We paint wheels with our own hands. Do-it-yourself alloy wheel painting

Regular driving on rough roads and unpaved surfaces leads to a loss of the appearance of auto disks. First of all, this is due to the fact that at the moment of movement small stones, rubble and other materials get into them, leading to various scratches, chips and peeling of the paint.

To fix these problems, you need to know how to paint wheel rims yourself without the intervention of professional car painters.

In addition, such a process will not only return the original appearance of the elements, but also create additional protection for them. Before proceeding to staining, it is necessary to analyze the types of paints and varnishes.

Types of car paints


The paint material is applied using a device such as a spray gun. Previously, old paint particles are removed from the wheel product with abrasive materials. After that, the surface is leveled and prepared for painting.

This method is not suitable for self-painting due to the use of special devices and a thermal chamber. In addition, such a staining procedure can cost a decent amount.


This type of paint can be applied to any base with a simple can. The disk is pre-cleaned with sandpaper, washed thoroughly, dried and covered with paint. After drying, to give shine, it is varnished.

Tools and materials for self-painting

Any process of painting an automotive part, including a rim, requires a set of various materials:

  • abrasives (sandpaper);
  • special brushes with bristles on a metal and plastic basis;
  • household chemicals: detergents and solvent;
  • finishing putty;
  • primer;
  • dye;

In addition, you will need protective equipment: rubber gloves, goggles and a respirator.

Preparatory work before self-painting

After drying, it must be treated with a steel brush and sandpaper to remove old paint. The prepared auto disk should be perfectly clean, without rust residues and peeling paint.

After processing, it is purged with a compressor. As improvised means, you can use a pump or a fan. After blowing, degrease the surface with an ordinary clean rag and solvent.

If there are scratches, chips or other damage on the rim, then it must be puttied. Automotive putty will hide minor imperfections and eventually form a smooth finish. Also for this process you will need a spatula and a hardener.

We take putty with a spatula and add a small amount of hardener. Mix thoroughly and apply the finished composition to the visible defects of the wheel product.

After drying, sand the surface and, if necessary, repeat the operations until the disc becomes smooth. At the end of this process, we use a grinder and a grinding disc. We carry out surface treatment and bring it to an ideal state.

Wheel primer

At the next stage of preparatory work, priming is performed. To perform the procedure, degrease the clean, polished surface of the disc with a solvent. After 4-5 minutes after drying, we proceed to apply the primer.

We take a spray gun or a container and begin to evenly apply a primer to the disc. It is advisable to prime at a distance to prevent streaks on wheeled products.

As a rule, the primer is applied at a distance of 15-20 cm from the surface of the disc. Subject to this distance and uniform application, the surface will be perfectly smooth without streaks.

After applying the first coat of primer, the autodisc must dry thoroughly. In the next step, use soft sandpaper with a grit of 600-800 and perform surface treatment dry or with water.

The primer is removed in such a way that the surface does not have roughness, but becomes perfectly smooth. If after its removal small defects remain, it is necessary to perform the operation again. Then we let the rim dry and prepare for the staining process.

It is extremely important that the room in which the paint and varnish work will be carried out has a ventilated system. Alternatively, painting can be done outdoors in calm weather. The surface of the disc must be absolutely dry so that the paint evenly sits on it without streaks.

The final stage of painting the disk

To achieve maximum resistance to corrosion, it is recommended to purchase paints and varnishes from one manufacturer. The process of applying acrylic paint is practically the same as priming the surface.

If a compressor is used for painting, then open a can of acrylic paint, fill the spray bottle about half way and add 1/3 of the solvent. Thoroughly mix and check the quality of the resulting material on a metal sheet or other object.

Then we proceed to staining, while evenly applying the material to the disk surface, keeping a distance of up to 20 cm. After finishing, let it dry, and proceed to applying varnish.

If a compressor and a spray gun are not available, you can use a regular acrylic paint bottle. Before applying, we cover automotive parts and body elements with masking tape in order to protect against paint ingress. Shake the bottle thoroughly and apply evenly to the surface of the product.

On a note! After the first application of paint, as a rule, small streaks form on the disc. Therefore, in order to evenly smooth the surface, it is recommended to apply paints and varnishes in three layers to achieve maximum durability.

After the autodisk dries, evenly apply a small amount of varnish on it. Let dry for one hour. The applied paint and varnish material acquires durability and dries completely only after reaching the day. To give extra shine, use a polish.

On a note! For drivers who no longer want to spend money on gasoline and who have more rationally decided to switch to gas fuel, one of our partners Milano Ukraine offers a service for installing LPG in cars.

Surely every experienced motorist has old wheels in the garage that cannot find a use for themselves. Most likely, they take up a lot of space, but the owner cannot decide to clean it. The best option in this situation is to upgrade the old "shoes" for the car. With a little effort and ingenuity, you can give a second life to vintage wheels.

What discs can be painted with your own hands

Today we will try to figure out how to paint car rims. First you need to figure out what they are and how it is necessary to paint one or another type.

There are two main types of car rims:

  • stamped (steel);
  • light alloy.

Painting of certain types is practically the same, of course, the paint must be selected differently, one that would be most suitable for the material from which the product is made.

Alloy wheels require special attention, as they are made of non-ferrous metals. They need to be processed before use. Usually such wheels are treated with a primer, then sanded and painted.

Steel wheels can also be primed to increase strength and reliability. Most often, an acrylic primer is used for this, which is not exposed to negative environmental factors. Acrylic lacquer is also used in the restoration, which provides high stability and strength. We paint rims without any fear - this is a simple task that any person can handle, even without special education.


Important! In order to qualitatively and quickly paint, you need to thoroughly prepare for this.

To do this, arm yourself with the following items and devices:

  • sandpaper;
  • protective film;
  • masking tape;
  • soft cloth;
  • special degreaser for metal surfaces;
  • paint and varnish for processing wheels.

Most often, wheels are painted with silver paint - this is the most versatile color for wheels. With other colors, your car will look more original and attractive, so you can choose any color for painting. Prepare your workplace, there should be no foreign objects near you that could interfere with the work process. It is better to clean and wash the work area before starting so that small debris and dust do not get on the surface of the product.

Painting process

We paint car rims in stages and very carefully so as not to miss anything. First, we clean the disks to an ideal state:

  • remove rust;
  • level the surface;
  • remove dirt and dust;
  • get rid of imperfections.

In this you sandpaper is great. If necessary, you can use other improvised materials that will not damage the base of the disc.

Before direct painting, we polish the disc, bring it to a state of perfect cleanliness. After that, cover the tire with a protective film, attach it with a special adhesive tape. Press the film firmly against the tire so that it does not interfere with painting.

Next, we proceed to the degreasing stage, for this we thoroughly wipe the surface with a special liquid. After such treatment, the paint or varnish will stick to the surface longer and more reliably, the appearance of the wheel will be much better.

Prepare the paint for use: to do this, shake the paint thoroughly and spray it onto the surface of the disc from a distance of thirty centimeters. For the best result, it is better to paint in two or three layers. After applying each layer of paint, we allocate time for drying, it should be at least ten minutes. Use a protective respirator to protect yourself from toxic fumes from varnish and paint. It is also better to wear protective sleeves on your hands so as not to get chemical burns.

After successful painting, you can proceed to the varnishing stage. We apply the varnish in three thin layers, the interval between applying the layers should be three minutes. It is very important to spray the varnish at a distance of thirty centimeters from the surface. Finally, you can cover the tires with a special liquid to protect and improve the appearance. So, new wheels with tires are ready and it is impossible to distinguish from new wheels from production!

Benefits of self-restoration

It's just wonderful when a person has the opportunity to perform certain repairs with their own hands. This is both economical and useful for one's own development, because a person should always learn something new! In addition, creating something with your own hands brings indescribable psychological pleasure.

Just imagine how much money you need to spend to buy new wheels. Everything you need to restore discs, you probably have in the garage. If not, you can easily buy all the materials at the nearest hardware store. Just a few hours of your time, a little effort and new wheels for your car are ready!

Important! By creating new wheels with your own hands, you can make your desires and dreams come true, because only you have a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat exactly your car should be.

When buying materials, be sure to pay attention to the manufacturer, because the durability of the product will depend on the quality of the varnish and paint. Low-quality paint materials deteriorate quickly, thereby deteriorating the appearance of the wheels. By saving on the purchase of paint, you run the risk of repeating the restoration after a short period of time. Choose acrylic paints and varnishes for your work, they provide the highest protection and attractive appearance. You can familiarize yourself with the instructions in detail by watching the video, which details all the stages and subtleties of painting car rims.


Alloy wheels are now installed on every second car, this is a kind of trend. Such details give the car a more attractive appearance and make it look more expensive. But, like any part, during long-term operation, such discs wear out and need to be restored.

There may be several reasons that may prompt a car owner to repair and paint alloy wheels:

  1. Damaged paint layer of products. This most often produces due to mechanical damage or due to the influence of the external environment and chemical reagents.
  2. Mechanical damage in the form of large scratches, chips or dents.
  3. Buying a used car that already had alloy wheels in poor condition.

In this article, we will look at how to restore the appearance of disks with our own hands at home using a handy tool.

Photo examples of disk recovery.

Choice of materials and necessary equipment

The first thing novice car painters start with is choosing the type of paint. For cast rims, three types of paint are most often used:

If we consider a general kit for carrying out work on the restoration of alloy wheels, then the list will be as follows:

  • sandpaper, metal brushes and a grinder, or a drill with grinding nozzles. Abrasives will be needed with different grain sizes, from rough cleaning to fine finishing grinding.
  • napkins and rags.
  • degreaser.
  • putty.
  • primer.
  • finishing paint.
  • varnish (if necessary).
  • rag.
  • solvent.
  • personal protective equipment: gloves, respirator, goggles.

When buying primer, paint and varnish, try to choose materials from the same manufacturer to avoid defects based on incompatibility of the compositions.

From additional equipment you will need:

  • if you plan to apply the material with a spray gun, then you will need a spray gun and an air compressor.
  • as already mentioned above, for better cleaning it is better to use an electric drill.
  • disc holders can be made from wire and fixed to the ceiling in the garage.
  • The IR heater can speed up the drying process of new paintwork.

In most cases, ordinary motorists who are not professionally engaged in painting, apply primer, paint, varnish from aerosol cans and get a very high-quality result at the end.

The technology of restoration of alloy wheels using acrylic paint

If you decide to do all the work yourself, then try to follow the technology and the sequence of steps to repair your disks from the machine.

Preparatory stage of work

Step 1. Removing the discs from the car, and if desired, you can dismantle the rubber. But if you don’t want to do this, then the rubber itself can be pasted over with masking tape and film and thus protect it from paint and varnish materials.

Step 2 Cleaning discs from dirt, dust, tar and other things. To do this, they are washed with auto chemistry.

Step 3 Analysis of the state of these parts. If there are chips or deep parameters, they should be noted so that they can be eliminated during subsequent processing steps. If the discs are bent, then you may even need to take them to a tire fitting and roll them. For cast products, this is no problem and such edits will help restore the geometry of the disks.

Step 4 Removal of old damaged paintwork. Paint blistering and other coating defects are ground with a relay and a metal stripping nozzle. If there are traces of corrosion, they must also be cleaned to metal.

Step 5 Degrease the part, for example, using white spirit. We wipe the entire surface with a rag.

Step 6 We close up all the previously identified deep scratches and chips with putty, wait for drying, grind and, if necessary, apply another layer. There can be several such layers of putty, until the surface is completely leveled.

Step 7 We degrease the entire disk and hang it on wire fasteners, which are already installed in advance to the ceiling of the garage.

This completes the preparatory work.

We apply paintwork on an alloy wheel

Here the whole process can be divided into four operations.

Step 1. Primer. It is sprayed in 2 - 3 layers, with a break between layers of 15 - 20 minutes. An IR heater is used to speed up drying. The primer protects the metal from corrosion and provides increased adhesion of the coating to the part itself. The tone of the primer should be selected according to the color of the base paint. For example, if it is light, then the ground should be light.

Step 2 We apply paint. Usually, alloy wheels are painted with a spray can from a distance of 40 - 50 cm. In total, 2 layers are applied, sometimes a third is applied if the second main layer has errors somewhere. The break between layers is also 15 - 20 minutes. Especially carefully paint over all the bends and cavities so as not to leave gaps. The number of such "problem areas" depends on the shape and design of the disk.

Step 3 Lacquer layer. It is also applied in 2 stages. Add this material if you want to give a more intense shine.

Step 4 Polishing.

It will be possible to operate freshly painted discs after 2 to 3 days.

Video instructions for the restoration of paintwork on alloy wheels.

Below we will give you some tips that will help you better restore automotive alloy wheels.

  1. Do not neglect the preparation stage and qualitatively clean the surface of the old coating and rust, otherwise it is fraught with swelling of a new layer of paint and repeated repairs.
  2. Maintain time intervals for drying the layers. Otherwise, various defects may occur.
  3. Work in a garage that is dry, warm, clean and ventilated to avoid dust, small insects, sand, etc. Take care of good lighting so that you do not miss any areas of the product.
  4. Do not try to spray all the material in one layer, there is a high probability of smudges, and they can be eliminated when the paint dries and removes the sagging with sandpaper, after which it will be necessary to repaint the part again. It is better to divide the application of paint into two stages, the first thin layer and the second thicker and more thorough.

As you can see, if you follow the technology and buy quality materials, you can do everything yourself and get a good result. Have you painted your wheels in your garage, and are you satisfied with the results of such work? We are waiting for answers in the comments.

During the winter operation of the car, all its parts, including rims, are subject to strong exposure to reagents that are sprinkled on the roadway. The paint from such exposure gradually cracks, flakes off, and after a few years the discs lose their attractiveness. This is especially true for stamped discs made of steel, on which traces of corrosion also appear. What to do in such cases? The disks are inherently in a completely good condition, throw them away and buy new ones, no matter what the hand rises, this is in principle not advisable in terms of financial costs. The best way out is to restore the paintwork. Even if you turn to a specialized workshop for this service, this operation will still cost less than buying new discs. But you can do otherwise, you can do everything yourself. Moreover, for this you will not need any special materials, nor special skills or abilities, you will learn everything along the way.

In order to paint the wheels on a car with your own hands, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work, as well as choose a paintwork material.

What paint to choose

Today, two types of paint are used to restore discs:

  • Powder;
  • Acrylic.

The powder composition has certain advantages, for example, paints of this type are more durable and more resistant to mechanical stress. In addition, powder coating is used in the manufacture of alloy wheels at manufacturers' factories. However, despite these advantages, the technology for applying such paint is quite complex and requires the use of specialized equipment (heat chamber and sandblasting). The fact is that a dry powder is applied to the disc, which is fixed on the surface under the influence of high temperatures. There is another drawback of powder paint - when using it, you can paint the product only as a whole, and not its individual parts.

When using an acrylic composition, motorists will not have to face such problems. Acrylic paint has a brighter and more saturated color and palette, so you can choose the most suitable shade that will be combined with the color of the car body. Painting car rims with an acrylic composition also has disadvantages. These include low resistance to environmental influences.

Based on the foregoing, when deciding how to paint rims, it is better to give preference to acrylic compounds. You can find such paint in any specialized store. When choosing a manufacturer, remember - it is better to purchase paint and varnish from the same company.

Recently, for painting not only disks, but also body parts, another covering material has begun to be used - liquid rubber. In terms of cost, number of shades and mechanical strength, it is comparable to acrylic paint. It is even easier to apply than acrylic. The most famous brand is Plasti Dip liquid rubber.

In addition to paints and varnishes, you will need other materials.

Necessary equipment and materials

If you have chosen the powder coating method, then first of all you will need a sandblasting machine, which is used to thoroughly clean the worn disc from old paint, dirt and dust. In addition, with this device you can perfectly level the surface of the product.

Advice! Sandblasting can be replaced with a conventional drill with various abrasive nozzles.

You will also need a heat chamber, which is necessary for "baking" powder paint. It is impossible to replace this type of equipment at home, so you will have to fork out or still use a cheaper staining method.

Painting auto rims with acrylic paint is an easy and cheap way to bring old rims back to life. To do this, you need to prepare:

  • brush;
  • Washing powder or regular dish detergent;
  • Sandpaper of different abrasiveness (from 200 to 600);
  • Automotive finishing putty;
  • Several cylinders of primer;
  • A bottle of varnish (transparent);
  • Can of solvent 646;
  • Protective gloves, respirator and goggles.

As you can see, the second method requires much less financial costs, especially since most of this list is already in your garage. After everything is ready, you can proceed directly to work.

Automotive wheel painting technology

First of all, make sure that the room in which you will work is well ventilated. Acrylic and varnish are not the best combination for health. Wear goggles and gloves to avoid chemical burns and remove the wheels from the vehicle.

In order not to stain the wheel tire, it must be sealed with masking tape along the rim. The adhesive tape should be applied as close as possible to the edge of the rim while sticking it into the gap between the rim and the tire.

There is another option, you can remove the tires from the disc completely. If you are afraid to do it yourself, then you can contact a car service, this service will cost you inexpensively. Next, you need to prepare the surface of the disks for further processing.

Surface preparation

Use a brush and detergent to thoroughly clean the surface of old paint and varnish. To degrease the disc and remove paint residue, use a solvent or anti-silicone.

Advice! To get rid of worn paintwork material in hard-to-reach places, use an awl or a thin screwdriver.

After that, go over the surface with sandpaper. At this stage, do not rush, it is better to sand every millimeter of the disc for a long time and carefully. First use coarse sandpaper, and at the very last stage - the finest. The surface to be treated must be periodically watered to get rid of the remnants of the sanded material and to better polish the disc.

Advice! It is also not worth cleaning discs with fanaticism, since minor roughness and cracks in any case will hide layers of paint and varnish.

Of course, on the old disk there will be numerous chips, dents and other defects that are eliminated with the help of automotive putty. When it dries, go over the surface again with fine sandpaper and water the disc with water.


The degreased and cleaned surface must be primed. To do this, you need to start applying the primer first on the inner surface of the product, and then move on to the outer part.

Advice! Shake the primer can periodically while spraying.

In order for the repair (painting) of the disks to be performed efficiently, try not to rush. The primer must be applied evenly, while holding the liquid container at a distance of 25-30 cm from the surface. After you have applied the primer, let the disc dry and repeat the procedure (2-3 coats will be enough). In order not to wait a long time after each application of the primer, you can use a regular hair dryer. In any case, it is better to start painting wheels only the next day.

Painting and varnishing

Before using varnish and paint, carefully read the instructions for use of these materials, as the drying time of liquids may vary depending on the manufacturer.

Dried and primed dices must be placed on polyethylene so that dust and dirt do not stick to them during staining. The technology for applying paint is the same as for the primer - we start from the inside of the product and then move on to the outside. Apply 2-3 coats of paint, leaving the surface to dry for 15 minutes after each procedure. After that, wait 20-25 minutes and apply varnish. After the first application of varnish, check the surface of the discs for unevenness. If you find them, then go over them with fine sandpaper. Then, it remains only to apply the final layer of varnish and wait until the product is completely dry (6-7 days). This completes the restoration of the disks.

In custody

Now you know how to paint rims with your own hands. As you can see, this process does not take much time, and the money is many times cheaper than in a car dealership. Most importantly, do not allow dust to settle on a freshly painted surface, as this will greatly spoil the appearance of the products. In all other respects, just work calmly and carefully and the result will please you.

Photos taken from a video posted on the channel My OBZOR. Thanks to the author!

To create an attractive appearance, it is important to explore all the details of the design. When considering successful and especially beautiful cars, it is the wheels that capture the eye. Painting alloy wheels is a way to complement the overall decor of a car and express yourself. After painting, the appearance of both a new and a 20-year-old car is improved. Do not neglect an effective tool for creating your own style, but use it for your own purposes.

Painting alloy wheels is a way to complement the overall decor of a car and express yourself.

Why paint alloy wheels?

Drives on a car are always in contact with external environments, which mainly have a negative impact. Paint for disks must take into account this feature and be resistant to all kinds of destructive influences, otherwise it will soon begin to peel off and burst, leading to the exposure of the base. After the destruction of the paint layer and the appearance of corrosion, the car loses its appearance and becomes extremely ordinary, and sometimes causes pity.

The main reasons for the need to paint alloy wheels

For clarity, we indicate 3 main reasons, but there are much more of them:

  • Salt compounds in winter. To improve the condition of roads, government services sprinkle salt on the city's roadbed. In a mixture with mud, snow and sand, a particularly aggressive environment is formed, into which the wheel and bottom fall, but it is the discs that are most susceptible to destruction. Many motorists may notice the first signs of deterioration after 1-2 winter trips. Until now, a highly effective composition for protection against salt mixtures has not been developed.
  • Country roads. When driving off-road or on the ground, the ground causes damage to the condition of the discs. There are many stones of various fractions in the soil, which destroy the protective surface and lead to corrosion or oxidation. Gradually, the car disk is completely covered with scratches, and sometimes chips. As damage increases, paint peeling accelerates. Dirt gets into small gaps in the paint, which greatly affects the appearance.
  • Abrupt change in temperature. It is recommended to paint the rims for fear of temperature changes, as in Russia winter comes unexpectedly. Sharp temperature changes lead to a proportional change in the size of the disc, as well as to a significant decrease in the strength of the paint.

Alloy wheels also often need to be painted.

In connection with the above reasons, the need for painting car rims is increasing. A simple option is to use the services of painters, service stations or certified service centers. The disadvantage of the method lies in the significant cost of funds. An alternative way is to delve into the question of how to paint alloy wheels with your own hands, and do the whole procedure yourself.

What paint to choose

First of all, the painting of rims is aimed at protecting the material from destruction. More often they are based on an aluminum-magnesium alloy, which undergoes oxidation from the influence of the external environment. The second task is to improve the design.

Do-it-yourself painting of alloy wheels should begin with the selection of the optimal paint composition, today there are 3 most popular areas:

Autoenamel acrylic Mobihel

  • Acrylic based. Do-it-yourself painting of discs is mainly done with acrylic paints. A huge variety of colors testifies in favor of the composition. It is sold in cans and spray cans, for the first type you will have to use a compressor and an airbrush. The dye in the aerosol can be applied immediately.
  • In powder form. Alloy wheels can be painted with either type, but it is preferable to use the powder type for wheels. The main disadvantage of this type is the difficulty of application in unprepared conditions. It is very difficult to ensure sufficient quality of powder coating in the garage due to the lack of a drying chamber, because it needs a special temperature to harden.
  • . An interesting auto-disk composition, it is very convenient to use and durable, but it is not cheap.

Today, an aerosol is often used, it is used to restore the paintwork of a car: body, disks, individual parts and color interior plastic. In order for the tires to receive sufficient protection, it will be necessary to treat 4 wheels with 3-4 cans.

Consumables and tools

You can reduce the time of work with car enamel if you first prepare the tools and materials:

  • solvent - will be necessary for degreasing the surface;
  • grinding machine;
  • rags and any liquid detergent;
  • fine-grained material (200–600) for grouting;
  • putty, paint and varnish;
  • any paper and masking tape;
  • personal protective equipment - special clothing and a respirator.

Surface degreasing solvent Brief recommendations

A few tips on how to paint wheels in the best way:

  • adjust the lighting of the wheeled part and the workplace. Own lighting may be insufficient, and 1 carrier is not a suitable light source;
  • experts say that an important condition for high-quality preparation is a sandblasting device. Without it, it will be difficult to create a perfectly flat, clean surface. Such editing is appropriate only if it is possible to use the device;
  • if it is decided to paint the discs using a composition of cans, you need to take care of buying a compressor and an airbrush;
  • the instruction for almost all paints requires maximum cleanliness of the room and the absence of dust. The optimum temperature regime is 15–20 °C.

The main stages of painting car alloy wheels with your own hands: technologies and their implementation

The coloring technology implies the need to remove the tire, this is the most effective way to qualitatively paint an alloy wheel in any color. Some amateurs do not want to spend time dismantling and immediately paint the parts. In the installed state, it is impossible to paint the surface of the material well. If the slightest disk area is not painted over, destruction will begin from that place. When deciding to shorten the time, you need to separate the steel or aluminum rim from the tire using paper and tape.

Preparing alloy wheels for painting

Preparatory stage

The technique of painting at home requires basic preparations:

  • remove any contaminants from the wheel to the maximum: paint, dirt, bitumen, any fasteners, etc. There are a lot of liquid cleaners on the shelves of auto chemical goods, any one will do;
  • if the structure has chips and deep damage, they should be treated with putty. Over the composition should be walked two or three times with sandpaper. To begin with, a larger fraction is used (200-300), then a smaller one - 400 and at the end - 600;
  • the disc will have to be thoroughly washed again with clean water to remove all debris left after grinding;
  • degrease the base with a solvent.

In the process of rubbing the putty, it is necessary to periodically moisten the surface when the hand feels significant heating. Manually, the procedure will take a lot of time, the work will be painfully monotonous and uninteresting. To speed up the work, it is better to use a grinder.

Painting stage

According to the method and technology of staining, an algorithm of actions has been developed:

Coating alloy wheels with primer

  • Ground cover. When using a primer in the form of an aerosol, be sure to shake the composition. To spray the product, you need to hold the can at a distance of 20-25 cm. High-quality lighting is important here to prevent leaks and fluid leaks. Leave the layer to dry, it takes 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Cleanup. Now you need to form a plane with sandpaper with a grain of 200-300. To improve the condition of the surface, a cross movement is used, then scuffs and scratches do not appear.
  • Purging. To remove dust after wiping, blow the surface with compressed air. Now the coating is primed and polished again.
  • Rubbing. Before staining, it is recommended to wipe the discs using napkins. It is important not to use standard rags, otherwise villi will appear, worsening the final result.
  • Initial layer. Through an airbrush or from a conventional spray can, it is necessary to process the part from a distance of 20 to 25 cm. To dry, leave the disk for 20–30 minutes.
  • Second layer. The procedure corresponds to the previous stage, only now it is worth especially carefully monitoring the uniformity of the paint coating. All stripes must overlap. The disk is dried for 20-30 minutes.
  • Finish layer. When the paint has acquired its final strength, it is necessary to treat it with a varnish composition. It is recommended to varnish 2 times, but 1 layer is enough. Varnish dries longer than paint, about 18-24 hours.

If you want to improve the appearance, you can walk on top of the polish. The color with a matte effect looks attractive. An extraordinary design is acquired by discs that glow at night. Luminous composition is relatively expensive.