Dirty hands. Why dream dirty hands in real life

"A large universal dream book for the whole family of O. Smurov"

Admire yourself in a dream - a harbinger of well-being. In the old days, it was believed that the right hand in a dream means the present or close males, and the left - the future or close females. Losing a hand in a dream means losing a loved one.

Shaking hands in a dream means establishing good friendships with someone. If some important person shakes your hand in a dream, then soon you will have a high-ranking patron, using the capabilities of which you can succeed in life. The dream in which you shake someone's hand to comfort a person indicates that you will soon quarrel with this person.

If you dream that you want to shake someone’s hand but cannot, it predicts that you have competitors. A dream in which you saw someone kissing your hands encourages you not to trust this person. If a person is unfamiliar to you, then you should be wary of envious people and slanderers who want to defame you, but at the same time get profit. If in a dream they say about you that you are sitting idly by, then you should immediately proceed with the implementation of your plans. Having a lot of hands in a dream is a sign that you will have a lot of work that will ensure you a decent existence. But such a dream foreshadows criminals that they will soon be caught and they will suffer the deserved punishment. If you dream that your hands are stained with blood, then soon you will have a difficult separation from a loved one. Sometimes such a dream predicts that a quarrel with relatives awaits you. See burn.

The dream in which you saw that your hands are covered with sores or acne portends you sorrows and disappointments. If in a dream you broke your arm, then poverty, deprivation, want, hunger or disease awaits you. For women, such a dream predicts a short separation from a lover or husband. Dirty hands to see or get dirty hands in a dream is a harbinger of business failure. Sometimes such a dream warns you that you should refrain from risky or gambling or games. Sometimes such a dream warns you of slander or envious people. Washing your hands in a dream means that you get rid of some unpleasant duties or you can refuse to perform any unpleasant work. If you dream that someone said about you that you have golden hands, then you will have success in business. However, it is believed that having golden hands in a dream means that you are waiting for obstacles in business.

The dream in which you saw that your hands are stronger and longer promises profit and wealth. For women, such a dream portends that their husband or lover will become richer or receive a promotion. Hairy or rough hands "in a dream to see is a sign of wealth, good luck in any business. If you dream that your hands have become muscular, then you will successfully overcome difficulties and will be able to stand up for yourself in any business. Such a sick patient predicts a speedy recovery.

Seeing a child’s hands in a dream is a sign of well-being and family happiness. If in a dream you find out that your hands have become weak and small, then you will be upset because of constant failures in everything, no matter what you take up. Sometimes such a dream indicates that your friends or partners may betray you at the most inopportune moment. The dream in which you saw a hand without a body predicts business losses and the danger of fraud. If you dream that your hands are tied, then you will be in distress and you will be powerless to do something in order to improve this situation. Waving your hand at something in a dream means that you do not have the patience and perseverance to fulfill your intentions.

If in a dream you saw that someone had covered your hand with yours or took you by the hand, then someone will interfere with the implementation of your plans or convict you of a dishonest or mean act. See palm, fingers, wash, soap, foam, nails, hair.

Why dream hands on a dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

If you dreamed of a healthy clean hand - this symbolizes someone's help (the right hand is a sign of a man, the left is a woman). If you dreamed a brush - this is the personification of physical stress. If a sick, broken arm is dreamed, it means misfortune, a decline in business. If you dreamed of losing your hand - to the death of a loved one. If you dreamed of dirt on your hands - infidelity in marriage, deceit, unclean deeds. Wash hands in a dream - to cares and troubles. Shaking the right hand in a dream is a sign of true friendship and disinterestedness. Shaking the left hand in a dream is treason and mean betrayal. If you dreamed of an armless person - the loss of things dear to you. If you dream of burned hands - use caution and do not rush with words. Seeing your hands stained with blood is a tragic combination of circumstances. If you had bruises on your hands - a sign of complete success in affairs of love. If you have warts on your hands, scandalous gossip will haunt you. If you dreamed of hairy hands - this portends an unexpected intervention of brute force. If you dreamed of big, strong and muscular arms - you will find a reliable patron. If you dreamed of thin and gentle hands - a great success in business. If you dreamed of small hands - betrayal of friends.

In their dreams, people can perform actions that are part of their daily lives, for example, wash their hands. The dream interpretation claims that this indicates a desire to purify oneself, to get rid of guilty feelings for unseemly acts. The interpretation of the dream depends on the details that should certainly be remembered.

Why hands: general information

So what do these dreams mean? Why people have to wash in their dreams believes that this indicates a desire to be cleansed from sins. A man has committed an act for which he is ashamed; his life is poisoned by guilt. The dream warns that the time has come for repentance, recognition of mistakes.

Are there other reasons that make a person wash their hands in their dreams? Dream Interpretation argues that such a plot can not only testify to internal torment, but also predict the future. In the near future, someone will offer the dreamer to commit an unseemly act, for which he will later be ashamed. Let's say it will be a dishonest deal that will damage reputation.

Water temperature

Details are necessary in order to understand the meaning of the dream. A person who suffers from a serious illness can wash his hands with cold water in night dreams. A dream predicts to him an improvement in well-being in the coming days, a full recovery is also possible. If the dreamer is healthy, such a plot promises him a meeting with old friends, rest in a pleasant company.

What does the dream warn about if the water is hot? The owner of a dream runs the risk of losing his head from love, succumbing to forbidden passion, changing his regular partner (if he has one). Attraction to the object will quickly pass, only a feeling of guilt will remain.

With or without soap

In his dreams a man can wash his hands with soap. Soon the dreamer will receive an invitation to a fun party, have a great time. An alternative version says that such a plot predicts premature old age. This is due to the fact that the sleep owner is too frivolous about his health, has bad habits and does not want to get rid of them.

An attempt to wash away dirt from hands without soap suggests that a person hopes in vain for the help of others. He will have to solve his problems on his own, he will not be able to shift the responsibility to other people. There is another version explaining the meaning of such a dream. Someone will soon try to drag the sleeping person into a dubious enterprise. This proposal must be refused, since the reprehensible act will be made public and will not provide the desired results.

In night dreams, people can not only wash their hands with soap, but also try to clean them with milk. This predicts the emergence of good friends with whom to have fun. If snow is used instead of soap, all the dreamer's dreams will come true, even those that he has already forgotten about.

Blood, resin, paint

What does it mean to wash hands in a dream, trying to cleanse them of blood? A person is not able to overcome the fear that haunts him. Because of this, he constantly finds himself in unpleasant situations.

If a dreamer tries to clear his palms of tar, such a plot does not bode well. Soon he will have to become a member of a dark matter that will negatively affect his entire future life. It will be possible to avoid problems if a person rejects dubious offers, no matter who makes them.

Why dream of washing hands that are stained with paint? Now the dreamer is in a difficult situation, but he will soon be able to get out of it without significant losses. Sanity and patience will certainly help him win.

Other options

What does it mean to wash hands in a dream, trying to cleanse them of fat? People who saw such a dream should prepare for a streak of failure. Troubles will pour on them one after another, there is also a danger of wallowing in routine matters. An attempt to clear the palms of oil predicts boring things that cannot be transferred to the shoulders of others.

If the dreamer washes away pus in his dreams, his life situation will soon improve. Sick people such a plot promises a quick recovery or stabilization. Washing off feces means easy profit, financial problems will be a thing of the past.

What do hands look like?

It’s great if a person remembers how his hands looked. If they were clean and healthy, then this is a good sign. The dreamer's life will change for the better, luck will contribute to him. If they looked well-groomed and neat, this is also worth rejoicing. A person will become a part of high society, get rich and become famous.

Bad is the dream in which dirty palms appear. A dreamer should spend more time on his health and undergo a medical examination. Dirty hands appearing in a dream can warn about the development of a dangerous disease. They also promise a change in life for the worse, a series of problems and troubles.

Sleep is unfavorable if a person remembers broken nails, cracked and peeling skin. In the near future, changes for the better should not be expected, unexpected problems may also arise that will be difficult to cope with.

Wash hands for a long time

What does it mean to wash your hands thoroughly and for a long time? Dream Interpretation believes that this indicates the guilt that gnaws the dreamer. A man is trying to clear his conscience, but nothing comes of it, the mistakes of the past continue to poison his life. If it was not possible to wash hands in night dreams, then the prognosis cannot be considered favorable. It is possible that traumatic memories will haunt the dreamer throughout life.

If the hands in a dream could not be cleaned of dirt, but the sleeper continued to try to wash them, this story can also not be called a good sign. A person will have to cope with his difficulties on his own. Friends whom he hoped for help would be refused. However, if in a dream someone tried to help him, for example, he offered a piece of soap, in reality he would also not be left alone.

Other interpretations

What does it mean to wash hands in a river in a dream? The interpretation of the dream in this case depends on the state of the water. If it was clean and transparent, then this is a good sign. The dreamer's life will change for the better, for example, he can get a promotion at work. For lonely people, such dreams are predicted by a promising acquaintance, which can turn into a serious relationship. However, if the water in the river was dirty and muddy, nothing good should be expected. Soon the dreamer will lose the thing that is of great value to him.

It is wonderful if a person dreamed that he was helping a child wash his hands. Soon the dreamer will feel happy, positive changes will occur in his life.

Why did the Hands dream (interpretation of AstroMeridian's dream book)

Sleep hand - if it is someone else's hand - you look at someone else's fate, if your hand - at your own

A foreign hand - if it is children's - a person will need your help. If the hand is small in a dream, you will feel some kind of limitations. Sleep is a long arm in a dream - you have unlimited opportunities to bring your plan to life.

The human hand - beautiful and strong - is a sign of stability, favorable events.

Why does a man dream - well-groomed, strong, who wants to admire - be confident in your abilities, prosperity awaits you.

The guy’s hand dreamed - be confident in your choice: your boyfriend is ready to protect you and take care of you.

Why a guy’s hand is dreaming - just like a man’s hand, means his protection over you, care and tenderness.

To dream about holding your hand - if your soulmate holds your hand in a dream - means that in life you will achieve everything together.

Why dream of holding hands, holding hands, going somewhere - you completely trust your partner in a relationship and he reciprocates with you.

Blood on the hands - to see the blood of a stranger on the hands - someone will try to ruin your reputation.

Foreign blood on the hands in a dream means both happiness - if it is the enemy’s blood on your hands, as well as quarrels, malaise, conflicts.

We analyze the vision in which the Brush dreamed (interpretation of the psychologist A. Meneghetti)

Why dream Hand in a dream book - The image of a hand is synonymous with doing and acting and therefore has many meanings. It should be analyzed very carefully, taking into account the objects and characters present, as well as the circumstances. The image of a hand without a body is always negative. This is a sign of a distorted situation or a halt in development, a sign of the creation of any inhibitory psychophysiological mechanisms. A handshake is a symbol of friendship. If you see hands folded as in prayer, then the person who has folded his hands feels the need to solve his current problems or the need to resolve existing emotional conflicts, feels the desire for good luck, happiness in his inner being. This person needs supernatural help, in solving everyday difficulties and thanks someone for his positive contribution. The image of a grabbing hand (or grabbing something) is a symbol of the fear of death or the fear that something important could slip away from a person.

The meaning of sleep about Extremity (Gipsy dream book)

Hand - Severed, burned or withered, seen, portends the death of the best and most devoted servant; but to the one who does not have servants, such a dream is foreshadowed by a great and inevitable misfortune, and the artisan is lack of work and poverty; if a married woman has a dream, it marks the death of her husband or the eldest of the children; to have a hand covered in wool portends imprisonment; washing hands means work and anxiety; looking at your hands portends a disease; having swollen hands marks profit and gain, especially to ministers; to have white hands and is much more beautiful than ordinary ones, portends a happy and profitable end to important matters, the love of subordinates and the friendship of equals; to have hands or fingers shorter than usual is a sign of unfaithful servants and the evil of the power of attorney; having white hands and full hands to the rich promises the conclusion of friendships, a pleasant society and success in love affairs, while the poor are foreshadowed by poverty and sorrow; to have many hands means happiness, strength, and an increase in wealth; but to robbers, thieves of all kinds of loafers, this dream heralds the discovery of their crimes and the severe punishment for them. However, see articles on gout, fire and water.

Hands - what dreams in a dream (Dream Interpretation of the XXI century)

  • Looking at the left hand in a dream symbolizes a warning; right - meeting with a true friend.
  • Clean hands dream, portend a long life; dirty - adultery.
  • Washing hands in cold water in a dream is fun.
  • Dreamed sick hands - evil, warning against an accident.
  • Broken arm dreams unfortunately.
  • To have many hands is hard, but fruitful work.
  • The warts on his hands were dreaming - to trouble.
  • Waving your arms in a dream - they will pose an impossible task for you.
  • Too long arms dreamed of - powerlessness, passivity; too short - you can recklessly get down to business, try to implement utopian plans.

Interpretation of the dreamer (according to the French dream book)

Hand - If you dreamed of hands - a dream means that your friends will be faithful to you at a bad time. A broken arm - predicts the illness of your friend, adversity in the family. Swollen hands - promise an unexpected enrichment. Hairy hands - dreaming of young women whose children will be very beautiful and happy. To dream that your hand is cut off - a dream predicts unlucky days.

To have a dream about the Hand, what does it mean? (ABC interpretation of dreams)

Hand - A healthy clean hand, not even recognized, symbolizes someone's help (the right hand is the symbol of a man, the left is a woman). Brush, according to the dream book - the personification of physical stress. A sick, broken arm is a misfortune, a decline in business. Losing a hand is the death of a loved one. Dirt on the hands - infidelity in marriage, deceit, unclean deeds. Wash hands - to cares and troubles. (See also Fingers.)

Why dreaming Hands in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

  • Beautiful hands are dreaming, they mean fame, a high position in their circle.
  • To see blood on the hands in a dream portends a temporary alienation among people close to you, an unfair condemnation of a friend.
  • I dreamed of a damaged arm - you will have to give up part of what is very dear to you.
  • Burning your hands in a dream is a loss in competition with fate.
  • Dreaming of dirt on your hands - you are capable of injustice against loving people.
  • Tied hands in a dream portend future difficulties.
  • Amputated hand in a dream - to separation or mutual dissatisfaction between loving (or spouses).

What does sleep with the Hand mean (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

  • In spring, why dream of a hand in a dream - dreams of an assault. To see an unfamiliar hand means getting someone's help at the right time, in the next interpreter you can find out what this dream is about.
  • In the summer, why did you dream of a hand - someone will shout at your good, be careful.
  • In the fall, why did you dream of a hand - left - treason - right - a true friend.
  • In winter, why dream of losing a hand - the funeral of a good friend.

Dirty hands in a dream are often, according to the dream book, a warning about troubles, gossip, intrigues of enemies. But in interpreting what such a sign dreams of, one should not forget about good values \u200b\u200b- getting rid of troubles, timely protection.

Do not start new business.

Dream Interpretation reports: dirt on them promises trouble in business, business. Perhaps someone with their behavior will contribute to the failure of your projects.

Running, groomed, broken off nails - lie in wait for business failures. It’s better not to start something new.

Trouble can be overcome

Why dream of washing your hands? The dreamer will be freed from the troubles plaguing him, which have been going on for quite some time.

In a dream, trying to wash away the dirt from them - according to the dream book, such a symbol promises wealth, money, a successful business.

Had a dream of washing dirty hands? Soon cure a chronic disease. Also, washing them in a dream means getting the necessary protection in time.

The dream of footprints from stained hands of others portends some special news that will cause a lot of trouble. It also means: the sleeper has to exert a lot of strength to insist on his own.

Beware of gossip and deception

Had a dream of sleeves and hands in black soot? The Dream Interpretation reports: in reality, the evil gossip spread by the enemies will have a negative impact on the official affairs of the sleeping person.

Soiled sleeves in a dream portend a fraud. Perhaps ill-wishers make plans to trick the dreamer for their own benefit.

I dreamed that someone else's dirty hands left marks throughout the apartment, and the dreamer was looking for the culprit of this - such a plot carries a warning. There will be unpleasant rumors about a person.


To dream that they are in the mud is to participate in unworthy deeds, degrading and suffering.

What is the dream of dirt under the nails? The dream interpretation interprets this symbol as a sign of shame. It is very likely that gossip or the machinations of spiteful critics will cause serious conflict.

If they are not their own, but strangers, for example, a friend, this person can drag you into some unsightly enterprise. Or he himself is in an unpleasant position and is waiting for help from you.

Brushes or even fingers in the mud portend trouble. Possible betrayal of the spouse (spouse) or turmoil with home. Friends, relatives can deceive, betray the dreamer.

Pay more attention to yourself and your loved ones

If a child saw dirty hands in a dream, it means that your child may soon get sick. Try to take measures in time so as not to prolong the disease.

To stain your hands in black soot in a dream - in reality you will find out for a long time the relationship with your family.

Hands in a dream is a multifaceted symbol, which is very difficult to interpret. This is due, first of all, to the fact that hands can be an integral component of the most diverse subjects of night dreams.

Hands in a dream

Interpretation of sleep by the appearance of hands

A very important factor in the interpretation of dreams is whether their own or other people's hands have dreamed in a dream. Own beautiful hands, seen in night dreams, portend good luck in life. Such a symbol emphasizes the dreamer's professionalism. Well-groomed hands indicate that a person enjoys fame and respect in his circle. If you dreamed of ugly, disfigured hands, then this portends great troubles in reality.

There are other interpretations in dream books related to the appearance of their own hands:

  • Dirty hands indicate that you are unfair to your loved ones. In addition, such a dream may indicate a possible betrayal of loved ones;
  • Clean hands portend good health for the dreamer and good luck in every business that is started.

If you dreamed of unfamiliar hands, then you should pay attention to the following:

  • Small hands focus on the fact that in reality to achieve the goal you need to be active;
  • Big hands mean that the dreamer is close to the goal and soon all wishes will come true;
  • Hairy hands indicate the dreamer's unworthy lifestyle. This is a warning that wrong thoughts and actions can lead to degradation, so you need to think about the time to change your own life;
  • Long arms indicate that a passive period is beginning for the dreamer in life. You should not worry about it, because after a temporary lull, life will again be filled with bright colors;
  • Strong hands indicate that the dreamer will soon be able to gain significant weight in society and take a good position. Therefore, it is necessary, without delay, to begin to act;
  • Weak hands symbolize that someone in real life needs your help. You need to look at the people around you and understand which of them needs help.

Dreaming hands in blood

Very often the question arises of why my hands are dreaming in blood. This is a rather significant dream, which is always associated with events in the outside world. When you see red hands from blood, you should be wary, because this portends the onset of a not entirely successful life period. If there was a wound on the arm from which blood flows, this indicates a hidden development of the disease. It is necessary to take care of your health, and undergo examination in a medical institution. If a person is sick, then such a dream is a very negative omen. He indicates that the disease will progress.

Many dream books have interpretations of what blood on the finger means. The main interpretation of such a dream says that in real life guests can suddenly come to a dreamer.

For a proper understanding of sleep, you should remember all the details of the plot:

  • When your fingers are scratched and there are small cuts on your hands, then in life you will find bitterness and disappointment.
  • When in a dream you see that blood flows from the thumb, and at the same time you feel pain, this indicates that there will be troubles in the business sphere.
  • If you had to cut a finger in the plot of a dream, then this indicates that you can’t get involved in other people's affairs in reality, as this will end in big trouble for you.

If you dream of blood in the hands of a stranger, it means that someone in reality seeks to ruin your reputation. Take a closer look at the people in your immediate surroundings and try to understand who is trying to harm you.

Hands of another person - dream book

If another person’s hands are dreaming, it’s important to understand who they belonged to. Male hands dreamed in a dream are generally a good omen, although they emphasize the dreamer's ambitiousness. The strong hands of the father, seen in the dream, indicate that in real life there will be difficulties that cannot be overcome on their own. Such a dream emphasizes that there is nothing shameful in asking for help from loved ones.

For a girl, the guy’s hands, dreaming in night dreams, portend pleasant love adventures. But if they look rude, then this indicates that the dreamer has problems communicating with the opposite sex. The hand of a loved one in a dream is a very good omen. This is a sign of a strong and reliable relationship, after such a dream you can be completely sure that the chosen one is ready to take care of you and protect you.

When a mother dreams of her son’s hand, this symbolizes that there is a strong internal connection between relatives. The hands of a mother who dreamed about her son are treated in a similar way.

For a wife, the husband’s hand seen in a dream can emphasize her complete dependence on her husband in real life. When a woman feels the touch of a man’s hand in night dreams, then in reality she may suffer from the assault of a loved one.

For a young man to see in a dream beautiful and well-groomed hands of a girl is very good. This indicates that in real life the dreamer expects fame. In addition, personal life will also be successful.

Hand bite

When a bite on the arm is dreamed, then naturally, a person has unpleasant sensations and emotions. Therefore, the question always arises of what such a dream can prevent. More often than others, the question arises as to why a snake’s bite is dreaming of a hand. Such a dream portends a grand scandal in reality. You need to look at the people around you and understand which of them is an enemy. In addition, when a snake bites his hand in night dreams, this means that the dreamer is in a state of hidden conflict with relatives. Moreover, such a dream usually indicates that the sleeping person himself is to blame. When the snake bit her hand, this indicates that intrigues are woven around the dreamer.

Significant is a dream in which a snake bites for a finger, which means the following:

  • It is necessary to spend money economically in the coming period, since not the best times in the financial sphere are coming;
  • In real life, your enemies have intensified, who are making efforts for your ruin.

If according to the plot of a dream, a cat bites his hand, then this indicates that soon the truth about the closest acquaintance will be revealed. And, rather, it will be impartial, which will lead to disappointment in a person. If a trace remains from an animal bite, then the mental pain will remain for a long time.

When a rat bites his hand, this indicates that in reality one should expect trouble. In addition, the bite of a rodent by the hand is warning in nature. The dream focuses on the fact that in a given period of time you can not take other people's money. It is necessary to avoid debts, as otherwise a conflict with the person who lent the money is possible.

When in a nightly dream the parrot is in the hands of the dreamer and tends to peck, it is an unfavorable dream. Most likely, there will be a break in relations with a loved one.

I dreamed that the dog bit her hand

If a dog bites her hand, then this suggests that in real life you will have to engage in a major quarrel.

Sleep is interpreted differently, depending on who has such a dream:

  • For a man, such a dream indicates that detractors seek to interfere with success and recognition.
  • For a woman, such a dream indicates dishonesty of her husband or loved one.

When a dog bites his hand in a dream, then for the correct interpretation, consider its breed:

  • If it was a mongrel, then a dream suggests that in the near future one should not hope to get rich. Perhaps in reality a situation will arise that will require large material costs.
  • When a shepherd bites his hand, this portends the revenge of enemies in real life and unpleasant conversations behind the dreamer's back.
  • If a dachshund has bitten, then this can be considered a favorable sign. Despite the fact that in reality there will be troubles, they can easily be overcome.
  • A Rottweiler bite means that the dreamer in the real world will be involved in a public scandal.
  • When a dwarf dog bites, this indicates that the dreamer will be in trouble everywhere, but you just need to go through this period, as soon as things get better.

Had a damaged arm

When the cut hands dream, then in real life the dreamer needs to exercise extreme caution, as well as restraint in his aspirations and desires. Also, such a dream can predict a breakup with a loved one. A deep cut in the arm portends big losses in real life.

For the correct interpretation of the dream, you need to pay attention to which hand the cut is on:

  • If the right hand is cut, then this portends in reality a quarrel with a close friend. Also, such a dream can be a harbinger of serious material difficulties in real life.
  • If the left hand is cut, then the dreamer will have problems with a special female.

When the wound on the arm was dreamed in a dream of another person, nothing directly threatens the dreamer in the real world. But after such a dream, some of the loved ones will have big troubles, so help will be needed.

A very common question is what a broken arm dreams of. Such nightly dreams portend business problems and complications with partners.

To interpret the dream, you need to pay attention to the type of fracture:

  • A closed fracture symbolizes destruction. This can affect both the implementation of the project and the relationship with people.
  • An open fracture with bleeding wounds suggests that the dreamer condemns a friend in real life and is going to break off his relationship. Moreover, such a dream indicates that such a decision is erroneous.

When a severed hand is dreaming, it symbolizes the loneliness of the dreamer. Such a dream indicates that in the near future it will not be possible to establish relations with loved ones. A severed arm in a dream is a warning that care must be taken in dealing with relatives. Any thoughtless words and actions can lead to a quarrel and even cause enmity.

Also, a dream with a cut off hand can be interpreted as follows:

  • If it was the right hand, then perhaps a meeting with an old friend will soon take place, which will end in a quarrel;
  • If this is the brush of the left hand, then this portends the appearance in life of a deceitful and unpleasant person who will interfere with the implementation of some kind of business.

Torn arm

A very unpleasant symbol in a dream is a severed arm. This is a sign that the dreamer may lose the most precious thing in the real world. Usually they say about this condition that the earth is leaving under the feet.

Broken fingernails

In dreams, very often there are hands with a variety of flaws. So broken fingernails foreshadow life difficulties and predict problems in communicating with others. In accordance with Miller’s interpretation of the dream, well-groomed nails portend failure in real life. In addition, this dream warns that in the near future the dreamer will have to work hard for a very small reward.

Why does the sore arm dream?

If you dream of a sore arm, this warns that it is likely that an accident will happen with the dreamer in reality.

Warts on the hands

To dream of warts on the hands is a good omen. This is a sign that the dreamer will achieve financial stability in the near future. If such formations according to the plot of a dream arose in the hands of relatives, then this means that troubles will begin in the family. And if the warts dreamed in a dream in the hands of a closest friend, then this means that you will soon have to lend him a large sum of money without a refund.

Washing hands is the meaning of sleep

Many dreamers seek to understand why they dream of washing their hands. This hygienic procedure in night dreams indicates that the dreamer has a carefully hidden guilt. Most likely, some unseemly acts were committed, and now there was a desire to purify.

Hold the hand

When a girl has to hold a guy’s hand in a dream, she needs to interpret sleep depending on the emotional component. The most common interpretation is due to the fact that in real life there will be a relationship with a guy on the initiative of a dreamer. If after a dream there are positive feelings, then, then, the relationship can be harmonious and serious. If after such a dream there were unpleasant sensations, this means that there will be an affair with an insincere self-serving man.

Outstretched hand

If you dreamed an outstretched hand, then this personifies the generosity of the dreamer. To reach out to a stranger in a dream means participating in a real life charity event.

Other variations of dreams can be interpreted as follows:

  • Holding hands with an opponent means reconciling with him in real life;
  • If you had to shake hands with a sad person in nightly dreams, this portends a quarrel with a friend;
  • If you happen to take the fabulous character by the hand, then in real life there will be a person whom you want to help;
  • When you have to kiss your hands in a dream, it portends a pleasant acquaintance in reality;
  • If you have to keep your hands in the water, then this means that in reality it will be possible to improve the state of health.

Different hands

Very often in night dreams hands appear in the most original form. So sometimes the question arises of why green hands appear in a dream. Such a dream portends the beginning of a prosperous life period. The green color in this case symbolizes the dreamer's hopes for financial stability and success in his personal life.

Other characters may indicate the following:

  • A black hand in a dream warns that it is likely to lose a close friend in reality;
  • The golden hand is always interpreted in a positive way. Most likely, there comes a period in life when all undertakings can be realized;
  • Many hands in a dream indicate a large amount of work that has piled on the dreamer in real life;
  • The dead hand portends that in life the dreamer will have to do something that he does not like.

Had a needle in his hand

If you dreamed of needles in your hand, this portends the appearance of obstacles on the way to the goal. If you try to get rid of needles, it means that in reality you will be able to get rid of circumstances that prevent you from becoming a successful person.

Dirty hands on dream book

Dirty hands in a dream are often, according to the dream book, a warning about troubles, gossip, intrigues of enemies. But in interpreting what such a sign dreams of, one should not forget about good values \u200b\u200b- getting rid of troubles, timely protection.

Do not start new business.

Dream Interpretation reports: dirt on them promises trouble in business, business. Perhaps someone with their behavior will contribute to the failure of your projects.

Running, groomed, broken off nails - lie in wait for business failures. It’s better not to start something new.

Trouble can be overcome

Why dream of washing your hands? The dreamer will be freed from the troubles plaguing him, which have been going on for quite some time.

In a dream, trying to wash away the dirt from them - according to the dream book, such a symbol promises wealth, money, a successful business.

Had a dream of washing dirty hands? Soon cure a chronic disease. Also, washing them in a dream means getting the necessary protection in time.

The dream of footprints from stained hands of others portends some special news that will cause a lot of trouble. It also means: the sleeper has to exert a lot of strength to insist on his own.

Beware of gossip and deception

Had a dream of sleeves and hands in black soot? The Dream Interpretation reports: in reality, the evil gossip spread by the enemies will have a negative impact on the official affairs of the sleeping person.

Soiled sleeves in a dream portend a fraud. Perhaps ill-wishers make plans to trick the dreamer for their own benefit.

I dreamed that someone else's dirty hands left marks throughout the apartment, and the dreamer was looking for the culprit of this - such a plot carries a warning. There will be unpleasant rumors about a person.


To dream that they are in the mud is to participate in unworthy deeds, degrading and suffering.

What is the dream of dirt under the nails? The dream interpretation interprets this symbol as a sign of shame. It is very likely that gossip or the machinations of spiteful critics will cause serious conflict.

If they are not their own, but strangers, for example, a friend, this person can drag you into some unsightly enterprise. Or he himself is in an unpleasant position and is waiting for help from you.

Brushes or even fingers in the mud portend trouble. Possible betrayal of the spouse (spouse) or turmoil with home. Friends, relatives can deceive, betray the dreamer.

Pay more attention to yourself and your loved ones

If a child saw dirty hands in a dream, it means that your child may soon get sick. Try to take measures in time so as not to prolong the disease.

To stain your hands in black soot in a dream - in reality you will find out for a long time the relationship with your family.

When the child saw very dirty hands, clothes - a dream book indicates: you show insufficient care for your children.

A dream of such a symbol signals: giving more importance to devote to your selfish interests, you can greatly offend someone. However, the result of such actions will negatively affect you.

Miller's dream book: it all depends on you

Why do dirty hands dream? A dream indicates: you are unfair to people who love you. Try to pay more attention or be more tolerant in some situations.

To see dirty nails in oneself is a sign of shame, shame. Disgrace awaits your family if you can’t really appreciate the circumstances in time.

"Dream Interpretation Dirty Hands dreamed about what dirty hands dream of"

Dream Interpretation Dirty Hands

Why dream dirty Hands in a dream from a dream book?

Why do dirty hands dream? Your current experiences are baseless, built on gossip and idle speculation. Do not pay attention to empty conversations behind your back.

Seeing your hands dirty - find traitors among friends. Foreign hands were dirty - one should be careful, vile deeds of acquaintances are not ruled out.

The ability to interpret dreams is a valuable gift, because sometimes it is in a dream that consciousness gives us the most profound and important clues.

Dirty Hands dreamed, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what dirty Hands are dreaming of in a dream, just write a dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Give it a try!

Hello! I dreamed a friend with dirty hands, she asked me to help her wash off the dirt. Dirt, we washed only not all

I raise the road sign STOP pay attention to my hands they are all dirty in fuel oil. The girl gives me a napkin and I wipe my hands. And they become clean.

we were sitting at the table there was a holiday, My ex-boyfriend appeared and hit me, my hands were dirty, I ran after me some kind of boy to reassure, but after him they shouted that he wouldn’t come to me or he would kill.

An enameled cup with a flower pot with earth, they gave me a transplant. I did everything and carried the cup back without washing and decided to wipe all the remaining land with my hand. She had my whole palm dirty (right hand)

my CEO was standing next to me. explained that we work well, but they say it is possible and better. sort of a little lecture or something. still the deputy director stood nearby and simply assented. but he had dirty hands. he stood not far from us and that’s all. and after the conversation I went to wash very dirty hands and they washed with soap. I washed the bulk of the dirt on my hands, I started soaping a second time to wash it to the end, but did not have time and woke up. such a dream.

In a dream, my father, who died less than a year, called me on the phone. He asked to turn on the screen, saying. that wants to see me. I replied that I was talking to him on the phone and could not do it. I asked how are you. I answered normally, said that on Monday there will be the next court session (in real life it is: dividing the inheritance of a summer cottage between me and my stepmother). after the conversation, I looked at my hands (hands), they were partially dirty)

I dreamed that I was studying at some kind of cerimony. Some guys turn to me, they want to meet. They don’t say it directly, but I understand. I turn around and see a guy sitting. He sits alone, although there are a lot of people. He is looking at me carefully. I really wanted to touch him, but I restrain myself, I understand that this is strange. Desire grows, pouring into a burning need for his touch. And then, as if by the will of my heart, he holds out both hands to me. Moreover, the tips of all fingers are black, including nails, then this blackness fades, as you move to the cyst of the hand. Well, and outstretched his hands are deathly pale in color. That is, something in his hands exploded, and his fingers were blackened with soot, and his hands were very pale. And I grabbed his hand. I intertwined my fingers, covered it with my second hand, and attached it to me. On this my dream was interrupted.

I washed my hands off the ground. And in front of these, some kind of unknown force raised to the icons standing in the corner of the house under the ceiling

Hello! I had a dream, as if I were climbing into my high-altitude car and could not climb. and the man next to me wants to help. but his hands are dirty. in the end he pushes me. so I climbed.

i dreamed about my deceased parents and I built a house with them and saw my very dirty hands

dreamed that hands were dirty in the ground, fingers on the second halanga and wrist

i dreamed that my hands were black and I want to wash and blood flows from the tap

walked in a dream, in a nightgown, near the unfinished house barefoot, arms and legs were covered with dust from cement

The left hand is dirty and the lower part of the sleeve is also slightly dirty. I’m walking along the street, seemingly to my home and I see very small puddles and I think that I won’t wash my hand in them. I came home and in a basin of water I began to wash my hand and I do not remember further.

dreamed at work, got her hands in grease for locks and continued to work, and work related to the reception of freight trains

My hands were greasy, I began to rub with soap and washed my left hand, I look at the palm of her hand, she’s like a baby’s, and woke up

I saw dirty hands and a dirty wedding ring, dried up dirt, in a dream I see how I woke up not at home and see dirty hands, then I was going to go home

In a dream, I ate buns with some kind of red jam or jam. And both hands got dirty. The hands were in this red jam (jam)

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  • Tsvetkova