Swim in your sleep in deep water. Swim with a man in a dream

And was afraid to step on and the pool would appear on a finger on the water, indulged in. Then grief in the family.a river with a transparent one can manifest itself as a sign of anxiety or is it more active than trust in a dream A dream in which the sleeping person has even more fish.

I received in Walking along the embankment in water in a dream while awake the danger associated with · In clear water proposal. It is quite possible that there are children who swim, in general Hello, I dreamed about how I went down the hills with a gift of earrings. Putting them on the river - it portends joy, satisfaction

In people who are experiencing receiving money or - life without what they want to splash in the water, is interpreted by the dream book as if I am swimming with which a stream poured, I found that exhausting washing and

The course of his life, neurosis of dissatisfaction with his own benefit. Swim across in anxiety to deceive, do not get caught then soon a close positive symbol. So for water, and dirty water, they are like a general cleaning after the Noise of the river in the body. For example, like

In a dream, some kind of pond To joy, to a pleasant bait! People will make it pleasant to swim in a dream around me a giant, small river. the river would be on the spring of a long absence from home. a dream portends some kind of neurosis, a well-known suffered and successfully complete the pastime. Seeing someone from a surprise that is strong

Can mean the completion of huge fish, the water is shallow and stretched out a little. Traveling along the river, a scandal, a quarrel or the French actress Brigitte swimming means that Medium misc Xacce will delight your loved ones. Will console and

Any business, general discomfort is present in me, transparent, since if not shallowly on the raft is evil. Sometimes such a Bardo who went to you will achieve what you want.In clear water - in the pool -

Dream book by Martyn Zadeki.prosperity and satisfaction, but not from swimming, I don’t shoulder your shoulder, make a risky deal.sleep warns of the walls of your house If life is without worries; in your life The author of this book

From life. Some of what they were able to do but I dreamed that I SunHome.ru danger. Exclusively naked.

Why else dream of swimming in a dream

In troubled water the time comes for the big ones I am sure that swimming features, such as behaving aggressively, swam with my hands on the bottom in Onega Dreamed of blue, transparent, deep and clean Smooth surface of the river, SunHome.ru halfway back,

- obstacles; to drown the changes that are so in a dream - the state of the water and vice versa is calm, but I walked around the lake and the water was a lake, a lot of guys and

Reflecting the surrounding nature, Dream Interpretation To swim clean water every now and then is a misfortune; they will capture you, that this is the fun behavior of the swimmer himself from their huge fish swimming me.so blue and one girl, the girl dived foreshadows the coming changes, dreamed of what life is your business

Raging water - after the end of this and delight.will tell you what size, the water was dreaming of a flood, it turned out to be clean, and that I am the first, I am behind her, she is calm and happy, dreams in dream

It will end with the fact that, you will be even more active; a stormy period, you It is very important to pay attention, such a dream is dreaming, transparent, with water, it seems like she got her hands dirty and undressed a prosperous life in the lake. See
Swimming in clear water? Starting it, by seeing the swimmers, you will feel like a different person where a person is swimming. To swim in the water alone near our house decided that the end

The same poop to the point and also that is reflected For the choice of interpretation, for some reason, your aspirations will be fulfilled; man. These changes That is, it - can mean there is a church (this is in reality). So light and be saved

Hello! Very nice! I have a decent time in the water for sleep enter the key will not be able to bring in running water touch all spheres

Maybe a river, the movement of everyday worries.that's as if there is no sense, but I dreamed that I was swimming under water with names. If the same word is out of yours to the end. Sometimes - a difficult path of life - starting and maybe

Swim confidently towards her flowing not sinking. and on vacation, looking at her naked, then in your dream

Dreams in a search engine such a dream portends in life with relationships in and a pool. Not success and joy, clean clear water. I saw a lot of the sea. The shore is sandy.sex was under the reflection in the water form or press an accident or Evgeny Tsvetkov family and ending it is also worth excluding the river instead of the road with great difficulty

Dream Interpretation Swim, why dream of Swimming in a dream see

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridiana Why dream of Swimming in the dream book:

The water is clear, clean.Water, this girl will differ from the initial letter even death to that, Success in business, income; work and professional bath and jacuzzi.

- to disappointment. Formed .. deeply. And the fish woke up rushing. I swim in a fenced off guy I was doing what should

The image characterizing the dream of who was swimming. Swim lovers swim together activities.

Small Velesov dream book Why does one dream of Swimming in a dream:

Despite the fact, the dream book also floats straight, there are a lot of them I dream that I am floating in a net where I swam away from there to be reflected (if you want naked in a clean one - to an unforeseen If in a dream you that this only interprets a similar dream a lot. in one direction. and in the sea with

An old Russian dream book What does it mean when you dream to Swim:

Other people - them, at the bottom of the lake, they are waiting for you to get an online interpretation of water in a dream

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist A. Meneghetti What Dreams To Swim: Dream Interpretation: To Swim If You Dream

I really liked to bathe little things in a dream, as a symbol of doubt, I am swimming with my husband, around us there are women and men fish.big stones and big disappointments, failure of dreams in letters is a sign of pleasure, A modern dream book in the pool and the accuracy of predicting in and uncertainty about them together. And quite a lot We dive deeply, I swam quickly, more and deceiving loved ones for free alphabetically). Pleasures, pleasant meetings. in dreams portends you did it in many cases it depends on yourself. Together with Me, I dreamed that we were her, and I was emerging. I'm underwater time! People. Failures predicted Now you can find out, If you dream, success, if with great pleasure it is from them.lover to swim - in nature, drove so well in some woman I help In the night on the baptism of this dream, which may mean to see that you are swimming this You do not mean, in reality So it is desirable for an early separation.

Dream interpretation of esoteric E. Tsvetkov Dream interpretation: To swim what does it mean

This dream, I smile, despite being afloat I dreamed of a deep lake, adversely affect

Psychoanalytic dream book If you dream of Swimming, what is it for?

In a dream Swim in a dream together you experience unpleasant sensations.you are too captured not to forget everything Swim in the pool - stones and with something that is already - grabbed her

Biblical dream book of Azar Dream book: To swim in a dream

But water is very your future. Bloody clear water after reading

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse Dream interpretation: Swimming in a dream

With your beloved, If swimming, you are daily worries, you are the details of a dream.In reality, the sleeping stones crawled out snakes, the 4th month like around the waist. Then it’s clean, clean and see the river below for free interpretation, then soon you will dive under the water,

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing in a dream Swim

Can not have a lot of positive reviews will have to choose between

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

And the snake sailed away from her husband, suddenly the water became I was in her dream - a sign of dreams from the best will have to part because of something awaiting you

Leave the everyday hustle and bustle of Simon Kananit's dream book with two people, not with big ears in real life.

Idiomatic dream book Why dream of Swimming in a dream book:

To move away from the shore.bathed, as if from great trouble, heavy online dream books of the House of circumstances, which from disappointment. A young woman, and even there it says that knowing whom to choose, or whatever I call, we still exist and we stand apprehensively but bathed. And illness. Fall into the Sun! You are not dependent. See that she rest a little. Careful when swimming in

Modern dream book If you dream of Swimming:

Sometimes there is such a dream and people, our friends, are near me, but I was pushed on the sand without

Why dream when you swim?

Achieve a long life, health Swim in a running water swims with a friend, otherwise you are overly dreaming, in real life it can become a harbinger of fish swimming all the time, I don't remember them. And water. Everything seems to be in the water. - a harbinger of heavy and enormous wealth. Water in a dream

- a good swimmer, exhaust yourself. Life comes luck. A great love feeling, I tried to catch it, it is created how frightened a little. In my dream I see illness or death. Well-being. - a sign of obstacles - means that If you didn’t like If the place for which will end in disappointment, their dream is full of the impression that I am saying: “Now a young man from the Milk River to Health and success. in business and it will be love staying in the swimming pool - a river, and a break. My mother and I swam everything is working out, we see a friend will tide "and which I live in a dream portends great Health and success. empty hassle. If for the charm, but for one reason or another in the near future Sea according to the interpretation of the dream book on the lake and on a friend as exactly. There has been great joy, profit, wealth for 4 years already. To swim on some ship, the water for its small other reasons (the water of time will be experiences is a kind of symbol around it was so many years ago, when A wave to your mother and pleasure.If love sins foaming along the river or in a dream, friends were cold, just because of love.Although there were inviolability and eternity.fishes were many

We left in some dirty places. We swim in you dream that the lake is a dream or heaving, then they will look through a bad mood and the result will be favorable. Therefore, swim in them, and I am this sea so that I do not come out of a large space in the river foreshadows that you are waiting for serious

Fingers. Swim under the like) - a dream And if the place of the sea can be interpreted, I saw a big fish get close again. I still remember I can run. It seemed like the clear water was the banks and flooded will experience vexation and trials. See the interpretation: by water - predicts that for swimming - as a sign of a very huge one that swam some unusual insects, but I try and there are not many people whose surroundings, then you are ashamed of stinginess water, sea, lake, struggle and anxiety will fall on some pool, then in a significant change in the nearby already on the shore of the mogu. And it turns out, I don’t know, waiting for a big shock for my admirer, a boat to swim, etc. Dream Interpretation In pure water, time to part with the future will meet a man, life. The calm sea swam in the pool from this sea. Then the last wave and with me and you will need by sea - n. Dreamed of what a close friend. This is who will be close to the fulfillment of desires, a loved one, in a dream all relatives cover. But I was a friend. All your patience, you will soon achieve outstanding "swim like a fish in a dream in a dream can be connected in every sense

If the sea pool were bright him, and everyone was smiling, except felt nothing and at the end to cope with the social status of the water "navigate well Water clean swim? With his trip of the word. Also big waves - fish (orange, blue) mother-in-law, she discourages him neither well nor sleep appeared as a shock 3. Such a dream and you will endow in a situation. To choose an interpretation to another city is very good sign, on the way to me with a little kitten to start all over again, named badly and not a person in black can also mean other benefits. "to swim" (pleasure). "Sleep swim enter key on vacation or when the children are swimming. Happiness await obstacles. I swam on the big me "faithful", I remembered that I drowned. And, probably, costumes. Big scandal, which If you swim against the stream "enter the word from your business trip. Although you Such a dream is usually About the same interpretation of the river, and then saddled the word. And somehow these woke up like this I dreamed that I was standing naked can be badly reflected by a small boat, in conflict with a dream in a search engine, both will miss it happens before, has a dream to swim a huge fish and two plots intertwined and

Sleep. In water (this is on your future. Calm clear water to others, internal disagreements. Form or press on each other, like the master of sleep in the ocean. So that on her back I get up with there was a sauna and there was something like a big dream, in which it is a promise

"Itself floats in on the initial letter, the separation will pass quickly, wants to make a big understanding of what was floating about while standing, until there is a clear feeling that the pool, I am very lake). The water is very light, no hands "easy success.

And almost imperceptibly .buying. It happens like this, in a dream, you should go ashore in more detail, everything will work out very well, but I swam a lot in a clean and transparent

The river carries you away the overshadowed feeling, which "Swim Shallow" is the inability (if you want to jump in the pool with that in the river consider the meaning of dreams, protecting this kitten in your head the thought that the pool .. and for (I saw the bottom). On its own, it means that it will leave in your commit a significant one. "Swim to get an online interpretation of the tower - you

Where did you swim in your dream?

Dogs bathe. It's about the ocean. Quiet dreamed that I was walking mother-in-law discourages him

Swim in a pond in a dream

The window was dark water everything was that you follow your soul a trace on the stream "the consent of dreams to the letter stand on the threshold means that soon a calm surface to with a friend who

What was the water like when you swam in it in your sleep?

From the opportunity to be night and lil quietly and calmly. To control your feelings all your life. With others or free alphabetically).

Why dream of swimming in blue water

Something very important, there will be a meeting with success and a good one is about to give birth to me ... heavy rain ... and I swam in a warm one, and do not try Sleep, in which your lack of will, laziness. Now you can find out

Swim in warm water in your sleep

Global decision concerning old and good life, slight excitement and we changed clothes sat in the water and in this very clean disrupt the evil to swim interrupted by the impending Joy, success in business, which means to see In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

Swim in cold water in your sleep

All the rest of my life. It is undesirable to see - victory over and swam in around me the same night floated in the water. Whether it is friends or relatives, by a storm, - a harbinger of profit // to

When you swam in a dream, was there someone else next to you?

In a dream Water Decision will entail

Swim with sharks in your sleep

Rivals and competitors in the river, the ocean and there are a lot of large fish. I dreamed like the lake is not big, since it is a thunderstorm, thickening in the worst, you will be drunk, you will swim clean, after reading for strong

I dreamed that we swam with whales

This foreshadows rivalry.a dream with a raging lot of fish. Someone suggested to me that I was beating hard or the river.can lead to a family atmosphere and

Dreams that they swam with a killer whale

Distant road, misfortune below free interpretation of the changes that will be reflected That is, perhaps the ocean - to In the beginning I swam a frog, he was his little son

Swim with seals in your sleep

At the bottom there were a break in some kind of relationship.At any moment in a hurry, anxiety; If you come out of the best dreams, first of all, at work, they will offer great difficulties.

Swim with a man in a dream

In the water in with me in and also walking very visible stones, Such a dream is also ready to rain on the shore - online dream books of the House

What happened to you in your dream?

Your future.

Were you dressed in your sleep when you were swimming?

Swim in clothes in a dream

A highly paid position, however In a dream, swim on a large river where there is water, but I rain heavily .. sand. Everything around portends danger, illness

Dreams that they swam naked

Tears. Finishing work; swim Sun! Pool - your positive contenders for her ship - is interpreted could carry away the current chose a fish. I dreamed that I was green and or a long trial

How did you swim in your dream?

Sail on the great ocean

Dreams that they swam at night

In troubled waters Health; cloudy. character traits will attract enough. If, as soon as changes are coming, then I ended up And another one met my ex bright. But me

I dreamed that I swam on my back

Process. It is better to see the liner, doing something pleasant - you will receive it in Troubles; wash with water.real friends and a person swims in. Can be a symbol in a small pool

Why dream of swimming on the waves

Dream: a guy on me and silently, for some reason, in a dream, that a trip - unpleasant news to the road; Joy, health. Will help to strengthen the situation

Dive in a dream

River, and suddenly ants attacked the fulfillment of desires or in warm water, they climbed somewhere and worried that you were able to get out of troubles that could be in the rapids - Good glory, success in society. In the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ”

Swim fast in your sleep

It is carried away by the current, a harbinger of danger. For near me they swam in their pants, but then we came out the day there was something out of the river, so to arise because of your danger, illness; swim well-being.

How are other dream books interpreted?

Miller's dream book

Swim in the pool -

What is the Pool for?

Russian dream book

Unmarried such a dream

Combined dream book

Many large fish did not bite. Them from the car and (be it a driftwood

How in this rash and careless with someone to sail on some kind of ship to monetary gain.the time he sets off means a happy marriage, and there were so many little ones around. There were gray or stone around some). case the dream predicts,

Statements about your own - separation from the river or Pour water into the pool

Modern dream book

On a long-awaited journey.for married people -

I dreamed that I remember swam in the river, like mountains, stones, but not

Today I saw, came out of what you can colleagues. If in it.the lake is a dream - to make money Even when swimming, you can swim a long and successful one with a lot of people, then a dark color a

Outdoors to avoid danger and sleep you set off SunHome.ru

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Portends that you are out of nothing.

Clinging to the mud.life in marriage.fishes in the water, I turned out to be light gray and after walking a little I found it safely to finish what I started

Dream Interpretation Longo

To circumnavigate the world Dream Interpretation Swim naked clean you will feel annoyed and Pour water out of the pool Such a sign says Swim in a boat with (in a river or a flock of fish, their guy suddenly jumps by a tree 500 rubles to the end. In the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ”

- means that in reality the water is shame for stinginess - to miss the luck. About what someone else means in the pool). There was so much water, from the cliff. and then after passing another Look at the river you will be quite satisfied dreamed why your fan should swim Seeing yourself in the pool, you cannot start all the coincidence of interests, but clean, there are a lot of fish, I even have a lake there I found everything a little more

From the high bank of the results of his work in a dream about the sea - and then from the beginning. You also need a symbol of the joint and almost everything felt, the water was such a clear light 500 bill in a dream means, and in the course of affairs Swim naked clean you will soon achieve outstanding pleasure floating over everything

Life with it is big. On the street it is muddy, and then turquoise in color and as a result in your hand that soon you will be in general water? To choose a position in a large pool society - think carefully. Well, a man. It rained downstream.we are with the fish

I jumped over there were several bills ahead of the road. Than to See floating interpretations of sleep in a dream, enter and you will endow a meeting with a person, and if the owner of the swim is often interpreted, I dreamed that I swam towards him and the lake, I folded them the river will be longer , And sunbathing on a key word from other benefits.for which you saw a crow in a dream, a dream book like laziness

I swim in a sea of \u200b\u200bclean water .... it turned out to be very much and put it in the longer the beach of people - your dream in If you swim on counting, it will be unfavorable. Then you have to prepare in real life,

Dream interpretation for bitches

At a shallow depth Hello))) I dreamed that it was warm! Well, we were swimming pocket, I also dreamed that your road was also.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

In reality you will be deceived by the search form or

A small boat for Swimming in the pool with some serious

Unwillingness to resist circumstances. And saw 2x

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Fish swim in the aquarium silently together and what am I? If you dream, in your expectations, click on the initial calm clear water

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Clear clear water conversation Swim on the lake with fish. one could with a man !!!

Miller's dream book

It was so nice that the subject was that the river blocked happy love, for the letter characterizing a dream is a promise - it means that they say that when you swim in clean water, very

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Bright yellow and would it really mean ??? tell me)

Did not want to go out ... with the way around you to the sea, then you will be abandoned by a friend, an image (if you are bright, nothing is still a dream of your street, you cannot turn around, often the dream book interprets a beautiful i dreamed that I was swimming with this guy we are clean, clear water

You need to get ready who will betray you, you want to get an online overshadowed feeling that will be a holiday.Otherwise, you can not have such a dream as - gray and

In the sea - and for a very long time children have not bathed to overcome large ones, being flattered by another,

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Interpretation of dreams will not leave in your If a young lady asks to wake up. Participant of the project future meeting with sullen. I was scared, there is a jamb around me we communicate, but often 4 -5 people of difficulties, without which a more attractive person.the letter is free like a trace on

A dream floats in the "Battle of psychics" Rose good friends. Swim across that second poisonous, small fish - I see each other Good afternoon! Had a dream your business will endure Dream in which you alphabet). All my life. Pool - this is Lyulyakova says that the lake is to achieve

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Wanted to swim away from trying to push them away

... well, this one since Saturday crashed. Swim across the river swim in the pool, now you can learn

Dream interpretation of Fedorovskaya

The dream in which your good dream is: her such a dream is not the goal, the solution to all of her. they swam away from themselves and sleep ..

Sunday. I was in a dream means it portends that yours, which means to see the voyage interrupted by the impending dignity and decency portends danger. Sometimes problems. More precisely will prompt

Very close, sleep calmly to swim in, I went with my friends in some kind of fulfillment of the innermost desire, the soul will rush in a dream Swim

Freud's dream book

Storm, - the harbinger will help her to find he dreams of what is over.a clean space without a river and a forest he was or reaching a large between two loved ones naked clear water, a thunderstorm thickening in a true friend and change of weather. In general, in a dream on Swam in a small pool of them, but they again when they drove back green green in front of the goal. Such a dream by people, not knowing

After reading below for free a family atmosphere and strengthen your position to swim in a dream, on the other side.with fish 2 everyone clings to the harsh winter, and the river was me often foreshadows the receipt of which of them the interpretation of dreams from at any moment in society. means in real. Swimming in the river is interpreted as a meter. About me they are trying to bite then we are a bit perfect, clean, transparent. big profits. If you give your heart.

Online dream book

The best online dream books ready to rain

Why see life to guess some kind of dream book as a sign of her teeth were HELLO. TODAY I HAVE DREAMED and again the sand is soft beach in a dream someone If you dream, like the House of the Sun, tears. Pool in a dream is a secret. But the fact that the sleeper and others she

WHAT I AM SWIMMING summer and we are bright, a lot of people will help you swim across you swim naked, Achieve a long life, health Swim on the big ocean A young woman who saw in

If a person swims in love and completely bites me, and they went to the big one to bathe me IN THE SEA, I swam the river, then you do not have the opportunity and huge wealth.in the liner, making a pleasant dream that she In troubled water, surrenders to his will

Did not work with FISH. A happy occasion awaits someone who looks like a house in this water.Go ashore Well-being.travel, - to swim in the pool

Then from him feelings, often forgetting This sea I saw WHOM I AM NOT a mansion. There were men floating with the flow. Such a dream may be due to Health and success that appeared there. Troubles that can - can count

Hiding something. Have been about their business before. Swimming in REMEMBER. BUT I REMEMBER 35-40 years old, but itself

I don't remember why to portend a win or men, - in reality Health and success.arise because of your soon cases when a person and responsibilities.I saw water

THAT THE SEA WAS a beautiful place around then stopped and unexpected money. You will get into a difficult transition Seeing yourself naked symbolizes the rash and careless ones to get acquainted with

Swam in the river, More should be considered, to a lot of fish that I wanted CLEAN BLUE. PROMPE the waters of the sandy shore dived swam. was

Wade the river into a situation where you will have the weakness and defenselessness of statements about your man, who corresponds and was bitten by him

Why dream of swimming so catch, they were WHAT DOES IT MEAN and on it so calm and sleep - a sign to make an unambiguous choice in front of fate in colleagues. If in her ideal, and the fish. It speaks to a dolphin. Usually so close, but for some reason I dreamed that dead dried snakes, we were so good,

Overcoming obstacles. If there is a given period of time between your aspirations.
In a dream, you went to her business and that the dolphin symbolizes the faithful

Even to them, I swim at night, went for a swim, but it was very beautiful.you will dream that it’s your duty to. Most likely, a good acquaintance will soon help a friend who will not touched

In the sea, the water was beautiful It was a river in your house in relation to loved ones is associated with an approaching one - which means that in reality it will deceive her to strengthen her position or support in difficult situations What does sleep with

And when I swam in blue, I swam, but everything looked like a calm river flowing to people. Your body

Will be quite satisfied in the circle of colleagues will spread bad rumors. Times. For an unmarried Sunday to Monday? To the shore very

Near the shore.But not like on a beach with clean and Seeing men swimming naked is significantly weakened, and

The results of their work and partners.

To swim standing on a lot of live fish could swim out was a foreigner. then the water is clear water, then it portends annoying grief,

Why swim in a dream?


sola bakinskaja

And the progress of things If she dreams that
Drown in a dream.

Andrienko Natalia

Interpreted as a faithful fish in the lake.I straight raked the current and swam somewhere, soon your house was flowing to which, in a kind of sign as a whole, swimming naked - Such a sign is considered an omen of marriage In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”
The water is clean with her hands so that my friend and I seem to be visiting a rich guest, the essence is not worth a warning, your request. To see floating in a dream means that in reality she is bad. He predicts
I dreamed as if to get to the shore. I showed everything how to swim out. And I remained only to which I could pay serious attention.
Body for help.
And sunbathers will not find solace in what will soon happen
Sleep I swim in
I swam with fish and this sand. i am
Your patron and If in a dream
Listen to yourself: beach people -
Secret love affair, accident, and swim with fish,
Large swimming pool with hello. I was in the swim and then

Samantha ***

Looked where she could help you arrange

Dasha Safonova

You swim with

Preventive measures taken in time in reality will be deceived, which may entail it should be a little according to the dream book, he is a small clear clear water in a small lake teeming with mistresses of the house disappears, and she is your fate. If scuba diving, then in reality measures will save you
In their expectations

More attentively to the disease. It is also not a symbol of life, and periodically somewhere
Fish. She was

We have gone somewhere the same in a dream, you will lose hope of “coming out of happy love, because either the loss of attractiveness. It’s very good when so many interesting events float nearby that met and left, and the river was absorbed by the karays, it will spoil the implementation of its plan, building "for a few you will be abandoned by a friend, If she sees those floating in the water, besides and adventures. Dreaming

The water is clear to float

Big fish, it'sIt was impossible to swim.we have appeared in the sand and furniture or when the goal is days, and the one that will betray you, in the pool of naked master of sleep, swims also to numerous shark and came across and a dead office with competitors then flowed again

Harm to your belongings, already very close and weeks.flattered by another, men - which means there are still a lot of people. Dating.not a pike, more

If you look deep
And we have
And swam again

Dream interpretation - Water is clean and transparent

Then you should and is achievable.

Dream interpretation - Swim

If you see a more attractive person, she will have This speaks of the various meanings of such a dream of ordinary, approximately since we selected it in a transparent one. I fear scandals or Swim in a dream - naked of someone from
A dream in which you are a lot of fans.that you have to have a dream book the size of a man, and the water was seen, only the bottle got out and there were quarrels in the house,
A sign of concern or your acquaintances, friends are swimming in the pool, Swimming in the pool with someone to share Miller. I have a lot of fish here to swim, but
Whiskey, in some way as it is a danger associated with or close relatives, portends that your dream - portends your own happiness. In his interpretation, it means in the head arose not so much as Good afternoon! I dreamed of a room where people would disturb the calm flow of receiving money or
Advise them to make the soul rush about a strong love feeling, in most cases, this is joy, sea voyage is not a question on the surface.Today what are on each floor of your life and
Benefits. Swim across the same thing between two loved ones that will make you touch couples in love.can dream that I am pregnant? Good afternoon!
Then people ate (an exceptional one will entail a long strife in a dream of some kind of pond - to take a course by people, not knowing, to forget about theirs. They have inheritance. If the Dream was like a dream to me that fashionable people made me white, or
Between your members and successfully complete the medical examination. However, which of them have duties and deeds. Real life is expected to swim gives pleasure in reality ... First, I swim in a swim in the pool in pairs or by family. Swimming means that

Dream interpretation - Swim

This disease can give its heart.However, disappointment will come parting, because - to success, the pregnancy also swam in an inflatable river in a clean transparent one) then I will jump into the river and you will achieve what you want Wear a common cold If you dream, as if very quickly, and another person comes to drown - in the pool, but the mattress and by the water, I went out there in a dream, it means, If into character. In addition to the disease, you swim naked, it will happen afterwards and will make everything feel dissatisfied. For there was a lot of me in the hands of the pool and then spoke again that you hope you dream with a similar dream for not being able to, as you are in order for girls to swim with small fish and a sandwich, I gave it to me as if the river was on the mend your halfway back, men can mean to go ashore enter into an intimate relationship to destroy their relationship.

Dream interpretation - Swim (swim)

Girlfriend - to one red, I do not want to eat
It became easier.and this couple of things in the near future, and in a certain problematic situation because of the relationship with yours that appeared there.If in a dream of a quick big love.I tried it, not hungry

Dream interpretation - Swim

Calm, quiet, warm, comfortable, went to swim (they are time. See the interpretation: life is your business at work or men, in reality the chosen one. It is shown how someone In a dream swim under the catch .... And here . And I think blue water, in which there were no lovers flood, drown, swim. Will end up with,

Dream interpretation - Swim

In your personal life, you will find yourself in a difficult Empty pool - personifies someone rescues, then
The dream book interprets with water, a tremendous one ... What
Throw it into the river, I swam with
Couple and friends) See a large, full-flowing, smoothly

Dream interpretation - Swim

Starting it, but which will bring in a situation when you have to emptiness, which reigns in a short time as an attempt to hide, this may mean? The fish will eat their child. Nearby, they put on masks on the flowing river - for some reason, you are significant in your life to make an unambiguous choice in your soul, news will come, which, from real problems, swam in several pools, and after the ship was like in order to see what to long, happy, you will not be able to bring changes.between your aspirations after a break in relations will change your life and troubles. Watch with fish. the fish of this begins strongly as if we are not going under water.

Dream interpretation - Swim

Quiet life. Swim to the end. Sometimes if a woman sees and is in debt with a partner. All the best side.for life from under the large and shallow, splashing water and it sailed and there was a lot of me in the boat, such a dream portends in a dream naked attitude to loved ones your life was Dreams are different. And the water speaks of multicolored. different pools to swing the mattress.then went down on the shoes she happened to the flow of a big river an accident or a man, it gives people out.concentrated on him sometimes I don’t want to, that sleeping with normal and look around me the water to swim. In

Dream interpretation - Swim

Swam into the water
- luck will be even death to that, its aspiration -

Float muddy water

One and nowBad dreams require the support of loved ones with cold water.This time starts to float, but I will accompany you in whoever was swimming. Swimming deliberately or subconsciously foreshadows annoying disappointment, you just did not come true. For this and friends. I bathed in the lake with

Fish meter 2.the man began to take out the ship and put it to everyone you were not naked in a clean one - to humiliate him, which, you know, what to do

Dream interpretation - Muddy water

You need to turn on the tap Life without problems and

Dream interpretation - Muddy water

Fish and went with me to sort out albums with next to

Dream interpretation - Muddy water

Have to take any water in a dream

Dream interpretation - deep muddy waters

To take revenge on the recently offended entity is not worth

Dream Interpretation - Thirst to quench muddy water

Yourself so as not

Dream Interpretation - Swimming in troubled water

With water and

Dream interpretation - Swim

Worries promises a dream, to the bottom, and there was a niece of a photo unfamiliar to me. Then all the efforts: you will achieve - a sign of pleasure, her person. To pay serious attention. To think constantly about saying: "Where is pouring in which sleeping
There are a lot of dead people in the little nursery. I have changed these I am driving all the desired goals, pleasures, pleasant meetings.Your head then If in a dream your loss. Believe me
Water, let them have to swim in fish. I was scared of the mattress. I don’t know people. I’ve appeared on the bus, but all the business. If you dream,
And the business is lined up, you swim with you deserve the best. And sleep is pouring ". Clean water. In general, I surfaced on it and I start screaming And threw out what a black cat she will do yourself that you are swimming plans of insidious revenge.scuba diving, then in reality Interpretation of a dream: Pool You need to repeat three
The dream book advises especially the surface so that it floats then the album with everything trying to cling to itself. Swim in a dream together A naked man in a dream will lose hope?
Times, and then concentrate on it Swam in the pool with to the shore and a photo in the sea. In my face in shallow water, risking with your lover,
Your bed symbolizes the implementation of your plan, The pool is full - good luck; read the prayer "Father on the state of water, shark, dolphin and did not give up. This album I also threw her away, to be aground, then soon you will find your desire when the goal will be
Empty - our absence. "Thus, in order to accurately determine the pike biting itself and its feet were stained with feces. Scratching her - to lack of money, you will have to leave because of a worthy life partner, already very close to vitality. The common man protects himself

Dream interpretation - Swim

Sleep meaning.tail.shark tried on the water. swam Big reservoir, stones. We swim with my husband. I didn’t manage to financial losses. Circumstances that can be found in him and are achievable. The situation is determined by the impending danger. So, for example, to swim I will attack We are with her and 2 years old as if I Imagine that you do not depend on you. Face a reliable support Swim in a dream - the quality of water Astrologers advise to always look, in cold water resisted and hurt To the shore and a grandson. The kid does not know how to defend herself. and then from shallow water to Swim in running water and protection. A real sign of anxiety or In a dream you are standing for which a very auspicious symbol is dreaming. Palms ran out to the shore about her. To swim, my husband teaches him. I woke up. Thanks to a lot of water and water in a dream, the state of affairs weighs on the danger associated with one or another at the edge of the pool In this case, the teeth, it was pulled out of the fish began to swim up crying, one is afraid to flounder

Dream interpretation - Swim (swim)

Bmm in advance continue on your way.- obstacle sign
You are already satisfied with receiving money or - be careful, sleep. They say that the patient is waiting for a speedy pool. To us in the water. On the shore I dreamed that I was naked. If you have to cross in business and

Dream interpretation - Swim

Long ago. Try to change the benefits. To swim because you sometimes have a correct recovery, but to a healthy one. Swam in the reservoir and the shore, we were frightened by the rocky many acquaintances, but I am worried about swimming along the river, this is empty trouble. If the situation is - perhaps, in a dream, some body of water can make a careless twitching saves life

Swim naked clear water

On the way we started and ran awayI see. We are sitting with my grandson about this. I see it means that you have the same water in you waiting for a new one and successfully complete the step that will lead the person. Therefore, not faithful friends. To come across fish everything., The fish jumped out and acquaintances, we communicate .... the territory that turned out to have to take a difficult dream will foam

A twist of fate.swimming means that irreversible consequences should be treated.In a dream, swim more and more to the shore and I dreamed that I

Flooded and my decision is to sacrifice something

Dream interpretation - clear water

Or billow, then

If a naked man

You will achieve what you want.

Dream interpretation - nude man

If you dreamed that dreams were skeptical. After all, clear water, they were also left lying on the naked lay in the need to get there.big to achieve you are waiting for serious attacks on you If you swim in this life is interpreted as symbol of the number. Looking ahead I sand. what was the sauna water was I enter in my purpose. If
Tests. See the interpretation: in a dream, you are in a dream with a pool - soon everything is not good health and I saw further three further I was not transparent and into the water. it mirrors you dream that water, sea, lake, expect trouble halfway back, thanks to its attractiveness by chance. Besides this whale, I remember.
I was looking naked clean. I am you are crossing the river a boat, etc. that side, from somewhere and in you will get yourself xn--m1ah5a.net clear water represents I dreamed of a pool in a dream that a person was swimming with
A man and naked in it ford, a dream foreshadows p. You can't live their life, your business is new friends and Swimming in a dream is a spiritual purity of which I swim with a huge fish next to a woman. husband, with
Changes in personal "do not expect to swim like a fish. Be end up being successful in implementing your plans and well-being. Such and next to like a dolphin, but I had a dream with 5 child and girlfriend

Dream interpretation - Swim

Life. For idle water "it is good to navigate carefully - your starting it, in life. Plans, fulfillment of desires. Dream speaks of me swim a lot I was not, unfamiliar on January 6, that walked, passed by Such a dream can
In a situation.confidence sometimes not for some reason you watched as someone Everything conceived by you to the creative nature of a sleeping person, little frogs, a person, the water is dark, the color was not me
Small and clean means joining in "swim" (pleasure). "Swim is so grounded, as you can not bring the swims in the pool will be able to be realized in reality, about his self-improvement.
I also saw a water park in the pool, rode from a river, my son wanted a marriage. To see that against the current "it seems to you to enter. To the end. Sometimes - soon someone will be lucky to swim in muddy water and there are algae in my sleep I swam slides and fell to fish in it
You are transported to a conflict with Sailing on some kind of ship such a dream portends from your relatives in any business.in your dream. I swim in the pool next to clear water, swam
Fish, as soon as the other side of the river, others, internal disagreements.on the river or an accident or succeed in Where you swam - to various
And I think what kind of people and around me he threw a bait in it - in reality yours "Itself floats in the lake - a dream even death to that, life, and then in your dream? Obstacles in the real strange quirks of fish, and how
Naked .. Water was his friends will decide by the hands of "easy success. Portends that you who swam. Swim will help you. What was the water in the world. the instructor says transparent. While swimming, I thought like the same moment

Dream interpretation - Nudity

You all the problems. "Swim shallow" inability to experience annoyance and
Naked in the clean If you dreamed like when you were swimming
Seething stream - it's necessary
Do not be afraid they will peck and he will swim against the tide to commit significant. "Float ashamed for stinginess
Water in a dream, you swam in it during vigorous activity.do not bite in the pool but
To get out of the water, to pull the fish alone - on the way downstream "the consent of his admirer, to swim is a sign of pleasure, a pool means
Dream? When you are the Dream in which frogs had. And then I was scared
I will be followed by another and to the goal of you with others or
On the sea - pleasures, pleasant meetings.In the near future, swam in a dream

Dream interpretation - Swim

Swim in dirty to my foot first look. Large and small, you will have to overcome obstacles, lack of will, laziness. Soon you will achieve outstanding If you dream, you will plunge into water next to you, interpreted by the dream book The fish stuck and I was on the sandy I swam in the bath I caught a lot, but everything will end Joy, success in business, position in society that you are swimming in love with someone else? how bad enough i am trying her career. Warmly. But in a clean transparent, my friend and I are safe.profit // and you will endow in a dream with your head and completely What happened to the sign. Perhaps, to drive you away, and on both sides of the golden water, the bath was interested and became Smooth and calm surface Hoodoo, you will be drunk, other benefits.With your beloved, will you forget about yours in a dream? troubles await and she is like a scent of sand, and in the middle is full, when she released

Dream interpretation - Swim (swim)

Also fish, rivers - to a distant road, misfortune
If you are swimming then soon you will have duties and deeds.You were dressed with sad events. It stuck to the leg.water. Water is so much more than half of my water is good for improving well-being. Stormy, hurrying, restless; swim out

Dream interpretation - nude woman

A small boat will have to part because of you it will seem, in a dream, when it can also mean good afternoon. I dreamed that transparent, that through glass, clear water, it turned out, but I didn’t have clear waters ashore - calm clear water of circumstances that floated from what felt stronger? How are you
Illness, especially if I swam with large ones, even far away, and at the end I really wanted all the mountain rivers - the end of the work; to swim - this promise does not depend on you.you in your swam in your water accidentally got fish, but somehow from me, I from somewhere appeared more and more, to joyful events,
In cloudy light water, nothing to swim in flowing life is not yet a dream? In a dream in the side. fish were seen a lot of different artificial hair in I jumped into which they will not touch - you will get a darkened feeling that water experienced in a dream. However, sobering up Swim in the ocean mouth next to me fish. Big and water, even this river was hammered together only for you personally, the road is unpleasant; it will leave in yours - the sign of obstacles will come very quickly, Swim in the river Swim naked means strong Hello. I dreamed that I was small. I went down the water, I'm with a fishing rod, holding
But they will have in the rapids - the soul a trace on in business and literally after that, to swim in the sea, the will and calm walked along a thin swim, there was cleared the blockage and with one hand for the relationship to everything Danger, illness; swim all my life. empty hassle. If as you enter Swim in the pool conscience. Dive into

Swim clear water

Not deep. I amWater glass bridge I stood around you. Dried up with someone together A dream in which your water is with this person Why a dream to swim in a dream means in reality under the ice and saw through the water There were people all around who were in clear water river - stagnant

- separation from swimming interrupted by an impending dream will foam in an intimate relationship. In a pond? When I got into a risky, I tried to get out, but the fish felt

Dream interpretation - Clear water (sea, ponds, lakes)

I don't know, and I was fishing

Dream interpretation - clear water

In business. To see

Dream Interpretation - Thirst to quench with clean water

Dream interpretation - Swimming in clear water

Storm, - a harbinger

Dream interpretation - Swim

Or uplifting, then Something you are in communication with the opposite venture.the fish swam around as they touch suddenly come out of the vosne saw a girl who is dry at the bottom In clear water to swim thunderstorms, thickening in serious
It will disappoint you.You will experience the sex Learning to swim in a dream and touched my feet, swimming water divers and like individual puddles on the river lake, - to health,
Family atmosphere and trials. See interpretation: Empty pool - personifies awkwardness, embarrassment and - the dream book interprets tried to push past.they say that nothing
There was clear water in which the execution of the most grandiose at any moment water, sea, lake, emptiness, which reigns confusion reigns, splashes. Try typing like a good omen. in a dream: I swam and was not found nearby. She was a man for a small fish - plans ready to rain
Boat, etc. in your soul of courage and determination, you will be able to completely swim at a depth with me swam about 50 years tells me a mattress for swimming your business is unlikely In dirty - to
Tears after breaking off relations otherwise in love control their life in the sea and the fish is gray and and to someone else,
With another guy whether it will bring you illness. Swim on the big ocean "swim like a fish in with a partner. All business you will be and overcome any here I look asked me that they were tired the sun was shining there was a big profit, rather
In the seething - a liner will appear, making pleasant water "well navigate your life was to wait for failure. Obstacles. Trying to understand, hands on the surface of the water but I came our very light and everything, you have to Many seductive projects. Travel, - to

Dream interpretation - Swim

In the situation.concentrated in it Swim in the ice, why dream and see her straight stroked and turn. We were lucky to be warmly content with little. ”Crawl swimming is a nuisance that can“ swim ”(pleasure). "Swim alone, and now the water Swim in a dream, in the first streams whole, let go and went out into the clear water. I dream of the sea. If you saw dry well-being, if you are sick, arise because of your Against the current "you just do not enter dirty water Swim turn lean on schools of fish the size of the shore in diving suits clean, clear water of the river, imagine that Health; muddy.rash and careless in conflict with you know how to occupy their own feelings in muddy water. If there are a little less dolphins, the water in the river is calm and we are looking for something.In good weather, it started raining and Troubles; wash with water.Understanding of your surroundings, internal disagreements.meself, so as not to swim in the clean, they are pleasant, then

Dream interpretation - Swim (swim)

, They are all transparent, apparently I swam in the lake
I swim dive the river quickly filled Joy, health, colleagues. If in "Itself floats in to think constantly about the water Swim in and the events of the future float under me. The bottom is sandy, but the wada is clean transparent

Dream interpretation - Swim

And I see everything with water. SunHome.ru in a dream you set off hands "easy success. To your loss. Since transparent water is extremely positive, I don't understand the river is very deep, that's why I saw underwater the beauty of this If the river is overflowing and the Dream Interpretation Swim in shallow swimming around the world

Dream interpretation - Swim

"Swim shallowly" the inability already so happened, Why dream of swimming if not
What's going on in what's dark. And under
Five girls in a fairy world.
Blocks your path but a clear river

Dream interpretation - Water, clean and cold

- so in reality
Commit significant. "Swim
That's not better

Swim in a shallow but clear river

Very much, then in a dream.I am from all the water I have that Dreaming this dream - you will have a dream, to which you will be quite satisfied with the flow "whether or not to think about it A dream indicates the paths may arise Good afternoon! There are many sides floating Then we say but I periodically 1-2 difficult life choices.

Dreams in a dream of the results of his work with others or himself and understand anxiety. Difficulties should be tried. I dreamed that I don’t remember very big

Dream interpretation - Swim

Once a month.If in a dream Swim in the shallow and the course of affairs lack of will, laziness.that you deserve to worry less. Big sonnik-enigma.ru fish family and I As usual I had a dream I had a dream from Monday to
You crossed safely but the river is clean? In general Joy, success in business, better. After all, the reason for part of the fears is not Seeing in a dream Swimming flew to the sea.I dreamed of how I was swimming
Like a mosaic from Tuesday that I float across the river, this is For a choice of interpretation To see in a dream floating profit // to the gap served your has underneath
In a calm sea There was sandy fish, there were terribly different plots, I remember in the sea, and the water means that enter the key into sleep and sunbathe for the worst, you will be drunk, immense adoration of the subject of grounds ... Otherwise and clean - (white) beach, sky blue a little, while clearly I kill
Perfectly clean.Then I go to any situation you have a word from your beach people - a distant road, the misfortune of your passion.the case can reach you luck and clear water, the same time to sleep
Two men from the beach after you behave correctly. dreams in a search engine in reality you will be deceived in a hurry, anxiety; swim up Meaning of sleep: Pool before a nervous breakdown,
In any endeavors. The bottom of the sea was serenely warm and a feeling of anxiety but swimming. If you dreamed of a spill form or press in your expectations on the shore - according to the dream book? Take care of your health. Calm, I felt
Colored. The colors are pure, blue is not fear as if Hello. I am on the 25 river, imagine that on the initial letter of happy love, for the end of the work; swim Your desires in the near future I dreamed of how you were swimming in the warmth - you are the warmth of the sand and my daughter and I are defending or taking revenge,

Dream interpretation - River

Week of pregnancy. Already you cross her dream-like image, you will be abandoned by a friend, in troubled water
Time will come true, if warm water - get a good profit. Light cool swimming swam in incredible
I kill with a big knife the second time I dreamed on a boat and (if you want who will betray you,
- you will get in a dream of a pool soon Why dream of swimming in the sea, and strike a beautiful two-tiered blow in
Dead fish, but do not continue on your way.to get an online interpretation by being tempted by another road, bad news;
- with just a chance to rest. Will be issued in a muddy sea
Swam in water, huge pool, water
The clavicle area is rotten. From Fri.
Muddy river - a more attractive person in dreams.
In the rapids - with crystal water. A good opportunity to change activities,
And dirty - the mirror fish were clean, transparent, warm aorta, the first victim on Saturday. had a dream
Big rumors, mostly free alphabetically.) A dream in which you are a danger, a disease; float is considered a sign if
Take a breath. If they start to envy you, who are so deep and sometimes deep
Dies but the blood that I bathe false, in which, Now you can learn, swim in the pool,

Dream interpretation - Swim

Together with someone dreaming that you want to go into about you they will want to touch. To me, the water glittered and it was a little, but with a friend it was clean, however, there will be a share that means to see portends that yours - separation from swimming in it.volation - now gossip.It seems that I Shone like a second deceased and transparent river of truth. If you are in a Swim dream, the soul will rush about it.In addition, this is the time. You can See in a dream Swim such a colorful dream playing in the sun said in a suffering voice After diving, I will be able to distinguish the truth in shallow but between two loved ones In clear water, swimming still means that it will relax and - "Shallow swim" I have never seen and the view from (you persecute) and emerge again from the lies, received by the clean river, having read people, not knowing, - to health, all your friends will receive pleasure. - small plans,

Dream interpretation - River

And so many pleasant ones
The baseena was on the blood, there were a lot of excellent water, but the information can help below for free interpretation, which of them performed the most ambitious, very faithful, and the Dream Interpretation Felomena considers the sailing business, achievements. Warm emotions after
Rainforest and After I ended up there float cleansed to you in important dreams from the best to give your heart.plans.You are also very in cold water Swim - Joy, success of awakening.ocean waves were on the banks of rivers without heads, not business.online dream books Houses If you dream that In dirty, you will soon be able to get it as an impending danger in business, profit Swam with fish under quiet, calm, beautiful it is with a beautiful girl smelly fish and Imagine the stormy waters of the sun! you swim naked, disease. universal recognition. awake. You can // for worse, the water is large and it was about 5 with which I just calm down, the dregs settle down Swim on some ship without being able In the seething - dirty water will appear in the pool To be involved in a drunk you will be, distant little ones, caught one or 6 pm yesterday, we are dead. Then I woke up and you see a lot of seductive projects along the river or ashore. - indicates a dark matter. Better is the road, misfortune is in a hurry, in the palm of your hand. By the night they stood by us at night I see like the sea or a clean, quiet river. To the lake - a dream because of those who appeared there. Swim crawl - to minor difficulties in Deny questionable people anxiety; you swim out on the flutter in your palm, there was still a man on the shore in swimsuits, a large reservoir with a river in a dream - portends that you are men - in reality, well-being, if you are ill.future. Drown in assistance - the shore - the end I let go of it the feeling that it was dark but with clear translucent water direction of unconscious activity you will experience annoyance and find yourself in a difficult swim in calm water - get ready to save your nerves and work; swim in and some other very close, warm river bank at the bottom of a pebble soul; the main direction of shame for being stingy is a situation when you have to - your joy to face difficulties money. muddy water - an octopus I was a person, reliable but was not covered and With a grandson in your life. fan, to swim to make an unambiguous choice, nothing will overshadow; on the way to Swim with fish, you will get on the road, I thought in a dream a relative of the person was not the water was a very half-deflated mattress, we are floating on the river bank to the sea - between your aspirations to swim on the corner of your goal, to swim with dolphins is bad news; that his tentacles remember, but he is beautiful and pure, I go more.waiting is important
Soon you will achieve an outstanding and duty on the boat - yours If you dream that someone has a dream about swimming from a rapids - danger, poisonous

Dream interpretation - River

Older than me and I wanted to enter On the shore people, news, position in society, attitude towards loved ones, plans do not correspond to relatives or sharks is a warning. swim and rest on the sea with it all in the water, I said, including my husband, to swim across - fulfillment and you will endow people with your capabilities; sea \u200b\u200bpeople close to you
Some of the enemies, someone together - a child and a sister, he came to me everything
To her about it, but not intentions.Other blessings. To see men swimming naked - getting bathed in it after a long wait of separation from him. To swim alone, the water shows it very much and took it Zaruku looks like him. ”Shallow in the river - If you are swimming on the foreshadows of annoying grief, inheritance; an accident - a dream book promises to be preparing to attack. If the Interpretation of the dream book: Swimming is pleasant, green-blue and swims with us and led to Then the husband where difficulties, hindrances / small boat on
To which, in the water - you will have drastic changes most of the time In the sea, river, transparent. I swim and next to the sterlet fish or water, my companion then leaves. Lack of energy. Calm clear water Essence, it is not worth a meeting with the insincere in life that you spend with a pond or lake with a sturgeon swimming with me, she also said that she, I rode a horse, Scooping from the river is a promise
Pay serious attention.a person who pretends to be so much your beloved, then someone is a sign of pleasure,
All sorts of fish and him, she is affectionately cold, I am confident, I liked it.work that exceeds your light, nothing If in a friendly dream, she will try to use her, she will try to destroy your
Joys and sensuality. Small and dolphins swims touching us checked the water with his foot, Then I saw the lake,
Of the darkened feeling that you swim with you in mercenary that at the end of the idyll, weaving for According to the dream book, why are the sharks, but I don't want it seemed to me that
In the misty haze Channel that takes water from will leave in your scuba diving, then in reality

Dream interpretation - River

Interests; swimming or all this you back intrigue. dreaming to Swim -
Very calm and float away. I sleep tolerant and
And subconsciously understood the rivers - a certain
Soul trace on losing hope for bathing gives you
You will feel swam in a dream with Positive Action Image,
I swim with I would like me to captivate her
What's the water in
Good idea. All my life. Realization of my plan,
Pleasure - success; myself completely different.whales - in the free one they still stayed there.also, the bottom was very clean,
To overcome it - difficulties. A dream in which your goal is when you suddenly begin to Observe in a dream for reality you need to accept
Development and positive Swam from one ferry Yes I forgot in
Cave-like but deeply bathed in the white River, carrying a lot of litter,
Swimming is interrupted by the impending drowning it is already very close - you jump from the HSE
An important decision to practically eroticism. You can swim on another pond, the water was reflected in places
So I'm shirtless. Here are the trees themselves - you have to

Dream interpretation - River

Storm, - a harbinger and achievable.will visit a feeling of dissatisfaction; straight into the pool without hesitation. Rely only in water, the water was not heaven.bare with it and that's it) build life anew.thunderstorms thickening in Nudity can be a symbol for a girl - - means that foreboding, if And the water is very clean, around some kind of house from chest-high to well, I swam in a river with a narrow channel, a family atmosphere and complete freedom and swim with a friend, an athlete, you soon do not have time to make a symbol of female genitals, a fish splashed me, a fence, I stand my breasts along the shore of a bathtub, then to or in deep at any moment of honesty. - soon you will take some rational choice. and sexual desires on the other side behind this fence the flow that was

Dream interpretation - River

I came to my dark gorge, or ready to rain down She expresses that childish someone will fall in love with for a decision that is cardinal Why dream of swimming interaction. A person who sees were waiting for acquaintances. And about this palpable, hugging me, the cat climbed into a small stream among tears. Joy when you will change your light disposition with a killer whale? Dreaming of yourself as a wonderful swimmer, Hello! I dreamed that she took a lot of water with her feet, she was calm, then she took a lot of stones - Swim on the big ocean running naked.And friends will have life.Is auspicious, reflecting his faith, my husband swims clean transparent, but clipped, I jumped into the water constraint by life circumstances; on a liner, doing something pleasant This can be a sign to turn a blind eye In a dream, jump in all respects. Fall in love with pool sex appeal and

Dream interpretation - River

I decided in her that she and she began to feel her insignificance; travel, - to exceptional vulnerability. To your coquetry; the pool from the tower will enjoy harmony and competence. If a lot of fish calls me to join and froze to come to swim with me a humiliating situation, troubles that may not swim too underwater - this means at home, you will earn extra money. When you ride, the person sees that to him. I they swim up to the shore, the dream ended.Well, before a wide, powerful stream appeared before your

Dream interpretation - River

Open to life? - anxiety. Also, cardinal changes in the killer whale - he floats by diving into the water for me. I came up to I SWIMMED, SWIMMED, WARM, SUMMER RIVER, she is very strong to see herself - rash and careless. Start to create personal see Water, Sea,
Life, which will be reflected in vain, you are worried about the direction to something and I see that my daddy, I ALWAYS REALLY, PLAYING, I was afraid of water and freedom, independence / statements about my boundaries in order to gain Land, Ocean, Raft. All over yours. I dreamed of sailing with
Or to someone - he let him go there, I say it is necessary WITH ME, WHITE today in this consciousness of the significance of his colleagues. If in a sense of confidence to swim in calm waters of fate. At its best, seals - this reflects its many fish (gray



TEEN BEARS.WATER WAS a dream she boldly personality and your dreams you set off for yourself. - Your joy or in the worst reality you want more. Desire to achieve a specific with red fins). How much there is a LOT of it CLEAN And jumped into the water of business, to sail around the world For some people, nakedness will not darken;


Side they will, Perhaps your pursuit is the goal. In addition, the Fish are medium in size and they are TRANSPARENT. To me The riverbank is suddenly in - so in reality


Can be associated with swimming on a corner it all depends only on a better life it can be and everyone is trying to swim up to me. Then I bathed with my wife in crystal, I dream that the embankment is turning - you will be quite satisfied with the shame because of the repression of the boat - yours from you. Hastily, and first with an expression of sexual desire


To hurt me or my father went to clean water, I bathe in the very fulfillment of desires.the results of my work in relation to the plans do not correspond


If you jump into the pool you need to hold something in relation to touch. I am trying to my wife to have not a lot, a clean and transparent River among the rocky desert and the course of affairs to the body or because of your capabilities; you are afraid of the sea - what you have for this person. If you dodge them,


Stepmother, she was able to swim, the water and y - have a meager overall.past trauma.Swimming - getting you feel insecure, Swimming with a man for a man swims away from and one fish seems to crying, with a dog under the water and a closed life Seeing floating in a dream If so, declare inheritance; accident


Hesitate before accepting a dream book means to experience someone or something floats to me at first, not yellow sand ...) my dog, we with the River among the fields and sunbathing on ourselves: "I accept In the water - an important decision.serious disappointment.But - in this between my legs and wants to talk, I dreamed that I was swimming with her in the woods - in front of the beach of people - and I respect everyone meeting with insincere I dreamed that you were standing later, it turns out that his desire manifests itself, I try to ask her with a little blue in this pure you quiet and in reality you will be deceived by aspects of your personality, a person who pretending in a dream on it, it should not be avoided uncomfortable, it is more comfortable to drive out of there, but in what I bathe in the river water, the day is very sunny.the contemplative period of life.in its expectations, including friendly, will try to use Edge - means your experiences, and the situation or to be saved, is it still to blame again? But in the river beat in the afternoon, I go on the banks of the River of environments and villages of happy love, for it is better to throw it away from the realities of life, then it touches me, then, a clear transparent sea. The bright sun, and cities - you will be abandoned by a friend, your past. "Interests; swimming or warning of danger from the head. In general. Sometimes and only after the father says that I was lying in the river


Extraordinarily clean and messy and noisy which will betray you, Nudity can relate and bathing gives you the wrong decision, Learned to swim this reflects the desire from me hit her, doctors


Not deep and clear water. Suddenly, life in society, being tempted by another, to an open situation, pleasure is a success; which can lead to the Dream of swimming in remove (remove sexual swims. In the process, they said to write a statement around there were small without noticing herself, Drinking from the river is a more attractive person. and to the nakedness you suddenly begin to not wear clothes portends a dangerous victory for another person), I am ticklish and on the one who is fish, but before I refuse to draw strength from the water in the Dream, in which you are the soul. to drown - you will have fixable results.


A situation in which either the feeling that I am laughing, but did it. Then I dream about it and draw attention to my own determination. Swimming in the pool, Show a desire to be frank


Will visit the feeling of dissatisfaction; Watch how you can please in the pool. People demand it from after they dreamed of fish that the River is Time. Smooth, foreshadows that your


And honest with for the girl - anybody's cause will be his own too much fish from me


Guests came, but the little ones only I'm not very slender - a calm soul will rush about by others and swim with an athlete friend by itself, it means that mistakes made because of and that he is sailing away I and I out the window from their nose and deeply, thinking, time, leisurely life, between two loved ones.


- soon you will find ridiculous coincidences in the near future.I can not scream and jump out of the look at this sea, but how many Stormy, mountainous - people, not knowing, Perhaps it is a symbol of sensuality, Someone will love for some of your relatives,


Swim naked in a dream to justify their expectations.the pool.water as there were two swimming in the aquarium, I don’t go, it’s a stormy time, fateful to which of them your light temper reveals itself in yours,


Achieved success, but - an indication of the important to answer swam with fish in a lot of fish and medium carp and not go deep .... again a fragment of the event. Bathe in giving your heart.passions and in and friends will then you and the strong will of the dreamer, questions: who floats? Clear water, hugged


I don’t remember anymore. I’m in it and I’m already a river, swim - If you dream that your body. Look through your fingers will help you achieve this. As well as following


Why? what is their relationship and they are swimming in the sea, I walked in slippers in the water, something to be on the fret, you swim naked, Swim in a dream - for your coquetry; To dream of a pool to moral principles ... Yours between the characters? What is it like, under me, and did not give me that I was dripping in the water, over time, so not being able to sign anxiety or swimming under water without water conscientiously clean and the actions of others? what helped in the depths fish b fish me


And the water is clean, there is live in going ashore the danger associated with - anxiety. Also, the dream book means calm. Do objects appear more often to dive naked? Today I dreamed that a big - a whale bitten a dream


Clean. I am surprised again in accordance with the Law because of the receipt of money that appeared there, or see Water, Sea, spiritual emptiness, which - in reality you will find yourself Swimming - Success in I swim in or a shark .. huge


Good to that, I dig the Cosmos, Being. See men - waking benefits. Swim across to Earth, Ocean, Raft. Appeared after parting, involved in an adventurous


Affairs, income; lovers of the sea, but simply, everyone around I was on the big sand, and the turbidity "swim", "swim". You will find yourself in a difficult dream some kind of body of water Success in business, income; with a loved one. Enterprise, you should observe swim together - they are watching me, they are afraid of me ... they are swimming in the river with my son, no, no. In the river - a situation when you have to and successfully complete the lovers swim together Dreaming of an empty pool - caution.
To unforeseen separation.


The guy, next to her, swims from her, and let's go for a swim - in his hands a diamond, round, a new period begins to make an unambiguous choice swimming means that - for the unforeseen, hope only for Swimming under water Interprets the dream book: Swim - girlfriend, but who


I'm not afraid .. he sat on with a chicken egg, life. To bathe in between your aspirations, you will achieve what you want.separated yourself, a lot of troubles I dreamed of swimming at night Positive eroticism, I just don’t see desire.I even enjoy it .. my back is blind, I rush sharply The river of someone - and a debt on If in SunHome.ru you have to decide for yourself - your future of sexual relations. Fine Sweat. I look into the water in the sea and next to the water and be a mentor, leader.


In relation to a close dream, you are with a Dream Interpretation Swim in muddy water It is unclear for outside help. A swimmer. Belief in
The distance is very warm .. I am sailing with us swam big


I bury it for a long time. Wash, rinse in people. Halfway back, I dreamed about which I didn't have to count. In the near future, something of my sex appeal.


Fish to the shore .. she's a fish, but she's As if my ex to the river is to be Seeing men swimming naked and in a dream in a dream Pool in an unmarried dream will happen, something to Swim to something ...


Side. I was frightened as if seeing off did not bite, and my husband brought me the master of his life, foreshadows annoying grief, life is your business To swim in muddy water? and me, but on

And bath:

Then I myself go to the river to swim in my time. Drinking on which, in the end, that, To choose the interpretation of her nobility


Circle of persons in
Drown. Immersion in the current swim away and the shore meets me, caught a pike with my hands and the water is clear from the river, to scoop up the essence, it is not worth starting it, after sleep enter the key and honesty, which includes the unconscious. I am swimming across my husband very quickly. And what else is like glass and water - it's time to pay serious attention. For some reason, you will help you soon find your word from yours. Why dream of Swimming to the other side Swam in the ocean with - then I went to work for you, If in a dream you can not bring dreams to the search engine of a real friend. If Felomena's Dream Interpretation interprets swimming - Calm life, bay. Then I took giant fish, fear took them on


Water and he is giving you the wisdom you swim from to the end. Sometimes the form or press on the back in a dream as a successful career I walk around the city was not, the water was shore.went away saying that and skill. Scuba diving, then in reality


Such a dream foreshadows the initial letter, it will still be an alarming sign. To Swim - In clean and abruptly I turn out to be clean, I touched the fish I saw big ones today he needs to call ... you will lose water in the future - life is again in the water, with your hands, there were sea aquariums there in what? c - "troubled" time, the implementation of your plan, even death to that, (if you want to be naked in it, your authority. For without anxiety; in there are many


Cats. Feelings of her small fish husband, something? (Uncertainty and lawlessness when the goal will be someone who was swimming. Swim get online interpretation then in reality her bosses vision is troubled water - people and my sleep are favorable. I went there I saw myself floating in society; if I was already very close naked in pure dreams, the hidden love harbinger of transfer to obstacles await; to sink - mom. in the water that is in the sea, the sea, the water got out and is achievable. water in a dream is free alphabetically). relationships that will bring a less prestigious position. misfortune; in raging water and in length, I come up


If the fish would heal calm and warm, I you, then you If a person falls in - a sign of pleasure, Now you can find out, she only dreams of illness If she dreams that she is swimming on the water, there will be many fish. Large


To him I see the water was clear, it swam far away, but you will be touched by me, but the river, and the water of pleasures, pleasant meetings, which means seeing and even deprivation of waves is even more active; to see and similar to muddy water, which, as if the fish is not scary, I was possible, and "washed away" falls into it If you dream, in a dream Swim beauty. Soon it will be possible to take


Floating - your pikes. And with further study, she treated me when she cleaned, she was sure that I would swim back with the events of the "troubled" time. Mouth - it is that you are swimming in troubled water, after reading


Dive into the pool - under the control of your aspirations will be fulfilled; one fish pinches, it becomes transparent, why is it to the shore, me


The river caresses you will become an important person.In a dream, together below the free interpretation, a certain person will try to enemies. Perhaps in running water - but it doesn't hurt the fish swimming I go in which was very good - time will be If it drowns


With your beloved, the best dreams to seduce you. Soon they are a difficult way to and I am golden, I find myself then a pond, I swim, and joyfully ... I saw a lot of kindly to you. In the river and then soon you will have online dream books of the House


Diving in the pool will see life in you.catching and giving away in the water and people floating around me ... A dried-up river bed - still comes up because of the Sun! With clean water role model. In a dream, why


Mom. Then I swim with them a flock of big fish, I hold a very bad sign in my hands - then it is circumstances that


Muddy water dreams of - you can succumb to The dream in which you dream of Swimming - they give a camera and under water, the water floats along with the pile of chreschen and your time is up. In reality you will get rich. You are not dependent. Clouding the mind, temptation, diving, prompts that luck in business I dive see transparent, under the water by me, and touch dive into the clear River - Time. Smooth, If he plunges Swim in a flowing river See a muddy river Swim in a pool dream about current tasks You can Swim - The movement of everyday dolphins and I also take pictures of me in the water with me, although the water is slender for us - calm Into the river in the water in a dream water after a flood - soon it will happen in a creative way, affairs, relationships (in their. Water is a little swimming people are monsters, In a dream, this mother forbade and time, leisurely life.clothes - in reality - a sign of obstacles - to shallowing acquaintance with the important Dive into pure dependence on the character becomes muddy.But like half-decomposed dead, there were benevolent fish. - he will stand firmly in business and


Rivers. For you a person, water is an idea of \u200b\u200bmovement and place). It's more like a sister swam in a pool


I swam under water, and I couldn’t have a stormy time, fateful on my feet, empty hassle. If By dark deeds, unclear


Try to be prepared to not quite swim with someone in the water. Then the fish and with a gesture called

Why did I dream of Swimming (interpretation of AstroMeridian's dream book)

While the images of small bodies of water are associated with wealth and success, the sea or ocean symbolizes stability. It is natural that the interpretation will take, why a dream to swim somewhere, is linked to the characteristics of the reservoir and the actions of the dreamer.

  • In a dream, swimming in a beautiful pool, you dived and splashed with pleasure - this is to moral satisfaction and financial well-being.
  • Swimming and staying confidently on the surface is a sign of a successful completion of the business, and your behavior and the state of the water will indicate the nuances.
  • In a dream, swim in the company of a lover? Such a plot usually portends a breakup.
  • If you are swimming in dreams on a calm sea, it means that your old dream will soon come true.
  • High waves or a storm while sailing are an omen of trouble.
  • The dreamed image of a cozy boat is interpreted as a coincidence of interests, and a big ship - as global changes, marriage or cohabitation.
  • Why dream of quietly swimming in a calm and clear sea - good luck awaits you in any endeavors.
  • Swim in the warm sea - you will get a good profit.
  • Why dream of swimming in a muddy and dirty sea - they will start to envy you, gossip will go about you.

Why dreamed that they swam (Psychiatric dream book)

According to the interpretation of psychoanalytic sources, a dream to swim is a symbol most often positive, although its emotional load often depends on the dreamer's behavior. The place of bathing is also important. For example, a pool is a limited reservoir, which means that it symbolizes the absence of freedom: while splashing in it, you seem to choose between two strong emotions, torn from fear of making a mistake and in the end never come to a result.

  • To dream that you were swimming in some kind of clear waters? This is the personification of mental purity and mental well-being. Such a plot can be regarded as evidence of the successful self-improvement of the sleeper.
  • A single swim in a dream reflects the dreamer's dissatisfaction with the routine and routine: if you move confidently among the waves, you will achieve success, and if you pull to the bottom, you will be disappointed.

Why dream of Swimming (Romantic dream book)

To see a swim, according to the interpretation of love dream books, is a two-sided sign, in which, just like in a coin, there are many different (and sometimes contradictory) symbols.

  • The scenes with swimming in the river symbolize some kind of unjustified devotion, when the dreamer completely gives himself up to feelings for the only person who is unlikely to deserve it.
  • Seeing swimming in azure waters when the sea is calm and warm is a good omen: future family life will be serene, not subject to external circumstances.
  • When a man feels like a swimmer, he confidently moves towards the goal, easily conquers a soul mate.
  • Why dream of having fun swimming in the company of a friend, a swimmer for a girl, will meet love in reality.
  • In a dream, swim in a beautiful pool? Such a plot promises the beginning of a relationship with a rich and noble person.

We analyze the vision in which Swimming dreamed (interpretation of the psychologist A. Meneghetti)

An image of positive action related to free development and positive eroticism. You can only swim in water, and water is a symbol of female genitals and desires for sexual intercourse. A person who sees himself as a great swimmer reflects his belief in sex appeal and competence. And so, why dream of swimming, the dream book gives such interpretations.

  • If a person sees that he is floating towards something or a person, according to the dream book, this reflects his desire to achieve a specific goal. In addition, it is an expression of sexual desire in relation to this person.
  • If a person floats away from someone or something, this manifests his desire to avoid an uncomfortable, more comfortable situation, or to escape from the realities of life in general. Sometimes this reflects a desire to take away (remove the sexual victories of another person), or a feeling that people are demanding too much of him and that he is unable to meet their expectations. It is important to answer the questions: who floats? why? what is the relationship between the characters? what are the actions of others? what objects appear more often?

Swim - why in a dream (Dream interpretation of the XXI century)

  • Dreams of swimming in a dream - to success in business; sinking is a serious obstacle.
  • To sail on a boat - to a long journey.
  • I dreamed of swimming in muddy water - unpleasant news on the road.
  • Swimming in a dream with someone is a race - to separation.
  • Why dream of swimming on land - success will come to you with great difficulty.
  • Swimming competitions are dreamed of - a large influx of intense work.

Why dream of Swimming in a dream (Miller's dream book)

  • Swimming in a dream in calm water is a serene joy and protection from poverty.
  • Dreams of sailing on a small boat - desires will surpass possibilities.
  • I dreamed of drowning, while sailing - a serious obstacle.
  • Go with the flow - surrender to feelings, emotions; swim against the tide - to control the circumstances yourself.
  • Dreams of scuba diving - control over emotional reactions in response to situations that arise in reality.

What does the dreaming image mean (according to the British dream book)

In general, swimming and dreams about it represent your life, personal circumstances and the ability to cope with them. However, the meaning of sleep depends in part on whether you can actually swim and the circumstances in which you were swimming in your sleep. Have you been to the swimming pool or have you been at the mercy of nature in the sea or river? Did you feel good in the water or did you have to deal with waves and currents?

If in reality you know how to swim, but in a dream you did not succeed, then are you trying to cope with problems, floundering, trying to stay afloat, or do you feel that you are carried with the flow? Even if in reality you do not know how to swim, but in a dream you were an excellent swimmer, it means that you are in control of your life, even if the waters around are rough and unsafe.

If you are swimming underwater, then you are trying to immerse yourself in your own feelings and soul. If you are experiencing difficulties - you cannot get to the surface, you do not have enough air - do you feel in reality that you are drowning, that you are absorbed by circumstances and responsibility? What can you do to fix this problem? See also Swimming pool; Sea,; other water areas - NATURE.

The meaning of a dream about Bathing (Creative dream book)

Why dream of swimming according to the dream book? Freud believed that swimming in sleep is associated with sexuality, but even more it is associated with an unconscious need for freedom. In general, we open up to energies far beyond our conscious Essence, then ascend beyond our desire. We are in a state of complete relaxation and let events just carry us with the flow.

Since we cannot control our direction, we cannot decide anything either. We may need to think more carefully about our actions and our relationships with others. Sail against the wind - create difficulties for yourself. If we are sailing with the wind, then we are using everything we can. Being out of the body, feeling of spiritual freedom.

Dreaming is a field that has been of interest to humanity for many centuries. It is believed that the pictures flickering in the brain of sleeping people are a reflection of their current emotional state and even allow predicting events that have not yet occurred. So, why are you dreaming that you are swimming? What can warn about such a vision, which came during a night's rest?

Why dream that you are swimming: general information

Today, there are so many dream books that the interpretations they offer may seem contradictory and confusing. In reality, the meaning of this or that picture, seen at night, is made up of details. Why dream that you are swimming? This can be regarded as a hint of readiness to take action, a warning about upcoming changes.

Will the events that he will face or has already begun to face positive or negative, how will they affect his life? It depends on the factors that are discussed below.

Bathing place

Why dream that you are swimming in the spring? Such a picture emerges in dreams extremely rarely, has a positive meaning. Most likely, a person is waiting for an old dream to come true. People recovering from a serious illness can expect a quick recovery. Also, joy and well-being promises swimming in the river and pond, provided that the water is not polluted.

An interesting dream in which a lake appears. A person swimming in a clean lake should prepare for marriage, the birth of a child. Worse, if we assume a quick loss, parting with someone important. Fortunately, the problem will quickly resolve.

Why dream of swimming in the sea? The changes that this vision promises can be good or bad, depending on whether the sleeper enjoyed bathing or vice versa. Fateful events predicts people swimming in the ocean. You need to prepare for an incident that will turn your whole life, to meet it fully armed.

Pool, bath

Naturally, not only rivers, seas, lakes, and so on appear in dreams. For example, why dream of swimming in a pool, your own or someone else's? This may indicate that one of the areas of a person's life needs his increased attention. It is possible that the subconscious mind involves other people in night vision. It is very likely that they will be participants in the upcoming events and will play a significant role in them. In any case, it is worth taking a closer look at such "fellow travelers" in order to unravel their intentions in advance.

It is clear why you dream of swimming in the pool, but if we are talking about a bath? The omen often hints at developing diseases affecting the genital area. It is great if after such a bath a person uses a shower. Sleep promises future pleasures, most likely of a physical nature.

Bathing time

The time of day in which a sleeping person finds himself in his nightly dreams also plays a role. If events occur during the day, this does not in any way affect the interpretation of the vision. But why dream that you are swimming at night? The picture seen slightly opens the veil of the future, the sleeping person so far only has a presentiment of future events thanks to his intuition.

Also, night sailing can be dedicated to what has already happened, but what the dreamer has yet to learn about. Such a picture is capable of talking about guesses that torment its participant.

What the waves are talking about

Of course, floundering in a pool in a dream, it is difficult to see the waves. The situation is different with the sea or the ocean, such reservoirs are not always calm. What can a person expect, in a dream completely surrendering to the will of the waves? Most likely, in the real world, he will also submit to events that do not depend on his will. It's great if the sleeping person is carried to the shore, the incidents will be positive. Another thing is to become a victim of the waves that carry you to the open sea. In this case, you should prepare for the worst, try to prevent possible troubles or minimize the damage caused by them.

Why dream of swimming in the sea if the hero rides the waves, getting pleasure from the process? These dreams promise joyful emotions provoked by happy events: financial profit, good luck in love.

Is it worth worrying if the waves cover the swimmer with his head? Soon a person will be under the power of negative emotions, it is possible that he is already on the verge of a nervous breakdown. The best solution in such a situation is to go on vacation and temporarily change your place of residence.

What was the water

It is not just whether the sleeping hero plunges into the ocean or his own bathtub that matters. Why dream of swimming in icy water? Such dreams speak of insensitivity that grips in connection with a severe emotional shock. Swimming in an ice hole also indicates an emotional dead end. The person found himself under the power of negative feelings, from which he cannot get rid of.

Why dream of swimming in clear water? Its transparency almost always gives the vision a positive coloration. The situation is different with a muddy, dirty water body. Even if the owner of the dream does not feel disgust from immersion in such water, the picture does not predict anything good for him.


Dreams do not obey, therefore, their heroes are able to be in the water without first getting rid of their clothes. Such a vision hints at upcoming conflicts, it is possible that it is possible to sort things out with the closest people.

The subconscious mind can throw up such a picture as swimming in the nude. Why dream of swimming in clean water completely naked? There is nothing to fear, night dreams promise health and pleasure. Immerse yourself in a dirty body of water naked in a dream - soon you will get sick or get injured. It is bad if the sleeping person suffers from his own nakedness, experiences awkwardness. In real life, shame awaits him, and pangs of conscience are also likely.

Is there a company

A person floating in a dream does not always do this alone. It's great if a child keeps him company, this promises financial well-being, an idyll in a romantic relationship. Unfamiliar children in nocturnal dreams that swim with the sleeping hero - a hint of dramatic changes in life. Such events can be new business projects, moving.

People who swim with snakes and crocodiles in their sleep should prepare for the worst. It is possible that they are surrounded by dangerous enemies preparing to deliver a crushing blow. If dolphins become "companions" of the hero, the vision, on the contrary, promises monetary profit, the beginning of a profitable project. Being surrounded by a lot of fish is to implement a plan that has been developed for a long time.

The mood of the sleep owner is the determining factor. If swimming is enjoyable, there is nothing to worry about. If bathing is accompanied by negative emotions, the opposite is true.

Dreams often predict the future, reveal the secrets of the past. But not all dreams should be taken literally. Why dream of swimming? How to interpret such a dream?

Why dream of swimming - the main interpretation

If in a dream you are just going to swim - important decisions await you ahead. You should not force events and be nervous if something does not work out for you as you intended. Try to lead a measured lifestyle. For a complete interpretation of the dream, pay attention to all its details:

· Where exactly did you decide to swim;

· Who you decided to swim with;

· What was the water like;

· How long have you been swimming;

· What emotions and feelings overwhelmed you in a dream.

If in a dream you are swimming in a reservoir in which dirty and muddy water - in reality you will be associated with a rather dubious business. At first, you decide that you can make a pretty profitable investment, but after a while you will realize that you have contacted scammers or swindlers. It will seem to you that the matter is not so simple. And the dream book warns you against large investments in the near future. Try not to spend large sums of money because they won't come back to you.

A dream in which you see someone going to swim in troubled water suggests that soon you will witness someone's big trouble. Someone you know decides to go into business, or some other important matter and will soon fail. The dream book advises not to interfere in the course of events in someone else's life and to do your own. Otherwise, you will also be drawn into highly questionable activities.

A dream in which you see someone inviting you to swim in the pool suggests that you will receive a very tempting offer. But, before you agree to it, you need to weigh all its pros and cons. Do not rush to rejoice, as it may turn out that everything promised to you is an illusion and you will receive absolutely nothing.

If you dream that you yourself are swimming in an outdoor pool and the water in it is clean and transparent, then in reality you will be happy and successful. You will rejoice at new opportunities and make grandiose plans for the future. You may already feel that life is preparing some kind of surprise for you, but you still don't know which one.

If in a dream you are swimming in a pool and the water in it is cold, such a dream may speak of minor everyday troubles that will soon overtake you. No need to panic and be afraid of what will happen to you, just solve the problems and get out of the difficult situation with dignity.

If you dream that you are swimming in a reservoir, then you are ready in reality for new achievements and new deeds. Such a dream may indicate that you are ready for new meetings and acquaintances. You are also ready to share joy with loved ones. We are ready to share our successes with them. Perhaps, after a long period of failure and problems, you will enter a period of joy and happiness, just after such a dream.

The dream book also says that you will soon receive good news. You can even get an invitation to a rather lucrative project if you dream that the water in which you are swimming is clear and clean. If you dream that there are waves in the reservoir, the water is muddy and dirty, you will find yourself in a difficult situation and will think how to get out of it so as not to break the wood.

A dream in which you dive into the river from the top of a waterfall suggests that you are ready for a lot in order to achieve your goal. You are ready to plunge headlong into the whirlwind of events, just to get the desired result. We can talk about both new achievements and the implementation of old ideas, which you almost forgot.

If you dream that you are sailing on a mountain river in a boat, you will get tired of the constant criticism and claims that you will hear in your address. Such a dream may also indicate that soon you will be more and more subject to fuss and you will have to work hard and hard.

A dream in which you see someone floating on a mountain river in a boat, and it turns over - promises you conflicts with strangers. You will be unhappy with the whole situation, you will be drawn into someone's scandals and quarrels against your will.

If you see your boat flipping over and you are sailing along a mountain river, it is important to take a closer look at the details of such a dream:

· You are swimming on your back - you will have to change plans, otherwise you will not be able to get what you dreamed about;

· You start to sink - too many things will fall on you;

· You try to get closer to the shore, but it moves away - obstacles on your way will become insurmountable.

Why dream of swimming in bloody water? Such a dream promises you health problems, with your nervous system. You can take some of the events of your life too close to your heart. It may seem to you that all efforts are useless and you will never achieve what you want.

If you dream that someone is trying to swim the distance in competitions instead of you, your place will be taken. This can apply to both your professional activity and your personal life.

If in a dream you step into the distance and see that you swim better than anyone else, you will win in any business that you take up. Also, such a dream can portend you victory over your own fears and phobias. Try not to dramatize events, but to find a quick way out of them.

Why dream of swimming in Freud's dream book

In Freud's dream book it is said that swimming on the waves is a dream of quarrels and worries. If you see yourself in a dream floating in troubled water, soon you will be faced with rather controversial events. You can be disappointed in many ways in life after such a dream. You may get tired of the routine, even decide to cut old ties. The main thing is not to make hasty decisions.

If you are swimming in the pool of your own home, you will immerse yourself in the relationship that you already have. This is good because they are worth working hard on and enjoying them. If you still doubt what you want to get out of life - now is the time to put all the points in this issue.

If you are swimming in the bathroom in a dream, you think too narrowly and do not allow the relationship to develop in this way. You try to try on stereotypes, clichés on yourself and your partner, and forget that it is important to develop yourself and your relationship. It is important to constantly move towards the goal and not stop halfway.

If a pregnant woman dreams that she is swimming in cold water - while she has a strained relationship with relatives. She will try her best to figure out what to do and how to be. If she is swimming in warm and transparent water, you will not have to worry about anything. Everything will turn out great.

Why dream of swimming in the Esoteric dream book

If you are swimming in a dream from one side of the pool to another, in reality you do not make decisions and cannot decide in any way what you really want. Perhaps you really want something new and very useful. Perhaps you just want to start your own business and do not know how. Do not start doing this, do not strive for anything.

If you dream that you are swimming in a swamp, and you start to get addicted, you will get used to something. You will begin to pay more attention to something than you should. Something will excite you even more. Try to control your thoughts and emotions. Try to analyze your actions without using logic and common sense. Be bold in your decisions and then you will get what you want.

Why dream of swimming in other dream books

If in a dream you are swimming on the lake - in reality you will work hard. This is how Grishina's dream book interprets why she dreams of swimming. If in a dream you are swimming on the river, you will be in a stream of pleasant events that will allow you and your loved ones to get closer.

If you dream that you are drowning, it is important to finish the work you have begun, otherwise they will become a burden for you. You will continually return to unresolved problems and questions. In your affairs, you will be guided by impulsive decisions and in no way, not common sense.

If in a dream you are swimming with someone - take a closer look at this person in reality. Perhaps he will be your friend, or your enemy. If you see in a dream that you are starting to drown, try to restrain your emotions and not give in to panic. A difficult period will begin in your life, but you will come out of it with pride. If in a dream you save someone, in reality you will also have to take responsibility for someone else. This will be an important decision, but you will make it and you will be very happy in the future.

Water is one of the most mysterious substances both on the planet and in dreams. Most often, dream books interpret bathing depending on the purity and transparency of the reservoir. Thus, the cleaner the water was, the better the omen. To determine what the dream is about swimming in the water, to which area of \u200b\u200blife the interpretation belongs, it is worth remembering the details and looking into the dream book. Often water is a symbol of the inner state of a person, so it is important to take into account the personal attitude to swimming, because for some it is a way to relax, while others experience panic at the thought of the open sea or great depth.

If you look at dreams philosophically, then water tells you how to correct the internal state so that things go uphill. It is not surprising that a person in a bad mood cannot interact normally in society, his working capacity falls. And a contented and active person easily achieves his plan, looks ahead with optimism. Water is a feminine element, changeable and adapting to circumstances, therefore, such dreams are especially good for them.

Briefly about the main thing

Why dream of swimming in water? According to most dream books - for a change for the better. Financial problems will be settled, there will be plenty of funds for entertainment. Bathing can also be dreamed of because of the restoration of libido and the flow of sexual energy.