Signs pigeon white outside the window on the windowsill. What are the signs say if he sat on you

Does something serious signs the pigeon sat on the window sill outside the window? Studying secret records of predictors and leaders, it can be seen more than once that the birds are characteristic of magically signs. Are these harbingers or messengers of trouble?

Let's try to clarify the situation.

The meaning of birds in the life of people

In any city, you can meet pigeons that are constant human satellites. It is almost impossible to submit a huge metropolis without these representatives of the Family family, small town or settlement. And therefore there are no people indifferent in the world indifferent to pigeons.

Is it worth afraid of birds

Some, for example, owners of cars, they deliver problems, fertilizing their litter all around, some, on the contrary, admire these birds, belong to them with trepidation, consider them the most beautiful and bred.

If the pigeon arrived on the window

Sometimes, we expect any steep turn from our lives after a meeting with a dove, remembering all sorts of signs and beliefs.

One of the most popular belief is the "dove on the window". This can be explained by the fact that the bird, to the window, a sufficient frequent phenomenon that we can observe. Less often there are situations that pigeons fly to the house. In any case, we immediately strive to recall all the superstitions and belief related to these phenomena, finding someone in them.

Signs from the Higher Forces

It's believed that higher power Mind for each person can individually send certain signs that will be understood only to him alone.

But for a huge period of time, people saw that many of them have in their meaning general properties. And it made it possible to obtain an explanation for various phenomena that happens to us.

For example, what should we be expected in the event that a dove sat down on the windowsill, or the bird strive to attract our attention to other actions that are usually not characteristic of it?

What does the bird flew into the house

  • The pigeon on the windowsill is the most common and popular from all. To understand its value, you should watch the bird's behavior.
  • Cash receipts expect you if the pigeon flew to the windowsill will hurt him. This is one of the most the best will acceptEven if you are disgraced by a book straight in the middle of the street.
  • Victoring Pernation Visitor on your window indicates that in the near future you have a new love affair.
  • If the pigeon sniffs quietly on the windowsill at the family pair, then we should expect the glow of passions in your relationship, which will bring improvements to your marriage.
  • Pernation boyfriend trying to look at the window? Expect guests. If birds are three or more, then a noisy party is supposed.
  • Loudly stunning pigeons warn you that you should wait for trouble from the nearest surroundings to you: friends, relatives or your households.

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Unknown signs

  1. Looking in the early morning, did you find a stool and peering the bird on the window sill? The day promises to be full of surprises and predisposes to communicate with good people.
  2. Meeting with influential special is possible if the pigeon will be important to pace your windowsill.
  3. Expect a great joy to your house, if you saw that the bird waves the wings on the cornily or on the window.
  4. If a lonely pigeon concentrates something on the windowsill, this suggests that you will soon get a very important letter.
  5. Sorted and immediately flew away the pigeon, which did not go to you on the window, according to accept, the harbinger of an important news.
  6. If one and the same bird visits you, then it does not necessarily mean that you backed it, in fact you may probably be infinitely lonely.

Below are the most common signs to learn the future. It may be a superstition about what will happen if the feathered sat on the window sill or if he suddenly flew into your home and other.

  1. Mend about good news wait if the bird got on the window of your home. This time the trouble will definitely go to you, as your home is fully protected.

But well-known psychics and signs still recommend to put protection for their aura.

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It has long been believed that the representatives of the world of birds and animals felt trouble. And in a situation where the bird visited you, it seems to protect you and your surroundings from the troubles and adversity. Therefore, try to decide it and offer her something from food, then she will more often fly, thereby taking care of your family's safety.

  1. If the pigeon accidentally flew into the window, then, according to accept, it means the nearest death of one of the households. But this rule does not always act. If you have noticed a poisoner or something else from him, this is a good sign that suggests that in the near future you will have a joyful event.
  2. If windows I. balcony doors You are often open enough, they also do not try to literally remember this superstition. Indeed, in this case, the pigeon can get to your house completely by chance. It should be alerted only when the bird appeared with actually closed windows and do the door.
  1. A knock on a window of an unexpected feather friend testifies that in a short time, expect news. And since access to the house is closed for it, it may not be delivered to the news. If you think about it, it turns out that there will be nothing good in your house, neither bad.
  2. Some lucky people manage to see the bird from their home white color. It can be a precursor either a fast wedding, or the birth of a baby. And this is no accident, since it is white feathery that is a symbol of peace, purity, love and good, often used by those who marry.
  3. If your windowsill often visits a couple of pigeons, watch their behavior carefully. If they are friendly sank to the window, along the way, and even kissing, then the world, warm and grace will accompany your family. Permanent scandals are possible if the doves periodically begin to fight. However, it should be waiting for everything to work out if after another quarrel, birds fly together, and, accordingly, the divorce, if the parties for the flight they chose various.

It is clear that you do not need to possess certain talents to understand the signs that these peaceful birds serve us are pigeons. More often listen to your intuition, which will definitely advise what it means each sign specifically for you.

Therefore, a sign when the pigeon sat on the window sill outside the window, it will not be such a growing, as many people think this sign.

A huge number of people today believe in signs and otherworldly. At the same time, the first in our life is simply abound. Even in ancient times, people tried to interpret their meaning. A rather interesting explanation has a sign when the pigeons sit on the windowsill.

It would seem that here is amazing? Surely many of this symbolizing the world and peace on our planet, repeatedly knocked out the window. And no one attacked the special meaning that she "sacrament" on the windowsill. However, subsequently in the life of a person who saw pigeons trying to find a temporary refuge in his house, a whole series took place amazing events. At the same time, earlier he received about over: he saw the pigeons sit on the windowsill.

There is a huge arsenal of folk interpretations, directly or indirectly connected with the above bird. According to the Bible, it was the pigeon who was the harbinger of the fact that life resumed on Earth.

And yet, as explained by the sign when the pigeons sit on the windowsill, in antiquity? Classical interpretation: If the feathers flew into the house or fighting about the glass - this is an omensing of the ambulance of anyone in the house or some news for guests. Moreover, it was believed that the spirit of the dead man moves into the body of the bird.

In this way, he as if he believes to heaven and leaves the "earthly" kingdom. However, such a dove can return back and bring a news to the relatives of the deceased person. It is also believed that the soul of the deadman can transform into the body of the bird and because it is strongly whining around the house and its loved ones.

However, the modern interpretation of signs, why is somewhat different from the traditional. Today everything is explained enough simply: the bird flew to you on the windowsill, it means that you will be waiting for some news or in life, joyful events will occur.

If the feathers decided to "land" on the windowsill of the office building, where you work, it is very likely that you will get a promotion.

Again, ancient times that if the white dove sat down on the windowsill, it means that there was a "negleous" proof that someone would die of loved ones.

If the bird circles around the house, then unmarried girls are a reason for joy - soon they will officially legalize their relationship with the cavalier.

At the same time, if a white dove on the windowsill is a sign with a negative color, then, finding suddenly on his clothes pigeon litter, you should know that your financial affairs will soon "go uphill".

When you see a feathery, strolling on your dining table, know that it does not foreshadow anything good: it is very likely that someone will die of your loved ones in the near future. If you see how the pigeons on the roof got lost "in a bunch", then there will be a thunderstorm.

Believe or not believe in signs - the case is purely individual, but it is very important to learn how to explain them correctly. Undoubtedly one thing: if the feathers chose your windowsill, it means that it was time to clean it.

For many nations, the white dove is considered a symbol of good luck and happiness. Our ancestors made a large number of adopted by these birds. But they can carry both positive and negative meaning. The interpretation is based on the behavior of the bird and the place in which the person saw her. White dove Brings news from those who miss a man. It is necessary to follow the behavior of the bird and on the basis of this to understand the meaning of signs.

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    Possible interpretations

    Birds are sensitive to trouble, so if they arrive at the windowsill, then you can be sure that they will protect the house and its owners from adversity. Therefore, the sign is perceived positively, you should not be afraid of the feathers. It is important to draw attention to the behavior of dove:

      • White pigeon, who sat on the windowsill and knocks on the window - to the news. If the window was closed and the pigeon could not fly to the house, the news will delight a person. The troubles will not disturb his family, the world and harmony will reign at home.
      • Also need to remember whether the bird held something in their beak. Pigeon with food or branch - good sign. Family family members will apply. At school and in their work will be accompanied by success. Hardworking and effort will not be unnoticed.
      • Our ancestors believed that the worst thing, if the bird sat on the window sill, and then flew to the house. This sign is associated with death and disease. Perhaps the bird wants to warn a person that he should be attentively treating his health, take care of himself. Do not ignore this sign. It is necessary to immediately pass the examination, especially if an unpleasant symptoms are disturbed.
      • For unmarried girl The pigeon can be a harbinger of a fast wedding. If she is alone, she will meet a person who will change her life. Bird sat behind the window of the guy? He loves his girlfriend and in the near future plans to make her a marriage offer.
      • Everyone is familiar to the tradition, according to which the pigeons are allowed at the wedding of the bride and groom. People believe that if the bird sits on the windowsill, and will not fly away, then the marriage will be long and happy. There is a sign about the random appearance of the pigeon on the wedding day. If he flew to the windowsill in the house of the groom or the bride, their union will be strong.

      If the bird looks at a man

      You need to pay attention to the behavior of the pigeon. It is possible that his appearance does not make any sense for a person and his family. Birds can stay at the window to break after a long flight or simply ask for food in humans. The easiest way to find out what the bird wants is to pay attention to where she looks. If her glance is sent to the street, then no relation to the signs of its appearance does not. Only in case the bird looks intently at a person, you need to think about the purpose of her arrival.

      The bird does not sit on the windowsill just like that, so do not drive the feathery and scare them. Possible values:

      • If the bird sits on the windowsill and carefully looks at a person, then this is a sign that someone wants to see him. It may be a long-time friend or fan. He misses and often thinks about the subject of his dreams, dreaming of close relationships.
      • If the pigeon flew to the girl's window, which in separation with his beloved, then the bird transmits young manwho dreams of a meeting.
      • In the image of a pigeon can fly the soul of a deceased person. If the bird behaves calmly and carefully looks into the house, the deceased assesses the behavior of his family members. Do not be afraid of this sign. The dead just wants to make sure that his relatives are happy and everything is in order with them.
      • If the bird looks closely at a person, periodically turning his head, then he is facing a difficult choice. In the near future will have to take important decision. But do not hurry, it is important to consult with close and estimate possible consequences.

      White dove can be a messenger from that light. If the bird often flies to the house, a person needs to go to church and remember the deceased.

What does the dove mean on the windowsill, thinking at least once of any of us. Also our ancestors noted that pigeons are special birds, and watching them you can easily look into the future.

With the help of these divine creatures, the highest forces suggest us, how to act in a particular situation, and what to expect from the future. The human task is only to correctly understand and decipher these special signs.

Dove on the windowsill - Interpretation Signs

There are many interpretations in this sign, and a close observation of Ptahova will be able to decipher each of them:

Other Signs:

  • Sketches when the bird sat on the windowsill and wrestles the wings strongly, means execution cherished desire And a big joyful event.
  • Bird, Tihonechko, something that does not exist outside the window, foreshadows the receipt of the important news for you.
  • If the pigeon sat on the windowsill and immediately flew away - wait for the letters.
  • There is a sign that if one and the same not fitted pigeon always arrive at the window and peacefully sits on the windowsill, a person living on the other side of the window is immensely alone.

Other signs:

Also worth knowing that:

But not only on the behavior of the pigeons, your window can determine anyway. On the street of birds, too, give us non-verbal tips.

The pigeon met on the street

The appearance of a pigeon in one place or another, its interaction with you can foreshadow both good and unpleasant events. But it is important to understand that it is possible to read signs only by wild features of the penate family. The behavior of domestic birds, in its most, does not carry any information.


  • If you walk down the street on the street or shoulder sat down the pigeon, know, you are under the invisible protection and the patronage of the highest strength.
  • If you hit the wing of a flying or soaring pigeon, you have a special mission that you just have to perform. Bird reminds you, why are you here and pushes to action.
  • It is worth expecting an unexpected event if the street hit you in the street.

If walking around the city, you saw a lying pigeon feather - this is a good sign. The pen must be taken with them, for good luck. But it is not necessary to consider the talisman feathers found from fountains or squares, where the a priori is located in the copies of the feathers.

  • A good promise is considered to go to an important meeting or negotiations to meet a dove walking on the left side of you. it pretty sign Successful completion of the intended affairs.
  • Going to a long journey or travel, well to meet white pigeons flying over your head.
  • A young woman sitting on a bench, a dove, sat down next to, prophesies an ambulance pregnancy.
  • A dead pigeon on the road opposite promises a series of unsuccessful incidents and bad news.

Dove in the house

The folk sign says that the pigeon flourished or the house shortened to the house should fly independently. In the event that the Pernation Guest does not want to leave the room, caressing the visitor and release through the window with such words: "Flying the trouble to other gates."

Found a pigeon in the apartment:

  • The pigeon broken about the glass always promises trouble and terrible news.
  • If you come home, you have found a dove at home that flies into the open window, then in a short time to meet a person who will completely change your life. And how good changes can be judged by the behavior of the bird. For example, a pigeon peacefully accumulating and walking around the house, foreshadows a positive turn of events, and beating wings, anxious bird foreshadows trouble.
  • If the pigeon flew rapidly into the kitchen and sat down on dinner tableThe house will soon be the dead man.
  • The pigeon flewing into the dwelling was also considered precursor of death and dried into the corner.

Other Signals with Dove

There are other signs related to the interaction of pigeons and humans:

Shot down by car

To knock down the pigeon car is considered a bad omen. A man who shot down the pigeon should be as cautious as much as possible and prudently, in order not to be the next victim. And it may be a precursor of a quick divorce.

If the bird hit your vehicle and remained alive, it is worth thinking about your behavior. Perhaps to achieve their goals you go not too honest expensive, that later you will certainly feature.

Bird flew to the balcony

  • If the feathers of Nestsdyshko on the balcony or the roof of a lonely person, his shortness is waiting for a long-awaited meeting or marriage.
  • If you have discovered a pigeon nest with masonry on your balcony or in the yard - this is the best sign. A pigeon egg in the courtyard always appears to replenish the family and great joy. It can be said that the heavens themselves blessed you and sent you happiness.

Other signs

For so many years of human existence, there will be accumulated a lot. They are all different, but people believe in them and often turn to popular legend. There are people who do not perceive signs, do not believe in them. But still you should not disseminate this folk fishing, because sometimes signs help us very much in life. Coincidences can not be random, in any case, this is a sign over. If you paid your attention to the "sent to you", then life can become better. If you ignored the signal, then no one knows how everything turns.

A lot of things will be dedicated to birds, and if specifically - puzzles. In ancient times, the pigeons "worked" worked, "they delivered letters and other messages (lungs) from one person to another. Agree smart birds. Many pigeons call the forensic news. If the pigeon wants to get to your home, it means that there is news for you. But is it? Read on.

In some religions, they believe that the pigeon is a harbinger of the Lord. And if you remember the story, then at the end of the World Flood, it was pigeons. One of the most famous will take - a pigeon sitting on your windowsill. It may be a tump (that is, what is outside the window, from the street).

It happens that the pigeon is not just sits on the windowsill, and persistently wants to penetrate the house, he is straight "asking" inside. What is this sign, and how to understand it? The pigeon on the windowsill is usually good, calm, happy life. You are waiting for a lot of good and light. So, you should not be afraid if the pigeon sat down to "relax" from your window. Wait for change.

A good or bad sign is the appearance of a pigeon on the windowsill

If the pigeon is sitting on the windowsill, as we said above, he carries you to the news. It will not necessarily be bad. Most likely, on the contrary, - positive. Do not rush to drive away the bird right away, watch her behavior. But some people believe that the pigeon bears misfortune, death, illness, losses of loved ones and friends. Do not hurry to draw conclusions.

It is known that pigeons can feel the onset of trouble. But this does not mean that they carry it with them. If the pigeon visited you, it means that he wants to protect your person from unfavorable events, warning. But when the pigeon flies (it happens that they "live nearby" a few days, "on the windowsill), then then it should be carefully analyzing your life and watch what you are doing.

How to evaluate the behavior of a pigeon who sits outside the window

Pigeon, sitting on the windowsill, carries good news. They may be associated with your labor activity or family matters. If the pigeon keeps in the mouth, for example, a branch or something else - you should not be afraid. This is a good sign. Soon the addition in your family is possible. Many couples dream of children, but something does not work.

The pigeon flew to "say" something good to you - everything will be the way you want. The child will be born. Also a branch or other item in a pigeon can mean that you will receive a cash prize. It may be a premium at work, raising wages, accidentally found money on the street; Perhaps you will win the lottery (if it was not lucky before).

Sometimes the pigeons are not just sitting on the windowsill, and as if tangled. Nothing wrong with that. On the contrary, thus the bird informs you that guests will soon be grew. If a lot of pigeons, then the company will come not small. A visit can be both planned and unexpected. If the pigeon flew to your window and sat there in the winter, then the signs "do not work." Birds want to eat, give him seeds or bread. The dove shelter and flies.

Do not ignore the pigeon arrival in exactly your window. Animals and birds feel good people, their energy field, they do not fly to poor personalities. So, if the pigeon chose your window - Wait for happiness to the house, do not be afraid. If there is a possibility and desire, then the bird can be sheltered.

Nothing wrong with that. IN winter time Many people feed pigeons, someone even leaves them to "live." No, not in the literal sense it will fly through your apartment. If you touch the pigeon, then it will fly to you on the windowsill every day, guarding your home. What is bad?!

What to think if two pigeons "are" lung "

It is not necessary to scare. Probably you already guessed what it leads to what the signal. After all, pigeons are considered to be family-friendly birds, not in vain on the weddings newlyweds let go of a couple of doves in the sky! Hence the conclusion - wait for a wedding soon. If you already have a young man, then wait for him the suggestions. And if you are a man, you have a girl, but did not marry, then it's time to act! A couple of pigeons "says you".

It is important to draw attention to how birds behave in relation to each other. If they sit calmly, throat a little, then it is a pledge of a happy future family life. And if they are very loudly "screaming", the family life is unlikely to be. Most likely, constant cries, quarrels, scandals and disassembly are waiting for you. Think, with the man you want to associate your life.

The marriage of such usually lasts long, and impressions leave not the most pleasant. Listen to pigeons. They, as they say, bad "do not advise." Birds everyone understands, although they do not know the human language, but they can show the person in other ways to do, and what - no.

What to think if the pigeon is knocking out the window

Pigeons also have children, and when they leave their native nest, they learn to fly, then they have not very good coordination of movements. The bird can "not calculate the strength" and accidentally knock on your window. There is nothing terrible in this, just an accident. Electromagnetic radiation from the instruments used by us also affects the pigeons. Sometimes they lose orientation in space, cannot control the flight path. Therefore, the pigeon may well hit your glass by chance.

But when the pigeon beats in the window, and then it falls to the ground to grind - a bad sign, very bad. This is a "signal" that Someone will die soon in your family. Also, if the pigeon is intentionally and for a long time knocks on the beak in the window - not a very good sign. This bird can not be launched in this house. It's not worth feeding either. This "aggressive" pigeon did not bring you anything good. Wait for troubles.