Bedtime Meditation: The Most Effective Relaxation Techniques. How to meditate before bed? Instructions from A to Z

Meditation for sleep and relaxation is different from other concentration techniques. It is aimed at making a person relax and forget. Even the most ideal environment for relaxation cannot be compared to sleep meditation in terms of effectiveness. If you resort to meditation to fall asleep regularly for 5 - 20 minutes, you can train your mind not only to cope with stress, but also "twist in a dream" fabulous dreams.

Effective techniques for deep sleep

For those who fall asleep poorly, meditation can help deep sleep... A tense state and all sorts of thoughts make it difficult to relax and fall asleep. Sturdy and healthy sleep very important for the normal functioning of the whole organism. Sometimes, waking up in the morning, there is a headache and fatigue. There are many reasons for this, one of which is not a rested brain. To keep your head fresh in the morning, before going to bed, it is better to tune in to a certain wave with the help of meditation - a state in which all mental processes slow down, and nervousness is replaced by calmness and pacification.

Relaxing music helps to get rid of the emotions, feelings and worries experienced during the day, which will allow you to easily and peacefully fall asleep and get a good night's sleep. You can turn on a recording that captures how birds sing, rain rustles, leaves rustle, a stream murmurs. If, while listening to calm music, you cannot imagine pictures, thanks to which the soul calms down and the body relaxes, you can use video meditation. After a while, the need to view them on the screen will disappear, and it will not be difficult to visualize soothing pictures that contribute to a good rest.

Bedtime meditation for women and men will help you fall asleep soundly whether you are a beginner or an advanced person. The most important thing is to choose the most suitable option There are actually plenty of such techniques to calm down.

  1. Deep sleep meditation should be done in a comfortable position with closed or slightly closed open eyes... There is no need to pay attention to the thoughts that emerge during the procedure, the mind should not focus on them. You can transfer yourself to any place where it is light and calm. Performing this meditation at night will promote relaxation. The dream will find the meditator in a state of apogee and take him to the world of the subconscious. It is advisable to open the window so that the room has Fresh air... The music should sound quiet and not irritate the ear. Relaxation meditation before bed does not have to be accompanied by sounds.

You need to draw in your imagination a boat (as an option) in which you are, and a calm river. Dawn is approaching, a slight coolness is felt, and the boat, swaying smoothly and measuredly, lulls you to sleep. Fog descends, and sounds of nature can be heard from afar. There is fresh air around, it is easy to breathe, the eyelids are heavy, the eyes are closed. The boat never stops rocking and you fall asleep unnoticed.

  1. Very often, the desire to fall asleep leads to the fact that a person's consciousness does not turn off in any way. It is in such situations that the best sleep meditation will help; it is performed in the dreamer's pose, which will help you enjoy the time for rest.

Lying on the bed and stretched out at full height, relax, put your palms under the back of your head. Mentally draw a picture of you relaxing on the grass, a fresh breeze caresses you, the sun is almost over the horizon, it gets dark. But you have nowhere to rush, you just enjoy such a vacation. The purpose of this meditation is "relaxation before bed. » - stop thinking about insomnia and worry about not getting a good night's sleep again.

  1. Sanskrit chants and mantras. The volume of their sound should be extremely quiet, so that you can clearly hear every word. At night, the subconscious mind opens, and these healing sounds are quite effective in helping to cope with stress and excruciating experiences.

Relaxation and deep sleep meditation can help you get adequate rest at night and wake up easily in the morning.

Meditation before bedtime will allow you to abstract from the problems and tasks experienced during the day, and free your mind from extraneous thoughts. It will help you fall asleep quickly and easily, see beautiful dreams, and wake up full of energy and strength.

What is meditation for?

"Pre-sleep" meditation helps to relax as much as possible and get rid of everything secondary, unnecessary, which is no longer important. It is good for sleep - you improve its quality, get rid of nightmares.

Regular meditation practice helps to fall asleep easily, overcome stress and depression, bring harmony and happiness into the surrounding space, and wake up happy in the morning.

There are two important tasks of meditation:

  1. Stop the flow of obsessive negative thoughts
  2. Free the consciousness from the informational flow of the day

By meditating at night, you heal insomnia, learn to enter a relaxing state without stress, relax your muscles, and restore breathing. Turn it into good habit- and very soon you will begin to feel better.

Best Bedtime Meditation: Effective Techniques

These methods work equally well for women and men. They are suitable both for beginners and for those who have already embarked on the path of spiritual self-development a long time ago.

Meditation # 1:

  • Lie in bed, relax and make sure no background noise is disturbing you.
  • Close your eyes and imagine that you are in the most comfortable place for you. Where would you dream to go? For some, this is a beach by the sea, someone will be in a quiet forest, and someone will be mentally transported to the top of the mountain
  • Try to hear what sounds you hear in the imaginary space. Singing of birds, sound of waves, rustle of grass, murmur of a river? Listen and enjoy the sounds of nature completely
  • Remember to monitor your breathing. It should be level, calm and relaxed. By concentrating on inhaling and exhaling, you will be able to abstract as much as possible from extraneous thoughts.
  • Try to understand how you feel in your imaginary world. Loneliness? harmony? Appeasement? Or worry? Feel your condition completely. If it's negative, try to let go of the emotion and mentally replace it with something pleasant. If positive, take energy from the surrounding space and fill every cell of your body with it.
  • After enjoying yourself, return to reality. Keep following your breath

Gradually you will dive into deep and restful sleep, and in the morning you will wake up as a completely happy person.

Meditation # 2 can help you cope with insomnia. What do we have to do:

  • You have to take the so-called "dreamer pose". To do this, imagine that you are lying on the grass, on a lawn bathed in sunlight. Relax and put your hands behind your head, stretch your body. You should feel as comfortable as possible.
  • Imagine a breeze blowing through your entire body. The sun illuminates everything around with warmth and light, the birds sing, the grass rustles
  • Then start imagining how the entire surrounding space falls asleep. The sun disappears over the horizon, twilight sets in, the wind stops blowing. You continue to lie quietly and take your time, enjoying your surroundings.
  • Feel that your body is completely relaxed, you are enjoying what is happening in the moment, but you are not trying to fall asleep.

It is the fact that you stop trying to fall asleep, in the end, and helps you to completely relax and get rid of annoying insomnia. Practice this type of meditation regularly and learn to fall asleep quickly and easily.

Deep sleep breathing meditation is another way to fall asleep quickly. What do we have to do:

  • First, do all your usual evening manipulations: make the bed, brush your teeth, ventilate the room, put on your pajamas
  • Turn off the lights or leave a softly dimmed nightlight near the bed
  • Get into a comfortable position. The lotus position is best for this meditation, but if you are uncomfortable, you can choose any other. It is only important that your back is completely straight and you can breathe deeply calmly.
  • For five minutes, just watch your breath, concentrate on inhaling and exhaling. Imagine air filling your lungs and then leaving your body completely.
  • Gradually, you will feel how the body relaxed, then you will feel sleepy. Then go to bed right away

Thanks to concentration on your breathing, you will learn to fall asleep easily and have pleasant dreams, and in the morning you will wake up full of strength and energy. But don't meditate for more than twenty minutes.

And you can listen to this meditation online:

Another technique is meditation auto-training. It helps not only to relax, but also to work out positive attitudes that will improve the quality of your life.

What do we have to do:

  • Get into a comfortable position and start relaxing. Do this gradually, starting with your toes.
  • Imagine that you are lying on the beach with your feet pointing towards the water. Then start imagining the waves gradually reaching your body. First they cover the feet, then they get to the shins, they rise higher and higher.
  • Imagine how streams of water wash away negative energy from your body, taking stress and fatigue with them.
  • After you start to feel sleepy, stop meditation immediately and go to bed.

Try different meditations and track their effectiveness. This will help you choose optimal way relaxation. Regular practice will teach you how to control the process of falling asleep.

It is in a dream that your subconscious mind rests, therefore it is important to give the body and mind a state of relaxation and harmony, for which meditations are used.

Evening meditation before bedtime is considered the safest and most effective remedy for those who are not able to fall asleep for a long time. Agree how many times it happened that after lying in bed for about an hour, you got up and went to the kitchen to put the kettle on. And this problem worries so many people - especially residents of large cities with a dizzying rhythm of life.

If you want to feel vigorous and rested, energetic and open to the world in the morning, you need to sleep deeply and soundly. No extraordinary effort is required for this - meditation is suitable for sleep, and even better - for the fulfillment of desires.

Solving Problems with Meditation

Do you know that bad dream has an underlying cause? It consists in mental, that is, mental overwork. In other words, the brain simply cannot relax and, like an instinct, analyzes the information with which we dealt throughout the day. The value of most of this information is highly questionable, but the brain does not know this and continues to concentrate on it over and over again.

Meditation before bed allows you with ease and without special efforts decide whole line problems:

Healthy sleep is extremely important for a person, and these are not empty words. If you do not get enough sleep on a regular basis, you feel overwhelmed and irritable, rest assured that your body has begun to work hard. It is hardly worth checking its safety margin.

Slow relaxation, gradual relaxation for a maximum of 20 minutes will allow you to immerse yourself in sound, healthy sleep. Let's take a look at the most effective and popular types of meditation.

5 types of meditations before bed

Do not rush to drink sedatives (anti-anxiety) drugs and sleeping pills. There is a better alternative. Practice one or more daily meditation techniques... And you will notice how the quality of your sleep will improve, the negative will go away from your thoughts, and you will become calmer and healthier.

Daily worries, problems, work and even active rest in the evening make themselves felt with fatigue, tension, obsessive thoughts. At the same time, for a good rest, it is important to completely relax, to get rid of physical and mental tension. Meditation for sleep can help in this - complete relaxation and purification of consciousness from negativity.

Why Meditation?

Meditation induces a state of serenity and relaxation in a person.

The condition that occurs during meditation has a profound effect on the human body. It is believed that at this time the subconscious is in contact with higher entities. Of the subtle world... Regular correct execution meditation leads to the restoration of strength, replenishment of energy reserves.

Meditation before bedtime provides an opportunity not only to fall asleep quickly and deeply. Such a healing and restorative sleep will allow you to wake up in the morning in a good mood, to face the coming day with cheerfulness and positiveness. Meditative practice, spent directly at night (an hour or half an hour before falling asleep), causes such effects as:

  • stops the flow of thoughts that arise when going to sleep;
  • helps the brain to "sort through" the information received during the day, discarding all unnecessary;
  • restores physiological processes in the body due to the normalization of respiration and blood circulation;
  • relieves insomnia - sleep disturbances resulting from accumulated problems and stress;
  • fills with love for yourself and the world around you, contributing to complete inner harmony.

In addition to the listed effects, regular nighttime meditation allows you to see good dreams.

Features of bedtime meditation for women

Evening meditation prepares the body for sleep

The female body is sensitive to any situation, reacts to the slightest changes in the behavior of others. By the evening, this is expressed in a cascade obsessive thoughts, reassessment of what was said and done, worries about loved ones and other actions. Naturally, such a state is not the best way reflected in the night's rest. Meditation before bed for women will help to normalize it, put in order the nervous system, restore energy reserves. Regular practice will bring the following results:

  • unload the psyche, eliminate anxiety, worries, anxiety;
  • will allow you to tune in to positive and success, will give you confidence that everything will work out;
  • normalizes hormonal levels, restores the work of the endocrine glands, increases immunity;
  • will improve appearance, thanks to the influx of energy and the processes of self-renewal of cells, which will be enhanced as a result of improved blood flow and restoration of hormonal balance;
  • will improve internal state filling peace of mind and joy.

Nighttime meditation practices for children

Meditation for children before bedtime is an invaluable support for parents in the upbringing and physical development of a child. It will make the rest more calm, deep and complete, regardless of temperament.

This, in turn, will have a positive effect on behavior, learning, increase curiosity, strengthen the psyche and immunity.

Bedtime Meditation Can Benefit Children of All Ages

The abundance of information today contributes to the imbalance of the child's nervous system. The plasticity of the brain, the speed of thought processes lead to the fact that children absorb the necessary and unnecessary, not being able to keep this process under control. Meditative practice will help to cope with the flow of information, restoring the integrity of the nervous system. Parents only need to choose the best bedtime meditation for their child, according to their age.

Relaxation meditation practice

Remove muscle tightness nervous tension, excess emotions will be helped by meditation for sleep, relaxation and purification, in which they are achieved by leaving reality, reincarnation, and moving to another space. It can be performed in complete silence or you can turn on calm music.

  1. Imagine yourself lying down in a boat. The water around is calm, dawn is approaching. If you feel a chill, then "take cover", it will become cozier and more comfortable. The boat sways a little. You hear a quiet splash of water, birds flying in the distance, you feel the lightness and transparency of the air. Gradually the sounds subside, and you, swaying, fall asleep.
  2. Lie comfortably, relax your muscles, wait for your breathing to become even. Imagine looking at your body from above, and it turns into what you want - water, a cloud, and so on. Associate yourself in this performance with the chosen element. For example, a cloud calmly floats across the sky, joins with other clouds, dissolves in them. Gradually, you should feel complete involvement in the process and subsequent relaxation. Sleep will come unnoticed.

Purification meditation

It is important to stay with a straight back during meditation.

Eliminate insomnia, health problems, negativity and tension, "clear" thoughts will help the cleansing meditation before bedtime. To do this, you need to completely relax in a comfortable position, close your eyes. Concentrate on each muscle, alternately contracting and relaxing. This will help determine a state of complete relaxation. You can meditate when your breathing becomes even.

Go inside yourself. To do this, imagine a staircase leading to water (ocean or sea). Going down it, walk along the coastal sand, listen to the surf, birds. Imagine that there is a cave at some distance from you. Go inside it. It should be spacious enough with a delineated circle in the center.

Take off your clothes and stand in this circle. An energy stream rises from it, which penetrates into you through your legs, passing through the whole body. He comes out through the top of his head, taking with him anger, resentment, tension, sadness, bad thoughts. At this time, a golden light descends on you, which fills every cell of the body. You feel light and peaceful.

Coming out of the circle, immerse yourself in a bath of emerald water, standing next to... You need to lie in it until you feel filled with love and joy. After that, you need to return to yourself in the same way, maintaining a sense of purification and peace.

Meditation for Healing

Deep sleep meditation aimed at healing will make you feel healthy, full of energy and joy. It helps to restore the functional activity of all organ systems, eliminate toxins, and normalize metabolic processes.

Relaxation meditation for healing the whole body

Lie comfortably on your back, relax your body, face, focus on the breathing process. Imagine how, with each breath, energy flows into your body in the form of a golden stream of light. Women can be presented with pink. Sleep will come as the cells fill with energetic light. A simple exercise like this is great for beginners. It will start restorative and regenerative processes in tissues during rest. You will feel much better in the morning. Regular exercise will help get rid of many diseases.

Theta healing meditation

Theta healing is a healing method based on the passage of sessions in a special mode of brain activity. Theta is the frequency of waves of electrical activity in the brain that appear in a state of transition from wakefulness to sleep. The basis of the direction is made up of meditations, which are carried out in a certain sequence:

  • relaxation;
  • dissolving yourself in the environment;
  • reaching the level of "molecular fusion";
  • association with the universe;
  • emphasis on the desired.

It is believed that as a result of regular exercise, positive changes occur not only in health, but also in the material side of life, social, creative.

Complete relaxation will give the subconscious mind a mood for overcoming any life situations, will allow you to find the right solution to problems. To carry out this practice, it is enough to take a comfortable position.

Meditation for sleep - effective method restore energy reserves and improve health. It helps to cope with tasks that are often considered impossible or require a significant amount of energy. Just 10-30 minutes of daily practice can get rid of diseases, open up new perspectives and talents. This requires only desire and self-control. With regular exercise, the effect will be noticeable in the near future.

Sleep is one of the most important human needs. During sleep, the body and every organ of the human body rests. In order for the body to receive maximum comfort and to fully recover, a person needs a healthy sleep, which is not easy to achieve at the present time. Insomnia, frequent nighttime awakenings, and other sleep problems are common in modern man living in the city. Meditation before bed can help overcome these troubles.

What is meditation

Meditation is such a word that every person has heard, but few people know exactly what meaning it has. The process of meditation is a subjective moment, everyone treats it in their own way: for someone it is just a moment of solitude and an opportunity to think about their problems, someone at this moment is trying to "grasp" the connection with the cosmos. Meditation before bed is usually aimed at calming the nervous system, because it is precisely overexcitement that is the main cause.

Essentially this process- This is a certain state of a person that can be compared with a trance. At this time, a person becomes completely free from all negative thoughts, consciousness becomes clear, night meditation smoothly turns into sleep, but sleep is healthy, a person gets maximum comfort, dreams become much more colorful, nightmares are simply excluded.

Why Meditate?

  1. A person practicing night meditations practically does not bother and.
  2. Almost everyone notes that they always wake up in good location spirit.
  3. In the process of practice, the mind is cleared of negative thoughts.
  4. A person who meditates before bed wakes up with a clear mind, therefore, works much more productively.
  5. Subject to regular adherence to the practice, a person begins to feel better, health problems practically do not appear. In general, the physical and moral well-being of a person improves.
  6. People also get rid of obsessive thoughts, so regular practice can completely rid a person of nightmares. It helps to focus only on what is important and stop the flow of vain thoughts.

Preparing for meditation

In order to make the process itself more productive, prepare for it. It does not imply complex "ceremonies" before performing. It is enough to accept. If meditation is done as a "cure" for insomnia, then a temple massage can be done. The aroma is best conducive to healthy and sound sleep, so you can use just such an oil or light incense from this plant, as an alternative, use chamomile oils and.

Meditation techniques

You can start meditating at any age, do not worry, it is not at all difficult and not at all dangerous. Before starting, make sure that nothing will distract during the process: the TV, the radio must be turned off, the light too. The only source of light that is allowed is a night light, its soft light does not bother a person, especially since some people leave it on all night. Take a shower or a relaxing bath before going to bed.

Technique 1

  1. You need to go to bed and relax.
  2. Then close your eyes and imagine yourself in a place where you can feel as comfortable as possible. Each has its own specific place: a sunny beach, a forest edge. It is necessary to try to hear the sounds characteristic of this place (cry of seagulls, wind noise, etc.)
  3. In this case, attention should be paid to breathing. It should be smooth and calm. Breathe out the air like cigarette smoke, imagining that with this "smoke" all negativity comes out.
  4. Try to feel your feelings. If sad thoughts come, replace them with positive ones, you need to imagine how positive energy penetrates into every cell of the body.

As a rule, a few minutes of such relaxation is enough for a person to completely "cleanse" of the day's stress and calmly fall asleep.

Technique 2

This type of meditation helps to cope with insomnia and is considered the most effective view practitioner in the fight against lingering depression.

  1. Lie down in the so-called "dreamer pose": position on your back, body stretched, arms behind your head, legs one on top of the other.
  2. Close your eyes and imagine yourself on a warm lawn with green grass, under a bright, but not scorching sun.
  3. Try to smell the grass, how the breeze blows over your body, moves your hair, hear the birdsong and the warmth of the soft sun.
  4. Imagine nature falling asleep. The sun slowly recedes over the horizon, the birds sing more and more quietly and eventually become completely silent, the wind blows more and more quietly and gradually calms down.
  5. You don't have to try to fall asleep at this moment, just rest and have fun. Now the sun has gone down completely, and now you can watch the moon and the stars. Gradually, this state will pass into sleep.

After such a meditation, a person wakes up sleepy and happy.

Technique 3

It is called "auto-training" and is considered more than just relaxing. This practice helps to "hone" positive attitudes in his mind, helps a person to determine his true ones. After carrying out this meditation, a person in a dream can see the answers to many questions that interest him for a long time, the main thing is to be able to interpret your visions and hints that the subconscious gives out.

  1. Lying in bed, take any position that is comfortable for you and relax as much as possible.
  2. Close your eyes and imagine yourself on the seashore. You are lying on the sandy shore with your feet to the water.
  3. Imagine a picture as if sea ​​waves slowly cover the body. First, the feet are in the water, then the lower leg, knee, and so on. To achieve a realistic and immersive effect, you can turn on the sound of rolling waves.
  4. Think that water washes away all negativity from your body, takes you to the endless ocean and problems.

After a few minutes of such relaxation, the person begins to fall asleep. It is very important not to miss this moment and go to bed right away.

Breathing meditation

Correct breathing- This is one of the main components of a successful meditation. There are even practices that are based on a particular way of breathing. From the first time, few people manage to breathe correctly, but it is not difficult if you follow some tips and practice as often as possible:

  1. You need to completely relax and put your hands on your stomach.
  2. Breathe with your stomach, not your chest. Therefore, you should keep your palms on your stomach, so you can feel whether he is moving or not.
  3. Concentrate on your breath, follow it by the movement of your hands as you inhale and exit.
  4. Inhale should be deep and only through the nose, and exhale through the mouth.
  5. The main thing is not to think about anything, just follow the movements and feel your breathing.

Some Breathing-Based Bedtime Meditation Practices.

Practice 1

  1. Turn off the light, go to bed, close your eyes and relax.
  2. You need to inhale with your stomach, not your chest. After inhaling, hold your breath for a second and breathe out lightly.
  3. Repeat 3-4 inhalation and exhalation.
  4. Now take yourself to a high staircase or to the top of a mountain. We begin to descend from a height. For each exhalation, one should take a step down an imaginary staircase. With each step, you can "let go" of one of your problems. Thus, all the negative will remain high-high and already very far from you.
  5. We go down the stairs until the desire to sleep comes.

Practice 2

This practice is very simple. Its meaning lies in the inhalation and exhalation of "colored" air. First we breathe in the green air, and then we breathe it out. Now inhale purple and exhale. We continue further. You need to visually imagine how colored air enters and exits the respiratory tract. There is no need to think about the color of the air, it may be chaotic shades generated by the subconscious, perhaps some associative ones will come, the meaning of which can be interpreted in a special way. Such meditation helps to get out of a depressive state, to relax after a hard day. Adherents of this practice note that after it, dreams become much brighter and more colorful.

Meditation before bed is easy, but still some people have difficulty. You can avoid them simply by following certain recommendations.

  • It is not advisable to resort to using video meditations. Of course, relaxing music and certain pictures soothe a person's morale, but nervous system at this time overexcited. The monitor screen from which these same pictures are reproduced not only has a detrimental effect on the health of the eyes, but also negatively affects the condition of a person as a whole. After watching videos, a person, on the contrary, will not be able to fall asleep for a very long time.
  • Video meditations are not suitable, but relaxing music will help in various practices. But it should work in the background and not very loudly. It is very important: it is better to listen to music not through headphones, but from an external source.
  • Meditation diaries will help you better analyze your feelings and thoughts. Keeping such a notebook is very simple, you need to write down in it the thoughts that come to mind just before practice. Try to feel your expectations, write down the questions that you want to find answers to. In such diaries, you can write down your visions, and, perhaps, after some time it will be possible to decipher them. You can also analyze thoughts that interfere, they should be thrown out of your head.
  • Before starting the process itself, you can lie down for a while with your eyes open, but you should not focus your gaze on any particular subject. The gaze should be scattered, "through the walls." It is enough to spend a couple of minutes in such a detached state and begin the meditation itself.
  • About an hour before evening meditation, you should not watch TV, play computer games, it is also worth giving up the use of alcoholic and caffeinated beverages. All this leads to, which will be extremely difficult to calm.
  • The clothing of a person is of particular importance. The body should not have any synthetic materials... The shirt should be made of natural fabrics, preferably loose fit and light shades.


Waking up in the morning, a person will feel an energetic charge and a good mood. It is only necessary to direct this energy in the right direction. You should not immediately jump out of bed, it is better to lie down for a while, think about how good the day will turn out, how much useful things you can do in these new days. In the morning it will be useful to do the Attention meditation. For a few minutes, focus on extraneous sounds, smells, etc. At the same time, "listen" to your body and mind, if negative thoughts come along, drive them away, leaving them in the past day and night. A new day only begins with positive emotions and set up.

In conclusion, I would like to say that meditation before bedtime is a practice that everyone should try at least once in their life. It is impossible to strive for self-improvement without trying to self-analyze and daily "cleanse" of negative energy... This is precisely the function it performs.