Alena Mazur - Sacred architecture of the body. Express method of transformation of the body and internal state

Alena Mazur

Sacred architecture of the body. Express method of transformation of the body and internal state

© Mazur E.A., text, 2017

© Ivashin D.V., photo, 2017

© Fedosenko A.P., photo, 2017

© LLC "Publishing house" E ", 2017


I thank my parents Alexander and Lydia for giving me life and the body in which I live. Mom - for becoming an example in the fact that with age you can become more beautiful and all the time improve and transform. My husband Dmitry Ivashin - for his help and support in creating the book and in life, and for the wonderful photos for this book. I thank my wonderful teachers, whom I had the opportunity to learn personally. There are a lot of them, and I am a pestilence / all cannot be included in this gratitude. These are, first of all, those who changed my outlook and attitude to life - Michael Laitman and Natalie Droen. And those who helped me to develop and shared their experiences and discoveries, taught meditation, movement, beauty and health: Liz Burbo, Tom De Winter, Robert Gerald and Zelka Roksandich, Steve and Barbara Rotter, Lee Carol, Irina Chernikina, Alena Rossoshinskaya, Olga Vereskunova, Vyacheslav Komakha, Valentina Mikhailovna Utkina, Irina Rukavitskaya. To Natalie Droen's students, with whom and with whom I studied. To my students and teachers of the “International School of Sacred Architecture of the Body of Alena Mazur” for their help in describing the methodology and preparing materials: Mila Okada, Galina Dumcheva, Stoika Terzieva, Oksana Listrova, Larisa Pastushok.

1. What is CAT?

Sacred Body Architecture is a practice of physical improvement that returns the body to its natural natural mobility, beauty and health.

Many people think that the word "sacred" has only a divine nature. This is not entirely true. In biology, the term Sacrum means sacrum - that is, the large triangular bone that connects the pelvic bones, tailbone and spine. For us, the word “sacred” means “united”, since we do not consider a person as a “set” of organs, but as a single whole, where each part is connected to another by quite tangible connections.

The Sacred Architecture of the Body teaches a woman at any age to be truly feminine, lively, harmonious, whole, thanks to a conscious, correct understanding of the human structure and relationships within herself.

Sacred Body Architecture is the experience of transforming and holding the body in a new, corrected state through physical exercises, breathing practices and, in some way, spiritual work.

Sacred Body Architecture is the reprogramming of the perception of reality through working with your body and working with consciousness through movement and breathing. This is a whole philosophy of life!

You will be amazed at the results from regular CAT training!

If you start doing CAT with a frequency of just twice a week for one hour, then gradually tangible, qualitative and irreversible changes for the better will begin to occur in your life. You will acquire skills that will eventually become a habit and allow you to get real pleasure from the very process of transforming your body.

Rejuvenation. Is it possible to stop old age

Physical and spiritual rejuvenation is based on the "replacement" of the "aging" program with the "growth" program. To change physically, you need to adjust your inner attitude towards age. After all, youth is a desire to learn, grow, comprehend, be curious, play, keep a little girl in oneself.

The CAT technique allows us to stay young, attractive, healthy and full of energy without dieting, expensive beauty treatments and exhausting workouts.

With its help, we simply learn to keep the body in a natural position: by correctly exposing the skeleton, we gain access to free breathing, blood circulation is normalized, the level of energy increases - our body and soul are reborn, no matter how old we are!

Having learned to build your body in accordance with the laws of nature (to hold your head correctly, put your feet, feel the axes, etc.), you can create harmony within yourself, which is transformed into external beauty at any age.

The main thing is the desire to grow, develop physically and discover new human properties in ourselves - while we do this, we do not grow old, but grow!

“If a person ceases to be attentive to himself, he does not know anything about the inner content of his body, about the healing power of breathing, then aging, in the end, takes prisoner - both from the inside and from the outside. Obsolescence is a normal phenomenon for all living things, but it should not lead to crumpledness and ugliness, Natalie Droen is sure. - A woman should not grow old and exhausted without controlling herself, without protecting her physical and spiritual health. Otherwise, over the years, everyday life will completely press it to the ground, and aging will destroy it completely. But a woman can constantly be reborn! And after 40 years, and after 50, as well as in my 86 years - there can be a new round and flourishing! "

Weight loss or why are we getting fat?

Our body in space strives for stability and balance. If the foot is not standing correctly or the knees are not located in the axes (go in or out), the hips or pelvis are displaced to one side, then our body begins to accumulate water in those places that balance the imbalance in the position of the body in space in order to provide the necessary stability ... If we slouch, for example, then our ribs begin to squeeze the internal organs, as a result of which the body turns on the mode of their protection and accumulates water in the abdomen to protect the internal organs from strong compression. Accordingly, if we learn to correctly position our body in space (feet, knees, hips, pelvis); we will control the position of the back, shoulders, neck and head; we will acquire a healthy habit of sitting, standing, walking correctly - our body will no longer need to create a protective ballast from fluid throughout the body, which will gradually lead to a significant decrease in the total mass and excess volume in problem areas of women.

Also, the study of its properties will help in the matter of adjusting weight. For example, if you are a person inclined to accumulate a wide variety of information, accustomed to keep in mind a lot of facts, numbers, etc., your body is also forced to accumulate a large amount of fluid in its tissues, since water is a kind of depot for storing any data ... In this case, I will advise you to "merge" information on any media (electronic, paper) and store it there, not to keep too much in your head, which will eventually get rid of excess water and, accordingly, body weight and volume. Not only the accumulation of information, but also the tendency to accumulate a variety of things (buy, collect, store in large quantities) can also contribute to weight gain. A person with this property also accumulates inside himself (liquid, body fat and others) "just in case." One of interesting ways to cope with the consequences of the inclination to hoarding is to give tithing or some part of things / money to charity, and anonymously. In this case, the property "greed" is replaced by "generosity" (see chapter "Properties").

If problems with body weight are associated with overeating, then it is necessary to track the deficit of what pleasures from life we \u200b\u200bseize (sex, family, self-realization, and much more). To cope with the lack of emotions, sensations and experiences, which we confuse with hunger and try to drown in cakes and buns, it is necessary to start making lists of where else, besides food, we can enjoy ourselves. This can be, for example, a hot scented bath with candles; an interesting movie or book; just pleasant communication with a creative person, etc.

Do not forget that obese people most often have problems with the lower back (spinal bending), which not only impedes freedom of movement, but also makes the passage of vital energy problematic, and this is a vicious circle that CAT techniques will help to cope with. By studying your body, its structure, its properties, you can answer yourself the question why you have excess weight, and learn to fill the body with more than food.

Harmonious silhouette is the basis of health

Not only weight, but also body proportions can be significantly corrected using the CAT technique: change the shape of the arms, legs, abdomen; significantly reduce the waist; visually increase the volume of the breast.

Reduce the size of the hips by changing the position of the pelvic bones, and the waist as a result of acquiring a new skill to correctly position the ribs.

You will very soon begin to admire your belly, strengthening the abdominal muscles with special exercises and lengthening the muscles of the lower back.

Current page: 1 (total of the book has 5 pages) [available passage for reading: 1 pages]

Alena Mazur
Sacred architecture of the body. Express method of transformation of the body and internal state

© Mazur E.A., text, 2017

© Ivashin D.V., photo, 2017

© Fedosenko A.P., photo, 2017

© LLC "Publishing house" E ", 2017


I thank my parents Alexander and Lydia for giving me life and the body in which I live. Mom - for becoming an example in the fact that with age you can become more beautiful and all the time improve and transform. My husband Dmitry Ivashin - for his help and support in creating the book and in life, and for the wonderful photos for this book. I thank my wonderful teachers, whom I had the opportunity to learn personally. There are a lot of them, and I am a pestilence / all cannot be included in this gratitude. These are, first of all, those who changed my outlook and attitude to life - Michael Laitman and Natalie Droen. And those who helped me to develop and shared their experiences and discoveries, taught meditation, movement, beauty and health: Liz Burbo, Tom De Winter, Robert Gerald and Zelka Roksandich, Steve and Barbara Rotter, Lee Carol, Irina Chernikina, Alena Rossoshinskaya, Olga Vereskunova, Vyacheslav Komakha, Valentina Mikhailovna Utkina, Irina Rukavitskaya. To Natalie Droen's students, with whom and with whom I studied. To my students and teachers of the “International School of Sacred Architecture of the Body of Alena Mazur” for their help in describing the methodology and preparing materials: Mila Okada, Galina Dumcheva, Stoika Terzieva, Oksana Listrova, Larisa Pastushok.

1. What is CAT?

Sacred Body Architecture is a practice of physical improvement that returns the body to its natural natural mobility, beauty and health.

Many people think that the word "sacred" has only a divine nature. This is not entirely true. In biology, the term Sacrum means sacrum - that is, the large triangular bone that connects the pelvic bones, tailbone and spine. For us, the word “sacred” means “united”, since we do not consider a person as a “set” of organs, but as a single whole, where each part is connected to another by quite tangible connections.

The Sacred Architecture of the Body teaches a woman at any age to be truly feminine, lively, harmonious, whole, thanks to a conscious, correct understanding of the human structure and relationships within herself.

Sacred Body Architecture is the experience of transforming and holding the body in a new, corrected state through physical exercises, breathing practices and, in some way, spiritual work.

Sacred Body Architecture is the reprogramming of the perception of reality through working with your body and working with consciousness through movement and breathing. This is a whole philosophy of life!

You will be amazed at the results from regular CAT training!

If you start doing CAT with a frequency of just twice a week for one hour, then gradually tangible, qualitative and irreversible changes for the better will begin to occur in your life. You will acquire skills that will eventually become a habit and allow you to get real pleasure from the very process of transforming your body.

Rejuvenation. Is it possible to stop old age

Physical and spiritual rejuvenation is based on the "replacement" of the "aging" program with the "growth" program. To change physically, you need to adjust your inner attitude towards age. After all, youth is a desire to learn, grow, comprehend, be curious, play, keep a little girl in oneself.

The CAT technique allows us to stay young, attractive, healthy and full of energy without dieting, expensive beauty treatments and exhausting workouts.

With its help, we simply learn to keep the body in a natural position: by correctly exposing the skeleton, we gain access to free breathing, blood circulation is normalized, the level of energy increases - our body and soul are reborn, no matter how old we are!

Having learned to build your body in accordance with the laws of nature (to hold your head correctly, put your feet, feel the axes, etc.), you can create harmony within yourself, which is transformed into external beauty at any age.

The main thing is the desire to grow, develop physically and discover new human properties in ourselves - while we do this, we do not grow old, but grow!

“If a person ceases to be attentive to himself, he does not know anything about the inner content of his body, about the healing power of breathing, then aging, in the end, takes prisoner - both from the inside and from the outside. Obsolescence is a normal phenomenon for all living things, but it should not lead to crumpledness and ugliness, Natalie Droen is sure. - A woman should not grow old and exhausted without controlling herself, without protecting her physical and spiritual health. Otherwise, over the years, everyday life will completely press it to the ground, and aging will destroy it completely. But a woman can constantly be reborn! And after 40 years, and after 50, as well as in my 86 years - there can be a new round and flourishing! "

Weight loss or why are we getting fat?

Our body in space strives for stability and balance. If the foot is not standing correctly or the knees are not located in the axes (go in or out), the hips or pelvis are displaced to one side, then our body begins to accumulate water in those places that balance the imbalance in the position of the body in space in order to provide the necessary stability ... If we slouch, for example, then our ribs begin to squeeze the internal organs, as a result of which the body turns on the mode of their protection and accumulates water in the abdomen to protect the internal organs from strong compression. Accordingly, if we learn to correctly position our body in space (feet, knees, hips, pelvis); we will control the position of the back, shoulders, neck and head; we will acquire a healthy habit of sitting, standing, walking correctly - our body will no longer need to create a protective ballast from fluid throughout the body, which will gradually lead to a significant decrease in the total mass and excess volume in problem areas of women.

Also, in the matter of adjusting weight, the study of its properties will also help. For example, if you are a person inclined to accumulate a wide variety of information, accustomed to keep in mind a lot of facts, numbers, etc., your body is also forced to accumulate a large amount of fluid in its tissues, since water is a kind of depot for storing any data. ... In this case, I would advise you to "merge" information on any media (electronic, paper) and store it there, not to keep too much in your head, which will eventually get rid of excess water and, accordingly, body weight and volume. Not only the accumulation of information, but also the tendency to accumulate a variety of things (buy, collect, store in large quantities) can also contribute to weight gain. A person with this property also accumulates inside himself (liquid, fat deposits, etc.) "just in case." One interesting way to deal with the consequences of hoarding tendencies is to give tithes or some of your belongings / money to charity, and anonymously. In this case, the property “greed” is replaced by “generosity” (see the chapter “Properties”).

If problems with body weight are associated with overeating, then it is necessary to track the deficit of what pleasures from life we \u200b\u200bseize (sex, family, self-realization, and much more). To cope with the lack of emotions, sensations and experiences, which we confuse with hunger and try to drown in cakes and buns, it is necessary to start making lists of where else, besides food, we can enjoy ourselves. This can be, for example, a hot scented bath with candles; an interesting movie or book; just pleasant communication with a creative person, etc.

Do not forget that obese people most often have problems with the lower back (spinal bending), which not only impedes freedom of movement, but also makes the passage of vital energy problematic, and this is a vicious circle that CAT techniques will help to cope with. By studying your body, its structure, its properties, you can answer yourself the question of why you are overweight, and learn to fill your body not only with food.

Harmonious silhouette is the basis of health

Not only weight, but also body proportions can be significantly corrected using the CAT technique: change the shape of the arms, legs, abdomen; significantly reduce the waist; visually increase the volume of the breast.

Reduce the size of the hips by changing the position of the pelvic bones, and the waist as a result of acquiring a new skill to correctly position the ribs.

You will very soon begin to admire your belly, strengthening the abdominal muscles with special exercises and lengthening the muscles of the lower back.

The chest will become visually larger using the technique of "bringing the ribs together and up" and correct location shoulders - this will improve posture in general.

The "flaccid" triceps, which worries many women, can also be brought into excellent tone by learning how to properly hold the elbows and wrists.


In addition to significantly improving general well-being, as a result of regular exercise, we will be able to eliminate stoop and other curvature of the spine, improve the functioning of internal organs and systems, and also get rid of chronic diseases. This technique will help to restore optimal metabolism, normalize blood pressure, and make the general emotional state stable.

And most importantly, we will learn to hear our body in order to recognize alarm bells and prevent the development of certain diseases. In the process of training, we will restore the natural skill to understand our body, read what it signals us, and take care of it not from time to time, but constantly.

In our body, everything is interconnected: the internal state and appearance, mood and well-being.

It is impossible to heal the body by dealing with symptoms alone.

It is necessary to work with the whole complex system.

The relationship between internal state and external location

It is very important to realize that there is a direct relationship between how I feel and how my body is positioned. At our will, we can change the “bad” state to “necessary / desired / good” with the help of breathing and special positioning of the body. Only by changing the posture, we can literally in a matter of seconds “turn” into another person: from depressive - into joyful and optimistic, from indecisive - into ready to take responsibility and act.

To do this, it is necessary to study which body positions cause certain states, to listen to what our body "tells" us about ourselves. Thanks to new positions of the body, we will have the opportunity to achieve completely uncharacteristic states or awaken forgotten childhood sensations. We will learn to quickly leave “bad” states and hang out in “good” ones longer.

We study. Trying on. We train.

We transform ourselves with a pose.

Lightness of Being

The law "TOP KEEPING BOTTOM" - (also known as "what's above is below") is fundamental in the Sacred Architecture of the Body.

The head holds the spine, the sacrum holds the legs. We push off the ground and feel light if we do not fall down under the weight of life's problems and negative thoughts.

When we learn to hold our heads correctly (look not into the sky-high distance and not “below the baseboard”, but at the horizon); when we are able to harmoniously distribute weight between the right and left halves of the body; while we will be able to relax our shoulders, tighten our stomach, straighten our hips, lower the sacrum and stand firmly on our feet, then we will feel that Nature itself is holding us in her arms. Our vertical - the spine - is located between heaven and earth, energy flows through it. And if we feel it, then we feel the connection with the outside world. The more stable we stand on our feet in the literal sense, the more confident we feel in society and the more effectively we realize ourselves in life.

Getting on my feet correctly, I feel stability. Now I am able to manage my own life. I feel calm and confident because I am friends with my body.

Sacred breathing

What does it mean to breathe correctly? There is a certain technique that allows you to learn how to usefully inhale and exhale air. Thanks to the CAT breathing exercises, we strengthen the entire respiratory system, increase the volume of the lungs, our breathing becomes deep and conscious, and this, in turn, allows us to relieve stress conditions, nerve clamps, improve the quality of speech and voice timbre, cleanse the lungs, heal diseases of the respiratory tract ...

Preparing for breathing exercises

Fill the air with your favorite scent (you can use essential oils or perfume), ventilate the room, create a pleasant space temperature. Now you can breathe the air like on a seaside vacation - with pleasure, long and delicious! You can close your eyes and imagine a beautiful picture, a place where you breathed with pleasure.

Remember how small children "sniff" the weather. They don't grumble about rain and frost. Rejoice in the air with pleasure in any weather. Let the inhalation grow longer and calmer.

Do not rush to exhale. Do this using the inner properties and sensations: love, tenderness, patience, peace.

Imagine that in space, right in the air, there is energy, strength - everything that you need in this moment... And when you inhale, you can get it all easily.

The exhalation must also be conscious. Imagine not just breathing out carbon dioxide, as we were taught at school, but what you got when inhaling and mixed with everything wonderful that you have inside - with your natural properties (including love, beauty, appeasement, kindness, truth, wisdom, blessing, etc.). And you breathe out all this “Good” with Gratitude - you give good to the world - after all, in fact, there is nothing bad in you, everything bad is just a lack of good, and you cannot breathe out a lack!

Listen to how the body wants to grow with the exhalation. The shoulders will remain in place, and the chest will barely rise. it important point... It will take training in order to learn how to raise the chest as you exhale, instead of lowering it. “Growing up” with each exhalation is a state when you replace aging with growth.

How to lift your chest as you exhale?

We raise and collect the ribs from the sides together and up. First, we include the muscles in the lower abdomen, then the lateral and intercostal muscles. Gradually and gently combine this movement with a calm, smooth exhalation.

On inhalation, you can, on the contrary, lower your chest a little in order to raise it along with exhalation from the bottom of the abdomen. This movement in the body also helps us to stretch the spine. The purpose of such a breathing exercise is to create a new habit: instead of exhaling with a sigh, when “the chest falls on the stomach,” which we do when we are tired or have little and shallow breathing, we exhale with the spine straightened and the chest lifted. So we do not hunch over to old age, but, on the contrary, we train ourselves to constantly stretch out, resisting the forces of gravity.

How to transform body pain into pleasure?

We can use our body in order to understand what exactly we are missing, to find pain and to fill the resulting emptiness or tightness with attention, energy, love and all those sensations that should arise in us instead of emptiness or pain.

If we want to achieve a tangible transformation of the body, we need to become aware of the problem or pain in the body and turn it into pleasure. This can be achieved with the help of the practice of combining attention, breathing and, believe it not, “asking”!

How it works? Pain is always a lack of fulfillment that requires attention. When something hurts, our body sends a signal to the brain that there is a problem in the body. What does a person do upon receiving such a signal?

1. Lives with it as before, especially when the discomfort is not strong, and the pain occurs sporadically (aching back while driving, a little aching wrists when working at the computer). In short, he ignores malaise.

2. Tries to cope with pain.

As a rule, if we choose the first solution - we continue to live the same way as before, there appears chronic illness, which is likely to shorten your life and affect its quality.

If we choose the latter, then the reaction to pain is turning to specialists - doctors who, in our opinion, are able to solve problems. However, recent studies show that most chronic pain is not due to a medical condition that requires medical treatment, but due to stress and physical inactivity. The energy generated in the process of digestion and strong emotional experiences is not spent, but accumulates in some part of our body, in a muscle, for example. Muscle spasm occurs. We are in pain. But medications do not help.

The scientific name for this condition is myofascial syndrome. Doctors treat him with antidepressants. But you can do it yourself. After all, who knows your body better than you? Everyone can manage the resources of their body!

How to deal with such pain on your own? The first thing to do is to find out the source of pain, to understand its nature. We try to listen to ourselves, pay attention to the places where discomfort static or pain when moving.

Having determined what exactly hurts you, it is not necessary to go into the medical atlas and try to understand what is in this place. It is enough just to concentrate attention in the place of pain and to realize this point or zone as a lack of filling. Now, having determined the place of pain, we proceed to the transformation - we fill this area with attention, accompanying correct breathing... Concentrating on trouble spot, it is important to breathe calmly, measuredly and deeply. Do not hold your breath under any circumstances!

The next stage is a request or appeal to God. I will try to explain without using a religious or mystical language, or rather, without becoming attached to any specific system worldview or religion. All people on Earth live in Faith. Even the most inveterate atheists believe that there is no God, therefore, this is their faith. Therefore, we can safely assume that everyone can use the property of Faith.

I mentally turn to God with a request to fill my pain or lack of energy, a necessary property, love.

I don't know why I have this pain. But I want to transform, change so that this pain or lack disappears. The combination of these three elements - attention, breathing and request - is the body's transformation mechanism.

Each time I perform the correct movement, I accompany him with breathing and attention. In case of pain and discomfort, I try to strengthen the concentration of attention in this area, mentally trying to penetrate it deeply enough. I FORM INSIDE A REQUEST to transform pain into pleasure, to fill this place with the desired property and state.

In response, I get a new, changed state of the body. Sometimes right away, sometimes our biological body needs some time to reorganize. It is important after I perform the action of "attention, breathing and request", to express gratitude that the desired effect has already been achieved and my request has been fulfilled, even if I have not yet felt it fully.

Exercising only twice a week, you create a real, working mechanism of conscious control of your body and inner state FOREVER!

Classes do not require special conditions - gym or expensive equipment. You can do the exercises anytime, anywhere.

There are no age and health restrictions.

2. Light exercise that will make you beautiful and desirable

Body axes
The central axis of the body. Vertical

Our legs and arms have duality (left and right), as well as integrity - they are connected in the middle. Between the two parts of the body, which should look "mirrored" and be (as much as possible) symmetrical, there is a vertical that runs along the spine from the crown to the projection between the legs at the level of the feet. To better feel, understand and be aware of how the body is "mirrored" in space and what is the vertical (central axis) that keeps us in symmetry, we explore all other body axes proposed by Natalie Droen (founder of CAT).

Stop axes

We observe cruciformity in the foot. Two axes create this cross, at the intersection of which we feel a special point of contact with the Earth. One axis runs from the "crown of the heel" through the second toe (+/– cm). The second axis runs perpendicular (or almost perpendicular to the first) along the joints between the proximal phalanges and the metatarsal bones (these are the knuckles on which we stand on our toes, provided that the fingers are not pressed to the floor). If we consider the shape of the triangle of the foot, then there will be at least three (or four) such knuckles.

It is very important to "stand" on the ground on both feet, evenly distributing the load.

Do not transfer body weight to the outside or inside of the foot - this can cause the appearance of "bones".

By the way, that's why you shouldn't use high-heeled shoes.

Wearing it leads to incorrect pressure on the foot, which can also lead to pain and curvature of the natural shape of the foot.

Attention! This is an introductory excerpt from the book.

If you like the beginning of the book, then full version can be purchased from our partner - distributor of legal content LLC "Liters".

Alena Mazur

Sacred architecture of the body. Express method of transformation of the body and internal state

© Mazur E.A., text, 2017

© Ivashin D.V., photo, 2017

© Fedosenko A.P., photo, 2017

© LLC "Publishing house" E ", 2017


I thank my parents Alexander and Lydia for giving me life and the body in which I live. Mom - for becoming an example in the fact that with age you can become more beautiful and all the time improve and transform. My husband Dmitry Ivashin - for his help and support in creating the book and in life, and for the wonderful photos for this book. I thank my wonderful teachers, whom I had the opportunity to learn personally. There are a lot of them, and I am a pestilence / all cannot be included in this gratitude. These are, first of all, those who changed my outlook and attitude to life - Michael Laitman and Natalie Droen. And those who helped me to develop and shared their experiences and discoveries, taught meditation, movement, beauty and health: Liz Burbo, Tom De Winter, Robert Gerald and Zelka Roksandich, Steve and Barbara Rotter, Lee Carol, Irina Chernikina, Alena Rossoshinskaya, Olga Vereskunova, Vyacheslav Komakha, Valentina Mikhailovna Utkina, Irina Rukavitskaya. To Natalie Droen's students, with whom and with whom I studied. To my students and teachers of the “International School of Sacred Architecture of the Body of Alena Mazur” for their help in describing the methodology and preparing materials: Mila Okada, Galina Dumcheva, Stoika Terzieva, Oksana Listrova, Larisa Pastushok.

1. What is CAT?

Sacred Body Architecture is a practice of physical improvement that returns the body to its natural natural mobility, beauty and health.

Many people think that the word "sacred" has only a divine nature. This is not entirely true. In biology, the term Sacrum means sacrum - that is, the large triangular bone that connects the pelvic bones, tailbone and spine. For us, the word “sacred” means “united”, since we do not consider a person as a “set” of organs, but as a single whole, where each part is connected to another by quite tangible connections.

The Sacred Architecture of the Body teaches a woman at any age to be truly feminine, lively, harmonious, whole, thanks to a conscious, correct understanding of the human structure and relationships within herself.

Sacred Body Architecture is the experience of transforming and holding the body in a new, corrected state through physical exercises, breathing practices and, in some way, spiritual work.

Sacred Body Architecture is the reprogramming of the perception of reality through working with your body and working with consciousness through movement and breathing. This is a whole philosophy of life!

You will be amazed at the results from regular CAT training!

If you start doing CAT with a frequency of just twice a week for one hour, then gradually tangible, qualitative and irreversible changes for the better will begin to occur in your life. You will acquire skills that will eventually become a habit and allow you to get real pleasure from the very process of transforming your body.

Rejuvenation. Is it possible to stop old age

Physical and spiritual rejuvenation is based on the "replacement" of the "aging" program with the "growth" program. To change physically, you need to adjust your inner attitude towards age. After all, youth is a desire to learn, grow, comprehend, be curious, play, keep a little girl in oneself.

The CAT technique allows us to stay young, attractive, healthy and full of energy without dieting, expensive beauty treatments and exhausting workouts.

With its help, we simply learn to keep the body in a natural position: by correctly exposing the skeleton, we gain access to free breathing, blood circulation is normalized, the level of energy increases - our body and soul are reborn, no matter how old we are!

Having learned to build your body in accordance with the laws of nature (to hold your head correctly, put your feet, feel the axes, etc.), you can create harmony within yourself, which is transformed into external beauty at any age.

The main thing is the desire to grow, develop physically and discover new human properties in ourselves - while we do this, we do not grow old, but grow!

“If a person ceases to be attentive to himself, he does not know anything about the inner content of his body, about the healing power of breathing, then aging, in the end, takes prisoner - both from the inside and from the outside. Obsolescence is a normal phenomenon for all living things, but it should not lead to crumpledness and ugliness, Natalie Droen is sure. - A woman should not grow old and exhausted without controlling herself, without protecting her physical and spiritual health. Otherwise, over the years, everyday life will completely press it to the ground, and aging will destroy it completely. But a woman can constantly be reborn! And after 40 years, and after 50, as well as in my 86 years - there can be a new round and flourishing! "

Alena Mazur

Sacred architecture of the body. Express method of transformation of the body and internal state

© Mazur E.A., text, 2017

© Ivashin D.V., photo, 2017

© Fedosenko A.P., photo, 2017

© LLC "Publishing house" E ", 2017


I thank my parents Alexander and Lydia for giving me life and the body in which I live. Mom - for becoming an example in the fact that with age you can become more beautiful and all the time improve and transform. My husband Dmitry Ivashin - for his help and support in creating the book and in life, and for the wonderful photos for this book. I thank my wonderful teachers, whom I had the opportunity to learn personally. There are a lot of them, and I am a pestilence / all cannot be included in this gratitude. These are, first of all, those who changed my outlook and attitude to life - Michael Laitman and Natalie Droen. And those who helped me to develop and shared their experiences and discoveries, taught meditation, movement, beauty and health: Liz Burbo, Tom De Winter, Robert Gerald and Zelka Roksandich, Steve and Barbara Rotter, Lee Carol, Irina Chernikina, Alena Rossoshinskaya, Olga Vereskunova, Vyacheslav Komakha, Valentina Mikhailovna Utkina, Irina Rukavitskaya. To Natalie Droen's students, with whom and with whom I studied. To my students and teachers of the “International School of Sacred Architecture of the Body of Alena Mazur” for their help in describing the methodology and preparing materials: Mila Okada, Galina Dumcheva, Stoika Terzieva, Oksana Listrova, Larisa Pastushok.

1. What is CAT?

Sacred Body Architecture is a practice of physical improvement that returns the body to its natural natural mobility, beauty and health.

Many people think that the word "sacred" has only a divine nature. This is not entirely true. In biology, the term Sacrum means sacrum - that is, the large triangular bone that connects the pelvic bones, tailbone and spine. For us, the word “sacred” means “united”, since we do not consider a person as a “set” of organs, but as a single whole, where each part is connected to another by quite tangible connections.

The Sacred Architecture of the Body teaches a woman at any age to be truly feminine, lively, harmonious, whole, thanks to a conscious, correct understanding of the human structure and relationships within herself.

Sacred Body Architecture is the experience of transforming and holding the body in a new, corrected state through physical exercises, breathing practices and, in some way, spiritual work.

Sacred Body Architecture is the reprogramming of the perception of reality through working with your body and working with consciousness through movement and breathing. This is a whole philosophy of life!

You will be amazed at the results from regular CAT training!

If you start doing CAT with a frequency of just twice a week for one hour, then gradually tangible, qualitative and irreversible changes for the better will begin to occur in your life. You will acquire skills that will eventually become a habit and allow you to get real pleasure from the very process of transforming your body.

Rejuvenation. Is it possible to stop old age

Physical and spiritual rejuvenation is based on the "replacement" of the "aging" program with the "growth" program. To change physically, you need to adjust your inner attitude towards age. After all, youth is a desire to learn, grow, comprehend, be curious, play, keep a little girl in oneself.

The CAT technique allows us to stay young, attractive, healthy and full of energy without dieting, expensive beauty treatments and exhausting workouts.

With its help, we simply learn to keep the body in a natural position: by correctly exposing the skeleton, we gain access to free breathing, blood circulation is normalized, the level of energy increases - our body and soul are reborn, no matter how old we are!

Having learned to build your body in accordance with the laws of nature (to hold your head correctly, put your feet, feel the axes, etc.), you can create harmony within yourself, which is transformed into external beauty at any age.

The main thing is the desire to grow, develop physically and discover new human properties in ourselves - while we do this, we do not grow old, but grow!

“If a person ceases to be attentive to himself, he does not know anything about the inner content of his body, about the healing power of breathing, then aging, in the end, takes prisoner - both from the inside and from the outside. Obsolescence is a normal phenomenon for all living things, but it should not lead to crumpledness and ugliness, Natalie Droen is sure. - A woman should not grow old and exhausted without controlling herself, without protecting her physical and spiritual health. Otherwise, over the years, everyday life will completely press it to the ground, and aging will destroy it completely. But a woman can constantly be reborn! And after 40 years, and after 50, as well as in my 86 years - there can be a new round and flourishing! "

Weight loss or why are we getting fat?

Our body in space strives for stability and balance. If the foot is not standing correctly or the knees are not located in the axes (go in or out), the hips or pelvis are displaced to one side, then our body begins to accumulate water in those places that balance the imbalance in the position of the body in space in order to provide the necessary stability ... If we slouch, for example, then our ribs begin to squeeze the internal organs, as a result of which the body turns on the mode of their protection and accumulates water in the abdomen to protect the internal organs from strong compression. Accordingly, if we learn to correctly position our body in space (feet, knees, hips, pelvis); we will control the position of the back, shoulders, neck and head; we will acquire a healthy habit of sitting, standing, walking correctly - our body will no longer need to create a protective ballast from fluid throughout the body, which will gradually lead to a significant decrease in the total mass and excess volume in problem areas of women.

Also, in the matter of adjusting weight, the study of its properties will also help. For example, if you are a person inclined to accumulate a wide variety of information, accustomed to keep in mind a lot of facts, numbers, etc., your body is also forced to accumulate a large amount of fluid in its tissues, since water is a kind of depot for storing any data. ... In this case, I would advise you to "merge" information on any media (electronic, paper) and store it there, not to keep too much in your head, which will eventually get rid of excess water and, accordingly, body weight and volume. Not only the accumulation of information, but also the tendency to accumulate a variety of things (buy, collect, store in large quantities) can also contribute to weight gain. A person with this property also accumulates inside himself (liquid, fat deposits, etc.) "just in case." One interesting way to deal with the consequences of hoarding tendencies is to give tithes or some of your belongings / money to charity, and anonymously. In this case, the property “greed” is replaced by “generosity” (see the chapter “Properties”).

If problems with body weight are associated with overeating, then it is necessary to track the deficit of what pleasures from life we \u200b\u200bseize (sex, family, self-realization, and much more). To cope with the lack of emotions, sensations and experiences, which we confuse with hunger and try to drown in cakes and buns, it is necessary to start making lists of where else, besides food, we can enjoy ourselves. This can be, for example, a hot scented bath with candles; an interesting movie or book; just pleasant communication with a creative person, etc.

It is possible to be feminine and harmonious at any age. The book contains a complex simple exercisesthat do not require special training. Just 5 minutes of practice a day will help you become slim, fit and keep your youth for years to come.

The sacred architecture of the body is the most natural and reliable way to your physical, mental and spiritual health. The CAT technique was developed by women for women. How to stand, sit, move correctly so as not to gain weight and grow all your life instead of aging? Answers in the book.

What is CAT?

Sacred Body Architecture is a practice of physical improvement that returns the body to its natural natural mobility, beauty and health.

Many people think that the word "sacred" has only a divine nature. This is not entirely true. In biology, the term Sacrum means sacrum - that is, the large triangular bone that connects the pelvic bones, tailbone and spine. For us, the word “sacred” means “united”, since we do not consider a person as a “set” of organs, but as a single whole, where each part is connected to another by quite tangible connections.

The Sacred Architecture of the Body teaches a woman at any age to be truly feminine, lively, harmonious, whole, thanks to a conscious, correct understanding of the human structure and relationships within herself.

Sacred Body Architecture is an experience of transforming and holding the body in a new, corrected state through physical exercises, breathing practices and, in some way, spiritual work.

Sacred Body Architecture is the reprogramming of the perception of reality through working with your body and working with consciousness through movement and breathing. This is a whole philosophy of life!

You will be amazed at the results from regular CAT training!

If you start doing CAT with a frequency of just twice a week for one hour, then gradually tangible, qualitative and irreversible changes for the better will begin to occur in your life. You will acquire skills that will eventually become a habit and allow you to get real pleasure from the very process of transforming your body.

Rejuvenation. Is it possible to stop old age

Physical and spiritual rejuvenation is based on the "replacement" of the "aging" program with the "growth" program. To change physically, you need to adjust your inner attitude towards age. After all, youth is a desire to learn, grow, comprehend, be curious, play, keep a little girl in oneself.

The CAT technique allows us to stay young, attractive, healthy and full of energy without dieting, expensive beauty treatments and exhausting workouts.

With its help, we simply learn to keep the body in a natural position: by correctly exposing the skeleton, we gain access to free breathing, blood circulation is normalized, the energy level rises - our body and soul are reborn, no matter how old we are!

Having learned to build your body in accordance with the laws of nature (to hold your head correctly, put your feet, feel the axes, etc.), you can create harmony within yourself, which is transformed into external beauty at any age.

The main thing is the desire to grow, develop physically and discover new human properties in ourselves - while we do this, we do not grow old, but grow!

“If a person ceases to be attentive to himself, he does not know anything about the inner content of his body, about the healing power of breathing, then aging, in the end, takes prisoner - both from the inside and from the outside. Obsolescence is a normal phenomenon for all living things, but it should not lead to crumpledness and ugliness, Natalie Droen is sure. - A woman should not grow old and exhausted without controlling herself, without protecting her physical and spiritual health. Otherwise, over the years, everyday life will completely press it to the ground, and aging will destroy it completely. But a woman can constantly be reborn! And after 40 years, and after 50, as in my 86 years - there can be a new round and flourishing! "

Weight loss or why are we getting fat?

Our body in space strives for stability and balance. If the foot is not standing correctly or the knees are not located in the axes (go in or out), the hips or pelvis are displaced to one side, then our body begins to accumulate water in those places that balance the imbalance in the position of the body in space in order to provide the necessary stability ... If we slouch, for example, then our ribs begin to squeeze the internal organs, as a result of which the body turns on the mode of their protection and accumulates water in the abdomen to protect the internal organs from strong compression. Accordingly, if we learn to correctly position our body in space (feet, knees, hips, pelvis); we will control the position of the back, shoulders, neck and head; we will acquire a healthy habit of sitting, standing, walking correctly - our body will no longer need to create a protective ballast from fluid throughout the body, which will gradually lead to a significant decrease in the total mass and excess volume in problematic female areas.

Also, in the matter of adjusting weight, the study of its properties will also help. For example, if you are a person inclined to accumulate a wide variety of information, accustomed to keep in mind a lot of facts, numbers, and so on, your body is also forced to accumulate a large amount of fluid in its tissues, since water is a kind of depot for storing any data. ... In this case, I would advise you to "merge" information on any media (electronic, paper) and store it there, not to keep too much in your head, which will eventually get rid of excess water and, accordingly, body weight and volume. Not only the accumulation of information, but also the tendency to accumulate a variety of things (buy, collect, store in large quantities) can also contribute to weight gain. A person with this property also accumulates inside himself (liquid, fat deposits, etc.) "just in case." One interesting way to deal with the consequences of hoarding tendencies is to give tithes or some of your belongings / money to charity, and anonymously. In this case, the property "greed" is replaced by "generosity" (see the chapter "Properties").

If problems with body weight are associated with overeating, then it is necessary to track the deficit of what pleasures from life we \u200b\u200bseize (sex, family, self-realization, and much more). To cope with the lack of emotions, sensations and experiences, which we confuse with hunger and try to drown in cakes and buns, it is necessary to start making lists of where else, besides food, we can enjoy ourselves. This can be, for example, a hot scented bath with candles; an interesting movie or book; just pleasant communication with a creative person, etc.

Do not forget that obese people most often have problems with the lower back (spinal bending), which not only impedes freedom of movement, but also makes the passage of vital energy problematic, and this is a vicious circle that CAT techniques will help to cope with. By studying your body, its structure, its properties, you can answer yourself the question of why you are overweight, and learn to fill your body not only with food.

Sacral architecture of the body - Alena Mazur (download)

(introductory fragment of the book)