How to interpret your dream: the best ways to decrypt. Sleep psychology

Lunar dream book
All dreams are in absolute dependence on the moon. From what phase the moon is in, and which ones go lunar day, depends on the truth of your dreams and how to solve them correctly. The dream you have seen will come true or not, the Moon can also tell. For this on lunar calendar determine what is the lunar day today.
Sunny dream book
In general, dreams are a poorly studied, albeit extremely interesting, area of ​​the human psyche. Perhaps this explains the presence of a huge number of different myths and superstitions regarding dreams.
Take a look at the dream book
Often we see in a dream unexpected, sometimes scary, sometimes funny, or even completely stupid images and events. The next morning we are surprised: "I will dream of this!" And some of us will definitely try to solve the dream using the Internet. After all, here you can find Miller's dream book, Vanga's dream book, Freud's dream book ...
Dream interpretation by day of the month
You can also interpret dreams according to the days in which these dreams were dreamed. To understand the meaning of your dream, you need not only to look at the page of the dream book, but also to compare what is said in it with what was said about the influence of the days of the week, the number of ordinary and lunar months. Putting it all together, we can say that the dream portends.
Dream interpretation of prophetic dreams
Do you believe in prophetic dreams? Many people believe. Of course, this is all very individual, like belief in God, in the afterlife and everything that is immaterial. Although if we do not know something and have not encountered it ourselves, this does not mean that this something does not exist. After all, not everything is as simple in our world as it seems to us.
Dream interpretation - week
You can use online dream books, or you can also take into account the meaning of dreams by days of the week, depending on how accurate and detailed interpretation of what you see you need. The main thing is to create a world of lucid dreams, then in reality you will be much better at managing your affairs.
Dream interpretation interpretation of dreams
It is not surprising that scientists around the world are paying so much attention to sleep research. Indeed, in the arms of Morpheus, we spend a significant part of our life. In the old days, all knowledge in this area was limited to meager and fantastic information ...
Children's dream book
In order for a child to sleep peacefully at night, without frightening dreams, he must know that he has nothing to fear, that his parents love him and will always protect him. Don't put him to bed too early or too late. Otherwise, the child's natural biorhythm of sleep will be disrupted.

The dream book contains the most interesting and popular dream books of all times and peoples: the dream book of Solomon, the dream book of Taflisi, the Muslim dream interpreter and fortuneteller from Moses Necromantus, the dream book of the Parisian fortuneteller Madame de Tabes, big dream book Phoebe, dream book of the fate of Napoleon, dream book of Cleopatra, family dream book, gypsy dream book interpretation of dreams and others.

How to decipher dreams according to Freud

Freud breaks down this censorship process, which we call "dream work," into several stages: secondary process, condensation, movement, and projection. By tracking how and what you control during your dreams, you can learn a lot about your true desires and motives (according to his theory). Let's see what each stage of dream work represents.

Secondary process. This is the way in which we manage to create a complete story from our dream, even if it is strange and incoherent. Think of it this way: Suppose you were assigned an episode from Seinfeld and told that there should be characters like Elayne on a unicycle with a kitten in her hair and a pagoda under her arm, your university teacher humanities in the form of Kramer, Jerry founding the Library of Congress, and George with the pie, which features Janet Reno. Your attempts to make sense out of it all are like doing a secondary process with a story that includes all of these elements. But, in doing his work, he thereby masks the primary content of your dream. Freud was convinced that you must unravel the manifest content of your dream and find in it the hidden meaning or "hidden content" of the dream.

Condensation. Condensation is the ability to create one short thought from a series of thoughts hidden in dreams. Prominent psychoanalyst and writer Charles Rycroft claims that when condensation individual details our dreams are symbolized by several themes. Two or more images can represent a mixed image, the meaning of which is relevant to each of the individual images. For example, if you dream of food that is ready to burn in the oven of the stove that you remember from childhood, the condensed image of the stove may mean that you yearn for the past and that your present state of affairs is rather "hot".

Substitution. This is a way in which we can alleviate our anxiety and anxiety by imagining them in a safe way in our dreams. You express your urgent need, but you direct it to another person or to another object. For example, imagine that you have no idea how angry you are with your teenage son. In the world of id instincts, you might feel that your anger is deadly in nature. But instead of a dream in which you kill your child (which will make you anxious and wake up), you dream that Bevis and Boothead (his favorite TV characters) are killed in an accident while skiing. In short, when we do a substitution, we use the symbol as a substitute for the meaning of sleep. This is where the well-known Freudian symbolism comes from: any object that even remotely resembles a phallus is a symbol of the penis (guns, canes, the Eiffel Tower ...), and everything that even remotely resembles a receptacle symbolizes the vagina (cup, cave, box ..) ..

Projection. It is similar to substitution, but it shortens the process by one step. In your dreams, when you project your oppressed fantasies onto someone or something else, you still dream about the same, but you do not take responsibility for such shameful desires. Using the previous example of a projection killer parent, we can say that your son would have been decapitated, not by you, but by someone else. A bit of a cruel example, isn't it? Just remember: these are just feelings that everyone is able to experience from time to time. Naturally, you will never put them into action.

In order to help his patients understand what their dreams mean, Freud suggested that they use the method of free association, that is, simply say the first thing that comes to mind about each image or action in their dream. When the lucid content of dreams was analyzed by the method of free association, such a dream could be understood as an attempt to fulfill one's desire.

It is clear that interpreting dreams according to Freud's method is not easy. Freudian analysts go through a lot of training before they do this. But even a simple acquaintance with dream interpretation methods can help you understand the meaning of your dreams.

Decoding dreams

Dream Interpretation of Dreams dreamed of why in a dream Decoding dreams? To select the interpretation of the dream, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation of dreams with a letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Interpretation of dreams by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dreaming within a dream

Trying to convince yourself that something pleasant or unpleasant is just a dream.

A dream within a dream can be interpreted as the fulfillment of the desires of the unconscious part of the self or above the self, while the desires of an ordinary dream are associated with it.

Dreams embedded in one another can reflect the stages of the ontogenesis of the self.

Dream interpretation - incoherent dreams

See Rumbling Dreams, Sleep.

Dream Interpretation - Dreams about the death of parents

An indication of the son's rivalry for the mother's attention and the daughter's desire to eliminate the mother in order to become closer to the father.

In this case, dreams act as safety valves.

The context of dreams about the death of siblings is similar.

Dream Interpretation - Dreams about future diseases

(associated with practicing black magic).

A cat, snake or rat scratches, bites sensitively.

Long, turbid, overwhelming wave (lingering illness). Eat meat greedily. Sing out loud, dance. Fall into a deep hole, well. Fall into the abyss. Wild cry (your own or someone else's).

Dream Interpretation - Features of dreams of men

Dreams are one of the most mysterious phenomena of the human psyche. For several thousand years, man has been trying to explain the origin of dreams, endowing them with a mystical content, attributing prophetic power to them and fearing the unknown depths of his own soul that open up to him in dreams. What is the reason for this? Why do all our worst fears and sweetest dreams come to life in a dream? What happens to us when Morpheus puts his arms around us?

Meanwhile, in modern psychophysiology, such a phenomenon of the psyche of man and highly organized animals, as the ability to dream, has been studied for a relatively long time. Although science still does not know everything about dreams and dreams, progress is unstoppable, and sooner or later dreams will take their clearly defined place among other phenomena of the human psyche. In the meantime, we are forced to be content with only an approximate interpretation of the content of dreams.

Distinctive features of the mental organization of men are based on the characteristics of their physiological structure. So, being less emotional than women, men are more prone to logic and prudence. This means that their mental life is not so stormy, and their dreams are less vivid and emotional than those of women. This is, of course, generalized data, but for individual representatives of the strong half of humanity, everything may be somewhat different.

This chapter will focus on just those special dreams of men, which are due to their physiology and different from the female mental organization.

Despite the individuality of all people's dreams, there are still some common plots that appear in most people sooner or later, and have the same meaning for everyone in general. In this chapter, just such plots related to the role of other people in the life of a particular individual are analyzed.

Men are usually more active people and, accordingly, their psyche is more resistant to experiences. So be more attentive to dreams, look for the reason and meaning of the dream not in "grandmother's interpretations", but in the analysis of your own emotions and everyday situations.

The behavior of the "stronger sex" is often conditioned by those stereotypes that prevail in society. One of these stereotypes (probably correct and necessary) is the opinion that a man must protect his family at all costs. Therefore, when someone dies in the family or someone has a misfortune, the man often takes it as his own fault (although the true cause of death may be illness or other circumstances beyond his control). And the dream, due to the fixation of a person on a traumatic situation - the death of his wife or children - reproduces it in the most bizarre way, as if giving a second chance to correct the situation.

The goal of any dream ultimately is to relieve mental stress and solve a problem that worries a person. But the fact is that it is not always able to fulfill the similar task assigned to it by psychologists.

An example of dreams that seek to relieve tension are affective dreams associated with violent expressions of emotion. Fear and hatred are the most common emotions inherent in most men.

What would our life be without the thrill? The boring, primitive existence of "natural machines". Imagine endless days based solely on reasonable and appropriate rules; people resembling robots. There would be no music, cinema, theaters, museums and other things that make life life, and not a plant existence, Life would be emasculated. A person is able to get pleasure from almost any sensation, sometimes even from pain. It's all about a small feature of his body, which, perhaps, gives rise to all the diversity human activity... We have all heard more than once about people jumping with a parachute, riding a board through the waves and snow, climbing mountains. They all want one thing - adrenaline. Every time a person experiences thrill, he's enjoying. This means that dreams with affects also make our life more varied and more pleasant.

One of the affective dreams is a very common dream in which the dreamer is pursued by some people, but he cannot escape from them. This type of dream most likely reflects the individual's attitude to the world around him. Perhaps such a person is wary of new people, he has communication problems. The dream proves to him that he is right, treating people badly. On the other hand, experiencing strong emotions in a dream, a person relieves tension and calms down. The following example is illustrative in this respect.

A university student was offended by the teacher for the unfair mark he received on the exam. The teacher was a friend of the student's family and the latter knew him from childhood as a good, fair person. But the resentment prevented the student from treating the teacher as before. And then, as a solution to the problem, the student had a dream of the following content: he answers the teacher with the same ticket on the exam and they begin to argue furiously with each other, as a result of which the teacher admits that he was wrong. After that, the student's attitude to the teacher returned to normal.

The love triangle is the theme of more than one book and has attracted writers, poets and artists more than once. This is not surprising, since in any relationship between a man and a woman, someone is more in love, and someone less. In Western psychology, this phenomenon is called the "paradox of passion."

All dreams of this topic can be divided into two parts: when you cheat and when they cheat on you. In the first case, the dream is usually caused by a feeling of guilt - and the plot of such a dream does not contain, as a rule, the very fact of treason, but the motive of punishment or retribution for the deed is observed.

In such dreams, a person experiences humiliation, pain. When the same dream about betrayal is reproduced constantly, without significant changes in the plot, this suggests that a person punishes himself with a sense of guilt for what happened. The purpose of the dream in this case is to try to get rid of the feeling of guilt through self-punishment.

In some cases, dreams of cheating reflect a desire to "take a walk on the side."

If the sleeping person dreams that he is being cheated on, then several explanations are also possible, depending on the characteristics mental life person. As if a common refrain in this dream can pass the thought: "I knew that she could not be trusted" or "No one loves me."

In both cases, a dream with such content is self-justification. The first option has common features with persecution mania and is characteristic of aggressive people (if it comes about a recurring dream). Individual dreams on the topic of betrayal of a beloved woman or friend, as a rule, justify negative emotions or bad thoughts of the dreamer in relation to them.

The second version of the dream of treason is characteristic of melancholic people and justifies their own inaction or failure bad attitude from the people around you.

Especially interesting are dreams of betrayal, accompanied by the fear of being deceived, which haunts the dreamer throughout the entire dream. Often this is a reproduction of a real situation that happened to the sleeper in life. The purpose of the dream in this case is to relieve mental stress by re-experiencing the situation.

Dreams about their own betrayal of the country, relatives or friends sometimes aim to realize upon awakening that it was just a dream, that in fact nothing like this happened. Thus, a person seems to say to himself: "How good I am."

Dream Interpretation - Censorship in dreams

Conscious knowledge about the purpose of objects penetrates into the unconscious, dreams along with the emotional background.

For example, you love ice cream. You enjoy eating a product on a hot summer day. If you find ice cream near your mouth in a dream, you will re-experience a pleasant emotion.

Note that children are most passionate about ice cream. And the pleasure that adults get are only echoes of childhood. Therefore, if you see ice cream in a dream, you can assume that you need someone's care, as you did in childhood.

But it can also be a sign that you should pay more attention to your children. All of these interpretations are quite consistent with the problems that are considered acceptable in society.

The situation is more complicated with concepts that are not approved in society. For example, forbidden sexual intercourse outside of marriage.

Society puts our biological instincts in a box that we crush in our sleep.

But, even going beyond what is permitted in a dream, the dreamer uses only the symbols that the censor missed.

The concept of "censorship" was introduced by Freud. He showed the emergence of signs of censorship on the example of the dream of an elderly lady from high society.

Sometimes the unconscious uses harmless substitute symbols.

And then, instead of ellipsis, specific actions and objects appear.

Such an object in a dream is spiral staircase... Freud considered climbing it as a substitute for sexual intercourse.

In dreams, the penis is often replaced with sticks, umbrellas, and weapons.

Sometimes elongated vegetables can indicate this organ.

These symbols were also used in ancient myths and legends.

Thus, the flight of a witch on a broomstick may indicate a broomstick as a substitute for a penis.

Women dream of such objects when they have a suppressed desire for sexual intimacy with a man.

Men dream of long, penetrating objects during abstinence or puberty.

Men are usually very energetic in their actions in a dream. They enter into a duel, break down doors.

Women's manifestations of sexual desires are milder.

The upbringing of a person, the censorship of the prohibition of murder has very deep roots and affects a person's actions even in a dream.

Even when the dreamer hates someone, in a dream he rarely kills him.

In a dream, the corpse of an animal, a gravestone and angry dogs tormenting his enemy.

Dream interpretation - Mandala in a series of dreams

The individual is able and should concentrate his efforts aimed at achieving balance and integrity.

The colors of the mandala will become brighter, and its shape more definite, if the individual focuses his efforts on inner development.

The mandala of dreams becomes more effective when drawn and decorated.

It is easier to understand visually than verbally.

Sometimes the ability to depict a mandala is even disadvantageous: if it inhibits free expression.

A series of such images of one dream can reflect the trajectory of internal development.

Dream Interpretation - Negro, Chinese, Hindu in the dream of a European

(burglar thief, vagrant,) shadow.

Or in a woman's dreams, her animus.

The individual invariably tries to prevent the arrival of the named guest, but one day he enters (after changing his position in consciousness).

In subsequent dreams uninvited guest can be banished.

Dream Interpretation - Color (in dreams)

Colorful, colored dreams are characteristic of people with a figurative, artistic mindset.

Black and white dreams speak of a rational outlook on life: in such people, emotions usually give way to reason.

Green and blue tones dreams - a sign peace of mind and well-being.

Red and black shades of dreams are an alarming state.

A sharp red color, without halftones - loss of mental balance.

Black color - sadness, illness.

Harsh green and all yellow tones are harbingers of disease.

Dark blue, violet and purple tones in dreams are unfavorable.

You will have to borrow from the wizard of the emerald gerod, from the book of a. Volkova with the same name, glasses and dreaming all night long with pleasure. What color are these magic glasses?

Dream Interpretation - Common features of magical dreams

Very long, confusing, fantasy, entertaining plots. The situation of temptation, seduction, special alluring interest. Seduction by mystery and possibilities. Reasonable leading Voice. The so-called spiritual "contact" (acceptance of spiritual information from the world of dreams). An incessant gluttony, greed and an irresistible desire to experience more and more nightly adventures.

Burning, scalding hot or piercing cold chilling winds in sleep.

Upside down pictures, landscapes, objects. For example, in the night scene, the pine tree grows with its roots up, branches down; the burning candle is turned upside down by 180 degrees. In the world of the devil, everything seems to be the other way around, because he is the monkey of God, an inverted God.

Decrypt the dream

Dream interpretation Decipher a dream dreamed why in a dream Decipher a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing a dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Decipher a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Dream

Sleep - If the sleeper is aware that he is asleep and is dreaming, then we must try to consolidate this state and learn to "order" dreams. That is, before falling asleep, you need to tell yourself which question you would like to receive an answer in images that you understand. Sleep in a dream means your readiness to work with dreams, to the practical use of the information obtained in this way.

Dream interpretation - Dream (sleep in a dream)

Most often, such a dream is associated with overwork of the body. You need to get good rest, otherwise there may be health problems. If you know for sure that there is no overwork, such a dream means that you are missing something important. You can oversleep an event that will turn your life around.

Imagine waking up and immediately engaging in vigorous activity.

If you dreamed that you go to bed and fall asleep, the dream suggests that in reality you are too careless and lazy. Your affairs are upset, your trade bears losses, your bosses are dissatisfied with you - but you don't seem to care. Be vigilant: your behavior is fraught with unpleasant consequences... You urgently need to get down to business. If you saw in a dream that you are lying in bed, trying to fall asleep, but because of insomnia, sleep does not go, - you are worried about some forgotten matter, maybe a mistake of the past or an accidental sin.

In this case, you need to give yourself the task of seeing the forgotten situation the next night, remembering what worries you so much.

Dream interpretation - Dream

The dream in which you dozed off while sitting in soft chair after a hard day at work, portends the betrayal of a loved one just when you imbued him with unlimited trust. If you suddenly woke up and cannot immediately figure out where you are, this portends the return of lost hope. If you are rudely awakened, then in reality you will finally get a decent job after long ordeals at the labor exchange.

If you see yourself sleeping on the roof, this is a sign of rapid success that will take you to unattainable heights. If in a dream you sleep in the open air - in real life embark on a journey that promises to be both fun and extremely rewarding.

Sleeping on a long-distance train on the top bunk only on a mattress without other bedding means that you are satisfied with your position and do not pretend to be more.

If you have a chaotic dream, the content of which you still cannot figure out, this portends a meeting with something mysterious and inexplicable in real life.

If you have nightmares in which you are pursued by some kind of fantastic monsters and vampires, something absolutely terrible will happen in reality.

Seeing yourself asleep in a completely renovated, converted and newly furnished bedroom portends a happy change in your destiny.

Dream interpretation - Sleep paralysis

Too frequent manifestation of sleep paralysis (prolonged fixation in a subsonic state) is one of the signs of practicing black magic. See Separately sleep paralysis in psychoanalytic words.

Dream interpretation - Sleep, sleep

It often happens that we dream that we are sleeping. But this, in fact, is the real state of the body when we dream of something. However, in a dream, sleeping and resting does not always mean the same thing. Sleep is one of the most vulnerable conditions in the body. During this time, we are unarmed in the face of anxiety: the ability to defend ourselves is limited, not to mention the inability to care for others. Dreams of this kind tend to elicit either a feeling of relief and peace, or a feeling of violence. Answering questions about how you wake up and who wakes you are important elements in interpreting such a dream.

Dream interpretation - Dream

See Lucid Dream.

Dream interpretation - Dream matryoshka

The often repeated dream of the matryoshka testifies to a dead end, wrong and endless spiritual self-knowledge on a way black magic... See Separately nesting dolls dreaming effect in psychoanalysis. Sl.

Dream interpretation - Dream

Seeing yourself asleep is a lingering ailment.

Disability is not excluded.

An unclear dream, the plot of which is completely forgotten, heralds your predisposition to diseases of internal organs and systems.

Dream interpretation - Dream grass

In herbalists, as a remedy for the anxiety and cry of babies, the “strawberry grass” is mentioned, which “grows over the preserves with bushes, that the snow is white.

That grass is good in milk to sip, which small children do not sleep, will help. "

Restless children were given the herb infusion sleep Holy Mother of God(Dianthus deltoidsL.).

Dream interpretation - Dream

Seeing yourself sleepy is an obstacle.

Help decipher the dream, pliz !!

I had a dream that was completely incomprehensible and deeply impressed me. It’s as if I’m sleeping in a room full of wild animals, moreover, exclusively of the cat family: several lions, tigers, but the most frightening thing is that I myself slept in an upholstery with some kind of cheetah. I remember this colossal feeling of horror that they will now rush and tear me to shreds. True, none of this happened, but I remember that in this dream I was afraid to even move, and the feeling of immense fear did not pass for a long time. What does this mean? Someone who knows, please tell me, I was deeply disturbed by this dream.


Dream Interpretation Decipher dreamed why in a dream Decipher? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing a dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream. Decipher by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Decipher my dream

The subconscious has tried to remember the dream, but it does not bode well. Your idea (s) is too small (pregnant mouse) to come true - to resist temporary events (cats). Fighting (red) for its implementation is not worth it. Wait for new ones. Good luck.

A new house is a dream of renewal in life for the better.

Dream Interpretation - Decipher a dream about home

You will start a new romance and you will be in thought - whether you need it or not.

Dream Interpretation - Help decipher, pliz !!

The dream says that you have not chosen a totem for yourself. But he is clearly from the feline family. Try not to strongly identify with him, so as not to harm yourself. Good luck.

Hmm .... Damage to death ... This is so serious ... =))))))))))))))))) Your unconscious gives you advice (a friend who has turned into a friend. Teaching on relationships), and you toil about garbage ... Some kind of spoilage, buzzwords, such as "coaching" ... Overplayed, dear! A dream about the fact that you completely lie and played too much and everything is so serious. That you can lose all your masks at once, which you put on yourself with amazing stubbornness, trying to seem better than you are ... And this, of course, is not good for you. It was not damage - your foolishness hit you. Well ..... Stop trying easy ways to get respect, feelings, success. Everything truly valuable in our life is achieved through work. And the harder the work, the more joyful the fruits. However, you have the same damage .... It is a pity, because of it you will not hear what I just said.

Dream Interpretation - Nightmare, please decipher!

Good night, Svetlana! From time immemorial in Russia it was believed that blood is relatives, and teeth are someone's death. But most likely this is the death of your attitude to life, those illusions that you have built for yourself in the form of castles in the air. You yourself say that everything has just begun to improve, but you are afraid that it will collapse again. There is no fear without a reason, or rather, you are trying to escape reality and find the reasons for everything that happens somewhere outside. And they are within you, in your actions, and the motivations for them. "And I woke up from the constantly repeated words of my family:" .....! "- You understand everything yourself ..." began to compulsively consult (she is engaged in coaching) on ​​relationships, although I did not ask, I began to run away from her down the street "- You need to work a lot on yourself, on your Soul, and on your relationships The world does not revolve around you alone. But you run away from this, because you are afraid that it will reveal the unsightly sides of your nature - "she turned into some kind of old woman, a ghost, and then this terrible semi-ghost became my brother, who became me beat. “But if you run away from yourself, then Fate will start to catch up with you.” Plus, things have just started to recover after the damage to death that someone brought to me 2 years ago. "- Damage is a real thing, I will not say now specifically to your case, whether it is so or not. But no damage will come to a person if the Lord does not allow it. And such things are allowed for rather serious offenses. And here we must hope not for that. that someone will take the burden off you, and work on yourself, and correct your life. ”By the way, I thought that only the majority of Orthodox women run to witches to remove damage, it turns out that Catholics also sin with this ... Try the method of self-removal external influences... True, its basis is to be able to forgive and be able to ask for forgiveness: http: // www. Sunhome. Ru / magic / 15895 "Please help!" - God bless! The previous interpreter told you a lot of correct things about the work of your subconscious mind and about your relationship with the world around you. Pay attention to his words too. Save Khristos!

Dream Interpretation - Nightmare, please decipher!

I will add to the interpretation of the dream: I was pleased with your words that: “Catholics in their tradition bring all joys and sorrows to the church. And first they go to confession, and then, if required, seek advice from priests. a priest dealing with difficult cases. " I confess that my words were somewhat provocative, and I expected a reaction to them. So I admit I made a false assumption in this case. Apparently a truly good deed was done in the Middle Ages by the Holy Inquisition with good exhortations, and sometimes with a punishing hand, leading the children of the church to a true understanding of what was said in Holy Scripture : The Second Book of Moiseev. Exodus Chapter 22, verse 18 18 Do not leave the sorcerers alive. The Third Book of Moiseev. Leviticus Lava 20, verse 27 27 Whether it is a man or a woman, if they call the dead or sorcery, let them be put to death: they must stone them with stones, their blood on them. Isaiah Chapter 47, verses 10-14 10 For you trusted in your wickedness, you said: "No one sees me." Your wisdom and your knowledge - they have led you astray; and you said in your heart: "I, and no one but me." 11 And calamity will come upon you; you will not know where it will rise from; and a misfortune will attack you, which you will not be able to ward off, and suddenly a ruin will come upon you, which you do not even think about. 12 Stay with your magic and with the multitude of your magic, which you have been doing since your youth: maybe you will help yourself, maybe you will resist. 13 Thou art weary with the multitude of thy counsels; let the observers of the heavens and the astrologers and forerunners of the new moons come forth, and save you from what must happen to you. 14 Behold they are like straw: the fire burned them up; they did not deliver their souls from the flame; there was no coal to keep warm, no fire to sit in front of him. The Third Book of Moiseev. Leviticus Chapter 20, verse 6 6 And if any soul turns to those who summon the dead and to magicians, to walk prodigally after them, then I will set my face on that soul and destroy it from its people. The Fifth Book of Moiseev. Deuteronomy Chapter 18, verses 9-13 9 When you enter the land that the Lord your God gives you, then do not learn to do abominations that these nations have done: 10 You must not be with you who leads his son or daughter through the fire, a soothsayer. fortuneteller, sorcerer, sorcerer, 11 charm, summoning spirits, magician and inquiring of the dead; 12 For everyone that does this is an abomination to the Lord, and because of these abominations the Lord thy God drives them out from before thee. 13 Be blameless before the Lord your God; Acts of the Holy Apostles Chapter 13, verses 6-11 6 Having traveled the whole island to Paphos, they found a certain magician, a false prophet, a Jew, named Variisus, 7 who was with the proconsul Sergius Paul, a wise man. This, calling Barnabas and Saul, wished to hear the word of God. 8 And Elymas the sorcerer (for that is the meaning of his name) opposed them, trying to turn the proconsul away from the faith. 9 But Saul, who is also Paul, being filled with the Holy Spirit and fixing his gaze, 10 said: O full of all deceit and all evil deeds, son of the devil, enemy of all righteousness! Will you cease to pervert from the straight ways of the Lord? 11 And now, behold, the hand of the Lord is upon you; you will be blind and will not see the sun until a time. And suddenly darkness and darkness attacked him, and he, turning here and there, looked for a counselor. Save Khristos!

Perhaps you will soon meet a young man who will become your fan.

Dream Interpretation - What can my dream mean? Help decipher!

Your dream tells you that you are full of hope to meet the guy with whom you create good family, your dream will soon come true.

Dream Interpretation - What can my dream mean? Help decipher!

I had a similar dream the other day. Your explanation, in my opinion, is quite simple: soon (but it is not known when exactly) you will meet a guy with whom you will have a pretty strong relationship. And he himself strives for you. It is likely that in your life you have not even met, it is quite possible that your acquaintance is just waiting for you. Why through the window? Well, everything is simple, in a dream there is always something, but unusual.

Decode my dream

I dreamed that my family won a prize - tea. The tea was delivered along with a refrigerator (such as they stand near the kiosks, with transparent glasses). A three-colored cat climbed out of the refrigerator. This cat and my black cat began to compete for a place in the house. My cat brought a gray mouse from the street. While the cats were fighting, the mouse hung on my finger, holding on with its paws and teeth (as if asking me for help), but it didn't bite me. I screamed, but the cats did not pay attention to it. I threw it off, throwing a blanket over it. When the mouse fell, the cats ran up to it. My cat tore a mouse. She had little mice and red caviar in her belly. The cat began to eat it all. I woke up like after a nightmare.

Dream fulfillment hour:

0-1 hour - it is very likely that the dream will come true. The task is to decode it correctly.

1-2 hours - if your dream is frightening, then it will not come true.

2-3 hours - a prophetic nightmare dream is possible. An experienced magician will interpret it, but one should not do this when resorting to dream books. If you see parents in a dream, this means that they are waiting for your help (if they are alive), and if not, then you need to visit their graves in the cemetery.

3-4 hours - usually dreams at this time are of a prophetic nature, especially "Thursday" ones. It is not difficult to decipher them.

4-5 hours - you can get valuable information on solving some vital issues for you. The main thing is to remember the dream.

5-6 hours - such dreams can predict future romantic dates, new acquaintances.

6-7 hours - dreams seen at this time are easily deciphered by first impression.

7-8 hours - a dream that was dreamed at this time, most likely, will not come true.

8-9 hours - if the dream is related to your professional activity (study), then in this case they say "sleep in hand", that is, it will be as it was seen.

9-10 hours - if in a dream you see yourself sick, then this is most likely bad sign; take the initiative and see a doctor or an experienced healer.

10-11 hours - if in a dream you see a familiar person or relative, then he needs your help.

11-12 hours - often dreams seen at this time are prophetic. To interpret them and you will be able to.

12-13 hours is a dream that most likely will not come true.

13-14 hours - if you see yourself, it means that you have a hidden (sometimes overt) ill-wisher.

14-15 hours - this dream will not come true, at least - in most episodes.

15-16 hours - if you see birds, animals, persons who have died long ago, then such a dream portends a disease.

16-17 hours - if you wake up with a headache (there can be any dream), this is unpleasant news that will upset you.

17-18 hours - a meaningless dream.

18-19 hours - if you see yourself at work (at school, friend educational institution) - to vain trouble, in all other cases - the dream is empty.

19-20 hours - any remembered dream - to illness.

20-21 hours - any dream - to recovery (if sick), in all other situations - a dream without semantic meaning.

21-22 hours - a prophetic dream, in order to understand its symbols, you need a consultation with a parapsychologist, magician, an experienced healer.

22-23 hours - sleep-warning: be careful and careful, perhaps you have damage, evil eye, curse.

23-24 hours - a dream-warning: they are going to deceive you both in your personal life and in commercial activities.

Of course, you cannot always run away from many situations in life, as you would like. However, if you want the dream not to come true, put your face under the water flowing from the tap in the morning and tell or try to remember the dream in detail. The water will wash away everything, and the dream will not come true. Of course, it's nice to have a dream book on a bedside table. In the morning I woke up, looked - all the values, all the days were calculated. Solving dreams is an interesting activity, but, most importantly, do not get hung up, deciding that nothing can be changed. Remember! Many events of your destiny are in your hands.

Good afternoon friends!

In this article, I would like to tell you about another method of interpreting dreams, and at the same time explain my position on dream books.

I have already published one in which I gave a step-by-step method for interpreting dreams. It focuses on deciphering symbols, and then "assembling" the plot of the dream, taking into account the associations.

In this article we will continue the topic, and at the end I will give a small dictionary of universal symbols for interpretation. However, first I will tell you more about why I prefer to do without dream books in my work with dreams.

Why don't I turn to dream books

I believe that all the images that come to us in a dream are very individual, and for each person they are interpreted in their own way. It so happens that some objects or objects in one person have a positive meaning, while in another - a negative one.

Once, I remember, I was conducting a survey among my acquaintances. I gave each a small list of several words, asking them to write their associations to these words. I got very different interpretations!

For example, the word lock (door) for someone was associated with perseverance, for someone with an insurmountable obstacle, and for someone ... with creativity. I received many different interpretations, and once again I was convinced that each person's perception of the same words is different.

This is an individual experience, and we see and feel the same phenomena, events, words in different ways.

Let me give you another example. Imagine summer. You are walking along the sandy bank of the river. What do you associate it with? What emotions arise?

Once upon a time, when I was 3 years old, my parents and I were at a camp site, I was walking barefoot on the sand and accidentally stepped on a bee. It was the first time I was stung by a bee, it was very painful and I was very scared. I remember that for the next several years I was afraid to walk barefoot on the sand.

Therefore, when I dream about the bank of a river, I always take it as a warning about some danger or trouble: "you should not go there." I listen to this message, and as time passes, I know that I did the right thing.

Now try typing the words "Dream interpretation of the river bank" in Yandex. In most cases, the interpretation is as follows: "Joy, peace, reconciliation, goal achievement." Also, some sources advise to pay off debts, while others say that such a dream means loneliness, longing and nostalgia.

The fact is that the subconscious mind speaks to us in a language that is understandable to us. It dresses the message to everyone in those images that are closest to him, using in the formation of their features of perception and human experience.

Do a little experiment if you like. Ask a few people you know to imagine a tree and describe what they have imagined. You will see for yourself how different their trees will be.

What about the differences in the perception of people of different cultures and nationalities? To see in a dream, for example, a cow for a resident of Russia and a resident of India, obviously, will carry completely different meanings. In India, the cow is a sacred animal. In our country, they are just livestock that do not enjoy any special reverence.

Of course, there are symbols that carry more or less the same meaning for many people. For example, the sun. What is it usually associated with? With warmth, summer, good mood. This is true for many, but again, not for everyone. However, we can still classify the sun as a universal symbol to some extent.

At the end of this article, I will provide a small list of some of these interpretations. I will do this so that you can give an approximate direction to your thoughts when interpreting.

However, I immediately want to set you up for the fact that you will have to unravel your own symbols, find out what exactly this or that object means to you in a dream.

Do I need to keep a dream diary

When I just started working with dreams (first of all, of course, with my own), then in the literature on this topic that came across to me, I always came across the same advice: "Start writing down all your dreams."

In my opinion, I already wrote about this partially in my about the OS. Those who practice them also often recommend doing this for reasons that it can increase the number of dreams and help to better understand them.

I don’t want to dispute anyone’s experience and opinion, because I believe that this is also an individual moment, but I don’t keep a dream diary the way it is recommended: write down everything that I dream. Sometimes it is advised even to put a voice recorder or a notebook with a pen next to the pillow, so that, upon waking up, immediately fix what you saw.

For me personally, it is very difficult and energy consuming. If I wake up and start writing, I’m unlikely to fall asleep later. Besides, I have a lot of dreams. I know that there are people who practically do not see them or see them, but very rarely, but this is not about me. I may have seven or eight dreams a night, but usually at least three.

And they are quite long, story-driven, full of various details and nuances. If, when you wake up, you begin to write all this down, then half a day will be spent only on the description of dreams, which, of course, is laborious.

Therefore, I chose a different method for myself, and I want to offer it to you too. It consists in recording only those dreams that have a strong emotional impact on you.

If a person keeps a diary of events in everyday life, he is unlikely to write down absolutely all the events that happened to him during the day. No, he will write down one or two of the most important, key ones, those that affected him. So it is with dreams.

The importance of sleep is determined by the intensity of the emotions associated with it. The more emotionally we reacted to it, the more valuable a message it carries for us, no matter in a positive or negative aspect.

Therefore, I suggest you start by writing down your dreams, but only those that carry an important meaning for you, determining this by your emotions.

Key points in dream analysis

What is the main thing in the timing of dreams? Objects as symbols, of course. Usually there are several main objects that are of particular importance to us, that is, they carry the main semantic load. They symbolize something very significant, and it is them that we must decipher if we want to understand what our vision means.

On the road through the world of dreams, these symbols are like road signs that warn and inform about important things.

How to distinguish the main ones from them? Just as we single out the most vivid dream of several - according to the intensity of emotions. The more emotions are associated with a particular object in a dream, the more important it is.

Intuitive method for solving sleep

I called this method intuitive, because it involves turning to your subconscious mind without any logical analysis. It is convenient in that it allows you to unravel the meaning of a dream, which does not have a specific plot. For example, you did not remember the whole dream in its entirety, but at the same time you still have in your memory some one moment from it is an event, image.

Usually, what is remembered is the brightest, and most likely the most important. And here we can also get a lot of information.

So, the point is that we simply enter into dialogue with the objects of the dream. To do this, you need to retire, sit comfortably, close your eyes, remember and imagine an object or creature from a dream. And then ask him: “What do you symbolize? What do you want to tell me? "

Then you just need to wait, and the object will reply to you. Answers come to me in the form of a thought that arises after a question. Sometimes it can be in the form of a picture. It may not work out right away, but if you practice this method, you will soon be able to get answers to your questions within a few seconds.

Sometimes talking with symbolic objects is enough to understand what the dream is about and how it relates to our life. By the way, this method is especially useful if you have a nightmare. Usually there are people or creatures in it who haunt, frighten. It's good to talk to them, ask them questions.

In most cases, they are our subpersonalities, that is, parts of our psyche that we, for one reason or another, do not accept in ourselves.

This can be, for example, negative emotions such as anger or fear. We suppress these of them in the subconscious, but they do not go anywhere. We simply cease to be aware of them, and because of this it becomes impossible to control them. In a dream, the defensive reactions of the psyche weaken, and the hidden breaks out in the form of such frightening creatures.

However, in the process of talking with them, it often turns out that they just ... want to help us. The monsters we were afraid of appear to be quite harmless and even cute creatures.

A conversation with them allows you to find contact with a lost or suppressed part of yourself, to realize it, to re-accept it in yourself, thus restoring your integrity.

The situation in a dream is also of great importance. Is it a street or a room? What is the weather - a blizzard, rain or the sun is shining?


I will give a small list of interpretations. They will give you a general idea and points to pay attention to. However, in to a greater extent you should still rely on your intuition.

  • House, room - reflect inner world and human values. If your home is a mess and chaos, your thoughts may be a mess now.
  • Bathroom - symbolizes cleansing.
  • Hall, living room - heart and soul.
  • The weather is the mood. Sunny weather - positive attitude, joy happiness. Rain - sadness, sadness. Cold, frost, snow - emotional blocks, “frozen” feelings.
  • Nature is harmony. If you dream that you are close to nature, relaxing in nature, then this means inner balance.
  • Transport - reflects your unconscious tendencies. If you dream that you are riding on public transport, then this may mean your dependent position. If it is a personal transport, for example, a bicycle, then this means control over your life.

  • The animal world is often our unconscious, instinctive aspirations. Seeing birds in a dream means higher aspirations, spirituality. Land animals are lower needs and desires, often suppressed. Pisces is the unconscious, mystic, sensory sphere.
  • Elements. I have written several posts on this topic, you can read the article in more detail - this will help you better understand their role in your dream.
  • Fire personifies creativity, emotions, as well as lack of control, aggression, revenge.
  • Water - feelings, imagination, purification. If something holds back the water, does not let it flow - emotional clamps.
  • Earth is support, stability, instincts, fertility.
  • Air is the very breath of life, Spirit. If something restricts the flow of air (for example, when dreaming, suffocation), then this means a severe shortage vital energy, attack on your space, psychological territory.
  • People usually symbolize certain qualities. People you know can reflect qualities you like and admire. They can also be used to judge the relationship with this person. Strangers are often your subpersonalities, qualities unknown to you, sometimes suppressed or hidden aspects of your personality.

  • A person's gender reflects either feminine energy yin (gentleness, tolerance), or masculine - yang (activity, creativity)
  • People from the past can indicate forgotten dreams and desires, and also by the age at which you communicated with this person, you can determine the moment of the problem.


Well, this is where I will end my story. I wish you an exciting and informative walk in the Land of Dreams)

With warmth to you,

How we do not value sleep in youth, and then in adulthood. We shake it and even - oh, horror! - we fight with him. After all, we need to have time to move all the mountains! About what happiness it is to sleep well, we remember only in old age. And the dream no longer wants to come. V. Ginzburg.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future.

How to decipher a dream

Dreams are not only beautiful (or not so) pictures that are designed to entertain us at night during a long rest. While most dreams do not really carry important information, some of them can be prophetic, life-changing, or just useful. Therefore, it would be nice to learn to understand what the images in our dreams are talking about. But how to do it?

Few can boast of dreams that look like a guide to action - clear, crisp and understandable. No, the typical dream is characterized by blurry images, semi-insane plots and strange characters. That is why deciphering of dreams is needed if you want to extract real benefit from the information contained in them.

We do not miss a single detail

Place a notebook and pen next to your bed. In the morning, as soon as you wake up, without getting out of bed, write down everything that you remember from the dream. If there were several dreams, write them down on separate pages. There is no recording algorithm - write down the plot, individual characters, your feelings and just everything that you remember. Whether there were colored details in the dream, whether it was clear or blurry, joyful or scary.

We decipher the dream correctly

The main thing when decoding sleep is your feelings. Anything can dream. But it is precisely the feelings that you experienced when watching a dream that should be fundamental in analyzing it. You should not use dream books - they were made by other people who are alien to the symbols living in your mind. Figuratively speaking, everyone should have their own dream book, and only he can be trusted.

Having recorded the dream, we are trying to decipher it. In this case, you should rely on your own feelings. If you love dogs very much and have never faced their aggression, then in a dream such an animal will most likely symbolize a friend. If you hate spiders and are even afraid of them, then a large spider will mean danger, a source of irritation for you in real life. If you dreamed that such a spider was hanging over your house or living in it, then look for an enemy in your immediate environment.

Emotions are at the forefront

When the symbols cannot be deciphered, try to build on the sensations experienced in a dream. If you felt uncomfortable in a dream - you felt cramped, scared, unpleasant - then this may indicate health problems. Something dirty, for example, a public toilet stall, a stream of brown water, a stained floor - all this warns that you need to take your health more seriously. Again, you need to analyze the sleep in a complex. Such a seemingly unpleasant substance like excrement, if in a dream they did not cause negative emotions in you, promise financial well-being.

Do not be afraid of dreams in which you experienced physical discomfort - thirst, heat, cold. They are usually associated with your actual state at the time of sleep. That is, without waking up, you were thirsty, or frozen, or overheated. The dream simply reflected your momentary state, without hinting at any future troubles.

Since ancient times, humanity has considered dreams to be a reflection the other world, a kind of interface between higher powers and people. Correct decoding sleep gives you the opportunity to look into the future, find out your fate or serve as a warning.

Rules for remembering dreams

You can decode sleep on our website for free and learn a lot from the content about any person and his stimuli, thoughts. Information usually comes in encrypted form. To understand the meaning of dreams, it is very important to learn how to remember your dreams. To do this, you need to follow a few simple rules.

First: you should fall asleep in complete peace, rejecting thoughts and detaching yourself from problems and worries. Remember, no decisions can be made for the coming sleep, leave them for the morning.

Second, train yourself to use paper and pencil to record your dreams. Perfect solution- keep a special notebook next to the bed: waking up in the morning, you may not remember the content of the dream.

Third: do not neglect aromatherapy, folk remedies(herbs) perfectly help to fall asleep and tune in the necessary mood, no less effect than lavender, oregano and mint, modern aroma lamps and oriental incense have.

How to decipher a dream correctly

Remember that deciphering dreams and interpretation without the participation of the dreamer is equivalent to treatment from a photograph, that is, it is absolutely meaningless. Individual perception generates unique emotions that bear the imprint of a person's personality. The human brain is a mysterious mechanism, and processing information, it presents it in a symbolized-object form; so scientists believe, mystics tend to explain this phenomenon by interference higher powers, more precisely, some kind of super-censorship, which, by the way, is also credited with the frequent forgetting of dreams.

Any competent interpreter of dreams knows that without observing certain techniques, tangible and irreparable harm can be inflicted on a person instead of a therapeutic therapeutic effect. Collaborative online interpretation of sleep is based on the analysis of personal perception of the associative array and is an extract from the composition of subjective and objective interpretation.

Dreams and Temporal Concepts

When writing down dreams, do not forget to mark the time. Specific phases dreams reflect very specific imprints of motives, motives and reasons, which can serve as a starting point for the analysis of actions and actions and the synthesis of the further vector of movement.

Symbols and interpretation of sleep online

The associative array is individual, respectively, each symbol is unique for each person. In order to master the complex science of dream interpretation, you need to determine your own symbolic-event series, clearly and unambiguously understand what corresponds to what. “Horse” can be fast, spiteful, dappled, red - say out loud the image you are looking for and choose the most accurate epithet for it. Do not hesitate to take notes, sooner or later you will gain a base of your own associations, based on which you will decipher dreams. Universal dream books designed for a very average psyche: only a small number of people have this. Using your own, you can easily interpret a dream as “unambiguously positive”, while a typical dream book will define it as bad. And our transcript of dreams online according to Freud, Vanga will help you compose your personal dream book for free.

Iconic dreams

They are also called prophetic or incentive. How to decipher a dream? As a rule, such a dream causes an instant and sudden awakening and is remembered very vividly. In any case, we are talking about a message aimed at resolving completely specific situation... What forms such warnings, subconsciousness or supernatural forces, is not so important, the main thing is to analyze the symbolic row and react accordingly.

How to correctly decipher your dream?

We have already described how to decipher a dream on the site online. Summarizing the above, you can form the key points:

  • write down what you see immediately, at least in key moments, but better with details;

  • work on your own symbol associations and highlight key points;

  • apply the content of the dream to reality, look for parallels;

  • compose your own dream book.

Representative objects are images, numbers (dates), images, words and phrases. Consider calendar events: name days, New Year, Easter and other religious holidays greatly increase the importance of dreams, and can serve as milestones that determine the time of the reflected event - be sure to record them. Sleep deciphering will help you interpret events for free on our website.


No one, except you, can correctly and unambiguously decipher and interpret a dream. Of course, our site will help to decipher sleep online for free, but do not forget that correct deciphering of sleep brings a feeling of peace and tranquility: only in this case you can be sure that everything is done correctly.