Ideas and patterns for cross stitching sofa cushions. Embroidery pillows Cross stitch patterns pillows flowers

Our everyday life is decorated with little things - pleasant to the eye trinkets that play a decorative role, toys, figurines, paintings, napkins, sofa cushions. All of them are able to give the room a special charm and comfort. And the embroidery on the pillow will add even more charm to the interior.

Cute hobby

Despite the absolute preoccupation with life problems, people strive to find free time for creativity. Embroidery for many becomes an outlet in everyday worries. The history of this art is experiencing a rebirth in the present - more and more people, and different ages and gender, passionate about embroidery. The creation of these hand-made paintings in various techniques- it is a very difficult and painstaking business. But the embroidery on the pillow is available to everyone who wants to be creative with a thread and a needle and at the same time decorate the interior of the room with something original.

Doomchki sofa - beautiful and bright

Embroidery on a pillow has been one of the most common ways to create coziness in a home since ancient times. After all, all handmade had her sacred meaning- such things served as amulets, protecting households from evil spirits... Retaining this purpose, cushions over time have also become an obligatory decorative household item. Small in size began to be called dumka, apparently because they beckoned to take a nap on the sofa, resting your head on their patterned surface, to rest, think. The embroidery on the pillow could be very different in style, pattern, technique.

Beauty cross stitch

Incidentally, this is not very difficult - embroidery. Cushions decorated using this technique can be a great proof of this. After all, it is not at all necessary to embroider a multicolored picture on a sofa cushion. Sometimes a one-, two-color ornament is quite enough. You can put it on the edge of the pillow or embroider a corner with a simple pattern - and an ordinary thing will immediately turn into something original.

In cross-stitching, the most difficult thing is color transitions, when you need to accurately count the number of squares of a particular color. But if there are only one or two shades of floss, then there is absolutely no difficulty in such work.

And crosses are different

The embroidery pattern of the pillow that will decorate the house can be very different, as well as the patterns with which it is decorated.

It is most convenient to embroider with the simplest cross - a stitch diagonally of a square, from left to right, and then along another diagonal - from right to left. It is most convenient to embroider paths and sections of the same color with such crosses, changing the thread when moving to another section.

That is, first, diagonal stitches are embroidered in one direction along all the squares of the same shade, then the same squares are quilted along the second diagonals in the opposite direction. Such a cross is the most primitive.

But there are also quite complicated methods - elongated crosses, when the stitch goes into two conditional squares. Or half-elongated crosses - in one direction a stitch in two cells, and in the other - only one.

Even more difficult is the so-called double or Bulgarian cross - the stitches are first performed along two diagonals, and then along the centers of the sides of the cell - from bottom to top and from left to right. How to create a drawing is up to the needlewoman to decide. But cross-stitching of a pillow still prefers to use the most common embroidery cross.

Various themes for every taste

To create a beautiful cushion with your own with my own hands using the old type of needlework - cross-stitching, you can use any patterns, any threads that you like and are suitable for a particular job.

Traditionally, they are used for this.They are strong and silky enough to be comfortable to work with. Oh colors It is not even necessary to speak, since manufacturers are trying to embody in the range of their products shades of all colors that the human eye can only distinguish.

But you can embroider with almost any thread, as long as they match the idea. As for the theme of embroidered sofa cushions, it, of course, can be very different - from classic bouquets to some technical scheme if you like it. You can find some patterns, broken into cells for ease of embroidery, in our article.

Quite often

Why is embroidery on a pillow convenient? The fact that it is not at all necessary to fill the entire field with patterns. Sometimes there are enough of them only in the corner, and your little dummy will become an adornment of your favorite sofa. You can sew a pillowcase from several parts, one of which will be cross-stitched, and the rest - just fabric. You can position the embroidered piece in the center or on the edge - as you see fit in a particular version.

How to use fabric effectively? You can choose a cut that is large enough to accommodate several medium-sized embroideries, make them all, and then use them in different pillows. Thus, you will get a whole set of dummies in the same style. If there is no piece of fabric suitable for pulling on the hoop, then it is inserted with another fabric using the basting stitches. In any case, a cross-stitched sofa cushion is a cozy detail of the interior, which is both decorative and practical, and therefore can be whatever you want.

Children - fairy tales

Undoubtedly, for a child, the world should be, first of all, joyful and interesting. And the interior of the children's room or children's corner must meet these requirements. The embroidery of children's pillows, made by the hands of loving relatives, can give a child great joy if you depict a favorite character from a fairy tale or cartoon on it.

And for the smallest toddlers, the crib pillows can be embroidered. For example, decorate each one with embroidery with a children's pattern, and then sew the sides into a crib from several small pillows. Things created with love with your own hands have the power of a talisman, as our ancestors believed.

For a long joy

Any manual work is labor, painstaking, thoughtful, creative. Undoubtedly, I want the results of creativity to please as long as possible. Therefore, when the embroidery is ready, it is washed and steamed from the wrong side through the fabric. Then they collect the whole pillow. Embroidered garments should be washed by hand, rinsing them in slightly salted water, then they are dried and ironed from the inside out through the fabric, placing the fabric inside the garment.

This is the cross stitch of the pillow. Schemes for such work can be found ready-made, or you can break your favorite picture into cells yourself or use special computer programs for this.

Ornament of only three or four shades can be used to decorate a sofa cushion. We offer a pattern of 4 colors (it is presented below) - brown (K), green (W), blue (C), lilac (L). The ornament consists of sections that are sequentially repeated one after another. So, the top track is embroidered with the following rapport on 27 canvas cells:

  • 1 row - skip seven cells, 11 crosses K;
  • 2nd row - skip 4 cells, 4K, skip 9 cells, 4K;
  • 3rd row - skip 2 cells, 3 K, 9 skip, 1 C, 5 skip, 3 K;
  • 4 row - 4K, skip 9, 3 C, 7 blank, 3 K;
  • 5 row - 1 K, 6 empty, 5 C, 4 empty, 4 G, 4 empty, 1 K;
  • 6 row - 1 K, 4 empty, 2 C, 5 empty, 1 C, 2 empty, 6 Z, 3 empty, 1 K, 1 empty, 1 K;
  • 7 row - skip 10, 1 C, 2 blank, 1 C, skip 10, 1 K, 1 empty, 1 K;
  • 8 row - skip 2, 4K, 4 blank, 1 C, 4 blank, 4 L, 4 blank, 3 C;
  • Row 9 - 2 blank, 1 K, 2 skip, 2 K, 6 skip, 1 Z, 1 empty, 4 L, 1 C, 6 empty, 1 K;
  • 10 row - 1 K, 5 empty, 1 K, 5 empty, 2 Z, 1 empty, 4 L, 1 C, 1 skip, 2 C, 3 empty, 1 K;
  • 11 row - 2 K, 4 empty, 1 K, 5 empty, 2 Z, 1 empty, 1 L, 4 C, 1 empty, 3 C, 3 empty;
  • 12 row - 1 cell empty, 2 K, 1 empty, 2 K, 6 empty, 2 Z, 6 empty, 1 L, 7 empty;
  • 13 row - skip 2, 3 K, 7 empty, 2 Z, 4 empty, 2 C, 1 empty, 2 C, 4 empty;
  • 14 row - skip 13 cells, 1 З, 4 empty, 2 С, 1 empty, 2 С.

Cross-stitching does not imply a description of the work in rows - the work uses patterns of the picture, laid out in colored squares. The needlewoman independently calculates the number of cells of one color or another, changing the thread in the needle at the change of color, or embroidering large sections in one color, sequentially counting row by row.

A dummy sofa pillow is a cosiness in one of the corners of the house, created by the caring hands of a needlewoman for long-term joy.

Cross-stitching of a pillow in Russia has always been an almost sacred affair. Why did this happen? Embroidery of pillows has long been the most beloved needlework, and the cross has always been considered a talisman against evil spirits and the evil eye. Icons and paintings with various images are embroidered with a cross. But besides this, it has long been customary among the people to decorate with embroidery all kinds of household items. Most often, pillows were embroidered with a cross. Cross stitching of pillows was very common in the old days. It was difficult to find a dwelling without embroidered pillows. If the cross is purifying and protecting from all evil, then such embroidery on the pillow is considered to bring good to everyone who uses it. Nowadays, embroidered cushions are also very popular.

The agenda of our lesson today is cross stitch. A sofa pillow is most often embroidered with a cross. Embroidery on pillows is done in the same way as any other cross-stitch work. Embroidered pillows look especially attractive on a sofa or ottoman. In order to embroider a sofa cushion, we need a mandatory scheme, as well as the following materials:

  • canvas;
  • a special marker for marking the canvas;
  • scissors;
  • threads;
  • scheme;
  • needle.

If you have already noticed, then embroidery of pillows requires the availability of such materials and tools, like the manufacture of any other product.

A magnifying glass is required only if you have a very small caliber circuit. Cross stitching on a pillow begins with simple steps like attaching a thread to a needle and securing the thread to a canvas. We separate one from the bundle of threads, and fold it in half so that the tail of the loop remains at the bottom, and we insert the two connected ends into the needle.

To properly fasten the thread to the canvas, insert the thread from the inside out onto the face, leaving the ponytail on the inside out. Making a stitch obliquely, we bring the thread back to the wrong side and pick up the loop with the needle, tightening it. We will tighten the loop not very tight, and not weak. We bring the needle back to the front side, and make the first cross.

Features of working with a diagram and canvas

Any pattern is divided into squares, and pillow embroidery is no exception. We advise you to draw the same squares on the canvas. In this case, it will be very easy for you to embroider the pillow. It is most convenient to embroider any patterns from the center of the canvas. In order to determine this center, fold the canvas in half, and then again in half. At the intersection of the fold lines is the center of the canvas, from which we will draw it into squares. We embroider it as if we were embroidering any other product, picture or icon.

Assembling the pillow after embroidery

When the embroidery of the pillows is finished, you need to assemble them correctly. The top side is already ready. We just have to purchase a piece of the product, which is called the underside of the pillowcase with a zipper.

In addition to embroidering the pillow, it is necessary to make an inner pillowcase, which we cut out of any light-colored fabric according to the size of the product. After that, you need to make a light basting, and then sew it on a typewriter. When the bottom pillowcase is sewn, we need synthetic soft padding. We must fill our pillowcase with this soft filler.

And now the moment has come for the connection of the lower outside with an embroidered top side. To do this, you need to put the upper and lower parts face to face, and sew along the entire perimeter of the product with very strong threads. And at the end of the work, we unfasten the zipper of the lower pillowcase, and turn the entire product onto the front side. After that, we insert the already prepared lower cushion, filled with soft synthetic padding, through an open zipper.

Here we are with you and figured out how exactly the embroidery of pillows is performed, and further work on completing and collecting the embroidered pillow. In our tutorial, you can find patterns for an embroidered pillow, which you will use if you like them.

An example of a pattern for embroidering a sofa cushion "Angel Wings"

Cross stitch pillows in a tutorial (photos and diagrams)

Cross stitch pillows in a tutorial (photos and diagrams)

Nowadays, embroidery on pillows is becoming popular again, and therefore we want to tell you how you can make wonderful embroidered sofa pillows with your own hands. As a rule, it does not take much time for an experienced craftswoman to cross-stitch pillows, however, for novice needlewomen, we would still recommend more simple schemes, with which they can easily and quickly decorate their home.

Cross stitch patterns or designs on the pillow

Our small master class is designed primarily for novice craftswomen, so we will not describe the embroidery of a complex scheme, but take an ordinary heart as an example and embroider such a cute image on a pillow. But, before starting work, we advise you to prepare everything you need. You will need:

  • checkered paper with a printed color image (in our case, the drawing is monochromatic, so a black and white scheme is suitable for us);
  • pins;
  • pillow;
  • Knitting thread the colors you want(for the picture we have chosen, only the red ones are needed).

Let's get to work!
First, take the paper that your diagram is printed on and gently pin it to your pillow with pins. In order for the embroidery of the pillow to be even and beautiful, you need to make sure that the sheet lies flat and does not bulge anywhere. After making sure of this, you can get to work.

Usually, cross-stitching of pillows takes a lot of time, but since the image we have chosen is very simple, you will cope with this task quite quickly.

When the embroidery of the pillow is finished, you will need to remove the now unnecessary paper. You can carefully cut the edges with scissors, but the middle will have to be "cleaned" by hand.

As a result, you should have such a wonderful cross-embroidered pillow.

As you yourself have probably already noticed, embroidery of pillows is not always a troublesome and painstaking business. Even the most common drawing will help you decorate the cushions, which will later "revitalize" your interior and bring fresh "notes" into it.

Original embroidery for sofa cushions

If you want your living room to be transformed, but at the same time you do not have the time or money to make repairs, you can add a few bright accents that will "liven up" this room. An excellent solution embroidery of pillows can become, because these small "accessories" not only serve to decorate the room, but also provide you with the proper level of comfort.
So, for work we need:

  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • hole puncher;
  • scissors;
  • needle;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • yellow knitting threads;
  • a piece of black fabric (32.5 * 32.5 cm);
  • green fabric from which we will sew the pillow itself.

Let's start embroidering the pillow!
First, you need to make the lines on the black fabric. In this case, you should get a neat grid consisting of squares, each side of which is 1 cm.

Then, stepping back 2 cm from each edge, you will need to make small holes at the intersection of all lines using a hole punch:

We do not need a pattern for embroidery, since we will be embroidering 2 large English letters: "Hi". In order to make the embroidered pillows brighter and more unusual, we have chosen yellow threads, which will go well with the black base.

After we finish working on the embroidery, we will need to attach the base to the green fabric and cut 2 parts according to its size.
Then we just have to sew all three parts and fill the pillow with padding polyester.

It is worth noting that embroidery of pillows is a creative process, so you can feel free to experiment and create your own unique patterns and original inscriptions. Such cute embroidered pillows will undoubtedly grab the attention of your guests and make the interior of your room special and exclusive.

Interesting patterns for embroidery of sofa cushions

Pillow embroidery is divided into several types according to the level of complexity of the work performed. Of course, experienced craftswomen will be able to embroider almost any pattern without any problems, but at first it is better for novice needlewomen to give their preference to simpler drawings or patterns.
To make embroidery of pillows take less time and effort, you can buy ready-made sets with canvas, patterns and threads in advance. But if you do not have such an opportunity, then you can easily choose the scheme yourself and embroider a pretty sofa cushion on it.

Butterflies fluttering around a flowering branch

Two tiger cubs

Floral shoes

"First guy"

Kitten with a heart

Lovers in the rain

"Couple in love"


Regardless of the level of complexity of the pattern for embroidery of pillows you choose, the main thing is that your work is done with love. Indeed, in this case, you will put a piece of your soul into it, and each time admiring your creation, you will plunge into the atmosphere of comfort and home warmth.

Selection of schemes


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Sofa cushions are an invariable attribute of coziness, home warmth and comfort. Such pillows, of course, can be bought in the store, or you can make yourself. At least you can make a case for them yourself. Children's, festive, thematic, universal. The technique of performance can be very different, in special honor today cross stitch pillows.

Today you can buy almost anything for your home. Any decor item - you will not find it in the store, so buy it from artisans. But what makes a simple apartment your home, cozy, warm, with a special atmosphere, is the things you created yourself. And the skills of needlework will help a lot in this.

What catches the eye of the guests when they enter the room? If this is a living room, then, of course, a sofa area. Both quantity and quality sofa cushions... If they are cute, beautiful, pleasing to the eye, the guest immediately feels at home. And if the covers for these pillows are made by you, then they will arouse interest and compliments are provided for you.

Embroidery is not a quick process that requires strength and attention. Such work, if done well, always deserves respect. But many of the embroideries remain somewhere in the shelves of the needlewoman's table, and they must be given the opportunity to see the light. Therefore, feel free to embroider the front side of the pillow cover, and you, your family and your guests will be able to contemplate the product of your creativity for a very long time.

Fashionable patterns of pillows embroidered with a cross

In most cases, the schemes are given for pillows 40x40 cm in size, this is the standard. What we embroider depends on your preferences. It can be a specific ornament, gorgeous flowers (for example, fire poppies), a magic cat, fabulous and stylized animals.

The most popular pillow schemes are pillows with flowers. Delicate magnolia, light pink rosebuds, yellow tulips, blue-white primroses, etc. You can combine two themes - for example, a cat in dandelions, or birds of paradise sitting on flowers of unimaginable beauty.

Embroidery on pillows under Gzhel and Khokhloma is in fashion, embroidery with an abstract geometric pattern is also popular. The front side of the pillow can even be a soccer ball - such a pillow can be embroidered for children. Pillows for the room for newborns are more delicate, usually cute kittens and teddy bears, as well as baby's metrics, embroidered on the same pillow.

Interior cross-stitching of sofa cushions: schemes

If the topic - children, flowers, toys, is not very interesting for you, then what to embroider on sofa cushions? There are, of course, options. But think about whether such a pillow is suitable in style for your interior, it should complement it, and not be an alien element in the already established appearance of the room.

What patterns of sofa cushions can be taken:

  • Moon pillow in blue and purple tones;
  • Polar wolf pillow;
  • Abstract ornament in red and gold colors;
  • Tigers on vacation;
  • Sea waves;
  • 19th century ornamental pillows;
  • Scheme Earth, Water, Wind, Fire, etc.

The size of the pattern is usually taken as standard - 139x134 stitches. And if you want to buy a ready-made set, the same Riolis products will come to the rescue. For beginners, it is better to use ready-made sets, where there are already instructions, materials are selected, it is good to learn embroidery on such sets.

Simple pillow cross stitch pattern: ornament

If you are just trying your hand at embroidery and do not yet see the difference between a half-cross and a Bulgarian cross, for example, do not tackle complex circuits... If you still want to embroider a pillow, try patterns with monochrome patterns. This can be a rectangular piece, which you then simply sew onto the cover. For example, a white pillow with a red ornament is classic version... Very often, such pillows are embroidered for the New Year.

The red and white range is associated with Christmas and all this festive atmosphere. Therefore, you cannot imagine a better transformation of the room for the New Year - a pair of red and white sofa pillows, Christmas tree decorations in the same range, a tablecloth, etc. By the way, Christmas decorations you can also embroider with a cross - more precisely, make small cases on them with embroidery with red threads on a white canvas. And for many years such attributes will delight you on holidays.

Let your house become more comfortable ... Embroidery and schemes.

How little ... for happiness we need ... If only ... there was comfort in our souls ... And carelessness ... as in childhood ... And the confidence ... that they are waiting for us ... And it doesn't matter at all ... who ... and where ... If they are waiting ... then you are ... still needed ... Let everyone have ... in their destiny ... That pier ... that will save and cover ... from the cold ...

Women! Remember!
You are not laundresses, not dishwashers, not cooks, not cleaning ladies ...
You are the angels of purity! Priestesses of order! Goddesses of comfort!
Home is your temple!
(You just haven't been explained ...)

Whatever you give a girl, she will give you more. You give yourself to her - she will give you a baby. You build her a house - she will give you comfort in it. You will provide her with food - she will give you a delicious dinner. You will give her care - she will give you her heart.

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On the forest edge
In the house; by the old fireplace
We will brew warm tea for two mugs,
With notes of sandalwood and jasmine.

Barefoot on the floor, and to the window ...
White snowflakes sparkled.
A cat slumbers quietly on the sofa.
Finally, we said goodbye to misfortunes ...

I'm calm and comfortable with you.
I don't want to change anything ...
I appreciate every minute now.
Like a girl, I am happy again ...

On the forest edge
In the house, by the old fireplace
We brew warm tea for two mugs.
And alarms will sweep by ...

Cozy evening for everyone