How is the name of maxim translated from Greek. What does the name maxim mean

The origin of this name Maxim has Roman roots, and it went from the generic name Maximus. What did this name mean among the Romans? Historians claim that the name Maxim means "stately"... This name has another related name - Maximilian. Some people mistakenly believe that this is one name, but they are completely different and independent, like relatives. Although some affectionately call Maxim Maximilian.

The names Sergey, Camilla, Sabina and Emilia have a similar origin story. They also came from Roman generic names. These are the generic names Sergius, Camillus, Sabinus and Aemilius, which means "of impeccable origin", "noble", "handsome" and "trying not to yield." This is the Roman heritage in modern culture.

The meaning of the name Maxim for a child

Maxim is growing up as a kind and sympathetic child. The kid is sociable and easily converges even with completely strangers... The boy grows up active and mobile, but in moderation. His mobility is combined with calmness, which is a rather rare combination. Unfortunately, Maxim often doubts his abilities, which makes him indecisive. His indecision can be characteristic of him all his life, although he often manages to completely eradicate it. Maxim loves books and movies, and begins to read early. The boy's parents will be happy, the main thing is to give him enough attention.

Studying is easy for Maxim, because he has an excellent memory and good inclinations. Exact sciences are especially easy for him, and his Creative skills will surprise many. However, it happens that his shyness does not allow him to reveal this potential. In this case, Maxim will be helped by positive example on the part of his parents or other people who are authoritative for him. Moreover, this should be just an example, and not constant notations and persuasions. Often Maxim copes with this problem and even becomes a leader in the school team.

The child's health is good, and the vitality is enough high level... You can also note Maxim's craving for sports. He will gladly play sports until he grows up. Unfortunately, the adult Maxim rarely pays attention to this. It is worth helping the child while he has a desire. Troubled place in Maxim's health, most often his kidneys become. Maxim should not be neglected preventive measures in cold weather.

Abbreviated name Maxim

Max, Maka, Maksya, Sima, Sim.

Diminutive names of Maxim

Maksimka, Maksimchik, Maksimushka, Maksik, Maksimka, Masya, Masik, Maksyusha, Maximilian.

Patronymic of Maxim's children

Maksimovna and Maksimovich. Some people also say Maksimych, and the female form of the middle name does not have a national abbreviation.

Name Maxim in English

V English language the name Maxim is written as Maxim.

Name Maxim for passport written as - Maksim, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation and spelling of the name Maxim into other languages

in Belarusian - Maksim
in Ukrainian - Maxim
in Estonian - Maksim
in Polish - Maksym
in Czech - Maxim
in Greek - Μάξιμος
in Hebrew - מקסים
in Latin - Maximus
in Spanish - Máximo
in Italian - Massimo
in German - Maximilian
in French - Maxime
in Japanese - マ キ シ ム

Name Maxim in church(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - Maxim. There are saints at Christmas time different form name. There are Maxims and Maximilians. It depends on what country or in what time this or that saint lived.

Characteristics of the name Maxim

Adult Maxim is often completely different from himself in childhood. He outgrows his "childhood illness" in the form of excessive modesty. Now he is a confident man who has serious claims in this life. He seeks to achieve a significant place in society and wants to achieve material well-being. At the same time, Maxim is still sociable and knows how to present himself. He has many friends, and a huge social circle allows him to derive material benefits from this. He has acquaintances in any structure.

In his work, Maxim does not strive for special heights, but he will not work for a small salary either. He has a limit in his head, after reaching which he calms down. Often his work is associated with his successes in the exact sciences. He usually chooses technical specialties in which he achieves good success. He's doing well in business, where Maxim's extraordinary thinking is revealed.

Maxim's family relationships are difficult to characterize. He is both caring and inattentive. Often, his concern does not at all reflect what his beloved expects from him. He needs a loving and patient woman who will have the patience to wait for the moment while Maxim learns what she needs. Maxim is a wonderful performer in the family who wants to consider himself a leader. It is worth noting Maxim's love for children. He is a good, caring dad who enjoys spending time with the kids.

The mystery of the name Maxim

Maxim's secret is that he easily manipulates people. He knows how to gently and unobtrusively achieve from people what he needs. Often Maxim uses people in this way and he has no remorse about this. Often, in the depths of his soul, Maxim considers himself the master of life. He should very soberly evaluate his own actions from the outside, and those around him should be more careful with him.

Planet name- Saturn.

Zodiac sign- Capricorn.

Totem animal- Walrus.

Name color- Purple.

Tree for Maxim- Rowan.

Plant- Chrysanthemum.

Stone- Lapis lazuli.

The origin of the name Maxim: comes from lat. the words "maximus" and translates as "great", "greatest." This name is Russian, Orthodox, and is widely used by parishioners of Christian churches.

  • Zodiac named Maxim: Capricorn.
  • Patron planet: Pluto.
  • Favorable color for the name Maxim: bright pink.
  • Plants favorable to Maxim: fuchsia, ash.
  • Animal: nimble mink.
  • Talisman: dark amethyst.
  • Metal: mercury. The meaning of the name Maxim is similar to the volatility and coldness of this fickle metal.
  • Day of the week: Saturday.
  • Best season for Max: winter.

Before giving a name to a baby, any mother thinks about what it means, seeks the interpretation and decoding of the names that she liked. What does the name Maxim mean? What will be the fate of the child so named? The characteristics of the name Maxim are given below.

The secret of the name Maxim is as follows: all people so called are extroverts. Diplomatic and understanding, Maxims have an innate gift of persuasion. As a child, Max is excellent at manipulating parents, educators, grandparents.

The name Maxim is described in the books as follows: proud, arrogant, a man with a good memory and a great sense of humor. Possesses a colorful imagination and a truly feminine intuition.

With his studies, a boy named Maxim never has problems, the boy is friendly with his classmates, he is often the unofficial leader of a class or a group of teenagers.

The characteristic of the name Maxim is such that the main features of his personality are laid by his parents from childhood. Such men are very ambitious and proud, it is difficult for them to take a step towards another person if they are convinced of their righteousness.

Little Max does not bother his mother: he always eats well, plays without the participation of adults and develops "like a book." From early childhood, his love for cinema and theater is manifested. Maxim loves theatrical performances children's fairy tales, participates in matinees in kindergarten and school. He collects the most extraordinary things: stones, twigs, dry beetles. At school he studies diligently: "troikas" rarely settle on the pages of the diary of a boy named Maxim.

What else does the name Maxim mean? One of the little-known decryptions is "energetic". It means that this person is akin to a firefly: he gives light and warmth to those who are next to him.

Pride sometimes makes him do things that the people around him do not approve of. If Max cannot defend his own opinion, there is a great risk of falling into a long depression, which will not be easy to get out of. This state is fraught with a series of failures and troubles in life.

Stories from the lives of many men named Maxim speak of the need to be moderate in everything. Moderation for them is a guarantee of well-being and prosperity.

On life path Max may have a powerful patron. On the one hand, this is good for him with the emerging stability, on the other hand, the emergence of a leader means the loss of the leading role.

Such a man will not have to wait for success for a long time - financial and psychological well-being will become an integral part of the life of a person named Maxim in the period up to 35 years. His overestimated self-esteem contributes in every way to the occupation of a leading highly paid position at work.

He is attracted by his intellectual spheres of activity, smart educated people. All my life strives to follow fashion trends and trends. This is also a designation of his pride and pride. "Young" to old age, often Maxim's grandchildren quietly laugh at their grandfather.

Maxim Marinin (Olympic figure skating champion at the Turin Olympics)

Men named Maxim are very proud. If they manage to curb their pride, fate will reward them with happiness and prosperity.

Max is very smart. A truly extraordinary personality, which stands out against the general background of the mass of people with its liveliness and energetic pressure. Likes to declare himself, not like many of his bragging. Maxim is an Extrovert by nature, he is diplomatic and seeks to listen and understand the interlocutor.

Employment for young guy with the name Maxim is a huge problem, because his self-confidence has not yet matured. Self-doubt often prevents him from finding a good place work. Choosing a profession is not easy. More often Max becomes creative people: photography, journalism, painting.

He treats people kindly, he is loved precisely for this quality of him. He is always ready to help and help a friend out of any trouble.

He considers himself the only master of life, believes in his own strength and thereby disarms the opposite sex from the first meeting. She has the gift of persuasion, women believe any words of Max, not noticing his obvious manipulations. In general, he begins to stare at girls since primary school, has a lot of girlfriends in high school. It attracts the attention of women with its stress resistance. Doesn't give in to provocations, rarely gets jealous and generally shows romantic feelings. In relationships, he is a conservative to the core. Likes to be listened to and considered with his opinion. Falls in love easily, but will not cheat on his wife - his decency will not allow this. He loves children very much and wants to have them as much as possible. She tries to earn money for them and pay more attention to her family.

"Spring" Maxim

A boy named Maxim, born in the spring months, is very emotional. Energy beats out of little Max with a key: he jumps, sings, shouts. He is often carried away by a wide variety of activities, but he does not do anything for a long time: having achieved the first successes, the child becomes cold. The "spring" teenager is lucky and loves to learn new things. Slightly arrogant, feels superior over peers. Kind towards friends, will always come to the rescue, share his success with his comrades. He is a leader among peers. He is neat in his studies.

"Summer" Maxim

A man born in the summer is famous for his friendliness and masculinity. Friends value his opinion and often ask for advice. Internal state Max's peace is not so easy to break, it needs a good reason. To the troubles of life, he believes in a better life. Generous, unselfish, good husband and an exemplary family man.

"Autumn" Max

A person born in the fall named Maxim loves to dream and is very romantic. This will always attract people of the opposite sex to him. He is a clear leader both in his school years and in the workplace. Outgoing and friendly, Max easily gets along with people. It costs him nothing to strike up a conversation with a stranger and join him in confidence in a matter of minutes. She adores her (and other people's) children, spends a lot of time with them. Likes to give gifts.

"Winter" Maxim

A person named Maxim, born in winter, can be called balanced with a very big stretch. His excessive emotionality and impulsiveness prevent him from building normal relations with relatives, friends and acquaintances. Can get into a fight over a trifle. Dislikes being pressured or manipulated. Independent, fair and noble. He values ​​his family and children very much, loves close friends. Loves travel.

Holders of the name "Maxim" can proudly bear the name that their generous fate has endowed them with. Indeed, translated from the Latin word "maximus" it sounds important and regal: "the greatest", "the greatest." This is the generic name of the ancient Romans, which contained information about the origin of the carrier and his belonging to a social class.

In Russia, the noble name "Maxim" was widespread in the 19th century among rural peasants and families belonging to the common class. In the early 1970s, the name regained its former popularity, which has not passed to this day.

Maxim: the history of the name and origin

The origin and history of the name Maxim are associated with the greatest state Antiquity - Ancient Rome. Already in those days, people knew that there was an inextricable link between the name and the fate of a person. Therefore, noble gentlemen called the born boys by the name Maxim and believed that it would bring them success, greatness and glory. Parents cherished the hope that fate would be favorable to their children, named “the greatest”, would allow them to take a high position and save them from sorrows and hardships.

Popular belief by virtue of the name Maxim made him in demand far beyond the borders of the Roman Empire. Currently, it is popular not only in Russia and former friendly countries, but also in Europe: in Germany, Italy, Spain and France, you can often meet the owners of the Roman heritage.

The character and fate of Maxim

Since childhood, a boy named Maxim has been trying to imitate adults in everything and be independent. He stands out among his peers for his cheerfulness, optimism and a thirst for new discoveries. With the speed of a sponge, it absorbs the world, every day expanding the range of their interests. And Maxim has it quite wide: books, sports, science, art are only a small part of the child's possible hobbies. Thanks to curiosity, Maxim has a highly developed imagination; he is a dreamer and collector.

Little Maxim does not give much trouble to parents. He is not capricious and does not require constant attention to his person. He can keep himself busy and find a suitable game.

A young man named Maxim is characterized by friendliness, openness and sincerity. Therefore, people from his environment strive to get closer to him and become his friend. Maxim will always help and come to the rescue, even if someone in trouble will be his ill-wisher. He has a lot of friends. After all, he sees in people only good qualities and turns a blind eye to flaws.

Despite the seeming softness, Maxim is decisive and has a strong will. He deals with emerging problems as they come, and does not postpone their solution until later. By nature - choleric. Has innate leadership qualities and is able to lead the crowd.

Maxim's vulnerability is pride. But for the sake of loved ones and relatives, he is ready to compromise and give in, if necessary.

An important feature Maxim's personality is his ability to understand people and their experiences. Therefore, from childhood, he becomes a “vest” even for strangers: charisma and responsiveness dispose people to him who see him as a sensitive and understanding friend. They share secrets with him, trust the most precious thing, because no matter what happens, Maxim will never betray or let down the person who believed him.

Men named Maxim have an innate intuition. They can sense possible negative events and influence their destiny.

We should also mention Maxim's amazing sense of humor. Jokes and laughter are his business card, he is never discouraged and is rarely seen without a disarming smile.

Growing up, Maxim turns into a real man who knows exactly what he wants in life. He is not afraid of difficulties and boldly strides towards adventures and adventures.

In love, Maxim manifests himself as a combination of his best qualities. He is gentle with his chosen one, ready for romantic deeds and serenades under the window. Generous in money and attention, he gives his beloved gifts and fulfills any whim, which often leads to the fact that women begin to use it to please their desires. In his face, girls find not only a passionate lover, but also a caring friend, ready to listen and support at any moment. And if Maxim offers his hand and heart, then this means one thing - he is ready to be with his betrothed until the end of his days.

Maxim is a faithful spouse. He will never exchange the comfort of family life for dubious adventures and romantic adventures. After all, a man understands that betrayal and imaginary happiness, which many are looking for outside of marriage and a life that has set the teeth on edge, is just a surrogate and a fake of a real strong feeling. Maxim respects his choice, so the spouse can not doubt his honesty and be calm for his rear: the husband will never betray and will be a support and protection until the very end.

Maxim is ready for relationships and early marriage. Before the eyes of the chosen one, from a young fledgling chick, the young man turns into an adult, responsible for his actions and giving an account of the man's every action. He is ready to go down the aisle and become a reliable shoulder for his future wife.

Maxim is a great father. He understands his responsibility for the life he has created, and fatherhood for him is a way to maximize all his unspent feelings. Maxim is not shy about taking care of a newborn baby. Together with his wife, the newly-made dad does not sleep at night, changes diapers and does not run away from home in the hope of saving himself from the heart-rending cries of the baby.

“Drinking beer with friends” and “I'm in the club” are not about him. For Maxim, marriage is not a fatal mistake of a youth thirsting for freedom. Marriage for him is a conscious choice and union. loving hearts.

The “biggest” and “greatest” can achieve a lot in life if they show desire and perseverance. Moving towards his goal, a man often turns into a successful and self-sufficient person who is able to adapt in the world around him and realize his full potential.

It is worth noting that the character and fate of Maxim depend not only on the name, but also on the time of birth. Other aspects can also have an impact on his life:

The arrangement of the planets in solar system at birth. The one that was too active at the time of the emergence of a new life and stood out from others, and will influence further destiny baby.

Zodiac sign. One of the most important points that should not be overlooked, because fortune telling by the stars is one of the most accurate and truthful.

Time of birth. Day Night. No wonder astrologers always ask for the exact hours and minutes when drawing up personal horoscopes.

The child, whose parents decided to call the great name Maxim, is waiting for a bright and busy life... Fate will be favorable to him, and success will not be long in coming.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Maxim

The name Maxim means "the greatest" and "the greatest". But even outstanding personalities, in addition to virtues, can have qualities that are by no means a subject of pride. What positive features possesses the name Maxim?

1. Originality and originality of thinking.

2. Independence and responsibility.

3. Sincerity, benevolence and openness to people.

4. Willingness to always help.

5. Optimism, good sense of humor and self-irony.

6. Spousal fidelity and honor.

7. Willingness and desire to become a good father to your children.

In addition, the name Maxim is inherent in negative qualities:

1. Pride is on the verge of pride, which can border on inflated self-importance and awareness of the chosenness of his person.

2. At times a feeling of laziness and a desire to let things go by themselves.

3. Dependence on other people's opinions and lack of one's own point of view on some things.

4. Excessive gullibility and desire to see only good in people.

5. Fearlessness and deliberate provocation of conflicts in situations when it seems to Maxim that his honor and pride have been hurt.

What does the name mean in history: outstanding personalities named Maxim

What does the name Maxim mean for history?

Christians all over the world know and honor the memory of saints named Maxim:

Blessed Maxim of Moscow, Christ for the sake of the holy fool.

Saint Maximus the Greek, Christ for the sake of the persecuted.

Saint Maximian, Patriarch of Constantinople.

Martyr Maximus of Adrianople, who suffered for the Christian faith.

In the fate of the Russian people there are also many outstanding figures of culture and science named Maxim:

Maxim Berezovsky (1745-1777) - composer and one of the creators of a new kind of Russian choir concert.

Maxim Gorky (1868-1936) - writer and publicist, whose works are known all over the world.

Maxim Kim (1908-1996) - historical figure and academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Maxim Velichko (b. 1922) - Soviet intelligence officer who passed the Great Patriotic War.

Maxim Alpert (1895-1980) - Soviet photographer and photo reporter. One of the creators of the domestic serial reportage photography.

The life of these people is the main proof that a great name makes great the destiny and character of a person. After all, they were all spiritually strong, strong-willed individuals, ready to serve not only God, but also ordinary people. They threw all their strength into the struggle for the truth and did not change their beliefs to please rumor.

Among our compatriots with the name Maxim, one can distinguish Maxim Averin, Maxim Galkin, Maxim Leonidov, Maxim Vengerov, Maxim Marinin, Maxim Buznikin, Maxim Dunaevsky, Maxim Potashev and Maxim Mikhailov.

All these people have left their mark on music, sports, cinema and other fields of art.

Career, business and money

Maxim will be able to make a good career if the work brings him pleasure. Creative professions are suitable - photographer, actor, journalist. Diplomatic, objective and executive, he can become an architect, engineer, researcher.

There is an entrepreneurial streak, but for her active use Maxim will have to overcome his lack of determination. He will live in abundance, but without a great desire to become a millionaire.

Marriage and family

Maxim is serious about choosing a wife. His life partner is a strong woman who will be able to support her husband in any situation, but she must accept his views, otherwise constant conflicts of interest are inevitable. When Maxim starts a family, he will become a faithful husband and a good father, striving to devote his free time to loved ones.

Since he is patient and cold-blooded, conflicts with his participation are rare, in any situation he finds a compromise. Such a husband tries not only to avoid quarrels with his wife, but also tries to establish good relationship with her parents, which makes it possible to find good defenders in their face.

The wife should take into account the opinion of Maxim, he should feel like the head of the family, this is of paramount importance. He loves children very much, to which they reciprocate and respect. Build strong family with Maxim it is possible, but among the obligations of the wife is to recognize the authority of the spouse. If so, he will try to surround his life partner with attention and care.

Sex and love

Maxim early begins to show interest in girls, but he does not differ in constancy, although he does not go for treason. He has a romantic nature, pushing for the sake of a lady of the heart to unusual actions, which makes it easy to conquer women. Falls in love quickly, but just as quickly can break off relations. Sex for the sensual Maxim has a meaning, but is not a fundamental point, although he approaches it thoroughly and seriously.

It is important for him that the partner emphasizes his dignity and demonstrates admiration. Maxim will be able to fully reveal himself only with the one whom he will trust completely. Such a man is one of those people who not only strive to get pleasure themselves, but also give memorable feelings to a friend. Often he chooses experienced and powerful women, whom he conquers with his charm. An excellent psychologist, Maxim easily finds an approach to ladies.


Maxim is a person with good health. If he does not neglect his propensity for sports, he can hold out without critical diseases until a ripe old age.

The genitourinary organs are considered to be Maxim's weak point, he needs to take care of the prostate, kidneys, urinary tract. Needed already in childhood avoid hypothermia, and in a more mature period, be regularly examined by a doctor of the appropriate specialization.

Hobbies and hobbies

As a child, Maxims like books that they read with pleasure. Later, they began to show great interest in literature from the field of psychology.

Such a person is also attracted by sports, to which he devotes a lot of time. It can become a favorite hobby of Maxim and a pastime close to extreme, sometimes he prefers to be active on fresh air- hunting and fishing.

If you looked here, then you want to know more about the meaning of the name Maxim.

What does the name Maxim mean?

The name Maxim means - the greatest (lat.)

The meaning of the name Maxim - character and fate

A man named Maxim is benevolent, generous, noble. He often falls in love and every time thinks that it will be forever. Early learns the mysteries of intimate life. Often he is fond of mature women, much older than him. Conquers them with charm, wit, extraordinary patience and compliance. He cannot stand conflict. Excessive pride does not allow him to argue, to prove something. Maxim lacks firmness. He is in no hurry to start a family, but he knows who will become his wife - certainly a balanced, not grumpy, good-natured woman. He often has conflicts with his mother because of her desire to lead all household members, so Maxim is trying with all his might to find a life companion who is not scandalous, not striving for leadership in the family. Even without this, he will allow her to dispose of everything that he has, although he will not give his freedom to anyone. After the wedding, a man named Maxim seeks to have children as soon as possible - he adores babies, gladly helps his wife to mess with them. Maxim is generally an economic man, a family man and for whatever he takes at home - everything works out for him.

The meaning of the name Maxim for sex

Maxim's sexual needs are largely determined by his relationship to his partner. For him, her reciprocal trust and emotional attachment are also very important. Maxim appreciates the beauty of his girlfriend, at the moment of intimacy he tells her about it, enveloping intimate relationships with a flair of romance. For a "summer" man named Maxim, a woman's love evokes a natural response, but at the moment of intimacy, he often disappoints his partner. He loves not so much her as himself in love, and he does not always manage to realize his sexual talent. Maxim strives for a mutual orgasm, for him it is a way to assert himself in sex and achieve relaxation. He wants his partner to love him, she said sweet words, admired - from her words he comes into special excitement. In all manifestations of intimacy, Maxim tries to be open, assuming the same openness from his girlfriend. Maxim's relationship with a temperamental and at the same time gentle, affectionate woman can become happy.

The nature and fate of the name Maxim, taking into account the middle name

Name Maxim and patronymic ...

Maxim Alekseevich, Maxim Andreevich, Maxim Artemovich, Maxim Vasilievich, Maxim Viktorovich, Maxim Vitalievich, Maxim Vladimirovich, Maxim Evgenievich, Maxim Ivanovich, Maxim Ilyich, Maxim Mikhailovich, Maxim Petrovich, Maxim Sergeevich, Maxim Fedorovich, Maxim Yurievich overly amorous, trusting, sees only good in people. He has a broad nature, a generous soul. Loves a cheerful company, benevolent, sympathetic. A good comrade, a reliable friend, but such Maxims often come across women with a strong character, domineering, jealous as wives. Maxim himself is not distinguished by strength of mind, is calm, good-natured, ready to give in to anyone, always tries to get away from quarrels, skillfully translates the discontent of others into a joke. His patience is truly limitless. Maxim's spinelessness can make him addicted to alcohol, he easily succumbs to the influence of friends. In this case, the firm character of his wife is just what he needs. If she shows toughness, then troubles will bypass the family. Maxim is usually attached to his home, enjoys spending his free time with his family, he is a domestic man. He himself almost never decides to divorce. Pampers children.

Name Maxim and patronymic ...

Maxim Alexandrovich, Maxim Arkadievich, Maxim Borisovich, Maxim Vadimovich, Maxim Grigorievich, Maxim Kirillovich, Maxim Matveevich, Maxim Nikitich, Maxim Pavlovich, Maxim Romanovich, Maxim Tarasovich, Maxim Eduardovich, Maxim Yakovlevich an emotional, cheerful, enthusiastic person, easily tolerates troubles, does not take failures to heart, shrugs them off and quickly forgets. The character of such a man named Maxim is light, flexible, albeit quick-tempered. In a fit of anger, she can say a lot of unpleasant things, which she later regrets. Out of the simplicity of his soul, he often gets into unpleasant stories and laughs at himself. Unselfish, generous, favorite of any company, reliable and devoted friend. Unexpectedly for everyone, he gets married, and, as a rule, successfully. He is easily carried away by women, but never leaves his family. Loves children, if possible has a lot of them.

Name Maxim and patronymic ...

Maxim Bogdanovich, Maxim Vilenovich, Maxim Vladislavovich, Maxim Vyacheslavovich, Maxim Gennadievich, Maxim Georgievich, Maxim Danilovich, Maxim Egorovich, Maxim Konstantinovich, Maxim Robertovich, Maxim Svyatoslavovich, Maxim Yanovich serious, thoughtful, romantic and sentimental. Sociable, loves interesting meaningful conversations, pleasant company. He enjoys success with women, is modest in relations with them, but you cannot call him timid. The sexual needs of this Maxim largely depend on the mutual feelings of his beloved. And, as a rule, he marries a beautiful, stately woman with an agreeable character, but a strong will, independent, intelligent. Due to disgust and laziness, a man named Maxim is not inclined to love affairs, does not like to bother himself with unnecessary troubles, so his family life develops quite happily. Heavy on his feet, Maxim rarely visits, but loves home, spends a lot of time with the children, does not refuse to help his wife with the housework.

Name Maxim and patronymic ...

Maxim Antonovich, Maxim Artemovich, Maxim Valerievich, Maxim Germanovich, Maxim Glebovich, Maxim Denisovich, Maxim Igorevich, Maxim Iosifovich, Maxim Leonidovich, Maxim Lvovich, Maxim Mironovich, Maxim Olegovich, Maxim Ruslanovich, Maxim Semenovich, Maxim Filippovich, Maxim Emmanuilovich emotional, quick-tempered. Fickle in affection and feelings. Often changes opinion, decision. Throws himself from one extreme to the other. A man named Maxim is energetic, temperamental, sexy. I like women, attracts them with cheerfulness and wit. Patient, knows how to look after beautifully. He can seek the location of the girl he likes for a long time, does not rush things, acts without onslaught, wins her with affection and love. However, having won a victory, he may lose interest in it and immediately get carried away by another. It is difficult to get hold of such a Maxim, but to take it away is easy. Before marriage, a girl who has fallen in love with him should not enter into an intimate relationship with him, so as not to lose the groom. Often, such a Maxim has two marriages. He has children of different sexes and never forgets about them.

Name Maxim and patronymic ...

Maxim Alanovich, Maxim Albertovich, Maxim Anatolyevich, Maxim Veniaminovich, Maxim Vladlenovich, Maxim Dmitrievich, Maxim Nikolaevich, Maxim Rostislavovich, Maxim Stanislavovich, Maxim Stepanovich, Maxim Feliksovich unbalanced, energetic, impulsive. Independent, values ​​personal freedom above all else. She will not marry for a long time, she is afraid of family ties. Often changes sex partners, very sexy. Cautious with women, has no serious attachments. A man named Maxim never makes any promises, does not burden himself with responsibilities. He does not tolerate pressure if he feels that someone is trying to control him, he certainly does everything the other way around. Easily gets rid of annoying girlfriends, does not allow them to bother himself. He does not even give his coordinates, he calls himself when he considers it necessary. If he falls in love seriously, he becomes completely different: attentive, considerate, patiently endures the whims of his beloved, yields to her in everything. Immediately after the wedding, he takes the reins of government into his own hands. He is married once, although he is not very faithful to his wife. He willingly takes care of children, but spoils them more than brings them up. Loves his home, comfort.