What year of the zodiac was in 1993. Eastern calendar

1993 according to the Chinese horoscope is the year of the blue Rooster, the element of the year Water.

The beginning of the year of the Rooster according to the Chinese calendar is January 23, 1993, the end of the year is February 9, 1994. A person born before January 23, 1993 belongs to the Monkey sign (the previous sign in the horoscope).

1993 Chinese character

According to the Chinese horoscope, the element of 1993 is Water, and the element of the Rooster (patron of the year) is Metal. The interaction of these two elements, Water and Metal, largely determines the character of the year, as well as the character of people born in 1993.

Metal, according to the ancient Chinese tradition, gives rise to Water, so Water and Metal are friendly signs that influence each other very well and create a successful, auspicious background in 1993.

Together, Water and Metal, according to the Chinese horoscope, endow a person born in 1993 with such an additional set of wonderful qualities such as optimism, cheerfulness, vitality and inner harmony. A person born in 1993 is practically not characterized by harshness, rancor, and cruelty. Due to his "metallic" disposition, you cannot call him gullible, but nevertheless he is more inclined to believe in good rather than bad. The Element of Metal makes him a person with a strong inner core, who knows exactly what he wants to achieve. However, Water softens the sharp metal corners, making the person born in 1993 an excellent diplomat.

Character of a person born in the year of the Rooster

For a person born in the year of the Rooster according to the Chinese horoscope, Fate has prepared many different surprises. In his life there can be many ups and downs, but even when circumstances are not in his favor, he infinitely believes in himself and in his own strength. In the company, the Rooster knows how to present himself effectively. He is sociable, dresses in fashion and carries himself very confidently. In a conversation, he is not averse to exaggerating, including his many merits, however, he does this not out of arrogance, but rather for the sake of a "catchphrase".

The Blue Water Rooster Years:

(People born in these years, according to the Chinese horoscope, are "heavenly twins", that is, they have much similar character traits and outlook on life).

Celebrities Born 1993:

- Paulina Vega Dieppe, Colombian model, winner of the Miss Universe 2014 international beauty pageant (January 15, 1993).

- Emmily de Forest, Danish singer, winner of the Eurovision Song Contest 2013 (28 February 1993).

- Akrit Jaswal, an Indian medical prodigy, performed the first operation at the age of 7, entered the university at the age of 12 (23 April 1993).

- Murat Gassiev, undefeated Russian professional boxer. IBF World First Heavyweight Champion (2016-present) (October 12, 1993).

- Tiffany Trump, American singer and model, daughter of US President Donald Trump (October 13, 1993).

"Years of the Chinese Horoscope", Nadezhda Zima

Those born in the year of the Water Rooster are the most interesting people in terms of the manifestation of sharply opposite characteristics. 1992 what year according to the horoscope? Frank, but often on his own mind. Soulful, but with outbursts of aggression. A dreamer and a dreamer on the one hand and an inveterate philosopher on the other. Knows how much you need to work hard to make money and the master will get it down in a matter of hours.

1993 Eastern: Year of the Water Rooster

In this article, you will learn:

1993 what year is the eastern calendar

The sign of the Water Rooster is ranked tenth according to the eastern horoscope. This year's Water Rooster corresponds to the zodiac sign Virgo. Of course, the energy of the water element and the color of Metal correspond.

This year's luck color is yellow.

The Year of the Water Rooster is very good for networking. Dictates that success will be brought by deeds and activities performed together. But for this you will have to work day and night, tirelessly.

The mood of this year is colorful, like the feathers in the tail of a rooster - from bright red to bluish black.

Features of the sign of the Water Rooster in the Chinese calendar

Those who are lucky enough to be born in the Year of the Water Rooster are excellent dreamers and visionaries. But, even in their flights, they treat themselves, their beloved, very seriously, with a fair amount of trepidation. He really likes to be noticed: behavior patterns, the ability to speak, move, dress, his professional success. The eccentricity of people born under the sign of the Water Rooster is only a myth. They have a lot of ostentatious things. Although, this can often be due to self-doubt. When the Water Rooster is sincere to himself, he is a deeply conservative type.

In reality, they gladly accept flattery, although they often guess what it is worth. The Water Rooster always says out loud what he thinks about. The reaction and point of view of others to the situation and words, he does not care much. Often, the ideas voiced by these people are grandiose, and somewhere even absurd. Even the Water Rooster itself does not always have hope for their real embodiment. Therefore, people around very often perceive this as another adventure.

In life situations, these people do not take courage and courage, bordering on recklessness. These qualities gladly attract other people to his circle, a company.

Such a community can exist indefinitely if the Water Rooster does not "go overboard" with boasting. In a large company, he feels more confident - you can get lost in the crowd and not show yourself than in an intimate setting. There is no such audience for which he plays.

Very quickly he can gain a reputation as a Great Worker, because he is constantly busy with something. Moreover, he does not shy away from either small or global tasks. Takes on everything and may not calculate the strength. Everything happens this way because for people born in the year of the Water Rooster, money does not fall from the sky - it needs to be earned! It is characteristic that, thanks to his irrepressible energy, he can find days in the most incredible places. But he loses them quickly enough, because saving is not his plan.

It is possible that in emergency situations it can easily become a wandering philosopher. His contacts with nature and other people bring a lot of pleasure to the Rooster. But in love relationship not very active - does not like to make efforts. Waiting to be paid attention to.

Advantages and disadvantages of people born in the year of the Water Rooster

  • The ability to win over others and be honest with them is one of the benefits of achieving what you want. The high performance of the Water Rooster ultimately always gives a positive result. Another thing is how the people of this sign will dispose of it.
  • There are disadvantages, as with all signs: they can show uncontrollable outbursts of aggression, which lead to undesirable consequences, the loss of friends, like-minded people. Not on the side of the Water Rooster is his self-confidence and conviction that he always knows better than anyone else: where, how and why.
Published: 2016-08-10, Modified: 2016-11-23,

The patron saint of 1993 is the Water Rooster. This year was born very interesting people, which have a number of features. This candid personalities, but they often have thoughts in their heads that no one knows about. They are quite calm, but it is better not to anger them, because in anger they can be scary. They love to daydream in their free time. They perfectly understand that it takes a lot of effort to make money, but they spend it very quickly out of need and just like that.

The Water Rooster is in the tenth position of the eastern horoscope. If we correlate it with the zodiacal signs, then this is Virgo. This Rooster, naturally, belongs to the water element.

In the year of the Water Rooster, it is recommended to engage in networking. Most likely, things that are done with someone together will be successful. But it takes a lot of effort and time to be successful. However, the result will surely please the whole team.

Those born this year are real dreamers and visionaries. But it is considered interesting that they take their person very seriously and in some cases even with special trepidation. To the person who born in 1993, I really like it when people pay attention to him in absolutely everything:

  • behavior;
  • ability to communicate;
  • tastes in clothes;
  • professional achievements.

Such people very often just work for the public. It is difficult to say why this is happening, but most likely the problem lies in self-doubt. Such a person will gladly accept flattery from you, even if he knows that not everything said is true. But he himself always speaks the truth and will never remain silent if he does not like something. In such situations, he is practically not worried about what people think or feel after what they hear.

Any idea from this person is often grandiose, but there are cases when it is considered absurd. In any life situation, they show courage and determination. Many even consider their actions to be reckless. It is these qualities of his that attract the people around him, gather a large company around a person. Such companies have a right to life, unless the Rooster himself ruins everything with his unnecessary bragging. But he seeks to flaunt himself in a more intimate setting, and with a large crowd of people he even prefers to just get lost in the crowd.

People notice that he works hard and often earns a reputation as a workaholic... This person can take on absolutely any business. He is not afraid of hard work, and there is nothing to say about small assignments. But due to the fact that he grasps all the cases indiscriminately, he cannot calculate the strength. Such situations happen due to the fact that the Rooster does not wait until the money itself falls on him, but seeks to earn it on his own with hard work.

It is interesting that he finds work for himself and seeks to get money where, it would seem, it is completely impossible. However, the earned capital is not kept with the Rooster for too long. This is due to the fact that saving is not at all his priority.

Rooster man characteristics

Roosters are very conscientious about all the tasks that their bosses put before them at work. However, their character is complex in such a way that they themselves often occupy leadership position... Often the Rooster's problem is that he cannot set himself one life purpose and follow to her. Because of this, losses and falls often occur in his life.

He should have very smart woman who could think ahead and guide her chosen one. Only if such a girl appears in the life of the Rooster, he will be able to correctly realize his energy. If a person born in 1993 of the Rooster takes a leadership position, then he will begin to make the really right decisions when he is absolutely sure that he is firmly in the director's chair.

Quite often, Rooster men disappear in the world of their fantasies. They make plans for the future, fantasize and completely forget about reality. He equally enjoys traveling and spending time with his family near warm fireplace... But in the struggle of such conflicting hobbies, love for home and family wins.

Unfortunately, when it comes to personal life, these men are fickle. Today he can assure you of eternal love, and sometimes he himself is sure that this is forever. And tomorrow he will forget your name and all the promises that were made during the last meeting. These very passionate men, in general, the Rooster is one of the best lovers. But his feelings cool down as quickly as they ignite.

Family life with such a man can hardly be called easy. He often becomes irritable and angry, and at such moments a wise woman should avoid not only conflicts, but also any other contact. In addition, he is very jealous, which means that his wife should be a very calm and wise woman. Otherwise, their living together will turn to hell. In the family, the Rooster must occupy an exclusively leading position. In another way, his family life simply cannot develop.

Features of the character of the Rooster woman

A woman born in the year of the Rooster perfectly combines work and home and copes well with her responsibilities in both areas of life. She possesses male character and mentality. She will never allow a man to rule over him. Throughout her life, she will strive for financial and physical independence from the stronger sex.

She doing great with their household chores. Order always reigns in her house, each thing knows its place. This woman is very serious about family life and is responsible for his household. But she demands gratitude for all her efforts. All family members must fulfill their duties and be responsible for their actions. Her children are always well-fed and cleanly dressed. Such a mother always knows what her child wants.

As for the relationship with her husband, here the Rooster woman is very jealous, and often this feeling goes beyond all boundaries and turns into real aggression. This is not to say that this jealousy is not has reasons... It so happens that the husbands of girls born this year love to spend time with other women. Very often in families where the wife was born in the year of the Rooster, there are scandals and showdowns in a raised voice.

She herself is to blame for many problems. After all, you cannot completely subjugate a man and control his every action. Not a single representative of the stronger sex will like it. This girl is very fond of noisy companies and feels at ease there. She tells various stories, jokes a lot and is among people with great pleasure.

Often makes changes in his appearance. But he does many actions in his life not because there is a need for it, but simply to the public. And this applies not only to her appearance.

Compatibility with the signs of the eastern horoscope

Union of Roosters with other signs the Chinese horoscope has its own characteristics:

Influence of the zodiac sign on character

Influence on the character of the Rooster is exerted not only by the year of birth, but also by the month, day. Therefore, some character traits are laid depending on what zodiac sign was man is born:


Year 1993 - the year of whom, what animal according to the Eastern calendar?

    According to eastern calendar, 1993 year, was the year of the Black Water Rooster (Chicken).

    Just like the Slavs in China, the rooster is one of the attributes solar gods meeting the daytime heavenly body. Therefore, as he says chinese horoscope , the main hallmark this sign is extraordinary hard work. Thanks to his amazing energy, he can selflessly work without much fatigue all day long, and even, if necessary, all day long!

    In addition, people born in 1993 are extremely sociable and very erudite. The sincerity of the representatives of this symbol makes their arguments always convincing, which in turn will create a romantic halo of incredible charm for the Yellow Water Cockerels!

    Attacks of despair and insecurity are extremely rare in them, since an innate sense of humor allows them to find a way out of seemingly hopeless situations.

    To maximize your grandiose creativity, cockerels and chickens, born this year, it is best to choose a professional activity associated with constant and multiple communication with other people, for example: announcer, journalist or DJ, teacher or businessman.

    1993 Eastern calendar year of the rooster

    The eastern calendar says: 1993 took place under the symbol black water rooster... The defining material was water, the defining color was black.

    It is worth noting that those born under the sign of the Rooster are unusually entrepreneurial and hardworking people, straightforward and generous.

    Among the negative qualities inherent in the sign, selfishness, sometimes isolation, and even fanaticism can be manifested.

    The most optimal directions of professions for representatives of the sign is teaching educational institutions, medical practice, speaker, leader.

    1993 - water rooster.

    A person born in this year is characterized as an optimist in life. He is always positive, he never shows all his experiences to the people around him. In love, he is very devoted and does not tolerate betrayal.

    The year 1993 is the year of the Rooster, the element of water. Representatives of this sign of nature are quite complex in nature. In their statements they are tactless, categorical, they do not reckon with others. They like to make critical remarks to someone else's address, but they do not. endure intrusions into their lives by strangers. positive traits like: courage, honesty, reliability. Easy-going, impetuous. They also have organizational skills, rely only on themselves.

    1993 was the year of the Water Rooster.

    A person born this year is very smart, he has a good manner of persuasion, he is energetic, he is respected by those around him.

    1993 is the year of the Rooster. Element water, color black. Those born in the year of the Rooster are quite aggressive, straightforward in their statements, so they are not very fond of in companies. And if you add whims and conceit here, then an unsightly image is created at all. But not everything is so simple. Their entrepreneurial spirit, desire for communication, thirst for victory at all costs bear fruit. These are very purposeful natures. The inner world of such people is much richer.

    Was the year of the Rooster. The Color of the Year was Black and Element was Metal (Black Metal Rooster year).

    This sign is very sociable, easy to contact, eroded in many areas. The rooster loves to talk and reasoning on topics of interest to him. These people always have their own opinion, they do not follow the lead of others.

    This year's people are real workaholics, they are not energetic and are often lethargic.

    1993 was marked by the Water Rooster, according to the Chinese horoscope.

    People born in 1993 know how to remain calm in any situation. Well developed logical thinking, great speakers.

    1993th year named the year Water Rooster... The person belonging to the Water Rooster year has a very positive attitude in life, and besides, he is very sociable and loves to do good - such people, if someone needs help, will always help - it is good to have such friends.

    1993 according to the Eastern (Chinese) calendar is considered the year of the Water Black Rooster... The Black Rooster came into his possession on January 23, 1993 and ruled until February 10, 1994, after which he passed his baton to the next year and the Lord Dog.

    Element: Water.

    Black colour.

    Born this year are loners and do not need someone else's help. Sincerity is the main feature, at the same time, they do not like to speak behind their backs, as a result, they are not always loved for their directness in speech, for which they often find themselves alone. Hot temper is for them, simply, a misfortune because of what conflicts arise, but their possession of humor helps them out.

    According to the eastern calendar, the year 1993 passed under the auspices of the Rooster. The year is endowed with black and has the element of water.

    People born in the year of the Rooster are very complex natures. Many different qualities are mixed in them - they are enterprising, sociable, noisy, capricious, straightforward, able to persuade and inspire.

    The rooster is first of all a commander, and this does not depend at all on where he is - at work or at home. But the Rooster does not tolerate being subordinate to anyone. The rooster, thanks to his activity and vigorous activity, is building his career and seeking promotion.


1993 what year is the eastern calendar

The sign of the Water Rooster is ranked tenth according to the eastern horoscope. This year's Water Rooster corresponds to the zodiac sign Virgo. Of course, the energy of the water element and the color of Metal correspond.

This year's luck color is yellow.

The Year of the Water Rooster is very good for networking. Dictates that success will be brought by deeds and activities performed together. But for this you will have to work day and night, tirelessly.

The mood of this year is colorful, like the feathers in the tail of a rooster - from bright red to bluish black.

Features of the sign of the Water Rooster in the Chinese calendar

Those who are lucky enough to be born in the Year of the Water Rooster are excellent dreamers and visionaries. But, even in their flights, they treat themselves, their beloved, very seriously, with a fair amount of trepidation. He really likes to be noticed: behavior patterns, the ability to speak, move, dress, his professional success. The eccentricity of people born under the sign of the Water Rooster is only a myth. They have a lot of ostentatious things. Although, this can often be due to self-doubt. When the Water Rooster is sincere to himself, he is a deeply conservative type.

In reality, they gladly accept flattery, although they often guess what it is worth. The Water Rooster always says out loud what he thinks about. The reaction and point of view of others to the situation and words, he does not care much. Often, the ideas voiced by these people are grandiose, and somewhere even absurd. Even the Water Rooster itself does not always have hope for their real embodiment. Therefore, people around very often perceive this as another adventure.

In life situations, these people do not take courage and courage, bordering on recklessness. These qualities gladly attract other people to his circle, a company.

Such a community can exist indefinitely if the Water Rooster does not "go overboard" with boasting. In a large company, he feels more confident - you can get lost in the crowd and not show yourself than in an intimate setting. There is no such audience for which he plays.

Very quickly he can gain a reputation as a Great Worker, because he is constantly busy with something. Moreover, he does not shy away from either small or global tasks. Takes on everything and may not calculate the strength. Everything happens this way because for people born in the year of the Water Rooster, money does not fall from the sky - it needs to be earned! It is characteristic that, thanks to his irrepressible energy, he can find days in the most incredible places. But he loses them quickly enough, because saving is not his plan.

It is possible that in emergency situations it can easily become a wandering philosopher. His contacts with nature and other people bring a lot of pleasure to the Rooster. But in a love relationship he is not very active - he does not like to make efforts. Waiting to be paid attention to.

Advantages and disadvantages of people born in the year of the Water Rooster

  • The ability to win over others and be honest with them is one of the benefits of achieving what you want. The high performance of the Water Rooster ultimately always gives a positive result. Another thing is how the people of this sign will dispose of it.
  • There are disadvantages, as with all signs: they can show uncontrollable outbursts of aggression, which lead to undesirable consequences, the loss of friends, like-minded people. Not on the side of the Water Rooster is his self-confidence and conviction that he always knows better than anyone else: where, how and why.


New Years celebration date

The day and month of the beginning of the year in the eastern calendar are tied to the lunar cycle. The first new moon falling on New Year on Gregorian calendar, indicates the start date of the year in the Eastern calendar. It so happens that the Eastern New Year comes on some of the days between January 21 and February 21. In China, the Year of the Rooster in 1993 began on January 23rd.

The Chinese invented a cyclical astrological system called Jikan Danshi, literally translated as a ten-barreled system with twelve branches. 10 trunks are the personification with the principles of yin-yang and vital elements: water, wood, fire, metal, and 12 branches are 12 earthly animals. The eastern chronology was formed thanks to the development of astronomy and it is based on lunar calendar... The year 4691 came on January 23, 1993. People born on the days between January 23, 1993 and February 9, 1994 belong to the sign of the Water Rooster on the Eastern Calendar.

Celebration traditions

New Year in the countries of the East is called Chun Jie or in translation "the holiday of spring". It is the longest of all celebrated ones. Previously, it was celebrated for a whole month, now it ends on the fifteenth day. Usually on the last day of the holiday, there is a Chinese Lantern Festival. Business life also freezes during this period. There is a good tradition in China: to be with your family during the New Year celebrations. A beautiful name has been given to the family holiday - "Family Reunion Day". Traditionally, the souls of deceased people are present for New Year's table, so it is customary in China. This is their holiday too.

Traditionally, the people of China clean their homes, allowing for a favorable circulation of energy. Unnecessary things that have accumulated over the year are thrown away. Chinese festive treats - dumplings. Houses are not decorated with spruce trees, as is customary in European countries, but with trays of tangerines and oranges. And the people themselves, dressed in elegant clothes, the color of which is red, gold or green, participate in festivities, masquerade processions, and fairs.

Gifts for the New Year

On New Year's Eve, people go to visit, delivering gifts in red envelopes as a sign of wealth. This is done on the first five days of the New Year. Gifts must be paired and also have a semantic character. Depending on what year 1993 was according to the Eastern calendar, a gift is necessarily associated with the iconic patron of this year. These can be souvenirs, amulets and charms with the image of the symbol of the coming year. Mandatory when giving a gift, as mentioned above, is one condition - pairing. For example, when visiting, the owner is given 2 tangerines, if there is a red envelope with money, there should be 2 bills, if this is a picture, something pair should be drawn on it. Gifts are given in private and given with both hands. This is the tradition!

Symbol of the year

The eastern calendar has its patron saint in each year, an animal, which is a symbol of the year. And he, in turn, is endowed with color and elements. One patron of the year replaces another. And so once every 12 years. The element and color of the year change over a ten-year cycle. So the Water Monkey was replaced by the Black Water Rooster in 1993. This year was the second year under the watermark element. It was on January 23rd that the Water Monkey handed over the reins of the sixty-year cycle to the Water Rooster. By the way, this is one of the most interesting characters eastern calendar... According to the calendar, the element and color of the animal affect the events that take place this year for each person. So, if we talk about the varieties of the patron sign, then the Rooster, like any other animal, goes through the following elements: metal, wood, fire, earth.


As one of the heroes of the film "The Hot Sun of the Desert" said: "The East is a delicate matter," and he was right. Eastern countries observe not only traditions, but follow beliefs. Moreover, this does not depend on the fact that 1993 is the Rooster, and before that there was the year of the Monkey. The Chinese do not wash or wash anything for the first two days of the year. It is also not recommended to engage in needlework, any work with threads, so as not to confuse the lines of fate in the New Year (the threads represent them).

Beliefs include a ban on bad words (death, resentment, funeral ...) that have a negative connotation, it is not recommended to shop for shoes and cut hair before the New Year, as this can bring misfortune. And an equally interesting belief is not to sleep at night before the New Year, thereby protecting yourself from troubles next year.

Characteristic of 1993

The strengths of a person born in the year of the Rooster according to the Eastern calendar are: strong-willed character, responsibility, accuracy and adherence to principles. They do not lend themselves to someone else's merger and defend their point of view. They do not tolerate injustice, do not pretend to be someone else's. The main feature of people born under the sign of the Year of the Rooster is nobility.

There is no person without weaknesses, since everything in nature should be harmonious and balanced. The weaknesses of people born in the year of the Rooster include a lack of tact and a weak command of diplomacy. People who are accurate and principled, who set themselves the goal of getting a result, are stubborn by nature and sometimes commit rash acts, going ahead. As a result, if something does not work out at the same time, they may fall into anger. People of the Year of the Rooster are not happy with their hot temper, sometimes this trait of them leads to discord in relationships.

According to the horoscope

The astrological meaning of concepts such as "Rooster" and "money" is identical. Roosters have a flair for business people and know how to prudently treat their income, making stocks. Sometimes they violate the line of the family budget, demonstrating wastefulness. But this applies to masculine Roosters, which are more prone to squandering. Women born under this sign tend, rather, to carry money into the house. According to Eastern astrology, the rooster belongs to the female sign of Yin, therefore, whatever profession is chosen, that labor activity which is inherent female character, will be the most successful and profitable.


People are always interested in their future. Usually, before the onset of the New Year, the desire to look into the future, to read horoscopes and predictions of magicians and astrologers sharpens. 1993 was no exception. What is the sign of the horoscope and what it portends, as always, interested people, and especially those who were born in the year of the Rooster.

Among the predictions one could find that the year of the Rooster always brings change with it. Born in 1993, nature rewarded with irascibility and a tendency to worry about trifles. Therefore, people who were born in the year of the Rooster, in 1993, thanks to the difficulties that fell to their lot, were able to appreciate the moments of true happiness. Great success should have been achieved by people who were able to learn how to work with their weaknesses and manage yourself. Recommendations included wearing a mascot of the Year of the Rooster made from topaz or ruby.

Treat your animal with respect Eastern horoscope whose year is not over yet. It is worth remembering that the Gregorian New Year is in no way associated with the Eastern New Year, which comes only at the end of January. Do not forget that "The East is a delicate matter."


Year of the Water Rooster

Smart and well-read, people of the Water Rooster sign love to discuss and participate in discussions. These people, like no one else, know how to be persuasive, which helps them to establish beneficial contacts. Lovers of specificity and clarity. They are honest and decent in their work. 1993 according to the Eastern calendar makes the representatives of this sign very energetic by nature. They can work day and night.

Just like the Slavs in China, the rooster is one of the attributes of the sun gods who meet the daytime heavenly body. Therefore, as the Chinese horoscope says, the main distinguishing feature of this sign is extraordinary hard work. The sincerity of the representatives of this symbol makes their arguments always convincing, which in turn creates a romantic halo of incredible charm for the Yellow Water Cockerels!

A person born in this year is characterized as an optimist in life. In order to maximize their grandiose creative potential, “cockerels” and “hens” born this year should choose a professional activity associated with constant and multiple communication with other people, for example: announcer, journalist or DJ, teacher or businessman.

Born in 1993 - people whom nature has endowed with excessive aggressiveness and irascibility. They must learn to control themselves, come to a state of calm. The tendency to worry about trifles is a kind of way for them to play it safe. But unfortunately, this leads to a waste of a lot of effort and time.


What is interesting about the eastern calendar? The fact that it differs from the Gregorian, where the New Year comes on January 1, and it is cyclical, consisting of sixty-year repetitions. The Wood Rat (02.02.1984) starts the cycle, and the Water Pig (29.01.2044) ends it. Twelve animals, changing each other, for 60 years pass through four elements. In 1993, the Rooster ruled.

New Years celebration date

The day and month of the beginning of the year in the eastern calendar are tied to the lunar cycle. The first new moon on the Gregorian New Year indicates the start date of the year in the Eastern calendar. It so happens that the Eastern New Year comes on some of the days between January 21 and February 21. In China, the Year of the Rooster in 1993 began on January 23rd.

The Chinese invented a cyclical astrological system called Jikan Danshi, literally translated as a ten-barreled system with twelve branches. 10 trunks are the personification with the principles of yin-yang and vital elements: water, wood, fire, metal, and 12 branches are 12 earthly animals. The eastern chronology was formed thanks to the development of astronomy and it is based on the lunar calendar. The year 4691 came on January 23, 1993. People born on the days between January 23, 1993 and February 9, 1994 belong to the sign of the Water Rooster on the Eastern Calendar.

Celebration traditions

New Year in the countries of the East is called Chun Jie or in translation "the holiday of spring". It is the longest of all celebrated ones. Previously, it was celebrated for a whole month, now it ends on the fifteenth day. Usually on the last day of the holiday, there is a Chinese Lantern Festival. Business life also freezes during this period. There is a good tradition in China: to be with your family during the New Year celebrations. A beautiful name has been given to the family holiday - "Family Reunion Day". Traditionally, the souls of deceased people are present at the New Year's table, as is customary in China. This is their holiday too.

Traditionally, the people of China clean their homes, allowing for a favorable circulation of energy. Unnecessary things that have accumulated over the year are thrown away. Chinese festive treats - dumplings. Houses are not decorated with spruce trees, as is customary in European countries, but with trays of tangerines and oranges. And the people themselves, dressed in elegant clothes, the color of which is red, gold or green, participate in festivities, masquerade processions, and fairs.

Gifts for the New Year

On New Year's Eve, people go to visit, delivering gifts in red envelopes as a sign of wealth. This is done on the first five days of the New Year. Gifts must be paired, and also have a semantic character. Depending on what year 1993 was according to the Eastern calendar, a gift is necessarily associated with the iconic patron of this year. These can be souvenirs, amulets and charms with the image of the symbol of the coming year. Mandatory when giving a gift, as mentioned above, is one condition - pairing. For example, when visiting, the owner is given 2 tangerines, if there is a red envelope with money, there should be 2 bills, if this is a picture, something pair should be drawn on it. Gifts are given in private and given with both hands. This is the tradition!

Symbol of the year

The eastern calendar has its patron saint in each year, an animal, which is a symbol of the year. And he, in turn, is endowed with color and elements. One patron of the year replaces another. And so once every 12 years. The element and color of the year change over a ten-year cycle. So the Water Monkey was replaced by the Black Water Rooster in 1993. This year was the second year under the watermark element. It was on January 23rd that the Water Monkey handed over the reins of the sixty-year cycle to the Water Rooster. By the way, this is one of the most interesting symbols of the Eastern calendar. According to the calendar, the element and color of the animal affect the events that take place this year for each person. So, if we talk about the varieties of the patron sign, then the Rooster, like any other animal, goes through the following elements: metal, wood, fire, earth.


As one of the heroes of the film "The Hot Sun of the Desert" said: "The East is a delicate matter," and he was right. Eastern countries observe not only traditions, but also follow beliefs. Moreover, this does not depend on the fact that 1993 is the Rooster, and before that there was the year of the Monkey. The Chinese do not wash or wash anything for the first two days of the year. It is also not recommended to engage in needlework, any work with threads, so as not to confuse the lines of fate in the New Year (the threads represent them).

Beliefs include a ban on bad words (death, resentment, funeral ...) that have a negative connotation; it is not recommended to shop for shoes and cut hair before the New Year, as this can bring misfortune. And an equally interesting belief is not to sleep at night before the New Year, thereby protecting yourself from troubles next year.

Characteristic of 1993

The strengths of a person born in the year of the Rooster according to the Eastern calendar are: strong-willed character, responsibility, accuracy and adherence to principles. They do not lend themselves to someone else's merger and defend their point of view. They do not tolerate injustice, do not pretend to be someone else's. The main feature of people born under the sign of the Year of the Rooster is nobility.

There is no person without weaknesses, since everything in nature should be harmonious and balanced. The weaknesses of people born in the year of the Rooster include a lack of tact and a weak command of diplomacy. People who are accurate and principled, who set themselves the goal of getting a result, are stubborn by nature and sometimes commit rash acts, going ahead. As a result, if something does not work out at the same time, they may fall into anger. People of the Year of the Rooster are not happy with their hot temper, sometimes this trait of them leads to discord in relationships.

According to the horoscope

The astrological meaning of concepts such as "Rooster" and "money" is identical. Roosters have a flair for business people and know how to prudently treat their income, making stocks. Sometimes they violate the line of the family budget, demonstrating wastefulness. But this applies to masculine Roosters, which are more prone to squandering. Women born under this sign tend, rather, to carry money into the house. According to eastern astrology, the rooster belongs to the female sign of Yin, therefore, whatever profession is chosen, that labor activity, which is inherent in a female character, will be the most successful and profitable.


People are always interested in their future. Usually, before the onset of the New Year, the desire to look into the future, to read horoscopes and predictions of magicians and astrologers sharpens. 1993 was no exception. What is the sign of the horoscope and what it portends, as always, interested people, and especially those who were born in the year of the Rooster.

Among the predictions one could find that the year of the Rooster always brings change with it. Born in 1993, nature rewarded with irascibility and a tendency to worry about trifles. Therefore, people who were born in the year of the Rooster, in 1993, thanks to the difficulties that fell to their lot, were able to appreciate the moments of true happiness. People who were able to learn to work with their weaknesses and manage themselves should have achieved great success. Recommendations included wearing a mascot of the Year of the Rooster made from topaz or ruby.

It is worth respecting the animal of the Eastern horoscope, whose year has not yet ended. It is worth remembering that the Gregorian New Year is in no way associated with the Eastern New Year, which comes only at the end of January. Do not forget that "The East is a delicate matter."

    According to eastern calendar, 1993 year, was the year of the Black Water Rooster (Chicken).

    Just like the Slavs in China, the rooster is one of the attributes of the sun gods who meet the daytime heavenly body. Therefore, as he says chinese horoscope, the main distinguishing feature of this sign is extraordinary hard work. Thanks to his amazing energy, he can selflessly work without much fatigue all day long, and even, if necessary, all day long!

    In addition, people born in 1993 are extremely sociable and very erudite. The sincerity of the representatives of this symbol makes their arguments always convincing, which in turn will create a romantic halo of incredible charm for the Yellow Water Cockerels!

    Attacks of despair and insecurity are extremely rare in them, since an innate sense of humor allows them to find a way out of seemingly hopeless situations.

    To maximize your grandiose creativity, cockerels and chickens, born this year, it is best to choose a professional activity associated with constant and multiple communication with other people, for example: announcer, journalist or DJ, teacher or businessman.

    1993 Eastern calendar year of the rooster

    The eastern calendar says: 1993 took place under the symbol black water rooster... The defining material was water, the defining color was black.

    It is worth noting that those born under the sign of the Rooster are unusually entrepreneurial and hardworking people, straightforward and generous.

    Among the negative qualities inherent in the sign, selfishness, sometimes isolation, and even fanaticism can be manifested.

    The most optimal directions of professions for representatives of the sign are teaching in educational institutions, medical practice, announcer, leader.

    1993 - water rooster.

    A person born in this year is characterized as an optimist in life. He is always positive, he never shows all his experiences to the people around him. In love, he is very devoted and does not tolerate betrayal.

    The year 1993 is the year of the Rooster, the element of water. Representatives of this sign of nature are quite complex in nature. In their statements they are tactless, categorical, they do not reckon with others. They like to make critical remarks to someone else's address, but in their own way they do not. they tolerate intrusions into their lives by strangers. There are also such positive qualities as: courage, honesty, reliability. They are easy-going, swift. They also have organizational skills, rely only on themselves.

    1993 was the year of the Water Rooster.

    A person born this year is very smart, he has a good manner of persuasion, he is energetic, he is respected by those around him.

    1993 is the year of the Rooster. Element water, color black. Those born in the year of the Rooster are quite aggressive, straightforward in their statements, so they are not very fond of in companies. And if you add whims and conceit here, then an unsightly image is created at all. But not everything is so simple. Their entrepreneurial spirit, desire for communication, thirst for victory at all costs bear fruit. These are very purposeful natures. The inner world of such people is much richer.

    1993 Eastern calendar was the year of the Rooster. The Color of the Year was Black and Element was Metal (Black Metal Rooster year).

    This sign is very sociable, easy to contact, eroded in many areas. The rooster loves to talk and reasoning on topics of interest to him. These people always have their own opinion, they do not follow the lead of others.

    This year's people are real workaholics, they are not energetic and are often lethargic.

    1993 was marked by the Water Rooster, according to the Chinese horoscope.

    People born in 1993 know how to remain calm in any situation. Well-developed logical thinking, excellent speakers.

    1993th year named the year Water Rooster... A person belonging to the Year of the Water Rooster has a very positive attitude in life and, moreover, he is very sociable and loves to do good - such people, if someone needs help, will always help - it is good to have such friends.

    1993 according to the Eastern (Chinese) calendar is considered the year of the Water Black Rooster... The Black Rooster came into his possession on January 23, 1993 and ruled until February 10, 1994, after which he passed his baton to the next year and the Lord Dog.

    Element: Water.

    Black colour.

    Born this year are loners and do not need someone else's help. Sincerity is the main feature, at the same time, they do not like to speak behind their backs, as a result, they are not always loved for their directness in speech, for which they often find themselves alone. Hot temper is for them, simply, a misfortune because of what conflicts arise, but their possession of humor helps them out.

    According to the eastern calendar, the year 1993 passed under the auspices of the Rooster. The year is endowed with black and has the element of water.

    People born in the year of the Rooster are very complex natures. Many different qualities are mixed in them - they are enterprising, sociable, noisy, capricious, straightforward, able to persuade and inspire.

    The rooster is first of all a commander, and this does not depend at all on where he is - at work or at home. But the Rooster does not tolerate being subordinate to anyone. The rooster, thanks to his activity and vigorous activity, is building his career and seeking promotion.