Abstract of the GCD "Letter Sh, Sound" (for children of the preparatory group). Speech therapy exercises for the sound "sh"

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

Nizhnevartovsk kindergarten№80 "Firefly"

Summary of a lesson on teaching literacy in senior group

Sound and letter Ш


Perevozchikova Albina Akramovna


Summary of literacy classes in the senior group sound[w], letter Sh.

Correctional educational tasks:Anchor correct pronunciation sound [w]. Exercise in determining the presence - absence of sound [w] in words; in determining the position of the sound [w] in the word (beginning, middle). To improve the analysis and synthesis of syllables SHA, SHO, SHU; division of words into syllables. Reading the syllables SHA, SHO, SHU. To teach the synthesis of the word SHUBA. Introduce the letter NS .

Correctional and developmental tasks:Develop auditory attention, memory, speech, fine and general motor skills; coordination of speech with movement.

Correctional educational tasks:To form the skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, benevolence, independence.


Demo material:A poster about sounds and letters, houses for sounds, symbols of sounds "A", "O", "U", "Y", "W", sound scheme [w], "Magic bag". Large letters: A, O, U, Y, T, M, B, D, W, small letters: W, U, B, A. Toy: Shusha mouse. Free images: bear, hat, shower, pants, hat, fur coat, hat, shorts, bear, horse, cat, mouse, monkey, frog. Teremki V. Voskobovich. Tablet, numbers: 1, 2, 3, colorful eggs, basket.

Handout:Individual mirrors, workbooks, colored pencils, chips for sound analysis, sound rulers, Su-Jok balls, igorizor, did. game "Teremok with letters", blue markers.

Course of the lesson

  1. Organizational moment. (1 minute.)
  1. Organizational moment:

The teacher and children sit in a circle on chairs.

Psychological attitude

Invented by someone

Simple and wise

Say hello when you meet.

Good morning!

Good morning, sun and birds.

Good morning, smiling faces!

I want to wish you that everyone today has good morning, good afternoon, and especially for you, because you came to study, learn a lot of new things.

- do you want to do everything? (Yes!)

- So we will study.

II. 1. Introduction to the topic. (3 min.)

Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with a new sound and letter. But first, let's remember how the sound differs from the letter. (We pronounce and hear sounds, but we write and read letters).

We cannot see the sound
And we cannot take it in our hands.
The sound we can only hear
And also say it.

What two groups are all sounds divided into? (Sounds are divided into vowels and consonants).

What is the difference between vowel sounds and consonants? (When pronouncing a vowel sound, the air does not encounter obstacles and therefore the sound can be pulled for a long time. The consonant sound does not stretch, because when pronouncing it, the air meets obstacles).

The vowels are drawn to the ringing song.
They can cry and sob.
IN dark forest call and auk,
But they don't want to whistle and grumble.

And the consonants agree
Whisper, whisper, creak,
Even snort and hiss,
But I don't want to sing to them.

Let's play: I show the letter, and you take turns calling the sound and the word that begins with this sound.

Guys, someone came to visit us today, I’ll now guess a riddle, and you’ll immediately guess who came to us.

Lives in a mink, gnaws on the crusts.
Short legs; afraid of a cat. (mouse)

The speech therapist takes a mouse out of the "magic bag".

Guys, this little mouse is called Shusha. He came up with many tasks for you, and if you cope with all the tasks, he will give you something.

What sound are repeated in the words of Shusha and the mouse?

- That's right, this is the sound [w]. Today in the lesson we will consolidate the pronunciation of the sound [w]. but before that, together with the mouse, we will do articulatory gymnastics

2. Articulation gymnastics. (4 min.)

A fat mouse came to visit us (we puff out our cheeks),
Compared to him, we are thin - only skin and bones (we pull in our cheeks).
We all smiled at him (lips in a wide smile, upper and lower teeth are visible),
We all reached out to kiss him (lips stretch forward).
In the morning we woke up - lips in a smile (again a wide smile).
We brushed our upper teeth (a wide tongue behind the upper teeth)
Right and left, inside and outside (corresponding movements with a wide tongue).
We are also friends with the lower teeth (repetition of these movements with the tongue in the position behind the lower teeth).
We will compress our lips and rinse our mouths (alternately puffing out our cheeks - the lips do not let air through)
And with a samovar we puff that there is urine (simultaneous inflation of both cheeks with subsequent release of air through the lips).
We put the saucers - put the pancakes (a wide tongue lies on the lower lip).
We chew the pancake, wrap it up and bite it (we chew our spread tongue, then we bite it, wrapping our lower teeth),
Pancake with delicious raspberry jam (lick the upper lip from front to back with a wide tongue).
We put the cups to pour tea (we bend our wide tongue upwards with a cup),
They blew on the nose - we cooled the tea (blow up from the "cup").
We drank tea - no one is offended (the "cup" moves back and forth).
Breakfast was delicious - we will lick our lips (the tip of our tongue licks our lips in a circle).

Well done boys. We pass to the tables.

3. Characteristic of the sound "Ш". (3 min.)

Guys, our guest Shusha is a very scary mischievous person. Shusha climbs behind the screen and rustles there: shur - shur - shur. “Cat !!!”, - screams mom and they, together with dad, hide behind the closet.

- Guys, how was Shusha rustling?

- That's right, let's say all together: shur - shur - shur.

- What is the sound at the beginning of these words?

- Let's say it.

- What do our lips do when we make the sound [w]?

- Lips are pushed forward. Do they look like a donut or a straw?

- Right, they are round as a donut.

- What does our tongue do when we utter the sound [w]?

- Open your mouth, show where your tongue is when we pronounce the sound [w].

- The tongue rises to the palate, behind the upper teeth. And what kind of air - warm or cold, comes out of the mouth when we utter the sound [w]? Let's put our hand to our mouth and say shshshsh.

- The air is warm.

- That's right, when we say [w], the lips are rounded, slightly pushed forward, the wide tongue rises to the tubercles for the upper teeth. The air jet comes out warm.

- Guys, what sound [w] is it: a vowel or a consonant?

- Correctly, the sound [w] is a consonant, voiced or dull sound [w]?

- Deaf.

- Is the sound [w] hard or soft?

- Yes, that's right the sound [w] is a solid, dull, consonant sound. This sound has a peculiarity, it is never soft, always hard. Unlike our mouse, this sound does not like to be naughty and make noise, and if someone starts to make noise, he always says shshshsh.

(There are red and blue houses on the easel, next to them there are corresponding tokens for denoting sounds.)

See what these houses are?(Houses for sounds).

What sounds live in the red house?(Vowel sounds).

What sounds live in the blue house?(Consonant solid sounds).

In which house will we put the sound [w]?(In blue, since the sound "Ш" is a consonant, solid).

What color chip will we mark the sound [w]?(chip of blue color).

4. Work in a notebook. (2 minutes)

Let's color the "clothes" of the [w] sound with a pencil the desired color(in blue). And we remember that the sound [w] is a consonant, solid, dull.

5. Working with sound symbols. (1 minute.)

The mouse wants to see if you can compose syllables. Put the symbols of sounds in front of you and on the table compose the syllable [sha], and now the syllable [ush]. Well done, we did the job.

6. Determining the position of the sound[w] in words. (2 minutes)

Now let's show the mouse how we know how to determine the position of a sound in a word. We take the sound rulers and determine the position of the sound [w] in the word (designate the beginning, middle or end of the word). Pictures "bear", "hat", "shower".

7. Finger gymnastics(1 minute.)

Well done. Let `s have some rest. Place everything on the edge of the table. Take the Sujok balls, let's do finger gymnastics.

This ball is not easy

All prickly like this.

We put between our palms

We will rub their palms.

We roll it up and down

We develop our pens.

You can roll the ball in a circle

Throw to each other.

One, two, three, four, five

It's time for us to rest.

8. Acquaintance with the letter NS . (2 minutes)

- Guys, the sound [w] is designated like this - the letter Sh. And what does the letter W look like? What color do we always color the consonants with (blue). Take blue pencils, circle and color the letter W in your notebook. Well done, now put your notebooks on the edge of the table.

9. D / I "Teremok with letters"... (2 minutes)

The mouse has prepared another game for you. Put the game cameras in front of you, find and circle the letter Ш in the teremki with a blue marker. How many letters did you find?

10. D / I "Teremki Voskobovich". (1 minute)

Now let's show the mouse how we can read syllables.

The speech therapist composes syllables in the chambers, and the children take turns reading(sha, shu, sho).

Well done, we stand in a circle.

11.Exercise minute"Mouse" (2 min.)

  1. D / I "Telegraph" (3 min)

On the tablet, next to the lines of the numbers 1, 2, 3, on the table is a pile of pictures.

Guys, look at what interesting task prepared a mouse for us. Girls need to choose pictures where the sound [w] is at the beginning of the word, boys, where the sound [w] is in the middle of the word .. Pictures: pants, hat, fur coat, hat, shorts, bear, horse, cat, mouse, monkey, frog.

Girls as one word can be called all the pictures that you found (clothes).

Boys, how can you call all the pictures in one word (animals).

Now, take turns counting how many syllables are in each word and place the pictures on the desired line. Name the words with one, two, three syllables.

13. Synthesis of the word SHUBA. (3 min)

Shusha the mouse has prepared the last task for you, look at the mouse brought colorful magic eggs, what are they? (white, yellow, orange, pink, green), and the size? (large and small). Let's take the magic eggs one by one, they contain letters, from which you need to make the word FUR, but to open them, you need to guess the riddle. Whoever guesses will open an egg.


The little animal is jumping

Not a mouth, but a trap.

Will fall into the trap

Both the mosquito and the fly


Soft Paws,

And there is a scratch in the paws.


The tail is long

Baby herself

Very afraid of a cat.


There is one funny bird in the forest

Sings ku-ku, ku-ku all day

Can't learn to sing

Like a rooster - "crow"


Let's get the letters and make up the word SHUBA from them, how many letters are there in this word ?, which is the first, which is the last? Now let's put the eggs back in place. Where did you put the eggs? And where did you get them from?

III. Total (1 min)

What sound and letter did we meet today? What games did you play?

Assessment of speech activity.

You guys worked great today and completed all the tasks correctly. For this, the mouse Shusha will give you sweet gifts. Speech therapist distributes food to children.


Topic number 30. Sound and letter Ш

1. To teach how to pronounce the sound [Ш] correctly.

2. To teach a child to determine the sequence of sounds in a word, to improve the skills of analytical and synthetic activity, to develop sound and syllabic representations.

3. Learn to independently produce sound-syllabic analysis of words.

4. Learn to transform words.

Task 1. Didactic exercise "Continue the chain of words." The adult asks the child to identify the last sound in the word House and pick up a word that starts with this sound, and then "continue the chain":

House - poppy - cat ...

Task 2. Acquaintance with the sound [Ш].

Listen to the tongue twister. What sound is often heard in it?

Six mice

They rustle in the reeds.

The adult shows in front of the mirror and explains to the child the articulation of the sound [Ш]:

Wide tongue at the top, forms a "cup";

The neck is "silent".

Sound symbol: the snake hisses: SHSHSHSH ...(see color insert). Sound characteristic: consonant (the tongue creates an obstacle to the air), always hard, deaf. Designation: blue circle.

Pump up the wheel with a pump: ШШШШ (the sound is pronounced abruptly). The wheel was pierced with a carnation, the air comes out of the wheel: ШШ ... Шш ... (the sound is pronounced smoothly, with a transition to a whisper).

Task 4. Didactic exercise "Clap your palms if you hear the sound [Ш]":

W, n, k, w ...; sha, pa, ka, shu ...; hat, cat, cat, crow, pencil ...

Sha-sho-shu-shi ...; ash-osh-ush-ish ...; shta-shto-sht-shty ...

Task 6. Didactic exercise "Say the other way around":

Sha-ash, sho -...; ash-sha, ush -...

Task 7. Finish the last sound in the word ([Ш]):

Pencil ..., small ..., land ..., kami ...

Task 8. Recall words beginning with syllables:

SHA: -ry, -cal, -lun ...; SHI: -na, - lo ...; SHU: -ba, -ra ...;

SHO (SHE): -roh, -pot ...

Task 9. Finish the word with the syllable SHA (SHI). What words did you get? Which of these syllables forms the plural of nouns (many objects)?

Ka ..., kry ..., gru ..., cha ..., afi ...

Task 10. Replace the first sound in words with the sound [Ш]. What words did you get? Make sentences with each pair of words.

Cup - checker, bear - ..., flank - ..., gift - ..., lips - ...,

Garik - ...

Task 11. Didactic exercise "Guess the word" (make a word from sounds):

Closet; fur coat; cat.

Task 12. Didactic exercise "Name all the sounds in the word."

The adult pronounces the word, and the child separately names the sounds of this word in the proper sequence:

Noise [sh um]; jester [sh u t]; Masha [masha].

Task 13. To guess riddles, name the first (last) sound in the words-answers.

I'm sitting on horseback

I don’t know on whom. ( ^ Hat)

Grows on land

Plush head. ( Reed)

White peas

On a green leg. ( Lily of the valley)

Task 14. Choose as many words as possible with the sound [W], in which the sound [W] is at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word.

Sha-sha-sha - mom washes the baby.

Shu-shu-shu - help the baby.

Shih-shih-shee - kids in the clearing.

Sho-sho-sho - we speak well.

Ash-ash-ash - give me a pencil.

Osh-osh-osh - I have a knife.

Ish-ish-ish - I have a baby.

Ush-ush-ush - a warm shower.

Ashka-ashka-ashka - a bug is flying.

Oshka-oshka-oshka - there is a cat on the window.

Lug-lug-lug - frog-frog.

Ishka-ishka-ishka is a little mouse.

Task 16. The adult names a number of words, asks the child to make a sentence out of them; name all words with the sound [Ш], name the preposition (if it is in the sentence).

Masha, shop, walk, in. Car, go, road, by, quickly.

Cat, milk, lap. Shura, school, walk, V.

Task 17. Acquaintance with the letter Sh.

Letter NS with three thorns -

Don't grab her with your hands.

^ O. Hoffman

What does the letter W look like?

The letter W made of fingers: thumb and pinky right hand connect, and index, middle and ring fingers lift up.

Games with a letter.

Task 18. Independent sound-syllabic analysis of words:

Wardrobe, fur coat, Misha, cat, shower, noise.

Converting words using the letters of the split alphabet, reading words, writing in block letters, composing sentences with each word:

Mouse - bear - fly - midge - cat - porridge - Pashka - donut - cannon - darling - Dasha - Dasha.

Reading sentences, finding a preposition:

Here is Dasha. Dasha has a fur coat. A fur coat in the closet. Hat on the wardrobe. The cat is under the closet. The cat is behind the closet.

Topic number 31. Sound and letter Ж

Correctional and developmental tasks.

1. Develop auditory attention and logical thinking by solving logical problems.

2. Teach you to pronounce the sound [Ж] correctly.

3. Continue to teach the child to identify the sequence of sounds in the this word.

4. To improve the skills of analytical-synthetic activity, to develop the child's sound-syllabic representations.

5. To develop the child's auditory and speech memory.

6. Continue to learn to make sentences with a given word.

7. Learn to independently produce sound-syllabic analysis of words.

Task 1. An adult invites the child to listen carefully, think and solve the following logical problems:

Mom has a cat, Fluff, a dog, Druzhok, and a daughter, Dasha. How many children does mom have?

Mickey's dog had kittens: three white and one black. How many kittens were born to Mickey?

In winter the soldier walked through the forest, the field, the forest, the field. Suddenly a river. How can he get across the river?

Task 2. Acquaintance with sound [F].

An adult invites the child to think and say how the objects depicted in color pictures are similar: lemon, sun, chicken. (All of them yellow color.) Then he asks to find related words to the word yellow(yolk, yellowness, yellowish) and define the same first sound in all these words.

An adult shows in front of a mirror and explains to the child the articulation of the sound [F]:

The lips are rounded and slightly extended forward;

Wide tongue at the top and forms a "cup";

Warm air jet runs down the center of the tongue;

The neck "works".

Sound symbol: the beetle buzzes: LJJJJ ...(see color insert). Sound characteristic: consonant (the tongue creates an obstacle to the air), always hard, sonorous. Designation: a blue circle with a bell.

Task 3. Phonetic exercise.

Saw sawing wood: LJJJ (the sound is pronounced briefly, abruptly).

Task 4. Didactic exercise "Clap your palms if you hear the sound [W]":

F, m, b, f ...; zha, ha, zhu ...; Zhenya, belly, milk, bed, giraffe ...

Task 5. Repeat for an adult a series of syllables:

Zhu-zhu-zhu-zhi, zhi-zhu-zhu-zho ...; wait-wait-wait-wait, wait-wait-wait-wait ...

Task 6. Finish the words with the syllable ЖИ. What words did you get?

This ..., gara ..., chi ..., devil ..., mor ...

Task 7. Didactic exercise "Big - small" - an exercise in word formation (pay attention to the appearance of the sound [W] in a new word).

Flag - flag, shore - ..., friend - ..., horn - ..., pie - ..., circle - ..., iron - ...

Task 8. To guess riddles, name the first sound in the answers, find the longest and shortest word.

Like a tiny bell. ( Lark)

Into a golden ball

An oak tree hid. ( ^ Acorn)

Black, not a raven,

A horn, not a bull,

With wings, not a bird. ( beetle)

Task 9. Didactic exercise "Finish the tongue twister, name the first sound in the word."

Lazy red cat

I lay down for myself ... ( stomach)

Task 10. Replace the first sound in words with the sound [Ж]. What words did you get? Come up with sentences with every word.

Onion - beetle, woman - ..., peace - ..., little - ..., package - ..., ticket - ..., bunch - ..., Venya - ...

Task 11. An adult pronounces a word, and a child calls this word by sounds:

Beetle [f y k], toad [f a b a].

Task 12. An adult pronounces a series of 3-5 words with the sound [F], and the child must memorize all the words and repeat them in the same order.

Task 13. Find words starting with syllables:

JA: -ra, -ket ...; JU: -Rule, -ki ...; ZhI: -f, -that ...

Find words ending with a syllable:

ZhI: but -..., ly -...; JA: ly -..., co- ...

Task 14. Choose as many words as possible with the sound [F]: the sound [F] is at the beginning of the word and in the middle of the word.

Task 15. Learn pure phrases:

Ms. Ms. Ms. - we saw a hedgehog.

Hedgehogs are running.

Zhu-zhu-zhu - help the hedgehog.

Jo-jo-jo - I'm driving a Peugeot.

Task 16. An adult invites the child to listen to sentences and repeat them (one at a time):

Zhenya is chewing. Zhenya is chewing gum. The girl Zhenya is chewing gum. The girl Zhenya is chewing mint gum. Little girl Zhenya chews mint gum. Little girl Zhenya chews delicious mint gum.

What words in each sentence did not contain the sound [Ж]?

Task 17. Come up with as many sentences as possible about Zhora and Zhenya, using familiar pretexts.

Task 18. Acquaintance with the letter J.

F looks like a beetle

Just not buzzing yet.

O. Hoffman

What else does the letter J look like?

Comparison of letters K and Zh:

This is - F,

And this - TO,

A whole beetle and half a beetle.

^ A. Shibaev

Games with letters.

Task 19. Independent sound-syllabic analysis of words. Reading, cheating, dictation:

Beetle, beetles, skin, toad, toads.

Reading, cheating sentences:

Here is Dima and Nata. Dima has a beetle. Nata has a toad. Dima and Nata have a beetle and a toad.

Daria Asigritova


acquaintance with the letter Sh.


1. To acquaint children with the letter Sh.

2. To form the ability to pronounce words with a given sound,

the ability to highlight the desired sound in words.

3. To form the ability to establish classification

relationships between concepts.

4. Form the ability to answer content questions


5. To consolidate the ability to conduct sound analysis of the word.

6. Check the children's ability to divide words into syllables and put


7. Develop speech, phonemic hearing, logical thinking,

memory, attention, perception, fine motor skills of the hand, skill

solve riddles.

8. Expand and revitalize vocabulary children.

9. To cultivate accuracy, culture of communication.



blackboard, chalk, sound chips, illustration "What does the letter W look like", a picture with cones and the letter W, story "Cat and Mouse"


pictures of clothes, two hoops (blue, green, notebooks with a pasted-in illustration of a hat and the letter Ш for coloring and with a sample of the letter Ш for writing, colored pencils.

Course of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

2. Topic message

(Children are sitting on the carpet)

Guess the riddle:

On tall slender trees

Together they hide in needles.

They love a squirrel and a crossbill

Feast on them.

My question is simple for you kids:

What are they all eating?

Guys, what are bumps?

(The fruit of conifers and some other plants is round or oval in shape, covered with scales)

3. The main part of the lesson

a) Sound analysis of the word "bumps"

(The children sat down at the tables)

Guys, how many sounds are there in the word "bumps"?

(There are 5 sounds in the word "bumps")

Let's take a look at the word "bumps"

How many syllables are in the word "bumps"?

(There are 2 syllables in the word "bumps")

How was it determined?

(How many vowels in a word, so many syllables. In this word, there are 2 vowel sounds, which means 2 syllables)

Divide the word "bumps" into syllables.

What is the 1st syllable.

How many sounds does the 1st syllable consist of?

(1st syllable consists of 3 sounds)

What is the 2nd syllable.

How many sounds does the 2nd syllable consist of?

(2nd syllable consists of 2 sounds)

Define the percussive and unstressed sounds in the word "bumps".

(In the word "bumps" the stressed one is the 1st vowel sound [and], and the unstressed one is the 2nd vowel sound [and])

How was it determined?

(In order to determine the percussive sound in a word, it is necessary to call the given word)

Put emphasis.

What are the solid consonants in the word "bumps"?

b) Phonemic charging.

(The children sat on the carpet)

How does the snake hiss?

How does a goose hiss?

c) What does the letter Sh look like?

Look at the illustration and listen to the rhyme:

What does the letter W look like?

On the teeth of this bucket.

Repeat what letter represents the sound [w]?

(Letter W)

d) Acquaintance with the letter S.

(The children sat down at the tables)

Guys, look at the illustration and tell me which letter is W?

How many elements does this letter consist of?

What is shown in the illustration?

Why do you think?

(Because they start with the letter W [w])

Look again at the illustration and tell me what cones are depicted on it?

e) The game "Who is attentive?"

(Children are sitting on the carpet)

Consider the pictures.

List what is shown in each of the suggested pictures?

(Pants, shirt, fur coat, shorts, hat, hat)

Find and name the same sound in words.

f) Ball game "Name words with the sound [w]"

(Children stood in a circle on the carpet)

Guys, I will throw the ball to each of you, your task is to return the ball back to me and say any word that begins with the sound [w].

Who was the most attentive and paid attention to how the sound [w] is pronounced in all words?

What conclusion can we draw with you, what is the sound?

(always solid)

Right. Remember guys, the [w] sound is always solid.

g) Preparing the hand for writing.

(Children are sitting at the table)

Finger gymnastics.

h) Work in notebooks.

Coloring the letter W

Open your notebooks and look at the illustration.

What's on it?

(Letter W and hat)

Think about why the picture shows a hat?

(Because it starts with the letter W [w])

What is a hat?


Quite right. Guys, what color do we highlight solid consonants?

Your task is to color the letter W in the foreground, and the hat in the second.

What color will you color the letter W?

And the hat?

Let's remember the coloring rules.

(Do not put pressure on the pencil, do not go beyond the drawing, paint without spaces)

Sit comfortably with your backs straight. Get to work.

i) Exercise "Classification of objects"

(Children are sitting on the carpet)

So, take another look at the pictures and divide them into two groups.

In the blue hoop - place the pictures that you would include in the first group, and in the green hoop - place the pictures that you would include in the second group and explain your choice.

Explain on what basis you divided the pictures into two groups?

(Into the blue hoop they carried warm clothing, light clothes were carried into the green hoop)

Is it possible to combine them into one group, that is, call them in one word?

(You can. These are clothes)

j) Spelling the letter Ш

(Children are sitting at the table)

Open your notebooks. Look at the sample and notice how the letter Ш is spelled correctly.

Why is it written in blue?

(Because the sound [w] is always a solid consonant, and solid consonants should be highlighted in blue)

Right. Complete the missing element at the letter W shown in the notebook and write it down to the end of the line through the cell.

k) Reading the story "Cat and Mouse"

(Children are sitting on the carpet)

Listen carefully to the story:

“Everyone left the house. There is only one cat left. The cat sat on the window. A mouse came out of the mink. The cat does not see the mouse. The mouse does not see the cat. The mouse went into the kitchen. Found crumb crumbs. The mouse ate the crumbs. Then the mouse saw the mug. The mug is covered with a lid. The mouse pushed the lid. The lid fell off. The cat smelled a mouse and jumped from the window. The mouse ran. The cat followed her, but did not catch up ".

Who is the story about?

(About cat and mouse)

Where did the cat sit?

(On the window)

Where did the mouse come from?

(From mink)

Where did the mouse go?

(To the kitchen)

What did the mouse find?

(Crumb crumbs)

At what moment did the cat smell the mouse?

(When the mouse pushed the lid that covered the mug)

What's wrong with the mouse?

(The mouse ran away from the cat)

Guys, name the words with the sound [w] that

met you in the story.

(Cat, mouse, window, crumbs, donut, lid, etc.)

4. The result of the lesson.

What letter did you meet?

(With the letter W)

What have we learned about the sound [w]?

(That the sound [w] is always solid)

Tasks to prepare children for school curriculum: teaching reading and writing words, making sentences and the letter F, developing thinking and solving simple problems in mathematics.

Learning reading. Sound and letter "Ш"

Target: acquaintance with a new letter, development of phonemic hearing, consolidation of the image of the letter.


The teacher tells the children a riddle.

Light and airy

Obedient to the breeze.

Flying in the clouds

And he doesn't know where. (Ball)

- How many syllables are there in the answer word?
- How to change a word so that it becomes two syllables?
- Name the first syllable in the word BALLS.
- What is the first sound in this word?
- How do you think the sound Ш is a vowel or a consonant? (Consonant).
- Why did you decide so? (The sound w doesn’t last, it’s not sung, the air doesn’t come out of the mouth freely, the teeth get in the way).
- Is the sound Ш ringing or dull? Let's close our ears with our hands and say sh-sh-sh-sh-sh. Ears don't ring. The sound Ш is dull.
- Name the words with the sound Sh.
- Cones, helmet, hat, pole, porridge, wide, etc.
- Now let's think, can it be hard and soft?
- You and I have chosen the words and found out that the sound Ш can only be hard, it cannot be soft.
- What can we conclude?

The sound Ш is a consonant, deaf, always solid.

We show the corresponding side of the sound cube. The blue side of the cube is solid sound.

The teacher shows the children a card with the letter S. Children circle the letter with their finger along the contour, "memorize the letter."

- What letter is written on the worksheets at the top left? (Letter W).
- Color the letter S.
- What does the letter W look like?

Learning to read. Sound analysis of syllables

Target: development of phonemic hearing, sound-letter analysis of words.

Syllables are written on the worksheets. Read them.

Make up sound circuits to these syllables.

What can you say about the sound Ш? (This is a consonant, it is always hard).

Learning to read. Words

Target: development of attention, learning to read, consolidating the image of letters, increasing the speed of reading.

Material: worksheet.

- You know that the sound Ш is always solid, which means that if after the letter Ш you see the letter I, then Ш does not soften and is pronounced firmly ШИ.
- Words are written on the worksheets. Read them first in columns, then line by line.
Find and circle the syllable SHI.
- In the words of the first column, underline the vowels.
- How many syllables are in the words of the third column? (One).
- Divide the words of the second and first columns into syllables.
- How many syllables are in the words of the second column? (Two).
- How many syllables are there in the word KAMYSHI? (Three syllables).
- Put stress on the words of the second and first columns.
- How are the words CATS - MOSHKI similar and different?
- What are the similarities and differences between the words MOUSE - REEDS?
- How are the words STEP - SHAR similar and different?

Learning to read. Composing words

Target: consolidation of the image of letters, the formation of the ability to compose words from the proposed letters, sound-letter analysis and synthesis.

Material: letters passed, (vowels are required: A, O, U, Y, I, E, I, Yu) - 15 pieces, a bowl in which the letters are folded.

- Take the letter from the bowl and name it.

The children take turns taking letters out of the bowl and placing them on the carpet.

After the bowl has become empty, the teacher suggests making words out of letters.

- Make words from the letters that are in front of you.

Learning to read. Working with the Pillow text

Target: increasing the speed of reading, the formation of the ability to determine the number of sentences in the text, draw up sentence diagrams.

Material: worksheet, sound cubes

- Read the text twice.
- Read the questions and answer them.

1. Who embroiders the pillow?

2. What did Dasha embroider on the pillow?

3. From whom does the mouse run?

4. Whom does the cat catch up with?

5. Who will not catch up with whom?

- Retell the story.
- How else can you title the story.

Learning to read. Offers

Target: formation of the ability to determine the number of sentences in the text, draw up sentence schemes.

Material: worksheet, sound cubes.

The teacher draws the children's attention to the text they just read.

- How many sentences are there in the text? Circle the dots at the end of the sentences.
- Schedule the second and fifth sentences using bricks.
- How many words are in the second sentence? What's the first word in the second sentence? What is the second word? Third? Etc.
- How many words are in the fifth sentence? What's the first word in the second sentence? Second? Etc.
- What is the sign in the last sentence?

The teacher draws the children's attention to the task on the worksheet.

Learning to read. Sounds "Ф" and "Фь"

Target: development of phonemic hearing, consolidation of the image of letters.

Material: ball, sound cubes.

The teacher organizes the play on the carpet.

The teacher throws a ball to the children and asks them to name the first sound in words:

  • TORCH,
  • FLAG,
  • FRAC,
  • MOVIE,
  • FORM,
  • FEBRUARY, etc.
  • - What are the first sounds in words? (Sounds Ф and Фь).
    - Sound f, vowel or consonant? (Consonant).
    - Is the sound f ringing or dull? (The sound f is deaf).
    - Can the sound f be hard and soft? (Can be both hard and soft).
    - What can we conclude?
    - Sound f: consonant, voiceless, can be hard and soft.

    The teacher gives children sound cubes.

    - Come up with words with the sounds Ф and Фь.

    Children analyze which sound in a word is hard or soft and show the corresponding sides of the sound cube. The blue side of the cube is hard sound, green is soft sound.

    Learning to read. Letter F

    Target: consolidation of the image of the letter, the development of grapho-motor skills.

    Material: card with the letter F, buttons, plasticine bases.

    The teacher shows the children a card with the letter F.

    Children trace the letter with their finger along the contour, "memorize the letter."

    - Let's lay out the letter F with buttons.

    The teacher shows a pre-made sample on a plasticine basis.

    Children lay out the letter according to the pattern.

    - What does the letter F look like?

    Mathematics. Check. Ball game "Count on"

    Target: exercise in the account within 20.

    Materials (edit): ball.

    Children stand in a row. The teacher throws a ball to the child and says a number. The child calls the next 2-3 numbers and returns the ball.

    It is also possible with a countdown of 20.

    Graphic dictation

    Target: development of fine motor skills of the hand, the formation of visual-motor coordination.

    Materials (edit): worksheet.

    The teacher dictates:

    - One cell to the left. One cell up. One cell to the right. One cell up. Two cells to the right. One cell down. One cell to the right. One cell down. Two cells to the right.

    Continue the pattern yourself.

    Development of thinking. Say the opposite

    Target: development of speech, the formation of the ability to select words that are opposite in meaning.

  • Homeland, homeland - (foreign land).
  • Sunrise - (sunset).
  • Winter summer).
  • Dirt - (cleanliness).
  • Light - (darkness, darkness).
  • Day Night).
  • Heat - (cold).
  • Peace - (war, quarrel).
  • True False).
  • City - (village, village).
  • Good evil).
  • Benefit - (harm).
  • Rich man - (poor man).
  • Friend - (enemy).
  • Joy - (sadness, sadness).
  • Bummer - (hard worker).
  • Mathematics. Solving problems


    Materials (edit)


    Mathematics. Solving problems

    Target: the formation of the ability to solve simple problems.

    Materials (edit): worksheet, colored pencils.

    - Look at the picture. What is drawn?
    - Let's try to create a problem about apples and pears.

    Children must independently formulate the condition and question of the problem.

    - Right. The vase contained 5 apples and 3 pears. How many fruits were in the vase?
    - What is known in the problem? That there were apples and pears in the vase.
    - How many apples lay in the vase is known? Yes. Five.
    - And how many pears lay in the vase is known? Yes. Three.
    - So there were 5 apples and three pears in the vase.
    - What is asked in the problem? How many fruits were in the vase.
    - If the question says "How many?", What action will we use to solve the problem? By addition.
    - Who can tell the solution to the problem? - Write down the solution to the problem in boxes on the worksheet.

    Development of thinking. Find an extra word

    Target: development of mental actions.

    We read the words. Children must find an extra word in each row.

    1. Birch, pine, maple, poplar. (Pine, because coniferous tree).

    2. Aster, phlox, cornflower, gladiolus. (Cornflower, because wild flower, not garden).

    3. Nest, anthill, chicken coop, den. (The chicken coop, because it was created by human hands, and not by animals or insects).

    4. Stove, mom, carriage, gate. (Mom, because animate).

    Development of attention. Caterpillars

    Target: development of stability and selectivity of attention.

    Materials (edit): worksheet, colored pencils.

    The teacher asks to find all the caterpillars in the picture.

    - How many caterpillars did you find? Count it up.

    Preparing your hands for writing. The mountains

    Target: the formation of grapho-motor functions.

    Material: worksheet, colored pencils.

    Circle the mountains in cells.

    The teacher assigns homework to the children.


    Goodbye, goodbye come to us again,

    Goodbye, goodbye, you are very good.

    Goodbye, goodbye, come to us again.

    Goodbye, goodbye - let's play fun!

    This synopsis of a lesson in preparation for literacy is one of the summaries of the work program "From sound to letter", compiled by me, speech therapist teacher Sazhaeva N.K. Working programm preparation for literacy training includes 72 lessons and is designed for a senior preschool age... The methodological basis was taken "Speech therapy primer" by NS Zhukova. For more than five years I have been working with children using this teaching aid.


    1. Continue to learn to navigate in the space-time categories "week", "season";

    2. Continue to develop the ability to name an object by its generic characteristics (“clothes”);

    3. Continue to teach the techniques of inflection, namely: singular and plural nouns, including practicing plural genitive nouns; diminutive suffixes;

    4. Continue to acquaint children with the concepts of "sound", "vowel sound", "consonant sound", teach to name characteristic signs vowels and consonants, learn to distinguish between them;

    5. Continue to develop the ability to name a generalizing concept;

    6. Give an idea of ​​the concept of "letter", continue to teach to distinguish between the concepts of "sound" and "letter";

    7. Give an introduction graphic image letters Ш, ш;

    8. Continue to develop the ability to correlate the studied letter with familiar objects;

    9. Continue to develop the ability to distinguish a given sound by ear in various positions: beginning, middle, end of a word;

    10. Continue to develop the ability to come up with words for a given sound and determine the location of the sound in the word;

    11. Continue to develop the ability to work with the cash register of letters and syllables;

    12. Continue to develop fine motor skills of the fingers with the help of finger exercises;

    13. Continue to develop general motor skills through physical warm-ups.

    Equipment: subject pictures HAT, SCARF, BALL, MOUSE; "Magic bag", cash register of letters, cards for denoting sounds, cards for laying out the syllabic structure of a word, magnetic board.

    Course of the lesson:

    1. Organizational moment.

    Greetings. Clarification of the day of the week. Pronunciation of all days of the week in direct and reverse order... The story "Days of the Week" (choral recitation).

    “I know seven days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday are working days, and Saturday and Sunday are days off. "

    State the current season and list autumn months.

    2. Verification homework

    • "Name the vowel sounds from the passed ones" ("A, U, O"). "Why are they vowels?" ("When pronouncing them, the air in the oral cavity passes freely. They consist of a voice. They form a syllable").
    • "Name the consonants from the passed ones" ("M, C, X, P"). "Why are they agreeable?" ("When pronouncing them, the air in the oral cavity meets an obstruction. They consist of voice and noise").
    • Reading the page of the primer "R" (this is the previous topic of the lesson).

    3. Announcement of the topic of the lesson.

    Pictures from the "Magic Bag": HAT, SCARF, BALL, MOUSE.

    (Words are spoken and pictures are posted on a magnetic board).

    "What is the word that means a hat" ("This is a hat").

    “What is a word for an article of clothing worn around the neck to keep warmth?” (“This is a scarf”).

    "What is the word for a round object filled with air" ("This is a ball").

    "What is the word for a small rodent" ("It's a mouse").

    • Game "Classification"

    "What pictures can be put together and why?" ("You can put a scarf and a hat together because they are clothes").

    • Game "One-Many" ("Hat - hats" ...).
    • The game "Name it affectionately" ("Hat - hat" ...).
    • Game "Name huge" ("Hat - hat" ...).
    • The game "Who / what is gone": children close their eyes, and the speech therapist hides the picture ("The cap is gone" ...).

    Sound stands out from spoken speech. "What is the sound in all these words?" ("Sound [Sh]"). "Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the sound [Ш]".

    4. Analysis of classification features.

    Sound [Ш] is a vowel or a consonant and why? " ("The sound [W] is consonant, because the air meets an obstruction in the mouth").

    "Sound [W] is voiced or dull and why?" (“The sound [W] is dull, because the throat does not sing - the vocal cords do not work.” Check with tactile-vibration control).

    "Sound [W [hard or soft and why?" ("Sound [W [hard, because the language is straight").

    "The sound [W [hard voiceless consonant, denoted by a blue square" (Speech therapist presents a blue square).

    5. Development of phonemic hearing and perception.

    “Raise your hand if you hear the sound [Sh]:

    in the sound row: a, w, p, w, o, m, w, l, s, w, p, w ...;

    from a syllable row: sha, ash, sa, zha, shu, scha, ach, shi, sho, sy, then, so, ku, shu ...;

    from words: juice, ball, crust, fur coat, samovar, hat, bug, mouse, acorn …».

    "Determine the place of the sound in the word" (beginning, middle, end of the word): HAT, SCARF, MOUSE, BALL.

    "Think of your words with the sound you are studying and determine the place of the sound in the word" (beginning, middle, end of the word).

    6. Correlation of sound with a letter.

    A card is presented with block letter(big and small). "The sound [Ш] is denoted in Russian by the letter" Ш "(sha)".

    We hear and speak sounds, we see and write letters.

    7. Analysis of the image of the letter.

    "The capital and small letters" Ш "are written in the same way." "What elements does our letter consist of?" “We draw three straight lines from top to bottom at the same distance from each other. Draw one line at the bottom, only from left to right, it connects all three lines together. It turned out the letter "W" (the speech therapist accompanies the writing of the letter by showing it on the board).



    - We inflate the balloon quickly,

    (The fingers are collected in a pinch near the mouth and gradually "expand")

    - It's getting big.

    (Hands over the top to the side, describe a circle)

    - The ball burst,

    - The air is out,

    (Tilt down, sit down)

    - He became thin and thin.

    (Stand up with your hands to your torso)


    - This is mom - a mouse.

    (Pat your head)

    - She is beautiful like all mice.

    (Pat your face)

    - She has big ears,

    (Pat your ears)

    - She has big eyes,
    (Pat the area around the eyes)

    - She has soft cheeks,

    (Pat the cheeks)

    - She has a sharp nose,

    (Pat your nose)

    - She has a toothy mouth.

    (pat lips)

    8. Correlation of the image of the letter with familiar objects.

    - Shura stirred hay,

    I forgot the pitchfork in the hay. (G. Vieru)

    - What does W look like?

    On the teeth of this bucket. (V. Stepanov)

    - Ah, the stool is good!

    Turned over - and the letter W!

    "What objects does the letter" W "look like (children's answers).

    “What letters of the Russian language does the letter“ SH ”look like (children's answers).

    “What numbers does the letter“ W ”look like (children's answers).

    9. Working with the ABC book.

    (Pages 29-30). Reading speech material first a speech therapist, then children.

    Finger gymnastics

    Winter clothes

    - Mom will tie her daughter

    ("We knit on the needles")

    - Scarf

    (Run your palm over your neck and take your hand over your shoulder - "throws a scarf")

    - And socks,

    (Show to your feet)

    - Hat and mittens,

    (Show on head and hands)

    - So as not to freeze Varyushka.

    (Thunder - shake forefinger left-right).

    (O. Krupenchuk)

    10. Work with the cash register of letters and syllables.

    Put letters and syllables at the checkout:

    - big / capital "Ш";

    - small / lowercase "w";

    - ASH - SHA - BALL - BALLS

    - sha - Masha


    - Shu - Shura

    - OSH - SHO

    There are as many syllables as there are vowels.

    "How many syllables are in the words: ball, balls, Mascha, noise, noises, Shura?" To accompany the laid out words with cards to indicate sounds.

    11. Summing up.

    "What sound was taught?" (collective response of children).

    "What letter did you mean?"

    12. Homework.

    Reading an ABC page (pp. 29-30). Spread out uppercase and lowercase letter W, w... Come up with words with the sound you are studying. Come up with names for boys and girls that have the sound to be studied. Think what a letter looks like Ш and get a certificate for attestation?