Lily is a mysterious stranger. Lily - a symbol of purity, a flower with a rich history

catherine Ziborova prepared, Photo Ziborov T.Yu.

Wonderful white Lily - the personification of innocence and purity. She was attributed to the divine origin of the ancient Greeks - according to them, she rose from Mother's Milk the Gods of Juno. But much earlier, the Greeks Lily was known to the ancient Persians, the capital of which was called a suza, that is, the "city of lilies". In his emblem, as a symbol of immaculate cleanliness, several lilies were blocked. The glory of impurity This flower also used the ancient Jews. According to their legends, Lily grew in the paradise garden during the temptation of Eva Devil, but among the temptation, the beautiful flower remained as clean, as it was, and no evil dares to touch him.

The great Tyr architect, built the temple of Solomon, gave the elegant form of a lily to the head of the temple and decorated with images of lilies walls and ceiling, separating with Jews the view that this flower would aggravate a prayer mood. And Moses ordered the images of lily to decorate the seventh bowl. There is also a legend that under yellow Lily, which is usually growing among the reeds, the cradle of Moses stopped.
Lilia is also found in Egyptians, and its image in hieroglyphs means that short-term life, then freedom and hope. From this flower, the fragrant oil is preparing in ancient times - "Susinon".

A considerable role was played by Lily and Romans at the Flora celebration. Women in the course of this holiday competed in running and struggle, and the winners showered the rain of flowers. Cleared lilies and statue of the Goddess Flora, and the entire amphitheater, the public, arena, the lodges ...
This flower was considered at the Romans symbol of hope, and its image was placed by the Romans even on coins, as the people waiting for pleasant benefits from the reign king.
In the sign of that complete abundance and pure life, which they wish, wreaths from lilies and wheat bumps crowned the bride and groom.

Lilia met in the ancient German mythology, and the god of thunder - always depicted in the right hand of zipper, and in the left - Scepter, crowned with Lily. Her fragrant venik was considered in German mythology also by the magic wand of the Oberon and the housing of the elves. Each Lilia has its own elf, who will be born and dying with her. The whines of these colors serve the elves of the bells, whose ringing they collect their fellow on prayer.

Nowhere Lily had such historical meaningslike in France. It is said that the founder of the French monarchy Glodwig, being also a pagan, saw that he loses to the allems in battle in Tolbak, and ascended the prayer for the victory of Christian God. And he was an angel with a branch of lilies, saying that henceforth he did Lily his weapons and bequeathed him to his descendants. Chlodvigu was granted a victory in this battle, and he with all his francs, their wives and children accepted baptism. Since then, Lily in France is a symbol of royal power under the Senius of the Church.

Although the symbol of the royal power was always a white lily, some argue that Lily, given by the angel Chlodwig, was not white, but a fire-red. A beautiful legend is also folded about the red lily. They say that she became red in the night before the godfall of the Savior. The legend says that when the Savior, Tommy Heavy Stop, was held in the Great Garden, all the flowers tended their heads before him. One lily did not bow the heads, wanting him to fit well with her smell and beauty. And the Savior really stopped for a minute - it is possible to admire the beauty of this flower, - but when a suffer eye fell on her, then Lilia, comparing his pride with his humility, was ashamed, and the blush shame spread over all her petals, remaining with her forever and ever…
That is why, adds a legend, red lilies never stand with raised heads and for nights always closame their petals.

In the XII century, it elected Lily his emblem and Louis VII, with it for the first time a white banner appears with three gold lilies, which later becomes not only the emblem of royal power, but also devotion to the Papal See.
Lily also meets in the coat of arms of Louis IX Saint, but only with the daisy, which he joined Margarita's beloved wife in memory of his beloved wife.
The form of the lily also betrayed the end of the scepter, and France itself was called the kingdom of lilies, and the French king is the king of Lily.
The expression "Etre Assis Sur Des Lys", that is, "sit on Lily", marked to have a high position, as not only all the walls of the trill, but all the seats of chairs were decorated with the colors of lilies.

Lily was generally considered very honorable sign on herbs and met even coins. Louis XIV released a coin into circulation, which worns even the names of gold and silver lilies. On one side of such a coin was the image of the king or decorated with lilies and crowned at both ends of the crowns of the cross, and on the other - the coat of arms of France, supported by two angels. Lily enjoyed great love in France. In aristocratic families, it was customary to send the bride to the wedding to send a bride every morning a bouquet of living colors, where at least a few white lilies should have been.

Lily of the Spaniards and Italians enjoys the same love. These peoples are considered predominantly flower Blessed Virgin. In wreaths from lilies, young girls are going for the first time to St. Communion. In the Pyrenees there is a custom on June 24th, in Ivanov the day, bring huge lilies bouquets to the church for consecration. Then these lilies crosscright nourish over the door of each house, which from this minute is considered under the protection of John the Baptist. These bouquets stay until the next Ivanov of the day.

Germany, too, was a lot of fond of Lily. The most beautiful lilies were divorced here in monastic gardens, and their incredible beauty gave rise to a lot of legends associated with the life of the monks.
In Germany, a lot of legends associated with the afterlife are associated with Lily. It serves as the Germans, like a tombstone, testifying to the dedication, then the daimless revenge of the dead man. According to the popular belief, it is never planted on the graves, and she herself grows on the grave of the suicide or a man who deceased violent or generally terrible death. If she grows on the grave of the murdered, it serves as a harbinger of revenge, and on the grave of the sinner - a sign of the atonement of sins. On the petals of lilies that grew up on the grave of sinners, on reference, there are always some words written by gold.

Some Caucasian lilies may be influenced by rain yellowing or blushing, and therefore Caucasian girls use them for fortune telling. By choosing a bud of lily, after the rain they open it, and if he is yellow inside, then their beloved is wrong, and if the red means he still loves.

It is impossible not to remember the Siberian Lilia - Saranka. If a white lily looks at a strict, cold, indifferent, then the locker is its full opposite. Petals of her colors are precisely turned inside out. It seems, the locust is about to be ready to go into the dance.

The rare and valuable lily is considered the royal lily, the birthplace of which is a narrow valley among the mountains of south-western China. The bulbs of this lily at the beginning of the 20th century were delivered to England, from where she began their triumphal march in gardens and parks of the world.

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Legends about colors: lilies


White Wonderful Lily - This
The symbol of innocence and purity - also has its interesting mythology
Legend. Greeks attributed to her divine origin; According to them,
She rose from Mother's Milk Gods - Junites.

Dark night white lilies
Sleep obscure quiet.
Breeze night cool
Burns them.
The night of their cups closed,
Night Stores flowers
In the apparel of innocent
Clean beauty.

I. Bunin

They say that the FVAN Tsarina beauty Alcmena, the mother of Hercules,
fearing revenge revenge jealous juno to hide her born of it from Jupiter
Hercules, put it under a thick shrub; But Minerva, who knew
the divine origin of the baby, deliberately led Junon to this place and
She showed her the poor abandoned by his mother's mother. Healthy,
The adorable boy really liked Juno, and as a defender and
The patroness of all newborns, she agreed to give a thorough
Thirsty baby to sue her milk. But the boy, feeling in it
instinctively your enemy, so badly bit her, that she, screaming from
Pain, roughly pushed him. Milk splashed and, sprinkle in the sky,
Formed Milky Way, and a few drops of him, falling on the ground,
turned into lily. For this reason, these flowers of the Greeks also wore
Name and roses Junon.

In the ancient Jews, this flower enjoyed great love and glory
Indice. According to Jewish legends, he grew up in paradise just during
the temptations of Eva Dilovol and could be discussed by him; but among temptation
He remained as clean, as it was, and draw dirty hand did not dare
Touch it. As a result, the Jews adorned them not only the sacred
Altari your own, but often and the people of their vengeons, like, for example, the king
Solomon. And the Great Tyr architect, built the temple of Solomon, gave
The elegant form of lily the wonderful capitals of the huge columns of this temple and
decorated with images of the lilies of his wall and ceiling, separated with the Jews
the opinion that the flower of this red will contribute to strengthening
Prayer mood among praying in the temple. For the same reason
Moses probably ordered the image of Lily to decorate the seventh bowl and
Putting it on the font, where the high priest was washed.

There is also a legend that under Lilia was the cradle of Moses,
But, of course, not under the white, but under yellow, which is usually growing
Among reeds and reeds.

Egyptians are found in which its image and the case come across
hieroglyphs and denotes the short-term life, then freedom and
Hope. In addition, white lilies, apparently, decorated the bodies of the dead
young Egyptian girls; Similar Lily was found on the chest of mummy
Young Egyptian, stored now in the Louvro Museum in Paris. From this
The Egyptian flower was preparing the famous fragrant oil in ancient times -
Susinon, which is described in detail at the hippocracy in his treatise "On
Nature of women. "

A considerable role was played by Lily and Romans, especially in their floral
The festivities dedicated to the goddess of spring - Flora.

These festivities took place annually in the last days of April and
They were playing, where women with the sounds of pipes and Litavrov
competed in the fight and run. The winner received a wreath as a reward from
colors, they were falling asleep, as it is often done when honored
Winners on games, whole rain colors. When bringing walked
The statue of the goddess itself appeared, decorated with flowers and garlands and
covered with a pink bedspread that she held right hand; in
Lovely she had peas and beans that Edili during these games
Throw to handles as delicacies, Roman blacks. These festivities were
Founded by the beloved Pompey, Akkaya Laurentia, which for extraordinary
The beauty of her other fan, tiecell ciselles, even counted to her host
Goddesses, putting her image in the Temple of Castor and Polluks.

also met in ancient German mythology, and the god thunder
Always depicted holding a lightning in his right hand, and a scepter, crowned
Lily, in the left. She was decorated with man in the ancient inhabitants of Pomerania
the time of the festivities in honor of the Goddess of Spring, and the fragrant of her whisk served in
The German fabulous world by a magic wand for obouron and housing
Little fabulous creatures - elves.

These legends, each Lilia has its own elf, who is with her
Born and with her dies. The whines of these colors serve this
tiny creatures of bells, and, shaking them, they convene on prayer
His pious fellow. Prayer these meetings occur
usually in the late evening hour when everything calmed down in the gardens and
plunged in deep dream. Then one of the elves runs to a flexible stalk
Lilies and starts to download him. The bells of lilies call and wake their own
Silver ringing of sweet sleeping elves. Tiny creatures wake up
get out of their soft baits and silently go to
Women lilies that serve them at the same time as if the prayers. Here
they bow out their knees, fold the knobs and thank
Hot prayer of the creator for the benefits sent to them. Praying, they are so
Silently rushing back into your floral lulyts and soon fall asleep again
Deep, careless sleep ...

Nowhere Lily had such historical importance as in France, where
It is associated with the names of the founder of the French monarchy Khlodignius, kings
Louis VII, Philip III, Francis I and a whole legend about the appearance of it on
Banner of the French kings. About this appearance of famous three gold
Lilies Vintage legends report the following.

Chlodwig, being also a pagan, seeing in battle with Tobiake, which
Allems4, with whom he led war, take the top over his warriors,
exclaimed: "Christian God, God who worship my wife
Clotilda (daughter King Halperich, Christian), help me to win
Victory, I believe in you! " And then suddenly he was the Angel of God with a branch
lilies and said that from now he made this flower with his weapon and
Wanted him to his descendants. At the same moment, the soldiers of CLODIV entertained
extraordinary courage, with the renewed forces they rushed to the enemy and
Turning him to flight. In gratitude for this chlodwig in 496 AD.
went to Reims and with all his francs, their wives and children accepted
Holy baptism. And with these pores, Lily becomes in France
The emblem of the royal power under the Senyu Church.

But received from the angel chlodwig lily, according to many scientists, was
Not white, and fire-red. It was, in their opinion, the same flower,
which grew in Eastern Flanders, in the River Lee (Lys), whichifies in
Shelda, where the battle of Glodight occurred, after which victorious warriors
His, narrowing the lilies, returned to their homeland with wreaths from these colors on
head. From the name of the same river, probably happened and french
Title of the flower - (lee, fox).

HP of the same century chooses Lily his emblem and Louis VII when,
Going to the second crusade as the head of a separate detachment,
According to the custom of that time, I had to choose some motto for
Rooms on the banner.

He chooses it, on the one hand, because her name,
The then uttered LOYS (LOI), has some similarity with his name -
Louis (Louis), and on the other, in the memory that the king is chlodwig with her
help defeated the enemies of Christianity; he also goes to fight
Invalid. In addition, these lilies had to remind his soldiers also
The heroic feat of the sovereign, who expelled the Romans from their Fatherland and was
Avertor the French monarchy.

Germany with Lilia is also associated with a lot of legends about the afterlife.

She, like a tomb rose, serves as the Germans testimony
Devotion, then post-mortem revenge of the dead man. On folk believer, her
never put on the grave, and she herself grows here under the influence
some invisible strength, and grows mainly on the graves
Suicides and people who died violent and generally terrible death.
If she grows on the grave of the murdered, it serves as a sign of threatening revenge, and
If on the grave of the sinner - then for forgiveness and the atonement of sins.

Such belief is even told in the ballad "servant of the killer"
This ballad tells,
as one noble lady, at the request of his beloved persuaded
to kill her husband loyal to her, attacking him by surprise among
Fields. Servant performs instructions beautiful lady praises him and generously
awards; But when she drives on her gray horse around the field, where
committed murder, then suddenly growing here white lilies begin Groznaya
To nod to her heads. Fear and a remorse of conscience seduce it, no day,
No night, she does not find more peace and goes to the monastery.

On the Lilies, expressing the atonement of sins, always appear
Any words written by gold letters. About such words says
In medieval songs about Schuterzam's knights and lindenche,
caught and executed by Nurembergians, as well as in the song about the Graf Friedrich,
I killed my bride who had fallen from her scabbard. In desperation
Her father kills him, and the song ends with the words: "Three days passed, and on
His grave rose 3 lilies on which it was written that the Lord accepted
His to himself, in his holy monastery. "

Caucasian lilies can be influenced by the rain shirt and blush, and therefore
Caucasian girls enjoy them for fortune telling.

By choosing a bud of lily, they reveal it after the rain, and if it turns out
Inside yellow, then they are infidensed them, but if red is still loved.

The wild lily of Saran, or the "royal kudri", growing in Sybiri, which even folded the legend, as if she had grown out of the heart of the Cossack who died during the conquest of Siberia Ermacom, and since then the flower with bizarrely curved orange petals possesses magical propertiesTransmitted to her the Cossack - inspires courage and resistance to warriors.

Swamp lilies

Pale, gently shy,
Blossomed in swamp wilderness
White lilies Flowers silent,
And they rustled by the reel.
White Lilies Flowers Silver
Grow from a deep bottom,
Where they do not shine golden rays,
Where water is cold and dark.
And they do not hide their passion criminal,
Their waves do not name;
For indispensable eyes, inaccessible,
For yourself, they only live.
Peeling the determination of the hardship
Live a dream and achieve a height
Blooming with puff pride
White lilies silent flowers.
Flourish, and flexinate impassive,
Far from human possessions
And they will dissolve again, beautiful, -
And no one will know about them.

Balmont Constantine

Lily (White) - In the language of flowers, purity, virginity, majesty, "it is divine - to be with you !!!"

Lily (yellow) - in the color of the colors thanks, brightness, but also frivolism, lie

Lily (Calla) - in the color of the color of beauty

Lily (Orange) - in the language of color hatred, disgust

Lily (sacred) - In the language of the color of the maiden spell

Lily (Tiger) - in colors language pride, abundance, prosperity, well-being

The image of this plant is found even in the ancient Roman vases. This suggests that it has long been known and loved. Some scientists believe that his name has happened from the Ancient Telecommunications "Lilith" (white-white), so today the plant is called Lily.

History and legends

Most legends and myths are connected with White Lillia. Her scientific name is Lilium Candidum. The beauty of the plant forced to believe in his divine origin, but to worship Lilies began with time immemorial.

Myths of ancient Greece

In Crete archaeologists, frescoes were found for ages of more than 3 thousand years. Among other pictures on them could be seen lilies petals. Crete residents were dedicated to the flower of the goddess of the sea, the patroness of the fishermen. The Greeks, later who captured the island, also did not pay attention to this flower and even devoted him a beautiful legend. The legend states that Lily appeared from the milk of Goddess Gera, the wife of Almighty Zeus. Since the relationship between the gods in Olympus was very confusing, it turned out that Zeus had a son from Queen Alcmen. Fearing anger of a legitimate spouse, Alcmen hid the baby in the bushes, and, as he called, a ger passed past this shelter. The goddess saw the kid, regretted him and decided to feed. But the child pushed her out, because of which the milk splashed to heaven and formed the famous Milky Way. At the same time, several small droplets of milk fell to the ground, and white lilies rose at this place. By the way, the infant was the name of Hercules.
In ancient Rome, Lily symbolized luxury. Patricia is a notable part of the population of the empire - decorated with lilies their clothes. With the arrival of Christianity, Lilia began to be considered a flower of the Virgin Mary as a symbol of purity and indispensability.

Mixa Asian Lilies

"There is an old pond in the old castle, there are lily flowers ..."

This plant is also called the flower of the French kings. Louis VII placed it on the banner, and then it passed onto other symbols of royal power.

About people who occupy high positions at the courtyard, they said that they were "sitting on Lily."

See also:

Onion house

This completely corresponded to reality, as the image of the flower was decorated not only by the walls of important institutions, but also the seats of chairs. France itself was called the kingdom of lilies, and the monarch is their king.
The dark pages in the history of lily are known. For example, it branded criminals. Inquisitors with torches and lilies in their hands sent a bonfire. It was believed that after burning soul sinners should have become the same clean as this snow-white flower. Much has passed since then, and in some European countries, it is not customary to give lilies, whose symbolism was suffering.

Russian stories

Since this flower in a wild form is found not only in the old world, but also with us, there are Russian legends associated with Lily. In Siberia, lily blooms, which in the people is called Saranka. Previously, people believed that she protects warriors from bullets and a bayonet. That is why Mother who defended his sons to war, certainly put lily flower in his pocket. Saranka has different shades, but the brightest is purple. According to the legend, it originated from the blood drops of the Cossack Ataman Ermak, who conquered Siberian expanses. In these places, it is still said that a man touched a locker forever becomes strong and brave.
European varieties of lilies hit Russia under Peter I, when the reformer king brought a flower to decorate his summer garden. Few later began to study the flora of Siberia, and biologists brought three new types of lilies to St. Petersburg.

Lily tubular regale

Types and varieties

At the Lilily plot look royally. And no matter how many plants you grow (one or ten), they still transform the garden during flowering. True, skeptics claim that it is a Babushkin flower who stopped being fashionable. The fact is that we have for a long time It was possible to find only Dauria Lily and Lily Royal. They were often decorated with rustic parisades. But now the choice is huge. The bulk of the lilies are represented by the eastern, Asian hybrids. These varieties require different care. In order not to confuse the features, you can connect the imagination:

  1. A gentle eastern beauty loves more dry soil, despicably in care, and it needs to be stolen for the winter. It is afraid of cold, so it is necessary to plant so that it is about 20 cm from the bulb to the surface of the Earth Koma, it is of great importance. This will help the plant to fall without any problems, and with the arrival of spring give healthy strong shoots. The distance between the bulbs themselves should be 25 cm, and even better 30.
  2. The Asian hybrids are young "flip-flops", modest and less demanding. These flowers are enough frost resistant, so the depth of the landing can be less. There are many varieties of these hybrids that it is worth buying and planting on a plot without unnecessary fears.

See also:

Pros and cons of growing abrahes from seeds and bulbs

If lilies are not like that on each other, then what to talk about their distant relatives? After all, even Aloe has to have these colors of the secondary aunt. Lily enters the family of Lily. This also includes onions, garlic, tulips and many other plants united by one general sign - The structure of the flower. It must be multiple of three. For example, Lily has three outdoor and internal petals. However, strict arithmetic does not prevent these plants absolutely different in shape.
There are cups lilies, looking at which it seems that they can pour water in them. At Chalmid Lilia, the flower is lowered down, and the petals smoothly bend upwards. There are even lilies similar to the star.
And lilies differ in height:

  • there are babies with growth of only 25 cm;
  • there are lilies higher - they can reach a 40-centimeter height;
  • there are plants with a height of about 120 cm;
  • you can find both real giants. These are tall varieties that are higher than a person. By the way, now they are especially popular.
Chalmid Lilia

Pollination and reproduction

First of all, Lily is striking unusual form Flower. And it attracts not only a person, but also insects. Separate species Lilies are pollinated with butterflies. Each petal has nectarous grooves. Only very long proboscis can be penetrated into it - just like the butterflies. Spare option for pollination of lilies - wind. Even with a light dullness of the pollen turns out to be a pistil, after which pollination occurs. When the plant is one and the same, this is the only way to survive. But for the development of the species as a whole, cross pollution is very important, no wonder Lilia has a whole storage area. On the stamens it is so much that sometimes it is difficult to smell the flower and not leave yellow traces on the face. The insect pollinator is also repaid in pollen and transfers it to a flower of a neighboring plant.
Lily multiplies not only by one seeds, although this method is most developed.

This plant has and vegetative reproduction With the help of bolbos - air bulbs, generated in the sinuses of the leaves.

This is an excellent replacement of flowers. Bullbars ripen, fall, perfectly germinate, rooted and give a full-fledged plant. However, in order for them to start, it is necessary to break the buds before flowering.

White lilies Many peoples from time immemorial tied with impossibility, innocence and purity. And the ancient Egyptians believed that these flowers express the short-term life, freedom and hope. In the Louvra Museum in Paris, the mummy of the young Egyptian with a white lily on his chest is kept. From the same Egyptian flower was prepared by the famous incense incense oil, which Hippocrates says in his treatise "On the nature of the woman." Lily received its name from the ancient eleg words "Lee," that literally means "white-white".

The first images of it are found on Cretan vases and frescoes, starting from 1750 to our era, and then - in the ancient Assyrians, Egyptians, Greeks and Romans.

In Persia, at the time of reign, Kira Lily was the main decoration of lawns, interior courtyards and reservoirs. The capital of the ancient Persia Susa was called the town of Lily, and several colors of this majestic plant were depicted on her coat of arms.

The ancient Greeks attributed to the divine origins. According to legend, white lilies There were from the droplets of milk Geers - the spouses of the Vladyka gods of Zeus. The FVAN Tsarina Alcmen secretly gave birth from Zeus a boy Hercules, but, afraid of punishment of Zeus's wife, hera, hid the newborn in the bushes. However, Gera accidentally discovered the baby and decided to feed his chest. But the little Hercules felt the enemy in the hero and rudely pushed the goddess. Milk splashed to the sky, which was formed a Milky Way, and those a few drops that fell to the ground, sprouted and turned into lilies.

From IV century BC reached the information that the magnificent garden of Athenian beautiful Friene was drowned in white Lilies.

Young Romans in honor of the flower competed in Run on the festival of flora (flora), where the winner certainly decorated the white lilies wreath, and every girl kept himself with the hope of getting such a wreath. In the ancient Romans lilies served as a sign of exquisite taste, rich patricians decorated their clothes and chariots with them.

Even for several millennia BC lilies Cultivated not only as decorative, but also as medicinal, cosmetic and food plants.

With the spread of Christianity, White Lily continued to personify the purity and became the "Flower of the Virgin Mary". According to legend, Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Holy Virgin Mary with White Lilia in his hand (though, in another version, he came with an olive branch). According to the Christian legend, White Lilia grew out of the tears of Eve, expelled from Paradise.

Orange-red liliesAlso known since the age of antiquity, symbolized the blood of Christ.

In medieval Germany about lilies There was a lot of legends as a flower of the afterlife and the atonement of sins. According to the legends of other nations, Lily appears on the graves of innocently convicted people.

The Germans believed that every Lily had his elf, who would be born with her and dies with her. Happy Elf sleep deep inside the flower. And late in the evening, one of the elves begins to rock the stalk with a flower. Rocking, flower rings. All elves wake up and depart in the whines of lilies for prayer. Praying, they hurry back into their floral lulychki and soon fall asleep in them careless sleep, curling away by the village.

When the gloomy Middle Ages came with his ominous "holy" inquisition, the same lily suddenly became a shame with a flower. Lily Catholic Church begins to use in the ritual of burning "sins" on fires. Beautiful flower It was turned into a symbol of obscurantism, abusive people. Sign lilies branded criminals. It is since then that Lily in Europe has not been made to give in honor of any bright event, including at weddings (in the east, Lily still "bright" flower, and, on the contrary, they have not been made to give it to the funeral) .

In Russia, the White Lilia was considered a symbol of integrity and purity, because they often gave brides. Lilia was honored in Russia and as a symbol of the world.

Beauty and elegance white lilies They were reflected in folk songs, legends, epics, in many artworks.

Dark night white lilies
Sleep obscure quiet.
Breeze night cool
Burns them.
The night of their cups closed,
Night Stores flowers
In the apparel of innocent
Clean beauty.

Lily played a special role in the history of France. The founder of the Franksky state King Chlodwig I in the V century won the Hermann on the banks of the River Lee, where they grew lilies. The winners returned from the battlefield, decorated with lilies, and since then on banners and on the coat of arms of France three liliesAfter personifying three virtues - compassion, justice and mercy.

More than 300 years ago there were coins - "Gold and Silver lilies". The image of this flower is found on the royal print, it serves the decoration of walls and furniture in the palaces.

Flowers of Lily filled monastic gardens, and France called the kingdom of lilies.

At the Paris Louvre, the famous Museum of the Guardian of the Treasures of Arts, erected by gold a monument to Zhanna D "Ark. Folk heroine in knight's armor Sits on a horse and holds a spear in his hands with a banner. For the feats in the name of her Motherland after death, they began to call "de Lee" ("Lilyna"). In the coat of arms Zhanna D "ARC on a blue background, a sword with two lilies on the sides and a wreath of lilies from above.

Lilies - First-class decorative plants, and the beginning of their culture goes back to the distant past. The oldest of cultivated plants Lily Snow Whole in a wild form meets in Lebanon, Palestine and Syria.

People have long learned to grow white, yellow, red and red gardens in Krapinka lilieswhich are called tiger.

In Russia white lilies Began to cultivate under Peter I. And if the white lily is a symbol of innocence and purity, then the red personifies shyness, for in its petals, as it were, shame paint.

It is impossible not to recall the red squirrel (in Siberian "Saran") - Lily narrowed. It grows in Siberia, and from all lilies, red locust is the most elegant. And it is distributed by the rule of the secret number of three - characteristic of all lilac plants. In the flower there are three outer petals and three internal. Stamens - also three and three. Even the center of the flower - the ward of the pestle - out of three poles! If the white lily looks cold, the string is indifferent, then the locker is the apparent opposite. Petals of her colors are precisely turned inside out. It seems, the locust is about to be ready to go into the dance.

The Siberian legend storys that Lilia Lilka grew out of the heart of the Cossack Ataman Yermak, who died in 1585 during the conquest of Siberia, and since then the flower gives the courage and resilience to the soldiers.

The legend of Saranka came to life during the Great Patriotic War, inspiring on the feats of Siberian Warriors. Siberian Old-timers assure: "Who at least once will touch the Saran, he will be strong and brave for life."

In Belarus, Saranka and Kudda Lily grow in shady forests, on the edges. They are listed in the Red Book.

Currently there are over 3000 varieties. lilies, and the number is constantly growing due to the receipt of new hybrid decorative shapes. And what odor possesses lilies! Almost half of all varieties have a thin, gentle fragrance.

But the most beautiful of all is considered to be Laenburg Lilia. When she for the first time Flawed, it looked so elegant that the wild flowers bowed in front of her whites, the trees were fluttered with leaves, and the air was separated by a wonderful smell. With moisture in a wedge, she looked like a pearl.

"The Stone of the Paros is his whiteness, and Nard Fragrance Lily will surpate. I believe that the lilies go to silver follows the golden roses; because with its aroma and type of lily, as they believed, and roses will not yield:" - so majestically and inspires Flower French doctor ODO of Mena. Rarestly, and, consequently, the most valuable from the lilies is considered the royal lily, the birthplace of which is West Sichuan in China, a narrow valley, lost among the mountains. In 1903, English Botanist E.Vilson reached here for the first time, who belongs to the priority in the opening of this plant with snow-white flowers. The bulbs of lilies were delivered to England, and from England, her Lily Highness went to the triumphal march in gardens and parks of the world.

White wonderful lily - this symbol of innocence and purity - also has its interesting legend in mythology. Greeks attributed to her divine origin; According to them, she rose from Mother's Milk Gods - Junites.

It is said that the FVANAN Queen is the beauty of Alcmen, the mother of Hercules, fearing the revenge of the jealous jungle to hide her born from Jupiter Hercules, put it under a thick shrub; But Minerva, who knew the divine origin of the Baby, was deliberately led Junon to this place and showed her the poor, abandoned by his mother's mother. Healthy, the adorable boy really liked Juno, and as a defender and the patroness of all the newborn, she agreed to give a little bit from his thirst to suck her milk. But the boy, feeling an instinctively of his enemy in her, so badly bit her, that she, scoring against pain, rudely pushed him. Milk splashed and, spilled across the sky, formed the Milky Way, and a few drops of it, falling on the ground, turned into lilies. For this reason, these flowers of the Greeks also wore the name and roses of Junon.

And the ancient Jews flower this flower enjoyed great love and glory impurity. According to Jewish legends, he grew up in paradise just during the temptation of Eva Dilolo and could be discussed; But among the temptation, he remained as clean, as it was, and a draw dirty hand did not dare to touch him. As a result, the Jews adorn them not only the sacred altars of their own, but often and the people of their vengeons, as, for example, King Solomon. And the great Tyr architect, built the temple of Solomon, gave the elegant form of Lily to the wonderful capitals of the huge columns of this temple and decorated with the images of the lilies of his walls and the ceiling, sharing with the Jews, that the flower of this beauty will contribute to the enhancement of a prayer mood among praying in the temple. For the same reason, Moses probably ordered the image of Lily to decorate the seventh bowl and give it the form of the font, where the high priest was washed.

There is also a legend that the cradle of Moses was located near Lilia, but, of course, not under the white, but under yellow, which usually grows among reeds and reeds.

Lilia is also found in Egyptians, who have its image to and then falls in hieroglyphs and denotes the short-term life, then freedom and hope. In addition, white lilies, apparently, decorated the bodies of dead young Egyptian girls; A similar lily was found on the chest of the Mummy of the young Egyptian, which is now stored in the Louvra Museum in Paris. From the same flower, the Egyptians were prepared in ancient times incense, Susinon, which speaks in detail at the hippocracy in his treatise "On the nature of the woman".

Lily and Romans played a considerable role, especially in their floral festivals dedicated to the goddess of Spring - Flora.

These festivities took place annually in the last days of April and were playing, where women with the sounds of pipes and Litavrov competed in the fight and run. The winner received a wreath in the award from flowers, they were falling asleep, as it is now often done when celebrating the winners on games, the whole rain of flowers. When the wreaths are racing the statue of the goddess itself, decorated with flowers and garlands and covered with a pink bedspread, which she held with his right hand; In the left, she had peas and beans that Edili during these games were handed over to handles as delicacies, Romans. These festivities were founded by the beloved Pompey, Akkaya Laurentia, which for the extraordinary beauty of her other fan, Cissels Metell, even counted to the host of the goddesses, putting her image in the Castor and Polubs Temple.

Lily also met in the ancient German mythology, and the god of thunder has always been depicted holding a lightning in his right hand, and a scepter, crowned with Lily, in the left. It was decorated with the arts of the ancient inhabitants of Pomerania during the festivities in honor of the Goddess of Spring, and its fragrant wand served in the German fabulous world with a magic rod for the obouron and the housing of small fabulous creatures - elves.

According to these legends, each Lilia has its elf, who will be born with her and dies with her. The whines of these colors serve these tiny creators of the bells, and, shaking them, they convene on their prayers of their pious fellow. Prayer these meetings occur usually in the late evening hour, when everything calmed down in the gardens and plunged into deep sleep. Then one of the elves runs to a flexible stalk of Lily and starts to swing it. The bells of lilies call and wake up their silver ringing of sweet sleeping elves. Tiny creatures wake up, get out of their soft bales and silently go to the whines of lilies, who serve them at the same time as if the prayers. Here they bow their knees, fold the pens and thank you in the hot prayer of the creator for the benefits sent to them. Prayerfully, they are also silent in a hurry back into their floral lules and soon fall asleep deep, careless sleep ...

But nowhere, Lily had such historical significance, as in France, where the names of the founder of the French monarchy of Clodight are connected with it, the Kings of Louis VII, Philip III, Francis I and the whole legend about the appearance of it on the banner of the French kings. About this appearance of the famous three gold lilies, old legends report the following.

Chlodwig, being still a pagan, seeing in battle with Tobiake, that the allems4, with whom he led the war, take the top over his warriors, exclaimed: "Christian God, God who worships my wife Clotilda (Daughter King Halperich, Christian), help me Wire, I believe in you! " And then the Angel of God suddenly appeared to him with the branch of the lilies and said that henceforth he made this flower with his weapon and bequeathed him to his descendants. At the same moment, the soldiers of Glodvius embraced extraordinary courage, they rushed to the enemy with the renewed forces and turned him into flight. In gratitude for this chlodwig in 496 AD. He went to Reims and with all his francs, their wives and children accepted the Holy Baptism. And with these pores, Lilia becomes in France the emblem of the royal power under the Senius of the Church.

But the Lily received from the angel of the Angel, according to many scientists, was not white, and the flame-red. It was, in their opinion, the same flower that grew up in Eastern Flanders, in the River Lee (Lys), which entered into Shelda, where the Battle of Hlodight occurred, after which the victorious warriors, narrowing the lilies, returned to their homeland with wreaths from these colors On the head. From the name of the same river, the French Target of the Flower happened - (Lee, Fox).

He elects a lily of his emblem and Louis VII, when, going to the second crusade as the head of a separate squad, according to the custom of that time, he had to choose some motto for the placement on the banner.

He chooses it, on the one hand, because her name, who uttered then Loys (Loi), has some similarity with his name - Louis (Louis), and on the other, in the memory that the king of Glodwig with its help defeated enemies Christianity; He is also on the fight against the wrong. In addition, these lilies had to remind his soldiers a heroic feat of the Sovereign, who expelled the Romans from their Fatherland and was a re-french monarchy.

In Germany, a lot of legends about the afterlife are also connected with Lily.

She, like a tombstone rose, serves as the Germans by the testimony of devotion, then the daimons of the deceased. According to a popular believer, she is never planted on the grave, and she herself grows here under the influence of some invisible strength, and grows mainly on the graves of suicides and people who died violent and generally terrible death. If she grows on the grave of the murdered, it serves as a sign of threatening revenge, and if at the grave of the sinner - then for forgiveness and the atonement of sins.

Such belief is even told in the famous medieval ballad "servant of the killer."

This ballad tells As one noble lady, at the request of his beloved, persuaded the servant devoted to her to kill her husband, attacking him by surprise among the field. The servant carries out the order, the beautiful lady praises him and generously awards; But when she drives on his gray horse around the field, where the murder was committed, then suddenly growing white lilies here begin to trust her heads. Fear and a remorse of conscience seduce her, neither afternoon, no night she finds more peace and goes to the monastery.

On the Lily, expressing the atonement of sins, there are always some written words written by gold letters. About such words is stated in medieval songs about the knight-robber schutenses and Lindenchet, caught and executed by Nurembergians, as well as in the song about the team of Friedrich, who killed his bride who had fallen out of her scabed from his sheath. In desperation, her father kills him, and the song ends with the words: "Three days passed, and 3 lilies rose on his grave, on which it was written that the Lord accepted him to himself, in his holy monastery."

Some Caucasian lilies may be influenced by the rain shroud and blush, and therefore Caucasian girls enjoy them for fortune telling.

By choosing a bud of lilies, they reveal it after the rain, and if it turns out to be in yellow, then they are infidensed them, but if red is still loved.