they will always be at home on sick leave ... get sick too often or you have someone to help.

It is rare to find a woman who, while sitting at home with a child, has not lost confidence in herself and her business qualities. Well, unless she immediately went straight from the hospital to the meeting, which, you see, is still a rarity. Of course, the most painless option for a young mother is to go to an old job, where if she is not expected with open arms, then she will certainly not be shown the door. But it often happens that while we are raising a baby, we break away from the daily office bustle and, as it were, soar over the situation. And it turns out that a familiar workplace has long ceased to stir up blood, does not arouse enthusiasm and does not promise much growth. In general, one thing is clear: you are ripe for conquering new heights. So go for it!

To be successful in your interview, of course, you need to prepare. So, let's imagine a typical recruiter. He is sure that a woman with a small child is distinguished by weak motivation (in her mind she is always at home or in kindergarten), she abuses time off and sick leave (children often get sick or are unexpectedly left without nannies) - in general, she does not faint with happiness at our mere appearance on the doorstep (which, of course, is a pity ...). And we ourselves? We are worried and nervous. And the more we like the offered vacancy, the more we worry and get nervous.

So, below are 8 arguments that will help convince the harshest employer:

1. I know what I want

Everyone seems to know that the first impression is the most important. But, probably, they forget about it out of excitement. Your resolute look, calm, firm gaze - and the potential employer sees from the very beginning: this candidate knows what she wants, she is confident in herself. In order not to spoil that impression, ask yourself in advance the key questions that you know will come up in your interview. To do this, carefully read your resume, imagine what information might be of particular interest to this particular employer, think about your "weak points": how to explain breaks in work or gaps in education. Either way, you shouldn't be caught off guard in the interview. Practice with your husband or girlfriend clearly and confidently answering the following questions: why is this job important to me, can I refuse it, if I don’t like something, at what points am I ready to make reasonable concessions? Prepare arguments and counterarguments, keeping in mind that the interview should not feel like “close combat,” and you should not be on the defensive all the time: you should remain open to discussion.

2. I'm ready to start right now

We have an advantage over a candidate for a position working elsewhere: we are ready to go to work immediately! But this readiness should concern not only the date of the contract, but also the daily work. A good answer to the question: "When are you ready to start work?" - sounds something like this: "I spent enough time with my child, recharged the batteries and I'm ready to start working tomorrow." The interlocutor will see that in front of him is a person who misses work and is ready to take it right there. It remains to prove that you will be full of enthusiasm not only when applying for a job, but also in the future. Explain that, at first, you are ready to take extra hours to get up to speed - the interlocutor will immediately feel that you have thought through all the important questions in advance, and will be imbued with trust.

3. I'm mobile

Of course, the employer understands: we - young mothers and children need us. This means that it will be difficult to pull us to work on the weekend or send us on an urgent business trip. But this does not mean that everything is so bad (for the employer) and the issue of mobility should not be discussed at all. From the very beginning it is necessary to outline the conditions: I have to pick up the child from the kindergarten at 19 o'clock, I am ready to work in this mode; I won't be able to do more (say, go out on the weekend), but I will keep those promises. But it is imperative to touch upon force majeure situations that happen at any job. For example, like this: "But if something unexpected happens, I will find someone to leave the child with." Nothing will calm the recruiter more than the very fact of discussing this issue: he will understand that you have thought everything over and will be able to adapt.

4. I am open to negotiations

Basically, negotiations in our case happen when discussing the possibility of a freer schedule (except for the discussion of salaries, of course). In France, for example, the 4/5 law was recently passed: if the employer agrees, a person can work only four days out of five, respectively, receiving a lower salary. But we do not have such a law, which means that you have to test the waters yourself: how necessary is your presence in the office at a strictly defined time, how the company treats lateness. Ideal if you can talk to some of the employees, even if they are ex-employees. It doesn't have to be a close friend who will tell you everything without hiding - even a nodding acquaintance is enough to figure out the true work schedule. For example, one young mother, for example, was convinced at an interview that at 6 pm all the employees were quietly leaving for their homes, and the "intelligence" reported that anyone who dares to leave the office before seven or even eight in the evening is viewed as extremely unreliable. Your goal is to combine the desired and reality, as well as your interests and the interests of the employer.

5. I'm organized

What exactly distinguishes any mother of a family is organization. Significant bargaining chip in an interview, isn't it? Show that your organizational skills exceed your wildest expectations. Prove that, if necessary, you can not only delegate any responsibilities, but monitor their implementation. This is a very useful skill - both in professional life and in family life. Moreover, the working day, sometimes, drags on, and you need to think about everything: who will take care of the children in the evening, who will feed them and what. You, of course, have your answers ready: "I am planning a menu for the week right away"; "If I come back late, the nanny puts the children to bed herself." This is the way of life that will allow you not to drive yourself out. After describing a logical and clear scheme for "managing children", explain to the employer that you can easily apply the same principle of organization in the workplace - for even greater efficiency.

6. I'm ready to make concessions

Now that we are almost ready to rush into battle for a place in the sun, we will make a short stop. Yes, we must be confident in ourselves, yes, we must negotiate all the conditions and strive for the best. But. A firm position has a downside: if from the very beginning of the interview we are trying to agree on everything once and for all, fixing every detail in the contract, then the recruiter may have doubts: will you work "from call to call" without investing much strength and time. Therefore, there is no need to go too far: a rush job is a rush job for all employees, and not only for the childless.

And let's not lose hope: it is quite possible that over time it will be possible to agree on a more flexible schedule. For example, you can prove to your boss that you can do the same amount of work in a little less time. Or try to arrange your schedule so that you can be free early, for example, due to your lunch break.

In any case, it is easier to achieve any "relaxation of the regime" later, when you have already become your own in the team and got involved in the work.

7. I see perspective

At the end of the interview, we may come to an unexpected conclusion: we are not at all encouraged by what the employer has to offer. Let's be optimistic and look at things from a different angle: firstly, what now seems uninteresting may actually turn out to be much more exciting; and secondly, you can never predict how your status in the company will change. Much, you see, is in our hands! If we manage to show the bosses that we are full of ideas (and good ones!) And are ready to invest, it is quite possible that reality will "catch up" to our initial expectations. Of course, a lot depends on the traditions of the company and the system of rewards - but whoever does not take risks does not get anything!

8. I have the strength to start all over again

Sometimes we are looking for a new job, not because we are eager to expand the horizon, but because we have lost the old one: anything, you see, happens. But this should not affect self-esteem. It is necessary to inspire the interlocutor that you have already done this kind of work, which means that you have experience, and if you have to learn something in the process, you will definitely learn. This kind of confidence in yourself and in your abilities, plus a willingness to immediately start work will calm the recruiter, you can be sure. He will see that you were not discouraged by the loss of the previous place, and will be convinced of the ability to regenerate. So turning your layoff into a positive experience should be the engine that drives you relentlessly to your dream job.

2 banned phrases

We already know what sentences should be said, but phrases that cannot be uttered even in private. There are, in fact, only two of them:

"I can not!"
You carried and gave birth to a baby, nursed and raised (at least, you are in the process) - and you will not be able to do something? We do not believe!

"You can not do it this way!"
Can. You can build your life in any way - the main thing is that your family is comfortable.

3 pitfalls to avoid:

  • Excessive self-confidence. You don't have to come to the interview, open the door with your foot and tell the recruiter: "Whatever you say, I want it to be like this and like this." Stay open, gentle, and keep a close eye on the flow of the conversation.
  • Excessive shyness. All phrases should be built in the present tense. By saying “I'll try to be very organized,” we show the interlocutor that we are not ready to take over the work entirely - although we hope. Better to say: "I am an organized person, you will be able to judge for yourself."
  • Excessive details of personal life. Sadly, no one is interested in your kids' hobbies and their favorite treats during a job interview. This is not the place or time for such stories: we come to work, not to have small talk. We must remain restrained, and if asked a “personal” question, answer simply and briefly.

There are whole groups of job seekers who find it difficult to find work: for example, young mothers who are leaving the maternity leave. We decided to find out why employers are wary of them, and in which companies, on the contrary, they are supported.

What are employers afraid of?

There is a stereotype that there are more problems than benefits from an employee with a small child. The employer expects two potentially negative scenarios from a young mother:

1) That the employee will not be able to devote enough time to work.
There is an opinion that a young mother will disappear all the time: either she needs a sick leave, then a day off, or a children's matinee, then pick up her child from the kindergarten early. You can't send her on business trips and ask to stay late to finish important work, too, will not work. In addition, most companies have a work schedule until 18:00 or 19:00, and many kindergartens require that the child be picked up before 17:00.

2) That during the decree the employee lost her professional qualifications.
Skills that we haven't used for a while are diminishing. This applies to everything: driving a car, and English, and even ordinary communication with others. Employers think: if you were on maternity leave for two years, then you only dealt with the child, therefore, they did not read professional literature, they forgot English and did not follow the current trends in their field.

Your strengths

The main task of any candidate is to prove their worth to the employer. The same applies to young mothers. After talking with you, the employer should get the impression that he will finally be able to fill the vacancy, delegate tasks and go about his business. Therefore, during the interview, try to focus on your strengths.

You just really want to work

Your main trump card is burning eyes. After sitting with children, women are eager to work, remember forgotten things, and apply their business skills. They are not half a day late for work, do not run for frequent smoke breaks, and will not leave for a "warmer place" in six months, because they value stability. After the decree, women are happy to communicate with adults all day, have an hour for lunch and the opportunity to concentrate on work. Moreover, the longer the employee was on maternity leave, the more she is glad to return to work.

“A woman who has spent several months or years on maternity leave usually really wants to work,” Vasily Voropaev, founder of, shares his experience. - She wants to distract herself from worries about the child and is ready to provide not only her own, but also his future, even if it is only paying for a nanny or kindergarten. This is a big responsibility that makes the employee think about her professional development. "

“After sitting at home for a couple of years on maternity leave, many active girls just go crazy with the constant 'groundhog day',” adds Valentina Ignatieva, lead HR manager at the integrated communications agency Comunica. - Therefore, they are very happy to return to the team and develop professionally. Practice shows that those who are productive stay the same after the birth of a child, so multitasking is not a problem for them. And the sense of responsibility among young mothers is much more developed than among their colleagues who do not yet have children. "

You have your own strong skills

This is time management, organization, the ability to exist in multitasking mode and much more. Employees with small children have a number of advantages over others, says Ksenia Andreeva, HR branch of 1C-Rarus. “They are much more persevering than their counterparts without children, they are attentive to details and know how to effectively manage their time,” she says. - In our experience, mothers who have just left the decree do well in tasks where constant monitoring is required (for example, it can be monitoring indicators). Such employees are distinguished by responsibility and focus. "

Another professional plus of women who work at the same time as caring for a child is the experience of time management and the speed of decision-making, adds Vasily Voropaev: procrastinate. These are very important qualities for a business. "

Another indisputable advantage of mothers with young children is loyalty, says Zulfiya Yupashevskaya, head of HR services at BDO Unicon Outsourcing. “A woman who has a balance between work and family is unlikely to want to change jobs for the foreseeable future,” she continues. - Besides, such employees usually give their best 100%. It is important for them, firstly, to keep their jobs, and secondly, to learn new things and make up for lost knowledge (if the decree was long). Another point in favor of new moms is their time management and prioritization skills. Well, flexibility and negotiation skills, in my experience, the decree also develops well, and this is a big plus for any employee. "

Are you willing to make compromises

And look for various possible solutions to problems. For example, work remotely for some time if a child is sick, or find an individual convenient work schedule together with an employer. “You can change the work schedule, you can divide the work into parts, performing it at different times of the day,” says President of the Tentorium group of companies Rail Khismatullin. - You can generally organize seasonal work, leaving yourself seasons of guaranteed vacation. Most of our distributors are women, and they are often young mothers with children. Of course, they should not be put on assembly line work, but this does not mean that such women should not be considered as workers at all. Young mothers are often willing to do the impossible in order to gain a foothold in the field, get promotion, experience, recommendations and a good salary. And in this respect they are often superior to men. "

If your position does not require a mandatory presence in the office, agree with the management that the first time after leaving the decree you will work remotely. This will help both you and your child get used to new life circumstances. Some companies are absolutely normal about such a multi-stage exit from the decree. “We began to cooperate remotely with one young mother when she was still on parental leave,” says Natalya Zasypina, director of the marketing department at Fogsoft. - The child was then less than one and a half years old. We communicated with this employee via Skype and e-mail. I remember that during our Skype calls, babbling was periodically heard in the microphone, but this did not bother anyone from our company, because it did not interfere with the workflow in any way. If a person is responsible, then nothing will prevent him from doing his job efficiently. By the way, this employee will soon become a mother for the second time, and we will be happy to continue to cooperate when it becomes convenient for her to combine taking care of a child with solving our problems. "

Sometimes companies go to meet young mothers and decide to transfer an employee with a small child to remote work after leaving the decree. Both the employee and the company can benefit from such a decision. “A girl who had been at home with a child for two and a half years came to our interview,” says Svetlana Antonova, head of the HR department at Arasar. - She applied for the position of a logistician, and this is a rather stressful job: it is necessary to organize and control the movement of special machinery and equipment for construction sites throughout the country. The applicant suited us in all respects, moreover, even being on maternity leave she was aware of, for example, the current regional tariffs for trawl transportation. We invited her to work. At first everything went well - the person's eyes were shining, and the work was a joy. But after about six months, her child began to catch colds regularly. Petersburg autumn, kindergarten - there are many reasons. Mom began a series of forced days off. Considering that the employee is very competent and responsible, we decided to transfer her to remote work with a visit to the office in case of special need. We have now entered the second year of such cooperation and we can state that this decision was correct. "

1. Immediately focus the employer's attention on what you have, someone to look after the child. Indicate this in your resume in the section "Marital status", say it in a telephone conversation, repeat at an interview. It doesn't matter if it's a grandmother, nanny or kindergarten, the main thing is that you have planned who the child will stay with while you work. The employer should get the impression that you have reliable helpers and a clear plan. This will level you up with childless candidates.

Of course, you need to prepare the child for this as early as possible before leaving the decree: decide with whom the baby will stay during your absence, and start teaching him to this - for example, send him to kindergarten in advance.

The solution of any family issues is a matter of your self-organization, responsibility and desire, recalls Tatiana Konakova, Sales Development Director of the MICE company Upjet Travel Group. “Of course, hospital care for a child and the need to pick up children from kindergarten are problems that lie on the surface. The employees resolve this issue on their own, so the company does not even notice these difficulties. "

2. Demonstrate that you are up to date with the latest trends in your professional field. Mention what specialty books you have read recently, what articles or blogs you studied, what lectures or courses you attended. And, of course, you should prepare for going to work in advance in order to have time to refresh your knowledge.

It is best when a woman, on maternity leave, does not completely interrupt her career, but continues to work - remotely or freelance, says Natalya Storozheva, general director of the Perspektiva Business and Career Development Center and a teacher at the Russian School of Management. “Then she does not drop out of the working process and does not lose her professional form,” explains Natalya. - Now women often leave for two decrees in a row, and after 5-6 years spent at home, it is impossible to go to work with the same income level as before the decree. In addition, over such a period, skills are lost, legislation, the tax system, business schemes and market conditions change.

3. Ask questions: during a telephone interview, and during an interview, and in the first days of the work. Take an interest in the goals and objectives of the company, take an active position. Don't be afraid to show that you don't know something. It is better to follow the main rule of communication: "If you don't know, ask."

4. Keep quiet about the personal. Not everyone is interested in knowing the details of your child's development, so don't tell every colleague about it. It is better to leave this news for family and friends.

5. Treat your decree not as a "ballast", but as a huge valuable experience: the experience of time management, planning, responsibility, maintaining balance, working with a very demanding client - your own child.

The labor code is on your side

Yes, there are employers who do not comply with the Labor Code. Nevertheless, there is still labor legislation in Russia, and it just protects the interests of young mothers. For example, article 64 tells us: "It is prohibited to refuse to conclude an employment contract for women on grounds related to pregnancy or the presence of children." If the employer refuses you for this reason, demand a written refusal and go to court with him.

Article 259 of the Labor Code explicitly prohibits forcing pregnant women to work overtime. And if you are a woman with a child under 3 years old, then the employer can send you on a business trip or make you work after official working hours only with your written consent.

The employer is obliged to take back to work the employee who went on maternity leave, recalls Zulfiya Yupashevskaya, head of the HR department at BDO Unicon Outsourcing. “We are engaged in support of business processes in the field of accounting. In Russia, more women traditionally work in this area. We regularly encounter the fact that some of our specialists go on maternity leave and return to work, - says Yupashevskaya. - Currently, for example, almost 20% of our total staff is on parental leave. For us, the question is not whether we will take these people back - we are obliged to do this by law. But it's not just about legal compliance. It is beneficial for us to continue to cooperate with an experienced, proven person who is familiar with the team and the specifics of the business. Such an employee does not have to be trained from scratch. "

In modern and open companies, children are treated as a natural stage in the development of an employee. Therefore, treat the “kids” item on your resume as a way to show potential employers that you know how to take responsibility, manage your time effectively, and stick to plans.

Post-maternity interviews are often more experiences than an ordinary interview. These unrest empty and unjustified, which is confirmed by the results research by Regus.

According to them, employers know that after the decree, female workers are responsible, in the period of their greatest productivity, they miss work and often do not need to be trained from scratch.

The thought is continued by Ekaterina Kovalevskaya, director of a consulting agency"Prof-Consulting":

“We can say with confidence that after the decree, women become more effective. If only because they will not waste time on empty conversations and know why they need to leave work at 18:00 ".

The interview after the maternity leave is a little different from the usual one. But, nevertheless, there are certain features. Ekaterina Kovalevskaya shares her advice on interviewing parents after the decree.

1. Omit the stories about the child

Of course, your child is special and talented. But it's better not to overuse talking about your child at the interview, if you are not asked about it. If such a task is difficult for you a priori, then talk to someone before the interview.

2. Prepare well

You have probably dropped out of the work environment for a long time. To return to the profession and not feel like a black sheep, you need to thoroughly prepare. Take a few weeks to find and study information about significant events in your professional environment over the past six months, new products, trends.

If after maternity leave you want to change your occupation or are just starting your career, then they will help you.

3. Chat with those who have not left the profession

If you are returning to your previous place of work, make an appointment with someone from your colleagues who worked all the time. Find out about the news in the team and in the field of work in general. This information may not be useful for you in the interview, but the very understanding that you know everything will give you confidence in the interview.

4. Know the exact answers about safety net

A mandatory interview question, the answer to which you need to know thoroughly - who can insure you and help you, when you urgently need to pick up the child from somewhere, when the child is sick and in any other situations that are difficult to predict, but must be resolved promptly. Relatives, nannies, neighbors, spouses - whoever these people are, but define their role in advance and reassure the employer.

5. Tell us about work during maternity leave

Parental leave is also a job. The employer appreciates information about the skills acquired during the maternity leave. You can certainly talk about multitasking, focus on results, responsibility without a twinge of conscience.

If during the decree you still managed to allocate time for self-development or part-time work, be sure to tell about it. Finding time for something else in parallel with caring for a child is like a feat, and one should not be ashamed to talk about such successes.

Wishing all candidates after a break in their work, self-confidence and successful interviews!

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Aunt Slesareva 05/12/2015, 21:25

I, as a mother, have 3 children and without a grandmother it will not be real ...

Gennady Maly 05/13/2015, 08:36

It was bad to think with your head and not ...

Elena Kachan 05/13/2015, 10:58

Gennady, maybe Tatyana's children will feed you over time, at their expense you will receive a pension.
What is your contribution to the social and demographic future of our country? Achievement of the sales plan of 120% for April? ;-)