Why crucified Jesus Christ? History of Christianity. The Great Path of Christ

After Jesus Christ was convicted of a crucifix, he was given to the warriors. Warriors, taking it, again beat with crop and bullying. When they laughed at him, they removed the bugger from him and dressed in his own clothes. The convicts for the crucifixion was believed to carry his cross, so the warriors laid it on his shoulders the cross his cross and led to the place appointed for the crucifixion. The place it was a hill called Calvary, or frontal place, i.e. sublime. Calvary was west of Jerusalem near the city gate, called the vessel.

For Jesus Christ went great many people. The road was mountainous. Exhausted by beatings and bobbies, exterminated by spiritual suffering, Jesus Christ barely walked, several times falling under the severity of the cross. When they reached the city gate, where the road rose to the mountain, Jesus Christ is completely exhausted. At this time, the warriors saw near a person who looked at Christ with compassion. This was Simon Kirineyaninreturned after working from the field. Warriors grabbed him and forced him to bear the cross of Christ.

The cross is the Savior

Among the people who walked for Christ was a lot and women who cried and sobbed about him.

Jesus Christ, contacting them, said: "Jerusalem's daughters! Do not cry for me, but cry about yourself and about your children. Because the days will come, when they say: happy those wives who have no children. Then people will say the mountains : Get yourself on us, and hills: cover us. "

So the Lord predicted those horrible disastersThat had to break out soon after his earthly life over Jerusalem and the people of Jewish.

Note: See in Evang.: From Matt., Ch. 27 , 27-32; from Mark, ch. 15 , 16-21; from Luke, ch. 23 , 26-32; from John, ch. 19 , 16-17.

Crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ

The execution of the crucifixion on the cross was Self shame, he painfully and brutally sick. The death of only the most departed villains were executed in those days: robbers, murderers, rebels and criminal slaves. The torment of the crucified person is impossible to describe. In addition to unbearable pain in all parts of the body and suffering, the crucified experienced terrible thirst and deadly mental longing. Death was so slow that many suffered on crosses for several days. Even executors of execution, - usually, people cruel, - could not coolly look at the suffering of crucified. They prepared the beings that were trying or squeezed by the unbearable thirst for them, or an admixture of different substances temporarily comprehend the consciousness and relieve flour. According to the Jewish law, hanged on the tree was considered damned. The bosses of the Jewish wanted to disgrace Jesus Christ forever, who was afraid of such death.

When Jesus Christ was led to Calvary, then the warriors filed him to drink sour wines mixed with bitter substances to alleviate suffering. But the Lord, having tried, did not want to drink it. He did not want to consume any means to relieve suffering. These suffering, he accepted voluntarily for the sins of people; Therefore, I wanted to transfer them to the end.

When everything was cooked, the warriors crucified Jesus Christ. It was about noon, Jewish in the 6th hour of the day. When he crucified him, he prayed for his tormentors, saying: "Father! Forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing."

Next to Jesus Christ crucified two villains (robbers), one according to the right, and the other on the left side of him. So it turned out the prediction of the Prophet Isaiah, who said: "And the villains were concluded" (IP. 53 , 12).

According to Pilate's order, the head of Jesus Christ was brought to the cross, meaning his guilt. It was written in Jewish, in Greek and in Romans: " Jesus Norazhai King Jewish"And many read it. I didn't like such an inscription with the enemies of Christ. Therefore, the high priests came to the Pilate and said:" Do not write: Tsar Judaian, but write what he said: I am the Judaian king. "

But Pilate replied: "What I wrote, I wrote."

Meanwhile, warriors who have reached Jesus Christ, took his clothes and began to share between them. Upper clothes They broke into four parts, each warrior in part. Chiton (lower clothes) was not stitched, but all woven up to bottom. Then they said to each other: "I will not tease him, but let's throw lots about him who will get." And throwing lots, the warriors sitting, erased the place of execution. So, and here the ancient prophecy of the king of David came true: "My rises were divided between him, and my clothes threw me" (Psal. 21 , 19).

The enemies did not cease to insult Jesus Christ and on the cross. They, passing, groomed and, nodding their heads, said: "E! The destroying temple and three days creating! Save himself. If you are the Son of God, go from the cross."

Also, the high priests, scribes, elders and Pharisees, mocking, said: "Others saved, and he himself can not save themselves. If he is Christ, the king of Israel, let him come down from the cross so that we saw, and then we will believe in him. He had done ; let God save him, if he is pleasing to him; because he said: I am God's Son. "

According to them and the warriors, the pagans who sat at the crosses and erased the crucified, mocking, said: "If you're king Jewish, save yourself."

Even one of the crucified robbers, which was to the left of the Savior, gloomped him and said: "If you are Christ, save yourself and us."

The other robber, on the contrary, leaned it and said: "Or you are not afraid of God, when he himself is convicted on the same (i.e., on the same flour and death)? But we are convicted right, because our decent on business accepted , And he did not do anything thin. " Having said it, he turned to Jesus Christ with Prayer: " roman me (remember me), Lord when you attain in the kingdom!"

The merciful Savior accepted the heart repentance of this sinner, who showed such a wonderful faith in him, and answered the prudent robber: " true I tell you today you will be with me in paradise".

With the Cross of the Savior stood his mother, the apostle John, Maria Magdalene and a few more women who wured him. It is impossible to describe the grief of the Mother of God, who saw the unbearable torment of his son!

Jesus Christ, seeing his mother and John here, who was especially loved, says his mother: " Women! here's your son". Then says John:" here's your mother". From that time, John took the Mother of God to his house and cared for her until the end of her life.

Meanwhile, during the sufferings of the Savior on Calvary, a great sign occurred. From the same time as the Savior was crucified, i.e. from the sixth hour (and in our account from the twelfth hour of the day), the sun focused and the darkness came across the earth, and continued until the ninth hour (in our account until the third hour of the day) , i.e. until the death of the Savior.

This extraordinary, World Darkness was noted by the pagan writers-historians: Roman astronomer Phlegont, Fallom and Young African. The famous philosopher from Athens, Dionysius Areopagitis, was at this time in Egypt, in the city of Heliopole; Watching a sudden darkness, said: "Or the Creator is willing, or the world is destroyed." Subsequently, Dionysius Areopagitis adopted Christianity and was the first Athenian bishop.

About the ninth hour, Jesus Christ exclaimed loudly: " Or or! Lima Savakhfany! "That is," my God, my God! Why did you leave me? "It was primary words From the 21st Psalm of King David, in which David clearly predicted on suffering on the Cross of the Savior. These words, the Lord for the last time reminded people that he is true Christ, the Savior of the world.

Some of those who stood on Calvary, having heard these words spoken by the Lord, said: "Here, I can't call him." And others said: "Let's see if Elijah will save him."

The Lord Jesus Christ, knowing that everything was already accomplished, said: "thirst".

Then one of the warriors ran, took a sponge, wet her with a vinegar, put her on a cane and brought to the awesome lips of the Savior.

Taking vinegar, the Savior said: " Accomplished"That is, the promise of God, the salvation of the human race was committed.

And so, the curtain in the temple, which closed the holy of saints, was drunk in half, from the upper edge to the lower, and the Earth shook, and the stones were rushed; And the coffins were rejected; And many of the bodies of the deceased saints were resurrected, and, hesitated from coffins on the resurrection of him, entered Jerusalem and were many.

Sotnik confesses Jesus Christ the Son of God

Sotnik, (head of warriors) and warriors with him, who erased a crucified Savior, seeing an earthquake and all that happened before them was frightened and said: " true, this man was the Son of God". And the people, former in crucifixes and everyone who saw, began to disperse in fear, hitting themselves in the chest.

Friday evening came. This evening it was necessary to eat Easter. Jews did not want to leave on the crosses of the body crucified until Saturday, because Easter Saturday was considered a great day. Therefore, they asked for a pilaw permission to kill the legs crucified so that they would rather die and could be removed from the crosses. Pilate allowed. Warriors came and killed his legs to robbers. When they approached Jesus Christ, they saw that he was already dead, and therefore he did not kill his heads. But one of the warriors so that there is no doubt about his death, pierced the ribs spear, and blood and water flowed out of the wound.


27 , 33-56; from Mark, ch. 15 22-41; from Luke, ch. 23 , 33-49; from John, ch. 19 , 18-37.

St. The Cross of Christ is St. The altar, in which the Son of God, - the Lord our Jesus Christ - brought himself sacrificing for the sins of the world.

Removing from the Cross and the burial of the Savior

That evening, soon after all, the famous member of the Sanhedrin, a rich man comes to Pilat Joseph Arimafi(From the city of Arimafei). Joseph was a secret student of Jesus Christ, a secret - from fear of Jews. He was kind and righteous man who did not participate in the Council, in the conviction of the Savior. He asked the permission to remove the body of Christ from the Cross and bury.

Pilate was surprised that Jesus Christ was so soon. He called the Sotnik, who erased crucified, recognized from him when Jesus Christ died, and allowed Joseph to take the body of Christ for the burial.

The burial of the body of Christ the Savior

Joseph, having bought a doodler (the cloth for the burial), came to Calvary. Another secret student of Jesus Christ and a member of Sandirrion, and a member of Sanhedrin, also came. He brought a precious fragrant ointment with him for the burial - the composition of Smyrna and Aloe.

They removed the body of the Savior from the cross, acknowledged him with incenses, wrapped his gaze and put it in the new coffin, in the garden, near Calvary. The coffin was the cave, which Joseph Arimafi's carved in the rock for his burial, and in which no one was laid. There they laid the body of Christ, because the coffin was close to Calvary, but there was little time, because the great holiday of Easter was attacked. Then she admitted a huge stone to the door of the coffin and retired.

Mary Magdalene, Maria Iosieva and other women were there and watched, as the body of Christ believed. Returning home, they bought the precious world to make the body of Christ, as soon as the first, the Great Day of the holiday, in which, according to the law, should have taken alone.

Position in the coffin. (Crying Our Lady.)

But the enemies of Christ did not calm down, despite their great holiday. The next day, on Saturday, high priests and Pharisees (violating the peace of Saturdays and the holiday) gathered, came to Pilate and began to ask him: "Mr.! We remembered that this deceiver (so dare they call Jesus Christ), while alive, Said, "After three days he was resurrected." Therefore, the orders to guard the coffin to the third day so that his students, come at night, did not stole him and did not, they told the people that he was saved from the dead; and then there will be the last deception worse than the first. "

Pilate said to them: "You have a guard; go, guard, as you know."

Then the high priests with the Pharisees went to the coffin of Jesus Christ and, examined carefully a cave, put their (Sanhedrionov) to the stamp; And they set the Military Guard of the Lord in the coffin.

When the body of the Savior lay in the coffin, his soul, he came to hell to the souls of people who died before his suffering and death. And all the souls of righteous people who were waiting for the coming of the Savior, he freed from hell.

Return of the Mother and Apostle Paul from the burial

Note: See Gospel: From Matt., Ch. 27 , 57-66; from Mark, ch. 15 , 42-47; from Luke, ch. 23 , 50-56; from John, ch. 19 , 38-42.

The suffering of Christ is remembered by St. Orthodoxy church in week before Embrella. This week is called Passionate. All this week, Christians should be held in post and prayer.

Pharisees and high priests Jewish
seal the coffin of the Lord

IN Great WednesdayThe passionate week is remembered by the betrayal of Jesus Christ Juda Iskariotsky.

IN Maundy Thursdayin the evening for the all-in-bed (which is the morning of the Great Friday), twelve parts of the Gospel are read about the suffering of Jesus Christ.

IN Great Friday during evening (which serves 2 or 3 hours) is taken out of the altar and relies on the middle of the temple douching, i.e. the sacred image of the Savior lying in the coffin; It takes place in the memory of the removal from the Cross of the Body of Christ and the burials.

IN Great Saturday on the mattles, with the burial ring of the bells and when singing the song "Holy God, Saint Strong, Holy Immortal, Pom", - The Cloak is applied around the temple into the memory of the Descent of Jesus Christ to hell when he was in the coffin, and his victory over Hell and Death .

Military Guardian at the Coffin of the Lord

For the passion week and the holiday of Easter, we prepare themselves by post. This post continues forty days and called sacred Full penalties or Great post.

In addition, sacred by the Orthodox Church is post wednesdays and fridayseach week (except for some, very few weeks per year), on Wednesdays - in the memory of the betrayal of Jews of Jesus Christ, and on Fridays to the memory of the sufferings of Jesus Christ.

Faith due to the crusal suffering for us Jesus Christ we express cross signduring our prayers.

Descent Jesus Christ in hell

Resurrection of Jesus Christ

After Saturday, at night, on the third day after their suffering and death, Lord Jesus Christ the power of his deity came to life, i.e. risen from the dead. His body, human, transformed. He came out of the coffin, without dumping a stone without violating the syndronic seal and invisible for the guard. From that moment on, the warriors themselves, not knowing that, guarded an empty coffin.

Suddenly there was a great earthquake; The angel of the Lord came down from heaven. He, starting, pulled the stone from the door of the Mernel's coffin and sat on it. The view of him was like zipper, and his clothes of him, like snow. Warriors, who stood on the coffin, came to the thrill and became, as the dead, and then, waking up from fear, they fled.

On this day (the first day of the week), as soon as the Saturday rest ended, very early, at dawn, Maria Magdaline, Maria Iakovleva, John, Salomia and other women, taking a cooked fragrant world, went to the coffin of Jesus Christ to acknowledge his body, Since they did not have time to do this when buried. (Women of these church call mironosians). They did not yet know that the coffin is attached to the coffin, and the entrance to the cave is sealed. Because they did not expect someone to meet someone, and they spoke between themselves: "Who will fall off the stone from the door of the coffin?" The stone was very large.

Angel of the Lord dropped a stone from the door of the coffin

Maria Magdalene, ahead of the rest of the Mironositz women, the first came to the coffin. Not yet dawn, it was dark. Maria Seeing that the stone was reversed from the coffin, immediately ran to Peter and John and says: "They took the Lord from the coffin and do not know where they put it." Hearing such words, Peter and John immediately ran to the coffin. Maria Magdalene followed them.

At that time, the rest of the women who were walking with Maria Magdalina approached the coffin. They saw that the stone was recalled from the coffin. And when they stopped, suddenly, they saw a light angel sitting on a stone. Angel, referring to them, said: "Do not be afraid: for I know that you are looking for Jesus crucified. He is not here; He is resurrectedAs I said still with you. Come, look at the place where the Lord lay. And then go soon, and tell his disciples, that he was saved from the dead. "

They entered the coffin (caves) and did not find the bodies of the Lord Jesus Christ. But, looking, saw Angel in white clothes sitting on the right side of the place where the Lord was laid; They are horrified.

Angel tells them: "Do not be horribly; Jesus is looking for a crucified Nazarean; He is resurrected; He is not here. Here is the place where he was laid. But go, tell his disciples and Peter (who walked himself from the number of students) that he will meet you in Galilee, there you will see him how he told you. "

When women stood in bewilderment, suddenly, two angels appeared before them again in the glittering clothes. Women in fear kept their faces to Earth.

Angels told them: "What are you looking for a living between the dead? It is not here: He is resurrected; Remember how he told you when was still in Galilee, saying that the son of the human should be betrayed into the hands of sinful people, and be crucified, and on the third day to rise. "

Then women remembered the words of the Lord. Dispersed, they ran from the coffin in trepidation and fear. And then with fear and the great joy went to announce his disciples. Dear anyone said nothing, because they were afraid.

Having come to the disciples, women told about everything that they saw and heard. But the disciples seemed to be empty with their students, and they did not believe them.

Myrova's wife at the Holy Sepulcher

Meanwhile, Peter and John are resorted to the coffin of the Lord. John fled Rather Peter and came to the coffin first, but did not enter the coffin, but leaning, saw the lying pellets. Following him, Peter resorts, enters the coffin and sees some lying pellens, and the board (bandage), which was on the head of Jesus Christ, lying not with the shoes, but rolled out on another place separately from the penetment. Then John came to Peter, I saw everything, it was convinced of the Sunday of Christ. Peter also wondered himself in himself. After that, Peter and John returned to themselves.

When Peter and John left, Maria Magdalene, who came running with them, remained at the coffin. She stood and cried at the entrance to the cave. And when we cried, leaned and looked at the cave (in the coffin), and saw two angels in the white robe, sitting, one at the head, and the other at the foot, where the body of the Savior was lying.

Angels told her: "Wife! What is crying?"

Maria Magdalene answered them: "My Lord was taken, and I don't know where I put it."

Having said it, she looked back and saw Standing Jesus Christ, but from great sadness, from tears and with his confidence that the dead did not resurrect, she did not recognize the Lord.

Jesus Christ tells her: "Woman! What are you crying? Who are you looking for?"

Maria Magdalene, thinking that this gardener of this garden, tells him: "Mr.! If you made it, tell me where I put it, and I will take it."

Then Jesus Christ tells her: " Maria!"

The phenomenon of the Risen Christ Mary Magdalene

A good voice acquaintance forced her to come to his senses from sadness, and she saw that the Lord Jesus Christ himself was worth it before. She exclaimed: " Teacher! "- and with indescribable joy rushed to the legs of the Savior; and she did not imagine all the greatness of the moment.

But Jesus Christ, pointing her to his holy and great sacrament of his resurrection, he says to her: "Do not touch me, for I have not yet gone to my father; And go to my brothers (i.e., students) and tell them: I add to My father and to your father and to God to God and your God. "

Then Maria Magdalina hurried to his disciples with the news about what I saw the Lord, and what he told her. It was the first phenomenon of Christ on the Sunday.

The phenomenon of the Resurrected Christ Mironosians

On the way, Maria Magdalen caught up with Maria Jakovlev, also returning the Lord from the coffin. When they walked to the disciples, Suddenly, Jesus Christ himself met them and told them: " rejoice!".

They approached, grabbed his feet, and bowed to him.

Then the Jesus Christ says to them: "Do not be afraid, go, let's hear my brothers so that they go to Galilee, and there they will see me."

So the resurrected Christ appeared for the second time.

Maria Magdalene with Maria Jaclée, entered into eleven students and all the other, crying and sobbing, they announced great joy. But they, having heard from them that Jesus Christ was alive and they saw him, did not believe.

After that, Jesus Christ appeared separately by Peter and assured him of his resurrection. ( Third phenomenon). Only then many have ceased to doubt the reality of the Resurrection of Christ, although there are still not believers between them.

But before

All, as evidenced by the antiquity of St. Church, Jesus Christ pleased the Most His Mother, arrest her through an angel about his resurrection.

This is so angry with St. Church:

Split, glorify the Christian church, because over to you, the fame of the Lord: the triumph is now and have fun! You, pure the Mother of God, rejoice about the resurrection of you born.

Meanwhile, the warriors who guarded the coffin of the Lord and from the fear of the silent, came to Jerusalem. Some of them went to the high priests and they announced everything that happened during the coffin of Jesus Christ. The high priests, gathering with the elders, made a meeting. According to his evil persistence, the enemies of Jesus Christ did not want to believe His resurrection and threamed to hide this event from the people. For this they bribed the warriors. By giving a lot of money, they said: "Speak all that his disciples, come at night, stole him when you slept. And if the rumor proceeds to the ruler (Pilate), then we are ashamed for you before him and save you from trouble" . Warriors took the money and came as they were taught. This rumor was swept between Jews, so many of them believe it to this time.

Cheating and lies of this hearing are visible to everyone. If the warriors slept, they could not see, and if they saw, they did not sleep and would be detained by the kidnappers. The guard should be awake and serve. It is impossible to imagine that the guard, consisting of several persons, could fall asleep. And if all the warriors fell asleep, they were subject to strict punishment. Why not punished them, but left alone (and even awarded)? And frightened disciples, from fear, stirred in their homes, could we solve, without weapons against armed Roman warriors, on such a brave thing? And besides, for which they did it when they themselves lost faith in their Savior. In addition, could they fall off a huge stone, no one woken up? All this is impossible. On the contrary, the students themselves thought that someone took the body of the Savior, but seeing an empty coffin, they understood that after the abduction it was not. And finally, why did the bosses of the Jewish not looking for the body of Christ and did not punish students? So the enemies of Christ tried to overshadow the case of God's gross plexus and deception, but turned out to be powerless against the truth.

28 , 1-15; from Mark, ch. 16 , 1-11; from Luke, ch. 24 , 1-12; from John, ch. 20 , 1-18. See also the 1st Message of St. ap. Paul to Corinthians: Ch. 15 , 3-5.

The phenomenon of the risen Jesus Christ of the two students on the way to Emmaus

In the evening of the day, when Jesus Christ was resurrected and came Mary Magdaline, Mary Jaclieva and Peter, two students of Christ (from among 70s), Cleop and Luke, went from Jerusalem to the village Emmaus.. Emmaus was in the versts of ten from Jerusalem.

Expensive they talked between themselves about all the events that occurred in the last days In Jerusalem - about the suffering and death of the Savior. When they argued about everything that happened, Jesus Christ himself approached them and walked next to them. But something as if they kept their eyes, so they did not recognize him.

Jesus Christ said to them: "What are you talking about, going, arguing between sobody and why are you so sad?"

One of them, Cleop, told him in response: "Did you really know one of the people who came to Jerusalem about what happened in it these days?"

Jesus Christ said to them: "What about?"

They answered him: "About what was with Jesus Nazarenin, who was a prophet strong in business and the Word before God and the whole people; as his high priests and bosses were betrayed to condemn to death and crucified him. And we hoped it was that he There is one that is to save Israel. And now the third day today, as happened. But some of our women were amazed us: they were early at the coffin and did not find him the bodies and, Returning, they said that they saw Angels who were talking, What he is alive. Then some of us went to the coffin and found everything as women said, but he was not seen. "

Then Jesus Christ said to them: "O, meaningless, and slow (not sensitive) with a heart to believe everything that the prophets predicted! Didn't it be enough to suffer from Christ and enter our glory?" And he became, ranging from Moses, explain to them from all the prophets said about him in all Scripture. Pupils were divided. Everything became clear for them. So in the conversation they approached Emmaus. Jesus Christ showed the view that he wants to go further. But they kept him, saying: "Stay with us, because the day has already bent in the evening." Jesus Christ remained with them and entered the house. When he stayed with them at the table, he took her bread, blessed, prevented and filed them. Then they opened their eyes, and they learned Jesus Christ. But he became invisible to them. Such was the fourth phenomenon of the Resurrection Christ. Cleopy and Luke in great joy began to speak to each other: "Isn't the happy heart of our heart, when he told us on the road and when I express our Scripture?" After that, they immediately got up because of the table and, despite the late time, went back to Jerusalem to the disciples. Returning to Jerusalem, they entered the house where all the apostles and others were gathered, except for the Apostle Thomas. They all happily met Cleopa and Luka and said that the Lord truly resurrected and appeared simon Peter. And Cleop and Luke were told in turn, about what happened to them on the way to Emmaus, as the Lord himself went with them and talked, and how he was recognized by them in the refraction of bread.

They learned Jesus Christ. But he became invisible to them

16 , 12-13; from Luke, ch. 24 , 18-35.

Jesus Christ's phenomenon to all apostles and other students except the Apostle Thomas

When the apostles talked with the students returned from Emmaus, "Cole and Luko, and the doors of the house where they were locked, from the fear of Jews, suddenly Jesus Christ himself became in the midst of them and said to them:" peace to you".

They were embarrassed and frightened, thinking that they would see the Spirit.

But Jesus Christ said to them: "What is embarrassed, and for what such thoughts are in your hearts? Look at my hands and my feet, it's myself; let's talk (go) me and consider; because the spirit of flesh and bones does not have, As you can see with me. "

Having said it, he showed them hands, and legs, and their ribs. Pupils were delighted, seeing the Lord. From joy, they still did not believe and were divided.

To strengthen them in faith, Jesus Christ said to them: "Do you have any food here?"

The disciples filed a part of the baked fish and cellular honey.

Jesus Christ took all this and ate in front of them. Then he said to them: "Here, now, what I told you about, even when I was with you, that it should be fulfilled by everything written about me in the law by Moses, and the prophets, and in Psalms."

Then the Lord is rejected by the mind of the Scriptures, i.e., gave them the ability to understand Holy Bible. Finishing his conversation with students, Jesus Christ eventually told them: " peace to you! As my father sent me to the world, so I send you". Having said this, the Savior renowned on them, and tells them:" take the Holy Spirit. Who forgive sins, wait for (from God); on com leave (sins were unreasonable), there will remain on that".

It was the fifth phenomenon of Lord Jesus Christ on the first day of his glorious resurrection.

His great inexpressive joy delivered to all students. Only Thomas, from among the twelve apostles, called the twin, was not at the same time. When students began to tell him that they saw the resurrection of the Lord, Thomas said to them: "If I can't see his wounds from nails, and I will not put a finger (fingers) of mine in these wounds, and I will not put my hands in his rib, That will not believe. "

Note: See Gospel: From Mark, Ch. 16 , fourteen; from Luke, ch. 24 , 36-45; from John, ch. 20 , 19-25.

Jesus Christ's phenomenon Apostle Fome and other apostles

A week later, on the eighth day after the resurrection of Christ, the students again gathered together into the house, and Thomas were with them. The doors were locked, as the first time. Jesus Christ entered the house when closed doors, I became in the midst of students and said: " Peace to you!"

Then, by contacting the Fome, he says to him: "Feed your finger here and see my hands, give your hand and put my hand in the ribs; and do not be unbelieving, but believer."

Then the Apostle Thoma exclaimed: My Lord and my God!"

Jesus Christ said to him: " you believed because I saw me, but the blessed are those who have not seen and believed".

20 , 26-29.

The phenomenon of Jesus Christ students with the sea Tiberiage and the restoration of the reinforced Peter in the apostle

According to the command of Jesus Christ, his disciples went to Galilee. There, the eyes took up their everyday affairs. Once, Peter, Thomas, Nathanail (Bartholomew), Sons of Zezrecedheev (Jacob and John) and two others from the disciples all night were caught fish in the Tiberia Sea (Genisaret Lake) and did not catch anything. And when the morning came, Jesus Christ stood on the shore. But the disciples did not recognize it.

View of Tiberias (Galilee) Sea
from Capernahauma

Jesus Christ said to them: "Children! Do you have any food?"

They replied: "No".

Then Jesus Christ said to them: "Throw the network on the right side of the boat and catch."

The disciples threw the network on the right side of the boat and could no longer pull it out of the water from a variety of fish.

Then John says Peter: "This is the Lord."

Peter, having heard that this is the Lord, joined clothes, because he was striking, and rushed into the sea, and swam to the shore, to Jesus Christ. And other disciples sailed in a boat, tackling the network with fishing, since they were not far from the shore. When they went ashore, they saw the laid fire and on it lying fish and bread.

Jesus Christ says to the disciples: "Bring the fish that you are now caught."

Peter went and pulled the network to the ground, filled big fishwho were one hundred fifty-three; And with such a variety, the network did not break through.

After that, Jesus Christ tells them: "Come, dinner."

And none of the students dares to ask him: "Who are you?" Knowing that this is the Lord.

Jesus Christ took bread and gave them, also fish.

During the dinner, Jesus Christ showed Peter that he forgives his renunciation and builds him again the title of his apostle. Peter his renunciation sinned more than other students, so the Lord asks him: "Simon Ionin! Do you love me more than they (other students)?"

Peter replied to him: "So, Lord, you know that I love you."

Jesus Christ tells him: "Pasi Lamb of My".

Then again, for the second time, Jesus Christ said Peter: "Simon Ionin! Do you love me?"

Peter answered again: "So, Lord, you know that I love you."

Jesus Christ tells him: "Pasi Sheep My".

And finally, in the third time, the Lord says Peter: "Simon Ionin! Do you love me?"

Peter saddened that the Lord asked him for the third time: "Do you love me?", And he told him: "Lord! You know everything; you know that I love you."

Jesus Christ and tells him: "Pasi Sheep My".

So the Lord helped Peter three times to upline his three-year renunciation from Christ, and witness about his love for him. After each answer, his Jesus Christ returns him, with other apostles, the title of Apostolic (makes the shepherd of his sheep).

After that, Jesus Christ says Peter: "True, truly tell you: when you were young, I was presented myself and went, where I wanted; and when you're up then shoot your handsAnd the other led you, and will lead to where you do not want. "These words the Savior gave Peter, what he will glorify God - will take the martyrdom for Christ (crucifix). Having said all this, Jesus Christ says to him:" Go for me. "

Peter, turned around, saw John walking behind him. Pointing to him, Peter asked: "Lord! And what?"

Jesus Christ said to him: "If I want him to be as long as I come, then you are before? You go for me."

Then rumored rumors between the students, that John would not die, although Jesus Christ said that.

Note: see the Gospel of John, Ch. 21.

Jesus Christ the Apostles and more than five students

Then, on the command of Jesus Christ, eleven apostles gathered on one grief in Galilee. There were more than five hundred students. There, Jesus Christ appeared before everyone. Seeing him, they bowed; And some doubted.

Jesus Christ came up and said: "Every power is given to me in the sky and on earth. So, go, teach all the peoples (my teachings), kresti them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit; Teach them to keep everything I commanded you. And now I will be with you all the days before the condation of the century. Amen".

Then separately Jesus Christ appeared yet Jacob.

So in continued forty dayson the resurrection of his Jesus Christ, he was his disciples, with many faithful evidence of his resurrection, and talked with them about the kingdom of God.

Note: See Gospel: Matthew, Ch. 28 , 16-20; from Mark, ch. 16 , 15-16; See the 1st Epistle AP. Paul K. Corinth., Ch. 15 , 6-8; See in the Acts of SWV. Apostles Ch. 1 , 3.

Christ is Risen!

Great event - Light Christ Sunday Celebrated St. Orthodoxy Church as the greatest of all holidays. These are holidays holiday and celebration from celebrations. This holiday is called still Embrella, that is, in the afternoon, in which our resting from death to life and from the earth to the sky. The feast of the Resurrection of Christ continues for a whole week (7 days) and the service in the temple is performed special, solemn than in all other holidays and days. On the first day of the holiday, the morning begins at midnight. Before starting the utensils of the clergy, having to go into bright clothes, along with believers, with a bell tower, with the armed candles, cross and icons go around the temple (they make a procession), in imitating wives of myrrheans, who went early in the morning of the Savior's coffin. During the procession, everyone sings: The resurrection is yours, Christ SPACE, the angels sing in heaven: And we are on the earth with a pure heart of Slaviti. The initial wretch of the utensils is made before the chosen door of the temple, and the troparps are hung many times: Christ is Risen... and with singing the tropar enter the temple. Worship is committed in all week with open tsarist gates, as a sign that now, by the Resurrection of Christ, are open to all the gates of the Kingdom of God. In all days of this great holiday, we welcome each other fraternal kissing with the words: " Christ is Risen! "And responding words:" Truly resurrected! "Christ and exchanging paints (red) eggs, which serve as a symbol of a new, blissful life, which opened from the coffin of the Savior. All week call in all the bells. Starting from the first day of St. Easter to the evening of the History of St. Trinity of the Crankshafts and the Earth Powers to believe Price

Tuesday of St. Church closest after the Easter week, dividing the decendment of the Resurrection of Christ with the dead in the hope of the universal resurrection, especially creates the fussy of the dead, because this day is called " Radonitsa". Commune Liturgy and Ecumenical Panhid is committed. It has long been taken on this day to visit the graves of their neighbors.

In addition, the Day of Resurrection of Christ is remembered by each week - on Sunday.

Farmer holiday Easter.

Christ is resurrected from the dead, death Death, and the belly of the belly, approving.

Christ was risen from the dead, death defeating death and giving life to those in coffins, i.e., dead.


Rissed, came to life; before - winning; by the Gobrome - located in coffins, deceased people; belly underwent- Life giving.

Kondak Easter holiday.

Easter holiday chants.

Angel exclaimed the gracious (Mother of God): Pure Virgo, rejoice! And I say again: Rejoice! Your son rose from the coffin on the third day after death and resurrected the dead: people, having fun!

Split, glorify the Christian church, because over to you, the fame of the Lord: the triumph is now and have fun! You, pure the Mother of God, rejoice about the resurrection of you born.

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The execution of the crucifixion on the cross was Self shame, he painfully and brutally sick. That was executed in those times of only the most unfinished villains: robbers, murderers, rebels and criminal slaves. The torment of the crucified person is impossible to describe. In addition to unbearable pain in all parts of the body and suffering, the crucified experienced terrible thirst and deadly mental longing. Death was so slow that many suffered on crosses for several days. Even executors of execution, - usually, people cruel, - could not coolly look at the suffering of crucified. They prepared the beings that were trying or squeezed by the unbearable thirst for them, or an admixture of different substances temporarily comprehend the consciousness and relieve flour. According to the Jewish law, hanged on the tree was considered damned. The bosses of the Jewish wanted to disgrace Jesus Christ forever, who was afraid of such death.

When Jesus Christ was led to Calvary, then the warriors filed him to drink sour wines mixed with bitter substances to alleviate suffering. But the Lord, having tried, did not want to drink it. He did not want to consume any means to relieve suffering. These suffering, he accepted voluntarily for the sins of people; Therefore, I wanted to transfer them to the end.

When everything was cooked, the warriors crucified Jesus Christ. It was about noon, Jewish in the 6th hour of the day. When he crucified him, he prayed for his tormentors, saying: "Father! Forgive them because they do not know what they are doing. "

Next to Jesus Christ crucified two villains (robbers), one according to the right, and the other on the left side of him. So it turned out the prediction of the Prophet Isaiah, who said: "And to the villains, it was concluded" ().

According to Pilate's order, the head of Jesus Christ was brought to the cross, meaning his guilt. It was written in Jewish, in Greek and in Roman: " Jesus Norazhai King Jewish"And many read it. This inscription did not like the enemies of Christ. Therefore, the high priests came to the Pilate and said: "Do not write: the king of the Jewish, but write what he said: I am the king of Judaian."

But Pilate replied: "What I wrote, I wrote."

Meanwhile, warriors who have reached Jesus Christ, took his clothes and began to share between them. The upper clothes they broke into four parts, each warrior in part. Chiton (lower clothes) was not stitched, but all woven up to bottom. Then they said to each other: "I will not tease him, and throw lots about him, who will get." And throwing lots, the warriors sitting, erased the place of execution. So, and here the ancient prophecy of King David came true: "My rises were divided between him, and my lots thrown about the clothes" ().

The enemies did not cease to insult Jesus Christ and on the cross. They, passing, groomed and, nodding their heads, said: "E! Destroying the temple and at three days creating! Save yourself. If you are the Son of God, go from the cross. "

Also, the high priests, scribes, elders and Pharisees, mocking, said: "Others saved, and he could not save himself. If he is Christ, the king of Israel, let him come down from the cross so that we see, and then we will take it into it. Personal on God; Let God now save his God if he is pleasing to him; After all, he said: I am God's Son. "

According to their example, the pagan warriors who sat at the crosses and erased crucified, mocking, said: "If you're king Jewish, save yourself."

Even one of the crucified robbers, which was to the left of the Savior, gloomped him and said: "If you are Christ, save yourself and us."

The other robber, on the contrary, leaned it and said: "Or are you not afraid of God, when and himself sentenced to the same (that is, for the same flour and death)? But we are condemned right, because our decent on business accepted, and he did not do anything thin. " Having said it, he turned to Jesus Christ with prayer: " roman me (remember me), Lord when you attain in the kingdom!"

The merciful Savior accepted the heart repentance of this sinner, which showed such a marvelous faith in him, and answered the prudent robber: " true I tell you today you will be with me in paradise".

With the Cross of the Savior stood his mother, the apostle John, Maria Magdalene and a few more women who wured him. It is impossible to describe the grief of the Mother of God, who saw the unbearable torment of his son!

Jesus Christ, seeing his mother and John here, who was especially loved, says his mother: " Women! here's your son" Then says John: " here's your mother" From that time, John took the Mother of God to his house and cared for her until the end of her life.

Meanwhile, during the sufferings of the Savior on Calvary, a great sign occurred. From the same time as the Savior was crucified, i.e. from the sixth hour (and in our account from the twelfth hour of the day), the sun focused and the darkness came across the earth, and continued until the ninth hour (in our account until the third hour of the day) , i.e. until the death of the Savior.

This extraordinary, World Darkness was noted by the pagan writers-historians: Roman astronomer Phlegont, Fallom and Young African. The famous philosopher from Athens, Dionysius Areopagitis, was at this time in Egypt, in the city of Heliopole; Watching a sudden darkness, said: "Or the Creator will be guarded, or the world is destroyed." Subsequently, Dionysius Areopagitis adopted Christianity and was the first Athenian bishop.

St. The Cross of Christ is St. The altar, in which the Son of God, - Our Lord, brought himself sacrificing for the sins of the world.

Many celebrate Easter. Many do not celebrate.

But what really happened in those 3 days?

Christ died for all mankind. And resurrected.

It is a fact. Let's study this fact in detail.

After all, one thing, just hearing the "Christ Risen". It becomes like a speech that is no longer perceived by rumor. And another thing is to know for sure that Christ died and risen for us.

To make sure this more detailed, I decided to write an article with a detailed study of the Greek original, which is written. And also with a scientific substantiation of what actually happened in those memorable 3 days in the 1st century from the Nativity of Christ.

Chronologically what happened

Jesus was convicted at 33 years old.

He was crucified. In those days, the crucifixion was a terrible punishment, which was appointed only for the most serious crimes.

What is crucifix in fact?


Nails 15-20 cm long ( medium length palm of adult)

Nails were driven into the wrists, and not in the palm. Otherwise, the palms would be broken by body weight. And so convicted could hang on the cross.

The wrist is a tendon associated with the shoulder. And a nail that went down, tearing a tendon.

Jesus was forced to hold his body on one nail. These nails were brown by both his feet to the cross.

Nevertheless, the feet could not keep his body without breaking. Therefore, he had to alternate the support on the feet, with a support on his hands.

The crucifix process itself lasted a few hours.

Then Jesus endured another 3 hours.


The air was supplanted from the lightweight body weight. Therefore, Jesus had to use all the strength to breathe.


Blood from the body of Jesus. A few minutes before death, he stopped bleeding. There is no blood drops in the body. From his wounds flowed water.

Joan.19: 34. But one of the warriors pierced him the ribs, and the blood and water immediately expired.

The body of an adult contains approximately 3.5 liters of blood. Jesus shed all the blood, to the last drop.


Path on Golgotha

Jesus passed a hard path on Calvary. Beaten, he carried a cross weighing 30 kg almost 2 kilometers.

What's the point of this?

After crucifying Jesus Christ died on the cross. And was transferred to the tomb.

The tomb of Jesus

His Spirit descended into hell. And his flesh was in the tomb.

  • Jesus voluntarily sacrificed himself. He caused the Testament of God with a man.

Religion contributed to progress, and without religious teachers there would be no transformation of worldview, wonderful healing, would not appear to be unconditional faith in God. - Pipple figure in the development of mankind, and whatever feelings it caused, the canonical history about life on earth and crucifixion of Jesus Christ knows the majority.

short biography

Jesus Christ - Spiritual leader with 52 levels of development. Born on January 7, 4 years BC. Lived 158 years old, left on May 27, 154. Was embodied for the Great Mission - to create a new teaching, new faith, bring the law of love and save millions of human souls.

After crucifixion and resurrection Higher power Forbidden Jesus to engage in sermons, he fully fulfilled his mission.

there is alternative sourceswho, without refuting the lives, somewhat specify, expand the ideas about what happened to Christ in fact. Thanks to these revelations (), we can find out in detail how the crucifixion of Jesus Christ happened, and what day he was resurrected.

Crucifixion of Jesus Christ

Calvary. Initially, Calvary called a small elevation near Jerusalem, which received its name for similarity with the shape of the skull. Later, the criminals began to execute on the mountain, and after the crucifixion on it, the Son of God's word "Calvary" began to be used in an allegorizing sense. "Everyone has its own Calvary," means that every person has to undergo heavy trials.

Today we know about the crucifixions of Christ more thanks to the revelations of the highest strength, which communicate with the highly in humans devoting them to the secrets of the world. Light forces helped to fully restore the sequence of events of the execution of Christ and clarify the moments that nothing was said in the Bible.

A little bit about cooking. On Calvary before execution, where the cross was put on the Tumba, which was nailed later to the cross. For what?

First, so that the cross does not swear and did not fall, and the second moment is to support the legs of a crucible person. The last action was not facilitated by the fate, but on the contrary, extended the torment. After all, not all criminals sentenced to death penaltyFor some, the crucifixion was only the redemption of sins and a few days later, if a person was not dying, he was released.

How did the crucifixion of Jesus Christ? For Jesus Christ, it was not overlooking, it was crucified by 4 nails without the right to pardon. The Bible states that the crucified Jesus instructed and consoled people. This is not true. The pain from the nails was so terrible that there was no strength to talk, he could only alleviate the torment, introducing himself to an anabiosa, silently turning away from the drinks proposed by the guards, facilitating suffering.

In the Gospels it is said that the guards divided the clothes of Jesus, throwing the lot among themselves. However, there is inaccuracy here. It is difficult to call the clothes of a piece of matter, covering Cresll of Christ. He had nothing to share, only a gardened bandage - who is unlikely to have encouraged it.

The crowd observing the execution was configured in different ways. Pharisees mumbled, the high priests and elders shouted: "Others saved, and he himself could not save." One robber, crucified at the same time as Jesus - Yazvil him, the other - on the contrary, said that the Son of God did not do anything "thin." Both robbers were released in the morning, and from the head of Jesus the soldiers who guarded him, only removed the thorns and allowed women to drink it.

The Bible says that his mother Maria, her sister and Maria Magdalene were nearby, but this is a delusion. The mother was not there, she only premonish that the trouble happened to her son, but I did not see execution.

Resurrection of Christ

The Bible colorfully describes the moment of death of Christ, his voice, facing Ilia about salvation, and the gloating remarks of the gathered laity that the help did not come. In Scripture, it tells how nature rebelled when Jesus stopped breathing, and how the priests had to strengthen near the cross, having afraid that people would rise and rinse the martyr.

According to the rules after the man died on the cross, the soldier was obliged to pierce the body with a spear. When this was done with Jesus, it was not black, curled blood from his wound, and Alaus, who told that Jesus was still alive. People who noticed this were silent, not becoming pointing to this fact than and saved him from death.

On April 19, on Friday, Pontius Pilate made it possible to remove the body of Christ for burial at the request of Joseph Arifames, even without taking a fee from him. When the latter returned to the place of execution, an elder was located near the martyr, who asked the Sotnik not to interrupt the Knees of Christ, so as not to spoil the body of a respected man, as I felt that Jesus was still alive. Sottente from compassion did not make such a monstrous procedure, and the body was transferred to the burial.

The legal version knows most, but the highest forces talk about the resurrection otherwise, more believable and logical, because a clear answer, on what day Jesus is survived after crucifix, in the Bible (he died on Friday, and the resurrection occurred on Sunday, but this is the second, and not the third day).

Secret students, Nicodem and Joseph Arifames, moved the body of Jesus to the last sylor of the latter. For 4 hours, they spent the necessary procedures over the body: washed, wrapped with bandages impregnated with oils and balms, so that the wounds heal, and finally - in the shroud. Roman soldiers were convinced that the burial rite was performed according to the rules, closed the inlet of the stone and sealed it.

In fact, Joseph Arifames, in whose tomb was allowed to get buried Jesus, knew a secret passage in the tomb, which was on the opposite side of the spring. The next day, Joseph with Nicodemus spangled to the crypt, they freed Jesus from the bandages, drove out wine and a lifeful herbal balm, fed with honey. Then the threesome came out of the tomb only by the famous path, and Jesus decided to visit his guards.

By coincidence, nature was on the side of the martyr, a strong thunderstorm began. Thunder and lightning ruined the sky with hard spins, the earth was trembling, the rain was lilated by a wall. Against the background of the earth cataclysm thin, it is not clear where the figure in the bright Balahon, which was taking a soldier guarding the tomb in an indescribable horror.

They remembered the words of Jesus about the resurrection and thought that this angel came for their souls to punish for involvement in the execution of Christ. In fear of security, I was running out, and Jesus pushed the stone, closing the entrance to the cave, folded the shroud on the bed, closed the entrance, without damaging the seal, and retired with friends. The thunderstorm did not leave any hints that the tomb was discovered, and the fear and feeling of guards were drawn in their imagination a mystical picture.

Jesus stopped at a friend Joseph Arifames, and Magdalene with the maid of Maria helped to mislead the rest of the people. They went to the tomb and told the guards that Jesus was resurrected and should not be expected, and the Apostle Andrei passed the words of Joseph that the Son of God would wait for students in Galilee.

The guards seen that the seal on the stone closing the entrance, not touched. They pushed their support, entered the room, but it turned out to be empty, only the strips of the fabric with the loafa lay casually on the floor. Guardians embraced a stupor, they did not know what to do next. Maria Magdalene reached other students of Jesus and told what happened. No one believed on the word, everyone wanted to make sure the miracle and stretched to the cave. The girl decided not to leave the place of events to listen to people talking about. The reservoir, (later known, as Turin) passed the Mother of Christ, and friends whispered to her that her son was alive and she would see him with him.

Jesus did not appear near the cave, and having rested a couple of days, went to Galilee to meet with students. In Galilee, he entered the house under the cover of Night, where his companions gathered, and said: "Peace to you!". Night, the candle flame made the appearance of a teacher mysterious. No one believed that there was a living person in front of them, and not bringing. Jesus reassured students, offering doubters to approach, to see the wounds, touch him. Then Jesus asked to eat and looked off with all the fish and honey, uttered: "Everything happened as it was prophesy."

After the meal, he warned that the students remain in Jerusalem did not go and did not follow him. Nobody mumbled, everyone was awkwardly, shame that did not resist the arrest of the righteous, did not help him during the execution, did not believe the words.

Jesus himself forgave everyone and headed in Bethy to see his mother. The remaining life lived in Gaul, doing the prey and processing of gold.

The execution of the crucifixion on the cross was the most shameful, most painful and cruel. Such a death was executed in those days of only the most revealed villains: robbers, murderers, rebels and criminal slaves. The torment of the crucified person is impossible to describe. In addition to unbearable pain in all parts of the body and suffering, the crucified experienced terrible thirst and deadly mental longing. Death was so slow that many suffered on crosses for several days. Even executors of execution, - usually, people cruel, - could not coolly look at the suffering of crucified. They prepared a drink, which they tried or squeezed by an unbearable thirst for them, or an admixture of different substances temporarily computing the consciousness and relieve flour. According to the Jewish law, hanged on the tree was considered damned. The bosses of the Jewish wanted to disgrace Jesus Christ forever, who was afraid of such death. When Jesus Christ was led to Calvary, then the warriors filed him to drink sour wines mixed with bitter substances to alleviate suffering. But the Lord, having tried, did not want to drink it. He did not want to consume any means to relieve suffering. These suffering, he accepted voluntarily for the sins of people; Therefore, I wanted to transfer them to the end.

When everything was cooked, the warriors crucified Jesus Christ. It was about noon, Jewish in the 6th hour of the day. When he painted him, he prayed for his tormentors, saying: "Father! Forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing."

Next to Jesus Christ crucified two villains (robbers), one according to the right, and the other on the left side of him. So it turned out the prediction of the Prophet Isaiah, who said: "And the villains were concluded" (Isa. 53, 12).

According to the orders of Pilate, the head of Jesus Christ was brought to the cross, meaning his guilt. It was written in Jewish, in Greek and in Romans: "Jesus Nazi Tsar Judaisky," and many read it. This inscription did not like the enemies of Christ. Therefore, the high priests came to the Pilate and said: "Do not write: Tsar Jewish, but write what he said: I am the king of the Jewish".

But Pilate replied: "What I wrote, I wrote."

Meanwhile, the warriors who have reached Jesus Christ, took his clothes and began to divide among themselves. The upper clothes they broke into four parts, each warrior in part. Chiton (lower clothes) was not stitched, but all woven up to bottom. Then they said to each other: "I will not tease him, but let's throw lots about him who will get." And throwing lots, the warriors sitting, erased the place of execution. So, and here the ancient prophecy of Tsar David came true: "My rises were divided between them, and about the clothes threw a lot" (Psal. 21, 19).

The enemies did not cease to insult Jesus Christ and on the cross. They, passing, groomed and, nodding their heads, said: "E! The destroying temple and three days creating! Save himself. If you are the Son of God, go from the cross."

Also, the high priests, scribes, elders and Pharisees, mocking, said: "Others saved, and he himself can not save themselves. If he is Christ, the king of Israel, let him come down from the cross so that we saw, and then we will believe in him. He had done ; let God save him, if he is pleasing to him; because he said: I am God's Son. "

According to them and the warriors, the pagans who sat at the crosses and erased the crucified, mocking, said: "If you're king Jewish, save yourself." Even one of the crucified robbers, which was to the left of the Savior, gloomped him and said: "If you are Christ, save yourself and us."

The other robber, on the contrary, was thrown it and said: "Or are you not afraid of God, when and sentenced to the same (i.e. on the same flour and death)? But we are condemned fairly, because our decent on business accepted , And he did not do anything thin. " Having said this, he appealed to Jesus Christ with a prayer: "Looking me (remember me), Lord, when you attain in your kingdom!"

The merciful Savior accepted the heart repentance of this sinner, who showed such a marvelous faith in him, and answered the prudent robber: "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise."

With the Cross of the Savior stood his mother, the apostle John, Maria Magdalene and a few more women who wured him. It is impossible to describe the grief of the Mother of God, who saw the unbearable torment of his son!

Jesus Christ, seeing his mother and John here, who was especially loved, says his mother: "Woman! Here is your son." Then says John: "Here is your mother." From that time, John took the Mother of God to his house and cared for her until the end of her life. Meanwhile, during the sufferings of the Savior on Calvary, a great sign occurred. From that hour, as the Savior was crucified, that is, from the sixth hour (and in our account from the twelfth hour of the day), the sun focused and the darkness came across the land, and continued until the death of the Savior. This extraordinary, World Darkness was noted by the pagan writers-historians: Roman astronomer Phlegont, Fallom and Young African. The famous philosopher from Athens, Dionysius Areopagitis, was at this time in Egypt, in the city of Heliopole; Watching a sudden darkness, said: "Or the Creator will be guarded, or the world is destroyed." Subsequently, Dionysius Areopagitis adopted Christianity and was the first Athenian bishop.

About the ninth hour Jesus Christ exclaimed loudly: "Or, or! Lima Savakhfany!" That is, "My God, my God! Why did you leave me?" These were the initial words from the 21st Psalm of King David, in which David clearly predicted on suffering on the Cross of the Savior. These words, the Lord for the last time reminded people that he is true Christ, the Savior of the world. Some of those who stood on Calvary, having heard these words spoken by the Lord, said: "Here, I can't call him." And others said: "Let's see if Elijah will save him." The Lord Jesus Christ, knowing that everything was already accomplished, said: "thirst". Then one of the warriors ran, took a sponge, wet her with a vinegar, put her on a cane and brought to the awesome lips of the Savior.

Having tasted vinegar, the Savior said: "Made", that is, the promise of God, the salvation of the human race was committed. After that, he said a loud voice: "Father! In your hands, I pretend my spirit." And, won the chapter, betrayed the spirit, that is, died. And so, the curtain in the temple, which closed the holy of saints, was drunk in half, from the upper edge to the lower, and the Earth shook, and the stones were rushed; And the coffins were rejected; And many of the bodies of the deceased saints were resurrected, and, hedge from the coffins on the resurrection he was entered in Jerusalem and were many.

Sottenka (Head of Warriors) and warriors with him who erased a crucified Savior, seeing an earthquake and all that happened to them, frightened and said: "True, this man was the Son of God." And the people, former in crucifixes and saw everything, began to disperse in fear, hitting himself in the chest. Friday evening came. This evening it was necessary to eat Easter. Jews did not want to leave on the crosses of the body crucified until Saturday, because Easter Saturday was considered a great day. Therefore, they asked for a pilaw permission to kill the legs crucified so that they would rather die and could be removed from the crosses. Pilate allowed. Warriors came and killed his legs to robbers. When they approached Jesus Christ, they saw that he was already dead, and therefore he did not kill his heads. But one of the warriors so that no doubt remained in his death, pierced the ribs spear, and blood and water flowed out of the wound.

Note: See Gospel: From Matt., Ch. 27, 33-56; from Mark, ch. 15, 22-41; from Luke, ch. 23, 33-49; from John, ch. 19, 18-37.