English alphabet for children 9 years old. English alphabet for kids

Nowadays, knowledge of foreign languages ​​is a guarantee of additional opportunities and success in life. Knowledge of the English language is in some way a necessity. It is used everywhere, which means that it makes it possible to understand and be understood in any corner of the world. It is not surprising that a huge number of parents strive to teach their child exactly the English language. And any training, as you know, begins with the basics. That is why today we will consider the English alphabet for children, we will analyze its features and ways of memorizing.

But first, let's focus on the issue of age. Often, moms and dads may have doubts about whether it is possible to start teaching English from the first years of a child's life. The answer is simple: it is necessary! The fact is that during the first years of a person's life, his brain goes through the first stage of development. This stage is characterized by the fact that many more neurons appear in the brain than it can use. So, the children's brain is preparing to master the world. However, in the future, excess neuronal cells that were not used disappear. Therefore, if you take advantage of the moment and start learning as early as possible, the process on a purely physiological level for babies will go easier and faster.

In addition, children, as a rule, do not have any stereotypes, and therefore they relate to languages ​​​​and learning them is easier. Plus they have more time and fewer excuses than adults. It is worth noting that this does not mean at all that the child needs to be stuffed with a large amount of information at once, nor does it mean that it is not even worth starting training at a different age. From the age of 3 or 5, 15, 30, 60 or 80 - you can start learning a language absolutely from any age. Therefore, if you once also intended to learn English, you can start learning the language with your child.

English alphabet for children: composition

The English alphabet [ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ ˈalfəbɛt] or the English alphabet consists of 26 letters, of which 5 are and 21 are consonants. English letters are practically not similar to Russian ones, they differ both in their appearance and pronunciation. Therefore, it is very important that the English alphabet with transcription and Russian pronunciation be used when teaching children in order to avoid mistakes in their subsequent use. Having studied the introductory information, it's time to start the English alphabet itself.

Letters of the English alphabet with pronunciation and examples for beginners
Letter Name Transcription Pronunciation Examples
1. A a a Hey apple [ˈap(ə)l] (epl) - apple;

ant (ant) - ant

2 Bb bee bi brother [ˈbrʌðə] (breze) - brother;

bear (bea) - bear

3 c c cee si computer (computer) - computer;

cow (kau) - cow

4 D d dee di desk (desk) - desk;

dog (dog) - dog

5 e e e and elephant [ˈɛlɪf(ə)nt] (elephant) - elephant;

earth [əːθ] (ёс) - earth

6 F f ef ef father [ˈfɑːðə] (faze) - father;

flower [ˈflaʊə] (flave) - flower

7 G g Gee ji goat [ɡəʊt] (goat) - goat;

garden [ˈɡɑːd(ə)n] (gaden) - garden

8 H h aitch h house (house) - house;

horse (hows) - horse

9 I i i ah ice cream [ʌɪs kriːm] (ice cream) - ice cream

image [ˈɪmɪdʒ] (image) - picture

10 J j Jay jay jam (jam) - jam;

juice (juice) - juice

11 Kk kay kay key (ki) - key;

kindness [ˈkʌɪn(d)nəs] (kindness) - kindness

12 l l el email love (love) - love;

lion [ˈlʌɪən] (layen) - lion

13 M m em Em mother [ˈmʌðə] (maze) - mother;

monkey [ˈmʌŋki] (monkey) - monkey

14 N n en [ɛn] en nose (nose) - nose;

name (name) - name

15 O o o [əʊ] OU orange [ˈɒrɪn(d)ʒ] (orange) - orange / orange;

oxygen [ˈɒksɪdʒ(ə)n] (oxygen) - oxygen

16 Pp pee pi pig (pig) - pig;

potato (pateytou) - potatoes

17 Q q cue cue queen (queen) - queen;

queue (kyu) - queue

18 R r ar [ɑː, ar] a, ar river [ˈrɪvə] (rive) - river;

rainbow [ˈreɪnbəʊ] (rainbow) - rainbow

19 S s ess es [ˈsɪstə] (siste) - sister;

sun (san) - the sun

20 T t tee ti teacher [ˈtiːtʃə] (tiche) - teacher;

tree (three) - tree

21 U u u Yu umbrella [ʌmˈbrɛlə] (ambrela) - an umbrella;

uncle [ˈʌŋk(ə)l] (uncle) - uncle

22 Vv vee in and vase (vase) - vase;

violin (waylin) - violin

23 W w double-u [‘dʌbljuː] double wolf (wolf) - wolf;

world (world) - world

24 X x ex the ex xerox [ˈzɪərɒks] (ziroks) - xerox;

x-ray [ˈɛksreɪ] (eksrey) - x-ray

25 Y y wy wye you (yu) - you / you;

yoghurt [ˈjəʊɡət] (yogut) - yogurt

26 Zz zed zed zebra [ˈziːbrə] (zebra) - zebra;

zip (zip) - lightning

Pronunciation of English letters

  • A = (a-n-d, a-f-t-e-r, a-p-p-l-e)
  • B = (b-a-n-a-n-a, b-a-t-h-r-o-o-m, b-o-y)
  • C = (c-a-r, c-o-a-t, c-o-l-o-u-r)
  • D = (d-o-g, d-r-e-a-m, d-o-l-l-a-r)
  • E = (e-l-e-p-h-a-n-t, e-y-e, e-x-t-r-e-m-e)
  • F = [ɛf] (f-i-n-g-e-r, f-o-u-r, f-i-r-e)
  • G = (g-i-r-a-f-f-e, g-i-r-l, g-r-e-e-n)
  • H = (h-o-t-e-l, h-a-p-p-y, h-o-l-i-d-a-y)
  • I = (i-m-a-g-e, i-s-l-a-n-d, I-n-d-i-a-n-a)
  • J = (j-u-n-g-l-e, j-o-l-l-y, J-o-s-e-p-h-i-n-e)
  • K = (k-a-n-g-a-r-o-o, k-o-a-l-a, k-a-r-a-t-e)
  • L = [ɛl] (l-o-w, l-e-v-e-l, l-i-o-n)
  • M = [ɛm] (m-o-t-h-e-r, m-o-m-e-n-t, m-e-s-s)
  • N = [ɛn] (n-o, n-i-g-h-t, n-o-o-n)
  • O = (o-l-d, o-b-j-e-c-t, o-a-t)
  • P = (p-e-n-g-u-i-n-e, p-i-a-n-o, p-a-c-k-e-t)
  • Q = (q-u-i-e-t, Q-u-e-e-n, q-u-o-t-e)
  • R = [ɑr] (r-e-d, r-i-g-h-t, r-a-b-b-i-t)
  • S = [ɛs] (s-t-r-o-n-g, s-e-v-e-n, s-i-l-v-e-r)
  • T = (t-e-a, t-h-o-u-s-a-n-d, t-w-o)
  • U = (u-s-e, u-n-f-a-i-r, u-n-d-e-r)
  • V = (v-a-c-a-t-i-o-n, v-e-r-y, v-a-m-p-i-r-e)
  • W = [ˈdʌbəl juː] say: double-ju (w-e-s-t, w-o-r-m, w-h-i-t-e)
  • X = [ɛks] (X-r-a-y, x-y-l-o-p-h-o-n-e, X-m-a-s)
  • Y = (y-a-r-d, y-e-l-l-o-w, y-e-a-h)
  • Z = in British English, in American English (z-e-r-o, z-e-b-r-a, z-i-l-l-i-o-n)

In addition to these letters, in English there are digraphs or signs that consist of two letters. There are 5 in total:

Digraph Transcription Pronunciation Examples
ch , sometimes as [k] h or k chocolate [ˈtʃɒk(ə)lət] (choclet) - chocolate;

echo [ˈɛkəʊ] (ekou) - echo

sh [ʃ] w shine [ʃʌɪn] (shine) - shine
th [ð] or [θ] h

(for pronunciation, the tongue must be located between the teeth)

the article the [ðə];

noun thought [θɔːt] (hot)

kh [x] X surnames: Akhmatova (Akhmatova), Okhlobystin (Okhlobystin)
zh [ʒ] well surnames: Zhulin (Zhulin), Zhirinovsky (Zhirinovsky)

Explain to the child that English letters have their own sounds, which sometimes can change with different combinations of letters. Pay attention to letters such as g and j, e and i, a and r, since the pronunciation of these letters is often confused with each other. Try to explain everything in simple terms so that the child understands what he is being taught and does not close his eyes with the thought: “Why do I need these English letters?”

It is probably better to refrain from explaining the digraphs, which in the future may lead to descriptions of the people indicated in the examples, at the initial stage. Just be aware of their existence and when studying a word in English containing a digraph, tell the child how this or that combination of letters is read.

How to learn the English alphabet for children

Of course, you won’t be able to get by with an ordinary table from above when working with children, and therefore we offer several options on how to help your child learn the English alphabet faster.

First and foremost, create a pleasant environment for learning. If your child will whimper, deny and get distracted by other things, you will not get the result as such. It is important not to force, but to be able to interest the child. Therefore, your English lessons should not be like training, they should be like a game. If the English alphabet is presented in a fun and interesting way, the child will remember the information many times faster and will be interested in further mastering the language. How can you conduct a fun lesson in a playful way?

English alphabet in pictures

We are all different from each other and perceive information in different ways. Your child may remember information better with visual memory. If so, then let him learn the English alphabet with pictures. It can be just brightly drawn cards with letters or cards in which, in addition to letters, there are any images. It is not necessary to buy such cards with the English alphabet, you can make them yourself or even involve your child in this process.

English alphabet

How does learning the Russian alphabet usually begin? That's right, from the alphabet. So why not apply the same method to English? There are a lot of English primers for preschoolers on the book markets now. You just have to check that each drawing matches the content of the page and buy the book that you like best.


If your child does not like books or does not perceive visual information at all, you can try turning to sound memory to learn English. And just don’t say that you have never heard a song with the English alphabet. Perhaps it is even more popular than the anthem of the UK itself. Sing it yourself or turn on the recording on an electronic device. In addition to the standard version, you can also look for other versions of songs with English letters. There are plenty of them on the Internet.

You can also play associations. For example, learn the English alphabet with animals. Associate words on the topic "animals" to the letters. These animals should begin with the letter that you want to explain to the child. Then play the sounds that these animals make and let your child guess who you thought of for him. Animals are usually remembered by a child much faster, so this exercise can be used from the moment the child begins to repeat after you and pronounce his first words.


The English alphabet for the smallest can be presented with the help of various things. Show some object to the baby and name it in English. In the future, this will greatly simplify his understanding of the letters, since he will already have an idea about how they are pronounced.

At an older age, you can also use stickers. On them you need to write words denoting objects that are in your house and, in fact, stick them in their places. Constantly noticing a word, the child will involuntarily associate it with the object to which the sticker is attached.

Educational cartoon

Another way to visually learn is to watch cartoons. The alphabet in pictures for children may not seem very interesting, because there is no movement in it, there are no characters. But cartoons, perhaps, will attract the attention of any child. At the moment, there are a huge number of educational cartoons in which the main topic is English for children. Usually in such cartoons, the initial topics of the English language, including the alphabet, are presented in an entertaining way. They are available in both Russian and English. Which one to choose is up to you. But if your child does not yet speak Russian, then he can put cartoons exclusively in English, while for older children, Russian cartoons about English will be more understandable at first.

Subsequently, the child can include some ordinary cartoons or the same films about superheroes. First, in this case, those cartoons and films may come up, the phrases from which your children know by heart. Accordingly, by giving them the English version, you can be sure that they follow the plot and understand everything that happens on the screen.

Computer game

Not all parents agree with this method, but it is still worth mentioning. If you want to diversify your child's learning and add more interactivity to them, you can use electronic gadgets. On the Internet you can find a huge number of games that help solve the problem of how to learn English. This method, probably, can replace the first 3 at once, because in these games there can be cards with the English alphabet, and "speaking alphabet" and animals with their own sounds, and funny songs. There is also a simulator game in which the child needs for a while, for example, to determine the order of letters or choose one letter from two. Children will undoubtedly like such exercises and will help them with their study, because the word “game” in a child is in no way associated with something tedious and dreary.

Checking what you have learned

Learned letters and words tend to be forgotten. To prevent this, periodically return to the topic of the alphabet. Listen as your child says, pay attention to those moments when he chooses a letter at random rather than actually remembering its pronunciation or spelling. Do not swear if the child has forgotten something. When a person learns a large amount of information at once, this happens.


There is, of course, another way of learning. Probably one of the most effective methods used by the families of Pushkin, Lermontov, Griboyedov and other famous Russian people. If you do not want or do not have the opportunity to move to an English-speaking country, but you want your child to talk to a native speaker on a daily basis, a nanny or teacher who will communicate more than teach your child at a desk is the most faithful assistants. When a person is not understood in one language, he has no choice but to learn the language of the interlocutor. In children, this process happens by itself without any effort spent. They will not confuse which person to speak which language with, and will switch from one language to another instantly. A native speaker will save you the trouble of learning English with your child and save you time, but unfortunately not money, so be smart about this option.

It is also worth noting that you do not need to think about how to quickly learn a language or teach it to someone. Even the same English alphabet in 30 seconds, you will agree, you will not learn. Yes, even one letter can sometimes not be mastered in 30 seconds. Therefore, we teach or study English gradually, stop at each letter, learn its pronunciation.

We hope that the question of how to remember the English alphabet for children has become less urgent for you. A game, a song, cartoons, interactivity and simple patience - this is what English for children consists of. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this, and therefore you should not wait for the first grade, start teaching your children right now.

Views: 975

The first thing a child needs to know when learning a foreign language is the English alphabet. alphabet quickly and for a long time?

Why is the child having difficulty?

Often children have problems and misunderstandings when learning the English alphabet. The first mistake is cramming. You need to remember: if you want your child to learn all the letters of the language for the rest of his life for the first time, then cramming should be excluded from the rule. The most important thing is to make learning the English alphabet enjoyable for the child himself. If a child perceives this as a game, then the opportunity to learn the English alphabet in 5 minutes can become a reality.

A child may encounter difficulties in learning the English alphabet also because he will not know why he needs to do this. If the child is very young, your assurances that he will need it in his later adult life may not be understood by him. It is clear to adults that knowledge of foreign languages ​​opens up great opportunities for a person. Your child will most likely not understand this. That is why it is better to turn the study of the alphabet into an exciting game.

English letters and pronunciation

How to quickly learn the English alphabet? The first thing to do in order to learn the English alphabet is to find the alphabet itself, where, in addition to capital letters, there will also be uppercase letters, the pronunciation of each letter in Russian, as well as a few words in English that begin with this letter. There are 26 letters in English.

aaHeyapple - appleant - antair - air
bbbibee - beeboy - boyball - ball
ccsicat - catcake - cake, piecamera - camera
Dddidog - dogdate - datedress - dress
eeandegg - eggeye - eyeear - ear
FFeffrog - frogface - facefarm - farm
ggjigarden - gardengirl - girlgrass - grass
hhhhat - hathistory - historyhour - hour
IIahice - iceidea - ideainsect - insect
jjjayjump - jumpjourney - journeyjudge - judge
Kkkaykiss - kisskangaroo - kangarooknife - knife
Llemaillove - loveland - landletter - letter
mmEmmother - motherman - a manmist - mist
Nnenname - namenight - nightnews - news
OhOUorange - orangeoil - oilowner - owner
pppipaper - paperpig - pigprice - price
Qqcuequestion - questionqueen - queen
Rrar(a)rabbit - hare, rabbitrain - rainriver - river
Ssessea ​​- seasoup - soupson - son
Tttitable - tabletalk - conversationtime - time
UuYuumbrella - umbrellauncle - uncleup - up
vvin andvoice - voiceview - viewviolin - violin
wwwdoublewall - wallwindow - windowwatch - watch
xxthe exxylophone - xylophone
Yywyeyear - year
Zzzedzebra - zebra

Now that there is an English alphabet with and words, you can start learning.

Learning the English alphabet with the help of copybooks

How to quickly learn the English alphabet for a child? For everything to work out quickly, the child must have some association with letters. First, you can draw an analogy of the English alphabet with the Russian, and then show the words that are presented above. These quite easy words that the child may have known before (some school programs start with learning words) will help you learn the English alphabet. How to learn it with these words? You need to open a notebook, take a pen and start writing first a capital letter, then a lowercase letter, and then words. It is important that the child writes only one letter on each line in the notebook and pronounces it. This method will take the child a lot of time (about an hour or two), but a parent will not be needed, writing skills in English will develop, and the alphabet will be remembered for sure for a long time!

If you have copybooks in a foreign language at home, you can use them. There are always fun coloring pages, pictures and easy English words in the copybooks for young children.

Learn the alphabet and sing songs

If you notice that your child's memory is not visual, but auditory, you are very lucky! On the Internet you can find a lot of audio and video recordings where children sing the English alphabet. Such songs help to learn it very quickly, literally in 5 minutes.

Learn the English alphabet with bright flashcards

Bright cards with words help you quickly learn the English alphabet. How to learn it with flashcards? Such cards can be bought at any bookstore or children's store, or you can make it yourself with your child, which will be quite long, but very effective. If you bought cards, then the instructions necessarily say what to do and how. Learning the English alphabet with a child is quite troublesome in this way, but words and letters will be remembered for a long time.

Usually cards are divided into letters of the alphabet. Each card has one word written and a picture is drawn that is interconnected with this word. The child can learn these words that begin with one letter, orally or in writing.

Various alphabet games

In fact, the child must perceive everything as a game in order to memorize the English alphabet. How to learn the letters of a foreign language if you constantly sit and cram? It will be quite difficult for a small child who still has to play and play. How to quickly learn the English alphabet - we learned earlier, but how to consolidate knowledge?

The first game. Write the English alphabet on paper in large letters, cut into squares. Distribute the cards randomly. The child must collect a complete alphabet from these cards.

Second game. This is a team game, for it you need at least two or three children. You pronounce the letter, and the children must add the corresponding letter for themselves. This game is very fun and exciting.

Third game. Take two sheets of paper, lay one sheet on top of the other in the middle. Write the letter so that its top is written on one sheet and the bottom is written on another. Remove the second sheet, leaving only the top of the letter. Ask the child to complete the missing part.

How to learn the English alphabet with a child? You just need to show a little imagination!

It is worth teaching children the English alphabet not earlier than the child begins to speak well, and not earlier than the beginning of learning the alphabet of the native language. It is desirable that the child already owns a small set of words in English, all the same as with his native language. That is, from 2–5 you can teach your child English words, more precisely, their pronunciation and meaning, short sentences, but the English alphabet for children can start from 5 years or older. Always, with the study of the alphabet, we continue to learn new English words and frequently used short sentences (questions, answers) - we expand our vocabulary and learn to communicate and interact.

The choice of methods for learning the English alphabet for children depends on the age and individual qualities of the child. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the child at each stage of the study, how he usually perceives information (visually, tactilely or aurally?), his temperament (diligent, active, creative, etc.), his interests today and many other factors. You should choose those tools that the child will be most interested in and will be able to do, so you will achieve greater involvement and success. Learning the alphabet can be organized in a playful way, using some of the techniques that are interesting to the child, described below.

Learning the English alphabet with flashcards for preschool children

So, one of the easiest ways to teach the alphabet is to use cards, on one side of which there are pictures with a word, on the other - the letters of the English alphabet. The child learns an English letter with visual support, hears how it is pronounced, what sound corresponds to each letter, and recognizes the word itself that begins with this letter. I also advise you to add associations that arise when we see this or that letter. For example, the letter U looks like a horseshoe, and S looks like a worm or a snake.

So, we learn the English alphabet with the help of cards and the following games that even a child of 3-4 years old will like:

  • Children's favorite pastime is to search and solve. Hide a few cards in the apartment or classroom so that the child can easily find them. Then ask them to put them in the correct order, in a previously laid out alphabet, where they picked up the found English letters.
  • A game of concentration and memory. Choose a few letters and randomly name words that begin with these letters, and the child must indicate and point to the letter with which this word began.
  • Active play. Scatter English letters on the floor, name the letters to the child, and he must step on the correct card with the letter.
  • In your games, ask to put the English letters in alphabetical order (but only when the entire alphabet has already been learned).
  • If the alphabet is almost learned and needs to be reinforced, and the child has accumulated a certain number of English words that you called him to determine the letter with which they begin, ask him to name as many words as possible that he remembers, starting with some specific letters, etc.

Alternatives to cards

  1. "Cheerful English. Talking poster» will help the child in self-study of the English letters of the alphabet. The poster contains: 3 modes (memory, checker, translator), 83 sound buttons, sound adjustment function. Voiced by an English teacher.
  2. Set “English language. My first words. 15 cube books. uniquely engages children in learning the English alphabet and teaches new English words. The alphabet is written on the inside of the cover, inside the set there are beautifully and brightly illustrated books with thick cardboard pages.
  3. Skylark English for Babies. All about me. English from England for children from birth»- both children and parents are delighted with this set. A set with beautiful, high-quality illustrations and good printing. This method of teaching English to children was developed by specialists from Cambridge (UK) together with the Umnitsa company, which develops educational materials for young children. Based on research from the best universities in the world, 100% authentic British English. Included: cards, books, manuals for parents, audio materials, games, toy glove for interacting with the child. Designed for children 0+.

Learn the English alphabet from a YouTube video for preschool children

When an adult learns English, it is recommended to watch films and programs in this language, everything is the same with children. Instead of the usual cartoons, include those that teach your child the letters of the English alphabet, correct pronunciation and new words, and in the future, reading English words. It is enough to use YouTube - there you can find cartoons and programs for every taste. The most common and useful are rhymes and jokes for children - Nursery Rhymes. Being very colorful, cheerful and melodious, they lure the child very much and want to listen to them again and again. Also, from the point of view of the development of speech skills, the song is the optimal tool. After all, it’s easier for us to memorize words this way and it’s much more interesting than methodically memorizing a sequence of letters.
Learn the English alphabet with cartoons for children, where there are songs and rhymes with funny pictures, and you can see the result in a week!

Learn the English alphabet on the move

This type of learning is especially suitable for the child who is vital to move, so he learns this world and everything that surrounds it. To do this, we can use various cubes, magnets with letters, toys (designer) with stickers with letters pasted on them, etc. Everything that may be interesting for your child. For boys, cars for girls are animals, or vice versa - whoever loves it.

Here are some ways:

  • With the help of fingers in the air or hands and body movements, depict a letter.
  • You can make a gymnastic ribbon (tie the ribbon to a thin stick) and let the child draw the necessary letters in the air.
  • Arrange the letters around the apartment, stick them on objects, and the child must find and touch them. You can also include a song about the alphabet to diversify and make it a mini-game.
  • Assemble a letter from cubes, constructor or mosaic. For these purposes, you can use any toys - lay them out on the floor in the form of letters.
  • Write the letters on the circles of the Twister field, you can play with your mother or friends, naming which hand / leg should fall on which letter.
  • Write letters on an inflatable big ball. Throwing a ball with mom, let everyone name the letter that is in front of their eyes.

Come up with similar games yourself - almost any favorite children's game can include elements of learning the English alphabet. Just glue or draw an alphabet on the toy, and according to the plot of the game, offer new tasks based on the letters. So in the process of playing, imperceptibly and not boringly, we learn the English alphabet with children.

We are engaged in creativity and learn the English alphabet

For those children who love to draw and create, this way of learning English letters will become one of the most favorite.

  • For example, make a poster with all the letters of the alphabet (or only vowels, or only consonants), use scrapbooking elements to decorate your poster, stickers, colored paper.
  • Create your own picture dictionary in the same way. In which each page can be decorated in its own way and even write a whole story with the adventures of a letter on it. Complete them with stickers, magazine clippings starting with a certain letter.
  • Sculpt letters from plasticine.
  • Assemble a collage of cut out letters from magazines/newspapers/old books.
  • Make a garland and hang it in a conspicuous place. Every time you pass by, point to any letter and ask them to name it.

Again, in the version with creativity, you can do any crafts of the letters of the English alphabet, and learn them along the way. - Draw, glue, sculpt, cut, color. Learn letters with your favorite toy animals, this puppet show is perfect for the little ones. Books with favorite characters and English letters will warm up the child's interest in learning the language.

We learn the English alphabet from primers and teaching aids, for preschool children

They are suitable for children of older preschoolers and schoolchildren, although if your child is interested in books, you can start learning with this allowance earlier.

Classes should be on average no more than 15-20 minutes, as soon as the child begins to be distracted, it is necessary to switch to another type of study, for example, a game. You can’t force a child when he doesn’t want to, you risk repelling the desire in further education.

With such aids, it is easier for parents to teach their child English, since all the material is written on the pages, all that remains is to present it to the child and go through the exercises with him. Here are some of the more popular preschoolers:

  1. "English for the little ones" Anna Kuznetsova
  2. English before school. Allowance for children 5-6 years old "Radislav Milrud
  3. “English for kids. The best tutorial (+CD)" Galina Shalaeva

Learning the English alphabet with copybooks and writing assignments for preschool children

This type of learning is suitable for older children who can already at least hold a pen or pencil, and later trace and write letters.

Among the wide variety of teaching aids, choose better ones, most of them are designed for older preschoolers and schoolchildren, but there are also notebooks for learning English for kids. For example, those who are already familiar with the well-known KUMON manuals - a methodology that teaches 4 million children in 49 countries - will appreciate them. Writing uppercase and lowercase letters according to these notebooks is the beginning of the development of writing along with the study of the letters of the English alphabet. Qualitatively designed manual, a popular proven technique.

  1. “Learning to write capital letters of the English alphabet. Age 3, 4, 5 years. Tooru Kumon. KUMON"
  2. “Learning to write lowercase letters of the English alphabet Age 4, 5, 6 years. Tooru Kumon. KUMON"

Show your child that learning the English alphabet is possible with these simple and fun games! And remember that the sooner you start teaching your child the English alphabet, the faster he will be able to learn it and the easier the learning process will be in the future.

And finally, we learn English letters with children regularly. This is one of the most important conditions if you want to learn English from any age, even at 3 years old.

English teacher
Lebed Evgenia

Educational cartoon "Learn the English alphabet" by Doman's method:

English for children

Boring English for kids: learning the alphabet

It is better to study any foreign language from childhood. It is known that children who grew up in a multilingual environment are much easier to adapt and absorb new information much faster.

In order for the child to start learning English as early as possible and not get bored of this process, it is enough to turn boring learning into a game. So it will become much easier for the baby to memorize new words and phrases, and you will spend time with your child not only fun, but also productive.

In this article we will talk about how simple and easy it is to learn the English alphabet for both children and all beginners and give a few poems and songs for learning.

English alphabet

The alphabet in English is called alphabet or simply ABC. It has 26 letters, of which 20 are consonants and only 6 are vowels.

Vowels: A, E, I, O, U, Y
Consonants: B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Z

Alphabet with transcription and pronunciation:

Aa [ei] [hey]
Bb [bi:] [bi]
Cc [si:] [si]
Dd [di:] [di]
Ee [i:] [i]
Ff [ef] [ef]
Gg [dʒi:] [ji]
Hh [eitʃ] [eh]
Ii [ai] [ai]
Jj [dʒei] [jay]
Kk [kei] [kei]
Ll [el] [el]
Mm [em] [em]
Nn [en] [en]
Oo [ou] [o]
Pp [pi:] [pi]
Qq [kju:] [cue]
Rr [a:] [aa, ar]
Ss [es] [es]
Tt [ti:] [ti]
Uu [ju:] [yu]
Vv [vi:] [vi]
Ww [ `dʌbl `ju: ] [double-u]
Xx [eks] [ex]
Yy [wai] [wai]
Zz [zed] [zed]

Almost all letters of the alphabet are pronounced the same by Americans and British, except for the last one. In American English, Z will sound like "zi".

The study of the alphabet usually begins with an alphabet song (alphabetic song): it is easier for the child to remember the pronunciation. She sings along the lines:

Do you know your ABC?
You can learn along with me!
A, B, C, D, E, F, G
H, I, J, K
L, M, N, O, P
Q, R, S,
T, U, V
W, X, Y and Z
Now you know your alphabet!

By the way, due to the difference in the pronunciation of the letter "Z", the end of this song in the British and American versions will sound differently:


X, Y, Z - Now I know my alphabet(Now I know my alphabet) or Now you know your alphabet(Now you know your alphabet).


Now I know my ABC, twenty-six letters from A to Z(Now I know my alphabet, twenty-six letters from A to Z) or Now I know my ABC, next time won't you sing with me(Now I know my alphabet, would you like to sing with me next time).

It is with the study of the alphabet that an exciting journey into any foreign language begins. Everyone needs to know ABC by heart in order to know how to write and pronounce individual letters correctly. Especially if you need to spell a word. Spelling is how a word is spelled. There is no direct analogue of spelling in Russian, but the Americans even have a whole Spelling Bee game in which you need to spell a word without errors. Spelling Bee competitions and competitions are often held in the USA.

But you need to start simple, especially for children. We tell you a few tricks on how to make it so that your child learns the alphabet as easy as ABC (easier than easy).

Cards with words

One of the most effective ways to learn new words and remember the alphabet is to make colorful cards with letters and words that begin on them and hang them in a prominent place.

The same technique can be used to enrich vocabulary: just hang cards with translation over the objects that you have in your apartment - let the child remember how words are written and pronounced.

One of the easiest options is to use words that are familiar to the child. It can be the names of animals or everyday objects.

Here are the letters with the corresponding words, which will allow you to remember not only spelling, but also practice pronunciation:

A - Apple (Apple)
B - Banana (Banana)
C - Cat (Cat)
D - Dog (Dog)
E - Elephant (Elephant)
F - Fox (Fox)
G - Giraffe (Giraffe)
H - House
I - Ice-cream (Ice cream)
J - Jam (Jam)
K - Key (Key)
L - Lemon (Lemon)
N - Nose (Nose)
O - Owl (Owl)
P - Panda (Panda)
Q - Queen (Queen)
R - Rabbit (Rabbit)
S - Squirrel (Squirrel)
T - Turtle
U - Umbrella (Umbrella)
V - Violin (Violin)
W - Wolf (Wolf)
X - Ox (Ox)
Y-Yacht (Yacht)
Z - Zebra (Zebra)

You can find a set of such cards in any bookstore, or you can make your own.

Verse for learning English alphabet

In verse form, it is much easier to remember the order of the letters and the words that begin with that letter. Many teachers read the following rhyme to the smallest students to get acquainted with the alphabet:

There is a knock on our door.
- Who's there?
- The letter A and autumn - autumn.
Everyone, so as not to be sad,
They give an apple - an apple.

Letter B, like a ball - ball
Jumps, hides under the table.
Too bad I don't have time to play.
I am reading a book

S. went hunting.
- Mice! Take the paws!
So that today for lunch
Do not get a cat - cat.

Don't go near the letter D
Otherwise it will bite D.
The cat runs without feeling its feet,
There is a dog in the yard.

The letter E is whiter than snow.
From E originates egg,
Egg is hatched by a quok.
Here is the end - the end. And point!

On a leaf of green sowing,
The letter F croaks loudly,
Because frog is a frog
The famous wahoo.

Do not be friends with this letter,
The letter G is recognized.
It is important to lift your head
Looks down - giraffe.

H will rub anyone's nose.
My horse is racing like a whirlwind.
There is no barrier for him
If the rider is wearing a hat - hat.

With the letter I, we are so similar:
I and I are one and the same.
We don't cry, we don't mope,
If there is ice cream - ice-cream.

Sweet tooth letter J
Sweeter than buns and cakes.
The letter J is familiar to everyone,
Who tasted the sweet jam.

K will open the locks for everyone,
She has a key - key,
In the kingdom - the kingdom will take,
The magical world will open.

The letter L came next
To help the lamb - lamb,
He is afraid to go to bed
He asks for a lamp - lamp to light.

Letter M for monkey
For a cheerful nimble monkey.
She is waiting for a meal
Melon - she needs a melon.

N will not get tired of hanging.
On the branches a nest - a nest.
It has chicks in it. We would like
Count their number - number.

From dawn to dawn
Waves oak branch - oak-tree.
He calls everyone under the vault of branches,
Muttering under his breath: "O.K."

Pirate - young pirate
With parrot - glad to parrot:
- Look, this is us.
Waving a palm tree branch - palm!

Here I will sing a song
In honor of the beautiful letter Q,
Because the queen is the queen
He loves to have fun.

Why is there a rumor
"Beware of the letter R"?
I will tell you a secret
No nastier rat - rat!

It is no coincidence that the letter S
Piques interest:
In the sky - sky sparkles star -
A very bright star.

T. is calling us to Detsky Mir.
We are happy to visit:
Befriend you there
Each toy is a toy.

If you see the letter U
So soon it will rain.
U has become kinder today -
Gave an umbrella - umbrella.

Hey! Run, hold, catch!
The letter V is on the serve.
The ball went straight to the sky
I love volleyball.

W, everyone knows
inverted M.
In the dark, flashing with a fang,
A gray wolf walks - a wolf.

The doctor said from behind the door:
- I'm taking you to X-ray.
- What's happened? Maybe a prisoner?
- No, just an x-ray.

Hey, lean on the oars!
The letter Y is rushing into the sea.
Calls the guys on a long journey
White sailboat - a yacht.

What is the letter Z?
You will see when you take a ticket
Wolf, tiger, and goat
In the zoo - in the Zoo.

English alphabet games for kids

Interesting games using the same cards will allow the child to get used to it faster and not get bored while learning the English alphabet. What can you play with your child:

"Picture a letter"

Name the letter of the English alphabet to the child and ask him to draw it with his fingers or with his body. You can play in turn and show some letters yourself.

"Draw a Letter"

Put the alphabet cards in front of the child and invite him to draw the letter himself on a piece of paper. So he will quickly learn not only to visually recognize letters, but also to write them in the future. Similarly, you can take plasticine and ask the baby to mold the letters of the English alphabet from it.


A more active game in which you can pass the ball to each other and name the letters in alphabetical order or, for the more advanced, words that begin with that letter.

"Stop Song"

Lay out cards with letters in front of the child and turn on the alphabet song in English. Stop it at an arbitrary moment - the child must repeat the last letter he heard and show the corresponding card.

"Well no"

For this game, you can use cards with both letters and words. Show the child the image in the picture and say the word. So, you can show a picture with a pig (pig) and say “tiger” (tiger) out loud. If the child says “no”, then he should name what is actually shown in the picture.

Come up with your own games and tasks, ask the baby what he would like to play. Watch cartoons in English together and sometimes address him with the usual requests in English and let him also sometimes use English words in everyday speech.

Teaching English begins with the alphabet. How best to learn the English alphabet with a child - this is exactly what I want to talk about. The easiest way for a child to memorize all the letters is english alphabet song.

From the article you will learn:

How to learn the English alphabet correctly for children

So what is the right way to build learning the English alphabet for children?

First of all, you need to know the transcription of each English letter, that is, its pronunciation. The level of the child is . In this case, you can learn the pronunciation of English letters only with the help of transcription.

Below is the English alphabet with Russian transcription.

The English alphabet for children can also be presented in the form of cards, where each card has its own letter of the English alphabet - and for each letter there is either an object or an animated being.

It will also be quite informative to listen to the English alphabet by ear. Below I have collected several songs about the English alphabet that will help your child memorize the alphabet by ear.

Watch the video with the child several times, after the second or third time try to sing along so that the child remembers the motive and the words of the song about the English alphabet.

English alphabet song

There are many songs about the English alphabet, for every taste and color.

The most famous song about the English alphabet is ABC song (Alphabet song). The motive of this song is remembered very easily at any age. Just drink it under your breath several times and you will immediately memorize the order and letters of the alphabet.

ABC Song (Alphabet Song for Children) - UK version

Below is an interesting and funny version of this song, which will surely appeal to children, and adults will also be entertaining. In this version of the song, it is proposed to connect figurative thinking.

We are the alphabet

ABC (alphabet) song “zee” version (US version)

Below is the lyrics of the song with translation into Russian.

Qq-Rr-Ss, Tt-Uu-Vv
Ww--Xx, Yy-and-Zz,
Now I know my A-B-Cs now i know my alphabet)
next time won't you sing with me ( next time won't you sing with me).

Qq-Rr-Ss, Tt-Uu-Vv
Ww--Xx, Yy-and-Zz,
Now I know my A-B-Cs now I know my alphabet)
tell me what you think of me Tell me what you think of me).

A song about the English alphabet is the best for learning.

Good luck to you and your child in learning the English alphabet!