A new procedure for passing practice in universities (Artemova I.V.). Forms of educational practice - discrete Stationary and field practice honors

2.1. The main types of practice of PSU students mastering the main professional educational programs of higher education are:

Educational practice;


Research work.

If the standard provides for the protection of the final qualifying work, then as part of the industrial practice, pre-diploma practice is necessarily carried out.

2.1.1... Educational practice Is a practice for obtaining primary professional skills. It is aimed at the formation of general and general professional competencies of students.

In particular, for undergraduate programs, graduate programs and specialist programs, the main types of educational practice in accordance with the curriculum of areas, training profiles, specialties are:

Familiarization practice,

Field practice,

Archaeological practice,

Folklore practice,

Workshop on inorganic chemistry,

Pharmaceutical and propaedeutic practice,

Medical orientation practice and others.

2.1.2. Internship includes practice according to the profile of the specialty, including teaching practice and undergraduate practice.

Practice in the profile of the specialty and teaching practice are aimed at developing general professional and professional competencies in students, gaining professional skills and professional experience, gaining practical experience.

The main types of industrial practice in accordance with the curriculum of directions, training profiles, specialties for undergraduate programs, graduate programs and specialist programs, in particular, are:

Technological practice;

Project practice;

Psychological and pedagogical practice;

Teaching practice;

Practice in preschool educational institutions;

Practice at speech therapy centers at educational institutions;

Research practice;

Scientific and pedagogical practice;

Industrial and technological practice and others.

Undergraduate practice as part of the main educational program, it is the final stage of training, it is aimed at deepening the initial practical experience of the student, the formation of professional competencies, checking his readiness for independent labor activity and is carried out after the students have mastered the theoretical and practical training program to complete the final qualifying work. Undergraduate practice is organized and carried out in organizations and institutions, the profile of which includes activities related to the topic of the final qualifying work. The decision on the place of passing the pre-diploma practice by the students is made by the graduating department.

The student is given the right, 1 month before the start of the practice, to propose the place of its passing, provided that this issue has been agreed with the administration of the organization, the profile of which corresponds to the topic of the final qualifying work.

Part-time students working in a profile corresponding to the direction of training, specialty and having the opportunity to prepare final qualifying work at the place of their position, can undergo pre-diploma practice in an organization (at an enterprise, in an institution) without interrupting work. The graduating departments of the university issue assignments to such students, taking into account the working conditions, and accept the necessary reporting documentation.

2.1.3. Research work for undergraduate programs can be part of the practice. For master's programs research work is a mandatory section of the OBOP VO.

When developing a research program, the graduating department should provide students with the opportunity to:

Study scientific and professional literature on the training program; collect and process scientific information in the process of performing research work;

Participate in scientific research together with researchers and teachers of the university;

Deliver scientific reports and reports at scientific symposia, round tables and conferences.

When conducting research work, students should have access to modern electronic databases containing modern, including foreign research and other professional literature on the profile of training; thematic and professionally oriented Internet resources should be available. In the process of performing research work and in the course of defending its results, a broad discussion of materials should be held in the educational structures of the university with the involvement of employers and leading researchers, which makes it possible to assess the level of acquired knowledge, skills and formed competencies of students.

2.2. The specific type of educational and industrial practice provided for by the OPEP VO, developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education, is established by the issuing department in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education.

2.3. The practice is carried out in the following ways: as a stationary practice or an offsite practice.

2.3.1. Stationary practice held at the university (its structural unit), where students master the educational program or in organizations (institutions, enterprises) located in the city of Penza.

2.3.2. Offsite practice is held if the venue is located outside the city of Penza. Onsite practice can be carried out in the field if it is necessary to create special conditions for its conduct. For the successful organization and conduct of field practice, the department responsible for this practice, in advance (in February-March of this year) provides to the educational and methodological management (department for organizing student practices) an approximate cost estimate (Appendix 1) for carrying out this practice for the next calendar year. year.

2.3.3. The specific method of carrying out the practice provided for by the OPEP of HE, developed on the basis of the FSES of HE, is established by the issuing department independently, taking into account the requirements of the FSES of HE.

2.4. The practice is carried out in the following forms:

Continuously - by allocating a continuous period of study time in the schedule of the educational process for carrying out all types of practices provided for by the OPOP of the HE;

Discretely: by type of practice - by highlighting in the schedule of the educational process a continuous period of study time for each type (set of types) of practice;

Discretely: by periods of practice - by alternating periods of study time in the schedule of the educational process for conducting practices with periods of study time for conducting theoretical training sessions.

It is possible to combine discrete practices according to their types and periods of their implementation.

2.5. The type of practice, type, form and duration of its implementation, labor intensity, distribution by periods of study are established during the development of the main professional educational program of higher education by the graduating department or structural unit of the university responsible for the implementation of the OBEP HE, taking into account the requirements of the educational standard, curriculum of the direction, profile training, specialty and these Regulations. The graduating department or structural unit of the university responsible for the implementation of the OBEP of HE may establish other types of practices depending on the level of higher education, the direction of training, the profile of the educational program, and specialty.

Introduction. 4

1. Goals and objectives of mastering the discipline .. 4

2. The place of the academic discipline in the structure of the educational program (EP) 5

3. Requirements for input knowledge, skills, competencies of the student: ………….… .7

4. Scope of discipline and types of educational work .. 7

5. Forms of educational practice …………………………………………… ...… 10

6. Place and time of training practice …………………………………… ...… 10

8. Fund of assessment tools for intermediate certification of students in the discipline ……………………………………………………………………….…. …… ..15

9. Educational-methodical and informational support of the discipline ………………… .. 22


The organization and conduct of educational practice are regulated by the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education (FSES HE), Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1383 of 27.11. 2015, the Educational program of higher education of the direction of preparation 37.03.01. Psychology and the concept of the RAO University.

The student undergoes training practice as a trainee - trainee.

Type of training practice: practice for obtaining primary professional skills.

Types and methods of conducting educational practice: stationary.

Practice form- discrete.

1. Goals and objectives of mastering the academic discipline

The main goal of the practice- to obtain primary professional skills and abilities: to deepen and consolidate the scientific and theoretical knowledge of students, to develop skills in practical and research work, to get acquainted with the system of practical work of a psychologist.

Specific goals of the practice:

· Consolidation of theoretical knowledge gained in the study of basic disciplines;

· Development and accumulation of special skills, study and participation in the development of organizational, methodological and regulatory documents for solving individual problems at the place of internship;

· Study of the organizational structure of the enterprise and the management system operating in it;

· Familiarization with the content of the main work and research carried out at the enterprise or in the organization at the place of internship;

· Study of the features of the structure, state, behavior and / or functioning of specific technological processes;

· Mastering the techniques, methods and methods of identifying, observing, measuring and controlling the parameters of production technological and other processes. In accordance with the profile of training;

· Taking part in a specific type of educational or production process or research;

· Assimilation of techniques, methods and methods of processing, presentation and interpretation of the results of practical research;

· Acquisition of practical skills in future professional activity or in its individual sections.

Educational practice is an organic part of the educational process and serves the purposes of:

Developing skills for practical and research work, familiarization with the system of practical work of a psychologist-teacher and psychologist in other professional fields of activity,

- acquisition of skills and experience of independent work of students,

- acquaintance and mastering the skills of psychologists in the framework of the chosen specialization,

- development of professionally significant personality traits of the future psychologist, teacher of psychology,

- gaining practical skills in working with diagnostic tools,

- training of a practical psychologist of a wide profile, capable of working in the socio-economic sphere, children's educational institutions, a system of career guidance, counseling, medical consulting service.

Objectives of educational practice:

Development and strengthening of students' interest in the profession of a psychologist.

Consolidation, deepening and enrichment of special knowledge in the process of their use in solving specific educational psychological problems.

Formation of professionally significant personality traits of a psychologist, the need for psychological self-education. To clarify the idea of ​​the place of the individual characteristics of a psychologist, his self-concept both in the process of professional training and in practical activity.

Formation of professional knowledge, skills and abilities.

Formation of a creative research approach to professional psychological activity.

Acquaintance with the tools, methods of organizing and conducting psychological research.

Acquisition of concepts about the possibilities of applying psychological knowledge in various areas of social practice.

Mastering the professional and ethical code of a practical psychologist.

Getting an idea of ​​the work of a practical psychologist at enterprises, institutions and other organizations in the socio-economic sphere.

Get a holistic view of education as a special area of ​​socio-cultural and psychological-pedagogical practice,

Get an idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bworking in educational, consulting and pedagogical and other institutions that implement preschool, primary and secondary education programs.

2. Place of discipline in the structure of the educational program (EP)

Discipline B2.U.1 "Educational practice" is included in the basic part of disciplines B2.U. The discipline "Educational practice" is based on knowledge in the general disciplines of the psychological cycle: general psychological practice, introduction to psychology, general psychology, anatomy of the central nervous system and physiology of higher nervous activity.

"Educational practice" creates the basis for mastering the disciplines of the diagnostic and experimental cycle:

Methodological foundations of psychology,

Experimental psychology,


Workshop on psychodiagnostics,

Mathematical Methods in Psychology,

Social psychology,

Organizational psychology, etc.

The competencies formed among students in the process of passing educational practice will be necessary in the study of disciplines of the professional cycle, as well as in the passage of industrial practice.

  1. Requirements for the entrance knowledge, skills, competencies of the student:

A student who has mastered the bachelor's program, during the course of practical training, must have competencies corresponding to the types of professional activity:

Table 1

Competency code Content of competence
Professional competence
PC-11 Ability to design, implement and evaluate the educational process, educational environment in the preparation of psychological personnel, taking into account modern active and interactive teaching methods and innovative technologies
PC-12 The ability to educate the population in order to increase the level of psychological culture of society

To master the program of educational practice, students must have the following formed knowledge, abilities and skills:

Know: methods of studying and describing the regularities of the functioning and development of the psyche from the positions of approaches existing in domestic and foreign science; psychological technologies that allow solving typical problems in various areas of practice; basic provisions on the methods and procedures of experimental psychological research, as well as processing technologies, standard presentation, qualitative interpretation and analysis of data.

Be able to: use basic psychological methods to solve scientific and practical problems; process; to professionally influence the level of development and features of the cognitive and personal sphere in order to harmonize the mental functioning of a person; draw up a report on the results of work, diagnostic examination and exposure in accordance with the generally accepted requirements in psychology; plan and conduct observation, conversation, analysis of documents, experimental research, as well as apply technologies for the presentation, processing and interpretation of quantitative and qualitative data.

Own: empirical methods of psychological research in the system of holistic experimental research; techniques necessary for the use of basic psychological methods; the main methods of diagnostics, prevention, examination, correction of psychological properties and conditions, characteristics of mental processes, various types of activities of individuals and groups; methods of preparation and conducting laboratory and practical classes.

4. Scope of discipline and types of educational work

The total workload of the course is 6 credit units, 216 hours.

Full-time education - 4 years.

Distance learning (4.5 years)

table 2

4.2 Sections of disciplines and types of classes

Full-time education, part-time education

Table 3

No. pp Discipline section number Practical lessons (seminars) Labor capacity (hours)
1. Section 1
2. Section 2 2.1 Monitoring the work of a psychologist, providing him with practical assistance in the study, analysis of mental processes and phenomena. 2.2. Attending 2-3 lessons or group sessions on psychological topics (psychological training). 2.3 Drawing up a methodological analysis of the lessons or sessions in the training group, which were attended. 2.2 Participation in summing up the results of the implementation of a specific task and the development of proposals and recommendations to officials.
3. Section 3

4.3 Topic, volume and literature for the passage of educational practice for students of full-time and part-time education

Table 4

Section number SRO theme Number of hours Literature (link to the number in the list of literature) and / or electronic source (link to the source number) Forms of monitoring of progress
Section 1 1.1 Familiarization with the general tasks solved by the organization, institution, place and role of the psychologist in the given conditions. 1.2 Establishing personal and business contact with the in-house psychologist and staff of the institution. 1.3 Study of documents regulating the activities of the psychologist and the conditions of his work at this place. 1-3
Section 2 2.1 Observing the work of a psychologist, providing him with practical assistance in the study, analysis of mental processes and phenomena. 2.2 Participation in summing up the results of the implementation of a specific task and the development of proposals and recommendations to officials. 1-3 Diary, practice report, presentation at the conference on the results of practice. Graded credit
Section 3 3.1 Analysis and preparation of practice materials for the report. 3.2 Drawing up a written report on the practice and submitting it on time to the dean's office of the university. 1-3 Diary, practice report, speech at the final conference. Graded credit

Forms of educational practice - discrete

The predominant form of educational practice is practice, involving work in an educational institution or organization. In some cases, industrial practice can be carried out on the basis of an educational organization: the Chelyabinsk branch of the University of the Russian Academy of Education.

The work performed by the student during the training practice should be an integral part of the preparation for the following types of professional activity:


Research activities.

The place of internship, the types and methods of work of students from among the disabled and persons with disabilities are provided in forms adapted to the limitations of their health and the perception of information.

In 2016, universities will have a new procedure for students to undergo practical training. The changes made must be taken into account in the local regulations of the university on internship. In addition, universities are now given more freedom of choice in financing the costs of field trips.

New position and program of practice

From January 1, 2016, a new Regulation on the practice of students mastering the basic professional educational programs of higher education, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated November 27, 2015 N 1383, came into force (hereinafter - Regulation N 1383).
By this Order, the Regulation on the procedure for the practice of students of educational institutions of higher professional education, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 25, 2003 N 1154, was invalidated (hereinafter - the Former Regulation).
The regulation on the practice of students mastering the main professional educational programs of higher education determines the procedure for organizing and conducting the practice of students (students (cadets), graduate students, adjuncts, residents, assistant trainees) mastering the main professional educational programs of higher education (hereinafter, respectively, students, OBOP VO), the forms and methods of its implementation, as well as the types of practice of students.
Regulation N 1383 applies to organizations carrying out educational activities on OBEP VO (hereinafter referred to as the organization) in accordance with the federal state educational standards of higher education (hereinafter referred to as the FSES HE) and (or) federal state educational standards of higher professional education (clause 1 of Regulation N 1383).
The internship program is developed by the institution, taking into account the mandatory requirements established by Regulation N 1383, approved by it and is an integral part of the OBEP VO, which ensures the implementation of standards.
According to clause 3 of Regulation N 1383, the mandatory requirements for the internship program are:
- an indication of the type of practice, method and form (forms) of its implementation;
- a list of planned learning outcomes during internship, correlated with the planned results of mastering the educational program;
- indication of the place of practice in the structure of the educational program;
- an indication of the amount of practice in credit units and its duration in weeks or in academic or astronomical hours;
- the content of the practice;
- indication of the forms of reporting on practice;
- a fund of assessment tools for intermediate certification of students in practice;
- a list of educational literature and Internet resources required for the practice;
- a list of information technologies used in the practice, including a list of software and information reference systems (if necessary);
- a description of the material and technical base required for the practice.
The institution has the right to include other information and (or) materials in the internship program.
These requirements were not provided for by the previous Regulation, therefore, from January 1, 2016, all universities should check the compliance of their programs with the new requirements and, if necessary, bring them into line.
Also new is the requirement of clause 4 of Regulation N 1383, according to which practice for students with disabilities and disabled people is carried out taking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development, individual capabilities and health status.

Types, methods and forms of practice

The types of practice are still educational and industrial practice, including pre-diploma practice (clause 5 of Regulation N 1383). If the standard provides for the protection of the final qualifying work, then pre-diploma practice is mandatory (clause 6 of Regulation N 1383).
Educational practice is carried out in order to obtain primary professional skills and abilities. Industrial practice is carried out in order to obtain professional skills and professional experience. At the same time, Regulation N 1383 does not mention specific stages or types of practices.
The specific type of educational and industrial practice is established by the institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education (clause 7 of Regulation N 1383).
The organization of the practice is carried out by institutions on the basis of contracts with organizations whose activities correspond to the professional competencies mastered within the framework of the OBOP VO (hereinafter referred to as the specialized organization) (clause 8 of Regulation N 1383).
The practice can be carried out directly in an educational institution in accordance with Part 7 of Art. 13 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter - Law N 273-FZ).
There are stationary and offsite ways of conducting practice (clause 9 of Regulation N 1383). Inpatient practice is a practice that is carried out in an educational institution or in a specialized organization located in the territory of the same settlement in which the university is located. Offsite practice is a practice that is carried out outside the settlement in which the university is located. Onsite industrial practice can be carried out in the field if it is necessary to create special conditions for its conduct.
The specific method of conducting the practice is established by the institution independently, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education.
An innovation is the selection of forms of practice. According to clause 10 of Regulation N 1383, the practice is carried out in the following forms:
a) continuously - by allocating a continuous period of study time in the calendar training schedule for conducting all types of practices provided for by the OPOP of the HE;
b) discretely:
- by type of practice - by allocating in the calendar training schedule a continuous period of study time for each type (set of types) of practice;
- by periods of practice - by alternating periods of study time in the calendar training schedule for conducting practices with periods of study time for conducting theoretical studies.
It is possible to combine discrete practices according to their types and periods of their implementation.

Practice guidance

To guide the practice carried out in organizations, the head (s) of the practice from the institution is appointed from among the persons belonging to the teaching staff of the organization.
To guide the practice conducted in a specialized organization, the head (heads) of the practice are appointed from among the persons belonging to the teaching staff of the institution organizing the practice, and the head (heads) of the practice from among the employees of the profile organization (clause 11 of Regulation N 1383) ...
At the same time, the head of practice from the institution:
- draws up a working schedule (plan) for the practice;
- develops individual tasks for students, performed during the practice period;
- participates in the distribution of students by workplaces and types of work in the organization;
- monitors compliance with the terms of the practice and the compliance of its content with the requirements established by the OPOP VO;
- provides methodological assistance to students in the performance of their individual tasks, as well as in the collection of materials for the final qualifying work in the course of pre-diploma practice;
- evaluates the results of traineeship passing.
And the head of practice from a specialized organization:
- coordinates individual tasks, content and planned results of practice;
- provides jobs for students;
- provides safe conditions for students to undergo practical training that meet sanitary rules and labor protection requirements;
- instructs students to familiarize themselves with the requirements of labor protection, safety, fire safety, as well as the rules of the internal labor schedule.
When conducting an internship in a specialized organization, the head of the practice from the institution and the head of the practice from the specialized organization draw up a joint work schedule (plan) for the practice (clause 14 of Regulation N 1383).
The previous Regulations did not establish the duties of the head of the practice from the specialized organization, and the heads of the institution were responsible, together with the head of the practice from the organization, for the students' compliance with safety rules - now this responsibility is removed from the teachers.
In addition, clause 18 of Regulation N 1383 establishes that the students themselves during the period of internship are obliged to comply with the internal labor regulations, as well as labor protection and fire safety requirements.

Internship and its results

If there is a vacant position in the organization whose work meets the requirements for the content of the practice, a fixed-term employment contract can be concluded with the student to fill such a position (clause 15 of Regulation N 1383). The references to seasonal and student teams, as well as individual training by specialists, contained in the previous Regulation, were excluded from Regulation N 1383.
The assignment to practice is drawn up by an administrative act of the head of the institution or another official authorized by him, indicating the assignment of each student to the institution or specialized organization, as well as the type and duration of the internship (clause 16 of Regulation N 1383). Recall that in the previous Regulation the order of sending students was formulated as follows: "The administration of a higher educational institution in a timely manner distributes students to places of practice" without specifying the procedure for documenting.
Students who combine training with work activities have the right to undergo educational, industrial, including pre-diploma, internships at the place of work in cases where the professional activities carried out by them meet the requirements for the content of the internship (clause 17 of Regulation N 1383).
Recall that earlier it was envisaged that students with practical experience in the field of training, by decision of the relevant departments, on the basis of intermediate certification, can be credited with educational and industrial (except for pre-diploma) practice. They were sent to undergraduate practice in a general manner. Now the offset of the previous work experience is not provided, all students are required to undergo practical training.
During the period of internship, students are required to complete individual tasks provided for in the internship programs, and the results of their internship are evaluated and taken into account in the manner prescribed by the university.
According to clause 20 of Regulation N 1383, when passing practices involving work, during the performance of which mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) are carried out, students undergo them in accordance with the Procedure for conducting compulsory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) of workers employed in heavy work and at work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 12.04.2011 N 302n.
Recall that such examinations are carried out at the expense of the employer in accordance with Art. 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In the event that students are sent to practice in a specialized organization, where they will perform work that requires a mandatory preliminary examination, while there are no vacancies in the organization, the specialized organization will not be an employer in relation to such students. Obviously, such examinations should be carried out at the expense of the university, which sent students to practice.
Clause 21 of Regulation N 1383 also establishes that the specifics of organizing the practice of persons enrolled in programs in the field of medical or pharmaceutical education, in the field of arts and in the field of physical culture and sports are determined in accordance with the provisions of Law N 273-FZ by the relevant federal authority.
Relevant regulations include:
- The procedure for organizing and conducting practical training of students in professional educational programs for medical education, pharmaceutical education is approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 03.09.2013 N 620n;
- The procedure for organizing and carrying out educational activities under assistant-internship programs, which includes the procedure for admission to training under assistant-internship programs, approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated January 12, 2015 N 1;
- Features of the organization and implementation of educational, training and methodological activities in the field of physical culture and sports approved by Order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated December 27, 2013 N 1125.

Material security

Regulation N 1383 significantly changed the procedure for material support for students' internship.
Previously, it was stipulated that for the period of passing all types of practice related to leaving the location of a higher educational institution, students are paid per diem in the amount of 50% of the per diem norm established by the current legislation to reimburse additional costs associated with business trips of employees of enterprises, institutions and organizations. , for each day, including being on the way to and from the practice site. Travel to the place of practice and back was paid in full at the expense of the university.
Students hired for the period of practice on regular positions in geological parties, expeditions, as part of the crews of ships and receiving field allowance or free meals, in addition to their wages, were not paid per diem. At the same time, it was established that if the educational practice of students is carried out in the structural divisions of the university located at the location of the higher educational institution, per diems are not paid.
In accordance with the new Regulation, instead of the concept of "leaving the location of the university", a clear division of practice has been introduced into stationary (in the same settlement as the university) and out-of-town (outside the settlement where the university is located).
Using the new terminology, we can say that previously, in stationary practices, students were paid for travel, and in outbound practices, 50% of the daily subsistence allowance, with the exception of cases when they received field allowance or free meals.
According to clause 22 of Regulation N 1383 from January 1, 2016, when conducting field practical training for students, the procedure for paying travel to the place of practice and back, as well as additional costs associated with living outside the place of permanent residence (daily allowance), for each day of practice, including being on the way to the place of practice and back, are established by the local regulatory act of the institution, that is, they remain at its discretion.
When undergoing inpatient practice, travel to the place of practice and back is not paid, additional costs associated with living outside the place of permanent residence (daily allowance) are not reimbursed.


The costs of educational institutions for the practice of students should be taken into account in accordance with the Instructions on the procedure for applying the budget classification of the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 01.07.2013 N 65n, as follows:
- medical examination - according to sub-article 226 "Other works, services" of KOSGU;
- travel - according to sub-article 222 "Transport services" of KOSGU;
- daily allowance - under article 290 "Other expenses" of KOSGU.
These expenses are reflected by expense type 244 "Other procurement of goods, works and services to meet state (municipal) needs".
In accounting, these expenses are reflected by records:
Account debit 0 40 120 226 "Expenses for other work, services"

Credit account 0 30226 730 "Increase in accounts payable for other works, services"
- reflects services for medical examination of trainees on the basis of the act of providing services of a medical institution.
The local regulatory act of the institution during field practice may provide for:
- issuance of advance payments to students for the purchase of tickets;
- reimbursement of the cost of travel upon presentation by the student of the used travel ticket.
The procedure for reflecting these transactions in the accounting is not provided for in the current accounting instructions, therefore, institutions need to develop it independently. It should be borne in mind that students are not employees of the institution and cannot be accountable persons.
Taking this into account, it is illegal to use account 20800 "Settlements with accountable persons". According to the author, account 20622 "Settlements on advances for transport services" can be used to issue students a cash advance or a paid ticket, and account 30222 "Settlements for transport services" when reimbursing the cost of a ticket.
For example, accounting records might be as follows:

- a cash advance was issued from the cash desk to the student for the purchase of tickets for travel to the place of field practice.
Upon return, the student must report the trip. What form the institution will use to account for the costs of students traveling to practice should be provided for in the accounting policy. You can use the usual advance report f for this purpose. 0504505.
The accounting entry for the acceptance of student travel costs may be as follows:
Debit of account 0 40 120 222 "Expenses for transport services" or Debit of account 0 10 900 000
"Costs for the manufacture of finished products, performance of works, services"

- reflects the cost of the student's trip to practice.

If compensation is paid upon presentation of the used ticket, the travel costs are reflected in the same order as indicated above, and the record on the issuance of funds to the student will be as follows:
Account debit 0 30222 830 "Reduction of accounts payable for transport services"
Account credit 0 20134 610 "Disposals of funds from the cash desk of the institution."
At the same time - an increase in off-balance sheet account 18 "Disposals of funds from the accounts of the institution"
- issued compensation for the cost of the ticket to the student.
In addition, if students are sent to practice with an accompanying teacher or other staff member of the institution, tickets can be purchased by the institution itself and issued to the teacher for the entire group. In this case, the purchase and issue of tickets is reflected in the accounting as follows:
Account debit 0 20622 560 "Increase in receivables on advances for transport services"
Credit account 0 20111 610 "Disposals of funds of the institution from personal accounts in the treasury body" (for budgetary or autonomous institutions),
or Credit account 0 20121 000 "Institutional funds in a credit institution" (for autonomous institutions with a bank account),
or Credit account 1 30405 222 "Settlements on payments from the budget with the financial authority for transport services" (for state institutions).
At the same time - an increase in off-balance sheet account 18 "Disposals of funds from the accounts of the institution" (for budgetary and autonomous institutions)
- travel tickets were paid in advance to the carrier;
Account debit 0 20135 510 "Receipts of monetary documents at the cash desk of the institution"
Credit account 0 30222 730 "Increase in accounts payable for transport services"
- the purchased tickets have arrived at the box office of the institution.
Account debit 0 30222 830 "Reduction of accounts payable for transport services"
Credit account 0 20622 660 "Reduction of receivables on advances for transport services"
- the previously paid advance is credited.
The issuance of travel tickets to staff members who accompany students on field trips is reflected as follows:
Account debit 0 20822 560 "Increase in accounts receivable of accountable persons for payment of transport services"
Account credit 0 20135 610 "Disposal of monetary documents from the cash desk of the institution."
Based on the advance reports of employees sent on a trip, an entry is made in the accounting:
Account debit 0 40 120 222 "Expenses for transport services",
Debit of account 010900000 "Costs of manufacturing finished products, performance of works, services"
Credit account 0 20822 660 "Reduction of accounts receivable of accountable persons for payment of transport services"
- reflects the cost of travel.
Daily allowances for students can be either issued in advance or compensated upon arrival. Per diem costs can also be reflected on the basis of an expense report. If per diems are issued in advance, the accounting entries may be as follows:
Account debit 0 20691 560 "Increase in receivables on advances to pay other expenses"
Account credit 0 20134 610 "Disposals of funds from the cash desk of the institution."
At the same time - an increase in off-balance sheet account 18 "Disposals of funds from the accounts of the institution"
- from the cash desk issued in advance per diem to the student.
Based on the advance report submitted by the student, the costs are taken into account by recording:
Account debit 0 40 120 290 "Other expenses"
or Debit account 0 10900 000 "Costs of manufacturing finished products, performance of works, services"
Credit account 0 30291 730 "Increase in accounts payable for other expenses"
- reflects the cost of daily subsistence student-trainee.
At the same time, the advance payment is offset:

Account credit 0 20691 660 "Reduction of receivables on advances to pay other expenses"
- the previously paid advance is credited.
If per diems are paid upon return, then per diems are recognized in the same order as above, and the student disbursement record will be as follows:
Account debit 0 30291 830 "Reduction of accounts payable for other expenses"
Account credit 0 20134 610 "Disposals of funds from the cash desk of the institution."
At the same time - an increase in off-balance sheet account 18 "Disposals of funds from the accounts of the institution"
- issued per diem to the student after returning from the field practice.

Educational (introductory) practice is a type of classes directly focused on the professional and practical training of 1st year undergraduate full-time students. This type of practice is carried out in two forms:

1) Dispersed.

Dispersed practice is practice that is included in theoretical training, takes place during the semester and is interspersed with other types of training.

Dispersed practice alternates daily or weekly with theoretical instruction. It is flexible, takes into account the interests of potential employers, has a cumulative character and can be combined with temporary employment.

In turn, dispersed practice can be carried out in the following forms:

External (according to an individual schedule and combined with employment);

Internal (according to an individual schedule and combined with employment).

2) Concentrated.

Concentrated practice is practice that is not included in theoretical training (there are no periods of switching to other types of educational activities).

The future successful professional activity of 1st year undergraduate students largely depends on the ability to concentrate efforts on performing their functions. Therefore, in modern conditions, students must in a short time master new technologies and new ones in their profession.

Concentrated practice allows you to solve these problems and prepare the student for work in a lack of time, remove the problem of discrepancy between the increase in the volume of educational information and the factor of limited training time, and activate the cognitive interests of students. In addition, the concentrated practice technology works well with the traditional teaching system.



1) Dispersed educational (introductory) practice

The specificity of the dispersed educational (introductory) practice lies in the fact that it takes place simultaneously with the training sessions of students and is a source of their knowledge in parallel with the disciplines of the working curriculum studied in the first semester.

Based on the content of the training courses reflected in the working curriculum in the direction of training bachelors 071800.62 "Socio-cultural activities" (training profile "Management of socio-cultural activities") in the first semester of the first year, it logically follows that dispersed practice will help students to better assimilate and consolidate knowledge of the disciplines of the curriculum.

There is a logical and substantive-methodological relationship between dispersed practice and disciplines included in various cycles and modules of OOP training.

In the first semester, students study the following training courses:

Discipline of the basic part of the general cultural and socio-cultural cycle "Fundamentals of Information Culture and Informatics". Dispersed practice allows students to consolidate knowledge in this discipline while collecting information on the assignment of practice, its analysis and systematization, as well as checking its reliability for making effective management decisions;

Discipline of the basic part of the professional cycle "Fundamentals of management of social and cultural activities." Students will be able to practice the skills of building the organizational structure of management of a social and cultural institution, position it in the cultural services market, study the principles of corporate culture and personnel management of this institution, get acquainted with the management system of one of its departments;

Mandatory discipline of the variable part of the professional cycle "Fundamentals of economic activities of organizations in the social and cultural sphere." A visit to the practice base will allow students to study various job descriptions, internal regulations and standards for organizing the socio-cultural sphere, its reporting forms;

Discipline for choosing the variable part of the professional cycle "Development of strategies for organizations in the socio-cultural sphere." During the internship, students consolidate the acquired skills and methods of strategic management of organizations in the socio-cultural sphere, use situational (SWOT) analysis when choosing strategic management decisions and apply motivational tools for strategic management of organizations in the socio-cultural sphere.

2) Concentrated educational (introductory) practice

When passing a concentrated practice for one week at the end of the second semester of the 1st year, students need to have some basic, "input" knowledge that they receive in the first semester in the study of disciplines included in the general cultural and socio-cultural, as well as the professional cycle of OOP.

The skills acquired by students in the 1st semester in the course of dispersed practice are used as "input" knowledge.

During 2 semesters, students master the skills obtained during the study of the following courses and consolidate them in the course of concentrated practice:

Discipline of the basic part of the general cultural and socio-cultural cycle "Fundamentals of Information Culture and Informatics". Students consolidate the obtained information about the software used to create and work with web-documents, as well as the rules and main stages of the development of web-sites;

Discipline of the basic part of the professional cycle "Fundamentals of management of social and cultural activities." During the internship, students can better master the basic functions and methods of managing the socio-cultural sphere, as well as the requirements for a manager working in the organization of the socio-cultural sphere;

Discipline of the basic part of the professional cycle "Technological foundations of social and cultural activities." In the course of concentrated practice, students will be able to take part in the creation of various leisure programs, study the technologies for organizing mass recreation of the population, apply in practice the methods of education and upbringing of the population in the conditions of the developing socio-cultural sphere.

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2 1. Aims and objectives of the practice Educational practice (practice for obtaining primary professional skills) is aimed at ensuring the continuity, consistency and comprehensiveness of students' mastering of professional activities, allows them to gain practical knowledge and skills in the profession, contributes to the consolidation of theoretical knowledge. The main goal of educational practice (practice for obtaining primary professional skills) is to gain an understanding of state and municipal administration as an area of ​​practical activity. The objectives of educational practice (practice for obtaining primary professional skills) are: deepening and consolidation of theoretical knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during the first, second and third years of study; acquisition of skills for a future profession; development of professional self-awareness of students; obtaining skills of independent work in a library with professional literature; using the possibilities of obtaining information via the Internet; registration of literary reviews. The objectives of educational practice (practice for obtaining primary professional skills) are: study of the main regulatory legal documents used in professional activities on the basis of educational practice (practice for obtaining primary professional skills); development of the knowledge, skills and abilities of working with a personal computer at a high user level, obtained in the process of the first, second and third years of training, as well as the basics of working with scientific and educational and methodological literature and documentation on the profile of training; demonstration of the ability to use, generalize and analyze information, set goals and find ways to achieve them in the context of the formation and development of the information society; demonstration of the ability to use in the course of educational practice (practice for obtaining primary professional skills) knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by students in the process of the first, second and third years of study. 2. Method and form (s) of practice. Method of practice: stationary. Practice form: discrete. 3. The list of planned learning outcomes during the internship, correlated with the planned results of mastering EP HE The internship is aimed at the formation of the following competencies: tasks of interpersonal and intercultural interaction with the ability to apply information and communication technologies in professional activities with a vision of their interrelationships and prospects for use 2

3 Index of competence PK-9 PK-10 PK-15 PK-17 PK-26 Content of competence by the ability to carry out interpersonal, group and organizational communications, the ability to interact in the course of official activities in accordance with the ethical requirements for official behavior, the ability to conduct office work and document flow in the authorities state power of the Russian Federation, state power bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies, state and municipal enterprises and institutions, scientific and educational organizations, political parties, socio-political, commercial and non-profit organizations possession of methods of self-organization of working time, rational use of resources and effective to interact with other performers possessing the skills of collecting, processing information and participating in the informatization of the activities of the relevant authorities and organizations 4. Place of practice in the structure of EP VO Educational practice a (B2.U.1) refers to the section of Practice (B2) of the bachelor's educational program in the direction of "State and Municipal Management", the focus (profile) is "Regional Management" and is a type of training sessions directly focused on the professional and practical training of students. For successful completion of educational practice (practice for obtaining primary professional skills), the student must successfully complete theoretical training in the program of the first, second, third years of study, master the modules and sections of the EP (discipline) in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the direction of training "State and municipal management "(focus (profile)" Regional management "):" State regulation of the economy "," Research of socio-economic and political processes "," Regional management and territorial planning ". The knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the process of passing the internship to obtain primary professional skills and abilities are necessary for the student to study such disciplines as: Strategic territorial planning, Adoption and implementation of state decisions. State and Municipal Finance, Public Sector Economics ”, as well as in the preparation and defense of the final qualifying work. 5. Scope of practice and its duration Scope of practice 3 credits, 108 hours. Duration of practice is 2 weeks. 6. The content of the practice p / p Sections (stages) of the practice 1 Preparatory stage Types of educational work Labor intensity (in hours) Forms of current control 3

4 p / n Sections (stages) of practice Types of educational work 1.1 Briefing on safety precautions Introductory lecture 1.2 Introductory conversation with your supervisor at the meeting of the department on educational practice (practice for obtaining primary professional skills) 1.3 Obtaining documentation on educational practice (practice on obtaining primary professional skills) (direction, training practice program, diary, individual task, tasks, etc.). 1.4 Study of the relevant literature recommended by the head of educational practice (practice for obtaining primary professional skills) 2 Experimental (working) stage 2.1 Collecting materials for performing independent research 2.2 Performing tasks and necessary calculations Introductory lecture Labor intensity (in hours) 2 1 PZ 1 IWS 6 IWS IWS 2.3 Processing and analysis of the information received IWS 2.4 Report to the head on completed tasks Conversation Preparation of a report on IWS training practice (practice for obtaining primary 8 professional skills and abilities) 3 Final stage 3.1 Making a diary of training practice in IWS in accordance with the established rules Registration report on the work done by the IWS Submission of the report and the diary of the IWS training practice (practice for obtaining primary professional skills) 3.4 Protection of the report Protection with a differentiated assessment Forms of current control interview for the test interview interview interview Recording in the diary Go to the diary Observation and analysis of student activities Observation and analysis of student activities Oral conversation with the supervisor Entry in the diary Entry in the diary Entries in the report Oral conversation with the supervisor Protection with a differentiated score 4

5 7. Form of reporting on practice At the end of the practice, the student draws up a report and submits it to the head of the practice from the department. Based on the results of the practice, certification is carried out, which includes the submission of a written report of the trainee, the assessment report (response) of the organization, protection of the report in the form of: an oral message. 8. Fund of appraisal means for conducting intermediate attestation in practice. Based on the results of the defense of reports on practice, a differentiated credit is given. To assess the results of the internship, the fund of assessment tools developed by the department is used (Appendix). When evaluating the results of the practice, the quantity and quality of the performance by the trainees of all the types of activities provided for by the program are taken into account, as well as the quality of registration of the reporting documentation and its timely submission for verification. 9. List of educational, methodological and informational support of practice a) main literature: 1. Roy, О.М. Fundamentals of state and municipal management [Electronic resource]: textbook. 5th ed. Third generation standard / О.М. Roy. - SPb: Peter, p. 2. Basenko, V.P. Organizational behavior: modern aspects of labor relations [Electronic resource] / V.P. Basenko, A.A. Romanov, B.M. Zhukov. M .: Dashkov and K, p. 3. Cherepanov, V.V. Fundamentals of public service and personnel policy [Electronic resource]: textbook. / Cherepanov V.V. M: Unity, p. 4. Babun, R. Organization of municipal management [Electronic resource]: textbook. Third generation standard. 2nd ed. / R. Babun SPB: Peter 2016 336 p. 5. Gostenin, V.I. Sociology of management [Electronic resource]: textbook. Third generation standard / V.I. Gostenin. SPb: Peter, p. b) additional literature: 1. Babun R. Organization of municipal management [Electronic resource]: a tutorial. Third generation standard. 2nd ed. SPB .: Peter, 2016, 336 p. 2. Krupenkov V.V. State and business communications [Electronic resource]: textbook. M .: EAOI, p. 3. Hasanova K.K. Labor law [Electronic resource]: textbook by K.K. Hasanov, F.G. Mouse. M .: Unity, p. c) a list of resources of the information and telecommunication network "Internet" necessary for mastering the discipline: 1. EBS "Aybuks.ru" 2. EBS "Lan" 3. EBS "University library on-line" 4. EBS "BOOK.RU" 5 DB "Electronic full-text database of ACS" d) a list of information technologies used in the implementation of the educational process in the discipline, including a list of software and information reference systems: 1. ConsultantPlus Reference system 2. Legal reference system "Garant" 5

8 1. Goals and objectives of the practice In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education, the direction of training is State and municipal administration (bachelor's level), the focus (profile) of training is "Regional management", the section of the bachelor's educational program "Industrial practice" "Pre-diploma practice" is mandatory and is a type of training directly focused on vocational training of students. The purpose of pre-diploma practice is to form and develop professional knowledge in the field of the chosen professional activity, the ability to formulate and solve problems arising in the course of professional activity, as well as to process the obtained statistical and theoretical results for the preparation of the final qualifying work. Tasks of pre-diploma practice: students' acquisition of skills in solving design, information-analytical and research problems; consolidation, deepening and expansion of knowledge, abilities, and skills acquired by bachelors in the process of theoretical training and passing educational and industrial practice; collection of the necessary materials for the preparation and writing of the final qualifying work; execution of the final qualifying work. 2. Method and form (s) of practice. Method of practice: stationary. Practice form: discrete. 3. The list of planned learning outcomes during internship, correlated with the planned results of mastering EP VO The internship is aimed at the formation of the following competencies: Index of competence Content of competence OK-7 ability to self-organize and self-education ability to carry out business communication and public speaking, OPK-4 to negotiate , meetings, carry out business correspondence and maintain electronic communications possession of the skills of drawing up budget and financial reporting, OPK-5 resource allocation, taking into account the consequences of the impact of various methods and methods on the results of the organization's activities, the ability to solve standard tasks of OPK-6 professional activity based on information and bibliographic culture using information and communication technologies and taking into account the basic requirements of information security the ability to develop methodological and reference materials on the activities of persons in positions state civil Russian Federation, state service of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal service, persons replacing state PC-5 positions of the Russian Federation, replacing state positions of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, positions of municipal service, administrative positions in state and municipal enterprises and institutions, in scientific and educational organizations , political parties, public- 2

9 Competence index PK-6 PK-12 PK-23 PK-25 PK-26 The content of the competence of political, commercial and non-profit organizations possession of skills of quantitative and qualitative analysis in assessing the state of the economic, social, political environment, activities of public authorities of the Russian Federation, authorities state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, state and municipal, enterprises and institutions, political parties, socio-political, commercial and non-profit organizations the ability to develop socio-economic projects (development programs), assess the economic, social, political conditions and consequences of the implementation of state ( municipal) programs possession of skills in planning and organizing the activities of state authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local authorities, state and municipalities small enterprises and institutions, political parties, public-political, commercial and non-profit organizations the ability to organize control of execution, assess the quality of management decisions and the implementation of administrative processes possession of skills in collecting, processing information and participating in the informatization of the activities of the relevant authorities and organizations 4. Place of practice in the structure EP VO Pre-diploma practice (B2.P.3) refers to the section Practice (B2) Industrial practice (B2.P) of the bachelor's educational program in the direction of "State and municipal management", the focus (profile) "Regional management" and is a type of educational classes directly focused on the professional and practical training of students. To successfully complete the pre-diploma practice, the student must successfully complete the theoretical and practical training of the training program, master the cycles and sections of the EP of all cycles in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the direction of training State and municipal administration (bachelor's level), focus (profile) of training "Regional administration" ): Regional Economics and Management, Adoption and Execution of Government Decisions, Public Sector Economics, Strategic Spatial Planning, Foreign Experience of the State Medical University, Urban Management, Regional Administration and Spatial Planning. Municipal order management. The acquired knowledge and skills in the process of passing undergraduate practice can be used by students in preparation for the defense of the final qualifying work. 5. Scope of practice and its duration Scope of practice 3 credits, 108 hours. Duration of practice is 2 weeks. 3

10 p / p 6. Practice content Sections (stages) of practice Types of pre-graduation work Labor intensity (in hours) Forms of current control p / p Sections (stages) of practice 1 Preparatory stage Types of pre-graduation work Labor capacity (in hours) 1.1 Safety briefing Introductory lecture Introductory conversation with his supervisor at a meeting of the department on pre-graduation practice 1.3 Obtaining documentation on practice (direction, pre-graduation practice program, diary, individual task, tasks, etc.). 1.4 Study of the relevant literature recommended by the head of the practice 2. Experimental (working) stage 2.1 Processing and analysis of information obtained during the work practice IWS 2.2 Performing tasks and IWS of the necessary calculations and responsibilities assigned to the student by the head of the practice 2.3 Designing the IWQ IWU Introductory lecture 1 ПЗ 1 СРС Consultation with the head on the conversation 4 design of the WRC 2.5 Implementation of the WRC SRS 40 3 Final stage 3.1 Registration of the WRC in accordance with the established rules of the SRS 3.2 Preparing a report on the work done by the SRS 3.3 Submission of the report and diary of the SRS practice 3.4 Protection of the report Protection with differentiated assessment Forms of current control Interview for the test interview interview Recording in the diary Recording in the diary observation and analysis of the student's activities observation and analysis of the student's activities oral conversation with the head Recording in the diary Recording in the diary Recording in the report oral conversation with the manager For shield with a differential rating of 4

11 7. Form of reporting on practice At the end of the practice, the student draws up a report and submits it to the head of the practice from the department. Based on the results of the practice, certification is carried out, which includes the submission of a written report of the trainee, an assessment report (response) of the organization, protection of the report in the form of: an oral message. 8. Fund of appraisal means for conducting intermediate attestation in practice. Based on the results of the defense of reports on practice, a differentiated credit is given. To assess the results of the internship, the fund of assessment tools developed by the department is used (Appendix). When evaluating the results of the practice, the quantity and quality of the performance by the trainees of all the types of activities provided for by the program are taken into account, as well as the quality of registration of the reporting documentation and its timely submission for verification. 9. List of educational, methodological and informational support of practice a) basic literature: 1. Petrov, A.N. Strategic management [Electronic resource]: Textbook for universities. 3rd ed. Third generation standard / A.N. Petrov. SPb .: Peter, p. 2. Shashina, N. S. The system of state and municipal management [Electronic resource]: teaching aid for universities: recommended by the methodological council of the university / NS. Shashina, V.V. Khodyrev. SPb .: Publishing house of SAU, p. 3. Andreev, A.V. Regional economy [Electronic resource]: textbook for universities. Third generation standard / A.V. Andreev, L.M. Borisova, E.V. Pluchevskaya. SPb .: Peter s. 4. Malofeev, I.V. Social services in the system of social services for the population [Electronic resource] / I.V. Malofeev. M .: Dashkov and K, p. b) additional literature: 1. Dubynina, A.V. Economy of the public sector: in questions and answers [Electronic resource]: teaching aid / A.V. Dubynina, M .: Finance and statistics, p. 2. Kosolapova, M.V. Complex economic analysis of economic activity / M.V. Kosolapova M .: Dashkov i K 2014, 248 p. 3. Organizational behavior: modern aspects of labor relations. [Electronic resource] / V.P. Basenko, A.A. Romanov, B.M. Zhukov. M .: Dashkov and K, p. 4. Morozova T.G. Municipal economy [Text]: textbook for universities: recommended by the methodological council in the direction / T.G. Morozov [and others]. M .: University textbook, Infra-M, p. five

12 5. Popov, R.A. Regional administration and territorial planning [Text]: textbook for bachelor's degree: recommended by the method council in the direction / R.А. Popov. M .: Infra-M, p. 6. Kapkanschikov, S.G. State regulation of the economy [Text]: textbook for bachelor's degree: recommended by the method council in the direction / S.G. Traps. 4th ed., Rev. and add. - M .: KnoRus, p. c) a list of resources of the information and telecommunication network "Internet" necessary for mastering the discipline: 1. EBS "Aybuks.ru" 2. EBS "Lan" 3. EBS "University library on-line" 4. EBS "BOOK.RU" 5 DB "Electronic full-text database of ACS" d) a list of information technologies used in the implementation of the educational process in the discipline, including a list of software and information reference systems: 1. ConsultantPlus Reference legal system 2. Reference legal system "Guarantor" Material and technical support for undergraduate practice. For the successful completion of industrial practice (pre-diploma practice), it is necessary to have a material and technical base that ensures the conduct of all types of disciplinary training for students, provided for by the curriculum of the university, and corresponding to the current sanitary and fire safety rules and regulations. The list of material and technical support, which is the minimum necessary for the successful formation of this competence, includes stands and equipment that ensure the study of subjects in accordance with the main educational program implemented by the university. For the organizational meeting and protection of the results of the practice - a lecture room equipped with a multimedia projector and a screen for demonstrating presentations. The list of material and technical support required for the implementation of the educational program includes a specialized audience "Specialized Auditorium of Management and State and Municipal Administration" (2-07), equipped with special equipment. The specific material and technical equipment of the specialized audience "Specialized audience of management and state and municipal administration" is determined in the document within the framework of the QMS P-QMS "Passport of the specialized audience". The program is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard of higher education for the content and level of training of the graduate in accordance with the working curricula in the direction of training plans. 6

13 7

15 1. Goals and objectives of the practice In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education, the direction of training is State and municipal administration (bachelor's level), the focus (profile) of training is "Regional administration", the section of the main educational program of the bachelor's degree "Industrial practice" is compulsory and is a type of classes directly focused on the professional and practical training of students. The main goal of the practice is to get an idea of ​​management in state and municipal organizations as an area of ​​practical activity. The purpose of the practice is to consolidate the students' theoretical knowledge and deepen their theoretical knowledge, acquire practical skills and competencies, as well as independent work experience at various enterprises and organizations and collect information for further writing FQP (passing the state final certification). Practice objectives: the acquisition by students of such professional competencies as the skills of solving organizational and managerial, analytical, production and technology, tasks: consolidation, deepening and expansion of theoretical knowledge, skills acquired by students in the process of theoretical training; study the best practices of foreign state and municipal administration; collection of the necessary materials for the preparation and writing of the final qualifying work (WQP) 2. Method and form (s) of the practice Method of the practice: stationary. Practice form: discrete. 3. The list of planned learning outcomes during internship, correlated with the planned results of mastering EP VO The internship is aimed at the formation of the following competencies: Index of competence OK-7 OPK-3 PC-1 PC-2 Content of competence by the ability to self-organization and self-education; the ability to design organizational structures, participate in the development of strategies for human resource management of organizations, plan and implement activities, distribute and delegate authority, taking into account personal responsibility for the activities carried out; the ability to determine the priorities of professional activity, to develop and effectively execute managerial decisions, including in conditions of uncertainty and risks, to apply adequate tools and technologies of regulatory impact in the implementation of managerial decisions; possession of the skills of using the basic theories of motivation, leadership and power to solve strategic and operational management tasks, as well as to organize group work based on knowledge of the processes of group dynamics and principles 2

16 Index of Competence PC-3 PC-4 PC-5 PC-6 PC-7 PC-8 PC-13 PC-15 PC-18 PC-19 Content of team building competence, ability to audit human resources and diagnose organizational culture; the ability to apply basic economic methods for managing state and municipal property, making managerial decisions on budgeting and the structure of state (municipal) assets; the ability to evaluate investment projects under various conditions of investment and financing; the ability to develop methodological and reference materials on the activities of persons in positions of the state civil Russian Federation, state service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal service, persons holding government positions of the Russian Federation, holding government positions of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipal service positions, administrative positions in state and municipal enterprises and institutions, scientific and educational organizations, political parties, public policy, commercial and non-commercial organizations; possession of the skills of quantitative and qualitative analysis in assessing the state of the economic, social, political environment, the activities of government bodies of the Russian Federation, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, state and municipal, enterprises and institutions, political parties, public policy, commercial and non-commercial organizations; the ability to simulate administrative processes and procedures in government bodies of the Russian Federation, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, to adapt basic mathematical models to specific management tasks; the ability to apply information and communication technologies in professional activities with a vision of their relationships and prospects for use; the ability to use modern project management methods aimed at timely obtaining high-quality results, identifying risks, effective resource management, readiness for its implementation using modern innovative technologies; the ability to conduct office work and document flow in the state authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, state and municipal enterprises and institutions, scientific and educational organizations, political parties, socio-political, commercial and non-profit organizations; the ability to take part in the design of organizational actions, the ability to effectively perform official (labor) duties; the ability to effectively participate in group work based on knowledge of the processes of group dynamics and the principles of formation 3

17 Index of competence PC-20 PC-26 Content of the team's competence; the ability to freely navigate the legal system of Russia and correctly apply the rule of law; possession of the skills of collecting, processing information and participating in the informatization of the activities of the relevant authorities and organizations. 4. Place of practice in the structure of EP VO Practice for obtaining professional skills and experience of professional activity belongs to the section Practice (B.2.P.1) of the Bachelor EP in the direction of training "State and Municipal Management", the focus is "Regional Management" and is directly aimed for vocational training of students. The practice of obtaining professional skills and experience of professional activity (including technological practice, pedagogical practice) is based on the knowledge and skills obtained during the course of educational practice, as well as on the knowledge and skills obtained during the development of all cycles and sections of the EP (discipline) in accordance with with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the direction of training State and municipal administration (qualification (degree) "bachelor", focus (profile) of training "Regional administration"): Regional economy, State and municipal services, Foreign experience of the State Medical University, Strategic territorial planning, Public economy sectors, State and municipal finance. The results of practice on obtaining professional skills and professional experience (including technological practice, pedagogical practice) are used in the passage of further practices "Research work", "Pre-diploma practice" and in preparation for the state final certification (work on FQP). n / a 5. Scope of practice and its duration Scope of practice 3 credits, 108 hours. Duration of practice is 2 weeks. 6. Practice content Sections (stages) of practice 1 Preparatory stage 4 Types of production work 1.1 Safety briefing Introductory lecture 1.2 Introductory conversation with your supervisor at a meeting of the department on industrial practice 1.3 Obtaining documentation on practice (direction, program of industrial practice, diary, individual task, tasks, etc.). Introductory lecture Labor intensity (in hours) 2 1 PZ 1 Forms of current control interview for the test interview interview

18 p / n Sections (stages) of the practice 1.4 Study of the relevant literature recommended by the head of the practice 2. Experimental (working) stage 2.1 Collecting materials for performing an independent study Study of the regulatory documents of the enterprise on the basis of which the practice takes place 2.2 Performing tasks and necessary calculations and responsibilities, assigned to the student by the head of the practice 2.3 Processing and analysis of the information received Selection of materials for the IQR Types of production work Labor intensity (in hours) IWS 6 IWS IWS IWS 2.4 Report to the head on completed tasks Conversation Preparing a report on IWQ practice 12 3 Final stage 3.1 Making a practice diary in IWS in accordance with the established rules 3.2 Registration of a report on the work done IWS 3.3 Submission of a report and a diary of practice IWS 3.4 Protection of the report Protection with a differentiated assessment Total: Forms of current control Recording in the diary Recording in the diary observation and analysis of the student's activities observed and analysis of the student's activities oral conversation with the supervisor Recording in the diary Recording in the diary Recordings in the report oral conversation with the supervisor Protection with a differentiated assessment 7. Reporting form on the internship At the end of the internship, the student draws up a report and submits it to the internship supervisor from the department. Based on the results of the practice, certification is carried out, which includes the submission of a written report of the trainee, the assessment report (response) of the organization, protection of the report in the form of: an oral message. 8. Fund of assessment tools for midterm certification in practice. Based on the results of the defense of practice reports, a differentiated credit is issued. To assess the results of the internship, the fund of assessment tools developed by the department is used (Appendix). When evaluating the results of the practice, the quantity and quality of the performance by the trainees of all the types of activities provided for by the program, as well as the quality are taken into account 5

19 registration of reporting documentation and its timely submission for verification. item 9. "The list of basic and additional educational literature necessary for mastering the discipline" shall be presented in the following edition: a) basic literature: 1. Shamarova, G.М. Fundamentals of state and municipal management [Electronic resource] / G.М. Shamarov. Moscow: MFPU "Synergy", 2013 320 p. 4. Babun, R. Organization of municipal management [Electronic resource]: textbook. Third generation standard. 2nd ed. / R. Babun SPB: Peter 2016 336 p. 3. Fundamentals of state and municipal management [Electronic resource]: textbook. 5th ed. Third generation standard / О.М. Roy. - SPb: Peter, p. 4. Organizational behavior: modern aspects of labor relations. [Electronic resource] / V.P. Basenko, A.A. Romanov, B.M. Zhukov. M: Dashkov and K, p. 5. Gostenin, V.I. Sociology of management [Electronic resource]: textbook. Third generation standard / V.I. Gostenin. SPb: Peter, p. b) additional literature: 1. Krupenkov, V. V. State and business communications [Electronic resource]: a tutorial. Moscow: EAOI 2011 117 p. 2. Popov, R.A. Regional administration and territorial planning [Text]: textbook for bachelor's degree: recommended by the method council in the direction / R.А. Popov. M .: Infra-M, p. 3. Okhotskiy, E.V. Civil servant: status, profession, vocation [Text]: educational and methodological complex: recommended by Min. education / E.V. Okhotsk. M .: Economics, p. 4. Cherepanov, V.V. Fundamentals of public service and personnel policy [Electronic resource]: textbook. / Cherepanov V.V. Moscow: Unity, p. c) a list of resources of the information and telecommunication network "Internet" necessary for mastering the discipline: 1. EBS "Aybuks.ru" 2. EBS "Lan" 3. EBS "University library on-line" 4. EBS "BOOK.RU" 5 DB "Electronic full-text database of ACS" d) a list of information technologies used in the implementation of the educational process in the discipline, including a list of software and information reference systems 1. ConsultantPlus Reference legal system 2. Reference legal system "Guarantor" 9. Material -technical base required for the practice The list of material and technical support required for the implementation of the educational program includes a specialized audience "Specialized Auditorium of Management and State and Municipal Administration" (2-07), equipped with special equipment. Specific material 6

20 7

22 1. Goals of industrial practice (research work) The purpose of research work is the acquisition by students of professional skills and analytical and research activities, mastering modern scientific tools for searching and interpreting information in order to use it in the process of making managerial decisions that increase the effectiveness of the activities of state and municipal organizations, the deepening and consolidation of theoretical knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during training, the acquisition of skills for a future profession. Research tasks: development of the knowledge, skills and abilities of working with a personal computer at a high user level, obtained in the learning process, as well as the basics of working with scientific and educational and methodological literature and documentation on the profile of training; work with the empirical base of research in accordance with the chosen topic of the final qualifying work (drawing up a program and plan for empirical research, setting and formulating research tasks, determining the object and choosing a research method, studying methods for collecting and analyzing evidence); demonstration of the ability to use, generalize and analyze information, set goals and find ways to achieve them in the context of the formation and development of the information society; demonstration of the ability to use knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the learning process. consolidation of knowledge related to research in the field of state and municipal administration; study of reference and bibliographic systems, electronic databases of domestic and foreign library collections, methods of information retrieval; the acquisition of skills in working with bibliographic reference books, compiling a bibliography and its use in the final qualifying work; development of students' abilities for critical analysis and application of theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of state and municipal administration in order to conduct their own scientific research. 2. Method and form (s) of practice. Method of practice: stationary. Practice form: discrete. 3. The list of planned learning outcomes during the internship, correlated with the planned results of mastering EP HE The internship is aimed at the formation of the following competencies: Index Contents of the competence of the OK-7 competence with the ability to self-organization and self-education; the ability to develop methodological and reference materials on the activities of persons in positions of the state civil Russian Federation, state service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal service, persons holding public positions of the Russian Federation, substituting state PC-5 positions of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, positions of municipal service, administrative positions in state and municipal enterprises and institutions, in scientific and educational organizations, political parties, public policy, commercial and non-profit organizations; 2

23 Competence index PK-13 PK-26 PKV-1 PKV-4 PKV-6 OPK-1 OPK-6 The content of competence is the ability to use modern project management methods aimed at timely obtaining high-quality results, identifying risks, effective resource management, and readiness for it. implementation using modern innovative technologies; possession of the skills of collecting, processing information and participating in the informatization of the activities of the relevant authorities and organizations; an understanding of the main problems of the theory and practice of the development and functioning of the region, technology and problems of the development and implementation of socio-economic forecasts, plans and programs at the regional level of government; is able to use the basics of knowledge in the field of urban management as a unified system and object of management to solve management problems, to master various ways of solving problems in the management of urban (municipal) economy on the basis of a systematic approach to the subject, to improve the mechanism, technologies and methods of interaction of local governments with the population and government bodies; the ability to possess the foundations of civilized economic thinking, an understanding of the features of economic regulation of objects of state and municipal property, independently interpret and provide a logical explanation for the observed phenomena and processes; possession of the skills of searching, analyzing and using regulatory and legal documents in their professional activities; the ability to solve standard tasks of professional activity on the basis of information and bibliographic culture using information and communication technologies and taking into account the basic requirements of information security 4. Place of practice in the structure of EP VO Research work (B2.P.2) belongs to the section Practice (B2 ) Industrial practice (B2.P) of the undergraduate educational program in the direction of "State and Municipal Management", focus (profile) "Regional Management" and is a type of training, directly focused on the professional and practical training of students. The organization of research work at all stages is aimed at ensuring the continuity and consistency of students' mastering of professional activities in accordance with the requirements for the level of training of a bachelor. Research work is carried out directly at the graduating department of "Management and State and Municipal Administration" or in other departments of the institute. In order to present the obtained scientific results and get acquainted with topical modern scientific problems and trends, the student for a short time can be sent to participate in scientific conferences, seminars, round tables with the participation of practitioners of state and municipal administration. Research work consolidates the knowledge and skills acquired 3

24 students as a result of mastering theoretical courses, develops practical skills and contributes to the complex formation of students' competencies in the framework of the chosen direction, as well as skills of independent work. Research work allows the student to improve the knowledge and skills acquired by them during the study of disciplines such as "Management of municipal orders", "State and municipal services", "History of local self-government in Russia", "Strategic territorial planning", Foreign experience of the State Medical University ". etc. The acquired knowledge and skills in the process of passing research work can be used by students during pre-diploma practice and in the preparation and defense of the final qualifying work. 5. Scope of practice and its duration Scope of practice 3 credits, 108 hours. Duration of practice is 2 weeks. p / n 6. Practice content Sections (stages) of practice Types of research work Labor intensity (in hours) Forms of current control 1 Preparatory stage 1.1 Organizational meeting Introductory lecture 2 interview 1.2 Introductory conversation with your research supervisor 1.3 Selecting the problem of research work 1.4 Studying the appropriate literature recommended by the head of the practice 2. Experimental (working) stage 2.1 Search for sources of the necessary information 2.2 Collection, processing and analysis of information obtained during the research 2.3 Writing an article for publication in various scientific collections, journals or a report for participation in student scientific and technical conferences 2.4 Report to the head on completed tasks 4 Introductory lecture 1 IWS 4 IWS 6 IWS IWS IWS 2.5 Preparation of a report on the practice of IWS conversation interview interview interview Recording a diary Recording in a diary observation and analysis of student activities observation and analysis of activities student oral conversation with the leader m Entry in the diary

25 p / n Sections (stages) of practice Types of research work Labor intensity (in hours) Forms of current control 3 Final stage 3.1 Making a practice diary in the IWS in accordance with the established rules 3.2 Submission of a report and a diary of IWS practice 3.3 Protection of the report Protection with a differentiated assessment Recording a diary in oral conversation with the head m Defense with a differentiated assessment 7. Reporting form for practice At the end of the practice, the student draws up a report and submits it to the head of practice from the department. Based on the results of the practice, attestation is carried out, which includes the submission of a written report of the trainee, the assessment report (response) of the organization, protection of the report in the form of an oral message. 8. Fund of assessment tools for midterm certification in practice. Based on the results of the defense of practice reports, a differentiated credit is issued. To assess the results of the internship, the fund of assessment tools developed by the department is used (Appendix). When evaluating the results of the practice, the quantity and quality of the performance by the trainees of all the types of activities provided for by the program are taken into account, as well as the quality of registration of the reporting documentation and its timely submission for verification. 9. List of educational, methodological and informational support of practice a) basic literature: 1. Shklyar, M.F. Fundamentals of Scientific Research [Electronic resource]: textbook for bachelors, 4th ed. / MF Shklyar. M .: Dashkov and K, p. 2. Averchenkov, V.I. Fundamentals of Scientific Creativity / V.I. Averchenkov, Yu.A. Malakhov. Moscow: Flinta s. Electronic edition. 3. Babun, R. Organization of municipal management [Electronic resource]: textbook. Third generation standard. 2nd ed. / R. Babun SPB: Peter, p. 4. Roy, OM Fundamentals of state and municipal management [Electronic resource]: textbook. 5th ed. Third generation standard / О.М. Roy. SPb .: Peter, p. 5. Cherepanov, V.V. Fundamentals of public service and personnel policy [Electronic resource]: textbook. / Cherepanov V.V. M: Unity, p. five

B) additional literature: 1. Demin, A.A. State service [Electronic resource] / А.А. Demin. M .: Knigodel, p. 2. Roy, OM Research of socio-economic and political processes [Electronic resource]: workshop / Roy OM, Kiseleva AM .. SPb .: Peter, 2010 240 p. 3. Shashina, N. S. The system of state and municipal management [Electronic resource]: teaching aid for universities: recommended by the methodological council of the university / NS. Shashina, V.V. Khodyrev. SPb .: Publishing house of SAU, p. 4. Basenko, V.P. Organizational behavior: modern aspects of labor relations. [Electronic resource] / V.P. Basenko, A.A. Romanov, B.M. Zhukov. M .: Dashkov and K, p. c) a list of resources of the information and telecommunication network "Internet" necessary for mastering the discipline: 1. EBS "Aybuks.ru" 2. EBS "Lan" 3. EBS "University library on-line" 4. EBS "BOOK.RU" 5 DB "Electronic full-text database of ACS" d) a list of information technologies used in the implementation of the educational process in the discipline, including a list of software and information reference systems: 1. ConsultantPlus Reference legal system 2. Reference legal system "Guarantor" Material and technical support of research work For the successful completion of research, it is necessary to have a material and technical base that ensures the conduct of all types of disciplinary training of students, provided for by the curriculum of the university, and corresponding to the current sanitary and fire safety rules and regulations. The list of material and technical support, which is the minimum necessary for the successful formation of this competence, includes stands and equipment that ensure the study of subjects in accordance with the main educational program implemented by the university. For the organizational meeting and protection of the results of the practice - a lecture room equipped with a multimedia projector and a screen for demonstrating presentations. The list of material and technical support required for the implementation of the educational program includes a specialized audience "Specialized Auditorium of Management and State and Municipal Administration" (2-07), equipped with special equipment. The specific material and technical equipment of the specialized audience "Specialized audience of management and state and municipal administration" is determined in the document within the framework of the QMS P-QMS "Passport of the specialized audience". 6

27 7

(higher education level bachelor's, master's) in the industrial practice program "B2.P.1 Practice for obtaining professional skills and professional experience" in the direction

In accordance with the "Regulations on the educational program of higher education (the level of higher education bachelor's, master's) in the curriculum of educational practice" B2.U.1 Practice for obtaining primary

1. Goals and objectives of the practice Educational practice (Practice for obtaining primary professional skills) EP VO training areas 38.03.02 Management (focus (profile) Management of the organization)

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS of the educational program of higher education Applied bachelor's program 38.03.04 PUBLIC AND MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION 1. Qualification awarded to graduates: bachelor

Federal State Educational Budgetary Institution of Higher Education "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" Description of the educational program of higher education

Annotations of the working programs of disciplines in accordance with the curriculum for the preparation of bachelors in the direction of preparation 03.03.04 "State and municipal management" Block 1.B Basic part Block 1.B1

Annotations to the working programs of the practice of OBOP "State and Municipal Management" in the direction of training 38.04.04 Competences

General cultural competence History Philosophy Foreign language Sociology Psychology Economic theory Political science Mathematics Russian language and culture of speech State and municipal service Administrative

Contents 1 General provisions 1.1 General characteristics of the main professional educational program of higher education. 1.2 Normative documents for the development of basic vocational education

TRAINING PRACTICE (practice in obtaining primary professional skills) 1. Place in the structure of OBEP This section refers to the B2 practice block of the curriculum for training bachelors in the

CONTENTS 1. General Provisions 1.1. OPOP VO bachelor's degree, implemented by the Institute in the direction of training 03/38/04 State and municipal administration. 1.2. FSES in the direction of training HE and

Annotation of the working program of pre-diploma practice In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of HE, the student's pre-diploma practice is carried out to complete the final qualification

ANNOTATION OF THE PRE-DIPLOMA PRACTICE PROGRAM. When implementing this OOP, pre-diploma practice is provided. 1. The total labor intensity of the pre-diploma practice is 3 ZET (108 hours) 2. The goals and objectives of the pre-diploma

1 PURPOSE OF TRAINING PRACTICE The purpose of educational practice is to consolidate theoretical knowledge and obtain primary professional skills in such areas of professional activity as information and methodological

Annotation of the practice for obtaining primary professional skills B2.B.01 (U) Purpose of the practice The purpose of the practice for obtaining primary professional skills is to consolidate the expansion and deepening


Urs.0.04 State and municipal administration profile Municipal administration full-time admission 0 year Schedule of the educational process Month, weeks, week September October November December January February

Urs.0.0 State and municipal government profile Municipal government extramural admission 01 year Schedule of the educational process Month, weeks, week September October November December January February

Urs 3.03.0 State and municipal government profile Municipal government correspondence course admission 01 year Schedule of the educational process Month, weeks, week September October November December

8. Appendix 8. CONTENTS Page Introduction ... 5 1. The purpose and objectives of the state final certification ....... 5 2. The results of mastering the EP of HE ...... 7 3. Types and volume of the state final certification ....... 20

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Novosibirsk National Research State

Annotation of the programs of practitioners of the educational program in the direction of preparation 03.03.01 "Economics" Practice for obtaining primary professional skills, including primary skills

Annotation of the programs of practitioners of the educational program in the direction of training 03.03.02 "Management" Practice in obtaining primary professional skills, including primary skills

Annotation of the work program of the discipline B2.U.1 Practice for obtaining primary professional skills

General characteristics of the educational program of higher education in the direction of preparation 03/38/04 State and municipal administration

Urs Schedule of the educational process .0.04 State and municipal administration profile Municipal administration full-time admission 05 years Month, weeks, week September October November December January February

Urs Schedule of the educational process.0.0 State and municipal government profile Municipal government correspondence admission 05 years Month, weeks, week September October November December January February

1 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS The main professional educational program (hereinafter the educational program), implemented at the MPEI, is a set of documents developed and approved in accordance with

Direction of training Orientation (profile) OBOP Qualification (degree) Form of study 38.04.02 Management Business security audit Master full-time Internship programs and organization of research

Annotation of the program of the discipline "Educational practice-1" 1. Goals and objectives of the discipline. The goal is to consolidate and expand the knowledge gained by students in the process of theoretical training in basic educational

Federal state educational standard of higher education Level of higher education Bachelor's degree Direction of training 03/38/04 State and municipal administration (approved by order

Appendix 4 Annotation of the program of the discipline "Educational practice-1" 1. Goals and objectives of the discipline. The goal is to consolidate and expand the knowledge gained by students in the process of theoretical training in the basic

Direction of preparation 03/38/04. "State and Municipal Administration" Educational program in the direction of preparation 03/38/04. "State and Municipal Administration" (Bachelor's level)



The purpose of the EP in the direction of preparation: The main goal of training in the educational program of higher education (hereinafter EP in higher education) is the practical implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the direction 38.03.02

Autonomous non-profit organization of higher education "MOSCOW INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY" Department of State and Municipal Administration APPROVED: Head of Department% L / Melnichenko N

Competencies: OPK-5 - the ability to analyze research results in the context of the goals and objectives of your organization, OPK-6 - possession of the culture of thinking, the ability to perceive, generalize and economic

ABSTRACT B2.B.01 (U) Educational practice (practice in obtaining primary professional skills and abilities) 1. Purpose and objectives of practice The purpose of educational practice is to form students' practical

Non-state educational institution of higher professional education "Moscow Economic and Legal Institute" (NOU VPO "MEPI") The main educational program of higher professional

State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Moscow Region "Dubna University" Faculty of Economics and Management Department of State and Municipal Administration Abstract

Undergraduate practice 1. Aims and objectives of undergraduate practice Aims of practice: deepening and systematization of the knowledge gained by students in the process of theoretical training; practical application of theoretical

Be socially and ethically responsible for the decisions made (OK-2); readiness for self-development, self-realization, use of creative potential (OK-3). General professional competences (GIC):

Training direction 38.03.04 "State and municipal administration" Educational program in the direction 38.03.04 "State and municipal administration" (general program)

B2.B.01 (C) Annotation of the work program Practice for obtaining primary professional skills

State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Moscow City University of Management of the Government of Moscow Institute of Higher Professional Education

The practice is aimed at the formation of the following competencies: readiness to act in non-standard situations, to bear social and ethical responsibility for the decisions made (OK-2); readiness for self-development,

State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Moscow Region "Dubna University" Faculty of Economics and Management Department of State and Municipal Administration Abstract

2012 1. Objectives of the industrial practice. The objectives of the industrial practice are in-depth study of topical problems of theory and practice in the chosen field of professional activity and obtaining

1 1. General characteristics of the educational program 38.03.02 Management (profile "Financial Management") 1.1. Purpose (mission) of the educational program The purpose of the educational program is to prepare

1. PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES OF THE DISCIPLINE DEVELOPMENT 1.1. The objectives of mastering the discipline are: Research work allows you to gain experience in mastering conceptual problems of technical science, including methods

GENERAL CHARACTERISTIC OF THE BASIC PROFESSIONAL EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM (OBEP) Code and name 38.03.02 Direction management Qualification assigned to Bachelor graduates Direction Management

Direction "Tourism" Practices Annotation of the work program of the practice B2.U B2.U.1 Practice in obtaining primary professional skills, including primary skills and research skills

State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Moscow Region "University" Dubna "(State University" Dubna ") Faculty of Economics and Management Department of State


Stages of the formation of competencies in the process of mastering the main professional educational program in the direction of training bachelors 03/38/02 "Management" profile "State and municipal

Direction of training 03/38/04 State and municipal administration, a broad-profile program Educational program in the direction of training 03.03.04 "State and municipal administration"

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION SAMARA STATE ECONOMIC UNIVERSITY Institute of National Economy Department of Regional Economy, State and Municipal Management ABSTRACT