Volcano Eruption Experience: Another interesting use of baking soda. Chemical experiment - Vesuvius on the table

Before us is a new set for lovers chemical experiments from the "Superprofessional" series. This time we have to watch the volcanic eruption and the pharaoh snakes.

Important! These experiments should be carried out only in nature - there is a lot of fire and ash!

And about our experiments that we conducted at home, see the articles "".

This time we decided to start our chemical experiments with the revival of the pharaoh's snakes.

Qiddycome: Series "Best Chemical Experiments and Experiments: Pharaoh's Serpent"

For this chemical experiment, we needed:

  • Evaporation bowl
  • Dry fuel
  • Matches
  • Scissors (or tweezers)
  • Calcium gluconate - 3 tablets
  • Gloves

Conducting the chemical experiment "Pharaoh's Serpents"

  1. Put a tablet of dry fuel in the bowl and set it on fire.
  2. Using tweezers, carefully put the calcium gluconate tablet on the fire.

The pill turns into a pharaoh's serpent, which crawls out of the bowl and grows until it crumbles to ash.

Calcium gluconate should be placed in the center of the burning tablet, then the pharaoh's snakes will be fat 🙂 We first put one calcium gluconate tablet in the center, and two along the edges and in the video you can see how the snakes differ in size. Then we moved the calcium gluconate to the center and all the pharaoh's snakes streamed merrily.

Watch the video of how the Pharaoh's serpents crawl:

Scientific explanation of the chemical experiment "Pharaoh's Serpents"

When calcium gluconate decomposes, calcium oxide, carbon, carbon dioxide a and water. The volume of the decomposition products is much larger than the volume of the original product, which is why such an interesting effect is obtained.

In the set "Superprofessional" ingredients are designed for three times repetition of the chemical experiment "Pharaoh's Serpents".

Qiddycome: Best Chemical Experiments and Experiments Series: Volcano

Like most blogging moms, Olesya and I made a volcano from soda and vinegar several times. I thought there would be something similar in the box. But I was very wrong. The eruption experiment here was completely different - much cooler!

For the Vulcan experiment, we used:

  • Evaporation bowl
  • Foil (non-combustible heat-resistant material)
  • Ammonium dichromate (20 g)
  • Potassium permanganate (10 g)
  • Glycerin - 5 drops
  • Pipette
  • Gloves

Chemical experiment "Volcano"

  1. Place the foil on the table and place the evaporating bowl on it.
  2. Pour ammonium dichromate (half a jar) into the bowl and make a depression on the top of the hill.
  3. Pour potassium permanganate into the recess.
  4. We collect a few drops of glycerin and drip onto potassium permanganate.

A few minutes later, our volcano caught fire. Myself! Without setting fire!

Here is a video of our burning volcano:

Scientific explanation of the chemical experiment "Volcano".

It turns out that the ammonium dichromate burns by itself if set on fire. But in our experiment, a mixture of potassium permanganate and glycerin worked as a fuse. Due to the reaction of this mixture, heat began to be released, which led to the ignition of ammonium dichromate.

Burning volcano eruption - awesome chemical experiment ! More interesting than experiment we probably haven't done it yet!

Every day your children strive to learn something new. And it is the parents who should not only support this desire, but also help the kids in every possible way in the study of this big and such interesting world... The task of adults is not only to tell and show the maximum of new things, but also to teach the child to think, to draw conclusions. And practical research will help in this.

Today, modern stores offer many options for different kits for chemical and physical experiments, but it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money to show your baby real miracles. For example, you can arrange a real volcanic eruption for your child right at home using ordinary baking soda and vinegar, or show your baby how to fill a balloon with gas without inflating it.

How it works?

Both experiments are based on a neutralization reaction, since vinegar and soda, which are essentially acid and alkali, neutralize each other, while releasing carbon dioxide - our "lava". It will be very interesting for the kid to look at a phenomenon that has never been seen before. An older child will be interested in learning more about carbon dioxide. We breathe that gas into the air, and plants are able to process carbon dioxide, producing oxygen. With its help, the very bubbles are formed in soda.

How to inflate a balloon without hands?

What is needed for the experience?

How do you conduct an experiment?

Prepare all materials and place at an accessible distance. A solution of soda and water must be poured into glass bottle... Then pour vinegar into the bottle and quickly put a balloon on the neck of the bottle. It is important to secure the ball well on the neck with tape so that the ball does not rip off. Almost immediately, you will notice how carbon dioxide fills the balloon, inflating it.

Experience a volcanic eruption right in your home

What do you need?

How do you conduct an experiment?

Using plasticine, we stick around plastic dishes (a cylinder from under soap bubbles, for example) and securely fasten to the plate. For greater believability, you can give the vessel the shape of a real volcano, with protrusions and irregularities. We put soda into a flask, and pour vinegar on top and watch a real eruption!

Have you heard the joke that soda is a once-in-a-lifetime product? So, this is a spice for the lazy, because people who go in unison with time have long been using such a miracle remedy not only for cooking, but in treatment, for entertainment and teaching children about chemistry and physics. Did not know? Then try for a start a volcano made of soda, not only children will be delighted, but also all adult household members.

How to make a volcano from soda

If you are ripe for experimentation, then it's time to cook expendable materials and work miracles.

A volcano made of soda - an interesting chemical experience for guys

What is needed for the experiment

So, to conduct the experiment, you will certainly need soda, the volcano will work only with it, this is the basis of the experiment.

In addition to this component, stock up on the following:

  • Vinegar or its acid (it is permissible to replace it with citric acid, but then in the form of an aqueous solution).
  • Plasticine (the usual one will do - for children). It can also be replaced with salted dough (but more on this later).
  • Water (they say that carbonated increases the reaction, which means the experiment will be brighter).
  • Plastic bottle (1 or 1.5 liters) of any shape.
  • The palette of paints (any dye, gouache, even easter option paint will do).
  • Foil (it is allowed to replace with paper, but thick - it is better to take cardboard).
  • Double-sided adhesive tape.
  • Jars or glasses.
  • A volcano stand (could be a tray or an unnecessary plastic bucket lid).
  • Detergent.
  • Rubber gloves for work.
  • Rags and water in case of injury - lava burn.

And, of course, it takes time and imagination, but such childhood experience can become the star of the matrix of memories in adulthood as well.

Recipes for experiments: TOP 3

Video bonus: another variant of the volcano

It is worth trying several well-established technologies, especially since such a toy will cost you mere pennies.

Cooking a volcano from salt dough: step by step instructions

The "origin" of such a volcano - from the dough, allows you to make it "erupt" repeatedly, when other recipes are suitable for only one show.

Step 1. Basis. For this method, you will need an empty one-liter bottle of any beverage. The only requirement is plastic. The container must be cut approximately in half. Then, using strips (foil or paper), strengthen the body of the volcano by wrapping. They say the foil holds its shape better, which is a guarantee for reusable use.

Vinegar is the second most important ingredient, without which the show will not take place

Step 2. Fixing the structure. To the tray either plastic lid Attach the base wide side down with double-sided tape.

Step 3. Mountain slope. In the role of such a natural component, our salty dough... Simply stick the base over the foil, dividing the dough into several pieces for convenience.

Step 4. Filling the volcano. Through the neck, alternately place a tablespoon of sodium bicarbonate inside the structure and detergent(the brand does not matter).

Step 5. Show of the volcanic eruption. When you're ready to watch, pour a glass of vinegar into the mouthpiece. The reaction, like the delight of the kids, will not keep itself waiting long.

Is it possible to enhance such an enchanting focus? Difficult, but still real. Just cover the structure with different paints, and the lava can be made in the shade that you or crumbs like to taste.

It is worth paying attention! The dough can be replaced with plasticine. Used as well.

Divide the dough into parts before molding the volcano - this will make it easier to form the base.

Express method: colorful soda volcano

And how to make a volcano from soda and vinegar, albeit one-time, but instantly, without special purchases and sculpting? It's very easy! Although such a show runs only once, you will see a mega-colorful and impressive volcano mouth.

Take jars or glasses, different color paints, vinegar and soda - where can we go without it, and let's start!

So, put the jars on the tray, you can start with one - for the purity of the experiment. Some use double-sided tape to secure them, but this is only necessary if you plan to move your volcanoes around the house.

Place the jars at some distance from each other so that they do not touch.

Pour vinegar into the container - approximately in volume to half the jar. Then add paint, gouache, or whatever dye you find in your home. And in the end, add a spoonful of soda, which will cause a neutralization reaction and, in fact, a volcanic eruption. Be prepared to run out of baking soda and vinegar soon because kids love this technology because it's fast and fun.

Experienced parents say that the ideal container for a volcano is a jar of baby food, check it out!

Long live lava: combining baking soda and citric acid

And in the end - the third recipe, a kind of "golden mean", it will take more time than the express, but much less than the reusable design. However, do not get tired of experimenting, the kids will appreciate it, you will see for yourself!

Again, jars or glasses will be used, which, if desired, can be attached to a tray or other surface with sides using adhesive tape at some distance from each other. But then the technology is different.

Roll the baking soda and gouache into balls, one per container. Of course, make them colorful, it will be more interesting! Choose bright colors.

Then fill the cups with water. Experienced experimenters say the carbonated version will improve the response, but this is not a prerequisite. Dissolve citric acid in water (a couple of soup spoons for each container).

Then throw a ball into each glass and admire the colorful lava.

By the way, when different shades of volcanoes on a tray are later mixed into a kaleidoscope of colors, the next show called "rainbow" begins.

Whichever container you plan to revive the volcano in, consider a lava stand

How it works

How is the volcanic effect achieved? What is the secret of this experiment?

Ordinary chemistry: soda is an alkali, vinegar is an acid, which, when combined, give a violent reaction, decomposing already into carbon dioxide, salt and water. During this reaction, you will hear a hiss and notice abundant foam - why not a mini volcano ?!

By the way, if you want the "eruption" to be longer and more violent, increase the dose of sodium bicarbonate.

Did you fail? There are usually 2 reasons for this:

  1. You added sodium bicarbonate too slowly. To see what the failure was, just take 2 glasses of vinegar and add soda to one gradually, and to the other in one fell swoop. You will see with your own eyes that in the second case the "eruption" was more powerful and, therefore, more effective.
  2. You have mixed citric acid and sodium bicarbonate, while forgetting about water, then, alas, there will be no "eruption" at all, the "work" can immediately be recorded under the heading "dead volcanoes". In order for these two components to react, it is necessary that at least one of them be in an aqueous solution.

It is worth paying attention! If you want more foam when erupting, always drip some liquid detergent into the solution (the brand doesn't matter).

Add color to the experiment

Video: making colored volcanoes

Chemical Precautions

Components for experiments, as you already understood, are the usual "inhabitants" of the kitchen for us, familiar from a young age, meanwhile this is not a reason to forget about safety measures - so that the fun does not turn into an accident and children's tears. Soda lava, although not real, can also be hazardous to health.

So, the basic rules when creating volcanoes:

  • For adults, set the children up that all experiments should take place with their participation (at least passively - if the child is ready to make an "eruption" himself, just see if he does everything as it should, correct if necessary).
  • Experiments are recommended in rubber gloves, if possible, then glasses.
  • During the reaction, you should not come close to the vent, and also stand directly above it, otherwise the case may turn into a burn, since the volcano sometimes gives out quite caustic and far-off bouncing spray.
  • If, nevertheless, an injury occurs, immediately wash the affected area of ​​the skin with plenty of water.
  • At the end of the show, do not forget to wipe everything thoroughly so as not to damage the furniture, objects, and even the skin later, when you put your hands on the table at the meal.
  • Do not throw used structures in the trash can until all liquid has been drained into the sink. If you used glasses / jars, wash them thoroughly.
  • Always hide all the ingredients so that children are not tempted to repeat the experiment on their own.

Add color to the experiment
Sometimes colored balls for a volcano turn out to be so beautiful that it is a pity to dissolve them.

These simple rules will help you make fun positively memorable, not negatively dramatic.

Soda is your ally in helping to entertain and develop children, gently introducing them to chemistry, from which you can't get away at school.

A lot has already been written about the use of baking soda in a particular area. The properties of this substance make it possible to use it in the kitchen during cooking, in everyday life for cleaning. different surfaces from fat and plaque, in the treatment of various diseases and so on. Another use of sodium bicarbonate is the ability to arrange educational performances for children, for example, you can make your own volcano from soda.

Stock up on baking soda and vinegar because your kids will be asking you to repeat it over and over again!

This is possible due to the ability of baking soda to react violently with certain substances, such as vinegar. And one of the most common experiments associated with this property of sodium bicarbonate is the demonstration of a volcanic eruption. How to make a baking soda volcano is detailed below.

Volcanic eruption experience

The first thing you need to know is why such a reaction occurs when soda and vinegar are combined. If you do not go into details: soda has pronounced alkaline properties, while vinegar, on the contrary, is acidic. When their molecules are combined, both media are neutralized to neutral, as a result of which carbon dioxide is released, the rapid release of which causes the appearance of foam.

Experience with the combination of these substances can be used not only as a demonstration natural phenomenon... This is a good moment to explain the basics of the interaction of various substances and the reactions between them.

Preparation for the experiment begins with the manufacture of the volcano itself. This can be done in several ways, resulting in a reusable inventory or, accordingly, disposable. To create the first, you will have to make more effort and time, while the second is suitable for a spontaneous decision to please children with an interesting show.

Method number 1

In this case, just a reusable model is created for the repeated performance of the experiment.

The following components are required to make the volcano's hull:

  • an ordinary plastic bottle for any drink with a volume of 1.5 liters;
  • a flat plastic lid (for example, from disposable food containers);
  • scotch tape of any kind;

It is not necessary to sculpt a "volcano" from new plasticine, the already used one is quite suitable
  • gypsum or alabaster (can be replaced with salt dough);
  • gouache with PVA glue, in a 1: 1 ratio (replacement acrylic paint);
  • a cutting tray or board (as a base);
  • paper;
  • foil.


  1. Building the framework. The plastic bottle must be cut by measuring the desired height cone (top part needed). The resulting base is carefully attached with tape to the above plastic cover.
  2. Attaching the base of the volcano to the base. The resulting structure is attached with tape to a tray or cutting board. You can also use a suitable piece of plywood or thin board as a base.
  3. Forming a cone. Using pieces of paper and tape, a cone is formed around the bottle with an upper base at the edges of the neck. To avoid subsequent soaking of the pulp, the cone is wrapped in foil.
  4. Decoration of the "walls" of the volcano. Dilute gypsum or alabaster to a thick sour cream. The resulting mixture covers the slopes of the "fire-breathing mountain". With the help of a toothpick or fork, the relief of "mountain slopes" and troughs are formed for the preferred movement of the "lava".
  5. Final finishing. After the "slopes" have completely dried, they should be painted with gouache mixed with PVA. It is best to use brown and black paint and tint some red lava troughs.

After preparing the "volcano" it is necessary to tackle the "lava". It, of course, needs to be prepared just before the demonstration of the "eruption". The components in this case are:

  • baking soda - 10 g;
  • dishwashing liquid - 2 drops;
  • gouache or red food coloring;
  • vinegar - 10-15 ml.

Ingredients given are for minimum lava and low volcano. If it is necessary to increase the intensity of the "eruption", the amount of all components increases accordingly. The sequence of actions in this case is as follows:

  1. Mix the baking soda, dye of your choice, and dishwashing detergent and mix thoroughly.
  2. Pour the resulting mixture into the "mouth of the volcano".
  3. Add the vinegar gently to the "mouth" and enjoy the result.

For a more active reaction, vinegar can be poured quickly. By the way, the added dishwashing detergent is responsible for this.

Method number 2

As mentioned above, a volcano made according to the previous method allows you to get props that can be used repeatedly. However, it takes quite a long time. For one-time use, you can make props using a simplified method.

The spectacle is really spectacular

The ingredients in this case will be:

  • a sheet of cardboard;
  • plasticine;
  • small jar;
  • a cutting tray or board (as a base).

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Roll up the cardboard with a cone, giving the required angle of the "slopes". Stick it in this position or secure it with tape. Cut off the top to obtain a "vent".
  2. The outer part of the cardboard is covered with plasticine, with the formation of "ledges" and "grooves".
  3. Before the demonstration of the experiment, the jar is filled with a mixture of soda, dishwashing detergent and dye, after which it is placed on the base and covered with a “mountain” cone.
  4. Then vinegar is poured into the mouth and the "eruption" begins.

An experiment with citric acid is possible or lemon juice... In this case, vinegar is not used, and the soda should be filled up last.

The properties of baking soda allow this product to be used in a wide variety of situations. And as all of the above shows, even as a means of entertainment or to expand the horizons of children. Thanks to the simple preparation and the property of soda to enter into a violent reaction with vinegar, you can give your children an unforgettable show, which they will be asking for more than once pleasure.

Most likely I will not be mistaken if I say that the "Volcano" experience of soda and vinegar is one of the most entertaining and favorite experiences for kids. Children can repeat it endlessly. But I don't want to do it every time according to the same template. As it turned out, with the same ingredients - baking soda, vinegar (citric acid) and water - you can come up with quite a few versions of a known experiment. We will tell you about them.

Required Ingredients

Just in case, let me remind you of the ingredients you need to carry out the Vulcan experiment:

  • soda,
  • vinegar, acetic acid or citric acid,
  • water.

Ingredient ratio:

  • 100 ml of water, 1 teaspoon of vinegar, 1 teaspoon of baking soda;
  • 1 glass of water, 2 teaspoons of baking soda, 1 teaspoon citric acid.

I use citric acid more often, as it is odorless and much more comfortable and safer to experiment with.

There are several secrets on how you can add variety to the course of the reaction:

  • To make the experience more vigorous, you can use carbonated water instead of water.
  • To slightly delay the onset of the reaction, do not mix water and citric acid directly. Pre-dissolve citric acid or vinegar in water, and pre-wrap the baking soda in a paper towel or paper towel.
  • The reaction will be more effective if dye is added to the ingredients (gouache can be used, but dry food colors are more suitable for easter eggs or liquid dyes for homemade soaps).
  • For a thicker, more stable lather, add a drop of detergent to the volcano.
  • Also, the reaction will be more interesting if you add sparkles or small sequins to the volcano mixture. The foam coming out of the volcano will pull out the sequins. In the same way, the lava emerging from a real volcano brings stones from deep bowels to the surface of the earth.

Although the Vulcan experience is the same ingredients every time, albeit in different containers, in each case there is something to think about. Questions that you can ask the kid or reflect on them together, I have highlighted in the blocks "What to think about."

A classic volcano - almost like a real one

The easiest option is to mold a volcano from plasticine or salt dough. It is not at all necessary to use new plasticine, the plasticine that was used earlier, but now has turned into a gray mass, is quite suitable. We added sequin stars to the volcano that you see in the photo below. To get them to the surface, we had to wake up the volcano several times, each time increasing the amount of ingredients. In the end, everything worked out with 3 teaspoons of soda and 1.5 teaspoons of citric acid. And one more tip: it is better to fill in the sequins with the very last ones. And if they are under your reagents, after adding water, quickly stir in the mouth of the volcano with a wooden stick.

Another option is a glass or plastic bottle with a high, narrow neck (I like glass more, as it is more stable). It is very interesting to observe how the foam rises up a narrow neck from the inside up, and then flows down the walls of the volcano.

Having carefully examined our kitchen, we noticed that a funnel is very similar to a volcano. The lower part of the funnel must be covered with cling film in several layers. From above, the funnel can be closed with a layer of foil. And to avoid surprises, covered with film the funnel is best placed on a tray.

What to think about. If you don’t regret the ingredients, and your reaction turns out to be violent, your volcano will turn out to be spitting. Discuss with your baby why? What makes a volcano in a funnel spit?

Answer. The neck of the funnel is narrow, carbon dioxide is emitted rapidly and in large quantities... In a hurry to get out of the funnel, carbon dioxide grabs water with it.

If the funnel is not at hand, you can use the top from plastic bottle: cut off the top of the plastic bottle (the cut off part can be 7-10 cm high), cover the bottom in several layers with cling film or foil. The volcano is ready - you can make the filling.

A volcano in a glass, or how to make water boil without heat

If you don’t want to sculpt a volcano, and you don’t have a funnel or a plastic bottle at hand, you can make a volcano in an ordinary glass or jar and it’s interesting to beat it. For example, tell your toddler that you can make the water boil without using an electric kettle or stove.

Dissolve 2 teaspoons of baking soda in 1 glass of water (the glass must not be poured to the top, otherwise your volcano will overflow). Pour 1 teaspoon of citric acid into a glass. The water in the glass will "boil" - it will seethe. Invite your baby to touch the glass. Is he hot? Is the liquid in it hot?

Instead of soda water in this experiment, you can make a solution of vinegar or citric acid (for 0.5 liters of water - 2.5 teaspoons of citric acid or vinegar). Then you will not add citric acid or vinegar to the glass, but soda.

What to think about 1. Now pour water into another glass, add 1 teaspoon of citric acid. Nothing will happen. Let the baby express his assumptions why this is happening, what is the magic of the water in the first glass.

Add 2 teaspoons of baking soda to the second glass, now the water will "boil" in this glass as well. Discuss with your baby what is happening, what reaction makes the water "boil".

Answer. When soda and citric acid meet in water, they interact. This produces carbon dioxide. Since gas is lighter than water, gas bubbles rise to the surface of the water. Here they burst, thereby forcing the water to "boil".

If, before dipping a spoon with citric acid into glasses of soda water and ordinary, you pour a little liquid from each glass, you will have another way to show that the liquids in the glasses are different - add red tea to them. In a glass of plain water, the tea will become a little paler, and in a glass of soda water, it will turn blue.

What to think about 2. Mix baking soda and citric acid in a cup. Is there anything going on? Nothing.

Answer. To start the reaction between soda or citric acid, the presence of water is necessary, or that one of the components is in the form of a solution.

What to think about 3. Pour the same amount of citric acid solution into two glasses. Put the whole spoon with you in one glass, and gently pour the baking soda from the spoon into the other glass. In which glass will the volcano turn out to be more turbulent?

Answer. The volcano will be more violent in the glass where you dipped the whole spoon with soda, since in this case they meet, combine and react immediately more molecules.

You can also compare volcanic eruptions based on soda and lemon water. With the same amount of ingredients, which one will turn out to be more turbulent?

Boiling lake

What I especially like about this option: you can give your baby two teaspoons, containers of soda and citric acid and give the freedom to experiment for a while.

You will need: a bowl of water, citric acid, baking soda, 2 teaspoons and a larger spoon for stirring. Let the water in the bowl be the lake. Show your kid that if you add a little soda and citric acid to the lake, the lake will boil. Repeat and have the baby try it for himself. And I assure you: until the containers with soda and citric acid are empty, the baby will be busy, and you will have time to do some of your business.

What to think about. Try stirring your lake with a spoon or stick. Will the lake boil more or less?

Answer. The disturbed volcano erupts more strongly, since by stirring the water in the lake, we help the molecules of soda and citric acid to meet faster.

What to think about. Add citric acid and soda to the water not at the same time, but one after the other. Let's start with citric acid, then add baking soda. The lake will boil and stop boiling. Add a little more baking soda - nothing happens. What do you need to add? Citric acid. Added. The lake is boiling again. Has ceased. Let's add more citric acid. Nothing. What do you need to add? Soda. Added. The lake is boiling again, etc.

Answer. Only a certain amount of soda and citric acid can meet and react. If there is too much soda in the water, after the end of the eruption, the excess will settle to the bottom. If there is too much citric acid in the water, the lake will eventually fall asleep too. To "wake up" the lake again, you need to add what is missing.

Rough River

We had a boiling lake. Why not create a boiling river? The Bauer Slideshow or Marbutopia constructor is ideal for this purpose. This will be the riverbed. If you do not have such a designer, you can cut either a plastic or foam pipe lengthwise. Let's establish the bed of our river in a basin or bath.

Prepare a mixture of soda and citric acid (2: 1 ratio) and a jug or bottle of water. You can add dye to a mixture of baking soda and citric acid or to water. We pour this mixture into the channel of our river, then we begin to pour water from above. The water moves down and the river begins to boil.

If you close the opening of the bath with a cork in advance, you will get a colored lake below. For example, let it be blue. Follow the red river and your lake will turn purple.

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?


Bombs are balls made of baking soda and citric acid, which, when dropped into water, begin to boil. except

  • 4 tablespoons of baking soda
  • 2 tablespoons citric acid

for making bombs you will need

  • 1 teaspoon of oil (sunflower or olive)
  • water in a spray bottle.

You can add dry or liquid dye.

Mix the baking soda and citric acid well, add the oil and stir again. Flakes will appear. Try to make bombs, if they do not stick well - lightly sprinkle the mixture with water from a spray bottle. A reaction will begin, but it's not scary. The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of water, otherwise there will be an active reaction and your bombs will turn out to be self-exploding.

We make bombs with our hands. If you want to make big bombs, snowballs or transparent blanks are perfect for this purpose. Christmas tree decorations.

Bombs of soda and citric acid explode in plain water.

By the way, these bombs can also be used for playing in the bathroom. And if you add to the ingredients sea ​​salt and a drop of your beloved essential oil, you can arrange a bath with bombs not only for the baby, but also for your beloved.

You can make bombs just from soda with the addition of oil, or plain water... As you can imagine, such bombs will explode only in water to which citric acid or vinegar is added.

What to think about. Blind your baby with soda bombs with the addition of oil or plain water. Place two containers of water in front of the baby, add vinegar or citric acid to one of them in advance (for the cup we have, I added 2 tablespoons of vinegar or 2 teaspoons of citric acid).

Throw bombs in two containers at once. The bob will explode only in one of them. Ask the kid why? You can ask the question differently. For example, like this: “Although the liquid in both cups looks the same, in fact, different liquids are poured into the cups: one contains water, the other contains a solution of citric acid. Can you determine what is in each cup without tasting the water? The bombs will help you. "


By the way, do not rush to pour the water into which you threw a soda bomb. Soda solution will come in handy when washing dishes!

Ice volcanoes

Did you know that on one of the moons of Saturn, on one of the moons of Pluto and other objects Solar system have ice volcanoes been found? (If you want to learn about ice volcanoes and much more - go with us to v.) To see ice volcanoes, it is not at all necessary to fly so far in a spacecraft. Everything can be done at home.

Prepare a soda solution in advance and freeze it in small cubes. You can add dye. Prepare a lemon solution and a syringe before starting the game. Place a few soda cubes on a flat plate and sprinkle them with lemon water from a syringe. The ice will melt in both hiss and bubbles. You can do the opposite: freeze lemon water, and pour water with a syringe.

What to think about. Do not tell your baby the two main secrets about what kind of water the ice cubes were made from and what kind of water the syringe is filled with. If you've played with volcanoes before, your 5-year-old will probably figure it out on his own.

What to think about. Add color to the soda water or lemon water before freezing. It is very good if you get cubes of red, yellow, blue, white flowers... When laying out ice cubes for the baby on plates, put yellow and red, yellow and blue, red and blue next to each other. When the volcanoes melt, pay attention to the baby, what color puddles are left from them.

As you can see from the photos, we had cubes of clear, blue and red soda water. Watching the volcanic eruption, we saw pink, yellow colors and a lot of green. These are the miracles! and only!

An ice volcano can also be arranged in a glass: pour water into the glass (not to the very top, otherwise the volcano will immediately burst its banks), add citric acid or vinegar, throw a cube of frozen soda water into the glass. (You can freeze lemon water, and make soda in a glass.) The eruption will start immediately and will continue long enough - until the entire cube of soda coda melts. Coloring the soda ice cubes makes an ice volcanic eruption visible. Do not forget to draw the baby's attention to how the intensity of the color of the liquid in the glass changes as the ice volcano erupts.

The duration of the eruption and clarity are the main advantages of an ice volcano compared to the method when we simply add soda to a citric acid solution, or vice versa.

You will find more experiments with ice in the article.

Rainbow volcanoes

Volcanoes look very impressive when there are several of them and they are colored. It is convenient to make such volcanoes in containers of the same size. We fill them with a solution of vinegar or citric acid, add dry or liquid dye, a drop of liquid detergent for a thicker and more stable foam, add soda and observe.