Riddles about vitamins for preschoolers. Riddles about fruits and vegetables

For the first time, I went to kindergarten, like a fairy tale.
And the fairy tale turned out to be like that for a long time.

Friends, beauty and goodness were found there,
And the nanny was a fairy there, for us it turned out.

In her golden and beautiful hands,
Any job will seem like a miracle.

She will also serve semolina,
So, it is impossible to answer I will not.

Thank you from mothers and babies,
For your care, patience and affection.

This emotional poem was written by one of the parents. Her child loves going to the Ladushka Home Kindergarten so much that her mother decided to describe her gratitude to the kindergarten staff in verse.

“We are parents, through the newspaper we want to express our deep gratitude for such a home garden, like at home. Home kindergarten has been in existence for 2 years. We leave our children in "Ladushka" with peace of mind. Our children love the kindergarten, they run with pleasure, and in the evening it is simply difficult to pick up. Cozy atmosphere, lots of toys, books, swings and a bike - there is something for our little ones to do. And all classes are held, children draw, sculpt. And matinees delight both us and our children. The actors of the Harlequin Theater come to the kids, in the warm season the kids walk in the park and ride the merry-go-rounds. There is even a pool, children swam in the summer, tempered. In general, everything is very cool. We see how our children develop, what they are taught, how they are brought up. And the head of this Home kindergarten, respected by our parents, is Nikulshina Lyudmila Ivanovna. She cooks delicious food in the garden - Valentina Grigorievna Golova. Truly homemade food, baked goods. Children love cooks, and she, too, always finds time to play with them.

Musical director - Slovko Lyudmila Viktorovna, conducts wonderful matinees. Always a lot of fun, professional and soulful

Thank you very much! Home kindergarten "Ladushka". All the staff, for their hard work - a deep bow and gratitude from all parents and their babies. May “Ladushka” continue to flourish ”.

Home kindergarten "Ladushka" enrolls children from 11 months to 4 years old. Group up to 15 people, 4 meals a day, cultural and educational programs. We are located at: Fontannaya Street, 6. Phone: 8-961-060-48-12

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Thank you for your good deeds,
Thank you for your help many times,
And you are especially pleased to say
Many thanks to the words!

In the life of every person there are times when he wants to express gratitude to someone. This feeling is conveyed in various ways and is called gratitude. The word itself speaks for itself. After all, it was formed by combining the words "good" and "to give." At the same time, the expression of a sense of gratitude occurs in different ways. On this page I would like to express my gratitude to the wonderful, kind, sympathetic, sincere, understanding, loving and sensitive parents of my students.

Many parents show interest in the school, the class in which their child is studying, and provide all possible help.



I express my gratitude to all parents who responded and offered various assistance in organizing a trip for our children!

I am very glad, my dear children and dear parents, that you are so positive, active and cheerful.


Thanks to everyone (mothers, fathers and grandmothers) who responded and went with us to Stavropol. Special thanks to Olga Rubyakina for organizing the trip. I would like to thank all the parents of students in our class for their active position, responsiveness and understanding.


A fair was held in our school. A table was organized from each class, on which the children and their parents lovingly prepared all kinds of pastries. Children, parents and grandmothers took an active part in preparing the tables. The richest selection of homemade pastry baked goods, imagination when decorating the tables was shown by all the participants. The fair was a success! Our class sold goods for 2883 rubles! I would like to express my deep gratitude to parents and children for participating in the fair. Special thanks to the assistants in the organization Valentina Kalina, Kristina Bogdan, Lydia Zakharova and Natalya Shuvaeva


We thank Natalia Dvoryadkina for a beautiful table!

Original! Tasty! Great!



For "golden hands", for active participation in the life of the class, we are grateful to Migalin Sergey Viktorovich for his help in the repair of school furniture.


New Year ... Children are eagerly awaiting its arrival !!! Pre-holiday chores, gifts, expectation of joyful changes. Preparing for the New Year holidays cheers up and encourages active creative activity. New Year's holidays are the most fabulous time of the year. On the eve of the holiday, we decorated the office. An office is a room where a child gets and spends a lot of time. It is important to create an atmosphere of comfort, coziness and care here. Parents and children have become our wonderful inspirers and helpers. Thank you all for the garlands, toys, trees, crafts and, of course, the time spent !!!



Here is such a WONDERFUL FIR-tree decorated our office.

Today, no one remains indifferent to this beauty.

Employees and parents came to admire this beauty !!!

Thank you for this miracle Olga Makarova

Thank you very much to the Shuvaev family

for participation in the competition of New Year's wall newspapers


I express my deep gratitude to Dvoryadkina N. and Shuvaeva N for the bandages for the attendants. Now everyone wants to be on duty!


Thank parents

Bikbulatov Nadezhda

Ushakov Varvara

Leonovich Natalia

Olga Rubyakin

for the assistance provided in holding the action with the YUID detachment


Performance of the school propaganda team "Green Light"

I would like to express my gratitude to Olga Makarova for her help in preparing and holding the event. In their presentation, parents and students showed their creativity and interest in this important topic for everyone.



Thanks for the flower!

The Gorin family donated to the school


We express huge thanks to Galina Digesheva for the design of the handout.

THANKS FOR THE RESPONSE, FOR A KIND HEART! We wish you health, inexhaustible energy and prosperity !!!



Today the flocks of children hurrying to school looked very unusual: in addition to briefcases, bags with textbooks, the guys were carrying some kind of packages. What's in the packages? Yes, you guessed it - pancakes, pies, sweets, because the most popular Shrovetide dish is pancakes. Therefore, the guys, their parents and teachers organized wide fair festivities with pancakes and pies. There are all kinds of pancakes on Shrovetide: with jam, sour cream, condensed milk, cottage cheese and raisins !!! In honor of spring, today the families baked pancakes, which, like the sun, are yellow, hot and round. They baked and believed that together with a pancake you can get a piece of the sun's heat.

I would like to express my gratitude for organizing this holiday.

to all parents! Thanks!

Admire! What's the beautiful!!!



I express my deep gratitude to the parents who took an active part in the manufacture of New Year's crafts and snowflakes, in the design of the windows! Special thanks to Olga Makarova and her assistants Yaroslav and Arseny for the original Christmas tree!

Thank you for your participation, for creativity and creating a New Year's mood!

Thanks to you, we are pleased with such beauty!



An autumn fair was held in our school in a fun and interesting way. A table was organized from each class, on which the children and their parents lovingly prepared gifts of autumn, all kinds of pastries. Children, parents and grandmothers took an active part in preparing the "Gifts of Autumn" tables for all classes. The richest selection of homemade pastry baked goods, imagination when decorating tables was shown by all participants in the sale of autumn goods. The fair was a success! Our class sold goods for 1850 rubles! I would like to express my deep gratitude to parents and children for participating in the fair. Special thanks to Elena Brazhnikova, assistant at the fair.



Many thanks to the mothers who took part in the general cleaning of the class.
The cleaning was attended by:

Maddinova Rose

Kalina Valentina

Bikbulatova Nadezhda

Ushakova Varvara

Deneikina Christina

Brazhnikova Elena

Olga Makarova



"A lot of good things can be done if you are in a good mood."

Yu Nikulin.
I really want both children and parents and I to receive as much positive emotions as possible from the educational and upbringing process.
One of my main goals is to create a favorable environment for uniting children and parents into a single friendly team. As a class teacher, I find it very important to constantly be in close cooperation and contact with the parents of the students. I want to note that many parents of students in our class take an active position, are very responsive, try to help in any issue, immediately respond to my requests and instructions. Thanks to all the mothers who responded and went with us to Stavropol. Special thanks to Olga Rubyakina for organizing the trip. Deneikina Christina and Pshenichnaya Lyudmila for a delicious lunch.

Thanks everyone!
visited the theater .... A real theater-goer!

visited the museum ...




Dear Parents, big THANKS to everyone who took an active part in the charity fair! We sincerely thank you for your understanding and sincerely hope that you can continue to be exemplary parents for your children. And they will grow up to be exemplary children for their parents.

Thanks to everyone who brought such wonderful items! Great design! And what assistants-sellers !!!


1 4.11.16 Mathematical week

Taking part in the social life of the school is not easy. Often you have to turn to the parents of the students for help. The reaction to such requests is different for everyone: someone expresses obvious dissatisfaction, but there are parents who are ready to help without delay. Thanks to ALL parents who responded to the request. There were many such parents. This is very encouraging! We express our deep gratitude to Lidia Vladimirovna Zakharova and Natalya Alekseevna Shuvaeva, who are actively and directly involved in the production of a mathematical newspaper.

Thank you for your comprehensive support and attention, for the fact that, despite being busy, lack of time, you find the strength to resist life circumstances. We wish you to remain not indifferent to the life of our class, to love and understand your children! Thank you very much!


Today I went to my favorite real Thai massage. This is a delight! This is a celebration of bodily sensations! Every bone, every joint and spine is equally important, loved and noticed. The strength and mood to continue to carry out all their female affairs are suddenly taken from nowhere. Therefore, such events are very important for me. In theory. In practice, however ... I am sorry that it does not work out regularly, but everything is swoop. Well there is a husband who always supports in this and does not just support, but even pushes out on all sorts of such procedures. He easily allocates money for all this, he remains calm with the child. Thank him for that. And I am still capricious. Not up to, they say, other important things. Although I really want to go.

Stop being offended.

In short, I push myself out with difficulty. And today, at the massage, I suddenly realized why. Illumination swept over me. About parents. About mom. About massage and manicure. About remembering the details of what was done by them explicitly or implicitly. About supporting your man. And how all this is interconnected with the quantity and quality of massages in my life.

I spent so many years mentally presenting bills to my parents: what they didn’t give, but where they didn’t behave like that, but how I had to answer in this situation and in that one. Which of them understands me better, and who is worse. Who, dad or mom, did more for me, who did less. I compared them with the other parents of my friends-buddies. It's embarrassing now about it like this in plain text. But this is what was hidden in my soul. In fact, everything was very decent. I was silent and pretended that everything was fine. After all, we all think that if we do not say something out loud to someone, then no one will notice. Not true! Everything is felt.

When a person is not really grateful to you, but only pretends to be overwhelmed by resentment and condemnation towards you, it shines through everything. Views, gestures, intonations, actions, beautiful words. He doesn't want to give anything anymore. But this is in ordinary relationships with any people. But not with my parents. They see everything, understand and feel everything and ... still continue to give. They call more often than you. Tips are handed out. Help is offered. Or they do not offer, but reproach for something, which is also essentially attention, because you will not drive up to you so adult, smart and busy. And insults and ingratitude overshadow everything and do not allow to take. Take in a normal way, a lot like that, "with a slide", as it should be taken by a child from their parents. Strength, energy, resource for fulfilling your dreams and aspirations.

For which I am grateful to my mother.

I stopped being offended. One day. I don’t remember which one and why. The amount of information on this topic can be translated into quality. Maybe something else. Not the point. The main thing is that as soon as I stopped “blaming” my parents for something, old scraps of my relationship with them, what they actually did and what they were like in relation to me, began to creep into my memory. And then, after all, when you fall into your "thirty-plus" into a childish position, you make up such things for yourself and invent things about them, then it becomes nauseous from all this. It used to be like that with me. And now, positive memories from childhood begin to cover up in the most unexpected moments. Well, that's how I got my Thai massage.

I remembered how my mother was still quite small, five or six years old with her for a manicure. I didn’t breathe from the importance. I was allowed, or rather, trusted to play with varnishes. I breathed in the smell of the hairdresser, like the most wonderful in the world. I listened to all these adult conversations of my mom with other aunts. I was proud of how young and beautiful my mother is. I behaved very decently there. That's why they took me. Or maybe there was no one to leave with. Or mom didn't want to leave me with anyone. Who cares why. She did not do anything on purpose, but nevertheless, even at that age, thanks to her, I developed a love for all kinds of female things such as manicure-pedicure, a slight obsession with dresses, hairstyles and cosmetics.

I loved watching my mom when she was wearing makeup. As I remember now, she drew neat black arrows and made an incredible length of eyelashes with mascara, Leningrad mascara, a block like that. The look was completed with a pink-carrot lipstick. And definitely perfume. You can't do without them. Then I remember the smell of my mother’s perfume by heart and won’t confuse it with anything.

What is so special about that. And the special thing is that it is very easy for me to put on makeup, and make clothes from a scarf, and a hairdo in five minutes, and an imposing pose. And I love and can do all this. And I am happy to admire the fact that this is also inherent in my terrible daughter. In this we are the same with her. This is all from my mother. And my daughter has from me. And my daughter will have a daughter from my daughter. Sorry for the pun, but the idea is clear.

If you want to thank - take it!

I know that not all women find it easy. Someone does not like, someone does not know how, someone does not want. I just have it and always have it. And I didn't think it was anything special. Others will praise for something, and I will laugh it off. It was not in my interests to consider it some kind of value. Then my mother's merits would have to be recognized. And I managed to live so as not to remember this anything, and accordingly, since I do not remember, it means that it never happened. I would like to say "I'm sorry" an infinite number of times. And "thank you" the same amount.

Or here's a massage. I don't remember if my mother herself went to massage, but I remembered so clearly that when I was fifteen years old, my mother found me a masseuse. The masseuse was blind but very nice. She gave me a back and head massage. Mom wanted my back to be flat and my head did not hurt from training. I still remember that one of the movements in the head massage was to pull the hair with force. Repeatedly. It hurts a little. But the blood immediately begins to better flow to the vessels of the brain.

It was important for my mom that I feel good. She cared about me like that. And since then I love massage. And a bath. Mom also instilled love. Also from her. She knows all the intricacies of the bath business. She often soared me little in the village bathhouse with all sorts of jokes, jokes. I was a very thin girl, and she poured water on me at the end of the bath procedures, said: "Like water off a duck's back, so thin you are ..." And so, too, she wished me health. Childhood and adolescence are gone, thinness is with them too. Eh, mom, mom, I would now have that thinness. Well, come on with this thinness.

Mom loved and loves me very much, despite the fact that I was thinking about it there in my head. I searched out and remembered from what was happening only what I should be offended at.

So it was easier not to take my mother's love. It made it easier to show everyone how independent I am.

Be who you are and who you should be.

Now, when my husband pushes me out for my massages, knowing that I adore it, he expresses his love for me, and he is ready to give it to me as much as I want. And I can't take as much as I want. Then it will be necessary to acknowledge how much he loves me, to thank me even more and more often, and not only how tired I am, how much I do for my family, but how independent I am.

The story is how it turns out with mom. This is how I deprive myself of my mother's love, husband's, massages and other joys of life. Because everything seems to be more familiar, it is better to get tired to the point of impossibility than to be obliged and grateful. And then, against the background of the fact that the joys of life are passing by, to be indignant, offended: "You do not give, you give little, you do not give it !!!"

Everybody gives. Everything is. I myself do not take or take a little, and then I make someone to blame for this. Well settled!

I don't want this anymore! I do not want to be on a par with my mother and an adult, and with my husband, too, on a par and independent. I want to be a child with my mother, I want to be younger and admit that I know less about this life than she ... And with my husband, too, is younger and I really need him. And talk about it out loud, and show it. I will often go to massage for the liberated strength, time, nerves and energy. Thai, Indian, Spanish, Peruvian, Balinese. You never know them. I will try everything.

I sincerely want to say: “Thank you for everything, mommy! You are my best! I love you"

Riddles of solar love in the glow of warmth and light
Bestow moonlit nights among bright stars
Soul and heart colorfully warmed breath
Waves and foam of an ocean of days and wet tears.
And there in the south There on the sea You - and oh ...

https: //www.site/poetry/1122732

Health, emotional mood, human performance, disease resistance and sexual performance. Vitamins denoted by letters and numbers, for example, vitamin IN 1. Row vitamins represented by related compounds, denoted by a common letter for them, but different numbers, ... bones, there is a curvature of the legs, a change in the shape of the chest, teething is delayed. a lack of vitamin A And it causes visual impairment at dusk (night blindness), patients do not adapt well to ...

https: //www.site/journal/1637

Fairy tales "that sound flawless from a medical point of view, about eating carrots (rich in predecessors vitamin A) to see in the dark. Even in Egyptian papyri dating from 1500 BC. e., there are references ... as follows with the symptoms of intoxication given here, if you specifically take vitamin A Very high doses vitamin A And they lead to congenital malformations in laboratory animals, and in the medical literature there are five reports of ...

https: //www.site/journal/1727

It is found in significant quantities in low-fat dry milk, seafood (crabs, salmon, sardines) and egg yolk. Average quantities vitamin A found in beef, chicken, pork, fish, as well as in marine products (tuna, haddock, scallops, flounder) and in ... and cells lining the intestines. Although its mechanism of action is not entirely clear, it is known that vitamin B12 plays a crucial role in the formation of the covering of the nerves (called the myelin sheath, since the protein itself ...

https: //www.site/journal/1728

In 1912, when the first vitamin- B1, or thiamine. Now known 13 vitamins, but science claims that this is not all. Notable vitamins: vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 (riboflavin), niacin, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin B12 (cobalamin), folic acid, pantotheonic acid, biotin, vitamin WITH, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin TO. Vitamin A Other name vitamin A A - beta-carotene. Whatever the name, vitamin And we all really need it. First of all...

https: //www.site/journal/12898

Diseases that cause accelerated aging ”. Scientists from the University of Copenhagen said that the craze for synthetic vitamins may increase the risk of premature death. According to research, people taking complexes of antioxidants ...), and subsequently initiate nephrolithiasis ”. The main argument of opponents of excessive enthusiasm for synthetic vitamins- their violation of the natural defense mechanism of the body, in which, in particular, self-destruction is laid by nature ...


    introduce children to the concept of vitamins;

    foster a conscious attitude of students towards their own health;

    form motivation for a healthy lifestyle.


    to acquaint children with the concept of "vitamins" and with groups of vitamins .;

    continue to form in children an idea of ​​healthy foods that contain vitamins;

    to bring up in children a sense of collectivism, the ability to work in a group.

Class hour progress:

1. Organizational and motivational moment

Hello dear guys. I think all of you guys know what to say “hello” is, first of all, to wish a person good health.

What does it mean to be healthy?

- You are all, of course, right. To be healthy means to be strong, sturdy, enduring, agile, slim, beautiful.

Health is the main value in human life. It is not for nothing that the people say: “I lost money - I lost nothing, I lost time - I lost a lot, I lost my health - I lost everything.

That is why we have devoted today's class hour to this greatest value, namely human health.

Tell me, does a person need to do something to be healthy?

2. Guessing riddles about vegetables and fruits.

As in our garden
Riddles have grown
Juicy and large
These are the round ones.
They turn green in the summer
By the fall they turn red.
Answer (Tomatoes)

Tanya came in a yellow sundress:
Tanya began to undress,
Let's cry and cry.
Answer (Bulb)

Ugly, gnarly,
And she will come to the table,
The guys will say cheerfully:
"Well, crumbly, delicious!"
Answer (Potato)

Although I call myself sugar
But I didn't get wet from the rain,
Large, round, sweet in taste,
Did you know who I am? ...
Answer (beet)

Little and bitter, onions brother.
Answer (Garlic)

This fruit tastes good
And it looks like a light bulb.
Answer (Pear)

Bright, sweet, poured,
All covered in gold.
Not from the candy factory -
From distant Africa.
Answer (Orange)

It's almost like an orange
Thick skin, juicy
There is only one drawback -
Very, very sour.
Answer (Lemon)

As long as it was small
It did not fall
And when it has grown, it has fallen.
Isn't it funny?
Answer (Apple)

Round side, yellow face,
Can compare with the sun.
And what a fragrant
The pulp is so sweet!
We are fans from now on
Queens of the field ...
Answer (Melon)

Why does a person need to consume vegetables and fruits for food?

Vegetables and fruits are very rich in vitamins. Who knows what vitamins are?

Vitamins- organic compounds with high biological activity necessary for normal life, which are not synthesized in the body and must be supplied with food. Vitamins are divided into two groups: water-soluble and fat-soluble.

In 1912, the term "vitamin" first appeared. It was introduced by a Polish scientist - biochemist Kazimir Funk, who worked at the Lister Institute in London.

3.Dividing into groups

In order to find out what vitamins exist, the names of vitamins, the products in which they are contained, we need to be divided into groups. (the division occurs according to the principle of choosing cards with the words "pediatricians" and "therapists").

Today in the lesson we will be doctors and will try to understand the effect of vitamins on the human body.

What vitamin names do you know?

How do you think vitamins are indicated? (letters of the Latin alphabet)

4. The game "Find the designation of the vitamin"

Students receive an envelope in which cards are mixed with the designation of vitamins and other Latin letters denoting mathematical values. It is necessary to find vitamins and give a name - what kind of vitamin it is.

Very good! The guys coped with the task and already know the designation of vitamins.

5. The game "What vitamin is hidden?"

Each member of the group goes out and takes a product from the box of vitamins. He must tell what vitamin is hidden in this product.

Carrots - vitamin A (are agents for the treatment and prevention of cancer)

Butter - vitaminD (ensuring the growth and development of the body's bone tissue (skeleton, teeth), giving strength to muscle mass)

Peanuts - vitamin E(prevents aging and cell death.)

Lemon - vitamin C(It neutralizes allergy symptoms and relieves inflammation. This makes it indispensable for the prevention and treatment of infections.)

Halva - vitamin B 1 ( acts as a cleaner in the body, it breaks down acids, which are poisonous to our nervous system. )

Dry yeast - B2(production of red blood cells, hemoglobin)

Gelatin - PP(regulation of blood halesterol)

Bay leaf - B6(Interferes with the natural aging process and has a positive effect on hair, skin and overall healthy appearance.)

Ground black pepper - K (blood coagulation, supplying cells with energy, building body tissues, strengthening and mineralization of bone tissue)

Chicken egg - N(By controlling the metabolism of fats, it affects their content in the skin, improving the structure and giving beauty to the hair.)

6. Physical exercise "Cheerful gymnastics"

7. Contest « 4th grade student menu "

Students working in a group make up a menu for one day, taking into account the vitamins that the student should consume daily. Working in a group and protecting your project

8. Scene "Healthy lifestyle"

Music sounds (in every small child) a boy runs in and jumps and jumps in his hands with chips and pepsi. The girls are standing and singing

    Antoshka, Antoshka have a little breakfast,

Antoshka, Antoshka, here is porridge, and here is a spoon.

Tili tili, tili wali,

You see they bought me chips

Pepsi cola see gave

Param pam pam! Param pam pam!

    Antoshka, Antoshka, you knead a little bit,

Antoshka, Antoshka, you wake up a little.

Tili tili, tili wali,

See the cartoon they turned on for me

I'll lie on the couch

Param pam pam! Param pam pam!

    Antoshka, Antoshka, let's run a little,

Antoshka, Antoshka, let's run a little bit.

Tili tili, tili wali,

Brothers have weakened something

I can hardly run

Param pam pam! Param pam pam!

I was lying then sitting,

I drank Pepsi and ate chips

And I watched cartoons for half a day,

Well exhausted me?

What guys weakened the boy? How to get rid of impotence?

9. "Useful - harmful"

Students write on a piece of paper 5 healthy foods and 5 unhealthy foods for a 4th grade student.

10. Summing up the class hour.

You can buy a lot:
Toy, computer,
Funny bulldog
Swift scooter,
Coral island
(Even though it's hard)
But only health
It is impossible to buy.
It is for us in life
Always useful.
You need to be careful
Treat him.

(A. Grishin)

I want to wish our guests and you guys good health, because this is the most important thing in our life. Walk more, breathe fresh air, do exercises in the morning, play sports and, most importantly, eat right, eat VITAMINS!