Virgo man and Pisces woman compatibility in love relationships - pluses. Couple's life in marriage

The Pisces woman is always self-absorbed, while the Virgo man is practical and not talkative. However, these representatives of the zodiac circle have much in common, their compatibility in work, love and friendship is quite high.

Compatibility of the signs of the zodiac according to the horoscope

Most women born between February 20 and March 20 live in their own fantasy world and often daydream. Such individuals are sentimental and receptive. Do they have weak sides: lack of self-discipline, evasiveness, weak willpower. They are looking for a person who will help them solve any problem. Pisces are most suited to Cancers.

Men who were born from August 23 to September 22 are deeply thinking people. They are smart, practical and efficient. They often do not have enough time to build relationships with a girl, because they devote themselves entirely to their favorite business and work. Often Virgos tend to retire in order to move away from people. Taurus and Cancer are most suitable for them.

These signs have a lot in common in behavior and character. Their union may be perfect. This is evidenced by the high compatibility of Pisces and Virgo.

Overall Compatibility: 5 out of 5.

Compatibility in love and marriage

The meeting of the Virgo man and the Pisces woman will radically change the life of everyone. Everything will become clear from the first meeting. However, at an early stage of a relationship, a girl may not take a guy quite seriously, she is usually loaded with her experiences and does not evaluate him objectively.

To please Virgo, you need to be natural, because such guys are attracted to dreamy and defenseless girls. The development of their relationship will help common interests in many areas. Compatibility in love relationships is almost 100%.

Representatives of these signs strive for a permanent partner and want to have strong family. The initiator of marriage is usually a man. If it takes place, then the relationship will not be quite simple, scandals and intrigues in their union are not excluded.

Difficulties in family life often create Virgo. They love to teach, criticize, and this upsets Pisces. There are others negative qualities Virgo in love:

  1. cold;
  2. restraint;
  3. conservatism;
  4. monotony.

A Pisces woman can show her negative aspects in a relationship:

  1. touchiness;
  2. uncertainty;
  3. laziness;
  4. self-deception.

Over the years, they will get used to each other, and everything will work out.

They resolve all conflicts peacefully, expressing arguments to their partner. Virgos often admit they are wrong. In marriage, a woman of the water element will be a good housewife and wife. Order and cleanliness always reign in her house. Plus, she's a great mom. However, the appearance of the baby will make her forget about her husband. Marriage compatibility reaches 99%.

Compatibility in love relationships: 5 out of 5.

Sexual Compatibility

Virgo and Pisces are perfect for each other in bed. Their sexual preferences are the same. Men always take care, try to please their partner. Pisces are usually shy, which is exactly what Virgo needs. Intimate life allows these zodiac signs to feel the relationship with a partner.

In some cases, Pisces can be repelled by the closeness of a partner. If the representative of the earth sign can truly relax with Pisces, all his feelings and abilities will open. Only then will physical attraction increase every year. The sexual compatibility of signs allows them to experiment in bed. Therefore, they do not need to restrain their desires, it is important to talk about everything that excites them.

Sexual compatibility: 5 out of 5.

friendship compatibility

It rarely happens between representatives of these signs. real friendship, but some of them are good friends. Both of them are not averse to chatting and discussing acquaintances or a movie they have seen. Despite the fact that Pisces and Virgo are very similar, they lack some things for true friendship.

The Pisces woman needs emotional nourishment, and the Virgo man cannot give it to her, therefore, in the friendship of these signs of the zodiac there will be no empathy, sincere conversations. These people don't trust each other enough to be friends. There will be no complete trust between them. Therefore, compatibility in friendship is 68%. Their second halves may not worry, there will be no betrayals.

Friendly compatibility: 4 out of 5.

Compatibility in work and career

The professional cooperation of these signs cannot be called fruitful. This alliance has both strengths and weaknesses. They can achieve success in business through their caution and prudence. The downside is that Virgo acts rationally, while Pisces acts intuitively. It is not easy for them to combine these qualities. Representatives of these signs love to gossip, the psychological atmosphere in the team may suffer from this.

As partners, they are a good union that will not be endowed with enthusiasm. Both Virgo and Pisces are good performers, between whom, however, small skirmishes and disagreements can arise.

Pisces as a boss and Virgo - a subordinate - quite good combination. A man will feel comfortable, he approaches work responsibly. A woman in a high position is not picky and is usually satisfied with the work of a colleague under the sign of Virgo.

A good union will come out if the woman is repaired, and the man is the boss. Pisces is often dreamy and not focused, however, Virgo will be able to sort everything out, explain all the details so that a woman can easily cope with any task.

Business compatibility: 2 out of 5.

What do they need to know about each other?

  • A woman should take a closer look at the actions of the Virgin, the partner shows his feelings through them.
  • If a lady comes to terms with the fact that her chosen one is laconic, they will be happy.
  • A woman should entrust the management of money to her husband Virgo. After all, he is an economical and practical man. It is best to keep a separate budget. In this case, Virgo will not control other people's expenses.
  • Friendly dialogues will help keep warm feelings in a couple. A man must step over himself and express everything he thinks about.
  • Virgo needs to admire Pisces more often, praise them for something. You need to be softer in your assessments.
  • Astrologers advise getting rid of modesty in intimate relationships. The harmony in the family depends on this.
  • To defuse the situation and smooth out the corners in a relationship, you can go on a joint trip or for a walk. Recharged positive emotions and exchanging impressions, it will be possible to establish communication.

To create a strong family union, they will have to go through many trials.

Relationship Benefits

The union of Pisces and Virgo strengthens positive traits each other, namely:

  1. A man becomes responsible and courageous, because next to him is a fragile lady who needs to be taken care of. He will learn to understand the feelings and emotions of a woman, will begin to show more sensitivity and express many emotions. A restrained man next to a Pisces woman will become more open.
  2. The Pisces woman will learn practicality and thriftiness, the ability to control herself, to reason realistically.
  3. This couple likes a calm and quiet pastime, rather than noisy parties. Therefore, together they will be fine even at home watching TV.
  4. Their union will be financially prosperous. The partner will make sure that his companion has everything she needs. At this time, Pisces, who are freed from making money, will be able to devote themselves to their favorite business, household chores.
  5. Virgo and Pisces are examples of fidelity. No need to worry about someone going to the side.

In relationships with the opposite sex, a representative is ready to accept many of the shortcomings of her partner, but she will never feel comfortable next to a bore. Therefore, starting an affair with a Virgo man, she is careful and does not let him get too close to her. The fact is that some people around perceive the overly calm nature of the representative of this sign as tediousness. It is very difficult to piss him off, almost impossible. The Virgo man prefers to make decisions not under the influence of emotions, carefully analyzing all the facts and circumstances, and will never take unreasonable risks. Stability is what he strives for in his career and personal life. Such a position is worthy of respect, however, the Pisces woman believes that her partner would do well to be a little more expressive. She herself seeks to escape from the routine, to color her life with vivid emotions, so she tries to surround herself with charismatic people.

Rybka is an addictive nature, she is constantly in a state of easy love. When the halo of romance around her chosen one begins to dissipate a little, she can easily switch her attention to another. But, it’s worth giving her credit - the Pisces woman does not accept hypocrisy and deceit and she herself tries to be honest with her loved ones. If she has cooled off towards a man, she will tell him directly or make a transparent hint, but she will not pretend. To keep this golden fish in their networks, the Virgo man will have to slightly change his views on relationships.

He must learn to accept her for who she is - a sentimental dreamer a little divorced from reality, who in union seeks, first of all, Love. Without love, their union will not survive - it cannot be cemented by one attachment or joint duties. And a great responsibility in this mission lies with the representative of the stronger sex. If a man can at least partially be imbued with the priorities of his partner and knows what he should / should not talk about with her, she will have no reason to conflict with him. It is not typical for Rybka to provoke her partner to any emotions, she will wait until he shows himself.

The main thing is that he does not perceive this as an unwillingness to communicate - after all, he is very vulnerable in his soul, and the indifference of his soulmate can knock him down. The situation may be complicated by the fact that Rybka also tends to exaggerate problems. She fears loneliness more than anything. If in communication with a Virgo partner she has periods when they simply have nothing to talk about with each other, she will take this as the beginning of the end. These periods are minefields for the Virgo-Pisces relationship. So that the irreparable does not happen, this couple needs not to hush up grievances and, after quarrels and misunderstandings, not to sit each in their own corner.

Another factor that can seriously affect the weather in their home is the interference of third parties in the form of girlfriends. If a Pisces woman is whispered in her ears that her partner is not good enough for her, she will begin to subject their relationship to obstructive analysis, and it is not known what it will lead to. The Virgo man is much less receptive in this regard - even if the whole world tells him otherwise, he will remain in his opinion.

Natalya Erofeevskaya

Mutual attraction of opposites indeed possible, and a vivid example of this is the relationship between Virgo and Pisces. Whether this relationship will be strong and long depends on the experience of the partners, their wisdom, spiritual and intellectual development.

The combination of human qualities and values, the ability to listen, respect and get to know each other contributes to a very favorable relationship between Virgo and Pisces in any area. Indispensable conditions for the success of this union is compromise, diplomacy and cooperation: This couple certainly needs balance in a relationship. If such painstaking and almost constant work on oneself turns out to be beyond the strength of one of the partners, the union will cease to exist.

Compatibility Chart Virgo and Pisces

Compatibility Virgo Men and Pisces Women: Pros and Cons of Relationships

Positive sides this alliance is to set realistic goals. This is just the case when together they can "move mountains." If the couple did not find a common life peak that needs to be mastered, their life will either become passive and monotonous, or go downhill, driven by laziness. This very laziness plus unjustified stubbornness, perfectionism, pragmatism to the point of pedantry - negative qualities characteristic of both characters.

Comparison of signs would be incomplete without taking into account the creative talents and analytical mindset of Virgo, excellent intuition and stormy emotions of Pisces.

Together, the Virgo man and the Pisces woman will never be bored: the versatile compatibility of the couple is formed due to the many facets of their characters

Are they compatible in love?

If he is a Virgo, and she is Pisces, then their love is an extremely intimate and calm sphere of existence, which both hide from human eyes. Calmness and caution, restraint and prudence will reign in these relations. This romance, mixed up on one’s own feelings and organized only for two, will become stronger over the years, and feelings will be stronger.

stability in love this pair is provided by the reliability and practicality of Dev, as well as their ability to solve financial issues. The Pisces woman will make her contribution to the love life with emotions, a creative approach to spending time together and natural female weakness: next to her, the courageous Virgo will feel even stronger. Mutual comfort in this love union is guaranteed.

Mutual comfort in this love union is guaranteed!

Virgo guy and Pisces girl in sex

Only outwardly Virgo is cold and squeezed: the sensuality of the Pisces girl will help melt this ice. Together in bed they are capable of much, these two ardent natures will be able to maximize: even the conservatism of the Virgo cannot resist the attention and caresses of the partner. The change that has taken place in the Virgo man is truly striking: where does his coldness and prudence go? Passionate macho in love, he will even dare to bright experiments that can deliver an abyss of pleasure to his beautiful lover. The Pisces girl will bring all her emotionality, tenderness and desire into sexual relations.

Marriage between a Virgo man and a Pisces woman cannot be called 100% successful. Despite the fact that each of them perfectly understands what the other half expects from the union, negative nuances in marriage are more than possible.

A charming Pisces woman in the family brings ease of communication, pleasant surprises, fantasy - this will attract a somewhat ponderous Virgo, in which he will awaken best qualities. The charm and tenderness of this woman is difficult to resist. But over time, they enter the stage of long cohabitation negative qualities of both signs: too zealous, sometimes to frank avarice, the husband will never understand the wife's inclination to mindlessly spend the family budget, and a flirtatious and cheerful wife is not always able to understand her husband's desire to be alone.

For both, the family will become a place of harmony and tranquility.

What do they like so much about each other that they are ready to live side by side for as many years as fate has given them? Amazing mutual understanding, Virgo's all-consuming attention to family problems, mutual fantasies and a rich sex life: for both, the family will become a place of harmony and tranquility.

Is there friendship if he is Virgo and she is Pisces?

Friendship among representatives of these signs unlikely: unexpected friendships are not supported by physical attraction between a man and a woman, and therefore they will not develop into a long and sincere friendship. Pedantic, old-fashioned and very reserved, Virgo will be annoyed by Pisces' charm and too simple attitude towards money. The Pisces woman for herself, in turn, will make an equally unflattering review of her friend: stingy and cold - a real cracker!

For a while, relatively calm friendships can only exist if the couple has a common business or hobby.

How to win a Virgo man?

What a Pisces woman can give to her Virgo, and what he carefully hides from others, is sensuality and love. That is, the chosen one of the Virgo man can be either an emotional person who can give him attention and affection, or the same as him: prudent and practical, maintaining the stability of his life. The Pisces woman, being the first option, will be able to give the Virgo man only feelings and a desire to love: next to such a chosen one, he will be able to open up spiritually and break away from everyday duties. Pisces Woman for such a man will become a quiet beautiful haven in which he can simply relax and unwind.

How to get the attention of a Pisces woman?

Here is everything a Virgo man needs to know if he wants to attract the attention of a charming and emotional woman born under the sign of Pisces:

  • she can be interested in an interesting conversation: It is important for a Virgo not only to speak herself, but also to learn to listen to her interlocutor;
  • it would be nice if there are mutual friends in the environment: they both like to gossip about acquaintances, and therefore this can be an unexpected start for an affair or a long romance;
  • for the seduction of Pisces, the Virgo man will have to switch his attention to the outside world for a while: this woman appreciates emotionality and openness, there is no place for silent and quiet people next to her; she will quickly figure them out and frankly get bored;
  • as an erudite and very well-read person, the Pisces woman will look for the same level in the satellite: Virgo needs to follow the self-development and be aware of literary and cinematic novelties.

Pisces girl can be interested in an interesting conversation

Compatibility Horoscope for Virgo Woman and Pisces Man

This couple understand a lot about each other: they see the pros and cons of characters, possible difficulties in relationships, and therefore they will not build castles in the air. Instead, they will take constructive solution problems and spiritual development.

Whether it is a love union, business or friendship: the success of this relationship depends only on the constant compromises of these men and women

The romantic Pisces man is often shy, and therefore the stability offered by Virgo will have a beneficial effect on him, giving him the necessary self-confidence. There is little left: for the Virgin to agree to the role of a kind of nanny for her chosen one.

Compatibility between people of these signs is possible subject to the setting of common goals and the search for ways to solve them, attentive conversations on topics that are interesting to both, maintaining each other's personal space, calm and adequate conflict resolution.

From this combination of astrological signs can get out harmonious union in which the partners complement each other. The same mystical attraction that both will feel literally from the first minutes of meeting can lead to the emergence of vivid feelings. But even love is not able to smooth out some of the roughness of the characters of Virgo and Pisces. The workaholism of the Virgo woman and the outright laziness of the Pisces man will lead to constant criticism from the first and resistance from the second.

Different attitudes towards money will also play a role: the domestic and very prudent Virgo, who wants to direct the love relationships that have arisen into the family channel, will be shocked by the squandering of money by the chosen one left and right.

Will they be able to survive such significant moments of crisis together - for the most part depends on the understanding and patience of the Virgo woman.

couple sexual attraction

Beautiful and harmonious intimate relationships the combination of the Virgo woman and the Pisces man is guaranteed: his sensuality and tact, tenderness and insight will melt the inner ice of this sometimes very impregnable woman. Virgo does not tolerate pressure and impudence at all, and therefore she will be glad of the sensitivity of her partner, who will not force things and will allow her to listen to her own feelings. The restraint and chastity of the chosen one, in turn, captivates and even delights Pisces: the process of conquest, as well as the bright finale, will bring real pleasure to both participants: the bed for them will become a place of harmony and pleasure.

As an erudite and well-read person, the Pisces woman will look for the same level in the satellite


Despite the seemingly attractive prospect of living together, it is better for this couple to stay on friendly terms and not to marry. Yes, they can learn a lot from each other, support in difficult life situations, help with advice, but living under the same roof will bring out many very critical inconsistencies in their characters. The demanding and tireless Virgo wife, who does not sit still, will demand the same from her life partner, but the husband under the sign of Pisces is completely unpractical and frankly lazy. In addition, most often Pisces turn out to be vulnerable and over-emotional, and therefore nitpicking and reproaches of the spouse for negligence will be perceived by them as a personal insult.

Such a marriage is able to withstand life's trials only due to the constant work of partners on themselves.

How are Virgo girl and Pisces guy friends?

They succeed in friendship much better than business or love union: This couple is happy to share experiences and communicate on various topics. A common cause can unite these essentially different people for a long time. In such a friendship, a woman “gets” emotions and an easy attitude to the world around her, and it will be useful for a man to learn a bit of seriousness and prudence from a friend. Friendship in this couple can be very long-lasting., without going into love relationships or insignificant friendships.

How to win a Pisces man and build a relationship with him?

Emotional and passionate Pisces for life stability obviously lacking balance. Therefore, a sensible and calm Virgo woman is very curious to him. She, in turn, will not have a very sweet time in such a relationship: only the constant readiness for tricks of this man will not knock her out of her own well-worn rut.

One still needs to get used to the throwing of one born under the sign of Pisces: just like a fish in a pond, he is here today and there tomorrow, his judgments about people and circumstances change with the same speed and randomness. The sensitivity and responsiveness of his nature will somewhat compensate for such a vital inconstancy of the man of the Pisces sign. Virgo will be happy with the attention and caress of her chosen one, but will she be able to put up with the fact that the breadth of his soul extends not only to her, but to everyone around?

Perfectly in the style of the male Pisces sign to borrow pending on new refrigerator money for a newly baked friend

Virgo Woman worth weighing the pros and cons: perhaps it is worth stopping at almost perfect friendships and not plunging headlong into love, which promises a lot of trials? But you can’t command your heart - in turn, the Pisces man will be infinitely grateful for the trust and support and, quite likely, will sincerely consider such a woman ideal.

Is it possible to fall in love with a Virgo woman?

Difficult, but possible. The exceptional accuracy and pedantry of the Virgo woman cannot be ignored even at the stage of acquaintance: it is important for her appearance potential partner: perfect hairstyle, order in clothes, polished shoes, clean-shaven cheeks. This woman will demand the same ideal order in cohabitation.

Virgo will be grateful to Pisces for accuracy and punctuality

Virgo will be grateful to Pisces for accuracy and punctuality, for moderately diversifying her rather calm, sometimes even boring life. If only the excessively enterprising Pisces man didn’t come up with the idea of ​​turning the Virgo’s internal routine upside down: a sensible and strict woman will immediately delete a too active gentleman from her list of acquaintances.

November 28, 2017, 13:42

Virgo and Pisces are an unpredictable couple. They may not always be together. It all depends on their preferences and desires. Virgo man, Pisces woman respect their partner and appreciate, but at the same time, these are contradictory signs. Astrologers characterize them as dreamy, passive and emotional. What does the horoscope say about each sign individually? Are they compatible in nature? You will find answers to these questions in the article.

Virgo man: characteristic

This is a restrained, dreamy, responsible and caring person. Many women dream of winning this sign. Virgo man loves the weaker sex and has affairs with them. However, they are all fleeting. He sorts out for a long time until he finds a faithful and reliable life partner.

Virgo dreams that he has a smart, kind, responsible, honest, fair, faithful wife, etc. He has very high requirements for his chosen one, so most often he is in no hurry to marry early.

Before marriage, these men walk a lot. But after the wedding they calm down, and the Virgin has not only no desire, but also no time for adventures. After all, he has a wife, without whom he can no longer.

If the Virgo-man finds his ideal, then he is ready for any reckless actions, if only his beloved and unique would be with him. For his only one, he is ready to work both day and night, so that she does not need anything.

The Virgo man is very calm. Therefore, it is not so easy to wait for scandals from him. Can smooth everything sharp corners conversations. Virgo man not only good husband but also the father. He devotes all his free time to his children. He can take them to classes, go to a meeting, or just go to the rides.

The wife can easily rely on Virgo. Responsibility and reliability are the main features of his character. With this man, any woman will feel comfort and security.

Pisces woman: characteristic

She is fragile and tender, needs a man's shoulder every minute. The Pisces horoscope does not mean that she is helpless. You can always earn money for bread. However, it is easier for her to shift her problems to a man.

The Pisces woman knows how to be charming. Therefore, she is surrounded by many suitors who do not mind becoming her defenders for many years. The owner of this sign is not in a hurry for a relationship. She looks closely for a long time, then she can plunge into the pool with her head.

Nature endowed the female fish with charm, intelligence, silence and helplessness. It has been ingrained in her character since birth. When she marries, she expects care and reliable rear from her prince. After all, it was her defenselessness that won the heart of the chosen one.

This woman is not at all interested in financial problems in the family. If the husband has pledged to support her, then she does not care where he will bring the money and where he will spend it. The result is important for her, so that they do not sit hungry and cold. In her understanding, a woman should stay at home, and her husband should provide.

The Pisces woman gives her love completely to both her husband and child. However, children often take advantage of her kindness and often already completely lead their mother at the age of 15. After all, she will do everything for her crumbs. Next to such beautiful woman a man feels himself a protector and a support. Here is how the horoscope characterizes this woman. Pisces are intelligent and vulnerable natures, so they should be treated with tenderness.

Love: Virgo-man, Pisces-woman

These two signs can be together, but not always. Their characters are very different. They say that opposites attract. However, in order for Virgo and Pisces to stay together, each of them needs to work on themselves daily. After all, it is not always possible to give in and compromise.

Both signs - Virgo-man, Pisces-woman - can love selflessly and dissolve in their partner, for whom they will be ready for any, even the most reckless actions. This couple at the very beginning of their relationship is very loving. However, as time passes, they realize that apart from sex, nothing connects them. Therefore, very often their relationship quickly ends before it starts.

Pisces woman, Virgo man: marriage compatibility

Virgo is characterized by stability, security and the desire to have his own cozy home, where a man will feel comfortable. Fish do not strive for these parameters. They are always satisfied with everything. However, thanks to Virgos, Pisces learn to live more objectively, stop being afraid of responsibility.

Virgo-man, Pisces-woman - two signs that do not need to be controlled, since they themselves know what they want from life. The similarity of these two signs in one - they sometimes like to retire. Therefore, both Virgo and Pisces need to give their partner more freedom.

Pisces is a dreamy and romantic person. Therefore, from marriage, she expects a man to patronize, protect and love her more than anyone else in the world. Virgo can not always justify the desire of Pisces. Often such a marriage breaks up.

Disadvantages in marriage between Virgo and Pisces

This couple has many disadvantages in marriage. For example, a Virgo man does not know how to express his feelings, which are necessary for Pisces. It often seems to the wife that the husband lives with her for fun and does not love her. Because of this, Pisces often start rash quarrels and scandals that last a long time.

Pisces do not know how to distribute finances. Therefore, no matter how much the husband brings money to the family, the wife will say that it is very little. She will never have enough finances even for food, because she does not like to live too economically. Pisces do not know how to collect money for something important. Therefore, if the wife does not strive for financial management, you should not force her, so as not to regret later.

How to make a marriage perfect?

Virgo expresses her feelings through actions. If Pisces pay attention to this, then they will understand that they have an ideal husband. A woman needs to come to terms with the fact that Virgo expresses her feelings with actions, not words. If it works out, then a good marriage can turn out. Virgo man, Pisces woman rarely yield to their partner. They need to learn to compromise.

Pisces can safely entrust Virgo with general finances. The husband will be able to dispose of them perfectly, and there will be enough money not only for food, but also for more expensive purchases. After all, the Virgo man can be economical.

An ideal couple can be the signs Pisces-woman and Virgo-man. The compatibility horoscope believes that if a husband and wife adhere to certain rules, they can be happy.

Pisces woman, Virgo man: compatibility in friendship

They are good comrades. Virgo and Pisces are devoted to each other and are always ready to help. They can chat for hours, discussing the day, work, friends, acquaintances or relatives. Both Pisces and Virgo know how to sympathize and empathize. However, since they are discussing the circle of their acquaintances, they will not trust their friend. After all, there is no guarantee that tomorrow this comrade will not discuss him behind his back.

As a rule, Virgo knows how to impose her principles on life. Therefore, Pisces is not always pleased with this, and gradually their friendship ends, because it becomes burdensome for the watermark.


Virgo man, Pisces woman - a difficult couple. Each sign needs communication, love and support. However, they can not always get them from a partner. These two signs are opposite in nature. However, they can be a happy couple if they learn to understand their partner.

The Virgo husband should not scream and offend his wife. She is vulnerable, and she is very uncomfortable with this attitude. It is always worth remembering that true love will not destroy happiness. If you really appreciate and respect your partner, you will pay less attention to his character. After all, for loving person there are no barriers.

And Pisces women cannot pass without a trace. Either these two will reach compatibility and the exchange of experience will enrich both, or they will destroy each other and go home devastated. The advice of astrologers will help you choose a more preferable option.

Compatibility of characters Pisces woman and Virgo man in the family

The flexible element of Water gives the Pisces woman a willingness to embrace the whole world: an oligarch and a marginal have equal chances to win her heart - if only it was good with a person, and there will always be a place for a cute little thing in the room, regardless of whether it fits into the interior. A slob, - the Virgo man will note to himself, for the first time being at her place. He cares about appearance, reputation, financial situation, personal qualities potential companion - the element of the Earth dictates a purely practical approach.

At the same time, it would be unfair to say that empathy is alien to Virgos: strong, sometimes conflicting feelings often rage behind external pedantry. If a strange union is nevertheless destined to take shape, the man readily takes on financial security and domestic improvement. Most Pisces women are aware of their impracticality, therefore they do not claim leadership, the right to manage the family budget - everything that implies responsibility.

It would seem, why would a neat, hardworking guy always have a clumsy head in the clouds? The secret is simple: next to a disorganized helpless girlfriend, one more clearly feels one's own efficiency, rightness, fortitude. Caring for the weaker increases self-esteem and status in the eyes of others. Let you have to do everything yourself, but this is the most optimal, if not the only chance for compatibility with such an unusual lady. The Virgo man is interested in studying different types, the Pisces woman seems to him an endless labyrinth of mysteries. The representative of the astrological symbol knows how to take guardianship and signs of attention, her sincere expression of gratitude can soften the most callous character. Regrets are inevitable that he has taken on a burden, doubts whether such relationships interfere with personal progress, but such momentary moods quickly pass.

Work Compatibility

In a business setting, compatibility leaves much to be desired. It is problematic for the intuitively thinking Pisces woman to operate with numbers and facts that are so natural for the Virgo man. A completely natural misunderstanding arises, in which everyone tries to accuse a colleague, if possible so that the whole team can hear. As a result, the situation heats up and productivity suffers.

Fish rarely occupy leadership positions, although for a Virgo subordinate, this would be a good option. An employee who is disciplined by nature works much better without pointers and strict control. A delicate boss lady is likely to adopt this unobtrusive management style.

While the production process is moving along a knurled track, Virgo is an intelligent leader, giving instructions to subordinates in an accessible way, moderately demanding. Unforeseen circumstances infuriate the boss. Someone must be held responsible for the mess, most likely it will be Pisces due to their inability to stand up for themselves.

As co-owners of the business, both are too cautious, avoiding risks, which is why they often miss out on benefits. These are two diligent performers who have no one to lead. In addition, it is difficult to imagine a type of activity that would suit both.

How can a Virgo man conquer a Pisces woman?

Compared to the laconic Virgo man, the Pisces woman is much more sociable, but is not always able to articulate what is in her heart. However, understanding, reciprocal feelings are very important.

He declares his need in a very peculiar way: an escape from the evil reality anywhere. Drunkenness, drugs, tantrums, gluttony - all this is a cry for help, because feeling unloved is the worst thing. An overabundance of emotions can cause a similar reaction.

The best way to balance the relationship is to overcome silence, to express in words as often as possible the warm feelings that this unusual girl evokes, this is the only way to give her peace of mind and achieve location.

How can a Pisces woman conquer a Virgo man?

From an objective point of view, a Pisces woman has practically no chance of conquering a Virgo man, whose ideal is a practical realist who is perfectly able to control herself. Nevertheless, such unions develop successfully, each time confirming that love does not always obey the laws of objective reality.

Sometimes a meeting with a Pisces girl makes you reconsider established views, doubt that stability and peace are the main values, pay attention to the world of emotions. For those who are accustomed to acting in a purely material world, taking on the thankless work of a Virgo man, it will be a real discovery to find happiness in own feelings, experiences, trust intuition and not be mistaken. In the company of this girl, he will experience the very peace that he always sought, although he imagined it in a completely different way.

It should be noted that earth signs need solitude from time to time. Not finding such an opportunity, they begin to “clear the territory”: they demonstrate a bad mood, find fault with others, and strive to inject. Seeing such behavior, the loved one is best left alone. Ideally - assuring that you will safely survive a couple of hours of his seclusion.

Who and how in the family brings up children

The Pisces woman understands motherhood in a very peculiar way: the child needs exactly what her parents did not give her. Mom tries to remember, predict and prevent her own children's grief, chooses as a gift things and toys that she herself dreamed of. Sometimes good intentions create problems, because children are not always exact copies of their parents.

Due to the soft nature of the mother, it is difficult to set the rules, to bring up such qualities as purposefulness, fortitude, and activity. On the one hand, a rather pleasant permissiveness, on the other, the absence of supports. The older the child becomes, the more dangerous the situation in which he risks to please. The mother clearly needs the help of a strong-willed competent person, who is the Virgo father.

It is noteworthy that, having learned about his wife's pregnancy, the Virgo man is in no hurry to notify all his acquaintances, as future parents often do. He prefers to act: he chooses a name for the baby and opens a bank account for him, begins to save for education, plans the future in detail. Paternal feelings do not wake up immediately; at first, parental responsibilities are seen as one of the areas where you can put things in order.

Dad tries in every possible way to control the development of the crumbs, accustoms to the regime, healthy eating, discipline. Attention to detail makes no mistake when it comes to health and learning, and the development of creative skills and imagination is best left to mom.

Virgo parents more often than other zodiac symbols face the problem of fathers and children. Realizing that it is pointless to enter into a discussion with an adamant dad, an adult child once confronts him with one or another fait accompli.

Intimate Compatibility Virgo Man and Pisces Woman

The position of the planets in natal chart gives the Pisces woman a unique chance to recognize the Virgo man from a completely unexpected side. Intimate setting - one rare case when he can afford passion and wildness. True, subject to complete trust and a sense of unity.

The element of Water endowed the Pisces woman with flexibility, responsiveness, understanding, thanks to which an invisible but strong connection is established between partners. The complete absence of prohibitions, experiments, free expression of emotions immerse both in the primeval ocean of sensual romance.

Sloppiness can be a destructive factor. Virgos are extraordinarily clean, also attaching importance to such trifles as, for example, their partner's underwear, fresh sheets and accessories in the bedroom. At the same time, some of them are not averse to showing off their sexual exploits to their friends on occasion. For a vulnerable companion, a real shock to learn that such conversations took place.

Pros and Cons of Virgo Man and Pisces Woman

Responsibility for the Pisces woman inspires the Virgo man to new achievements, admiration and gratitude in return make you feel strong and in demand, caring for your neighbor fits perfectly into the value system.

The couple does not like noisy gatherings, preferring to while away the evenings with intellectual conversations, discussions of works of art, and gossip. Pisces is encouraged by confidence in tomorrow's well-being, Virgo receives powerful emotional support. Both are focused on stability and long-term relationships.

What is the compatibility of Virgo man and Pisces woman?

The balanced interaction of the material and mental principles serves as the basis for the compatibility of the couple. It is quite natural that such different personalities do not always manage to understand each other perfectly. However, the mutual desire to overcome differences and life orientations to create a family increase the chances of achieving harmony.