The secret of the name is the meaning of some presentation names. History of the origin of the name The secret of my name

People have always been given names. In the distant past, the child was simply called in the order of birth, for example: Pochinok, Tretyak. They gave names according to the season in which he was born - Dawn, Veshnyak, or according to the appearance of the newborn - Chernysh, Belyak, Albina, Naida (foundling). Zhdan, Bogdan (given by God), Zabava, Lada are ancient Slavic names reflecting parental love, tenderness, blessing. It was believed that the word chosen for the name with love would help in life.

Children began to be given names that were supposed to bring love, happiness, good luck and longevity. Such traditions were among the Slavs and Greeks. They called children the names of people who were considered marked by the grace of the gods. People hoped that a good name would help the child.

In Slavic culture, names were used - amulets, which were used instead of real names, which were given with a blessing. Giving your own name to a stranger was considered dangerous. The stranger could be a sorcerer who could do harm. Therefore, giving the child a repulsive name, they hoped that evil forces would not harm the unworthy, and also a nondescript name would not cause the envy of the gods.

Several strange names have been preserved in Slavic documents, for example, Nesmeyany, Vampires, Chernyavki appeared. There was probably confusion. On this basis, then surnames took shape, which came from nicknames. But this tradition of calling people names - amulets and names - nicknames did not take root.

For example, Maxim - the greatest, that's what they called Zeus. Or Victor - the winner, Mars wore a laurel branch, hence the name - Laurus. The gods wore headdresses like crowns or diadems. This is how the name Stefan came about - crowned. There is also a tradition of giving children the names of gods. The names Muse, Apollo, Aurora, Maya are still used.

Then, later, they began to give the names of the Christian righteous, canonized saints, so that a guardian angel would always be with a person, who would have the same name. In the Slavic tradition, there are few names with old Slavic roots; Greek and Latin names came from Byzantium along with Christianity, which came from even more ancient languages. The meaning of many names has long been lost. Many old Slavic names have also been preserved, for example, Vladimir and Lyudmila.

Most of the names that we consider Russian and that have been used for the past few hundred years have existed in parallel in several languages ​​- Old Slavic, Ancient Greek and Old European. These are almost all the most common and pleasant to hear names. Dmitry, Alexei, Fedor, Nikita, Ilya, Zakhar, Kirill, Danila, Anna, Zoya, Nastya, Valentina - almost all the names that children are now called. Some names appeared due to political circumstances - Vilen, Oktyabrina

Depriving a person of a name is the same as depriving him of the right to consider himself a person. During the war in concentration camps, instead of a name, people were assigned numbers, making a person forget himself. There is a good tradition of naming children after grandparents. Naming children after living parents has always been considered a bad omen. fifteen

The names of people are part of the history of the people. Scientists have established that the names reflect the way of life, worldview, fantasy, artistic creativity of peoples, their historical contacts. The appearance of certain names is influenced by the socio-economic development of society.

Among living people, no one is nameless at all;

At the moment of birth, everyone, both low and noble

He receives his name from his parents as a sweet gift ...

The Russian language belongs to the East Slavic subgroup of the Slavic group of languages ​​of the Indo-European language family. His siblings, so to speak, are the Ukrainian and Belarusian languages, and his cousins ​​are the languages ​​of other subgroups: Bulgarian, Serbian, Czech, Slovak, Polish and others.

In the history of Russian personal names stand out three stages -

pre-Christian when original names were used, created on East Slavic soil by means of the Old Russian language;

period after the introduction of Christianity in Russiawhen the church began to plant, along with Christian religious rites, foreign names borrowed by the Byzantine church from different peoples of antiquity;

and a new stage that beganafter the Great October Socialist Revolutionand was marked by the penetration into the Russian name book of a large number of borrowed names and active name-creation.

Letters of your name.

BUT - high working capacity, unity of tenderness and aggressiveness. You need to cultivate tolerance and attention to your partner, including marriage.

B - desire for risk and good luck in risky ventures. Beware of your tendency topossessivenesstowards partners.

AT - vitality and optimism, planning your life. You can love one person all your life.

G - excellent taste and at the same time disgust. Your weapon is a smile.

D - possessive traits and at the same time romanticism. Try not to let your love break into everyday life.

E - desire for power and independence, which can threaten loneliness.

AND - honesty, devotion, sentimentality, aestheticism. Do not try to control others under the guise of caring for them - and everything will be fine.

Z - ambition, anxiety, sometimes tediousness, the desire to shock others. Your loyalty to your chosen one ( tse ) guarantees an interesting future.

AND - wisdom and balance, efficiency and vigor. Tact must soften your directness.

TO - concentration, self-absorption, tact and charm, and at the same time great sexuality. The main thing - do not rush.

L - desire for comfort and bodily pleasures, sociability and love for change. Caution: failure in love can lead to drunkenness and gluttony

M - a rich imagination, a desire to plan for the future and a desire to try everything "on one's own skin".

H - honesty, charm, versatility of interests and ... vulnerability. You need friendly support. You will make a wonderful parent. An insidious letter - it makes people become attached with all their heart to a person or a chosen job.

O - adherence to principles, conservatism , limited environment . Talk to your friends often and remember : your love of logical analysis can spoil even the best relationship .

P - excitement, the desire for victory for the sake of victory itself. By finding a partner like yourself, you will make a pair of delightful lovers.

R - fidelity to the word and the chosen goal, patience and compliance, however, not to infinity. To avoid family troubles, choose your partners from your friends.

FROM - brilliance, sparkling, the ability to be charming. In order not to wait the whole life of your prince (princess), lower the bar of your high standards or treat your half with humor.

T - passion for change, agility, passion and sexuality. Try to avoid mistakes in choosing a partner, because you are characterized by hobbies at first sight.

U - hidden cunning, the desire to hide their sincere goals, commitment to family life. You better choose a life partner from your childhood friends.

F - iron grip, strong tension and excitement. Try to fight the desire to take more than give, and you will make your life much easier.

X - responsiveness, materialism, striving for material prosperity. Give the objects of your love more attention and gifts.

C - the ability both to a high feat and to cynical cruelty, despotism and stubbornness. You need to be gentle with those around you.

H - heightened sense of justice, romantic idealism and strong moral principles. In life, you should not be too trusting.

W - composure and at the same time dreaminess and mysticism, the desire for all sorts of secrets.

Y - stubbornness, willingness to do anything to achieve your goal, and this is not always good.

E - selfishness and once again selfishness, as well as solidity, the ability to love passionately, wait a long time and learn the news before anyone else.

YU - purposefulness, romanticism and tenderness. Do not be afraid of love, this surprise can be pleasant.

I am the desire for full realization, audacity and courage, rich sexual fantasies. Try not to be sarcastic, it scares people away from you (“Name and Fate”)

At birth, every person
receives a surname from parents,
patronymic from father and given name
he is named.
We can't imagine ourselves without
your name. And those around
it is also difficult to do without names.
We could not turn each
to a friend only with the words “hey, you!”.
Each of us has a name, it is
distinguishes a person from others
of people.
The name is the first gift that
receives a newborn
barely emerging.
The origin of the word "name"
debatable, and according to one opinion
it originates from the old Russian
"to have" or "to count"
(to be considered as someone).

Origin of names
In the history of Russian names
There are three main stages:
1. Ancient period
2. The period of Christian names
3. Period after the separation of the church
from the state
In ancient times in Russia, the names
were like nicknames
data for one or another
about, for example:
in order of birth:
Pervak, Vtorak, Tretyak,
Thursday, Senior
by appearance:
Chernysh, Belyak, Malusha, Curly
by nature and behavior:
Besson, Cry, Fun, Nesmeyana,
according to the "desire" of the appearance
Bogdan, Nezhdan, Love, Golub.

Of great interest are
names associated with animals and
plant world:
Wolf, Wheatgrass, Swan, Bull,
Nightingale, Raspberry.
It has to do with belief in
the divinity of some
animals and plants.
Some may not believe in them.
authenticity, think it's
nicknames. But it's really
the names of our ancestors.

At the end of the X (tenth) century (988)
Prince Vladimir Krasnoe
The sun agreed
Emperor of Byzantium (Greece)
Baptism of Russia.
The rite of baptism was
that the inhabitants of Russian villages,
crowds were driven into the river and
forced to rinse three times
your body with water to wash away
"old pagan name and faith".
Standing at this time on the shore
Christian priests
each was overshadowed with a cross and
given a new name.

Names that came with
Christianity, were taken from
Oriental and European languages
Basically these were
ancient Greek names.
Christians every day
celebrated as a day of remembrance
another saint.
And over time a custom developed
call children names that
on the calendar are close to the day
birthday or christening
The calendar itself is called
month-word, but among the people -
The so-called
baptismal names that
corresponded to the names of the saints.
However, some Slavic
names were recognized by the church,
even though the saints
they had no relationship.
This is, for example, Yaroslav,
Mstislav, Rostislav, Svyatoslav,

Some names that come from
other languages.
Alexei is a defender.
Andrew is courageous.
Artemy (Artyom) - healthy,
Galina is quiet.
Yuri is a farmer.
Eugene is noble.
Elena is bright, clear.
Zoya is life.
Christina is a Christian.
Nikita is the winner.
Nicholas is the conqueror of nations.
Peter is a stone.
Sophia is wise.
Tatyana is the master.
Albina is white.
Victor is a winner.
Maxim is the greatest.
Natalia is native.
Roman - Roman, Roman.
Anna is mercy.
Maria is beloved, desired.
Tamara is a date palm.
It should be noted that
regarding the origin
names and original meaning
some names among
specialists do not yet exist
final and
generally accepted opinion.

The third stage started after
revolution of 1917.
Before that only pop could give
newborn name, and argue with
father did not dare.
Now the Church has been separated from
states and people
the right to choose a name for

In addition to the names corresponding
that time (Coat of arms, Energy,
Oktyabrina), appeared very
unusual names consisting of
abbreviations of several words:
Krasarma - Red Army.
Donara is the daughter of the people.
Vladilena - Vladimir Lenin.
Marlene - Marx and Lenin.
Vilen - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.
Renat - revolution, science, labor.
Vilorik - V.I. Lenin -
organizer of workers and peasants.
Lucy - part of the word
Ninel - the word Lenin,
read from right to left.
Loriex - Lenin, Oktyabrskaya
revolution, industrialization,
collectivization, socialism.
Lorikerik - Lenin, Oktyabrskaya
revolution, industrialization,
electrification, radio and
But this craze quickly went
decline and in 10-15 years
children began to give the old,
familiar names.

Nowadays, the Russian language has entered
many foreign names:
Zhanna, Inessa, Edward, Timur,
Violetta, Elvira, Regina,
Albert, German, Mark and others.

Interesting Facts
The most common name in
world - Mohammed.
The most popular in the world
female name - Anna.
Almost 100 million people wear it
In Russia in the XII (twelfth) century
noble women often
named after their father:
Yaroslavna, Svyatoslavna.
Almost all female names in Russia
end in A.
In Russian society, from 40 to 80
male names, and from 60 to 120
The longest name in the world
consists of 1478 letters.
To read it, you need
less than ten minutes.

The name Ivan came to us from
Greek - John.
And the name came into the Greek language from
Hebrew Johanan.
It can be translated as "God
The Russian name Ivan is all over
the world is scattered a lot
English - John,
German - Johann,
French - Jean
Italian - Giovanni,
Swedish - Johan
Danish - Jens,
Spanish - Juan.



Why they called me Andrew

    I want to talk about my name and its origin. But first, about why they called me that. My grandmother and mother were arguing about what to name me. Grandmother offered to call me Ivan, that was the name of her father, my great-grandfather. But my mother insisted that they call me Andrei. Even before I was born, my mother and grandmother were talking about what name they would give the child. Mom chose the name Galina for the girl, and Andrey for the boy. Mom did just that, she called me Andrey.

origin of the name Andrew

  • I am proud of my name. It came to us from the Greek language and means "courageous." The holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called patronizes me.

  • His memorial day is celebrated on December 13th. This is my name day.

  • And my birthday is December 25th. Apostle Andrew is the patron saint of sea travelers.

Andrew the First-Called - the first Russian saint

Proudly flying St. Andrew's flag

  • Everyone knows the St. Andrew's flag -

  • flag of the navy of Russia.

Andrey Rublev

  • The icon painter Andrey Rublev, the author of the famous Trinity icon, is very famous and revered.

  • Actor Andrey Mironov is known all over the world.

  • I really like the way he plays in the film "The Diamond Arm".

  • In recent history, the name of Andrei Sakharov, a fighter for human rights, is famous.

Today - Andryusha, tomorrow - Andrey Petrovich

  • Since my name means "courageous", I think that I will also grow up to be a courageous and kind person. For the time being, my name is Andrei, Andryusha, but the time will come when they will call me Andrei Petrovich.

The secret of our names

Project 1 class "B"

Problem Improve relationships between classmates in the classroom.

Hypothesis Perhaps, if we reveal the secrets of our names, we can learn more about ourselves and our peers, and we can also avoid any mistakes in communication and behavior.

Relevance The study of one's own name helps a person to realize his uniqueness, the value of his name, respect for other people.

Objective of the project To reveal the secrets of our names, to determine the influence of the name on the character of a person.

Project objectives: 1. To develop the desire for self-knowledge, for the study of one's personality. 2. Find the exact definition of the word "name". 3. Find out what science studies names. 4. Explore the origin and meaning of the names of classmates. 5. Determine whether the name affects the character of a person. 6. Systematize and formalize the materials obtained during the study.

Project motto: The secret of the name is a delicate matter. We will analyze it skillfully. Everyone will find something useful The meaning of the name will not be lost!

Cool hour "Man's Name"

Questionnaire "You and Your Name"

Survey results


Do you know what a "name" is?

Do you know the meaning of your name?

Do you know the origin of your name?

« Name - this word, who is called means an individual personality."

“Name” in Greek is “onoma”, therefore, all over the world, the science of names is called onomastics .

The science of people's proper names - anthroponomy(from the Greek word "anthropos" - "man").
















A short glossary of the interpretation and origin of names




husband, man, courageous, courageous




fighting, competing in strength








Yahweh is my God



lord, lord







given by God, God's man


courageous, protector of people



sunny, shining









chosen, bright, shining








Boris Higir "Encyclopedia of your child's names"

Boris Khigir Yuzikovich - professor of psychology. He devoted his life to studying the influence of a name on a person's character.

Our kaleidoscope


Test - survey "Name and your character"

“Do the character traits that the name carries in itself coincide with your character?”

Poll results

88% - character traits match.

12% - character traits partially coincide .


The name of a person is the fate of a person, this is the symbol that accompanies a person all his life.


  • Names are special words, all people should have them, each person has his own name.
  • The meaning of the name is part of the personality, it is given only once and accompanies a person all his life.
  • A name is not just a word. Behind each name is a certain personality, a person who is different from all others, the one and only.
  • The name of a person largely determines his character and destiny.

"It's not the name that makes a man, and the person's name