Comparison of languages: which language is easiest to learn. Which language is easiest to learn

Learning languages ​​has long ceased to be fashion trend and turned into a necessity - today high-paying job will be given to the applicant who can speak two, three or even four foreign languages. Therefore, one of the pressing questions among students and ordinary people is which ones to study.

How does an easy language differ from a complex one?

It is almost impossible to say which are the easiest languages ​​to learn, because speakers of languages ​​of the same group can easily learn each other's languages, since they have similar vocabulary and grammar. Conversely, it will be more difficult for them to learn the language of another group, since it will have many differences. But there are a number of characteristics that distinguish an easy language from a complex one:

    in complex languages ​​and in lungs - short;

    the more rules in the language, the easier it is to learn and, conversely, the less - the more difficult;

    the more homonyms there are in the language, the more difficult it is;

    languages ​​with the Latin or Cyrillic alphabet are easier to learn than those with their own alphabet;

    it is easier to learn the spelling of the language in which all words are written as they are heard;

    the fewer dialects a language has, the easier it is to learn.

Thus, the easiest languages ​​to learn are those based on the Cyrillic or Latin alphabet with the most rules and the least number of homonyms.

Language difficulty levels

Both ordinary people and professional linguists are wondering which is the easiest language to learn. Research has led to the fact that all languages ​​of the world were divided into three groups based on the parameters of complexity.

    The easiest foreign language to learn is any language from the Latin and Germanic groups; learning will take from 600 to 750 hours.

    Languages ​​of medium complexity are Indo-European, Turkic and the study of which will take from 900 to 1100 hours.

    The most difficult foreign language is any language with its own alphabet and vocabulary - Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, Hebrew, Georgian and other languages. Training will take at least 2200 hours.

Top 6 Easy-to-Learn Languages

What's the easiest language to learn? As the US State Department notes, this is the language that will take no more than 600 hours to learn. That is how long it will take to speak tolerably an unfamiliar language. Thus, the following Indo-European languages ​​are the easiest languages ​​to learn in:

    English - due to the lack of gender, cases, word agreement. In addition, he has a simple grammar, verbs change only in the third person, words are short. A nice bonus - native speakers easily perceive the speech of those who learn their language and are tolerant of language mistakes, since today a lot of people are studying English. In the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India and some African countries, it is official.

    French - some words of this language are similar to English, and it is easy to learn, as it is one of the most popular languages ​​in the world. In France, Belgium, Switzerland, Canada and some African countries, it is the state language.

    Italian is easy to pronounce, has no case and has a vocabulary that is rooted in Latin... The area of ​​Italian-growing countries is small - Italy, the Vatican, San Marino, Switzerland and Argentina.

    Spanish has simple grammar and spelling, vocabulary similar to Italian and English. In terms of the number of speakers, it is not far from the most popular languages ​​- only 4th place after English, Chinese and Hindi. Distribution area - Spain, Mexico and Argentina.

    Portuguese is similar to Spanish, but it is difficult for native speakers to understand each other due to the fact that the first language is hissing. The distribution area is the countries of Africa, Brazil and Portugal itself.

    Esperanto is the easiest language, as you can master it in a month. In terms of similarity, it is close to Spanish. Esperanto is not official in any country, but it may be recognized as official in the European Union.

What language is suitable for learning Russian?

Learning the language that is in the same language group with his native is suitable for a person. For example, it is easy for an Italian to learn Spanish or Portuguese. What is the easiest language for Russians to learn? Since Russian refers to it, it will be easiest to learn Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Czech or any other Slavic language. Of the European ones, the easiest to study are those whose culture and sound are closest to the student - for example, expressive Italian or Spanish are suitable for temperamental people, and French for romantics. The same applies to languages ​​of 3 complexity groups. This is due to the lack of similarity with the native language, so learning them will take the same amount of time and effort.

It would seem that the answer should be obvious - the easiest way is to learn English. For beginners, however, it is unlikely to be elementary - if you took the first steps in it back in school, then you just don’t remember how much pain it cost you pronunciation, irregular verbs and numerous exceptions to the rules.

Oddly enough, experts recommend first mastering German, after which it will become easy task... In addition, knowing German will make it much easier for you to learn all Scandinavian languages, as well as Dutch (if for some reason you suddenly want to master it).

Which language is easier to learn first

If we talk about you and me, native speakers of the Russian language, then, of course, we will quickly master the languages ​​of the Slavic group. These are Ukrainian and Belarusian (although why should you learn them?), Further in increasing difficulty are Bulgarian and Serbo-Croatian, and the most difficult, but within the normal range, will be Czech and Polish.

European languages ​​are next among those that easily obey the Russian people. If your goal is to speak as quickly as possible, then choose Spanish and Italian. German grammar will have to tinker with, as will the pronunciation and spelling of French.

Scandinavian, Turkic and Finno-Ugric languages ​​are the next level of difficulty for Russians. Hebrew, Arabic and Oriental languages ​​(Chinese, Japanese) are at the bottom of the rating.

Which language is better to learn as a second

English for beginners will not be such an easy task, but after it all European languages ​​will go a little easier, which cannot be said about, for example, Eastern - you have to learn everything anew. German it is worth learning for the sake of the subsequent development of Czech, Polish, English and Scandinavian languages.

Forewarned is forearmed

Don't be intimidated by the complexity: exploring foreign languages- it is in any case not easy, whichever one you choose. In addition, your desire, ability for languages, the amount of time that you are willing to devote to classes is of great importance. The difficulty of grammar or pronunciation is a purely subjective concept based on the opinion of the majority. It is possible that you are ingenious in reproducing unfamiliar speech out loud or have a phenomenal memory, and therefore are able to master any grammar.

Do not be afraid of anything - any language will conquer those who have a strong desire for knowledge!

Read about how to choose a foreign language for learning.

When you are faced with the task of learning a language, you often ask yourself which of the languages ​​is still the easiest? TravelAsk decided to make a small selection.

How the lightest languages ​​were determined

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs classifies as simple languages ​​those that require approximately 600 hours of study. Of course, it comes about quality ownership.

First of all, they refer to the lungs of the languages ​​of Germanic and Latin. language groups... However, German itself will be more difficult: on average, in order to master it sufficiently, you need to spend about 750 hours studying. The grammar is pretty complicated here.

But do not forget that the degree of difficulty is still individual for everyone and in most cases depends on personal motivation and interest.


English is considered one of the simplest ones. Judge for yourself: its grammar is not so complicated, it has no cases and gender, and the words do not need to be coordinated. And the words themselves are rather short and laconic. Add to it all wide use: it is spoken almost everywhere. Well, the native English speakers who live in different corners planets are quite calm about the mistakes of foreigners.


The French speak as if they are singing, don't they? But from the outside it seems that it is impossible to approach him, such a pronunciation ... But, according to experts, it only seems. After all, many words in French are similar to English. In addition, the language is very popular and is used in many places.


Perhaps Spanish is one of the easiest languages ​​to learn. It is very similar to English, and his spelling is much simpler: both hear and write. Many native Russian speakers who memorize vocabulary from the first class, they will only envy this rule)

Well, Spanish is quite popular, and its pronunciation is simple. So is grammar.

Italian language

Another language that is included in our rating is Italian. There are no cases, a fairly simple pronunciation, the stress is fixed. Well, the language itself has Latin roots, so it will be familiar to many people. And it is also related to Spanish, therefore, if there is a desire to become a polyglot, then the choice of close languages ​​will help to achieve the goal in a shorter time)


Esperanto is considered the easiest language to learn. It may even surprise someone that this language exists, but yes, it is. And do you know why it is the simplest? Because it was developed specifically as a second language for each person, it was even originally called it - international or a language for humanity. It is spoken, according to various estimates, from one hundred thousand to ten million people.

Esperanto grammar is very simple, there are no exceptions at all. And, of course, its undoubted plus is that it is neutral, since it is not tied to any state. Perhaps its only drawback is that it is not as widespread as English).

Knowledge of a foreign language, and ideally several, has become a great necessity today. First of all, it is prestigious. Secondly, it develops the level of intelligence, and thirdly, it is useful for many spheres of human life. New knowledge is especially needed if you work in a field that involves partnerships with foreign partners. Sometimes even a favorite hobby forces you to learn a particular foreign language. Therefore, we can say with confidence that foreign languages ​​open new doors for a person, give more prospects and chances to realize themselves in life, to achieve success. This is an opportunity for career development, study abroad, access to previously inaccessible information and simply training the intellect.

Which foreign language to study to choose?

What is the easiest language to learn, and what should you pay attention to? These questions are asked by people who plan to study a foreign language.

It should be noted that the most important and important thing in learning any foreign language is motivation. You need to understand for yourself whether you like to speak and communicate in this or that language or not? It directly depends on which language will be the easiest and easiest to learn for you. German, French, Polish or ... Japanese. If you need to learn a language that you are not interested in, then learning it will seem very difficult, even if in theory it is completely wrong. Learning something new, like everything else, should only bring pleasure, intrigue, interest. Otherwise, there will be no sense.

The easiest and easiest languages ​​in the world to learn

Research by the U.S. Department of Foreign Affairs has shown that the most simple languages for study are those for which a person needs no more than 600 hours of classroom instruction. Anything over the stated time is very difficult to master.

English is the easiest language to learn

So which language is the easiest? I managed to find out that many people find English the most simple and understandable. It has absolutely no cases, no gender, no agreement of words, and the grammar is quite simple and clear. This language is widespread as it is spoken in almost every country in the world. The words in it are clear, short, easy to pronounce, and the verbs change exclusively for the third person.

Native speakers of English are calm about the mistakes of tourists and visitors, because many people learn English as a second language. The easiest way is to learn a foreign language in a specialized school, but you can easily master a new speech using the global network. English learning online for beginners opens up many possibilities, because in this way great results can be achieved in a few months.

Italian is easy to learn

Italian ranks second in simplicity. It is also simple, because it has no cases, is easy to pronounce, and the vocabulary has Latin roots, in other words, it will be familiar to those people who speak the languages ​​of the Indo-European group.

Spanish as a foreign language

Third place belongs to Spanish... It turns out to be the easiest language to learn. It is similar to English, has simple spelling and grammar is widely used.

French is not difficult to learn online

Also French is not difficult. Many of his words are similar to English. This is what allows you to learn French in the shortest possible time. This language has an important historical meaning since it was the first language (before English) spoken huge number population. It is still considered the second most popular language in the world today, it is spoken by 130 million people. More than half of them live in France, and the rest in the Maghreb and West Africa.

There are many options to learn this language, for example - on skype. French learning the language of love with a native speaker is extremely easy and fun to learn online. "Live" communication will help you to speak this amazing language in a matter of days, maximum of a week.


But do not forget about other equally easy foreign languages. For example, artificial Esperanto. In it, just like in Spanish, everything is extremely simple; words are written as they are heard. This is a fictional language, created back in 1887, for this reason it is really easy to understand and learn. One thing about him is just bad, very few people speak Esperanto.

Thus, we can single out a whole group of the easiest languages ​​that you can easily learn if you really want to:

  1. English;
  2. Italian;
  3. Spanish;
  4. French;
  5. Esperanto.

But, if the above languages ​​are easy to learn, you cannot reject other languages ​​that are very popular with people.

Polish language

. Polish... This language is studied for various reasons. Tourists who fall in love with Poland, the beauty of its nature and architecture, the benevolence of people learn Polish in order to better understand this country. Some people want to read the giants of world literature such as Adam Mickiewicz and Henryk Sienkiewicz in their own language. And some people learn Polish, because it belongs to the Slavic languages, so for Russian speakers, learning Polish will seem very simple. Learning Polish online will be an exciting adventure that takes the student to interesting world incredible beautiful language.

Greek language

. Greek... If someone says that Greek language very difficult - don't listen. It is difficult to learn Greek only for some people, for example the English. It is difficult for them to understand that the table is masculine and the stand is feminine. In their language there are no genders and declensions of nouns in cases, in contrast to Russian grammar, which is very similar to Greek. As in Russian, nouns in Greek are feminine, masculine and neuter. All nouns are inflected, and verbs come in first and second conjugation. The exception is articles that are in Greek, but not in Russian. Those who have heard the Greek language cannot but agree that this language is very beautiful. It flows like music. Reading literature in Greek, one never ceases to be pleasantly surprised and admire the beauty of the phrases. It's very easy to learn Greek online, especially if you really want to.

German as popular

. German... Learning German online is as easy as learning any other language. This language is one of the most widely spoken in Europe and the world in general. It is spoken in Germany, Liechtenstein, Austria, partly in Belgium, Switzerland and Luxembourg. German - official language European Union. So why not learn it, if only for these reasons? German speech can be heard in America, Poland, and even Kazakhstan. The language is not inferior in its demand to English. It is very interesting and peculiar. At first, a misunderstanding of muffled German sounds may arise in a learner, but over time this feeling will disappear.

It follows from this that one cannot call one language complex and the other simple. To thoroughly master a foreign language, you just need to want it, and also ask for help from professionals, to whom the center belongs. distance learning″ External ″. It is here that they will help to learn any foreign language based on the student's initial knowledge. An individual training program and methodology will be selected for each person.

The complexity and ease of learning a particular language, of course, will depend on what nationality and native speaker the student is. It is logical that it will be easier for a German to learn Dutch than a Korean. An Englishman will learn German faster than a Chinese.

No language can be considered simpler or more complex than another. Because there are no absolute criteria for assessing the complexity of a language. Each language consists of grammar, phonetics, certain rules for spelling words. And if in Chinese, for example, spelling is very difficult and phonetics contains tones, then in the same language grammar will not give you any difficulty. And in Italian, along with simple pronunciation, there are a lot of irregular verbs.

What languages ​​will seem easier for a Russian person to learn and understand?

Russian language, along with Belarusian and Ukrainian, are included in Slavic group languages ​​and are called East Slavic. As you know, the vocabulary, phonetics and grammar of these languages ​​are almost identical to Russian. Therefore, learning these languages ​​will not be difficult. And the understanding of Ukrainian and Belarusian is understandable almost on an intuitive level, even to those who have not come across them at all.

In the Serbo-Croatian language (used in the countries of Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia) and the Bulgarian language, there is a noticeable similarity in terms of vocabulary and grammar. The phonetics of such languages ​​is more difficult than writing. The written word (usually in the Latin alphabet) of such languages ​​is very similar to the spelling of Russian words only in Latin letters (for example: zaprto - closed, locked (khorv), otprto - open (khorv)) It will be more difficult to pronounce here, it will be necessary to work with stress, which may not be in the same syllable as in Russian, even if the spelling of the words is almost identical. In such languages ​​there is a ramified system of tenses and unstressed particles, which are unusual for the Russian language.

The most difficult Slavic languages ​​for the Russian mentality will probably be Czech and Polish. There are more unfamiliar words here that are no longer very similar to identical Russians, because part of the vocabulary is borrowed from German. But the situation is simpler with stress. It is practically fixed in words: on the first and second syllables from the end.

The situation is a little more complicated with the Baltic languages ​​(Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia). If in terms of their lexicon they are a bit like Slavic languages, you will have to work hard to study the richness of their grammar.

Among the Germanic languages, it will be easier to learn English. German and Dutch are a little more difficult, for which the difficulty will be in grammar. The greatest difficulty will fall on the Scandinavian languages. There are practically no words of international origin in them, and you will have to memorize almost the entire vocabulary. Also, the Scandinavian languages ​​(Danish, Norwegian, Swedish) are distinguished by a complex offering and inconsistent spelling of words.

Among the Romance languages, it will be easier to learn Italian or Spanish, Portuguese than French, which is very complex rules pronunciation and spelling.

What languages ​​are difficult for a Russian person to learn?

Turkic (Turkish) and Finn-Ugric languages ​​(Finnish, Hungarian) have strict and logical spelling rules. However, these rules differ from the Russian spelling of sentences. Their verbs, as a rule, are in the last places in the sentence, there are no prepositions at all, and case and number are expressed in different indicators. In addition, such languages ​​have a huge number of cases (there are 20 of them in Hungarian).

Also to complex languages include Arabic and Hebrew. They have both difficult grammar and pronunciation. The writing system does not convey vowels, there are also many exceptions and irregular verbs that will have to be memorized.

Chinese and Japanese are complex due to their hieroglyphic writing. To write or read something in Chinese, you will have to learn several thousand hieroglyphs, and when learning Japanese, you will have to master as many as 2 alphabets - Katakana and Hiragana.

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