Green strawberry - Fragaria viridis. Directory of berries: an overview of the application for Android Berry, which gave the name to the smartphone 7 letters

Because of this, many collect in nature only the most famous gifts of nature - raspberries, strawberries, cranberries and blueberries. But there are many other tasty berries. About them tells the application for Android, called "Directory of berries".

First of all, this program was created for urban residents, who are relatively rare in nature. Now such people can keep all the information about the sweet gifts of nature at hand - right in their smartphone. Such a program can also come in handy on a hiking trip, when unknown berries are encountered along the way, which the tourist sees for the first time in his life.

The start window of the application "Directory of berries" consists of links to several sections. From here you can instantly go to the catalog of edible berries, this category is the most popular. In total, it consists of 38 types of berries. The program also tells about inedible berries, of which there are 15 species here. This list also includes poisonous berries, which usually represent a category of their own.

At the top of the window there is a button that opens a page with information about the application. The author on it mentioned the web resources from which the text was borrowed. The address of the developer's blog is also indicated here. The author of the guide also offers to evaluate his application on Google Play. In the upper part of the window there is a button with the image of a mushroom. It redirects the user to the "Mushroom Picker's Guide" program, if one is installed. If you regularly go out into nature to pick berries and mushrooms, then you definitely need both applications that skillfully complement each other.

The catalog of edible (and inedible too) berries is implemented in the best possible way. On the left is a small photograph of the berry, and on the right are the Russian and scientific names. If you click on the name, you can get the most detailed information about the selected berry.

The author tried to indicate the time of its growth for each berry, as well as give a detailed description. He did not even forget about the taste of each berry and the products that are prepared from these berries. For example, only from the application "Directory of berries" you can find out that earlier wine was created from the fruits of shadberry. The text about the use of the berry is highlighted in green. The developer also provided each type of berry with a large number of photographs. Typically four to six shots are provided. So you definitely won’t confuse one berry with another in nature.

Separately, the author also mentions the diseases that each berry is able to fight. For example, almost everyone already knows that blueberries increase blood flow to the retina. And the developer rightly notes that this does not mean at all that blueberries help improve vision in all respects. This alone speaks volumes about the usefulness of this guide. With it, you will know what diseases certain berries can cope with, as well as what vitamins they contain.

As mentioned above, the application has a separate catalog of inedible and poisonous berries. In it you can learn about the properties of euonymus, calla, raven eye, nightshade and other berries, the use of which can lead to disastrous results. In some cases, it will no longer be you who cry, but relatives at your funeral. The same raven eye, even in a minimal amount, can cause a heart attack, leading to death. The author tried to give a lot of photographs of all inedible berries and indicate their detailed description. The text about the consequences of eating the berry is highlighted in red. Sometimes this text is very scary. Previously, you could not even imagine that our wonderful forests are rich in such berries that can kill a person. I am glad that after accidentally eating an inedible berry, you can still be saved. The author indicates in detail what medical procedures a person needs in such a case. For example, after eating bittersweet nightshade, you need to wash the stomach with a suspension of activated charcoal. Indicated by the author and symptoms of poisoning.

Two catalogs - this is not the whole functionality of the application "Directory of berries". A separate section is devoted to methods of harvesting sweet fruits. But so far this section is only developing. At the moment it contains only five recipes. This is berry and raw jam, jelly, jam and marmalade. Most urban residents do not know how to create such blanks, so the section can be considered extremely useful.

The last section was called "Medical assistance". The author hopes that none of the users of the program will need it. But God saves the safe. However, the most detailed information about medical procedures is described on the pages dedicated to inedible and poisonous berries. This section mainly indicates the precautions that every berry picker must observe. If you follow them, then not a single poisonous berry will fall into your mouth. If this happened, the section will help you learn about the general signs of poisoning and first aid that must be provided in case of poisoning with berries.

This completes the functionality of the "Directory of Berries". If you are from time to time in nature in search of berries - you definitely need to install this application. The rest of the owners of smartphones based on Android are also recommended to install this program. At least read the information contained in it. Nobody knows when it might come in handy.

A large number of plants got their name thanks to their discoverers. Many plants bear the names or surnames of biologists, doctors, mathematicians, zoologists, phytophysiologists and many other ... ologists. But in this review we will talk, a little, not about them.

What can be said here? A very beautiful tree native to Africa. It got its name from Napoleon I. The flowers are devoid of petals, but have three circles of sterile stamens similar to petals.

An amazing plant that can withstand frosts of -5 degrees. It is found in greenhouses, and the Andes are the natural habitat. This flower got its name in honor of the wife of Napoleon Bonaparte - the French Empress Josephine, nee Marie Rose Joseph Tashe de la Pagerie.

Paulownia is a tall tree that was not named after its first and last name. The patronymic of Anna Pavlovna gave the name to this genus of trees. The plant grows in the Far East and China. Also, this tree can be found in Taiwan, Vietnam, Laos.

Aristotle grows in Australia, New Zealand, South America. Aristotelian fruits look like small red hearts. This plant is cultivated in Chile. Liqueurs are made from Aristotelian berries, and they are also added to wine to give a special color. Naturally, it is named after the famous Aristotle.

These unique giants can grow up to 110 meters in height. The maximum age of the sequoia exceeds 2000 years. The tree got its name in honor of the Sequoia George Hess, the Indian leader of the Cherokee tribe. The man was unique. He founded a newspaper that he published in the Cherokee language, and shortly before that he came up with the Cherokee script.

This is a deciduous tree with a pyramidal crown, growing up to 6-10 meters in height. Unfortunately, due to deforestation, the tree is no longer found in the wild. Franklinia can be seen in greenhouses and arboretums. I think everyone has heard of Benjamin Franklin. And, the fact that he was the first American to become a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences was a revelation even for me.

This is a whole genus of plants, which was named after the father of English botany, William Turner. William Turner devoted his life to botany and ornithology. But, in this case, the plant itself is remarkable, which is a very powerful aphrodisiac.

Green strawberry - Fragaria viridis

Synonyms. Polunitsa, meadow strawberries, meadow strawberries, steppe strawberries, hilly strawberries, coarse strawberries.

Initially, strawberries in Russia and in Russia for many centuries were called green strawberries, in which the berries have a spherical shape (hence the root of the name - "club"). But with the scientific classification of plants of the genus Strawberry in the 18th century, this name was assigned not to it, but to nutmeg strawberries, which were more common in Europe and in the 18th century replaced the previously cultivated green strawberries in gardens in Russia. And therefore, in order not to confuse the berries, names appeared depending on the area - "Russian Strawberry", "Forest Strawberry", "Meadow Strawberry", "Steppe Strawberry".

Origin of name. The Russian name "strawberry" comes from the old Russian word "strawberry", and they called it that because its fruits hang close to the ground. The botanical description of the plant was given by the priest, doctor, caretaker of the botanical garden in Zweibrücken Jerome Bock (Tragus) in 1553. He described two plants and named them Fragaria rubra and Fragaria candida from the Latin "fragaris" (fragrant).

Species name "strawberry" green"due to the fact that she even has fully unripe berries that are greenish-white in color, sweet and soft, with a specific taste. "Midnight" is called due to the fact that almost ripe berries are colored red on the sunny side, in shadows remain whitish (semi-red) for a long time. Since the berries are denser and harder in consistency than wild strawberries and muscat (garden) strawberries, sometimes also called "coarse". The name "Strawberry" comes from the Slavic and Old Russian word "club", meaning " spherical, round body.

Description of the plant. Perennial herbaceous plant 5-20 cm high, with a thick brown rhizome. "Moustaches" are short. Stem thin. Leaves oval or ovoid, more diamond-shaped, blunt-toothed, covered with dense hairs below. Inflorescence wrong, few-flowered. flowers bisexual, white, up to 20 mm in diameter. The petals are slightly pointed at the ends, overlapping each other with edges.

Green strawberries can be easily distinguish from wild strawberry (Fragaria vesca) by leaves: the terminal (upper) leaf tooth of green strawberry is short and its tip is on the same line drawn between the tips of two adjacent lateral teeth or does not even reach it. In strawberries, the forest end prong is longer and rises above the neighboring ones.

Description of fruits. The fruit is a multi-nutlet, formed from a growing, fused with a calyx receptacle, in the pulp of which small nuts are immersed. Such a fruit is often called "strawberry". The fruits are spherical in shape, weighing 1-2 g, with a tight-fitting cup, when fully ripe - not tight-fitting. Color at technical maturity, pink-red with greenish-white patches, at full maturity - cherry-red. The fruits have a special fragrance. Unlike other strawberries, the fruits difficult to separate from the cup, break off with it with a characteristic silk. By consistency, the fruits are denser and more transportable than those of wild strawberries. According to the number of chromosomes: diploid (2n 14).

Distribution (range). The European part of Russia within the forest and forest-steppe zones of almost all regions, in the Crimea, in all regions of Western and Eastern Siberia, in the mountains of Central Asia; outside of Russia - in Western Europe.

Habitat. It grows in light areas - on the edges, in forest glades, in hay meadows, in abandoned agricultural lands (fields, pastures, hayfields).

Chemical composition. The fruits of green strawberries contain sugars (from 4.5 to 15%), pectin substances (from 1 to 1.7%), tannins (from 0.16 to 0.25% in leaves and up to 9.4% in rhizome ), ascorbic acid (up to 90 mg in fruits and up to 280 mg in leaves per 100 g), as well as folic, malic, citric, salicylic, quinic and other acids, carotene, essential oil, phytoncides, fiber, salts of iron, copper , manganese, zinc, chromium.

nutritional properties. Berries of green strawberries are actively used for culinary purposes - they make jams, jams, compotes, jellies, decorate all kinds of desserts with fresh or canned berries.

medicinal properties. The plant has numerous medicinal properties - it has a diuretic, hemostatic, astringent and anti-inflammatory action. The fruits have anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, antiseptic and mild laxative effects. Strawberries are considered an excellent source of ascorbic acid and are recommended for use in vitamin deficiency. They have a general strengthening effect, improve the activity of the digestive system, regulate and normalize stools.

Contraindications, warnings. Berries can cause allergic processes, respectively, those who have an increased allergenic background should use these fruits with caution. For example, hives, rashes, and itchy skin may appear. It should also be more careful to eat it in case of stomach diseases.

Economic use. It is used as a food and medicinal plant.

Application in folk medicine. In folk medicine, tea from the leaves is used (see below), an infusion of fruits, as it has a diuretic effect on the body. In addition, juice and decoction of berries are used, they have antiseptic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, laxative properties. Rhizomes are also used for medicinal purposes, the drugs that are prepared from them have an astringent, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory effect. Strawberries are recommended to be used as a dietary remedy for diseases of many organs, in particular, the heart, liver, and kidneys.

Growing. Before the introduction of strawberries in Russia, Muscat green strawberries were widely cultivated in gardens and were called strawberries. After the appearance of garden strawberries (pineapple), the latter replaced it, like nutmeg strawberries. In places of growth, it is widely collected by the local population, since green strawberries are more productive, do not have a slight bitterness when making jam, when frozen and dried, and are sweeter than wild strawberries.

Cooking methods (recipes).

Strawberry leaf tea. For the preparation of raw materials, the leaves should be dried in the shade. Before drying, they should be rubbed between the palms until the juice appears, and then laid out on a baking sheet, covered with a damp cloth and kept at a temperature of 26 degrees for eight hours. This is how the fermentation process takes place. When the leaves are ready, you can start brewing them. To do this, pour a small amount of this raw material into the teapot, then pour in boiling water, close the lid, and let it brew. After 15-20 minutes it can be consumed. Tea is used for urolithiasis, for some liver diseases, for anemia, for the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, for tuberculosis, for hypertension, atherosclerosis, for cystitis, for gout and arthrosis, for deforming spondylosis. With urolithiasis, they drink it up to three glasses a day instead of regular black tea. Before preparing this drink and using it for medicinal purposes, it is recommended to consult a nephrologist.

It is customary to harvest leaves with flowers throughout the summer, it is better to collect fruits from June to July, as for the rhizome, it is dug up in early autumn, around September.

classic jam. Pour the berries with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1 and leave for 4-6 hours. During this time, the berry will release juice. Place the saucepan with the berries over medium heat and bring to a boil. From the moment of boiling, cook for five minutes. At the same time, foam is constantly removed. After that, the pan is removed from the heat and, after cooling slightly, is covered with a clean cloth. Let the jam cool completely. This will take about 10 hours. After that, put the jam on the fire again. From boiling, cook for five minutes, removing the foam. Refrigerate until completely cool. After the berries are boiled for the third time for five minutes, cool the finished jam for about an hour and, pouring into sterilized jars, cork with sterilized lids.

Jam in one go. Well-washed berries should be laid in layers in an enamel bowl. Sprinkle each layer with sugar. Sugar will be needed at the rate of 1.2 kg per kilogram of berries. Now the pot with berries must be placed in a cool place for a period of four to six hours. Let the berries give juice. The resulting mass should be boiled over low heat. During the cooking process, be sure to remove the foam and periodically shake the contents of the pan so that the jam does not burn. You need to cook until cooked in one go.

Five Minute. This method of cooking jam helps to preserve vitamins in the berry. To make jam, take no more than 2 kg of berries. Sugar needs 1.5 times more. For 1 kg of sugar, take 1 glass of water. The syrup is boiled in an enamel pan over high heat. The resulting foam is removed. Berries are poured into boiling syrup and allowed to boil for 5 minutes. Stir gently. The fire is turned off, the pan is wrapped up so that it cools more slowly. The cooled jam is laid out in jars and the neck is tied with paper. Capron lids can be used.

Other similar and related species. Quite often in Russia, in the areas where it grows, it is called by its historical name - strawberry. However, it differs in many ways from cultivated pineapple strawberries, which appeared massively in Russia only in the 19th-20th centuries and are mistakenly called strawberries by some, although it came from virgin and Chilean strawberries, and not from nutmeg strawberries or wild strawberries.

In areas where wild strawberries do not grow (the boundaries of the growth area are shifted to the north relative to green strawberries), but at the same time green strawberries grow, sometimes the local population mistakenly takes the latter for wild strawberries.

Descriptions and illustrations are taken from computer identification of berries and other juicy fruits of Russia(Bogolyubov A.S., Kravchenko M.V., Moscow, Ecosystem, 2017). You can buy it in our non-commercial online store.

On our website you can also get acquainted with information on morphology tree-shrub and herbaceous plants, which will help you navigate the structure of the plants mentioned in this section and teach you how to correctly identify their species names.

Our author's teaching materials on botany and plants of Russia:
In our at non-commercial prices(at cost of production)
can purchase the following teaching materials on botany and plants of Russia:

Visual field determinants-walkers: , , , ,
computer digital (for PC-Windows) qualifiers: , , , ,
plant identification applications for smartphones and tablets on Android: , , , (they can be downloaded from Google Play) ,
plant identification apps for iPhone and iPad: , (downloadable from the AppStore),
pocket field identifiers: , , , ,
colored laminated identification tables: , , , , , , , ,

Berries at any time on the table is a favorite food. The sweet pleasant aroma of berries beckons to itself. Listed here are berry names that will make your mouth water, but some berry names you will only hear for the first time.

You will come across amazing berry names on the list that are actually berries. You may be puzzled, but some fruit names are not berries. The fine line that separates these fruits is a classification defined in botany.

How is the term berry understood in botany? Berries are fruits that have an inner pulp, an edible peel, a pericarp, produced from a single ovary. In other words, it is one ovary with pulp that grows in a juicy fruit, and there is no barrier between the seeds and the pulp that these seeds feed on.

Non-professional understanding of berries: All small juicy, colored fruits with pulp are berries.

List of berries.

Proper Berries: These fit the botanical definition of berries. Therefore, they are real berries.

Barberry: Barberry fruits are small berries, red or dark blue. Barberries are long and narrow fruits. They are used to make jams and tinctures. They are rich in vitamin C.

Elder: They have antioxidant properties that reduce cholesterol levels, improve eyesight, strengthen the immune system, and also eliminate problems with the heart, cough, colds, flu, bacterial and viral infections, tonsillitis. Also added to ice cream and many other products: cocktails, jams, semi-finished products, muffins and syrups.

Grape: Grapes contain vitamins A, C, and B6. They also contain potassium, calcium, magnesium and folic acid.

Honeysuckle: They are rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin C and quercetin (an acid that fights free radicals). Honeysuckle has been used in Chinese folk medicine for centuries. There are some poisonous varieties of honeysuckle. Therefore, it is better to buy honeysuckle in a store than to pluck it in nature. You can read about here.

Viburnum reddish: These berries can be eaten raw or processed. Once plucked from the tree, they spoil quickly and can only be kept for 3 days in the refrigerator, or they need to be frozen, canned, or dried. All parts of the plant are used in medicine.

Red Ribes: These are small round red or white berries that are used to make jams, pies and salads. They contain a lot of vitamins C, iron, potassium and dietary fiber.

Gooseberry: These are small round berries with a striped color. Unripe fruits are green in color, while ripe ones are pink to yellow.

Mahonia holly (Oregon grape): They look like grapes and are blue or purple in color. They look like they are covered in powder. They are known as anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents in nature.

Sea buckthorn: These orange berries are about the size of grapes. They are rich in antioxidants and vitamins that help reduce weight and protect against dementia.

Podofil: Podophilus grows wild, mostly in the forest. Most podophylls do not bear fruit and have only one leaf. Those that bear fruit have 2 leaves and only one flower, which then turns into a fruit. In the budding phase, the fruits are green, hard and poisonous. However, it gradually turns yellow and becomes soft, and when ripe it has a pleasant taste.

Tomato: It is a common vegetable-fruit in the human diet, botanically classified as a berry. Tomatoes are the most common fruit in garden plots.

Currant: These are red, green, yellow or black berries. They were dried and used as raisins.

Black currant: These are popular fragrant berries similar in appearance to red currants. From them I make jams, pies, ice cream, cakes, etc. Black currants contain vitamin C. Berries also contain potassium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin B5.

Rose hip: These are red oval berries, also known as wild rose. They are the pome fruit of the rose. Berries are rich in vitamin C.

Drupes: They have a tough skin and only one seed inside. They are also called stone.

Aronia: There are two types of chokeberry, chokeberry and red chokeberry. Purple chokeberry is a hybrid of the above berries. Berries are used to make juices, jams, etc. They are also used as a flavoring and coloring agent. Berries are high in vitamin C and antioxidants.

Acai: These small round black berries are Brazil's largest cash crop. Juices, cocktails and various other drinks are made from them. These berries are known for their antioxidant properties.

Barbados cherry (acerola, acerola cherry, malpighia nude): This berry is native to the West Indies and Central America. The juice of these berries is also popular in the West Indies, as well as orange in America. The content of vitamin C in this berry is almost 65 times more than in an orange!

Dereza vulgaris (Goji berries): Outwardly, the berries look like dried and shriveled berries. They are also called wolfberries. They are usually cooked before consumption. They are used to make herbal tea, wine, rice water, Goji juice, etc. They contain 11 essential and 22 dietary trace minerals, 18 amino acids, 6 essential vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, dietary fiber, etc.

Irga canadian: The berries have large seeds covered with a hardened rind. Ripe berries are red or purple. They are mainly eaten by birds. Berries are sweet.

Canadian pride: These are seasonal berries with a stone, blue-black color. They are food for birds and animals.

fruit tree frame: Winter fruit turns red or orange when ripe. Although the fruits are edible, they are rarely used in food. However, they are happily eaten by wild birds and animals that eat them throughout the winter.

Persimmon: They are not considered berries, but in fact they are according to the botanical classification. The color of the persimmon is red or orange. Contains glucose and protein. Persimmon is used in medicine.

Bird cherry virgin: Unripe red berries have a sour, astringent taste. Ripe berries are dark in color and not very tart in taste. Berries are used to make jelly, jam and syrup. They require a lot of sugar or sweetener to preserve.

Emleria: The berries are oval green and hard at the time of ripening and subsequently become reddish, and the ripe berries are black-violet.

Suprapistil berries (false berries): These develop from the lower ovary, unlike true berries, which develop from the superior ovary.

Cowberry: Cowberries are used to make jam, juice, syrup, compote, sauce, etc. Cowberries are rich in vitamin C, provitamin A, vitamin B (B1, B2, B3), potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.

Crowberry: These dry black berries are very similar to blueberries in appearance and taste. They are used as a natural food coloring. Native Americans use them to treat sore eyes. They contain few vitamins and a lot of water.

Cranberry: Berries are white when unripe and red when ripe. They are used to make juice, sauces, wines, etc. Eating large amounts of cranberries is very beneficial for health. Berries contain high levels of vitamin C, fiber, mineral salts and manganese.

bearberry: Red-brown berries. Berries have many medicinal properties. Bearberry herbal tea is used in the treatment of nephritis.

Blueberry: The berries are dark blue or purple. They are used in jams, purees, juices, pies and muffins. They contain high levels of antioxidants and can help prevent many diseases. For example, diseases of the stomach, heart, dystrophy.

juniper berries: They are green when not yet ripe and ripe berries are purple-black.

Fruits: These are berry-like fruits. However, they do not develop from a single ovary like true berries. Many ovaries from one or more flowers are combined into one, making up a berry-like fruit.

boysenberry: These berries are burgundy in color, shiny large juicy berries are a hybrid between raspberries, blackberries and logan berries. They are added to pies and pies.

Voskovnik: China is the birthplace of berries. The berries are dark red. These berries can be eaten or used to make jam, pickles, wine, and juice.

Blackberry: This berry is most common in the UK. These are small, dark, purple berries that are the main ingredient in jams and pies. Berries contain a lot of vitamin C.

blackberry: They belong to the blackberry family and are sweeter than blackberries. Unripe berries are dark red, while ripe berries are dark purple. However, the striking feature is that the male and female plants grow separately.

Irga: These are red berries, ripe black and blue. They are similar in size to blueberries. They make jams, muffins, etc.

Irga spiky: These are sweet berries that are used to make pies and jams.

Irga alder-leaved: This berry comes from Canada and is very similar in appearance to blueberries. Berries are rich in vitamin C, manganese, magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, copper and carotene.

: It is the most popular fruit all over the world. Various culinary dishes, jams, ice cream, sauces, pies, cakes, milkshakes, etc. are made from strawberries. Strawberries contain a high content of vitamin C, manganese and folic acid.

Loganberry: These are ruby ​​red, sweet, juicy berries. They are used in the preparation of juices. Berries contain vitamin C, calcium, iron, potassium, fiber and carbohydrates.

Raspberries: These are small red berries that ripen in summer or autumn. They are used to make jam, jelly, pies and ice cream. They contain a lot of vitamin C, manganese, vitamin K and magnesium.

Raspberry fragrant: The berries are red. These fruits are so fragile that they can break when you take them in your hands.

Raspberry purple: These are red or orange berries. Contrary to their name, they are not suitable for the production of wines due to their astringency.

Cloudberry: Ripe berries have a pleasant taste and color from yellow to orange-red. They make jams, sweets, marmalade and wines. Native Americans eat these berries with dried red caviar, hence the name Salmonberries (salmon berries).

Mulberry: These berries are red, purple and black in color. Berries are used to make pies, cakes, liqueurs and jams.

Marionberry (marion berries): This is a hybrid. They are darker than blackberries and are used to make pies, tortos, ice cream and jellies.

Olallieberries: These berries are found mainly in California. They are rich in vitamin C and fiber, which are helpful in reducing the risk of cancer.

Youngberry Large: Sweet reddish black berry, hybrid of blackberry and black currant. They ripen 2 weeks earlier than blackberries. Berries are rich in vitamins A, C and B1, calcium, cellulose.

Poison Berries: These berries fit the botanical description of berries, and some just look like berries. These are poisonous berries that should not be eaten.

Wolfberry (Wolf's bast): The berries of this plant have a fragrant smell and are poisonous. They come from Eurasia, North Africa and Australia.

Voronets: Berries grow on flowering herbaceous plants belonging to the family ranunculus. Poisonous berries contain a cardiogenic toxin. These toxins affect the heart muscle tissue, leading to cardiac arrest and death.

: These large berries are white in color and have a black mark that resembles an eye. The berries are very poisonous. In English, the berries are called Doll's Eyes Berries.

Lakonos(phytolacca): These dark purple berries are poisonous to humans, but birds eat them. Two species of this plant grow in Russia.

Lily of the valley: This plant is completely poisonous due to the content of convallatoxin in it. In Russia, it is distributed in the European part, the Crimean Mountains, Transbaikalia, the Amur Region, Primorye, Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands.

Ligustrum (privet): The berries of this plant are poisonous, have a black color. One kind grows in the south of Russia. The flowers of this plant are purple.

nightshade(Jerusalem cherry): Yati berries are poisonous, they are often confused with tomatoes. Like many relocated plants and fruit to australia, false nightshade has become an aggressive weed there.

holly berries: These red berries are used as ornamental. If ingested, they can cause vomiting and diarrhea.

Yew berries: These red or blue berries contain poisonous seeds. In case of need for survival, consume these berries without seeds.

Such a huge selection of berries allows you to enjoy them to a sufficient extent. However, be careful when you are in nature and want to pick a berry hanging from bushes and plants that you do not know, it can be a very poisonous berry. So the list of berries is over, a big request to add unmentioned names of berries in the comments!