What professions are suitable for the humanities. The most popular humanitarian professions: how to find a job in St. Petersburg

Everyone knows that the humanitarian mindset predisposes to professions where linguistic abilities and philosophical thoughts are needed. Such people work in the social sphere. But what humanitarian professions are in demand? This question is especially relevant for young people after the 11th grade.

Profession rating

Here are some examples. These are the specialties that are most in demand on the market, which means they are highly paid. Society-related professions will always be popular, so you can easily find alternatives for yourself.

Average salaries, list:

  • translator - 55 thousand rubles,
  • journalist - 40 thousand rubles,
  • lawyer - 40 thousand rubles,
  • doctor - 32 thousand rubles,
  • teacher - 32 thousand rubles,
  • manager - 28 thousand rubles,
  • psychologist - 22 thousand rubles.


It is the translator who tops the list of "the most demanded and highly paid specialties". Moreover, this profession will remain a leader for many decades, as the trend of the modern world is aimed at blurring borders between countries and strengthening international relations. This specialty is ideal for both girls and young people. To some extent, it is universal.

The most important duty of a translator is to help people from different countries understand each other. They often conduct excursions for foreigners, translate books and act as an escort when traveling abroad. To become a translator, after grade 11, you need to enter the Faculty of Philology. Best of all, if he is in a linguistic university, where he will definitely give a good knowledge of foreign languages. After receiving your diploma, it will not be difficult for you to get a job in a publishing house, become a translator or try your hand at an international travel company.


Will be in demand and socially useful at any time. Unfortunately, healthcare workers are not in the first place and will head the list of "demanded and highly paid specialties" only in a few years, but the very fact of being a doctor in difficult moment helping relatives, friends, passers-by is worth a lot. After grade 11, you need to undergo training at a medical university, where for 6 years students will study general and clinical disciplines. However, the training does not end there.

After 6 years, you can work as a therapist, gynecologist or surgeon. To obtain a narrow specialty, you need to go through another 2 years of residency, and only after that you can work both in city hospitals and in private clinics. If, after grade 11, it did not work out to enter a university, then you can graduate from a medical school, after which you can also go to a university.

Such a long learning process is imperative, since the most important thing is the life and health of the patient, and any mistake can be fatal. But despite the difficulty of learning, the appreciative looks of people will be the highest reward for the effort. The most popular specialties are: anesthesiologist, surgeon, obstetrician-gynecologist, ophthalmologist ( full list can be read on the Internet). In addition to communicating with the patient and making the correct diagnosis, the doctor is filling out the documentation.


It is no less in demand. Every year more and more young couples, girls, women, widows seek psychological help. Most often, this specialty is chosen by girls. It is possible to meet males, but rather problematic. The task of a psychologist is to understand the state of mind of a person and, using the correct methods of behavior, find an approach and help with solving the problem. Cognition inner peace passes through different techniques.

With the help of tests you can find out individual characteristics psyche. Conversation on confidence level will help you learn about fears, and also give you an idea of ​​how you can improve a person's life. Having got to know the patient better, the psychologist selects effective psychological trainings... It is they who will help a person discover new qualities in himself, teach him to restrain or, on the contrary, show his emotions. In order to become a psychologist after grade 11, you need to go to the Faculty of Psychology. After graduating from a university and receiving a diploma, you will have to undergo advanced training annually.


She is not highly paid, but she is always in demand and socially useful. Due to the small wages there are few people willing to teach, so there is always a shortage of personnel in schools, especially highly qualified ones. Most often, girls go to teachers, but guys are no less in demand. The teacher's responsibilities include delivering lessons. During them, it is important not only to give new information in an understandable form, but also to consolidate what has already been learned in previous lessons.

It is worth regularly assessing knowledge and doing independent or group work, which will teach children not only to think abstractly, but also to work in a team. In addition, the teacher must prepare in advance for the upcoming lessons, study additional literature, and participate in school meetings. To become a teacher after grade 11, you need to go to a pedagogical university, where you can choose a faculty. After receiving a diploma, you can work not only in schools. Other places of work include gymnasiums, colleges, higher education institutions. Universities and grammar schools are considered the most prestigious, especially the St. Petersburg and Moscow branches.


The complexity of the profession of a lawyer is that he must know all the laws in force. That is, for any question, he must correctly explain and help find ways to solve the problem. Most often, a lawyer defends the interests of his clients in court. He must have a quick reaction, have fresh thoughts and good public speaking skills. Humanities professions just do not require a mathematical mindset. Most often men work as lawyers.

A woman must have an iron character in order to resist men. After grade 11, you need to get a law degree at a higher educational institution. If you have talent, then gain private practice will not be difficult. You can also do consultations and work in a law office. To become a judge or prosecutor, a retraining is required. it simple task, however, you need an already existing legal education and experience in the work of a lawyer.

Tourism manager

This specialty is relatively new and has recently appeared in Russia. Since the task of the manager is to arrange travel and meet foreigners, the demand will not decrease. This is due to the fact that countries strive for closer communication and exchange of experience. In order to be hired, you need to know at least one foreign language. The more you know, the more highly paid job you can get. After grade 11, you need to graduate from college. After that, it is easy to work in firms or agencies related to tourism. If you have money or connections, even after grade 11, you can open a small travel agency.


Despite the fact that the journalist is not considered herself, the salary is quite high. Their main task is to find information that will be of interest to people. Therefore, it is important to be able to obtain important information in a short time. Only then it should be drawn up in the form of an article, video clip or film.

Most often, a journalist chooses a certain topic for himself and works only in it. It can be politics, theater, show business or other areas. To start working, you need to graduate educational institution in the specialty "philology" or "journalism", having entered there after the 11th grade. The work cannot be called office work. You often have to be on the road to find information. In addition, it is important to check its validity before publishing. For better perception, you can take a photo or video, so it would be nice to have a camera.

The liberal arts profession is a worthy pursuit that can be equated with a hobby. They are always in demand and connected with communication. Journalism or advocacy is something that brings pleasure. And the profession of a doctor, although difficult, is very rewarding. A short list of all these professions, as well as a comparison of wages, we tried to set out above.

Every year the labor market changes, so it is difficult to predict what the most popular professions will be in 10 years. The directions that will lead in Russia by 2019 can only be assumed, because the need for professionals depends on several factors.

Top 10 most in-demand professions in Russia in 2019

It is possible to accurately answer the question of what are the most popular and highly paid professions in Russia from two positions: in terms of government orders for specialties and in research. By the number of budgetary (free) places in the country's universities, it is easy to assume which specialists are in greater demand now.

According to independent research, the demand for workers directly depends on the rate of development of a particular industry, the level of wages, and the shortage of specialized workers.

Based on these indicators, it is possible to predict which professions will be in demand in Russia by 2019.

Engineers and technicians

The development of technology and the automation of processes requires a strong engineering corps, which creates a need for qualified personnel. In-demand technical professions:

  • design engineer;
  • design engineer;
  • technologist;
  • Electrical Engineer;
  • heating engineer;
  • oil and gas engineer.

Medical staff

The profession of a doctor is always in demand and prestigious. Pediatricians and therapists are in the lead in terms of vacancies, but this area of ​​medicine is facing a severe shortage of personnel. Most requested medical professions in Russia with high competition:

  • surgeon;
  • resuscitator;
  • gynecologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • dentist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • uzist;
  • nutritionist.

Education workers

There are few highly qualified specialists left in the field of pedagogy. Most of the teachers are still cadres of the Soviet school. For this reason, the demand for employees of various pedagogical specialties in Russia is high. Popular professions in education:

  • teacher foreign languages;
  • teacher of algebra, geometry;
  • teacher of the Russian language, literature;
  • IT-teacher;
  • chemistry teacher;
  • Physics teacher;
  • psychologist.

Information Technology are only gaining popularity, so most Russian workers IT-spheres are self-taught who do not have documentary evidence of knowledge. This is due to the fact that public education still little adapted to the requirements of modern IT technologies.

Nonetheless, the computer industry is one of the highest paid workers.

In-demand IT professions:

  • programmer;
  • Web Designer;
  • System Administrator;
  • layout designer;
  • tester.

Nanotechnology and robotization engineers

These are the professions of the future, so it is difficult to find professionals in these industries today. The promise of nanotechnology is incredible - it encompasses:

  • energy;
  • telecommunications;
  • medicine;
  • space;
  • ecology;
  • Agriculture;
  • food industry.

Nanotechnologists investigate materials at both the atomic and molecular levels. Today, scientists are especially in demand who are engaged in the following areas:

  • microelectronics;
  • transformations solar energy;
  • creation of light-emitting devices.

As for robotization, this specialty involves the design and subsequent operation of manipulators and intelligent robots. Such systems are needed in industry and high-tech technologies, where human work is impossible. Robotics are programmers, cybernetics, engineers all rolled into one.

Marketers and PR-managers

Marketing is a widespread and demanded type of activity. Professionals study the markets, predict customer requests, analyze the work of competitors, and develop business on the Internet. Marketing is directly related to advertising and PR, because any, even the smallest, company needs to promote its own products or services. There are many popular and highly paid professions this area:

  • contextual advertising manager;
  • e-mail - marketer;
  • coach-trainer;
  • copywriter;
  • logistics manager (transport management);
  • Art Director;
  • creator (creative director);
  • product manager (market analysis).

Service workers

The list here is huge. Service worker is a popular creative profession for girls and guys who are just starting their professional path. The high demand for specialists in different directions is explained by rapid development Russian business. Professions in the service sector that are popular among the population:

  • visagiste;
  • stylist;
  • hairdresser;
  • waiter;
  • tourism manager;
  • masseur;
  • realtor.

Construction and design specialists

A study of labor market trends showed that due to large-scale construction projects initiated by the state, there is a shortage of construction and design workers. Highest demand celebrated in the profession.

Professions in the field of marketing with the skills of online promotion, promotion in social networks, SEO - optimization (but here the junction of the humanitarian and technical directions), writing content and creating various promotion concepts. Video and audio content is becoming more and more popular. Teacher-trainers will be in demand. Due to the rapid changes in working environment employees are constantly required to retrain, master new skills. We need charismatic trainers who possess not only knowledge, but who are also oriented in the constantly changing space, technologies, innovations, also concerning the presentation of the material.

Perhaps the lawyer will become a more popular profession. In the event that Russia really becomes a rule-of-law state: when for the hellish noise at night the neighbor will not be beaten in the face, but will be charged for moral damage. Nowadays it is profitable to be a lawyer dealing with cases of wealthy people. Unfortunately, the middle class and below live in a non-legal society.

A psychologist, perhaps. Society strives for individualization, a number of foundations have been lost, stress in big cities, a constantly changing environment, a crisis of the institution of the family; at the same time, there are fewer fears about referring to psychologists and psychotherapists. Parents are confused about parenting, so they often need outside help. But in order to make good money in this field, you need to be able to help effectively, and this is ten years of study and internship abroad, it is desirable.

Specialists in the following three industries will have a consistently high salary and good social significance in the future paradigm of our world.

The first industry is media and entertainment. In the 21st century, the importance of various kinds of media resources is growing, which are gradually becoming powerful filters that highlight important accents in the world and help navigate the agenda. Look at least at social networks... Before their appearance, naturally, no one could have thought about the emergence of such a profession as an SMM manager. Moreover, news for many people is a kind of informational drug. We are all constantly checking the news report and are eager to see a new sensation, preferably direct so that there is a wow effect. Thus, we make a test of our reality, our picture of the world. We think: "It's good that this did not happen to us." Next, entertainment. Already, there is a tendency to create various kinds of mass entertainment with a stronger immersion effect, new channels for the supply of information are being created. Get at least some VR goggles. In the future, we will be able to watch people's streams, feel the food they consume on the air. You can become one of these people and get good money (this is so, by the way).

Specific professions in this area: designer virtual worlds, a game-practitioner of quests in virtual reality, a journalist with a unique author's style.

The second branch is management. Already now, supra-industry management specialists are required in every company - precisely because of the automation in this industry. Specialists who know how to implement CRM systems, understand the principles of working with people and can coordinate them in the direction necessary for the company, who not only work on the number of sales of the company alone, but also who qualitatively influence other people and thus increase the indicators - such people will always be valuable.

Specific professions in this area: manager of corporate venture funds, manager of cross-cultural communication, manager of strategic development of the company.

The third branch is culture and art. Culture is one of the most ancient spheres human activity... Especially in our time, when everyone, having a soap box in their hands and the desire to hone their photography skills, will be able to take a decent picture. It becomes clear that with the help of technology development, humanity is reaching new level perception of art becomes more selective. So, an immersive theater appears without dividing into a stage and a hall for greater immersion, art objects cease to be the domain of only professionals - you can create a creation using a 3D printer, art penetrates into the scientific environment.

Specific professions in this area: art appraiser, curator of collective creativity, trainer in aesthetic development personality.

The humanitarian industry has always been attractive to many people. She is still popular now. Today, the professions of the humanitarian direction are increasingly competing with the exact sciences. After all, they allow a person to delve into social development state and society, to learn human nature and the laws of organizational processes in the life of society.

The social and humanitarian professions shed light on these broad topics. People who have the appropriate thinking are especially attractive in life to classes devoted to these issues. But the humanitarian sphere has different directions. So which profession should you choose? Before answering this question, you should study the most common humanitarian specialties in demand in our country.

Humanities professions: list

We will begin our review with one of the popular areas of human activity - psychology. A very exciting, but also difficult profession. People who like to help others, are able to patiently listen to their neighbors and provide wise support with their advice (not to be confused with instruction!) Can work in this area.

In our technological age, more and more people, falling into difficult emotional situations, find themselves in a depressive state. A highly qualified specialist can get them out of it, and therefore psychologists will always be in demand in the labor market.

In this direction, you can choose such humanitarian professions as child psychologist, psychotherapist, family psychologist and so on. However, it should be borne in mind that in this field you will not only have to listen to various unpleasant stories, but also try to help a person who wants to change the world and people without changing themselves. Such clients need a certain approach. But if you have a great desire to know yourself, the world around you and your neighbor, then you can safely start studying psychology.

Philosophy as the meaning of life

The next area of ​​humanitarian activity is the work of a philosopher. It would seem that what can be in common with our modern world and this ancient profession? But there are points of contact, because philosophers do not work with specific things or images, not with emotional state, but with ideas. People who are capable of this way of life often become workers in the field of culture, politics and religion. Some with a philosophical mindset prefer humanitarian specialties and professions such as psychological analysis or political technology.

Historical Science

The profession of a historian has always been in demand, because the past of mankind is as interesting as its future. People who have found themselves in this activity have great knowledge in the field of domestic and foreign history, international relations, and jurisprudence. They can work in archives, museums, teach history in schools and universities, be journalists in the media, and so on. However, for this profession one should have a good developed memory and perseverance.


There are professions of a social and humanitarian profile, the field of activity of which is the study of foreign and ancient languages. Some experts study the ancient dialects of their native language. We are talking about the profession of a philologist. To become a professional in this field requires a vast body of knowledge and talent and dedication.

Those who study philology can master such humanitarian professions as translator and teacher. And some completely devote themselves to the science of learning languages, become specialists in world literature and, thanks to this, can engage in scientific or teaching activities in schools or higher educational institutions. Many people with a philological education become writers.


In list prestigious professions humanitarian direction - the activity of a politician. This trend attracts a lot of young people, as it is associated with money and power. The work of a politician is based on the ability to communicate with people, hold various complex events, organize parties, participate in election campaigns, and speak in the stands. In addition, a politician must be a good diplomat and manager.


There are popular humanitarian professions related to the field of mass media. The list of such professions is quite extensive. A person can work as a journalist on television, in print and online publications, or become a paparazzi. You can get a job as a columnist for a magazine.

All this activity is associated with creativity specific person and provides great opportunities for self-expression.

Those people who do not want to go on business trips can be a proofreader, layout designer or editor.


If a person is active and has a broad outlook on seemingly unattractive things, he may find himself in advertising. The humanitarian professions in this area allow you to create the image of various companies and firms, successfully advertise almost any product or service, focusing on useful qualities advertised product.

Each company will gladly hire an advertising employee who is good at conducting PR-actions.


Talking about the humanities, one cannot but pay attention to the legal matter. There are many people who love to study laws and regulations and apply them in your work. A person trained as a lawyer can work as a legal consultant, attorney, judge, notary or prosecutor. Each of these professions encourages its owner to follow the laws carefully and responsibly, while not allowing them to forget their obligations to society. However, in our time at every step you can meet a lawyer or a notary, therefore this profession at the moment it is the least in demand in the labor market.

Highly paid humanitarian professions

When it comes to professional work in the humanitarian field, most people want to know about the most prestigious and well-paid jobs. For example, we have identified several types of human professions in this direction.

Tour Operator

With the increase in the level of well-being, people are increasingly turning to travel agencies, wishing to go for travel and recreation to different points of our the globe... Tourism managers are needed to help the client choose the country and location. They also help to choose the route of the tour, apply for a visa, book tickets and hotel rooms. Therefore, with the flourishing of the tourism business, people who have a craving for such work will always be in demand. And their income will also be rather big.


This type of activity is much broader than many people think. Society does not stand still, it is constantly developing and expanding. Therefore, the work of a modern designer is not only how to arrange furniture in an apartment or suggest what repairs to do. Now such specialists are involved in the arrangement of offices, land plots ( landscape design), design various works through the Internet, fashion design and so on. In order to work successfully in this area of ​​humanitarian work, you must have a well-developed imagination and be able to communicate with people.

Brand Product Manager

Many people are surprised that, entering any store or supermarket, they buy exactly the products that they often see on their TV screens, hear about it on the radio or read in the newspapers. All this is the work of brand managers, whose task is to promote this or that product in such a way that people choose it more often when shopping. Here, in principle, there is nothing complicated, ordinary knowledge of human psychology, but people who know how to present the correct information about products are invariably in price. Such a specialist always has good income, and companies value such an employee.


There are other humanitarian professions, the list of which can be continued for a long time. All of them are important and necessary for the development of our society. If a person wants to devote himself to the humanities, then he must consider all existing options, imagine yourself in the role of one or another employee, and then choose an activity that is suitable for personal qualities, and to which "the soul lies".

After all, technical and humanitarian professions allow people to realize themselves as much as possible in this world, to reveal their potential and work for the good of society, providing themselves and their families with dignity. There are no better or worse professions, there is only a demand for certain types of activity. Therefore, before choosing a profession, you should carefully look at the labor market, what vacancies are in demand at the present time. But in any case, it is advisable to look for a job to your liking, then it will bring pleasure and joy, and then money.

When choosing a suitable faculty, specialty, graduates must take into account the information available on the network, as well as personal preferences. For example, humanitarians give preference to professions that are related to social studies, history, and certain languages. What specialties are in demand?

If you choose the right profession, you can get higher profits, career growth, as well as constant development. Among the most interesting and in-demand professions, there are such as actors, musicians, architects, lawyers, journalists, economists, designers and managers.

Each of the above specialties has its own positive sides, peculiarities. For example, entering the Faculty of Linguistics, you can continue to work as a philologist, linguist, teacher. If you plan to get several degrees, then the likelihood of finding an excellent job will increase significantly.

It is worth remembering that many specialties cover both humanitarian and technical activities... Studying sociology or linguistics requires mathematical knowledge (apart from language skills), and, for example, teaching technical specialties requires humanitarian skills.

The most popular humanitarian specialties for men

  • Various areas of jurisprudence. V recent times the rating of this direction is gradually decreasing.
  • Medical workers. Especially popular are those specialties that are associated with the fight against various diseases and aging.
  • Teachers of various higher educational institutions and schools.
  • Humanities specialists who are related to artificial intelligence(linguists, social psychologists).
  • Specialties that are related to political activity.
  • Specialized diplomats. In this case, knowledge of several languages ​​is required.

But such specialties as an archival worker, archaeologists, and also a historian are practically not popular. Yes, and actors with screenwriters now occupy relatively low positions.

The most demanded humanitarian specialties for women

This list includes such specialties as educators, teachers, translators, linguists, nannies, psychologists, personnel workers.

But even humanitarians are required to study technical sciences, because they must freely use a computer, communications, and the Internet.

And all this can be studied if, with maximum accuracy, you choose not only a higher educational institution, but also a department, a faculty.

Recently, technical and humanitarian specialties have been actively intersecting. From all of the above, we can conclude that in order to get a high-paying job, you need to have humanitarian as well as technological knowledge. Only in this case, taking into account all aspects, you can find a high-paying job.

Where to get a liberal arts education?

Today, you can get an excellent education not only in the top, but also in standard universities in our country. Among those universities that are especially popular, there are: Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, Higher School of Economics, as well as the Russian State University for the Humanities, MGIMO. At the same time, you can work as a sociologist, and a linguist, and a translator.

You can always get economic, legal, and other education in those universities that have a unique history (UrFU, KubGU, SFU). Institutes and universities such as GITIS, Schepkinsky, Theater Institute named after Shchukin, as well as the Music Academy. The Gnesins are chosen if they want to become actors or musicians.

In some cases, for humanitarian economic specialties, additional certificates are required, for example, an MBA, the presence of which makes it possible to get an excellent high-paying job.