Dazhdbog is a Slavic solar God. Beautiful goddess Tara

Tarkh Dazhdbog is a powerful Slavic god acting as the keeper of the Great Wisdom of our Gods and Ancestors. Translated from the Old Russian language - "Dazh" means "Give", i.e. giving good, namely the nine Santias, which contained the sacred Vedas and commandments of Tarkh, who was popularly called Dazhdbog.

Santii Dazhdbog is unique information that was gifted by Tarkh to the entire human race. Information on santii was presented in the form of small plates made of valuable metal, which contained runic letters in the ancient Aryan language. According to ancient sources, these plates were fastened together with three rings, which supposedly symbolized the canonicity of the three worlds - Pravi, Yavi and Navi. To date, there is no official mention and evidence of the number of these plates, as well as their content.

Tarkh Perunovich is the son of the well-known God Perun and the grandson of the equally famous God Svarog. Tarkh Dazhdbog became famous among the people for the deliverance of the Clans of the Great Race, living on the Land of Midgard from the Dark Forces of Evil. According to the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, Dazhdbog destroyed the moon Lelya along with the forces of darkness (Koschei) that were on it, thereby ensuring salvation and a decent life for all mankind. In memory of this event and sow the day, we celebrate the Great holiday PASKHET (Easter) - this is a holiday symbolizing the salvation of all Clans of the Great Race from inevitable destruction and enslavement by the forces of Darkness.

There is a very ancient legend among the people that says how Tarkh Dazhdbog went to a truce with the dark forces, so that they asked for mercy, for which he later paid. By deception, he was lured to a feast in honor of the truce, where he was drunk with a sleeping potion. After that, Koschei chained him to the Caucasus Mountains, thereby dooming him to be torn to pieces and eaten by wild animals and birds. Seeing this, the Goddess Zhiva (Jiva) freed him from the shackles and carried Tarkh on her wings to the tract of his sister, the Goddess Tara, at the confluence of the two rivers Iriya and Rata, where Tara healed his wounds, and the Goddess Zhiva breathed into him new strength and Life, after which the wedding of Tarkh Dazhdbog and the Goddess Alive took place.

In the ancient texts of our ancestors, there is a repeated mention of Tarkh Dazhdbog and his sister Goddess Tara, who came to the rescue of the Clans of the Great Race. Together they did a lot of good deeds, from which they were glorified among the people. As a result of these actions, the people of the Great Race fell in love with their assistants and patrons so much that they began to call themselves - the grandchildren of God Tarkh and Goddess Tara, and the territory in which they lived began to be called

- God-Keeper of the ancient Great Wisdom. He was named Dazhdbog (the giver of God) for giving the people of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Clan Nine Santii (Books). These Santii, recorded by the ancient Runes, contain the Sacred Ancient Vedas, the Commandments of Tarkh Perunovich and his instructions ... Dazhdbog is the giver of all kinds of blessings, happiness and prosperity. Tarkh Dazhdbog was glorified in sacred and folk chants and hymns not only for the happy and dignified life of the Great Race Clans, but also for getting rid of the forces of the Dark World, which the Koschei gathered on the nearest Moon - Lele, in order to seize Midgard-land. Tarkh Dazhdbog destroyed the Moon along with all the dark forces that were on it ... Dazhdbog Tarkh Perunovich is the Patron God of the Palace of the Race in the Svarog Circle. Very often, in various ancient Vedic texts, Tarh Perunovich asks for help to people from the Clans of the Great Race, his beautiful sister, the golden-haired Goddess Tara. Together they performed good deeds, helped people to settle down endless expanses on Midgard-earth. God Tarkh indicated where it was best to place a settlement and build a Temple or a Sanctuary, and his sister, the Goddess Tara, told people from the Great Race which trees should be used for construction. In addition, she taught people to plant new forest plantations in place of felled trees, so that new trees needed for construction would grow for their descendants. Subsequently, many Clans began to call themselves the grandchildren of Tarkh and Tara ...

The Gods and Goddesses, whom Nastenka turned to in her search for her betrothed, are arranged in the order in which Nastenka visited them in the Tale of the Clear Falcon: Karna, Zhelya, Srecha (Share), Nesrecha (Nedolya), Tara, Jiva and Tarkh Perunovich ( Dazhdbog). And if we pay attention to their "areas of responsibility" of our ancestors, curious nuances become clear. Nastenka asked Goddess Karna if the Clear Falcon had incarnated somewhere for a new life. At the Goddess Jelly - is he not in the Navi World - in other words, did he not die and did not pass from the World of Yavi to the World of Navi? It turns out that Nastenka was not sure that her betrothed was alive. Having found out that he was not in the World of the Dead, she went to the Goddess Srecha (Dole) to find out where she and her betrothed were led by the threads of life and fate.

From the Goddess Nesrechi (Nedoli) she found out if what happened to her and the Clear Falcon was a punishment for wrong behavior? And did they not, inadvertently, break the Laws of RITA and the Blood Commandments? And only after that, with a clear conscience, she turned to the Goddess Tara for help, knowing that she was helping people from the Russian Land, and, if necessary, would ask for help from her brother, God Tarkh Perunovich (Dazhdbog).

Enlisting the support of the patroness of lovers, Goddess Jiva - the wife of God Tarkh, Nastenka goes to her betrothed on the Heavenly Chariot of God Tarkh, who brought her to the Hall (Constellation) of Finist. From all of the above, it follows that Nastenka's actions were not random, but were subject to the hierarchical rules that our ancestors lived by. Nastenka's visit to the Goddesses and Gods took place according to their position in the Heavenly Hierarchy of Light Forces. And this suggests that practically every person of the Russian Land in the past knew about the existence of this hierarchy and knew the corresponding rules of behavior.

In addition, the so-called Gods were perceived by people of that time not as celestials, but as people, spiritually advanced and enlightened by knowledge, who evolved evolutionarily to such a degree that they became owners of incredible abilities and capabilities.

It is also curious that Nastenka got to the planets-lands where Goddesses and Gods lived, only through Wightman or Witmar, which suggests that during the events described in the Tale, the Gates of the Interworld did not operate on Midgard-earth, as a result of the continuing star wars between Light and Dark Forces. If so, then the events described in the Tale of the Clear Falcon could have occurred about forty thousand years ago. At about the same time, God Perun appeared on Midgard-earth and explained to the Magi-keepers of the Gates of the Interworld how to restore this interstellar transport system of instant movement between the planets-lands of the intergalactic union of civilizations of the Light Forces.

Of course, there were planet-earths on which there was no Gates of the Interworld, and it could be assumed that in the Hall (Constellation) of Finist there was no Gates of the Interworld. And then the events of the Tale of the Clear Falcon could have happened at any time before the planetary catastrophe in Midgard-earth, which occurred 13 018 years ago (in 2009) as a result of a collision between the Ancient Slavic-Aryan Empire (First Empire) and Antlany (Atlantis) ... Only after this catastrophe, regular communication between Midgard-earth and other planets-earths ceased. Then, as a result of the inept use of the Elemental Forces of Midgard-land by the highest caste of Antlani (Atlantis), the Small Moon Fatta was destroyed, and its fragments fell on Midgard-earth, as a result of which the angle of inclination of the planet's axis changed. Only when the displacements of continental plates caused by this catastrophe, powerful earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc., occurred, were many airstrikes for Whiteman and Whitemar, and beautiful cities and other grandiose structures of our ancestors destroyed, and only then the Gates of the Interworld were blocked! Until that time, they were active, and the crystals of their control stood in their proper places.


  1. Be happy! Spread waves of happiness around you, rays of joy, an aura of bliss. Formula of joy My joy is to receive. My joy is to give. (God is with you, God is with me)

On April 10, 2013, the Old Believers' Slavs celebrate the day of the revival of Tarkh Dazhdbog. GOD TARKH PERUNOVICH (DAZHDBOG) - The Guardian God of the ancient Great Wisdom was called Dazhdbog (the giving God) for giving the people of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Clan Nine Santii (Books).

These Santii, recorded by the ancient Runes, contain the Sacred Ancient Vedas, the Commandments of Tarkh Perunovich and his instructions ... Dazhdbog is the giver of all kinds of blessings, happiness and prosperity. Tarkh Dazhdbog was glorified in sacred and folk chants and hymns. According to the legends of our ancestors, we are the grandchildren of Dazhdbog, Veles, Perun and other Slavic gods (see "The Lay of Igor's Host" where it is said specifically). It must be understood that the gods in Russia were called powerful living beings who, in comparison with us, have tremendous power and knowledge. And the fact that such civilizations existed on our land long before us has long been proven by our archeology. In the world on this moment so many mysterious things have been found whose age dates back to hundreds of thousands of years, but which we cannot reproduce even now, despite the achievements of our technologies (see the book "Forbidden Archeology"). The fact that the achievements of past civilizations (technologies of the gods) have been lost due to various disasters and cataclysms, of course, is a shame, but it is still more important for us to know who we are, where we are from and whose descendants we are. The written sources of our ancestors tell us specifically - we are the grandchildren of Dazhdbog, and not the slaves of some kind, Yahweh, Sabaoth, Jehovah, Allah and the hedgehog with them. Therefore, we will believe our ancestors, because at that time they knew better from whom their fathers and mothers trace their ancestry.

I am very connected with Dazhdbog interesting legend... In ancient times, Kashchei (representatives of the dark forces) stole from people their Goddess MARU (Mother Radiance) the patroness of Death (death is literally a Change of Measurement, when a person dying passes into another upper world that has large quantity dimensions than our four-dimensional world). And grief came to earth, the development of people stopped. They're stuck in our Explicit four dimensional world and could not move on (to the light worlds of Navi and Pravi). Their physical bodies they grew old and wore out, they were overcome by incurable diseases, weakness and hopelessness, but they could not die in order to go to another world, since such a transition is possible only through death. Then Dazhdbog decided to help his descendants, he went through the Gates of the Interworld (which, according to legend, were in the Caucasus) into the Pekelny Mirs (worlds intended for the purification of souls) and began to look for Marena there. He found her, rescued her and returned her to the earth to the people, but the Kashcheis, with the help of their technologies, were able to weaken Tarkh Dazhdbog so much that in revenge they chained him to the Caucasus Mountains to the Eagle Rocks.

Later, the Greeks, who visited here and heard this legend, retold it in their own way. Our priests explained to them that the name of the hero-god is Tarkh, but they called him Dazhdbog because He gave good to people. He told them the secret Vedas carrying the Fire of knowledge. But since the word “give” in Greek does not mean anything, they replaced the Russian nickname of the hero “Dazhdbog” with their nickname “Prometheus”, which can also be translated from ancient Greek as “giving-carrying good”. This practice was used everywhere among the Greeks, and the proof of this is the poem of the Vedic author Slavomysl - "The Song of the Beating of the Jewish Khazarin by Svetoslav Khorobre." It was written about the same period as The Lay of Igor's Campaign, but was first published only in 1847 in Warsaw: “But the Scythian is not afraid of the fate of the sacrament, and the sorcerer from Nepra (Dnieper) is already dressing up like a Greek as Hellenes. Vseslav the prophetic Anacharsis was called, and Lyubomudra from Golun, when he was summoned, the name of Heraclitus was given ... ..

This is how our Dazhdbog became Prometheus, but we will continue short retelling legends. Tarkh Dazhdbog, chained by mystical chains to the rocks, was found by the Goddess Jiva (Virgo Alive, the patroness of the Power of Life), who freed him. The commandments of God Svarog says:

"Honor the people of Holy Week - how our Dazhdbog grieved from the crucifixion in the Caucasus Mountains to salvation by the Swan-Jiva."

Dazhdbog was so weak that the Power of Life controlled by Jiva (Virgo Zhiva) was not enough to bring him to his senses. Then Jiva called her help own sister Mary who was saved by Dazhdbog and together with her they performed a ceremony (both side by side) of restoring the forces of the light God, which, according to legend, took place near the Kudepstinsky sacrificial stone (Sochi), which with its face is directed towards the sunrise. Since then, this sacrificial complex, popularly called the "Throne of the Goddesses" (or "Reviving Suns"), has been dedicated to the ritual of the revival of Dazhdbog.

In the ritual, the forces of dead and living water were used. V modern philosophy there is one basic law, which is called "UNITY AND STRUGGLE OF OPPOSITES", it reveals the source of movement and development of the world and its knowledge. This law proceeds from the position that the basis of all development is contradiction - the interaction of opposite sides that are together in internal unity and interpenetration. This same law was the basis for the magical actions of the Slavic Goddesses. Let us recall what is clear from our tales and legends, because when it was necessary (spending tremendous force) to heal a wounded or even revive a killed warrior, living and dead water were used together. Only these two opposites in interaction could give power to the force that lifted anyone who accepted it to their feet.

Dead water was brought with her from Hell by the Goddess Mara. She knew that while she was not on earth, many people fell sick in soul and body. For a further normal life on earth, (and for some, for the transition to another world, so as not to get into the Hell), it is necessary to cleanse themselves of inflammatory processes occurring in the body (ailments) and soul (bad habits, sins, etc.). The place where purification takes place in our universe with the help of an elevated temperature is exactly Hell. A filthy soul there, figuratively speaking, is burned by fire, and therefore it is called Hell. Likewise, in our body (in accordance with the law "as above and below"), the blood is purified in the liver with the help of its increased temperature relative to other organs (the liver also bakes). Therefore, Mara brought with her from Pekla the water of fire, nicknamed in honor of her MATSESTA ( MA - Mother, Mara; CE is; STA is an ancient Russian root meaning approved by the gods from here and STaslav, STAN, STANISLAV, STATus, etc.). Literally, this means Mary is the glory approved by the gods. And indeed, according to the local Circassian legend (which absolutely coincides with ours), the healing spring is named in honor of a girl who was not afraid to go down to Hell and bring fire water from it to save parents and people of their kind from diseases that overwhelmed their flesh and soul. Matsesta is really dead water (it can never be deader), since it is oversaturated with hydrogen sulfide. This water is really fiery, because after taking baths with Matsesta water, the body turns red and warms up, and diseases (especially inflammatory ones) are destroyed. Dead water (which flows out from under the rock and is still not diluted in anything) has a pronounced purple hue, which means that living water should have the opposite color of the spectrum, i.e. Red.

Living water was brought from the light Iriya by the Goddess Alive. How this water was formed on our land is well described in the Vedas of Slovenia (1874, Belgrade). The Goddess Zhiva there turns to Perun and asks him to throw his golden staff up the mountain, to the place where there are three ponds, “after all, there is a white kladenets flowing nearby, and from the fact that Perun throws lightning there, water will flow from him suryana (saturated with Surya and it will be a reddish hue, red lead is red), and whoever takes this water on Shchurov (Churov) day and carries it to their homes in order to sprinkle himself and his household, he and his whole family will be alive and healthy all year round. So where can this source of Living Power be located? Most likely not far from both Matsesta and Kudepsta (KU-kupa, ie together, ACTION, P-ancestors, STA-approved by the gods). Indeed, 150 meters north of the Throne of the Goddesses there is a mineral spring of ferrous water. Due to the high iron content, the water and the bottom have a reddish tint. And not far from this place there are small lakes overgrown with mud (nearby in the gorge flows the milk river Agura - Perun's daughter is called Magura; a little further there is Mount B. Chur, etc.).

Let's try now to restore in general outline cult practice associated with the Kudepstinsky stone. Obviously, the rituals were necessarily carried out on the days of the solstice (summer and winter) and the days of the equinox (autumn and spring), as well as on the Revival Day of Tarkh Dazhdbog (but possibly on other less significant holidays). At night, five fires were lit in the hearths, marking the line of direction to the point of sunrise. The seats intended for two goddesses (Mary and Zhiva) could remain empty, or were occupied by two priestesses depicting great goddesses. On the right, on the southern side, where according to the Vedas we have a passive pole, there was the throne of Mary. On the north side, where there is an active positive pole and a source of living water, there is Jiva's chair. On the couch lay the priest, a man who embodied the image of Dazhdbog. He was laid on his right side, facing the rising sun. At the back of the bed, grain was poured into special recesses surrounding it. In front, food was put on a special platform, flowers were laid around. Near the Zhiva throne there is a special horizontal platform with a large hole and a hollowed out groove from it for preparing living water. Because naturally living water acquired its properties in the spring only once a year (on Churov day), then to saturate Life force the water on other days was supplied differently. From a spring with ferrous mineral water, located next to the throne of the Goddesses, they took water and poured it into the hole from the side of the Zhiva chair, reading special glorifications to the Goddess. The water flowed down the hollowed groove, where it was collected in a special vessel with Living Water, and then any Leading Mother could use this collected water at home for the recovery of their household. Since the hole is horizontal, only excess water flowed down through the groove, and there was always Living Water, a sip of which a suffering traveler could take. In our time, an experiment was made with charging water from the Zhivy mineral spring with the help of the Throne of the Goddesses. The water was charged for 30 minutes and the device registered a multiple increase energy field Water.

The situation is different with dead water. Firstly, it can be taken from the Mary (Matsesta) spring any day and it will have a cleansing power (unlike the Zhiva spring, when the spring water acquires healing properties only on Churov day). But with the help of the throne of goddesses, you can also multiply the properties of natural Dead Water. For this, from the side of Mary's chair, on an inclined surface, a small hole with a groove was made for collecting Cleansing Fire Water. Since dead water cannot be drunk, the hole is made for safety reasons in such a way that no water remains in it after the ritual (this is ensured by an inclined surface). Water is poured into the hole and collected in a special dish. Now she is ready to cleanse not only your body from diseases, but most importantly, she can cleanse the soul of harmful emotions and habits.

Thus, according to legend, the Light Dazhdbog was revived by the Goddesses. The place where this ceremony took place has been preserved and is now known as the Kudepstinsky megalith (stone). The people also call it the place where the goddesses-women revive the sun.

Glory to Tarkh Dazhdbog, Son of Perunov!

Glory to our Gods and Ancestors!


(or, as they still respectfully praise - Dazhbog, Dazhbog, Tarkh Perunovich) - is understood Slavic people as the solar God of Reflected Light. The White Light is reflected in the World of Reveal from his golden armor!

Dazhdbog is the great God of the Slavs! History through the "Tale of Bygone Years" has brought to our days that the idol of Dazhdbog, together with the idols of Father Perun, Khors - the Sun God, Stribog - the Wind God, as well as Mother Makosh - all stood together on the hill when Prince Vladimir still ruled Russia. Their huge churas were made of sturdy trees and could stand for centuries in the open air. In the listing Slavic deities of that time, God Dazhdbog is mentioned as the third after Perun and Khors. We have the right to consider Dazhdbog one of the main Gods of the Slavs.

Dazhbog's father in the mythology of the Slavs is Perun Svarozhich, the son of Svarog. From here they glorify the bright God Dazhdbog Tarkh Perunovich. The mermaid Ros, the daughter of Asya and Don, became his mother. In the mythology of the Slavs, God Dazhdbog was not born alone to Perun and Ros, he also has a sister - Tara, who is worshiped by the Slavs as the Goddess of the Guiding Star. Such are the divine children of Perun and Rosi - Tarkh and Tara!

The Slavs see Dazhdbog as ancient Good Slavic God... It was believed that He gave rise to all Slavic families. He was always perceived as the God of Daylight, the giver of life-giving power, as well as the Protector and Savior! Its life-giving warmth and light help a rich harvest to come into the world, Mother's Earth to be fertile, and people in homes and families to receive prosperity and profit in everything.

Find out more
about God Dazhdbog:

Legends and myths about the Slavic God Dazhdbog

Legends tell us that Maya-Zlatogorka became the first wife of Tarkh Perunovich. Once Dazhdbog - the God of the Slavs saw Maya-Zlatogorka - the giantess, the sister of the Mighty Svyatogor, sleeping. She immediately fell in love with him for her innocent beauty, he decided to marry this girl. The clear face and beauty of the young God also captivated the heart of Maya.

After the wedding, the young people gathered to Mount Latyr, which was then considered great. On the way, I saw Zlatogorka standing in the field, but did not understand that it was bewitched. She climbed into the mortal bed, lay down, but she cannot get back. No matter how hard God Dazhdbog tried to rescue his young wife, it didn’t work. So Zlatogorka went to Nav.

Cut number – 26.

Divination. Questioning God... The appearance of Reza Dazhbog in the layout reminds the Questioner that the Sun is always hidden behind the clouds and that a clear, fine Day will soon come. It is also a sign that a bad situation will soon change for the better.

Now the most important thing is to do just your duty, without sudden movements and turns. It is not worth taking on the implementation of new ideas yet, it is better to postpone them until new times. Work and act according to your conscience.

When the earth was still young and people did not know the world, Svarog decided to set foot on the earthly firmament and learn about the existence of the children of his mortals. Since the world was in darkness, the Heavenly Father took with him, his son, born from the spark of fire. And this child was wonderful, for it glowed and was warm like a coal in a fire. Svarog carried his son in his bosom and entered the dwellings of mortals that were without windows. To see the children of men, Svarog allowed his son to get off his hands and step in front of him to illuminate everything around with his light. And people saw the light and smelled warmth. Reaching out to Svarog, they only prayerfully asked: "God grant." And Svarog saw that people were unhappy in darkness and cold, and he decided that his son would henceforth bring his light and warmth into the human world. And it became a gift for people, and named Svarog his son Dazhdbog, in honor of the first prayer that flew from the lips of men.
Since then, many years and winters have passed, and Dazhdbog regularly carries out his service every day, leaving his heavenly abode only at night in order to take a break from his affairs and worries. People still pray the same way, to their beloved Sun-God, and ask for his grace. And the cherished one sounds: "God grant, give."

The ancient Slavic Dazhdbog is the sun itself and the source of all earthly goods that people possess. The origin of the name of the deity itself causes a lot of controversy among scientists. There are several theories now.
According to one of the versions, which M. Fasmer adheres to, the name of God arose from the merger of two Old Slavonic words: "dazh (db)", which means a request to give something, and "bog", which means happiness, good. In short, according to this statement, Dazhdbog means "who gives all grace."
V. Yagich claims that the name of this deity arose from the exclamation "God forbid", which is very consonant with the theory of Vasmer. That is, the name of God contains a prayer with which people turned to him.
Some researchers argue that, as such, a separate deity with a similar name did not even exist in the Slavic pagan pantheon. The phrase, which was accepted by the Slavs as a kind of greeting, was misinterpreted by Christian missionaries as the name of a separate deity. It is very difficult to judge how true this statement is, since there simply are no arguments that could fully confirm or refute this theory.
According to another statement, the first part of the name of God, and in particular "Dazh (d)", is a softened form of dagh, which in Sanskrit means "day", "fire". Both of these meanings can be associated with the sun, and from this perspective, this theory looks very convincing, since Dazhbog is the sun god.

The theory of the appearance of Dazhdbog

To begin with, it is worth noting that the question of who were the fathers of Dazhbog, who bears the middle name Tarkh, is a big question. Somewhere you can
come across the statement that Dazhbog is Tarkh the son of the god Perun, the grandson of Svarog, and the descendant of Vyshen in the third generation. According to legend, the powerful Tarkh, with his dazzling light, crushed the hordes of dark forces that lived on the moon Lele and wanted to take over the mortal world. In honor of the great victory of the Sun-God over evil, the old Slavs celebrated this day with red eggs, which symbolized the power of Tarkh. The eggs broke against each other and were called Koschei's eggs. This day was usually celebrated in the summer. To trace the amazing similarity with the current tradition of celebrating Easter in the Orthodox world, I think it will not be difficult for every reader.
In other sources, Dazhbog-Tarkh is referred to as Svarozhich, the son of Svarog. In favor of this theory, an excerpt from the Ipatiev Chronicle is cited, where Dazhdbog is referred to as the Sun. Word for word: "Slntse tsr sn Svarogov. hedgehog is Dazhb ". That is, there is a direct statement of the origin of the deity, the sun reigning in the sky, the son of Svarog, called Dazhbog. This version looks more plausible, although this article is not intended to assert anything, it is rather an attempt to give the reader an overview of all possible options, and determine your own judgments.

Who is Dazhdbog?

Whose son would it be?God, one thing is clear he is the deity of the Sun, the lord of light and grace that is bestowed on mortals. Dazhdbog was presented in the form of a middle-aged man, of a strong constitution, with azure eyes, like the sky, and blond hair, like the light emanating from him. The Slavs believed that Dazhdbog could turn into a lion. The god was depicted on a chariot drawn by lions. But there was a belief that Dazhdbog crosses the firmament twice a day on a golden chariot drawn by golden-maned horses. Flocks of swans and ducks always flew in front of him. They are like messengers of dawn and dusk. The Slavs believed that the bright daylight was a reflection from the golden armor that Dazhdbog was wearing.
In essence, Dazhdbog is the supreme manifestation of good. He is a protector, not a warrior. A shield serves as his weapon, which is able to reflect the blow of any force and any weapon, but the god himself almost does not use magic. He does not attack, he only protects and protects. Dazhdbog is a peaceful god. His destiny is to give people and the whole world light and warmth, so that there was life.
Dazhdbog gave people not only light and warmth, but also material values ​​and health. The harvest also depended on him. Therefore, the ancient Slavs tried in every possible way to appease the light god. They made offerings to him in the form of bird feathers. These were mainly feathers of geese, swans and ducks. Honey, apples and nuts were also served. Temples were erected on the hills, and the idols, which were made of wood, were placed so that their faces turned to the east, from where Dazhdbog began his daytime journey.

Holidays in honor of Dazhdbog

Like any other representative of the Slavic pagan pantheon, Dazhbog had special days when people honored him. Days dedicated exclusively to this deity were March 18 and May 6, which respectively bore his name. These days, the Slavs celebrated the renunciation of Dazhdbog from Marena, which meant the end of the winter cold and his union with the Living Goddess. On the same days, Yarilo was revered as one of the faces of Dazhdbog, or rather, the spring revival.
On the day of Dazhbog, they also drove cattle to pastures for the first time, after the winter retreat. The Slavs asked their sun god to preserve not only crops, but also livestock and return them whole. In honor of this, it was customary to burn fires.
Dazhbog was also revered on February 12-14, 16 and 17 along with the god Veles. There is an opinion that Dazhbog was also called the Savior, as the savior of the Slavic lands. Based on this, on August 14 and 19, when the apple and honey Savior is celebrated, it is associated with Dazhbog. If we take into account that the presentations to this god were made in the form of honey and apples, then we can trace a certain logical pattern.

Runa Dazhdbog

This rune is called the summer rune, as it personifies the gifts that nature presents to people in the summer season.
The rune of Dazhbog embodies the cornucopia, implying the wealth that is given to man by God. These are not only material goods, but also good health, success, peace of mind and love. By the way, this rune also personifies, according to some interpretations, both love and first love. Also, meetings are associated with the Dazhbog rune, which can be of exceptional importance in the fate of a person. In fortune-telling, this rune means a safe resolution. serious problems that a person has. In its shape, the rune symbolizes the cup, in the more ancient sense, the cauldron, which means that grace that is bestowed by the gods on mortal children. This bowl is full of spiritual enlightenment and carries in itself an understanding of the meaning of life and the universe.

Symbol and amulet of Dazhdbog.

Since Dazhdbog is a solar, that is, a solar god, a disk is considered its symbol. Dazhdbog belongs to the great Slavic solar triad of gods: Khors, Yarilo and he, but since Khors is the god of the winter sun, Yarilo of the spring, and Dazhdbog himself of the summer, the disk, as the embodiment of a full and mature sun, is exclusively his sign. The most common sign of Dazhdbog is also the solar square, which has many similarities and in common with the Svarogov square and the star of Lada. V this square
concluded sacred meaning the very power and grace of the deity: his light and love extends to all four corners of the world. The ruby ​​is also among the symbols of Dazhdbog, which is recognized as the personal stone of the deity.
The guardian of Dazhdbog is not only a great honor, but also reliable protection... For the young, this amulet is a path to enlightenment of the mind and the acquisition of strength and understanding, which are needed in order to overcome all life's difficulties and obstacles. Dazhdbog's amulet will allow you to find correct solution from a difficult situation, and will attract a worthy companion in life. For representatives of the older generation, a talisman is a way to find peace of mind, health and find mutual language with a younger generation. In general, the Dazhdbog amulet is designed to make people happy, to attract love to them, but it also allows the wearer to understand that his happiness is inside him and depends on his thoughts and actions. The Dazhdbog amulet was made of wood or soft metals. It was also embroidered on napkins and was carefully worn in the pockets located on the chest, closer to the heart.

Dazhdbog's wives and grandchildren are Slavs.

By giving the first wife Dazhdbog became Zlatogorka. Once seeing her asleep, God submitted to her innocent beauty and he decided to marry the sleeping red girl. Three times he struck with his club to awaken the one that captivated his heart. Waking up Zlatogorka, she was enraged by the courage of Dazhdbog and having bewitched him, she locked him in her magic casket. But the face of the young god was too beautiful and clear, and he captivated the heart of a beauty. Zlatogorka released her beloved from captivity. Having married, the young were going to the great Mount Latyr, when in the field of Zlatogorka she saw a coffin enchanted by the vile Chernobog. She really wanted to sleep, so she climbed into it, but the trouble was to get out back. As Dazhdbog did not try to free his
beloved wife, it was all in vain. And then he went to the underworld to seek help from the wise Viy. He gave him a special ring that could break the dark spell of Chernobog, but warned Viy Dazhdbog that if he lost this ring, then forever and ever, the soul of his beloved Zlatogorka would go to the Navi world. The freed goddess gave birth to her husband two sons: Kolyada and Ovsenya, after which, due to the machinations of Chernobog, Dazhdbog still lost the magic ring of Viy, and Zlatogorka went to the Navi world, where her soul merged with the soul of the goddess Mara.

Madarena, in which the soul of Zlatogorka lived, married Dazhdbog and bore him a son, Bohumir, but then she disowned her husband and fled from him with Chernobog's grandson - Kashchei. The angry Dazhdbog set off in pursuit of the unfaithful wife, but the vile Kashchei defeated him twice. For the first time, he turned the sun of God into stone, but Perun cast a spell on him. The second time, Kashchei deprived him of his strength and chained him to Latyr Mountain, dooming him to eternal torment, but the beautiful goddess Zhiva saved the clear Dazhbog, who became his third and most beloved wife.
She gave him living water to drink and she revived a new and more powerful soul in his body.

Alive gave birth to Dazhdboga two sons: Kisek and Aria. From the sons of the first descended after the peoples of the Hessians and West Germans. Arius had three sons: Kiy, Horeb and Schek. From them came the Czechs, Serbs and Kiev glades. Arius had descendants - Lech and Krak, who became the ancestors of the Mazovian and Polish tribes.
About the eldest son of Kolyada, Dazhdbog had a grandson, Radogost. He became the father of the peoples of Radimichi, Vyatichi, Obodritov, Ruyan and Ratarei. From the son of the dark Marena, Bohumir, Dazhbog had the granddaughters of Polev, Dreva and Skreva, from them the Krivichi and the Drevlyans and the grandchildren of Rus, Scythian, Kim-ra, Khazar, Sloven and Seva originated. From the latter came the clans of Rus, Slovenes, Khazars, Scythians, Severyans and Cimmerians. All Slavic peoples are the descendants of Dazhdbog, his grandchildren.