Karmic card of fate.

An astrologer who undertakes to analyze the karmic elements of a chart has three goals:

  1. Determine what the karma of this individual is in order to give him general recommendations;
  2. Build a map of a given (past, before last, future, etc.) incarnation in order to determine its main characteristics;
  3. To find karmic connections between a given individual and people of interest to him or somehow related to him. In this order we will analyze them.

Indian astrologers prefer to read karma with Saturn... Saturn is karma carried over from life to life. The position of Saturn in the sign and in the house is a person's super task not only in this, but also in other incarnations. Its meaning is the preservation or restoration of cosmic balance, for the sake of which everyone works where he is put in the next incarnation.

In this regard, the meaning of direct and retrograde Saturn almost the same: retrograde shows only that a person will have to work a lot, while a person with direct Saturn is required to rather inaction.

This can be clarified by the position of the Sun relative to the line of nodes. If the Sun on the natal cosmogram moves from the Tail of the Dragon to the Head, a person will soon be able to overcome the load past life; the closer the Sun is to the Head in this case, the less the karmic past dominates the person. If the moment of the passage of the directional Sun through the Head fits into the life span, a person can turn back\u003e to his previous karma.

If the natal Sun moves from the Head of the Dragon to the Tail, a person throughout (this) life will not get rid of this burden (the disturbances in the cosmic equilibrium that he made in past incarnations were too great), but it will be better to know him, and this can help him live so that his influence is minimal. So he can at least partially correct the situation.

Now let's look briefly at the meaning of Saturn. Depending on this, the task of a person in this incarnation arises from his karma in the card. The task in each incarnation may be different, it depends on whether the person succeeded in maintaining cosmic balance in the past incarnation or not, that is, whether his "karmic debt" is great. To determine karmic debt and clarify the task, a map of the previous or other incarnations is built.

Of the general indicators, the distribution of the planets by decanates should also be mentioned.

  • First decanade corresponds to the physical plane of being. A person who has many or most of the planets in the first decans is focused mainly on the material, physical side of life, does not think about karma, is under the burden of the past.
  • Second decanade corresponds to the mental plane. Shows the lifestyle chosen for the present incarnation, the orientation of a person: either to forget karma, or to correct and fulfill it.
  • Third decanade corresponds to the astral plane, it faces the future. If there are many planets in the third decanates, the karmic duty is almost fulfilled, the soul has passed most of the path to perfection, liberation is approaching.

Planets that are in conjunction with the Tail or Head of the Dragon, as well as those that fall into the midpoints of other planets, always have a karmic meaning. However, this is a kind of "someone else's" karma: a person has to make up for the deficit of balance created by others.

In fact, of course, this is not really "someone else's" karma.

After all, karma is a world law, it embraces all people and even, probably, all living beings that inhabited or once inhabited the Earth (and maybe not only the Earth). No wonder in the East they say that a horoscope must be drawn up for a family - just like the whole family must be treated. After all, the family is not chosen by chance: both the partner and the child often come in order to restore the balance disturbed by someone else.

This relationship is determined by the planet that fell into

such a position, as well as by polling, which is important. As a rule, the sins of the parents are manifested in the child on the physical plane (illness), the problems of grandparents - on astral plane (psyche), great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers - on the mental plane. The partner is called upon to harmonize the violations committed by the person himself - there is no need to remind about how important the correct choice of a partner is.

2. Map of a given incarnation

IN natal chart you should also pay attention to the planet Neptune and the sign of Scorpio.

Planet Neptune can signify the last incarnation, getting into the XII house. Its location there says that the soul has completed the chain of reincarnations and after physical death will no longer be reborn on Earth. The proximity of Neptune to the XII house (its position in the VII-XI houses) also indicates that the chain of earthly incarnations ends. Neptune in the 1st house may mean that this incarnation is generally the first for a person, he has a "new soul".

The Scorpio sign can serve as an indicator of the number of previous incarnations. Empty Scorpio speaks of a "young" soul. The more planets there are in Scorpio, the older the soul is considered, the more incarnations it has. However, the number of planets does not coincide with the number of incarnations, and only approximately estimates the "age" of the soul.

By the natal chart, you can roughly determine the nature of the previous relevant (significant) incarnation. What does this mean? In a past life, a person could die in infancy or “be born as a baobab”: such incarnations are irrelevant for us, because their influence on the current incarnation of a person is too small.

The main factors that determine the previous significant incarnation are: The Tail of the Dragon, X11 house and retrograde planets. The more retrograde planets a person has, the more mistakes the soul made in the past incarnation, the more it will have to work on correcting them in this. The absence of retrograde planets speaks of a righteous life in the past incarnation.

The head of the Dragon and the VIII house give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe future incarnation. For the same purposes, the cusp of the II house is also used, taken for the ascendant, as discussed below.

The first impression of the person who made up the previous incarnation is given by the X11 house of the natal horoscope. Simplifying, we can say that by shifting the grid of houses one house back and turning X11 house into the first (the first house becomes the second house, the second - the third, and so on), we get an approximate horoscope of the previous incarnation.

In a similar way, that is, shifting the cosmogram one more house back, you can try to look into the penultimate incarnation, etc. A shift one house forward (the first house becomes the second, the second - the third, etc.) can give information about the future incarnation. However, it should be remembered that the cosmograms compiled in this way are approximate and cannot be directly interpreted. When calculating by solar and lunar houses, it is enough just to renumber the houses of the natal cosmogram; when calculating according to the ascendant, one should take the tip of the 12th house for the position of the ascendant, the tip of the 9th house for the position of the middle of the sky, and find out from the tables of houses what latitude this combination of other houses corresponds to, because they, naturally, will not coincide with the houses of the natal cosmogram.

This is, to some extent, verifiable: it is known that a person should at least once visit the regions where his past life passed, or at least feel a craving for it. Having calculated the latitude (and if it works out, then the longitude) of the previous incarnation from the tables, you can ask if a person has been in this part the globewhether he studied the language of those places, whether he has any other connections with them. This is most often confirmed. In addition, the past life (XII house) always to a certain extent determines the first half of a person's present life, when it is still difficult for him to get rid of the habits and actions of the past. Only by the age of thirty, at the end of the first cycle of Saturn (29.5 years), the original personality, burdened by the burden of past incarnations, disintegrates and a new, true personality of the present incarnation is born.

The sun shows only real life and is not noted in the cosmogram of the previous incarnation.


Of the rest, only the retrograde planets are taken into account in the new cosmogram.

The planets located in the natal chart, both retrograde and straight, have karmic significance. Jupiter brings cosmic joy to the house in which he stands, and shows in which area a person can quickly eliminate his karma. He also points to the restoration of balance - compensation for hardships in the past life, or, conversely, payment for the excesses committed in the previous incarnation.

Saturn shows what duties were not fulfilled in a past life, indicates the most important element karma, which must be corrected first. This is an ancient karma carried over from life to life.

Uranus with bad aspects or retrograde speaks of past life mistakes - betrayal of friends, refusal to sacrifice oneself for the sake of higher ideals.

Neptune - retrograde, strong, or with exact aspects (both bad and good) speaks of the old age of the soul: such a person saw the death of Atlantis. If there is no strong influence of Saturn in the horoscope, Neptune does not release from the previous karma, but continues its development in the same direction. Only in the last one, X1! In the house of the natal chart, he speaks of the completion of the chain of reincarnations.

Pluto in the natal cosmogram is a connection that connects one life to another. He shows a sign and a house where a person in this life is fighting alone. Similarly, coins can be interpreted and its position in the cosmogram of the last incarnation in relation to the penultimate one, and so on.

3. Connections with other people

Now we should mention a person's karmic ties with other people - partner, relatives, friends. It is usually considered that all the planets, both retrograde and straight, following the Moon (i.e., the longitude of which exceeds the longitude of the Moon by 0 - 180 degrees), denote persons who have met in past lives. If, moreover, these planets have aspects with Pluto, these persons played an important role in a previous life. The most important of these individuals may be Pluto itself, especially if it is retrograde and / or is in the 4th or 8th house.

Of great interest is the comparison of the cosmogram of a person with the cosmograms of his loved ones: the coincidence of their Sun, Moon, ascendant and other important points with the indicated planets often indicates such a karmic meeting.

The planets are interpreted as follows:

  • The sun shows only real life and is not noted in the cosmogram of the previous incarnation.
  • Sun conjunct Mercury can mean a father who used to be a sibling or cousin,
  • Moon indicates the fate of a person in a past life; it is often mistaken for the Sun in the cosmogram of the previous incarnation.
  • Mercury beyond Mars (within 30 degrees) - a lover from a past life.
  • Uranus often means a reincarnated friend,
  • Jupiter - spouse,
  • Venus - beloved wife or mistress, the time and place of their previous birth, as well as find out who they were then and what is not recommended to do in their present life

Of the rest, only retrograde planets are taken into account in the new cosmogram.

The planets located in the natal chart, both retrograde and straight, have karmic significance.

Jupiter brings cosmic joy to the house in which he stands, and shows in which area a person can quickly eliminate his karma. He also points to the restoration of balance - compensation for the deprivations in the past life, or, conversely, payment for the excesses committed in the previous incarnation.

Hello dear blog readers. No matter how we deny it, each of us, at least a little, believes in fate. There are things in this world that are completely beyond our control and it is very difficult to explain why life has gone head over heels. Many believe that bad karma is caused by mistakes and sins accumulated in past lives. To minimize the negativity that affects today's events, I suggest learning how to calculate karma by date of birth.

Calculation of the karmic number

34 is a methycycle. That is, every 34 years in your life there will be a kind of exam for working off karma or a global event that will radically change your fate.

The resulting figure indicates the level of development of the soul and who you were in a past life.

The first two-digit number indicates whether you have karma assistants.
The second number indicates mistakes made in past lives, and tells you in which direction you need to move.

Now I propose to analyze the meaning of the karmic number. Let's start in order.

Soul development level

At the first stage of development, there are people whose karmic number is from 10 to 19:

  • 10 is the number of karma, but very good. It means that you have learned past mistakes and a wonderful life awaits you. Fixed salary, good health and a happy family given to you by right. Continue to do good. In a past life, you may have been a shepherd or a hunter;
  • 11 - you can be ruined by such a character trait as gullibility. You will have many children and no less marriages. Search perfect couple can take a lifetime and not the fact that it will be crowned with success. Do not be alarmed, but in a past life you could have been a thief or a murderer;
  • 12 - you are naive and need strong support. Get ready to be deceived all your life. The past incarnation is a terrorist or an enemy of the people;
  • 13 - the number of karmic debt. In a past life, you were selfish and irresponsible. Get ready for frequent problems... It will be possible to work off the debt only by firmly enduring all the hardships and, bringing things to their logical conclusion. A slave or prisoner is your past reincarnation;
  • 14 - you will have to work off the debt for avoiding reality. Refrain from alcohol, drugs and other psychotropic substances. Do not indulge your base desires. Sailor or military man;
  • 15 - charm and natural magnetism will help you achieve your goals. Don't cross the moral line and don't use people. In a past life, you sold yourself for money;
  • 16 - modesty will help to work off karmic debt. Put the interests of loved ones ahead of your own. Think carefully about every decision you make. Remember, royal blood flows in your veins, at least it was so in the previous reincarnation;
  • 17 - you will finally find happiness in your personal life. Fate will return what you were deprived of in past incarnations. A beggar and completely lonely person;
  • 18 - you are cruel and selfish. Most likely related to crime. If you don't stop, life will be very short. In the past you are a sorcerer;
  • 19 is the number of karma. If you don't learn to take care of the people around you completely disinterestedly, you will remain alone for the rest of your life. Then your next reincarnation will have to work off the debt.

  • 20 - bring good to people and do not be afraid of obstacles. Your past life was about money;
  • 21 - great happiness awaits you, the main thing is not to sit still, but confidently move forward. In the past, you are a blacksmith;
  • 22 - kindness and responsiveness are your main character traits. Communicate with people more often, and do not go into your illusory world. The past reincarnation is a petty thief;
  • 23 - work, perseverance and kindness will help create strong family and build a successful career. Dressmaker or seamstress.
  • 24 - karma is in order, but only if you abandon unseemly deeds and evil thoughts. Overall a pretty happy life. In the past incarnation, you painted icons;
  • 25 - curb your difficult temper and life will improve. Try not to transfer your royal character into this life;
  • 26 - you should be afraid of betrayal from your inner circle. Be careful. Sometimes, you can't even trust your own intuition. In the past, you were a doctor;
  • 27 - do not be afraid of minor troubles in the first half of life. Kindness and sincere help to people will bring you great happiness. You were a scientist;
  • 28 - you don't know what morality is. Sometimes, you are a completely wicked, but still talented person. Do not spoil your karma and direct your energy to the path of creation. Suicide - this is how your past life ended;
  • 29 - you deceived in a past life, now they will deceive you. Find a soul mate to stay connected to the world. You were a wealthy but deceitful merchant.

The third level includes numbers from 30 to 39:

  • 30 - the mind and developed intellectual abilities are given to you for a reason. Do good, not chase after money and fame. You are a writer in the past;
  • 31 - you are lonely, but it absolutely suits you. You were an actor for a very long time;
  • 32 - the number of active, sociable and optimistic people. Try not to talk too much. You were a traveler;
  • 33 is a very good future. You will be happy if you devote your life to teaching children. Great magician in the past incarnation;
  • 34 - the difficulties of the first half of life are compensated by a cloudless life after 35 years. Expect family happiness and financial well-being. Knight;
  • 35 - do not despair, but your fate is not very good. Expect problems, betrayals, betrayals. Spend a lot of time with your children. They can become addicted to alcohol and drugs. In the past, you are a singer with a failed career;
  • 36 - do not rely on the help of others. If it is possible to achieve stability, it will be solely on our own. In a past life, you were a convict;
  • 37 - success always and in everything. But don't be too proud. Learn to thank and share the fruits of your labors. Hermit;
  • 38 - do not trust anyone, rely only on yourself. In the past, you were a girl of easy virtue;
  • 39 - stop being jealous and life will improve. An avid player.

And finally, the fourth step:

  • 40 - many do not understand and support you. Look for inner strengthto achieve all your goals. Writer;
  • 41 - you are surrounded by numerous fans and you, without hesitation, use people. Do not forget that selfishness and the eternal search for your own benefit are fraught with sad consequences. Poetess;
  • 42 - life is filled with happiness and vivid emotions. You have brewed beer in the past;
  • 43 - get ready for trials on all fronts of life. You were a royal executed for treason;
  • 44 - danger lies in wait for you at every turn. Killer;
  • 45 - real life will begin only after 40. Until then, get ready for disappointment. Doctor;
  • 46 - a happy life. Just choose your spouse, guided by your heart, and not by mercantile desires. Military;
  • 47 - Choose your friends carefully. On the path of life, you will meet many traitors. Hermit;
  • 48 - Develop your leadership skills and achieve success in your career. In a past incarnation, you worked with weapons;
  • 49 - you are destined for a lonely and gray existence. This is how sinners pay the price for previous mistakes.

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Help in working off karma

If the first digit of your karmic number is even, a person will surely appear in your life who will help you work out the sins of past incarnations. He will tell you the right way.

An odd number are anti-helpers. On the contrary, they will interfere with leading a correct lifestyle. Try not to deviate from the intended course, but shield yourself from people with obvious negative thoughts.

If your karmic number is one-digit, you have practically no sins that require working off. Try not to mess things up.

Second digit value

The second digit of the karmic number helps to find out about the purpose. Read carefully and find out what mistakes you should avoid:

  • 1 - selfishness, which was your main feature in past lives, will not allow you to find love and true friends for a long time. Beware of deceptions from loved ones and never lie yourself. Selfless deeds and good deeds will help improve karma;
  • 2 - in past incarnations, you did not want to take responsibility and lived for your own pleasure. Now, fate is not on your side and it will be quite difficult to attract luck. We'll have to fight for a place in the sun. The main thing is not to risk your life and show prudence;
  • 3 - means that in the past you have been rather stingy. Be sure to do charity work and help people in need. Develop your spiritual qualities and do not pursue material wealth;
  • 4 - you have already cleared your karma, because in a past life you had to endure failures and loneliness. Now you will find family happiness... The main thing is to appreciate the gifts of fate and take care of loved ones;
  • 5 - the number of those who devoted their past life to black magic. Avoid everything supernatural, and serious problems bypass you;
  • 6 - in a past life you did everything right. In this one - keep harmony and do good. Carefully weigh any decision and help people around you;
  • 7 - the past incarnation was accompanied by constant difficulties, failures, moral and physical pain. All is well now. The main thing is that victories do not turn your head. Try to restrain yourself and not go all out;
  • 8 - in a past life you hurt loved ones, but in this one - the situation will change exactly the opposite. Try not to take revenge and endure all the grievances. Only in this way will you ensure good karma in the next reincarnation;
  • 9 - your past incarnation was very short. Therefore, fate gave you natural wisdom and developed intuition. Listen to your inner voice as you receive important decisions and don't forget to help people;
  • 0 - you were a very hardworking person, so this life is waiting for you. Keep on getting things done and don't give up under any circumstances. You will succeed.


Julia Poe Numerology

Experienced numerologist Julia Poe developed complex system meanings of karmic numbers. It takes into account not only the basic principles of all schools of numerology, but also aspects of astrology and the science of gender.

Julia says that the month of birth plays an important role in working off karma and indicates the main tasks. I suggest you study a kind of horoscope from a numerologist:

  • january - you must help your brother or sister;
  • february - develop in yourself kindness and mercy. In life, you have to take care of loved ones. If you do not help the older generation, the most dear women will start to get sick;
  • march - you need to learn to take responsibility and make important decisions. The sooner you become an independent person, the better life will be;
  • april - Get rid of the negative character traits that you inherited from your father. Do not waste energy in vain: help your friends, do good and do not close yourself in your inner world;
  • may - eradicate the negative traits that you inherited from your mother. Do not limit the freedom of other people, try not to get into conflicts;
  • june - your main task is to create a strong family and take care of loved ones;
  • july - you definitely need to change your place of residence. We will move to another city or country a great solution;
  • august - you are a peacemaker who is able to unite your own parents. In your personal life, try to build only serious relationships. Fleeting romances can ruin karma;
  • september - develop your talents. You need to glorify your family;
  • october - your mission is to improve the material well-being of the whole family. Financial well-being can only be achieved through hard work;
  • november - work on yourself, develop in all areas. You must achieve high social status;
  • december - there are no serious sins behind your soul. In order not to spoil karma, try not to commit evil and unseemly deeds.

By the date of birth of both spouses, you can calculate the compatibility of the couple. Interesting? Then let's get down to the calculation.

Natalia - 02/15/1988. Karmic number: 1 + 6 + 0 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 8 \u003d 35.

Oleg - 11/01/1983. Its number: 0 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 3 \u003d 24.

Determine the sum of two numbers: 35 + 24 \u003d 59.

Now you need to subtract 22: 59-22 \u003d 37. When the required number is greater than 22, you need to subtract again: 37-22 \u003d 15.

After calculating the family karma number.

You can proceed to decoding the values:

  • 1 - the man will be the head of the family, imposing his worldview. It is better for the girl not to interfere in his affairs and not to provoke conflict situations. In general, the union will turn out to be very interesting and creative. The main thing is to find common ground;
  • 2 - you soul mateswho understand each other without words. There will be absolute harmony in your relationship;
  • 3 - a stable strong family in which the main decisions will be made by a woman. Try not to listen to the advice of close relatives in order to maintain mutual understanding and harmony;
  • 4 - passion and strong emotions will prevail over common sense. Try not to limit each other's personal space and do not succumb to destructive feelings of jealousy;
  • 5 - value your partner. He will help you navigate in life and take the right position. Do not pay attention to the difference in characters, temperament and social status;
  • 6 - misunderstanding is possible only at the initial stage of the relationship. The longer you are together, the stronger the love, happiness and mutual support;
  • 7 - a bright and dynamic relationship filled with travel and new acquaintances. However, the probability of treason is high;
  • 8 is more of a mutually beneficial marriage. Do not try to change your partner, change yourself;
  • 9 - this relationship can hardly be called comfortable. Both partners will experience a mutual sense of loneliness, lack of love and attention. The couple will eventually part ways;
  • 10 - you are incredibly lucky. Relationships will help you succeed and significantly increase your financial well-being. It's a lifelong relationship;
  • 11 - a difficult relationship. Both partners are strong in spirit and character. The constant power struggle will lead to rupture. The only way out is to seek compromises;
  • 12 is a relationship that requires sacrifice. To keep them, you will have to give up some important things or people. Unfortunately, even this will not save you from difficulties and lack of understanding. This is your karma;
  • 13 - it is unlikely that it will be possible to maintain the relationship. Partners are incompatible. In addition, the likelihood of domestic violence is high;
  • 14 - you have common goals, you are comfortable and cozy with each other. The union will be long and happy;
  • 15 - better give up this relationship. The union is based on manipulation, cunning and intense sexual affection;
  • 16 - you are too different. Frequent quarrels will lead to parting and completely weaken both mentally and physically;
  • 17 - you are two halves of a single whole. Appreciate your partner and you will definitely live with him for a long and happy life;
  • 18 - you don't know your loved one. There are a lot of misconceptions and wrong judgments. It will be difficult for you together. The probability of betrayal is high;
  • 19 - everything is fine with you: a strong family, happy children, mutual support and absolute harmony;
  • 20 - it will be difficult at first. It takes time to learn the true essence of a loved one. Don't worry, you will become not only passionate spouses, but also true friends;
  • 21 - you are compatible at energy level... Prepare for a lifelong relationship;
  • 22 - extremely unstable relationship. One of you yearns for freedom. To be together, you will have to moderate your desires and put the interests of your loved one in the first place. The likelihood of divorce is high.

But you should still try to be a little kinder to others and not deny loved ones the necessary support. Karma will definitely get better.

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Determine the life purpose of a person and the reasons for many important events his life is possible not only with the help of the natal horoscope, but also by the birth matrix.

There is a special table of karmic cards that combines the astrology and symbolism of a full deck of cards. According to it, you can determine not only your life path, but also the positive and negative influences of previous incarnations on it.

How to determine your karma from the table

Before you know your karmic cards, you need to determine a person's birth chart.

So, for example, for a person born on February 18, 1982, the calculation will look like this: 55 - \u003d 33.

It is this number that we will look for in the table shown in the figure below.

The number 33 corresponds to the seven of diamonds - it is she who will be the birth card of a person who was born on February 18, 1982.

Each birth date has two karmic charts. The first symbolizes a positive karmic influence and describes the area, events or people that give a person an influx of energy. The second reveals the negative aspect and shows which area, people or events are causing the outflow of energy. Also, each of the positions gives certain advice to a person about which qualities he needs to strengthen and which ones to weaken in order to achieve success.

The table also shows karmic relationships. Knowing the date when the person you are interested in was born, you can easily calculate his birth chart and see if it is among your karmic cards.

Karmic card table

Special karmic group

As you can see, there are several birth dates in the table, next to which there are not two, but more cards - they are marked with asterisks. They belong to a special family, and the karmic connections between them can manifest themselves in completely different ways. These people are firmly connected with each other, they always find each other in this life, but one cannot say that each of them gives the other some kind of karmic debt.

The three of a Jack of Hearts, King of Spades and Eight of Clubs is called Fixed Cards.

They, falling out as karmic at certain dates of birth, do not in any way affect the personal qualities of a person, but at the same time they carry a tough natural stability. When at least two people from a Fixed Group meet in life, they form a huge force that can literally change this world.

The remaining four special cards - Ace of Clubs, Two of Hearts, Seven of Diamonds and Nine of Hearts are called "Semi-Fixed".

At the same time, the Ace of clubs with a Two of hearts and a Nine of hearts with a Seven of diamonds are special pairs that are a complete reflection of each other and have many of the same qualities.

People who appeared on December 31 also have a special karmic date of birth. Their card is the mysterious Joker.

Table value

To get the most complete picture of what influences the birth chart carries in your life, you need to devote a lot of time to studying special literature, since it is simply not possible to talk about each of them in a nutshell.

Karmic cards - suit of Hearts

The suit of hearts symbolizes love relationship and heartfelt affection. People who were born under this card usually express themselves and work off karma in this particular area: through marriage, divorce, complicated relationship, friendship.

Karmic cards - Clubs suit

Clubs are usually associated with the intellectual realm. They symbolize people who are engaged in mental activity and work off karmic debts through the acquisition of knowledge, new ideas, communication with others.

Read more about the suit in a separate article:

Karmic cards - suit of Diamonds

The suit of diamonds most often means material wealth, finance. People born under the card of diamonds have karmic tasks related to money, values, work related to finances.

Read more about the suit in a separate article:

Karmic cards - suit of spades

The spades suit is the hardest suit in the deck. People who have a peak birth chart may turn out to be either spiritual in nature, or, on the contrary, too materialistic, since this suit includes two basic meanings: work and health on the one hand, and interest in spiritual searches and inner peace with another.

Read more about the suit in a separate article:

We will consider the detailed meaning of each position in the table of karmic birth charts in separate articles.

There are no leaps and no accidents in life, everything has its own reason,
every thought we have every feeling and every action comes from
past and affect the future.
While this past and future is hidden
from us, while we look at life as a mystery, unaware that
created it ourselves, until then the phenomena of our life, as if by accident
advance before us from the abyss of the unknown.

The fabric of human destiny produced by the person himself
from countless threads intertwining into patterns of intricate complexity for us:
- one thread disappears from the field of our consciousness, but it did not break at all,
but only went down;
- the other appears suddenly, but it is still the same thread that passed along the invisible side and reappears on the surface visible to us;
- looking only at a piece of fabric and only from one side of it, our consciousness is not able to see the complex patterns of the entire fabric, taken as a whole. "
"Looking only at a piece of fabric and only from one side of it, our consciousness is not able to see the complex patterns of the entire fabric, taken as a whole ..."

H.P. Blavatsky's words suggest that natal is just a fragment of the fabric of lives, which we continue to weave in our current new life, but you must admit that all the complex patterns of all our past lives will not fit on this "current natal piece of tissue", which means they are pressed, but not in the natal chart, they are pressed in a roll of a karmic chart .. ...
I think that natal (current fate) is only one thread that participates in weaving the future pattern of a person's future life (natal), and weaving is carried out by a person's thought, his desire and his will, and the materials for thought, will and desire are collected by him in the past incarnations (karmic card) ...

Mahabharata:“Whatever karma a person earns in his
previous lives, he must himself, personally, must survive and
"There are three worlds on the planet,
where we live: the mortal world, the world of higher beings and the world of the gods.
Ordinary people whose entire existence is focused on earning
money, food and procreation belong to the world
mortals (manushya), people who have given up their desires, those who
devotes himself to doing good to the world, belong to the world of higher
beings (pitra), those who enlighten the world and become leaders
high culture, belong to the world of the gods (deva) ".

"can we say that this or that case or situation in which
turned out to be a man, is there entirely his karma? ... After all, often meeting with
a burdened person is, precisely, our karma, and, denying him
help, we are thus burdening ourselves. We must lend a helping hand
where the heart tells us ... "
(Letters to Helena Roerich)

"In every life, a person can extinguish that part of the old karma that
will overtake him in this incarnation, and, of course, he will immediately start a new
karma, but with an expanded consciousness, he will be able to quickly get rid of the accumulated
karma, and the new karma generated by him will be already higher
quality. In addition, the old karma will no longer be so terrible, because
refined thinking and therefore a refined aura in a completely different way
react to kickbacks.
And in this way a person can get out of the seemingly vicious circle of karma ...
Individual karma is always the main one.

(Helena Roerich)

"The universe is governed by the immutable law of justice, the law of karma" Karmic astrology, (S.V. Shestopalov).

Reading Karma by astrological methods Information about our karma is:
- in natal;
- in a karmic map, built in a special way.

Building a karmic map: 1.Karmic card it is built simply: a map is built on the date of birth, where the Ascendant Node is placed on the Ascendant and Ascendant on the right.
2.Knot in karma. the card in a certain sign is given information about the order of the incarnation of one cycle, consisting of 12 incarnations:
The Ascending Node in Pisces is the beginning of the round of incarnations, and the Ascending Node in Aries is the last incarnation of the cycle of the next round of incarnations.
The final incarnation (Ascending Node in Aries) and the first incarnation of the next cycle (Ascending Node in Pisces) are significantly different, in the last incarnation more freedom is given, and the person who has had the honor to complete such a long cycle has the opportunity to draw a line, summarize the accumulated experience, received
personalities in the previous eleven lives.

Reading the Ascending Node according to natal and karmic chart:Each successive incarnation has its own specific karmic task, determined and
the position of the Node in the sign of the karmic card and the position of the ruler of this sign in the house of the karm card. The position of the Nodes in the house and the sign according to natal gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe past and gives a description of the program of the current incarnation.
"Lunar Nodes have a special role, where the Ascending Node is a point
realization of our karma, and his position in the houses of the birth horoscope
indicates through which spheres of life and life circumstances occur
this implementation ".

Reading karma by planets in the 4th house of natal. The cusp of the 4th house of Natal in a certain element gives information about how much time could have passed after the last incarnation:
- cusp of the 4th house of natal on fire means that incarnation after death took place years later;
- cusp of the 4th house in the air means that the incarnation was relatively fast (from several years to decades);
- cusp of the 4th house of natal in water, the distance between incarnations is counted in hundreds of years;
- cusp of the 4th house of natal in the ground, the distance between incarnations is calculated in thousands of years or more.
In communication with a person whose cusp in water or earth signs,
their difference from other people is striking, the difference is associated with a special
perception of our modern world, his modern morality,
or rather its absence :).

In Karmic Astrology S.V. Shestopalov it is noted that one should pay attention to planets in the 4th house, "the luminaries located in the 4th house of natal indicate circumstances and occupations in the previous incarnation."

Reading Karma on a karmic map: The karmic map and its reading is associated with the functional karmic load of the houses of the karmic map, from 1 to 12, where each house has a certain key for reading a person's karma:
The most important house is the first house, which determines the karmic task of the current incarnation.

Additional Information: 1.When interpreting the karmic horoscope, it should be remembered that karma can be negative (punishment karma) and positive karma (retribution karma),
where harmonious aspects are proof of the karma of retribution, and
tense aspects in the karmic map are signs of negative
cards, a sign of debts in a certain area of \u200b\u200blife (partners, children,
parents, work, friends, etc.)

2. Natal outlines the framework of our current destiny, and the karmic map explains the reasons for this framework, the reasons for material wealth or material hardships, the reasons for health or ill health, the reasons for childlessness or the reasons for problems with children or partners.
3.It is important to know the reasons for the limitations in fate in some area of \u200b\u200blife, it is probably important to understand the root cause of the problems before hitting the closed door of the sphere of fate, Sometimes such awareness is the key for such a karmic lock, awareness
the root causes of negative karma, becomes an important impulse in solving
karmic restrictions in the current life.
* * *
Reading a karmic card is like the first turn of a key in the lock of your destiny. Key from closed door the sphere of life on which the castle weighs can be found in the karmic map, you just need to make an effort.
* * *
Karmic houses and 1st house interpretation:
1 house - karmic task which is worth
before the spirit in its current incarnation, indicates that facet of the spirit,
which has yet to be honed.

For example: The Ascending Node is in the 7th house, and the Descending Node is in the first
home is often found in people who have to learn
get married, build relationships. This category has
people, marriage is a karmic task by position
in the natal chart.
This category of people does not strive for marriage, the marriage experience of the current
incarnation does not make them optimistic, they know how to be leaders,
they know how to develop their abilities, but live for a partner in the name
they don't know how to partner

2 house - karma of talents;

3 house - karmic connections, karmic knowledge
(directly related to the knowledge manifested in
new incarnation)

4 house - karmic inheritance,
memory of past incarnations (directly related to
phenomenal abilities)

5 house - karma learning, karma for children
(has to do with obtaining occult knowledge in the past,
manifested in a new incarnation)

6 house - karma of service(karmic map allows you to determine if there are service debts:
personal karma, collective, national), karmic diseases
(not all diseases are karmic, the karmic card allows
determine the qualifications of current diseases) Karmic chart
allows us to determine those to whom we have debts for
karma of service

7 house - karma in front of partners, karma of interaction,
analysis of this house allows you to determine the causes of problems in marriage,
problems with partners, reasons for widowhood, reasons for celibacy and
delays in marriage;

8 house - karma of debt and karma of debt,
the main house in the karmic map, great
the secrets of the causes of our problems, the reasons for our delays,
our limitations in marriage, in the sphere of childbearing, etc.
This is the second main house, it is the reason for our current incarnation.

9 house is the most mysterious house, house of karmic mission, karmic destination,
who will tell if the spirit has a mission in this incarnation,
what it is: difficult to implement, implementable with obstacles,
or on the way of the execution of your mission will be deployed
the Red carpet.
But in any case, the karmic mission has immutable rules: Mission is voluntary!
The position of the ruler of the 9th house in a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe karmic map
will tell you the area of \u200b\u200blife through which the mission should
to be realized.
The number of aspects of the ruler of the 9th house will speak
about the intensity of this mission

10 house - karma of social realization.
If the ruler of the 9th house is in the 10th house of the karmic card -
this alone suggests that the mission must be realized
through work, society, profession

11 house - collective karma, group karma, clan karma
(if your card has debts for children, then belonging to the 11th house
can talk about a generic problem), country, nation.
Analysis of this field in a karmic chart can suggest the conditions and ways of liberation from karmic debts through the karma of service.
A karmic map can tell you how to cut a karmic knot.
Harmonious aspects from the rulers of the 11th house are ways of getting rid of karmic debts in a certain area of \u200b\u200byour life

12 house - house of karmic restrictions,
it is a field of spirituality, a field of communication with God, inexhaustible
source of inspiration. A house that can tell about dedication
for the current incarnation.
Readings of karma according to the karmic symbolism of the planets: The next way to obtain information about past incarnations is to read the karmic map according to the karmic symbolism (through the prism of karma) of the planets, where each luminary has a specific informational load, the reading uses aspects of this planet from other planets.
Thus, you can read information about the past:

1. Nodes in houses and signs of natal (lokala).
3. Element of the cusp of the sign of the 4th house. The sign of the cusp of the 4th house of natal.
4. Planets in the 4th house.
According to the karmic map: 1. Sign on the cusp of Asz karma card (karmic task of the current incarnation).
2. The ruler of the sign Asc karma. cards - the Lord of Karma of the current incarnation, a specific planet and its aspects.
3. Interpretation of karmic houses, their rulers and their aspects. Assessment of aspects (tense or harmonious).
4. Saturn is the significator of old debts from previous incarnations, personifying old and unpaid debts presented for payment in this life, the position in a particular house of a karmic card allows you to know where to expect to receive belated karma bills.
5. Special attention attracts the house of debts, in the karmic map - this is the 8th house of the karmic map.
6. Reading the karmic symbolism of the karma planets. cards.

Used literature: Karmic astrology S.V. Shestopalov, Secret Doctrine (v. 3) H.P. Blavatsky. Facets of Agni Yoga.

Each person has his own task, what is destined for us by karma is our cross, and possibly a guiding star. We will teach you how to define this problem, knowing the date of birth of the querent. Firstly, a small digression, the more the date of birth of various and non-repeating numbers, the more harmoniously the personality is developed, you may ask how there can be more or less of them, because the date always has a certain format. But a person born on October 29, 1967 (10/29/1967) has 7 different numbers in the date of birth, and a person born on November 11, 1999 (11/11/1999) has only 2 different numbers. And the point is the following, the code of your karmic task corresponds to the last digit of the birthday, that is, for a person born on November 15, the code will be 5. Next, you need to parse the entire date. We will have to determine which of the digits are missing in the sequence from 0 to 9, all numbers that will not be presented must be written in reverse order from 9 to 0. That is, a person born on 5.6.2013 will have no digits 9, 8, 7, 4 In addition, the number 5 does not count as 05, and since only 5 takes part in the analysis, zero is not taken into account in this case. All the missing karmic numbers that we have identified will speak of qualities that are either completely inaccessible to the querent, or very underdeveloped and they need to be developed and paid attention to them in every possible way to harmonize life. All of the above looks very confusing and perhaps not entirely clear, in order not to delve into the jungle, you can calculate the karmic problem using our resource, for which enter the date of birth of the person you are interested in and click on the "Result" button, the system will automatically analyze and will display the results on the screen.

Karmic task by date of birth.

Choose your date of birth.

Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Year 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915